#its cuz its actually from austria :))
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rox-of-iu · 2 years ago
me + mayhem going on a stupid silly hike for my stupid silly mental health
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touched grass and i am normal again (lying)
#i will get back to drawing soon let me just sleep for a few years shdjhkfds#anyway photo credit to mayhem again i cant take pictures to save my life lol#btw the caption is obvs reference to that one hike video tiktok i think so credit to that also its not my joke#anywqay it was nice did help me a little bit#been feeling a bit down due to some personal problems ykno#and also due to not being accepted into a med uni I rly wanted to (but didn't put enough effort I'll confess) and that almost no one getsin#but i was only missing one point o(-( i was the first in line outside the capacity limit hasjkdhsahd#even tho my brain is rly small for it lets be real hfjsdfhksd but like hhsdjhshdjkhd those biches at physiotherapy baited me hdsjd#mqf i have failed you lol#also i have accidentaly gotten back into one piece as I do for like two weeks periodically every few months or so dhjsdhk#so im revisiting my olde blorbo trafalgar which is just reminding me of a fact that this was one of the fuckers my itty bitty young self -#- wanted to pursue medicine beacause of lmaoooo#bad timing one piece fixation!! bad bad!! sdhhdjshdjakshd#whatevrrr whatevr whatevr io dotn care! enough of that hahhskj#but hey as some of u may remeber im czech so haa whats up with the mountains right since we are very cute and 'down to earth' state hahaha#its cuz its actually from austria :))#we went hiking there since theyre co by kamenem dohodil as they say#fuck english has the exactly same saying im moron that ruins my whole thing hjdsk 'a stone's throw away' whatever ignore that ig hahhah#so yeah very beautiful very powerful go touch some grass lads#also they are not stones throw away i was lying but close enough-#also random czechs stop jumpscaring me in other countries challenge why was there so many of us horrible horrible horrible
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years ago
I'm giving in and putting in an actual response. just incase people don't check replies (tho if it is the obsessive anti Asian twst person I wouldn't be surprised if they did read them)
it takes... no time at all to look up the history of braids ON WIKIPEDIA and find out their actual history. (don't trust news outlets and blog sites) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braid A quote from the page:
"The oldest known reproduction of hair braiding may go back about 30,000 years: the Venus of Willendorf, a female figurine estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BC in modern-day Austria.[4] The Venus of Brassempouy from the southwest of France is estimated to be about 25,000 years old and shows a braided hairstyle.
Although many cultures want to take sole credit for the braid, they cannot be traced to a single origin. Like how different versions of Cinderella are traceable to nearly every culture, braids, too, are polygenetic. One early example of hair braiding takes place in 1279-1213 BCE as recorded in the story of Isis: "when some of the queen's maidens came to the well, she greeted them kindly and began to braid their hair."[5]"
While yes, braids do have significant cultural importance in African cultures, largely out of necessity for maintaining their hair, this does not mean that they "invented" the braid. like another person said, braids even appear in cultures that have had zero contact with African cultures. In case you don't know what polygenetic means:
Having many distinct sources; originating at various places or times.
Of or pertaining to polygenesis; polyphyletic.
one which is composite, or consists of two or more monogenetic ranges, each having had its own history of development.
This can also be attributed to the fact that braids are not exclusive to hair. "A braid (also referred to as a plait) is a complex structure or pattern formed by interlacing three or more strands of flexible material such as textile yarns, wire, or hair."
This means things like clothing, jewelry, rope, and I would even say baskets. Any thing thing that can be shaped into a braid. Are there specific types of braid meant specifically for black hair texture? Yes. There are TYPES of hair braids designed specifically to protect and maintain certain types of hair, and yes such types of braids can be harmful if used on hair textures they were not designed for. However, once again I must remind you that this does not mean that African cultures "invented" braids as a whole.
"okay so are you saying its okay for white people to appropriate black cultures and use those hair styles?" In the event this is what any of you are wondering... That's not what I'm talking about. That is an entirely different topic that I'm not going into. Cuz tbh I don't know and I don't really have a say in the matter.
What I am talking about is debunking the claim that African cultures invented and therefore own braids, and that any other culture or person not apart of African cultures have no right to use a braids in general, and are racist if they do. For the last time. braids are polygenetic. No one owns them or invented them, and everyone has a right to use them. And this was all easily accessible information that you could literally look up and be done in like 5 mins btw. Please learn to do your research.
Posting this response like this. I will be compiling the anonymous response as one post.
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juniperusashei · 3 years ago
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2020 Top Books
To start this blog off, I’ll repost my favorite books from 2020! That year, I read 43 books, which is more than I had ever before. Some of my choices are a bit baffling to me now, but all are still very solid reads so I stand by this selection. 
1. Dead Astronauts by Jeff Vandermeer Annihilation is one of my favorite books ever, and this is definitely my second fave of Jeff’s. It’s very different though, really modernist, the prose itself is a character. It’s one of the only books I wanted to reread immediately after finishing it… I’m not even sure if I can describe what it’s about but there’s a shapeshifting lesbian made of moss (I think)
2. Les Amants du Spoutnik by Haruki Murakami I first read this book three years ago and it really resonated with me but I didn’t know why. Despite a lot of the narrator’s creepiness bothering me, this reread (read in french this time around) solidified Sputnik Sweetheart as one of my fave books of all time. It’s definitely flawed but I’m still really attached to the characters…
3. The Masker by Torrey Peters This is one of the most uniquely terrifying books I’ve read where nothing that scary happens. It’s sort of like situation horror (like situational comedy but the other way around.) Me and one of my friends are trying to make a movie of this book (2021 note: this didn’t happen). It has a lot to say for everyone about the entrapments of gender roles.
4. Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown Some books have so much detail that its hard to imagine they didn’t actually happen. Sort of like To Kill A Mockingbird, or this one. Maybe I just associate the two cuz they’re both Southern and about evil girls.
5. Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works translated by Diane Rayor I didn’t have a physical copy of this version for the pic. But Diane Rayor’s translation of Sappho’s poetry is the decidedly gayest interpretation I’ve come across.
6. Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plante This is like metafiction like Pale Fire except this one is actually good and made me cry a lot. I read this sort of early last year so I don’t remember much so I’m probably due for a reread soon. But I wish the TV show she talks about was real.
7. Woman Hating by Andrea Dworkin Despite a final chapter full of weirdness that the author herself later disavowed this was a bitter, poetic, and difficult digestion of modern and historic gender politics. I was lucky to get to read a physical copy from the PCL library, but since it’s been out of print hard copies are hundreds of dollars to buy, which is a big shame because I think the world would be a lot better if more people read this book.
8. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders A friend from another city sent this over to me and I went into it not knowing what to expect. It honestly reminded me of those books I’d stay up all night reading when I was a kid, except this is decidedly not a kids book. I did stay up pretty late though. It’s a fun way to combine sci fi and fantasy, like the genres are at odds and so are the characters that represent them. Sort of meta if you think about it.
9. Post Office Girl by Stefan Zweig This is one of the most visual books I’ve ever read and if I was a successful Hollywood producer I’d want to adapt this. It’s about how customer service jobs are soul sucking and even though it takes place in pre-WW2 Austria and Switzerland it absolutely applies to today’s economic climate.
10. Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin Did not like this as much as Woman Hating cuz this one is much more a work of literary criticism than sociology and I don’t really like reading about books I haven’t read. Nonetheless I gotta give credit to it because this is what really opened my eyes.
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rein-ette · 4 years ago
Artie HC cuz even when my brain empty he takes up 60% of it
So I wrote like a 3 paragraphs before I realized I have to premise this with a couple things:
WHY DONT WE CALL ARTIE'S RELATIONSHIPS FOR WHAT THEY ARE. He has friends. He has acquaintances. He has lovers, and kids, and colleagues. Who falls into each category is obviously up to personal interpretation and changes over time, but can we pleaaaaaseeeeee stop pretending Arthur doesn't have friends and that his world is, like, just divided into "me" and "hostile beings".
Okay, having said that, these are the people who I believe fall into each group in 2021:
1. Close Friend Circle: (their relationships are complex, but they're friends, they are, ik arthur has problems with denial but we can call it for what it is) France, Spain, Port, Prussia, Belgium, Ned, Belgium, sometimes Denmark, also Hungary and Austria but they're not really close with artie so much as close with others in the group
2. Personal Friends (they're close with Arthur, but they don't share the same social circles): Norway, Japan, Malta (< so done with Arthur's shit but they frends), India (they were closer before...u kno), former states like Hessen, Saxony, Hanover
3. "Kid"-Friends: Alfred, Matthew
4. Mostly just kids: Zee, Aus, Singapore, HK, Seychelles, etc etc etc etc i can't list everyone
5. My Friend's Kids So I Share Some Responsibility and Can't Bully Them: Brazil, Macau, pr much all Portugal's other former colonies, and Ludwig.
6. Everyone Else: some shade between "i dunno you" to "i wish i didn't know you"
oKiE now the actual hc lol
Arthur's demeanor changes when he's interacting with nations younger than him (groups 3-5) versus his close friends in Europe. This isn't noticeable at meetings or situations where both are present, such as G7 meetings, because he just defaults to factory settings. But it is more pronounced when he's alone with either group. When alone with his kids/younger nations he feels some sort of kinship towards, he's more patient, calm, even tolerant. He's more likely to roll his eyes and brush things off, or let them get away with teasing with a half-hearted glare or a raised eyebrow. He's also quieter, content to listen to the kids chatter while he does something else or just zones out.
However, with Europeans -- especially countries that are considerably older than him like France, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, German states etc. --- he pulls out all the bratty stops. He's a lot snarkier, mischevious, even whiny if he feels really comfortable with the person. He's also more tolerant of physical contact and possessive gestures. For example, if he's with Mattie, Zee and Aus and Alfred puts an arm around his shoulder, he'll shrug it off. If someone tries to tease him about a romantic relationships at a Commonwealth meeting, he'll pretend he didn't hear them. But in the dinner parties after EU meetings, when its just him and the gang, he'll let Francis drape himself all over him, let Bella whisper in his ear, will even curl up with Port on the couch out of his own volition. Even with people like Denmark, Spain, Ned, or Prussia, he's more likely to slap/punch them playfully or go along with flirtatious jokes whereas he normally wouldn't touch them on his own initiative.
This comes as a surprise to a lot of Artie's kids, especially the ones who haven't seen him interact with the European nations on a personal level (mattie, having spent quite a bit of time shadowing Arthur in the 19th-20th centuries, is less surprised). And this is no coincidence. I hc that Arthur tried very damn hard to keep the two spheres of his life (his empire vs other empires) separate, to the point where in his old Victorian estate he would make sure the kids only stayed and played in the West wing while he recieved guests in the East wing, and no one was allowed to go to the other side of the house unless otherwise given permission. Of course nowadays they know that their dad brought lovers home and had some *interesting* relationships, but even when the sex part of diplomacy became normalized for ppl like Al or Matt, they still wouldn't often see Arthur be affectionate or accept affection from anyone, platonic or otherwise. In fact his kids probably knew more about the people Arthur hated than the people who loved him, because the closer he was with someone the more obsessive Arthur was about keeping them away from his kids and never talking about them. This probably stemmed from a semi-conscious fear that if the two worlds ever mixed one person might have too many cards to play against Arthur, ex. Port close with him and with his kids? = dangerous; Mattie being an sweet little baby angel but also knowing all his dirt? = danGerouS (he ended up knowing anyways). And was he wrong? The Alfred-Francis combo f*ckin ruined him, so. Some precedent there, for sure.
But yeah, because of that compartimentalization now when Arthur's kids happen to see him pull out the impish smirk or whiny pout with his friends, which is still exceedingly rare, they react with varying levels of shock plus anything from mild disgust to awww uwu.
From the other perspective, I think a lot of England's friends are still surprised by how gentle he is with his kids when he's not angry with them. I don't think countries like Spain, Ned or France had very loving relationships with their colonies at all -- it was mostly a cold distance or calculated affection. Of course Arthur was also far more strict in the 19th century, but even so there's an undercurrent of tenderness that, except for Port, I don't think the other European powers managed to create to the same extent.
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i-idontunderstand-things · 4 years ago
Transcript of 1 Man 100 Accents
I took far too long to do this, but.... it’s done now so I may as well post it. This will help me remember my fave video when it’s deleted :) 
Mark: Argentina. Ethan: Argentina. Capital of the world. When you think of Argentina you think,,,, whO WOULD GO THERE?? *giggling* Mark: I was more lookin for an accent,, more than anything,, Ethan: OH, accent, accent. Mkay, re-run. *twirls finger in air* Mark: Austria. Ethan: Austria.        Ehy mayte-  whlcum tu Aughstria - Mark: Oh god… Ethan: wAIGHT for it though,,, Mark: *laughter* Ethan: Waight until I tell yew,, the country of Aughstria,, k?? We were invited by Gehrmay dyuring the world War Twooooo,,, one??? *laughter* Then Poulanghd said “hay,, how bout we help yu out!” They came oughva, we came oughva, we had a cuppa tea as we do In Austria,,, We said “oY, Germany, mAYBE,, dONT!” N that’s when it oll ‘appened. They kicked out, and I said, “Naw, naw naw, not in the northern hemisphere, gough down to the buttom, the buttom bitch o’ the barrel.” So we went and said hello to the Australians! Commonly miscommunicated with the Austrians. BUT,, we’re not them, they’re not us.         BAck in Austria we go! Roight next to,,, GERMANY, roight next tu Pouland, r- rOIGHT next to France. Mark: Wh- what are you talking about?? *laughter* All  Iwas asking for was an accent you,,, goddamn travesty,,, you human train wreck, you cant keep one train of thought- Ethan: *waggles finger* Next one, next one- Mark: Uhhh, paupa new Guinea Ethan: *looks down* Pff-  couldn’t even tell you where that is- Mark: H- It’s funny cuz I don’t need you to-  
Ethan: Paupa New guinea, I think, sounds-- when I think of it-- I go “PapWAH new guinea”-  which makes me think that they might be Frennnnch…      mghh,,,     HEGLLUOGHHH-  
*both burst out laughing*
Ethan: Weglcome to Paupa New guinea. *laughter* Same as Austria---  We hagve a very similar accents to Austria!!       Wglhcoooome-  t0--  
Ethan: Give me one,, that really hits home- Mark: uhhh, Cuba? Ethan: Cyooba. Mark: *w h e e z e* Ethan: Capital of the cigahr- Mark: *w h e  e z e*
Ethan: When yu think of Cyooba,,
*L A U GH T E R*  
Ethan: When yu think of Cyooba, yu think,,, pghyooo, phyooogh, pghgoo, egl caystro, and his ssssensitive,,,, ssss,, sssIGNATURE mustache- Mark: *losing his shit* Ethan:  Yu tink of the way that he burned the money, to keep his daughter warm at night-
*demonic noises*
He was makin 3, 4, 5, 6, MILLION DOLLARS A dAY,,, selling cohcaine,, in the united states of america!!  Now, when you think, “hey, that’s not vehry cüül,” that’s when we had to embargainze them. Mark: *wheeze* Ethan: We said, “Ey Cyooba!! Back it off a little bit!! We can’t come near you, you can’t come near me, dat’s why we can’t have a shweet shweet smohky pohky,,,, anymore-”  but now- the embargus has been lifted- an’ we can go back to motherland Cyooba- and get our sweet, h o t cigars.  Widen our mouths- and we’ll go- *sucks invisibe cigar*    *coughs*  and that’s ‘ow you know-   it’s a true hghuu---  human cigar.
Mark: I--  I don’t understand what happens in your brain-- *laughter* it doesn’t make any sense at all-- Ethan: Well it makes perfect sense to me :) Mark: Of course it does, course it does.. Ethan: * h a c k*  Next. Mark: ..Russia. Ethan:  …. Wghlcum to Russia. *laughter* Capital of s n o w,,, and bad weather. In here we have,, big radiation poison. It makes your big rats bigger, and your sack hang lower,,, and you-- *laughter* you can’t go anywhere near tha snow.  If tha snow touches you,, you go “ohh FACK-” and then yu ded. You can’t even hh- help yourself-  *laughter* noone can touch yu, noone can hug you- what kind of life is that? Not a life worth wiving. Ghgwhhhh-  *L A U G H T E R* Which is why in nineteen eighty siiiiiiixx?? When chernobl went “Imma,,,, gonna ‘splode now,,,”  people said “FACK.”  Did you know,,, that when you think,, I think… when I think about…. CHERNOBL!! 
*uncontrollable laughter* 
Ethan: My mind says, ‘world war two, world war one, north korea! WHO KNOWS Wh-WHEN IT HAPPENED!!! But it was so SOOON- --  when it happened,, if you do the math …  which i cAnT.. *laughing* You’ll realise it was 30….. yeearrsagooooo…  1986 is when it happened…  Quick, quick do the math for me *snaps fingers* how many years ago?? Mark: 33 Ethan: When it happened, when the whole world said, “We’re going to die. We’re going to die. The llll,, the radiation was swpt up by the wind, much like the fires of…. North california-  
Mark: Oh god… oh god-   Ethan: And they were swept- swept- swept- swept- swept- and they went up into the smoky air,, and they… okay,, picture this alright??? One time, you’re going to bed,, and you wake up and you go pee in the night… and you see BOOM BOOM BOOM all over the place… from one… place actually. Mark: *actually suffocating from laughter* Ethan: uh,,, only one explosion. *C O U GH* ighgh- it gets me choked up sometimes- aghibfuh- it went SUPER BIG, and the whole government said,, “don’ worry about it,,, you cant…. The radiator cant ‘splode! It’s impossible!” Well listen here,, PHUCKER. IT IS!! It happened 2… years.. before 35 years ago!!!  33 years ago it happened ! Swept up by the wind,, it,, Sweden said, “Oh, we can feel it,,” and so they said “okay, we have to get it under control” they put so much sand *laughing* o- on top of it- *dissolves into laughter* Mark: your Russian accent has slipped a little bit- Ethan: yu don know anything-- Mark: *bursts out laughing* Ethan: They put some sand on top some dogs died some kids died and they tried to evacuate the WHOLE area but it was too late for them they said “ohhh yu can survive-” but now people go back,,, to BULLETS,,  *pause* Sooo,, it’s still bad there. *Mark bursts out laughing* Mark: good god, man, I’m just lookin for an accent.     You good? You good man? You good? Ethan: Wrap it up. Also Ethan: Next one. Mark: what?? Ethan: Ye, sure. Mark: Ughh, alright,, give me some Italy. Ethan: *scrunches his face up, preparing his accent,*  Alexa? Play when the moon hits your eye its a big piece of pie,, song,, Alexa: Here’s Spotify (starts playing That’s Amore) Ethan: *mumbling* fucking.. asshole… Alexa stop. Alexa: *continues playing* Ethan: *mumbling along with song* shit… *puts on baby hands, hits camera* ringalingaling, bitches fkn shit…     PAUSE!! PAUSE!! ALEXA!! PAUSEIT!! YOU STAY! You stay here ! shh! *blows kiss, gets up from table* you stay here! You don’t move a muscle! Stay! Stay. *walks away from camera, up the stairs* Mark: *to Spencer* Spenceyyy,,, you wouldn’t happen to know what happening here, would you?? Spencer: Mark: Spencer… your master has gone crazy! You need to run. Run away spencecr.. It’s not safe for you here�� what the hell?? Alexa: *starts playing Lose Yourself as Ethan runs down the stairs with baby hands on* Ethan: *basically fucking turns into Eminem*  through this hole that is gaping…… *bursts out laughing* as we move farther, new world order.. *flailing arms around, knocks gum off counter* *further struggling*   Can,, can this be done?? 
