#Reno has his own version of the “I know what you are” Dog meme but its a gif.
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mechazushi · 4 months ago
If The Core Division Three Members Had Gaming Channels...
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Kafka Hibino {A.K.A ComfyManGaming}: Mainly Shop Management Sims or just Sims in general. His most popular series and the one that let him go full time as a content creator was his Power Wash sim Story Time where he got to talk about the craziest things that happened to him in his, like, six different cleaning jobs. ( In order; Landscaper, personal maid service, High rise window washer [tied for origin for most of his craziest stories], Nuclear Power Plant Office janitor, Failed attempt at running his own power wash service, and School Janitor with a car detail side job. {Most recent/longest held job/and also tied for craziest story origin generator with Car Detail Horror stories being second). Can be convinced to play atmospheric games like Journey/Abzu/Fire Watch/Anything thought provoking or emotional.
Reno Ihchikawa{A.K.A IchyChill Breakdowns}: Whatever Windette does, but with less insults. Basically Build Breakdowns and Speedrun Tutorials. Carried with the energy of a tired Indian Math teacher trying to teach calculus to 8th graders. Is also [technically] a PNG tuber, but because he's low energy, the PNG doesn't move much.
Iharu Haruichi {A.K.A SharkBAIT}: Two Channels. One is a horror game channel, Both Indi and Triple A. The other is anything casual, but mainly sticks to Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Coral Island, that sort of thing. Fans like to call the Horror one Anxiety and the non-horror one Anti-Anxiety(Each have their own mascots and like to fight each other like Jacksepticeye and Antisepticeye). He has absolutely accidentally cross posted horror vids onto the non horror channel and vice-versa. The community like to pretend that they don't interact with the other channels and when that sort of thing happens, they pretend they've been exposed to horrors beyond comprehension. (yes, even when the horror channel gets a cutesy vid)
Mina Ashiro{ A.K.A Can(n)onGodess/Pr3ttyW1ttl3K1tty}: Also Two channels, but actively makes sure that no one knows she runs both. One is a live stream of FPS set up as no-commentary/with camera (Mainly colorful ones like Valorant). The other is also no commentary with NO camera and its Sim 3 or 4 tips-and-tricks and Minecraft Aesthetic House Build (Mod and No Mod.)
Kikrou Shinomya:{A.K.A Can_It_Doom?} A STEM major that couldn't find a use for her degree as fast as she liked, so she started a Can it Run Doom? channel as a joke, and now it's evolved into a channel where people recommend different setups like Drumset Controler on a Texas TI-84 Graphing Calculator. (Is also currently in the middle of working on a live action Tank Setup for World of Tanks as a subscriber goal.)
Hoshina Soshiro{A.K.A SwordSingerSUPREME} Any game that involves sword fighting and critiques it either Accurately or HARSHLY. Also streams his HEMA training/tournaments. It's very popular (because everyone find him hot) and has since become a bit of an eclectic channel that is split between his Gaming vids, his HEMA vids, and P.O Box unboxing vids where people send him A LOT of gifts. There's also an over an hour video of him playing Let's Hit Each Other With Fake Swords the Card Game with his older brother (who is also in HEMA.) that he made when the channel hit 5 million subscribers.
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Gen Narumi{A.K.A xXGenNarumi420Xx}: Plays anything that's currently trending, but his bread and butter is FPS or Run and Guns. (Has confessed to saying "Would" to the Ultrakill Robot.)
Okonogi Konomi{A.K.A BlossomBear}: Indi VTuber that plays exclusively Indi Puzzle games or Puzzle Platformers. Isn't a singing VTuber so much as one that can and will go in-depth on programming and what goes into a VTube model (She made hers and it has two forms : a chibi, curly white haired, anthro bear girl and a white plushi version with orange blossom motifs.) Can and has demonstrated to be an absolute GOD at Minesweeper
Minase{A.K.A MinAction}: A anime/movie/Western Animation reaction channel. Has an uncanny habit of predicting things before they should be obvious.
Hakua{A.K.A HakuaKooksXP} A cooking channel whose shtick is 1000 Ways To Prepare [Insert Food Here.]. She's still currently working her way through rice.
