#its like queens choice
suntails · 7 months
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smokestarrules · 10 months
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it's been literal years since either of these episodes aired so I can't possibly be the only person to notice but like. this is an intentional parallel, right. it has to be.
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funeralflow3rs · 1 year
okay but listen,,, listen,,, are you listening,,, I cannot stop thinking about how the cauldron loves elain and its just... SO interesting to me that the MOMENT she pops out from the depths she's given a mate. there were any number of people there that could have been "assigned" to her ( if ur picking up what I'm putting down lmao ) the cauldron peered into her soul and saw all of her wants and needs and gifted her with the person that embodied all of those things and then some.
I will never stop thinking about this actually.
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xinyuehui · 5 months
Hello there! do you still have an older version of evolwallpaper? I was late to the party and I can't install it properly anymore T_T
Hi anon, unfortunately I no longer have the old .exe 😩 I checked weibo, other users in China are having problems with it as well, my conclusion to this is that it's a broken app full of bugs, probably got nothing to do with regions (ノへ ̄、)
Babe because of your ask, I spent good 5 hours tonight trying to debug it, because I insist we all get the dynamic wallpapers!!!
Original guide // Deepspace PC guide
By the end of this tutorial, we should have a video like this applied to our computer wallpaper:
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There's Nikki, MLQC, Deepspace and The Perceiver wallpapers.
New guide:
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Same step as before, download this but don't install yet!
The following was actually hidden in their Q&A, you'll also need this for it to run, download the runtime version.
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After you install the .NET Framework 4.8 go ahead and try to install the PAPERWALL .exe
→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get this error message, ugh congratulations, this is where I tried about 67 solutions for hours just so you don't have to
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It's weird, because at this point, the thing have successfully installed on your local drive but it won't run.
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Let's go back a step, if you open the .exe again, take note of where it's at on your computer. For me you can see that it's in the C drive, I presume it'll be the same for you.
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Find the folder, open it
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Open the app
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get the same error message, read on:
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If the images haven't loaded in the 1.0.1 version it will most likely going to crash when you try to do anything on it, so read on:
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Let go back to the C drive
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We are gonna move this somewhere else, if you have a hard drive, paste it to your hard drive, if you have another drive on your pc, you can move it to the other drive. BUT DO NOT MOVE IT TO YOUR DESKTOP!!!! Because we practice good computer hygiene 🙏
Once you've moved everything away, open it back up and try to install it again in your new file location
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you still get the same error message, I will send my portfolio to Paper Games to be a software developer in their office and write a new app
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Once you get it running *fingers crossed* move the entire folder back to your C drive if you moved it to your hard drive, unless your hard drive is plugged in all the time.
If for whatever reason you get the "access to the path is denied" error message, try the right click and select the "Run as administrator" option.
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For easy access:
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Go onto your desktop, or wherever you want to access it from quickly and paste shortcut!! Remember it's the shortcut!!
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How to use the app
The UI has changed a little since the original one, but it's easy to navigate.
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Change the language to English, it should reboot the app
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From here it's self explanatory
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For good computer hygiene you might want to double check where the wallpapers are stored and change directory if needed.
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If you're like me and have 2 monitors, this is what it'll look like with the wallpapers applied and the game opened, looks like I need a 3rd monitor for Shen Xinghui ⭐
(Desktop icons should show up, I just don't have icons on the desktop)
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If you still have problems, check your PC specifications against the following that were recommended on the official site:
System: Windows10 or above
RAM: 1024MB or above
Processor: 1.66Hz Intel i5 or above
Graphics: HD Graphics 4000 or above
DirectX: 10
Secret third thing: you might be able to run it and have the lovely wallpapers but it suddenly goes glitchy or black screen... that's because of the faulty app, I've seen people mention it on weibo, it's not just you 😔
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Feel free to drop me an ask with images if you still run into problems, hope this helps, until next time~ (✿◠‿◠)
Check out this tag for already answered questions #/wallpaper woes
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That FAILED stamp on tbe qjaiden poster in the jail was so fucked before and its STILL fucked but theres like. a level of Get Fucked to it, now. before, it was like- you do all of That to her, cucurucho, and you fucking dare to label her a failure? an experiment that just didnt turn out? didnt act how you wanted?
but now its like Get Fucked. it doesnt matter how much work you put into her, into hurting her, into making her into whatever ~success~ you were planning. she isnt yours and you dont get to keep her. she left you. she never would have chose to stay on that island if bobby were around and you failed to replace bobby and you and your stupid games could have never made her go home. get fucked.