Mark: *laughing in complete confusion*   Goodbye,, remember that we only have a year. Ethan: H-- *contorts face* how much time do we have left???  Ghhghg Mark: ah,, fuckin,,,  
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elprupneerg · 5 years ago
So @weimarauder asked me for austria headcanons. This is my second time typing them out cuz my laptop died halfway through the first time 😭. Just a warning that none of my headcanons are static, and they tend to change based on anything from what i last ate to whether its cloudy outside.
-iirc somewhere in the manga or on hima’s blog it says that roderich spent some time in a wheelchair after WWI. i think he got a bullet lodged in his hip, and until he either got it removed or it came out on its own it fucked up his nerves so he couldn’t walk. I also like the idea that he’s got either chronic pain (possibly stemming from said bullet wound) or chronic fatigue, so ever since then he’s had to occasionally use a cane (or a wheelchair, during really bad days) to get around
-he wears a lot of vintage stuff. Well, to most people it’s vintage. To roderich, it’s “oh this thing? I just bought it a little while ago. It’s a very nice fabric, and hardly moth-eaten at all”. Despite being old fashioned, he’s still very fashionable. It just might be “fashionable” from a couple centuries ago.
-to him “a little while ago” means anything from 5 minutes ago to 500 years ago. The thirty years war was a little while ago. He ate today’s breakfast a little while ago. The cell phone was invented a little while ago, as were the printing press, the lightbulb, and textile manufacturing.
-has a little bit of a tummy (as do many of the nations! Give 👏 more 👏 nations 👏 tummies 👏!). Idk that i see him as being fat per se, but he’s not as skinny as many people tend to draw him. He’s been through a few too many famines, so his body (like many of the others!) tends to store energy away just in case he goes through another one.
-i see him as biromantic bisexual, but also cool with being called panromantic/pansexual. He likes pretty people and talented people and talented people who are pretty. I think his marriages were pretty unstable and unhealthy, but after the divorces he gets along with them a lot better. He goes out for coffee with antonio about once a month, and him and erzsebet are buddies (and possibly dating. I tend to flip flop on that). I definitely see him being attracted to gilbert back when they were beating each other up with swords, and then being confused/annoyed by his attraction to this violent asshole, but i flip flop on whether it carries over to modern times
-i tend to flip flop a Lot on his gender. Right now my thoughts are “for a long time he thought he was cis and was also kinda transphobic due to not knowing any better, but once people around him started coming out as trans he did research to try and be as supportive an ally as possible, only to realize that he might not actually be cis after all” which is totally not projecting, nope, not at all (yes it is). I know its kinda shitty to headcanon someone as transphobic, but the image of him being kind of a dick (at first) to the first person to come out to him, only to think about it a bit more, apologize to them within like a year or so, and then eventually go to them for advice years later about his own gender makes me smile. People can change over time, and sometimes that means going from hating a community to realizing that you’re part of said community. I think in modern times, he’s got a skirt that he keeps in the back of his closet and has told a handfull of people that he’s questioning his gender
-kinda nsfw, but he’s a switch in bed. Erszebet has pegged him at least once, and he has a secret box of kinky stuff under his bed. Totally didn’t get an embarrassing hardon during a sword fight with gilbert that one time, nope, not at all, didn’t happen (but to be fair, gilbert totally didn’t have the same problem either, nope, didn’t happen)
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years ago
Okay so... Besides the fact that it's the country I live in I'm judt ginna say that my nationality is bosnian but i was born and raised in Slovenia so I consider myself slovenian as well. I also have albanian blood but dont know much about that so.
Slovenia is a cute smol country in the east of Europe. Its located in Balkan and you can see it right next to the big Italian boot or below one of most famous Osterreich aka Austria.
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Honestly...look how freaking adorable that is. Like a baby of the Europe. It's one of the smallest besides Lichtenstein and Luxemburg but look how cute.
Anyways. Ljubljana is the capital city. You pronounce it a bit differently than it actually js and you get the word "The Loved One" out. Roman name for it was Emona so... Down at the foot of the chicken where the see is. Portoroz and Piran... Sea cities. Worth going there in the summer. In Gorenjska you have Bohinj and Bled also pretty. Than at the head o fthe chicken you have Celje which was a seat of the manors of the Habsurgische Monarchie (idk the english words and im just studying german so im pretending you know)
We have regions. I'm from Gorenjska which is up at the Alps more. I think we have the closest accent to american when we speak english but idk if thats just a stereotype or not. Loads of us are a mix of bosnians, serbians, croatians... Balkan mix.
Speaking of nationaliyies and languages. We speak English, some of us German and then Slovene and also Croatian and bosnian and serbian... You will also find albanian people here and macedonian.. RAINBOW OF THE PEOPLE.
We're nice_ish. Towards tourists always but you can always end up like... With someone who is really stuck up.
Loads of trees and green. We are the third in European Union that have the most green.
Also the food is great. Expensive but only if you look on the wrong place. (also if you ever go to Bosnia order cevape cuz that is everything ti Balkan people and its the fucking best).
Oh another thing... The regions are very diverse. So if you go from Gorenjska region to Prekmurje... You'll think that youre in a different country. No, youre in the same but just the accent is really different.
Anyways i gotta study but imma come back.
All the love for my country 💜💜
Ps: we have swans.
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melekseev · 6 years ago
so i FINALLY bring you my esc19 toplist, all under the cut, with short comments.
also be aware i literally... enjoy my top 31. so twenty something places might sound bad.. BUT THEYRE REALLY NOT, I JUST LOVE A LOT. i went into this year thinking it was weak, and then after i had this playlist on so much, hello, i love a ton. nevertheless, just my taste and opinions and good luck to all of them~
1. France ABSOLUTE KIN G stuck in first place because this is undoubtedly my most listened song this year, and i'm absolutely hooked on it. i am somewhat worried about that coming revamp, but. but i fcking love this song, and he improved those vocals like d amn 2. Russia i.... am in love. every time i hear this song it gets me into that sort of dramatic ecstasy and it's so big and beautiful that it just... it kills me. i die. thats it 3. Italy soldi is still my jam, and i adore it to bits 4. Slovenia this masterpiece is one i just want to protect. so soothing, i LOVE listening to it, it's just ethereal 5. Netherlands this song, at one point, was almost at every possible spot on my list from middle to top 15, but then it stuck with me and now it's utter love 6. Hungary i adore his voice, no bias. his whole vibe, his unique delivery and technique, that folky sound, like... yes please 7. Switzerland i am not ashamed to say i am utter trash for this song. every single part i love about this. like holy shit, this time switzerland better make it thEY EARNED IT 8. Australia she is QUEEN, i considered dropping it from my top 10 when trying to readjust ONE TIME and upon relistening i instantly was like "okay no way it's going anywhere", i just unironically love it a LOT 9. Norway actual legends... this song just cheers me up to SUCH an extent! love the joiking... i love eveything, bless you norway 10. Belgium at first, i had issues with it, because i wanted a bigger drop near the end, but now i'm just absolutely... in love... it convinced me. the instrumental, the building up, the dark undertone, just. i adore this 11. Poland oH I LOVE THEM SO MU CH. li s t en. i can't explain it, but they give me like a lowkey vibe of soft punk-rock theme but also like...?? japanese pop?? but no, it's polish and slavic and traditional and i'm really really vibing with it, because some of it is familiar from my own culture, and these girls S LAY 12. Albania albania always delivering those vocals.. i love the mystical vibe with the ethnic sound, it's simply gorgeous 13. San Marino can you believe i unironically HONESTLY thoroughly enjoy this song?? serhat is an icon, but his voice actually really fits with this song and i always get super into it. i'm so happy this exists lmao 14. Azerbaijan i'm very very much into this song, and i'm EXTREMELY curious to see how he pulls this off live as it seems to be such a radio song, but i have hopes. i just dig it, like... like a LOT 15. Czech Republic this is the most chill song this year, and despite the silly, easygoing lyrics it's just... extremely fun, and it's been my jam since it came out 16. Croatia listen. l i sten. i love... theatrical. i love big strong voice explosions. this CHILD is talented as fuck. i know many people hate this, but the song actually grew on me, and then today i just honestly love it. i wish the whole song was in croatian, but even with the not so great lyrics, i'm eating it up and singing along. i know he won't make it, but oh well. it's okay Roko, i love your voice and song 17. Armenia i really love this one, too. she convinced me further in amsterdam bc she absolutely killed it (although i feel like she had a nervous slip in the very beginning) but then after that.. holyshit. such a tiny girl with such a huge voice 18. Spain honestly, if you tell me earlier it would end up this high at one point i wouldn't believe you.. i never /hated/ it per se, but i also wasn't really impressed or as into it as most people were. i think the revamp was the one that convinced me in the end, because it forced me to face the fact that i do honestly enjoy this more than i want to. also now im nostalgic towards anything spanish, even if its different, bye 19. Finland yes, this might be nothing special, but i just... enjoy it. i genuinely do, and there are certain parts i especially love, and so therefore. like. yes. 20. Estonia as much as i didn't want to like this originally, i do. like, i really do. it just happened, and i'm not mad about it 21. Romania this song is a big grower for me, and to this day the more i hear it the more i get into it still 22. UK Michael's live delivery elevates this otherwise not so amazing song like... so much. i feel like the UK does tend to send songs with this particular theme, but i actually enjoy it quite a lot when he's doing it live. his voice is impressive, and so... here he. 23. Sweden these two ^ i always moved around together for some reason, as if they were linked, which might be because John wrote both songs, although i learned that later(??? but in the end, i feel like i prefer UK a bit more. this is also really good though, it works, and it has a great vibe for esc 24. Portugal so this one slipped quite far off, as with time i sort of lost the enthusiasm for it. i still find it unique and enjoy it nevertheless though, so it could definitely be worse 25. Greece i'm in quite a pickle because after not necessarily being super into this song, i started to really like it (VOICE, BRUH) but then the amsterdam concert happened. I KNOW she was sick, though, so i sort of have this on hold. if she delivers later, which i'm sure she will, she stays, but if not, this might drop a few slots 26. Lithuania this is another song that just makes me happy and makes me smile, and i can't explain it. i love lionboy. i'm just here for it 27. Serbia her voice is quite literally pristine, i love that she's singing in serbian, and i do appreciate her a lot as i honestly enjoy this song when it's on. it tends to slip my mind, though, which i hate it does, because it's beautiful and i'm rooting for her 28. Cyprus super unpopular opinion, but i actually like this a lot more than Fuego, and don't necessarily compare the two. HOWEVER i do kinda feel like i'm seeing the same thing from the same country, like, immediately after, which makes me a little less excited about it, oof 29. North Macedonia see, the message is very nice. the song actually grew on me a bit compared to the first time i heard it, but i still just... wish it was better. i like it overall, but it's just about pushing it 30. Israel he's actually very talented and on point vocally. the only reason it's not higher is simply because it's just not really my style, but it's one i still appreciate on stage 31. Georgia there is something about this that i like. i respect him, and when near the end there's sooo much power, then especially i really dig it 32. Montenegro the revamp did help them quite a lot, but overall it still kinda feels like a high school chorus, and i'm just not really for it 33. Moldova her voice is really nice, and despite how i found it just... done several times and kind of boring (oops), her live made me appreciate this just a bit more 34. Ireland i feel like this song is just kind of... there, for the sake of being there. it's not even bad, it's just... meh? 35. Malta that chorus is a major turn off for me, and it's neeeearing that point where a song just starts to annoy me... which i feel like is worse than simply not liking something, so it's on thin ice 36. Austria first of all i think her voice is very lovely. BUT... after about the 4th yo-o-o-ouh it does tip and starts to annoy me, which i wish it didn't, but... but it does 37. Belarus i wanna talk about how they had a huge shot with Michael Soul, but i will not go down that road and focus on Zena. this song just feels like a mess to me. like... a young britney spears song, but bad. i really don't get the appeal, at all 38. Latvia hhhhhhh. this one annoys me so much, i just can't begin to explain. it's flat, repetitive, and the chorus (??) fries my nerves in a matter of seconds, IM SORRY 39. Denmark oof... o o of. i don't want to be rude but basically this feels exactly like what you'd expect a junior eurovision song to be like.... except those are actually better. it's just... no. no. way too much sugar. it’s all just... no 40. Germany speaking of songs that annoy me? i feel like this is definitely the one i can't stand the most. *screeches* SISTAH x4 41. Iceland listen i'm not going to talk about this for long but basically i really heavily dislike this for a few reasons and can never listen all the way through without like.. suffering. the funniest thing is that i love the beat. but then.. the singing (NOT even the style) it just. it makes me angry, cuz this could be good. but it's not. also i don't like the pretend-gay stuff. but that's just me
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borisbubbles · 7 years ago
Rasmussen - “Higher ground” 9th place
Ok, so somehow, in a contest with a nautical theme, the one song which *literally* started with the line ��Ships in the making, bound for a distant shore” never got to open any of the live shows??? ¿¿Que??
So, Denmark. Quite possible the opposite of my previous entry, yet its greatness is just as challenging to put into words? As much as “Taboo” was a inaccessible conglomeration of every possible fucking staging trick, so simple was “Higher Ground” It is a great song, but I find it hard to explain why. It is just so much fun? 
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It’s like a chapter of the Edda Saga come to life, with its Old Norse chanting, banner-swaying and feigned-drunken slrrrrring uv wrrrrds creating a truly immersive atmosphere. (I love all things Norse, so I was never NOT going to stan this) I love how one of the backings looks like precisely like Conchita Wurst’s long-lost sister. I dunno, Higher Ground just shines on its own, without the need of convoluted gimmicks (tho still bless Malta’s souls for burying “Taboo” under them for no other reason than it (barely) fitting within their ad-funded budget <3). 
So it’s of no surprise that this ended up the Michał of the year, yes?
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As you are well aware of, Eurovision is in a continuous process of ‘reinventing itself’, which is code for ‘rejecting its Euroschlager roots in favour of increasedly pallid Ultratop50 knock-offs’, like guuuuurls you can do better than that. Think of an entry in this year that was actually *original*. I come up with... “O Jardim”, “Mercy” and maybe “Hvala, ne!”? Congratz 3/43.  This shocking display of self-loathing creates a power vacuum for the few -for some godforsaken reason- critically panned Euroschlager anthems which *do* make it into Eurovision proper. As the only entry in this year (out of 43) which can be described as “classic eurovision schlager”, “Higher Ground was always going to attract a lot of attention. Add in a few clear-as-crystal references to Game of Thrones (Rasmussen is literally Tormund + guyliner and a weave), a ubiquitous Viking tone and just general dramatic badassery, you’ve found yourself an audience’s fave and the bane for any jury chairperson’s existence. 
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This is the long explanation why “Higher ground” is actually a great entry. It is the only entrant, in a year so widely praised as the “first serious contest in years”, that actually feels traditionally Eurovision.  For a brief moment, we are hooked up on pure Classic Eurovision, the term often used to describe the time when “Eurovision Songs Were Still Good”. 
And yes, it is highly ironic (and tragic) that the one entry that reminds many of that very murkily defined time period venerated by the critics, is also one that was critically panned by crappy self-important jurors. Would it that jurors had any self-awareness (I’m pretty shocked the EBU were able to find 43 rooms big enough to house the jurors and their egos), but oh well.
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I suppose this is where I address the Melofestivalen shit, yes?
So, the jist of it is this: Two Swedes write “Higher Ground” for Melodifestivalen and get brutally rejected by Christer for reasons I can only guess, as HG was far better than anything in Melfest this year.. (Christer = Melfest’s Jeff Probst). 
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends- omg reminder that the 1986 Danish entry was a frame-by-frame carbon copy of the 1985 Swedish entry 😂,  please enjoy the pictorial evidence I have provided in support of this statement
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 ps: I love that the Danish entry was called “You are full of lies” so unselfaware, so meta, so Denmark <3 
but I digress. Anyway,
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends, they of course picked up the "Higher ground”, put it in DMGP, substituted the Swedish singer with a Danish one and voila! The melfest reject wins DMGP with his fingers up the nose, cementing his place amongst the canon as an audience darling, and YES scoring significantly better than Ingrosso in the televote 😍The discrepancy shown by televote wasn’t as hilar as “Colour of your life” rising from last to sixth with one sudden stroke (given that Sweden had a higher combined score than Denmark somehow 🙄) but whatever, the ending was perfect because much like the Edda, this Viking Saga also ended with the evil trickster getting swallowed by the World’s Serpent. Sorry, Christer, should’ve taken the LEEP LAKYU WERBWND; FRR HIYRRRR GRWWWWWWND!!!!!