Haruichi Izumo {Goes by his name} Various product review channel.
Aoi Kaguragi {Also goes by his name} A very well made workout channel.
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#Kafka held two school janitor positions. One in an elementary and the other in a University.#He gained some internet fame before his channel existed when he interrupted a group of kids Livestreaming Pokemon in the public bathroom#They were stuck on a boss when Kafka came in.#He then proceeded to decimate the boss with the same setup the group was considering tossing out for being to underpowered.#Was friends with Mina in elementary. Passed by an advertisement that said she would be showing up at a convention and decided to stop by.#This was before his channel took off. They found it ironic they became professional gamers now.#He runs a plus sized friendly merch store with a couple novelty items.#One subscriber sent Hoshina a 4XL hoodie as a joke. He thought it was funny too until he put on the hoodie.#Has confessed to sleeping in it and it hasn't failed to show up for a stream once. There are even reports that he brings it to HEMA events.#It got to the point that Kafka custom ordered and sent Hoshina a comically large coffee mug for his birthday.#Its about the size of an Oktoberfest mug and it made Hoshina very emotional.#Reno has his own version of the “I know what you are” Dog meme but its a gif.#His gamer tag is something I threw together last minute out of his last name and cold motif (please let me know if you have anything better#Iharu and Reno didn't know each other until the community started shipping their mascots together.#Now they're best friends who have started doing this whole “gay for the bit” relationship.#It doesn't help that Reno has show up in the background of Iharu's stream and has been seen spending the night at Iharu's place.#even though they live in different states and refuse to offer an explanation#Can(n)onGoddess and BlossomBear stream together a lot. It's probably the few times you'll hear Mina willingly speak.#I forgot to mention that Hoshina has a glass cabinet filled with s*x toys from his subscribers.#He keeps telling them to not do that but it still happens on occasion. Now it's just a statement piece in the background of his streams.#I just felt making this.#Btw ya b*tch is 22 today#🎉🍾🎉 Yay me.#guess this is my version of a celebration.#kaiju no. 8#kn8#kaiju no 8#kaiju number 8#kaiju 8#kaiju no.8
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shinrasfirst · 5 years ago
Lottie’s chain of sweetness.
It’s hot, we’re all irritated, some of us are having a shitty time of it lately. Repost this to your dash!
I have a bunch of characters, so I’ll give you one thing for 5 of them instead!
ONE Let’s start with my boy Zack. I like a lot about him, but one thing I really like is his optimism and his faith in people and the good in the world. That’s very not me, so I guess I find it inspiring to see someone who manages to remain so positive and driven despite all the bad things that happen to him. (I also really like how he approaches people, his kindness and contagious joy about life which makes him so hard to dislike, I’d argue.)
TWO Next up is Johnny, one of my latest muses. There’s a lot about him that I don’t know from canon and also a lot I haven’t hc’d about him yet, but from the things I have seen/decided on what I like the most is how genuine he is. He’s kind of a dumb dumb, but he is not a bad guy. He doesn’t do bad things just because he can, he’s even pretty outspoken about not doing them. He might be annoying Tifa with his love confessions, but he isn’t pushing himself on her, doesn’t touch her or ask inappropriate things. He will help you if you ask him, even if you’re not super close friends (AFTERWARDS you’ll be his friend tho, whether you want to or not u.u). He says what he thinks and he isn’t fake or lies.
THREE What I like about Rufus is that he really has a lot of shit happen to him, actually, but doesn’t give up. Of course he’s a spoiled rich bitch and he pulls a lot of shit himself, but still. He has the worst father in this entire franchise I’d argue, he almost dies a few times, he works hard for world domination and ends up with a lot of nothing in AC. Still he seems as sure as ever in AC and doesn’t break down or gives up. He still wants things and goes after them, and that strength is really admirable. (Detached from his actual goals lol).
FOUR I like Angeal because he’s so honorable it’s almost annoying. But every good story needs a guy like that; someone you roll your eyes at sometimes but at the same time wish you had around in real life. He’s a really good guy, he struggles but tries to be the best version of himself. He’s a tragedy because of it, but that’s part of what makes it so special.
