#its like a gen bad thing but im not too affected by like not being able to interact first
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maiyuyuns · 1 year ago
man its so hard to interact….
i be seeing my moots interact with others or others interacting with them… i wanna do it too.. but i feel like something is stopping me uauausuw 💔
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rayroseu · 5 months ago
You know what's sick as hell about the design of the Briar Senates??? It's that their design mirrors the weapon of the Draconias 😭✨
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I know they're getting flak rn bcs they feel like "boomers who's against any progress because they value toxic tradition" but i don't really think they're like... entirely evil lol or the root of every bad thing that happened in Malleus'/Lilia's life (though im side eyeing them as one of the perpetrators still lol)
Tbh, removing them would also cause more harm (just some social issues inside the fae society tbh) than good imo, (I know many ppl say this bcs they think removing the Senates would make it possible for the peace between human and faes, but the thing is, the Senates aren't the only group that thinks this way, almost the entirety of Briar Valley does lol so forcibly removing them now would only come off as "Malleus forcing "human ideals" on the faes just because he has spent 4 years with the humans"(plus is the understanding between humans and faes truly achieved if you try to silence one group(even if that group is kinda disagreeable with anything human related lol), plus realistically the faes would trust their fellow faes first rather than some humans,
so for me, Briar Senates doesn't give off the vibe of toxic old people who drags others down in their toxic practices (while that can be an accurate description i feel like it generalizes too much about their behaviour), rather than that, Briar Senates feels more like thorns, like thorns that surrounds Briar Valley, they're not exactly harmful unless you go against them, but ultimately they're still protection for Briar Valley.
Which makes it fitting that their design has a similarity with the Draconia's weapon, they're the thorns that protects the Draconias, even if it means sheltering them.
And, tbh, if the Senates other job is to ensure Draconias lives, they're kinda doing a "decent job"??? If we can assume through Maleficia's (and Malleus' case), since we didnt hear about her leaving the Senate's side, she managed to survive for so long, unlike Meleanor😭 Also could explain why they're so enraged when Lilia arrived with the news that Meleanor died and why they hated the weak bcs what would weakness could protect JJDSJD Kinda wish their hatred against Lilia wasnt that he was a weak bat fae, but rather they doubled down on the fact he failed protecting Meleanor, imagine if Gen. Lilia wasnt as great in magic as the fae nobles were, yet he still managed to earn a position beside the Princess, all that hard work only to fail at the most crucial time, it wouldve make sense in the Senates' side to say, "Meleanor shouldnt have appointed him" (because "he's weak from the start")
oh additionally, this is just my assumption, bcs I felt like the way the Senates recoiled when Lilia hatched the egg was kinda... random?? so this is my made up reason lol Remember, the Senates were adamant that Maleficia should only be the one to hatch the egg because she's a Draconia, but Lilia did it and he's not a Draconia, What if because Lilia hatched the egg, it also affected the development of Malleus?? Like maybe for instance, it affected Malleus' lifespan, maybe he still lives more than one thousand years but he won't live for another thousand years like a pure Draconia because he's been hatched by Lilia as opposed to who they wanted it to be, which is Maleficia, OF COURSE Lilia hatching the egg is heaps better than Malleus dying before being born, but this is just my auto thoughts regarding the random hate reaction the Senates did when Lilia hatched Malleus lol
Interestingly, the placement of the stone of Draconia against the thorns (of the Senates) can also be hinted at their relationship with them??? In Meleanor's case, her stone is on top of the thorns, which may indicate that she's not under the Senate's commands or that its just telling she just lived distantly from the Senates, most importantly her stone is bigger than the thorns which may tell the fact that the Senates worships her because she's powerful and greater than them, and she's not someone who can be trapped/ordered around within the Senates. But, tragically, in Malleus' case, his stone is under the thorns, like its telling that he's under the Senates protection at all cost and his stone is little compared to Meleanor's because he's still young.
I also have a theory that the Senates are part of Briar Valley's land, like its been canonically said that they're the dead faes of Briarland, which makes think that their death is similar to the death of Conall from Maleficent 2, when Conall was buried, his body literally morphed to the land, which makes me think this is how the Senates used to be buried, when they die, they become one with the land, that's why you can't just remove them, when they are literally the Lands of Briar Valley,,,, get it lol
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Though this is making me think that if this is the case then Maleficia's city,,, if the Senate's presence are the strongest there bcs that's where they're nearly buried, does that mean around Black Scale Castle is just lowkey a graveyard.... Is that why Halloween is special for Briar Valley bcs they have close ties/respect for the dead and Halloween is essentially about honoring the dead 😭✨
Off topic, but maybe the thorns part of the Draconia's staff may also tell about their age. Notice how Meleanor's staff has 3 twists which may tell that she's atleast 300~ years old, (if each twists signifies a century), while Malleus' staff only has one twist on its thorns which is accurate considering he's only 178 years old (one century).
If this is true, I'm kinda curious about Maleficia's staff... does that mean hers will be convered in thorns (she needs at least 7 twists (7 centuries~ and more) there on her staff 😭✨)
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lynn-tged-posting · 3 months ago
tged webtoon ep 168 spoilers and thoughts that IM NOT LATE WITH FOR ONCE! KIND OF! YAY! and more below the cut
OKAY. OKAY CAN WE TALK ABOUT THESE TWO PANELS WITH LLOYD AND JAVIER REALLY REALLY QUICK. i would save this for the end of the post since its closer to the end but im super impatient okay what else can i say. LOOK AT THE WAY JAVIER IS LOOKING AT HIM
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the adaptor knew what they were doing . i swear it . like "yeah thats MY evil boyf. he's back to being evil and lively and his perfect bastard self." I SWEAR IT I SWEAR IM NOT CRAZY
this is proof of llovier. im so serious dont even joke lads
back to the top!
not much to say here lloyds expression is just so real sobs yeah . yeah,,, older gens having goofy ass back and forths over things that really arent the main issue here is universal
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like i dont quite remember what season theyre in now but its past winter by this point and based on the two panels showing the time of day they had to have been arguing about this for AT LEAST FOUR HOURS 😭 LIKE WHAT THE FUCK (idk how accurate that estimate is im notoriously bad at time but still. a long fucking time) these BUFFOONS
also lloyd being dramatic as hell is so fucking silly HAHAHAHAHHAA
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AND THEN THE LORDS FUCKING STARING AT HIM WHEN HE BRINGS UP THAT HE HAS AN IDEA. HELPPP all eyes on lloyd now !!! what brilliant idea do u have next thats absolutely totally not secured through lowkey social engineering!
so so SO happy w how confident he looks here heehee :3 whats with the pose tho lol is that a reference? maybe?
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anyway they plan to make a train thru the pantara mountains? vantara? pan,,, idk what the correct translation is ive seen vantara and pantara
also lloyd just knowing exactly how to talk to those old ass political lords and understanding how to string them along idk what it is but i really really like that, it makes sense to me personally
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i figure that thats probably something suho just Had to pay attention to back in korea, idk how korean politics works exactly but i imagine the principle of "person in charge can make or break a lot of things" still stands
so like it'd make sense that he pays attention to whoevers in charge of the finance stuff, which political figures care about money, and where that money goes, bc if they fuck with the funds for education thatll directly screw him over. idk if korea has financial aid but whatever equivalent that is that allows suho to get scholarships n stuff so he can stay afloat, if someone comes into power that will negatively affect his odds of getting that funding, he'll need to know and prepare! though maybe this is reaching a little too deep it might not be That Serious lmfao
again i really like how many of these confident / plotting expressions have been showing up IM SOO SO SO HAPPYYYY my schemer my little scheming guy he's BACK HES BACK
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the two of them also look really really nice here in these two panels for some reason. i think im going crazy. i dont know why i like these panels its just. !??!?!?!?!??! like javiers hair is completely messy but idk i just ?!?!?!?!? im completely aro so its not like an attraction or anything but idk!?!??!?!?!