12. Denmark (Rasmussen - “Higher ground”)
13. Malta (Christabelle - “Taboo”)
14. Cyprus (Eleni Foureira - “Fuego”)
15. United Kingdom (SuRie - “Storm”)
16. Serbia (Balkanika - “Nova Deca”)
17. Portugal (Cláudia Pascoal - “O jardim”)
18. The Netherlands (Waylon - “Outlaw in ‘em”)
19. Ukraine (MÉLOVIN - “Under the ladder”)
20. Macedonia (Eye Cue - “Lost and Found”)
21. San Marino (Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - “Who We Are”)
22. Sweden (Benjamin Ingrosso - “Dance You Off”)
23. Austria (Cesár Sampson - “Nobody but you”)
24. Latvia (Laura Rizzotto - “Funny girl”)
25. Azerbaijan (AISEL - “X my heart”)
26. Israel (Netta - “Toy”)
27. Norway (Alexander Rybak  - “That’s how you write a song”)
28. Montenegro (Vanja Radovanovic - “Inje”)
29. Armenia (Sevak Khanagyan - “Qami”)
30. Poland (Gromee ft. Lukas Meijer - “Light me up”)
31. Greece (Yianna Terzi - “Oniro mou”)
32. Georgia (Iriao - “For you”)
33. Belgium (Sennek - “A matter of time”)
34. Italy (Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro - “Non mi avete fatto niente)
35. Romania (The Humans - “Goodbye”)
36. Ireland (Ryan O'Shaughnessy - “Together”)
37. Croatia (Franka - “Crazy”)
38. Belarus (ALEKSEEV - “Forever”)
39. Russia (Julia Samoylova - “I Won’t Break”)
40. Spain (Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción”)
41. Iceland (Ari Ólafsson - “Our choice”)
42. Australia (Jessica Mauboy - “We Got Love”)
43. Czech Republic (Mikolas Josef - “Lie to me”)
1. I couldn’t really fit it into the narrative, but the actual reason why Rasmussen is only 12th and not higher is because I found the act kind of visually underwhelming. (the snow at the end is particularly sad) Like I said, the song is great and I often have it on loop, but the act is a bit too small for a stage that big.
2. That said, “Higher Ground” is by far the song I’ve listened to the most often this season, which bodes well for any future positive morphs when I rewatch this year in the distant future.
3. Rasmussen bombing with the jury probably has more to do with the lack of gimmicks than the genre of the song. Like I said, the song pretty much carries itself, so if you stop to ponder and list all the things great about it, it all boils down to “the song is catchy and fun”, which is not what juries look at (juries love intricate acts, layered complexity and technical finesse, none of which are particular strengths of this entry)
4. Yes, I think it’s MASSIVELY hypocritical to glom onto songs such as “A Matter of time” under the pretence of “It’s a good song” when yeah it was, but everything else was shit and then subsequently ignore “Higher Ground” for being “only a good song”. wtf.  
5. While I do enjoy trashing the juries on a regular basis, be aware that during the actual Jury Era of this show, none of the juries were professional. In fact, when I rewatched 1978 and 1985, both times the hosts were ADAMANT to remind the audience that the juries were in fact NOT professionals, but 10 randomly selected civilians (Celeb and non-Celeb) with no direct ties to the music industry whatsoever. This is precisely why entries such as Riva, Bucks Fizz and Toto Cotugno managed to win a ’jury vote’ with a comfortable lead lmfao imagine that happening now. Anyway, the bottom line is that today’s “five professionals” jury system fucking sucks and has to be swallowed by Jörmundgandr also. 
6. ’Eurovision used to be good before’ is such a weird statement, yet I hear it all the time in relation to the contest (by people of my age group????) Like... what exact years are you refering to, cuz like... the 2000s were trash and I can’t honestly think of a decade as consistently good as the 2010s lol? We haven’t had a weak year since 2012!! (but of course, most of the people I’ve talked about this in person have, by their own admission, not seen a year since 2010 so how would they know lol)
7. If we assume that 'Eurovision used to be good before’ refers to the time when Eurovision was song-centric, that doesn’t make a lick of sense either? If you’re old enough to remember the late 1960s your taste is probably irreconcilable with mine anyway. And yes, while it took until #London1977 before we finally got a ‘gimmicky’ year, this also made for one of the most watchable, consistently fun contests ever, -even to this day- while “song-centric” years like 74; 75 and 78 are grueling to sit through nowadays unless you have the taste of the average Söngvakeppnin voter. Gimmicks were a part of ESC even during the Chanson Era, as the language barrier was a massive hurdle for any song not sung in French. And true, the “gimmicks” then weren’t more than “performing barefoot” or “having a key change”, but good lord it’s the sixties, flat, boring French Chansons dominated and only because everyone fucking understood French, SO GRASPING AT STRAWS HERE.
 8. The funny thing is that Denmark didn’t copy Kikki Danielsson’s evergreen once, but twice. 😂 “Hallo Hallo” (DK1990) was just a repackaged “Du er fuld af løgn“ (DK1986), which as I said, was itself just a slightly different “Bra Vibrationer” (SW1985). It’s seriously some Bra Vibraception shit.
9. I will never stop shitting on Melfest 2018. It was pure Tropical House Torture and yes, Rasmussen > literally everything in that, including the entries I actually like (which were... Jessica Anderson, Ida Redig and... um... Edvard Blom? Rolandz? Margaret? Samir and Viktor???? *gunshot*) 😂/🙄@ rescinding their roots for 2014′s musical fade. Pray that Christer never discovers reggaeton - though who am I kidding, it will dominate ESC selections in 2020, bank on it.
10. Now that I’ve mentioned them, one of “Higher Grounds” songwriters (Niklas Arn) actually was the bass player for Rolandz (who were my second faves in the finale by fucking default). Robbed twice, both in Melfest and outside of it, smfh.
11. Oh and I think “Higher Ground” in the hands of Sweden, absolutely would’ve been guaranteed top five (watch how most of these “professional” jurors suddenly would *like* it because, you know, Melfest Winner) and that’s all the humiliation I need. That said, I doubt “Higher Ground” ever would have actually won Melfest (it has the Heartbreak Hotel “dominates televote, gets screwed over by juries” label stamped all over it) but oh well, that’s just because Melfest SUCKS and the “International Juries” are a fucking farce. So it worked out for the better that “Higher Ground” was in fact not in Melfest, I think. 
12. Rasmussen is actually the first Danish ESC contestant since Emmelie de Forest that I’ve liked. Gratz? 
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localwebmgmt · 4 years ago
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 320
Click on the video above to watch Episode 320 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, everybody. Welcome. Welcome. We are switching things up a little bit today. So it’s kind of fun. We got, as always some fun technical stuff going on in the background. But we are going to kick things off while the guys get that sorted out. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts of 2020. So if you hate it, 2020 That’s great. It’s on its way out. If you have an okay time, that’s great time to celebrate. good year. And regardless, like I said, this can be the last one. This is Episode 320. It is the 30th of December 2020. And we are going to get to your guys’s questions, we’ve got a few announcements. I don’t know about you, if you’re watching or the guys here today, I had a pretty good Christmas is nice. I’m tired of being stuck inside, but I’m happy to at least the world didn’t end and we’ve got 48 hours. So hopefully I didn’t Jinx myself here. 24 hours. But we’re gonna get into it and say hi to everyone real quick. And then we’ll dive into it. So I’m just gonna go clockwise here, Marco. You’re first on the list here. How you doing?
Good. Costa Rica. Costa Rica, it’s still Sunny, still warm? I can’t help it. What’s up, man? And I just realized, I don’t say this enough.
Fuck Google.
Happy New Year. I need to say that more often, is the type type of results we’re getting are ridiculous. They’re ridiculous. And they’re being shared.
I’m sharing in our free groups on Facebook, check us out guys. I’m sharing images. The how to is only shared in every hit or club. or using all of our methods, all of Semantic Mastery methods put together whatever is available in mg y b.co. That’s how we’re doing it. That’s how we’re getting results. That’s how we’re killing it. That’s how we’re taking a brand new GMB or a brand new SEO shield, G site drive stack and getting results within 30 days. That’s how with our method is that simple. And I know it’s simplistic and you guys want something that’s more complex. Yeah. spread over. It’s not sexy enough, man. I mean, let me let me take Oh, no.
That’s not sexy enough, either. Man. I don’t know. I don’t know what else to say. Anyway, the charity webinars are coming up getting it all set up getting getting everything finalized, I’ll put the donations page on the on the chat guys and on the page, so that it’s available you have to do is donate, then send a copy of your donation to the email address that’s posted.
And we will take care of you you will get an invitation to that webinar and all of the following webinars. For the donation, you can have access to the prior recordings. And so you can see everything how everything that we’ve been telling you for the past, what three, four years has come to pass how everything we’ve been saying, this is what’s going on. This is what’s going to be happening. And this is what’s this is what’s going on from here. You can see it here and Hump Day hangouts like every week, we’re telling you entities, entity based, worry less SEO, we don’t worry about Google of this. We don’t care about Google, we just go and apply our methods. I don’t know some sexy, it’s not difficult. It’s not complex, that doesn’t require much thinking at all it requires is for you to go and buy. Imagine that. But here’s the thing, when they’re working with complexity, and getting you into that mode where you don’t really understand it, but it sounds so good that you have to buy it. But guess what he just bought anyway, he probably bought something that’s not going to work. So you’ll be buying something else and something else and something else. Rather than do that. Go and buy the shit that’s working. It’s all I gotta say.
Fair enough. All right, and I’m just gonna hop down Marco. I think we’ll come back and remind people what they need to do for the charity webinars, but we’ll circle back around to that Bradley, how you doing today? why don’t why aren’t we seeing your face. Um, I’m at my favorite campground in trailhead. with some friends we’re bringing in the New Year riding ATVs for the next three days. And so I’m unlimited bandwidth because I’m tethered through my mobile phone so that’s why I’m not running my video cuz I don’t want to make audio choppy, but so like ready to give 2020 the middle finger on the way out.
So So Marco said fuck Google. I say fuck 2020 but well, hey, did you have a good holidays? I did. I did. I had a really good time. My my daughter she’s, in fact, it’s crazy. My daughter’s 15 and a half. And on Monday, which was the 28th she took her learner’s permit test for her driver’s license, and so the next time I have her, which is next weekend, we’re gonna go start driving. So I’m gonna start teaching my daughter how to drive. So that’s a pretty big milestone. Yeah, that’s nuts. I think when we started doing this, your daughter was like nine. And I think like she was in the background or something. You know? Yeah, like, That’s nuts to hear that stuff, man. She’s a young woman now. Yeah.
Well, Chris, how are things going in Austria?
bingos ate too much bacon here.
But yeah, I guess everybody had too much food or Christmas salad. And that was pretty good. With a bit of a bigger storm yesterday. I think 140 kilometers per hour. Not sure how many miles that is. But like, was quite a night.
Other than that, doing pretty good here, but it’s good. Now again, and yeah, only thing that I’m missing is like the slopes.
We’ll see. We’ll see how long it takes that the the letters out there.
Last but not least are nine How you doing, man?
And man, I’m excited to be here. I’m excited for 2021 we have some good stuff coming up. Definitely, you know, excited for that. 2020 was pretty good. Like, honestly, you know, despite all the craziness, we were able to keep going with Semantic Mastery, we were able to keep serving you guys. That was a big win, at least in my opinion. You know, a lot of people were struggling and a lot of people were were trying to figure it out stuff. But you know, and we weren’t short of obstacles and challenges and everything else. But I think it was a pretty good, pretty good year. And I’m really looking forward to for 2021. So thank you guys for supporting us throughout this entire year. For all of you guys watching for all of you guys subscribing, you know going to the to the sites sharing and all of that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And yeah, see guys in 2021 really excited for that?
Well, before we get into it, like I said, we got a couple short announcements, just put it on the page. If you’re watching the replay, it may not still be in effect. But you can always go to semanticmastery.com/HDquestions to find out what I’m talking about here. And what I did was drop the links to both Semantic Mastery and MGYB. We got some awesome holiday deals going on. I’m not going to sit here and run down the list. But there are a lot of really good deals. Let me pull this up, I think Yeah, we’ve got up to 40% discounts going on. limited time this is going to be over in two to three days. So if you’re interested in checking that out, again, both for Semantic Mastery and MGYB. Check that out. And then you can always head over to heavy hitters club dot club to find out more about heavy hitters club.
Marco, let’s kind of loop back to you if people are interested in either donating or the charity webinars which they have to donate go to anyways, yeah, what do they need to do?
Well, I’ve posted the link to the donation page. Just scroll down or just look for it. I posted it also last week, you go there and you donate. And I’m going to say it again, your heart is going to tell you whether you donate if your move to donate, then your wallet is going to dictate how much I never set an amount. I never say you must donate this much. I just do whatever you can find pucks as a cup of coffee guys. Buy five bucks is a cup of coffee, how many cups of coffee? Do you drink a week that you don’t really have to you just don’t have something better to so you go grab a cup of coffee, right? You can’t do that I can’t go to the local Starbucks like you used to. But I mean, think of the things that were you spent five bucks on 10 bucks on where you know, that can make a really big difference towards like taking a kid off the streets, away from drugs away from prostitution, away from the fucking pimps and the drug dealers analogy and get them on their road to pull focus, we can put them we can play some if they get through the whole program at a good paying job a good paying tech job, right? Not managers, because they’re overloaded with managers, but they need the people who can actually do the work and that the system is put everything together actually connect the wire. Like you can have 10 mabhida Stadium out there there are watching that one guy up there. Look, that looks really good. But somebody has to get up there and do it. And the manager sure is fucking not going to get up there and do it. And so they get paid really well. These are good paying jobs that we get them into great training. Some have started even their own companies from this doing this right for small businesses. So it kind of it mushrooms, and then the people who are successful, we bring them back to the community so that so that the community leaders so that the young children can see them they can see Oh, fuck, there’s another way to do this. I don’t have to follow the pimp or the drug dealer. I don’t have to do that. I don’t have to live that lifestyle. There’s something else that I have that I can look forward to. And yes, we do lose a lot of them right.
I’m not gonna say we don’t like nine out of 10. But I’m not focusing on the losses because I like we did everything that we could, for that focusing on that one that we can save. And then hopefully, like next time, it can be two out of 10. And then next time maybe can be three out of 10. So the struggle is real, if people have absolutely nothing, and when I say nothing, I mean nothing, literally choosing. I said that before between buying soap so they can wash their hands and maintain their hygiene or buying rice to have something to eat, if you had that fucking choice. I mean, think about this. Christmas just passed, I said this. Also, there are people who won’t tell their children that Christmas just asked or that it was Christmas, because they have nothing to give their children. So you’re left with that with the choice of not being able to tell your child again, it’s Christmas. And, and other people are getting presents and other people are eating and having fun. But we don’t have shit. So we can’t celebrate it.
  It’s real, man. It’s real. It’s fucking rough. And so if it’s in your heart to donate, please go donate. And the way that we give back is we not only give these these great webinars where we tell you exactly what’s working right now and what will be working. We give away great prizes. You guys volunteered your time you guys are going to give a what do you call it? An hour of your time, for whatever the people need. I know that I know that you personally, Adam donated your time to help someone set up the email series and I’m getting all that together. Bradley volunteered, I know Hernan volunteered and so did Chris and I’ll volunteer my time. And all of the other people who are coming on will also volunteer so there is that they think if you do it just for the chance to win one of those prizes that the more power to do it for that reason and that reason only but donate.
sounds good. Yeah. And if you’re not watching this live again, just come over to semanticmastery.com/HDquestions and get the links there. Everything there in case you can’t find it. And worst case scenario, you know, shoot an email to [email protected] hit us up, ask what you need know, and we will get you hooked up. So I’m not sure who’s driving the questions today. But I’m gonna hand this off, we’re gonna dive into the questions and have a drink delivered to me on the side here. So cheers to everyone on the call as well as watching. Hope the rest of the remainder of your year goes well turned on, I’m going to ask for you to share the screen and scroll through questions if you don’t mind.
For sure, let me close a lot of all of the stuff that I had an appropriate stuff. Okay. So safer work stuff. Yeah, the Yeah, we need to add an R for a chart that stuff on. Okay, so I need to prove I’m not a robot.
I can also just share a browser tab with like a separate browser. Yeah, that was that, you know, yeah, no, no, that’s not gonna let you see the comments because of minute chat. Is that what you mean? Yeah, so Okay, so I think it’s all right. Yeah. So let me share my screen now.
Hi, can you make it bigger? Yes.
Sweet. All right. That’s where we at. Okay, back down just slightly. I think we’re close right there.
Do You Need To Add Another SEO Shield For A New Location With A new Verified GMB?
Okay, so he says, Hey, guys, I purchased an SEO shield from you guys and did some citation voting along with a GMB and website. We just added a new location with a new verified GMB for the new location in a different city. Do I need to add to the current SEO shield or purchase one for the new location? Great question.
Use the RYS expansion. Right. So if you go to MGYB.co to go to the store, and you’ll see the RYS expansion. That’s what you want to use. Because for multi location businesses, there’s there’s a couple of different ways to do it. I’m going to tell you how I prefer and and I would love to hear Marcos commentary about what what he what he thinks. But the way that I do it is the SEO shield should be like when you ordered an SEO shield, I always ordered an SEO power shield for a new project for the brand itself, right? So that’s gonna establish the entity and the the the Google stack, the G site, all of that for the main brand itself. And then for every top level silo, right, so whatever silos your sites have, so again, for service area businesses, typically you’re going to have silos for whatever your services are.
And that’s the type of businesses that I deal with. But there’s also location there can be location silos depending on how you structure your site, but for every one of whatever silos that it
I’m doing I always use an RYS expansion, because that becomes a sub folder of the primary drive stack branded folder. Right. So again, it’s we talked about this Semantic Mastery all the time fi mirroring, right? The mirroring was a term coined by network Empire originally. But what that means is whatever the structure is of your primary website, you want to mirror that with your drive, stack your G site and everything else that you do, right, we talked about that with blog posts, GMB posts, press releases all of that, but just getting back to the drive stack itself. So for every topical silo or service based silo, if it’s a service area business, you’re going to want an RYS expansion. Right. And then also, for every location, the same thing. So when you order, like if you have a multi location business, and I have several that I work with, and so what I do is set up the brand, the original RYS stack for the brand. And, and to be honest, I don’t even worry about an association with a single keyword on the front end anymore for for multi location businesses, I just set up the branded stack originally. And then I go in and set up or order additional RYS expansion stacks for every topical silo or location silo, or both. As I do it for both, let’s put it let’s be clear. So in other words, for service based silos, which would be like, again, for tree services, I talked about tree removal, tree trimming, those are the two primary silos for a tree service business. So I have an RYS expansion, one targeting the tree removal keyword set, and one targeting tree trimming keyword set. And then if I have multiple locations, so let’s say I’ve got five locations, every location will have an additional rfis expansion stack targeted for that particular location. And when you place that order, it gives you the opportunity to enter your NAP details, right name, address and phone number, so location details for that. And that becomes a sub folder of the primary brand, that’s the way that you want to do it. There’s also the location shield, I think that’s slightly different, I don’t typically use that for multi location businesses, because that creates a separate g site for the location. And what we have, and again, I’m Marco is going to come up and give his uh, his input on this as well. But what I’ve learned from Marco and Rob, is to use the primary branded asset, the G site, and the RYS stack as the main source, right, like the the primary source of power, and everything else that you build within that stack should be a sub folder, right? So essentially connected to that. So Marco, what do you say?
