#its just a sentiment i’ve seen
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months ago
everyday i watch people on twitter praise a show that has one or two queer characters in 2024 for being groundbreaking for things torchwood did in 2006
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ryker-writes · 7 days ago
Hi hi dragged out of the void because I’ve been obsessed again thanks to book seven. Had this idea late at night based off a thing I do to people I really like and appreciate! (If people want different characters lemme know)
Can be seen as romantic or platonic
Request rules and Masterlists
Giving them a rock (Diasomnia)
This might actually be some sort of fae proposal now that I think about it…
But that’s a story for another day (if people want)
Setting aside the fact that he might take it as you asking him for marriage, Malleus would love the gift!
He’d love just about any gift you give him, but a rock? Even if it’s just a simple rock he loves it like its the best gift he’s ever gotten
He may be a bit confused at first and ask if this is a human gifting ritual or symbol he doesn’t know about
He keeps it on him at all times
The rock and roaring drago are some of his most prized possessions
His dragon instinct and care for you makes him want to keep the rock with him at all costs
If anything were to happen to it, either someone takes it, jokes about it, or he loses it, there will be a massive storm with thunder and lightning
If it’s either of the first two with someone taking it or joking about it…they might get struck by the lightning (he’ll say it wasn’t intentional but have that smile on his face that tells you it was absolutely intentional)
He might even put a protection spell on it to keep it safe or prevent/curse whoever takes it from him
He might also give you a rock in return someday, but it’s probably the most expensive gem you’ll ever have
Because according to him, he wanted to find a gem that was befitting to someone as precious to him, and nothing less than the highest quality would suffice for you
He won’t even let Silver or Sebek hold it
Maybe Lilia, but he’s hovering the entire time to ensure nothing happens
To Malleus, the rock is a precious gift that symbolizes just how much you care for and trust him, and he would never let that trust be displaced
He also brags to people that you gave him a rock
He laughs
Not in a hostile way or anything, but hes very amused that out of all the things you could give him, it’s a rock
That being said, he does like and accept the gift!
Lilia has traveled the world and seen many things, but he’s not too familiar with the idea of gifting rocks to others in a context outside proposing with gems or jewelry
His room is cluttered and a mess, but he keeps the rock you gave him safe on his nightstand so he doesn’t lose it
Over the years, he’s collected many things and items that remind him of people he’s met, loved, and has seen pass, and he keeps these items safe and serve as mementos of them and the memories that he’s shared with them
To him, the rock is the same thing for you
Every time he sees the rock, he’s reminded of you and how much you mean to him
He’d be pretty understanding of the sentiment behind the rock, and would try to find something to express the same towards you!
You may end up with a rock yourself, a small trinket he thinks you’ll like, or an item from his personal belongings
His gifts won’t be as grand or expensive as Malleus’ gifts, but they’re more personally picked to suit what he thinks you may like
If he got you a rock, it’d be from a distant land and with some of your favorite colors
Lilia would flip his entire room upside down if he ever lost it
It would look like a tornado went through his room and knocked everything around. He’d even have Silver and Sebek help him in his search, telling them it’s a mission of dire importance
The group would search for hours and hours trying to find the rock
Only for him to realize he put it in his pocket for the day because he wanted to show Kalim and Cater…
He’s a little confused, but pretty open and appreciative overall!
He might ask if you’re part crow fae or something
Regardless, he expresses his thanks, and keeps the rock with him
But he does worry about what might happen to it when he falls asleep, so he asks you or Lilia if you can help him put it on a necklace or bracelet of sorts
So he always has it on him
Sometimes as he’s falling asleep, his hand unconsciously moves up and holds onto the rock
You’ll find him peacefully sleeping, rock in hand, and a smile on his face as he dreams
Silver doesn’t feel like he needs to give you something in return, and hopes you’ll be able to know he cares the same way without the gift of a rock
That being said, if he happens to come across a rock that he thinks is pretty or reminds him of you, he’ll grab it as a gift for you later
People can comment on it or joke about a rock being a gift, and he won’t pay any mind to them whatsoever
He knows the rock is an expression of how your care, and he treasures it, so why should he care if others can’t see it?
He would try and explain to people what it means, but if they aren’t going to understand then it isn’t worth explaining to them
In a way, he thinks of it as a good luck charm, and keeps it on him even when training or doing club activities
He’d feel absolutely terrible if he ever lost it, and would spend a good amount of time searching the campus for where he might’ve put it
If he’s unable to find it, he’d come to you and apologize deeply, but in all reality, it probably fell off in one of his napping spots or in his room and he happened to miss seeing it
The height of fae confusion
At first, he isn’t sure if it’s some sort of insult or if he’s supposed to use the rock for something specific
After you explain the rock and why you gave it to him, he huffs and acts like it’s not a big deal
But then he proceeds to flaunt to literally everyone that he received a rock as a token from you
The first day you give it to him, any person he runs into that happens to notice he’s carrying a rock around with him will receive a long explanation of how the human gave him this rock as a token of care and it’s a valuable treasure that they can’t even comprehend
He wouldn’t dare bring it to training or club activities in fear of losing it, but he does protect it like it’s a precious treasure that belongs in a museum
No one can touch it but him, you, Malleus, and Lilia
Maybe Silver if he needs it to be kept safe while he does something
Sebek isn’t too big on giving gifts, so he might not give one back to you unless prompted by Lilia, Malleus, or Silver
If they do, he isn’t quite sure how to express the sentiment behind the rock, or find a good enough rock
He’s trying, but just about no rock lives up to the standards he has for a rock to give you
It’s gonna be a long long time before he’s able to find a rock he thinks is fitting enough…
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honey-tongued-devil · 2 months ago
↠The last drop tour
| Part 1 | | Part 2 | | Part 3 |
This tour is designed to provide those who need it with a complete map of the Last Drop, as well as to help me (and anyone reading my fanfiction, Everytime it Rains) clearly envision the spaces while reading. This tour is incredibly detailed, and I’ll explain both the location and what you’re looking at. Let’s just say I’ll be your personal tour guide! Enjoy!
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Let’s start with the entrance! The door is massive, asymmetrical in true Zaun style, made of stained glass and steel. To the right of the door is the Last Drop’s electric meter, while on the left stands the iconic, battered jukebox. In these photos, it looks especially worse for wear because they were taken after the fight between Vi and Sevika.
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And we can finally turn around to take in the Last Drop in its entirety! For accuracy, I’ve included both a screenshot from “Jinx Fixes Everything” and an image from Nikolai Lebedev’s ArtStation portfolio.
There are about four fairly large round tables scattered across the central area of the room. The floor is herringbone wood, and the lighting is spread out. While I didn’t take the photos myself, the LED lights are dispersed across the ceiling. On the second floor, you can still spot a yellowish-greenish sign featuring the Last Drop’s symbol, and the “columns” are adorned with blue lights.
If you’re looking for warm lighting, the yellow neon lights and the ones behind the bar are switched on; the cooler lights are positioned along the side walls of the venue.
Before moving on to show you what’s around the main rectangle, I’d like to point out that the staircase to the left of the bar leads to the upper floor. Next to it is a small corridor that takes you to arcade machines and the pool table seen in several scenes.
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"What’s on the sides of the rectangle? What do you mean?"
Yeah, I wasn’t sure how else to describe it, but while the public and chaotic section where people dance is the central rectangle, to the right and left of that area are two booths on each side. These booths have fixed tables and heavy curtains that can be closed to ensure maximum privacy.
This is where customers strike deals—we see it in Act 1 when the two Bilgewater pirates threaten Huck. Since the Last Drop came under Silco’s control, the first booth now displays pictures of him (and two other chembarons, though theirs are small and insignificant), commemorating the venue’s inauguration.
So, if you’re looking for privacy, this is the perfect spot.
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But follow me—before I take you to Silco’s office, I’ll bring you to another place I’m sure none of you expected to see. Through the door to the right of the bar, there’s a small flat area, perfect for storing spare drinks, followed by a long staircase leading down. But first, we need to grab the key. Silco cared deeply about keeping this place intact, so it’s been locked up the entire time. In the meantime, take a look at the bar!
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The key is nailed to one of the planks of the bar—it was necessary to stop here to retrieve it. But let’s not dawdle, down we go!
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I know you’d never have guessed, but Silco was an extremely sentimental person. He decided not to touch the little room where Vander and his kids used to live. Instead, he locked it up and let it remain "sacred" in its own way. The room is very small and packed with stuff, so it’s hard to move around. You’ll have to settle for a quick glimpse. Let me jog your memory by reminding you that when Vander talks to Vi and sends Mylo and Claggor out of the room, the staircase Claggor sits on is the same one we just came down.
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What do you say—shall we head back up? Taking the staircase on the left side of the bar, we arrive at the upper floor! At first glance, it’s just a mezzanine, as it aligns with the "public" rectangle of the bar below. To the left of the stairs, we have Silco’s office, which I’ll show you in detail another time. Over there, where you now see the barrels, is where, in my story, there’s a door leading to the upstairs area—currently Vander and the kids’ home. That door gets covered during event nights to prevent any troublemakers from wandering into their house. On the right, we have the DJ’s console and more tables for those who’d rather enjoy their drinks in peace than join the dance floor.
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The reason I suggest you take a break and grab a drink before entering Silco's office is that there's really a lot to see. Here you’ll find my Masterlist, which includes both Part 1 and Part 2 of the tour.
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pellucid-constellations · 6 months ago
The Construct of Loyalty
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Pairing: Cassian x Rhys's Sister!Reader
Summary: After months of "disobedience" your father calls upon Cassian to be your personal guard. That leaves Cassian, a soldier in the Night Court army, your childhood friend, and a man deeply in love with you, to protect you from all fronts—including the arranged marriage you were born into.
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: Angst, arranged marriage, panic attacks, dual pov ;)
a/n: This wasn't going to be so long initially but then whoops it developed its own life. Part two will be necessary I think ♡ For context and clarification, the reader grew up with the IC and everyone is around 50-70 rn. Rhys's other sister is alive still but not really important to the plot.
Main Masterlist ♡
“What if we just—” 
“No, y/n.” 
“But, Cassian, this is ridiculous. I’ve been stuck in here for three days.” 
“And you’ll be stuck a lot longer if you disobey your father again.” 
“You don’t even like the guy! Why are you so intent on kissing his ass?” 
Cassian bit the inside of his cheek and narrowed his eyes at the defeated posture you’d adopted. In truth, he didn’t like your father—hated him, actually. But Cassian knew the life you lived and what would come if you continued to act out against him. He knew things were becoming serious because Rhysand voiced his concerns over your circumstances when he was usually too protective to divulge anything, and he knew things were bad because the High Lord of the Night Court tasked him to watch over you. 
Him, a bastard-born Illyrian who was nothing more than dirt on the bottom of his shoe. 
But Cassian was dirt that you’d actually listen to. 
According to Rhys, your father had appointed six high fae to be your personal guard over the past six months. All six had been sent away rather abruptly when they failed to rein you in. But “rein you in” was a ridiculous sentiment, as you called it. All you wanted to do was to get out of the room your father kept you cloistered in and actually experience a life. 
You wanted to speak to people who weren’t your assigned propriety tutors or servants. You wanted to get out of the Moonstone Palace and be a person outside of the marital obligations your father placed on you. You wanted to shop in Verlaris with Mor and make Cassian take you flying and, above all, you wanted to understand your magic—to hone the combination of night and day that your father’s choice of mistress had carefully curated.
Because that union was the entire purpose of your birth, and the moment you turned 50 you were ripped from your family and hurled into the Moonstone Palace to live out your purpose. 
You were to be the figurehead of the alliance between Night and Day and you were to fulfill that duty through marriage. 
It didn’t matter that you were hardly seen as a person; you were a pawn, and as long as your father lived, you would continue to be used and maneuvered as the court saw fit. 
Rhysand had been trying his hardest to keep you from marriage for as long as he could, but the more you acted against your father’s wishes, the closer you got to your fate. 
You knew it was coming. You’d had far more freedom before you turned 50 but you’d still lived under your father’s thumb. Cassian always hated watching you get pulled from quiet nights in with your sister and would cast you sad looks when you were made to watch from the sidelines when everyone else was training. But that had always been your life, and there was never anything he could do about it. 
Cassian clenched his jaw in abject frustration. “Y/n… don’t do this.” 
You scoffed and harshly sat on your bed, the gauzy material of your dress splaying up before floating back down to rest on the blankets. Whatever hairstyle had been twisted upon your crown this morning was unraveling in a pretty mess around your face and Cassian itched to brush away the strands. 
You’d always been so pretty. 
He turned his fingers into his palm as you began to speak. “He wouldn’t even have to know. I wouldn’t leave your side once,” you mumbled. Your words felt more like a routine and less like an actual request. Because Cassian always said no when the other guards always gave in too easily. 
Or you had simply slipped past them too easily. 
“Look, Starfall is coming up. I’m sure your father would let you go out to be with everyone.” 
You twisted your mouth in a way Cassian knew meant you were trying not to cry. You blinked up to look at the ceiling and nodded your head with your teeth embedded in your bottom lip, and Cassian’s heart was dangerously close to breaking. 
When he’d gotten the station report—or rather, demand—to be your personal guard, Cassian had seen it as a good thing. He’d get a break from the grueling hours of being a soldier in the Night Court’s troops and he’d get to spend more time with you. He’d missed you terribly since you’d been sent to Hewn City. 
But then he’d gotten to your room and spent three weeks telling you no and watching you go stir crazy and he was three seconds away from caving. It wasn’t surprising that the other appointed guards had failed so quickly—you were too lovely to deny, especially when you looked so sad. 
Cassian breathed out a sigh and walked to your seat on the bed, his leathers groaning as he moved to crouch at your feet. You were still staring at the ceiling and Cassian was still aching to somehow fix all of this. 
“Hey,” he prompted. When you only tightened your grip on the piles of luxurious blankets on your bed, Cassian took your chin between his finger and thumb and brought your gaze down to him. “There she is,” he smiled, but the hazy gleam in your eye felt like a punch to the gut. 
“I hate this,” you whispered, all shaky and upset.
Cassian tsked. “I know, sweetheart.” 
“I just want to go back home.” 
“I know.” 
“It’s so weird that you’re in charge of me.” 
Cassian snorted. “I’m not in charge of you. I’m the one that has to follow you around.” 
You narrowed your watery eyes. “If that were true you’d let me go back to Velaris. Or go anywhere other than this wretched place.” 
“Well, in that way I guess I’m more protecting you than in charge of you. That’s what a guard does, sweetheart.” 
“Protecting me,” you laughed, jaw clenching as Cassian kept it in his soft hold. “What would be so dangerous about going to Velaris, hm? Or… running away. Really, really far away.” 
“Can’t run away, y/n. We’d all miss you too much,” Cassian teased, but the hint of panic in his eyes was unmistakable.
You raised an unamused brow. “Because you all see me so much now.” 
Cassian offered you a bittersweet smile and gave your cheek a soft pat. “You know I’m not protecting you from the people out there. You know why I won’t let you leave.” 
You looked resigned, but that reality was becoming more commonplace. You sighed and reached up to place your touch on Cassian’s knuckles. “I know, Cass,” you hummed. “I know.” 
You shifted in your seat for the countless time that evening, the stone throne at your back doing little for comfort. The heavy crown on your head was giving you a headache and your father kept yelling, exacerbating the pounding behind your eyes. 
You were made to attend official court business more often, your father assimilating you into the role he birthed you for with more urgency as you rebelled. Cassian stood behind you with a stiff posture and murder in his eye, playing the role of a guard to perfection. And you knew, with all certainty, that if anyone looked at you wrong they would be on the floor. 
That was one benefit of having a personal guard—even more so a guard that you grew up with. 
“—not accept this insolence,” you heard your father bite out. He jutted his hand back to the shorter throne you sat upon. “And you bring it in front of my daughter. I won’t have this. Not in my court.” 
