#item 22
aint-mishbehavin · 2 years
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Item 22
The GISH Gnomes have been collaborating with NASA and Twitter to develop "Time Twitter" – a special hack to send a single short text message back in time to your former self. You have been offered the chance to send a "Time Tweet" back to the childhood version of you. In order for the tweet to reach your younger self, you must tag it with "#IWishKidMeKnew" and "#GISH". Remember – you only get to send one message, and it has to be 280 characters or less. Submit a screenshot and a link to your post in comments.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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22. [IMAGE] The GISH Gnomes have been collaborating with NASA and Twitter to develop “Time Twitter” – a special hack to send a single short text message back in time to your former self. You have been offered the chance to send a “Time Tweet” back to the childhood version of you. In order for the tweet to reach your younger self, you must tag it with “#IWishKidMeKnew” and “#GISH”. Remember – you only get to send one message, and it has to be 280 characters or less. Submit a screenshot and a link to your post in comments.
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Dad being very cool again while Mac buys new arsenal for his next project.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #93
The Shipper ep 10:
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The Warp Effect ep 5:
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Last Twilight ep 2:
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littlegal100 · 15 days
So I can make noodles from scrath with my mere level 7 cooking skill but I am too unskilled to make a measly grilled cheese sandwhich.....
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humlors · 1 year
*walks around baldur's gate banging pots and pans* does ANYONE have some THIEVES TOOLS. me and my boyfriend are trying to ROB A BANK but he ran out. Please help us in this endeavor
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fishiest-fish · 10 months
I have never canceled a decision faster in my life holy shit
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 3 months
The fact that there aren’t any regular tickets left during a pre-sale with codes on Ticketmaster but the resale sites have tickets galore tells you something isn’t adding up!
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doushiteworld · 11 months
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aint-mishbehavin · 2 years
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Item 22
Email isn’t as secure as it should be, so I used a charm to hide a poem in your books. To retrieve it: Pick up the first 9 books that catch your attention and record the 9th word on the 9th page in each book along with the first and last words of each book. Use the 27 words to write the poem. (You may employ many additional “and”s “if”s “but”s, “a”s “or”s or “the”s as you like.)
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hollowfairybabybat · 4 months
its maybe not healthy lowkey my bedroom smells like how my nanas bedroom smelled now bc i walk in n get sad but i also need it to so 🙃
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xero0glitch-x · 1 year
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• Evelyn Morgan Powers
• "Majestra"
• "Nadira"
• Princess Evelyn Morgan Powers
[Homeworld]: Eternia
[Species]: Human(like)
[Gender]: Female
[Hair Color]: White
• Faceless One (Nikolas Powers) (Father)
• Queen Maligna (Mother)
[Affiliation]: Evil Warriors
[Abilities]: Powerful evil magic
Evil-Lyn is a character in the popular Masters of the Universe toy line and the accompanying cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The only female member of the Evil Warriors, she is an evil witch who aids Skeletor as his second-in-command with her powers of darkness. She is vastly more intelligent than Skeletor's other minions, and while she admits that she is not as powerful as Skeletor, she readily confesses that she hopes to seize her master's powers and lord them over Eternia herself one day. Thus, she has worked completely independently of Skeletor on multiple occasions. Her trademark is the magic wand crowned with a crystal ball, but Evil-Lyn typically generates magic without the assistance of any instruments. Evil-Lyn was introduced into the Masters of the Universe toy line in 1983 to add a female to the Evil Warriors. Initially envisioned as an evil warrior-goddess and counterpart to Teela, Evil-Lyn's action figure is identical to Teela's except in color scheme, head mold, and accessories. The original figure has bright yellow skin, though most depictions portray her as having olive or pale skin.
[Wiki]: https://he-man.fandom.com/wiki/Evil-Lyn
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vampstel · 1 year
Detaching myself from the princess lego game community has made me enjoy the game again, I’m not gonna lie. Maybe muting the entire community on Twitter was the best decision I’ve made LOL
I’m exclusively going to talk about it on here though cause y’all are cool 👍 When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll share a bunch of outfits I made for Rei hehe
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zee-aka-pretty · 5 months
My Eldest sister and her husband and her newborn baby came to our house for a short stay- like a month, so now they're doing some changes around the house.
One thing my dumf***ing dearest brother-in-law did this afternoon was to remove our refrigerator plug from its wall socket, and to put a f***ing Three-pin adapter to the socket, so that he could also plug in my mom's sewing machine to the Very Same Wall Socket.
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What else are we going to plug into the same wall socket I wonder? a phone charger? a heater? A Microwave Oven?? because there's space on top you see!
I told my twin and my eldest sister about this because this dumbf*** brother-in-law will never take my word for it. But they just said not to interfere if I'm not going to help. To get out of the way if I'm not going to help.
If the F***ing stupid squidward only bothered to ask me properly, and I mean properly, not at 10pm in the previous night,(then I asked him if they're going to sew at that time and bother our neighbours with that much of noise, just because they're up doesn't mean everyone else is) I would've plugged in the sewing machine where it was supposed to go to, and left the fridge alone.
This is how the Three-pin adapter looked like once I unplugged it from the wall socket.
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People. Just because it could be done doesn't mean it should be done.
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oillampslit · 2 years
Doing the things of God without having a heart for God can be summed up as selling an item with a great condition box but lacking the product inside.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Matthew 23:27
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23
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madrasi · 1 year
$20 minimum delivery fee, service fee, opt in for notifications, sign up to monthly subscriptions for rewards, or yearly subscription for- SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
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