#its been... a while since ive drawn a face
goldenstorm0 · 3 days
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saw a dumb thing wanted to draw it. don't super like it but I'm happy with some of the shading
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she knew, they felt guilty
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sourearth · 2 years
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ive gotten enough respite from my rsi to be able to actually play hades and naturally i am now entirely obsessed
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slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
Luke Castellan and Persephone!Child (I know she doesn’t canonically have Demi-god kids but I feel like it fits well) with a story similar to Eurydice and Orpheus’s sad tale.
thank you so much for your request, it acc ties in really well to a fic idea ive had for a while, so i was so excited to see this in my inbox!!
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word count: 1800
pairing: luke castellan x persephone!reader
warnings: death, minor depictions of violence, angst
a/n: partly inspired by the request, partly by mitski's song 'circle' honestly i think it made this extra gut-wrenching. hope you all enjoy!
'Nobody knows my lover, is buried underground.'
When Luke Castellan received his quest, everyone knew who he would pick to take with him. 
Immediately, he turned to you, flashing you a bright grin, and beckoning you towards him. You laughed, wading through the crowd to your lover, smiling brightly all the way. 
The rest of camp half blood rolled their eyes fondly at the pair of you, and just how disgustingly in love you were. 
It had been like this ever since you arrived at camp half blood, mere months after Luke himself. 
You’d been escorted to the Hermes cabin by one of the older campers, and sat down on a bunk bed. You had looked around the place, lost, confused, and homesick. 
And then a boy stepped up to you, asking how you were, what your name was. And gods, even at the age of 14, you knew he was the most beautiful person you’d ever seen. Luke thought the same about you. 
He was so drawn to you, he couldn’t stay away. 
Now, even 4 years later, nothing had changed. 
He was openly enraptured by you, just as Hades was with your mother. He was never seen without you by his side, so of course he’d pick you to bring on his first quest.
A few days later, you set off, Luke’s half-brother, Chris Rodriguez in tow. Everything started off well, you’d managed to locate someone to tell you where the Garden of Hesperides was, in order to retrieve the golden apple that you had been sent for. 
On the way there, you hardly encountered any monsters. You lived comfortably, even if you slept in motels every night, and dined on gas station food. 
It all went downhill when you finally reached the garden. 
You and Chris stood guard whilst Luke stepped towards the tree, no sword in his hand. You kept your spear gripped tightly in your hand, should he awake the dragon sleeping at his feet. 
He eventually reached the foot of the tree, taking a deep breath before reaching up into the branches, and trying to snag one of the apples. Meanwhile, you didn’t take your eyes off the dragon, watching it for any sign of movement. 
And when it finally opened its dark eye, looking up at Luke, you ran forward, sprinting towards it with your spear outstretched to stab it. 
But you weren’t fast enough, and it turned, slashing a talon across your chest, and sending you collapsing onto the ground, blood soaking into your shirt. 
Luke darted towards you and in his rush, he wasn’t able to avoid the sharp tail of the dragon whipping across his face, leaving a fine cut all the way down it. 
He ignored the biting pain, barely able to register it when all he could see was you, lying on the floor, a pool of blood encircling you. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He whispered, patting your cheek gently, cradling your body to his chest, “You’re gonna be alright, yeah? Just open your eyes for me baby.” 
You struggled to do as he asked, looking up at your lover with confused eyes. 
“You-” You coughed, “You have to go. It’s over for me. Gonna go see mom.”
“No, no. Gotta stay with me. We can get through this.” He cried, brushing his thumbs across your face.
“I- I- I love y-you. W-we’ll s-see each other ag-gain.” You did your best to smile, and while all you wanted to do was reach up and hold his face, you found you didn’t have the strength to do so. 
He continued to cry and beg you to come back, but it was all for nothing, you’d gone silent, and your eyes were all still. 
And then vines began to wrap around your body, pulling you into the earth, down towards Persephone, your mother. 
Luke kept crying as they took you away from him, leaving nothing but your camp necklace behind. 
“Hey, man, we gotta go.” He heard Chris call, and he whipped his head around to berate him, until he saw his half-brother was currently in combat with the dragon that had killed you. 
He was right, they had to go. 
He scooped your camp necklace off of the ground, and ran towards his brother, who detached from his fight with the dragon to run away from the garden. Luke followed after him, tears streaming down his face the whole way. 
When Luke got back to camp, he was different. Numb. 
Annabeth ran up to him when they descended the hill, a bright smile on her face at her older brother's return. It faded slightly when she saw you weren’t right beside him. 
“Where’s Y/N?” She asked, looking around as if you’d pop out from nowhere.
“Gone.” Was all Luke could manage to say, pulling his little sister in for a hug he so desperately needed, confirmation that at least she was still here. 
For the next few months, he barely left the Hermes cabin, only ever going down to the amphitheatre in the early hours of the morning, where he could be seen slashing recklessly at wooden dummies left right and centre. 
He didn’t know how to live without you. He always thought you’d be with him forever. He had this vision that together you would grow old, and would die while sitting on some front porch, holding hands as you went at the same moment. 
Now he realised that it was a pipedream. You were demigods, it was never going to work out like that. 
But he couldn’t go on living like this. He didn’t want to wake up in the morning if you weren’t beside him. So he formed his plan, to go down to the underworld and retrieve you himself. 
His father was the god of travellers, and your mother was the queen of the underworld. It could work. 
So he travelled to the entrance to the underworld, your camp necklace in his hands, and prayed. First to your mother, asking for an audience, and second to his father, asking for use of his access to the underworld. It was the first time he had ever asked Hermes for anything, and if this worked, it would probably be the last. He’d never want for anything again if it meant you were with him again. 
And it did work. The gate opened to him, a long staircase down into the darkness. Luke descended quickly; he didn’t want to keep Persephone, or you for that matter, waiting.
He soon found himself pushing through crowds of lost souls, keeping a look out for you, but you were nowhere in sight. He then turned his attention back to reaching Persephone’s throne, breathing a sigh of relief as he finally found himself at the foot of it, looking up at the goddess herself. 
“You requested an audience with me, Mr Castellan. I hope this is not about my daughter.” Persephone said sternly, looking down at the demigod, her fears confirmed when she saw the string of beads clutched in his hands. 
“It is, but-”
“There’s no buts. I can’t do anything about your predicament. It is not within my jurisdiction.” She declared, her voice growing regretful, “My daughter is in Elysium, and that’s where she must stay.” 
“My lady, I understand that this is difficult for you. But we both know Y/N… died before her time. She would want to come back. She deserves to have a life.” 
“And you would give that to her?” 
“And you would protect her, better than I can?”
Luke gulped, “Just as well.” 
The goddess sighed, and muttered, almost to herself, “We have had this problem before, persuasive mortals and their tales of love. Let’s see if you can fare any better, Luke Castellan.” 
“I will release my only daughter from the underworld, on one condition. As you lead her back into the world of the living, you mustn’t look back at her. She will be following you, trust me on that, demigod.” 
“And if I do? Look back?” 
“Then you will never see her again. Not in your world, nor mine,” She looked down at him once again, a sad look in her eyes, “Now go, exit through the fields of asphodel, she will follow you from there.” 
Luke nodded firmly, and turned back around, returning the way he came, smiling more brightly than he had in months. 
He was going to see his Y/N again, all he had to do was not look back at her, how difficult could that be?
He pushed his way back through the fields of asphodel, keeping a tight hold of her camp beads. As soon as they reached the surface, he would string them around her neck again. He’d be able to hold her face in his palms, to kiss her, to hug her. Everything would be alright again. 
As he returned to the staircase, he felt a rush of wind behind him. It had to be her. Then, to confirm his suspicions, he heard soft footsteps on the stone staircase. Luke smiled to himself once again, wishing so desperately that he could greet her, but not wanting to break Persephone’s rules. 
He continued up the staircase for what felt like hours, it was definitely taking him a lot longer this time. The thing that kept him going was your footsteps behind him, a reminder that you were still there, following after him. 
Until they stopped, right as he became able to see the light coming from the living world above him. 
He paused for a moment, listening out for you. But he couldn’t hear anything besides his panting breaths and the odd screech of a harpy. 
Luke began to grow worried, a pit forming in his stomach, but he kept climbing the stairs. Persephone told him you’d be following, she wouldn’t lie, would she?
Or maybe it was all some elaborate joke. Fortune hadn’t been on his side recently. 
Maybe he should check. Just a peek, it couldn’t hurt, could it? What was so wrong about him looking back anyway, why shouldn’t he want to see his lover, the girl he would do anything for?
So he did. He turned, to look over his shoulder. 
And of course, you were right behind him, just like your mother said you would. 
At first you looked joyful to see him, and then your face fell in horror as you realised what he had done. You reached out to touch him, to hold on, but you couldn’t quite reach. And then you felt yourself being pulled back, away from him. 
Luke watched on in horror as you fell back into the abyss.
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genji x afab!reader | 3k words
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u and genji get called off work for the day. so, sex!
porn without plot, i just honestly want him naked, morning sex, kitchen sex, oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex, not beta read (sorry too lazy)
A/N :: ok hi. first post on tumblr (i usually post on ao3 because it’s easier to forget about). been a while since ive written anything at all, but i need genji an astronomical amount. enjoy
you snaked your arms around genji’s trim waist, fingers delicating tracing those pretty scars of his. you pressed close to his back, leaning your weight onto it, relying on him to keep you standing at all. pressing a cheek to the cool metal of his body, you closed your eyes, sighing a quiet breath.
over half of his body was cybernetic now, but resilient bits and pieces held onto their life: his left shoulder, arm, collarbone, the side of his abdomen, his v-line, a few inches below the belt. well, more than a few.
“called us off of work today, you hear?” you murmured against his back. he was standing in the kitchen, one hand on the granite of the countertop, eyes focused on the trees outside. his free hand rose to form over yours, his thumb caressing your skin.
“yes, i did,” he replied, voice a little hoarse. it was still morning, after all.
you frowned, arms tightening a little more around him. you appreciated the contact. last night you were cursing the heat for ruining your beauty rest. now, you paid it your respects for making genji sleep in just his boxers.
your hand stayed on his skin, trapped by his stronger hand wrapped about yours, while your other gently ran over the cool metals of his abdomen, slowly moving to his happy trail as if it was gravitational pull rather than choice.