You hid a flinch as the man before the dais was forced to the ground by a free-flowing darkness you could recognize anywhere. 
Your father’s show of power. 
The man screamed and pleaded and you couldn’t remember what had brought him to this, but you knew this was just a ploy by your father to assert his dominance over the court. You breathed through your nose as he continued to scream and plead, pressing your lips into a line and maintaining your mask of neutrality and boredom. 
You were never made out for the life your father expected from you. 
After the man was thoroughly incapacitated and groaning, your father let up and sent him away and you were left feeling sick to your stomach. 
Almost done, you reminded yourself, and then you could rot in your room with nothing to occupy you but the dread of your upcoming fate. You could feel Cassian’s presence at your back and it was somewhat reassuring that he would be rotting along with you. Maybe he would even play cards with you today or you could pass the time begging him to help you with your magic.
He always denied with an apologetic expression and you knew, deep down, that he would never agree to anything. The back and forth was simply a way to get through the day. 
The doors to the throne room burst open with a loud boom, startling you out of your roaming thoughts. You sat up in alarm when a small brigade of soldiers dressed in Day Court armor marched in, preceding a well-built, stoic-looking man with a grimace plastered on his face. 
You whipped around to look at Cassian in an uncharacteristic act of impropriety. Cassian looked just as lost as you were, but he blinked away the concern and sent you a reassuring nod as if he had everything under control. You watched his ruby siphons flicker and his fists clench as he clasped them together by his thighs, but you turned around. You had to turn around because you were not supposed to consult a guard about matters of your court. 
A quick glance at your father told you that he was surprised as well, but pleasantly. “Blaise,” your father greeted, clapping with the word. You hid another flinch. “I was not expecting you today.” 
“Clearly,” Blaise snarked, stopping before the thrones at the head of the room. “Your full court is not even here. Where is your heir?” 
Your father’s expression morphed into a glare. “Training,” he said. And then, “But that shouldn’t be what concerns you. Your bride is just beside me.” 
The world slowed, your thoughts and the movements of those around you sticky and heavy. You thought you might have opened your mouth but the action was delayed and it was hard to find the path to your muscles. Your chest caved. The light in the room became dim. 
Blaise smirked and trailed his gaze to your figure. He let his eyes rove from your feet up to your face, so unhurried, so lax. As if you were already something he owned and he could take all the time he wished. In a way, you guessed he could—it wasn’t as if you had anywhere else to be.
“Huh.” Blaise stuck his tongue against his cheek. “Come.” 
You blinked as the man stuck his hand out and waved his fingers in three harsh motions, beckoning you to him as if you were a dog. 
It felt like you’d been doused in ice water as onlookers watched you expectantly. Rhys had told you he was buying more time. Cassian had told you. Azriel sent shadows to your room and you took them as signs of something. But before you stood your betrothed and behind you stood Cassian and there was nothing to be done. 
You looked over to your father. 
“This is Blaise. He is a duke in Day. You shall be married. Go to him,” he commanded, nodding towards the stern brow in the center of the throne room.
“Go to him.” 
You rose. Everything fell off its axis, a rush of lightheadedness making you lose your balance and lean back to grip the arm of the throne. A steady hand on your elbow grounded you. You didn’t even need to turn to know it was Cassian, but you did, anyway. 
Hazel eyes bore back into yours, devastation and determination mingling in the hues. Something dropped in your stomach and something else made you tear your gaze away and stare at your fate head-on. Cassian’s fingers lingered. They pulled away when you fully righted yourself. 
“Do you give me an ill bride, High Lord?” Blaise accused with a mean raise of his brow. 
“Of course not. Do not insult me.” No further explanation. 
You passed your tongue across your drying lips and took the steps down to meet Blaise, the man instantly snatching your hand and raising it above your head. He walked around you, inspecting you as if you were something to be appraised before buying, and nodded after completing the circle. Then, to set your stomach rolling, he swooped down and pressed his mouth to your ear. You heard a rushed step behind you, but the sound was drowned out by hot breath and whispers. 
“You’ll do nicely, given that you’re house-trained. Virgin?” 
You pushed back on his armored chest to gain some distance and Blaise cackled, knocking his head back in delight. 
“A bit skittish, but that’s fine. You said she’ll be used to Day? Definitely not staying here.” 
Your father hummed, taking a bored sip from his chalice. “She’s spent time in Day. Her mother hails from the court.” 
The rest of the conversation was lost to buzzing. 
Cassian was wrought with panic. 
He had already opened his mind and shared the information with Rhys, but Rhys was still honing his daemati abilities and Cassian had no idea if his brother even got the information. 
He hid his panic behind a stone wall of neutrality and malice as he walked you back to your room, cataloging the way you took even steps and stared blankly at the walls in front of you. His facade was breaking down with each step you took; you seemed to be escaping into yourself and Cassian was becoming increasingly worried. 
Part of not being able to practice and control your magic came the dangers of it overtaking you. No one was sure if you harnessed daemati powers like your father and brother, but if you did and weren’t aware, you could get stuck. Cassian had witnessed Rhys’s struggles with that when he was first learning to control his magic and emotions were high. 
The moment your bedroom door clicked shut, Cassian’s hands were on your face. 
“Y/n? Hey, look at me,” he urged, tucking his wings into his back because maybe the light from your windows would help somehow.
When you didn’t look, a faraway haze to your eyes, he shook you, rattling your head in desperation. You should be screaming, crying, begging him to let you leave after what you just discovered. And, instead, you were blank. 
His next demands were stern. “Y/n, I can’t get Rhys here. You need to snap out of this. I don’t know how to help you.” 
You breathed a little deeper, but no change. 
“Fuck.” Cassian looked around the room, his head whipping back and forth as he searched for anything that could help. For Rhys, it was easier to develop skills to get him out of this state because he had been expecting it. For you, there was no prep, no warning.
Cassian turned back to you, his heart pounding out of his chest. If he couldn’t get you out of this before your father noticed—
He saw your eyes shift and something clicked. 
You were staring intently at the red siphon gleaming on Cassian’s chest, blinking quicker the longer you stared. 
“This helping?” Cassian murmured, yanking the siphon from his chest without care to hold it up to your eye level. “Okay, we’ll work with that.” You blinked even more with the tone of his voice and Cassian took that as motivation. “Keep working yourself out of this, sweetheart. You do this and I’ll teach you how to use a blade. Haven’t you been asking? Dumb question—you’ve been asking since we were twenty but—”
Cassian cut off his rambling when the first few tears fell down your cheeks. He watched each as they fell, wiping them away with his thumbs as he waited. And waited. And then you choked out a sob, and as much as he hated the sound, relief flooded through him at your state of consciousness. 
“You—you said there was more time,” you stressed, stumbling over your tears. “Rhys… he told me there was more time.” 
Cassian shook his head as he spoke. “I know. I know, sweetheart, but we’ll figure it out, okay? Me, Rhys, and Az. We can—” 
“You can’t do anything,” you cried. Your breath was picking up. “No one has been able to do anything my entire life. Not my brother or you or even myself. I—Cassian, I was only born to do this. No one cares about anything else. You’re only here because my father willed you to be. Because it serves his agenda to have you guarding me.”
Cassian’s fingers buzzed as he wiped more and more tears from your face. He kept opening his mouth to say something, anything, but it didn’t matter. Nothing would make up for this. 
“I—I can’t. I can’t be married to that man. Being locked in here was bad enough. Being coddled and prepped for my entire life was enough. I’m not a princess, Cassian. I’ve never wanted to… and now I…” 
You were hyperventilating now, raucous inhales colliding with heavy, painful exhales. You dropped to your hands and knees and Cassian followed suit but with the sole purpose of propping you up and placing a steady hand on your stomach. You fought him, desperate to claw at the ground and escape the world, but Cassian wouldn’t have it. 
“I need you to breathe,” Cassian requested, his words firm but soft. “I need you to focus on how I’m touching you and I need you to breathe into my hand.” 
He’d done this before, it was familiar. 
You used to get panic attacks anytime your father forced you to stay at the Palace for a weekend to view one of the many horrors at the Court of Nightmares. Rhys helped, but it was Cassian who noticed the tells—the uneven breaths, the panic in your gaze. It was Cassian who felt pain himself each time your throat closed. 
You shook your head at Cassian’s demand, clawing at your chest. 
“Yes, y/n. Try. For me, please.” 
He could tell you were trying, even as you continued to shake your head until that ridiculous crown toppled onto the floor. You tugged at the shimmering black material on your chest and never broke eye contact with Cassian and you tried. 
Slowly, eventually, Cassian saw your chest stutter and your breath begin to even out. 
“That’s it,” he praised, rubbing his thumb along the boning of your dress. Your lashes fluttered until your eyes closed. “That’s it, baby,” he muttered, the endearment slipping past and getting lost in the air. 
You reached down and gripped Cassian’s wrist. “I’m okay now. I think I’m okay.” 
“You sure?” 
You nodded. “I mean, I’m not okay. But I can breathe and think.” 
“Those are accomplishments I guess.” 
“I don’t think this is part of your job description,” you joked, the small laugh that followed half-hearted and weak. 
Cassian smiled. “Did the other guards do it?” 
“I can’t say they did.” 
Cassian readjusted his position on the floor and shifted you to no longer sit on your knees. He brushed your hair back and fixed the neckline of your dress. 
“You scared me,” he admitted, still focused on adjusting the mess you’d made of yourself. 
“I’ve had panic attacks before.” 
“No, not that. You got stuck, I think. Like how Rhys would when he was first learning to use his daemati abilities.”
“Don’t tell my father.” The words were so quick from your mouth that Cassian shot up to look at you. “Don’t. I already have a difficult time with the court abilities and I don’t need him to—” 
“Y/n, I would never tell him,” Cassian interrupted, a furrow in his brow. “Why would you ever think I would do that to you.” 
You cast your gaze down. “Well, I don’t know. You’re in his employ—you have to report to him and be loyal. The other guards—” 
“I am not another guard.” 
“Well, I obviously know that. But I just wasn’t sure where that part of you started and my friend ended.” 
Cassian closed his eyes for a long, disappointed beat. 
It was pretty obvious that Cassian was in love with you—at least, it was pretty obvious to himself as of three weeks ago. The moment he saw you again after months away, all pretty and sequestered away and so happy to see him you were glowing, he knew he was a goner. There had been hints of it when he was growing up, but seeing you again made it hit him full force. 
Of course, you could never know, because as much as you said you weren’t and were adamantly against the title, you were a princess, and Cassian didn’t want to add more stress to the plethora of horrors in your life. 
Still, the realization of his feelings only made your questioning tone hurt that much more. 
“Y/n, look at me.” Eyes met in your bedroom. Cassian kept his hands in his lap and you had your fingers pressed to the ground. “My only goal is to keep you alive and happy. I frankly don’t give a shit about your father. Everything I do or have done has been to keep you safe. He isn’t safe, so I make sure to follow his orders because not doing so is dangerous for you. Rhys… Rhys has been keeping close tabs on the situation from the outside and informs me what I need to divulge or keep secret. Nothing has ever been done out of loyalty to your father.” 
You released your bottom lip from your teeth and Cassian watched your shoulders sag in relief. He was about to say more, but then you launched yourself into his chest and his arms were wrapping around you without him willing them to. He had to stop the two of you from lying flat on the floor, jutting an arm out to stabilize the hug before bringing it back around to rest in your hair.
“I thought I'd lost you for a little while there,” you admitted, your face buried in Cassian’s shoulder. 
Guilt ate at his heart. “I thought you said you understood why I was making you stay?” 
“I did,” you mumbled. “Or, I thought I did. I knew you wanted to keep me safe, but I thought you also wanted to please my father.” 
Cassian dragged you back from his chest, hands resting along your head and back. “I’m sorry it felt that way. I have only wanted to please your father for your benefit. I’m—we’re family, y/n—” and I love you, he wanted to add “—you’re my family.” 
You stared back at Cassian, tears still fresh in your eyes and on your face. “Can we leave now?” 
Another piece of Cassian crumbled, shattered. “We can’t. You can’t. Rhys is working on another way out of this but if you try to run right now you know your father will only come after you.” 
“What about the human lands?” you rushed out, hands on Cassian’s chest and so close to his heart. “Or I could go off-continent. I could learn to glamour myself and try. Cassian, I could try.” 
“Y/n, you just got lost in your own head and you have no idea what kind of powers you have beyond that. You have no fighting skills, no way to defend yourself. I know you’re capable, but you’ve had your every need catered since you were born. And your father would be after you. I don’t know if you’d survive.” 
Cassian watched you deflate as he spoke. He brushed his hand up from your back to run a soft touch along your jaw. “And I would come with you—if you ran. But your brother has his head up his ass and he’s going to need help when he becomes High Lord.”
You smiled some—a sad, dejected smile.
“We’re gonna figure this out, sweetheart, just like I told you.” He leaned forward until your foreheads touched. “You’re not going anywhere I can’t go.” 
“And what if none of you can do anything about it?” you whispered.
Cassian ignored the fear that threatened to cease him at the prospect. “Then I’m going to fight like hell until I can.”
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dystopyx-blog · 7 months ago
Hi hi hun! Hope I’m not bugging you but I’d love to hear your opinion on the yandere Twst boys and who is willing to share darling/me/Yuu. I see so much sentiment about yanderes never sharing/teaming up but I just don’t get it. Some characters have such tight friendships, or fill what the other lacks, that I see them working together so well! Like sure you could divide them by dorm, kinda obvious, but then there are other less thought of team ups that could be fun. I’ve seen on here what’s dubbed as the number 2 squad (Leona, Jamil, and Vil) and I think that could be a relatively healthy (maybe a little competitive) team up. Others that come to mind, Jack and Vil, music club, and the four house husbands (Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and Jade). Like teaming up means darling always has SOMEONE watching them. One may be better at comforting/calming darling, while another is more sly and can manipulate them better. There’s just so many fun combos you could play with! I’d love to hear what you think!
Remember to take care of yourself. Drink water, eat a snack, and stretch! Have a great day! 😊
Ty for the lovely ask, darl’ 🥺
Okay! Let's start with the team ups within each house!
Ace and Deuce -- obviously. They're your first friends in the school (aside from Grim, but he doesn't count), the only people they hang out with aside from you is each other. They bicker, but they also understand that it's more advantageous for them to work together. Ace still teases Deuce and I think both of them still Daydream of getting you to themselves, but you've taught them the magic of teamwork and, unfortunately, you taught them well.
Riddle and Trey -- Childhood friends. Like with what we know of their story, I feel that Trey in particular would be willing to share with Riddle. And they're pretty well balanced as a yandere team. With them there is no cut "good cop/bad cop." Yes, Riddle is strict, but he's also so very baby, yknow? With his raging mommy issues, I imagine he's the type who would love to be coddled by his darling. Trey is that older brother type, so of course he knows when and how to put his foot down, but he's also so so so sweet and gentle. Riddle is definitely more likely to dole out punishments, though.
Cater -- he doesn't need to teamup to have the power of numbers on his side.
All 5 -- Riddle doesn't just watch over you, but also the others lol. He creates a schedule and rules for the members of this yandere team to follow so they can work as a well oiled machine to care for and share you. Ace is the most likely to see you even when its not his scheduled time. Deuce is a suck up who always tries to earn your favor, VERY easy to manipulate and get favors from. Trey is very sweet, but incredibly difficult to manipulate. Cater is a schemer who would probably plan an escape with you to keep you to himself. And as I already said, Riddle is the one who keeps everyone in check.
Ruggie and Leona -- again, a fairly obvious one. Ruggie already works under Leona for table scraps, of course he'll work with him for you. Leona acts top dog in the relationship, and gets first dibs with you, but what that really means is that any time you're not with Leona, Ruggie is making up for lost time. Like in the Heartslabyul team up, Riddle makes sure to schedule breaks/alone time for you. You don't get that here, you are always with one of them. Your "alone time" is when Leona sleeps.
