#its important that i share this information with the world. ok?
sqrkyclean · 2 months
do other knismofreaks know about the five below handheld power scrubber brush
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tgcg · 6 months
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tell your loved ones
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 12:01 --
TG: hey im on the john
JOHN: hey, dave is taking a dump.
TG: taking a shit just so were clear
JADE: jeez!!!!!!! even when im not online i have to hear about it
TG: i know you care so youre first to know
JOHN: i'm just giving you a heads up for the bajillion messages you will definitely have about this when you get home.
EB: god, thank you. that is awesome. dave fans everywhere are gonna go NUTS for this truth nugget.
EB: hey, i am at the store with jade!
TG: tell her the news
EB: i did as soon as you first pinged me, don't worry.
TG: hell yeah see you just fucking get it
JADE: well tell him i say congrats!
EB: she says congrats.
EB: also that you left your "yeah! woo!" machine at her place.
EB: and that you are gross and smell like a dog took a dump on a fart even when you aren't crapping during our conversations.
TG: goddamn
EB: jk that last bit was me heheh. but she nodded!
EB: so anyways, a yeah woo machine?
EB: what the hell even IS that?
JADE: its more or less a machine that yeahs and woos
TG: its basically a machine that yeahs and woos
EB: ok, yeah, that is pretty much exactly what jade said too. apparently this is supposed to be obvious.
JADE: its pretty self explanatory!
TG: pretty self explanatory stuff
TG: anyways im gonna tell karkat this time i think im ready for that
EB: oh shit (LOL), that's a pretty big deal, right? good luck dude.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 12:03 --
TG: ok karkat can i be unbelievably candid with you is dj crabapple ready for this
TG: this is a really big deal for me but like no pressure
TG: no no its good i just really need to confess something
TG: alright
TG: deep breath strider
TG: im dropping mad logs like bars in the ablution block vantas
TG: shit is on fire
TG: downright heretical like a shat outta hell
TG: and since im feeling penitent i figure our pesterlogs are pretty much akin to a confessional booth right
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 12:04 --
TT: Hey Dave.
TT: Are you, by any chance, taking a shit right now?
TG: damn word spreads fast on the information superhighway
TT: Yes, I have had the news forwarded to me via this bountiful virtual dimension of knowledge and culture we call the World Wide Web by a fellow enthusiast, one ectoBiologist.
TT: Frankly I'm heartbroken you didn't come to me about it first.
TT: Please, divulge to your loving sister the nature of your bowel movements, in exhaustive detail. Highlights in a notarized list, an overall ranking grade of your experience, whether you would recommend it to your friends, et cetera. These would be among my most pertinent avenues of inquiry.
TG: you were next on the mailing list rose im already on it
TG: boutta weave a verbal tapestry no holds barred just for you about my rambunctious foray down in brown town
TG: stay tubed
TT: Thank god. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't peruse your commodal follies like the morning gazette.
TG: dont act like this has educational value rose
TG: we all know my daily bullshit has got a laugh track
TG: like damn what kind of gazettes are you getting
TT: The best kind, Dave. Only the best kind.
TG: thanks for the vote of confidence
TG: wait gimme a sec karkat pinged
TT: Of course. I understand it's quite a big deal for you.
TG: whats up
TG: oh shiiit
TG: oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
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lifeonmarz-blog · 4 months
“IT GIRL” natal alignments
an attractive young woman who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is especially engaging.
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Moon/Venus The emotional world is expressed in a pleasing way. You understand what a person needs without them having to communicate it with you. Very expressive with love nature your ok with expressing it to the world.
Mercury/Venus *Major Indicator* This is the most common aspect with popular attractive women. People relate to you through the way you communicate. They love to hear you talk even if it’s about basic things. Watching your social media just to see what your up too. This placement gives you a sexy rememberable voice.
Sun 10th Your personality is easier to read your view points may be more agreeable to the mass so it’s easier to create relationships. You enjoy being likable and agreeable. You know how to present yourself in a way that will get the best desired results. It may also be very easy for you to get jobs people may feel like they know you even if they don’t.
Sun/Asc loves being the center of attention and people enjoy giving you the attention. This aspect makes a person come across as very interesting with a busy life. People enjoy being around you because of your childlike bubblyness that just expresses whatever you want when you want. Others feel more confident being around you because of the confidence you exude.
Sun/pluto polarizing, magnetic and alluring is how I would describe this. Others have a curiosity about you. You may keep a lot of your thoughts and personal life to yourself and people pay attention to your life closing because they want to learn things about you. Everyone listens when you speak because you probably stay to yourself and don’t contribute in group conversations as much as others. The real appeal here comes from people not being able to have access to you.
Sun/neptune giving hope to the hopeless. You see the bright side to anything and make for a great person to share with. You listen and give the best advice you can. Your mind is very creative and others love when you share your visions with them. You can provide many creative solutions to problems.
Asc in libra you enjoy a simple life living the lap of luxury you prefer to keep a light hearted nature. You’re like a spa in human form.
Asc in Sagittarius you make the plans for your friend group because you know how to create the fun. Others love your spontaneity and ability to make friends with anyone. You have the gift of gab and it’s very charming.
Asc in Aquarius you’re really funny in a random who thinks of that kind of way. You don’t mind bluntly telling the truth and you shock others by doing that. People view you as someone that doesn’t mind sharing the information you know. You’re willing to try anything once and it’s inspiring.
Asc in Pisces you can adapt to any environment. You know how to connect with many types of people so you attract a lot of opportunities to you. The way you express your emotions has an addictive quality about it. Attracting people with your rawness in emotion or expressing emotions in a creative way. You know what to say to soften anger in others.
Moon in cancer your caring nature is easily felt. People feel at home around you. You know how to make others feel welcomed. You don’t put much pressure on others on how to behave and that allows them to drop their guard with you and just be.
Moon in Virgo reliability is a virtue you have. Reliability builds the foundation to long lasting relationships because trust is so important. You hold support to a high regard and that allows you to build sturdy relationships and that’s make people want to offer you the same support in return.
Moon in Capricorn being blunt and bout your business is what wins people over. Its refreshing to hear someone speak their mind so freely. You accomplish goals you never speak on and people are amazed when they see what you've been creating behind closed doors. This placement also gives clean girl aesthetic. Also you probably love black clothing.
Moon in Pisces Dreamy ofc, with a quirky sense of humor. You don't mind laughing at yourself so its easy for people to let their guard down around you. You look approachable and usually are. There is so many ideas in your head and people love to hear them. Your very self motivated and it rubs off on the people around you. Because you don't have ulterior motives and its easy to see in you, its very easy for you to make friends quickly.
Venus in 9th Redefining what love looks like, you may be unconventional in expressing the way you love but it cant be denied that you do love. People admire the way you can blend in with many different groups. When you travel people can wonder how you got to have certain experiences in a country you just got to.
Venus 10th You meet traditional beauty standards. Being conventionally attractive brings in attention from a mass amount of people. People love the way you dress and copy your outfits. This is the girl that is saved in a lot of Pinterest boards.