Ah, looking through that, Okay, so here’s what we’ve always recommended.
Your local is relative. So let’s remember that, because then once once you’re going once you’re focusing on that you no longer focus it focused on location, you no longer you no longer have one thing in mind, when you’re doing that we do it is focusing on your city, so that you could then branch out to multilocation because what most people do is they automatically like plumber in DC. That was a case study that we did if you go and look, it’s probably still number number one in in maps, but we had to push so much power to that, that it became the entity for the keyword DC plumber and plumber in DC. Right so in order to avoid that and and in order to be able to expand outside of the DC area, what we said is well wait a minute, if we do a better job of branding and if we do a better job of entity validation I creation validation, verification and validation, then we should be able to just create a brand, whatever and this is thinking about brands like Google and Yahoo, and Sony and Samsung and whatever it is that you want to think about the big big big companies Amazon, where it started out as a bookstore and now it’s like your neighborhood grocery store you can go pick up anything in Amazon and I mean anything and so they did such a good job of branding that the Amazon is no longer a rain forest and it’s no longer a river Amazon is a place where you go and buy shit you buy good shit right or you can go buy cheap Chinese shit that if that’s what you’re cheap shit from all over the world. But think about that. So focusing on that and focusing on brand focusing on entity then it allows you to set up whatever name XYZ and you will probably use the part of the cube because it just fits especially in the Home Services niche. You use your your tree pros right Bradley in in whatever is that you do. But that just makes sense. DC plumber, we use the plumber row in the Home Services niche, think of roto rooter.
It’s related to the niche offers, but not necessarily that and they just do a really good job of branding. So that’s what we have to look at when you when you focus on that, what you can do in that branded stack is create that brand plus keyword relationship.
So that it leaves you free to create an inner stack, which then focuses on location. That’s the location stack. Now you can you can request the location stack without an additional g site, where we just expand the existing branded stack. I mean, we’re willing to accommodate you in many different ways. Or you can just order an expansion stack. That’s location and keyword drip. Right? So if you’re in DC, and then you want to go into Alexandria, you come and ask us, for Alexandria plumber, for example, if that’s your focus and everything that’s that’s related to plumber in Alexandria, whatever it is that we can find if we’re doing the keyword research. So that’s the way that we’ve been teaching to do it, then the next city becomes a target for that, but always within the same branded t site and drive stack. Because we want to add power to that you don’t see Amazon and and Google. But you do sometimes. But what they first did is they accrued so much power in the route that now they’re able to create something like like, like they’re busy, Google My Business website, in something separate from them, but it’s always linking to Google.
So what we want is we want that, that relationship and that relevance within that JSON and drive stack. And you should be doing the same thing with with your money site, if you have a TLD domain, right? I top whatever, whatever the top level, I’m sorry, I forget. But it’s just the.com, the dot net the.org. Right, if you have a TLD. It could be even be a doc club, we’re ranking realty would write ranking, just all kinds of stuff, it doesn’t have to be dot com dot net or dot org anymore. At anyway, the point behind all this is that you focus all of your power in one place, and you keep adding power to that place. That’s what we do with the additional drive stacks. With the the extensions, we add pages to that that are they can focus on a city, or they can focus on services, and city or city and services. It’s how we do it and how I’ve been teaching it since we first started, which is what now we’re working on six years man, that that we’ve been doing that. But that’s the way to do it focus all of your power within one ecosystem, the same way that Google does it the same way, or has done it. Same way that Amazon does it and everybody else in the space, you don’t see them going and building so long as it’s related different websites for different things. Not if it’s one parent company, look at Apple and how they do it. That is a fantastic case study to look at, on how they branded the hell out of out of their website, and their company, how branding is all out there, and how they set up their website so that they focus all of the power and all of the energy with it within one ecosystem, instead of having a goal all Helter Skelter all over the place. And then you have to work out your schema on how this all fits together. How you have one parent and all of these children who are separate websites yet part of the same brand, it becomes just mind boggling how you have to do that, rather than if you just focus on this one thing. One dry stack, one g site, and you build power on that and you keep building on it. You don’t just stop you keep building on it. Yeah, simplify, right? Yeah, move that addition to all that complexity. We’re trying to add different web assets and all that it’s much better. That’s so just to clarify, that’s what I was getting back to was.
What I do with the branded stacks now, like whenever I’m starting a new project is I don’t even when I order the original SEO power shield, I don’t like what I just I even put this in the instructions. When I place the orders, I just want it branded like I’m not trying to create that keyword association with the original stack in some projects that may be feasible. But in a lot of my projects, what I do is just now create the branded stack for like originally the G site in the in the drive stack, or just optimized for the brand itself, because I’m going to build the site structure with all of the top level keywords as their own separate silos. So then I just go in and order arise expansions for each top level silo or location. Because the way that I build location silos are, again, they’re kind of the same thing. So so that’s what I’m getting at it, what Marco was saying was, it’s about building that brand, right? Google rewards the brand and you build the authority into the brand. And then you can build out the expansion stacks, which become sub folders and sub pages, essentially, or inner pages of the G site and sub folders of the drive stack. And so again, you mirror that same kind of structure that you have on your primary website, within your entity assets. And that’s really what works. It works incredibly well. So that’s a really good question. All right, so we’re gonna move on next rocket blaster comes up. He says, No, hang on. We miss. We miss one. Yes, we did. Okay.
I can’t locate it. Oh, yeah. The GMB listing question from Roger glass.
Yeah, that’s what I was getting at. That was the next one.
Okay, go ahead. Sorry. Well done with the previous question, correct. No, we never.
No, no, go up. Sorry, scroll up. Because he added that he added that question before Gfall. Does a question. No. Now you don’t see it, because I’m seeing it right after. Oh, sorry. Because one more up.
He reposted it from last week. Go ahead and scroll up above Wayne, though. Yeah, that one. rockin black cuz he added it from last week. He added it again. So it’s there twice. For me.
How To Dominate In Multiple Cities With GMB Listings And Free Website From Google?
I have plenty of GMB listings. Do you see it? We didn’t answer that. Yeah, I see it. But that was from seven days ago. But go ahead, answer it.
Well, he says I plan the GMB listings for towing services all in a 100 mile radius with no websites just using free the free website from Google that the business site that they give you. What should I do to dominate each city my Google listings are in, I want to rank all the GM B’s that are in prime cities, what MGYB products should I purchase? and in what order? Thank you.
Well, that’s I mean, that’s as simple as that we’ve set up the ordering process for your order, the SEO shield, I mean, we just discuss it. So this guy kind of went backwards for default, because what you would do is if it’s already branded as a single towing service, right, so your company is, I don’t know, tours, whatever we call, however it is that you’ve branded it, you would then go in order, the SEO power shield, which gets you that g set and that drive stack that’s focused on your brand. And then you would order an expansion for each one of the cities that you’re looking to go into the MGYB process, the SEO shield, and in fact that if you can, if you can put in there, the the SEO shield.com, which is free training, and it tells you how the how the process works. And at the end of that, as a matter of fact, we give you a coupon, you go through the process, we give you a coupon so that you can order your SEO shield from mg IV, but we just talked about it in detail for g4, I just want to get back to that because he posted it twice, or I see it twice on my screen. That’s what you would do. That’s the I mean, we set up the order. It’s not as if you order the SEO shield, and you get it all back at once. No, you’ll get the syndication network, you’ll get the drive second D site and you get the ad ID. Each time something is built, it gets delivered to you and you get notified about it.
Very cool. All right. So now we’re on to rocket buses. First question.
Can You Host Multiple Websites In One Google Account?
It says, Can you have multiple websites all being hosted under one account? So I guess one hosting how maybe, example, if I had 20 domains under one account? Would that be a problem in the eyes of Google? No dependent? Well? I mean, it depends. It always depends, right? It depends on what it is that you’re doing with them. So for example, if you had 20 domains all hosted on one, you know, IP address from one hosting account, you were using them as like a private blog network or link network to boost the, you know, to build links to one of the sites within that same hosting account, then yeah, that’s a huge footprint, that can cause a problem. But if you’ve got separate 20 sites that are like separate entities all you know, in and of themselves, then there’s there shouldn’t be a problem with that. Like it. Honestly, it just depends on what you’re doing with that. If you’re trying to use multiple domains to manipulate your SEO or your search positioning, then yes, that’s a problem. But if you have separate 20 separate websites that are really unrelated, or doesn’t matter whether they’re related or unrelated, but you’re not using them in a way to try to manipulate search positioning, then that shouldn’t be a problem at all. I don’t know maybe I’m not interpreting the question correctly. What do you say?
You can have a VPS and assign an IP to each one of those. Yeah, 20 domains. But I mean, you have to go through so much trouble for hiding the damn footprint.
Not how we do it, if those like, like Bradley said, have their separate domains for separately? Well, I have a little several client VPS. And I have several clients on one VPS. And that’s never been a problem because that’d be that that’s what hosting is shared hosting is a bunch of domains on one server, the server just gets divided, right? It gets divisions and it gets files installed in the server. So I’ve never seen a problem with that. The problem becomes when you start interlinking those and start trying to manipulate, manipulate Google, and Google catches the PBN, because then that gets the index. And as a matter of fact, it doesn’t even like nowadays, your your links just get devalued to the point where they become almost useless.
And it’s the the distance graph takes over. And and it just, you see diminishing return. So you have to go back and you have to keep working on those websites to keep them active activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If any of those things are missing from those 20 domains where you’re trying to manipulate, then you get diminishing return. That’s how it works. It’s really simple. The way that Google Google set that up.
How Does Dynamic Content Work?
Okay, so we’ll is up well, What’s up, buddy? He says, How does dynamic content work? I have a client that ranks for multiple locations using content from a dotnet database to feed the respective location fields and the page content dynamically. pages are all dot ASP x. At the bottom of the home page, they have listed about 60 locations. When you click on the city, the database fills out the appropriate content. Every single page looks like its content except the for the location content. So probably the location modifier itself, or specific content for that location. However, this website is not getting penalized with duplicate content, and ranking for a lot of locations. Why?
Well, Marco, that sounds like a really good question for you. Because that is touching upon the duplicate content myth or fallacy. You’re off? Yeah. Yeah, it’s it’s so crazy. Well, people are still believing that there’s such a thing as duplicate content. And there’s idiot, excuse me. There are experts and gurus and ninjas out there teaching that there’s such a thing as duplicate content, and that duplicate content can harm it.
I tell you what I did on Thanksgiving Day, a little bit before actually. We started working on that. And we decided we’re going to we’re going to tackle a really competitive niche. So what did I do, I went and got together fiber I can remember was five or six articles, literally copy pasted from the number one site and from the the most authoritative site in the niche. So the number one site may not be the most authoritative, by the way. So I went and got the content and put it all together, slapped it on the D site, took content from that, put it in a in a in posts in the GMB and you guys saw the results I’m sharing it in in the free groups, or free groups and in Facebook, because I want to do away with the fallacy with the myth that there’s such a thing as duplicate content, and duplicate content can harm you, you can rank better than the people who originally posted the content. By the way, whether it’s ethical is what that’s the question altogether. I did it for the express purpose of proving that there’s no such thing as duplicate content, and that you can rank just as well or even better with so called duplicate content, the content will be rewritten at some point. So that it’s original. So the question is original content, and then copies of that content, and how well that works. What works really well. And and mass page, creating websites would not work. If there was such a thing as duplicate content, and press releases would not work if there was such a thing as duplicate content, and places that aggregate content being nothing but MSN, Yahoo, Huffington Post, all of these places, all they do is they aggregate content. They take content all over the web, and they rank with it. So how in the hell can there be duplicate content that can be one and two, in this case, where you’re delivering content dynamically, all you’re doing is working with you tokenizing. So you can do this even with with a WordPress plugin, where you have the same template, and all you’re doing is flipping out the place names. And you can do perfectly what would that would that’s called a mass page creator. Also, that’s all it does is tokenizing certain parts of the content and replacing it with the dynamic content dynamic, meaning that that’s the part of the content that changes. You have the static, right which is what you’re what you’re seeing us are you considering duplicate, and then you have that the dynamic that’s delivered through a call, according to maybe the person’s IP, I mean, you make, there are so many choices that you can make, or so many options on how to deliver that dynamic content. We’re doing that with with schema, we built the plugin for to deliver schema dynamically according to the products that aren’t paid. So we just pull the information through through the token. So through the variables, actually, why is it ranking because Google is considering that it’s authoritative? Google if it has activity, relevance, just a trusted authority. And I’ve always said and this is a perfect example, the art of art beat anything that there is an overcomes any sort of penalty or negativity that you can think of from Google, the art of art activity, relevance, trust and authority.
What Are Tiered Social Signals?
Split sweet and we have the real BB is up next, he is asking his multiple questions as we would expect.
Hi, guys, number one, what is tiered social signals? Is that just tiered IFTTT rings now and in fact, tiered IFTTT rings aren’t really tiered social signals anyways. And we never claimed that they were tiered social signals would be like, for example, if you published a blog post and somebody worked to share that blog post URL to their Facebook profile or page or whatever. And then multiple people would start commenting on that Facebook share, or sharing that Facebook post, which was just a share of a blog post URL to begin with. That would be tiered. Right. So I mean, again, think about what tier it is tiered link building, for example, would be like, if you have a piece of content, you build links to it. That’s tier one links. If you build links to those tier one links, that’s tier two links, right? That make sense? So again, tiered social signals is it’s the same concept as tiered link building. It’s just with social signals. And IFTTT rings or syndication networks, essentially, they can kind of produce like a, like an initial mimicking of tiered social signals. But it’s the actual social engagement that makes tiered social signals effective, if that makes sense.
Can The SEO Shield Compete With WebMD?
So number two, can the SEO Shield compete with WebMD? Excuse me? Can the shield so he’s talking about can the SEO Shield compete with WebMD, have only ever succeeded with that. So that’s a good question for you, Marco.
Yeah, no. I said it. No, it. All right. Come on, man. If you want to go take on Amazon, then you better have the budget to take on Amazon. You want to take on Google, you better have the budget to take on Google. I’m sorry, but the question is ridiculous. No, the fuck you cannot compete with me? How long have they been around? They’re the trusted, authoritative source on the web. So right off the bat is that this this goes back to the Toronto DUI attorney to post. I didn’t write my two posts for Toronto DUI attorney. What the fuck you do? Of course, you didn’t have the fucking you’re expected to you don’t have you haven’t established the relevance. The trust the authority or the activity to compete with WebMD and WebMD didn’t start out competing with whoever it was that they were competing with. Amazon. If you think back on Amazon, when they started up, Jeff Bezos lost money, and millions and millions and millions of dollars.
I mean, every year he report a loss and a loss because he started out with just a bookstore. I remember seeing him and I never Yeah, we lost money. I think it was 100 million or 75 million. And yet, people were gobbling up the shares of the company. I don’t know if you guys remember that people just gobbling up up the shares that Amazon was offering. Now, they didn’t become the go to place in the ecom. Right niche until Well, after they dumped millions and millions of dollars into this endeavor. Google didn’t start out beating Yahoo and whoever and Netscape and whoever else was around. At that time, Google came out trying to compete, but they had millions in budget they did the IPO and and millions more to reinvest into the company. So if you’re thinking, I’m going to order at 300 and I think it’s three, I don’t know $250-$300 product and take over where WebMD is. You know, do, don’t stop stop it. You started your celebration early.
What you can do is you can do what we’re doing in the econ in our ecommerce a case study, and Rob is doing HVAC. By the way, what we’re sharing in the heavy hitter club which is you go after a sector in the niche, we did it with with
  Fuck, I don’t want to say the niche. We did it with an ecommerce case study as a matter of fact dedhia. Yeah. And his client, where instead of taking on Amazon directly, he went after a vertical in Amazon. And I think he took it he took the client from, I don’t know 10-12 million to almost 30 million.
But the client had the money to invest. It wasn’t just Okay, let’s do an SEO show. Let me how many millions I’m going to make, it doesn’t happen that way. We tell you, you do as little work as you have to do for maximum return. But that sometimes means we have to do press releases. That sometimes means that we have to look like link building expansions, and everything else that we have to do to compete. If you want to go after WebMD, that’s a billion dollar company and it’s going to require that kind of investment. What you need to focus on is a vertical in WebMD and see how you can start ranking in that and making money in that and then reinvesting it so that you can then challenge within the for that vertical before you go to the next one. And the next one.
I don’t think it’s logical to think that one SEO shield is going to allow you to take over from where WebMD is are aware with MDF.
What Is Going With The New eCommerce Stuff You Do?
Right on Okay, so what is the next question? Because I am not seeing it. Standby? Oh, that go back up there? I’m sorry. So BB is asking thanks for none, by the way. Baby is asking what is going on with the new ecommerce stuff you do before? How long do you had to shoot? We’re still working on that. BB River. None of us have been ecommerce guys. You know, I think all of us have done various like contributions to e commerce projects over the years. But none of us have specialized in any of that or done any of that as like a you know, any of our major projects. So, but recently, Hernan and Adam went in partnership together with an e commerce site. So we are looking at doing a case study with our methods applied to that. And so that’s something that can’t even give you an estimate on when that, you know, case study will be available, because it’s new to us. So give us some time, we’ll share details when we have it. Anybody want to comment on that? Yeah, we’ve got we’re gonna potentially start during the beginning, like early January, we’re going to start applying stuff and documenting, we’re already documenting the paid side of things, and the email side of things. And then we will start documenting the SEO and everything like that in early January.
