#italian motogp
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anitalianfrie Ā· 10 months ago
Hi hi Iā€™m relatively new to MotoGP so I donā€™t know if you maybe made a post about this before already but! Whatā€™s the accent variety like in the Italian lads? Bc I learnt Italian for a year and I loooveee love picking apart accents and silly lil language things but Iā€™m just not used enough to spoken Italian to identify any variation from the standard. Iā€™ve been told tho that Bez has a notable accent but do any of the others as well?šŸ¤”
accents ask accents ask stay calm! (sorry i am. very passionate about accents) also disclaimer: i am very much not an expert! i'm just having fun here
okay so, all the italian riders (that are important to me) come from one of these three places: Emilia-Romagna, more specifically Romagna, even more specifically near Rimini*; Lazio, more specifically from Rome; Piemonte, more specifically from around Turin.
*only exception is dovi who was born a leedle more in the inland. but only a leedle.
Here's a map where I have circled the zones of interest
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(yes the circle around Turin is enormous it's because I'm not searching on google maps the minuscule ass place cele lived in)
You can hear the Romagnolo accent in Bez, Vale, Enea, Luca, Dovi, Mig, with various degree of intensity. Luca is probably the one with the less strong accent, but it's still very identifiable. There are of course still some differences in the way they speak (i noticed that for some reason Vale tends to open his e more than bez, sometimes making a āŸØɛāŸ© sound rather than a āŸØeĢžāŸ© sound). Their accent is caractherized mainly by the way they say the s, the z and the c, that they tend to almost hiss. Here's an example of Bez saying his surname, and somebody from another region saying it. (first the person with the other accent, then bez)
In the audio you can also hear the e thing i was talking about: in Romagna they tend to close it more then they do in some other places in the north (for example the other guy is from Lombardia)
Between all of them, Bez's accent is probably the strongest. I once said that hearing him talk feels like being slapped in the face by a piadina, and I will repeat it.
Both Franco and Diggia are from Rome, but to be honest, Franky's accent is almost unperceptible. Really difficult to clock. Diggia has a stardard Rome accent, but not that strong. People from Rome have a very distinct accent (and also probably one of the easiest to do) characterized by the frequent use of dialectal terms. You can hear it for example in the c and g, that tend to be a bit more guttural, and the l tends to become a r. Also, due to the dialect thing, they tend to cut the verbs: for example fare becomes fa', andare becomes anda'.
For the Piemontese accent, we encounter a slight problem: I am also from Piemonte, and therefore it's harder for me to clock how strong the accent is. The main thing that you can hear about this accent is the o, that tends to become more of a ou. Prime example in this baby cele clip, when he says 'porte'. Adorable. Also, around Turin they tend to close the e (while we, from the secret location i'm blogging from, tend to open them). People from Piemonte also tend to say 'neh' a lot, but I don't have clips of Cele saying it because it's quite informal. I might try do to a deep dive later. And I can't say much more about this accent because as I said, I can't really hear it.
You might have noticed that pecco is nowhere to be found in the list up until now. That's because his accent INFURIATES me. He's from Piemonte but doesn't have the accent, and instead has a slight Romagnolo accent. Here's a clip from this year's Sanremo that made me cry in pain.
Another thing you might have noticed is that the guys from the northen regions (Emilia-Romagna and Piemonte) will frequently put an article in front of people's names, even if grammatically incorrect. Il Cele. Il Bez. Il Pecco. L'Enea. Il Vale. We just do that. You will not catch Diggia ever saying it, because people from the centre and south of italy just don't. do it.
