#itamar vieira junior
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In Brazil, a Best-Selling Novel Confronts the Brutal Afterlife of Slavery
Crooked Plow made Itamar Vieira Junior an essential voice in Brazilian letters.

On May 13, 1888, Princess Isabel of Bragança, the heir presumptive to the Brazilian throne, signed a “Golden Law” that freed 700,000 people from slavery in Brazil. The country, which had declared independence from Portugal 66 years earlier, had received close to half of all enslaved Africans brought to the New World by European colonizers. Isabel’s formal declaration of abolition came decades after the precedents set by countries such as Great Britain, which outlawed slavery in 1807; facing pressure in the form of port attacks and slave ship seizures by British forces, Brazil’s parliament passed an 1871 law that freed all children born to enslaved parents (though not guaranteed before they reached the age of 21). But this blanket implementation, and even Isabel’s later decree, did little in the way of truly liberating those upon whose bodies the country’s economy had been built. By the dawn of the 19th century, Portuguese colonizers had shaped Brazil via the vast and often violent industries of coffee and gold in the South and sugar in the Northeast. To maintain this infrastructure, landowners conspired to keep enslaved men and women—most of them from West Africa—unfree. After abolition was implemented, the formerly enslaved were still at the mercy of landowners who would grant them permission to live on their property in exchange for free labor, leaving them indebted to their former employers and without much more freedom than what they’d had before.
First published in Brazil in 2018, and recently translated into English by Johnny Lorenz, Itamar Vieira Junior’s Crooked Plow takes place during the transitional years when freed slaves and their descendants sowed and harvested land that they were prevented from owning. Set in the hinterlands of Bahia’s Chapada Diamantina region in the early 20th century, the novel follows three generations of a family caught between the pull to remain in a familiar system of servitude in exchange for stability, and the post-abolition push toward claiming the land they knew—and loved—better than their former masters.
The book’s success in Brazil exemplifies a trend in the country’s literary landscape toward novels told from the perspective of the historically oppressed. In the past five years, Vieira Junior has been an integral member of a group of Brazilian writers who, in depicting racism and slavery through the viewpoint of racial minorities and enslaved peoples, remind us of Brazil’s painful colonial history while returning agency to those who suffered under its one-sided narration. In the wake of the Bolsonaro presidency, which sanctioned the intrusion on Indigenous territories and denied the prevalence of racism in the country, Viera Junior and his cohort’s mission has been particularly remarkable; by reimagining Brazil’s past, these writers are committing themselves to reimagining what Brazil can become.
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#brazil#brazilian politics#politics#antiracism#books#itamar vieira junior#crooked plow#mod nise da silveira#image description in alt
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A histĂłria de Torto Arado começa com as irmĂŁs Bibiana e BelonĂsia, que vivem no sertĂŁo baiano, um local marcado pela seca, pela luta constante pela
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Leuchtende Prosa: Jenny Erpenbeck gewinnt International Booker Prize
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt mit Jenny Erpenbeck eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize fĂĽr internationale Literatur.
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize für internationale Literatur. Die Jury unter dem Vorsitz der kanadischen Schriftstellerin Eleanor Wachtel zeichnet die englische Übersetzung von Erpenbecks letztem Roman »Kairos« aus. Die Hälfte des mit 50.000 Euro dotierten Preises geht an den Übersetzer Michael…

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#David Diop#David Grossman#Geetanjali Shree#Georgi Gospodinov#Hang Kang#Hwang Sok-yong#IA Genberg#Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk#International Booker Prize#Itamar Vieira Junior#Jenny Erpenbeck#Jente Posthuma#Jokha Alharthi#Lucas Rijneveld#Michael Hofmann#Olga Tokarczuk#Selva Almada
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#itamar vieira junior#trechos de livro#excertos#frases de livros#coletânea de palavras#prosa verso e arte#templo cultural delfos#livros#quotes#citações
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"Mas continha o querer, me lembrava [...] da minha timidez rude, arisca, que me fazia selvagem e me afastava as pessoas"
Belonisia em Torto Arado - Itamar Vieira Junios
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Cada mulher sabe a força da natureza que abriga na torrente que flui de sua vida.
Torto Arado – Itamar Vieira Junior
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​Crooked Plow: A Novel
By Itamar Vieira Junior.
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Na teia do esquecimento, a memória se faz de doses iguais de verdade e de imaginação.
Itamar Vieira Junior (Salvar o fogo)
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Itamar Vieira Junior se solidifica como uma importante voz da literatura brasileira contemporânea
Itamar Vieira Junior, nascido em 1979 em Salvador, Bahia, Ă© uma notável figura literária contemporânea do Brasil, cuja escrita hábil e sensĂvel aborda quest��es sociais, culturais e histĂłricas. Sua obra, marcada por uma prosa poĂ©tica e narrativas multifacetadas, contribui para o panorama vibrante da literatura brasileira atual. Impacto e Reconhecimento:Vieira Junior emergiu como um autor…

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Jenny Erpenbeck fĂĽr International Booker Prize nominiert
Jenny Erpenbeck hat es mit ihrem Übersetzer Michael Hofmann auf die Shortlist des International Booker Prize geschafft. Die Berliner Autorin ist in der englischsprachigen Welt sehr erfolgreich, manche sehen in ihr bereits die kommende Nobelpreisträgerin.
Die Autorin Jenny Erpenbeck hat es mit ihrem englischen Übersetzer Michael Hofmann auf die Shortlist für den International Booker Prize geschafft. Die Berlinerin ist in der englischsprachigen Welt äußerst erfolgreich, manche sehen in ihr bereits eine kommende Nobelpreisträgerin. Mit dem renommierten Preis wird der beste Roman aus dem nicht englischsprachigen Ausland ausgezeichnet. Continue…

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#Alfred Döblin#Annie McDermott#Barbara Mesquita#Christian Hansen#David Diop#David Grossman#Durs Grünbein#Ernst Jünger#featured#Franz Kafka#Geetanjali Shree#Georgi Gospodinov#Hang Kang#Hans Fallada#Herta Müller#Hwang Sok-yong#IA Genberg#International Booker Prize#Irmgard Keun#Itamar Vieira Junior#Jenny Erpenbeck#Jente Posthuma#Johnny Lorenz#Jokha Alharthi#Joseph Roth#Kira Joseffson#Lucas Rijneveld#Michael Hofmann#Olga Tokarczuk#Sarah Timmer Harvey
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#itamar vieira junior#coletânea de palavras#templo cultural delfos#excertos#citações#quotes#trechos de livros#prosa verso e arte#livros#literatura
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"[...] Vou cuidar de seu cabelo", disse com os olhos iluminados. Eram os gestos a substituĂrem as palavras de um vocabulário onde verbos como "amar" inexistiam.
Salvar o fogo - Itamar Vieira Junior
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