Venus in 11th Popularity comes to you easily. People see you and want to be your friend. Venus hear gives you the gift of gab. Your voice is disincentive and draws people in. You come across friendly and bubbly full of energy and fun.
Venus in 12th Mystery is how you captivate. People unconsciously try to get your love and attention. Your personal life is private and people feel like you live a interesting secret life, rather that's true or not its assumed and they want to get close to you because they see not a lot of people can. They want to know what happens in your world.
How many did you have?
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Ok so jadeyuu! Jadeyuu? Jade is an eel. Jade has never been in a relationship- never even got the urge. So he's kinda panicking when he finally snaps out of his little domestic daydreams only to realize. He has no idea how to actually get to those daydreams.
How do humans court? Fuck humans for a second how does his own species court??? He only know surface level (ha) shit he never paid attention beyond that cause it was "irrelevant" (he wants to go back in time and punch himself so bad. For several reasons).
So now he's trying to figure it out but heres the thing, he only has super cheesy media to work with. Bro is taking it so seriously but some of the stuff is just???
Why is sharing clothing so important?
Are flowers really that big of a deal?
Why do all these couple fight all the time? He doesn't want to fight with yuu he just wants to feed them mushroom dishes and cuddle and "cuddle" He doesn't want to fight! Why do couple always fight in these movies is it necessary?? Is it a love language??
What's a one night stand?
... has yuu had any? They told him once that most of their past relationships were "situationships" and he had to laugh and pretend he wasn't about to simultaneously raise hell and profusely thank your exes for fumbling so hard.
What's this about your father's consent? Does he need to get your father's consent? Would any parent work or just your father? Do you even like your father- shit you haven't even seen your father since you've been here and he's a literal world away. ....shit.
Someone stop him he's about to create an entire world wide scheme to invent otherworldly communication just to ask his not-parners dad if he can even court them in the first place-
Oh it's not that important in modern day?? Oh. Thank goodness.
At what point in this can he ask you to be his officially?
At what point can he start indulging himself in all his somewhat ugly jealous urges in public without scaring you off?
Would it be considered a "red flag" to ask you to only talk to him? He knows it is he's just holding out hope that maybe you'll agree to be kept in a large terrarium of his and be completely his and-
You would never agree to that. Oh well, an eel can dream. If Ace gets all clingy with you again he's going to break his arm off.
How long does he have to wait until he can show you to list of names he's already thought about giving your future children?
Idk where I'm going with this I just got the mental image of jade watching titanic (something something convenient potion accident) and hurriedly scribbling down notes every time something romantic happens and I wanted to share that image.
I like the idea of Jade doing research about human courtship. I really really like it I think it's so stupidly funny to picture Mr. Suave, one hell of an eel butler reading human x merfolk fanfiction and going O: that's me (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) Or watching romcoms and taking notes that's hilarious. He watches titanic and nods "yes this would never happen with us, I would simply drag them into the sea and then we would live together happily ever after while everyone else drowns- ah or is that too fatalistic?"
But yes he doesn't know much about courtship in general. He can "flirt" but its not intentional on his part, he's just being snarky. But with you he has no idea what to do. The clothing thing makes no sense to him, is it to stake a claim? Then why not bite you? That would get the point across faster... is it a him thing to want to do that or is it a mer thing? One night stands are too complicated, there's too many ways for that to go wrong the only reason Jade could think to have one is if someone has information you want to steal and he's not interested in obtaining things that way. They don't owe you anything that way.
Jade with soft yan! urges he tries to tamp down because he knows they're not healthy but he just wants to protect you form the dangerous that exist in the coral sea. Even if you become a merfolk you still used to be human, soft, fragile, and so naive... really there's no end to the things that could steal you away from him. Like Ace! Now if you could please look the other way while he disposes of this pest- he jests. He would never rob you of your friends, everyone needs them and he needs you to need him the same way humans need air.
Also the sheer irony of Yuu complaining all of their past relationships being situationships when that's what they have going on with Jade right at that very moment. Maybe that was intentional huh Jade ever think of that? Maybe the pretty human was huffing at you and batting their eyes because they are frustrated that history is repeating itself and the sketchy guy their friends don't approve of is being unclear about his feelings again. He figures that out once he finally finds out the definition and he feels so so stupid
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kutputli · 29 days
Louis the "Pimp": A Rebuke and Rebuttal
OK, IWTV fandom, I have been made aware that some (many) of you are genuinely not aware of some of the anti sex work implications of your statements around Louis and pimping, so -
First of all, some ground level assumptions: I am assuming we are all pro sex workers here. Which means that we all believe in the right for adults to consent to commercial sexualised labour, and to demand ethical working conditions just like any other worker. Sex work is work etc.
Now, that stance can and must coexist with the acknowledgement that sex work has both historically and currently been coerced from marginalised communities. In my part of the world, hereditary caste based sexual enslavement is an on-going atrocity, and similarly, in the United States Black enslaved people was disproportionatey victims of commercialised sexual abuse. (This is RELEVENT to Armand and Louis so it behoves everyone to inform themselves about these realities.)
What I'm saying now comes from the scholarship and testimonies of sex workers themselves, who have always been at the forefront of advocating for themselves as communities and unions. You can and should read through the publications of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects to ground yourself in these perspectives.
The idea that its ok to be a sex worker, but that a client or a pimp or a brothel owner deserves contempt, shaming or derison is an old one, associated with the dichotomy of pitable fallen women vs dispicable emasculated men (emasculated because of the patriarchal shame of a) paying for sex and b) living off of a woman's labour). This has manifested in what is known as the Nordic model (or, hypocritically, the Equality Model) of Prostitution, where sex workers themselves are deemed nominally free to practise their trade, but clients and third parties (pimps, managers, brothel owners) are criminalised. There is unambiguous peer-reviewed data showing the failure of this approach to protecting sex workers from harm, and almost every sex worker union has denounced it.
So now let's talk about this cultural and legal contempt and criminalisation of the third party, and specifically, the pimp figure. Unlike the brothel owner, the pimp is more often from a similar class and identity as the sex worker, often sharing the same living and working spaces. Pimps are often sex workers allies and collegeaues. They provide an interface between the client and the sex worker that can help screen them for safety and security, and the remove the additional burden of soliciting and marketing from the sex worker's labour.
And because it is important to talk about specifics, a pimp in marginalised communities of sex workers is often a brother, a father, or a lover to the sex worker who faces the same casteism, racism and classism that she does. He is often the father of the sex worker's child. In India, for example, even though prostitution itself is not criminal, any adult male living with a prostitute is assumed to be guilty of being a pimp unless he can prove otherwise, and can face imprisonment of up to 2 years with a fine. One of the demands of unionised sex workers, including those in India, has been to decriminalised pimping along with sex work, not just because pimps make it safer and easier for sex workers to get clients without having to actively solicit, but also because such criminalisation actively harms family units.
Of course, there are pimps who can be abusive and exploitative. This is true of any professional relationship, and this is also true of people in romantic and sexual relationships (like marriage). But to deem a pimp inherently as an abuser carries a lot of anti sex work and racist and classist baggage with it.