FIVE I like Rude (my version of him, I suppose) for being steadfast, in who he is and what he wants. Sure, he also has days where he struggles with what he and Reno are asked to do for the company, but overall he isn’t a man plagued by doubt. He is confident in himself and stands by his values and opinions, and in that sense it’s not easy to unsettle him. Also, he has a big heart and he doesn’t think letting it guide his actions is a sign of weakness.
that’s really rough. i might mention some more okay?
ONE one of the first people i found on here and thoroughly fell in love with is @rcdwrxck. kay is just amazing. she’s funny and smart, great to talk to, great to plot with, write with, ship with. she is kind and caring and genuine. she has the floofiest dog in existence and i wish every day i could pet him. she’s also a huuuuge reno x rude shipper, who would have thought? heheheheehEHEHEHEHhhehhe. ---but seriously, kay you’re so precious, i’m keeping you forever. and i adore your reno and our threads and i’m not letting you go again. <33
TWO obligatory mention of course is @dogof-war. han is very high on the list of people i talk to the most in this fandom (if not THE person i talk to the most). talking to her is a blast, i have a lot of fun and i’m always happy to see messages from her. we keep plotting new nonsense all the time and all of it is quality shit 👌 her writing is swell and her portrayal of heidegger is really unique and wonderful. i was super intimidated by her when i first made this blog and followed, but now that we’re friends i find it hard to remember how that felt. i really appreciate her for just saying what she thinks relatively unfiltered, for indulging my weirder kinks and interests in rp (like the best ship in history rufus x heidegger, go home if you can’t handle it), and for occasionally salting with me about this and that. <33
THREE another person i talk to a lot (tho not as much as we used to) is @solnyeo / @persephina. first of all panda’s writing is incredible - the feeling and detail that go into it blow my mind *chef’s kiss*. secondly, panda is such a lovely person. full of creativity and kindness and always giving out positive energy for everyone. (i often get some sad vibes from you and i wish i knew how to cheer you up, but i hope you know i’m always around if you want to talk to me :) ) panda is so amazing to plot with. every little idea we share hatches into some beautiful butterfly of a story (that we end up not writing but--) and it’s pure joy to imagine worlds together :) aerith or not, i absolutely love seeing them around on my dash (& hopefully writing with them again soon). <33
FOUR another gem i have to mention is mari, @stingslikeabee. i don’t often bond so easily with ocs on tumblr but mari is a godsend. not only is her character amazing, well-developed, and fitting beautifully into the story; mari also manages to continuously blow me away with fabulous verse ideas, drabbles, meme or regular replies. she’s so creative and such a great writer - and on top of that a really kind, funny, genuine, caring, special person. the internet is a dark place full of weirdos and creeps but sometimes in this sea of coals you find pure gold and that’s mari. i’m really glad we found each other and i enjoy talking to her so much <33
FIVE of course i also have to mention @giftofthegodess because !!! i love rave. such an amazing genesis. an absolute highlight to plot with, full of creative ideas and beautiful headcanons. also sharing my hobby of making rare pairs, apparently, hehehe. also a fellow bts fan now, HEHEHHE. talking to rave is just so.. easy. they’re chill, funny, active, laid-back, and full of passions and thoughts they love to share. also enjoy throwing people under the bus by calling them out with discord screenshots. 👀 i feel really lucky to have met them in this fandom and i really love our ships and hope to see them going far <33
SIX I want an honorary mention for @hiislegacy because they’re one of my fave writers in this fandom. We don’t talk that often but it’s always fun when we do. I just feel like we’re on the same wavelength, and we’re both kinda old-school in our views on ships and writing and fanfics and such? Also they portray any muse they set their mind on really really really amazingly well. Love <33
SEVEN another person i appreciate immensely on here is @lifedxbt. they write a lot of muses but the one i interact with the most is definitely tseng. i really enjoy the way they write him, the continuity in their portrayal, their endless headcanons that keep giving this character more depth - and are so good it’s hard to remember that they’re not actually canon facts from the game. they’re one of the few people i even read some threads of that i’m not part of. they’re just hella amazing and i hope we get to write more in the future :)
