#its art related so this probably should go on my art blog
burn-before-reading · 25 days
hiii! could i pls request reader x joost where reader meets his friends??? (stuntje, apson, tantu etc.) :3 thank u!!
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Joost Klein x shy! reader
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word count: ill count it later
warnings: anxiety, imposter syndrome
a/n: This one got away from me. it was supposed to be shorter hahaha. idk if its what you expected but i had fun writing it :) not related to this fic but i love this picture so much Joost in skirts yall <3
also mini life update im finishing school rn so thats my focus. won’t completely abandon this blog but ill be offline a lot
RPF Below the cut ——
“We komen te laat, liefje” (we are gonna be late, love.)
You quickly slipped your shoes on and grabbed your jacket before meeting him at the door. opening your arms you do a little spin to show off your outfit.
“I look okay?”
“Yes, you look beautiful don’t worry.”
“Okay okay. Do the shoes match tho? I think maybe the black boots went with it better, and the shirt feels too fancy, gimmie like five-“
“Schatje,” he coos, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. He starts rubbing them slowly and you take a big breath in and out to relax yourself. “Its just my friends, they’re gonna love you I promise.”
“I know I know, I just wanna make a good impression.” you smile up at him sheepishly and he goes to kiss your forehead. he lets you go but moved his hand to grab yours and intertwines your fingers and tugs you gently out the door.
You make it to Tantu’s apartment about twenty minutes later, and you feel like you need a pep talk all over again. Joost feels your hesitation at the door and squeezes your hand tighter for reassurance before knocking. You can’t really say for sure why you are so nervous meeting his friends, but then the door opens and you are greeted by tantu himself. He introduces himself and immediately pulls you into a hug.
“we’ve heard so much about you. come in come in.”
The two of you walk in and you quickly scan the guests of the house party. Joost is familiar with most, but to you its a room of strangers and you feel all the butterflies in your stomach begin to turn. Joost leads you to where his main group of friends reside and you try to just focus on him and the feeling of your hand in his.
“Hey guys, this is y/n, my partner.” Joost introduces you to the group. “y/n, thats Apson, Alanis, Stuntje, and you met Tantu of course..” he takes the time to introduce each of his friends, and they all quickly wave or say hi to you. The girl you learned was Alanis stands up to shake your hand and go in for a hug as well, startling you again, but once again appreciating how friendly they are being.
“Hi, we’ve heard so much about you! great to finally meet you.” She takes both your hands and holds them. “You should sit.” she starts to pull you away from Joost and you turn and make a face that implies help? he just shrugs. “Theres drinks in the kitchen, Joost, if you guys want something.” she says and he hesitates before walking away.
“ill be okay for a second i promise.” you reassure. you see him slightly mouth something, probably in dutch, to Tantu, but he just shrugs and smirks before following behind.
You sit down and start to feel all their eyes on you. Tapping your foot nervously, you try to find the words to start a conversation, but Apson beats you to it.
“So you work at a coffee shop, right?” he asks. you nod.
“Yeah, for the last couple years or so. Its where I met Joost actually.” You see him just nod and smile, like he’s heard a version before.
“So, uh… what do you guys do for a living?” you ask and they start going around describing all their different creative jobs. Director, music production, art, content creation. The whole variety of creative jobs and it just makes you feel small. They are all so successful. Joost is so successful.
What are you doing here.
“So you and Joost have been dating for Three months, right?” Alanis asks, and you turn to her again.
“Uh, something like that. Its probably a little closer to 2 actually, but I guess we’ve been talking for a but longer than that so uh..” You feel a lump in your throat and start rapidly checking the room for Joost but he is no where to be seen. In your scan, you see a balcony that seems mostly empty so you quickly stand up and make an excuse to leave. “sorry, Uh, im gonna check on Joost.” you say and quickly walk the exact opposite direction of the kitchen and to the balcony. Two seconds later Joost comes back with two drinks in his hand and sees the empty spot where you should be. Glancing at the looks on his friends faces he just sighs.
“what the fuck, guys.”
On the balcony you try and use the fresh air to calm yourself down. Taking a breath in and out you just close your eyes in an attempt to center yourself. The sound of the screen door opens and closes behind you and you hear a voice pipe up.
“Sorry if we overwhelmed you. Joost told us you might be shy.” Alanis apologies. You open your eyes and smile at her.
“Its okay. Just feeling a bit out of place is all.” you reply and she tilts her head at your comment.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, you guys have all these super cool creative jobs, you’ve all known each other for so long it seems. Ive just barely met you all and I can already feel the talent and charisma radiating off you guys. I just make boring coffee.”
“Oh thats nonsense, you’re not boring at all. Joost wouldn’t have gone out of his way to go to your work every day if you were.” she smiles, “If we came off as overly friendly, its just because we were excited to meet the person Joost has been so taken with these past few months.”
“Guessing he talked about me a lot, huh?”
“Since day one.”
that admission piqued your interest a bit. “really?”
“Im serious. He walked out your shop that day and immediately texted Apson, ‘Just met the love of my life’ I don’t even think he had your name yet.” she laughs and you laugh a little as well learning about this side of Joost. You had known that he had been going out of his way to visit the shop you worked at as often as possible, but you didn’t know how taken he was with you right away.
“ I knew he started stopping by often, I just thought he liked our pastries.”
“He was Smitten. sorry again for being so overwhelming. Joost came back and lectured us all the second you left.” she admitted. The idea of Joost being so upset at his friends being too welcoming made you laugh.
“Its alright. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed i suppose.”
“Mind if I smoke?” Joost knocks on the open glass door before joining the two of you. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him before lighting his cigarette and taking a drag. he takes his cigarette with his free hand to lean a little closer to you and whispers. “alles goed, liefje?" (you alright, love?)
you nod and Smile at Alanis. “Yes, just needed some air. your friends are nicer than I expected.”
He nods and squeezes your waist before taking another drag and offering you his cigarette.
“I think im gonna head back inside. you two will be good?” Alanis asks and you smile and nod.
“I’ll join you in a sec.”
She heads back in. the second she is gone Joost immediately asks. “so how much did she spill?”
“only the good stuff.” you look at him and grin. “don’t worry I was smitten from day one too.”
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Hi!! My name is Mirabelle (She/her), and I'm travelling with my friends Siffrin, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie! We're here to save Vaugarde from The King! This is my first time running something like this sooo I'm a little nervous, and I have a few personal boundaries:
- No NSFW or flirtatious messages please!!! I personally don't like that kind of stuff
- Please don't be too mean! Especially to other askers! We all see the world differently
- Art submissions are welcomed AND appriciated!!