Why racist (and classist and casteist etc)? Because the men with capital were (and are) not often pimps. They are landlords and investors, who ran brothels and saloons and massage parlours and dance bars and other sites where sexual labour was commercialised. To denigrate a man for being a pimp as somehow worse than being the owner of a sweatshop or farm is a way of jeering at the men who have not been able to buy themselves the luxury of distance from the exploitation they profit from. And the men of capital were and are, overwhelmingly, those from the dominant identity (White. Savarna. etc.)
So NOW, with all that necessary context in mind, let's talk about Louis and what it means when fandom firstly calls him a pimp, and then second sneers at him for his perceived behavior as one.
You know who first calls Louis a pimp?
Daniel Molloy, a white man being the brash, confrontational journalist that he has the luxury of being.
Louis accurately describes his profession managing and operating a diversified portfolio of entireprises. This translates to investing his family's sizeable trust into real estate (he owns 8 out of 24 buildings on Liberty Street) and running establishments that make money from selling liquor, organised gambling and sex work. Just as not many Black men would have been in a position of power to make a profit from a sugar plantation as Louis' great grandfather did, not many Black men would have had the capital (and the business acumen) to own and operate a series of businesses that included sex work. Infact we see him collecting his profits from a white man who was closer to the pimp role - Finn.
Reducing this to calling him a pimp is the first of many racist microaggressions we will watch Daniel make. As someone who indulged in some kind of sex work himself, one might say some of Daniel's hostility is self-loathing. Nonetheless, there is a racialised element in his contempt towards both Louis and Armand that, I would theorise, comes from the distinction made between a white, educated man choosing to recreationally whore himself for drugs, and a Black man who earned a living from other people's sex work, or a Brown man who is perceived as a rent boy.
We then get to the idea of denigrating Louis' pimp-like behavior. First of all, let's look at Louis as the employer and manager of sex workers. Everything we have seen about him shows him to be courteous, considerate, and professional. His guilt at the entire situation of how sex work operates aside (and we can agree that it must have been exploitative and even abusive in general, and that he was complicit in such a system, as any capitalist is) - MOST importantly, we never see Louis doing the thing that patriarchy really resents a pimp for - sampling the goods for free. We never see him use his power over the sex workers he employs to get favours.
In fact he makes it clear that he visits Miss Lily precisely because she is part of a different establishment, and that both of them being Black in a majority white situation places them on a more equal footing. Watching Louis with Miss Lily, both is how he is with her sexually as well as socially, gives you the clearest evidence of how he behaves around sex workers he is having a relationship with. (Contrast that to Lestat, who buys her time and body as an act of one-upmanship with no concern for her preference, and then who kills her out of jealousy.)
So - Was Louis a pimp? No. Was Louis an abusive pimp? Also No.
Then why does the fandom continue to deploy this term in relationship to him?
It's racism, your honour. (The answer is almost always racism.)
To unpack this, lets jump forward from the 1910s where, again I remind you - very very few Black men in the United States were in any position to operate as fashionable brother owners with wealth to spare.
We now move to the 1980s, when one (but not the only!) sub-genre of rap was evolving - gangsta rap. In this sub-genre, Black musical artists like Too Short and Ice T were creating and more pertinently making accessible to white America, the signifier of the Black pimp figure. This drew from 1960s Black culture-making around West Coast pimps like Iceberg Slim, but also from an older storytelling tradition that linked the figure of the pimp with the archetype of the trickster. I'm not going to cite the wealth of literature you can find that theorises this, (nor defensively provide the mass of nuanced critique that Black feminists have offered) because the limited point I wish to make is -
When white America began enjoying (and appropriating) rap and hip-hop culture, one of the tropes it started perpetuating with the shallowest of understanding of its origins, was that of the specifically Black pimp. A figure who displayed wealth, but without (white-signifying) class, who was sexually active in a racialised hypermasculine way, but both a threat to women and contemptibly a leech off them.
THIS is the pimp archetype that is being evoked when fandom talks about Louis's 'pimp'ness.
It is racist. It is ahistorical and canonically unfactual.
It is also needlessly contemptuous of the sex workers (labourers and third parties alike) who are part of the community here on tumblr, so often praised as one of the spaces that is friendly to them.
Maybe think about all of that the next time you choose to use the word 'pimp'.
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rekino2114 · 2 months
Fami revealing her identity to you
A/n:this is the second part to the post I did yesterday with makima that @trystan422 requested
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Fami felt a pit in her stomach that not even food could fill, no matter how much she ate, she still felt sick and empty, worry was consuming her like it never had before, the worry of losing you.
It had been just a bit more than a month since you started dating and it has been the best time of her life she didn't think it was possible but she had found something or rather someone who she loved more than food.
normally, she wouldn't particularly care that much if someone found out her identity she wasn't doing that much to hide it anyway and she could deal with them easily If she truly wanted to.
But you, you were different she loved you and you leaving her would have broken her heart in a way that couldn't be repaired so it was better to tell you early in the release to not completely break yours too.
"Hey fami are you alright? You haven't eaten anything since you invited me here"
"No....there is something I need to tell you, its really important"
"Go ahead then I'm all ears"
"I'll go directly to the point,...... i am a devil"
Her emotionless voice and expression made it seem like this conversation was an easy one for her but in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth as she was panicking greatly on the inside.
"To be more specific, I am the famine devil, one of the four horseman of apocalypse, the others are my sisters: control, war and.....death, to put it bluntly I am really powerful"
"Feel free to tell that to anyone you want after you leave me, I won't hurt you or any of your friends for knowing that information, it would hurt me too much to see you in any kind of pain, for the same reason I won't do anything to you if you break up with me, I would much rather see you happy without me than you staying with me become of fear"
After her speech fami fell silent and pulled her hat over her face and closed her eyes,ready for you to walk away, she was very surprised when she heard you laughing instead
"So you're famine, I always thought your name was unique, I guess now I know why"
Fami blushed slightly and answered still confused
"Y-yeah I couldn't come up with a human name"
"I think it's beautiful if it's any consolation"
"Thank you I appreciate it"
You remained silent for a moment before walking over to where fami was sitting, taking her hat off and looking at her eyes
"Please don't think I'm gonna leave you, you mean so much to me, even if we've been together for not that long I can see the love you have for me, the way you look at me, the way you share food with me and the way you talk to me, I can see the love in everything you do, I know you love me, regardless of you being a devil, you're my girlfriend and nothing will change that"
After hearing everything you said fami felt the happiest she ever was, even eating the best food in the world couldn't compare to this feeling, she smiled the brightest smile she could muster and spoke such simple words yet filled with so much love.