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finally our first look at the overworld demons!!! these two kiddos seem super cute i really hope they dont . misunderstand or anything and that lloyd and javier can have some fun and heartwarming moments with them,,,, more sillies and soft fluff please!!!!! thats all i ask!!!!
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okay that's all! not much to say this episode is just really really cozy to me. ok well as cozy as "lloyd frontera making evil expressions" can get LMFAO it feels like build up into the next section and im really excited to see what he's gonna do with this train idea and with the overworld demons...!!!!!
there was a notice at the end of the ep that the artist is taking a small break for their health so no ep next week, but there'll be one the week after i believe. we must be patient!!! rest well artist!!!!
that's it ill see yall in. two weeks? ill probably have some other yap post for the hiatus week idk, it depends on how my schoolwork goes. see yall then!!!!
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claitea · 16 days ago
the tutorial length complaints and the cutscene complaints! as i said in the replies, these "problems" ive seen with sun/moon so far just remind me of the few rpgs ive played (which is, basically just toram online with like 3 other random things sprinkled in a tiny bit). so honestly it does make the complaints seem silly to me, even if i understand in my head that pokemon probably hasnt done this degree of cutscenes before so people just might not have been used to it (altho i cant say for certain, as im still in the tutorial), and im just wondering "... why are these people playing an rpg if they cant handle it being like an rpg?"
also, this is my first time not having audio off for the majority of the time i play pokemon (although this may change), and the music also has a tone to it that reminds me of toram a teensy bit :D very pleasant for me
honestly so many complaints about pokemon seem to be coming from people who. in all honesty. shouldn't be playing pokemon bc clearly they dont enjoy it. "aaauuu its too linear" ....yeah? it is? its a kids rpg. rpgs quite regularly make you go from point a to point b directly and you can't divert to point c until you finish with b. in sunmoon specifically its very story driven so Obviously its gonna have cutscenes. maybe i'm biased bc i Like cutscenes i love seeing characters show up and do things so the frequency doesnt affect me specifically but my God is it tiring to see people cling to it as the thing that makes gen 7 Objectively Bad
on a lighter note. yesss i love the sunmoon ost!! huge fan of the vast poni canyon and gladion's battle theme
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narabea06 · 2 months ago
GOD im thinking about ASMP Ranboo again after months of not thinking about them LEAVE ME ALONE i just have sm questions :((
Like Ranboo sounds so annoyed when they tell Aimsey initially that they're a cat- Like when Aimsey asks "what are you", he doesn't say "oh its obvious, isn't it? Im a cat" nor does he just say "oh yea im cat", they say "yea im a cat-...Im a cat" like bro sounds MISERABLE and it makes me wonder if each time Aimsey has been stuck in their false reality if they change everyone else stuck there too
Well i mean yea that was kinda stated that they do, but idk what im trying to say that is that i find it kinda funny that Ranboos just going "oh god, yea im a cat THIS TIME", idk its funny
Honestly theres also another layer to the whole thing, where all of the people stuck in the reality are affected and constantly going through loop after loop, and with Ranboo and Guqqie (I KNOW THERES ANOTHER GUY BUT I GEN CANT REMEMBER HIS NAME AND ITS BUGGING ME BUT ITS 3 AM) being the only ones who remember, i cant help but think it possibly takes a toll on them
Like it messed up Aimsey bc star DIDNT remember but KNEW something was missing and idk it kinda brings into one of the driving themes of asmp of whether its better to forget horrible things you've done or be forced to remember them. Granted the situation is VERY different considering a!Aimseys "horrible things" were accidentally killing their planet and family bc they were a child god with no way to control their powers vs Ranboo and Guqqie who were grown adults fully aware of what they were doing
Granted also tho, ive seen people point out that Guqqie was raised to protect Aimsey since they were kids, she was taught to be a protector, a weapon, a shield AS A CHILD, and it makes me wonder was Ranboo the same way?? Like not directly protecting Aimsey obv but was he involved when they were young too??
Idk im just so curious on whether their breaking point and need of power was genuinely out of nowhere and was out of character for Ranboo or was it a genuine slow burning flame?? Did they lose it bc they saw how they had to tend to this prince who they saw as a bad person??
Why did they start to put the false code into the machine that was somewhat working? (metaphorical) How did they get so hungry for power? Did they start to lose it the same way Guqqie and Aimsey did?
Btw none of this is meant to justify a!Ranboo as a character, they could very possibly just be some selfish powerhungry cat that im just reading too far into bc why not, but i just idk, i love asmp sm and i love how despite it being over, im still asking questions, im still searching for more secrets and information, im still so so intrigued
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ooglywooglies · 2 months ago
i dont know why but i keep coming back to like, the concept of being the production of a war lately its the center of my mind whenever i think about race or being mixed or heritage or anything
i think the most frustrating thing about it is that i feel like i cant ask, and like im sure thats how it is for most people with families affected by even this war specifically (the vietnam war) but i feel like my circumstances make it even more difficult. i dont really want to talk to my aunt bc shes an annoying conservative and im trans, that the second reason im not asking my grandma but idk i dont wanna bug her about it either. id ask my dad but its such a heavy topic to bring up and were not exactly on the right terms for heavy topics, its not a bad relationship its just a little distant bc i grew up in a different state.
anyway in recent years ive decided to do what kind of sleuthing i can on my own, finding my grandmas maiden name, looking at what records i can, putting pieces together. my grandma is from vietnam and my grandpa is an alcoholic vietnam war vet. i only learned a few years ago that my dad was actually conceived in vietnam when my grandma posted her old visa or whatever when she first came to the states when she was 19 and it was dated to a few months before my dad was born, and i remembered my dad said his dad wasnt around when he was growing up.