“too bad,” you started, fingers edging closer to the waistband of his boxers. “could’ve slept in.”
you heard him chuckle, felt the vibration of it rumble through his body below your fingers and face, still leaning against his back.
he moved his hand on the counter to over yours, pausing its movement.
“what do you think you’re doing?” he asked playfully; you could almost hear the smile that came with the question. you pictured the way his eyebrows would rise, always so serious but occasionally spirited. how little smile lines deepened when he smirked. the way his rosy scars crinkled when his eyes squinted and he was just red eyes hidden by pretty eyelashes.
“filling the time, i guess,” you answered, matching his tone.
he must’ve felt the way your cheeks rose with a smile and how your fingers ran little circles over the dark hair on his stomach below his hand.
slowly as if not to break the morning haze that settled over you both, he gripped your hands and pulled them off his body, then turned and faced you, leaning his back against the counter.
taking your wrists gently, he pulled you closer so you stood between his legs, eyes roaming over your body. a clear hunger that didn’t reside in his stomach.
“someone has to be,” you joked, feigning confidence. no matter how many times you stood in this position, you could never shake the consistent butterflies that rioted in your gut.
“well you work too hard,” genji started, dropping your wrist to take up your jaw, drawing your face closer to his. your body followed suit, pressing flush against his. his lips just barely brushed over yours, minty breath ghosting over your skin. “let me take over.”
a moment of expectation hung in the air as he paused, lips drawing into a smile just in front of yours. he was taking his new job seriously, it seemed.
you sighed, then finally he rewarded you, slowly making the contact. his lips were soft. a pillow beneath your own.
it was like he was needy, his free hand wrapping around your waist and pressing you tighter into him. his erection wasn’t hard to feel; he was always easy to excite.
the kiss was gentle, long, drawn out contact. he took it slow, easing his tongue over your lips. his restraint in the kiss opposed that of the rest of his body. his fingers gripped into your waist like he could squeeze out more of you to touch. his chest rose and fell deeply. you could feel him straining not to buck into you right now.
he pulled away, catching his breath. his cheeks were flushed, mimicking your own. and there was that signature smirk he wore, mischievous glint in his eyes as if you were the only one feeling the effects.
it was something he always preached about, but you could never really focus. something something honor, something something restraint. all you could focus on was how close he was to you and the sun shining on his visor. what was beneath it.
and now you were staring right at it. eyes all tired from lack of sleep and love-drunk haze. that stupid, stupid grin you just wished was between your thighs.
his lips twitched like he wanted to say something, his gaze darting between your eyes and your mouth. but instead of talking, he leaned down again and pressed his lips against yours. there was more desire. his hands traveled to your thighs as he lifted you up, and you were more than happy to oblige.
he pushed off from the counter. you wrapped your legs around his waist, shifting slightly at the need for friction. your hands rose, resting on either side of genji’s face, thumb caressing the scarred skin.
he gently bit down on your lip. you could feel the heavy breaths on your skin as he attempted to catch his breath, his need for air fighting his need for you. the latter was winning.
genji’s hands groped perversely at your thighs where he held you, savoring every bit of soft flesh against his cybernetics. he took extra care to relish as he dug his human fingers into your skin, but it was never enough. his robotic hand was a little rougher, not to mention cooler. you weren’t sure if the goosebumps rising on your legs and arms were from his touch or the cold metal of his body.
and it wasn’t long before he had your lips against his again, not wasting any time to make any conversation. just one night without that sweet taste of yours was enough to make him desperate, which showed in his actions. he was getting a little sloppy, his raspy breaths hot against your mouth, tongue symbiotic with yours.
he turned blindly so you faced the counter and regretfully pulled away from your face, lips all red. he set you down, standing between your legs and pressing his hands onto the surface either side of you.
and there it was, that little fire in his eyes again. the fire you had started, and one only you could extinguish thoroughly.
he pressed a kiss to your lips, softer than his previous, and then trailed down your neck, biting marks into your skin.
“you know, i haven’t had breakfast yet,” genji recounted against your collarbone, drawing his tongue over the lovebite. he moved back up, slowly retracing his steps until he reached your lips once more. “feeling a little hungry.” his voice was raspy, slightly quiet, against your mouth.
his hands moved from the counter to the waistband of your shorts, fingers playing delicately with the fabric. a soft kiss, followed by him moving that pretty mouth of his to your ear.
“got anything for me?” his voice was low.
you stiffened, shifting your hips slightly as the butterflies in your stomach got all excited again.
“i might,” you murmured back, followed by a short, quiet gasp. that cybernetic hand of his had grown bored of toying at your waistband and instead braced the fabric of your shorts right at your clit, running fingers over the area.
you could feel genji smile against your skin as he moved back down to your neck, his free hand supporting your back as you fought back writhing against his touch.
but there were simply too many clothes blocking you from him right now.
“genji, please,” you whispered, breathing out heavy breaths, hips beginning to grind against his touch.
he pulled his face away from your neck, chuckling as his eyes met yours. eyebrows narrowed, quirking inward a little, and that same smirk. scars sitting pretty on his face. messy black hair that had yet to be brushed.
“oh, come on,” he pouted, tilting his head. “now who’s the tease?”
you shook your head slightly. who knew what face you made; you were far more focused on his fingers just barely ghosting over where you needed it most.
he laughed a little, straight from the chest, and moved his hands back to your waistband. a necessary step for what you wanted, but you couldn’t help but feel a little empty without his hand between your legs anymore.
“fine, i won’t torture you,” he said, pulling down on your shorts. you helped, raising yourself a bit from the counter to pull them off. he took off your underwear with them too, tossing them on the floor to be cleaned later.
but it wouldn't be dinner (or breakfast) without a show, so genji raised his hands to your top and slid it off your torso, eyes settling on your chest. you noticed his cheeks get a little rosy.
he pressed some more kisses onto your lips, plush. his hands wasted no time in groping your tits, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
he groaned into your mouth, matching your own whimpers. his right hand trailed down your body to your legs, running teasingly over your thighs, quietly laughing into your mouth as you placed a hand on his arm to silently insist.
and then his cool metal fingers were on your clit again, finally making that needed contact, dipping down a little lower and moving back up to test the wetness you had been feeling build up between your legs. he rubbed slick circles over your clit, your back arching at the touch.
but desire had clouded his thoughts too and he withdrew his lips from yours, only murmuring a quiet c’mon as he lowered himself. his hands moved to your hips, pulling you to the edge of the counter. once you were where he wanted you, he pressed his hands to the interior of your thighs, spreading your legs wide to make room for himself.
it was no question after that, his hands sliding up to grasp at your waist while he beared his lips down on your clit, pecking kisses before swiping his tongue over it, smiling at the way you whined and shifted.
it wasn’t long before genji grew a little fervorous, working his way up and down your vulva, using his nose where his mouth wouldn’t suffice.
it was like he was a starved kitten the way he lapped at you. you were the holy grail holding every healing agent, you were jesus’s vessel bestowing him with all the youth and love and strength he’ll ever need. if only he could get enough.
he had you writhing beneath him, your hands tangling in that messy black hair of his, forcing him impossibly closer into you. his grumbles of affection and groans of sensuality hit a spot you didn’t even know you had.
it wasn’t long before he had you completely weak, unbelievable pressure building up between your thighs and into your stomach, your breaths heavier with each second he continued his ravaging.
“fuck, genji, i’m gonna-“ you started, barely able to finish your sentence as those butterflies continued their attacks on your intenstines, fluttering those light wings of theirs.
his grip tightened around your waist as a response, a silent allowance, as one of his hands moved upward to your chest. groping once more before teasing your nipple.
you found it hard to breathe as he worked his tongue over your clit. your legs tightened instinctively around his head, your head threw back, teeth clenched.
you could feel him chuckle against you as you came, your grip on his hair only growing tighter as you rolled your hips against his face.
he let you ride through the orgasm, only pulling up for air when your legs and grip on his head loosened a little. you looked down, chest heaving as you fought to catch any breath.
his face was slick with you when you finally looked at him. as if he couldn’t get any prettier.
you grew lax as he cradled an arm around your back. you were barely functional after that, but that fire in his eyes didn’t wane.
genji leaned forward, drawing his tongue over your lips before kissing you, forcing you to taste yourself. his free hand rested on your thigh, his thumb gently caressing the skin. he was biding his time until you weren’t numb anymore.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into you: another hungry kiss. your hands tangled in his hair once more. you dragged your tongue over his lips, still slippery.
slowly, you caught your breath, and pulled away from him, resting your forehead on his.
“ready for round two?” he asked softly, red eyes opening to meet yours, search yours.
you nodded. genji’s lips curled up into a smile, removing his hands from your body to pull down his boxers. he looked painfully hard, and you almost felt a little bad you let him treat you so well without a quick reciprocation.
but genji didn’t seem to catch onto your guilt, or if he did, he didn’t share it. rather, he seemed entirely enamored with you; his pupils might as well be heart-shaped.
he ran a cybernetic finger over your vulva, testing the waters before pushing forward. though, his test worked, as you breathed out a moan at the contact.
he shifted his hand from you to his cock, pressing his tip against the slick of your previous endeavor. he grunted at the touch, unable to resist dragging his hand up and down himself before pushing a little forward into you, slowly so you could adjust.
your arms tightened around his neck, softly moaning as he stretched you out. genji murmured a string of curses under his breath as he pressed deeper.
once your pelvises reached each other, he stopped for a moment, raising his eyes up to yours. he reached a hand up, taking in every emotion stapled shamelessly onto your face. all the pleasure, acclimation, desire. your eyebrows drew together as you looked at him, biting down on your bottom lip. you shifted helplessly on the counter, attempting to satiate that need for friction.
“come on,” you urged, eyes flicking down before returning back up. “don’t stop there.” it was a mutual need; you could feel the way his cock throbbed impatiently inside of you.
there was an airy laugh from genji before he gently shook his head, positioning his hands on the innards of your thighs and pushing them out, spreading you wide just for him.