I hope this was somewhat idk. interesting? useful? if you have some more questions do ask i love to talk about these things
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legomotogp Ā· 9 months ago
Bagnaia Mengguncang Arena: Sprint Race MotoGP Mugello 2024
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auss2egr2t Ā· 3 months ago
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some moto sketches :3333
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anitalianfrie Ā· 1 month ago
If you're more of an audio learner than a reading one (or if English phonetics written down sound confusing to you like the do to me):
if I see ONE MORE PERSON writing ā€œdigiā€ or ā€œdigiaā€ Iā€™m going to personally find your address and nuke itšŸ©·
itā€™s DIGGIA double G and a final A itā€™s not rocket science
And the I is NOT to be pronounced, it ā€˜s just there because it makes the G ā€œsweetā€ when saying the word, meaning itā€™s not a harsh sound like the one you pronounce when you say the G in ā€œgameā€ but itā€™s how youā€™d pronounce the J in ā€œjustā€
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myrquez Ā· 10 months ago
so youā€™re telling me bezz told sky sport that he made a little mistake during the sprint bc he saw that ā€œmarc was coming to catch himā€. he said that he was trying to focus on martin, but he knew marc was getting closer and closer and then he fucked it up
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( ā€œehi bezz your crush is here act normalā€ bezz: fall off his bike )
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batsplat Ā· 4 months ago
Wait whatā€™s the tea on Valentinoā€™s sleep patterns šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ (fellow insomniac / recent motogp fan always looking for more representation)
oh yeah, if you're looking for representation for poor sleeping habits you've very much come to the right place. his sleep patterns are pretty remarkable you have to say. way too nocturnal for a professional athlete, reliant on naps to get through the race weekend, all power to him for somehow making that work and winning all those titles. pretty sure I've read somewhere that he's still known for doing sim races at ungodly hours these days, just how he lives his life
tbh I can't remember off the top of my head where I'd actually read about his sleeping patterns, but I've cobbled together a decent selection of quotes from the usual sources. the most interesting stuff he's said on the topic is in his autobiography - where he goes into rather a lot of detail about his preference for the night. given that it's quite a lengthy passage, I've chucked it under the cut. he frames his nocturnal inclination as not only suiting his natural body clock better, but also as a way of escaping the rest of the world - of being able to move around in peace and silence and anonymity. plus, he liked to spend his nights in the garage to... *pinches bridge of nose* have some special personal time with his bike, when it was just the two of them. take that as you will
before that, let's just start with a few more general descriptions of his sleeping patterns. from early in his career, jerez 1998 (from oxley's vr files):
The camper only holds two people, but that's okay. I don't like my dad to sleep with me, because when it gets to ten o'clock he starts saying: "Vale, Vale, got to bed!", but I can't go to sleep before one or two. We did share a motorhome in '96 and it made life very, very difficult for me.
and about brno 1999 (from oxley's vr files):
On weekends when I'm not racing, I never go to bed before six or seven on Sunday morning. If it's a party, maybe even later, but going to bed at six in the morning is quite normal for me! Even when I was 14 I used to go to bed at 4am. Quite often I'd be riding around the local minimoto tracks until after midnight! If I go to sleep at 11 or 12 I just lie there, my eyes wide open. Maybe I would be good for 24-hour racing!
and then a few years into his premier class career, valentino says the following (x):
'I have a lot of energy afterĀ 2am,'Ā RossiĀ agreed. 'I like to sleep in the morning. I have some problems at the start of the day.'
we've also got a description of crew chief jb's influence in terms of making sure valentino wasn't slacking off by sleeping in (from oxley's vr files):
Burgess' talents aren't restricted to getting the best out of a 500. The Aussie has been in GPs for decades and knows how to extract the best from riders as well. He expects 100 per cent commitment both on the track and in the pits, and when he doesn't get that, he gives 'em hell. Some other crew chiefs won't do that - they're too overawed by their riders' superstardom. JB laid down the law last summer when late-sleeper Rossi turned up late for practice. Rossi suggested that in future one of the crew should be despatched to his motorhome each morning to make sure he was out of bed. No way, said Burgess, I'll be there to give you your wake-up call. Rossi's not overslept since.
