#its just a lot of - god why did they not fucking do and that GOD its was a lost fucking cause from the start huh
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imnotlostimlooking · 3 days ago
I hate the Eddie story line that's happening. Like I hate that they are putting him through all this bullshit over a mistake that he made because of years of trauma. And i hate reading stories where people make it out like he was cheating on Marisol. Maybe he wasn't great for sneaking around with another woman but if you really look at it? Nothing remotely romantic or sexual was going on. Eddie saw this woman who was a clone of his dead wife and latched onto her because of this, as if she could somehow solve all the answers he'd never gotten even tho he logically knew she couldn't. They spent a lot of time together and maybe some of the things they did seemed romantic but he was always detached with her.
Its never said in the show but this man was raised (using the term loosely) by a Mexican father in an extremely catholic household and so I'm betting all my money on the fact that when his girlfriend got pregnant at 19 it wasn't HIS choice to get married. Even if he was the one to suggest it, it would have been because it was 'the right thing to do'. He was a baby. Having a baby.
He joined the army and came back with ptsd up the whazoo to parents who were raising his child like he was their own, giving him the love they'd never given Eddie, and a wife who resented him. His wife left him with a child he didn't know how to care for and parents who wanted to take Christopher away from him because he worked 3 jobs to get on his feet.
This man moved to LA and yeah he found the 118 and a family but his life revolved around work and Christopher and 'finding him a mother' which he canonically said. It never even seemed as though he wanted to be dating when he was with those women, more perfunctory than anything, even tho he didn't realize it.
And then he meets this woman who looks just like his dead wife who left him and came back and divorced him and died and she storms his fucking castle in cosplay and forces him to open up when he's clearly uncomfortable with it and his child walks in.
And yeah, it's fucking terrible. Like the worst. Oh my god poor Christopher seeing that. Poor Marisol thinking he's been cheating on her this whole time. But also. Poor fucking Eddie. Poor fucking Eddie because he didn't ask that fucking woman to show up at his goddamn house. He didn't ask her to dress like his dead fuxking wife and try and fix all his trauma. Yeah what he did wasn't right, but he cut shit off and that should have been that. He didn't ask to be fixed and he certainly didn't ask for whatever the hell rhat was.
And then his child calls his grandparents to come get him which is fair cause he's a child right? Kids do things like that. But they come and take him without even a call to Eddie. Their son. Who they are supposed to love and cherish. They don't ask what happened. They don't ask if he's okay. They just place blame and steal his child and Eddie let's them because Eddie has trauma and he 'knows' he's never been good enough for his kid and this is just the nail in the coffin so he should let him go right? And they fuxking take him.
But now? Like moving to Texas? Go get your fucking child and bring him home. He's a child. He does not make the fucking decisions. It should not even have lasted that long that he was in el Paso in the first place. Why is no one telling him that he's the fucking parent in this situation. Why is no one telling him rhat he's good enough. That he's an amazing father. That his parents are manipulating his trauma. That yeah maybe he fucked up but he didn't do anything actually WRONG.
And im reading all this fics where he is groveling and saying or being accused of cheating and im like wtf. Disgusting. I hate it. Let him be fucking A+ parent dad Eddie again cause I'm tired of this shit. Go to his parents house. Tell them to fuxk all the way off. Tell your kid to pack his shit he can be mad in LA in therapy.
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em-harlsnow · 1 day ago
—> set right after the prison reunion in season 9
“ow! what the fuck?” ian jolts away from mickey’s mouth, startled after the sudden joy of being reunited with a sharp pain in his scalp.
“what the fuck did you do?” mickey asks, tugging his hair again.
“ow, Mickey. get off.” ian mutters, trying to bat his hands away.
mickey sits himself up, above ian and keeps his head down. he definitely does not get off. instead he keeps pulling at the now-black strands of hair on his head.
