#it's very dated since it's often jokes about hipsters
disgruntleddemon · 10 months
The thing about Be Cool Scooby Doo is that it really knows how to lean into the often repetitive and formulaic nature of sd media. It's definitely a show that enjoys playing with sd tropes without feeling too mean spirited when pointing it out.
Similar to phineas and ferb, the repetition works really well for the comedy aspect. It's all about running gags, even if the episodes usually work as standalone
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melodrangea · 11 months
Nicknames Soul Eaters Boys call their S/O
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Soul “Eater” Evans
he says this extremely sarcastically, especially during training
“C’mon sweetheart, is that all you got? I saw you lift twice as much yesterday.”
often uses it in a more formal setting or when he’s trying to tease
“What’s the matter doll? Cat got your tongue?”
He’s a little menace but he’s our menace <3
most common out of the three
you name DOES NOT exist to this man
no name, no nickname, nothing
“Babe can I borrow your notes. Babe where do you wanna go later? BABE”
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Black Star
n/n or another variation of you name
doesn’t really use pet names much (sorry babes)
why words words on pet names? he’s way too blunt and if he’s feeling something he’ll just say it, not waste time on fancy words or pet names
(that’s what he tells himself being fr he’s not creative enough as much as I love him)
mostly used around friends (this dumbass thinks he’s being smug)
“hey babe wasn’t going out yesterday awesome? I mean since we’re so inlove and everything.”
the little shit would make your relationship EVERYONE ELSE’S problem (no one is safe 😭)
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Death the Kid
this pretentious hipster
is fairly consistent with the pet names he uses but darling is his favorite
“Darling can you please pass me that book there?”
“Are you alright darling?”
my dear
uses this one without realizing it most of the time
will be chilling in the library studying and will half-consciously call for you
“are you almost done?”
“just a few minutes more my dear, then we can go”
you chuckled, “what did you call me”
“what do you mean, what did I call you?”
Kid is a romantic at heart, very classy as well
he would stare into your eyes and call you love
“my love you have no clue how much I love you.”
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Crona Gorgon
you would call him honey bunny as a joke and he loved it so he started calling you honey
would always have the cutest blush in his face when he said it too
“o-oh thank you honey :)” (cutie patootie 💋)
would definitely take him a while to start calling this, but when he does 🤌💋
“are you alright if we stay a little longer dear? It’s been a while since we’ve seen the others”
being fr this poor soul would be TERRIFIED to call you something other than your name or a variation for A WHILE
his brains running six times the speed 🏃🏼
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Professor Stein
this sadistic mf
i pray for anyone dating this man
but we can be delulu for a few
would absolutely call you dove or some other kind of bird
reminds him of how he protects you like your a delicate bird (and he likes experimenting on birds if yk what i mean 😏)
ngl he only calls you angel when he’s horny asf in a good mood
“hey angel, can you come here for a bit?”
only time your safe if when he calls you honey
mostly calls you this when you’re having a bad day
this is a warning, this man will accidentally hurt your feelings 24/7
“You doing alright there honey? You want to talk about it?”
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Kilik Rung
fuck not being allowed to have favorites I LOVE THIS BITCH
only fully green flag in the show i stg (except Marie ofc)
he will call you every single pet name he can come up with, but love bug is his favorite
neither of you know how it started but you’re not complaining
“You’re too sweet for me lovebug” <33
ya see what i did there? ofc he combines his two favorite things: you and those damn candy bars
“This class is so boring, right sweets?”
will calls you sweets often to express thanks kinda like a “thanks toots”
getting more into that
he thinks he’s funny (and he is)
will say this very ironically and usually infront of friends to make everyone laugh
the only slightly annoying quality abt Kilik is his inability to take anything other than combat seriously
“hey toots, how’s it goin’?”
but you cannot tell me this man is not from New Orleans or some other adjacent
and the hon with the southern-ish accent
being so fr he will call you hon all the time and it will fluster tf out of you (he’s smug abt it, just a little 🤏
“You look nice, who are you all dressed up for hun?”
woo hoo first post!
anyways hope y’all are doing great
any comments, questions, requests or concerns feel free to DM me!
-Melodrangea <3
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waywardstarfishkid · 6 months
Outragiously long and stupid rant incoming!
I like never make posts on here but I wanted to scream into the void about heartbreak high. Since s1 I've seen like really strange takes and half the time I'm like is it because people don't know how Australian school is different or is it a lack of critical thinking.
Like in s1 I only saw people either hating or loving spider and don't get me wrong either of those is valid but the way people were explaining it was strange to me.
For me I didn't like spider but not because he was some unrepeatable arsehole I actually think he was a great representation of a lot of Australian guys I knew growing up. Like he says dumb shit but then when things are serious he does the right thing like he helped malakai with the cop (then said fucking stupid things after) and he helped amerie at the festival, he wanted to help harper and let her in even though it would mean he and American would have to stop hooking up.
In comparison I swore people liking dusty who in my eyes was way worse than spider. He acted all woke like he said the right things and then did shitty things like shaming harper and deciding to frame jojo.
Like theyrr both shit but I would trust spider with my drink over but maybe not dusty.
Then ant I understand if you like ant and spider together but I think people maybe don't understand how touchy guys are with each other in Australia. Like gay straight bi whatever guy friends hang off each other and I think it's actually healthy to show that. I also saw someone complaining about spider and ant doing gay shit but only as a joke but I never saw that like I don't think any of it was a joke it just wasn't gay. Like spider calling him pet names them cuddling and stuff is just affection which is actually great especially for men who often don't know how to have affection that's not sexual.
Also can we agree that ant just doesn't care about the gender he's hooking up with like I don't think he's bi I think he's just into who he's into (is that pansexual? Sorry).
I was a bit disappointed with all the bisexual characters ending up in straight relationships but that's mostly because I really wanted an ant malakai and I liked Rowan Malaysia before it went to shit. But at the same time I dont like how people critiquing it often feels like Bi erasure. Like I'm a bi woman whos first gay relationship ended because my gf (lesbian) cheated on me with a lesbian because she constantly thought I was cheating on her with my guy friends and for a long time I just dated guys because I didnt know many bi women and lesbian girls kept being horrified that I would go near a dick (not all of them my ex was very understanding and actually encouraged me to embrace my sexualising when I was just a baby bi) but my point is I totally understand how having a straight relationship when bi can actually be more understanding (at least in mine and my friends experiences) and it's totally valid even though the relationship is straight.
Also people angry about not as much quinni (I agree more quinni she and cash are my loves) I'm actually happy they took a back-seat with her on the relationship front like her and Sasha were a big deal/quinnis first relationship and I think it wouldve really messed quinni up with how it ended. I also love that they're not just centring her storyline around being the gay girl you know like she I a multifaceted queen.
Also for the Sasha redemption, I get why people are calling for it but unlike spider and dusty like Sasha didn't really do anything wrong (except for how she treated quinni but they talked at the end of s1 and seem to be moving to a place of good friendahip) shes mostly just annoying and pretentious like the other idiots actually fuvked up. I don't really want a Sasha redemption I just want to see more of her character make her a bit less of a two dimensional hipster, which I honestly think they only didn't fo because they had a lot of characters to juggled Sasha had to take a back-seat so Missy could shine (and I love Missy so I'll allow it also her and malakais friendship means everything to me the indigenous representation that shows not just the aspects of country and family but also shows them as fully formed characters I LOVE)
Sorry for the obscenely long rant this is just all my thoughts from s1 and s2 so ignore it by all means and also if you disagree that's fine and you are probably right lol.
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pilot-boi · 2 years
Tbh…. Any of ur ocs…….. if u want to…. I would like to see them. TALK ABT THEM.
Oh Nolan… Nolan today you have given me a GIFT
Ramblings about my OCs under the cut, because I have MANY thoughts, head full
First of all, all of my OCs are in highschool in the American school system, Junior or sophomore year. This is also the age when I first made them, so they’ve got a lot of me in them. They also were all originally Homestuck OCs that were based on some of my friends, but they have since shifted away from that
Anita is a short Chinese American girl. She’s got round red glasses and long black hair, and generally doesn’t put up with the nonsense of her friends. She’s dating Emerald and mostly is considered the dad friend of the group. She moved to the town about a year or two before after an accident at her old school made her family have to move. She uses ASL to communicate after the accident left her unable to speak. Because of said accident, she generally prefers non-physical confrontations
Nick is a tall relatively well built Irish boy. He’s got rectangular glasses, short ginger hair, and a truly outrageous amount of freckles. He’s a running back on the school football team and he’s dating Anthony. He has a big family and he lives with them on their rabbit farm a few miles out of town. His family is fairly conservative and only his older brother knows that he’s gay, so his relationship with Anthony has to remain visibly platonic at his home. He has issues with his temper and is easily riled into anger by his friend’s stupid bits
Demetri is a VERY short Northern European mixed girl. She currently has short fluffy blonde hair that used to be long and up in pigtails, a stupid amount of freckles, and big blue eyes. She’s transgender, amab, and she still goes by her birth name because her parents are a pair of abusive assholes. Her hair was longer early in the story, but her parents cut it when they found out. She’s mostly a precious cinnamon roll sunshine child, and her boyfriend Nero loves her dearly
Nero is an average height Italian-Native American mixed boy. He’s got curly auburn hair that you see zero amount of the time because he constantly wears a baseball hat. He’s gender fluid but generally goes by he/him pronouns. He’s that friend that uses memes and humor to lighten the mood and distract from any problems he might be going through. He’s got an older brother, and an older sister who died before the story began
Emerald is a tall Haitian/African American girl. She has kinky black hair that she styles into an Afro style and bright green eyes. She’s not really one of the popular kids, but she’s one of those kids that the popular kids respect. She generally dresses in pretty old fashioned clothes alla the 70’s 80’s. She’s dating Anita and is DEFINITELY the mom friend in the group. Like she legit Carrie’s a first aid kit in her bag. She’s been friends with Anthony since before they can both remember and she learned first aid because of him
Anthony is a tall scrawny European mutt, but he’s culturally Italian. He wears thick square glasses that he replaces often because they keep breaking. He has short fluffy brown hair and teal eyes. He is very openly gay, and this gets him pretty badly bullied by some of Nick’s teammates. He’s a meme boy similar to Nero, but he mostly uses his jokes to distract his friends from worrying about his injuries. He looks VERY twinkish and is incredibly accident prone
Cecilia is a very tall Puerto Rican girl. She has thick framed hipster glasses. Half of her head is shaved and the other half is long and curly dark brown. She pretends to hate most of the others and the only one she’ll admit to liking is Demetri. Legit very depressed, she’s the classic high school loner who makes “I want to die” jokes that don’t sound like jokes. She knows everyone and everything and mostly just broods in the back of the room on her phone and pipes up with comments that are concerningly accurate
Lena is African-American, although she has some Scottish from her mom’s side. She has naturally burnt orange hair that she has in purple dyed dreads. She’s a cheerleader for the football team but she’s also in like a million other sports as well. She’s that person who wears shorts and tank tops no matter how cold it is. She has a friendly rivalry with Nick and delights in getting him pissed off. Her family owns the town’s aquarium and she can’t wait for her older sister to take over the company so she can stop pretending to care about it. She regularly gets into fights to defend her friends’ honor, and insists that she’s Cecilia’s best friend
That’s all of my kids! I can post pictures of them if any of y’all are interested. And if y’all have questions go ahead and ask me, I’d love to talk about them more
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wooyunhwa · 4 years
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Genre: smut, fluff, humorous undertones
Pairing: barista!san & barista!wooyoung x fem!reader
Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: idk just a lot of smut scenes, semi-public sex (in a bathroom), minor pet play (san discovers he’s furry trash), threesome with san and wooyoung but they’re not gay for each other, mild food play (whipped cream) 
Synopsis: How do you choose between two cute baristas competing for your attention? The short answer: you don’t. 
A/N: This one starts wholesome and gets wild. I have a problem with writing San with a furry kink oops,, anyway there’s three separate smut scenes in this so strap in and enjoy the ride~ this was so much fun to write and I hope it’s just as fun to read! Comments are appreciated as always <3 
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You paid for your coffee, taking your debit card back from the cashier with a polite nod and a “thank you.” He smiled warmly, flashing his brilliant teeth as he tore off the little piece of paper from the printer. 
“Receipt?” he asked. 
“Sure,” you replied. 
His name was San, which you knew from his nametag. You had come to that particular cafe enough that you were pretty familiar with everyone. You took it, smiling back at him. It could have been your imagination, but lately it seemed like his gaze had been lingering on you. He would make eye contact for a little longer than necessary when you ordered, or smile a little too much when handing you your coffee, or maybe not, and it was all just in your head. You kinda hoped it wasn’t, because he was really, really cute. 
You’d been coming to that coffee shop since earlier in the summer, sporadically at first, but midterms coming up meant you really had to buckle down on trying to tame your workload. You kinda regretted taking summer classes at first, but it was nice to have the coffee shop all to yourself in the evenings, unlike in the fall when it was packed with students. It was so quiet, in fact, that the employees had shut the lights off and almost closed up once when they hadn’t noticed you were still inside. It wasn’t strange for you to be the last customer left in the cafe, especially since you’d been staying late to study more often.
You set your laptop up in your usual spot—the corner seat with the outlet. It was cozy and out of the way, and relatively free of distractions. Well, relatively meaning there was still a very cute barista shooting glances your way, and you tried your best to keep your eyes glued to your screen as you typed out your essay for your literature class. But you couldn’t help but peek in his direction every now and then.
“Y/N?” a voice called. It was Wooyoung’s voice, not San’s. Wooyoung was the other cute barista who worked there, and honestly, you’d kinda had your eye on both of them for a while. It wasn’t unusual for them to be working at the same time, but most nights it was either one or the other. He gave you a sweet smile as you thanked him and took the cup back to your seat. 
Next to your name was a smiley face and some cute flower doodles, and you grinned at the fact that he’d gone out of his way to make your coffee cup look special. Wooyoung always drew a cute little design next to your name, sometimes including phrases like “have a good day!” or “you rock!” or even a short little joke. You often wondered if he did that for other customers, or if he was doing it to flirt with you. Which you kinda hoped was the case, to be honest. He had a playful, sexy charm about him, and you often wondered how a person could make an apron look so hot. 
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The next day, you were working diligently when you noticed San slide into the empty seat across from you as you worked. You looked up from your coffee, startled, but moved your laptop out of the way to give him some room. 
“What’cha studying?” he asked, grinning as he leaned over to peek at your screen. 
“Oh—uh, just studying for midterms, nothing too exciting,” you said, taking a shy sip of your coffee. He was even more beautiful up close, his smile almost too dazzling for words. He ran a hand through his pale blonde hair, turning his head to glance out the window, and you marvelled at the cut of his jawline as he tipped his chin up slightly. He turned back, meeting your stare warmly. 
“Is it ok if I sit here? I can move, I don’t wanna bother you—“
“No, not at all!” you said a little too quickly. “Actually, I was just about to take a break from studying.”
“Oh, nice! I’m on break, too,” he said, a warm smile still plastered across his face. You tried your best not to stare, but it was futile. 
“I’m Y/N,” you said instinctively. 
He laughed. “Yeah, I know. I take your coffee order every day!” 
Your face felt red hot. Something about looking at how gorgeous he was made your brain short-circuit. 
“But while we’re introducing ourselves, I’m San,” he said seriously before breaking into a smile. He extended his hand for a cheesy handshake.Your heart fluttered a bit at how charming he was.
 “I know, I order coffee from you every day,” you teased back. 
You chatted for a while, exchanging flirtatious quips with each other. The time seemed to fly by and you noticed him glancing at the clock nervously. 
“Shit, I gotta get back to work,” he sighed, lifting himself up from the table, his toned arms flexing beneath the rolled sleeves of his button up. “But hey, here’s my number,” he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket smoothly and slid it across the table. “We should do something this weekend.”
You knew he was being flirtatious, but you didn’t expect him to actually make a move. You wouldn’t say you were unattractive, but this guy felt way out of your league.
You nodded a bit too enthusiastically, flashing a smile. “I’ll call you,” you said, holding the piece of paper up between your fingers. 
He winked, and nodded towards the bar. “You know where to find me.”
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You found yourself at the cafe again the following night, as your workload never seemed to end. Last night, San had given you his number on his break, and you smiled as you got a text from him asking if you were free that weekend. You messaged back and forth for a bit, eventually settling on a plan to meet at a cat cafe on Saturday. 
San wasn’t working that night, but Wooyoung was, and you felt a little strange flirting with him after you’d already given San your number. But he probably didn’t know that, and it’s not like you were dating either of them, so why not? 
Wooyoung called your name when your coffee was ready, and you hopped out of your seat to grab it from the bar. To your surprise, there was no cup to be seen, and you looked up to see Wooyoung holding your drink in his hand with a mischievous smile. 
“Question,” he said. “Why did the coffee file a police report?” 
You looked at him in confusion, trying to come up with a response. 
“Because it was mugged!” he said, grinning at his joke. 