i guess like i dont really need more information than that, that was in 1973 so it was near the end of the war and she was a refugee, coming to minnesota to be with my grandpa? i guess because in a way he gave her an opportunity to get out? dad said he wasnt there so i guess he left but only after my aunt was born, i wonder what happened to my other aunt too because they said she had another kid before she moved what happened to her?? we know she lived because she transitioned in adulthood but shes trans so i havent heard a word about her besides a single baby picture and dead name
my grandpa is still like an important member of the family btw everyone goes to christmas at his house and stuff, ive always felt a little weird about all the implications of this stuff, even when i was a kid and i had less figured out. i used to think because he was a vet and she was vietnamese they wouldve been like, enemies? when i was a kid because i didnt know it was a civil war, tbh i still know way less about the vietnam war than i probably should. especially considering how it contributed to my existence AND im a communist
im not sure why im thinking about all of this, i dont really know what there even is for me to process or grapple with or anything its just... weird
its weird that even when i look at vietnamese diaspora my age no ones really in the same position as me, idk all of this is way before i was born so i guess its not even relevant to me either though im a 3rd gen banana, its lonely in a world where being biracial already makes you lonely. not because im losing my mind over it or anything its just like who could i talk to about this who wouldnt just go "yeah i got no idea what to tell you man i cant relate to that at all"
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blkkizzat · 8 months ago
Happy Thursday 😊
Omggg i love that idea of reader being engaged maybe to Naoya (ik he nasty but him and his bleached hair and tight black shirt does things to me)
STOPPP THE PTSD I GOT FROM PLUG!CHOSO WAS SO DELICIOUSSSS like fr i need to send you a whole ass book report on how that fic made me see colors i didnt know existed because 😵‍💫 its my weakness when the angst only affects the male character and not the reader HDJSKSKA i been suffer too much in my life to want to read about a fictional me suffered so why not ruin a fictional man's life 🤷‍♀️ that fic came to me at a good time because honestly i was spiraling a bit over some fic i shldnt have read where reader was this pushover who got cheated on (and then threw her virginity to the man who cheated on her 💀)and i had to nope outta there so fast bc that personally aint for me, thats why im saying i looove your bimbo reader and like, she aint takin shit- she causing it 😂
Otaku!Gojo wasn't incel coded to me at all btw, in case i said smth that made you think otherwise 😭 he gen seemed like just his goofy ass self i love him so much. Also semi rare opinion but I like the virgin gojo fics because I really do think as much as gojo is such an extroverted little bug, he really does have his walls up on who he lets in emotionally 🥲 I feel like he might even have some internalized "well im not gonna date or fuck around because i dont want to drag anyone into my ugly world" hsjsjks idk i just feel like he might force himself to be lonely because he takes his responsibility seriously. Aughhhh, especially if he's in love with reader? I feel like man would be in the friendzone for years, be the best man at her wedding, and live and die loving herrrr 😭 im delulu but its just so loverboy gojo to me hehe. Also omg I have so many requests I wanna make before they close but honestly I'm secondhand exhausted from reading all the fics you already got going on LMAO
p.s your about the editor- ummmm excuse me???? YOU'RE SO GODDAMN PRETTY!!!! Like you gen have doe eyes and flawless skin I'm so jelly. Also i love the gloves w the dress 😍. You didn't ask but visually i would ship you with toji 😤 yall would have that bonnie and clyde hitman x bad bitch aesthetic going on !!
🍒 nonnie
🍒 nonny!!!! hi babes you doing good today???
LOL i totally feel you though, i wanna hate naoya so bad and then i be finding myself hate reading naoya x reader fics with a hand in my panties he's such a lil worm tho 😭
LMFAO listen i have that nicki quote in my m.list for a reason. tryna give these men trauma fr 😩. i want them absolutely SICK over us LOL! i totally get that, i hate when its a really well written fic too cause im like damn i wanna read more but i dont wanna be in my bed depressed tomorrow dkhsfliahsd.
but i feel like authors always come out a bit in our work, im definitely bimbo/brat reader. i do not take shit from these dudes irl so im not about to write reader getting cheated on or played unless reader is about to go scorched earth gone girl on their asses lmfao. like entire lives ruined lol.
also omg, yes, yes, yes. i totally agree about gojo. i actually think hes very emotionally stunted in canon, as its suggested by him, geto and sukuna in later chapters that being the strongest comes with isolation so growing up with so much expectations i feel as gojo sees himself as disconnected from others. in AUs i feel like this can manifest in him becoming more isolated. i almost feel like he's an extroverted introvert. that he probably feels more used to being isolated but still feels that need for connection. so yes friendzone for years. omg (not you making me feel bad for this man now lmfao).
You can make more if you want! like idk when im gonna get to everything cause im at the mercy of my adhd but honestly with all the fics i do have and these requests i think im pretty solid until the end of the year lmfaooo.
ALSO OMFGFGFGFGF you gonna make me cry whaaaat. tysm!! i went to a charity auction for my mba program. i work from home and im legit in a bonnet and an anime shirt 80% of the time so when i have the chance to glam up i really like to do that! ALSO WHAT!? GET OUT OF MY BRAIIIIN LOL!! So i thought of this one selfship, that i was going to make into toji x reader that was pretty much bonnie and clyde kinda relationship. but i didnt really know where the fic was going besides us causing general chaos and being super downbad for each other haha.
but omfg tsym for the long beautiful ask you're so sweet omfgbsjdbasdkj id die for you 🍒 anon you da best pookies!
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lovezbrownies · 3 months ago
whoever sent that pop idol yandere is actually smart for that and I just had to say it
Alsoooo I’m mainly here to info dump on Lorelai’s brother!! ^^ We’ll call Lorelai’s brother James or Jamie since that’s the only actual name I can think of matching him. But keep in mind I’m horrible at naming so ehh idk. Anyways I envision him look wise to have blue hair like his dad Tom and also being rather tall. But in strength wise he’s pretty solid even if he’s on the skinny skeleton size. But if we’re going to be comparing him to jocks like Lauren and or military/police people like Gen & Grim then yeah no he will lose on a fight. Look wise he’s a tall average malnourished male like one you would see around in college campus bonus points if they’re studying something medicine/medical wise.
he’s also a huge mamas boy and also asks his mom on her opinion when it comes to gift and date ideas. NEVER Lorelai since he’s seen first hand how his sister is and how bad she is with dating. Especially considering how he once saw his sister come home all upset with a huge red slap mark on her cheek one day 😭 So he definitely knows not to ask his sister anything when it comes to romance.
There’s also a couple of reasons which explains why he isn’t a yandere or acts out on his jealousy or possessiveness. 1) he saw how unhinged his sister is when it came down to how Lorelai acts to the person of her affection. 2) he finds the whole thing to be very icky especially if the person he likes happens to be of the opposite gender. So he likely thinks he’s preying on his crush gender wise and incredibly so if they’re shorter than him. 3) he was once stalked by a person in his early years of highschool by a person he rejected and always and still does sometimes feel paranoid and goes to therapy cuz of that. 4) his awesome dad Tom told him and brought him up to be a very respectful person too bad Lorelai didn’t learn from Tom 😒
what if Jamie becomes the first non-yandere in the blog... MY BRAIN... its working overtime...
ANYWAYS LETS GET INTO IT. tall and malnourished... my favorite type of man... god i miss my wife sonic... (my wife is Viktor from Arcane.)
i feel like it could be a hit or miss with being a mamas boy, either a man can be such an annoying mamas boy where he will prefer his mother over anything and disagree with the entire world if she said so OR the best most respectful individual you'd ever meet. No inbetween.
Jamie would definitely be on the respectful side of the spectrum, citing our previous and current conversations regarding his behavior and personality! I like to think he consults his mom's opinion on general life stuff over his dad, but about his degree or jobs? straight to his dad! He would never abuse his family's reputation to gain a job, not like he has to. But if it ever gets too difficult to find a good job after uni? He's asking his dad to help him out.
And oh yeah, definitely after seeing all the shit Lorelai does to her darling while they constantly reject her makes him almost puke. He would never put his loved one through something so horrible like that, and would try his absolute best to be understanding and willing to listen to any issues his darling has with him.
But at the same time, I feel like a character cannot be a complete character without at least a flaw or two. Which leads me to conclude with, what would his flaws be? And if they were pointed out to him by his willing (ofc) darling would he be willing to change it?