and from 2001, in valentino's own words:
Q: Tell us about your sleeping habits, JB has had to wake you a few times for practice... VR: I never go to bed before 1 o'clock, and there's no limit on when I go to bed, but even when I go to sleep very late I always wake up at 8.30, though when I do wake up I always have a big confusion for the first five minutes, then after that I remember: "Oh fuck, I'm at world grand prix!" So I have a shower and then I'm okay. I never get up too close to riding time because the 500 is a dangerous bike so it's necessary to be awake when you climb aboard. Back in the afternoon after practice at four or five o'clock I'll sleep for another hour.
only semi-related but valentino's also talked about... you know, this generational shift - where the sport has become more professionalised, which is reflected in certain lifestyle changes (from barker's rossi biography):
"The next generation is always stronger. They are more professional, they put more effort in, they make a perfect life, they eat in a good way, they don't drink, they go to sleep early, they train every day from the morning to the night... I come from an era where the riders drank beer and smoked cigarettes!"
also plenty of talk of jet lag obviously... doesn't struggle with it too much headed westwards because he says he basically lives on american time anyway. the other direction is tougher, but in his youth he decided that he might as well try to continue living on italian time. so he essentially went racing at 5 in the morning (about phillip island 1998, from oxley's vr files):
I don't have a problem with jet lag, I always sleep. Last year in Indonesia I stayed on Italian time for the whole grand prix - so I was racing at five in the morning! But the difference is too great to do that in Australia.
how on earth are you racing motorcycles like that. mind you, he won that 1997 indonesia race
so yeah. king of disordered sleeping. given the nature of motogp schedules and how they do kind of require you to actually get up in the mornings, congrats to him for being remotely functional during race weekends. crazy how he even won the odd race
and here's the autobiography passage:
My day, usually, begins in the afternoon. Itā€™s as if I exist inside my own personal time zone. I live atĀ night, because I love theĀ night. Now, this might make you think I do goodness-knows-what in the wee hours, or that I donā€™t live the life of a professional athlete. Itā€™s true, I donā€™t live the life of an athlete in the traditional sense ā€” early to bed, early to rise and all that ā€” but this does not mean that Iā€™m not careful about what I eat and drink or that I donā€™t train. In fact, I train a lot, both in the gym and on the bike. Itā€™s just that I go to the gym in the afternoon, rather than the morning. Equally, when Iā€™m training on the bike, down at the quarry, I always go in the afternoon, never at nine o'clock in the morning. My body has a certain type of metabolism. It is used to living according to a different body clock. Thatā€™s why, even if Iā€™m travelling all over the world, I donā€™t experience jet lag and I rarely go to bed before 3 a.m. Itā€™s much more likely that Iā€™m just tucking into bed as people are leaving for work. As I say, I have a special relationship with theĀ night. I like moving in it, living in it, thinking in it, relaxing in it. TheĀ nightĀ fascinates me, because itā€™s the period of least confusion. The world calms down, it goes quiet. And, besides, Iā€™m Valentino Rossi. Iā€™m wanted... I'm a fugitive. Yes, Iā€™m always running away from my _ beloved countrymen. The Italians. Iā€™m proud to be Italian, I'm proud of our merits and I regret ourĀ shortcomings. Italians are exceptional people. In every way. Even when they start loving you. Because thatā€™s actually when problems can arise ā€” if itā€™s you that the Italian falls in love with. Italian people are warm, empathetic,Ā spontaneous. But they can also be excessive, oppressive and disrespectful. I donā€™t know who said that Italians will forgive everything except for success. Whoever it was, they were right. Because itā€™s absolutely true. After the 1997 season, I could tell I was becoming popular. Year after year, that popularity turned into fully fledged love. Theyā€™re in love with me now and, as a result, since the 2004 season, Iā€™ve been a man on the run. And thereā€™s no escape, no end in sight, because wherever I go they find me. There are simple things, the little pleasures in life, which I simply canā€™t engage in when Iā€™m back in Italy. I canā€™t go to the bar and have aĀ cappuccino, because I would not be able to drink it. To be fair, I can do it in Tavullia, but that's the only place. If I go more than a few kilometres in any direction from the centre of town, that's it, everything changes and I become, once again, a hunted man. I canā€™t walk into a store, look at something and decide what I want to buy. In fact, I canā€™t stop anywhere, not even at aĀ petrolĀ station. If I stop, Iā€™m screwed. Somebody will recognise me (Italians are exceptionally good at recognising people), make a lot of noise, call other people and then, before I know it, Iā€™ve been swallowed up by the crowd. If I schedule a meeting with someone, we have to meet in a secret, out-of-the-way location and, even then, we can't linger. I can't go to a restaurant if there are too many people inside. And if I do go, I can't go at a normal time, say eight o'clock. I have to go later, much later, when people are leaving. And I can't sit where I like, I have to hide away in a corner, in the shadows. As for places like cinemas or the beach, forget about it. They are just always off-limits.