EIGHT + some other people I adore and want to mention: @presidentiial (first of all thank you for this meme game, second of all you’re so kind and lovely like.. ALWAYS, i appreciate you a ton; and i always admire the effort and passion you put into your muses and blogs, you’re truly someone to look up to), @hautevaux (another oc in this fandom that’s just so well established and developed it’s easy to forget vaux isn’t a canon character; your writing is wonderful and somehow you manage to turn every situation and thread into something special with your magic tailor dust), @sweettifalockhart (we don’t talk as much as we should but i want you to know that i think very highly of you; i think your writing is next level, and you’re a joy to plot and write with), @devilreno (i sometimes feel like we’re those two people who kinda know each other from accidentally running into each other in the street, and we greet each other and cheer at each other from a bit of a distance but never really sit down together for a drink?? does that make any sense. have a drink with me is what i’m saying--- or, you know, let’s be friends. you’re amazeballs - and your writing and art are 👌👌👌), @makostamp / @reflectingchaos (we have sooo many threads together and i adore all of them!! you really write all your muses so well, it’s a joy to plot and write with you. i know you have your doubts sometimes, but you’re a really great rp partner and you come with everything one needs for having a great time in an rpc!!), @fraxcxccl (literally i’m your FAN. i’m blown away by your art, AND your writing AND the fact that you made up this amazing oc that ALSO feels like a canon character like, shut the front door. i’m not really a shy person but with you i still feel like i need to come up with something GOOD to approach you with before i’m worthy of writing with you. i’d love to though.), @turkoftheslums (you’re precious. i know you only love me for my dog but that’s okay, she’s the best part of me. we should write more because i really enjoy seeing you around and i feel like we could be good friends :) )
AND ANYONE I WRITE WITH AND HAVEN’T MENTIONED NOW, please don’t read anything into it. I’ve had this post in my drafts for weeks now and I kept going back to change it, add more people--- at some point I have to stop. I’m following you? That means I think your writing & portrayal are great. We’re probably one conversation away from being friends. <33333
these are all nonsense songs, all of which are guilty pleasures (if at all) of ME, not my muses. 
ONE Lol okay, so there’s definitely this song, which I found at 3 in the morning while browsing youtube and sent to Han as a joke about our ship, but I’ve listened to it so often by now that I’ve had to begrudgingly admit that it’s actually not so bad. The lyrics still kill me, but it’s such a good smut writing song.
TWO HAHAAAA, okay this one is hilarious. Haven’t thought of that one in years, my sister reminded me when I told her about this meme. It’s super dumb, be glad if you can’t understand the lyrics (I’m guessing only one person I’ve talked to on here will be able to understand). It’s basically about “playing doctor” in a sexual way and the shit she sings, let me tell you. But the beat is kinda nice, haha.
THREE Let’s stay with the German songs for a moment, because I remember loving this song SO much when it came out (in my defense I was like 14) and even now I have to admit it’s not awful. I also remember not knowing it the twins are girls or boys when I first watched it, because honestly his voice is like ??? And he kinda looks like a female singer that’s quite popular in my country.
FOUR Also I’m a trashcan so I like club music, especially for working out, and I’ve been weirdly obsessed with this one. It’s repetitive af and really only good for running but ?? I love it?? (You have to fast forward a bit, the beginning is only beat).
FIVE This needs to be on this list as well. Because it’s a bit ?? but also it’s hella great. Anyone who says they can’t feel it, is lying.
Tagged: if you’re seeing this and haven’t done it yet, please do it. i can’t tell anymore who’s done it already and who hasn’t!!
Tagged by: @madamdirectcr​
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coin-river-blog · 6 years ago
Marble.Cards puts memes on the Ethereum blockchain, kids learn cashless values, said kids accidentally contribute to Fortnite money laundering scams, and crypto makes it to the small screen.
It's Saturday, everybody! Now, ETHNews knows there's a chance you were too busy this week liking a photo of an egg on Instagram to stay up on all things crypto- and blockchain-related. Luckily, Having A Gas is here to fill you in on a few lighter stories you may have missed this week in the cryptospace.
Much Collectable
Finally, an Ethereum-based non-fungible collectible token!