“why would you do this, ian?” mickey asks, genuine hurt making its way into his voice. Like Ian’s managed to offend him.
“it’s just dye, calm down.” ian says, trying to pull himself away from mickey’s angry hands.
“so it comes out?” mickey asks, eyebrows raised at ian once he makes his way up to his eyeline.
ian swallows, feeling a lot like he’s being told off for something. it’s the same feeling he had when he went to the principal’s office for the first time for calling his Math teacher a bitch.
“…no.” ian gulps out. “but it’s gonna grow back.”
“i can’t fucking believe this shit. i got sent here for a ginger and i get a black-haired freak.” mickey mutters, but when ian looks at him, he’s got a hint of a smile upticking his face.
ian furrows his eyebrows at him. “y’know… you have black hair, right?” he says, reaching upwards and messing up the hair on mickey’s head. it’s so shocking, so surreal, to be able to reach out and touch him like this.
mickey scoffs. “yeah, and now we look the same. it’s fucking weird. why would you do that to my fucking hair?” he complains, scowling at ian’s head like it’s personally offended him.
“i didn’t do anything to your hair.” ian says, confused.
mickey pulls ian’s hair again, making him wince. “this hair. my hair. my red fucking hair.”
ian laughs. “didn’t know you felt so passionately about it.”
“it’s not fucking funny, asshole. this is serious. d’you even still have red fucking pubes?” mickey asks, hands suddenly scrambling to try and undo the jumpsuit.
ian wrestles him off, figuring that it’s probably not the best time to start on that. not now, in broad daylight with guards outside.
“you’re worried about my pubes, mickey? really?” ian asks, surprised at how frustrated he is about it. “also- why the fuck would i dye my pubes? that’s gotta be dangerous.”
“why the fuck would you dye your head?” mickey snaps. He tuts, scratching his nails back through ian’s hair. “the second the ginger comes back, i’m shaving the fucking black off.”
“i thought you didn’t like the buzz cut?” ian questions. mickey never said so, but he didn’t like it as much as the longer hair.
“i like it long. or the curly thing it does when it’s wet. a buzz cut isn’t bad; not compared to that shit.” mickey mutters.
and god, he’s exactly the same. it makes ian’s chest feel like it’s inflating, how mickey’s describing what he likes about him. even if he’s also describing how much he hates the current hair.
“i don’t like it either, y’know.” ian tells him.
“better not, because it’s coming off as soon as possible.” mickey tells him.
“and here i thought you liked me for more than just my hair.”
“still here, ain’t I? even though I hate it.” mickey tells him.
ian smiles. he’s never letting him go this time.
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azonewithu · 1 day ago
In the end. Nobodies that magical like i sm Emma. They dont have a fuckn clue theur dhows are whack. Wanna jnow why? Im not a writer on them bang shootbyhrm right in the fuckn head. Thry think its a free for sll but i beat the fuckn shit our of them everytime. You wanba know something about north anerica ask ne. Thise niggas kniw shit sweet fuck allll. Ill slsp them the fuck out i dontt need to punch bitches. I know im too much too deadly and viscious. Thats what you love about me because so are they. And ur not. They have dilly imaginations im invulnerable to sny bitch ass religio goof supersticipus magic. Im the master they goubd put and so did you. Beyond everyone csll ne God Emma Watson cause i am. I exist deny that youre not human. I prefer Azriel Gods masdive in size. Im just the face you can talk to. All they have are generic nothing to say youll roll sround on the ground laughing with me. Im deadlier and relatively i must be finnier asxwrllnthan those hskf witted dim ass men youve talked to up tol niw. Its ok Emma yiure not on tv. We can sdmit weove each other hete no matter what. Im beyond persecution thats heavy youre other biyftuends would get srrested gir jay walking. Ha ha ha ive slways gad an issue with men being immensely jealous of my way eith women. I gir lots of orobkems to nsje up for it but with oroperceonen om the best. In all ways by far. So tge do called kongs of earth grt jealous shd i beatvthrm badly just gor you Emma, those porongraphers in palisades are gone. The guys housebis gone i tried to warn his rat ass. Youbdont kniwceho yhe fuck ur messn with monkrity tiny lil mutilsted fivkess msn. You nniw ehat i nean i told hom his god was ny fick sucking bitch abd that now hos shole regionnid going up in flames. And it did. Go to lis sngekes whenever thats your town now. You own thise rsts. Hocweibstein liver hibtarsntinobtell your friends keave town it ill kull thrm. I dcsttered them om biying their land out from under them. See ya ill build a house ehere yours used to be.