"......thank you, truly"
"You're welcome, now let's order some pizza ok? You haven't eaten for like 15 minutes, I didn't know you could physically do that"
Fami chuckled and kept looking at you with a loving gaze
"Yes please I'd like that"
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snowyborzoi · 7 months
What species are the airys (im a professional)
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ok it's important to note that no matter what species an object is it doesn't mean they follow the exact behavior of said animal. Objects in one still live in a society like humans and can function as one
Ex : Objects can have a different diet then their species and live in another habit
The original Airy is commonly believed to be a seal although there's no exact type of seal for him it's still a common theory
First off there's many physical similarities
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as well as characteristics
seal have been seen getting knocked over by crashing waves and are shown to be clumsy which is pretty fitting
both sunbathe confirmed by Q (airy- mod)
similar walk / run
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same stupid FUCKING expression
similar build
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Speculated for Airy to have a diet of fish
both squishy (confirmed by me)
Sounds similar
Ok now to address the cat comparisons
A second theory on what species airy could be Is a cat more specifically a Manul / pallas
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Physical appearances is obvious as well as traits
spends time in caves, rock crevices, marmot Burrows
Can survive in cold & dry winters, moderate/low rainfall, warm summers
Overall the Pallas cat is a responsible species for airy considering they both live in similar habits
However it's argued that the using the universe airy was at is unfair for this theory considering it wasn't exactly by choice
A counter-argument is that the Pallas cat would obviously survive better than a seal would in that world and since airy was able to live there for about a decade a Pallas would be a better fit
But it was address earlier that objects live differently than their animal and can survive in their own ways as well as airy being a lantern commonly used for camping/outdoors so it possible regardless of what species he is he can survive on his own
Something about seals and cats
Something interesting about the two is how often their seen together, compared, or just associated with one another
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it pretty common for objects to be compared to cats since most animals share similar traits but cats are most known so it often thought of cat traits
However seals and cats have shown to have more in common than any other animal
similar body types
Similar pupils
These are only a bit of the similarities because of this it commonly theorized that seals and cats could be possibly related or somewhat part of the same family but it's yet to be confirmed or denied
Airy has had things in common with cats such as getting scruffed
Nothing is right or wrong it basically what theory you personally believe in
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Evil airy
its possible for him and original airy to be the same species since they have the same appearance with a tail being the only serious difference (the bow and leaves are not apart of him)
This time I do have a specific type of seal he could be
Leopards seal
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Similarities on appearance
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Both also have similar behavior
Aggressive (a BITCH)
Similar teeth
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eyes dilate
leopard seals are the only ones who hunt warm blooded animals and it's known for evil airy to be a serial killer
Evil airy has also mentioned possibly of liking drinking blood
Fanon Airy
Fanon airy is more complicated since it was said how he currently looks isn't what he used to look like so using his appearance may not be as accurate
And he already seems to have animal features like claws and hooves
But IDGAF!!!!
I imagine fanon airy to be a sea lion
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Sea lion's are bigger than seals
Ear flaps can translate to horns
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Friendly (compared to the others)
Social (compared to others)
Another species that fanon airy can be (for the airy cat believers)
A lynx
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ears translate to horns
Sharper shapes
teeth again
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More golden color
Lynx are associated with eyesight and we've seen fanon airy eyes
There's a lynx god
ok that all I was able to put together if anymore information that comes out that can change or debunk anything I'll do my best to update this :b
@airy-mod @thefanonairy @evil-airy @ask-hfjone-airy @moldydominos109
It is important you now join this discussion @askalampanything
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere!Kisaki Tetta Headcanons
Ok so I feel like I'm dying of thirst for good Yandere!Kisaki content when there is a literal sea and plethora of other Yandere Tokyo Rev stuff! I mean, c'mon guys we obviously love the Yandere stuff and we have an actual YANDERE in the series.
This is final timeline Kisaki because I think he's fully accepted he doesn't have Hina.
PT 2: https://www.tumblr.com/macsimagines/722700210896355328/the-kisaki-yandere-post-was-so-good-i-need-to?source=share
WARNING: Themes of Manipulation, Dubcon, possible murder drug use, and Babytrapping
The start
First and foremost, he adores you. Literally worships the ground you walk on. Thanks to Takemitchy's influence you're his whole world.
Takemitchy set you two up, kinda. He made sure to keep Kisaki on a positive path and to surround the younger boy with supportive people and you just happened to be one of them.
It was pretty apparent with how genuine and kind you were that young Kisaki was pretty much almost smitten with you so Takemitchy, not thinking this could have any consequences, fostered those feelings and helped Kisaki along.
It wasn't his fault, really. He figured if he could get Kisaki to fall in love with someone else and have that person return those feelings then he could ensure that everyone could be happy!
Best of all you return those feelings. You put his mind at ease because you confess first, and Kisaki is floored that he doesn't have to plan to get you. You're just giving yourself to him. no one is happier about this than Takemitchy
What Takemitchy forgot was just how obsessed Kisaki could get. And Obsessed doesn't even begin to cover it.
Happy Life
Kisaki covets every piece of information, latches on to the tiniest details and makes sure to use them when he has to.
You mention something offhand once about pretty flowers are, and now Kisaki makes sure (Months later) that you two have tickets to go see an exclusive flower garden.
Remember telling Kisaki about an exotic type of food you got have as a kid and loooooved? Well now you two are at date in a fancy restaurant being served that same meal with the highest quality ingredients.
Hey, you know that one terrible teacher you mentioned that would always single you out in class? Well guess who just got arrested?
Its easy to play off at first. He's just a super great boyfriend.
Kisaki loves you with all his heart. He makes time for you, always treats you well and keeps you out of any trouble.
When things start to take a dive into bad territory is when highschool is about to end. Kisaki starts to talk about marriage...
Red Flags
You're completely floored by how sudden that is. Aren't you two too young? Isn't he about to enter into university? What about all your future plans?
Kisaki has an answer for everything. He tells you he knows he's gonna make it big, and that you two will be happy and comfortable for the rest of your lives. He just wants to make sure he has the most important things taken care of and this is biggest step.
You try to hold off on it. Come up with every excuse you can to not go through with it, but he doesn't give you much room for argument.
It becomes clear to Kisaki that you're not going to relent, so he decides that he needs to change his plans a bit. So a few nights after graduation on a surprise trip he planned for you two he takes action.
The Scheme
He's been planning this night for a few months now actually. He made sure to switch out your birth control, and he's been slipping vitamins into your food to boost your fertility.
The guy is dedicated because he's even done research on how to boost sperm count lol. He's eating better and he's working out more because he read that will definitely help.
This freak even tracked your cycle to know when you're gonna be ovulating
Most frustrating of all, he's been abstaining from any kind of sexual activity, saying he wants to focus on school and exams.
But that's all bullshit because he doesn't hesitate to start some heavy makeout and petting sessions just to cut it off short and leaving you wanting more.
It wasn't easy for him, he's addicted to that sweet body of yours, but its all worth it for how you're grinding down on his fingers..
He dicks you down within an inch of your life.
You two are so committed to each other and you've been together so long that he knows everything that drives you crazy. He knows where to kiss you, where to bite you, how to touch you to make you breathless.
The aphrodisiac he slipped you is also helping make this very easy. He's barely touched you and you're practically drowning the fingers he's got buried in your sweet pussy.
You're begging so cutely too, just crying about how bad you want him already, but Kisaki is meticulous he can't cave in just yet.
He eats like a man that's starving, spending so much time licking you and sucking that clit his jaw actually aches.