- While I believe everyone is allowed to interract with my blog, I have some acceptions! No Homohphobes, transphobes, racists, MAPs, Proshippers, basically anyone who is "Anti-Change" Change is apart of life, buster! Deal with it!
- You don't have to ask me for a hug or to be your friend! To Dormonts house, you are a friend of us all! <3
- Bonnie has a blog of their own now! Bonnie rules semi-no longer apply! :3
Now for some words of the Blog Manager!
Hi hey and hello! Its me, @imlivinginyourtrashcan (He/Him) and I have finally caved! (Hope you are proud Siffrin)
Now for my personal boundaries for this blog, along with simple requests:
-My rules are the same as Mirabelles, but with my own ooc twist
-While Mirabelle herself is a She/Her user, I am not! I use He/Him, I won't tolerate purposeful misgendering
- I finished the game! Not in full, still have stuff to do some of the achivements, so be careful with spoilers still 🙏🙏🙏 (ask before you initiate, please, I didnt get Who Was The Phone yet so getting that ask qualified as a spoiler)
- Any godmod or metagaming request will be denied! Or, cleaverly intercepted by 《 The omnious unnamed narraror!~ 》. If you have to ask if its godmodding, it probably is! Don't do it!
- I have the right to deny or veto an ask, and you all have done a great job listening (except with the excess geese attempt), but if I, in character or not, say not to do it, dont!
- This Blog will follow the shennanigans of @a-traveling-star (King), @studies-of-nothing (Ninja), @defender-of-jouvente (Mundie), @snacksleader (Susie), and @loopadoop (Unsure if they want to be called smthn else yet)
Occasionally in the askbox, we'll get a rp scenario with "Suzu" thats our mutual friend @cookieeevee you should go follow them theyre so cool.
- Please no ship related asks, love you guys but I dont want a war in my comments section /lh
- I'm fine with being adressed in ooc and will sign my name with ooc brackets, but just cuz im ok with it doesn't mean you should start pressuring other people to do the same. Some people wanna remain anon and thats perfectly ok :)
- Alsoooo~ Cuz this is an au, ill be tagging things [besides act 0] in their respective acts 🫡
Bye Bye!! ~
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siarven · 3 months
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I made this for cara but thought I should use it to FINALLY make a proper pinned post on here! (image descriptions in alt text)
Hello everyone (:
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I thought I'd use this to properly re-introduce myself. These days I have a lot going on irl, so I'm not as interactive on here as I used to be. However, I love making new friends and getting to know their projects :D Some of my most important friends are from here, even if most of them are no longer active on writeblr (we have migrated to discord), so if you think we'd vibe pls shoot me a message!!
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What you can expect:
Started out as an artblr, then turned into a writeblr, now it's mostly me collecting inspiration, art and writing references, with some infrequent original writing wip/art posts ✴︎ — more info about tags and writing below the cut — ✴︎
✴︎ — #queer tag - I reblog a lot of queer related posts, particularly about aro/ace and gender related topics
✴︎ — #inspirational - art, writing, photography, nature/environmental issues related topics, history, paleontology, archaeology; things I find inspiring and fascinating :D
✴︎ — i love all of the creatures, fictional or real, but less in a "cute videos" and more in a "I love how our world works" type way. I worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a year after school and learned a lot there. one day i will be the forever home for an old cat nobody else wants
✴︎ — sometimes I still post art and or writing, though I guess there'll be more art on Cara if you wanna follow me there (less AI threat)
✴︎ — i study concept art, work as a freelance illustrator, and am currently working on my MA thesis project "Fragments of the Infinite"
✴︎ — my main wip novel (Dream's Shadow) is probably finally getting close to being Finished. Feels somewhat surreal. idk if it's even worth querying it because it really doesn't fit into the current publishing world but it's not actually finished yet anyway so... we can worry about that later
✴︎ — very into fantasy with cool worldbuilding in particular. don't much care for elves/dwarves/.. fantasy preindustrial england type worlds, but dungeon meshi is my current obsession so if it's deeply developed and interesting enough I don't really mind :)
✴︎ — hopepunk my most beloved! i do love when characters get put through the wringer to get to their hopeful ending though. Sometimes, things are tragic in a bittersweet way, and that is okay too
✴︎ — deeply nuanced, complicated, messy morally grey characters driving the narrative
I am open to tag games, but will probably only manage to respond to like 10% of them... it's not you, it's me
Always open for DMs or asks <3
I try to tag everything as well as I can, if i forget, ask to tag <3
If you're into TMA, I have a podcast/TMA blog @moth-song-archives; my rambling animals/shitposts/memes/other fandoms/... blog is @lirhin, and I have a dedicated art blog @siarvenart
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a hopepunk dark fantasy story with creepy/horror elements set in another world; small scope that transitions into epic fantasy later on
Status: draft 6.5 completed at 141k; currently mini-beta round. First in a trilogy
✴︎ —1st, 2nd and 3rd person limited, present tense ✴︎ — hopepunk, sibling dynamics, dysfunctional family, power of kindness & love, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, secrets, tragedy, lies, betrayal, loss of innocence, holding on & letting go, cute creatures, (in)humanity, trees, religion & belief, growing up, monsters, dreams, nightmares.
When Ava and her parents arrive at the hospital, they find her older brother Ben in a deeply unnatural coma - and nobody can tell them what happened. Despite the magical abilities of the Asim Healers, there seems to be no way to save him. But then, why do they still keep him alive? As Ava slowly learns the magnitude of how terrible Ben's situation (and impossible his future) truly are, she finds herself embroiled in a larger conflict, ready to hook its claws into her as well. And the one person she cares about most - who always had her back - is gone. So despite everything, there's only really one choice: Find out how to save him and try anyways.