“Ha-ha,” you said sarcastically, but you couldn’t help the smile spreading across your face. “Are you holding my drink hostage?”
“Yes, would you like to hear the conditions?”
“Conditions?” you laughed, raising your eyebrows. 
“Mhm. One: I have another joke, and this time you have to laugh.” Wooyoung dangled the cup of coffee in his fingers, taunting you with it. 
“Ok, I’ll do my best. What’s the second condition?”
“Second condition: you have to text me,” he said, and he turned the cup to show you he’d written his number on one side, surrounded by hearts and winky faces. 
“Ok, deal,” you said, cheeks heating up as you saw the smile spread across his face. He was gorgeous, and undoubtedly charming, how could you say no?
“Alright, why did the hipster burn his tongue?” 
“He drank it before it was cool.” He pushed the cup across the bar to you, and you forced a laugh, taking it from his hand as he stuck his tongue out cheekily. 
You put his number in your phone, sending him a text with an equally cheesy joke you found off google. You heard him laugh when he read it, and you smiled as you continued to type out your essay. 
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[Saturday, 4pm]
It was finally time for your first date, and you arrived at the cat cafe a few minutes early, eager in anticipation. You couldn’t help but think about how cute he was as you waited—you couldn’t believe he’d even asked you out in the first place. Let alone both of them. 
You heard him calling to you and you turned in the direction of his voice as he walked up to meet you by the entrance. “Hey, Y/N! I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.” You shook your head reassuringly. “Shall we go inside? Pretty ladies first,” he said, opening the door for you and flashing you a flirtatious smile. 
You two were seated at your table, and immediately the cats took interest in you, rubbing on your legs and mewing. You admired him as he pet them lovingly. There was nothing more attractive than a man who loved animals. 
He ordered coffee and you opted for tea, and you both split a blueberry scone. The waitress came over with a small basket full of cat toys and accessories to play with, and you grabbed a handful, including a cute little headband with cat ears, which you slid on your head. You started playing with the cat toys when you noticed San’s eyes trained to you—specifically to the cheap cat ears on your head. 
He tipped his head to the side in thought. “Wow, you look really nice in those ears.” 
“Huh, these?” you said, gesturing to the cat ears. “I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing,” you teased jokingly. You noticed his face go red suddenly, and you couldn’t help but blush back. He was looking at you like you were the only other person in existence. 
“You never know,” he joked back, letting out a soft laugh and raising his eyebrow. He was so damn charming.
You spent the rest of the time playing with the kitties at the cafe, and you couldn’t help but marvel at how cute he was. He was the poster child for duality—his good looks were intimidating, and every time you saw him standing there with a straight face, he looked kind of scary, the kind of man you wouldn’t ever have the courage to approach. That is, until he flashed his intoxicating, dimpled smile of his, which immediately put you at ease, his eyes forming into cute crescents as he laughed. 
“Do you have any pets?” He asked, making light conversation as he dangled a toy in front of one of the kittens. 
“Not right now, my apartment doesn’t allow them,” you said dejectedly. “But I really want a dog when I move out.”
“Hey, I have a dog! He’s a Shiba, he’s super sweet. Everyone who meets him falls in love instantly,” he smiled, twirling the cat toy between his fingers. “You could come meet him if you want?” 
You blushed, flustered a bit at the idea of going to his place. But you two were really hitting it off, and you definitely didn’t want the day to end. You nodded eagerly. “I’d really like that.”
He flashed you another big smile, and you were entranced. How could he be so charming?
When you got to his apartment, he immediately introduced you to his dog, Shiber. You laughed at the unexpectedly literal name choice. 
“Shiber the Shiba?” you teased, and he laughed with you about it. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a date go so well, and your cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. 
You ended up settling on the couch to watch a movie, but neither of you were paying attention. Your movie plans had devolved into you talking and laughing with the TV only acting as background noise for your conversation. At one point, your conversation reached its natural conclusion, and you had your eyes trained to his lips, signaling that you wanted him to make a move. He noticed immediately, and scooted himself as close as possible to you, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, like you hadn't just been begging him to with your eyes seconds before. You answered by pressing your lips to his softly, and he reciprocated fervently. You immediately tasted the faint lingering of coffee, and you smiled against his lips. What could be more fitting for a man you’d met at the coffee shop? 
As the kisses began to escalate in intensity, you swung your leg over his and planted yourself firmly in his lap. He pulled you in by the waist, his hands grasping at your shirt eagerly, and you pressed your hips down against his crotch. The sudden pressure caused his breath to hitch in his throat. 
“That feels so good,” he moaned against your lips. 
You took his words as motivation to grind yourself faster and harder against the hard mound growing underneath you, taking pleasure in the moans and grunts escaping him. He grasped hungrily at the fabric of your shirt, practically tearing it off of your body. You were taken aback by his sudden aggression, but welcomed his forwardness as he began kissing and sucking down your neck. 
You pulled back, slipping off of his lap, and planted your knees in the carpet. You began unzipping his pants, and he ran his fingers through your hair in anticipation. 
“Wait,” he said suddenly. You looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. “I keep thinking about something… those cat ears from earlier looked so sexy on you.” 
“I told you you had a cat kink,” you said with a chuckle. 
“I can’t stop thinking about making you my pet. You’d just look so good in ears and a collar,” he said, eyes darkening as he marveled at the sight of you kneeling before him. The way he said it sent shivers down your spine. His voice was so much deeper now, dripping with lust.
“Well you do have a dog,” you joked lightly.
A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head, and he quickly got up and rustled around in the other room for something. When he came back you were still in the same position, and he knelt behind you, leaning in close. 
“Wanna be my pet?” he whispered in your ear, and you giggled, thinking he was still joking. 
“Sounds fun,” you responded.
You were met with the feeling of a vice being tightened around your neck. He was serious? “I’ve always wanted to try something like this,” he mused in your ear, clicking the collar together. “Turn around,” he demanded, and his sudden commanding tone had you melting at his feet. You liked when he was cute, but you might have liked this side of him even more. 
You wasted no time getting your lips around his cock. It was picturesque in every way, and you wanted to savor it. His hands tangled in your hair as he held back from thrusting himself into you, and you took him as deeply as you could into your mouth. You took his dick enthusiastically, pressing your tongue firmly against it as you hollowed your cheeks to suck. You hummed against him, and you felt his fingers tense in your hair as he bucked his hips up needily. You glanced up at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his pleasured expression. The view from beneath him was incredible, and it gave you a chance to marvel at the curve of his jaw from below. “Fuck...” he moaned. You pulled back for a moment to take a breath, your saliva connecting at the tip of his cock, and he let out a pleased sigh at the lewd display. “Good girl,” he praised, patting the top of your head softly. It was cute and hot at the same time, and you didn’t know how that was even possible, but he pulled it off effortlessly.
You resisted the urge to joke around with him—you weren’t in a position to kink shame. 
As he patted your head, you noticed something glistening on the floor next to you. A leash?
“What, are you gonna leash me up now?” you asked playfully, glancing up at him from your submissive position. 
“Well, yeah. I am.” His lips drew up into a devilish smirk as he retrieved the leash from beside you and hooked it on the collar around your neck. You had never done anything like this before, and you couldn’t deny it was kinda hot. You let out a small whimper as he tugged at the chain, testing your reaction. He wrapped his hand around the end of the leash a few times before yanking it gently, drawing you up to your feet. Even though it started as a joke, he was really getting into it, and you couldn’t lie, you were too. 
His finger dragged along the edge of the collar. “God, you look so good in this thing. Come to bed with me.” You wanted to, not that you really had a choice in the matter as he led you by the chain to his bed. 
He shoved you down forcefully onto your stomach, but you bounced back gently against the soft mattress. He slipped off your panties, bringing a finger down between your legs to sample your wetness. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one with a cat kink here,” he teased, pushing one finger inside. It slipped in effortlessly, and you let out a whine at the stimulation. He teased in and out with his finger torturously, twisting it inside you, every so often pushing against your clit to watch you squirm. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. “San, Jesus Christ, just fuck me.”
That was all he needed to hear. He pushed in slowly at first before bottoming out inside of you. He tugged your collar as he pulsed his dick inside you, tugging at your collar, causing you to let out a soft choked moan against the pressure. He grabbed your hips hungrily, pulling your hips back against him impatiently. 
He started to pick up the pace, thrusting rhythmically, one hand holding the leash and the other fisted in your hair. You were entirely overwhelmed in the best way possible. “Harder,” you urged, and his thrusts followed your orders. Your eyes rolled back in your head at the sensation of him inside you, and of course, the high you got from the collar choking around your neck. He pulled out of you and released himself on your lower back with heavy labored breaths. Your body gave out beneath you, causing you to collapse on the bed, waiting for him to bring back a cool cloth to clean you up with. 
After you both had collected yourselves, you flopped into the soft sheets of San’s bed. He sunk into the sheets next to you, and you rolled over to swing a tired arm around his chest.
“Well that was… memorable,” you giggled, and he laughed with you, still riding a high from your orgasm. 
“So I made a good impression?” he joked. 
You melted into his touch as he traced his fingers down your back. You nuzzled your head into the warm crook of his neck, finally starting to feel a bit drowsy from your wild night. 
“Yeah, you made a great one.”
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[Sunday, 9pm]
The buzzer went off in the laser tag arena, signaling the start of the game. Everyone scattered, artificial gun sounds filling the room as you ducked for cover. Glowing barrels leaking “toxic waste” littered the dark room, and you dove behind one, dodging enemy fire with a nimble slide. 
Wooyoung spotted you as you poked your head over the top of the barrel, and he pursued you with a grin, weapon poised to shoot. Lasers discharged from his gun, aiming for the target at the center of your chest, and you squealed and scrambled away.
He chased you, running a full circle around the barricade, and you turned on your heels, shooting him square in the chest. Wooyoung gasped in mock-offense, and you ran away as he raised his gun again. He had insisted on playing for the opposing team so he could whoop your ass, but so far you were winning. 
You chased each other around like that for a while, giggling and shooting lasers at each other, ignoring the other players in favor of your own flirty warfare. He landed a particularly well-placed shot at your gun, and it made a sad little noise and died, lights flickering as it disabled. 
Wooyoung smirked, backing you into a corner, cut off from all the other players by an artificially dilapidated wall. 
“You’re weaponless,” he laughed, nodding his head toward your defunct toy gun. He pressed closer, causing your back to hit the wall, and he brought a hand up to it to cage you there. 
“Please, spare me!” you giggled, your faces just inches apart. Your heart began to beat faster as he leaned in, sliding his arm around your waist, pulling your body against his. 
“Not this time,” he said, and pressed your lips together. You dropped your gun, letting it fall to the carpet as you wrapped your hands around his shoulders, reciprocating the kiss. 
Wooyoung pressed you firmly against the wall, his tongue sliding against yours with a soft sigh. You got way too into it, completely forgetting where you were as the kiss grew more and more heated. His hands came down to squeeze your ass, pulling you even closer against his body, and you were about ready to fuck him right then and there before the buzzer went off once more, snapping you back to reality. 
You both pulled back, startled, then burst into laughter. As you caught your breath, you couldn’t help but stare. He had a beautiful smile, and a contagious laugh that had you doubled over for a second time. 
“We should probably go before they kick us out,” you said breathlessly, picking your gun up from the floor. 
“It was just getting good, too,” he pouted, pulling you in for another quick kiss before leading the way back to the gear room. 
You hung up your vests and put yours guns back, and you were grabbing your purse from the locker when you felt Wooyoung come up behind you. He slid his hands over your waist and leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was around, but you were the last two there, since it had taken you the longest to return. 
“What’s my prize for winning?” he asked, his lips just barely brushing against your neck. 
“Oh, there was a prize?” you teased, and turned around to face him. He had mischief all over his face, and you kinda just wanted to pull him in and pick up where you left off in the arena. 
As if thinking the same thing, he leaned in, pressing your back against the lockers as he sealed your lips together.  The kiss was even more heated than before, and you let your hands wander over his shirt, across the plane of his chest, moving downward to give him a teasing squeeze to the front of his jeans. He groaned against your lips, pulling back just enough to give you a sly smile. 
“Just can’t wait, huh?”
“So what if I can’t?” you said against his lips, and he pressed you harder against the lockers. 
“Dirty, I like it. You want my dick that bad?” 
“Mm, maybe,” you laughed, and he captured your lips again, sliding his hands down to your hips. 
“Why does home have to be so far away,” he whined playfully. 
“I mean… they have a bathroom.” You were joking, but then again, were you?
“A bathroom?” he raised his eyebrows, surprised and also quite impressed at your suggestion. “What goes on in that little head of yours?”
“I guess you’ll see,” you said, grabbing his wrist, sliding out from underneath him to lead him into the single occupant bathroom down the hall. It was pretty late, and most of the employees were up front, so you were able to slip into the bathroom together without being seen. You flipped the lock, pushing Wooyoung against the heavy door as it slammed shut. 
You kissed him hard, palming the bulge forming in his jeans, reveling in the way he moaned against your lips. You were on a roll—two hot baristas in one weekend? You felt a little guilty agreeing to both dates at first, but who could blame you? 
The heart wanted what the heart wanted. Well, maybe not your heart so much...
You sank to your knees, maintaining eye contact as you worked his belt open and pulled down the zipper on his jeans, and he helped you slide his boxers down enough to let his dick spring free. 
You wrapped your hand around his length, jerking it a few times until he bit his lip and tipped his head back against the door. You were in the mood to tease him, for some reason, and it was working. You planted a tiny kiss to the head of his cock, and you heard him sigh above you. 
“Stop torturing me.” 
You giggled, giving the tip of his dick another small peck. Slowly, you wrapped your lips around it, giving the slit a little flick with your tongue, and he groaned in the back of his throat. You took more of it, letting it sink deeper into your mouth, curling your hand around what you couldn’t fit. 
You sucked hard, cheeks hollowing out as you bobbed your head, forming a steady rhythm as you began jerking him off as well. A particularly well-executed twisting motion had him cursing aloud, and you pulled back, a thin string of saliva connected to your lip. 
“Shh, quiet!” you stage-whispered up at him, grinning at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“C’mere,” Woouoing said as he pulled you up, giving you a quick kiss before spinning you around. “Hands on the counter.” 
“But it’s wet,” you whined, grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser to mop up the water. 
“Don’t be such a baby,” Wooyoung teased, flipping your skirt up to give you a sudden smack on the ass. You yelped, partially because of the smack, partially because your elbows were resting in a puddle of cold water. 
You watched him in the mirror as he massaged your ass, momentarily in his own world as he admired it. You wiggled your hips to pull him back to reality. 
He slid a hand between your legs, rubbing over the crotch of your panties, watching your face in the mirror as he added more pressure and started teasing circles over your clit with his fingers. You whined, breathy and needy, and you watched his face light up into a smirk in the mirror.
He slid your panties down, the thin fabric falling around your ankles. He pulled his wallet out of his jeans, retrieving a condom from between the bills. He ripped it open with his teeth, spitting the torn plastic onto the floor as he rolled the condom onto his cock. 
Wooyoung lined his cock up with your pussy, dragging it along your wet folds, and it slid in easily. You bit your lip as he slipped it in, pushing in slowly with a groan. He started off slow at first, then quickly picked up the pace, falling into a fast rhythm as he fucked you. 
You didn’t even care that the counter was wet anymore. You clawed at it with your fingernails, scratching against the sink as he fucked you harder, and it was becoming difficult to silence the cries that spilled from your mouth. 
“Fuck, harder,” you whined, and he obliged. The wet sound of his cock fucking into you echoed in the small, single-person bathroom, and you wondered if people could hear from outside. Not that you really cared at that moment. 
You were in heaven, not in a grimy public bathroom. At least, that’s what it felt like. His thrusts grew faster, and he slid a hand around your front to stroke his fingers over your clit. You had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from crying out, and your other hand slipped forward and accidentally set off the automatic soap dispenser, depositing foam all over the back of your hand. 
“Fuck, shit,” you said, and you both started cracking up as you shook your hand, splattering foamy soap all over the mirror. 
Tears welled up in your eyes from laughing so hard, but it wasn’t long before your laughter turned to moans again as fucked you faster, giving a few broken thrusts as he finished, groaning as he buried his cock to the hilt. 
Wooyoung let his sweaty forehead fall against your back, panting out laughter as you wiped your soapy hand against his arm. 
“Someone definitely heard us,” he said, and you hummed in agreement. 
He pulled out, snapping the condom off and tying it up before slingshotting it into the trash can with impressive accuracy. You were busy using toilet paper to wipe down your crotch when a sudden knock on the door made you both freeze. 
Wooyoung mouthed oh shit! as you clamped a hand around your mouth to muffle your laughter. 
“Just a minute!” he called at the door, and you both cleaned up as fast as you could, bursting into a new round of laughter every time you made eye contact. 
Good thing you’d chosen to go with the adults only time slot for your laser tag date. 
