#its a cute idle animation
vimbry · 7 months
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jefferythejelly · 5 months
thinking about how foolish says sea lion (seal-ion)
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darklight-owl · 1 year
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They ar e on a date
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ribbonpinky-art · 2 years
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local very meany mean bully terrorizes brand new rescue team of sweeties, threatens to kidnap disband them, more at 11
and a test run of something i plan to do with gengar’s pmd mugshots... im excited <33 mew’s confident face was perfect to recreate! i wanted to exaggerate her face a little while retaining her intended vibe and style
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bonus paintover test of this
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bonus #2 that one drawing originally looked like this doodle
#pokemon#gengar#pmd#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokemon rescue team#pmd dx#me#self insert#thedorfmirrin#ok so! og gengar's mugshots are great right? they have sm personality#dx's version's are cute but lack that oomph because theyre just 3d renders with face edits drawn on i think?#i believe it would be amazing if the mugshots were hand-drawn-- for that exaggerated cute cartoon feel and expression#the og pixel art did that pretty well for the majority of the game's cast#so i thought itd be cool to try and upscale gengar's mugshots for that reason#like for mew's up there-- its adorable and i unironically like it but. its pretty still. why are the blushies drawn like that#stiff*#i understand that theyre bright red and clear and it gets the message across but it wouldnt look so strange in the first place--#if she was illustrated instead of her 3d model getting a small edit#the characters in pmd and pmd dx dont do much animation in the overworld so.. having super expressive mugshots is imperative imo?#(facially i mean other than idles and hit/getting hit anims)#and pmd dx doesnt do well for that. i get its bc of time constraints and wayy too many pokemon faces to draw#im not saying they should have done that since they clearly didnt have the time. i hate when devs are overworked#but it is dissapointing that we got mostly lackluster expressions in dx from what ive seen#the pmd dx mugshots' shading make me think of digital paintings-- it made me think an illustrated look would be that much cooler#also i keep specifying pmd dx but actually all 3d pmd mugshots have this issue. pensive emoji#OH and i love how i exaggerated gengar in that first drawing up there?? THATS what i was going for the first time but i couldnt get it#i love him#my art
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lecliss · 1 year
Wifi is out cuz cox sucks so I have to take photos rather than share screenshots BUT in Code Vein if you sit on the couch long enough your MC falls asleep!!!!
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And even better, if you continue to sit there long enough, they literally lay down!!!!
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PLEASE THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! Everything I hear about Code Vein is that its a bad game but criticism be damned. If a game let's you do this it's a good fucking game no matter what.
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crab-withaknife · 2 years
i forgot how fucking cute my pngtuber is i need to stream again so i can show them off
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diah-the-demon · 2 years
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verspia · 2 months
I request where kenan and yn is dating and have for 2-3 months but keeping it secretly, cuz of his career, and kenan and his friend cubanito doing a livestream, and kenan gets spammed if he’s seeing someone, but he tries to keep it private and try to dodge the questions, cuz its rumored he’s dating someone that is not YN that the people suspect, but he is seeing YN, and his friend try to confirm he’s not seeing that girl, but kinda seeing someone else? which is YN
( pairing ) kenan yıldız x reader
i love this so much i rlly hope i’ve written it to your liking
ps i used karlotta as the rumoured girl
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liked by karlottafan and others
footballwags - kenan yildiz in the likes of this model 👀 is she his new beau?
user86 - who uses the word beau 💀
karlottafann - they’d look so cute together 🥹
user86 - those posts are from ages ago tho?
user09 - another one bites the dust
user97 - footballers and models what’s new 🥱
user98 - someone confirm this asap
user02 - he def slid into her dms
user037 - dating for sure
The apartment feels quiet without him, the kind of quiet that settles deep, filling every corner with the absence of his laughter, his low voice, the warmth of his presence. You’re curled up on the couch, phone in hand, scrolling through the endless stream of notifications that come with dating someone like Kenan. It’s been three months now—long enough that you know the feel of his hand on the small of your back, the way his thumb traces idle patterns against your skin when you’re watching movies, the little half-smile he gives when he thinks you’re not looking. But still early enough that everything feels new, each touch a rush, each shared glance a secret you’re both savouring.