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the travel journal of a young scientist, documenting the cultures, places, people and creatures she encounters on the way (art/text)
Status: storyboard/script 2nd draft completed; beta feedback
✴︎ —1st person present ✴︎ — 66 double pages of art accompanied by ~10k text ✴︎ — hopepunk, (body) horror, religion & belief, nihilism vs making your own meaning, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, transitioning with magical body horror means, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, deep worldbuilding, eldritch monsters, loss of innocence, SO MANY creatures
Features: a tidally locked planet orbited by 5 moons and populated by giant eldritch monsters; two trans aroace main characters; body horror; so much art; the most gratuitous worldbuilding project; character driven narrative
When the fifth moon hatches during Thorn's own naming ritual, making her one of 2 people who saw it happen, she knows she's been chosen. But back at home, nobody believes what she saw, choosing to instead take the moon's disappearance as a sign of celebration as it mirrors religious scriptures. So Thorn sets out to find physical proof, and uses the opportunity to document her travels. She doesn't know that her view of the world will be thoroughly challenged, but she also doesn't know about the friends she'll make <3
I have various other wips, some of them are linked in my header. I'll return to them at some point, but these 2 are my current projects for 2024:)
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star-wars-radar · 2 months
Hey there! The quick and easy TLDR? I reblog fanworks every day and I love when people submit stuff I haven't seen. Under the cut is an FAQ (including instructions on how to submit fanworks or let me know if I reblogged stolen art). Please read before you send something! Here's links to the askbox and submit.
How does this work?
I track the tags for animations, coloring books, comics, commissions, cosplayers, dioramas, edits, icons, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, fanvids, filk, gifs, merch, moodboards, podcasts, podfics, poetry, sculptures, and zines. When something new shows up in those tags, I add it to the queue!
Some fanworks aren't put in my tracked tags, or are posted to other sites, like AO3 or Instagram. You can submit links to them, and I'll add them to the queue with the rest. (Just a note: don't try to put them in the askbox! Links and media can only be submitted.)
If you know of an art form that's not mentioned here, I'd love to see it! Send me a link to its tag and I'll keep an eye out for new stuff.
Do you reblog XYZ?
Probably! If it's a fanwork, and it's related to Star Wars, I'll reblog it. Crossovers, fusions, AUs, translations, and non-English works are welcome. I reblog works that contain triggering content or are rated R/Mature/Explicit, and this is a proship blog, including master/padawan and clone/clone. Everything is tagged so it can be filtered out if you don't like it.
That means you're going to reblog some character/ship/trope/creator I don't like!
I don't give a shit.
But it's gross/immoral/hurts my feelings!
I still don't give a shit.
What's your tagging system?
Non-fanwork posts are tagged #admin talk and answered asks are tagged #ask. All fanworks are tagged with their type, as listed in the first question's answer. "#nsfw (violence)" and "#nsfw (sex)" are used for mature content. I tag triggers and am happy to expand my taglist, just send me an ask. Current trigger tags: abuse, death, flashing, sexual assault, and smoking.
Works are tagged with the creator's username. I tag the names of all the characters and relationships, and if a work is character-critical or part of a series. Relationships are tagged with character names in alphabetical order, using "&" for platonic and "/" for romantic. AUs are tagged with their type, and crossovers and fusions are tagged with their other fandom(s).
I also tag 'creature' for works with animals, 'droid' for works with droids, and 'ship' for works with spacecraft and vehicles. 'The Bad Batch', 'Jedi', and 'Rebel Alliance' are tagged for group-themed works. Original characters are tagged with their type: Chiss, clone, droid, Jedi, Mandalorian, Sith, Twi'lek, Wookiee, etc.
If a tag is missing or wrong, please let me know! I don't read or listen to everything I reblog, as I simply don't have the time or spoons. All written and audio works are tagged based on the OP's tags. Let me know the chapter (for written) or timestamp (for audio), and what should be tagged. Submit that with a link to my reblog.
How do I submit something?
First, please check the blog for everything tagged with that creator's name. It might already be here! If not, the rest of this answer will walk you through the submission process. Submit as much as you want!
There's a link at the top of this post to submit. You can also check beneath the blog's banner on mobile or desktop. To the right of the Ask link is a meatball menu (three dots in a row). Click or tap that, then 'Submit'. However you get to the submit page, you'll see this:
1 is the drop-down for post type. 2 is where tumblr will prompt you to put your name and email if you're not logged in. Do not put your real name. "N/A" or "nothing" will work for both fields. 3 is where you put a link to what you want to submit. You'll have to check the box by 4 (and do a captcha if you're not logged in) before hitting the Submit button.
Don't worry about providing the information that I tag with! I take the link and do all the formatting and tagging myself.
You might not see a work posted in the same day or week that you submitted it, due to the length of the queue. If you want to make sure that something gets shared, you can DM me or send an ask, to check if it's in the queue. Please don't resubmit unless I ask you to.
How do I tell you that you reblogged stolen/reposted/uncredited works?
Submit a link to what I reblogged with a link to the original artist's post. If you don't see the work removed in three days, feel free to follow up by sending a DM or ask. Please don't resubmit unless I ask you to.
I still have more questions/want to tell you something/I like the nuance poll option.
No problem! My askbox is open to whatever you want to share, and anon is enabled. I aim to check the blog at least daily so I can reply to things fairly quickly. Please only DM me if you're checking whether I saw your submitted post!
This is a cool blog!
Thanks, I think so too :) It's my hope that having a 'one stop shop' for fanworks will help creators reach a wider audience. The best way to support them - and me! - is to reblog the stuff you like. Especially with some enthusiastic tags!
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robins-s0ngbird · 4 months
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Hello, I'm robins-s0ngbird, but call me Serenia/Iris! I go by both~
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You most likely recognize the name 'Serenia' from somewhere~ It's most likely from my roleplay blog @intergalactic-singer (which is technically my main according to tumblr, but this will act as my main!) for Robin from Honkai Star Rail!
All follows and likes will come from the Robin account, simply because I had 0 idea what I was doing when I made the account..
I'm a Hoyoverse girl, mostly playing Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd, and the occasional Genshin Impact when my friends bother me to play with them. I also play Wuthering Waves, Cooke Run Kingdom, Cookie Run Ovenbreak, Zenless Zone Zero, and Brawl Stars!
Even with my somewhat busy life, I tend to learn all the lore in each game I play~ I also currently run 15 RP blogs across 4 fandoms, but they'll soon increase with my new obsessions.
List of roleplay blogs are here!
I mostly write small stories or my OC lore with my mutuals, which we often tie their lore together. I usually write whenever I'm bored, or someone asks me to write them something. I also send mutuals a lot of random stuff, from music to art~
My current obsession is Aventurine and Robin (plus their boyfriends!) from Honkai Star Rail (as you could probably tell from my username and graphics-) I also happen to have Robin as my main muse, but thats also not the point-
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(。^▽^) (robins-s0ngbird.carrd.co)
Heres my carrd if you need any extra info~! It has some of my mutuals on it, but a full list will be added later~!