When he feels you've been fingered and licked until your practically braindead does he pull out the condoms. He poked holes in them of course. He was just planning on telling you they ripped, and giving you the Plan B he had prepared (Dont worry its a fake)
But you shock him
"Its ok, Tetta," you tell him with tears running down your cheeks, and your hands spreading your thighs wide for him, presenting yourself like a present, "J-just for tonight. I wanna feel you..."
He loses it. He planned on keeping his cool for you and taking it nice and slow for his sweet girl, but hearing you tell him he didn't need to wear a condom was like you were signing up to have his baby.
And trust me, you're getting knocked up with the way he's hammering into your cervix. Your pussy is gripping onto him and sucking him back every time he thrusts.
Of course you're just babbling at this point telling him he's perfect and how good his big dick feels in your gummy walls. The guy was always on the big side, but taking every inch raw? It's too much.
Your whole body is basically telling him you want to get pregnant and why wouldn't it? You guys are soulmates? Your destined to have his kids.
It doesn't take long for you, you're overstimulated to all hell, and soon you're gripping onto him for deal life when you cum, practically milking him for all he's worth.
And he's cumming thick ropes into your womb, filling you up and keeping his cock stuffed in your hole to make sure it takes.
Aftercare, Afterwards
Kisaki is the king of aftercare, idc who wants to say this is OOC I'll die on this hill, and he feels so bad for everything when he see you're puffy eyes and wrecked body.
He doesn't feel bad about anything else though. You two are written in the stars, if he had to push things along that's just the natural order.
But he does feel like an ass when he notices how your body is shaking from the over stimulation and how you're barely conscious from his onslaught.
His touches are gentle when he kisses you and wipes you down. He's so soft with your over sensitive body and he's soothing all the places he left bruises.
You can hear him whispering about how much he loves you and adores you when you're drifting in and out of conciousness. You can't even tell him how much you love him back with how raw you throat feels from all the moaning you were doing.
Kisaki can tell you're trying to say something but he just smiles and reassures you that its fine. Try to rest for now, he'll take care of everything.
And for some unexplainable reason, you feel as thought he means that in more ways than one.
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mxbo · 21 days
So what are the stamps and user boxes actually used for other than just being silly and cute
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OK, so other than being cute and silly their purpose is to uh… be um… cute and silly decoratio- who wrote this script?? Whoever did is horrible at its job, like yeah it's right but- let me just sugarcoat it a bit mor-
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“Userboxes are boxes containing a little bit of information about someone! They originated from wikipedia and were meant to be put on people’s user pages, but here people either choose to reblog those that apply to them or put them on their about pages (or both!)”
—Definition stolen borrowed from Userboxed's FAQ
So, basically, Wikipedia had this little thing where NERDS would code* boxes of information and people said “HEY, THAT'S SO COOL WHY DO ONLY THE SMART PEOPLE HAVE THOSE” and said “IMMA MAKE MY OWN, SCREENSHOT IT AND PUT IT ON MY WEBSITE/PROFILE/PINNED POST”
*Zzz boring code (I have a website myself, I'm allowed to call it boring)
✦ Most people won't read your pinned post in its totality, but will read the userboxes. ✦ They're colorful, have one or two sentences max per userbox and have an image on the side, so it catches people's attention more than just plain text. ✦ They get their point across: your personality, interests, sometimes aesthetics… ✦ MAKING YOUR OWN IS SUPER EASY!!
The standard size is 239px × 49px, but bigger/high quality userboxes can be found, always following that ratio, of course.
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Basically, just images/GIFs with a border resembling a real life stamp. These are called static or animated stamps, AND I'M IN LOVE WITH THE LATTER TYPE. I believe they come from Deviantart and serve a similar purpose to userboxes: decorating your profile.
✦ Collecting them is super fun!! It reminds you of which parts of the internet you have visited. ✦ Groups of stamps look super cool together. ✦ That thing about getting your point across but without text and writing AESTHETIC in bold red underlined text.
The standard size is 99px × 56px, but bigger/high quality stamps can be found, always following that ratio, of course.
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You can have a couple on your profiles (Spacehey), pinned posts (Tumblr)… But where people COLLECT THEM is in
✦ Shishka ✦ Cinni ✦ Oddity Commoddity ✦ Ko's Crag! ✦ Cloud Cover ✦ Echo's Graphics ✦ silly zone ✦ Mad Paddington ✦ My own website lmao
(Because it's my hyperfixation, topped only by TF2, and I MUST share it with the world) (I already convinced my light to make a neocities, YOU ARE NEXT.)
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TL;DR: They're silly and cute BUT, they're also nostalgic and an important part of internet culture
I also recommend watching the next videos just because (you won't understand userboxes or stamps any better, but the culture around it)
✦ Whatever Happened to Profile Customization? ✦ Old Websites Were Cooler, Actually
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I hope you found my explanation/yapping interesting and also answered your question (if you can find your answer, there's so much filler, god) HEHE
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hi me again! Could I request Spencer Reid x trans male reader (ftm) with the prompts
“Please stay” and “It’s cold when your gone”
Where the 2 r js cuddling bc some asshole at y/ns work said some shit abt him being trans
Maybe a bit of making out but fs like kisses
Ty luv 🫶
- 🦭
A/N: hey 🦭, thank you for my first ever Spencer Reid request! This was a great experience to write and I hope you like it:]
WORDS: 850
MELIORISM (n.) the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world
Spencer Reid x FTM reader
Spencer had 3 main amazing talents. His eidetic memory, which allowed him to recall the tiniest visual details of the things he sees, even if briefly. Reid could also read 20,000 words a minute, finishing books that would take a regular person multiple days in only a few hours. These are well known about Spencer, but, his third talent is something only you’ve experienced. He has the ability to read your emotions perfectly.
If he hadn’t already explained that the ability to be a genuine mind reader would require factors that don’t exist in our world, you would’ve been sure he was one. No matter how insignificant the feeling, Dr. Spencer Walter Reid knew you felt it. So it was no suprise when he was already at the door when you arrived home, scooping you into a hug and kissing your forehead.
Daniel said something again didn’t he? You know, even after one transphobic comment the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that he can be fired. I’m sorry he does this Y/N, you deserve better. You let out a small chuckle as he continues to ramble about different papers and documents he’s read that could help. Just knowing how much Spencer wants to help makes the hurt you feel evaporate away for a bit.
I’m gonna be ok Spence, it just hurts to hear those things. Especially because he was a work friend before he found out I’m trans. You broke away from the hug to shrug the burgundy coat off your body, placing it on the coat rack before grabbing Spencer’s hand & walking towards your shared bedroom. I know Y/N, but you’re just too great of a guy to have to put up with hateful speech. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I just want to lay down and watch a show, is Star Trek alright? He smiles, matching the small one on your face as he nods.
Sounds perfect! Did you know that Star Trek actually has very little physics mistakes? Considering the time it was- Spencer’s phone rings, cutting off a rant you were honestly interested in hearing. He answers, the corners of his mouth dropping back down as he exhales. He nods his head a few times before excusing himself to the person on the other end of the phone. Sorry Hotch, just a moment. You’re now back to feeling the same disappointment you had earlier, Aaron only calls after 6:00pm when there’s a case.