It’s also long enough that the rumours have started, circling like vultures around your little bubble of privacy. You both agreed from the start to keep things quiet, at least for now. His career is always in the spotlight, scrutinised by fans, tabloids, and everyone with an opinion. And then there’s you—part of his world but never quite fitting into the neat little narratives they want to create. So you’ve kept it hidden, the two of you slipping through back doors, stolen moments in between his rehearsals and public appearances, and late-night drives through empty streets where the rest of the world doesn’t matter.
Tonight, he’s across town, sitting in Cubanito’s sleek, minimalist living room, the kind of place that’s made for being on camera. You know this because you’ve been there—laughing, sprawled out on the couch with Kenan’s arm around your shoulders, out of view of the lens. It’s where they do their live-streams, just the two of them bantering about everything and nothing, their easy chemistry drawing thousands of viewers every time they go live. You usually like to watch, listening to the sound of Kenan’s voice through your phone, letting it fill the space when he’s not with you.
You open the app and the live stream is already buzzing with activity, the chat scrolling faster than you can read. Kenan is sitting on the left, relaxed in his usual way, hoodie pulled up just enough to shadow his eyes but not hide that familiar, lopsided grin. Cubanito is beside him, gesturing wildly as he talks, always the louder, more animated of the two, but Kenan’s calm presence keeps everything grounded.
You watch them for a while, smiling at the banter, the way Kenan leans back, completely at ease, laughing at something Cubanito says. But then the comments start shifting, and you notice the questions piling up, flashing bright and insistent:
*Who’s Kenan dating? Is it true about him and that model?*
*Kenan, are you seeing someone? Don’t dodge the question!*
*Kenan, blink twice if you’re with her!*
You feel your heart clench, fingers tightening around your phone. The rumours have been everywhere—screenshots of kenan in her likes, whispers and speculation that he’s dating her, even though you know better. But Kenan’s been careful, dodging the questions whenever they come up, brushing them off with a laugh or a change of subject. Tonight, though, it seems like they won’t let it go.
Cubanito squints at the screen, reading the chat aloud in his usual dramatic fashion, but this time there’s an edge to his voice, a hint of mischief that tells you he’s about to stir the pot. “Yo, Kenan, they’re really going off tonight. Everyone wants to know who you’re seeing, man. Spill the tea!”
Kenan chuckles, but you can tell from the way he shifts in his seat that he’s uncomfortable, his smile tightening just a little. “Nah, it’s nothing like that,” he says, trying to keep his tone light. “People just love to talk, you know how it is.”
Cubanito isn’t having it, though. He leans closer, elbows on his knees, eyes bright with the thrill of teasing his friend. “Come on, Kenan. Everyone thinks it’s that girl—what’s her name? The model? But I don’t know, man. Doesn’t seem like your type.”
Kenan’s smile falters just a fraction, a tiny crack in his usual composure. You know he’s trying to figure out how to handle this, how to keep your secret safe without feeding the rumours. He glances at the chat, then back at Cubanito, his expression caught between exasperation and amusement. “Nah, it’s not like that,” he says again, firmer this time. “I’m not seeing her.”
Cubanito leans back, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. “Okay, okay, you’re not seeing her. But you’re definitely seeing *someone*, huh? Come on, man. We’re all friends here.” There’s a playful edge to his voice, but also a knowing look—a hint that maybe he’s aware of more than he’s letting on.
Kenan shoots him a warning glance, but it’s softened by the faint smile tugging at his lips, the kind that always makes your heart skip a beat. He runs a hand through his hair, and for a moment, he looks right at the camera, right at you, like he’s letting you in on the joke. “Let’s just say… I’m happy,” he finally says, his voice low, almost lost beneath the noise of the livestream. “And that’s all that matters, right?”
The chat explodes, filled with questions and speculation, but Kenan doesn’t pay it any mind. He turns back to Cubanito, deflecting with a joke, steering the conversation back to safer ground, but there’s something in the way his gaze lingers on the screen—a quick, barely-there look that makes your chest tighten. It’s a look meant for you, and you alone, a silent reassurance that no matter what the world thinks, he’s yours.