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Though my blog may mostly be tagless (because I tend to forget them-), heres a list just in case~!
for friendship ~ For anything for my mutuals!
serenias snippets ~ Any random short stories/headcanons
serenias song queue ~ Any music/playlists I share
serenia shares art ~ Any art I reblog, regardless of fandom
beloved gem ~ Anything Aventurine/Aventio related because im very not normal
beloved songbird ~ Anything Robin/Robinhill related
angelic siblings ~ Any Robin post with Sunday in it
elysian realmkeeper ~ Anything with Elysia in it
fontainian actress ~ Anything Furina related
feixiaoposting ~ Anything Feixiao related. I love her sm.
riding the stars ~ Anything Star Rail related
across the sea of quanta ~ Anything Honkai Impact related
all across teyvat ~ Anything Genshin related
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Honkai Star Rail;
I fell in love with this game, simply because I saw that it was releasing, and I needed a new game. I never knew that it'd become my main game and fandom I'd be in. I loved the character designs, the lore, and the writing behind it all. I even appreciate the Honkai Impact references since I started playing that too~!
I play on NA, and my uid is 601916942 :>
(also, beware of my Aventurine. just saying.)
Current Main: Aventurine, with a bit of Dr Ratio and Welt on the side~
Current Main Team: Dr. Ratio, Silver Wolf, Aventurine, Lynx
My Favorite Characters: Aventurine, Robin + Sunday, Boothill, Silver Wolf, Dan Heng/Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, Welt
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Honkai Impact 3rd;
I decided to play this game because, I simply went 'I play Star Rail. I should play this too because its a honkai game!' and suddenly I love this game so much. I fell in love with the characters, the buildup, the worldbuilding, everything.
I still play on the American server, with my UID being 107786863 :3
Current Main: Senadina (sorry Elysia)
Current Team: Senadina, Helia, Coralie
My Favorite Characters: Elysia, Kiana Kaslana, Bronya Zaychik, Welt (again), Senadina, Griseo, Kevin Kaslana, Li Sushang, Shigure Kira
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Thank you for reading~!
aventurine dividers at the beginning: @preydatory robin, boothill, and ratio dividers: @kaeyaphile
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vacantgodling · 12 days
I figured I should send you an ask instead of spamming your notifications: I saw the word "cyberwestern" and almost lost my entire mind. Graves and Dove are so interesting. Can I get an infodump on the project? What inspired it and how it's coming along, etc. The more details you can give on What Their Fucking Problem Is, the better. Thank you :>
honestly i am totally down with notif spam so if you still want to after i talk your ear off, HAVE AT IT :DD
so i did kinda do a mini info dump centering around graves like 20 minutes ago -> here but i figure a more... organized answer should be in order!
what inspired the graves we dug is currently hard for me to remember. i think i mainly just wanted cowboy ocs? and one of my friends (@/nonsensical-pendulum) has an oc named 'graves' and the name sort of got stuck in my head because i thought it was Cool. and then, for once (this is a rarity for me) the title came pretty quickly after the graves we dug. and i didn't know what it was about for a bit, just that there were cowboys, a mc named graves, and they were digging holes... apparently. and then slowly from there things started to fall into place. unlike a lot of my other wips i feel like tgwd has a bit of a hard to pinpoint starting point, but i also think that's bc a lot of the stuff i had relating to its origins began on the blog i used to have in 2021, but then i deleted it entirely so all of that is lost now LOL
when it came to making it a cyberwestern itself, honestly i saw some cyberwestern style art with cowboys in citypop color schemes and i was like YEAHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH. so i thought it'd be cool to go cyber instead of a traditional western lol.
how its going
so i'mma be straight up, tgwd is on my secondary wips bracket. if you look at my big ol wip list here it kinda breaks it all down, but those on my secondary list are ones where i enjoy working on them but they just don't have the same level of brainrot status as those at the top of my mind--namely paramour and btaf have taken those spots in the past couple of years. so usually how it goes with any of my secondary wips is i'll just be vibing, suddenly think about an aspect of it, think about it for a bit and then perhaps have a bit of a frenzy where i build on it, and then i end up deflecting back to my major ideals lol. so rn (at least for the past hour) i've been thinking about tgwd and getting asks is kinda an excuse to keep focus and work on it. i'll probably end up defecting back to my usual haunts in a few days.
THIS BEING SAID i have written some things for it which i shall get into momentarily
but what's going on?
so basically here's a mini timeline/play by play of what's happening that leads up to the beginning of the wip
firstly, the land is kind of a perpetual night; the sun on this world (haven't decided if its another planet or smthn yet) is pretty dim and so cities and fluorescent lights are the main lightsources of the world. there is also an 'artificial moon' but tbh idk what that means rn.
GRAVES in his early 20s leaves the ranch where he grew up to make a life for himself in the closest city called Rapture. Rapture is a city of glitz and glamor, run by crime lords and greed. he ends up entering "the organization" (it doesn't have a name yet) as an armed hire and gets hired out on different hits by different vendors to do their bidding (which is usually taking out their grudges on other crime lords. the organization has a strict neutrality policy that most everyone respects--if you have enough money for a hit, it'll be done, or you better hire some better guards).
to aid in the ever growing violence in the city, somehow someway the organization develops a special ops unit for their largest jobs, which includes an injection of a serum which manifests certain abilities in their best agents. graves, and his new acquaintance TOMB become some of the first to experience the serum, and this ends with graves gaining a black glow around his feet and an ability to walk silently and through solid objects, and tomb gaining an ability where his mouth glows orange (i haven't decided what it is, but i do know unlike graves or dove, he can't turn his ability off).
the two do solo jobs for awhile, until the organization decides that they need mentors to train new recruits that use the serum and this is how graves ends up meeting DOVE--a former opera star who's ability glows green centered around his eyes. they sort of hit it off immediately, and though tomb warns graves about getting too attached but graves can't really help it. he and dove get. attached.
a few years like this go by, and then the organization gets a huge hit--to take place at one of the biggest centers of crime, a club modeled like an old state building called The Rome, towards the epicenter of Rapture. the organization puts its best agents: graves and tomb, and their two rapidly trustworthy mentees: dove and dawn (tomb's mentee). the situation quickly goes south when their plot for assassination is discovered, and in an effort to save the mission, graves makes well--a grave mistake, and ends up trying to take down the target. unfortunately, the shot misses and ends up hitting dove instead. an explosion goes off afterward, and tomb and graves barely escape with their lives. dawn and dove are presumed dead.