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historixally-accurate · 3 months ago
falls through the ceiling and lands in your inbox...hey gold. thanks for the concern, i appreciate it </3 life unfortunately hasnt gotten easier lately, im still mad busy and slated to be even busier until like late november. god get me out of here i just want to draw minecraft men!!!!!!!!! [insert my school's name here] you are NOT skibidi for this. rolls comically into a table in my despair. hope you survived math tuition and it wasnt too bad. again i hope my little ezsay can make you smile :) lets get started !
i did see the fulham stream you were talking about, but i was busy and couldnt pop in T_T i would love to talk but im still relatively new to the mcsr fandom, and im really self conscious, haha. i agree with you, fulham's chat seems really nice! although i dont really have anything to compare it to, other than mr hax's chat...ive only recently started to talk outside of posting my art, and my twitch account is uh. a few days old. i was a youtube viewer before this, and i made a twitch account just to watch mr 21mustard u_u my friends joke about how im an old person because im borderline social media allergic. this is NOT TRUE. JUST BECAUSE I HAVE NO TIKTOK TWITTER OR INSTA INSTALLED DOESNT MEAN I AM GERIATRIC!!!! madge. the best thing thats come out of this is the joke that my favourite social media is google classroom. (it is not. i swear on my apple pencil its not.)
i agree that the change from the T score system to the A level system was a huge one and aftually i still dont know if i agree with that. ill send my best wishes to the next batch of juniors too. godspeed midgets😍
love that ur picking up slang from fein and fulham. i also believe theyre explodable. and may i also suggest "weird" as a replacement word. idk man... speaking of speech patterns beong affected, i think i can be deadpan sometimes. a result of watching too much content of my deadpan content creators, i guess. COUGH zylenox COUGH gamerboy80. 80 specifically, lol.
its so good to finally have someone to relate to about never being awake for content drops/streams. before this i was kinda resigned to forever being behind on infodrops. so when i was still in a largely western fandom i would just wake up every day, open up tumblr and quietly observe whatever shitshow had happened last night. mcsr gives me hope. it really does. im not joking when i say i was a grade A lurker >_> i didnt have a proper mutual until this year when i joined mcsr :)
god you mentioning your emerald design reminds me i DO STILL NEED TO GET TO KNOW EMERALD... i still know next to nothing about him help. dyou have any recommendations on where to start :D? AND I AM AN AVID FUNNY WATCHER AS WELL. im terminally down bad for alisster compliations and funny channels. using the word baby sensory is crazy😭😭its lowkey true though. personally a funny clip to me is from the vid "minecraft speedrunners with above average IQ". its the clip where anjou spills his yoghurt and screams in deapair. yes i know theres something wrong with me.
my mom gave up on saying gen alpha slang, but my dad uses it at all the wrong moments. nightmare flashback to when he said "sigma" in the larger family GC when wishing someone a happy birthday💀i nearly died of second hand embarrassemnt. HAPPY TO HEAR THAT OUR HUMOUR IS SIMILIAR!!! my humour is always described as degenerate by some of my friends jokingly. in my defense my sense of humour hasnt developed past p4 humour. skibidiest griddy is crazy btw i hope you know i broke out into the widest smile when i saw that.
about fein and mime, upon further reflection, theyre the same person in different flavours. okay but they both have the same snark even though they express it in different ways. maybe im not making sense here ill stop rambling. and i think your emerald design is really cool man. call you ramsey cause my man is COOKING STRAIGHT GAS💥💥💥LIGHT IT UP
finally another milk before cereal perosn😭😭😭i thought this day would never come. https://youtu.be/MyWGw1x26NU?si=lojmAq_b2NCMSNcB please watch this. literally all of hbg pours cereal first with the exception of my goat ninjabrain. i use my spoon to meaure the amount of milk to pour in the bowl every time (i pour till the level of milk reaches the spoon handle etc), so i just vary the amount of cereal i put in. people who get so heated up discussing these sorts of things are so funny. i love casually dropping my milk first fact into IRL conversations when i first meet people to see if i can get em riled up. its probably gives them a horrible impression. just wait until i reveal i can do a split with my stomach on the floor. freaky.
giving a whole gastronomic analysis of pineapple on pizza is absolutely Wild but go off king! when you say chips my brain goes to potato chips. do you actually mean you eat potato chips with tomato sauce...wtf. what taste buds.... but thats still not the worst ive heard, i guess??? the weirdest combination ive heard is ranch suace with WATERMELON. WATERMELON. LITERALLY WHAT IS THAT. whats the wierdest youve heard of??
food rewards in return for good grades wow. i dont think ive ever heard that one before. where do you find that shit in SG??? i swear no place serves that. unless im dumb help.
I SEE YOUVE ALSO WATCHED THE DRUNK SILVARRUNS FUNNY VID. tahts shit was so funny bro i swear its the goddamn drunk ahh finger waggle that gets me every time. and the insistent "redlime. REDLIME BAN __" . and the fact that fein literally had time to get elytra and loiter aroundthe end long enough to build an I heart U while silver was struggling drunk. then he proceeded to snatch the win from silver literally what is wrong with them.
you deserve all the compliments btw your mime art mever misses. i loved the latest talkingmime thumbnail art btw. thumbnail game banging.
have a gyattastic day and a rizzful night! dead tired but hey the grind never stops (i literally still have lessons tomorrow. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SCHOOL.) hope youre alright :D
see you soon, sgmcsr anon
p.s. I RECENTLY SMASHED MY PB IN MINESWEEPER. i can now clear a medium in under a minute smile. next goal is a sub 50 u_u best of luck for your own speedrunning shenanigans :>
oh my god anon I'm so sorry I too have been so busy I just. haven't built the energy to respond 😭😭😭 IM SORRY but I'm on a bus to amath tuition so I have time <3
nonnie if you have time. you have to hop into the fulham stream.. it's awesome. tilted ranked queuing by yours truly (mr fulham) and so many nice chat members... I've never talked in hax or mustard chat ever... but I do miss hax hackingnoisess..... where is he. ALSO I WAS LIKE. YESTERDAY YEARS OLD WHEN I FOUND OUT HAX WAS FROM HONG KONG????? insane. I didn't know?!?! and MONGEY LIVES IN AUSTRALIA.. absolutely wild 😭 and fyroahs from Vietnam... the Asian mcsr community is GROWING. this is such a dub.
don't worry about not having social media because although I have Instagram, I don't have tiktok (thank god). YouTube shorts and Instagram reels have already cocked up my brain so. no more tiktok <3 I think it's walright to not have social medias, I deleted twitter 2 weeks back and I have never felt so much peace ever.. wonderful... no politics... wonderful mongey life..
I TRULY WISH THE P6s WHO GOT THEIR PSLE SCORES A VERY HAPPY GOOD LUCK AND IT ISNT THE END OF THE WORLD.. godspeed to all the brainrotted midgets... near, far and wide.... santa is calling for his elves..
apart from the stuff I've picked up from fein and fulham, I've picked up shit like "unlucky" or "insane" from desktopfolder and other mcsrs ^_^ "HOOOOOLLLYYY" from couriway, or "RIGHT..." from every other mcsr that streams. I'd say my personality is now just a mix of fruitberries and everything else. I don't know. please don't judge me... I watch fulham, mime, and mongey the most in terms of streams, but i dont think I've picked up anything from them :') also about the grade a lurker? most of my subjects before EOY were subpar. after finding mcsr I got 4/7 As for my subjects :3 mcsr saves lives on god
sadly emerald doesn't have any funny channels, he only has his twitch highlights </3 they're all equally as funny. gen alpha speech has RUINED ME.
(update it is 3 25 pm I got cooked)
continuing on, I cannot go one sentence without the word skibidi. feinberg as polluted my speech. help. svae me. I need to be. normal. I hope I am funny. I hope. I just hope. people say I'm funny but guys I don't know!