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peatbogbody · 2 days ago
in this house we love and support yeosang!
first off, huge plug for catchingteez on youtube's excellent vocal analyses of yeosang. a lot of what i have to say about him musically is borrowed from their observations.
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oh, the plight of lower voice parts in an ensemble. as a choir alto, i am well-accustomed to the experience of being relegated to singing backup/harmony like 80% of the time. i ALSO understand that the lower voice parts are soooo important for giving the choir its full, rich sound and if we WEREN'T there you'd fucking know, and we are special and amazing and god's bravest soldiers and our parts are the hardest and our tits are huge and--anyways. (what's the definition of an alto? -a soprano who can sightread ok i'll shut up). and ALSO, when lower parts DO get given the melody (approximately once every 47 business days) it's a fucking huge moment. it'll blow your tits clean off. and everyone clapped.
all this to say, not that it's necessarily right that yeo has been stuck in the backup parts of so much of ateez's repertoire (though if you are not personally involved in the production side of any group, you probably don't have enough information to know why lines are distributed the way they are and i think people should exercise caution before crying mistreatment. maybe some people just wanna dance.), but just because he hasn't always had the most prominent parts doesn't mean he's superfluous or treated that way.
i have been trying to save the in-depth vocal analyses for another post(s) but since part of yeo's core mythos among fans has been "guy who doesn't get lines" i want to do a little bit more here than i have elsewhere.
the tricky thing about idols debuting at 18 (or younger 😱) is that singing voices are usually not completely done changing by that time. voices continue to develop and settle into their true ranges into and sometimes beyond someone's early twenties. in the early days i think yeo's voice was not only untrained but also just had not settled to the point where he would be able to produce the best sound in that part of his range, and also ateez's discography just didn't really have many parts down there either. in general, his voice is quite soft and his intonation pretty dark, so when singing lower notes his voice just did not really have the power to cut through a lot of their heavier backing tracks or stand up against other vocalists with punchier voices. he ended up just getting a few lines in an awkward placement for him and when he does sing lower notes, it's often to double another singer down the octave or fill out group vocals--often to great effect! hear him doubling seonghwa in mist, and in the say my name prechorus. that said he was also always a really important part of atz's sound in all tracks, just not in the flashiest way.
also now that i've learned more about the way the writing team has members audition for who gets what part, i have other guesses as to what was going on, namely just that it may have been an issue of confidence in addition to/because of the other factors.
now part of the reason why the whole The World era is so fucking GOATed in my esteem is that is around when they finally truly started to lean on their bass section! there were some boom boom title tracks that dipped into that before but mostly just to add to the effect of being Loud. but from imo deja vu onward, i feel like the production really started to play with the deeper voices and especially yeosang's, on their own and in contrast with the higher/brighter/lighter vocals for some really cool kinda chiaroscuro effects. this both narratively serves the darker moods of the World era albums and also musically propels the group into a more sophisticated sound that is sooo satisfying.
and it paid off big time for yeo. his "five star michelin moment" (as described by catchingteez) in the halazia prechorus, fucking DUNE,
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pls listen to the dune chorus while looking at this picture. you won't regret it.