Marble.Cards announced this week that its mainnet will launch today, January 19, allowing users to make their very own Marble cards. According to the announcement, users will be able to make a Marble card out of anything that has a URL. Marble users pay .01 ETH to take the URL they've chosen to make a card that combines content from the web page with a generative art pattern, creating a unique digital item that the creator can own – if it's not purchased by someone else at auction first, that is.
Although any unique webpage can be marbled, Marble.Cards is only accepting URLs from the website KnowYourMeme during the launch period. KnowYourMeme acts as a sort of meme Wikipedia, documenting the source and various use cases for past and present memes. The Marble.Cards website already has a few "marketplace gems" featuring a card for the Y Tho meme and Pepe the Frog.
Once Marble.Cards gets beyond the launch, I can't wait for the unrelenting meta-ness of the internet to take over.
A Marble card for Marble.Cards.
A Marble card for the Marble card for Marble.cards.
A Marble card for the Marble card for the Marb –
I'll see myself out.
"Charlotte's Web" made us cry. "Babe" and "Babe: Pig in the City" made us laugh. And now Pigzbe can make us early crypto adopters.
Pigzbe showed off its cashless piggy-wallet, Pigzbe, at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. The wallet allows parents, or anyone who's given access, to give digital money to their children in the form of Wollo, a "family friendly token," which can be turned into fiat money at any time. The part-physical, part-digital piggy-wallet is meant to "teach children age 6+ the building blocks of modern money management."
Okay, true story time. When I was in the first grade, I remember a group of children who would skip lunch and use the lunch money they'd been given to run some kind of way-too-advanced-for-children gambling ring underneath the firetruck-shaped jungle gym on the first-through-third-grade-only playground. I was too scared to ever investigate what they were gambling on, but halfway through the year, the ring suddenly stopped, and we had a school assembly on the dangers of gambling.
With Pigzbe teaching kids about cryptocurrencies, I envision school assemblies on the dangers of joining playground ICOs, and instead of scary classroom visits from of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, they'll have the "Boy, E-currencies Are Risky" (B.E.A.R.) program.
Children of the Coin
Speaking of dangerous things children can (accidentally) do with cryptocurrency:
A report from The Independent brought to light the criminal practice of laundering money using Fortnite's in-game currency, V-bucks. According to the article, stolen credit cards are being used to purchase V-bucks which are then sold on the open web, and dark web, at discounted prices, where anyone, including children and teenagers, can buy them, unwitting of their criminal history.
One of the vendors that The Independent found accepted both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash as a means of payment for the discounted V-bucks.
This isn't the first time Fortnite has been in the middle of a strange crypto story, but it does prompt the question: Where are these children picking up cryptocurrency to pay for Fortnite products?
Clearly, owning a Pigzbe can put them way ahead of the game when it comes to cryptocurrency, but The Independent article doesn't mention Wollo tokens, so it's got to be something else.
Maybe they're mining at home with graphics cards? No, too worthless.
Maybe they're getting them at Coinstars? No, too old school.
I've got it! They're buying them at tobacco shops! Finally, a solid reason why children and teenagers shouldn't take up smoking.
That's it for Having A Gas. Join us next week, and remember, [insert clever catchphrase here].
Crypto Saves the TV Star
Wait there's one more! I almost forgot.
Turns out actor Kevin Connolly, who played Eric "E" Murphy in HBO's "Entourage," announced his involvement in the upcoming TV project "Cryptos" at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami. The show will focus on a group of friends as they launch a token and decentralized film studio and "navigate a cutthroat industry."
I know what you're thinking. The North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami? Isn't that where World Patent Marketing announced their theoretical time travelling commodity that was going to be tied to the price of Bitcoin?
I know what else you're thinking, too. Where do we stand on the "Cryptos" announcement?
As one ETHNews writer sardonically put it: "This show has two women? That's not realistic."
Nicholas Ruggieri studied English with an emphasis in creative writing at the University of Nevada, Reno. When he’s not quoting Vines at anyone who’s willing to listen, you’ll find him listening to too many podcasts, reading too many books, and crocheting too many sweaters for his dogs, RT and Peterman.