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In the days following your two dates, you still attended the coffee shop as regularly as you had before. You couldn’t seem to focus anywhere else. Things were relatively normal, but any time Wooyoung and San happened to be working together on the same day, you didn’t know how to speak to one without exposing yourself to the other, so you opted for no flirting at all, pretending instead to be too preoccupied with your studies. It was probably suspicious, how cold you acted to them when they were working together, but you didn’t want to seem like you were flirting with one and not the other.
It was Friday, and you were engaged in a particularly intense study session, and in your focused state, the time seemed to slip away without warning. You glanced up to realize the sun had set completely, meaning it’d soon be time for the cafe to close. It was just you, Wooyoung and San left in the cafe now, who were the only ones working the evening closing shift that night. You gathered up your things quickly, trying to leave without making much of a scene. You still felt awkward around the both of them when they were together, not knowing how to approach the delicate situation. 
As you were walking out the door, an arm came down and blocked your exit. 
“Don’t leave just yet.” It was San’s voice, and you turned to see him looking at you with a strange expression. You were the last one left in the store, so he was obviously addressing you. He kept his arm out to block your path. You looked at him in confusion. 
“So I was talking with Wooyoung, and both of us happened to hook up with a cute regular over the weekend. Turns out, it was the same one.”  
You shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze, not knowing what to make of the awkward situation. Was he mad? You peeked up at him to gauge his expression, but to your surprise, he was smiling. “Oh, uh…” was all you could say. 
You glanced over your shoulder, and Wooyoung had sat down at one of the tables in the middle of the cafe, leaning nonchalantly back into his seat. 
“Come on, let’s have a chat,” San said, and for some reason his tone sent shivers down your spine. You swallowed, San’s hands on your shoulders spinning you around and guiding you to the table where Wooyoung was sitting. Neither of them seemed particularly upset, which made you even more confused on why they were confronting you about it in the first place. 
You sat down at one side of the table, and San joined, both of them facing you. You set your bag on the floor and placed your hands in your lap, feeling like you were in trouble. 
“Alright, spill. Who was better?” Wooyoung said bluntly. 
“Who was—huh?” you said, gaping at the unexpected question. 
Wooyoung threw San a glance, like there was an inside joke you were missing. “C’mon, we just wanna know. We have a bet going, so who was better?” 
“No way, I’m not answering that!” you laughed indignantly. San made a pouty face at you. 
“I think it was me,” Wooyoung said, crossing his arms. “I kicked your ass at laser tag and you loved it.”
“Hell no! Cat cafe totally wins,” San whined. 
“C’mon, you wish you’d thought of laser tag. Just admit it.” 
“Ok, fine, laser tag is pretty cool,” San sighed. “But you don’t have a cute dog like I do.” 
“I don’t need a cute dog, I’m already cute enough as it is,” Wooyoung said, making a cutesy gesture with his hands around his face at you. You and San both rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself,” San said dryly, and Wooyoung gave him a playful shove. “Ok, laser tag or cat cafe?” he asked you seriously. 
“I can’t pick,” you said, which was the truth. They were both fun, how could you possibly pick the superior date?
“Making out in a laser tag arena or… cat hair up your nose. Tough choice.” Wooyoung pretended to seriously mull over the question. 
“Uh, how ‘bout… sexy kittycat with a leash, or disgusting public bathroom?” San shot back at him. 
“I’m not saying public bathrooms aren’t gross, but that’s why it’s hot,” Wooyoung shrugged, confident with his answer. 
You covered your face with your hands, mortified to be having this conversation. “Do we have to be having this discussion?” you groaned. 
“Yes!” they said in unison, like cartoon characters. 
“Which of us was the better lay?” Wooyoung demanded.
“Not telling!” you hmph’d, crossing your arms petulantly. 
“I put a dog collar on you, so obviously me,” San said, hitting the table like a lawyer who’d just won his case. 
“You did help San discover his furry kink—,” 
“I’ll kill you.”
“—But my dick is bigger.”
“No it isn’t!” 
They both looked at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to settle it. You made a gesture indicating that your lips were sealed. You wondered how long they planned on arguing for. 
“I think there’s only one way to settle this,” Wooyoung said matter-of-factly. 
What, were they about to whip their dicks out and measure them? 
“You fuck both of us.” Didn’t you do that already? “...Right now.” Oh. 
“Deal,” you said a little too quickly. You couldn’t choose anyway, so wasn’t it the perfect solution?
“Wow, fast answer,” San commented, and you blushed a little at his call-out. “Don’t forget, the bet is still on,” he called over his shoulder as he got up to lock the door and draw the blinds over the windows. 
“And I’m so winning it,” Wooyoung said as he scooped you up from your chair, carrying you honeymoon-style to the bar and depositing you onto the counter. San flipped a few of the lights off as he came back, keeping just enough of them on so that it wasn't completely dark. 
Wooyoung disappeared for a second, ducking down to retrieve something from the fridge underneath the counter. He popped back up with a canister of whipped cream, then threw his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him. He sprayed a line of whipped cream along his neck, tipping his chin up to give you the most access. He leaned in, caging you against the counter with his arms. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for your move. 
You kissed along his neck, scooping up the whipped cream with your tongue and tasting the sugar on his skin. You licked it clean, and glanced up at San, who rolled his eyes and grabbed the can from Wooyoung’s hand. Not to be bested, he sprayed some directly into his mouth, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so. 
He leaned on the counter next to you, and you hooked a finger in the collar of his shirt and pulled him in, leaning over Wooyoung’s shoulder to kiss him. You slid your tongue into his mouth, lapping up the whipped cream as he smirked against your lips. 
Wooyoung scoffed as he kissed along your neck, pulling back to utter a brief but sarcastic “wooow.” His hands came up to feel underneath your shirt, pushing it up to your shoulders, ducking his head to pull your bra down with his teeth. He brought his mouth to your nipple, licking and sucking on it, and you moaned against San’s lips. His thumb traced circles along your skin, and you wanted more. 
San moved a hand between your legs, giving your thigh a quick squeeze before dipping under your skirt and brushing his fingers over the crotch of your panties. He used just enough pressure to have you squirming, determined to be the one to make you moan. You felt like the luckiest girl alive, having these two hot baristas competing over you. 
San slid your panties off, dropping them to the floor. He teased his thumb over your clit, and you arched your back, threading your fingers into Wooyoung’s hair. He gave a soft moan against your breast, then raised his head, stealing you from San as he locked you in a heated kiss. 
You felt the press of San’s fingers as he slipped them inside you, dragging them in and out as you moaned into Wooyoung’s mouth. You raised your arms so Wooyoung could take your shirt off, and he worked on your bra next. San’s fingers moved faster as Wooyoung brushed your nipples with his thumbs, and you had no idea who was winning at this point. 
You tipped your head back, moaning loudly as San fucked you with his fingers, and Wooyoung sucked along the curve of your neck, teeth scraping along the sensitive skin. Suddenly, Wooyoung brought a hand up to your face, brushing his fingers along your lips, and you opened them, letting him dip two fingers into your mouth. You sucked, letting your tongue drag between them, and both of them watched you hungrily, eyes full of desire. 
“Alright, how ‘bout this?” Wooyoung said, pulling back. You looked at him in confusion, and San slipped his fingers out to see what he was about to do. Wooyoung worked his belt open, sliding his pants down enough to free his dick. It sprang free, and he grabbed the canister again, spraying whipped cream in a line along his cock. 
“Gross,” San muttered to himself as you hopped off the counter, getting on your knees in front of Wooyoung. 
You gave the tip of his dick a tiny lick, laughing as a little puff of whipped cream stuck to your nose. He wiped it off with his finger, then licked it off with a smirk. You dragged your tongue along his cock, kissing and sucking off the whipped cream as you worked your way down the shaft. He gave a satisfied moan, petting your hair as you licked it clean. 
"Let's take this to the couch," Wooyoung said, and San agreed with a nod. 
San guided you to a small carpeted area with a couch and a few chairs, draping you over the arm of the couch as he slid beneath you, grabbing your hips and lining you up with his mouth. He took a few tentative licks. “Mm, you taste so good,” he moaned against you. 
Wooyoung moved in front of you, and you took him in your mouth eagerly, twisting the base of his dick with your hands as you sucked. He let out a few pleasured groans, signaling that he wanted more. 
Pleasure swelled inside of you as San began circling your clit with his tongue. You moaned around Wooyoung’s cock, sending vibrations up the shaft that had him biting his lip. You let your tongue circle the head of his cock, distracted by San as he upped the intensity. 
Soon enough you were grinding against his face, leaning your head against Wooyoung’s hip as you jerked him off, moaning as San slid his fingers into you once again. 
You brought the tip of Wooyoung’s cock back into your mouth, bobbing your head over his length. You pulled off as you felt your climax growing, Wooyoung’s hand stroking your hair as you rode San’s face. San sucked hard on your clit as he fucked you with his fingers, and you cried out as you came, bucking your hips against his face involuntarily. 
San kissed all the way down your inner thigh as he slid out from under you, a subtle smirk on his face that indicated he thought he was winning so far. You caught your breath, moving to the center of the couch to make room for the guys. San swiveled to face you, his cock in front of your face as Wooyoung’s hands found their way to your ass. 
You repositioned yourself to all fours, waiting expectantly to feel Wooyoung’s cock push into you. In front of you, San tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, his lips pulling into a sinister smirk. He pushed his thumb against your lip, dragging it down slightly, then hooked two fingers in your mouth, pulling it open to accept his eager cock. 
As if they had conspired, Wooyoung slid the tip of his dick inside of you at the same time that San pushed his against your lips. Your head rushed with bliss at the sudden overwhelming sensation of being taken from both ends. You moaned deeply, sending vibrations against San’s dick as Wooyoung pushed fully into you.
“Look at me,” San cooed, resting one hand under your chin, the other wrapped tightly in your hair. You lifted your gaze up, maintaining eye contact with him as he gently rocked against the roof of your mouth. “Good girl.” You heard Wooyoung scoff as San sang your praises. They fought for your attention as San maintained eye contact, but Wooyoung’s thrusts behind you had you seeing stars. Wooyoung’s hands clamped your ass, digging his nails in as he squeezed, delivering a harsh slap to your ass. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as you were—you could tell from their moans harmonizing beautifully as they shared you, and your mind short-circuited trying to focus just on one or the other. 
“That’s a good girl… just like that, princess,” San purred, holding your chin as you sucked and licked at his dick enthusiastically.
“Can you shut up,” Wooyoung groaned, making a fake gagging noise. “I don’t wanna hear your voice right now.”
San smirked in amusement as he continued sliding in and out of your mouth. You wondered how much fun he must be having making Wooyoung gag like that. 
You pressed your tongue firmly on San’s shaft as you sucked, and he bit his lip, holding back stifled moans. Behind you, Wooyoung’s thrusts grew more aggressive as he sunk his nails into your ass. “Fuck,” Wooyoung grunted, giving one final thrust before pulling out hastily, cursing as he finished. Warm liquid dripped slowly down the curve of your back as you turned your attention back to San, who was nearing his tipping point. You focused all your efforts on his dick, sucking mercilessly until he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled out, painting your face with hot streaks of cum. You stuck your tongue out to catch some, and the rest dribbled down your cheeks and chin. He smiled, petting your hair softly. 
“What a good kitty, lapping up my milk,” he said, making direct eye-contact with Wooyoung, who immediately gagged. 
“Are you trying to make me sick right now? If I hadn’t cum already my boner would be dead.” San laughed, cherishing Wooyoung’s disgust. “Just having a little fun. I know how to show my girl a good time.”
“My girl,” Wooyoung corrected.
You took pleasure in listening to them fight over you. You knew they were going to ask you who was better, but you really couldn’t decide in this moment. You honestly kind of wanted both. But right now you were more worried about the sticky liquid threatening to drip on the cafe’s couch.
“Guys, stop. Can someone get me a towel or something?” you asked. Hearing your voice, they both stopped bickering and trained their eyes on you, eyes growing wide as they realized you were still draped over the arm of the couch, cum dripping slowly down your sides. 
“Shit! Sorry,” Wooyoung said as he scrambled to locate the nearest towel. Wooyoung got you cleaned up, and you all searched for your haphazardly discarded clothing scattered around the cafe.
“Pretty sure that violated like, every food safety rule,” San joked as he buttoned his shirt back up. 
“Yikes, you’re right. Maybe we should throw that whipped cream away,” Wooyoung said, pretending to cringe. You laughed, shuddering at the idea of them using it for people’s drinks after such… unprofessional activities.  Wooyoung came and stood next to you, crossing his arms. “So, who won?”
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Hello! I'm back again with another match-up request! Can I plz have a DC match-up? With added gifs , wedding dress, and Dialogue?
My personality: my friends say I'm feral and a subtle chaotic person, i have ADD which means I can be a bit absent minded and have mood swings, I filter my anxiety and depression through humor and I tend to make jokes at the worst times because I want people to not worry so much, im very imaginative I live in my mind as much as I live in reality, I tend to be blunt/forward and its not to be mean I just lack a filter besides that I find it hard to be mean and stand up for myself, im also quite easy going.
Appearance: i have blonde/red hair (I dye my hair different colors often), I have pale skin and hazel eyes and im a bit curvy and im 5'4
Hobbies: I hate dancing i rather sing along to the music, I love listening to music I think its the best form of expression, I sketch often, im awful at cooking but I can bake well, I do tarot and I meditate to help with my anxiety disorder, im also a theater kid so I enjoy acting.
aesthetic: im known to have a hipster type of aesthetic im very laid back and adore 60s and 70s music
how my friends describe me: im known as a gremlin in my friend group, im very spontaneous and a bit aloof and they enjoy my strange humor.
turn ons/likes in a partner: humor, respect, neck kisses, cuddling, they let me take care of them, compassion, flirty moments, them laughing at my bad jokes, doesn't mind im a bit obsessive
turn offs/dislikes in a partner: distant, selfishness, dishonesty, never listens, close mindedness
Life goals;take things in stride and be happy
Dream date: I want to just go somewhere new spontaneously it can be anywhere i especially love night time adventures
Extra: im pansexual but I lean toward males more, im very open minded so im not opposed to polyamorous relationships as long as its close-knit, I tend to be a bit obsessive, I love animals I have a pet hedgehog and I'd love a bunny, im not energetic but that doesn't mean I don't like energetic people, im not always all there emotionally due to my depression, ADD and anxiety disorder, Im not always best with words so I buy gifts when someone is sad. Im a libra and scorpio (born on the cusp) and im an infp.
My theme song rn: bleed magic by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and Toes by glass animals
Hello for this DC matchup I ship you with:
Barry Allen a.k.a the flash ⚡
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- he was attracted to your personality from when you joined the justice league. You had pshycic super powers making you telepathic and telekinetic.
- you could sense when things are wrong wearing a black mask and suit you normally could move things with your mind. However due to the mood swings it can affect the power causing choas.
- you met the flash through the justice league as you two were often flirty and giddy. You often made sly remarks to his power.
- you both teased each other about how your styles were so 1960s. Since that's when superheroes were on the begginning to rise.
- when it's night you two have a secret affair not letting the team know so when he makes love to you secretly it'll be in a locked bedroom. Whether it's just hugging or kissing. Since you enjoy neck kisses he would give them to you
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- when you first kiss it was after a mission to where you two were sitting on top of a building in your work attire.
Barry: dang y/n we did it never thought we would make it out
Y/n: yeah at least I was useful with my powers
Barry: your useful even without your powers *hugs you from behind*
Y/n: oh is that so~ *smirks at him
Barry: yeah *slowly kisses*
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- you would both be very close at times as well often complementing each others personality.
- he would take you on dates when the justice league aren't busy.
- he proposed in a restaurant and the two of you agreed to keep it on the down low.
- the two of you married in a chapel with the justice league joining. Your style is hippy and his is a tuxedo.
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- your child would be a super telekinetic fast person. They would be able to run and use their powers.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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yamayuandadu · 4 years
This Ugaritic myth post is honestly one of the best posts I've read those last months, genuinely impressed by your knowledge and dedication '^^ At the risk of sounding basic, may I ask for the same character breakdown for Inanna and Ereshkigal ? These days they are mostly known for their Fate versions but I'm really curious about what their original versions were like.