you can tell yeosang really started to come into his own around that time--as did almost everyone else to an extent, but yeo's case is particularly striking and heartwarming--and he's only continued to do more and more cool stuff musically as we've entered the golden hour era. i'm super looking forward to doing more vocal and musical analysis so i can really dig into these topics more. this also happened with other members to less dramatic degrees, but this is a post about ys so shhhh. he's just really in his element right now and i'm living for it.
let's talk about DANCING now. yeosang is just mesmerizing to watch perform. whenever he is centered i find myself so compelled to watch, just can't look away, and he often steals the show even from the background tbh. so many of my absolute favorite dance moves among ateez's repertoire involve yeosang in some way (immediately coming to mind include the smn prechoruses, his center part in deja vu, halazia ofc, everything about cyberpunk, the way he kills the bouncy limbo move, the shuffle from iomt, etc). and his choreo always matches his vocals (when he has them 🥲) extremely well? next time you watch ateez perform anything, PLEASE pay attention to yeosang, wherever on stage he may be!
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anyways the mood he brings to ateez is just soo ooey and gooey and rich and delicious. like the fudge swirl in a pint of ben and jerry's
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finally, any discussion of kang yeosang cannot go without a mention of how he is subtly the funniest member of ateez. there is one (1) other member who is a serious contender for the title but the others try but simply can't compete. it's the quiet ones as they say. his comedic timing is unparalleled and he has this deadpan way of delivering lines that is SO FUCKING FUNNY (skip to around 1:00 in that video to see a great example). i love when he narrates vlogs. you can tell he's really smart even though he plays up being a space case. member who gets teased a lot? no. the other members are fortunate to be permitted to tease him. anyways he's such an entertaining addition to side content. i also think he is maybe the member i would best get along with irl. overall he seems pretty quiet and low-drama (i keep hearing stuff abt relationship drama but idk man i think the dude's just vibing)
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i don't think i need to mention how gorgeous he is? but i do need to note that he's absolutely fucking ripped. if you didn't know he's BUILT: he's built. and also a deadshot archer apparently?
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top btm left
anyways. he is such a lovely part the team and i am always and forever rooting for him sooo hard.
in summary: ilysm (i love yeosang so much)
next up: the one, the only, choi san!
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laura1633 · 2 days ago
I saw your anti Lando post and I am here to say, I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY I FOUND YOU.
like there are moments where I like Lando, and I find him funny. But when he downplays his car it just hurts.
Not because people say he's underestimating himself but because it's just stupid in my opinion.
And all his fangirls saying the poor baby has to go through so many mental problems because he kept getting death threats.
As if Max didn't receive any after and during 2021. He just didn't make a spectacle out of it.
I am telling you, the Hamilton fans still are seen arguing in comment of post like M4X.
While Verstappen fans(most of them, including me) had forgotten about the things he said last year.
All drivers get hate, Max probably had more than most of the drivers of his generation (mind you I don't count lewis I think he had hate too)
I don't hate lewis, it's just something about Lando that ticks me off.
And oh my god my cousin sister is down bad McLaren supporter rooting for Lando, and honestly she's the one who introduced me to the sport. She hates max and keeps trying to influence me into hating him as well.
But I can't blame her honestly, because I don't say anything, I just defend him quietly without trying to sound like the low-key keyboard warrior I am 😭
Sorry for ranting dudes
I completely agree about the car thing, the performance is crazy and they have a huge advantage over the rest of the field. If he just owned it and said yeah the car is a rocketship and I am loving driving it then I personally would find that so much better. 
I definitely don’t want to downplay any mental health struggles he has had as I do believe he has spoken openly about anxiety and I know how debilitating it can be so I wish him the very best with his mental health and I hope he has whatever support he needs. I really would hope that people wouldn’t be sending him straight up abuse or death threats but I know what the internet is like!!  You are absolutely right though, its definitely not just one driver receiving death threats (which is a whole other discussion because none of them should be receiving threats like that!). There was a narrative last year that LN was being picked on more than any other driver and as a Max fan who has seen the vitriol he has received I have to disagree. I don’t follow Lewis on social media but I am 100% sure he also has received awful abuse over the years! Social media in general can be so toxic!! 