All 3 -- basically just Leona and Ruggie throwing Jack a bone (heheh). In this one you can technically get some sort of alone time, cuz if you talk it over with Jack, he'd be willing to give up some of his time with you to make sure you can rest up.
Octotrio -- or as I prefer, the seafood polycule. I already did a whole separate post just talking about them lol, but you got twins and childhood besties and they're also business partners, like these boys know how to work together and share.
HA fuckin unlikely. Even if Jamil does have the patience to share a darling with Kalim, I just -- like I'd feel too bad to write it. Like let him have this one thing, I am not going to make Jamil share his darling with Kalim, ESPECIALLY because darling would probably cozy up to Kalim more because delusional sunshine yanderes are the easiest to manipulate.
Rook and Vil -- these two barely even need to verbally communicate, when it comes to their darling they are on the same wavelength, which makes them a formidable team up. Like they got systems in place that just happen naturally, no need to discuss. For example, if you run away, Rook hunts you, Vil punishes you. They just work.
ALL 3 -- Vil lets Epel join in so long as he behaves. Epel would be the easiest to manipulate, but Vil keeps the both of you in check. Despite Epel's negative feelings towards Vil, Vil and Rook can turn Epel on you just as you turn Epel on them. Epel isn't completely stupid, if he finds out you're taking advantage of him, it will not be pretty or cute.
Ortho would definitely platonically help out. You make his big brother so happy, and you make the perfect older sister for him!!
Silver and Sebek -- calm n loud. Basically their relationship with Malleus but transferred into yanderes + darling.
A part of me can see Lilia teaming up with Silver but I don't like thinking about it for too long
All 4 -- The situation in the Diasomnia group is basically understood as you are with Malleus, but you are allowed to also see the other 3. Like the other three are side pieces. Malleus is sharing with his boys. You gotta share with your boys.
The Freshies -- Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek -- freshies gotta look out for each other, right? And that's what they're doing. Looking out for you.
The Discord Mods -- Azul and Idia. If Idia were to team up with any one person, I think it'd be Azul. Like in Azul's lab wear vignette, Azul was the only one Idia felt comfortable enough to ask for help from. I can imagine them scheming together in their club teehee.
The Overblotters -- they all realized they share one thing in common... no, not overblot, you! They all share you! They swear that you are their cure, the only thing to keep them stable. So you kinda have to stay with them, for safety reasons.
The House Wardens -- it's the overblotters but switch out Jamil with Kalim. And it makes all the difference, having the sunshine boy involved, istg. The housewardens deserve something nice, right? That something being you ofc.
The vice house wardens -- including Ruggie. A lot of them are very tired and just want quiet darling time, and the ones that aren't tired make darling feel tired enough to be quiet for quiet darling time.
Leona and Rook -- Leona did not consent to this, but there's not much he can do. Especially since Rook is happy not only to do most of the physical labor involved in caring for a darling, but also to stand by as Leona gets Darling time. It's weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved.
The light music club -- they spend most of their club time talking about you tbh. Also please don't listen to closely to any lyrics of the songs they write...
Basketball boys -- imagine going to their practice to support Ace. Ace brags to them about how close he is with you. But then now when Floyd isn't in the mood to ball, he'll chat it up with you. One day Floyd just asks "you what if we took them." And then they do.
These are just the basics, but I'd be happy to go into more detail on a group/pairing if asked to!
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izvmimi · 2 months ago
cw: something something about keepsakes and important items. selfship-coded. fluff with suggestive language at the end.
“Have you seen my bandana anywhere?”
Robin offers you a sympathetic look as she shakes her head no, offering you many hands to turn over the room you’re both in but soon you thank her for her efforts, heading out of the room and leaving her to her reading.
The pink, purple and gold scarf is a favorite of yours, and even if it doesn’t have a quarter of the sentimental value or symbolic gravitas as Luffy’s straw hat, it is still particularly important to you. You’d let it sit in the laundry hamper in the women’s quarters for a little too long instead of washing it yourself by hand and leaving it to dry in the shower and (perhaps serving you right for being lazy), now it was nowhere to be found.
Not under any of the beds, or on the living room couches and chairs; not somewhere in the kitchen or bathroom, or in any of the clotheslines with washed shirts and bedsheets hung out to dry.
You find yourself growing more frustrated by the moment as you search, until you find Luffy, sitting on the lawn in squatting position and watching intently as Usopp tinkers with a new invention, your bandana tied around his bicep.
Both relief and annoyance wash over you at once.
Luffy moves so fast you barely spot him until his face is right in front of you, grinning widely. The rest of him follows, the remainder of his body snapping back into place and you grimace, wishing he wouldn’t contort himself so easily into cartoonishly horrifying form when you weren’t expecting it.
He pouts as he notices your displeased posture, arms crossed over your chest.
“What happened?” he asks. You uncross an arm and point to the bandana around his arm.
“I’ve been looking for that for almost an hour, Luffy.”
He looks towards the bandana on his arm, then back to you.
“It almost flew overboard, that’s why I have it,” he asks. Slipping it off his arm quickly, he hands it back to you partially wadded up but before you can snatch it, he maneuvers quickly around your grasp, and attempts to fasten it around your forehead.
It catches you by surprise, and he tightens it a little too tight, but his attempt is so earnest, biting his lower lip as he tries to adjust it just right, you find yourself standing still and letting him do it.
“Sorry,” he offers. “Just wanted to keep it safe.”
He pauses, then places his hands on his hips as he admires his own handiwork. You reach up to adjust it gently.
“Luffy I tie it in the back, not the front,” you remind him, but he’s surprised you by putting his own hat on your head.
“Here you can wear this for a few minutes as an apology, okay?” he says. “Take good care of it!”
He’s already walked off to return to bothering Usopp, who sighs at the loss of the temporary reprieve from questions he enjoyed while Luffy was distracted with you. 
Your hands gently clutch the brim of his hat, and wonder why he so easily trusts his possessions with you.
You don’t wear Luffy’s hat often after that, its significance more than you can bear, but there are some particular occasions where he makes sure you hold on to it and you oblige:
When he’s about to do something particularly dangerous but necessary, as a promise that he’ll be fine and right back in front of you to get it.
When you need reassurance that he’s always there for you.
When you need a reason to hide your face...
The last of those reasons is particularly lascivious, but possibly your favorite, the wide brim, shielding you from your own shame when you’re a little too exposed for your own liking, atop or below him, wearing the hat but nothing else. It emboldens you and reminds you that you are loved and treasured all the same.
He is just as fond of your favorite bandana, a playful blindfold when he’s staring at you just a little too much for comfort, or when you want him to know that you too, will be right back where you left him, when you separate, either to travel a new city, landscape or ruin and he must leave you to your devices.
Somewhat of a perfect exchange.
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astrow1zar6 · 1 year ago
Astro Notes- 21
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Aqua Venus’s love style is NOT distant & aloof. If they are distant with you or u don’t know where u stand with them 9 times out of 10 they are very uninterested. When they find that one weirdo (cuz they love unconventionals) they are so romantic and clingy. When they find their person its usually their best friend & they do everything together. I think people assume their love nature is distance because that’s how they treat most people but once they find that person it’s nothing like that at all. They’re just really specific & will ice out anything they don’t vibe with. They are really flirty when they have a crush.
Gemini mars are normally amazing with their hands , if uk what I mean 👀😏
Venus in Libras are really amazing party planners. They are really artistically talented when it comes to decorating & hosting social events. They know how to make their environment aesthetically pleasing & make others comfortable in the process.
Sagittarius risings have really loud laughs. They’re those people that when someone says a joke their laugh is usually funnier than the joke 😂
Cancer risings are always victimizing themselves. If underdeveloped this can be one of the most manipulative cancer placements.
Cancers and Taurus always end up together.
Moon in Scorpios can like attention just as much (if not more) than Leo’s. This may sound really shocking given how reserved this sign usually is. But I notice these people really shine in the spotlight. Most really big celebrities have their Moon in Scorpio.
Venus in Taurus love when people put a lot of thought in when buying/making them gifts. They value sentimental things that you can’t just buy anywhere like a knitted blanket, or art you made, pottery, jewelry etc. they like to know you really pay attention to their interests compared to just getting something name branded or a gift card.
Libra risings are always talking about their exes (they normally have a lot of them) they will always randomly bring them up in convos saying how certain things remind them of their exes. It can get a little annoying sometimes 😂
Aries Venus’s tend to not mind being single for long periods of time. I’ve seen this placement never marry or wait really late to finally decide. They are very independent by nature and it’s usually difficult to keep their attention for the long term. Their flame burns bright in the beginning just for it to burn out just as fast. They need a partner who will keep them on their toes constantly. This can be challenging however because they despise things that become to “stable” & “dull” which is why many just stay single. I also notice the women enjoy flirting & talking to men who are taken or married? I have no idea why but I always see women with this placement in that kinda predicament at-least once in their life. Their need for excitement I believe causes them to go for men that are taken for a sorta “challenge”. (This usually never ends well or how they wanted however).
Neptune in the 10th house people can be confused on what career path to take or can have very delusional unrealistic expectations for their careers. (Ex: wanting to be a famous NFL quarterback but never really practices for it). HOWEVER once they do finally decide on a path people can completely idolize these people to an almost worshipping degree. (I believe Jesus Christ has his Neptune in the 10th house). They can be amazing religious/spiritual leaders as well.
A lot of cult leaders have Pluto in the 11th house. These people can also have a very worshipping fan group if they get big in whatever they’re into but their followers have a darker more intense vibe than Neptune in the 10ths. People can easily be obsessed with these people and will do a lot of irrational things to please them. They can persuade people to do anything.
Lilith conjunct ascendant in synastry can be very scary sometimes. The Lilith person will do anything for the ascendant person even if it could ruin their life. Lilith becomes almost hypnotized by the ascendant person. Gypsy rose Blanchard and her bf at the time Nick had this aspect. Nicks Lilith was conjunct her ascendant & she was able to convince him to murder her mother.
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solxamber · 5 months ago
Love in Contempt - Jade Leech x reader
When you take your ex, Jade to court over a ceramic octopus, the reason he wants it so badly might be sweeter than you thought.
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The whole thing started over a ceramic octopus.
Well, more specifically, it started over a breakup that was supposed to be clean and easy. But it wasn’t. Breakups never are. Especially not when your ex was Jade Leech.
You broke up with him because he teased you. Constantly. He would get that sly smile, those sharp eyes glinting with mischief as he’d say something cryptic or mildly condescending, and you were just done. You loved him, but it was too much. It felt like he was always one step ahead, always the clever eel while you were left floundering in his wake. It made you feel… well, dumb.
You didn’t like feeling dumb.
So, you packed your things. Or at least, you tried to. But there was this octopus—this stupid, ridiculous octopus sculpture you’d both found during a weekend getaway. You couldn’t just leave it behind. You both had picked it out. You both wanted it. And it was the last thread still tethering you together.
“You can’t take it,” Jade said with that infuriatingly calm voice as you grabbed it off the shelf. “We bought it together.”
“Oh really?” you scoffed, clutching it to your chest as if it was the most precious object in the world. “And why do you get to keep it?”
“I have… sentimental attachments,” he responded, though his smile was a little too sharp for someone who was supposed to be serious. “It reminds me of the fond memories we made.”
You blinked at him. “Jade, it’s an octopus. It’s not that deep.”
“It could be,” he replied smoothly. “Especially if you think about its place in the oceanic ecosystem—”
“I swear to Seven,” you muttered, interrupting him, “I’m taking you to court over this. You don’t even like the octopus. You just want to keep messing with me!”
Jade tilted his head, smile widening ever so slightly. “Would I ever do such a thing?”
“Yes!” you snapped.
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And that’s how you ended up hiring a lawyer.
Your lawyer, a no-nonsense beastman who looked like he’d rather be doing anything but dealing with this, had asked you point-blank, “Are you sure you want to take this to court? Over a ceramic octopus?”
You folded your arms. “It’s a matter of principle now.”
Jade, on the other hand, didn’t hire a lawyer. No, he was charming enough to represent himself. Besides, this was never really about the octopus for him. It was about seeing you again. About trying to figure out how the hell he could fix the mess he’d made when he hadn’t even realized he was making it. He was smitten—utterly, stupidly smitten—and teasing you was just what came naturally to him. He thought you understood that. He hadn’t realized it hurt you until you left him.
And now here you both were, standing in front of a very unimpressed judge.
“Let me get this straight,” the judge said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re both here over… a ceramic octopus?”
You nodded fiercely, still clutching your lawyer’s sleeve. “Yes, Your Honor.”
Jade, standing there with his usual air of grace, merely smiled. “Indeed.”
“And you—” the judge gestured to Jade, “—you want it too? This… octopus?”
“Yes,” Jade said with a nod. “It’s of great… emotional value.”
The judge stared at him for a moment. “You don’t actually care about the octopus, do you?”
Jade tilted his head slightly. “What makes you think that?”
“Because this is ridiculous,” the judge replied flatly. “Why are you here?”
Jade glanced at you, and then his calm demeanor faltered. Just a little. He looked back at the judge, then at you again, his eyes softer than you’d seen them in weeks. “I’m here because I want… I want to make things right.”
Your lawyer cleared his throat awkwardly, but you just blinked. “Make things right?”
Jade took a breath. This wasn’t supposed to happen here, in a courtroom of all places, but there was something about standing under the judge’s judgmental stare that forced his hand. “Yes, I’ve been teasing you,” he said quietly, “but not because I think you’re dumb. Far from it. It’s just… my way of showing affection. It’s how I’ve always been. But I realize now that it made you feel like I wasn’t taking you seriously. That wasn’t my intention.”
The judge rubbed his temples. “Oh boy…”
But Jade wasn’t finished. His eyes locked with yours, no hint of teasing now, just raw sincerity. “I love you,” he admitted softly. “And I’ve been using this ridiculous octopus as an excuse to see you. To talk to you. Because I’m terrified that if I don’t, you’ll move on and I’ll never get another chance to tell you how I really feel.”
The courtroom went quiet. Your lawyer gave you a sidelong glance, as if silently asking if you were really going to let this continue.
You took a breath. “Jade…”
The judge sighed deeply, waving a hand at both of you. “Alright, that’s enough. Get out of my courtroom. You’re both ridiculous.”
Your lawyer sputtered, “But, Your Honor, the octopus—”
“Out,” the judge growled, pointing to the door.
The two of you stood there for a moment, awkward and silent, until finally, you both shuffled out of the courtroom, the octopus still very much in contention but now a distant second to the much more complicated emotions swirling between you.
Outside, you stopped, your lawyer nowhere in sight, leaving just you and Jade. He looked at you expectantly, almost nervously, which was strange for him. Jade wasn’t the type to get flustered.
You looked at him, then the octopus in your arms, and let out a long sigh. “You’re an idiot.”
He blinked. “Excuse me?”
“You should have just said something sooner,” you muttered, your voice softening. “Instead of hiding behind all your teasing.”
“I didn’t realize…” He trailed off, stepping closer. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of his words settle over you. “I know,” you said quietly. “But I still need to know that you actually mean it when you say things like that. That you’re not just playing around.”
He reached out slowly, his fingers brushing yours where they held the octopus. “I promise, I’m not playing around. Not with you.”
You met his eyes and saw the truth there—saw the vulnerability he so rarely let anyone see. For all his teasing, for all his sly remarks, Jade was standing before you now, completely unguarded.
You smiled a little, the anger and hurt from the past few weeks fading, leaving behind only the feeling you’d always had for him. “I love you too, you know.”
He exhaled, relief flooding his features. “Does this mean…”
You held out the octopus. “Here. You can have it.”
His eyes widened. “I—no, I don’t actually want it. You keep it.”
“What?” you asked, incredulous. “But we just went to court over this thing!”
Jade’s lips twitched upward into a soft, mischievous smile. “Yes, but I only went along with it so I could keep seeing you.”