ETHNews is committed to its Editorial Policy
Like what you read? Follow us on Twitter @ETHNews_ to receive the latest Fortnite, v-bucks or other Ethereum cryptocurrencies and tokens news.
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coin-river-blog · 6 years ago
It's Friday, March 8, everybody! Hopefully, you've managed to make it through the week without destroying your shoes in the name of all memes holy. But in case you're now walking around barefoot, ETHNews is here to make things a little bit better with Having A Gas, our weekly roundup of some of the lighter stories you may have missed in crypto and blockchain news.
Downing a Cold Coin
Now, I'm a simple miner. I dunk my bitcoin mining rig in a vat of oil to keep it cool just like the next person, but Beercoin conceives of a world in which what you mine is already cold. The German startup's new cryptocurrency, Beercoin, can be "mined" through scanning a unique code on a beer bottle-cap or bar mat, giving the user their very own coins, which can then be spent on more beer or merchandise or exchanged for fiat.
On the surface, beer and crypto culture seems like a perfect match. I'm sure, if you put "brewer" and "hodler" next to each other on a Venn diagram, they'd basically be one big, white, bearded circle. It's only when you dig much deeper that you begin to see the flaw in pairing beer with cryptocurrency. If Beercoin pairs its coins to beers, that means it's just one step away from being paired with Pabst Blue Ribbon, which means it's just two steps away from inviting hipsters into the cryptosphere.
Educational Mining
Speaking of mining, this week, security researchers at Cisco who have been monitoring cryptocurrency mining across different industries found that college campuses are the second biggest miners of virtual currencies. At about 22 percent, college campuses are second only to the energy and utilities sector, which accounts for 34 percent of crypto mining activity.
Now, clearly this research had to leave out the malware Monero mining sector, which must make up, like, 85 percent of crypto mining activity. But beyond that, this research gives us our very first Having A Gas publication universe (HAGPU) follow-up feature.
Previously in the HAGPU, it was revealed that cryptocurrency is so popular among millennials that the burnout generation actually trusts it more than US stock exchanges. In that HAGPU issue, it was posited that part of that popularity was tied to scrumptious millennial blood. And with this research, I'm excited to inform you that the reason college-aged individuals love cryptocurrency and mining so much is all thanks to ... the university providing free electricity? Oh, well, I guess if it's not blood, electricity is okay, too.
ETHNews, Meet ETHMail
For the decentralized netizens looking for a type of electronic mail that isn't quite email, but still satisfies that nagging itch to share the latest Keyboard Cat video (that YouTube channel is still active, if you can believe it), ETHMail now allows anyone to email one another using their Ethereum address. The service allows users to contact someone whose tokens they're interested in, dApp developers, or anyone they can find on a block explorer. If that person doesn't have an ETHMail account, they won't receive the message, but it will be waiting in their inbox if they do ever open an account.
Grzegorz Kapkowski, the service's lone developer, has clarified that a user's ETHMail account works with almost any email client, meaning the service is not decentralized – but it does make me wonder what the decentralized email netiquette would look like. I don't think there'd be many changes. Obviously, you'd continue to avoid ETHMailing anyone annoying chain messages, and we could all still freely use the terms cc and bcc without ever admitting that we don't actually know what they do or mean.
That's it for Having A Gas. Join us next week, and remember, [insert clever catchphrase here].
Nicholas Ruggieri studied English with an emphasis in creative writing at the University of Nevada, Reno. When he’s not quoting Vines at anyone who’s willing to listen, you’ll find him listening to too many podcasts, reading too many books, and crocheting too many sweaters for his dogs, RT and Peterman.
ETHNews is committed to its Editorial Policy
Like what you read? Follow us on Twitter @ETHNews_ to receive the latest Beercoin, Germany or other Ethereum lifestyle news.
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coin-river-blog · 6 years ago
On inclusivity in the Ethereum community, and – bear with me, here – my feelings.
In my short time as a voyeur of the Ethereum community, generally speaking, I've found the state of discourse refreshing and inspiring. Whereas feuds and vitriol proliferate around certain other blockchain communities, Ethereum seems more chock-full of all things pleasant and lighthearted: unicorns, rainbows, and cat shirts. Not to mention all things gender-inclusive and socially conscious: drag shows, sex positivity, and Devcon scholarships for individuals from underrepresented populations!