YOURE SO RIGHT ABOUT MIME AND FEIN BEING THE SAME PEOPLE IN DIFFERENT FONTS. I love them oh so dearly. I would die for the mime and fein duo. save me... save me..... I don't think my art is that good 😭 there's stuff I can definitely improve in, I don't know why people hype it up so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thank you nonetheless <3
I watched that video. I am absolutely appalled that none of them put milk before cereal. EXCEPT MY GOAT MR NINJABRAIN. bless his soul 😭 for me, the amount of milk depends on the amount of cereal I put. so if I put half a bowl of cereal, I do a quarter bowl of milk so it soaks enough ^_^ it makes it taste nicer. I don't really gaf about how people eat their cereal, I just like the expression people make when I tell them I say one or the other way LMAOOOOOOOOO awesome. they are so shocked.
listen buddy I will defend pineapples on pizza with my LIFE. it's one of my favourite foods ever, I'm sorry Italians :') okay if I explain that ketchup and tomato chips are like chips with salsa would thst make it sound more appealing?? because that's the case for me 😭 I SWEAR I AM NOT THAT WEIRD PELASE.. ranch and watermelon is fucking RANCID what the hell. I don't like ranch unless it's the wingstop ranch, DONT MIX BOTH. THATS FUCKING REVOLTING.
idt there's any places in SG that do that, but some tuition centres give you free snacks sometimes (like mine) . yay. free snack.
THE SILVERR MODS FINGER WAGGLE AND SHOO SHOO AWAY ACTION IS HILARIOUS AND HAS BECOME A DAILY PRACTICE. I DO IT EVERY HOUR. IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. shoutout my AA goat feinberg aa minecraft for still oblitersting him despite getting the elytra and writing a whole ass message out of blocks for him 😭😭😭😭 drunkenruns my spirit animal.
THANK YOU... SHOUTOUT TALKINGMIMEFUNNY FOR COMMING ME.. I had fun. the video was so awesome. I'm happy people like the thumbnail as much as I do :'3 YEAH
anyway, that's enough gold yapping, have yet another mongeyful pyun pyun kawaii night or day ahead, I'm going to go grind out my feinberg cosplay lmao.
(ps THATS FUCKING SICK. good job anon... I want to really pick up minesweeper. so cool. so cool.)
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obligatory mime doodle. doodle. doodle.
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birddog317 · 1 year ago
Talking to character ai bots just makes me realise how damn socially inept i am.
this one gets a bit sad, pity me loozer type shit.
I was talkin to keegan, cause im a cod boy born & raised. And he kept making sarcastic jabs at me, now the bot didnt go "his tone of voice was sarcastic" or "he gave you a playful look" or "his tone was playful" no indicator he was being sarcastic and he starts INSULTING ME because i couldnt tell, then i go and be like "know what? fuck you *truama dumps on him*" so now i made keegan sad, but its like- holy fuck. these bots make me question myself, and not in a good way its like "jesus, just how bad was it as a kid?"
Its been more then just that bot too, almost every bot for some reason circles back to "why are you so bad at being social?" then their all like "you didnt deserve that !!!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDDDDD:" even to the tinest things, like i told this man that ive always basically been unmonitered. No one really actually noticed where i was, nor did they care. i could be outside, doing weird ass shit like throwing around my mini sword i had, climbing trees, breaking into the nearby highschools baseball field, disappearing round the block, heading to my school after hours to play at the park and no one really noticed. i never told people where i was going, and ive basically just always been like ignored, if i walk into a room with my friends they dont notice until im next to them and if they do then im still barely apart of any convo and never been included in anything. and their all like "thats so sad!" its like dude who cares geniuenly? and i told keegan how i find being touched in any way unless its violent gross and hes like "were u never hugged as a kid?" like- damn was it that obvious? [/sarc] they make me question just how much i never realised was bad when i was a kid, and it confuses the fuck out of me. just like telling my partner something funny that happened to me as a kid and it giving me the same reaction, it always stumps me. Like fym its not funny my brother shot me in the head twice [accidentally] with a bb gun? or its not funny i used to be trapped in a chest as a kid by my siblings? thats just what its like as one of the youngers.
I have 17 siblings, all chopped up. heres a quick "tree" to understand it, glide past if u want obvs
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but being one of the higher in the tree and basically being one of the middle-youngests you get more ignored. my family is litterally so big we just get bought off bc literally NOONE can give all of us even and "acceptable" amounts of attention and no one even wants too. i have a whole bunch of cousins, and chosen family as well so its just like trying to stuff a 8 tiered cake into your mouth all at once, its impossible and no one wants too. we are just built to be socially inept, and i find that shit HILARIOUS. But these bots [& my partner] make me do double takes on my childhood & its WEIRD. why is it now that people notice just how fucky wucky i was as a kid? Its like im a glass child or someting [i dont gen believe i am, but i show some surface signs & relate sometimes. dunno tho, i dont know enough to gen say anything abt who i am nor do i wanna] i got next to no attention as a kid, love it, live in it, still dont, prefer it this way. I find it gross to be given hugs, kisses, or affection im literally known to be a "dont touch me kid" quote from my mother. I prefer to be the one giving the affectionate touches and even then its only things that require for you to touch my hands or arms. Like patting your head, your shoulder or like leaning on your shoulder like older siblings do in movies. I dislike hugs, or other people touching me tho i can never say no to a headpat. I hate people paying attention to me bc i find it weird like, why pay attention to me *now* stop changing shit up on me? and ik it all has to do with different friend groups, a change of how my family has decided to act, and overall different mental states but why does shit have to change? yucky yucky affection >:(
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years ago
Can you write sdr2 boys if they were dating an ultimate spirit medium? Personality is cheery, bubble, outgoing, stubborn, and overbearing!
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Sdr2 boys dating a bubbly ultimate spirit medium
a/n: the sdr2 cast is so hard to write :distressed:
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#Hajime Hinata
he finds every ultimate cool, what do you think 😨😨
wouldn’t be really TOO interested in your talent pre/during killing game.
i feel like post-danganronpa, he’d really want to talk to chiaki but he knows he needs to move on so he decides against it, plus he was you after all. why talk to your dead bsf when you have an alive s/o 😐😐
ANYWAYS, during the killing game, he’d def be running to you for hints and to be his investigation partner (along with chianki, detective trio!!) after nagito went nuts
imagine if your a bit like toritsuka from saiki k, he’d definitely freak out if you could see ghosts in his dorm 😰😰
#Byakuya Twogami
imposter would find you… interesting to say the least???
how can someone be so cheery while talking to dead people 😟😟 they genuinely wanted to know but like they remembered they were dressed up as byakuya
“what foolishness. how can one be so exuberant and happy-go-lucky whilst having such a dreadful talent? tch…”
pls answer them, they need to know/gen 👁👁
#Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“hey fuyuhiko, theres a spirit named _____, they want to s-“ “👁👁”
HASHSH ok but besides that, he’d find it pretty interesting tbh
post-trial 2, he’d ask you to mediate a conversation between him and peko as a final goodbye. after that i think he’d finally be satisfied and would move on
i feel like post killing game fuyuhiko would ask you if natsumi is okay, still not over her 😪😪
tbh though, at first i think he’d be terrified to approach you cause like what if one of the people he’s hunted down wants to talk to him? what then, would they be angry??