Having said that, I do mix with people. I do it because I like doing it. Itā€™s just that I wish I could do it as a normal person, because, deep down, I am a normal human being. This is part of the reason why I have to live at night. It would be that much tougher during the day, with all those people about. Plus, I donā€™t like the traffic, the chaos, the noise, all those people running all over the place, stressed out and out of breath. The night is different. Everything is softer, there are fewer people around and you are much more free. Itā€™s like aĀ parallelĀ dimension. The world is different at night. Everything is different. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve assimilated the lyrics of a song by the Italian artist Jovanotti, ā€œGente. della notteā€ (ā€œPeople of the nightā€). It has become my personal anthem. Jovanotti is one of my favourite singers and I find myself agreeing with him on most things. I love his work. What else can I say? TheĀ nightĀ is my reality. And I donā€™t change just because Grands Prix are scheduled during the day. My way of being and living is reflected in what I do during races. I donā€™t really change. Obviously, I donā€™t go to bed at dawn, but letā€™s just say that when I do, finally, go to bed, there arenā€™t many people around. Everything is better atĀ nightĀ in the paddock. There is silence, the people _ have disappeared and, with them, the chaos. I can wander around freely, most of all I can enjoy the empty pit area and my bike. Yes, my bike. Because atĀ nightĀ I often slip into the team garage. At some races I do it every singleĀ night, because I love being with my bike. MyĀ night-time activities can be traced back to the years racing in 125cc, and are directly tied to my passion for aesthetics and the stickers, which would later become my obsession. I donā€™t leave anything to chance'when it comes to choosing the colour or the stickers for my bike. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve always been central to any and all discussions when we were deciding the aesthetics of my racing bikes. Iā€™ve done it always, with every bike, at every level, with every team. And, naturally, I still do it today. Nobody has ever been allowed to attach a single sticker to my bike, unless it was the logo of a technical sponsor. Until a few years ago I was totally inflexible about this. Now, Roby takes care of the number: he attaches it because then he needs to cover it in transparent paint. But apart - from -this, which is primarily a technical procedure anyway, I take care of everything else to do with the stickers. And this takes time and planning, which is why I started going to the garage atĀ night. During the day it is packed with people. There are mechanics, technicians and others around. I would just get in the way, if I wanted to get near the bike just to check the stickers. As I got older and progressed from 125 to 250 and then to 500 and on to MotoGP, I maintained that passion for aesthetics and stickers, as well as the habit of dropping in on the team garage atĀ night. I enjoy the bike during the day _ obviously, but my relationship with the bike is so special that I can spend hours with it, just looking and admiring it, making sure that everything is in order. Those are very personal moments which I find difficult to describe. The Japanese guys, both the executives but also the engineers never knew this, not the guys at Honda, not the ones at Yamaha. I donā€™t think they would really understand. They would probably view it as a waste of time, since I donā€™t actually do anything concrete. I never touch anything to do with the bike itself, beyond, obviously, the stickers. And yet I find it hard to explain to an engineer that I enjoy simply being near the bike, even when Iā€™m not doing anything. Itā€™s a complicated concept to explain: the risk is that people will think that you're crazy.