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hilarious that everyone makes a huge deal abt shuro proposing to falin in the epilouge placing bets OMG IS FALIN GOING TO LEAV going OMG is he gonna marry a WHITE WOMAN for a convo that was : I wanna travel the world but thanks for the offer! Okay cool good on ya. We should still be friends tho!
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【MLQC x Longines collab - Victor’s PV Cut + Karma】
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shapes-nd-colors · 1 year
I just finished Perfection and I gotta say I really like the way that Chloes bullying like permeates Marinettes and others insecurities and stuff. Like when Marinette is talking down to herself she says how she's being "ridiculous" over and over and like that's shit Chloe says all the time about her and even though in these later seasons the class like fights back against her bullshit I like that it shows just how much of a negative impact her antagonizing has had on the people around her
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balleater · 1 year
every time someone talks about the raven queen as if she's some sort of heartless cold bitch of a god i think about the fact that one of her champion's primary duties is to soothe the fears of those most afraid of death when their time comes as they are guided into the afterlife.
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choices-binglebonkus · 10 months
Looking forward to all the fallout from chapter 12 to come bite us in the ass next chapter of Crimes 👀
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
i feel so bad for cover singers who like to do a lot of anime music because rn one of the biggest anime openings to cover is Idol by Yoasobi which is hard enough to keep up with, like even if you can hit all the notes correctly you still have to figure out how to sell the speak-singing bits and thats a whole nother ballpark like dear god have you HEARD the sheer personality thats oozing from every note like the enunciations and the lilts and the subtle vocal fry like right before the ruby aqua bit in the “aida” like LISTEN
okay that was really tricky to cover but we made it. and now what if you really wanna get that SEO? what if you wanna do another cover, usually doing the ending song for a popular anime is fun too right? lets hope its not as difficult to sing at the opening- AND then you get hit with Mephisto by Queen Bee and you explode on impact
#they really killed all the cover singers with this combo#with idol at least if you have a distinct enough voice and enough character you can have that carry you through parts of it#but covering like any queen bee song is like. are you ready. are you ready. are you prepared#a lot of people skip trying to sing mephisto. i understand. hard enough to keep up with the lead singer of yaosobi#another thing entirely to keep up with avu chan doing avu chan things all over the track <3#by the way listen to everything queen bee has every produced right NOW#like not just all the high bits jumping into the lower bits and then jumping into even higher bits but avu chans vocalizations#those vocallzations mans. the vibratos the vocal fries the parts where they go a little nasal the parts where they go really open#god. i cant imagine how hard itd be to try to sing a song like this#some brave cover singers have tried though! ive found quite a few good covers actually!#but i definitely understand why its not as popular of a cover song choice as idol fhdjfskdjhkfd#did i ever make a tag for my musicposting#musicposting#hopefully thats my tag. i should musicpost more i always find it fun HJKFDJFD#anyway. listen to mephisto by queen bee right now. also listen to half and king bitch and of course fire and every song theyve made#PRIDE......LISTEN TO PRIDE......hey boys.... hey girls.... hey baBIES......listen to pride by queen bee right this instant#its still pride month for the next 30 seconds where i live listen to pride by queen bee right now
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broconkumachan · 10 months
Every time I see Lucien (Mr. Love: Queen's Choice), I get sad that I dropped that game.