while tomb compartmentalizes and continues on with his work, graves breaks down. and in his grief, he decides to defect from the organization without getting permission first. (after the mission at the rome, graves and dove did get permission to retire, but since the job wasn't done they aren't allowed to leave) since he was also pretty high up, he also has trade secrets and they couldn't just let him go and be a loose canon like that. its easier that if he's not going to comply, that he be dead--and so they send the one person who can catch him after him: tomb. tomb's taking his time, but he's also doing what has to be done.
the whole thing however turns upside down again when dove comes "back" from the grave. he's alive! very much not dead! and from what i'm comfortable sharing at the moment is yes, he was harmed by what happened but he's still very much alive and is ready to make good on their promise: to retire. and if he has to drag graves into making it happen then so be it.
what's written thus far
the official chapter 1 -> the start of the rapture
beginning of chapter 2 -> you're supposed to be dead
i want what you want (or they try talking about it, doesn't work, sleep together to create more problems instead)
do you trust me? (or, dove lets out some of his aggression at a very kicked puppy graves LMAO)
and yeah -- i think that's the most info i got right now! there's a lot of stuff i got to figure out an outline as well. BUT yeah i hope this was helpful :3c
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Little Blog Update! <3
Hello my dears! It's late, I should be asleep, but I thought this was worth sharing!
I've decided to try and format my blog & overall schedule a little, so you all can know somewhat of what to expect from me! (if that makes any sense... Like I said it's late, so my brain is a little mushy!)
I've realized it probably isn't very good (or healthy) that I try and make audios every single day, as it takes a lot of time, energy, and work! A minimum of 3 short audios, can take up to 4 hours of recording (often over and over.. And over again) and editing on its own! So, I probably cannot will myself to record everyday as I continue having other things going on in my life... However! That does not mean I will be quitting!
Basically in a sense, what you all can expect from this blog from this point forward, will most likely follow along the lines of one of more of these five things!
Audio days: Where I make a create audios for you all! (Not main priority/content anymore!)
Art days: Where I post art & wips that I'm working on!
Chatting days: Where I just post random content, non welcomehome related topics, or updates! (Or answering any comments/questions I'm given through my ask box!)
Absent days: Where I do not post at all! (which is usually unlikely, unless I'm super crammed and busy!)
AU days: Where I only, or mostly, post content of my au.. The Bakery Welcome-home au! (this will usually come first if I'm unable to upload audios, and still want to post content)
This is just me trying to add at least a little structure and meaning behind my madness, as I overthink everything- haha!
Anyway, uh... I don't know if this is helpful at all! I'll probably look at this in the morning and go "wtf this isn't important" or "I described this horribly"
But... Anyways! That's all for now, I'm going back to bed! I love yall!! <3
Little update! Please know audios are not the only thing that I do! I have many others hobbies, I Love drawing, and dare say I have other interests outside of welcome home! I will continue doing audios, but only when and if I want to! If I stop don't ask why, that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes!
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killerssideblog · 3 months
i made a sideblog for myself to spam system shit so i dont flood our main blog!
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see "#requests open" for userbox req details when open!
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haiiii! im killer. im part of an OSDD system and i made this blog bc i felt bad spamming our main blog with our system stuff lol. some others may or may not post here, idk, i just made this. my signoff is 🎯 or just my name, but since its my blog just assume its me posting unless theres a different signoff. i also usually type in all lowercase, unless i'm on our phone since it auto capitalizes things and its just too much of a hassle to fight it.
i like to make custom userboxes for my system, so if you want you can request some! i cant promice that i'll get around to them quickly, but yk! You can use ours too if you like them, i dont really care. hope you enjoy our bullshit!
if im rebloging stuff i probobally wont tag it, just an fyi. i'll try to remember but im also gonna try not to reblog a bunch of stuff here.
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if you wanna use my userboxes, you absolutely can! you don't need to credit me, but it's very appreciated if you do. Singlets and traumagenic systems are allowed to use them. non-traumagenics are the only ones not allowed to use them.
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Tags for shit are as follows:
- #killer talks: my insane ramblings.
- #system userboxes: userboxes i made.
- #killers art: art i made that isnt userboxes.
- #killer reblogs: reblogs of things.
- #killer reblogs cats: reblogs of cats
- #cannon in my brain: stuff abt our introjects and shit they do.
- #system sillys: silly stuff going on in our system
- #friend system sillys: silly stuff relating to our system friends
- #information: important info regarding my blog (should check this out probably)
- #-[other persons name/signoff]: someone else's posting.
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basic DNI, racist, homophobic, zoo, map, trans-id etc.
DNI endos! we dont do that shit here! traumagenic systems only!
DNI fakeclaimers! I dont wanna deal with that drama.
ill update with more later as needed ig.
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user sign-offs
🎯 - killer
🌈 - fresh
🔻 - red
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retropobor · 3 months
I feel strongly as if I should make some original content on this blog, but I don't have any as of late, so I'm just gonna throw my thoughts out here relating to the blog (consider this a weather update)
to get things out of the way, I have decided to work on a little pixel art project which should be out sooner or later. And by little I mean its canvas is the exact same size as my previous largest single piece pixel art project: the mantis dragon
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and this thing is ancient (for those of you who want a good dating system for my art, the lack of outlines means that this thing's pretty damn old, this one specifically dating back to a little over a year ago, although I just added the signature so it can't get stolen)
That aside the other main topic I wanted to touch on is the little side of the deltaverse I kinda found myself in. It feels like a lot of stuff is going on, but who am I to say. One big shot I know barely anything about took a break indefinitely then returned, only for another big shot, and good friend of mine @mrchaosman to also take a break (I cannot stress enough I wish you the best and care for you, mate). There was a massive tournament put on by @grimmdeltarune (RIP Mie, neither gone nor forgotten [I was happy to participate in it nonetheless]) and probably so many other things that went under my radar. It's just all interesting to watch. I've always been fascinated by ecosystems, either natural or human, but that's a separate tangent. Right now I feel like I exist on some sort of outer rim of the system, but I want to be more central. Maybe not Winterer, l0cal_hooligan or whatever other big shot you want to name central/famous, but just more of a somebody than I am right now. Issues are
1: I only have parallels to bring to the table, and considering I barely can even produce content (better yet well thought out content) for it, Idk if that's enough
2: I don't know how much attention I can (or really want to) give Deltarune. The game means a lot to me, don't get me wrong, but when you have the steam library of alexandria, a full on dnd campaign, and
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it kinda cuts down on the amount of attention you can give to deltarune
3: I don't know how. It's been forever since I've actually made a friend, and like half the friends I currently have are born out of coincidence (granted half my friend group is my dnd group, and how I got them is an entire story and a half, but my point still stands even when not counting my dnd group), and I don't know how to start a conversation. If I can get into a conversation, I'm flawless, but starting one is a whole different topic.