Y/N, im so sorry, Reid cups your face with his left hand. There’s a briefing for a case, we leave early tomorrow. Please stay. You lean your face into his hand even more. I know it’s selfish, but I just don’t want to be alone…. Its not selfish. A quiet silence fills the moment. Spencer examines you for a second before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. He guides you onto the bed, pulling off your shoes and turning on Star Trek. He exits the room and moves the phone back to his ear. You sigh, knowing that the case is important or he would’ve stayed.
Surprisingly, Spence re enters about 10 minutes later, with waters and your favorite snack. I thought- I can read the case files on the flight tomorrow. There’s more than enough time and Hotch said he’d fill me in on any other information needed. You hug his side as he sits down, pulling yourself close enough to rest your head on his shoulder as you watch the show. Thank you Spence. It’s better when you’re here, the house is so cold when I’m alone. He turns your head to face his, you come first Y/N, always.
Both leaning in for a slightly intense kiss, time passes and you realize 1 and 1/2 episodes have played in the background. You two had got so caught up in eachother that the tv noise had been completely forgotten. Spencer shares one more peck, before turning back to the screen. I thought you just wanted to lay down and watch a show? We haven’t done very much of that have we? A snicker escapes you as your eyes roll playfully.
Alright, I know. You’ve seen this show a hundred times- 68 and 3/5ths. Reid beams at you as you raise an eyebrow. Ok, you’ve seen this show 68 & 3/5ths times, what’s happened so far in this episode?
He begins to tell you all the needed context for the episode, and then some extra. You lean back against his shoulder and you two hold the hands closest to eachother, the horrible day of work completely forgotten.
Spencer tended to do that. He made all your bad days turn into good ones. You knew no matter how many people tried to hurt you, to tear away your happiness, that people like Spencer Reid existed. People who spend everyday trying to fix this broken world. You knew that meeting Spencer and falling in love with him was the luckiest thing a guy like you could do.
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ray-is-they · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
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Hello! My name is Octovia call me Ray/Octi for short :D
I'm 14 years old minor
I'm Pansexual
My pronouns are They/Them
Hobby is I write fanfics, I draw stuff, I watch some other fandoms that I like!
I don't write on ao3 but I do write on wattpad @Ray_is_They
I luv SpicyNoodles n Shadowpeach(also FreeNoodlespigsyxtang)
THIS BLOG is a sideblog of mine which I could never follow you unless I know you personally.
You guys probably came from tiktok who also know me there as or also known as @ray_is_they
"Ray Princex of SpicyNoodleShip"
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-my pronouns are THEY/THEM not SHE/HER or HE/HIM
-LIONPEACH shipping is not my thing but I respect it
-racists and homophob is a big nono to me
-do not argue with me when it includes my works because i created it and my own rights for it
-nezha x [someone] sorry but no for me
-no critisizing my art/fic writing I only share when I share
-making jokes abt something serious <includes character getting hurt in lmk>
-I am not a dragonfruit shipper but I see them as a friend/sibling way [but i dont hate it dnattack]
-I am okay with Fluff and Gore or any angst.
-I'm good with talkative ppl because they cool.
-If you wanna DM me I'll just have to make sure we have good stuff going along
-I am a SpicyNoodlesShipper its ok to talk stuff about SNS with me :3
-if you wanna talk stuff about lores or anything included to my work I am happy to talk abt it/or if others not included to my work i am also happy to talk abt it
-art requests are fine by me just don't overfill it
-mention me if there is something important related to my work or something else
-calling me Ray or Octi is fine but if you call me Bud or Kiddo I'm fine w it
About my information:
I do digital and traditional art and I mostly do them just for fun, I write fanfics when something random comes into my mind, I share some lores if I could [my ask box is open if you want to ask something anonymous/user], I do my editing on tiktok!
Mei: AroAce|Sometimes Sapphic
Mk: Gay/Transmasc
Redson: Genderfluid/Bisexual
Pigsy: Bisexual
Tang: Gay
Sandy: Queer Platonic
Sun Wukong: Gay
Macaque: Demisexual
Nezha: AroAce
Sandy x Hunstman = SilkTea [for somereason-]
Pigsy x Tang = FreeNoodles
Sun Wukong x Macaque = ShadowPeach
Mk x Redson = SpicyNoodles
Mk x Mei [not much but briefly] = GoldenDragon
Mei x Redson [platonic] = DragonFruit
Mei x Mk x Redson = Chimera [not much but it's cute tho]
-Redson Screentime [he left the celestial realm than fight alongside with Ne Zha]
-Him and Mk had chemistry with each other so this implies more hits to his soul
Successor Who?- FORGOTTEN TIME
-A world without Mk, A world with no 'Successor' a world where the seemingly supposed hero Xiaotian doesn't 'exist' practically
-Redson is stuck from the wish he regretted
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From Discord! Drawn by BUNZ!
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From Discord! Drawn by Lynn!
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
could you do a kinda pre-relationship fic between soul X m!reader X kid? where its like during the fight between soul and blackstar VS kid when he first gets to the school? except m!reader is there? maybe hes a weapon who fights on his own but as there fighting (and losing...) kid does his signature drop down to shoot m!reader and when he does m!reader gets that stereotypical nosebleed when smth hot happens? idk where it would go from there, if he would play it off or be laid out for the rest of the fight but yeah :)
🍓(and idk if it qualifies as this but🍋)
YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Thank you for requesting! But I am not able to do 🍋 because the characters are either 13-16 (not 100% confident on this). But hey, thanks again for requesting again, it makes my day! I also really hope that I set this up right!❤️❤️❤️
❤️🍓Soul x M!Reader x Kid pre-relationship🍓❤️
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This is all..really interesting and..exciting? Well at least for Soul, Blackstar, and you. And possibly Kid?
Anywho, Dr. Stein had informed the class about a new classmate, who was Lord Death’s own son. You and your two friends loved some action and a challenge so why not give this fellow classmate of yours a nice greeting?
You and Soul had your fair share with a battle together, you two are rather close to one another. If Blackstar isn’t there with y’all, then it’s just you and Soul. Soul prefers to be alone with you rather then Blackstar being there
So, here you three boys are, skipping Dr Steins class to go and take on this new classmate.
It wasn’t long before you came into contact with Kid. You were really stunned, you didn’t expect to see such a handsome boy..and he’s gonna be coming to this school? He’s gonna be in your class? That’s a blessing right there. Just…pure. At first you didn’t want to fight him at all because you didn’t want to damage that beauty of course. But you really did want to fight him though..just don’t aim for the face then it will be just fine.
When Blackstar ends up breaking one of the red spikes on the DWMA while giving out his awesome speech, this sets Kid off immediately. He’s complaining about the symmetry…
Your a lone weapon without a meister, upon seeing that, Kid couldn’t help but be all so curious. You’re a weapon that doesn’t have no meister at all, fighting on your very own. Shouldn’t you have a meister now..? That isn’t important right now, he has to take down the three of you.
All four of you got into fighting stance, preparing for battle. The tension between y’all was thick and intense as you all stared daggers at one another.
When Soul and you was going in to do y’all’s first move..you ended up getting pierced in the damn head. Blackstar jumped in and tried to pick Soul, who was in his weapon form up but..he couldn’t. If Soul was so heavy then how in the world did Maka swing him around as if he was a fidget spinner?