Inanna: How I feel about this character: I joked a few times that in greek mytholgy i like obscure interpretations of b list figures but in mesopotamian i like the main characters and i feel like this is the prime example of it - in every myth Inanna appears in, the world revolves around her. And it’s refreshing even today to see a female character in a myth who largely acts the same way male heroes do. Weird people online tend to try to recast her as a mother goddess or some innocent “holy virgin” or both often but to me it seems like arguably embracing how she actually is in myths makes for a more empowering image. She’s, simply put, fun to read about. All the people I ship romantically with this character: please read Inanna’s descent to evaluate my expert opinion that Inanna and Ninshubur are in love. I sort of wrote a story about it from Ninshubur’s pov but then felt awkward about it and didn’t post it. I talked about it before but the cameraderie between them reminds me of Gilgamesh and Enkidu - but as far as I can tell while interpreting the latter pair as a couple is common in modern times, nobody even brings Ninshubur up. My non-romantic OTP for this character: since I see Inanna’s descent, Inanna and Enki and Enki and the World Order as the core Inanna myths myself, the answer #1 is Enki - he might not actually be her father but given the similar approach to life both show in myths it’s easy to see him as her mentor at least. My hipster pick is Nininsinna who seems to be well respected by Inanna in a few myths. My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t really care about Dumuzi. The love poems are nice and all but Dumuzi has the personality and charm of a faceless dating sim self insert in most myths he appears in. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish there were more wacky adventure myths involving her and Ninshubur. There are the two I linked but I feel like the formula could work over and over and over again. Ereshkigal How I feel about this character: she sure is an underworld goddess with little cultic relevance... I don’t think she’s boring though, and the Nergal myth highlighting that she’s lonely and bitter because of it gives her a very human dimension. All the people I ship romantically with this character: only Nergal since I think for a modern audience in general - and for me specifically - the appeal of that myth lies in part in the fact they don’t really seem compatible with anyone else but instantly clicked together when they met. My non-romantic OTP for this character: Geshtinanna is described as acting as an underworld scribe while she spends the promised 6 months there in place of her brother Dumuzi, so I imagine Ereshkigal views her as her friend. Gesthinanna probably isn’t aware of it. My unpopular opinion about this character: there used to be a trend in scholarship back in the day which tried to make her into a Persephone paralel by inventing myths that don’t exist, not a fan of it - and it turns her from a middle aged professional (she’s Inanna’s -older- sister!) into a lost young girl which is lame. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: the two major myths she appear in form a coherent narrative but I wish there was something describing her whereabouts after marriage, and maybe interactions with other family members like Utu and Nanna.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Mixtape of Our Love - Chapter 3: Sleep Now in the Fire
"Come on, everybody else's girlfriend goes to watch the practices," Will pleaded with JJ. The two of them had been standing in the parking lot for the past five minutes since school had let out. JJ knew that Will wasn't really asking much, he never really asked too much of her. He had been fine with her distancing herself since she'd been taken off of her medication. He had been fine with JJ spending her nights with her friends instead of going on dates with him. Will had been good about all that stuff because he felt like JJ had been good to him before. Now though, there were times when he wondered if she was really invested in their relationship anymore.
"Okay, I'll be up there in a couple minutes," JJ said and Will leaned in to kiss her. JJ moved her head to the side a bit so that Will's kiss landed on her cheek instead of her mouth. Will frowned when JJ turned around and got into her car.
"I'll see you up there," Will said and JJ nodded. He ran over to a teammate's truck and got in the bed, joining a few of his other teammates.
"Sorry guys," JJ said as she turned to Garcia and Reid. "I'll drop you guys off real quick."
"We could have walked home. It's not too long," Reid and JJ shook her head. "You don't have to drive us everywhere."
"Reid, it's safer if I drive you," JJ pointed out. Garcia glanced at JJ, knowing the blonde felt bad about the couple of instances last year whenever she'd gotten sick and Reid had walked to and from school. It didn't help that Reid refused to accept the new copy of the book that had been ruined when some assholes threw Reid's backpack into a storm drain. Neither Garcia nor Reid decided to argue with JJ on that, especially since it was true. People may have been nice to JJ, but that curtesy was not normally extended to Penelope and Reid.
JJ dropped off her friends and then promptly turned her car around back towards the school. At a stoplight, she connected her phone to her car's radio and pressed play on her favorite playlist. Immediately, she was filled with a familiar feeling as the opening riff of one of JJ's favorite songs started. It wasn't often that JJ could just sit in her car, listen to music, and think about nothing. Instead of getting that chance at relaxation, she was going to watch her boyfriend's football practice. JJ loved sports, she always had, but nobody really cared to watch the practices, they wanted the games. JJ would never have asked Will to go to a soccer practice, especially since she knew he barely paid attention to her games when he went.
"You don't have to wait here. I'd be happy to drop you off at your place," Haley told Emily. "Aaron told me that you're not really interested in football. This gets boring for people who are interested."
"If I get too bored, I'll call for a car I guess," Emily half-joked. Haley wasn't quite sure whether or not she was supposed to laugh at that. Emily's had good humor, but occasionally she'd joke about things that most people didn't really understand.
"Most people say they'll get an Uber or Lyft," JJ said, spooking Emily a bit. Emily and Haley both turned to where JJ was leaning against the side of her car. Emily noted that JJ wasn't wearing the same outfit that she had been during lunch. JJ's skinny jeans were traded in for a pair of basketball shorts and her floral top had been traded in for a Patriots shirt with the sleeves and part of the bottom cut off. Emily would have been lying if she said that she didn't find JJ to be very attractive in that outfit. Well, she'd have been lying if she had said she didn't find JJ generally attractive. JJ was the kind of girl that Emily knew her mother would have liked her to be on some level: preppy, popular, and athletic.
"I wasn't talking about those things. I shouldn't let strangers know where an ambassador's house is," Emily pointed out. JJ pushed off of the side of the car and walked over towards Emily and Haley. Haley joined the other cheerleaders and Emily followed JJ over to the bleachers. It took a whole 10 minutes for JJ to decide that she wanted to be absolutely anywhere else.
"Wanna go get a pizza?" JJ asked Emily randomly. "There's this place that has like experimental-type shit. It's pretty cool."
"Won't William get mad that you just left?" Emily asked and JJ shook her head. "Oh, that's very cool of him."
"I just need to tell him that I got hungry," JJ said as she sent a text to Will. JJ stood up and offered a hand to Emily, who accepted it. The two of them walked back to JJ's car and on instinct, JJ got the door for Emily.
"Oh, thank you." Emily sat down in the passenger's seat and JJ shut the door. She jogged over to the driver's side and opened the door. She slid into her own seat, buckled up, and then shut the door. JJ put her keys in the ignition and turned the engine on. For a moment, the car made a sputtering noise, but started right up. "I don't think your car is supposed to sound like that."
"It's kind of old, but nothing I can't fix," JJ said with a wink. Emily turned her head away from JJ slightly and bit the corner of her lip. JJ switched on the radio, hoping that Emily liked whatever Garcia had put it to that morning. "I don't know what kind of music you like, so I hope this is okay."
"It's definitely interesting," Emily said. She smiled as the song that Garcia had been humming during their homeroom came on. "I take it this is Garcia's station pick. Reid strikes me more as a classical kind of guy."
"He definitely is and yeah, Garcia picked this station this morning," JJ answered. "I let them have full control over the radio when I drive. It doesn't really matter what's playing most of the time though, we tend to be a talkative little group."
"It's nice to have people that you feel comfortable talking around." JJ glanced over at Emily, noting the slightly sad tone in her voice. Emily brushed it off quickly though, tapping her fingers to the beat of the song on her lap.
"Garcia definitely likes you, and I think Reid does too. Sometimes it's hard to tell. If any of us overstep, just tell us," JJ said and Emily nodded. The two of them spent the rest of the ride in silence, but unlike the silences that Emily was used to, this one wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. Emily could tell that JJ was still trying to get a feel for her still. In a lot of ways, Emily was trying to get a feel for JJ too. The general consensus on JJ was that she was a nice and welcoming person, which Emily honestly had to agree with. "We're here!"
"What is that smell?" Emily asked as she got out of JJ's car. It was definitely coming from the pizza place. JJ's face contorted a bit when it hit her, but she gave Emily a small smile and then walked into the pizza place. Once they were inside, an array of different scents hit them. It smelled like pizza, but also like some very distinct toppings. JJ grabbed Emily's wrist and gently pulled her over to a table. A waiter handed them menus and two cups so that they could get their drinks when they were ready.
"What sounds good to you?" JJ asked Emily as they both flipped through the menu. "They don't really a whole lot of the same things from the last time I was here."
"Well, what did you get?" Emily asked and JJ thought back on when Garcia had brought her there to pick up pizza for game night.
"It was sort of like a regular pizza, but there were mozzarella stick bits on top," JJ told her. "I'm thinking of getting a slice of the Cheetos pizza and then we can share a dessert one if you'd like. The slices are pretty big here."
"I guess that sounds good," Emily said as she flipped through the menu. Most of what she saw seemed too weird to actually be good. This was obviously a gimmick restaurant, something that was created to make Buzzfeed headlines and attract hipsters. Growing slightly frustrated with the lack of appealing choices, Emily huffed and just set the menu down. The same waiter from before walked over to them to take their orders. JJ gave hers first and then Emily just asked for a slice of cheese pizza and he walked off. There was a number card left at their table so that nobody took it while they were getting their drinks.
"Sometimes Reid, Garcia, and I come here just to see if they got any new sodas in," JJ said as she looked at the selection.
"Anything new?" Emily asked and JJ shook her head. JJ kept looking for something specific, exclaiming a little in excitement when she found it. Emily kept on looking at the selection until she stumbled upon something she'd tried in Prague, but never found anywhere else.
"Is that any good?" JJ asked as she watched Emily get her drink. The color was off-putting to say the very least. Emily's mother had let her go to one of the factories where it was made and if not for the extra dye, it would have been a very nice and warm brown color, like a cider. Instead, there was a greenish tint to the brown that made it look a little sickening.
"Once you get past the color, it's great," Emily told her. JJ nodded and led Emily back to their table. Minutes later, their pizza came and neither of them had to figure out a good conversation topic just yet. "There's a blueberry flavor that looks a lot nicer. It doesn't as strong of a flavor though."
"Sometimes subtle flavors are nice," JJ said thoughtlessly. Emily could see a bit of distance behind her eyes as she stared off towards the window. Thinking that maybe someone was there, Emily turned around, but didn't see anybody from school. JJ's phone started to buzz, distracting both of them for a moment.
"Sorry, I have to take this. It's Will," JJ said and Emily nodded. JJ slid away from their table and stepped outside. Emily watched as she paced around on the sidewalk. Emily felt a little guilty watching JJ, so she turned away and focused back on her pizza. It wasn't a simple cheese pizza. Yes, there was mozzarella, but there were also cheeses that Emily had definitely only eaten in France.
She remembered that night well because it'd been the last one she spent there before her mother was moved to a new embassy. It was one of the few times that Emily and Elizabeth had genuinely enjoyed spending time with each other. Emily knew that her mother loved her, but it was difficult for the two of them to relate. Yes, Emily did what she could to be a daughter that her parents could be proud of, but there were definitely things that Emily knew she did that Elizabeth wished she wouldn't. But for that night, there was no tension between the Prentiss women at all and Emily had come out of that dinner with a greater understanding of the difficulties of trying to parent with her mother's job.
"Hey, you okay?" JJ asked. Emily hadn't noticed that JJ had come back inside of the pizza place. For a moment, Emily wondered how long JJ had been there before saying something. She had to been there long enough to notice that something was weighing on Emily's mind. Taking a deep breath, Emily turned to where JJ was sitting back down in her chair.
"I'm fine. The cheese got me thinking about a dinner I had with my mom in France before we left." Emily hadn't expected herself to have answered so honestly. She had known JJ for maybe a week and a half now, but the blonde had a trustworthy vibe and Emily had a knack for figuring out the vibes of other people. She had met a lot of genuinely scummy people and JJ wasn't one of them, nor was on the path to becoming one. "Nostalgia I guess."
"Man, I almost forgot that you got to travel the world before getting stuck here," JJ said with a chuckle. "Is Europe nice?"
"Very, the parts of it I stayed at. If you get the chance to see it, you should," Emily advised her.
"And if I don't?" JJ asked. It was almost flirty, the tone of her voice and the way that she leaned in towards Emily a bit.
"My mom's got a private plane that I'm sure I could get for a week or so." JJ leaned back a bit, unsure of whether or not Emily was being serious. Emily kept in her amusement at the sort of shocked look on JJ's face and just focused on finishing her pizza and soda.
"I might just have to take you up on that."
The call from her mother on her drive home that there was a gift waiting for her in the garage had excited JJ. Her parents, at least her father, knew that JJ's car had been making suspicious noises for the past month or so. JJ also knew that her parents had been helping her grandpa pick out a new truck to possibly get. JJ had gotten to be included on the conversation a few times, and she'd helped them decide on one at a smaller lot that wouldn't be as expensive as one from the city. So, yes, JJ had sped home to see if the old truck was in the garage waiting for her.
"Hell yeah," JJ muttered as she saw the truck sitting there. She'd be getting a paint job, maybe a nice sky blue or possibly a glossy black. The old and faded red may have been aesthetically pleasing on the farm, but JJ was not planning on keeping it there. Even if the gas mileage sucked on the truck, she could use it until her dad told her what she needed to fix her own car. JJ turned the truck on and almost immediately noticed that it'd need new headlights. When she went to take it for a little spin, she noticed that the tires also were starting to need to be replaced.
The garage had headlights somewhere. JJ remembered her dad talking about bringing in the truck to try and keep it in good shape. It was older, but it was also a genuinely nice vehicle. The new headlights were sitting in the box, unopened. JJ contemplated waiting a while and just buying some LEDs whenever she had the time, but if she needed to go out at night, she wanted a more trustworthy vehicle than her car. JJ popped the hood of the truck and felt around the front until she hit the headlight holder. She leaned down a bit to make sure she properly disconnected the wires before taking out the old bulb. She put the new ones in and reconnected all the wires that had to be reconnected. Once she finished the first side, she walked over and changed out the other side's headlights.
"Can we talk about earlier?" Will asked, spooking JJ a bit. She didn't jump, but if she had, she definitely would have hit her head on the hood of her new truck.
"We can if you help me move some tires," JJ said and Will nodded. JJ led Will towards the back of the garage. Really, it was more like a warehouse or a really big shed that her dad used to fix their cars and the farm equipment when it needed to be fixed. "What's up?"
"You blew off my practice to get pizza with that new girl," Will said and JJ sighed. "You promised me you'd come."
"I did, I was there for a bit. I got hungry Will and Emily doesn't have a lot of friends here. I was hoping that maybe I could be one more of them. I am sorry if me leaving early upset you," JJ apologized. Will grit his teeth a little bit, but he just nodded in acceptance. He knew that JJ was legitimately sorry for blowing him off, but he also knew that it'd most likely happen again. Will tried to make JJ a priority, but lately, it didn't feel like JJ wanted Will to be one of her top priorities.
"It's fine. You don't have to tell me that it won't happen again because it will, but that's fine. This is a rough time for you," Will said and JJ cleared her throat awkwardly.
"Let's just, move these tires okay?" JJ suggested and Will nodded. JJ pointed Will in the direction of the tires that she was sure were meant for the truck and the two of them moved them together. JJ probably could have gotten them all herself, but since Will was there and willing to help her, she'd take him up on that.
"I'm gonna head out if you don't need any more help," Will said and JJ nodded. She waved at him and then got the jack ready. Will sighed and walked away from her. Once Will was gone, JJ put some music on from her phone and then got to work. It was simple, she just did what her father had taught her to do before she'd even started driving. They had been driving back from an Eagles game and despite their animosity after the Patriots had won that game, Richard had requested that JJ be there for the teachable moment.
It was easier to do now than it had been then. JJ could move the tires easier and she'd gotten more experience with the jack and wrenches. She had built up strength and experience in the four years since that night. JJ had also taken more of an interest in building and fixing things. Whenever her dad would work late, she was the one who helped her mother. JJ had even taken shop class her junior year and impressed the teacher with her ability to use the correct tools.
Even after JJ had finished fixing the tires on the truck, she stayed in the garage. It was obvious whose section was whose. Most of it was her father's or grandfather's, but there was a little area that was just hers. She kept her tools there, both the ones she bought to actually use and the ones that she had bought because she thought they looked cool. Of course if she needed them, she would use them, but those ones weren't as commonly used as the others. JJ sat back in the wooden chair that she'd build with her dad and Roslyn. It had been a rough process, but JJ was proud of what they'd built together. Especially since it was one of the last memories she had of getting to do something with her sister.
"Hey kiddo," Richard greeted as he walked into the garage. "Those new tires?"
"They are," JJ said as Richard kicked one of them to check it. "Can you not kick my handiwork please?"
"Can't have my little girl driving around on loose tires," Richard said and JJ scoffed.
"If they're loose it's because you didn't teach me how to tighten correctly," JJ pointed out. Richard ruffled JJ's hair and looked at the letters carved into the back of the chair JJ was sitting in.
"You two were so proud when the chair was done." Richard smiled fondly at the memory.
"You yelled at us more that day than you had our entire lives," JJ chuckled. "And then you lost it when we signed the chair."
"An artist always leaves their signature." Richard's smile fell a little as he repeated what Roslyn had told him. "She told me it was her idea at first so I wouldn't get mad at you."
"And I said it was a team effort. I think you were angrier about us using that burning tool to do it," JJ speculated. Richard nodded as he leaned against the truck.
"I'd hug you to close out this nice moment, but you're sweaty and you smell like rubber," Richard said and JJ rolled her eyes at him. "Quick beer before we head in for dinner?"
"That'd be nice," JJ said and Richard walked over to grab a couple bottles from the mini-fridge in the corner. Richard handed one to JJ and they stood there and drank together, both of them thinking silently about that day to themselves.