You stared at him for a long moment, then burst into laughter, unable to help yourself. “I can’t believe you…”
“Believe it,” he said, stepping closer. “As long as we’re not fighting over it anymore.”
You smiled, feeling the weight lift off your chest. “No more fighting. But don’t think I’m not going to hold this over you forever.”
Jade’s grin widened, his teasing glint returning. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Just then, the courtroom doors creaked open. The judge stuck his head out, eyes narrowing at the two of you still standing outside.
“Well?” the judge asked dryly. “What’s the verdict?”
You and Jade exchanged an awkward glance before you both shuffled back inside, the octopus still cradled in your arms.
The judge groaned. “Let me guess. You’re back together?”
You gave a sheepish nod.
The judge let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “You two are banned from this courtroom. Now get out before I find a reason to hold you in contempt.”
As you and Jade slunk out of the courthouse, you couldn’t help but laugh. Jade glanced at you, his eyes soft and amused. “It seems we’re a bit infamous now.”
“Yeah,” you grinned, reaching out to take his hand. “But at least we’re infamous together.”
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antinousletmehit · 2 months ago
Polties with a very playful nymph reader he met on one of the islands they sail to go!!
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୨୧┇pairing: Polites x Nymph!reader
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The sun hung low in the sky as the crew of Odysseus’s ship landed on yet another mysterious island. The air was sweet with the scent of wildflowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves seemed to whisper secrets. Polites stepped off the ship with his usual enthusiasm, taking in the lush greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see. “Stay close,” Odysseus warned, his sharp gaze scanning the horizon. “We don’t know what dangers lie here.” Polites waved him off with a grin. “You worry too much, Captain. Not every island is out to kill us.”
Odysseus gave him a look but said nothing more as the crew began their exploration. Polites, as always, wandered a little farther than the rest, his curiosity pulling him deeper into the forest. It wasn’t long before he stumbled upon a glade that seemed almost too perfect to be real. The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a golden glow over the crystal clear pool at its center. And there, perched on a rock by the water’s edge, was a person unlike any Polites had ever seen.
Its hair cascaded down their back like a river of gold, and their laughter was like the chiming of bells as they dipped their toes into the water. They looked up as Polites approached, their eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, what have we here?” They said, their voice melodic and teasing. “A sailor, lost in my woods?”
Polites blinked, momentarily at a loss for words. She was stunning, and the way she looked at him made his heart race. “I—uh—wasn’t lost, exactly,” he managed, scratching the back of his neck. “Just… exploring.” The nymph laughed, hopping gracefully off the rock and stepping toward him. “Exploring, are you? And what have you found?”
“Something beautiful,” he said before he could stop himself, his cheeks flushing as the words left his mouth.
Their laughter rang out again, and they circled him, their bare feet barely making a sound on the soft grass. “Flattery will get you everywhere, sailor.” Polites grinned, relaxing a little under her playful gaze. “Then I’m in luck, because I’m very good at it.”
“Oh, I can see that,” she said, stopping in front of him. “But tell me, doesn’t your captain and crew worry about you wandering off?”
“They worry too much,” Polites replied, his grin widening. “I like to greet the world with open arms. There’s too much wonder in it to spend all my time being afraid.” The nymph tilted her head, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “A rare sentiment, for a sailor.”
Before he could respond, a familiar voice called out from the trees.
He turned to see Odysseus striding into the glade, his expression darkening as his gaze landed on the nymph. “Step away from it,” he commanded, his voice low and firm. Polites frowned, confused by the sudden tension. “Captain, it’s fine. They’re not—”
“Do not trust it,” Odysseus interrupted, his eyes never leaving the nymph. “It may look harmless, but I’ve seen too many men fall victim to charms like theirs.” The nymph smirked, crossing her arms. “Such cynicism,” they said, their tone light but eyes sharp. “You must be the captain. Always looking for the trap, never the treasure.”
Odysseus’s jaw tightened, but Polites stepped between them, holding up his hands. “Captain, please,” he said, his voice calm. “Not everyone we meet is out to harm us. Sometimes, you’ve just got to greet the world with open arms, remember?” Odysseus’s gaze flicked to Polites, and for a moment, he hesitated. Then, with a sigh, he stepped back.
Polites turned back to the nymph, his smile returning. “See? No need for all this tension.” The nymph chuckled, stepping closer to him. “You’re brave, Polites. Perhaps a little foolish, but brave.”
Before he could respond, they leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Her lips were cool, like the morning dew, and the touch made his heart skip a beat.
“Take care, sailor,” she giggled, their voice barely audible. “Not every nymph is as kind as I.” And with that, they turned and disappeared into the trees, leaving behind nothing but the faint scent of wildflowers.
Polites touched his cheek, a dreamy smile on his face as he turned back to Odysseus. “See?” he said, his tone light. “Not everyone’s out to get us.”
Odysseus shook his head, though a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You’re lucky it was one of the kind ones. Next time, don’t wander so far.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Polites replied, laughing as he followed his captain back toward the camp. Odysseus shook his head again, Polites could have sworn he saw the faintest hint of a smile.
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never-stranger · 2 months ago
New Beginnings
Pairing: Loki x photographer!reader (fem)
Summary: As Loki adjusts along with the Asgardians in their new home on Midgard, they also warm up to guests visiting their little community. One in particular finds the flowers outside his cabin to be a subject for her craft
Tags & Warnings: Second POV, Fluff, Good/Soft Loki, Post-Ragnarok
Forenote: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while! I did receive a request recently on Loki in a masquerade ball, I’ll get to that soon! 
Word Count: 3379
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The sun shone upon New Asgard. A warmth embraced its people each new day, a sort of warmth that reminded a certain God of Mischief about longer days in the Golden Kingdom. He would never admit it– how much better he had been feeling since their arrival on Midgard. He mourned with the people, about the homes and lives they’d lost, but at the same time, it was like aeons of burdens were lifted from his shoulders. He could drape himself onto a wicker chair and watch time pass as the nation slowly rebuilt themselves on the embers of what they once were. 
While of course, he still had his duties, but they reminded him more of when he’d play the role of assistant when his mother would arrange those extravagant events more than the responsibilities of a prince. That isn’t to say those memories weren’t fond.
He didn’t leave the community all that much, and it didn’t take him long to memorise most of everyone’s names. Thor had pointed it out once, teasing him for such a sentimental gesture. The only response he’d received was a pointed glare as Loki smiled to himself only the moment he turned away. 
They would receive visitors from time to time. Loki thought it best to steer clear from their way, lest he scare them off. Meanwhile, when Thor would be in charge of the day tour, he would deliberately take a path he knew he’d find his brother in, as a way to assure other people that he had changed. Another thing Loki would not admit was that he appreciated it. 
It was a day he declared to himself as his day off. He squinted at the sun’s intrusion as he stepped out of his little cabin, stretching out his limbs when he vaguely heard a camera’s shutter.
His eyes immediately snap to where you stood, fumbling with the device in your hands. 
“Sorry, I’ve been trying to get a good angle on your flowers for quite a while without getting too close. Didn’t mean to disturb you.” You pressed buttons on the gadget with a humorous smile you hoped masked your embarrassment as you scrolled to the picture you had just taken. There was evident motion in the photo; it looked quite silly, seeing the man blurry mid-stretch. Well at least it was funny until you realised who it was. 
Loki startled at the sound of surprise you made. “You… you’re— mister— prince?”
Despite his grogginess, Loki finds it in himself to grace you with a chuckle. “Just Loki.” His eyes still move slowly as he examines you, his eyelids weighed by slumber. It didn’t take much deduction for him to find out you were most probably a photographer. 
“Not much going on here, I’m afraid. You’ll find Thor right next door; he could take you to sights much more worth your time.”
“I think I’m alright.”
He looks at you incredulously, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. You clear your throat. 
“I mean most people have probably seen those already. I wanted to capture glimpses into the lives of the people here,” and in a flustered whisper, you add, “you know?”
Maybe it was because he was too tired to shoo you away, to argue or to call his brother down himself, but he resigns with a nod before turning on his heel back towards his door. 
“Actually, could you…?” He halts abruptly, hearing the grass and the fallen leaves crunch against your soles as you tread carefully closer to the hedges surrounding his house. When he looks back at you, you demonstrate a pose, bending your knees to be closer to the ground, using one of the radiant yellow wildflowers as a prop.
He sighs, and rolls his eyes. Against his better judgment, the wooden floors creak under the weight of his footsteps as he walks out of the cabin grounds and sidles next to you; he mirrors the action. You smile at him gratefully and he can’t seem to ignore the warmth that envelops him at the sight of it. With wakefulness slowly crawling up his nerves, he realises he hasn’t seen you around before and the way you regard him is quite a new experience. Thor would usually be the one to introduce new visitors to him, but you took the initiative first. 
The camera clicks.
He watches you with intrigue, his brows furrowed together as you examine the picture. 
“You could do better than that,” you say flatly. He opens his mouth to voice his offence, but you silence him with a raised finger and a simple command:
This time, he does not let his mind wander. He mirrors the same pose, but with a more natural element to it. After hearing several clicks from the camera, he groans, standing up to his full height.
“Are we done?”
But you’re too distracted by your handiwork. When he sees you smiling at the screen, curiosity pulls him over to your side. He peers over your shoulder and you lift the camera closer to his eyes. 
Asgardians and Midgardians were typically warm, but he’d gone too long without a reminder of that; he remembers this when he tries to take a hold of the device to direct it where he can see better, and the action makes his fingertips brush against your skin. You were quite warm.
What he saw in the photograph was not quite how he remembered himself. 
It seemed convincingly candid— an ordinary man admiring the flowers with his hair a good mix of neat and unkempt. The sunlight dappled the leaves and the flowers beautifully; it caressed his face, casting an ethereal glow befitting a god. 
“You are quite the artist, madam…?”
You’re greeted with a fond smile when you give him your name, offering your hand for a shake. “It’s an honour, truly.”
He finds himself drawn into your warmth with your hand clasped around his. He walks next to you, carefully watching your much awed expression despite the bland, ordinary trees being the reason. 
The two of you slipped into an easy conversation. You elaborated on your profession and why you had come to visit, your words quite tugged at his mind and compelled him to be the one to tour you around the place. While Thor knew of the summits, he knew of the slopes, the ins and outs of the village where children hide and play, where trees cast shadows even when the sun was high, where lovers shared their moments. He even showed you the only tree in the village that bore his favourite Midgardian fruit, which to his surprise, was your favourite too. 
As you enthusiastically sank your teeth into the fruit you had plucked from the tree, he conjured a small basket in his hands and filled it with the best picks. 
He followed you around as you continued taking photographs, the sound of the camera’s shutter slowly registering into his head as something soothing and familiar. Whenever he’d catch you eyeing a person or a group for too long, he would lean down to your level and give you a story or two that he’d known about them. As always, he was a theatrical storyteller; he made even the most mundane of tales sound out of this world. 
For lunch, he had taken you to a local restaurant. It earned the two of you a few bewildered glances, especially from the wide-eyed God of Thunder who had been stuffing his face with the restaurant’s complimentary bread when you walked in next to Loki, just a smidgeon too close than Thor remembered his brother would like. He was even more surprised to see that Loki didn’t seem to be bothered, he seemed pleased, even. 
When the bill was called, the sweet lady had said it was on the house. The pair of you insisted on paying, but she wouldn’t hear it; she simply waved you off as she scurried back to the counter. 
“I’ve never seen that happen before,” mumbled Thor. 
“Looks like he takes after his brother more than he’d like to admit,” said the lady, scribbling over a receipt that Thor deduced was yours. 
Loki caught the tinge of embarrassment in your face. You flipped through your wallet to leave a tip, he stopped you with a raised hand, telling you he’d make sure they would be properly compensated. 
“It seems only right, I mean you’ve gone the extra mile just showing me around the place,” you reason out. 
In turn, he chuckles, “I am still very much a prince, remember?”
The sun was long gone from the horizon when you made your way back to the car. You had reassured Loki that you would be alright on your own, but he was persistemt on accompanying you. There was guilt somewhere in your nerves that you were possibly steering him away from his responsibilities, but the moment you voiced this he only asked you where you had parked. When you pointed in its direction, he simply walked ahead of you, making you take wider strides to match his pace. 
“It’s a shame we missed the sunset. There are times when I realise I take it for granted,” he says softly.
“Well, all the more reason for me to come back,” you shrug. 
There is a giddy feeling in his chest and he tries to bite back a smile. When he fails in doing so, he tilts his head towards the ground.  
The lights of your car blink, the doors unlocking with the push of a button. He makes his way to the passenger seat, settling the basket of fruit he had gathered earlier onto the seat. He tells you  it’s an offering of thanks from the people of New Asgard.
The engine hums to life, but you stay there for a moment to let it warm up. Loki knocks on your window before lowering himself to meet your gaze as you roll the glass down. 
“Any way I’ll know when you plan to return?”
“I thought you liked surprises.” You lean closer to your window, giving him a smug grin. 
“That I do,” he chuckles. 
It does not take you long to return for a second time, then a third, then you stopped counting by the eighth. There was always somewhere new to visit even in such a small community, perhaps it was because you were lucky to have scored  quite the resourceful guide. 
Your itinerary would change every time, if you had any at all. Most times you would visit with nothing but the camera, sometimes with a little trinket from home to leave as a token. What remained constant was the basket of fruit Loki would always leave in your car before you parted ways for the time being. A reminder that there was always at least one person waiting there for you. 
In the weeks you had not returned, visitors steadily came and went. Slowly, they grew in frequency and number, but you were still nowhere to be found. Thor began to question why Loki seemed to have his eyes incessantly on the crowd, at times even greeting them by the entrance before quickly making his leave when he didn’t find what he was looking for. 
One afternoon, Thor used the back entrance to the restaurant you and Loki had eaten in. From the counter, he spotted his brother on the very same table, flipping through his book with several, identical cups sprawled before him, the cup he was sipping on was the same, too. The lady behind the counter noticed Thor’s confusion as she laughed sheepishly. 
“He’s been doing that these past few weeks.”
“The drinking or the reading?” Thor crossed his arms, his gaze still tethered to his brother. The lady laughs in response. 
“A bit of both; nothing to be concerned about. I think it’s the same drink that girl had ordered for both of them when she first visited.”
Thor hums, the scrutiny in his eyes leaving for the most part. “In that case, I fear if she doesn’t return anytime soon, my brother will end up reverting to his old ways.”
The hanging bells by the front entrance jingle as a family of four steps through the threshold. The daughter is the first to spot Loki, and Thor swallows a lump in his throat when she quickly invades Loki’s personal space. He gives her a look, close to a glare, but the tension in his face leaves when the girl lifts her phone to his face, speaking enthusiastically about something on the screen. 
It was the picture you had taken of him all those weeks ago.
The young girl continued scrolling through the other pictures you had posted as she told him how excited she was to visit New Asgard because of the photographs you had captured. 
“It’s as beautiful as she described it! I don’t think I’ll be able to leave!”
“Now, now. Careful what you wish for, you’ll leave your parents hanging.” Loki chuckles, patting the girl on the head. He points a finger at her family as they give him a bashful smile. 
“I just can’t believe our tour is over. I want to come back soon, and hopefully she’ll be here too!” The girl says wistfully, crossing her arms. “And you must be the good friend she had made during her time here! Prince… Mister? Mister. Mister Loki?”
“Good friend?”
“She said something about how nice the people here were, but she seemed to favour... someone. You were the only one with a solo shot on any of her posts.” As she spoke, she went through the photo reel, making sure Loki could see properly. 
“She says she wants to come back as soon as she figured things out.”
“Going through a rough patch then, I suppose?”
She shrugs, “Probably, she doesn’t really talk about her life outside the pictures.”
By the middle range of the reel, he caught a glimpse of his photo. It was truly distinguishable compared to the group photos, view,s and other candids you had taken. Then the last photo was one of the basket he had left on your seat, this time it sat on what looked like a dining table. 