Yeah…this wasn’t going as planned as it should’ve went. Were you guys even taking this seriously one bit?? Even if you were it sure did not look like it..
This isn’t going to work out like it should. You guys can’t even sense each others wavelengths.
“Y/n…it’s over between us.” When you heard those words fall out of Soul’s mouth, you stared in disbelief..is he really breaking up with you at a time like this?
This is all so sad for the two of you. Having to spilt up away from each other like this..it’s heartwenching..it’s terrible.
Stein, Maka, and Tsubaki are all looking at the two of you as if they are watching a dramatic sad scene in a romance story.
Kid was just standing there with his guns, asking if he could shoot the two of them now. But Liz told him to hold it on back.
“Okay Soul…I understand..but..is it okay if we stay friends?” You asked him, looking away with a hand ok the back of your head. Your eyes widened when you saw Soul running to you, he wanted to be friends again!!!
You two began running towards each other so dramatically..so romantically. This was a dream come true, you two did NOT break up, you two are back together. Blackstar is running towards yall as well..
You all crash into each others arms as you all hugged each other tightly.
You all fall to the ground. This is due to Kid shooting his guns at the three of you, ending the bromance.
Y’all’s wavelength sucked like hell so you guys decided to attack Kid individually. Different and various moves were across the entrance of the school as you three were going right on at it.
You were trying to avoid hitting Kid’s face of course, you didn’t want to knock the beauty out of him.
Despite the three of you fighting with all your might, it was obvious that you three were losing as well. Kid was way more faster and flexible out of the three of you, as well as being able to have access to far distance with his twin pistols. It also didn’t help that the three of you were pitiful morons…
The fight is coming to a closure when Kid is so sick and tired of all the mess going on, fooling around. Kid decided to do his signature drop down to shoot you. You and Kid were so close to one another. Very close.
You felt heat rise to your face as your face was painted to red much to Kid’s surprise. You threw your head back as blood came out of your nose as you fell onto your back so asymmetrically.
Everyone just kinda stood there as you got a nosebleed. Kid just kept on holding his guns as he stood there staring at you. Now why on earth would you get a nosebleed? How did you get one? Why did it happen?
Black star immediately darted over to your body and started to shake you furiously, asking if you were okay and how they will kill Kid, shaking you all around. Soul on the other hand scoffed as he looked away…I think he knows why you got a nosebleed. He wished he didn’t. Feeling a little jealous…
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Going on a Date with Erestor
Picnic Date
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Request: I love your blog and I hope you're doing OK 💚
I was wondering if we could get either something for Erestor! Either dating headcanons, or maybe a fic about him taking reader on picnic when reader has been a shut in and misses the outdoors ? No worries if not! I love your writing!
A/N: Hey anon! I am so happy to hear that you love my blog! And I am doing ok! :) I was happy to do something for Erestor! He's so underrated!
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▸ When you've been shut in for a long time with work, Erestor definitely takes notice of it and keeps it at the forefront of his mind.
▸ He knows how hard you've been working and how much stress it has been causing you, understanding fully being a workaholic himself.
▸ He also knows that means that you both haven't been spending hardly any time with one another, and have been busy in your own world, like two ships passing one another in the night.
▸ Erestor can be romantic, and opts to pencil out some time to be able to spend with you- no work or messengers. Just the two of you.
▸ Since you've been shut inside so much, Erestor opts to take the date outside seeing as you've both seen enough of the inside of four walls surrounding you.
▸ He's a planner, so Erestor would tell you ahead of time that you are taking x time off and "we are going on a picnic."
▸ He also takes the time to make sure that the kitchens prepare a meal that you two will enjoy but be easy to transport outside so there's minimal mess.
▸ Erestor doesn't give you the opportunity to try and back out of the date, no matter how "important" the work may be.
▸ Erestor would've taken the time to have spoken to Elrond about this, that way there'd be no more work piled on your shoulders and you could go out on this date with Erestor.
▸ And Glorfindel would've suggested the perfect spot to Erestor about where to have this picnic.
▸ When you go out on this picnic with Erestor he would've brought somethings for you to do- like reading or sketching or writing if thats what you prefer.
▸ Erestor wants you to be able to relax and enjoy the time that you're spending with him even if it is just some parallel play.
▸ He listens and converses with you about what's been going on with work, wanting to catch up with you after so much time apart.
▸ He's very attentive to what you have to tell him and gives you his honest feedback about your work or any other information you might have to add.
▸ Though one thing he is adamant about is you not pushing yourself so hard that you forget to take care of yourself, and he gently chastises you for neglecting yourself and getting so caught up in you work.
▸ Which is ironic coming from him.
▸ But he doesn't dwell too much on work and its stresses shifting the conversation to something he knows you will want to talk about like a hobby or an interest you have.
▸ He loves to see the way you light up when you are speaking about something you are passionate about.
▸ The two of you could easily forget all the food that you've brought with you, in favor of just talking between the two of you.
▸ All in all the two of you spend hours out on your picnic enjoying your uninterrupted time together and being able to indulge in one another.
▸ Erestor definitely is relieved to see how your mood has improved and is happy to have shared such a sweet moment with you, and he doesn't let it get away from him too long ever again.
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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miiilowo · 7 months
ok u dont have to answer this one publicly but i just want to wrap up. i understand that the world is taxing. i understand that living in the 21st century is difficult and its extremely more difficult to focus on an issue when you, yourself have your own very pressing issues. my main problem was your wording of the original tags, which is Why i interpreted them the way i did- someone sayying they have terms surrounding a Literal Genocide blocked is bound to raise eyebrows. I also think that you weren't entirely understanding my point- im not *educating* myself or others through tumblr, its merely a way to share tidbits of information about the updates on gaza and the situation, as well as remind people that palestine still exists and still needs our help. i encourage everyone to watch the news and hell, even pick up a book if they can; and i dont think anyone is intending to educate through tumblr posts. i appreciate the fact that you want to make sure the news you are spreading is genuine and i understand that its difficult to post if you are not sure what youre reblogging is true- but as a former follower of yours, and speaking to other former and current followers of yours, we all agreed that we did not see that many posts about the situation; and when we saw these tags we assumed you post about palestine very little, if at all. the way you said "social media should be fun" also was part of Why it seems like you are just ignoring the situation. because, like i said, it just seems like such a privileged point of view to be able to disengage with conflict whenever you'd like, when the people at the blunt end of that conflict have no choice. once again i do completely understand how taxing it can be to constantly engage with media about tragedies- but the ability to disengage Whenever you like is a privilege the people of gaza do not have.
i just want to end with two testimonies. one, from my partner, who was banned from posting about palestine because of his zionist parents, and might even have his internet access taken away and be sent to a religious school if they see him posting further content.And yet he uses his close friends instagram story to post infographics and articles and reels from reporters like Bisan when he can, and even advocates for the lives of gazans in person when he can.