You feel a rush of warmth, a quiet, private kind of joy that’s just for the two of you. It’s not easy, keeping things quiet, pretending in public that you’re not together when every time you’re alone, he’s the one who makes you feel seen in a way no one else ever has. But moments like this, where he slips you into his world without anyone else noticing, make it all worth it. The stolen kisses, the late-night texts, the whispered promises when no one else is around—it’s messy, and it’s complicated, but it’s yours, and it’s enough.
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liked by ynusername, cubanito_official and others
kenanyildiz_official - mein einziger 🤍
cubanito_official - nice 🔥
tarik.muharemovic - little lady is cool 😎
↪️ kenanfan - his friends have met her 🥹
user13 - bro really soft launched blondie to say that model ain’t his girl
user97 - he unfollowed the model 💀💀
user02 - ok but i need to know who she is and ask ab her hair care routine
user09 - couple of the year
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shibaraki · 1 year
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tags: GN reader, established relationship, fluffy fluff, gaming together, animal crossing!!!, cute aggression
wc: 1K+
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A gentle whirring fills the room. The fan turns on its neck, blowing a soft breeze across the room, lit up mostly by the LED lights hung across the walls. You shy away from the chill by burrowing into Tomura’s hoodie, intentionally oversized and lined with fleece.
Your boyfriend is a warm, grounding weight at your back. You’re laid together on his bed, atop blankets and covers left unmade, consoles in hand. A quiet melodic tune carries through the speakers. Tomura turns to shape himself around your frame. You smile as he nuzzles the nape of your neck, lips brushing the skin there.
His words are muffled. Repeated, still unheard when he refuses to move even an inch. “Come to my island,” he mutters.
You make a soft, curious sound, too fixated on the mindless action of your little character digging hole after hole, planting new seedlings for your villagers. Frustrated, Tomura exhales out of his nose, and the short breath makes you shiver.
He tilts his head, “I said come to my island”.
“Oh,” you mumble, blinking into focus, “Okay baby”. The buttons click as your thumbs move, guiding your character towards the airport. “Are your gates already open?”
Tomura grunts an affirmative. You let your eyes flutter closed to the idle brush of his nose along the curve of your throat while the loading screen runs. When he moves away, presumably returning to his own device, you open them again. Your character ambles out into the airport, greeted by the dodo working the gates.
Tomura’s character waits outside. Their look is somewhat inspired by himself. Messy silvery blue hair, dark tattered clothes. A black mask covers the lower part of their face. You smile at the white bunny ears that sit on his head at your request. Cute.
You flick the right stick and begin to run circles around him excitedly, to which he hits you with his butterfly net. “Stop bein’ dumb and follow me,” Tomura mutters without malice, working his ankle between your legs beneath the covers. You hum and trail after him.
The island is… pristine. Not at all the way you remember it. Skilfully terraformed to resemble a Super Mario level, custom patterns and themed items laid across the land. Everything had been intentionally placed. His villagers were navigating the space happily—though he still stops to smack them all, and they spin in place, stunned.
You’re amazed. He’d only started playing alongside you a week ago after finally giving in to your pleas. Watching him play was nice and all, but you wanted something to share together. He protested that animal crossing was pointless, boring and a waste of precious time that could be otherwise spent farming. But while he might not admit it, Tomura is weak for you. A little besotted by you. A few days of whining could go a long way.
Though you can’t help feeling a twinge of petty regret. A pout pulls at your lips when you see the lily of the valley flower standing proud by the fenced entrance to the beach. You’d known he was good at video games but you hadn’t expected him to reach five stars this fast.
Just ahead, Tomura’s character skids to a stop and turns back. A musical note rings through the speakers as a blue question mark appears above their head. Tomura shifts behind you and curls in between your shoulder blades, insistently nudging his cheek to your spine.
“Hey,” his voice comes after a pregnant pause, gravely and hesitant. “You fall asleep or something?”