“you’re in charge,” he responded, that smirk once again, of course, following it.
he moved back, just almost pulling out, before he thrusted back into you, eliciting a moan from you and a deep groan from him. it wasn’t long before he had picked up a steady pace, bucking his hips into you, those pretty, needy groans of his accompanying every movement.
your nails dug into his back, desperately searching for any sense of relief as he filled you completely.
you leaned forward impulsively, taking his lips in yours. you two were in a motion together, rocking against his hips and vice versa. the feeling of his cock thrusting into you made you bite down on his lip once or twice by pure accident, but those accidents kept repeating itself once he drew his fingers over your clit, rubbing circles over it incessantly.
there was that familiar feeling growing in your lower gut, a tight, contained pressure threatening to blow you open at any second.
there was barely any room for words besides the curses you both moaned and each other’s breathy names, but it wasn’t like genji needed to be alerted of your second orgasm. he could feel the way you tightened just right around him, making each thrust a little more forceful. his groans grew a little deeper, much more guttural and desperate.
your fingers dug more painfully into his back, fighting past flesh and metal; it was all the same right now. his fingers, cock, him in general, all of it refused to ebb away. genji was nothing if not enduring.
you buried your face in the crook of his neck, moaning out his name as you came once more; even more intense than the last, and him continuing to pound into your used self wasn’t helping. it left your legs shaking, each thrust hitting just the right nerve to keep any control off your legs.
as you struggled to recover your breath, you felt genji’s fingers dig into your thighs, his movements becoming much less uniform and far more sporadic. he groaned, burying himself in you completely as he came inside of you, chest heaving. his body grew lax over you, his hands losing their tight grip. they slid up, running up and down your waist.
for a moment you both sat motionless in silence, hearts racing in synchronicity. he pulled back, raising a hand to cup your cheek. you leaned into the touch.
genji pressed a short, soft kiss to your lips before meeting your eyes. he looked exhausted. you figured a shower was due.
“could use some more days off,” you joked, breathing out as much of a laugh as you could manage.
he nodded, thumb stroking your face, eyes unable to tear from yours. morning haze or love-drunk; you couldn’t really tell.
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roodles03 · 6 months
The Art of Alastor's Expressions: An Analysis by an Profressional Cartoon Artist and Current Animation Student
This is not related to TOH but I wanted to bring this up because the art how they animate Alastor's facial expressions deeply fanisnates and heavily impresses me. And also because I'm an animation nut and I am currently in animation school and I heavily appreciate the art of animation.
In Dad Beat Dad, during the scene where Husk confronts Alastor about Mimzy, directly after when Husk says, "You've been gone a while, and it's not like anyone knows why," there is exactly THREE frames where Alastor's pupils turn into dials as he eyes away. (Being most noticable on the first)
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Now I gurantee since Husk was talking, there was a good amount of viewers focusing on him as the focal point, over Alastor, despite this shot being from Alastor's POV. Meaning a lot of people probably missed Alastor even eyeing away at all on their first viewing. But this is noticable on a rewatch and if you just focus on Alastor as the focal point.
But I have never seen anyone point out that his pupils actually turn into dials here. And you definitely wouldn't even notice UNLESS you spefically paused on one of those three frames. To give you an idea of how truly fast these frames go by, typical 2D animation runs at 24 fps. These three frames only last 20 milliseconds together. And since the detail is so tiny it is nearly impossible to notice when the shot is running normally at 24 fps. Its even hard to notice if you pause on these three frames because this detail is so small.
Whoever animated this added this detail despite the fact nearly no one would notice just to truly show Alastor losing his compsure. And as one of my animation profressors said "Every detail in animation is intentional since you create everything from nothing," (Unless it is an animation error) And as someone who is currently in a hand drawn 2D animation class, yeah, you spend a while on every single frame, knowing its only gonna be shown for a few milliseconds and the overwhelming majority of people will never notice or even care to notice. But You can slip in tiny details like this that add an incredible amount of insight to the very slim margin of people who will dissect your animation looking for details, or even just looking for funny inbetween frames or animation errors and they happen to discover a cool detail you left.
Back on the topic of Alastor. People have noticed that often Alastor's eyes give away how he's truly feeling through the mask of the smile he puts on. And they're absolutely right. But ive never seen anyone talk about this moment.
And in these brief three frames he loses his compsure for just a BRIEF moment upon being reminded of his deal. In fact, look at his expression in both the key frames right before these three inbetween/extreme frames
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Overwhelmingly confident after he says "Who in their right mind would cross me?"
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Doubtful of Husk after he says "You've been gone a while"
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Losing his compsure when Husk reminds him of his deal after he says "And it's not like anyone knows why,"
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Then puts on his classic mask, with that look in his eyes completely gone, saying "They don't need to know," (about why he was gone)
It's incredible how much three frames of showing Alastor losing his compsure adds to his character and this scene.
Also, This is not the only time where Alastor has an expression where it's clear that his deal is some sort of trigger to him, either. (Outside his verse in Finale which is obvious) Just look at these frames when Zestial simply comments that he's be gone for a while and there were rumors that he fell to holy arms
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(wasn't able to include the other frame of his eyes going side to side damn you tumblr)
He also clearly looks away from Zestial as well, avoiding eye contact or even facing him when Zestial questions why he's been gone, indirectly reminding Alastor of his deal.
I love these such tiny details about Alastor. Its clear he is often hiding so much behind his smile. And since I can't add more pictures (thanks tumblr), I cannot even go into the two frames where he actually does frown, or another two frames where it's up for debate if he frowns. But I feel like there's more to say here where his eyes give away everything despite his smile, even if its just for a few frames, rather then the four frames where its either up for debate if he is frowning or he is clearly frowning.
I also want to mention that accomplishing expressions like like this is incredibly hard. Drawing is hard. Animating is even harder And despite expressions being my strong point, expressions are still hard as hell.
Most and sometimes all parts of the face go into making the right expression. Eyes, eyebrows and the mouth are the main factors, but you can even use the nose for extereme negative emotions (often used for extreme anger, hysterical ugly crying, or intense disgust. Hazbin actually does this for Alastor in one shot to my memory When Carmilla says she wasn't wondering where Alastor has been for the past 7 years) And depending on the character design, you can also even use their ears (positive emotions they perk up, and negative emotions they flatten. Most commonly seen in characters with animal ears but humanoid characters with pointed human-like ears can do this too. Like the witches from The Owl House for example the use of Ears also apply to Alastor when he experiences EXTREME negative emotions... Or Susan)
But when you take away a major part of the face, mainly eyes or the mouth, making the proper expressions becomes a lot harder. But it is possible. think Let Me Explain Studios or character's with hair covering both or even one eye. But Alastor is the only case I've seen where he actually does have ALL the facial features for expressions available, (including ears which is not common!) BUT one of them is actively working against the others parts of the expression, which is the fact that he is REQUIRED to smile. That means you must always draw him smiling, in every single frame, but try and use his other features (mainly his eyes and sometimes his nose or ears) to try and hint at his true emotions. Take a moment to think how HARD that is. That is insane.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed my Ted talk about Alastor and his emotions lmao.
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shadowseductress · 6 months
《Wandering Hearts》
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The intensity of his stare, his unruly curls framing his face, one hand pressing against the door while the other pins mine above my head, his body inches from mine, and his words tinged with alcohol – it all makes me want to simultaneously admire and loathe him for being absurdly attractive and irresistibly alluring, leaving me with nothing but the fact that "The moon's outside." Yet, he counters smoothly, "It's right here," cupping my face in his hands, and softly declares, "All mine."
"Ah, Vivan," I exhale softly. Vivan's touch trails along my lips, his thumb leaving a tingling sensation. "I love hearing my name from your lips," he murmurs, his eyes smoldering with desire. "I ache to hear you moan my name with pleasure, those tempting pink lips of yours." His touch is both gentle and commanding, leaving me yearning for more, even as I retort, "Oh, spare me," I retort, my tone laced with irritation. "I can't stand the sound of your name, and it's frustrating that you seem to despise me for no reason." Vivan's grip tightens slightly as he speaks, directing my gaze towards him. "Rhea, I've been drawn to you since the moment I first saw you," he confesses, his voice tinged with longing. "But your hostility twists my concern into something resembling hatred." His words, coupled with his touch, stir emotions within me that I struggle to comprehend. "You always picked fights, never letting me spend time with my friends," I accuse, my frustration evident. "Yet we always ended up partnered in every project, leaving me to bear the workload because you never cared enough." Vivan's hand trails down to my neck as he sighs, his gaze intense. "Oh Rhea, those people aren't your friends," he insists, his voice gentle yet firm. "They merely use you for your kindness, your helpfulness, and, of course, your beauty." His admission catches me off guard, and I retaliate, "But you made me feel so isolated, so lonely on campus that I sought solace in the library." As my words hit him, he withdraws his hand, leaving me yearning for its warmth. "Rhea, I'm sorry," he murmurs, remorse evident in his tone. "I sensed your hatred, yet I remained by your side, I stayed in the library, hoping to bring you coffee or snacks whenever you seemed tired. But I was afraid you'd notice me following you and stop coming altogether, so I watched from afar. Do you still hate me?"
He did all that for me, unnoticed. His confession overwhelms me, and I struggle to respond. As I grapple with his words, I find myself focusing solely on him, my every thought consumed by his presence. Standing on tiptoe, I press my lips against his, the intensity of my feelings reflected in my words. "I hate you," I whisper, my breath mingling with his. "I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else."
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lewdssyum · 1 month
Lucifer in labor possibly? <33
mama birds <3 its been a While since ive drawn them so sorry if their faces look off😭
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lennysfridge · 11 months
at the sight of her opening eyes, aryne and john’s shoulders sag in relief, tears of relief accumulating in their eyes. meanwhile matthew, still posted by the door, stood frozen, unsure if his desperate mind was playing tricks on him.
after a few beats, matthew let out a soft “baby,” voice hesitant in asking. and while he didn’t get a verbal answer, the hum he got in an affirmative tone made sobs of relief bubble in his chest. “baby,” he said again, voice a lot more sure. yet again, no verbal response, but this time her eyes were drawn towards matthew, a sleepy, still half-drugged up grin making its way to her face.
yet before he could make a move towards her bedside, the door came bursting open, dr.smith, nurse johnston, and another professional the three people in the room (bar bear and bug) didn’t know rushing in the room.
upon seeing bear awake and conscious on the bed, smiles overtook their faces. “hello ms.tavares, glad to have you back with us. do you know what happened?”
bear noticeably gulped, pausing, and then gestured towards her throat.
matthew, an expert at reading his girlfriend, states, “she needs water, her throats too dry.” at his words, nurse johnston’s eyes widened, uttering, “oh, right,” before quickly shoving a glass of water in bear’s direction.
after bear had a few sips, she gained a thigh full look on her face, before replying, “i remember making another drink and then sitting on the couch in the suite. after that, everything is dark.”