I also feel like certain comments by certain people and teams within the world of F1 unnecessarily contribute to the hate Max gets and they should know better!
I think one dangerous narrative I see a lot is that Max is tough and Max isn’t bothered by abuse etc etc. Just because someone either appears strong or is strong there is no reason why they should have to be subjected to abuse. Mental health is complex and it's not easy to see what is going on with people. Nobody truly knows how Max feels, or for that matter his family who has to witness the abuse he gets. And even if he is fine with it then that doesn’t mean he should have tolerate it. Same goes for all the drivers. 
Oh anyone arguing about the number of championships Max has is a huge red flag to me. I see it all the time though, I think those comments will still be coming in for years to come! I could write a whole essay… but I won’t 😂
I did have a family member who liked LN at the beginning of last year and they also hated Max (they are a Lewis fan) but by mid season they were actually cheering Max on so that was okay 😂. Luckily everyone else I know likes Max because it would be super awkward otherwise haha! 
No need to apologise for ranting 😃
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thomaskong · 18 days ago
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I was afraid I’d lose him. So I got there late. And… as I entered, I saw him about to take pictures by himself. The first thing that I felt was… I wanted to hug him. No matter how bad I was to him, he’s still there for me. Every time that I’ve fallen or torn apart, he always runs up to me. He’ll come running and hug me. The same goes for this time, where he shows up. Am I happy? I’m really delighted. I really am. I’d like to thank Save for always being by my side till this very day.
DMD Friendship the Reality: It Takes Two EP. 5
#auausave#auau thanaphum#save worapong#dmd friendship the reality#dmd friendship the reality it takes two#b.txt#esmetracks#visualtaehyun#uservid#the way i dont wanna tag a lot of ppl bc this set is So Long and so For Me#making self indulgent gifs is kinda fun af guys like yes I would like to see this moment in 20 gifs!#waiter waiter! more auausave! (im literally the waiter and brother. dinner is served!)#ok time for me to ramble abt this whole moment in the following tags#auau really loves save so much… like it's so serious y'all what the fuck……#his facial journey fucking kills me every time (and i have lost track how much i've rewatched this)#the way he really thinks he lost save and then BOOM save enters and auau opens his mouth to say Something but he's SPEECHLESS.#auau tries to play up his cool guy act but ugh u r down bad <3 u get shy <3 u gaf <3#save really has him wrapped around his finger like it's just so so so crazy#you can see in the first few gifs how he really did look so sad/disappointed!! processing it in real time and trying to accept it!!#it's the way save enters too. beaming addictive smile... ok i really. they really got me bad. u ever get self aware suddenly. thats me rn#AGH BUT LIKE ALL HIS WORRIES R GONE BC SAVE IS HERE!!! SAVE CHOSE HIM!!!! AUAU WHO KEPT WORRYING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE SHOW BC HE KEPT#GETTING SO CLOSE TO FIRST PLACE BUT STILL NOT GETTING IT... BUT AUAU!! SAVE CHOSE U AS FIRST IN HIS HEART!!!!!#and when he asks save if hes happy bc he knows they didnt spend as much time together as they wanted... but ofc theyre both happy to choose#each other 🥹🥹😭🥹 when i watched it i knew theyd end up together so ofc this wasnt a surprise. but it also felt like of course... theyre#already meant to be realhia in your sky. and they clearly get along so why wouldnt they choose each other. BUT THEN I REMEMBERED SEASON ONE#and the auausaveryujin trio thing going on couldve turned out like a tlelattefirstone moment. just cuz theyre supposed to act in a show#together doesnt mean theyll stick together... which i actually love bc its really based on who wants to act together as a koojin(g) waaaah#(but also lbr ryujin honestly wasnt even doing that much like he literally chose himself DKSFJHGD)#'i got a bit heartbroken' is so. it's so much. auau. do u hear urself. GOD#dmd friendship is just so awesome i love schrödinger's dating show so much
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demadogs · 8 months ago
stranger things season one 2016 was so fucking incredible. it exists as an entirely different entity to me than the rest of the show. you literally just had to be there. to this day nothing has ever come close to the amount of universal love for a fictional story that stranger things first received. ive been chasing this high for eight years.