“No,” you mumble, tucking your face into his pillow. The mattress dips as he braces on his elbow to lean over you, crowding into your space, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from squirming away. “Tomu—!” crimson eyes squint against his crooked grin, colour rising to his skin. He dips, snaggy teeth sinking around the swell of your cheek.
The light indentations left behind are soothed by the shameless swipe of his tongue. “Gross,” you grimace, only to be licked again. He sneers.
“I’ll lick you when I want,” he says. And then continues with some pride, “You’re sulking about my island”.
“Am not”.
“Are too,” Tomura’s forefinger pokes at your soft waist. In the dim light you can still see his pinky half raised. “Idiot. Why’d you ask me to play if you were gonna get mad at me for being better?”
“You’re not better you just time jumped,” you argue reflexively, overcome by the urge to hide in his hoodie. The upbeat tune pouring from the island softens as day turns to night and you sigh. “I’m not actually mad, baby. I don’t know. It’s just…”
Tomura hums. You suppose he would understand your incomprehensible pettiness more than anyone. Warmth encompasses your body once again as he slips his arm beneath your head, tucking his knees behind your legs, bringing his console around to hold it out above yours.
Tomura’s character slaps the floor with their net. “Come on,” he coaxes. You swallow, moving the sticks clumsily to amble after him. You’re taken along a stretch of beach. The horizon curves to reveal lines upon lines of items. Money bags and white gift boxes tied neatly with red ribbon.
“Who do you think I got so good for?” your fingers flex, startled by lips brushing the shell of your ear. He kisses you there, featherlight, enough that he could deny it. “Take all of it. Do multiple trips if you need to, I don’t care”.
“All this is for me?”
Louder, and directly into your ear, he groused, “Not gonna say it again”.
You dissolve into a fit of laughter, recoiling from his voice, game briefly forgotten. Tomura bites back a smile. He wraps his limbs around your body as though he were trying to consume you. Brings you into his chest and holds you there, locked in place, heartbeat reaching for you through his ribs.
After catching your breath, with a mouthful of his shirt you murmur, “Thanks baby”.
Above, Tomura kisses your crown and replies, “Whatever”.
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techlove-1999 · 8 months
ok, so… securitrons move around with One Big Tire. while it gives their design a pretty memorable Staple, its… well, realistically it would be TERRIBLE 4 balance…!!! while a big tire like that on its Own could probably balance just fine, we of course have a Big (Cute) Bulky Robot that’s gonna be Fucking with its Center of Mass, kind of like a heavy unicycle!! so i have 2 wonder how they do it so well ingame…!! obviously it could be explained through cartoon physics or something like that… but i wanna dig a bit Deeper than that. i love securitrons too much 2 just write it off anyhow…^_^ so lets solve the mystery of how these things can balance so good!!!
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now.. it could be that securitrons are specifically coded 2 know how 2 Balance themselves, or have some kind of mechanic that keeps them from Toppling Over every time they want 2 stop moving or stay Still. it could be possible that they have a sort of special Locking Mechanism that keeps their tire from making them roll away…? however this does Not solve the problem of the robot’s center of mass!! because even if the tire is locked in place, the Weight of the securitron’s body will still, well… make it tip over!!
so i propose an Idea. what if the securitrons center of mass. is actually a lot Lower than it may seem from their build. stay with me here, ok…? ok…
obviously house is too much of a Haughty Smarty Pants or something like that 2 just have written off or ignore this issue. in fact- the way securitrons ingame can effortlessly balance is a testament 2 this fact!! so what did he do 2 let the securitrons actually balance…?
its is My Opinion that securitrons must have their center of mass Lower in their bodies. this would make it Much easier 4 them 2 actually balance themselves as we see in new vegas!! if i had 2 guess where Specifically, i’d say somewhere as shown in This Simple Graphic…
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since the part housing the Screen is the bulkiest part of the chassis, you would Typically expect that 2 be the center of mass… however, with it being So High Up on the body, it would cause the robot 2 fall over!!! crash!!! ow!!! @_@
however… if the center of mass is Below that part, in the “waist” area per se, then the robot won’t have as much of a discrepancy in weight distribution. it wont be as Top Heavy, allowing the entire machine 2 stay standing!!