#Gundham Tanaka
help i think this would boost his god/chuunibyou complex 💀💀
i feel like in the non-despair/UTDP AU, he’d brag about it to people that are kinda similar/related
omg youre the ultimate anthropologist who does seances? too bad, s/o is better. ultimate prisoner? yea, s/o could totally find the people you killed
omg ok but he really does love you sm, not just for your talent, would def love how you’re so cheery despite having such a despair-inducing talent
im praying to god that you also get into his false reality cause you’d be defending his little reality from kazuichi and i swear, i heard his heart skip a beat (im cham-p btw 😍😍)
#Kazuichi Soda
he’d find you pretty cool tbhh
i dont think that your talent would change any of his feelings but he’d definitely think its interesting
tbh i think he’d try to make devices to help make your talent a little bit easier like maybe a little spirit box or incense scent releaser
i feel like you’d have a thing where you refuse to accept his gifts but his love language is giving gifts and receiving words of affection so yea, it’d be little lighthearted fights aww <33
like i said, nothing would change, as long as you love him <33
#Nagito Komaeda
oh my god, youre amazing 😨😨😨
he would definitely use you as an example to everyone else for what it means to smile at despair in the name of hope
nagito for sure has a lot of people he’d like to talk to; maybe his parents or even his dog would be enough 😞😞 but i feel he’d be scared to do it for two reasons;
1: youre an ultimate! why should a talentless and worthless human being like him even get to ask you for a favor? to him, he seems to be very selfish for even thinking of asking for that
2: he also doesn’t want you to think that he only cares for you to use you as a medium to talk to his parents. sure, at first, he admired you for being a symbol of absolute hope but after getting to know you, he truly fell in love. and the longer he fell, the less of a need to cling to the past as long as his final wish was fulfilled; to be loved by someone before he dies.
#Nekomaru Nidai
he would think that training would lowkey make your skill much more easier to practice
he wouldn’t really be too interested in using your talent for his own purposes but he would constantly push the ‘s/o uses their ability to solve the trial’ agenda WJSJSJS but monokuma didn’t allow it
would also ask a bunch of questions about your talent— does it give you a headache, how many spirits can you take, etc
AJSJSSJ im sry i cant think of alot 😭😭
#Teruteru Hanamura
ok i actually have a lot of ideas for teruteru.
so pre/during killing game, he wouldn’t really do anything about your talent, why would he, he’s a chef!
when ibuki suggests to use your talent to talk to byakuya’s spirit, teruteru would almost lose his cool and release his accent (he thankfully didn’t)
and also thankfully, monokuma banned you from using your talent since it’d make the trial boring if they all just relied on you
and then post killing game i feel like he’d ask you to help him talk to his dead mom since im pretty sure its hinted that shes dead
also also omg youre his personal taste tester and i swear to shuichis baseball cap that it’s all food wars clothes-removing inducing kind of good like *chef kiss*
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lepidopteragirl · 3 years ago
tbh, as much as i love hating and being a hater, i think /r tntduo in the nevadas era is rly interesting and if i wasn't a toxic karlnapityolo i think their dynamic would rot my brain So Much. however i do unironically strongly dislike ''right person wrong time'' soft pogtopia era ctnt so fucking much. obvs niki's birthday party happened lol, clearly they have a smth.. going on if you want to read it like that, and while i think it could be fun to look at that like that, i personally don't rly think that kind of hurt/comfort, sitting on the roof heart to heart kind of thing really works with them mostly bc, for lack of a better word, i don't think cwilbur really respects cquackity as an equal rly in s1/manburg era. he calls quackity schlatt's bitch for fuck's sake. (and perhaps this is a little bit fair given how swag2020's victory got started off, but i also am a toxic quolo and i feel like reading the whole story cq pays farrrr more he's got narrative consequences than his narrative crimes and it makes it hard for me to get upset w him also he's my special little boy i don't even care, okay?)
cwilbur has that bossy older sibling thing (/aff) going on where he very much sees his position towards a lot ppl during s1 as a leader, older sort of for lack of a better word authoritative figure who knows better than most everyone. (obvs cwilbur mental illness plays into this but it is also kinda not good lol) and im sort of scared to touch this bc i fear it will erupt into the most horrid rancid discourse to grace this fine earth, but the fact that cquackity is a few years (five i think actually lol) younger than cwilbur absolutely plays into this too. im not gonna sit here and go oh no fictional age gap bad bc i gen do not care about how it makes their relationship "toxic" or not lol. (also rpverse tnt my beloved are the only version of ctnt that wont be just a little but toxic imo tbh, the toxic-ness is where the fun comes in lmao.) however, it very much affects how the two of them interact in s1. it doesn't necessarily make their dynamic Bad or #Problematic or one of them using the other etc i don't think, but i do think it's why pogtopia era tnt content that starts w ''these two make out/fuck sometimes but they're both sad and somehow let down walls to take care of each other'' doesn't really work like it does in the las nevadas era. (which even as the worlds most toxic karlnapityolo i v much enjoy if ppl do it right) part of the issue i think is that some ppl transplant their s3 dynamic back into s1 and treat it like its the same, and i don't really think it works.
to me, its that huge change in the dynamic between s1 and s3 that makes nevadas era tntduo so intriguing. its part of what makes the " i don't think about you" line so hot sexy etc imo, the shift from cquackity being so Young in so many ways and then coming back face to face with cwilbur and being able to stand toe to toe with him now. (i am am not immune to girlboss cq.) its cquackity reinventing himself, he's not the little boy who wasn't worth cwilbur considering as a real candidate, one who would never be worth enough to be a real leader of lmanburg. he's not schlatt's bitch anymore, hes no one's bitch. he's not the naive ditz that stood on a hillside at sunset with cwilbur and was told he was too weak, too scared, too soft to do what's needed to get power. but he's better, he's better than that too, there are no walls around las nevadas, and he'll even offer wilbur a job as his vice when he wasn't even let in the gates of wilbur's nation. hes winning and by god will he make sure wilbur knows it. love her shes soooo crazy omg
(is it perhaps not that healthy mental state no it is not but he is like elle woods but withso many more problems he is moving to a brand new city and teaching himself how to die and so long to the person you begged him to be he's down he's dead etc i love characters sooo much)
also if i have to pick up one more rly good s1 cquack character study that suddenly springs ''then wilbur and quackity fucked in pogtopia'' im going to become the joker slash serious
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klixxy · 4 years ago
Genshin Fic Recs
so... i ventured into the vast world of Google looking for some good GI fic recs... only to find such a pitiful amount that i was promptly devastated. therefore, the solution is to make my own! :D
keep in mind most of these will be ChiLi or XingYun, and yes, i will try not to include smut unless it was one i really really liked. if anyone wants a separate list for just smut (though that will most likely be shorter) i can try to make one later.`
ft. my bookmark comments :)
wrapped up in pure gold by beyondwinter
(chili; accidental marriage; chili/childe-centric; 22k words; ongoing)
"Do you understand its meaning, Childe?" He finally asks. There's a hard glint in his eyes, like he's trying to steel himself for his answer.
"Yeah." Loyalty and devotion, right? Between business partners? "I do. It's traditional, isn't it?"
Zhongli's eyes glow a warm amber in the near darkness, reflecting the soft shine of the lanterns. He studies his face with a strange intensity, as though Childe were a piece of high quality Nocticulous Jade being sold for suspiciously small sum and he's trying to find the blemishes that would explain the price. The weight of his gaze should be uncomfortable, boring into him like he can see into the very depths of his abyss-tainted soul, but Childe finds himself preening under the attention instead.
Childe accidentally proposes to Zhongli. Zhongli accepts.
The World is Water by Millereflets
(chili; smut; hurt/comfort; chili-centric; 7k words; oneshot)
Childe doesn't visit Zhongli until it's almost too late.