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But then I remember how happy PaperGames was to toss their VAs away for stating an opinion... 🙃
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mmmthornton · 1 year
She was so real for this
#that *AHAHAHAHA.. Stupid. >:( *#what a queen#<3#life things#inspiration#i looked up this interview again because i was thinking about how bad the Death on the Nile remake was AGAIN#and i thought the choice to make Otterborne into like#Sister Rosetta Tharpe ISH#like they used her music and superficially made her character into a rockstar while also taking away any personality or drama or like...#personality in the character lol like what a disappointment#Angela Lansbury in the old version is HAMMING it UP like can you imagine showing up to a movie thinking that THATs the character you -#- get to have fun with only to be told most of your scenes are sitting quietly listening to Branagh talk? BOO#anyway if they wanted to do a (roughly) time appropriate singer and that's not a terrible idea....and if they wanted to have a cool -#- real black creative woman inspo which is ALSO not a bad idea... why wouldn't you make her character more like Eartha Kitt?#some disctinctive way of speaking that's sort of recognizably old fashioned while being vivacious and the life of the party?#yeah thats what works for that character AND it'd be a fun inspiration for her as a singer#its so baffling that they just...straight up played the audio tracks of Sister Rosetta Tharpe singing while also not adding anything -#- to her character that was relevant and in fact just took away stuff about the character that made her an actual part of the mystery#they gave her narrative purpose to a white guy who wants to eat people irl ffs if that's not women being passed over for mediocre#white men idk what is#Youtube
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1o1percentmilk · 9 months
considering he/she pronouns bc theres absolutely no way people can misgender me with she now
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divorcemotif · 1 year
VERY NICE TO MEET YOU I AM OBSESSED WITH HAMLET 2000. my friend and I put it on on a 3 am whim intending to make fun of it but the further in we got the more we were turning to each other like "wait is this good? is this actually good though?? holy shit?? why does this go off?"
#some may argue that the blockbuster scenes or the faxing or the painfully 90s outfits date this movie but I#enlightened#am here to argue it was actually ahead of its time.#its time hasn’t happened yet or anything ofc but it Will come#hamlet#ask#every day I think about his stupid fucking hat.#also that uncomfortably long shot in 1.2 of hamlet and claudius talking reflected fuzzily in the half rolled down car window while a#sharply in focus gertrude beams up at them over the rim.. like. she's so....#+ the commitment to utter unaesthetic-ness: hamlet’s super cluttered depression apartment & cars honking on the new york street#& 4.3 in the LAUNDROMAT— ham 2000 is the 2d production I've seen where hamlet kisses claudius after 'man and wife is one flesh''#a concept I like a lot more than the traditional gertrude kiss bc it's kinda in line w how he's been fucking with claudius the entire scene#(though ethan hawke kisses them BOTH. a choice I am OBSESSED with. get it I guess)#as a pretty subdued unenergetic hamlet I def wouldnt say its my fave performance but there are like. so many fascinating choices#the action movie motif.. the airplane motif.. biker horatio.. marcellus as his girlfriend who's just silently in the bg for all of act 5??#also BILL MURRAY POLONIUS and actually all the ophelia stuff was such a Take.#that intensely uncomfortable scene with the king & queen where hes telling them about her relationship with hamlet as she slowly wanders#along the edge of the pool... it's SO visceral like that's. that's exactly how being a kid feels.#no agency.. your parents telling people your personal shit while youre just There. and zoning out to cope#anyway I'm tired but so much abt the framing & symbolism is so oddly compelling I can't go through all of it#a lot of it I just didnt know what to think of too loll like setting the ros & guil scene in the club....#them having to yell to be heard over the music is such a specific and awkward vibe as to be intriguing#but also they cut the most interesting part of that scene lol I was disappointed#+ they cut the gravedigger which is.. in line with how little they showed hamlet's sense of humour and odd bursts of energy and such :(#but anyway it's undeniably a fun watch with a friend#I'm definitely forgetting some stuff there was a Lot
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cowboyscrypt · 1 year
also josh hutcherson is literally the peoples michael afton he was the best pick and hes gonna bring such justice to the character
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