Okay, Marco, anything. Yeah, as I said, we’re sharing it in the heavy hitter club. And you guys have seen the results of it. And it’s a lot easier to rank than it is to monetize. Because I mean, we needed a you need a bank account to start monetizing. So we had to create the company to create the bank account, to create the bank account to be able to get in, for example, Amazon, or whatever, to be able to make money from it. But you guys see me, baby, just go to the free group, the images are there, I’m sharing the results in there, you don’t even have to pay for them. You can see those the results are there. And you can’t argue with the data that Google gives you now monetizing that once we have the bank account in place that we can get all of these into all of these different affiliate offers and see where we start making money. Or maybe we get so much traffic, that it makes sense to run either media dotnet or AdSense, add them and monetize it that way or monetize it with a combination of, of ads by display ads and affiliate offers. But the first thing is, of course you have to rank in, you have to get in there. And we’re already seeing that. So now the next thing is just adding some nice buttons to get people to take action, and we will be sharing those. But that will be shared in the paid groups. It will not be available for free. Yeah, because it’s not free to us to do all of these things. If you require money to start a company, you’re required money to fund the bank account. And all of the different things that we’re doing the SEO shields are not free to us. Because even though it’s a lower cost, we have to invest our time into it and my time is expensive. And so I would say that for the first year. I don’t expect to net a penny from this effort, but after after the first year, so I’m willing to make to make the long term commitment to this. I see this as as really, it’s a billion dollar niche that we’re in. And I’m already seeing good results. And we’re and we’re 30 days into the case study, I would put that in, in the wind column any day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Right on so that the follow up question was, how much traffic? What was the profit was what was the actual investment? Again, maybe we’ll share more details when we have details to share about that particular project, which right now, we don’t have details to share.
How Long Do You Think The SEO Shield Will Hold On?
So next was how long do you think the SEO shield will hold on? That’s a good question. Ah, well, it’s going on six years now.
So Marco, what do you think? Like, we don’t know, we don’t control Google, when they take away G sites and dry stacks. We’ll focus on something else right now. It’s working really well, it’s been working really well. And I mean, the whole foundation of G sites and dry stacks are not fat, the content is that the images, it’s whether you guys know, it’s the iframe. So when Google takes away YouTube, and the ability to embed, then we might lose whatever it is that we’re doing until then, we could just go somewhere else, Google takes me t sites, and Dr. sec, will just go somewhere else and build them. And and it’s that simple. We can drive power from other places, other people are already doing it.
And so it’s not as if it’s a what he call, it’s a great big secret. What you can that you can do these things that you can iframe that you can embed, and that you can link build, as long as everything works through links. Guys, let me tell you, quantum is a long way away. Okay. They’re making progress in leaps and bounds, but it’s still a long way away.
Once we’re in quantum, it’s going to take a while until you can teleport yet, you can actually teleport in quantum from one server to the other. And until then, what we’re going to have is a connection from one server to the other. All Google is is a server that has to connect to another server. And that’s done through links, the way that you collect connect to nodes on the web, and especially the way that Google works, the PageRank. And ranking score algorithm is you can make two nodes through an HTML hyperlink. And you measure the distance from one authoritative source to the other, and how close you are to that authoritative, trusted source on the web. That’s how you develop a PageRank. And rankings for until that changes is money. It’s money. And it doesn’t matter whether the Oh shield and the FPL shield, the way that is conceptualized now, whether Google changes, something that might change the SEO shield will just change and adapt them and go right along, I don’t see anything hurting what we’re doing, which is entity based. So if you’re focusing on the SEO shield, you’re already focused incorrectly, because I’m talking about entity based, worry less SEO.
There you go.
What Are The Biggest SEO Opportunities For 2021?
Okay, so the next question, sorry, I lost the screen again. Alright, so baby was asking about the SEO 2021 forecasts. And I think Iowa SEO was also asking about that. And a question further down. So in, you know, Marco is the SEO guru of our group, I would love to hear what his thoughts are about SEO for 2021. But I can tell you what my thoughts are, as kind of somebody that straddles both SEO and paid traffic now, because of you know, arts right activity, relevance, trust and authority. And so much of that can be accomplished with paid traffic now, and I’m all in on paid traffic, because of what I’ve been able to achieve recently, in the last, you know, month or two with YouTube ads, especially they but Google Ads period that the audience targeting is like it is just the the amount of improvement that has occurred within Google Ads with audience targeting, intent based targeting and that kind of stuff is it’s just incredible. And it has opened up a lot of doors for my own business, my own agency. In fact, I’m working on the biggest project, digital marketing project that I’ve ever worked on in my entire career right now, which I can’t disclose any of those details right now. But it is the biggest project I’ve ever worked on, and I’m trying to systematize it so that it will be a major, you know, cornerstone of Semantic Mastery in our training, at least for the mastermind anyways, so and what I see as a huge opportunity in 2021 is utilizing the opportunities that Google gives us with both SEO but also with paid traffic to really manipulate ART, right? Our activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s like they’re giving us the keys of the kingdom. And with YouTube and display network ads, especially you can buy very, very inexpensive traffic engagement signals, essentially, from highly targeted, highly relevant audiences. These are Google users that Google has placed in buckets that you know, defined audiences. Or you can define your own audiences using custom audiences. And, you know, we’ve been experimenting me particularly I’ve been experimenting with using paid traffic to augment SEO efforts for the last couple of years. And within the last few months, especially I’ve seen significant progress because of the audience targeting improvements the Google Ads is made. So for me, I’m going more and more into paid ads for 2021 as a to complement my SEO efforts, I’m not minimizing or reducing any of this stuff that we’re doing with semantic mastery methods as far as entity based SEO, what Margo and Rob are discovering and you know, developing for entity based SEO is absolutely critical for 2021. But using paid traffic to to augment all of that, I think is really that that’s kind of the direction that I’m going in for 2021. more of that will come out reveal more of that, and that in the coming months. Marco, what do you say?
I mean, as far as SEO is concerned, AI is going to continue playing a bigger and bigger role, but it’s nothing to be scared of. All it is is code. It’s code looking for variable, we can feed it the variables we want, which is what we do. That’s what heavy heavy the heavy hitter club is focused on. And and as a matter of fact, the SEO shield our ys Academy, our academy reloaded has always focused on the fact that I understood as soon as Google said, We want the bot to learn we’re coding the bot to learn the bot is coded to learn, well, I understood well, fuck if it if it if it’s coded to learn, then it’s going to need variables and I can feed it the variables that I want to have it understand what I wanted to understand that this is the big problem with AI is that it has human coders who cannot predict how that code is going to be used. So understanding that and understanding how Google is coding the AI to learn and how the AI is then set loose.
Unknown Speaker 52:38 To fill in the variables for everything, especially the the entities, and how we can then form this entity ourselves and and create what’s part of that entity? And what’s a valid part of the entity More importantly, then it’s just I don’t know, it’s a done deal. It’s a slam dunk, because then we can create our own entities the way that we see it. And we can fit the mold better because we’re creating the entity are we adding to the entity and the variables that Google will be looking for and where others are missing it? And we’re not is where we’ll be able to really make a dent in the space we’ll be really be able to make a difference in those spaces where people are just not filling in the blanks like we are filling in the variable and giving Google the variables that it’s looking for.
Beautiful, thank you. Okay, so the next question.
Is The GMB Service Coming Back On MGYB?
Scroll down a little bit. Hernan please. Is the GMB service coming back to MGYB? I don’t know. I can’t answer that. Maybe Marco has a better answer. But Marco, what do you think we’re working on it? Yeah. It’s difficult guys, because of you know, all the changes Google’s making and sometimes they’re on a you know, Warpath or rampage. And so it’s just it’s difficult. They’re trying to combat spam, which I don’t blame them. So Jim does those damn spammers. Yeah. Jim says, Hey, gang, I have a really quick question. probably obvious question, should the branded drive stack use a company’s primary Gmail address? Does this put the account at risk? Thanks, I hope everyone is having a safe holiday season. No, it’s not necessary, you know, again, so if you order a drive stack, or, you know, SEO Power Suite, or whatever, from us, we’ll go out and create it with a brand new Gmail account that we set up. And that’s perfectly fine. What we suggest is, and typically, like, for example, every for every project now that I set up, I always set up a G Suite account or now it’s called Google workspace, right used to be G Suite, but now it’s workspace. Anyways, I always set up a paid Google account for every new project, period, end of story, okay. And but that doesn’t mean that I have the drive stack built underneath that G Suite or workspace account.
I order it through MGYB just like you guys, do, I swear to God, I don’t have any of our network builders or drive stack builders or anybody work for me outside MGYB anymore, like I literally put on orders to MGYB. So I do it just the way that you guys do. But I don’t get a G Suite account, like I don’t provide them with those details. When I ordered the drive stack, they build it under a new gmail account that they create. And when they deliver the finished product to me, then I can go in and add I log into that Gmail address that was created for the drive stack order. I log into bind it to my IP, which is what we instruct you. Like when we send delivery email, we instruct we provide you with instructions to do that, bind it to your IP, so I log into that account. And then I add the G Suite account, right? So the main entity, Google account as a manager, or I share it, for in the case of drive stacks, share it give permissions to that G Suite account, so that I can manage it through the G Suite account, but it’s technically owned by the original Gmail account. That’s perfectly fine. That won’t cause any problems. And that’s, in fact, how we suggest that you do it. Any comments, guys? No, that’s exactly how the email goes out. Don’t ever go back in as the owner is the manager. Yeah. And the same thing goes with the Google Sites, guys, you can go to sites google.com. And you can share it with your G Suite or Google your main your primary branded Google account. You know, again, I highly recommend using G Suite or Google Now it’s called Google workspaces for all your primary entities. But again, you just share it, give permissions, and then you can edit the G site from that account as well.
Okay, so iOS CEO asked what the biggest SEO opportunities for 2021 where we just answered that wall, asked for just goofing around with DC plumber and found the Twitter account was suspended. Just FYI. Okay. I didn’t affect Google rankings, because I just checked, but yeah, okay, cool. Thanks.
rocketbox. You said, Okay, that was I guess we didn’t answer the question. I think Marco resolve that.
Did You Took Over The Entire Tree Services In The U.S. Or There Are More Places Left?
So BB says, did you? Did you take over the entire tree services in the US? Are there more places left? So I’m sure that’s a question for me. No, baby. Trust me. I haven’t even scratched the surface. Okay. That’s what I’m saying. Do you guys realize how much opportunity there is out there? Like there is a big blue ocean of money slopping around out there. And, you know, I’ve been in the tree service industry generating leads and doing SEO for Tree Service contractors since 2012. And I haven’t even scratched the surface. Are you kidding me? There’s there are I mean, it’s funny, but the big the huge project, I’m not going to disclose what the project is. But I’m trying to scale my agency for Tree Service stuff, like considerably in 2021. And I just did a huge search for the prospecting for building a prospecting list the Tree Service contractors in Virginia. And all I did was target the top 20 cities in Virginia, and did a scrape, search for you know, a prospecting list essentially. And I came again, it resulted with over 950, it was like 958, or something Tree Service contractors. And after I cleaned the prospecting list, for again, this was just the top 20 cities by population size in the state of Virginia, I had over 950 Tree Service contractors. And after D duping the list, cleaning it, getting rid of non relevant, you know, contacts within the list and all that kind of stuff, I ended up with over 700 contacts in the state of Virginia alone. So think about that. If I were to prospect aggressive, which I’m going to prospect aggressively to all 700 contacts in the state of Virginia alone, just Tree Service contractors, and just get 1% of them. Right as clients, that would be seven new clients for one state. Right, do that times 50 states. Think about that? That’s 350 clients. I mean, so my point is just think about the opportunity out there anybody that thinks a market I mean, there are certain markets that are saturated. But my point is, there are a lot the United States is a great big area. So, you know, 50 states if I were to get be able to just develop a prospecting contact list of 700 Tree Service contractors times 50 states that’s 3500 Excuse me, is that 35,030 500 my math is off at the moment, but that’s a huge opportunity nonetheless. So no, did it have I taken over that niche? Absolutely not. There is plenty of room in there for others to join that same industry or enter that same market. Any comments on that?
Nah, man, cuz it goes back to the WebMD question.
And then whatever, to go out to the entire tree services market in the US, you need the budget for it.
I mean, that’s that’s I don’t know Bradley about you. But it’s not something that I want to invest all that money. Yeah, put all your eggs in one basket.
And a lot of if you drop that basket, you’re in trouble. I focus on more different revenue streams. And I’m not interested in owning any one specific market. I’m after a certain income level where I can just give away most of the money. That’s what I’m focused on.
All right. Well, guys, thank you for everybody being here. This was the last Hump Day hangouts of 2020. By the way, a big F you to 2020 middle finger. Let’s put this shit in the rearview mirror and look forward to 2021. I hope it can, I would say can only get better, but I’m not going to hold my breath. So God bless everybody. Happy holidays. Happy New Year. We hope you all will join us next week for the first Hump Day hangouts of 2021. Let’s kick next year’s ass. Sounds good. Oh, yeah. Bye, everybody.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 320 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years ago
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 320
Click on the video above to watch Episode 320 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, everybody. Welcome. Welcome. We are switching things up a little bit today. So it’s kind of fun. We got, as always some fun technical stuff going on in the background. But we are going to kick things off while the guys get that sorted out. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts of 2020. So if you hate it, 2020 That’s great. It’s on its way out. If you have an okay time, that’s great time to celebrate. good year. And regardless, like I said, this can be the last one. This is Episode 320. It is the 30th of December 2020. And we are going to get to your guys’s questions, we’ve got a few announcements. I don’t know about you, if you’re watching or the guys here today, I had a pretty good Christmas is nice. I’m tired of being stuck inside, but I’m happy to at least the world didn’t end and we’ve got 48 hours. So hopefully I didn’t Jinx myself here. 24 hours. But we’re gonna get into it and say hi to everyone real quick. And then we’ll dive into it. So I’m just gonna go clockwise here, Marco. You’re first on the list here. How you doing?
Good. Costa Rica. Costa Rica, it’s still Sunny, still warm? I can’t help it. What’s up, man? And I just realized, I don’t say this enough.
Fuck Google.
Happy New Year. I need to say that more often, is the type type of results we’re getting are ridiculous. They’re ridiculous. And they’re being shared.
I’m sharing in our free groups on Facebook, check us out guys. I’m sharing images. The how to is only shared in every hit or club. or using all of our methods, all of Semantic Mastery methods put together whatever is available in mg y b.co. That’s how we’re doing it. That’s how we’re getting results. That’s how we’re killing it. That’s how we’re taking a brand new GMB or a brand new SEO shield, G site drive stack and getting results within 30 days. That’s how with our method is that simple. And I know it’s simplistic and you guys want something that’s more complex. Yeah. spread over. It’s not sexy enough, man. I mean, let me let me take Oh, no.
That’s not sexy enough, either. Man. I don’t know. I don’t know what else to say. Anyway, the charity webinars are coming up getting it all set up getting getting everything finalized, I’ll put the donations page on the on the chat guys and on the page, so that it’s available you have to do is donate, then send a copy of your donation to the email address that’s posted.
And we will take care of you you will get an invitation to that webinar and all of the following webinars. For the donation, you can have access to the prior recordings. And so you can see everything how everything that we’ve been telling you for the past, what three, four years has come to pass how everything we’ve been saying, this is what’s going on. This is what’s going to be happening. And this is what’s this is what’s going on from here. You can see it here and Hump Day hangouts like every week, we’re telling you entities, entity based, worry less SEO, we don’t worry about Google of this. We don’t care about Google, we just go and apply our methods. I don’t know some sexy, it’s not difficult. It’s not complex, that doesn’t require much thinking at all it requires is for you to go and buy. Imagine that. But here’s the thing, when they’re working with complexity, and getting you into that mode where you don’t really understand it, but it sounds so good that you have to buy it. But guess what he just bought anyway, he probably bought something that’s not going to work. So you’ll be buying something else and something else and something else. Rather than do that. Go and buy the shit that’s working. It’s all I gotta say.
Fair enough. All right, and I’m just gonna hop down Marco. I think we’ll come back and remind people what they need to do for the charity webinars, but we’ll circle back around to that Bradley, how you doing today? why don’t why aren’t we seeing your face. Um, I’m at my favorite campground in trailhead. with some friends we’re bringing in the New Year riding ATVs for the next three days. And so I’m unlimited bandwidth because I’m tethered through my mobile phone so that’s why I’m not running my video cuz I don’t want to make audio choppy, but so like ready to give 2020 the middle finger on the way out.
So So Marco said fuck Google. I say fuck 2020 but well, hey, did you have a good holidays? I did. I did. I had a really good time. My my daughter she’s, in fact, it’s crazy. My daughter’s 15 and a half. And on Monday, which was the 28th she took her learner’s permit test for her driver’s license, and so the next time I have her, which is next weekend, we’re gonna go start driving. So I’m gonna start teaching my daughter how to drive. So that’s a pretty big milestone. Yeah, that’s nuts. I think when we started doing this, your daughter was like nine. And I think like she was in the background or something. You know? Yeah, like, That’s nuts to hear that stuff, man. She’s a young woman now. Yeah.
Well, Chris, how are things going in Austria?
bingos ate too much bacon here.
But yeah, I guess everybody had too much food or Christmas salad. And that was pretty good. With a bit of a bigger storm yesterday. I think 140 kilometers per hour. Not sure how many miles that is. But like, was quite a night.
Other than that, doing pretty good here, but it’s good. Now again, and yeah, only thing that I’m missing is like the slopes.
We’ll see. We’ll see how long it takes that the the letters out there.
Last but not least are nine How you doing, man?
And man, I’m excited to be here. I’m excited for 2021 we have some good stuff coming up. Definitely, you know, excited for that. 2020 was pretty good. Like, honestly, you know, despite all the craziness, we were able to keep going with Semantic Mastery, we were able to keep serving you guys. That was a big win, at least in my opinion. You know, a lot of people were struggling and a lot of people were were trying to figure it out stuff. But you know, and we weren’t short of obstacles and challenges and everything else. But I think it was a pretty good, pretty good year. And I’m really looking forward to for 2021. So thank you guys for supporting us throughout this entire year. For all of you guys watching for all of you guys subscribing, you know going to the to the sites sharing and all of that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And yeah, see guys in 2021 really excited for that?
Well, before we get into it, like I said, we got a couple short announcements, just put it on the page. If you’re watching the replay, it may not still be in effect. But you can always go to semanticmastery.com/HDquestions to find out what I’m talking about here. And what I did was drop the links to both Semantic Mastery and MGYB. We got some awesome holiday deals going on. I’m not going to sit here and run down the list. But there are a lot of really good deals. Let me pull this up, I think Yeah, we’ve got up to 40% discounts going on. limited time this is going to be over in two to three days. So if you’re interested in checking that out, again, both for Semantic Mastery and MGYB. Check that out. And then you can always head over to heavy hitters club dot club to find out more about heavy hitters club.
Marco, let’s kind of loop back to you if people are interested in either donating or the charity webinars which they have to donate go to anyways, yeah, what do they need to do?