now as 4 How exactly the center of weight would realistically be in the waist area, i’d have 2 say its probably something 2 do with how the Functions of the parts affect how theyd be Built, if that makes any sense... the lower waist area is where the Wheel connects 2 the rest of the body, so the part where it connects is most likely More Fortified so it doesn’t Come Apart, especially considering the amount of Movement that part would have 2 put up with, so it should there4 be using Stronger/More Material so it doesn’t Wear Down so easily. perhaps the material in that area is pretty thick, making it heavy!!
as 4 the part Above that however… we can see its made up of the same material as the Arms, and from securitron movement and idle animations, we see its somewhat Flexible from the way it Bounces!! perhaps theres a comically large spring inside? or perhaps a multitude of springs that allow the chassis 2 Bounce in the way it does? (leaving that outside bit as the only thing letting it bounce would be a bit Stupid, really… there would be Zero support 4 the chassis and it would just always be Crushing the thing…!!!) so perhaps those springs are quite heavy, as they’d have 2 be Strong and there4 pretty Big and Thick so they dont snap inside of the body!
of course this is all just Speculation, as we dont 4 sure know what the inside of one of these cuties looks like. maybe one day we’ll get a good look at the inner workings of a securitron, but until we know that, all we have 2 rely on is the power of Headcanon!! so i could be spot on, or i could be way off. who knows!! maybe theyre powered by cartoon bullshittery 4 real!!!
id really love 2 hear Other People’s ideas and thoughts on this too… i am not an Expert on Robotics by a Long Shot, even if i do love them with my Whole Heart… im just some sillyguy giving its two cents on a cute robot!! so if anyone has different or cooler interpretations on how securitrons can balance, i would love 2 hear them!!
also… thank you 4 reading my speculations as well in the First Place… it honestly means a Whole Lot 2 me whenever people enjoy the stuff i put out here 4 fun, so thank you thank you Thank You 4 taking the time 2 enjoy my silly little works...!!! (seriously everyone leaves the sweetest stuff in the tags and it makes me want 2 Cry Tears Of Joy. who let you all be so kind and wonderful.)
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omeletcat · 26 days
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I made this silly and useless animation for my game Soulshattered, a random npc, idk where i would ever use this animation, its to active for an idle pose.
still its cute.
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waterfalls-bunny · 28 days
can you tell me some bunny hc of yours i’m curious :3
Sorry for the late reply I was thinking about it really ;o; bunny hcs you say huh i love bunny but im a sane person ofc i dont have hcs of them! Why would I-
- They have 3 pets, 2 bunnies and a rat. The bunnies are rescued, they're against buying animals.
- They also have rat and bunny matching pijamas (am i insane about these? Probably)
- Kenny spoils Butters a LOT with pretty little things. Butters will do 1% effort and have Kenny over his heels
- Kenny uses 1000000 nicknames for Butters while Leo uses Ken, but he's aware that he has a power whenever he says a nickname to Kenny (and will use it ofc c:<)
- They roleplay dated more than once
- Their favorite spot for playtimes is Stark's Pond bc is quiet, a lot of their dates happen there
- Kenny is indeed a bad influence for Butters, look at them secretly reuniting almost every day at midnight to have time to chat, sacrificing their sleep schedule 💔
- When they moved together, their first fight was about how messy Kenny is when it comes to both taking care of himself and the house, and Butters being too perfectionist with cleaning
- I can picture them being the sort of couple that prefers doing things offline and not make a fuzz of it in social media, if they go on a trip they wont take many photos and instead just enjoy whatever they were gonna do. Sorta childish?