Ethereum's whole mission of a decentralized, collaborative platform is incredibly ambitious, idealistic, and, frankly, optimistic. Sometimes the enthusiasm is infectious. Karl Floersch is a great example of this. I see videos where he talks crypto economics, or Plasma, and he's just effervescent. His cheer is palpable and I can't help but smiling. Other times, it's Vitalik's steady equanimity I find so refreshing – that he maintains ambition and hope alongside his skeptical criticism.
I happen to spend a lot of time on Twitter (for work, of course 😉), and I follow folks from across the cryptosphere. If I want to submerge myself in a pool of negativity and loathing, I know just whose page to visit. If I want to find thoughtful commentary and discussions, or information about recently launched platforms and partnerships, I know where to find that too. I rarely find the former, and often find the latter, in posts from the Ethereum community.
So this morning I was surprised to run into a pretty venomous back and forth on one notable core dev's page that apparently led to his deletion of the Twitter app (ostensibly just from his phone – the account is still up).
Now, I'm not here to take sides about the underlying disagreement. For that reason, I am not going to give space for the particulars. I think this is a situation where both parties are coming from relatable and true (though oppositional) positions, and both have some fault in the argument at hand. I'm more interested in how dissent is handled, how change is affected, how people are treating each other. And I think on that note, the answer is "obviously not good."
This time around, the criticism was for a man's ideas, but I've also seen petty criticism of his appearance. And both times I felt defensive and protective of this person I've never met – but more than that, I felt protective of the Ethereum ethos.
The Ethereum Foundation's Hudson Jameson told ETHNews:
"Respect and pragmatism have been cornerstones of the Ethereum community from day one. There is by far more collaboration than toxic competition in the ecosystem which attracts … talented developers who perpetuate kindness and collaboration."
The Golem Project's communication director, María Paula, told ETHNews that, in general, the Ethereum community is incredibly inclusive. This is something she works hard to facilitate. She tries to bridge the communication gap between technocrats and your average person. In other words, she helps people outside the incredibly narrow crypto space see the value in it, and she also helps increase awareness within the tech space of social and political issues like gender inclusivity and sexual diversity.
When I asked her if she ever felt othered as a woman in the Ethereum space, her answer surprised me: "Not at all. Not once. I have never suffered any disrespect in Ethereum community – not even asked for a date – I have been treated extremely professionally."
Her words were comforting to me. She emphasized the inclusivity and sense of community within the Ethereum culture. "If you have good ideas, and you are helping in the community in a consistent and serious way, then [the Ethereum community] will take you in and stand by you and protect you."
Not My Community, Yet.
Don't get me wrong, I'm new here. Six months ago I hadn't heard of Ethereum, and I am not a developer. This isn't yet my community. But that's actually kind of the point – I feel like it could be. There haven't been many spaces, digital or physical, that have felt like they were built for someone like me.
I'm not one to believe the hype. I've never been much of a joiner. I tend to be deeply skeptical of literally everything. I also believe deeply in human capacity for good, though I do not believe it's our default function or the core of who we are. I believe that to increase goodness in the world, systems must incentivize it - must make the right and good option the easiest option.
Considering that, some days Ethereum feels like it might be for me. Better yet, it feels like a space I could maybe even help shape. I'm even thinking about learning how to code (but that's another story). But the last few months I've just been dipping my toes in. Learning. Reading. Writing. Observing.
But this morning I was surprised my own reactions to what is essentially just a Twitter feud. One person's need to step back from the conversation reflected something of my own fears. But what I think is more interesting than what it says about me, is what it says about the Ethereum community. It tells me that the discourse in the space is sufficiently intelligent, respectful, thoughtful, and tactful that it's been slowly wooing me over. Whispering its sweet little coded philosophies my way, beckoning me with its metaphorical finger. It made me feel – dare I say it – safe.  
Alison is an editor and occasional writer for ETHNews. She has a master’s in English from the University of Wyoming. She lives in Reno with her pooch and a cat she half likes. Her favorite things to do include binge listening to podcasts, getting her chuckles via dog memes, and spending as much time outside as possible.
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