Well, I’ve posted the link to the donation page. Just scroll down or just look for it. I posted it also last week, you go there and you donate. And I’m going to say it again, your heart is going to tell you whether you donate if your move to donate, then your wallet is going to dictate how much I never set an amount. I never say you must donate this much. I just do whatever you can find pucks as a cup of coffee guys. Buy five bucks is a cup of coffee, how many cups of coffee? Do you drink a week that you don’t really have to you just don’t have something better to so you go grab a cup of coffee, right? You can’t do that I can’t go to the local Starbucks like you used to. But I mean, think of the things that were you spent five bucks on 10 bucks on where you know, that can make a really big difference towards like taking a kid off the streets, away from drugs away from prostitution, away from the fucking pimps and the drug dealers analogy and get them on their road to pull focus, we can put them we can play some if they get through the whole program at a good paying job a good paying tech job, right? Not managers, because they’re overloaded with managers, but they need the people who can actually do the work and that the system is put everything together actually connect the wire. Like you can have 10 mabhida Stadium out there there are watching that one guy up there. Look, that looks really good. But somebody has to get up there and do it. And the manager sure is fucking not going to get up there and do it. And so they get paid really well. These are good paying jobs that we get them into great training. Some have started even their own companies from this doing this right for small businesses. So it kind of it mushrooms, and then the people who are successful, we bring them back to the community so that so that the community leaders so that the young children can see them they can see Oh, fuck, there’s another way to do this. I don’t have to follow the pimp or the drug dealer. I don’t have to do that. I don’t have to live that lifestyle. There’s something else that I have that I can look forward to. And yes, we do lose a lot of them right.
I’m not gonna say we don’t like nine out of 10. But I’m not focusing on the losses because I like we did everything that we could, for that focusing on that one that we can save. And then hopefully, like next time, it can be two out of 10. And then next time maybe can be three out of 10. So the struggle is real, if people have absolutely nothing, and when I say nothing, I mean nothing, literally choosing. I said that before between buying soap so they can wash their hands and maintain their hygiene or buying rice to have something to eat, if you had that fucking choice. I mean, think about this. Christmas just passed, I said this. Also, there are people who won’t tell their children that Christmas just asked or that it was Christmas, because they have nothing to give their children. So you’re left with that with the choice of not being able to tell your child again, it’s Christmas. And, and other people are getting presents and other people are eating and having fun. But we don’t have shit. So we can’t celebrate it.
  It’s real, man. It’s real. It’s fucking rough. And so if it’s in your heart to donate, please go donate. And the way that we give back is we not only give these these great webinars where we tell you exactly what’s working right now and what will be working. We give away great prizes. You guys volunteered your time you guys are going to give a what do you call it? An hour of your time, for whatever the people need. I know that I know that you personally, Adam donated your time to help someone set up the email series and I’m getting all that together. Bradley volunteered, I know Hernan volunteered and so did Chris and I’ll volunteer my time. And all of the other people who are coming on will also volunteer so there is that they think if you do it just for the chance to win one of those prizes that the more power to do it for that reason and that reason only but donate.
sounds good. Yeah. And if you’re not watching this live again, just come over to semanticmastery.com/HDquestions and get the links there. Everything there in case you can’t find it. And worst case scenario, you know, shoot an email to [email protected] hit us up, ask what you need know, and we will get you hooked up. So I’m not sure who’s driving the questions today. But I’m gonna hand this off, we’re gonna dive into the questions and have a drink delivered to me on the side here. So cheers to everyone on the call as well as watching. Hope the rest of the remainder of your year goes well turned on, I’m going to ask for you to share the screen and scroll through questions if you don’t mind.
For sure, let me close a lot of all of the stuff that I had an appropriate stuff. Okay. So safer work stuff. Yeah, the Yeah, we need to add an R for a chart that stuff on. Okay, so I need to prove I’m not a robot.
I can also just share a browser tab with like a separate browser. Yeah, that was that, you know, yeah, no, no, that’s not gonna let you see the comments because of minute chat. Is that what you mean? Yeah, so Okay, so I think it’s all right. Yeah. So let me share my screen now.
Hi, can you make it bigger? Yes.
Sweet. All right. That’s where we at. Okay, back down just slightly. I think we’re close right there.
Do You Need To Add Another SEO Shield For A New Location With A new Verified GMB?
Okay, so he says, Hey, guys, I purchased an SEO shield from you guys and did some citation voting along with a GMB and website. We just added a new location with a new verified GMB for the new location in a different city. Do I need to add to the current SEO shield or purchase one for the new location? Great question.
Use the RYS expansion. Right. So if you go to MGYB.co to go to the store, and you’ll see the RYS expansion. That’s what you want to use. Because for multi location businesses, there’s there’s a couple of different ways to do it. I’m going to tell you how I prefer and and I would love to hear Marcos commentary about what what he what he thinks. But the way that I do it is the SEO shield should be like when you ordered an SEO shield, I always ordered an SEO power shield for a new project for the brand itself, right? So that’s gonna establish the entity and the the the Google stack, the G site, all of that for the main brand itself. And then for every top level silo, right, so whatever silos your sites have, so again, for service area businesses, typically you’re going to have silos for whatever your services are.
And that’s the type of businesses that I deal with. But there’s also location there can be location silos depending on how you structure your site, but for every one of whatever silos that it
I’m doing I always use an RYS expansion, because that becomes a sub folder of the primary drive stack branded folder. Right. So again, it’s we talked about this Semantic Mastery all the time fi mirroring, right? The mirroring was a term coined by network Empire originally. But what that means is whatever the structure is of your primary website, you want to mirror that with your drive, stack your G site and everything else that you do, right, we talked about that with blog posts, GMB posts, press releases all of that, but just getting back to the drive stack itself. So for every topical silo or service based silo, if it’s a service area business, you’re going to want an RYS expansion. Right. And then also, for every location, the same thing. So when you order, like if you have a multi location business, and I have several that I work with, and so what I do is set up the brand, the original RYS stack for the brand. And, and to be honest, I don’t even worry about an association with a single keyword on the front end anymore for for multi location businesses, I just set up the branded stack originally. And then I go in and set up or order additional RYS expansion stacks for every topical silo or location silo, or both. As I do it for both, let’s put it let’s be clear. So in other words, for service based silos, which would be like, again, for tree services, I talked about tree removal, tree trimming, those are the two primary silos for a tree service business. So I have an RYS expansion, one targeting the tree removal keyword set, and one targeting tree trimming keyword set. And then if I have multiple locations, so let’s say I’ve got five locations, every location will have an additional rfis expansion stack targeted for that particular location. And when you place that order, it gives you the opportunity to enter your NAP details, right name, address and phone number, so location details for that. And that becomes a sub folder of the primary brand, that’s the way that you want to do it. There’s also the location shield, I think that’s slightly different, I don’t typically use that for multi location businesses, because that creates a separate g site for the location. And what we have, and again, I’m Marco is going to come up and give his uh, his input on this as well. But what I’ve learned from Marco and Rob, is to use the primary branded asset, the G site, and the RYS stack as the main source, right, like the the primary source of power, and everything else that you build within that stack should be a sub folder, right? So essentially connected to that. So Marco, what do you say?
Ah, looking through that, Okay, so here’s what we’ve always recommended.
Your local is relative. So let’s remember that, because then once once you’re going once you’re focusing on that you no longer focus it focused on location, you no longer you no longer have one thing in mind, when you’re doing that we do it is focusing on your city, so that you could then branch out to multilocation because what most people do is they automatically like plumber in DC. That was a case study that we did if you go and look, it’s probably still number number one in in maps, but we had to push so much power to that, that it became the entity for the keyword DC plumber and plumber in DC. Right so in order to avoid that and and in order to be able to expand outside of the DC area, what we said is well wait a minute, if we do a better job of branding and if we do a better job of entity validation I creation validation, verification and validation, then we should be able to just create a brand, whatever and this is thinking about brands like Google and Yahoo, and Sony and Samsung and whatever it is that you want to think about the big big big companies Amazon, where it started out as a bookstore and now it’s like your neighborhood grocery store you can go pick up anything in Amazon and I mean anything and so they did such a good job of branding that the Amazon is no longer a rain forest and it’s no longer a river Amazon is a place where you go and buy shit you buy good shit right or you can go buy cheap Chinese shit that if that’s what you’re cheap shit from all over the world. But think about that. So focusing on that and focusing on brand focusing on entity then it allows you to set up whatever name XYZ and you will probably use the part of the cube because it just fits especially in the Home Services niche. You use your your tree pros right Bradley in in whatever is that you do. But that just makes sense. DC plumber, we use the plumber row in the Home Services niche, think of roto rooter.
It’s related to the niche offers, but not necessarily that and they just do a really good job of branding. So that’s what we have to look at when you when you focus on that, what you can do in that branded stack is create that brand plus keyword relationship.
So that it leaves you free to create an inner stack, which then focuses on location. That’s the location stack. Now you can you can request the location stack without an additional g site, where we just expand the existing branded stack. I mean, we’re willing to accommodate you in many different ways. Or you can just order an expansion stack. That’s location and keyword drip. Right? So if you’re in DC, and then you want to go into Alexandria, you come and ask us, for Alexandria plumber, for example, if that’s your focus and everything that’s that’s related to plumber in Alexandria, whatever it is that we can find if we’re doing the keyword research. So that’s the way that we’ve been teaching to do it, then the next city becomes a target for that, but always within the same branded t site and drive stack. Because we want to add power to that you don’t see Amazon and and Google. But you do sometimes. But what they first did is they accrued so much power in the route that now they’re able to create something like like, like they’re busy, Google My Business website, in something separate from them, but it’s always linking to Google.
So what we want is we want that, that relationship and that relevance within that JSON and drive stack. And you should be doing the same thing with with your money site, if you have a TLD domain, right? I top whatever, whatever the top level, I’m sorry, I forget. But it’s just the.com, the dot net the.org. Right, if you have a TLD. It could be even be a doc club, we’re ranking realty would write ranking, just all kinds of stuff, it doesn’t have to be dot com dot net or dot org anymore. At anyway, the point behind all this is that you focus all of your power in one place, and you keep adding power to that place. That’s what we do with the additional drive stacks. With the the extensions, we add pages to that that are they can focus on a city, or they can focus on services, and city or city and services. It’s how we do it and how I’ve been teaching it since we first started, which is what now we’re working on six years man, that that we’ve been doing that. But that’s the way to do it focus all of your power within one ecosystem, the same way that Google does it the same way, or has done it. Same way that Amazon does it and everybody else in the space, you don’t see them going and building so long as it’s related different websites for different things. Not if it’s one parent company, look at Apple and how they do it. That is a fantastic case study to look at, on how they branded the hell out of out of their website, and their company, how branding is all out there, and how they set up their website so that they focus all of the power and all of the energy with it within one ecosystem, instead of having a goal all Helter Skelter all over the place. And then you have to work out your schema on how this all fits together. How you have one parent and all of these children who are separate websites yet part of the same brand, it becomes just mind boggling how you have to do that, rather than if you just focus on this one thing. One dry stack, one g site, and you build power on that and you keep building on it. You don’t just stop you keep building on it. Yeah, simplify, right? Yeah, move that addition to all that complexity. We’re trying to add different web assets and all that it’s much better. That’s so just to clarify, that’s what I was getting back to was.
What I do with the branded stacks now, like whenever I’m starting a new project is I don’t even when I order the original SEO power shield, I don’t like what I just I even put this in the instructions. When I place the orders, I just want it branded like I’m not trying to create that keyword association with the original stack in some projects that may be feasible. But in a lot of my projects, what I do is just now create the branded stack for like originally the G site in the in the drive stack, or just optimized for the brand itself, because I’m going to build the site structure with all of the top level keywords as their own separate silos. So then I just go in and order arise expansions for each top level silo or location. Because the way that I build location silos are, again, they’re kind of the same thing. So so that’s what I’m getting at it, what Marco was saying was, it’s about building that brand, right? Google rewards the brand and you build the authority into the brand. And then you can build out the expansion stacks, which become sub folders and sub pages, essentially, or inner pages of the G site and sub folders of the drive stack. And so again, you mirror that same kind of structure that you have on your primary website, within your entity assets. And that’s really what works. It works incredibly well. So that’s a really good question. All right, so we’re gonna move on next rocket blaster comes up. He says, No, hang on. We miss. We miss one. Yes, we did. Okay.
I can’t locate it. Oh, yeah. The GMB listing question from Roger glass.
Yeah, that’s what I was getting at. That was the next one.
Okay, go ahead. Sorry. Well done with the previous question, correct. No, we never.
No, no, go up. Sorry, scroll up. Because he added that he added that question before Gfall. Does a question. No. Now you don’t see it, because I’m seeing it right after. Oh, sorry. Because one more up.
He reposted it from last week. Go ahead and scroll up above Wayne, though. Yeah, that one. rockin black cuz he added it from last week. He added it again. So it’s there twice. For me.
How To Dominate In Multiple Cities With GMB Listings And Free Website From Google?
I have plenty of GMB listings. Do you see it? We didn’t answer that. Yeah, I see it. But that was from seven days ago. But go ahead, answer it.
Well, he says I plan the GMB listings for towing services all in a 100 mile radius with no websites just using free the free website from Google that the business site that they give you. What should I do to dominate each city my Google listings are in, I want to rank all the GM B’s that are in prime cities, what MGYB products should I purchase? and in what order? Thank you.
Well, that’s I mean, that’s as simple as that we’ve set up the ordering process for your order, the SEO shield, I mean, we just discuss it. So this guy kind of went backwards for default, because what you would do is if it’s already branded as a single towing service, right, so your company is, I don’t know, tours, whatever we call, however it is that you’ve branded it, you would then go in order, the SEO power shield, which gets you that g set and that drive stack that’s focused on your brand. And then you would order an expansion for each one of the cities that you’re looking to go into the MGYB process, the SEO shield, and in fact that if you can, if you can put in there, the the SEO shield.com, which is free training, and it tells you how the how the process works. And at the end of that, as a matter of fact, we give you a coupon, you go through the process, we give you a coupon so that you can order your SEO shield from mg IV, but we just talked about it in detail for g4, I just want to get back to that because he posted it twice, or I see it twice on my screen. That’s what you would do. That’s the I mean, we set up the order. It’s not as if you order the SEO shield, and you get it all back at once. No, you’ll get the syndication network, you’ll get the drive second D site and you get the ad ID. Each time something is built, it gets delivered to you and you get notified about it.
Very cool. All right. So now we’re on to rocket buses. First question.
Can You Host Multiple Websites In One Google Account?
It says, Can you have multiple websites all being hosted under one account? So I guess one hosting how maybe, example, if I had 20 domains under one account? Would that be a problem in the eyes of Google? No dependent? Well? I mean, it depends. It always depends, right? It depends on what it is that you’re doing with them. So for example, if you had 20 domains all hosted on one, you know, IP address from one hosting account, you were using them as like a private blog network or link network to boost the, you know, to build links to one of the sites within that same hosting account, then yeah, that’s a huge footprint, that can cause a problem. But if you’ve got separate 20 sites that are like separate entities all you know, in and of themselves, then there’s there shouldn’t be a problem with that. Like it. Honestly, it just depends on what you’re doing with that. If you’re trying to use multiple domains to manipulate your SEO or your search positioning, then yes, that’s a problem. But if you have separate 20 separate websites that are really unrelated, or doesn’t matter whether they’re related or unrelated, but you’re not using them in a way to try to manipulate search positioning, then that shouldn’t be a problem at all. I don’t know maybe I’m not interpreting the question correctly. What do you say?
You can have a VPS and assign an IP to each one of those. Yeah, 20 domains. But I mean, you have to go through so much trouble for hiding the damn footprint.
Not how we do it, if those like, like Bradley said, have their separate domains for separately? Well, I have a little several client VPS. And I have several clients on one VPS. And that’s never been a problem because that’d be that that’s what hosting is shared hosting is a bunch of domains on one server, the server just gets divided, right? It gets divisions and it gets files installed in the server. So I’ve never seen a problem with that. The problem becomes when you start interlinking those and start trying to manipulate, manipulate Google, and Google catches the PBN, because then that gets the index. And as a matter of fact, it doesn’t even like nowadays, your your links just get devalued to the point where they become almost useless.
And it’s the the distance graph takes over. And and it just, you see diminishing return. So you have to go back and you have to keep working on those websites to keep them active activity, relevance, trust, and authority. If any of those things are missing from those 20 domains where you’re trying to manipulate, then you get diminishing return. That’s how it works. It’s really simple. The way that Google Google set that up.
How Does Dynamic Content Work?
Okay, so we’ll is up well, What’s up, buddy? He says, How does dynamic content work? I have a client that ranks for multiple locations using content from a dotnet database to feed the respective location fields and the page content dynamically. pages are all dot ASP x. At the bottom of the home page, they have listed about 60 locations. When you click on the city, the database fills out the appropriate content. Every single page looks like its content except the for the location content. So probably the location modifier itself, or specific content for that location. However, this website is not getting penalized with duplicate content, and ranking for a lot of locations. Why?
Well, Marco, that sounds like a really good question for you. Because that is touching upon the duplicate content myth or fallacy. You’re off? Yeah. Yeah, it’s it’s so crazy. Well, people are still believing that there’s such a thing as duplicate content. And there’s idiot, excuse me. There are experts and gurus and ninjas out there teaching that there’s such a thing as duplicate content, and that duplicate content can harm it.