“Julia,” called the mother, gesturing to the girl to come over as they readied their takeaway bags. She waves at Loki, skipping towards her family with childlike glee. 
He watches as they leave, worrying his lip. He swirls the drink in his hands, basking in its aroma that he had very quickly learned to associate with you. He remembered the questioning look he’d given you when your drink was served. After taking a sip, you had pushed the cup over to him until he relented and gave it a try. 
From an ample distance, Thor shifts his weight and makes an accidental sound. It’s only then that Loki realises he is being watched. 
He places the cup on the table as he stands in slow movements. And to Thor’s surprise, he smiles at him. 
It was early into the evening, and nights had been growing colder. It did not stop the children from chasing each other down the roads, or the pleasant old man from reading through his novel as he sat on the lone bench under the streetlight. 
It certainly didn’t stop Loki from thinking about you; in fact, it had made him forget everything else, even for just a while. His mind, usually brimming with ideas, running at several thousand miles by the second, would know a few moments of peace when he would remember you; the warmth he could almost feel through his memories. He digs his hands into his pockets, watching as his breath leaves its trails in the cold air. He remembered the girl’s words; in that moment he wanted nothing more than to find you and offer a helping hand. 
The walk home was silent, save for the sound of leaves being crushed in his wake. He nears his cabin as the hedges come into view. He glides his fingertips against its leaves, remembering your fascination for them. 
The memories enveloped him into a bittersweet embrace, drowning out his senses, so he doesn’t immediately pick up on the sound of a camera’s shutter. 
He spins around, defensively positioning himself towards the source. 
“Sorry,” you mumble sheepishly, flinging your camera’s strap over the shoulder and shoving your hands into your coat pockets. “Got caught in traffic, was I disturbing you… again?” As you spoke, Loki walked towards you slowly, as though you’d scatter into the wind if he were too rash. 
“No, no, never,” he whispered earnestly. 
“Well, it’s been a while,” you beam
He looks down at the hand you offered him, clasping his own firmly around yours. But something in him breaks and he tugs on your arm, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as he pulls you into an embrace. “It has,” he says. “Tell me everything.”
His arms tighten around you when you return the gesture. “I will. Maybe after finding a place to stay for the night.”
He chuckles heartily. You pull away from his arms, but keep your hands on his sides. “Go get your things, I’ll arrange the spare mattress,” he says before quirking an eyebrow. “Unless you were having other plans?”
You swat at his shoulder playfully before following him to the front door. You’re about to tell him you could probably find yourself a small inn to stay out of his hair, but he anticipated that already, telling you not to worry about it before you could even open your mouth to speak. 
When the lights are opened, he is graced with the familiar look of awe on your face. If you had donned that reaction to his chambers back on Asgard, perhaps he would have understood; but his place here was like any other mortal home. It was wood, warm lights dimly illuminating his bookshelves and the few paintings hanging on the walls, a cozy carpet with a couch on each side, a small coffee table in the middle; not without a remarkably tall stack of books on it. 
Curiously, you take a hold of the topmost book, idly flipping through its pages when something catches your eye.
“What’s this?” You carefully peel it from the page, it’s rough and evidently worn down by time. It’s also a memorable shade of yellow; though now it seemed to have dulled by time. 
You lift the dried flower towards the light to admire it, at the same time Loki returns with two cups of warm drinks. When he sees what you are holding, he quickly settles the cups onto the coffee table. You could almost see his mind going to work, trying to find an excuse for keeping such a feeble thing; he eventually decides against it.
“It makes a really good bookmark,” he mumbles. 
“I can tell.”
You return it to its page and place the book back on its stack, taking your seat on the couch. Loki waits for you to hold your cup before he takes his and you blow some air into the drink.
The first thing you see when you lift your gaze is the look of enthrallment from the only other person in the room. For a second, the cup in his hands seems to be too hot; but he quickly recovers, narrowly avoiding dropping it to the ground.
Perhaps now he understood how you seemed so fascinated by the most mundane things, how the most common occurrences ignite that spark within your eyes. It took weeks of your absence to realise how much of his time alive he had taken for granted. Like his time on Asgard, he never realised how important some things were until they were taken away.
Thankfully you were not one of those things. You always came back as you said you would, but your time apart from him would give him ample time to ponder on this.
Now that you were there before him, in his home, Loki knew he would learn to hold on to what he loved, no matter how fleeting time would be for them.
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Afternote: Writer's block while writing a longform fic = write a oneshot.
I am very much open to your thoughts and comments! :))
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artethyst · 1 year ago
~ Leaves In A Sky Full Of Stars ~
Eris Vanserra x Rhysand’s Sister! Reader/OC
“Lucien,” Eris growled, stalking over to his sobbing and heavily pregnant mate, his brother could only stand there awkwardly, in a fruitless attempt to soothe her.
“I swear I had no part in this!” The Emissary raised his hands in mock surrender as his sister in law continued to cry, unrelenting tears spilling down her pale cheeks.
Eris sighed, and whilst he wished she would stay inside like the Healers had recommended, he couldn’t deny her anything.
His only request was that his brother chaperone her should she feel restless, especially if he happened to be caught up in meetings he was unable to be in absence of.
Eris gently removed his overcoat and draped it over her shoulders, overly paranoid that she would catch a chill in her weakened state and ignored the way Lucien rolled his eyes at his brother’s worrying.
Lucien knew, beneath everything, the feared High Lord of Autumn was nothing but a softie. A mama’s boy who would do anything for his wife should she merely ask of it.
He was certain Eris would have surrendered even his own crown- the one he had spent centuries suffering for, if it meant she was happy.
“I can’t understand what she’s saying,” Lucien was almost just as panicked, knowing whatever was wrong he’d surely be blamed for it.
“Well, we both know how successful you are with the ladies,” Eris drawled and Lucien snarled at the reference to his own mate. “My work is done for the day, you may leave.”
Lucien bowed and sent one lasting gaze at the two of them, admittedly unnerved by her frantic state.
Until recently he had never seen her cry in the many years of knowing her, and whilst he would never admit it out loud, she had always been his favourite member of the Inner Circle.
“My love,” Eris soothed her by playing with her hair, she had found solace against his hard chest as she let out small gasps, taking comfort in his scent as he provided comforting waves of love down the bond. “Tell me, what is making you so upset, hmm?”
His words held no taunt as she sniffled, and he would never tell her that he found it rather endearing how she looked- so vulnerable with her cheeks aflame and violet eyes glossy.
“T-That hawk!” She whimpered, a shaky hand moving to point at the tree before them, and only he could’ve understood her choked out words as they were sobbed into him. “I-It pushed a p-poor baby b-bird out of i-its nest a-and-“ the next part was too horrific for her to say and she cried harder as Eris sighed, stroking the back of her neck.
Oh, for anyone to see her now.
The Crown Princess of the Night Court, feared magic wielder who helped slaughter many in the war and High Lady of Autumn, brought to tears- over a baby bird.
He supposed it had something to do with the little flame growing in her stomach.
“E-Eri I want you to kill it,” the soft tone of her voice betrayed its sentiment as he paused his ministrations for a moment, his eyebrow raised in amusement. “Make it p-pay for s-slaughtering that d-defenceless creature!”
He withheld a chuckle at the irony of her demand, pressing a light kiss to the crown of her head before adjusting their position so her back was flush against his front.
His chin grazed her scalp as he effortlessly flicked his hand, the unassuming hawk turning to ash in an instant as she watched in satisfaction.
No matter how silly, trivial or frivolous her demand, he would always comply.
“Better now my love?” He crooned as she became giddy, throwing her arms around his neck as he breathed in her scent- a sickly sweet smell of a youngling mixed with his own.
It brought a new possessiveness- pride within him to know she now carried his smell with her, a subtle hint of spice and ember imbedded in her natural twinge of jasmine.
He felt her heart soar as she tugged against his own through the bond, her soft cheek nuzzling against his rough hand which came to gently rub at her damp skin.
“I’ve missed you,” she mumbled, as he unwittingly melted at her words, thinking he might never get used to the love she had shown him- insisted that he deserved.
“You saw me this morning Bunny,” he teased as she pouted.
“That was hours ago!” She insisted guiding his calloused palm to her slightly protruding stomach. “I need you…We need you.”
He couldn’t help a genuine smile overtaking his wry smirk, feeling the life they created flicker beneath their joined hands.
“It seems our little ember agrees,” he mused and despite his biting fear of her upcoming labour, as everyone knew- Fae births were not only extremely rare, but horrifically dangerous, despite it all he was happy.
Despite what having a child would mean, a new threat to him he had no doubt people would take advantage of, he couldn’t help but feel at peace too.
At peace with himself. At peace with his mate and their unborn baby which would soon complete their little makeshift family.
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beescake · 1 year ago
HFHGHD GLADLY aaa i’ve been adding notes to it here and there for months but just hesitant to post it bcs im 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂
also this is just my own takeaway of the events, it doesn’t necessarily comply to the Ultimate Truth of Canon-Alignment or represent the actual facts of what hussie intended! v sentimental smh but hopefully its still interesting to read
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i love when characters inform each other by proximity, it's one of my fave things to see in media :') it feels even more significant when two characters deliberately choose to stick together, so that when one operates, you can tell the other is similarly aligned in associative solidarity.
sollux is a keystone of this trope — whoever he aligns with is a wordless statement, a nod of approval. this stood out to me bcs the main four humans were alr friends by default, but once you reach hivebent you realize the trolls can actively choose who they want to hang out with.
and as we all know, after assessing every troll's biases/loyalties, sollux is the only one who maintains his selective preference for innately Good 👍 people.
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aradia is such a beautiful character honestly, she evokes such incredible feelings in me. she might not have been consistently written with care but the best parts of her character are truly stunning. i think it's easy to remember sollux as the self-sacrificing one bc he's so open about it (and his friends frequently react to his Moments) but when you compare him to aradia, it's always struck me
how much more. raw it is
to be so alone as an agent of time, having to orchestrate immeasurably harrowing events nobody understands or gives a fuck about
with your role painted in the story as one who must tend to the needs of the narrative, responsible to match every next note
because when you're given the capabilities, it becomes your duty to carry it out.
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it becomes expected of you to keep experimenting and arranging the machinations to work for everyone, dusting off hundreds of necessary failures to keep going
and having to be so unwavering in your drive knowing miserably that there's no one who can help you but yourself.
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or alternatively: to make things fun! so other people won't think twice about letting you go off on your own.
sure she's had some very good buds, notably thanks to Team Charge v Team Scourge antics.
and yet, at the end of the day, the one friend that kept choosing her time and time again was the friend with the highest standards.
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i can see why people like to define arasol as moirails/matesprits but surprisingly i find the nondescript, unlabeled aspect of their relationship more straightforward to understand.
there's no shortage of people who would accommodate sollux. most of the surviving trolls are his oldest friends bcs he’d chosen them well. his transparency with his feelings had built him strong friendships that won’t falter or break, regardless of how much of a dick he can be. they’ve already seen and accepted him at his worst, and they still like him for who he is.
contrast that with aradia, who'd been so approachable, friendly and reliable in her exchanges it was super fun to talk to her. but the moment she became depressed, all her connections broke down.
her friends became hesitant to interact with her (until she became god tier, “happy” and amicable again) because her gloom and resignation didn’t serve them. she dealt with it alone.
there’s def something of note here abt the disparity between the way male & female characters are written+perceived in homestuck (esp parallel arasol with davejade) but i won’t go into that lmaoo
with this in mind i like to think of sollux as a gift to her, a loyal companion given to complement and commend her resolve. she's capable of doing so much alone but hussie took the time to build her and sollux's relationship as one of a unit; a set.
the ambiguity of their status does complicate things, but i do believe it makes sense with their characters. aradia's relationship with romance is a rocky one, the dubious stringalong equius had with her is a pointed reminder that her feelings of attraction are ultimately controlled by the author writing her.
unlike the other trolls who can openly address and own up to their crushes, aradia had romantic emotions forced upon her (especially when hussie implies 'she kissed equius back on her own volition'). and it seems like her character is so intrinsically neutral abt attraction that even when forced by the almighty powers above, she's unable to retain it wholly.
however, looking back to pre-game when she could actually "choose" her own feelings, she did have a crush on sollux.
their soft spots for each other were so obvious to the point where other people could see it.
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taunting aside, when vriska comments on their unit as bf/gf it actually informs the audience that arasol's relationship is romantic in nature despite not aligning with the quadrant system.
even while dead, aradia could still describe her care for sollux, expressing that she would like to see him happy. if they had more time to explore their relationship on alternia, it's possible they could've settled in a quadrant once they grew older.
but going back to the lack of labels, their dynamic was affected once more when aradia became god tier.
to me, her ascension was both the perfect culmination and possible closure of her character. it's the light at the end of her journey toiling through countless of timelines where she had to actively assess and participate. that's why it's cool to see her being silly and having fun giving guidance, passively exploring and watching other people do their parts.
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and yet the joy of her freedom makes it hard to explore further introspection. if we take her by her word, she'd already come to terms with the hurt she's been through and forgiven those involved.
i can't help feeling attuned to how impersonal and detached it can be, to devote and meld your identity so completely with your designated position as Maid of Time until you've become hard for your old friends (and even some readers!) to personally connect to.
idk post-canon but i assume there’s some degree of similarity to be bridged here with aradia's god tier and how the hs2 humans' Ultimate forms was described as a consolidation of all their possibilities. since aradia's classpect is inherently of service to Time, going god-tier may have elevated her beyond personhood with the "game construct" possessing her entirely. sollux doesn't realize the extent of it bcs he's still mortal, but a part of him may have subconsciously understood this.
i think there is a core aspect to aradia that was lost to the dehumanizing glory of god tier — a core aspect that may have contained an element of why sollux enjoyed talking to her in the first place.
to him, aradia hadn't just been a nice girl, she was a cool girl. despite not having much in common, he's still willing to chill next to her so she's not alone while she does what needs to get done.
back on alternia, they held a mutual and equal-level regard for each other that could've definitely settled into something permanent. but now, he's placed himself in a position where he can be kept around or left behind at will. the parameters of the relationship are largely in aradia's court, so any label she suggests to identify their relationship with he's likely to accept.
but that's why it's so difficult to label it. because god tier aradia may not necessarily Want quadrants or relationship labels. rather than the initial romantic attachment, their commitment to each other had evolved into one fundamentally of companionship.
no label? ok fine. no matter what, he still thinks she's a good soul worth latching on to. the best, actually. aradia > everyone else.
even if it gets stilted at times. there's an unexpected struggle to connect when sollux's go-to default for talking points is his feelings about things, and aradia may not want to talk about emotions all the time.
not to mention god tier aradia became an observer, especially of chaos. but sollux's avoidance of involvement comes partially from his innate pressure to get involved if something goes wrong. and he can't always tell when something goes wrong, because aradia doesn't mind if things go wrong anymore.
it's a non-negotiable preference that causes them to take the occasional time apart, a new boundary that wouldn't have existed before the game and aradia's god tier.
but just like how his friends tolerated his moods, sollux accepts aradia as she is. with no quadrants, their connection doesn't break down because there's no implicit romantic expectations to be disappointed by or resentful over.
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sometimes when i see hs content that deliberately distances sollux from aradia, i assume this is the dissonance people might have felt. people might find it "easier" to be cynical about them bcs of this strange tension.
but idc lmao. grab that shit by the neck
lack of easy resolutions and cleanly tied ribbons is pretty standard of homestuck and imo it doesn't make arasol's dynamic any less incredible. with the right affection and consideration, there's still so much potential to develop the nuance of their relationship outside of the popular quadrant-based depictions.
hs has a lot of really great character compatibilities but the way aradia and sollux are in their own special orbit is why i can write this much about them in the first place. it's that frail innocence between first loves that makes it so sweet to me, two kids who grew up too fast playing guesswork without being clear where they're going.
ultimately i do think you're meant to feel a little tragedy for just how much they care for each other, even if they can't quite establish it in simple terms.
maybe they keep taking breaks to progress their own paths. maybe they remain as anchor partners while seeing other people. but even if you decide to separate them, they're still (awkwardly) texting each other updates all the while. and when they reunite it feels like coming home.
and well. more than anything, i like to believe that they do want to be exclusive.
they're just afraid. after all, they're still learning how to love, beyond the projections of the foursquare quadrant system they had inadvertently distanced themselves from since young.
they might not have everything figured out, but they'll get there eventually if you just hold them together and write them there.