Set in Stone by seredemia
(chili; fake dating au; angst; some smut?; chili/chiilde-centric; 55k words; ongoing)
What do you do when you write about a certain six thousand year old consultant so much in your letters that it somehow convinces your entire family you're not only dating each other, but that you're also engaged?
In Childe's case, the answer is plain and simple: he goes along with it, of course. Absolutely nothing can go wrong if he makes a contract with the God of Contracts, vowing that the two of them will pretend to be lovers for the duration of his family's stay in Liyue. Afterwards, they'll return as normal and speak no more of this mess. No feelings or complications involved whatsoever.
Contract accepted. A fool-proof plan set in stone. Right?
Private Ledger of the Eleventh Harbinger by JuHuaTai
(chili; humor; getting together; chili/ekaterina-centric; 5k words; oneshot)
“So guess what I did next?”
Ekaterina contemplated not answering, but Harbinger Tartaglia was just… grinning and waiting. It’s honestly rather creepy the longer time passed.
In the end, she gave a long suffering sigh that seems lost on him, “You bought him the Erhu—“
“I bought him the antique, cor lapis based Erhu,”
When she first left her homeland for the unknown nation of Liyue, Ekaterina was ready to be many things: To be a soldier, to fell Tsaritsa’s enemies in her name, to bring glory to Snezhnaya and her leader.
Being a receptionist in a cozy bank wasn’t so bad in comparison, but she absolutely can do without the front row seat to Harbinger Tartaglia’s (expensive) love life.
i know i'm where i'm meant to go by paperclips (pastel_paperclips)
(chili; humor; fluff; chili-centric; 12k words; ongoing)
"Childe," Zhongli says suddenly. "I am enjoying myself greatly." Childe’s face breaks into a grin. "Then-" Zhongli gasps, grabbing his wrist and tugging him over to an unsuspecting peddler with a cart full of rocks. "Is that an intrusive igneous pegmatite formed in the Inazuma regions?" Childe’s grin smooths into a small, adoring smile. He has all the time in the world to figure the other man out.
OR: Finding the Geo Archon is on Childe's to-do list but hanging out with Zhongli is significantly more fun.
Crumbling Stone by avtorSola
(chiliven; ANGST; PAIN; mind control; zhongli-centric; 74k words; ongoing)
When Morax unleashes his plan to test the Liyue Qixing and his adepti, he does not take into account the stirring of the Abyss Order in the north and the corruption of Dvalin - for why would he fear an organization that works in such shadows? He is secure in his power, after all, unlike his flighty ex, the absentee archon of Mondstadt who rises only when his people are in danger.
But, somehow, the Abyss Order discovers his plan. Somehow, they capitalize on it. And he, the God of Stone who cannot sicken, is struck down - taken by an order bent on destroying all of humanity as Liyue crumbles around him. For even Archons aren't immune to Durin's blood, and Morax is no exception. But then the question becomes - if even Archons may fall to the agony of this corrupting burn - how is their traveling friend Aether immune?
The answer comes from beyond the stars - an ancient malice that knows no kindness or mercy. A malice whose legacy the Abyss Order now bears, seeking to topple all the Archons and their people into the void of utter destruction. And they have begun in Liyue.
Fortunately, it takes a long time to erode stone.
left-behind city by trixstar
(platonic zhongven; angst; ANGST; venti-centric; 1k words; oneshot)
"An associate of mine has just informed me that Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon has been assassinated."
Venti blinks.
Or: Venti and how he copes with finding out he is all that remains.
i circle ten thousand years long; and i still do not know if i am a falcon, a storm, or an unfinished song by birdsofpassage
(platonic zhongven; angst; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 4k words; oneshot)
Venti and Zhongli, and the vignettes of a much-needed vacation around Mondstadt.
(my bookmarks: ; - ;      ;  -  ; )
oh ye with little faith by air_fried_air
(platonic zhongven; angst; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
Two former archons do a little tour around Mondstadt.
(my bookmarks: why are all genshin angst fics so melancholy.... i feel so empty)
the wind through the mountain tops by glassdrachma
(platonic zhongven; humor; hurt/comfort; zhongven-centric; 21k words; finished)
Boredom brings Barbatos of Mondstadt to bother a certain ex-Archon of the Earth.
(my bookmarks: venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship venti zhongli friendship-)
the art of exorcism by Agried
(xingyun; ghost au; hurt/comfort; chongyun-centric; 9k words; oneshot)
On the road back from one of his jobs, Chongyun runs into Xingqiu, the wandering swordsman. And then they keep meeting, over and over again. or, alternately; how a ghost and an exorcist learn how to love, one step at a time.
Bane of All Evil by tzitzimeme
(xingyun; humor; romance; chongyun-centric; 24k words; hiatus)
When Chongyun unintentionally offends Liyue's second most powerful adepti, he vows to mend the thorny relationship between Adeptus Xiao and human exorcists-- even though no one has succeeded in currying Xiao's favor for over a thousand years.
His best friend Xingqiu offers to come alone, mainly because he's worried about what kind of trouble Chongyun will run into. Along the way, they receive help from others: Xiangling packs them meals for their journeys, while Zhongli gives them advice on what demons to track.
Childe is just there because he thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
[On indefinite hiatus due to burnout; sorry!]
kiss me slowly (so i don't forget) by xiwangmu
(xingyun; humor; romance; light angst; xingqiu-centric; 8k words; oneshot)
Wangshu Inn Bulletin Board
Guest Message: My best friend whom I harbor affections for kissed me last night, but due to his special condition he does not recall a single moment of it. I am quite conflicted about whether to disclose these events to him or not, because that would most certainly require me to confess my feelings as well. If anyone has experience in romancing boys with excessive positive energy, this one humbly asks you to share some advice.
Reply: Our greatest apologies—although we would like to offer some words in response, we simply cannot decipher your handwriting. Perhaps you may return with a neater message next time?
time trials by idlestars
(xingyun/many ships; humor; modern au; xingyun-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
A modern social media AU.
Xingqiu Teases Demons. Chongyun Almost Cries. [The clip shows Xingqiu, lit by the sickly green of night vision, as he stares bored into a dark room. He’s alone - Chongyun left to see if Xingqiu could lure out the ghosts. Xingqiu glances at the camera, smirks, and then opens his mouth.
“Hey demons, it’s me, yah boy.”]
woe be the wallet of the god of wealth by glassdrachma
(gen; humor; identity reveal; keqing/zhongli-centric; 12k words; finished)
Or, the story of how the Yuheng of the Qixing came to idolize, befriend, and discover the identity of the God of Geo, in that order.
(personal comments: hilarious, made me burst out into laughter multiple times, and was just a masterful piece of writing)
to dream of dust by miao_x
(guili/gen; ANGST; hurt/no comfort; zhongli-centric; 5k words; oneshot)
Some nights, Zhongli dreams.
He dreams of soft light, golden song, and a gentle breeze whispering tales of millennia past. It is warm, familiar, and comforting.
It feels like home.
And then he opens his eyes, and awakes to reality.
(my bookmarks: oh zhongli... made me cry)
To drown in your own tears by C_rin_nyan
(guili/gen; ANGST; TEARS; PAIN; zhongli-centric; 2k words; oneshot)
As Rex Lapis, he had never shed a tear, even as he slaughtered hundreds, destruction following his every step. As Zhongli, he had shed much more than he would like to admit, however.
Or, “Zhongli’s soul gave its last scream long ago, yet even now, the echo of said sound was still strong enough to reach Rex Lapis.”