Last but not least the datapack. I still want to work on it, but working on the next "session" (I feel as though adventure would better fit it due to its sheer size) for my dnd campaign has taken up just about all my time. Once I finish up with it, I should have plenty of free time to do some more work. No clue what I'll make but I know I want to make something.
Anyways yeah, those are some of my disjointed thoughts piled into this nonsensical tangent of a post. Thanks for reading through.
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etherealmach1ne · 6 months
- Intro Post ⋆。°✩
| Hello! My name is Ori/Bee/Star or V1 and i am 20. This is primarily my otherkin/personal blog, however ill probably post whatever. ^^
i'm an artist and occasional animator, i also do livestreams every so often. i love drawing robots or fanart of things i like, i also draw furries. I am autistic, adhd and likely (quiet) bpd.
i am agender, my pronouns are they/he/it/bot. i do not mind most gendered terms (although i tend to prefer the masc ones, there is exceptions) so you can use he or "look at the little guy!" the way you would if you saw a little robot wearing a fancy hat. Im also Greysexual and Queer.
My Kins/Kintypes (will go more in depth another time)
Robotkin/Machinekin - Nonspecific, i feel this with anything that could be referred to as a machine, electronic or mechanical. Although with robots im most attached to ones with non-humanoid faces. This was the first kin-thing i discovered about myself!
Angelkin - i believe this is also nonspecific, but im most drawn to multiple winged ones, the statues of angels, or depictions of them being abstract like beings of pure light.
Fictionkin - v Here is a list of my fictional character kins v
Starscream (Transformers) - My highest(and most intense) kin, mainly G1 starscream or similar versions (earthspark and some comics). He is incredibly important to me. Skyfire also plays an important comfort role to me because of this kin, I do ship them so i am incredibly attached to them both.
Bumblebee (Transformers) - Much less intense of a kin, i mainly kin G1 or the bumblebee movie version (or similar ones in some comics once again)
V1 (ULTRAKILL) - Realised this kin at the same time i realised i was robotkin! Was also a very intense kin, however its calmed down as im hyperfixated on starscream/transformers at the moment.
Questioning/not sure
Starkin - This may link with Angelkin, as i do see stars and angels as connected/appearing similar.. not sure.
Birdkin - Same thing, i do very much relate with having wings. some of their behaviours i also feel attached to, but im unsure if its just because i associate them with other kins..
Deerkin - Ive had certain shifts that seem to align with deer, ive always been quite drawn to them.
Foxkin - i connect a lot with the way foxes act and used to identify with them a lot in my early teen years, some shifts ive had could also align with them.
Interests (some, at least..)
Transformers (current special interest) | Robots/anything mechanical (also special interest)
Space/Sci-fi | Character analysis (or overanalysing..) | Art/Animation (of course)
(Any kind of) Science ( i am not smart enough to understand it fully but im autistic enough to find it exciting regardless /hj)
Video games in general (ULTRAKILL, Undertale/Deltarune, Fnaf, Splatoon, Portal, to name a few) | Phasmophobia/Lethal Company/Among us
Clowns/Jesters | Markiplier (his videos and his projects) | Good omens
With fictional kins i do tend to feel discomfort with doubles (people who share the same kin) however you can still interact, i do try to look past the discomfort.
DNI if youre a weirdo (proship, homophobe/transphobe, racist, ect.)
i'll likely never post anything entirely nsfw here, but im not sure about suggestive stuff,. it will be tagged if i do, so if you dont want to see that it should be easily filtered out! i'll likely leave it all below a "read more" anyway just to be safe.
Dont be shy to interact! whether its to ask questions or anythin!
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pikachugirltits · 9 months
Magic x Marvel: Idle Speculation
I have a lot of random thoughts about the upcoming Magic the Gathering x Marvel crossover, and I thought it would be neat to just ramble about them in a post, especially so I can hopefully find that post again later when the sets release and see how much I was right about. I'm just gonna bullet point this because this is kind of a stream of consciousness sort of deal:
We know that we're getting multiple "tentpole releases" a.k.a. more than one full set for this particular crossover. I'm thinking at least one is going to be a straight to Modern draftable set similar to the LotR set, but I don't think they're necessarily just doing that for all the sets. I speculate that the other (or one of the others if there's more than two) set is going to be a gimmick draft set, such as 2-Head Giant or Commander draft.
I personally am hoping one of the sets is a Commander draft set, and that our partner variant for the set goes the Stranger Things route and just creates a subset partner variant. I propose the name Team-Up, to represent the ubiquity of team up storylines in comic books. (I actually made an entire post about this but Tumblr's wonderful search function is choosing not to find it on my blog.)
Ooh, if they do go the Commander draft route they can make the Prismatic Piper equivalent a Skrull or something
I really, really want a Squirrel Girl card that makes squirrel tokens that I can jam into my Chatterfang deck. Squirrel Girl is my favorite superhero and I just want her on a card so, so badly.
I think it would be cool to have a Mjolnir equipment that in addition to its other effects also has a bit of trinket text along the lines of "equipped creature is a God in addition to its other types."
Thor and Loki and any other Asgardian that represents an actual god should have the creature type God. It already exists. Like sure, we could make Asgardian a creature type if we wanted to, but that's the coward's route.
I saw someone make a comment on Reddit about adding Hero and Villain as creature types, but I really, really hope that doesn't happen. It runs the risk of making the creature types in the set super repetitive, and we're already gonna see a lot of that from the sheer number of human characters. Sure, we'll have some mutants and aliens and robots to occasionally break things up, but it'll be much worse if the class types among cards aren't varied.
Like seriously, let's use the movie Avengers lineup. What's better...having four Human Hero cards, a God Hero, and whatever we do with the Hulk...or a Human Soldier, Human Scientist, Human Archer, Human Rogue, God Warrior, and whatever we do with the Hulk
Yeah, actually...what are we gonna do with the Hulk and related characters? In a vacuum, I would probably type the Hulk as Mutant Berserker...but for IP reasons I wouldn't be surprised if the Mutant creature type is reserved solely for characters with the X-Gene. I don't have an answer for this, just wondering...