- Although Butters is a sucker for romance, a genre people wouldn't picture him enjoying as much too is the fight/action genre, he's a very intense fan of these and Kenny its as well so they watch wrestling fights and similar activities together (they're both passionate lmao)
- Kenny surprisingly enough is also a fan of cute idle games (Butters and Karen introduced him to it but he's just a huge fan in any case). Example animal crossing or cat bar snack so he has a file exclusively for him in Butters phone/switch and if it wasnt bc is not his device he'd probably be more advanced than Butters file. Tho Butter's favorite will forever be Hello Kitty Island
- Kenny's taught Butters to do the grocery shopping to no avail, the other will somehow pick the expired products and things will always run out when he buys (bad luck boy)
- Butters at some point will be aware of Kenny's immortality (when his grandma died he asked him if she was in heaven, Kenny didnt want to tell him last time he went to hell she wanted to beat the crap out of him bc she found out they were dating on eart and he beat her in defense)
- Theyre the silly lil couple that does innocent things and would make a big fuzz about it (yes Kenny is a bitch but its 100% different when it comes to Butters its funny)
Oh my I didn't expect to list so many LMAO the worst part is that I can make hcs out if anything so lmk if yall want part 2!
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stephiethewephie · 2 months
I thought I would give her the ole Night Raven College treatment and give her some birthday lines if she had them!
Enjoy and happy birthday to this special little lady!
Birthday Login Message:
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Good morning! How are you today?...
Huh?! Oh! You remembered it was my birthday today! Well, thank you so much!
I have some things I need to get done today… but maybe we can do something afterward… If you’re okay with it that is!
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When summoned: You’re here to celebrate my birthday?... Well, I guess I can’t say no to that!
Summon Line: I’m not used to having people come over for my birthday, so please be patient with me! Let me know if you have anything planned!
Groooovy!!: Thank you for all the birthday wishes… They mean more to me than you think!
Home: I think all birthdays should be celebrated like this!
Home Idle 1: At home, when I was little, I usually spent my birthdays in the woods with my stuffed animals! We’d have cake and party hats and... I wouldn’t call it lonely, they were plenty of fun!
Home Idle 2: Ace and Deuce were the first to run up and say happy birthday to me. Ace gave me a deck of cards with cartoon animals on them and Deuce gave me a stuffed chick with the shell still on its head. I love having friends like them!
Home Idle 3: Just because it’s my birthday doesn’t mean I can’t be of assistance. Do not hesitate to ask me if you need anything!
Home Idle - Login: At boarding school, no one really cared for each other’s birthdays unless they were close friends. So, it’s strange to see people acknowledging and wishing me a happy birthday… It’s a little overwhelming, but I’m glad to see things are different here!
Home Idle - Groovy: Of course, I knew that silly-ole-cat, Grim, would try to take a bite out of my cake before cake time. So, I asked Malleus to create a barrier around the cake so he couldn’t get to it… I think it’s how Malleus remembered my birthday was today!
Home Tap 1: I think Kalim overestimated what I meant when I said I used to have parades during parties. I appreciate the gesture, but my parades were very small and did not have giant elephants… Hefulumps maybe.
Home Tap 2: One of my favorite parts about birthdays and parties has always been balloons! They can be any shape and size and fly high in the sky! No one is unhappy when a balloon is around!... Except if it pops or flies away that is.
Home Tap 3: Jade came up to me today and presented me with a terrarium kit… the interaction made me uneasy… but he seemed delighted to give it to me! Should I talk to him about nature sometime soon?
Home Tap 4: I saw Ortho today! He gave me a plushie of a cute little creature that he said was from a video game where you capture creatures and make them fight each other. Reminds me of myself and Grim… though for us I would say it’s more of the other way around in who was captured… heh heh.
Home Tap 5: I have only worn outfits like this on special occasions. I guess this is a special occasion, I just haven’t felt that way about today for a long time.
Home Tap - Groovy: You have a gift for me?!.. I’m just a bit surprised considering I’ve never received a gift from anyone outside of my family. I’ll gladly accept it! Thank you!
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entropy-game-dev · 3 months
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The Astronaut and Assistant
Finally, we come to the last two animations in the demo, and of course they are the main characters of the game! There was a lot riding on these animations due to how important they are (and their backstory) and so I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to do these two justice, based on the ideas I had in my mind's eye.
At first, I had grandiose plans for the astronaut's idle animation. I toyed with the mechanical chest tilting upwards and the oxygen pipes swinging around, but after seeing this in action, it looked way too comical.