“you said another drink. about how many did you drink?” dr.smith questions, wanting to ensure the assumption they had made about her alcohol intake was correct.
“three- but my second one might has well have been two. i went a little heavy,” bear stated. her statement made the unknown medical professional’s presence light up, instantly writing down notes on his clipboard.
“and just for assistance purposes, please state your full name, where you live, your parents and siblings names, and what your father’s occupation is,” dr.smith inquires, the unknown male seemingly awaiting bear’s responses eagerly.
“my name’s barret aryne tavares, i live in toronto, my dad’s name is john, my mom’s name is aryne, my siblings are axton, jace and bug. and my dad plays hockey for the maple leafs,” bear responds with ease.
at her responses, the man quietly converses with dr.smith, before making his way out of the room. “that was dr.allar- he’s one of the neurology specialists on site. he was just in here to monitor you for any immediate signs of memory issues. however, you aced it. he’ll likely drop in one more time before you leave, but otherwise you shouldn’t see him,” nurse johnston pipes up from her place beside dr.smith.
“may i ask for your names? i would know them, but i was kinda unconscious when we first met,” bear joked, being met with silence from her parents and matty, even bug giving her a little look. on the other hand, dr.smith and nurse johnston let controlled smiles bleed onto their faces.
“i’m nurse johnston, and i administered your hemodialysis treatment. this is dr.smith, and she’s overseeing your case,” nurse johnston replied, tone giving the effect this wasn’t the first time she gave an introductory like that.
dr.smith spoke now, from her place next to bear’s vital machine. “your vitals look very improved. we were able to take you off hemodialysis in about. 10 minutes. you’ve been on fluids ever since. however we’re going to start you on an iv, to help lower your BAC, and also remove any traces of your medication that still may be interacting with the alcohol. but after tonight, as long as everything looks good tomorrow morning, we should be able to discharge you,” and with that, she gestured towards nurse johnston, who took that as her que to take a few quick steps towards the floating desk connected to her iv, and made quick work to prepare another one to go into her arm.
once she was done preparing the iv, dr.smith took a step back to give nurse
johnston some room, who made quick work to prepare any area on her vein, she took one glance towards bear, as well as matty who had taken refuge in a chair directly on this other side during this interaction and said, “you may want something to hold on to. patients sometimes feel various levels of discomfort,” and at her words, matthew’s hand found a home on the arm rest of her hospital bed, and bear’s hand wandered up the rest to grasp his. at the minimal connection, they both let small grins make their way on to their faces.
seeing bear grasp kniesy’s hand, nurse johnston quickly inserted the iv, and bear gripped matty’s hand a little harder, before letting go once the discomforting feeling was over with.
“well you look to be set. nurse johnston will probably come back before night fall to change your iv if your BAC hasn’t lowered. however in the morning, you should be good to go, and should be discharged by 11am,” dr.smith chirped, and then glanced at nurse johnston, and gestured for the other woman to follow her.
once the door shut behind the two women, it was as if the silence became a thousand times heavier.
best glanced nervously between her parents, who were sat in chairs close to the door, and her boyfriend sat next to her, and then quickly broke eye contact once she locked eyes with matthew, and resorted to glueing her eyes to the hand in her lap with two iv’s attached.
finally, matthew had enough, and he broke. “what were you thinking bear? that was so stupid. i get aryne usually reads your meds and their requirements to you, but why wouldn’t you do it yourself? and i know i like to read them off to you as you take them, but do you understand how utterly stupid you were today? had you made another one, you could’ve died bear! you could’ve died…” his voice broke towards the end as he trailed off, phone grasped limply in his hand, with a google search of, “how much alcohol can mix with prescription drugs before you die?”
the longer his rant went on, the faster tears fell from bears eyes. she knows she was stupid- at least now. and all she wanted to do was get to the arena quicker. that’s it. she didn’t mean anything by it.
at her thought process, she quietly spoke up, “i just wanted to get to the arena quicker. i know i was taking forever to get ready, so i just grabbed my pills and took them before we left. i swear i would’ve read them. i should’ve read them…,” her voice broke now, distressed by the amount of worry she knows she caused the people in the room, and probably many more.
at the thought of other people, her head whipped up, distress taking over, “where are the boys? are they okay? did they have to see me like this?” she asked in a panicked manner. her daughters distress made aryne remember she had never gotten an answer from john in the lobby about the boys, and her head turned quickly to him.
“mitch and steph got them home. steph said she remembered their night time routine, and me and matty jumped at the opportunity to get here faster,” john’s voice spoke up in a soothing manner, bringing a hand to grasp his wife’s, and making eye contact with his oldest.
unexpectedly, the door creaked open, nurse johnston peaking her head in. “i went to go search for a blanket, as most hemodialysis patients, along with people with multiple iv’s usually complain of the chills. however it looks like we’re running short, so i apologize,” and she quickly flashed a smile and shut the door again.
once again, as she shut the door, silence overtook the room.
finally john spoke up, with a sleeping bug in his arms. “im going to hand you bug, and me and mom are going to run to the restroom, grab a few snacks and drinks to bring back here, and then i think we’re going to head out. mom’s about to join bug in lala land,” he joked towards the end, raising the hand attached to his wife’s, and promptly shaking her out of her sleep filled haze.
and doing as he said he said he would, he adjusted bug into the crook of her big sisters neck and took a step back to ensure she stayed asleep. at the loss of weight, john shook his arm out, and then questioned, ”what snacks do you guys want?”
both young adults in the room answered harmoniously, “cheetos and blue gatorade,” and then shyly glanced towards eachother, before looking away.
the adults in the room smiled at one another, reminiscent of how they sued to be. after their rapid reminiscing, they quickly made their way to the door, shutting it softly behind them.
at their absence, matthew looked towards bear, and simply took her in. he was so thankful she was alive. and in reality- he didn’t mean what he said earlier. he was just scared of the idea that he possibly could’ve had to continue on in life without her.
“i’m sorry for how i said what i said earlier baby,” matty paused, ensuring bear’s attention was on him. “it’s everything i wanted to say, but in the wrong way. today just scared the shit out of me bear. it made me realize just how quickly things can happen that can change your life. i; at this point in time, have no clue how i’d go on without you,” at the conclusion of his emotional confession, bear was worked to tears.
“oh baby, no don’t cry i-“ bear cut him off quickly, “please kiss me idiot. you don’t just tell me you can’t live without and don’t give me a little kiss,” she jokingly spoke, quickly leaning up to meet him in the middle.
however in the middle of their lip-lock, the door cracked open agan, john and aryne coming back through the door.
aryne spoke up jokingly to break their embrace, “just because we finally let you two have the door shut doesn’t mean you jump in her bed,” aryne teased the knies boy, coming close to the boy and messing with his hair.
once she neared matthew, she set their snacks on the bed, and then reached for her babygirl, who had begun just barely waking up.
when she had bug securely in her arms, she made her way to stand by john at the door, both parents turning around one last time before they departed.
“bear, we’re happy you’re okay. mom’s gotta run the boys to school, so i’ll drop by in the morning to sign you out. we called off morning skate before we left, so we’ll probably just head home after,” john spoke with the confidence of a leader.
“anyway,” aryne chirped up after her husband, “goodnight to the both of you. we love you guys, sleep tight!”
and with that, the tavares parents, along with the littlest tavares, were out the door.
once it was just matthew and barrett in the room, there was a long pause. but then suddenly, bear spoke up in between her now chattering teeth.
“fuck did they- they turn the temp down in here?” bear questioned, arms covered in goosebumps.
at her reaction, matthew got up to check the temperature first, before answering, “no babe- its only 67 in here. are you okay?” he questioned, concern building in his chest for his girl.
that concern was suddenly washed away when he remembered what nurse johnston had poked her head in about earlier. “they said you’d get cold baby- but they don’t have any blankets. what do you want me to do?” he questioned, placing his warm hands on her arms in an effort to help warm her up.
“please cuddle with me”, bear said rapidly, grasping matty’s arm with the hand closest to him.
“your like a heater at night bubba, and you should do the trick,” she spoke in a mix of seriousness and teasing.
matty took her statement at face value. “alright, then move over, and i’ll lay on your right,” matthew said, as he got up to lay down in his usual place beside bear.
just as he went to lay down though, bear got a timid look on her face. “you- ah- you usually don’t wear a shirt at night bubba. can you uh- take it off now?” she questioned, prepared to say it was a joke depending on his reaction.
at her question though, he simply reached for the bottom of his shirt, and yanked it off of his body, showcasing his athletic build.
“even in a hospital bed you just want to see me naked,” he teased, before laying down next to his girl and getting comfortable.
with her one good hand, bear jokingly hit his shoulder. “nuh-uh,” she said in childish manner. “you’re just warmer this way, that’s why,” she said, a grin on her face alluding to a different meaning.
after their teasing interaction, matty got bear settled in his chest, her head laying on his heart to listen to the rhythmic beat. the duo went silent, before bear spoke up in a tone of voice that showed just how worn out she really was. “thank you for loving me matty, regardless of how stupid the decisions i sometimes make are, the girl said while tilting her head to look her boyfriend in the eyes.
quickly he responded, “baby, i wouldn’t have you any other way. let’s not make this a weekly thing though, okay?” at his teasing words, bear nodded her head and said, “agreed. i’m a little tired of it too ya know,” making the duo for some reason break out into sleep deprived giggles.
“in all seriousness, i love you to the moon matthew knies,” bear said after the fact, all remnants of joking gone. “and i love you to the stars barrett tavares,” and with their loving words, the couple locked lips one more time for a kiss that said everything they couldn’t.
once bear finally lays her head back on matty’s bare chest, a few beats of silence pass.