I tell you what I did on Thanksgiving Day, a little bit before actually. We started working on that. And we decided we’re going to we’re going to tackle a really competitive niche. So what did I do, I went and got together fiber I can remember was five or six articles, literally copy pasted from the number one site and from the the most authoritative site in the niche. So the number one site may not be the most authoritative, by the way. So I went and got the content and put it all together, slapped it on the D site, took content from that, put it in a in a in posts in the GMB and you guys saw the results I’m sharing it in in the free groups, or free groups and in Facebook, because I want to do away with the fallacy with the myth that there’s such a thing as duplicate content, and duplicate content can harm you, you can rank better than the people who originally posted the content. By the way, whether it’s ethical is what that’s the question altogether. I did it for the express purpose of proving that there’s no such thing as duplicate content, and that you can rank just as well or even better with so called duplicate content, the content will be rewritten at some point. So that it’s original. So the question is original content, and then copies of that content, and how well that works. What works really well. And and mass page, creating websites would not work. If there was such a thing as duplicate content, and press releases would not work if there was such a thing as duplicate content, and places that aggregate content being nothing but MSN, Yahoo, Huffington Post, all of these places, all they do is they aggregate content. They take content all over the web, and they rank with it. So how in the hell can there be duplicate content that can be one and two, in this case, where you’re delivering content dynamically, all you’re doing is working with you tokenizing. So you can do this even with with a WordPress plugin, where you have the same template, and all you’re doing is flipping out the place names. And you can do perfectly what would that would that’s called a mass page creator. Also, that’s all it does is tokenizing certain parts of the content and replacing it with the dynamic content dynamic, meaning that that’s the part of the content that changes. You have the static, right which is what you’re what you’re seeing us are you considering duplicate, and then you have that the dynamic that’s delivered through a call, according to maybe the person’s IP, I mean, you make, there are so many choices that you can make, or so many options on how to deliver that dynamic content. We’re doing that with with schema, we built the plugin for to deliver schema dynamically according to the products that aren’t paid. So we just pull the information through through the token. So through the variables, actually, why is it ranking because Google is considering that it’s authoritative? Google if it has activity, relevance, just a trusted authority. And I’ve always said and this is a perfect example, the art of art beat anything that there is an overcomes any sort of penalty or negativity that you can think of from Google, the art of art activity, relevance, trust and authority.
What Are Tiered Social Signals?
Split sweet and we have the real BB is up next, he is asking his multiple questions as we would expect.
Hi, guys, number one, what is tiered social signals? Is that just tiered IFTTT rings now and in fact, tiered IFTTT rings aren’t really tiered social signals anyways. And we never claimed that they were tiered social signals would be like, for example, if you published a blog post and somebody worked to share that blog post URL to their Facebook profile or page or whatever. And then multiple people would start commenting on that Facebook share, or sharing that Facebook post, which was just a share of a blog post URL to begin with. That would be tiered. Right. So I mean, again, think about what tier it is tiered link building, for example, would be like, if you have a piece of content, you build links to it. That’s tier one links. If you build links to those tier one links, that’s tier two links, right? That make sense? So again, tiered social signals is it’s the same concept as tiered link building. It’s just with social signals. And IFTTT rings or syndication networks, essentially, they can kind of produce like a, like an initial mimicking of tiered social signals. But it’s the actual social engagement that makes tiered social signals effective, if that makes sense.
Can The SEO Shield Compete With WebMD?
So number two, can the SEO Shield compete with WebMD? Excuse me? Can the shield so he’s talking about can the SEO Shield compete with WebMD, have only ever succeeded with that. So that’s a good question for you, Marco.
Yeah, no. I said it. No, it. All right. Come on, man. If you want to go take on Amazon, then you better have the budget to take on Amazon. You want to take on Google, you better have the budget to take on Google. I’m sorry, but the question is ridiculous. No, the fuck you cannot compete with me? How long have they been around? They’re the trusted, authoritative source on the web. So right off the bat is that this this goes back to the Toronto DUI attorney to post. I didn’t write my two posts for Toronto DUI attorney. What the fuck you do? Of course, you didn’t have the fucking you’re expected to you don’t have you haven’t established the relevance. The trust the authority or the activity to compete with WebMD and WebMD didn’t start out competing with whoever it was that they were competing with. Amazon. If you think back on Amazon, when they started up, Jeff Bezos lost money, and millions and millions and millions of dollars.
I mean, every year he report a loss and a loss because he started out with just a bookstore. I remember seeing him and I never Yeah, we lost money. I think it was 100 million or 75 million. And yet, people were gobbling up the shares of the company. I don’t know if you guys remember that people just gobbling up up the shares that Amazon was offering. Now, they didn’t become the go to place in the ecom. Right niche until Well, after they dumped millions and millions of dollars into this endeavor. Google didn’t start out beating Yahoo and whoever and Netscape and whoever else was around. At that time, Google came out trying to compete, but they had millions in budget they did the IPO and and millions more to reinvest into the company. So if you’re thinking, I’m going to order at 300 and I think it’s three, I don’t know $250-$300 product and take over where WebMD is. You know, do, don’t stop stop it. You started your celebration early.
What you can do is you can do what we’re doing in the econ in our ecommerce a case study, and Rob is doing HVAC. By the way, what we’re sharing in the heavy hitter club which is you go after a sector in the niche, we did it with with
  Fuck, I don’t want to say the niche. We did it with an ecommerce case study as a matter of fact dedhia. Yeah. And his client, where instead of taking on Amazon directly, he went after a vertical in Amazon. And I think he took it he took the client from, I don’t know 10-12 million to almost 30 million.
But the client had the money to invest. It wasn’t just Okay, let’s do an SEO show. Let me how many millions I’m going to make, it doesn’t happen that way. We tell you, you do as little work as you have to do for maximum return. But that sometimes means we have to do press releases. That sometimes means that we have to look like link building expansions, and everything else that we have to do to compete. If you want to go after WebMD, that’s a billion dollar company and it’s going to require that kind of investment. What you need to focus on is a vertical in WebMD and see how you can start ranking in that and making money in that and then reinvesting it so that you can then challenge within the for that vertical before you go to the next one. And the next one.
I don’t think it’s logical to think that one SEO shield is going to allow you to take over from where WebMD is are aware with MDF.
What Is Going With The New eCommerce Stuff You Do?
Right on Okay, so what is the next question? Because I am not seeing it. Standby? Oh, that go back up there? I’m sorry. So BB is asking thanks for none, by the way. Baby is asking what is going on with the new ecommerce stuff you do before? How long do you had to shoot? We’re still working on that. BB River. None of us have been ecommerce guys. You know, I think all of us have done various like contributions to e commerce projects over the years. But none of us have specialized in any of that or done any of that as like a you know, any of our major projects. So, but recently, Hernan and Adam went in partnership together with an e commerce site. So we are looking at doing a case study with our methods applied to that. And so that’s something that can’t even give you an estimate on when that, you know, case study will be available, because it’s new to us. So give us some time, we’ll share details when we have it. Anybody want to comment on that? Yeah, we’ve got we’re gonna potentially start during the beginning, like early January, we’re going to start applying stuff and documenting, we’re already documenting the paid side of things, and the email side of things. And then we will start documenting the SEO and everything like that in early January.
Okay, Marco, anything. Yeah, as I said, we’re sharing it in the heavy hitter club. And you guys have seen the results of it. And it’s a lot easier to rank than it is to monetize. Because I mean, we needed a you need a bank account to start monetizing. So we had to create the company to create the bank account, to create the bank account to be able to get in, for example, Amazon, or whatever, to be able to make money from it. But you guys see me, baby, just go to the free group, the images are there, I’m sharing the results in there, you don’t even have to pay for them. You can see those the results are there. And you can’t argue with the data that Google gives you now monetizing that once we have the bank account in place that we can get all of these into all of these different affiliate offers and see where we start making money. Or maybe we get so much traffic, that it makes sense to run either media dotnet or AdSense, add them and monetize it that way or monetize it with a combination of, of ads by display ads and affiliate offers. But the first thing is, of course you have to rank in, you have to get in there. And we’re already seeing that. So now the next thing is just adding some nice buttons to get people to take action, and we will be sharing those. But that will be shared in the paid groups. It will not be available for free. Yeah, because it’s not free to us to do all of these things. If you require money to start a company, you’re required money to fund the bank account. And all of the different things that we’re doing the SEO shields are not free to us. Because even though it’s a lower cost, we have to invest our time into it and my time is expensive. And so I would say that for the first year. I don’t expect to net a penny from this effort, but after after the first year, so I’m willing to make to make the long term commitment to this. I see this as as really, it’s a billion dollar niche that we’re in. And I’m already seeing good results. And we’re and we’re 30 days into the case study, I would put that in, in the wind column any day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Right on so that the follow up question was, how much traffic? What was the profit was what was the actual investment? Again, maybe we’ll share more details when we have details to share about that particular project, which right now, we don’t have details to share.
How Long Do You Think The SEO Shield Will Hold On?
So next was how long do you think the SEO shield will hold on? That’s a good question. Ah, well, it’s going on six years now.
So Marco, what do you think? Like, we don’t know, we don’t control Google, when they take away G sites and dry stacks. We’ll focus on something else right now. It’s working really well, it’s been working really well. And I mean, the whole foundation of G sites and dry stacks are not fat, the content is that the images, it’s whether you guys know, it’s the iframe. So when Google takes away YouTube, and the ability to embed, then we might lose whatever it is that we’re doing until then, we could just go somewhere else, Google takes me t sites, and Dr. sec, will just go somewhere else and build them. And and it’s that simple. We can drive power from other places, other people are already doing it.
And so it’s not as if it’s a what he call, it’s a great big secret. What you can that you can do these things that you can iframe that you can embed, and that you can link build, as long as everything works through links. Guys, let me tell you, quantum is a long way away. Okay. They’re making progress in leaps and bounds, but it’s still a long way away.
Once we’re in quantum, it’s going to take a while until you can teleport yet, you can actually teleport in quantum from one server to the other. And until then, what we’re going to have is a connection from one server to the other. All Google is is a server that has to connect to another server. And that’s done through links, the way that you collect connect to nodes on the web, and especially the way that Google works, the PageRank. And ranking score algorithm is you can make two nodes through an HTML hyperlink. And you measure the distance from one authoritative source to the other, and how close you are to that authoritative, trusted source on the web. That’s how you develop a PageRank. And rankings for until that changes is money. It’s money. And it doesn’t matter whether the Oh shield and the FPL shield, the way that is conceptualized now, whether Google changes, something that might change the SEO shield will just change and adapt them and go right along, I don’t see anything hurting what we’re doing, which is entity based. So if you’re focusing on the SEO shield, you’re already focused incorrectly, because I’m talking about entity based, worry less SEO.
There you go.
What Are The Biggest SEO Opportunities For 2021?
Okay, so the next question, sorry, I lost the screen again. Alright, so baby was asking about the SEO 2021 forecasts. And I think Iowa SEO was also asking about that. And a question further down. So in, you know, Marco is the SEO guru of our group, I would love to hear what his thoughts are about SEO for 2021. But I can tell you what my thoughts are, as kind of somebody that straddles both SEO and paid traffic now, because of you know, arts right activity, relevance, trust and authority. And so much of that can be accomplished with paid traffic now, and I’m all in on paid traffic, because of what I’ve been able to achieve recently, in the last, you know, month or two with YouTube ads, especially they but Google Ads period that the audience targeting is like it is just the the amount of improvement that has occurred within Google Ads with audience targeting, intent based targeting and that kind of stuff is it’s just incredible. And it has opened up a lot of doors for my own business, my own agency. In fact, I’m working on the biggest project, digital marketing project that I’ve ever worked on in my entire career right now, which I can’t disclose any of those details right now. But it is the biggest project I’ve ever worked on, and I’m trying to systematize it so that it will be a major, you know, cornerstone of Semantic Mastery in our training, at least for the mastermind anyways, so and what I see as a huge opportunity in 2021 is utilizing the opportunities that Google gives us with both SEO but also with paid traffic to really manipulate ART, right? Our activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s like they’re giving us the keys of the kingdom. And with YouTube and display network ads, especially you can buy very, very inexpensive traffic engagement signals, essentially, from highly targeted, highly relevant audiences. These are Google users that Google has placed in buckets that you know, defined audiences. Or you can define your own audiences using custom audiences. And, you know, we’ve been experimenting me particularly I’ve been experimenting with using paid traffic to augment SEO efforts for the last couple of years. And within the last few months, especially I’ve seen significant progress because of the audience targeting improvements the Google Ads is made. So for me, I’m going more and more into paid ads for 2021 as a to complement my SEO efforts, I’m not minimizing or reducing any of this stuff that we’re doing with semantic mastery methods as far as entity based SEO, what Margo and Rob are discovering and you know, developing for entity based SEO is absolutely critical for 2021. But using paid traffic to to augment all of that, I think is really that that’s kind of the direction that I’m going in for 2021. more of that will come out reveal more of that, and that in the coming months. Marco, what do you say?
I mean, as far as SEO is concerned, AI is going to continue playing a bigger and bigger role, but it’s nothing to be scared of. All it is is code. It’s code looking for variable, we can feed it the variables we want, which is what we do. That’s what heavy heavy the heavy hitter club is focused on. And and as a matter of fact, the SEO shield our ys Academy, our academy reloaded has always focused on the fact that I understood as soon as Google said, We want the bot to learn we’re coding the bot to learn the bot is coded to learn, well, I understood well, fuck if it if it if it’s coded to learn, then it’s going to need variables and I can feed it the variables that I want to have it understand what I wanted to understand that this is the big problem with AI is that it has human coders who cannot predict how that code is going to be used. So understanding that and understanding how Google is coding the AI to learn and how the AI is then set loose.
Unknown Speaker 52:38 To fill in the variables for everything, especially the the entities, and how we can then form this entity ourselves and and create what’s part of that entity? And what’s a valid part of the entity More importantly, then it’s just I don’t know, it’s a done deal. It’s a slam dunk, because then we can create our own entities the way that we see it. And we can fit the mold better because we’re creating the entity are we adding to the entity and the variables that Google will be looking for and where others are missing it? And we’re not is where we’ll be able to really make a dent in the space we’ll be really be able to make a difference in those spaces where people are just not filling in the blanks like we are filling in the variable and giving Google the variables that it’s looking for.
Beautiful, thank you. Okay, so the next question.
Is The GMB Service Coming Back On MGYB?
Scroll down a little bit. Hernan please. Is the GMB service coming back to MGYB? I don’t know. I can’t answer that. Maybe Marco has a better answer. But Marco, what do you think we’re working on it? Yeah. It’s difficult guys, because of you know, all the changes Google’s making and sometimes they’re on a you know, Warpath or rampage. And so it’s just it’s difficult. They’re trying to combat spam, which I don’t blame them. So Jim does those damn spammers. Yeah. Jim says, Hey, gang, I have a really quick question. probably obvious question, should the branded drive stack use a company’s primary Gmail address? Does this put the account at risk? Thanks, I hope everyone is having a safe holiday season. No, it’s not necessary, you know, again, so if you order a drive stack, or, you know, SEO Power Suite, or whatever, from us, we’ll go out and create it with a brand new Gmail account that we set up. And that’s perfectly fine. What we suggest is, and typically, like, for example, every for every project now that I set up, I always set up a G Suite account or now it’s called Google workspace, right used to be G Suite, but now it’s workspace. Anyways, I always set up a paid Google account for every new project, period, end of story, okay. And but that doesn’t mean that I have the drive stack built underneath that G Suite or workspace account.
I order it through MGYB just like you guys, do, I swear to God, I don’t have any of our network builders or drive stack builders or anybody work for me outside MGYB anymore, like I literally put on orders to MGYB. So I do it just the way that you guys do. But I don’t get a G Suite account, like I don’t provide them with those details. When I ordered the drive stack, they build it under a new gmail account that they create. And when they deliver the finished product to me, then I can go in and add I log into that Gmail address that was created for the drive stack order. I log into bind it to my IP, which is what we instruct you. Like when we send delivery email, we instruct we provide you with instructions to do that, bind it to your IP, so I log into that account. And then I add the G Suite account, right? So the main entity, Google account as a manager, or I share it, for in the case of drive stacks, share it give permissions to that G Suite account, so that I can manage it through the G Suite account, but it’s technically owned by the original Gmail account. That’s perfectly fine. That won’t cause any problems. And that’s, in fact, how we suggest that you do it. Any comments, guys? No, that’s exactly how the email goes out. Don’t ever go back in as the owner is the manager. Yeah. And the same thing goes with the Google Sites, guys, you can go to sites google.com. And you can share it with your G Suite or Google your main your primary branded Google account. You know, again, I highly recommend using G Suite or Google Now it’s called Google workspaces for all your primary entities. But again, you just share it, give permissions, and then you can edit the G site from that account as well.
Okay, so iOS CEO asked what the biggest SEO opportunities for 2021 where we just answered that wall, asked for just goofing around with DC plumber and found the Twitter account was suspended. Just FYI. Okay. I didn’t affect Google rankings, because I just checked, but yeah, okay, cool. Thanks.
rocketbox. You said, Okay, that was I guess we didn’t answer the question. I think Marco resolve that.
Did You Took Over The Entire Tree Services In The U.S. Or There Are More Places Left?
So BB says, did you? Did you take over the entire tree services in the US? Are there more places left? So I’m sure that’s a question for me. No, baby. Trust me. I haven’t even scratched the surface. Okay. That’s what I’m saying. Do you guys realize how much opportunity there is out there? Like there is a big blue ocean of money slopping around out there. And, you know, I’ve been in the tree service industry generating leads and doing SEO for Tree Service contractors since 2012. And I haven’t even scratched the surface. Are you kidding me? There’s there are I mean, it’s funny, but the big the huge project, I’m not going to disclose what the project is. But I’m trying to scale my agency for Tree Service stuff, like considerably in 2021. And I just did a huge search for the prospecting for building a prospecting list the Tree Service contractors in Virginia. And all I did was target the top 20 cities in Virginia, and did a scrape, search for you know, a prospecting list essentially. And I came again, it resulted with over 950, it was like 958, or something Tree Service contractors. And after I cleaned the prospecting list, for again, this was just the top 20 cities by population size in the state of Virginia, I had over 950 Tree Service contractors. And after D duping the list, cleaning it, getting rid of non relevant, you know, contacts within the list and all that kind of stuff, I ended up with over 700 contacts in the state of Virginia alone. So think about that. If I were to prospect aggressive, which I’m going to prospect aggressively to all 700 contacts in the state of Virginia alone, just Tree Service contractors, and just get 1% of them. Right as clients, that would be seven new clients for one state. Right, do that times 50 states. Think about that? That’s 350 clients. I mean, so my point is just think about the opportunity out there anybody that thinks a market I mean, there are certain markets that are saturated. But my point is, there are a lot the United States is a great big area. So, you know, 50 states if I were to get be able to just develop a prospecting contact list of 700 Tree Service contractors times 50 states that’s 3500 Excuse me, is that 35,030 500 my math is off at the moment, but that’s a huge opportunity nonetheless. So no, did it have I taken over that niche? Absolutely not. There is plenty of room in there for others to join that same industry or enter that same market. Any comments on that?
Nah, man, cuz it goes back to the WebMD question.
And then whatever, to go out to the entire tree services market in the US, you need the budget for it.
I mean, that’s that’s I don’t know Bradley about you. But it’s not something that I want to invest all that money. Yeah, put all your eggs in one basket.