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strawberrysoup · 5 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 3
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark
rating: Explicit
warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con elements, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, very dark
Penny had sent Peter off to bed before allowing herself to cry for a solid two hours until she passed out on the couch in her work clothes. Waking up was a trial, her head was pounding and she hadn’t pulled the curtains over the living room window closed before falling asleep so it was ten times brighter than it needed to be. She hadn’t set an alarm, but she could hear Peter moving around in the bedroom so it was around 6 AM.
“Peter, you good?” She called out absently, the usual morning greeting that meant ‘are you moving fast enough to make it to school on time?’
“I’m good,” his voice was quieter than usual, dejected in a way that broke a piece of her heart.
She sat up on the couch and put her face in her hands, elbows digging sharply into her thighs. Everything felt off, like the earth had shifted on its axis but only by a few degrees. There had been several times in her life when everything had changed in the blink of an eye. Her entire world stopped spinning, first when her mom and dad died, then again with uncle Ben, and again with aunt May. Every time it had eventually started back again, but she’d always had an anchor.
She’d always had Peter, when everything went wrong. Having to start from scratch, to rebuild her entire life, was always possible because she had Peter. He was her rock, her reason for pushing forward to fix everything that went wrong. To restabilize.
When she’d been date raped in a club in Queens half a year ago, it had been traumatic. Brock had been sniffing around for ages before she finally agreed to go out with him and then he turned into a fucking monster at the drop of a hat, the piece of shit. She hadn’t meant to let Peter find out about any of it. She’d called a friend to get her from the club, to help her home. She’d been traumatized and angry, half drugged by the time they got to the apartment and screaming about the injustice.
Peter had helped her into the shower, sent her friend off for food, and held her while she screamed and cried and otherwise lost her fucking mind. By the next morning she’d gotten a note slipped under the door, essentially telling her to fuck off and keep her mouth shut or else. As if she’d even considered going to the police— what would she have said? ‘This dude I talked to for months slipped me drugs and raped me in the back of a club. No, there were no witnesses. No, I didn’t call the police. No, I didn’t go to the hospital.’ Stupid. She’d been stupid, as always.
Getting into such a stupid situation had spiraled into a rabbit hole of almost inconceivable bad luck. If she hadn’t let herself get duped in that stupid club, Peter never would’ve gone to Stark Tower. Never would’ve gotten spotted by the man himself. And now, she wouldn’t have Peter with her when she rebuilt after this most recent, life altering tragedy.
But he would be safe. There wasn’t anything else that she needed, or could hope for, other than Peter’s safety. Besides, prison might be a nice reprieve from the 108 hour work weeks she currently endured. And they had hospitals in prison, maybe they had dentists? She hadn’t been to the dentist since before aunt May died. Would she go to prison or jail? Penny didn’t know the difference between the two, honestly.
Standing up from the couch, her eyes landed on her laptop. It was sitting open on the dining room table, plugged in because it was so old it never held a charge. She should make a to-do list for the day, starting with calling into all three of her jobs and making Peter breakfast before he had to leave for school. There was a lot she had to get done before her brother got home from school today.
“Hey Pen, have you seen my biology textbook?”
“No babe, check the table by the front door,” she stretched her arms over her head and yawned, trying to work some of the kinks out of her body from sleeping on the couch, “do you have enough time to stick around for breakfast?”
Peter stopped on the other side of the couch, watching his sister act like it was a normal day, a frown on his face. They always joked that he was the smart one. Peter could recite pi to the 40th digit, explain thermodynamics, and had gotten into a super prestigious science academy on scholarship. Usually, he’d call himself the logical sibling, the one who could see the best course of action and follow it.
But looking at his sister he was realizing there was a level of maturity missing from his logical thinking. He might’ve been the smarter one, but Penny was the one who was going to get them through this hellscape. She was calm, he could see in her eyes that the wheels were turning and that she was in so much pain, but she was calm and collected and was going to work through the day to make sure her batshit crazy plan worked out so that he would be safe.
“Yeah, I’ve got time.”
“Sounds good,” she stripped her socks off clumsily while walking into the kitchen, dropping them on the floor as she went, “hey, open up all of the bills on the counter and leave them scattered around while I cook. I want it to look like I’ve been ignoring them and they’re covered in crap.”
Peter dropped his head back, staring up at the ceiling blankly. Penny was pretty good at covering up her emotions but the level of dissociation she was currently displaying was impressive. He retrieved all of the bills from the basket on the kitchen counter and brought them into the living room, dropping them onto the laptop’s keyboard and kicking his feet up on the table before he began ripping them open. He tossed the empty envelopes over his shoulder absently as he went while arranging the bills into a pile to be thrown strategically around later.
“Maybe I should see if Flash will beat me up today at school,” he cringed at the $95 electric bill, knowing that was pretty high for them, “some bruises and cuts might help us when the social workers show up.”
“Don’t get yourself beat up, bud, you don’t have enough padding on your bones to keep everything from snapping under pressure.”
“Well maybe if you actually fed me sometimes, you neglectful monster.”
“Savage, Peter!” Penny’s gasp from the kitchen was full of laughter despite the painful conversation, “keep that up for the social worker.”
“So aside from trashing my things, throwing out anything edible in the kitchen, and destroying the apartment, have anything fun planned today?”
The sound of Penny cursing, followed by the loud clang of a pan hitting the floor had Peter shifting in his seat, angling around to see through the doorway to the kitchen. She hadn’t hurt herself and there was no mess, so he didn’t bother getting up to go help.
“Actually,” she made a pathetic sound upon realizing the milk in the fridge was expired, “fuck. Oh, actually I’m gonna go get my hair and nails done. So it looks like I blow our money on frivolous things instead of like, food and clothes for you.”
“Nice, you should get one of those stupid expensive coffees from those hipster places on your way back. Just for emphasis.”
Once Penny actually managed to cook, she was pretty good at it. She usually cooked what she could for all major Jewish holidays when their budget could stretch to accommodate it. Otherwise she didn’t get around to it all that often, except on her days off, so Peter considered it a treat when she made breakfast for him before school. She shoved the laptop back on the table and put a plate down in its place, revealing a heaping egg scramble and toast.
“I think we have some major issues,” Peter stated casually as they ate, avoiding the chunks of turkey bacon to save for the end, “I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be joking about today. Or tomorrow. Or any of it.”
“I figure we’ve got two options,” Penny kicked her feet up next to his, balancing her plate in her lap, “Cry about it or laugh about it. We cried about it last night and it gave me a headache. So, might as well try laughing.”
Peter shrugged but nodded in agreement, “So I think I’m gonna become a supervillain.”
“Oh? Why?”
“I could break you out of jail, bring down Tony Stark and all his minions, steal a whole bunch of money and then we could abscond off to some private island and live the rest of our lives in peace.”
“Except for when you have to go be a supervillain?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
Penny gave a barking laugh and leaned over to shuffle a hand annoyingly through his hair, letting him slap her away like usual. The casual, relaxed attitude they shared was obviously forced, their eyes were full of despair, but they could at least pretend for a while. Pretending that everything was okay would at least get them through the next few days.
“Alright you dope, head to school. I’ll see you when you get home.”
Peter stood up from the table and pulled Penny up after him, wrapping her into a tight hug. He’d grown over the last year and stood several inches taller than her now. Sometimes, hugging her now felt weird because for so long he’d been smaller than her. He vividly remembered being engulfed in her arms, being surrounded by her scent and warmth and how safe it always made him feel. He hoped that she felt the same way he used to, that his hugs made her feel warm and fuzzy.
“See you after school,” he choked out after a moment, pulling away and darting out of the room without looking at her too closely.
It would hurt too much.
Nobody had left the living room, other than Rhodey, in over 12 hours now. Steve and Bucky were still in the recliner together, eyes glued to the TV screen showing the Parker’s living room. Peter had left for school about 20 minutes ago and Penelope Actual Angel Parker had disappeared into the bathroom.
Clint had ordered food from the kitchens about an hour ago and was waiting by the elevator for the chefs to drop it off. They’d all lamented the fact they couldn’t eat the breakfast Penny made with the Parker siblings but had satisfied themselves by listening in on their conversation with stalkerish intensity. Usually Penny didn’t leave the laptop sitting open when she wasn’t using it, so it had been another shocking revelation into their lives.
“Peter’s face while he was opening those bills makes me wonder if she usually hides them from him,” Bruce commented absently, cheek resting in his hand as he scrolled through the files on his laptop.
Instead of the lab reports from the previous night, he was looking through Penny and Peter’s medical histories—HIPAA be damned. Peter got regular physicals each year, was up to date on all of his vaccinations, had minor asthma but no other chronic issues. Penny’s medical history stopped around when her uncle Ben died and she dropped out of high school. She had all her vaccinations and was in the 2nd year of a 3 year birth control implant, no known conditions except for possible anemia. She hadn’t gone to the hospital after the rape, so he would need to run an STD panel just in case. A diet meant to promote weight gain might also be a good idea.
“I’m sure she didn’t want them to know how dire their situation was,” Wanda stated, “If given the chance, I would’ve hidden things like that from Pietro.”
“So they’re Jewish like y’all, right?” Sam squinted at the screen, pointing to a wall decoration in the apartment, “or is that a Buddhist thing?”
“A Hamsa,” she didn’t look up from her phone, having seen the wall decoration next to the window the first time she’d watched the webcam stream nearly a month ago, “they have it because they’re Jewish but it’s used in other cultures too.”
“Do we need to make sure we have anything… particularly Jew-y for them?”
Wanda finally looked up from her phone, eyebrow raised derisively, “did you get anything particularly Jew-y for me when I moved in?”
“I’m going to learn to make Challah,” Bucky intervened in the conversation before it could become a fight, having been looking up traditional Israeli and Jewish dishes for several hours now, “do you have any recipes Wanda?”
The two devolved into a conversation about homemade breads and the nuances of kosher foods, all the while Wanda scrolled through Peter and Penny’s bank statements. She was looking for their overall spending habits, what was bought for Peter and how often and when and what Penny bought for herself. The former list included the amount of clothing one would assume necessary for a growing teenage boy, along with an above average amount of groceries. There was far less fun stuff, like video games and extensive Lego sets (which they knew Peter loved). Usually those were bought around Peter’s birthday or near Hanukkah. Penny’s spending on herself was generally relegated to work clothes and toiletries, with the occasional splurge on nail polish.
“We had a Jewish neighbor growing up, you remember Buck? Ms. Goldstein made that soup,” Steve scratched his head, trying to remember the name of it but failing.
“Matzah ball soup,” Bucky supplied, glancing at the screen of Steve’s phone from his position in the man’s lap.
He’d started going through the Parker sibling’s social media accounts early in the morning, wondering who was going to put up a fuss over their potential disappearances and how much it was going to interfere with business. Not that it mattered, business was business and home and family came first but it still would be good to have a plan for any fallout.
Peter had all the social media accounts a teenager could want; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, TikTok, everything. He overshared on the internet just as much as any other Gen Z kid, although he seemed to favour Twitter and Instagram over the others. Instagram was updated almost daily with pictures of his friends, from school and clubs, pictures of scenery taken around New York. It was actually pretty cute and a touch artistic. He had a decent amount of followers on it too.
Penny on the other hand only had an Instagram page and a Pinterest. The former wasn’t updated much since their aunt May passed away, the recent pictures were mostly of food she’d made or of her and Peter on holidays. He wasn’t sure if the followers on her Pinterest were friends or strangers. There were a whole slew of cute pictures on her ‘Memories’ board, several of which Bucky watched Steve save to his phone. One in particular, of Penny squeezing Peter’s face close to hers while both stuck their tongues out at the camera, was saved as his new home screen.
It would be difficult to spirit either of the siblings away without some repercussions. Peter had some very close friends, MJ and Ned in particular, and was involved in tons of extracurricular activities. If he disappeared, an AMBER alert would go out within a day. Penny wasn’t particularly close to anyone, but she did have several coworkers who would notice very quickly if she went missing. She had been working in the same three places for 3 years and was a well-established and liked staff member.
“We may need to stage some sort of accident,” Steve rubbed a hand over his mouth as he scrolled through Peter’s Snapchat memories, “Peter’s friends are very close and Penny’s barely ever missed a day of work. People are going to cause a stink if they just disappear.”
“Car accident? Fire? Carbon monoxide?”
“Something that won’t leave behind a body,” Natasha drummed her fingers against her leg, humming in thought as the elevator opened and Clint retrieved the cart of food that had been sent up, “probably a fire. Or we could stage a kidnapping and blame it on someone else.”
“Both,” Clint had half of a croissant stuffed in his mouth, spitting out pieces as he spoke, “set up a kidnapping, burn some bodies, set it up to look like Penny and Peter.”
“Who’s the kidnapper?”
“How about this dumb mother fucker.”
Rhodey’s voice came from the stairwell, the man himself emerging while shoving a heavily beaten and gagged Brock Rumlow through the door. His arms were bound from the elbow down and he lost his balance, landing with a heavy thud only to be kicked hard in the side by the very angry James Rhodes and forced back to his feet.
“He confess?” Tony’s back was to them as Rhodey pushed him farther into the room, making himself a cup of coffee from the French press that had been sent up on the cart.
“More or less.”
One of the things Tony had learned over his long career was that anticipation was almost worse than a beating. Adrenaline was a devastating drug when applied as a method of torture. He could almost feel Rumlow’s heart beating faster, the sweat dripping down his brow. He hummed quietly, taking a sip of his coffee before nodding to himself and turning around.
Rhodey had the man on his knees near the coffee table, head bowed in a mixture of panic and fear. He was bleeding from the head, from his nose, dark bruises were beginning to bloom across the bridge of his nose and around his neck. Rhodes had done a number on the man in the last couple of hours.
“Did you send a letter to Penelope Parker, threatening her younger brother if she went to the police?” His voice was low and he crossed the living room in with an unhurried stride, coming to sit on the couch just inches away from where the man knelt.
The reply was muffled but obviously not a yes or no answer. Tony was well versed in what begging sounded like through a gag, how ‘please’ and ‘don’t hurt me’ came out when one’s tongue was held down by fabric. Brock Rumlow might’ve been a big bastard, but when confronted with his own mortality he became a simpering baby just like all the rest. In all honesty, Tony had a thing for begging anyway.
“Now that didn’t sound like the answer to the question I asked you.”
From his position in Steve’s lap Bucky pitched an empty wine glass at Rumlow’s face. The stem snapped off, the bowl of the glass breaking against his brow bone and leaving a jagged cut in its wake. Bruce rolled his neck at the sound of the rest of the glass hitting the ground and shattering, the sharp noise irritating his always present headache.
“You’re making us upset Brucie here, my man,” Tony stated with a flippant wave of his hand in the scientist’s direction, still taking small, satisfying sips of coffee, “which is a huge mistake. He gets pretty dangerous when you make him mad.”
The exact state of being of most of Tony’s close associates was more… fantastical, than most of the population. Mad scientists had been around for centuries and so had horrible things, like eugenics and human experimentation. He had a tendency to pick up strays at the best of times and the exciting strays, the ones who were really special, he fought to keep. It had started with Rhodey and Clint. They weren’t genetically altered, just insane at the best of times.
He’d met Rhodey in university. At the time, the man was being paid to watch Tony by his father and report back on his activities. Tony had paid better and overtime gained Rhodey’s loyalty as well as friendship. They’d been inseparable and Rhodey had been the one who thwarted Clint’s assassination attempt on Tony. It hadn’t been anything personal, of course, Clint was a world-renowned assassin and was one of the best—if you could pay him the right amount, he was willing to take out anyone. Then he’d been waylaid by a Very Angry Colonel Rhodes. Clint was easily persuaded to switch targets for the correct amount of money and soon Tony had come to see him as less of an employee and more of a friend.
Natasha and the Old Men had come next. From a situation similar to Clint’s, Natasha had been sent to off Tony. Not only had he offered her a better deal, but also protection from the Red Room, a branch of the former KGB that specialized in stealing little girls and genetically altering them. She didn’t hate the violence or the killing, she hated being controlled.  
The freezer burned boyfriends had come along looking for Howard Stark, who had apparently betrayed them (and the United States as a whole, actually) in the 40’s in a whole bunch of exciting and horrible ways. Bucky had been traumatized, a veritable murder machine and Steve hadn’t been much better off. Tony had kept them out of the public eye so they could live in relative peace and in turn had become emotionally attached. Especially upon realizing that Bucky was likely his father’s unknowing murderer, which was endearing.
Bruce had been Tony’s next acquisition and the only deliberate one. There had been reports of some sort of monster raging across the globe. It had taken ages and lots of illegal activity in the form of JARVIS hacking satellites and cameras all over the world but they’d found Bruce hiding away in India, providing illicit medical attention to the poor. He’d been attempting to copy the Super Soldier Serum used on The Olds and turned himself into a monster in the process. Tony adored the man.
Then came Thor and his adopted brother Loki, who had been experimented on by their father from a very young age. They’d lost an older sister to a process of attempted Berserker serums and they themselves were forever genetically altered. Thor was in slightly better control of his rages than Loki, but both came to Tony seeking asylum when their father had decided to end his experiments and terminate all test subjects. They were strong and brutal and Thor’s loyalty was unwavering, which was nice because Loki’s only loyalty was to his brother. It was a compromise Tony could live with.