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optional post-canon segment:
one of the limitations of main hs is that (monogamous) relationships are often written as the go-to solution to wrap up character growth; it's an easy "patch" to imagine characters getting their happy ending because they have a partner, and those who don't end up with someone don't get that closure (most notably jade).
hs2 reaffirms this by suggesting that aradia's character cannot progress without letting sollux go, because happily settling in a relationship automatically locks your potential.
that pathetic panel of sollux staring emptily into the sky is still my fave hs2 spoiler ngl i find the impact of their parting so emotionally provoking precisely bcs they were written in original hs to be each other's forever, coming back together again and again
but now, they're subject to the decisions of the post-canon authors who might choose to deviate from that.
it's not new for them to part, but now there's an underlying worry that her dropping him off this time might be the last time. while i think the prospect of shattering their stability to make them grow separately sounds fun on paper, no amount of me desperately hoping for a good execution is gonna guarantee it
idk. i guess prediction-wise im expecting sollux in classic dramatic-hs2 fashion to tell dave to back off aradia LMAO. otherwise it's just gon be sollux and karkat pathetically watching aradia and dave from a distance swimming in their unresolved feelings for narratively-powerful time players smh obvs it sounds corny as hell but who knows its still plausible
srsly tho i hope they take the opportunity to develop arasol's relationship in a fresh direction that doesn't hurt me too badly...... and i hope they force sollux out of his comfort zone. i like watching him struggle :-)
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keepingsecretstokeepyoutk · 10 months ago
This is going to be very long and sound a little crazy at first, and maybe a little mean but please hear me out…
I’m convinced that Taylor sometimes purposefully includes one line or multiple lines of poorly written or clunky lyrics in specific songs to make a point.
We all have seen some version of this with bearding songs like London Boy, a simple bop whose lyrics were immediately detected as sounding disingenuous, even with the general population (the locations she was signing about were the most touristy and too far away from each other to visit on the same day, etc, basically implying that she doesn’t actually have a long term local bf there that she spends a bunch of time with exploring the city with, etc).
But just like everything else on the album, I think she’s doing maybe a more in your face version of that. No holds barred.
So High School is an obvious example of this, with all of the early 2000’s hs imagery, she seems pretty blatantly to be mocking the idea the public has of her “living out every American girl’s high school fantasy” of dating the tall popular football player. With lyrics like “touch me while your friends play grand theft auto” (barf), etc, shes being clear enough that this is not a serious song.
This is the possibly controversial part, but I’m so curious to see what others think about this - I think another iteration of this on this album is the title track, The Tortured Poets Department. Hear me out.
(First, I want to reassure you that there are lines in this song that I really like and think are well written, like: “you’re in self-sabotage mode/throwing spikes down on the road” and “but you awaken with dread/pounding nails in your head/but I’ve read this one/where you come undone/I chose this cyclone with you”. And I fully agree with the idea that these sentiments are from Karlie’s perspective. Basically, when you take out the chunks I’m about to talk about this song makes way more sense and has a beautiful sentiment of undying love behind it - which makes the following parts stick out that much more!)
The first time I listened through the album, and this was the second song, I got terrified because I didn’t understand its place in the whole narrative and when I heard the first clunky line “scratch your head like a tattooed golden retriever” I got the ick. Then the bridge with no structure and no wit and no clever turns of phrase, no metaphor, just “you put my ring on the finger people put wedding rings on” and “that was the closest I’ve ever been to my heart exploding”. So over simplified and cheesy, and doesn’t sound anything like her writing, especially the caliber of her recent lyrics
I know art is largely subjective, but I insist there is no way that the same person who wrote Cowboy Like Me wrote these lines into her title track if she didn’t have a reason and a point to make. To make it clear that this isn’t a matter of genre personal taste, because I know CLM is a very specific sound and a style that music snobs often take more seriously - I love SO many of her candy pop bangers, they are infinitely more clever, articulate, and overall works of art by a true wordsmith than this. Karma, The Very First Night, etc are all a master classes in clever words and tight writing being tucked into an “unserious” pop song.
The lyrics I cited above to me sound like what haters believe her writing sounds like, even fans who make little jokey TikTok’s about her and make up a spoofy something to sing while in character - that’s what these lyrics sound like.
Im worried im being too harsh, but please stay with me because the more I think about the more genius I think it actually is.
In the context of the themes of rest of the album, (her being trapped, miserable, manipulated, ready to burn it all down, screaming to be seen) this theory became clear to me. I think she’s leaning into her public persona (in more ways than one, we’ve already seen it with the stunting), in a way setting a “trap” for her fans and the public, that will essentially call them all out on how they ignored the real her in favor of her pr narrative, making the album about paternity tests, etc, all of which I’m guessing will become very clear in retrospect, possibly after she comes out? (Of course it’s already clear to us now, which is another purpose of the beard songs including clunky writing - to signal to us that these are not serious and that she knows that we know that she knows (like Phoebe on friends lol))
Ultimately, this is (along with So Highschool) a classic beard song. When she writes in this voice, she embodies the most extreme versions of her public persona, not just the one she has cultivated on purpose, but also the one that people have of her that don’t know her (as she did in Blank Space), including those that don’t take her seriously - because her identity as a boy crazy psycho ex girlfriend is directly tied to people dismissing her art as vapid because, they’ve only ever heard her singles, they don’t know the full her.
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That voice is the straightest, the most boy crazy, the most one note, and sometimes the most unsophisticated writer version of her that people have in their minds, including her fans - the fans that refuse to see her as a whole person, the real, that believe she is head over heals for big football boy, that believe “he knows how to ball, I know Aristotle” is a romantic line about how opposites attract, the fans that say they don’t “get” some of her most beautiful and well-written songs, the fans that don’t see her and haven’t been seeing her.
They didn’t see giant Taylor on the eras tour, they refuse to see all of her queer signaling, etc, and I think she’s making the bearding songs obvious to underscore the difference between her Taylor(TM) and Taylor(person) personas.
She knows that despite the fact that the lyrics don’t even come close to measuring up to the rest of the album, the public, and many of her fans, will make this song one of the most listened to simply because they are looking for evidence of her relationships from the past year. We’ve all commented on how insane it is that this layered, complex, devastating album is being reduced to the usual paternity tests. This is currently one of the top songs precisely because it is “about Matty”. And of course, So High School is one of the tops songs along with it because it’s “about Travis”.
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The juxtaposition of the bearding songs alongside her beautifully written poetry of Prophecy, Peter, Whose Afraid of Little Old Me, Cassandra, How did it end, The Albatross, etc mirrors the juxtaposition of her two selves during the Midnights era.
She has proven the point that if they think she wrote every line of this song completely in earnest, then they see her largely no differently than her haters do, as a subpar writer who writes absurdly cheesy love songs praising trashy to mediocre, problematic men. By eating it up they tell her that’s what she’s good for, for being the subject of tabloids and warring fans who make this entire album about two (purposefully) mediocre songs and the men who “inspired” them.
She has proven her point - that a subset of her fans will be distracted by a lesser song simply because they think it’s about one of the greasy men that’s she been seen holding hands with. That they will ignore once again all of her pleas to be seen, that she’s in pain and caged, and has been driven insane by their willful ignorance. That they don’t appreciate her full potential and talent, that they don’t even see it, and just want to be confirmed in their ideation of her.
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This song is essentially the “forget him(her)” pill at the beginning of the fortnight mv, but it’s a sedative for the fans, who are addicted to her straight narrative. Similar to Willow’s 13 chants of “that’s my man” that started off evermore, casting a spell of heteronormativity over everyone who wanted it, so that they could choose to just completely ignore the following 14 gayest songs ever written. Don’t pay no mind to her singing directly about women with zero male perspective - she said “that’s my man!” We’re good! She’s still straight!
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Taylor in the fortnight mv had to a take a sedative to be able to go into the next room and write her bearding songs - ie she self medicates to deal with keeping up the straight persona and to get through having to release dumbed down songs to feed the masses. (I also see the pill as something forced on her, I think it represents both layers)
From the first time I watched the music video I thought the writing Taylor looked so miserable and the bearding songs are why.
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In this room she’s trapped, churning out the songs that her fans expect of her, the songs that make her team money, the songs that make her money, but that she has to compromise her truth to create.
But when she frees herself she’ll burn the stories that weren’t true, the filler that doesn’t represent her.
I’m curious to hear other’s thoughts on this - have you ever felt like Taylor purposefully inserts off-sounding lyrics that are written in a different voice to make a point?
I want to reiterate that it’s not the entirety of either song that I think is terrible, I genuinely love bopping along to both So High School and TTPD (track). Like I said above, when you remove the clunky lines from ttpd (track), the song has another layer and likely gives voice to some Karlie insight that is beautiful and tragically profound. It’s the red herrings, the pieces specifically meant to tie this song to a bearding narrative, that I’m dissing, and the only reason they are suspicious in the first place is because I know how gifted Taylor is with the written word.
Taylor is such a skilled writer that she can embody the voice of the bad writer that dismissive ignorant idiots believe her to be, just to make a point!
I even wonder if maybe there is a second version of this song locked away in one of those drawers in the fortnight writing room that leaves out the red herrings and is a thousand times better than the bearding version we got.
I hope one day we get to hear it.
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rivetgoth · 8 months ago
The fact that I’ve seen a few people try to analyze I Saw the TV Glow through a lens of it being about like, fandom and obsession with media and nostalgia being bad ?? is genuinely blowing my mind. Obviously there’s the fact that this movie is as unambiguously about being trans as it can possibly be without just saying outright “this is a movie about being trans” but I also think this is crazy because I would say it actually has one of the most unambiguously positive relationships with concepts like “media consumption” and “nostalgia” that I’ve seen in a movie.
Like, to say it’s a shallow interpretation of the film to call it “about media/fandom” (and especially a negative depiction of such things!) is putting it quite kindly because I kind of feel that anyone who utters such sentiments didn’t actually understand the core element of the entire movie: “The Pink Opaque” is not a show. Commentary the film makes about watching “The Pink Opaque” cannot translate to commentary on watching shows broadly because the movie spends half its runtime making it explicitly clear that “The Pink Opaque” may be a show that exists in a literal sense but is not one in a figurative sense. “The Pink Opaque” represents the possibilities of childhood and innocence. Innocence that still is not free from judgment—Owen gets told the show is for girls, Maddy’s friend accuses her of sexual harassment on account of her sexuality while they were watching it together—but it’s the moment in your youth (or any time! it doesn’t have to go away!) when the possibility of queerness and more explicitly queer utopia feels real to you. The external pressures to conform are still there but you can tune them out if just for a moment to envision a future and a life for yourself free of it and living authentically. I think this is an experience all LGBT people can relate to, but in the case of ISTTVG it’s very explicitly primarily focusing on queer femininity, predominantly transfemininity, but in Maddy’s case as well she is a queer woman (I’ve seen some interpretations of her as transmasculine but I disagree personally). Hence the on-the-nose nature of it being PINK.
What feels very genius about Schoenbrun making it about a show though is that it’s so generational, right? For all of us LGBT people who grew up in the age of screens that WAS where a lot of that early imagination going wild resided. The first time you explore a new name is on anonymous forums. The first time you explore your masculinity or femininity is with which character you relate to in a show, or which gender you select in Pokémon. Movies and shows with “queer subtext” or even without give young LGBT people the chance to envision relationships and futures for themselves, what many grow up and call “shipping.” You have your first gay crush while watching your favorite movies. You envy those of your true gender while watching your favorite movies. Amongst many other things when Maddy watches “The Pink Opaque” she’s given access to a world where two women share this intimate connection and overcome obstacles together. When Owen watches “The Pink Opaque” they’re given access to a world where femininity is a real option for their future.
The relationship these characters have to “The Pink Opaque” is a net positive and the movie makes that so incredibly obvious when Owen goes back to rewatch it later and finds that it’s nothing like how they remembered, it feels childish and immature and dumb. That is a bad thing. This is a bad thing. The movie wants you to see this as a bad thing. This is the result of repression, of conversion therapy, of violent coercion into normative lifestyle—That sense of limitless possibility is destroyed and the idea of accessing one’s transness, of imagining this utopia where you CAN be yourself and live as a woman, strong and beautiful on the other side of the screen as said in the film, is lost. Now you tell yourself it feels silly, it feels childish to imagine such things, it’s not nearly as deep and meaningful as you believed it was when you were younger and less inhibited, or it’s at the very least easier to tell yourself that. Owen’s feeling embarrassed is of note here. If it weren’t for these external pressures that have been internalized they very well may have been able to still enjoy the show, even as they’ve aged and grown and matured, even if their perspective has changed a little. But they can’t. Not yet, at least.
I feel kind of out of my mind seeing people try to approach it through a lens of commentating on media consumption because it’s so deeply missing the layers of what’s actually being said… and not even in a wildly obfuscated way. The movie is ABOUT the relationship these characters have to “The Pink Opaque” and how the loss of that is a bad thing. How you can possibly watch it and see it being about some kind of growth from obsessive media consumption is mind boggling to me. Seeing multiple reviews and posts in tags about it is crazy. One thing I really like about this movie is that it so confidently argues for a more positive interpretation of being obsessed with “fantasy” and the childlike wonder of the limitless possibilities of fiction. I think that’s a very very trans narrative, as I mentioned it feels tied deeply into Queer Utopia, and I find it much more bold of a stance to take. In a world where people tell trans individuals (and especially trans women) that their identities are works of fiction or products of the imagination or even caused by excessive media consumption, to embrace these things and turn them over and use them as a symbol of the whimsy and innocence and excitement that first ignites that spark as a positive, thrilling, beautiful thing is very cool.