Oh, and since I mentioned the MCU, I do want to say one thing, if they're smart they'll base the sets on the comics and not the MCU. Gives them a lot more material and characters to pull from
Booster fun treatment should lean into this and be comic book themed, but I think they would also be smart to offer some Secret Lair drops featuring alt art versions of the characters based on the MCU...if they're willing to deal with the likeness rights and whatnot.
Multiple tentpole releases does mean multiple commander precons. Some themes I could easily see them basing decks on: the Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man/Spider-Verse, Guardians of the Galaxy+other space themed characters, a deck for a bunch of the more mystical Marvel characters probably led by Dr. Strange, S.H.I.E.L.D., A.I.M., Villains in general (from my memory Marvel doesn't really have a singular Legion of Doom type team up of its iconic villains, but I'm definitely picturing a Villains deck that tosses a bunch of iconic villains together in one deck...you could call it the Masters of Evil as a deep cut though.)
If Gambit gets a card, he should have an ability that lets you discard cards to deal damage to a target to represent Gambit throwing cards at his enemies. (This is the kind of wink at the camera stuff I love in UB products.)
Koi Boy should get a card purely because he's a canon trans man and Magic really needs some trans masc representation.
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lotus0kid · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello! Hm, well, let's see...
Self, Job/Work: I don't post anything identifiable, but I don't mind discussing relatable/weird bits of my life as long as it's not too specific.
Fandoms: Bagginshield, for sure. I'm starting to think I should just go ahead and read LOTR, but I haven't yet. I suggest you do engage with the canons for Good Omens and Stranger Things, because they're pretty good canons (despite current revelations regarding the co-creator and showrunner of the former).
OC's (I don't have OCs- well, none that didn't just serve their purpose in whatever fic I need them for), art/drawing (I've done some of that- tagged "lotus0kid art" if you're interested, there might be new stuff coming since I leaped bodily on that steep Clip Studio sale a bit ago), their writing (sure, I can probably yammer all day about writing, my own or the concept), blog specific only (I'm not sure what this means)
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Argh... uh... I'm going to have to say no, I really don't need any more distractions from the ideas I already have. Though, I dunno, maybe one-word prompts where I can write a drabble response, just to get the wheels moving? That could be nice.
Pets: Ain't got 'em. -_-. Unless you count the spiders in my windowsill.
Garden and Hobbies: My current icon is a picture of my itty bitty succulent that budded off a bigger succulent a while ago. Another bud is coming off that bigger succulent- I'm waiting for the stem to be long enough to cut so I can plant it on its own. That's all the gardening I do currently. And fanfiction is basically my main hobby, aside from occasional art stuff (*eyes stalled embroidery project guiltily*). Maybe cooking too, I think certain aspects transcend the "chore" category, like the opposite of the way my art pursuits can feel a bit chore-ish.
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oh-mother-fucket · 6 months
-> the owner of this blog is a system! and some of the fictives in this system have their own blogs! they'll be listed at the bottom of this post, along with some of the sideblogs that are run by the host.
(Sylph of Doom) (Derse) (Sign of the Reconciler)
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I love to collect pronouns! My current favorite pair are it/its, but it's okay to refer to me with binary pronouns, they/them pronouns, neopronouns, or nounself pronouns!
I go by a few names, all related to the characters I kin! My names, in order of most preffered, include:
>>Davekansprite >>Fefetasprite >>Sheriff >>Sollux >>Tricky >>Peril
My system is called the Bullets in a BB Gun! You can refer to us collectively as BB if that's too much of a mouthful.
I have dyslexia! While I do absolutely exaggerate it in a lot of my posts, it still does very much affect the speed at which I write as I have to do a lot of spell-checking. Please be patient with me!
I often overreact to things, so please keep that in mind! If I ghost you, it's probably because you or something else has sent me into a spiral and I'm trying to distract myself/discuss it with a trusted friend. I am currently seeking therapy for this, so hopefully it won't be a forever problem!
If you have the slightest suspicion that something you write to me might be taken the wrong way-- add a tone tag! You don't have to add tone tags to all your posts, but if you're talking to me i'd prefer you to use tone tags when appropriate!
I suck at communication, and I'm currently trying to work on that! Don't be afraid to drop a dm if you want to chat. Bear in mind, though, I have a lot of anxiety and it may take a little while for me to work up the courage to respond to someone I don't know too well!
#==> <- my talk tag! all my original posts are tagged with this. #> davekansprite: write fanfiction <- my fandom writing tag! contains my fanfics and headcanons #> davekansprite: post your art <- my art tag!
#> davekansprite: rant. <- this is my ranting/venting tag, and it may have triggering content in it. i never post any need-to-know information, and some rants may be deleted after posting. #suggestive <- used for nsfw/nsfw-adjacent posts. mostly joke posts, if I ever seriously want to make/reblog serious nsfw content I'll make a seperate blog for it.
#> davekansprite: post a heads up <- a tag that you should probably pay attention to! i use this when i have something important to announce!
Tricky's Blog: @clown--posting
Sanford's Blog: @sea-monster-sanford
Sammy's blog: @rubber-hhoes
@system-owned-and-operated <- homestuck kin help account!
@a-really-shitty-crossover-fic <- work in progress! multifandom!
@posting-from-project-nexus <- madness combat roleplay blog!
@tinkerer-posting <- my in-character oc blog!
@q-bert-posting <- my in-character bert blog!
@skittles-posting <- my in-character skittles blog!
@pork-tenderloin-posting <- my in-character oc blog!
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📄 for Lysander
Local insane lion man needs to get his shit together, more at 11
Idk if y'all can tell but he's like my least favourite villain. Idk something about his motivations bug the shit out of me. Lysandre truthers if you can give me better interpretations of him please do, I just think he's a little 2 dimensional. If you can prove me wrong I welcome it. Its one of the reasons he's not featured on the blog a lot. I just feel like I'm not portraying him right iykwim
anyways here we go
Pretty man, ugly UGLY crier. He complains a lot, yeah, but he never cries. If someone can get him to cry, it's the worst experience ever for both of them. Eyeliner running, drippy nose, worlds loudest sobbing.
He wears contacts. He looks angry in his official art, but he's actually just squinting because he can't fucking SEE. Those stupid ass sunglasses are prescription.