Sam and Wanda and Pietro had been picked up by Steve and Clint respectively, the former a veteran and counselor who turned to murder for hire after being honorably discharged from service and the latter a pair of genetic experiments who’d accidentally stumbled upon Clint after escaping imprisonment. All three had been brought back to the Tower and into the fold.
Pepper and Happy had been picked up along the way of course, his right and left hands for all intents and purposes. Pepper had helped him build the legitimate face of his business and Happy had run interference in all illegal aspects, as well as literally putting himself between Tony and danger.
A short whimper of sheer terror escaped Rumlow before he seemed to almost crumple in front of them, folding in half and hitting the ground. Tony raised an eyebrow as the man landed just a few inches from his foot and groaned in annoyance before dumping the rest of his coffee on the man.
“Don’t pass out on me now, Rumlow, we’ve got— Oh, would you look at that.”
Tony drew the attention of the whole room to the TV screen, where Penelope Precious Parker had emerged from the bathroom in clean clothes. Her long hair was dripping down her back, dampening her white t-shirt just enough that Tony sent Clint a look that said Watch Yourself, Pervert. The same look was not given to Steve or Bucky, although with the way their eyes followed the woman, it should’ve been.
Rhodey bent over and hauled Rumlow back to his knees, turning him to face the TV and yanking his head back, “You see her, Rumlow? You remember her?”
Another whimper, this one with enough inflection to mean ‘yes’. Tony nodded and let out a deliberate, disappointed sigh.
“Yeah, I thought you might say that. You see, that precious little thing has just become one of the most important people in the world. In my world. Her little brother, who you threatened after hurting her in such a despicable way? He is my world,” Tony rolled his shoulders and stood up, walking around the table to get a closer look at the TV.
Penny had sat down on the couch, still well within view of the webcam, and was pulling on a pair of socks. A pair of beat up tennis shoes were on the floor next to her, having been fished out of the trunk that doubled as an end table. Bucky shifted out of the corner of his eye, watching as her shorts rode up higher on her shapely thighs as she contorted to pull on her sneakers. She continued on to gather all of her wet hair into her hands, tying it into a big messy bun on the top of her head.
“I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now,” he continued after a moment, “being confronted with your mistakes like this. You see, I go out of my way to not make mistakes. Or mistakes that could come back to haunt me, at least. I tie up my lose ends, I like pretty packages.”
“She’s a real pretty package,” Steve fucking sighed like a swooning school girl as Penny stood up and started shifting through some things on the table in front of her, bent over enough to offer an excellent view of her ass.
Tony snorted along with Sam and waved a dismissive hand in the blond’s direction. Steve and Bucky had been half infatuated with Penny when they thought she was a cruel, neglectful monster; now that they knew the truth, that Penny was precious and kind, they were falling in love just watching her through a screen.
“Now the point of this whole thing, unfortunately for you, is that you hurt Penny and you threatened Peter and by extension, you hurt and threatened me.”
There was a muffled ‘I didn’t know!’ through the gag and Tony Stark once again Did Not Roll His Eyes, because he was above that sort of thing.
“Of course not, that’s why this has to sting. You see, maybe if you just didn’t rape anyone this never would’ve happened. You never would’ve been in this situation. But instead you had to go and drug some poor girl and stick your disgusting dick in her and hurt her,” Tony rolled his head to the side and cracked his neck, “And once again, unfortunately for you, everything just kind of got more complicated from there. Because I’m not sure what to do with you at the moment.”
“Tones?” Rhodey’s eyebrows were furrowed, his hand still keeping Rumlow’s head in place.
“Right, right, let me explain to the room at large,” a flamboyant wave of Tony’s hand made everyone sit slightly straighter, “we have a couple of options going forward. The first, is take Peter and Penny, frame and kill Rumlow and be done with it,” several noises of agreement followed the sentence but Tony shook his hands again to quiet them, “Or, we could take the babies, frame Rumlow, but not kill him.”
“Why not kill him?”
“Because then we could let Peter do it. Or Penny,” Tony tapped chin and began to pace, “or, because they’re both going to be very upset in the first few months, we could use him as… incentive, to be good.”
“Hm, killing him in front of them is ballsy,” Sam stood over next to the cart of food, making himself a plate and a cup of coffee, “You want to induce Stockholm Syndrome, but the shock might be too much.”
“Are you worried about them reacting to a murder in general or like, feeling bad he was killed because of them?”
“Both, either,” Sam shrugged, “pick your favourite.”
“Why don’t we keep him around for a bit, we don’t necessarily have to make the decision today,” Steve suggested, shifting Bucky off of his lap and standing up.
The imposing man made his way towards Rumlow with his usual level of heavy swagger, natural as a result of his musculature and dimensions. Rhodey took several steps back at the approach, recognizing the glint of near ferality in the former Captain’s eyes. Getting in the blond’s way was in no one’s best interest and besides, Rhodey trusted the man implicitly. The man’s hand came down on Rumlow’s head almost gently, his fingers carding through his hair and tilting his head back to look him in the eyes. His face was swollen from Rhodey’s heavy hits already, but he could still see.
“Besides, me and Bucky are gonna need a playmate for a while. All that pent-up aggression—it’s gotta go somewhere, right, Brock?”
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hiccanna-tidbits · 4 years
Hiccanna 100 OTP Questions Meme--Part 1
So I saw this 100 Questions About Your OTP post, and I decided to do them for Hiccanna! And...I am never doing one of these memes again, because this took forever XD I decided to split it in two to avoid just creating a giant Monster Post. QUESTION SOURCE: https://the-moon-dust-writings.tumblr.com/post/159857601812/100-otp-questions 1. Who loves flower crowns more? Anna is highkey obsessed with them! Especially kinda lopsided weird ones with sunflowers and shit. Hiccup likes them a lot too but is too embarrassed to ever admit it 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Probably Anna tbh, she’s extremely huggy and cuddly and basically always initiates the cuddle sessions. Hiccup is secretly super grateful for this because he’s actually touch-starved as all hell but absolutely is not aware of it like cmon do you think big tough Stoic hugged him a lot growing up??? Kinda doubt it tbh 3. Who has awful taste in music? Depends on who you ask XD Hiccup has exactly 2 Music Moods--Stuffy classical orchestal stuff with a bunch of fancy violin and flute and whatnot, and edgy underground alternative hipster nonsense from bands no one has ever heard of. Anna, meanwhile, is a simple woman, who listens almost exclusively to shitty, catchy-butvery-unoriginal Top 40 hits and belts along with them to the radio, much to Hiccup’s chagrin XD 4. Who is the meme lover? A N N A she is a memelord supreme 5. How did their second date go? An...oddly specific question XD But I’ll take a stab at it. I imagine on their first date they went to see some high fantasy epic movie with fancy CGI (they’d both be HELLA into that--Anna for the magic and epic romances and Hiccup for the interesting magical creatures) and then gushed about it for hours afterwards, so their second date might be something a bit more lowkey where they’d just talk and hang out. I feel like they both probably are coffee addicts, so...a coffee shop date, maybe? And Anna gets some kinda chocolate pastry, of course! 6. How many children do they want/have? Tbh unpopular opinion probably, but I actually don’t think Hiccup and Anna would necessarily want kids??? They’re definitely the kind of couple who would love exploring the world and taking spontaneous adventures together, and you can do a lot less of that when kids are typing you down. Not to mention I think the full-time responsibility of having a kid would be pretty exhausting to Anna in particular, as someone who identifies with her a lot and has never wanted kids because even thinking about it makes me tired XD I mean sure, Anna has a nurturing side that comes out with Elsa sometimes, but she doesn’t have to use that ALL THE TIME (since Elsa is a grown-ass adult usually capable of sound judgement) like she would with a kid. But ALL THAT SAID if they DID end up having kids I don’t think they’d go too crazy with it, probably just 1. Or 2 at the VERY most. 7. Who hides the weapons? You mean like...in an AU where they’re infiltrating an enemy fortress or something? Probably Anna, since she’s the more innocent and harmless-looking of the two XD 8. Who is the better dancer? They both can’t dance for SHIT it’s absolutely cringeworthy but probably Anna at the end of the day because she probably spent a lot of time practicing in those empty ballrooms 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? They’d probably want to have some kind of a magic high fantasy theme, since they’d both be hella into that--and then it ends up morphing into “Dragons and Princesses” XD Anna ends up getting over-the-top fancy princess dresses for all of her bridesmaids and Hiccup has the time of his damn life making basically everything in the buffet dragon-themed. The cake is like half dark green or black scale-patterned and half fancy-patterned spring green tiers. It’s quite the event of the decade! 10. What do their parents think of them dating? Valka absolutely ADORES Anna and thinks she’s perfect for her son--the perfect blend of cheerful and compassionate when she needs to encourage him, but also badass and tough-spirited to protect him when she needs to. Stoic doesn’t really like Anna at first--he’s under the (mistaken) impression that she’s a wimp and finds her bubbliness kind of grating and annoying, and generally worries that dating her will just make Hiccup even more of a wimp. He’d rather him date a no-nonsense tough-as-nails asskicker like Astrid in hopes it would toughen him up. However, once Stoic sees Anna do something like punch someone out with no hesitation when they pick on her and Hiccup, Stoic comes around to Anna VERY quickly XD I feel like Agnar and Iduna would just be happy to see their daughter dating a sweet, dorky guy who loves her with all of her being and appreciates her for who she is. As long as he treats her well and makes her feel loved (which he most certainly would because he’s a precious cinnamon roll), he gets their stamp of approval. And hey, anything is an improvement over Hans XD 11. Are they a super sappy couple? Nah. I imagine they do a lot of PDA and probably hold hands or kiss in public a lot, but they’re not like...overly gooey in how they talk to each other, if that makes any sense. If anything, their flirting is painfully awkward, even AFTER they get together XD So much so that when they try to hit on each other in front of their friends their friends are like “oh my god STOP this is too much secondhand cringe for me to bear” 12. How did they get together? I like to imagine they’re friends for a long while but both of them fully 100% believe that the other is ridiculously out of their league and they’re irreparably trapped in the friendzone and one day they’re hanging out with their friends and awkwardly flirting with each other (but of couRse the other person isn’t FLIRTING they’re just being NICE they both figure) and finally Jack just shouts “oh my god will you two just fuck already???” and after a few minutes of utter mortification they just have the world’s most awkward love confession XD Anna finally relents and asks Hiccup on a date, and of course he says yes! 13. Who asked the other to get married? I can honestly imagine either of them asking but probably Hiccup. And he’s SO nervous about it that he starts straight stuttering the first few times he tries to ask and has to stop and change the subject XD He probably gets it finally after like...the 5th time. 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? A N N A 100% I headcanon that she has pretty bad insomnia (that’s why she has such a hard time waking up and is so tired in the morning!) so she stays up to the wee hours of the morning with her brain spinning with incredibly weird thoughts and her sense of humor becomes nigh indecipherable after 3 am. 15. Who is the nerd? Hiccup obviously is this even a question??? He spends all day collecting dragon facts and lore and building weird scientific contraptions to help crippled dragons fly WHAT A NERD  16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Hiccup again, he knows so many dragon factoids and random scientific shit that Anna sometimes wonders how he manages to fit anything else in there 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Anna! She makes ones for both herself and Hiccup and Hiccup begrudgingly wears his but secretly thinks it’s pretty and likes it because it reminds him of his dorky gf :3 18. Who likes to read? Both! I mean Hiccup obviously does because, as established above, he is a nerd, but Anna has canonically read every book in the Arendelle castle library, some twice, so she doesn’t NOT like to read. Hiccup probably reads more, though, between the two of them--Anna often doesn’t really have the attention span for it. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? ANNA she loves to constantly hang over Hiccup’s shoulder when he reads and drape herself all over him like a needy cat like “PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEE” and Hiccup just lets out a defeated sigh and starts playing with her hair while reading and hopes this will be enough to appease the little gremlin It usually is 20. Who tutors the other? Hiccup tutors Anna, but she HATES having to ask and is actually pretty insecure about school just generally not coming as naturally to her as it does to Hiccup, so he’s always super patient and understanding with her and tries his very best to never get annoyed or frustrated if she doesn’t catch onto something right away. He doesn’t want her to ever feel stupid because he imagines it feels the same to her as when people call him weak and useless. Slowly but surely, he’s saving Anna’s grades--and building her confidence! 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Hell yeah! They love that high fantasy shit. I also like to think Hiccup manages to get Anna into some sci-fi and Anna manages to get Hiccup into romcoms (ONLY the good ones, he insists, as he would not be caught dead watching a shitty romcom!) 22. How do their personalities compliment each other? I mean the most obvious one here is that Hiccup’s general pessimism and cynicism compliment Anna’s optimism and cheerfulness really nicely. He would be able to keep her grounded and get her to be more realistic about things, while she would encourage him to see the positive side of bad situations and be more hopeful about things in general. Also I love the contrast of Hiccup’s intelligence and more quiet, snarky nature with Anna’s rather boisterous personality and general naivitey (sp?) and energy. They’re like a downplayed version of the “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one” trope and I think that’s beautiful. Also, they’d both be great at soothing the other’s isecurities--Anna would be Hiccup’s biggest cheerleader and would believe in him like no one else did, and would stop at nothing to pull him out of it when he started spiraling into self-loathing and thinking he’s a fuck-up. Hiccup, meanwhile, would be so smitten with Anna and would think that it’s the most obvious thing in the world that she’s an amazing human being in her own rite and never has to feel like the “spare” princess living in her sister’s shadow. And saying this without a shadow of a doubt, like it’s common knowledge, is often exactly what Anna needs to hear to feel a little better about herself. 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? I...honestly don’t think they’d be that extra about it??? In fact, they’d be the sort of couple who would be so UN-extra about it that it would do a full 180 and be hilarious. Like they’d be casually brunching with friends and Hiccup would just casually be like “oh by the way, Anna’s 3 months pregnant” or “oh, by the way, we just signed some adoption papers and we’re picking our new kid up on Saturday” and all of their friends would be like “wait WHAT” and Hiccup would be like “Anyways what were you saying about the newest episode of Alien Space Shooters 3000?” XD  24. Who has better fashion sense? Hiccup, probably. I mean, Astrid caught him making OUTFITS! The horror! The dude is also way more effeminate and, uh...clothing-conscientious than he realizes XD Anna has decent fashion sense, but I imagine that’s like 90% because Elsa spices up/makes her outfits since Elsa’s really more of the fashionista XD 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Try bullying Hiccup when Anna’s around. I dare you. You’re gonna get a fistful of Anna Rage and a very angry redhead screaming “THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO MY BOYFRIEND I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU” Look this woman punched a man off a boat and knocked a wolf half a mile away with a guitar thing she absolutely takes no shits and she can and will fuck you up if you so much as lay a finger on her precious dork Hiccup thinks this is really hot btw 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? For whatever reason the first songs that come to mind are “Africa” by Toto and “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey. ALSO “Teenage Dirtbag” by Wheatus since they both are, in fact, teenage dirtbags XD It also like perfectly describes the story of a modern AU where Hiccup the Loser is secretly pining for Anna the Nice Popular Girl who is dating Hans the Douchebag but that’s neither here nor there 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? Jackunzel, Jackunzel, Jackunzel!!! Jack and Hiccup would definitely be bros, even if they are not above mercilessly roasting and/or trolling one another XD And Anna and Rapunzel would be BEST FRIENDS if they ever met and I will DIE on this hill, I legit don’t think Anna would Vibe with any other princess as hard as she vibes with Punzel. They could be ADHD disasters together XD 28. Who likes to prank the other? Anna actually turns out to be quite the closet gadfly and has a secret side that LOVES pranks and generally trolling Hiccup, much to everyone’s surprise and Hiccup’s mild dismay. It’s always pretty innocent and subtle pranks, like switching books on his bookshelf or hiding his various possessions in weird places in the house, but Anna absolutely LIVES for that long, defeated sigh he lets out when he realizes he’s Been Had. 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Anna takes pictures of EVERYTHING on her phone--scenery, flowers, cute animals they come across, weird buildings, pretty fountains, Hiccup when he’s not looking, EVERYTHING XD She also bombs all her social media accounts with selfies of her and Hiccup and captions gloating about how great he is and how you WISH your boyfriend was this cool and rad and Hiccup is both embarrassed and flattered by this. 