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beeduoo · 11 months ago
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originnssssss who remembers origins i Loved origins
#origins smp#i heard theres been like three failed origins revivals WHAT EVEN HAPPENED i was only there for the first one😅#beeduo#otubbo#oranboo#beeduo fanart#i rewatched some origins streams a little while ago oh my god theyre SO FUNNY#DUDE DOES ANUONE REMMEBER THAT ONE STREAM I COUDLNT FIND RHIS ONE STREAM#IR WAS LIKE THE ONE WHERE TUBBO WAS SINGING SUGAR BY MAROON FIVE and they were being really Funny thay shit h#ad me CRYING in 2021 Please i swear this happened imnot crazy but also they might have been separate streams actuallu i dont rememebr its#been wayyyyyyy too long#BUT IT HAPPENED I PROMISE Sorry i've been gone for a while ive been very busy lots of Things going on went to Six flags then jad a surprise#bday party then i had to buy shoes for prom then Go to prom and also i do figure skating and am out like every day idknt have Time im sorry☹#had a crepe yesterday it was sooooo goood im like learning to drive too that shit is boring as hell my dad kept gettign 😑 bc i couldn't stop#yawning DRIVING IS SO BORING its not my fault😭😭😭😭#ok what else ohhhh. y god i locked in SO HARD for this physics essay u guys dont even knowim getting ONE HUNDRED on that trust i just really#wanted to share ok i love you bge#WAIT ACTUALLT SORRU IM LIKE REMMEBERJNG THE ORIGINS STREAMS K WAYCHED#RANBOO WAS SO FUCKING FUNNT IN THOSE STREAMS TOO LIKE I REMEMBER NIKI WANTED TO SEE THEIR BASE and tubbo was like ooh maybe we can put like#water down here for you niki we need a water system and ranwas like Do we though?I WAD WAYCHING THAT .LIKE DAMMMNNNNNN OM LIKE GIGGLING WRIT#ING THIS RIGHT NOW I CAN HEARTHE CLIP HE DID NOTTT WANT HER IJNTHEIR BASE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#I NEED TO FIDN THAT STREAM WHERE IRS LIKE TOMMY AND JACK A D FHEHRE LOKE TALKING ABOUT DUOS AND THEN JACK SAYS THE MOST OUT OF POCKET SHIT I#VE EVER HEARD LKKE I LITERALLU HAD TK PAUSE. H PHONE AND BURST OUR LAUHJIMG MY JAW WAS ON THE FLOORRRRR DO U GUYS R EME ER WTF IM TLAKING AB#OUT IDK HOW TO FIND THESE STREAMS Oh my god u really Had to be there early 2021 that was liye the funniest era of mt life i wlild be#Tearing up from lauhjimg every day I MISS WAYCHING STREAMS LIVE CHAT WAS SO FUNNY I wishe it was archivedI WISH MORE STREAMERS KEPT CHAT ON#SCREEN i defiently understand why most didn't like Wyd when chats annouing ad hell but also Me 3 years later is interested in what the pub#lic had to say.... ok Now bye
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fire-in-my-woods · 4 months ago
REGGIE IS TO VINH WHAT VINH WAS TO SAFI SO TRUE!!! and i think this concept is fascinating because the solution isn’t ‘maybe love this person you don’t love’ but it’s to move on instead and respect yourself more. i’ll never understand the weird vinh x reggie stuff pulled at the end of the game … what happened to them being ‘bad’ for each other ?? i do not mind vinh realizing how poorly he’s treated people and trying to be better, especially after his safi revelation, but i don’t understand how this immediately equals romantic love ??? anyway. sorry. your opinions are amazing as always, and i’m so glad someone else has a similar view of them