Instead I went with a more subtle animation, having only 3 unique frames and the longest animation cycle of any of my sprites. I think the notion of breathing is something we take for granted a lot of time, and it's something that absolutely cannot be done while in space or underwater. So I wanted to contrast this slow deliberate movement against the more gaudy animations of the various robots, in order to highlight the human-ness of the astronaut.
As for the assistant, it had many moving parts (both figuratively and literally). Its frame - everything except the R2-D2 style droid in the center, is cobbled together from various bits and pieces to fit his unique form. That means I wanted the parts to move more or less independently from one another to demonstrate that this isn't much of a cohesive robot.
I knew I wanted the claw to flex menacingly, and I think having the assistant look at it while he does it (to show they aren't yet used to it/checking it works as intended/in disbelief etc) quite cute. On the other hand (pun intended), the constant discharging of it hints at some of its E-M attacking capability.
Overall, I'm really really happy with how these turned out, super satisfied to have the main characters done, and, most importantly, I hope you like them too!! Now that all the enemies/characters in the demo have been completed, it's on to the train boss unit!
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soulofamy · 7 months
in the customization menu in mk1 all the roster members have their idle animations, and in syzoth’s he just kinda stands there while glancing around— but his fingers twitch a lot?? it’s a small detail that not a lot of people catch but it’s cute. anyways back to the ashzoth: i was thinking that ashrah would notice that one day and take interest in why syzoth’s fingers twitch the way they do. she’d definitely find it endearing, especially since it just seems to be a subconscious thing he does, and maybe it could lead to some hand-holding or something…. idk does that make sense
if you will, allow me to turn that into a little ficlet
It was during a training exercise when she noticed it, the small twitches of Syzoth's fingers as he stood in anticipation. Though he was not a student at the Wushi Academy, Syzoth was still welcome to join in on training whenever he pleased. He was Ashrah's preferred sparring partner.
Master Kai felt that it was important that Ashrah train more in her hand to hand combat. In his opinion, she relied too much on Datusha. She and Syzoth stood in the courtyard, standing opposite one another. Her eyes, as dark as the midnight sky, traced over his form. He stood at attention, with his hands loosely curled in front of him. With the way his fingers twitched, Ashrah could tell his senses were as sharp as ever. With a calming breath, she lunged forward for the first strike.
They gave their best efforts during this spar, but to any spectators passing by, they almost appeared to be dancing. Exhiliration coursed through her veins, both because of the fast pace at which they moved and because of the thought that at this moment, Ashrah had Syzoth's undivided attention.
They sat together against a nearby wall after their spar. Ashrah's legs were crisscrossed and Syzoth sat with one of his knees bent, his corresponding wrist resting on top of it. As Ashrah listened to him speak, she couldn't help but become entranced by the rhythmic twitching of his fingers.
"Why do you do that?" Ashrah cut him off.
Syzoth gave her a puzzled look. "...do...what?"
"That," she said, nodding her head in the direction of his hand. To illustrate, she held up her own hand to imitate the movements. "Are your fingers cramped?"
Syzoth frowned somewhat before holding his hand up to inspect. "I...don't know..." he responded with a cautious tone before returning his hand to its spot on his knee. This time, his fingers were still. "I suppose it's always something I've done...though I never paid much mind to it." The faintest shade of emerald kissed his cheeks. "...why do you ask? Is there-" a loud clatter from afar cut Syzoth off and drew his attention. His posture stiffened as he sat up and his pupils shrunk as he looked over at a student who had dropped the bundle of bo staffs he was carrying.
Ashrah's eyes moved from the student back to Syzoth. Once again, his fingers began to rhythmically twitch. The pieces fell into place in Ashrah's mind. Ever the battle-ready warrior, Syzoth.
Syzoth sighed and looked back at Ashrah. "Sorry," he said with a shake of his head. "I was going to ask, is there something wrong with it?"
Her lips spread into a smile and she shook her head. She sat up and turned to face him fully before bringing her hand up to join his on his knee, interlacing her fingers between his. "Not at all. I was merely curious."
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