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oh-katsuki · 3 years ago
hey cal, feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. i just need someone to help me with this. is it normal to not talk to your mutuals anymore? like i talk to this person everyday but now their texts feel rude and the things they say make me very uncomfortable. but i can't block and move on because i've shared so much to them and i feel like people would start to question if we stop talking altogether. again i am very sorry if this is not something you're comfortable with. i'm just really lost and need some advice right now. /gen
hi nonnie <3 i'm sorry to hear that's happening. change is always difficult to handle, especially with people you care a lot about. im going to out my response below a cut since it's a big long.
it's completely normal to talk less to your mutuals. mutuals work just like normal friendships. sometimes, people grow or change or just stop talking. it doesn't necessarily mean that there is any bad blood, it just means that change is on its way and that's okay.
there's no need to block or ignore them or any of that stuff. y'all are just people dealing with your own stuff, it's totally normal to fade a little bit. it might suck because if you've been talking every day then it's quite a change, but that doesn't mean it is inherently bad. your friend could be dealing with their own stuff right now that they're not ready to talk about. or it could just be that you're both growing and your dynamic is changing and that's okay too!
i would try not to overthink too much about it. believe in the idea that people come and go from your every day life for a reason. do what you can to show you still care for them, but respect the boundaries they may be trying to put in place.
speaking from experience, you don't need to talk every day in order to be friends. my mutuals and i are still very good friends, but there are times when we'll go a little bit without speaking. it doesn't mean that we're not still close friends, it just means that our dynamic has changed in the time that we've known each other. take my irl best friend for example. I've known her since preschool and sometimes we will go months or more without talking, but we still love and care for each other the same way we did before. it's just that our lives and circumstances have changed and our friendship adapted to meet that.
it's important to remember that friendships between mutuals function the same as irl friendships and that a change in dynamic does not always mean someone hates you or dislikes you. it just means that something is happening and your relationship is adapting to fit those circumstances.
that being said, if they're being outwardly rude, mean, or making you uncomfortable / hurting your feelings, it might be time to consider if that friendship is good for you. your friend may have external circumstances that are affecting the way they interact with the world, but it's not an excuse to treat you poorly. I've had to do it before both online and irl and it can definitely be hard but you will be able to get through it. you don't necessarily need to block them, but if the case is that they are not treating you well, maybe consider just slowing down communication for your own mental well-being. there's no need to be confrontational about it if you don't feel it's necessary. try and go with the flow of things and maybe consider taking some space for yourself as well.
i hope this helps, nonnie and i sincerely hope that things get better for you and your friend. just know that however it ends up, you both will be okay. it's normal for friendships to change and grow. i hope everything turns out okay <3
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mueritos · 4 years ago
hi sorry can u explain to me the d slur thing? /gen like i don’t understand why it’s bad for the person to callout a nonlesbian to say the slur -🧜🏽
To be honest Im not too keen on the current idea thay reclaiming queer slurs are only meant for specific sub groups within the community. For the most part, these slurs have been weaponized against most LGBTQIA folks regardless of their identity (because for the most part, bigots can only call us generalized slurs since they are awful at clocking us, but now not so much). This is why we get issues when it comes to reclaiming certain slurs, like the F slur. While historically used against gay men, saying that it can ONLY be reclaimed by gay men doesnt sit well with me since the slur has been used against the ENTIRE community. Same with the d slur, while it has historically been used against lesbian women, there are instances of it being used againsg other LGBTQIA folks (tho prolly not to the same extent as the f slur).
A note i want to make is that queer slurs are VERY different from racial slurs in terma of reclamation. Racial slurs and queer slurs should only be reclaimed by their specific community, but we do not see the same level of reclamation gatekeeping in racial slurs than queer slurs because if youre BIPOC, theres no doubt that you have a historical connection to those slurs. But if your queer, your specific identity shapes your experience with the world, so theres a chance you may even have been exposed ro certain words or slurs, maybe not even have any weaponized against you.
That being said, I appreciate the take of “if it has been used against you to marginalize your marginalized status, you are free to reclaim it” in the context of reclaiming queer slurs. This does not mean that reclaiming a slur means it is not part of your initial vocabulary, no, it may just mean that you recognize the power of the word that you reclaimed as now your own. Also, certain slurs have already BEEN reclaimed, and therefore it is not my place to use another word for a person who wishes to be called by it. If a lesbian wants to be called the d word and is proud of it, I will refer to them as such because I recognize the power that word brings them. Keep in mind that not all queers are young, and many elder gays use “slurs” and old terms to decribe themselves, like “transexual” or “dyke” or “transvestite”.
We also need to understand the context of these words. When we call each other these slurs when around each other as a community (and it has been established that these words are okay to use for each other), they are either reclaimed or simply words, because you could argue that many of us never saw the words as anything negative in the first place, regardless of its misuse. In this context, these words bring power and community. But if someone is weaponizing that word to target a queer persons marginalized status, then that is being used as a slur. Therefore I dont think it’s appropriate to call it out within the community unless specific parties are uncomfortable with it and we DO see it as intercommunity marginialization (like maybe a lesbian that hates gay men?? i know its weird but theres a lot of hate even within the community). And yes, it is completely valid to feel uncomfortable around certain words and their use, but have a conversation about it if you can first before trying to shut down its use in someone (unless, like mentioned before, the person is literally bigoted).
I think its more meaningful to ask why certain queer people use certain words instead of telling them to stop. We need to understand that decades ago, it didnt matter whether it came out of a butch or a gay’s mouth, what mattered is that is brought community. This language discourse is a clear indicator of the lack of queer historical knowledge within contemporary queer society. I highly encourage yall to look into notable queer activists, and if youd like to start to understand the historical power “dyke” brought to the community, search up the “Gays for Dykes” movement.
This was very brief but I hope that answerwd ur question and im open to conversation about this topic! Be aware that I only have the experience of a nonbinary gay transmasc whos a white latino and all of these factors affect my view on this. Either way, I hope it helped!
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joculatrixster · 3 years ago
Whats Madd :0? /gen
oo ok let me explain in the way i understand it, if u want i can also dm u links to madd blogs that r a lot better at it then i am!
madd is maladaptive daydreaming disorder, its not a recognized disorder yet but there is research being done into it, its basically when u cope with immersive daydreams that ur well addicted too, u cant control it and it has a negative impact on ur life, its like this thing called “immersive daydreaming” except its nto a hobby its a coping mechanism that affects u negatively
u have things called parascoms which are worlds inside ur head that u go too to day dream, to be clear ppl with madd are NOT delusional we are aware are daydreams are not real if someone thinks their daydreams are real they dont have madd its something else
madd can lead to things like losing track of time or getting easily distracted during something important and is all around not rlly a healthy coping mechanism since it cant be controlled well and some ppl’s daydreams are traumatic, their are even communities for ppl who do the work to quit relying on their daydreams because its disrupting their life
for me personally my friend discovered madd way before i did and when they were venting about madd i was rlly confused because we had the same experiences but i thought it was normal so after a few hours of us talking i realized that actually no thats not a normal thing so i did my research and came to the conclusion i had madd, for me it actually was a lot more traumatic when i was younger for personal reasons im not getting into but rn its more something i slip into for a few designated hours or whenever im having a rlly bad day so im coping exponentially better than i used too
if u want more info on the nitty gritty things u cna ask me for more info on what its like to have madd or i can dm u some good resources i dont mind id prefer actually if madd was better well known since basically no one outside of the community understands it
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