During the day everything happens so quickly, frenetically,Ā neurotically. However, there is a sacrosanct moment when I need to step away and isolate myself. Once my commitment to the team is over, usually around 5.30 p.m., I retire to my motorhome, relax and take a nap. It usually lasts a couple hours and then I go out. Thereā€™s always something to do after dinner. Of course, the range of options depends on how many friends are around. I really start enjoying the paddock around ten o'clock atĀ night. Before going to sleep I check on the bike again and then I go into the team motorhome, which serves as an office. Now that Iā€™m at Yamaha, I have an office all to myself. Thatā€™s where I keep all my race gear. I do this for two reasons. My own personal motorhome is an absolute mess, nothing more fits in there and I probably couldnā€™t find anything amid all the junk. Plus, the office is where I change into my racing suit before going out on to the track. Thus, atĀ night, after going to the pits to see the bike, I go to make sure that all my stuff is where it should be: gloves, suit, socks, boots . . . everything needs to be perfect, because I just donā€™t have time in the morning to hunt around for stuff. Thus, each morning I have to follow a very precise routine. Iā€™m like a robot, everything is the same each day. Because the truth is that I need to be likeĀ clockwork. I just donā€™t have the time to think. Somebody generally comes to wake me up ā€” usually itā€™s Jeremy, because he doesnā€™t trust my ability to wake up on my own! I then get up, wash my face (my eyes are still shut at this point) and try to stay awake as I ride the scooter from the motorhome to the pits. I then go up to the office and get dressed. There too everything is done mechanically. It takes the slightest hiccup to throw everything off, forcing me to be late to the testing.
"I find it hard to explain to an engineer that I enjoy simply being near the bike, even when Iā€™m not doing anything. itā€™s a complicated concept to explain: the risk is that people will think that you're crazy" well -
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jam-packed Ā· 1 month ago
marc saw that old man and said "is anyone gonna fuck that guy?" and didnt wait for an answer
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moonshynecybin Ā· 3 months ago
i think the vr46 academy would thrive in an alternate universe where they are ghost hunters running a youtube series iā€™m being so serious. pecco too serious comma the leader slash lore guy. luca tech/skeptic/dry humor forever. bezz SCARED lil loverboy constantly like did u guys Feel That over the wind barging into dark rooms at night like i donā€™t even care man. and then he starts yelling. cele mouth open tripping over things tetanus shot literally teflon by necessity and somehow has the most ghost interactions consistently. mig camera. franky drives the van and reads a book while they film
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anitalianfrie Ā· 7 months ago
did young vale have an accent/lisp?Ā i only know a little italian but in that michelangelo plushie clip it sounded so much like he was saying "shi fa shempre" which was endearing icl
that's not a lisp, but the romagnolo accent! enea also has it quite strong, as well as bez and mig. they tend to hiss the s, the z and the c
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bikefuckersoftheworldunite Ā· 4 months ago
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valentino and sete at the pre event presser at assen 2004
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grrlferrari Ā· 18 days ago
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late afternoon in Buriram šŸ‡¹šŸ‡­
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fastianini Ā· 4 months ago
imagine the scenes tomorrow. jorge leads the race. peccoā€˜s p2 which means the championship will go into the last round. but then BAM! oh! here comes marc marquez! he overtakes pecco and pecco LOSES the championship because p3 wonā€˜t be enough. the drama. the scenes. the speculation. the serving of cunt. italy will hate marc even MORE. oh i am gaaagged i fear
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kwisatzworld Ā· 2 months ago
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The original copy of the traffic ticket: Valentino Rossi receiving a 200mph speeding ticket at Mugello, a joke due to Honda's top speed which was higher than most manufacturers, 2002.
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untuffonelpassato Ā· 2 months ago
Girovagando per il mondo
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jam-packed Ā· 3 months ago
hehehehehe got a book full of casey stoner pics from 2007 this is awesome
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imeriayapping Ā· 3 months ago
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(After casey visit to ranch)
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