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Anna, who probably never stopped fully being a sucker for fairy tale True Love stories and all that shit, would fangirl for hours and hours. Hiccup would just go, “Oh, neat!” and go back to whatever project he was currently working on XD I mean his logic is mainly that regardless of whether it’s “magically destined” or not, he’s gonna date Anna anyway, so it really doesn’t make a scrap of difference to him whether she’s dubbed by some Mystical Higher Power as his soulmate lol  31. Where would they live? Well...SOMEWHERE in Scandinavia, since that’s canonically where both Berk and Arendelle are XD I kinda like the idea of them spending part of the year in Berk and part in Arendelle...maybe spring and summer in Berk, and fall and winter in Arendelle? I imagine spring and summer are when there’s the most interesting dragon activity in Berk, and winter’s probably pretty festive and colorful in Arendelle, if OFA is anything to go by. And the fall color is pretty too, going by Frozen 2. Seems like a good compromise, since I doubt either of them would want to permanently move away from their homes. 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? Given the shipping this question is HILARIOUSLY ironic Well it just so happens they would have a type of dragon called a Night Fury and name him Toothless XD Anna would probably have a dragon of her own too--I conversed with someone on fanfic.net and did some research into all the HTTYD dragons, and I think the one I like her most with is a sand wraith, since they live on the beach and Anna certainly seems to like the beach, if her throwaway comment complaining Elsa doesn’t have “tropical” powers is anything to go by XD 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? First of all, fuck you for making me google “Types of Vampires” and then getting me aggravated because like nowhere on the internet is there a straightforward list of vampire "species” that isn’t like 5 miles long or just a meme XD Welp, I couldn’t really find a list of vampire species that wouldn’t take forever to look over, so I wrote a summary for a vampire fanfic instead Anna turns first. I imagine probably Hans turns her--tricks her into falling in love with him without knowing he’s a vampire, and then biting her when she’s off-guard to basically try to make her into a spooky sex slave or something. Anna starts seeing Hiccup in secret (who she knew before--he’s still human at this point), and eventually he asks her to turn him so that he can be with her without her outliving him and also so that they can team up and fight Hans together. Anna has a lot of reservations about turning him, but finally agrees. They end up kicking Hans out of his spooky vampire castle and taking it for themselves XD Anna eventually makes the best of being a vampire, and has a blast wearing all manor of fancy dresses and throwing extravagant balls. She’s pretty bummed about never getting to gorge herself on garlic bread again, though :( Hiccup doesn’t much like it, especially since a lot of animals are scared of him now and he doesn’t Vibe with nature quite like he used to D: Nonetheless, he decides to use the immortality to do some pretty neat projects and work on his contraptions and inventions and whatnot. I imagine they eventually devolve into kind of a vigilante duo, and make a point of only hunting down and feeding on bad people who are actively hurting or abusing other people or animals. A pretty good incentive to not like...do violent crime in this AU is those creepy old wives’ tales people tell their kids like “don’t be an asshole when you grow up, or the Haddock vampires will get you!” 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? Well Hiccup would be some sort of dragon, obviously! Anna I have no idea...but I kinda like the idea of her just dressing up as a generic fairy tale princess and then going around with Hiccup like “oh no, this dragon kidnapped me!” Both their friends and various trick-or-treaters get a kick out of the whole bit. 35. Can they name each other’s favourite food? But of course! Anna’s is chocolate, krumkake, and sandwiches, and Hiccup’s is crabcakes (yes, all this is actually canon! I do my research for fanfiction thank you very much lol). And you can bet they surprise each other by buying one another’s favorite foods all the time! 36. Do they have pet names for one another? In my fanfic I always have Hiccup come up with SO MANY for Anna, like in my Fire!Anna AU fanfic alone I have Fire Hazard, Firecracker, and probably a few others I can’t remember One headcanon I really like is that whenever Anna is especially ready to attempt to kick the ass of something she really should NOT fight (such as a giant snowman), Hiccup physically has to hold her back and goes “Whoa, slow down there, tiger” and this happens so frequently that eventually it gets shortened to just calling her Tiger XD And hey, with the orange hair and the feistiness, it still fits! As for Anna, she usually just calls Hiccup Dragon Boy or Nerd XD 37. How do they cheer each other up? I imagine Hiccup probably tries to distract Anna from whatever’s bothering her by making her laugh and talking in dumb accents or imitating his dad XD Anna would probably try to help Hiccup stay optimistic about a bad situation and try to point out the positives, but more in an encouraging way than like...an obnoxious, condescending “oh, it could be worse, count your blessings!” kind of way. And Anna has so much peppy energy about it that it actually does sometimes manage to pierce Hiccup’s cynicism and make him feel a bit better, if only for a little while before he starts once again imagining everything that could possibly go wrong XD 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? Eeeeeyup XD They looooove holding hands in public, and enjoy kissing dramatically in front of the sunset and such. I mean I imagine they don’t have hardcore makeout sessions in public or feel each other up sexually, if only because they don’t want to make people THAT uncomfortable. 39. How old were they when they got together? Depends on the AU you’re using and where in both their respective timelines they meet, but I imagine them meeting either as kids or in their early teens, and then taking so damn long to spit out how they feel that they don’t actually start dating until their late teens or early 20s. 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? If it’s a puppy? Probably Anna. If it’s a kitten or a weird, injured reptile? Deeeefinitely Hiccup. 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? They most certainly CANNOT. I like to think Elsa and Honeymaren tried to teach them one time and have a yoga double date (because of COURSE Elsa would suggest that) and it ended with Anna and Hiccup butchering every last pose, repeatedly falling on their asses, and generally having a bad time. Poor Elsa and Honeymaren had to work hard to keep from just losing their shit laughing. 42. What is their song? I mean...I don’t know what their like...OFFICIAL song is, but the songs “West End Kids” by the New Politics and “Paper Rings” by Taylor Swift have always had Big Hiccanna Energy to me. 43. What does their room look like? It’s divided pretty neatly in two. Hiccup’s side has a near-spotless floor, a desk with a perfectly-organized bookshelf and a very chic desk lamp, several movie posters and a hanging whiteboard with miscellaneous invention designs and reminders about random stuff written on it. Anna’s side looks like Hurricane Katrina just swept through, this time with a personal vendetta against snack wrappers. 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Anna would absolutely be the sort to just fuckin tear through hoards of zombies screeching battle cries and knocking them all upside the head with a crowbar, or just straight plowing down an entire hoard with some freaking machine gun she stumbled on and taught herself how to use because she wanted to be badass XD Meanwhile Hiccup is absolutely grateful for the protection because Anna can fuck up a LOT of zombies at once, but he also has to keep the girl from going TOO crazy and accidentally putting her impulsive dumbass in grave peril XD 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Hiccup, for sure. He’s used to being up pretty early because I imagine you get the most dragon-flying and exploring in if you wake up early, and he knows food is basically the only thing that will make Anna not hate getting up, so he makes her breakfast in bed as often as he can to make waking up suck less. And sure enough, after a while Anna starts to hate the morning just a liiiiittle bit less XD 46. Who loves kids more? Anna! Given how fun-loving and energetic she is, she probably loves hanging out with and being around kids. Hiccup likes kids fine, but he often feels kinda awkward and weird around them (I mean...more so than usual XD) because he isn’t sure how to interact with them. When they’re around kids, Hiccup usually follows Anna’s lead on how to talk to them. 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Well Anna’s ex attempted to use her to infiltrate and take over a kingdom and then tried to murder her sister so I mean 48. What are their favourite colours? Going by their canon color schemes, I’m guessing Anna’s would probably be like spring green and magenta, and Hiccup’s would be a more dark, foresty green and red. 49. Who likes to cook? Hiccup. Anna can’t cook for shit because she generally doesn’t have the patience for it and would just as soon live off of freezer food if she could because it’s less trouble XD Hiccup is good at making/building things, which actually translates to him being a pretty good chef. He makes Anna food a lot and she absolutely ADORES his cooking. 50. Who is the forgetful one? Anna. Gotta love that ADHD babeyyyy! (I mean I’m practically irl Anna and I am NOTORIOUSLY forgetful so it’s gotta be her XD)
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: A Vested Interest
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 3, Day 5, Dwodd 
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
“Fuck off!” Derek yelled, looking across the large, white and glass hallway of the Ohio Brooks Parker Galleria Mall to the Hot Topic.
“What is it?” Bailey asked, not turning from his sink full of dishes. He was up to his elbows in coffee mugs and dessert-stained plates. “Is Sebastian coming up to ask for another job application?”
“Shut up Bailey, you know it’s only because he thinks Julian’s hot, not because he wants to work here. And no; it’s not that asshole.” Derek gestured across the hallway; Bailey couldn’t see it because he still had his back turned, uncaring. “It’s that fucking asshole and his boyfriend!”
“You know, the assistant manager and that hipster guy!”
“Oh Dwight?” Bailey asked. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re fucking again!”
Bailey made an amused noise. “Good for them.”
“Good for them!?” Derek exclaimed, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, if you could get laid at work you would.” Bailey said, hiding his laughter. “I’m glad you don’t for the record; I don’t want to clean that up, but it’s a little funny.”
“Exactly- how is it that the goth who isn’t even in charge of that place is getting laid and I’m here in a fucking Starbucks like a loser?”
While Derek was ranting, he was ignoring the girl at the register. Bailey shot her a look, commiserating before drying his hands to take her order.
“And if we’re really splitting hairs here Bailey, shouldn’t he, I don’t know? Be doing his job? Instead of letting his little hipster boyfriend fuck him in the changerooms?”
Bailey rolled his eyes, grabbing a larger sized cup for their customer and waving her panicked look aside. It was the least he could do since she was putting up with Derek’s ranting.
“Jeez, Derek if it bothers you so much, just join in our betting pool and you at least could make some money off it.” Bailey said, steaming the milk like it was just another normal day. Which, working with Derek for at long as he had, it kind of was.
“Betting pool?”
Their customer interjected, “I’m from the Barnes and Noble next door; we’ve got it going with us, Clay and the boys in the store, Bailey and y’all, and then then Chels and the Pet Co. downstairs for how long it’ll take the manager to catch them.”
“All those people know? And Ryan still hasn’t figured it out?” Derek asked, confounded.
She shrugged, “Yeah, well, Pet Co. was waiting for the two month mark to send Ryan upstairs at the right moment; but Todd and Dwight were just talking; I’m thinking Clay ran interference so the bet’s still going.”
Derek looked caught between anger and intrigue. He looked at her with a scowl before, “Put me down for fifty bucks on two weeks from now. Ryan’s not an idiot, he’ll realize.”
“Not if he spends all his time downstairs with the fish tanks.” Bailey pointed out.
“Why is he even managing a Hot Topic if he loved animals so much?”
“He’d never sell anything if he worked downstairs, that’s why.” Their customer pointed out, wandering back to the Barnes and Noble with her drink. “Good luck boys!”
Oh it’s on, Derek thought, not realizing how difficult a task it would actually be to accomplish.
Two months of this nonsense aside, Dwight Houston had not set out to completely disregard professionalism and decorum when he got this throwaway job at the mall. His mother raised him better than that- or so she kept saying. He was only here for the sole purpose of keeping his car and proving he was responsible- nothing more. If he had enough knowledge of alternative culture to tell people why Hot Topic was the worst place to shop, that wasn’t his problem. He was merely the solution.
When Todd Hendricks, or “Hipster Guy” as he referred to him for the first two weeks in his head, walked in, there was no master plan to get back at his manager for promoting him in this insanity. No, it was only a short conversation, based around Todd’s utter incompetence.
“If she’s a real goth, she will not want anything we sell here. This is emo shit, New Oracle in Glensdale is the real space for crystals. This is just plastic and Yellow 33!” Dwight shook the fake silver jewellery at the customer and his wide rimmed glasses, plaid shirt, and rough, red scarf. “Your sister will not like this.”
“But that’s why it’s funny. Because it’s not authentic.” The customer (who would be known as Todd) said. “She’ll hate it and it’ll be hilarious.”
“It’s offensive! You say she’s a witch, then it’s doubly offensive.” Dwight said, motioning to put the piece back up on the highest shelf with the pole hook.
“I’m her brother, she’ll know it’s a joke.” He argued. “I’m not here to rock your goth purist boat.”
“I am not a goth,” Dwight said, putting the offending piece out of reach. “I am a post-industrial punk with spiritualist leanings; its completely different.”
“Sure.” Was the response, grinning like he’d not proven anything.
Dwight groaned, “Clay, back me up here; the Vampire Diaries spinoff jewellery is not something we should be promoting to any self-respecting goth.”
His part-timer, Clay Rizzo, poked out from behind the piercing display where he totally wasn’t trying to steal new lip rings. “I don’t know Dwight; I am one of those emo pieces of shit, so maybe I’d recommend it?”
“I get no support around here!” Dwight said, stalking to the back of the store. “Impossible!”
Todd looked over to the part-timer, decked in the unofficial uniform of all black and a hundred emo-band pins. “I think I’m dropping by more often.”
Clay gave him an evil grin. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
From there it escalated; Todd coming in multiple times a week just to annoy Dwight. Well, that’s what Dwight assumed until Todd asked for his phone number.
“What? Why’d you want that?”
Todd looked at him like he was an idiot. “Because I’ve been flirting with you this whole time? Were you not…”
Clay, unknown to the two of them, was watching with Robin and Jake from behind the t-shirts. They were supposed to be executing the planogram; but why do that when there was drama to observe?
“I was not.” Dwight said robotically. “Uh, okay, that’s…”
“I literally looped a tie around your neck and pulled you in, and you didn’t realize I was into you?”
Clay, who remembered that exchange, had to be smothered with a Haven shirt but Jake to stop him from making noise.
“In my defence, I’m not used to people flirting with me.”
“If you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just thought-”
“I’m not not interested?” Dwight interjected before Todd turned away and walked out. “I’m just, uh, not used to … this?”
“I can work with that.”
It somehow progressed, in spite of Dwight’s inherent awkwardness. Jake, Robin, Jasper, and Clay respectively waving the pair off whenever Dwight took his lunch break now.
“They grow up so fast.” Clay said dramatically while Dwight gave him the finger. Todd just smiled at his conspirator and told them to take care of the store. Not that he worked there. He was there often enough he’d take to reminding Dwight about stock orders, schedules, and that Jake had a family dinner coming up so someone had to get it covered. The store had never run so well as it did when Todd started dating their assistant manager.
“Where did you guys put the Manic Panic?” Ryan Cobb, actual manager of Hot Topic, called out from the stockroom. “There should be a packing slip for a 3 pack of each colour, but all I see is overstock of those short-shorts!”
“I don’t know, ask Jake,” Dwight said, standing on a step ladder with Jasper spotting him. “He was in last night when the delivery came in.”
“I’m asking you. How can you be my assistant manager and not know where the hair dye is? We have that Chang girl coming in later and I promised her we’d have her order in!” Ryan called. “I’m going on break, that dye should be on the shelf when I get back.”
Ryan left, once again for supposedly fifteen minutes- but the entire staff knew he’d be gone for the rest of the day downstairs to play with the parakeets Pet Co. just got in.
“Oh, you’re in trouble.” Robin said, amused.
“Shut up.” Dwight muttered. “I bet Jake just put them somewhere weird. Call him and see what’s going on.”
“I’ll call him. He told me nothing came in last night though.”
“Perfect, just fucking perfect.” Dwight groaned.  
“What’s wrong?” Todd asked, coming in with a cardboard tray of drinks. “I just saw Ryan go by, if he’s actually in the store for any minute I’m scared the place will burst into flames.”
“Once in a blue moon, it happens I guess.” Dwight admitted, climbing down the ladder to receive his kiss on the cheek and the green tea Todd brought for him.
“What’s happening?” Todd asked, taking his own coffee off the tray and pushing the sugar-laden third and fourth cups to the part-timers he’d been subtly converting to his side. Jasper particularly grabbed his eagerly, gushing thank yous.
“Jake might have lost a delivery.” Dwight paused, “Or not? I don’t know about the warehouse, but they’ve been fucking up recently anyways. I swear I can’t find last night’s order but the stockroom does look like shit…”
“You have a computer? There should be a record of orders received and rejected? I know not everyone still does things hard copy.” Todd suggested.
“It’s in the manager’s office!” Robin volunteered. “Not that we’re allowed in there. It’s for Ryan and Dwight only.”
“Well, they can’t fire me so I don’t care about that rule.” Todd said, taking a sip of his coffee and beelining to the back room.
Dwight scrambled to follow him. “No! No! No customers in the back!”
“Oh come on, if Ryan’s going to get mad at you about it then I might as well try to help.” Todd said, finding the tiny room easily and placing himself in the desk chair like he owned the place. “Password’s hottopic123, very creative, not hacking proof at all.”
“It’s a formality, that’s why it’s on the post-it.” Dwight grumbled, reluctant to admit he was grateful for the help.
“Okay, well according to your emails it’s right there. They’re not sending it because of the USPS strike. I don’t know why Ryan didn’t notice that.” Todd said after a few open tabs and a control+f.
“Oh that’s why.” Dwight grumbled, pointing to the open tabs on tanks for tropical fish. “He was distracted.”
“Why is he in charge of a Hot Topic if he doesn’t want to even work here?” Todd asked, looking through the pages. “Like, if you’re desperate you could work for the raptor sanctuary; they’re hiring.”
“Wait, you know the raptor sanctuary?” Dwight asked, intrigued. “I have an owl there.”
“I’m sponsoring Rowena, the prairie-”
“Merlin.” Dwight finished. “Yeah, she’s the one who the workers are teaching how to do the flight tricks right?”