“hey ba-“ he attempts, before quickly realizing she was asleep. with that realization, he slowly angled his head down to place one more kiss on her hairline, and then wrapped one of his arms securely around his girl to keep her safe where she belonged- with him.
the next morning, nurse johnston opens the door quietly to begin making patient rounds, and smiles at the sight of the two lovesick teenagers embracing eachother.
she could come back later- they could use the rest.
this is so good
i love you gray
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
good girls go bad // lando norris
summary: inspired by good girls go bad by cobra starship, y/n fancies the suave british dj that she meets in ibiza. mentions of sex but not written out.
dj!lando x female reader au
he got a way with the girls in the back acting like they're too hot to dance
authors note: lets be real lando gets more girls through his shitty djing than he does by racing... anyways ive been on an emo club music kick lately so there's that. still can't get over the fact that blair waldorf herself did guest vocals on this-
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it’s spring break in ibiza and they’re a group of six
college sophomores travelling outside of england for their first time over spring break
the plan was benidorm since it’s cheaper but one of them managed to get a deal on a party trip to Ibiza
and y/n, ever the party hater, said why not. she’s trying to get over a breakup and her friends think she needs to get laid
y/n thinks its the worst idea ever when instead of letting her relax by the water, her friends insist on hitting up the sketchiest of spanish clubs
they're all wearing tight and skimpy dresses, high heels, faces full of makeup
i know your type, you're daddy's little girl
they travel in a could of confidence and bath and body works
y/n feels like she's someone she isn't, uncomfortable showing off so much skin as her best friend angela opened the club door
a large poster on the the door announces the entertainment for the night
emblazoned in big, comic book style letters is the name 'lando norris', and underneath it in comic sans, 'max fewtrell'
the music is loud, bright lights almost blinding as y/n followed her friends to the bar
the group of six found a table in the back corner, drinks between them as they watched the british dj duo behind the turntable.
one was stockier and had more facial hair, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans
the other was lankier, fanning himself with a collapsible handheld paper fan
he was wearing a navy blue button down shirt, and there were no lights on behind his eyes. the man was well and truly drunk
"hey y/n." angela suggested, pointing at him. "that one is quite fit, dont you think?"
"absolutely not." she's shaking her head like crazy. "not him, there's no way. get me drunk and i'll consider it."
just take a bite, and let me show you the world
"his friend is pretty nice, too." her other friend, holly, remarked, eyes travelling over to max fewtrell
"come on!" angela insists, grabbing y/n's arm and pulling her over to the dancefloor
its not even y/n's kind of music
its the bleary, strobe-light, electro-dance music that makes her head hurt.
angela and holly blend in to the crowd right away
ang is trying to get y/n to dance, and holly goes straight to flirting with max
and lando's eyes are immediately drawn to y/n
the girl with the soft face and the little maroon dress, the goofy smile on her face as her friend tries to get her to dance.
now, we've all seen the lando ibiza videos. there are no lights on in his head behind those sunglasses
but that does not stop him from going over to the girls
angela just grins and backs away, mouthing 'good luck' as y/n turns around and sees lando
"can i have this dance?" lando's accent is thick, so drunk his words are blending together
and y/n isn't sober either, the three mixed drinks she devoured while they were in the corner hitting her like a truck
"i don't dance." she practically yells, trying to be heard over the music
just one night would it be so wrong, i i'm gonna make you lose control
"but you could"
"but i choose not to."
"ah, choice. there's the problem. you just need the right song and the right partner!"
cue the song changeover, piloted by max and holly
holly looks over at y/n with a wink as cobra starship begins to play
against her better judgement, y/n finds herself starting to sing along
and even further against her better judgement, she allows lando to guide her in a dance
his hands on hers, starting gentle as he spins her in a circle and they bounce around together
she's slowly letting loose
lando is already as loose as it gets
taking off his plastic sunglasses and putting them on y/n
soft giggles and wide smiles as they keep dancing
you were hanging in the corner with your five best friends, you heard that i was trouble but you couldn't resist
she knows hes trouble, she can see it in his face
but she doesn't care. the perfect rebound has presented itself in her lap
she slowly gets bolder
her back against lando's chest
his hands on her waist, gently guiding her movements as she brushes up against him
and lando is trying so fucking hard to be suave and smooth as he leans down and whispers in her ear, his shirt undone, necklace hanging in between his pecs
"what do you say we get out of here, sweetheart?"
her senses are clouded by his dior cologne, it's the only thing she can focus on, every hair on her skin standing on end
his hands slyly slipping up the sides of her dress, gripping her thighs
lips on her neck
shes running her fingers through his hair, breathing heavily
"my hotel or yours?"
dress on the floor, lando's shirt hanging off the small mirror over the dresser
sheets tangled around bodies
bright red scratches down lando's back
hickies all over y/n's neck
they're at it almost all night
she wakes up first, making coffee and getting dressed
leaves a note on the dresser for him: thanks for the great time, call me <3 with her phone number and name
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
Six Photo Sunday
Hey everyone, I hope you've had a good week! I'm scheduling this ahead of time so thanks to everyone who may have tagged me already!
Today I'm doing something a little different. I wanted to share some photos of places that inspired What Remains After The Storm.
Although WRATS is pitched as a fantasy AU, I'd say that is a 'flag of convenience' (i.e. I could play fast and loose with the setting to suit the story's needs). In many ways, WRATS is a historical fantasy based in Cornwall, UK, including Cornish mythology and fictionalisations of real places. So please enjoy these photos and tidbits on the fic's inspiration.
I'll share the first photo above the cut, and the following five below.
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Cornish cliffs (Image by Tim Hill)
Whenever I imagine young Simon scurrying around on the cliffs, I think of something like this. The moor backs onto the cliffs, and the sea is often rough. Wrecks were incredibly common around Cornwall's coast, owing partly to strong currents and its many reefs and skerries. Many impoverished locals would seize the cargo of wrecked ships, and were often accused of intentionally luring ships to wreck by using false lights, but there is no clear evidence that this happened.
More (and tags) below the cut
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Bodmin Moor (Image by Richard Norris)
The Cornish moorland has been gently grazed for centuries, so it is a patchwork of heather, gorse, bracken, coarse grass and distinctive granite tors which resemble pancakes stacks (though not pictured are some of the beautiful wooded valleys, one of which features in chp 8). It is exposed, frequently windy, and often dangerous--dotted with forgotten mine shafts and boggy terrain. When not at his barn, this is where Simon wanders with his goats.
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Mên-an-Tol (Image by LoggaWiggler)
This formation of neolithic standing stones is one of my favourite places in Cornwall. Local folklore says that if you suspect that your child has been stolen by Fae and a changeling left in its place, you can pass the changeling through the hole and have your child returned to you. It was also credited with curing rickets. This formation and its legend is directly referenced in WRATS, where it is known as "the Way-In Stone" (and previously known by Simon as "The Scone With The Hole").
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St Michael's Mount (Image by Tim Hill)
My other favourite place in Cornwall! This small tidal island is where Pitch Manor is based in WRATS. It can be reached at low tide by a causeway (pictured part-submerged here) amd otherwise must be reached by boat. The island includes a castle and chapel, with a small village and harbour on its landward-facing side. In WRATS, the location has been the seat of the Pitches since time immemorial, but in reality it has a long and varied history, such as a site of pilgrimage, siege and tourism.
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St Ives harbour, Cornwall, no date given (from the book Reflections of Old Cornwall by Reg Watkiss)
More vibes for you! Fishing was the basis of Cornwall's economy for centuries. Whenever a shoal of fish was sighted off the coast, almost everyone would turn out to help. The men and various boats worked together, arranging their nets to scoop up the whole shoal, while the women waiting in the harbour to salt and barrel them.
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Newlyn, Cornwall c. 1900 (from Reflections of Old Cornwall)
This steep, cobbled street is very typical of Cornish villages. Many of the granite cottages are homes which doubled up as fish cellars, but some structures were inns or boat- and basket-makers' sheds. When I look at this, I can't help but think of a bare-footed Baz, hood drawn over his face, angrily stomping a puddle. Today, most Cornish villages are dominated by holiday lets and airbnbs, and many of the houses have been renovated beyond recognition. However, you can still glimpse some of the old charm in numerous places.
Ok so yeah, that's my love letter to Cornwall done. Thank you for indulging me, and I hope the readers of WRATS get something out of this!
@johnwgrey @bookish-bogwitch @artsyunderstudy @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @yeonjunenby @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @tea-brigade @whogaveyoupermission @nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @palimpsessed @valeffelees
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oathofkaslana · 6 months
gay hi3 moments from the top of my head (some details inaccurate) also some of these are awful and i hate them ok i need it to be known i dont like all of these.
kiana counting down how long it’s been since she’s seen mei to the minute.
the “i gain the power of 100 men when mei’s around!”
bronya seele kiss in azure waters where seele goes "i gave you my first kiss sm sm" and im pretty sure makes her promise to give one to her when they reunite
FUCK. COOKING W VALKS MANHUA WHERE SEELE GOES "the sea is so beautiful i feel like i could stare at it forever" AND BRONYA GOES "duh because the water is azure blue. just like your eyes" AND GOES LIKE AN INCH IN HER FACE.
i feel like i have to put everything in azure waters oh my god i feel sick i miss them so much.
kiana licking mei’s wound in escape from nagazora
kiana and mei in a hot spring and kiana touching mei’s boobs saying she’s been wanting to. i think also in escape from nagazora.
kiana getting unnecessarily jealous over bronya whenever mei shows her any attention
bronseele ad where bronya complains about having her license revoked and seele going “good! now i know you’re not picking up other girls”
kiana and mei being compared to a canonical m/f couple, owl and ana.
shakespeare mentions how it’s interesting to see real couples play a part and one of the couples being bianka and rita in durandal’s visual novel.
speaking of that play. biankas cgaracter makes a line about having sex w his wife (played by rita) and rita teases bianka about wanting it afterwards and bianka blushes
biankas one birthday cutscene where the narrator was talking abt how there’s this feeling she can’t put into words and how captivated she is by rita’s radiant smile ← GET A ROOM!!!!!
elysia calling her fight w mei a first date
eden saying that forever being apart of elysia makes her happy because its the most romantic ending
mei saying her favorite colors are orange and red (kiana and her's key colors)
mei coming back to the elysian realm after briefly talking to kiana and eden and elysia both notice how much happier she is and elysia goes "tell me about her" (HER.)
elysia voice. i like pretty girls.
every single elysia and kiana interaction in ch 34 idc if its mei's dream ("im so weak for pretty girls like kiana" "unless kiana prefers something more bold like purring in my arms" <- WHAT IS WRONG W HER!!!!!!!!!!!!)
natasha intenbtionally taking her hood off after mei told her that elysia says she doesnt meet natasha bc of her hood
elymei horn scene.
mei dreaming about having a japanese wedding with kiana.
kiamei matching rings named after chinese numbers symbolic of love that were given out for white day.
kiamei stigmata showing them getting married that was given out for valentines day.
reburn kiss where kiana kisses mei's battered mech while crying after i love you in german flashes on screen.
kiana going "this treasure called love" and immediately getting a text from mei.