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weirdmageddon · 8 months ago
why i think aradia and john work so well
(with some stuff i’ve been wanting to yap about for ages)
have you guys ever given arajohn / johnradia (idk if its popular enough to even have a standardized ship name) any thought …? i know it seems kind of out of left field. i’ve considered it and i think its. really really good. i have a bunch of thoughts to unpack. come join me. and maybe grab a snack or something because i didn’t realize how much i'd actually have to say about this
(fantastic art by skeletood)
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the other day i made a tweet that did rather well where i said, “john and aradia shouldve talked more. its so simple but i like how she actually earnestly answers his questions. so many characters in this comic are so mean to john for just wanting to know more give him a break”
putting it out there now im not big about shipping for the sake of shipping. there needs to be real chemistry. i need to sense that as a reason why two characters would potentially be a good influence on each other. i never knew why i was always so obstinate about this because it’s fictional and not materially hurting anyone, but i think it might be because i’m not sure how to justify it or explain it if not.
i strongly believe john and aradia would have had it made out for them if circumstances allowed it. (what i mean by “ship” or “johnradia” extends to any kind of interpersonal dynamic, even if just a good friendship. it doesnt even have to be romantic, just some sort of dynamic with them.)
unfortunately aradia originally committed herself to staying out of trolling the kids over their timelines, so john and aradia never talked until year 3 on the ship in the dream bubbles but they never had a truly proper one-on-one without outside meddling. i think if john knew aradia better and her story beforehand, she had more time to explain herself and her history, he wouldnt have been unsettled. and also of course if his experience with the trolls didn’t suck so bad because he already had expectations for how antagonizing most of them were.
i found people’s sentiments about johnradia elsewhere too. i remembered that they were both on the song art for ascend, and searched ao3 to see how many fics have been written to gauge how substaintial it’s been in the homestuck fandom. only 17 of them turned up. but the people who do talk about it are either curious about it or really do like it, and that interested me.
clearly it’s pretty niche character relationship to be depicted in any fanwork and i can understand why. despite being so small, from what ive seen it seems universally agreed upon to be nice. i haven’t seen a single person object to it. what ive seen falls into two categories: “wow i didnt think about this before but i actually dig it” or “(starving) finally some good fucking food”
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the pattern im seeing is that people think it’s “random”, but i disagree. there is something there substantiating it even if they’re unable to articulate it.
the fanfic these comments are from is chronology of wind. that fic is really, really good, and sadly unfinished. i have more abstract reasons to believe why aradia and john would be good in theory, so actually seeing someone else actually make something with them helped me read it in action, to get a more tangible feel of the dynamic beyond what we have in canon.
i wouldn’t normally make claims about a relationship with regard to homestuck canon by looking at their relationship in a fanfic, because i think you all know by now i am very nitpicky about accurate characterization, and it does not go unnoticed by me when people get it right because for some reason it feels like a one in a million thing (even though it really shouldn’t be?). so this was a special case. the tone was completely consistent with canon. this fic is so in-character i’d basically consider it an extension of canon. to me it’s like they took the same characters and plopped them into this scenario to see how they’d interact. guys… i love that stuff so much. i love fanfiction or fanworks that depict realistic extensions of canon and stays true to the energy and tone of the source, but deepens it. there isn’t enough of it imo. i want to see more of it.
anyway, what i read of their conversations in that fic basically aligned with what i was thinking in my head about what i’d expect it to be like. i was able to compare how aradia and john talked to how aradia and the other characters interacted, their comparative attitudes towards each other—how they’re treated by others compared to how they treat each other.
have you noticed john and aradia’s communication values are both based on sincerity, being in the proper know, treating people fairly, and thanklessly taking on the necessary work that “must be done” in order to have what they really want — a good time that feels meaningful? and they accomplish this without any adjustment in how they talk to each other.
john is always subtly (or not-so-subtly) asking the people around him to answer him soberly and to the point so he knows whats going on and what that means for what his options are. he needs to know to what end he will be applying his absurd energetic drive into making shit happen. aradia honors his time before john can even become uncomfortable with the amount of time being eaten up by conversation. contrast this with rose, who seems to go on for a while with prose-like conversational adornments. in dire situations that need rapid explanation and definitive answers so he knows what to do, this is really the last thing he needs. aradia doesnt waste john’s time. she answers all his questions, and does it politely to boot. his time talking to her doesn't feel wasted.
john's impatience with this sort of nonsense is also why i can’t see something like dirkjohn working out, for example. to me it feels like @entropicbias also deeply understands this on some level because i literally couldn’t have demonstrated what i mean by it any better myself than that. i'm gonna have to to hit him up about how much i genuinely respect that like tbh hes one of the few i absolutely trust to handle writing and depicting these characters in situations and their interpersonal dynamics. and also care about doing their characterization justice as much as me.
of course people are still entitled to like whatever they like, ship whatever they want to. i dont care. but i just don’t think it would work from the perspective of the minds of the canon characters, how they generally think and approach situations. and i can already tell people might ask me how do i know this? what makes me an expert? i’m not more than anyone else is (although i have been called a "characterization expert" from my friends), but i do know that i can pick up on the energetic chemistry between people, including characters, honestly precognitively, without even thinking? like if it’s stiff or tense or awkward, if people aren’t free to express themselves uninhibitedly, if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable. i can sense this almost instantly. it’s something that’s a visceral feeling in my body i cant express and i have to rationalize it after the fact. like i’m doing now in fact writing this big analysis.
> listen to me talk about my special interest boy
for the next section to make sense, you probably want to read this post. i initially started writing it within this post to explain but there was so much brewing i had to explain the context that it turned into something i wanted to post on its own terms.
> okaaaaaayyyyy i read all that
thank you, really. my main point is using the conceptual tools provided by this system to expIain why aradia and john feel nice together and why i’ve seen people positively perceive the idea of a relationship between them even if it seems “random”.
framing them in this system, it wouldn’t be random! there’s a good reason they seem to fit nicely. this is because john and aradia have complementary forms of information metabolism. information metabolism is talked about in this section.
Jung’s psychic types are the types of cognition, or intelligence. But it would probably be easiest to call them types of IM [information metabolism], since the main difference between the types of people lies in their exchange of information with the external world.
Aushra Augusta, Commentary on Jung’s Typology and Introduction to Information Metabolism
aradia megido’s type of information metabolism (otherwise known as a TIM) is LII. john egbert’s TIM is ESE.
aradia and john’s types are duals. you can read more about what that entails here. in theory, their interactions would reflect the duality dynamic. reading chronology of wind, that one really in-character fic that explored their dynamic made me excited because they do!
michael pierce gave an overview of his impression of the characteristics of this intertype dynamic. despite only rough knowledge in socionics while he wrote this, his understanding of duality was spot on to me from my experience and others and i wanted to share it here. (fittingly, i believe he is also LII.)
Now we have the famous duality relationship: in a nutshell, this role is characterized by two traits: 1) a very close psychological distance or intimacy, and 2) a great ease of interacting with each other. It is sometimes described how meeting one's dual can be the event of a lifetime, because it inspires aspects in each party's character that they had never expressed before: the pair may even drop out of society for a time in order to focus on just each other, and to explore themselves through interaction with each other. The curious thing in this relationship is that these parties are rather different in outlook, and when they are not actually interacting as potential friends it's probably more likely for them to dislike or mistrust each other because of how different they are. […] However, when they are able to interact normally, it is a strange and wonderful discovery to realize that the interaction is unexpectedly smooth and invigorating. It's hard for people to describe, but as I understand it: while both parties recognize their differences on the surface, these differences are created by a root structure that coincides perfectly with each other, so that the differences on the surface are entirely complementary and cause no friction at all.
it’s also meaningful to consider that the structure of my own psyche is LII as well. so i’ve got a bit of a bias towards aradia and john.. not in the sense that what i actually say about them is personally biased, but that the bias is moreso my personal attention to people and characters of these two types in particular to see how my own experiences are reflected in them. i really do feel of a reflection of my own thought and work process in aradia and in the more abstract sense she is like an extension of myself. when people say they like aradia as a character i get secondhand joy from that because shares certain specific traits with me. of course i am still my own person though.
these are some of the most apt profiles i've found for these types at a glance. again, think about these characters as you read these descriptions. [from here (ESE / LII)]
ESE (Ethical-sensory extrovert) - john
The trademark quality of this type is a focus on socializing and guiding social situations and interactions so that the people involved can have fun and enjoy themselves. ESEs are typically in the middle of what is happening socially and know about the latest events and what people think and feel about them. They are skilled at bringing people together in fun and interesting ways and making everyone feel actively involved. Their friends know them as people who love life and feel most at home in social situations surrounded by other fun people. In their pursuit of fun-oriented and stimulating social interactions, ESEs typically neglect to structure their own thought processes and views in a way that would help them know exactly what they think and why. They are receptive to others’ attempts to help them introduce more structure and logical consistency in their life and thinking processes. They gravitate most to people who open up to fun and emotional interaction easily, yet are also skilled at systematizing thoughts and views and explaining ideological matters.
LII (Logical-intuitive introvert) - aradia
The trademark quality of this type is a focus on logical, structured thought and generating true assertions and views. LIIs are typically strict thinkers who are concerned that everything fits together in a logical way. They are skilled at understanding, generating, and criticizing logical arguments and instilling their views in the people around them. Their friends know them as people with well-organized thoughts and opinions who know what they think and can elucidate their ideas to others. In their pursuit of logical understanding, LIIs typically neglect their external social interactions and activities that would help them lighten up and experience a connection with other people. They are receptive to others’ attempts to create these fun and lighthearted situations for them. They gravitate most to people who are interested in their opinions and understanding of things, but are also skilled at organizing social interactions and creating a sense of emotional unity.
ive recently consciously experienced the feeling of duality for the first time since i've been communicating with my mom's high school classmate, and it is definitely a real thing. i even remember mom pointing out she noticed when we were all talking on the phone over a year ago that i perked up whenever he said stuff. here is how i explained it:
its bonkers how only once i experience something for myself i’m able to explain in detail what makes it so great based on what my impressions about it were because i tend to have a peculiar way of describing the qualities of an experience. my specialty is deep precision in my analogies for what it’s like. so now i can tell you how conversations with your dual feel… heres the status report. it’s weightless. its so strange. like the topic conversation stretches into infinity that you can pick right back up at any time. it’s hazy and unfocused but still pleasant (unless you’re particularly self-conscious and need to unlearn hiding your true self). but the best parts of it come when you have a specific issue or insecurity that comes with being your most natural self that the world seems to misunderstand about you, or just not give you what you don't even know you’ve been looking for. i think you might mutually intimidate each other at first because you're lowkey both expecting to be made fun of for your inadequacy with certain types of information that the other is nuanced with (and you’re not), but it never comes. you don't feel like what your dual wants in life is wrong. your dual seems so talented in all the ways you hope to shine but you’re always unsure of. for the introvert (me) wishing they felt their own active presence as an object (Se, Ne, Te, Fe) like the extravert does. for the extravert, wishing they felt their own relationships with other objects (Si, Ni, Ti, Fi) like the introvert does. any other intertype relationship (ITR) vs. duality is like the difference between 99% and 100% totality of a solar eclipse, except it’s the level of understanding with another person, like the eclipsing of your own information metabolism with theirs. of course there are other things that influence how well your relationship with this person goes, but i am talking strictly about when it comes to basic communication, the level of understanding you share. sometimes it might feel like you dont have much to talk about or the topic is unfocused, because you two ARE opposites in many ways after all, especially at a glance (domain of interests usually come with specific macroelements. theories about thought structures—like socionics, for instance—are in the domain of intuition, while physical interests and experiences are in the domain of sensorics.) i’m LII in the NT club (researchers) and my dual ESE in the SF club (social-communicative). so they’re constantly providing you with information from their own niche in life that you may be entirely unfamiliar with, but for some reason still interests and relaxes you to hear. you might not feel like you have a lot to say about the topic since but you are fully amazed by this person’s activity. it also makes you feel more sure of yourself and more confident that people truly appreciate and need your natural abilities.
> let’s break it down
here’s some lightly modified descriptions of the information blocks in LII and ESE's information metabolism models from pyatnitsky so you can get an overarching impression of how their type contributes to the informational sphere. i added some of my own adjustments and borrowed some sentences from stratiyevskaya's descriptions. additionally, you can click on the name of the block for an explanation of the role it plays.
i put about a week’s work into these collages but my goal with them was to actually show where i think these information blocks are most pertinent in these characters specifically and where they apply so it’s not just some abstract thing, just as supplementary examples as needed. (for the meaning of these information elements individually you can refer to cysia’s document.)
LII (Logical-intuitive introvert)
EGO (-Ti? -> -Ne!). Analytical thinking. They are well aware of the interrelationships of some objects or phenomena with others, and what laws are in effect or not in effect. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, they put forward insights about the global essence of specific objects and phenomena, their possibilities. They acutely charge the situation with potential energy. For every situation, there is an archetype.
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Super-EGO (-Fi? -> -Se!). Normative ideas about relationships between people and ways to get out of unpleasant ethical situations. Understands ethics as founded on the principles of fairness; to do to one side of the equation that you do to the other. Volitional manifestations in order to protect their living space are carried out only on the basis of personal experience. Because of the limited opportunities to fight back, they react painfully to attempts of any interference in his life. Does not respond to any arbitrary crudeness or volitional pressuring. Does not compromise goals, stubbornly clings to them. Avoids direct confrontation if possible, would rather talk civilly and earnestly. Uses their naturally strong sense of the conditioning of objects over time to avoid collisions with their material interests. Due to this, they may appear as someone with very little weaknesses.
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Super-ID (+Fe -> +Si?) Attracts information about a good mood, a specific positive state, or a feeling. They would like to think that they can eliminate serious inconveniences, make the environment around them more comfortable. This skill needs to be evaluated. They are unconsciously activated when there is a need to make the environment more comfortable, which should lead to a better state, raise the mood at least in the immediate environment. In friendly, comfortable, and informal company, their cool exterior thaws and they start lighting up with joviality.
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ID (+Te! → +Ni?). Has developed guidelines and methods that relate to specific practical activities, technological effectiveness, and resource use. Spontaneously feels the correct allocation of resources over time, which allows them to effectively solve tasks at an unhurried pace. This pace is deeply rational in nature.
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ESE (Ethical-sensory extrovert)
EGO (+Fe! -> +Si?). Perception of the world is fundamentally emotional. Feels the emotional atmosphere well in any situation, knows the relevance of the way of expression, the place and weight (importance) of the internal state in each situation. Flexible approach to solving problems of managing and expressing emotions. They show bright emotionality both negative and positive. Creatively produces around themself comfort, coziness, conveniently arranges space, surrounds others with beautiful things, changing thereby the general condition and mood. Usually opinionated about their tastes.
(wow i really went all out on that this one that tumblr wont even display it in full resolution, so here. john just has so many more lines to choose from, sorry!)
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Super-EGO (+Te! -> +Ni?). Practical and technological thinking is tightly based on acquired knowledge and patterns of solving similar problems. Methods of business activity in both general and specific areas are selected based on the opinion of reputable sources, or adjusted to one of the mastered templates. Predicting specific changes in the sphere of their interests is carried out only on the basis of personal experience. He is not able to compare his own method of forecasting with others, so he is sensitive to criticism of poor timing or deadlines, does not like situations that feel like a waste of his time; he is lost in connection with negative events. Guided by purely personal experience, he chooses specific times and deadlines for various tasks with a normative understanding of business activity in general.
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Super-ID (-Ti? -> -Ne!). Attracts information about the order, specific logical relationships in the field of activity or interests. Needs someone to suggest specific ways to make connections between phenomena, patterns, and rules. Tries to be reasonable himself, even though he knows that this is not characteristic of him. Sometimes he openly talks of his actions that were poorly reasoned through, as if inviting other people to laugh at his thoughtlessness. The ordering and systematization of thought opens up a new way of understanding of events that are happening around him, as well as new prospects, potential, and capabilities. He likes to think that he understands the essence of a situation and lights up with new ideas. This skill needs to be evaluated. It is unconsciously activated when it is necessary to create order, clear consistency and clarity on a particular issue, especially if their abilities are recognized.
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ID (-Fi? -> -Se!). Involuntarily keeps track of communications in their social circle. Without hesitation, they use a variety of ways to establish and maintain relationships that have been developed in his personal practice. Good relationships are important for personal inner confidence in a situation. To prevent unfavorable relationships, they are inclined, often without even realizing it, to act with pressure, forcing a showdown, forcing the partner to change the relationship for the better. Frequently demonstrates his resoluteness, persistence, and purposefulness, as if proposing his behavior as a model for imitation. Usually tells in much detail what obstacles were created before him, and how he overcame them, what he was told in response, and what he replied with, and so on and in the like.
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(full res)
you might be able to see already how they would complement each other's thought process nicely. here are some descriptions of what the communication between these types is like:
+Fe! : program function of ESE and dual-seeking function of LII
The ESE periodically tells emotionally charged "program" function stories, telling of how somebody has acted and what they have done. The main orientation of ESE's leading ethical program is: "No one should be offended." The LII carefully listens to these statements, and, demonstrating a full understanding of these issues, develops logical basis for them, e.g. in calm persuasive voice he explains how the ESE has acted justly and fairly. The effusion of turbulent emotions coming from the ESE is counterbalanced by their absorption by the LII, who breaks them down into fragments by asking clarifying questions of the ESE.
-Ti? : dual-seeking function of ESE and program function of LII
The ESE is tuned to accepting information when it's relayed in clear logical form. He issues requests for logical explanations delivered from a point of view of generalized rules underpinning specific life events, which he receives from the LII, who delivers clear unambiguous interpretations, places the dots over all "i's", and demonstrates good understanding of problems that are of concern to the ESE. Not receiving information of this kind, the ESE begins making demands of those around him to be "intelligent" and understand the reasons of his actions.