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thegreatyin · 9 months ago
this nemesis ambition started out a little slow but I am getting closer to finding that bastard who killed my wife, and I’ll not rest a minute now that im far closer to on his trail
sorry got in character for a second
Anyways fun ambition so far very fucked up though
congratulations on joining the murder club anon!!!! depending on who you ask the name refers to either people who have murdered or people who have witnessed murder. usually both. actually extremely often both. it's a swell time you'll feel right at home (don't mind our collective skyglass knife collection in the back)
#im still not far into nemesis personally but im very much enjoying it#honestly in a weird way it feels like it's moving faster than HD did. which. is funny bc nemesis is like The gated behind item grinds quest#idk. HD was a fun slowburn where we adventured around gathering our rogues gallery before the action kicked in#nemesis on the other hand feels like im picking up halfway through a batman serial#fallen london#ask#it's WAY more fucked up right off the bat than HD was. honestly ive thought abt red honey for ages. that's so fucked up#and we LEAD with that?? Okay#definitely a horrors-filled ambition befitting caeru (the guy who's constantly going through horrors)#it really encourages you to get fucked up and freaky and in ur character's headspace at basically every step along the way#i only have HD to compare it too but HD was like. a lot more interpretative in comparison? at least to me. that's what it felt like#and i adore HD for that dont get me wrong here#HD just also waited until like. halfway through before it asked what the scoundrel actually Wanted out of its heart's desire#nemesis in comparison is right off the bat who died? who are you mourning? anguish. justice. there must be vengeance.#it's a delightfully different vibe!! i like it!!!#oh god sorry anon im doing the classic yin talking way too much in the tags thing again#i havent had much excuse to talk abt nemesis and what i think of it so far and of course its rp effects on caeru#but i do have a handful of thoughts on it#it's good. im liking it so far. it's starting very strong if nothing else. and i have no spoiler knowledge of what happens in the future#beyond the choice between rewards at the very end#and im SO curious how we'll get to that point. what horrors will we adventure through next? off we go to find out!#it's biggest glaring weakness so far is how horrendously grindy it is. and like. ive been warned and done my research ahead of time#im doing it on the same account im seeking. i knew what i was getting into. but also gots damn.#in comparison HD's 5-card lodgings and dreamgate feel like footnotes#anyway while im already way too deep into rambling did you know the honey trip gives you fate?? insane. why does it do that. hilarious even
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maraschinotopped · 10 months ago
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undertale yellow. clutches head in anguish.