"this is a story about love it will end with love" as kiana and mei walk with each other past durandal and rita to meet with bronya whos with seele AS CANON IN D STARTS PLAYING. YK THE FUCKING MARRIAGE CEREMONY SONG.
theresa thinking sakura (a woman) kissed her and going "wait! im not like kiana and mei!"
kallen voice "the herrscher girl is innocent and i am in love with her"
^upon learning that kiana blushing and going "theres onthing wrong with falling in love with a herrscher!" while thinking of mei
moon shadow where kiana's heart starts racing bc she thinks fu hua's fallen in love with her and the wlw symbol is drawn behind her as she blushes and says "ive given my body and soul to mei but--"
fu hua later being teased by a coworker who suggested that hua likes kiana
sakukallen "love at first sight" line in sakura samsara
also in that same event, bronya blushing and avoiding seele the next day and going "sorry bronya cant forget because thats a precious memory for bronya"
susannah fawning over durandal, rita, and sushang
susannah talking about how pretty sushang is and how she likes her voice i hate them oh my god susannah get up
tesla being jealous of welt joyce when ein teasingly gives him special attention in the visual novel
tesla getting jealous when planck (i think) hugs ein tightly and kisses ein on the head
tesla edison fingering joke after edison sniffs her neck.
bronya's bridge interactions w seele. my god i love them so mcuh.
sakura and kallen having heart reactions when you put them in bed next to each other
sakukallen "yae sakura shall fade, beloved, your kin shall live. in the far east 500 years ago where sakura blossoms bloom, yae sakura waits for her one true love"
gratitude arc where kallen loves sakura so much that protecting sakura becomes a part of the oath she genetically passes on to theresa
the 4koma on the sight where kiana and mei are told to get a room, apply for a marriage certificate(? i think), and have heart eyes towards each other while the wlw signs are behind them
kiana voice "this has nothing to do with me going lesbo!!!"
4koma kiana voice "im a lesbian everyone knows that"
elysia and aponia's "girl games"??????????? <- on thin ice but cmon no way that wasnt an innuendo
elysia's interaction w HoO mei where she talks about wanting to touch a particular thing but gets cut off by mei telling her she cant touch her horns again (SHE DOES NOT HAVE HORNS IN HER HoO SUIT)
kiana smiling when she sees mei's boobs in the anniversary vlog short thing.
the shenzhou island event where kiana points a camera at mei's boobs and goes "hehe mei is so pretty"
durarita matching earrings in their matching battlesuits
and ok im blanking now yay this is definitely not all when i say off the top of my head i really mean off the top of my head.
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Happy Halloween
!a series of me uploading the kinktober fics/drabbles i made years ago because i didnt back in 2020 for some fuckin reason. if these are bad/poor quality its because theyre old, and ive improved since then :)!
Intrulogical (Remus x Logan) Day 31: Dressed up Warnings: sex, choking, degradation
"Oh," Logan exclaims, quite surprised, as he descends the stairs. Laying on the couch is Remus, donned in more casual, and more revealing wear compared to his usual, costume-y attire.
Logan couldn't blame him, though, as he was dressed very much the same. His normal shirt and tie were replaced with a looser fitting tee-shirt, and his blue jeans had been swapped out for a rather tight fitting pair of shorts that just barely stretched past his boxers.
Remus looks up as Logan gets to the bottom of the stairs, and Logan finishes his thought with "you're still here."
Remus grins at him, responding "yup!"
Logan raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms where he stands. His lips were pursed, and admittedly, he was a bit annoyed. "Everyone usually goes out to Roman's side of the imagination on Halloween," Logan says. "Roman makes a whole neighbourhood to go trick or treating, and even though you and Janus don't usually like it, you still like to go and torment them."
They were adults, but in Roman's words that didn't mean they didn't get to have fun. Logan had stayed back every year though, preferring the silence and having the empty house to himself.
That doesn't appear to have happened this year, though, as Remus was carelessly lounging on the couch. At home. Not outside, with the others.
Remus just shrugs though, seemingly not getting what was so surprising about this. "I didn't want to go this year. It's been getting kind of... lame, recently. It's always too similar to the year before. They scream, I laugh, they scold me, and repeat!" His hands move wildly as he speaks, and Logan finds himself drawn to the movement, although he's still unhappy with the way this night has seemingly turned out.
"I still do have my costume though," Remus adds, as he picks his teeth with his sharp nails. "Although, it'd probably look better on you anyway." He turns to grin at Logan, and Logan just rolls his eyes in response.
"The clothes you're wearing now are pretty hot too though," Remus continues, and Logan's half tempted to go back upstairs and spend the rest of Halloween alone in his room. Remus opens his arms wide though, and beckons Logan closer, and although Logan would probably rather skip out on whatever Remus was planning to do, he was admittedly curious.
So, with a sigh, he walks over to Remus, and Remus is quick to pull Logan into his lap. Although he's still sitting down, Logan straddles his lap, and Remus's hands quickly rub over Logan's bare legs and upper thighs, his face contorting into a slight frown as he reaches the shorts.
Although they're short, and although they're tight, they still cover too much of Logan for Remus's taste.
"At least the costume I have would show off more of your body," Remus quips, before grinning back up at Logan's unamused face.
He doesn't seem fazed at all by Remus's touching and his words, but eventually he says "what costume is it?"
"Little red riding hood," Remus sings, finally moving to sit himself up, and keeping Logan in his lap all the while. "I was planning to create a back of horrid looking werewolves to scare the others, but I decided against it." He leans a bit closer to Logan's face though, eyes shining in a way that easily tells Logan that Remus's mind is racing with ideas. "I could always still have some fun with that costume though, so long as you consent."
With another sigh, Logan reviews his options. he can say no and leave and never bring this up again, or he could accept Remus's offer and potentially be thrusted into an unpredictable time with Remus primarily in control.
And unfortunately, Logan was leaning towards that second option.
"Fine," Logan says, with a shrug. "I'll hear out your proposal. My final decision has yet to be made, though," Logan adds, not wanting Remus to think that this was an automatic "yes" to everything he had planned.
Remus seems content with that, though, as he smiles, and then nods, saying "yeah, okay! That's okay!" He scoops Logan up moments later, and then Logan's effortlessly tossed over his shoulder. One of Remus's hands land firmly against his ass, feeling and groping over the unfortunately clothed skin.
The tips of his fingers run over the shorts and over his bare ass, and Logan would be embarrassed to admit to anyone that he weirdly enjoys the feeling of Remus's fingers rubbing and squeezing at the fat.
Remus's fingers continue to pinch at Logan's ass and upper thighs until they reach Remus's room, where Logan's promptly thrown onto Remus's bed as Remus turns his attention to his closet.
He pulls out an outfit surprisingly dangling from a hanger, and Logan can get a good look at the little red riding hood costume.
Well, it sure is something.
Frilly white sleeves that puff around the shoulder and a cut open front with only ribbons that lace it up. With the way the ribbon is weaved, the cut out is still large enough to expose someone's nipples. A black, tight waistband wraps around the middle, and a short, puffy red skirt flares out from it. White frills line the bottom of the dress, and clipped onto the edge of the skirt is a pair of white thigh-highs with red bows at the top of them, and a pair of thin, white panties with red lace trim. Attached to the shoulders was a long red cape with a hood, although Remus eventually tugs it away and tosses it to the ground, deciding it was unneeded.
It was simple, but as Logan stares at it, he gulps.
He was taller than Remus by a few inches, so the already short skirt would be even shorter in contrast to his long legs, and since he had a heavier build, it'd no doubt be tighter against his body as well.
"So?" comes Remus's voice, although he doesn't really sound like he's asking Logan's opinion in order to know if they were going to continue. Instead, he sounded like he wanted to hear Logan stammer and struggle to get any of his feelings about the outfit out while still remaining perfectly composed all the while.
Logan clears his throat, glancing away from the dress in order to formulate his words carefully; he wanted to make sure that he didn't sound embarrassingly eager or too excited, although both were accurate for his current state.
"It's definitely something you'd wear," Logan says, tugging on the collar of his shirt. "There's still time to put it on yourself and go mess with the others."
"Sure there is," Remus replies, glancing over Logan's figure, as if trying to detect any uncomfortable aura radiating from him. Sensing it was more embarrassment than necessarily being uncomfortable, he continues "I'd rather play dress up with my cute little nerd instead." He grins wider, slightly wiggling the dress as if to entice Logan into wearing the thing, and Logan sighs.
"Okay, Remus. Hand it over."
"No!" Remus exclaims, as he pulls the dress closer to his body. "Let me dress you up. Please?" he whines, bottom lip jutting out in a pout, and Logan sighs again, before stating "fine."
If it pleases Remus, then he might as well, and it makes Remus's happily slap his hands against his thighs before moving towards the bed. He carelessly tosses the outfit to the side, and urges Logan to stay on the bed as Remus's hands slip under his shirt almost immediately. He's briefly feeling over the skin and pinching at Logan's nipples before he's pulling away and gripping at the edge of Logan's shirt instead.