-Ne! : activating function of ESE and creative function of LII
The ESE feels uncomfortable if he doesn't extend his help to people who are in need of it. His subconscious orientation is: "care and guard the talented", be kind and attentive towards other people. The LII usually meets such criteria by proving in action his aptitude at uncovering hidden capabilities, winning trust, passing on the knowledge. The ESE creates supportive conditions for people who are capable but lacking in assertive "push-through" qualities, among whom the LII finds himself, and a special work regime that protects such individuals from overloads on sensing functions. Newly discovered possibilities inspire and promote the pragmatic and business-oriented activities of the ESE. He can support a new undertaking or initiative with an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm, light up by new ideas. Only the LII is able to, even having a vague general notion about the subject, construct a developed theory or idea of any issue. This theory shows to be promising in the process of its concrete application within its field.
+Si? : creative function of ESE and activating function of LII
LII tries to take care of their well-being, but may gravitate towards demonstrative asceticism, exhaust himself with work, studies, or exercise. The ESE periodically takes care of creating an environment that "charges" the LII with pleasant sensations: a reception of guests, a good meal, a visit to a theater or a concert, an interesting trip, and so on. At the same time the ESE takes pleasure in this himself.
+Te! : role function of ESE and observing function of LII
The role function of the ESE manifests as business-oriented activity and initiative, supplying interesting information, provision with material assistance to those who are in need, general restlessness and fussy busyness. This function is normative, i.e. the ESE seeks to comply with the norms and accepted ways of doing things. The nuancing of the understanding of these norms, i.e. introduction of activities that go beyond them, is possible only by considering LII's advice and recommendations. The LII serves as a director of this function, adjusting its workings by advocating the necessity of practical application of some beneficial ideas, rejection of useless though spectacular ideas, and the need to ensure standards of life not below average by rejection of equalization.
+Ni? : vulnerable function of ESE and demonstrative function of LII
The ESE poorly feels the flow of time, both physical, which manifests as running late and poor distribution of his strengths over time, and historical, which manifests as poor ability to anticipate consequences of actions and tendency for traditional ways of solving problems. The ESE finds it difficult to make radical choices. The LII fully takes this aspect onto his shoulders. He has an unconscious ability to distribute activities in time, thereby avoiding work stress and overloads, and is capable of making a radical choice. The LII is able to calmly wait and in the necessary moment get to work when the wasteful fussiness of the ESE reaches its critical point.
-Fi? : ignoring function of ESE and role function of LII
On this function the ESE gives advice and makes demands concerning the creation of appropriate psychological distances in form of proper behavior, courtesy and politeness, denouncing rudeness and boorishness. In this manner, the ESE adjusts LII's role function, which in itself contains a set of large psychological distances: a sullen stubborn look, unsociability, etc. With such fine-tuning it becomes easier for the LII to come into contact with people, whereby he becomes more animated, resolves many of his ethical problems that previously frightened him, gains greater insight into human relationships and a more accurate understanding as to whose side to take in situations of conflict.
-Se! : demonstrative function of ESE and vulnerable function of LII
The LII finds it very difficult to exert pressure on other people from his own will and initiative, especially in cases when he needs to attain something for himself. He finds this difficult to do - to press ahead in certain situations, to gather all the required paperwork, to stand in lines and queues, to petition for his own interests, even the ones that are of vital importance to him. He finds it difficult to push a person away, to sharply refuse someone, to quarrel loudly and defend his rights, to put an end to relations that have exhausted themselves. The ESE doesn't directly affect this function, i.e. he doesn't verbally criticize and teach the LII on this aspect, but takes over its functioning completely. The ESE exerts a constant, sometimes intrusive and imposing pressure on other people if there is a need to achieve something, to defend justice and demand fair treatment, to protect interests of those who are close and dear to him. The ESE goes to the right jurisdictions, inspires people around him and directs them towards work and purposeful activity, keeps up a high pace of life himself, and breaks off relations with those who don't deserve trust.
and some miscellaneous excerpts from literature i liked a lot. (i can't remember the sources i used since i've been working on this on and off, for the past week and i was just spilling things onto the post. i think stratiyevskaya?):
Mood - that’s what matters in this dyad - emotions and feelings. Anything that suppresses and overshadows good mood is considered unethical in this dyad and is strongly condemned.
The ESE does not allow the LII to limit him in the possibilities of consuming the amount of pleasures and joys, which he considers to be necessary and sufficient. Fortunately, both partners in the dyad - LII and ESE - are obstinate and unyielding. Both are demanding, unwilling (and not allowing anyone else) to lower the bar of their requirements, unable to give in and make concessions (especially in anything that is of principle for themselves). Both know how to make their partner reckon with their interests and insist on the fulfillment of their demands.
LII is impressed by the emotional generosity of ESE and his spiritual responsiveness. All this finds the deepest understanding in LII, since he is tuned to the same priorities and values. For his part, ESE admires the ability of LII to speak clearly and definitely on every issue. ESE is struck by the harmony of the reasoning of LII, the amazing clarity, accuracy and laconicism of his statements. To ESE it seems that for LII, there is nothing incomprehensible in this world; he can give a comprehensive explanation on every issue. And everything that ESE thought about before is gradually being built into a definite and clear system of views, which he can now very freely and naturally present. Confusion and chaos in his worldview gradually gives way to a stable logical order, as if someone patient and careful was sorting all his thoughts into shelves. Such clarity inspires and activates ESE; he begins to see some prospects for himself, new opportunities. His energy and activity, in addition to emotional and ethical expression, also receives sensory realization: ESE begins to take care of LII and carefully looks after him. If LII is a colleague with whom ESE is especially pleasant to communicate with, he begins to treat him with something tasty, homemade; will make some small, but beautiful and necessary gift (for example: new cologne or a warm scarf).
> okay that's great and all but when are we talking about john and aradia specifically?
yes, that was the point of this post. i just had to build all that up first so i could walk you through my thoughts in a fully substantiated way.
considering chronology of wind again, john doesnt realize it but he needs aradias frankness and insight. even if she’s unable to explicate on vague things, she states the reason why instead of making him feel stupid (it would create a doomed timeline) but thats all john needs to hear. she is self-effacing and only tells him the truth, and we know other people can take advantage of john’s suggestibility in this way. aradia tells john who is or isnt trustworthy, what actions would be useful/necessary and which ones wont, without any selfish personal motive a la vriska or terezi.
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^ (juuuust the record my nitpicky ass doesn’t agree with the truth of the classpect interpretation on behalf of the author in the last bit BUT that is beside the point here. the point is that she is answering john’s question in a way that is meaningful for him)
aradia doesnt realize it but she needs john’s friendy goofiness to brighten her up because she is surrounded by people who antagonize her when she’s literally not even trying to get under anyones skin. everybody gets frustrated at her “spooky nonsense” because theyre afraid of their own mortality, basically telling her to put a lid on it because thinking about hard truths makes THEM personally uncomfortable. but to her it’s always just been a fact of life. plugging your ears to reality is ignorance, but at the same time that doesn’t mean there’s no meaning in anything. she wants to help people see this and she dedicates herself to becoming a psychopomp for the deceased and earnestly trying to make people feel emotionally and physically comfortable in their situation through exploring their memories.
john isn’t hostile towards her. by being herself she is immediately able to earn john’s trust when they initially talk. this is also true in canon; the one time they talked when john initially comes up to her, saying “can i ask you something? seem reasonable, and pretty nice.” unfortunately he asked her the one question she didn’t have much to say about, and i can’t blame him for expecting all the troll girls to be basically insane at that point. but i don’t think aradia is insane. yes she is odd, but i think it’s evident that she has a good head on her shoulders with knowledge of the way the universe around her works, and in the end wants to simply bask in watching it play out. i think she deserves to get childishly excited about it, especially considering she was dead for most of her developmental years.
aside from getting his answers answered, john shows curiosity about her and her species and even care about her well-being and state. this naturally comes from their conversation’s ebb and flow. aradia tells this straightforwardly, without bells and whistles and without trying to trick him, unlike the other trolls who seem keen on well..trolling him.. and providing him with unclear answers to those sorts things. maybe aside from vriska, but she did have a little bit of an attitude about it wherein her and john’s dynamic felt uneven or off-rhythm, with a large psychological distance. it’s a different feeling with aradia, however. they exchange information on the same rhythm and so are able to achieve a closer psychological distance in communication.
there are no judgments coming from aradia about john being “stupid”. she doesn’t underestimate him. it’s not just that john wants to understand (although he does), but he needs to understand what he is doing. aradia compliments john about the traits he possesses that allow him to be effective. i guess in a way i’m doing the same thing with john right now.
john is so mobile and strung along by being the action hero going from place to place as a can-do deliveryboy that he never has time to reflect on his losses, think through them, and accept them.
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literally who else is more qualified in all of homestuck than aradia for talking to john about these things?
on top of all of this, they have objectively significant connections beyond just mutual self-realization in a way i think could've been fleshed out. there is potential here.
for a story, i can think of a way that a conversation between them could plausibly happen using the systems established in homestuck's mythology. in canon, we see that john never met aradia until year 3 on the golden battleship in the dream bubbles when he goes to sleep.
but john still dreamt out in the furthest ring. that means during those 3 years it was possible for john to have had a dream with her in it, or at least aradiabot. i know john didn't know aradia's name beforehand but let's just explore the possibility that they could have had met before that. remember that all these aradiabots were once this person.
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aradia had obtained john's crosbytop, his dads hat, and his wallet quite a while before their sgrub session. theres your entry
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imagine john seeing that
memories of dear old dad get stirred up through the link of seeing those items
the dream bubble transforms
john is forced to stand in his memories and explore grief and the meaning of life with aradia
physically being in the space around him would definitely help john reflect easier i think because it will force him to actually exist within the space and talk to someone, taking some time out for this. he wanted to know if anything could've been done or if he was just too late to save them. i know aradia would be able help him slow down and introspect. don't forget the opportunities created by the properties of these spaces that are glubbed out in the furthest ring by the horrorterrors that meld the labyrinthine time and space of their surroundings to the memories of the people and finding others through common points in memory. i would imagine that objects known by multiple people would provide a common point in memory to bring them together.
The bubbles allow the players of Sburb/Sgrub who have lost a life to continue dreaming. The reality constructed in the bubbles is a combination of the memories of everyone inside the bubble accessible to any who has learned the bubble's nature. According to Aradia, it would be quite difficult to exit a bubble to get into a new one, however someone inside a bubble can travel to another one through common points in memory, taking their own memories with them to be integrated into the new bubble. These memories mix and combine, but in general, no new memories are created. Additionally, the bubbles store the consciousness of a player who has lost their dream selves and their original selves, making them double as a form of afterlife; the player is then capable of accessing the memory of anyone else who has gained access to the bubbles. Living players, who have lost or become their dream selves, appear in the dream bubbles when they are asleep. It is in this fashion that the bubbles can be used as meeting places between the dead and the living; even those from alternate universes and doomed timelines can be found in a bubble. Furthermore, in addition to memories, the bubbles can to some extent reflect the thoughts of a player. Beyond that, the bubbles can also behave similarly to Skaia's clouds, showing things that are in some way relevant to the player - such as when coin-flip Dave saw alpha Dave grieving over Bro's corpse - something he was not aware of before being shown it by a bubble.
physically reflect the thoughts of the player…… rubs hands
john and aradia share points in memory related to those objects, and to top it all of they are directly related to john's dad on the same day he died, while aradia grew up with them as bizarre alien artifacts from an archeological dig. the memories are more emotionally charged for john, and i think that distinction would probably be relevant to them both.
to be honest i think after speaking with him for a bit she would readily tell john that she regrets not talking to the kids from the universe her team created sooner before she died, but is glad that she can in the afterlife. in canon, alpha aradia told a doomed dave, "i think its absurd i never introduced myself to you in all that time i spent moping around the lab. guess i wasnt in a very good mood".
now not all the aradiabots would know who john is, because the trolls only found out about the humans once they created the genesis frog and hid out in the lab in the veil from jack who infiltrated their session. the aradiabot in the lab was the last one that survived. so if any one of them would know who john is, it would be the aradiabot that exploded. aradia's dream self ascended to god tier in jack noir's rampage on trolls' derse and took those memories with her which we can assume is what made the last aradiabot explode. its known that any original copy that dies when another rises up becomes a ghost and lives on in the dream bubbles, which would include her. a doomed aradiabot we see in the comic, which was the one that originally landed to alternia in the past, becomes more lighthearted after she dies, a bit more like her alive counterpart.
oh yeah, and the more obvious surface-level connections to top it off? ghostbusters? john ain't afraid of no ghost girl. john would be genuinely interested in what aradia living as a ghost irl on her planet and not as a gaming abstraction in the furthest ring would be like. i imagine she would be able to explain the subjective experience and that she had to prototype herself into the kernelsprite order for her server player to see her. there's also no way john hasn't seen a movie as classic as indiana jones and judging from her poster i can imagine he probably thinks it's sweet that aradia's strife specibus whipkind is a reflection of her own personal tastes, interests and hobbies.
so yeah i've just been chewing on all of this and thinking about it but i know i needed to just get this out there somehow. obviously since i spent two weeks putting this post together i'd be happy to hear your thoughts
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mythalism · 2 months ago
there is a bit of a discourse on twitter about whether Mythal was a slave owner. What is your take on this? I’ve seen arguments that her vallaslin was a mark of honour and she “protected her people”. But also if that was the case, why would Solas remove his marks and propose to do the same to Lavellan?
I wonder if that’s another evidence of her character being sanitised in DAV compared to lore, revealed in DAI
it has genuinely never occurred to me that mythal would not be a slave owner. we know the evanuris practiced slavery. we know the only one who did not was fen'harel, as a result there is no fen'harel vallaslin. there is however a mythal vallaslin both presently and anciently, worn by felassan, abelas, and all of the temple sentinels at the least, and by solas himself once if you assume that is the meaning of cole's comment about him burning her off his face, which i do make that assumption. solas says mythal "was the best" of the evanuris, but that is an extremely low bar. we also now know that she was a driving force behind the war with the titans and their tranquilization and the destruction of the dwarven empire, and she admits to using solas as a weapon of war. i am not sure why any of these things would lead anyone to believe that she is morally above enslaving people. we have literally met the people she enslaved. whether or not they were "devoted" or "willing" (ew) is irrelevant in the context of her power as an evanuris.
i think perhaps dragon age was gearing up pre-veilguard to explore the vallaslin much more in depth however it ended up erasing it completely so we will never know. its possible that vallaslin had multiple meanings, and did not always denote enslavement but could denote enslavement depending on the circumstances. my own understanding pre-vg was that the vallaslin probably interacted with other factors, such as class/wealth, power, and personal favoritism, to varying degrees of personal and political agency so that not every person with mythal's vallaslin would have the same exact experience. solas's experience clearly was unique and we see that in the way that their relationship is presented in his murals, and how they continue to have a relationship even after he has removed his own (assuming thats the timeline and not that they just completely retconned him having vallaslin in the first place lol). but just because solas sees mythal in a forgiving light (sometimes, he goes back and forth, which does make sense considering his complex feelings about her) does not mean mythal was, objectively, that way. its pretty heavily implied that he had major rose colored glasses on for her, and its likely he only saw a certain side of her. we can probably assume that elgar'nan saw a very different one. we have a lot of different perceptions of her from different sources, and different literal fragments of her personality. we also know she changed quite drastically overtime and was corrupted from benevolence into retribution. it is difficult to say with certainty what she was like because the game does not tell us.
however enslavement is enslavement and i think we should be frank about it even if veilguard isnt interested in touching on it. "but she was a good slave-owner!" is a dangerous sentiment reflective of real life, anti-abolition arguments during the american civil war that revisionist racists and white supremacists still use today and i think people should take great care not to espouse the same, even in the context of a fantasy world.
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