And a lot of if you drop that basket, you’re in trouble. I focus on more different revenue streams. And I’m not interested in owning any one specific market. I’m after a certain income level where I can just give away most of the money. That’s what I’m focused on.
All right. Well, guys, thank you for everybody being here. This was the last Hump Day hangouts of 2020. By the way, a big F you to 2020 middle finger. Let’s put this shit in the rearview mirror and look forward to 2021. I hope it can, I would say can only get better, but I’m not going to hold my breath. So God bless everybody. Happy holidays. Happy New Year. We hope you all will join us next week for the first Hump Day hangouts of 2021. Let’s kick next year’s ass. Sounds good. Oh, yeah. Bye, everybody.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 320 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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ask-republicofcroatia · 8 years ago
Ooc:. Its time to talk about ocs and appearances!!
"Mika stop." Everyone around me pleas and cries with worry for my sanity "SYM-BOL-ISM!" I scream with a tin foil hat on my head while hitting pots and pans. Suddenly a spaceship appears with the word symbolism written on it. Stunned silence commences "Strap on motherf******." Yes my sanity is slowly slipping away. .: Croatia :. Hair:. Her natural hair is medium-dark brown. Its a very nice chocolate-y colour. Many years ago it was pure blonde due to the fact that she is a slavic country which are characterized by having light hair and eyes. And the highlights are just her way of trying to prove she is modern. Her hair represents the sea side in Croatia therefore Italy likes to touch it because historically Italians always wanted our sea side (she hates when people touch it) and its relatively dry naturally due to the fact that the sea side has dry land also thanks to Italy her hair has a wavy texture. On the other hand her eyebrows are a bit naturally darker than her hair and pretty thick with a good arch, they are darker because of turkish influence. Eyes:. The eye colour she has in a nice blueish green colour just like the sea. Her eye colour remained the same since she was a child leaving it very visible that she is a slav country. The shape of her eyes is a roundish almond with sharp edges but they are not very big. She has a lot of eyelashes but they ain't long. Skin.. Throughout history her skin was either tan or pale depending on the time period and her general role in it (royalty, soldier, commoner, etc). Her skin can tan very easily and nowadays it mostly remains in a slight tan. Her skin is full of moles (not freckles) as it is very common for people to have skin full of moles. They represent the thousands of islands that are a part of our shore. Also the tattoos you can find refs for them on the blog just scroll if you haven't seen em .: Bosnia :. Hair:. His hair is very dark brown naturally its lighter than Sadik (Turkey) but darker then Tamara. However he is chasing his old days of power because of his misery so he dyes his hair blond like it used to be when he was younger which in turn results into his hair being very damaged but the colour is very intense yellow so its obvious that its not natural. He also can't afford to re-dye it professionally very often and it usually has roots showing. The length of his hair is mid neck and often times its very messy and shaggy he will however style it on important events and meeting. He is very hairy like most men in the Balkan mostly on his chest and arms he regularly shaves his face though. Much like Tamara his eyebrows are also a bit darker then his natural hair and his don't have a good arch like hers. In the spirit of hetalia I also gave him an ahoege like Austrias but much smaller to represent Austrian influence Eyes:. Like Croatias eyes his also remained light throughout the years but his got a more grey tone to them. The reason to them being blue-grey is connected to water. Bosnia in itself means water so its obviously a very important component to the country. The shape of his eyes is more round and bigger in comparison to Tamara and they have sharp edges and he actually has very long and full eyelashes. Skin:. In terms of this he has one of the tannest skin tones in Balkan again because Turkey. Like Tamara his skin tone also varied in history but he was always darker then her by comparison. He has two very visible scars on his face across his nose and from the bottom of his jaw across his cheek almost reaching his eye. I'm not sure how related this is to skin its more like a facial feature but he has dimples that represent the two biggest ponds in Bosnia. Considering: I wanna put tattoos on him but he is a muslim and thats against their beliefs but Bosnia is not a country that 100% follows the rules of Islam and I read that some sort of tattoos are allowed like words but I am not too sure about that. .: Serbia :. Hair:. Right off the bat unlike Omer and Tamara his hair was always dark brown. There is turkish influence present in Serbia obviously but I didn't want it to be his hair like with the other two instead its more present in his face but thats not for this post. He is the hairiest of them all he has to shave every day and his chest, arms and legs are a forest (save him). His hair is cut like an undercut but he let the shaved part go longer in recent years. The small grey part of his hair was inspired a bit by the main boy in Catcher in the Rye on one side his hair is going grey partly because age and because I believe when Yugoslavia was falling apart Serbia was the most stressed by it (hair goes grey from stress too) Eyes:. The idea I had behind this is gonna be hard to explain but oh boy here I go. They look like a wolfs eyes. If you look up wolf eyes you can see they are very round and have a crease (??) on the bottom corner of the eye (the one near the nose) thats how I imagine his eyes. I also imagine him having a very predatory look in his eyes but he learned to control it in the recent years so he can look more friendly, I also believe Turkey was scared of the way his eyes looked lmao. The colour of his eyes is green but it also has a golden tint to which is common for wolf especially in the country. Skin:. I actually think he is the second palest person form Yugoslavia. This is mostly due to the fact that he wast the most royal out of all of them so he spent more time inside not being able to tan. As well as the fact that Russia had a lot of influence on him so it helped in the pale department. Nowadays I imagine him having some awkward tans especially in summer lmao. .: Montenegro :. Hair:. Definantelly has the darkest hair its pure black due to his name which literally has the word black in it c'mon. The length is very short and very messy like he just got out of bed. He also never had any changes to his hair colour. Like Serbia he is very hairy especially on his chest and legs. Thick brows and high arch to make his face look scarier/stricter. Eyes:. He has a very tired look like he never got enough sleep but he also has big eyes its just the sleep deprivedness makes them look smaller. *The colour of them is light blue because of the sea. * I might change the specific shade of it because I'm gonna see the sea of Montenegro myself in a few days so ye Skin:. He is probably the tannest one due to how his warrior behaviour always made him stay outside. Like Tamara he also has lots of moles/sun spots but much much less than her. One very visible scar on his cheek. .: Macedonia :. Hair:. From ancient Greek/Macedonian influence she has curly hair and she is the only person with properly curly hair in Yugoslavia. She also has cute bangs. The colour of her hair is reddish-brown due to the wine they have there and in recent years she also got a small purple ombre at the ends of her hair (because its the colour of grapes and I am in love with a certain idols hair). She also has thick eyebrows but no arch. Also always has poppy flowers in her hair that she will style differently but will always have a minimum of 6 flowers in her hair. Eyes:. Her eyes are brown because everyone gives Mace blue or green eyes and I don't feel like jumping on a bandwagon. No seriously I have no reason (yet!) for her brown eyes other than its the most usual eye colour. Her eye shape is round and small and her eyelashes are big and curly to emphasize the fact that she is the youngest lmao. Skin:. Her skin is tanned due to Greek and Turkish influence and she has all the standards the others had .: Slovenia :. Hair:. Like the outcast he is (and wants to be) he has dirty blonde/light brown hair its also a bit wavy like Tamaras but he styles it unlike the rest of the boys on a daily basis. The length reaches the bottom of his neck almost. And like Bosnia he has an ahoege to represent Austrian influence but his makes him angry cuz he can't style it no matter what. He is the only one that remained blondeish throughout their years of influences. Also the only one with thinner eyebrows but a mean arch cuz Croatia. The least hairy one but its unknown if he just naturally doesn't grows a lot of hair or he removes it Eyes:. He has sharp strict looking eyes that are almond shaped. He enjoys wearing glasses but he doesn't really need them. The colour of his eyes are honey because of the honey production there. Skin:. The actual palest guy thanks to Austria and also has trouble tanning unlike the rest. I didn't mention scars a lot in this post but he has the least amount because he mostly stayed in the house even in Austro-Hungarian times. Has one beauty mark under his eye.
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borisbubbles · 8 years ago
DiHaj - “Skeletons” 13th place
Yet another entry for the “I feel I should cry robbage, but actually... nah” pile. If Latvia were a successful marriage of two idiosyncrasies, then Azerbaijan are the dysfunctional marriage between two seemingly perfect individuals.
On paper, “Skeletons” ticks all the [trenchcoated] boxes for all-time favourite status.
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~The message~: “Skeletons” is a love song, but a very atypical one at that. While most of its ilk delve deeply into romanticism, with or without emo rain, “Skeletons” is unapolagetic, gloomy, cynical and complex. It’s about a woman whose lover is a KNOWN villain and she’s torn between locking herself into a Bonnie & Clyde-style doommance or giving him the light of day and bolting. Given that it’s virtually impossible in this day and age to have a relationship without engaging into some sort of emotional warfare and/or moral dilemma’s, it makes “Skeletons” refreshing, daring and current.
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~The music~ Naturally, the dark, doomtastic lyrics are complemented by an underworld-like, gravelly synthpop rhythm which brings it to LIFE. The sounds remind me of CHVRCHES, the arrangement/pace of Bastille. Anyone who emulates those two musical deities is bae in my book by default <3
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~The lyrics~
”Skeletons” has pretty awesome, catchy lyrics. The chorus speaks for itself and the verses are abundant in metaphors, similes, word play and you know, good old examles of “mangling the English language just cuz”. I still have no clue what “thorn jeans” are <3 A question for the philosophers, I guess.
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~The staging~ All of this is complemented by an act which you’re more likely to expect for a contemporary opera production, rather than Eurovision. It sets up DiHaj like a mad scientist, confined within a chamber built from her own cognitive dissonance and guilt, about to break free as she makes her decision to expose the proverbial skeletons she hides inside her mental wardrobe.
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PFEW! So much complexity, so many layers, so many narrative elements to enjoy. On paper, it sounds so, so perfect. THEN WHY DON’T I LOVE IT MORE??? D;
Let’s drop the anvil.
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Individually, both song and act score a 10/10 for me. Combined together however,.. blergh, meh. I know Aristotle taught us that the whole is always more than the sum of its parts, but “Skeleton” single-handedly recants this. Because both song and act are so rife with meaning, they effectively cancel each other out due to sensory overload.  Hand staging like this over to Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia or Serbia and they flourish. Slap Artsvik’s or Blanche’s staging onto “Skeletons” and it retains its status as a Fan Fave.
I mean, major props for taking a huge risk and going for EXTREME, but we’ve already had Loïc Nottet. This is just the bath salts alternative to him.
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However, a bigger problem for *mepersonally* is the vocal delivery. IF there were any doubts about Dihaj’s singing pre-show, then the live shows provided a big fat answer. Because it now has been established, without a doubt, that Dihaj suuuucks. Okay, she’s not that bad, but her singing voice is shrill yet, oddly enough, mumbly, which I find off-putting for reasons I cannot determine.
The WORST offenders though are that AWFUL choir. HUNCH YOUR HEADS IN SHAME!!
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I mean, perhaps I’m setting ridiculously high standards here, but the fact that you’ve hired FOUR Swedish backing singers and none of them are able to sing harmoniously to one another is really jarring to me. It was perfect in the studio version, so why NOT bring that live as well?? FUCKING MACEDONIA MANAGED and they’re poor in both a musical and an economic context.  If only Azerbaijan hadn’t blown their budget on flashy staging they didn’t need, *LeSigh*
Overall, I still love this entry, but... I can’t really listen to or look at the live performance without the hard realization of “I don’t nearly love this as much as I used to” smacking me in the face. And that’s kind of a big deal to me, so... Decade rank: 84/324
-ADORE- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -LOVE- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Azerbaijan (84/324) 14. Latvia (87/324) 15. Israel (93/324)
-LIKE- 16. Bulgaria (100/324) 17. Portugal (105/324) 18. Croatia (115/324) 19. Austria (119/324) 20. France (138/324) 21. Poland (154/324) 22. Armenia (158/324) 23. Romania (164/324)
-OKAY- 24. Iceland (174/324) 25. Ukraine (190/324) 26. San Marino (203/324) 27. Albania (217/324) 28. Denmark (228/324) 29. Spain (237/324) 30. Cyprus (240/324) -DISLIKE- 31. Germany (258/324) 32. Montenegro (263/324) 33. Sweden (270/324) 34. Serbia (275/324) 35. Australia (280/324) 36. Switzerland (286/324) 37. Czech Republic (288/324) 38. Malta (291/324) -HATE- 39. Georgia (301/324) 40. Greece (303/324) 41. Slovenia (307/324) 42. Ireland (312/324)
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99gaynintendogs · 8 years ago
Taggy Tag Thingy Thing
By this nerd: @undeniablerealities Nickname: idk my family calls me na and i actually hate it. i get called addi by some people and SHREK by someone else. not to mention zoe Gender: im of the female (to be pronounced like tamale) species Star sign: gemini/taurus (depending on consideration of the the new sign)! Height: 5'3" i’m that height where people think it’s just hysterical to lean on me because i’m “so small!!!!” haha yah fuck off Hogwarts House: Hufflepuffle bdizzle jizzls Fave color: oh jesus. so like a reeeeeeeeeeeally pale seafoam blue-green colour i can send a picture of the hue if you care enough Fave Animal: dairy goats are actually the cutest most caring adorable creatures that have ever graced this shitty ball of water and dirt Avg hours of sleep: 3-4 hours lately Cats or Dogs: i love both so much it just depends on the personality of the animal. some dogs are satan some cats are. it’s an even mix. Fave fictional characters: Eponine Thenardier [Les Miserables], Elphaba Thropp [Wicked], Carrie White [Carrie], Nemo Nobody [Mr. Nobody], Shrek (okay like i’m not just being one of those annoying shrek memers i promise. he’s actually a really well-developed character) # of blankets you sleep with: 3 Fave singer/band: The Lemon Twigs is my ultimate grand supreme favourite #1 mvp Dream Trip: mmmm this is a hard question to answer. i would lOve to go to the Galapagos Islands. However, I do not want to add to the destruction of their delicate environmental conditions by contributing to the toxicity of the tourism on the islands. So eh maybe Austria? Dream Job: Stage Actress or Musician (preferably for alt rock vocals or guitaring cuz i just got a new pedal set and i am scream) When was this blog created: June 8th, 2014 Current # of followers: it was 365 the last time i checked What made you want to make a tumblr: all my friends had one so i figured i’d check it out Birthday: 6/7/99 Relationship status: uh hoe Siblings: like 6 half siblings Wake up time: ideally 5ish during the weekdays but then around 9 or 10 on weekends Lemonade or Sweet Tea: uh this might sound gross but i mix both together 50/50 Day or Night: Night, i like sitting on my window seat and looking out at the planets and stars Coke or Pepsi: really don’t taste the difference in the normal ones my taste buds are shitty. i like specifically vanilla cherry coke the best tho. Calls or Texts: depends on the person. family i prefer to text because it’s hard to talk to people i don’t have much in common with. but really close friends i prefer hearing them speak Ever met a celebrity: uh im actually related to a few so i never know how to answer this question Smiles or Eyes? well the smile includes the eyes right? so its a double whammy get fukt Country or City: i dunno. the country can be a lot more beautiful in a romanticized sense. but i wanna move to nyc or california when i get older so i guess im hella biased. Last song I’ve listened to: The Destruction from Carrie the Musical (i’ve got an audition with a cut from this song that i have to prep for)
tags: @leilanipop1 @bpdalfendilayton (ik u like these things) @snix-14 @fluffadoodlebirb
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shwagginonyou · 8 years ago
Saturday 07 Jan 17
alright friends its 11:21 and my bedtime has gotten progressively later.. i should prob try to change this habit before student teaching got me like MOAR SLEEP PLS
also currently having the WORST neck/shoulder strain in the world and having much difficulty seeing this screen without exerting too much effort on my neck cuz my glasses are 10 years old. oops who’s fault was it to not get a new prescription before coming to austria >_>
another exciting day in the journey to understand what we’ve gotten ourselves into haha. it’s actually like so sad because we go on these awesome trips during the day and its so freezing that by the time we get back at like 3pm we literally don’t get off the couch for the rest of the day and i’m just like... am i guilty for wasting away 8 hrs scaring at a laptop screen when in europe.... i try to justify it by thinking of all the effort we are putting into our farther trips that i deserve a good couple days of being a fat couch potato. EVEN if i’m in europe
omg i literally cannot with the stupid gifs on the sidebar on tumblr that are in my sideview and are SO ANNOYING GTFO. maybe if i write enough this page will start to go down and i can escape the deathly view. the more i think about it the more it annoys me/.
this morning we woke up at around 8 and it was a struggle to get out of bed. seriously, another things we’ve been dealing with is the super cold temperature of this house, even when we’ve turned it all the way up to like 24 c, which is like 75 f, which is really warm!! it still feels like an icebox, and we are not about to pay 200+ these next two months to raise it any higher. sigh. anyway, went out to check out the other grocery store, which was much much closer of a walk, and bigger than the other one! lol why do people give dumb suggestions... got some more food and household items which have proven to be helpful. came back to the apartment to drop stuff off and then embarked on our adventure to villach!
the walk to the velden train station was quite nice, 10 min just as google maps promised, so that’s another 6 euros saved each way! train to villach was also 10 min. something that still blows my mind is how literally every country except america provides decent transportation services so that even if we live in the middle of nowhere, we can still survive without a car haha. from there on, we spent a good decent amount of hours just exploring the little “city.” honestly, the whole town center was like walkable within half hour, but we had lots of time to kill. of course the scenery was breathtaking, the houses super cute and full of european vibes and old character. i think even if we don’t live in bigger cities like the other teachers in rome, we still have so much access to the diverse atmospheres of europe, which is already such a bonus in comparison to staying in america. i really need to remind myself of what an amazing opportunity i have to be here for such a long time and immerse myself in a new culture. even if it’s not always comfortable or “exciting,” i’m already gaining so many different perspectives to the world that you really can’t take for granted.
so like i said, we walked pretty much for about as much as you can expect someone to walk in 20 degree weather and called it a day. came back to the apartment after checking out the “euro plus” store around the corner, which was like a super convenient dollar-ish store! another thing about staying at the apartment is like.. trying to keep the spendings to an acceptable rate lul.. so yea! that was pretty much our first saturday here. the time seems to be moving so slowly because of all the new experiences, and all the downtime we have from afternoon to bedtime. honestly looking forward to having work to do once school starts hahaha. remind me of this optimism in a month :|
gonna have a nice chill sunday morning tomorrow, try to find a church service to stream online, and hopefully meet with one of our co-ops for dinner in klagenfurt!! nighty night
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