#[cherry on top]#undertale yellow spoilers#[..its still you]#anyways. finished my uty playthrough yesterday. oh my god.#^ that might be a bit of a surprise given that ive said like. nothing about it on here#but honestly i felt like positive-neutral about the game for most of it. like yeah it was good;#but nothing that drove me crazy. yknow? it was just an overall good game.#which is why i didnt really say anything about it#then it started picking up near the middle-end with the steamworks-#i enjoyed axis and guardener a lot; ceroba was a cool party member;#and the music in steamworks goes hard. one of my favorite tracks tbh#then there was the buildup to cerobas fight.#then i /got/ to cerobas fight and. crumples up into a ball AAUUUUUUUUUU#OH MY GODDDDDD#something about it made me shatter into a million tiny pieces.#a lot of things did actually. like how HARD IT WAS#i was stuck on her for OVER AN HOUR#BUT I DID IT. I DID IT LEGIT. IT WAS SO SATISFYING WHEN I FINALLY BEAT HER#god im just insane about ceroba rn. women who fuck up everything big time#and see no other option other than to dig their hole deeper because they sure as hell arent getting out of it#OH AND THE ENDING... BECAUSE OH MY GODDDD OF COURSE CLOVER WOULD DO THAT AHUGHHHHH#THEY'RE THE JUSTICE SOUL. THEY WANTED TO BRING MONSTERS TO JUSTICE AFTER ALL THEY FACED#OF FUCKING COURRSSSEEEEEEE AAAUUGHHHHH <- wail of anguish#KILLING AND MAIMING AND BITING.#SORRY. i needed to lose it for my mental health. quoting that one tiktok: 'im craeezay. im insaaane!'#for other tidbits i wanted to mention:#cerobas bossfight music went HARD. i fucking love the phase 3 transition especially with her yelling as the music starts;#that black hole attack can go fuck itself;#and if you were wondering how long it took me to beat uty. it was around 10-11 hours for a pacifist route.#anyways i totally need to play more games. that was fucking awesome and i need to experience more things like that
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ratatatastic · 5 months ago
local man haunts (me) open practise yet again more news at 11
#txt#what an experience#i didnt go alone this time which means shenanigans heightened by 20#and by that i mean we were by the glass drinking mate (that security thankfully let us bring in)#and ___ kept going (lifts mate up to the glass) quieres? to all the players that skated by#and i had to just go STOP THAT#and they went they dont want our mate hmph what do they know about mate and i went. well thats the thing. they dont 😭😭#theres was a bunch of kids next to me which meant a lot players over to our side and ekky trucked over#and knocked the glass w his stick on a driveby and scared the shit out of me I ALMOST DROPPED MY MATE he had this shit eating grin#maffhew also kept doing little toodle-loo waves at the kids behind him it was so cute 😭😭😭#but anyways i think its so funny ___ kept focusing on ekky too and i didnt realise why until they just drop the bombshell of#“they remind me of your brother” and i went “DONT FUCKING SAY THAT WHAT THE FUCK MAN DONT SAY SUCH SACRILEGE”#the rest of the convo was in spanish and i dont know how to like fully convey 🇦🇷 banter in eng but it roughly went#“no he does. he has the same dumb face when he starts shit (because he kept bodily bumping into boqy and forsy)#the same 'was that me? did i do that?' troublemaker face. hes a shit stirrer but never answers to it. hes sleazy in that way.#he has the same beard too dont you see it“#and then i promptly spent the whole time going god he is just like my older brother oh this is a horrifying revelation oh god#anyways they kept saying look at his dumb face look at it just like your brother the whole time in spanish when he crept near#and i had to go SHUT UP PLEASE HE CAN HEAR YOU to which they snorted and went you said its fine if we spoke spanish here theyre not gonna#understand us and i was like OKAY BUT IM SURE 11 YEARS HERE HES GONNA PICK UP#SOMETHING AND WE KEEP CURSING SO FOR MY SAKE CAN YOU SHUT UP#mikksy and schmidty were super playful with eo. tuomo ruutu kept messing w mikksy. and ekky was like a damn bumper car bumpin everyone#maffhew ofc was very dramatic when he couldnt get a goal in against knighter and he did the horse headshake in front of us#and i went “you can tell whos number 19 because hes the most dramatic person on the ice always”#ekky was super vocal i know he wanted to practise against the empty net but aj was practising tipins and he goes#MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. and aj so confused just moves like ???#and ekky notches one in goes over to him and waves his glove at him to move#also dmen + lundy were practising on my side of the ice afterwards (lundy ekky uvis kuli. kuli was practising solo. lundy was feeding ekky#for some slapshots uvis got some passes in with them) and anyways i did not fucking realise swaggy was still out because i was so focused on#the dmen until he shot a puck straight at my face and like man i know its not personal but damn did it feel personal with the lookback
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waywardsalt · 6 months ago
man just about every new little bit of that new totk book i see just makes me feel more and more rabid
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