He quickly pulls it up and over Logan's head, accidentally taking his glasses with it, but Logan doesn't reach for them so Remus carefully sets them on the nightstand, before going back to Logan. He stares briefly at the short shorts Logan was wearing before he pulls those down, managing to pull Logan's boxers and socks down too, leaving Logan completely nude and exposed sitting on the edge of the bed.
Although he presses his thighs together slightly, he seems otherwise unbothered by his nudity, and Remus seems pleased that Logan doesn't go through extreme legs to slap his hands over his genitalia or nipples. He'd rather see them on display anyway, and he has to shake his head to snap himself out of his own thoughts so he can instead scoot to the other side of the bed and grab the little red riding hood costume.
He peels away the thigh-highs and panties first, and with firm hands he guides Logan's legs throw the holes on the panties and then slides them up. Logan stands as the fabric goes up his thighs, allowing Remus easier access to pull the underwear up over his cock and ass, neither of which were very hidden by the thin material.
Secondly, Remus grabs the thigh highs, and he pushes Logan back onto the bed so he can grab each sock individually and slowly slide them up Logan's legs one by one, his own hands taking extra time to rub over them as if worshipping the limbs, before he backs away from the socks.
Lastly was the dress, which as Remus flipped over, Logan realized had a laced back. Remus pulled out the ribbon holding the back in place and it loosens the outfit enough that Logan should be able to put it on.
"Arms up, baby," Remus coos, and when Logan puts his arms up, Remus slides the dress over his head. Logan works his own arms through the arm holes, and then once again he's standing, although this time with his back to Remus so Remus can grip the silky ribbon and re-lace the back. He slowly feeds the ribbon through the holes in a crisscross motion, pulling on it every so often to tighten the dress against Logan's body.
The black waistband was hardly elastic and hugged his waist tightly, and Remus lacing up the back only served to compress his shirt tighter. He was left gasping by the time Remus finished, and then Remus claps his hands behind him.
"Oo! That skirt hardly covers anything!" Remus exclaims, clearly giddy by the fact Logan's ass was just barely hidden by the all-too-short skirt. Remus also was staring at his thighs, more specifically at the bulge just above the thigh-highs due to how tight the socks were compared to his thick thighs.
Logan attempts to smooth out the front of his skirt, before Remus's hands are on his waist ushering him to turn around.
Remus's eyes scan over his body fully, before he says "I might have to put some makeup on that pretty little face of yours eventually." His thumb slides over Logan's lip, and Remus leans upwards to press a few kisses to the underside of Logan's jaw. "Imagine pretty lipstick being smeared all over your lips and ruined by my cock fucking your throat and my come over your face. You'd look like such a pathetic mess."
He was exciting himself at the thought, but considering the fact Logan merely looked slightly curious and nothing more, Remus decided he'd bring it up some other day, provided Logan will be down to do something like this again.
After a bit of kissing at Logan's neck and his hands sliding under the skirt to pinch and grab at Logan's ass, he pushes Logan back on the bed, and Logan willingly lays down fully. Remus scrambles to get overtop of him, one of his hands pushing the skirt up while the other cups Logan's face, and finally Remus leans closer to press a kiss to Logan's lips.
Arms wrapping up to pull Remus closer, Logan tilts his head slightly so his lips move more fluidly against Remus's. He finally lets his stoic façade melt a bit, eyebrows creasing as Remus's hand slides over his crotch, rubbing at his cock through the panties. Instinctively, his legs spread wider apart, much to Remus's delight, as he bites at Logan's bottom lip before pulling away entirely.
"Can we have sex?" Remus asks, suddenly, looking rather hopeful as his hand continues rubbing over Logan's growing hard on. "Please, Logan? Can I fuck your tight hole?"
Logan props himself up on his elbows, as he replies with "is this why you stayed back this year? You know you could just proposition me whenever." It's a very true statement; Logan would be willing to have sex quite often, as long as he wasn't busy.
Remus just whines, though, as he states "but you're much louder when you know the other's aren't home," and Logan can't really argue against a statement he knows to be true, so he sighs, and instead answers Remus's previous question with "yes, I suppose we can have sex."
His answer prompts Remus to squeal, arms slapping lightly against Logan this time as he happily stims, before he reaches over Logan in order to fully pull out the drawer so he can more efficiently look for the lube, and he grabs it in a matter of moments.
"Do you need to be stretched?" Remus asks, shifting so he can impatiently pull off his own pants and boxers, before holding the lube tighter, waiting for Logan's response so he knows whether to get straight to putting it over his cock or if he needs to put it over his fingers first.
Logan shakes his head, and Remus seems quite giddy that they can jump right into it. He shouldn't be surprised by Logan's answer, and frankly he isn't, due to how much they have sex regularly, but sometimes Logan's into being stretched, and Remus does enjoy pushing him to an orgasm just with his fingers.
He quickly slathers lube over his cock, before he wipes the excess on his sheets, uncaring of the mess. He then grabs Logan's thighs and gives them a squeeze, letting go of one in order to move Logan's panties to the side. He didn't want to take them off, and he could always get another pair if and when they're ruined.
He slides his cock into Logan without any hesitance, letting out a lewd moan at the feeling of Logan clenching down on his cock. Logan's head turns to the side at the intrusion, biting his lip as his eyebrows raise and his hands reach above him to grab at the mattress. Remus can hardly help licking his lips at the sight, before he leans down to catch Logan's lips in yet another kiss, sloppily moving his mouth against Logan's and biting relentlessly at his lips.
His tongue slides effortlessly into Logan's mouth, and when he pulls away he immediately moves to kiss and nip at Logan's jaw. He stays still for a moment, before impatience catches the best of him, and he pulls out only to thrust harshly back in, earning a particularly loud moan from Logan.
"That's right, baby," Remus coos, as his mouth trails lower, teeth trailing over Logan's neck. "Let me hear your whorish moans." His thrusts start up slow as he lets his mouth work over Logan's neck, teeth puncturing Logan's skin and drawing blood. It's been too long since Logan's let him mark him like this, and he sucks a few hickeys over the bite marks before deciding to just suck normal hickeys over Logan's collarbone.
His thrusts speed up as he moves down to Logan's chest, tonguing and teasing Logan's nipples as his hand tightens around Logan's thigh. His sharp nails dig into the fat, and as he moves his head away from his body entirely, he gets to finally get a good look at Logan's face.
Eyes squeezed shut and drool leaking down his chin, Logan looks like an adorably pathetic mess.
Whines and moans are slipping past his lips, head thrown back in a moan as one of Remus's thrusts drive into his prostate, and Remus just grins wider. With a firm grip, he pulls Logan closer, before one of his hands slither up Logan's body in order to grasp at his throat.
He doesn't squeeze just yet, but he does raise an eyebrow, smirk present on his face on he says "I really need to get you a collar. Maybe a pretty blue one with a leash so I can drag you around like the bitch you are." He squeezes Logan's throat teasingly, thrusting harder into his ass, emitting a cry from Logan as his back arches. "Maybe even a shock collar, so I can zap you whenever I please and make you fall to your knees, shaking. Perhaps even a tag on it with my name to show who you belong to."
"Please," Logan gasps out, one of his hands coming to Remus's and squeezing over it, giving his consent to be choked, and it makes Remus grin.
"Whore," Remus spits, although he does in fact squeeze upon being given permission, and Logan's hand falls besides his body, fingers once again scrunching the sheets as he holds tight to them. He whines at Remus's words, before he lets out a choked off moan as Remus holds tighter.
The sensation of Remus repeatedly thrusting into his prostate mixed with one of his hands trailing and squeezing over his thighs and the other cutting off his blood flow and making him feel pleasurably light headed.
Whenever he needed to breath, he'd tap on Remus's hand and Remus would ease up on his pressure, allowing Logan to gulp in a needed breath before Remus goes back to pulling it from him.
"You look fucking stupid," Remus grits, his own eyes staying shut for a few brief moments as he fucks into Logan's hole. "Drooling like a slut and moaning like one too. I bet you'd even get off just on being dressed up like a fucking courtesan."
"Close," Logan gasps out, and Remus squeezes harder to cut off any words entirely.
"If you can still speak then apparently I'm not fucking you hard enough," Remus comments, although he does heed Logan's warning and moves the hand previously settled on his thigh to his cock, stroking him slowly despite his hard and fast thrusts.
Admittedly, he was close too, and he growls out "want me to come inside your tight hole? Stuff you full of my come, bitch?" His hand eases on Logan's throat, allowing Logan to answer, and the audible breath Logan sucks in makes Remus shiver with pleasure.
"Yes," Logan moans out, seconds later. "Please, yes. Come inside of me." He was pleaded for something entirely unhygienic, but it was Halloween. This was what he was considering to be his treat, and it's not like Remus's come would be inside him forever.
Remus grins wider at Logan's answer, purring out "good boy," as he strokes Logan's cock faster, as if rewarding him for giving Remus exactly what he wanted, and Logan arches into it, a quavering moan slipping from his lips, along with near incoherent babbles that are cut short by Remus's hand tightening yet again, much to Remus's delight.
His eyes roll back into his head as Remus comes inside of him with one final thrust, Remus squeezing his throat tight as he lets out a moan of his own as he releases, before riding out his orgasm with a few final thrusts.
He lets himself come to a stop, although he does continue stroking Logan's cock as he pants out "come on, Logan. Come for me, baby. Make a mess of your pretty dress like the pathetic slut you are."
And, well, Logan can't hold back after that, as he comes with a loud cry over Remus's hand and the bottom of the dress, and Remus coos as he basically makes a mess of himself. He's drooling, there's come over the dress and his thighs, and when Remus inevitably pulls out, come begins to leak out of his hole too.
"Messy, messy," Remus tuts, and Logan rolls his eyes in response, before he sucks in a deeper breath.
"Can we shower?" he asks, after a moment, and Remus immediately whines at the question. Logan is in a much worse state than he's in, but he prefers it that way, especially because Logan's so pretty when he looks like a whore. But, alas, he knows Logan values hygiene.
So, Remus pouts, and says "fine, we can shower. Consider that my treat to you, this Halloween. And I'll consider this round of sex your treat to me."
"How generous," Logan quips, as he reaches for Remus, and Remus carefully scoops him up and carries him to the bathroom. The others wouldn't be home until much later, which meant Remus could spend extra time in the shower with him, making sure all the come was pushed out of him and that his wounds were effectively cleaned up without leaving Logan to do it on his own.