Every appearance critique I have in my roasts for the followers event Lysandre says daily to them. He doesn't understand why they look like that. Every day: "Take better care of yourselves!"
He sketches in his freetime. Has several sketchbooks in his room filled with art. He's partial to charcoal, but he'll also work with graphite. No paint or pastels or anything, just pencil sketches and charcoal renders. During meetings, he'll sit around the table drawing whoever's across from him (it's usually Giovanni, so he's gotten weirdly good at drawing Giovanni.)
He and Ghetsis are related and they both hate it. I don't know when or why I decided this, or how they're related, I've just decided that they are, and they absolutely hate eachother.
He still has a friendship bracelet he got from Sycamore when they were younger. It's tied around the inside doorknob of his bedroom. He knows that he should probably get rid of it, but it holds too much sentiment for him to ever go through with it.
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wimpy-imp · 1 year
Hot takes with Imp: Genocide. is bad. 👍
Zionists are not welcome here
General info:
name: Imp or Stitch
pronouns: he/him kitty/cat. it/its and neos are also fine idrc
age: 18+
DNI terfs and generally shitty people
I'm an adult. i talk about sex and serious stuff here. minors can follow but I'm not going to make myself family friendly so please know it's at your own risk
art account is @wimpyimpart
if you interact with me there's a chance I'll treat your blog like my dash for a lil bit. this greatly increases if we're mutuals
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cool art tagged #cool art :0, anything vaguely mecore that's cat related tagged #*catboy noises*, mutuals being cool tagged #gosh why are my mutuals so cool, asks are tagged #imp answers, posts about my fursonas will probably be tagged in the style #[name] the [species]. Manchester furmeets are tagged #mancfurs (if i miss something that you think should be tagged lmk)
fursona summaries will be under a
Imp the Cat (main sona):
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aka whore boy (affectionate) he/him
polyamorous, bisexual demiromantic. he's as trans as i want him to be at any given moment
he's the size of a normal housecat but has a slight bit of magic that changes his size
flirting with everyone
making people watch SU with him
dressing femme
cuddling up to his partner
getting kisses /plat or /rom
Carbon the Protogen:
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asexual aromantic agender
kitty cats
watching cartoons
summer days that are just the right temperature
really small things
Kerosene the dragon:
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pansexual transfemme
she's an adopt and i love it a lot
getting invited to parties even if she sits in the corner petting the dog
flying really fast
Fructose the Sun Bear:
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ze/zir they/them he/him
nonbinary lesbian
very beanie stoner girl core /masc
pissing off exclusionists
getting really fucking drunk
The mountain goats
punching terfs
Citric the Shark:
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Cis gay man
silly lil lemon boy. like a sour sweet
being gay
doing crimes
won't admit it but loves cotton candy
helluva boss
Hydrogen the Minecraft Axolotl:
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queer (doesn't really give a shit about labels)
glows under UV
drinks with dumb names
making people play minecraft with him
going to fur cons
Stone the Peppered moth:
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he/him soot/sootself
trans man, t4t,
trans people
being alive
(if you get this far please like this, it would make me happy :3)
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ronanziriano · 10 months
So. Um. Now that I've already got a few hundred posts on this blog, I should probably go ahead and make an introduction post. That's usually the order for this sort of thing, right?
You can call me Ronan. My pronouns are he/they. I'm a Scorpio and am an adult, and this blog is definitely very much for adults only.
My interest in and feelings toward whump is definitely very, uh, unconventional? Based on what I've seen around the whump community and others' intro posts, at least. Sort of a combination of a kink and a coping mechanism and a way to confront fears and a thrill-seeking thing. I dunno.
I'm aroace and sex- and romance-repulsed, which probably isn't exactly obvious based on, you know, everything. Especially the fact that a lot of the content here is very NSFW. I guess the thing is, at least for me, I see nsfwhump and non-con as such a completely different thing than sex? It's approached in fiction in such a vastly different way, and a way that's more relatable. Seeing non-con portrayed as something traumatic and horrific, I can understand. Seeing consensual sex portrayed as something beautiful and desirable, I can't wrap my head around.
I like the aesthetic of BDSM, and have done some self-bondage on my own time. In fiction and art, I have absolutely no interest in things that are safe, sane, and consensual. I engage in it in a way that's more about fantasizing. Playing pretend. Imagining that I am the whumpee, being captured and tied up and gagged. In real life, that's obviously going to be the means of enjoyment. But in fiction, that layer of pretend isn't necessary and just gets in the way.
Anyway. I do also enjoy plenty of whump stuff that is perfectly SFW and non-kinky, and I enjoy the occasional kinky thing that wouldn't be considered whump. But there's a lot of overlap between the two. Makes more sense to keep it all on one blog.
I've been a longtime lurker and only recently decided to jump in and make a tumblr of my own. I have tried my hand at art and writing, although I don't know whether I'll actually ever share the results. I don't know that people would be particularly interested in things I create.
I will warn, I'm, well, very picky when it comes to whump enjoyment. Less so when it comes to art than writing; just, writing has a lot more opportunity to include details that end up hurting my ability to enjoy it, while art just has the space of a single image to shoot its shot. That being said, here are a few of my favorite things:
Creative torture devices
Defiant whumpees
Slave whumpees
Whumpees who are humanoid but not quite human
Aroace whumpees
Restraints and gags of any variety
Kidnapping and captivity
Blackmail, extortion, whumpee having to go along with the whump under extreme duress
Sensory deprivation
Public or broadcast whump
Body modification
Tight spaces/claustrophobia
Asphyxiation (including drowning, strangling, suffocation, etc.)
Mind/body control
Fantasy/sci-fi scenarios
Blood and the removal thereof
Cruel and unusual punishments
Whump where medical accuracy is more of a polite suggestion than a rule
Some things that I'm really not interested in:
Villain whumpees or whumper-turned-whumpee
Lady whump
Non-humanoid whumpees, including robot whumpees
Um... let's call it "bathroom activities"
BBU, and any whump where the whumpee doesn't resist or try their best to do so
Amnesia, memory loss, brainwashing
Comedic/crack whump
1st- or 2nd-person POV
Live-action media, particularly photography
I have a page here that lists the topics I always tag for, as well as topics you will never see on this blog under any circumstances. If you decide to give me a follow and there's a trigger or squick that you want me to tag, just let me know.
And, you know. Also let me know if you've got content that you think I will enjoy. I want to consume.
In conclusion:
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