Another is from one of my friends, who barely checks social medias because of burnout and depression. but when she does, she boosts stuff about palestine when she runs across it.
i apologize for the way i interpreted your tags, i understand now thats not what you meant.
i am gonna answer this publicly because i think its important. thank you for being kind instead of doubling down, and actually explaining your line of thinking . lots of internet conflicts dont resolve in any kind of positive way. im not gonna berate or bitch at you for making assumptions, i think that would be pointless, but i do think that this is kind of a good learning experience. just. generally speaking. thank you for apologizing, i appreciate it
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icy-chill · 5 months
Greetings beings of Rotomblr. My name is Alwin, and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance!
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I’m I was a Wyverian from Rutoh Village in Alcala region. My age is almost three centuries old, if I recall correctly. Not that my age matters. My pronouns are he/him.
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I’ve been in this world for some time, almost a century and a half. Enough time so that I’ve watched my chosen’s descendants come and go. I don’t know why Arceus took me from my own home (and my universe, if He is to be believed), or why He’s commanded me to be His right hand, but won’t disobey. It would be too much of a risk.
I have a few disciples, but I’m not willing to share any of their names currently.
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Even after all this time, I still do not understand my other form. Since Arceus informed me that I am the only two-formed being from another universe in our universe, He gifted me this odd device. He told me that here I may communicate with people from other universe and ask for assistance without risk to my identity here.
I hope to speak with you all more personally soon! Perhaps you can help me with my situation.
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[Users arven-x-drayster-4ever, silvallyandweavile, perrins-portfolio, g-max-wildfire, and suckerpunch-n-toxic cannot view the blog icy-chill or its posts.]
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//Blanket Blog TWs:
Alwin comes from the universe of Monster Hunter. Themes of both human and animal?(/pokemon/monster/monstie) violence and death will all be present. It won’t be a main feature of the blog, unlike other tws here, but it is part of the “lore”.
There are also heavy religious themes, both Christian and otherwise. (Think Greek mythology.) If this makes you uncomfortable, this is not the blog for you. Alwin will constantly speak of being afraid of Arceus.
Basic eebydeeby and faller tws also !!!
Idk if these are big triggers- so here’s just a few basic themes.
time/space manipulation- like going back in time and traveling to other universes.
omnipotent gods- the big four are always watching. always listening. even if they don’t want to.
corruption- giratina. yeah.
underworlds- the distortion world functions as the underworld. souls/ghosts and the holiday día de los muertos are also important! distortion worlds also got layers and stuff, the one seen in dppt is the final layer where giratina resides with the “eternally punsished”. just felt like mentioning that here.
Spoilers for Monster Hunter Stories and Monster Hunter Stories 2 will also be present!!!
(I’ll update this as we go along)
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//Mod: @saywha413 daily drawing blog: @sarahs-daily-malewives (Alwin (as a character) is featured here!) Other blogs in this universe:
Direct family (ask) @ask-sarah-and-co 💎🎸 (irl) @arven-x-drayster-4ever 🥪🐉 (irl) @silvallyandweavile 🌘🪶 (irl) @perrins-portfolio 📸 (irl) @pens-and-coins 🔮🪙
Other (irl) @g-max-wildfire 🎇 (irl) @suckerpunch-n-toxic 🎶 (irl) @icy-chill ❄️ (you’re here!)
Current time: Mid August, 2023 (even though he’s above time)
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//Basic dni- no nsfw!
pelipper mail is ok ! just no legendary gift pokemon. you can send mythical pkmn, i just might not accept it. depends on how i feel in the moment
pelipper malice is kinda iffy. feel free to send it in, but I might delete it if I don’t like it
same for musharna equivalents!! ^
sentient pokemon are ok if we keep it within the context of rotomblr being across the multiverse (although Alwin’s a pokemon, he’s a legendary so it’s different. the concept of regular pokemon using technology is foreign)
magic anons are fine- I’ll prob just be choosy with them
I have names of important ask-sarah-and-co chars highlighted in different colors! for fun :)
Hisui chars are welcome to interact! Specifically mentioning volo bc he got up to some shenanigans and is facing punishment (along w Cyrus lol)
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//Divider credits: x / x
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vanoefucks · 2 days
book recommendation tag game!
rules: recommend as many books as you like. please include genre and some basic information on it (either your words or a copy+paste synopsis). feel free to include cover art, a personal review, trigger warnings, and anything else! just don’t spoil the book!
Tagged by @dekarios <33 ty!!
Genre: Gothic Fantasy Romance (sapphic) (adult)
Blumwald is a town overshadowed by an ancient curse: in a sinister castle in the depths of the wild wood lives a monstrous Witch. Once a generation, she comes to claim a companion to return with her – never to be seen again. Now that time is drawing near once more... Mina, daughter of the duke, is grieving and lonely. She has lost all hope of any future for herself in Blumwald. So when the Witch demands her next companion, Mina offers herself up.
I adore this book and although it took me a while to warm up to the prose (it had been a while since I’d read anything other than ya) it drew me in and I finished it over the course of 2 train rides. It’s beautiful and made me cry but it’s so??? Comforting in the strangest way.
ALL THESE BODIES : Kendara Blake
Genre: Mystery & Horror (ya)
Summer 1958. A gruesome killer plagues the Midwest, leaving behind a trail of bodies completely drained of blood. Michael Jensen, an aspiring journalist whose father happens to be the town sheriff, never imagined that the Bloodless Murders would come to his backyard. Not until the night the Carlson family was found murdered in their home. Marie Catherine Hale, a diminutive fifteen-year-old, was discovered at the scene—covered in blood. She is the sole suspect in custody. Michael didn’t think that he would be part of the investigation, but he is pulled in when Marie decides that he is the only one she will confess to.
I love a small town vibe & saw this at the charity shop with its shiny! Cover so obviously I picked it up. I read it slowly but only because I didn’t want it to end. It was so cool to read it from the point of view of Michael and the details get pretty fucked up so warning with that. Heavy discussions of murder and gory details.
Genre: Fantasy Romance (lgbt) (adult)
the book gives you a list of tws at the start worth looking at
Without an academic endorsement to make him valuable to the high fey, Saffron will be sent back through the veil to the human world. When mistaken identity leads to Saffron learning the true name of brooding, self-centered, high fey Prince Cylvan, what begins as a risk of losing his life (or his tongue) becomes an opportunity to earn the future he wants. But as other human servants soon fall victim to a beast known only as “the wolf”, Saffron realizes he has embroiled himself in a manipulative reach for power like he never anticipated. Between the wolf, uncovering forbidden magic, and his growing feelings for the prince, Saffron will have to decide which is most important to him
Now this series is literally what made me buy a kindle in the end. I love the rowan blood books even if the second one after this had me tearing my hair out. It’s the first and only fae book series I’ve read and I don’t think any will ever hold up to this. The characters are to die for and the author does so well with having you root for saffron. I love it so dearly.
Bonus: the Spider-Man and & Deadpool comic run LMAO
Ok so!! I’ll do 3 for now ^^ thank you again for the tag <3 i love reading even though I’ve slowed down due to work :[ & I'll take any chance to share some of my faves.
Tagging @leonbastralle @landgraabbed @ambrozians & @gallusneve (no pressure whatsoever as always <3)
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