He starts the water and then stands there holding Logan for a bit, enjoying their intimate time where they could be alone together without any disruption, and Remus could tell from the way Logan leaned into him and pressed fluttering kisses to Remus's shoulder that he enjoyed it too.
And in reality, Remus staying back from going trick-or-treating happened to be a genuine treat for the both of them; that being rough sex and affectionate aftercare, and both of them end up deciding that this was one of the best Halloweens yet.
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pixiecaps · 7 months
buenas noches pix<333, would love to hear your answers for questions 25, 30, 39 for the ask game^^ i also leave you some flowers, besooos besitos un saludo un abrazooo
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gracias para las flores mi amor!!!!!🌷🌷🌷
25. Describe your quesadilla island sona (What would you do? Where would you live? What would you look like?)
my qsmp sona is basically my regular sona but put on an island vacation LMAO. so my regular sona is this blue cyborg but as a qsmp sona it’d be manufactured by the federation HOWEVER with no memory of that. only having a deep longing to be friends and a desire to know all of the islanders and this is because its in her programming to gather information about everyone and keep an eye of them but my character is unaware of this and just believes themself to be a naturally friendly person. sorta a doomed by the narrative situation cause she’d never be able to do anything about it since the federation will have always known since the beginning what im doing before i’ve even realized it myself so whenever i do realize they just do a quick little reset and im back to being unaware of everything.
like i said light blue skin cyborg with short white hair that has bangs that cover the eyes so half its face is hidden. pointy elf ears so a cyborg based off an elf species it seems. federation and their obsession with hybrids and “perfection”😑
hmm unsure where i’d live on the old map but maybe on the new map in the breakfast village near bagi and philza. i’d live with an islander as a roommate. which i’d believe is because im just soo social and definitely not because it’s part of my purpose and programming being efficient on collecting data aha!
30. Favorite character design or detail you like seeing in fan works
qroier being drawn with the spidereye slits AND SPIDER BITE PIERCINGS. I WANT HIM SO BAD!!!!!!! in fics i like when people write qroier a little fucked up and twisted. or a little more than cellbit. cause he is very fucked up and manipulative and selfish. and im not saying that as a bad thing. its just how he is
39. Name a song that reminds you of a character
you know ive been wanting to do a cellbit playlist but i actively stop myself every time cus i dont need to go back to that. LIKE I GET SO INTO MAKING PLAYLISTS GOOD THAT I CANT THINK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE WHILE LISTENING TO MUSIC
but i do have a couple songs that remind me of qcellbit so lemme think
im your man mitski
step on me the cardigans
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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ritsukakun21 · 2 years
Prime Mover (Copia x reader)
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nsfw (18+ ONLY) - MINORS DNI Seriously....just don't.
Word count - roughly 1.1k just a smidgen over
description - you're chosen as yet another one of copia's new prime movers. You're at a gala showing off you and him and you go off somewhere a little more private.
tags/warnings - roughsex, slight degradation maybe i dunno, um a darker meaner version of copia, possession (as in you one hundred percent belong to him), fingering, oral sex (f receiving), also since the prime mover is the one who is to give birth to the antichrist reader is female so fem!reader. lemme know if i missed anything or got anything wrong.
a/n - its been a LONG while since ive written anything and this is just kinda like a dive headfirst back into it. Hope ya like it.
It was yet another boring gala so that the clergy could wine, dine, and parade around what they thought was their little puppet. You stood off to the side gazing around the room absentmindedly as without realizing that you were tugging on the hem of the black flared tube dress you were wearing. Although it had been laid out by the other ghouls in the ministry the dress that barely covered your ass was not the proper attire for the recently appointed Prime Mover.
As your sight landed on Sister Imperator as she was staring daggers right through you, you became painfully aware of another set eyes falling upon you. Fear, dread, and excitement rushed through you and down your spine causing you to tremble lightly. Without even needing to turn your head you already knew to whom the predatory gaze belonged.
Him. Papa Emeritus the fourth. He was dressed in his elegant black, gold, and lapis lazuli-colored robes and as your eyes met his he nodded to the right commanding you. Part of you did not want to go but another part was drawn desperately to follow his orders because you knew. You knew what the consequences would be if you disappointed him. Very aware. Slipping out from the party you made your way promptly to Nihil’s office.
As you walked along the empty halls your mind wandered to the thoughts you often had of him and how dumb the ministry truly was. How they thought that they had a sweet and simple fool to lead around like a puppy and to do as they pleased. Oh, how wrong they were because behind those multicolored eyes was a sadistic and cruel man. A man who every few months always needed to find a new Prime Mover after breaking them.
Before him you were a nobody just another lowly nameless ghoulette. Before him you meant nothing to everyone in the ministry not even enough to share a hallway with the chosen ghouls. But at what cost? You could not handle another night with him. You had to distance yourself from him tonight. No matter the cost even if it meant going back to being a lowly ghoulette.
As you looked down at the Nihil’s desk running a finger along the edge of the desk you began to mentally prepare yourself and practice what you are going to say to him. You felt a presence appear out of nowhere behind you.
“Ghuleh” Copia spoke softly his venom laced words piercing through you. Turning around to face you steeled yourself by keeping your back straight and head held up high. You were not going to let him deter you from this not this time.
“Copia,” Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, “I am done. I will no longer be your Prime Mover. Find someone else.”
He stood there only a moment processing what you had just said to him before suddenly pinning you up against the desk. Copia ran a leather clad gloved hand up over your hip and your side before gripping around your neck giving you a light and a warning squeeze.
“My dear you do not tell me what you will do. You will do as I tell you. Do. I. Make. Myself clear?” Copia hissed into your ear.
You nodded in eager obedience for him. Every time you thought you were going to get out, he was able to pull you back to him with truly little effort. No matter what you told yourself you knew the dark truth about yourself; you enjoyed this way too much to ever leave him. You enjoyed the pain and hurt he put you through.
“Yes Papa,” You said softly as you lifted your gaze from his pursed lips to those cold and dark eyes, “Whatever you want.”
“Good,” Copia said simply and with command. You obeyed almost immediately lifting yourself to sit upon Nihil’s desk and spread your legs as wide apart as you could muster. You shivered as you felt a cold sensation on your inner thigh from his leather glove as it stroked gently before making its way to your entrance.
          “Already so wet Mi amore,” he bit his bottom lip as he watched with the utmost fascination and desire as he took an index finger sliding into you curling it for just a second causing your back to arch. He pulled out leaving the tip of his finger at your entrance lightly running it up your slit. Once he reached your clit, he pinched it rolling it between his thumb and index. A smile spread across Copia’s face as he watched you roll your hips into his touch.
          “C..c...co…father…please,” You said with an exacerbated whine in your voice, “Do not tease me like that. It is not fair.”
          “I will take all the time I please after your defiant little outburst,” He growled in response clearly enjoying the squirming you were doing. He looked back down staring intently as he moved his hand back down slipping his middle and ring finger into you pressing the palm of his hand against you just standing there doing nothing.
          You reached up burying your hands into Copia’s hair gripping tightly as you began to rock your hips back and forth fucking yourself on his hand.
          “Papa…,” You whined softly a breathless moan escaping from between your lips as you brought yourself closer to the edge feeling that ball in your core beginning to tighten. As you teetered on the edge of your release suddenly felt a cold emptiness between your legs. Looking down you saw that Copia had pulled his hand away. As you were about to vocalize your disapproval Copia dropped to his knees diving between your legs like a man who was starved.
          Your thighs squeezed against the sides of his head feeling his tongue run along your slit from your tight hole to your clit using the tip of his tongue to circle and tease around your sensitive center. Throwing your head back crying out as he kissed and sucked on your clit sliding a single finger in and curling it slowly.
          Copia buried himself as deep as he could into your pussy enjoying every drop of, he could get. He gripped your hips tightly in his hands.
          Your orgasm came crashing into you sending your eyes rolling back as you let out a scream of glorious release and pleasure. As your body slowly came down from the release Copia stood to his feet and grabbed a fistful of your hair pulling you close making you look up at him.
          “Mi Cara never forget that you belong to me, and you will do as I say” He smiled in a dark and sweetly manner at you, “Don’t you see it?”
          “See…what?” You asked as you worked to catch your breath.
          “That without me you are nothing,” he leaned in close brushing his lips against yours, “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
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miracleqmusical · 9 months
its been a whole since ive written anything.. hello
life has actually been getting really good. im glad the world didnt end last month.
i started talking with a friend a lot, then we started matching pfps and talking everyday and then i developed a crush on him. we would kinda flirt back and forth in a sorta joking way but then things kinda escalated HELP. we officially became a thing 1-4-24 :3. i enjoy every moment spent with them
so i guess thats me revealing that the guy i was incredibly head over heels for isnt the one. idk why i loved him so much. hes a piece of shit :/ hes already been shit talking me LMFAO. like werent you in love with me a few weeks ago? its whatever. im not focused on him anymore. im focused on L! i heart L
something bad happened on the 5th, my online friend group split up. i knew it was bound to happen, but it actually made me horribly sad. i miss them a lot and its only been a few days. days have been feeling like weeks. and worst of all, my best friends left while i was asleep, so i woke up to the group falling apart. they were my whole world, my roman empire. i was dependent and attached to them. but i mean, its not like my best friends left ME.. we’re still friends.. but its not really the same. our server was deleted too. that crushed me, even though i hated that place. there were so many problems and flaws in our group that it was the best we split up. but i miss them so much :,(
im starting to realize i have a presence in the real world and i dont just exist online. i dissociate a lot of my life i think.. i need to wake up
okay whatever boohoo abt my life time to mpve on to how much i love L
i listen to his favorite music artists to feel closer to him, i think about him all the time, ive drawn him, i talk about him to my best friend all the time, i look for signs in his reposts
AM I CRAZY? crazy in love (praying he’ll never find this account)
i really hope we last, universe let me have this one. let this one work out because i loooove herrr
they are so pretty, i love their smile and the way they laugh. i love his drawings and freckles on her face O_o i love the way he talks about me and the way we joke around. i love them so much i dont believe it
this is so cringe i wanna die
goodbye 🖤
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