“Yeah.” Todd paused, “You’re Castiel’s sponsor? I thought that name was stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s a good name!” Dwight said before realizing Todd was joking with him. “Oh, okay.”
“So, if Ryan is going to ignore the email in his inbox in favour of spending all his time at Pet Co. I propose we do something to get him back.” Todd said, spinning around in the chair and closing the door to the office. It was more like a cupboard with how much room there was.
Dwight looked at him suspiciously. “What do you mean?”
Todd locked the door, “You’ll see.”
Robin wasn’t sure what was happening until he went to knock on the door and heard it. Shit. Maybe Dwight was cool.
First thing he did was tell Jake over the phone, who told Jasper, who told Clay- who told literally the entire mall by the time he’d made it in for his closing shift.
“Who knew the dude had it in him.” Jake said, punching in, careful to give the office door a lot of room. “I mean, I would do that but Dwight’s always struck me as a bit of a-”
“A nerd?” Jasper supplied.
“I’m so proud of my dads.” Clay said, already on the top of a stepladder switching out t-shirts. “Like, I can’t use that office so I don’t give a shit- but it’s also hilarious. How long do you think it takes Ryan to notice?”
“First, they’re not your dads.” Jake said.
“Todd gave me a gold star for my pins last week, they’re my dads.” Clay said, half joking, but mostly trying to annoy Jake.
“Okay, fine. Secondly, Ryan isn’t going to notice shit. If he hasn’t notice you’ve been stealing lip rings to wear while at work he is not going to notice Dwight’s boyfriend fucked him in the office.”
“Or did Dwight fuck him?” Jasper asked.
“I don’t care.” Jake dismissed the comment. “Either way, it’ll be, like a year before Ryan realizes something is up.”
Clay grinned, “Care to put your money where your mouth is?”
“You’re on.”
The pot, by the time Pet Co., Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, and Radio Shack got in on the action, was somewhere around $400. The only ones unaware, were the couple in question and Ryan Cobb.
“Shit, Clay! This isn’t what it looks like.” Dwight said hurriedly, Clay pulling open the curtain to the change rooms enough to poke his head in.
“Really? Because it looks like you’re just passionately embracing Todd.” Clay shrugged, “I could be wrong.”  
Todd would have normally made a quip back, but he was too close to reply. “Uh, not a good time.”
“Well, you’ve got almost no time at all for this quickie because Ryan is on his way back. AKA, he’s on the elevator and if you’re here balls deep-“
“I will curse you so hard-”
“You’re already hard, I get it. Put some pants on, wrap it up.” Clay said, flipping the curtain closed. At least the two of them were polite enough to not make any of the part-timers do cleaning duties on these occasions.
Either way, Clay has a vested interest in not alerting Ryan right now. The pot was up to $800 now, and he would need that for next semester’s books. College was expensive.
In the end, it wasn’t Ryan who caught them; it was the night security guard who got them outside in Dwight’s ridiculously out of date Chevy. With an ‘indecent exposure’ strike on his record, Ryan had to let Dwight go. The betting pool wasn’t sure if this meant the bet was on, or off.
The next week, when he found Todd wandering past the Hot Topic to the men’s bathrooms with one lanky, gothic boyfriend in tow- he shot Todd a thumbs up and informed the rest of the mall the game was still on.
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
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Modern Valdo x Reader Part 3 (Angst)
A/N: A sequel to this fic. Let’s be real, this is a series now. I’m going to keep going and cannot be stopped.  I’m going to need a series title or something to refer to this as besides “Modern Valdo.” Also specifically Modern Valdo fics are a requestable thing now. Just decided that. Or like if you want there to be a taglist, let me know? Self-prompted from this list because I wanted the sting.  Word Count: 2975 Content Warnings: language; mild substance abuse; blood/injury
You had been living with Valdo for three weeks now, though it often feels like the situation had been forever, dancing on a wire’s edge, neither willing to be the first bring up that night, too afraid of what might turn out to be nothing in the harsh light of day and logical thought. Still you fell asleep most nights (and woke up some mornings) in each other’s arms, in one sleeping place or the other.
Every apartment you looked at, he found flaws that meant it “wasn’t good enough.” Your things from the place you had shared with Karla took up residence with you or were safely tucked into a secure storage unit that he’d insisted on helping you pay for. You had keys to his place and a parking pass for the garage. He regularly dropped you off and picked you up from work, and you’d get dinner or go to a show. When he had a gig, you were the only person allowed in his dressing room besides him, a surprising expansion of your already extensive backstage access.
“You two are just the picture of domesticity aren’t you?” Lukus joked after a show one night when you had greeted Valdo with a grin and a hug as he stepped off the stage.
“Never thought I’d see Valdo Marx settle down,” Mara added, nudging him with an elbow after you’d gone back to the bar to get drinks for everyone, as had become habit. “It looks good on you.”
“It’s not like that. You know we’re just mates. And Y/N deserves a better man than I could ever hope to be,” he sighed.
“Ugh, you are so whipped man,” Mara clapped Valdo on the shoulder. “Save that sappy shit for the album.”
“What ‘sappy shit’?” you asked, returning with two beers and whiskey sours, just as always, curious to what his bandmates might be teasing Valdo over.
“It’s nothing, Y/N,” he said, smiling as he took one of the cocktails and resisting the urge to kiss your cheek in thanks.
“Hey, Y/N,” Lukus said suddenly, startling you with how close he was now standing. “Wanna grab dinner next Saturday?”
“Um, sure. I love hanging out with you guys,” you said, slightly confused.
“No sweet cheeks, not the group, just you and I. As a date.”
“O…oh…” you blushed, staring down at your shoes as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world, missing the smug grin he sent Valdo’s way or the answering icy, murderous stare. “Um…sure…that might be…nice.”
If you were being honest, you had never considered Lukus as your type (his blondish hair and blue eyes and very squared face were often called conventionally attractive but you just found them boring) or someone you knew very well, but maybe a date would change that. And you were starting to get sick of waiting for Valdo to make a move when the ball was in his court. So maybe you could get over it and just go back to being friends. That was probably for the best anyway.
“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something sexy for me.” He waggled his eyebrows at you with a smirk and you rolled your eyes.
Just like that, the peace of the apartment was broken, and the week passed in tense moments and frosty silences. Both desperate to bridge the chasm that had formed between you and genuinely wanting his advice, you walked out to the living room to find him sulking and cuddling a pillow and pointedly ignoring you.
“V,” you sighed. “I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you this week, but I could really use your help. You’re the only one I trust for this.”
He sighed and rolled his upper body to face you, but said nothing.
“I’m going to take that as an agreement because it’s the most you’ve acknowledged me all day. I don’t know Lukus that well or what he might be planning for this date thing. What do you think I should wear?”
His eyes, still rimmed in yesterday’s royal blue eyeliner, narrowed. “Something light colored, that way you can find it on his floor in the morning,” he snarled before flopping back over to face the back of the couch.
“Excuse me?!” you stared at him in complete disbelief. You had not inherent problem with the idea of potentially sleeping with Lukus on the first date but the implication in his tone that it was expected or guaranteed both confused and offended you.
“You heard me,” his voice was muffled by the cushions but you still caught its sharp edge.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
You watched his shoulders rise and fall in a dramatic shrug. “You’re not the first person Lukus has ‘dated,’ Y/N. I just know how he does things. He’s not a long-term, take home to the family guy.”
“So what? You think just because you’ve only seen him have one-night stands in the past, that there’s no chance I won’t sleep with him?”
“You asked for my advice. I gave it. Now you should probably go get ready, you wouldn’t want to be late for Prince Charming’s arrival.”
“You’re being a dick.” You hated the tears that sprung, unbidden, to your eyes and the waver of your voice.
“Yeah well, you’re going on a date with someone else. So you’re not blameless in this pain sweetheart.”
“If you have something to say Valdo, say it to my face. But if this is supposed to be your way of telling me you have feelings for me, it’s pretty shit.”
Silence hung over you for a minute before ever so slowly he shifted to face you properly, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.
“I do have feelings for you, Y/N. And I thought…maybe there was a chance you felt the same but…”
“Why now? Three weeks ago, I asked you to kiss me. You rejected me that night, and you haven’t said a word since. What was I supposed to think?” You made a gesture of surrender. “So I gave up waiting for you, and now you’ve decided to say something?”
“If you really meant what happened that night, you’d have waited longer than three weeks.”
“That’s a selfish attitude V.”
He shrugged.
“I can’t deal with this right now.” Turning, you stormed off back to the little office space where you had been keeping most of your clothes since moving in, waiting until the last possible moment to apply your makeup for fear that more would be said and it would start to run.
You felt terrible. The date with Lukus was on its second hour, and while it was just dinner at a little Italian restaurant (you appreciated that he had found a mom-and-pop place instead of a chain but suspected it was more for the hipster cred than any real devotion to helping small business), it should still have been your focus. Or he should have. Even if he was unfortunately dull and you had nothing of substance in common.
Instead, you kept playing Valdo’s words over and over in your head. The two of you had been friends for years, meeting by chance when you were put in the same orientation group your first day of college. You quickly became thick as thieves and knew every detail, the good the bad and the ugly, of each other. Or at least, you thought you did. But even knowing that he had a temper and an ego which hardly ever combined into something good, you hadn’t expected him to be so cruel.
“So, Y/N,” Lukus said, voice cutting through your thoughts as the waitress came to collect your check.  “Do you want to get out of here? I’ve got…beers and stuff back at my place…”
You smiled apologetically and shook your head. “I’m not much of a beer girl,” you said ruefully. “And I’m afraid I won’t be very good company. It’s been a weird week and I’m not really…feeling it. I’m sorry.”
He shrugged, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “That’s fine. Shit happens. I’ll give you a ride home.”
“Thanks. And I did enjoy tonight,” you lied, feeling an odd lack of guilt.
When Lukus idled his old blue sports car in front of Valdo’s building, a strange sort of tension seemed to hang inside the vehicle. Your hand rested on the handle of the passenger door as you tried to think of the polite way to end the disaster of a date.
“Can I, I dunno, kiss you or something?” Lukus suddenly asked, and you shrugged.
“I suppose I don’t see why not.”
He grinned, the dopey, excited expression reminding you of an overly eager retriever offered a bone. The lips that pressed against yours were chapped and damp from being licked nervously during the drive. The whole thing was awkward and uncomfortable and you broke away as soon as it no longer seemed excessively rude.
“Right…well…goodnight?” you said, moving to exit.
“Yeah. Goodnight. I’ll call you or something.”
You nodded, although you frankly couldn’t care less if he did or not. You only hoped that it wouldn’t make things problematic at the next show. The entire thing had been a mistake. Still, you offered a little wave back over your shoulder at him when you reached the front door. There was no reason to be rude about it.
Every nerve was on edge as you took the elevator up to Valdo’s (and your? You still weren’t sure where that really stood) seventh floor apartment and you couldn’t pinpoint the reason. Sure, you were still upset over the fight the two of you had, but it shouldn’t have caused such a pit of foreboding in your stomach, should it?
The door wasn’t locked when you pushed it open, which meant that he hadn’t gone out for the night. You couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not.
“Hey, V,” you called out as you entered. “I’m back. Can we…I dunno talk or something?”
There was no answer from the darkened apartment. You reached over to flick on the switch by the door and gasped.
The room was a disaster. Several bottles, and worse candy wrappers, littered the floor and coffee table. At least one dripped dark liquor and dissolving sugar onto the braided rug. Valdo’s shoes, socks, three coats/jackets, and several pairs of pants (none of which were the ones he’d been wearing earlier) were festooned like crepe paper streamers. A straightening iron smoked and singed against the spine of the cheap romance novel, left open on its face with pages rumpled beneath it, that it sat on.
You paused in your inspection to unplug the fire hazard with a soft curse.
The couch looked like someone had flipped it and ransacked it for loose change, though the lean-to of other pillows and assorted blankets suggested more likely that it had been the foundation of an attempted pillow fort. The sight of that made your heart flip. You had seen Valdo build such a structure on two previous occasions: once when his grandfather, one of the few members of his family that truly encouraged his artistic pursuits for enjoyment rather than potential profit, had died, and the other when the band’s first EP received a rather public review from a respected music site that called it “trite, lethargic, and miserable.”
“V?” you called again, softer and hesitant now as you approached the plush hidey-hole. Something crunched under your heel and you stepped back to reveal the now semi-powdered remains of a Thin Mint, which you knew for a fact there weren’t any of in the house (or hadn’t been earlier in the afternoon).
A groan was your only answer.
“You’re worrying me now. So please tell me a) that you’re alright, and b) where you found a Girl Scout with cookies on hand on a random Saturday night? And maybe c) that you did not mug said Girl Scout?”
When you did not get a response, you sighed, dropping onto your knees to crawl under the silky silver-grey sheet that seemed to form the ‘door’ of the textile fortress.
“I swear to god V…” you growled, feeling just a tiny bit ridiculous. Until your eyes fell on his prone form.
His shirt rumpled up, exposing his back. He was wearing no shoes and had somewhere lost a sock (by the look of the remaining one, black with thin purple stripes, it was also not obvious among the ones strewn about the room outside the pillow fort’s protective wall). And his hair, his poor gorgeous hair. About half of it had been forced stick straight; if you breathed deeply you thought you could still detect the singed smell in the air. Several sections were noticeably shorter than they should have been.
Gently you nudged him and he sat up groggily before flopping like a puppet with cut strings and falling onto your shoulder.
“Hello Y/N. Lovely Y/N,” he slurred, emerald eyes staring blearily up at you. He slung his arms around your waist. “You came back.”
“Of course I came back,” you teased, keeping your voice light even as you noticed the dishtowel wrapped around his hand and the distressingly large patch of red on it.
“I thought you’d go home with…him. I didn’t want you to.”
You swallowed and sighed, not wanting to rehash the argument from earlier, especially while he was so drunk.
“Nah,” you tried to seem flippant. “He was a bit boring to be honest. And I shudder to think what you would have done without me.”
“Died.” His face was quite serious as he said it and your heart clenched momentarily.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’ve survived this long without me.”
“But I didn’t live. I needed you for that. I love you.” He rolled his head to press sloppy kisses to the shoulder he rested against and you pushed him away from you, trying hard not to panic.
“Valdo, you can’t just say shit like that. I know you’re drunk but Gods… is that really how you feel?”
You left him sitting there as you climbed back out of the pile and began carefully disassembling it around him, one eye watching to make sure his drunkenness didn’t cause an injury.
He nodded floppily. “I don’t like it, but it’s true. I realized it tonight. Or not tonight. I can’t remember.” He seemed intent on braiding his fingers together as he spoke.
The motion calls your attention back to the towel. “What happened there?”
“Oh! That I remember. I dropped a wine glass and it shattered. I cleaned it up and the glass cut me. It’ll be fine.” He waved dismissively and you rolled your eyes, quickly going to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for first aid supplies.
You sat cross-legged in front of him. “Give me your hand.”
“In marriage if you want.” He thrust it at you and you tried not blush at the soft look on his face.
Carefully, you unwound the towel and he winced with a hiss but did his best to remain unmoving. You inspected his palm with a frown; it looked like he had basically shredded it on the glass, but luckily there didn’t seem to be any shards remaining. You cleaned the cuts as gently as possible and the pair of you sat in silence. Several of them looked like they might be deep enough to need stitches, but you were uncertain. You layered gauze over them, pressing gently despite the pathetic, pained noises he made while you wrapped it. It would need to be checked again in the morning, when he was hopefully sober enough to decide for himself to seek treatment.
“What happened tonight Valdo?” you asked when you finished, still holding his hand between both of yours. “This isn’t you. Not normally.”
“I lost it,” he shrugged. “You left and I started drinking and then…I dunno.”
“It wasn’t like I was never coming back. Are you trying to say that I’m that much of your impulse control these days?”
He growled and yanked his hand away, standing wobbily and starting to pace stumblingly.
“Don’t you get it, Y/N? I’m in love with you and it scares the hell out of me. And then you left with him and it broke my fucking heart. So I tried to numb it.”
“V…I…” you shook your head. “We should talk about this tomorrow. When you’re sober.”
“Are we going to? Or is this going to be another thing of us just pretending it never happened. Because I can’t,” he slumped into a sob on the edge of the couch frame. “I can’t do this. I don’t want to lose you. But I also don’t want to keep pretending this isn’t how I feel.”
You stood and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, letting him press his face to your middle as he continued to cry.
“I promise, on my life. We will talk about this in the morning. For real, talk. Or afternoon more likely because you are going to be hungover as fuck.”
One hand came up to brush gently through his abused hair as you held him until the sobs slowed to gentle sniffling.
“Now, let’s get you to bed, and then I can clean up from Hurricane Marx,” you smiled softly at him and pulled him to his feet, leading him to the bedroom.
He flopped onto the mattress and gently you coaxed him onto his side, sitting next to him and rubbing small circles on his back until you were confident by his gentle snoring that he would be okay. Then you shook your head ruefully and stood once more.
“What a mess,” you muttered.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Church/ Soulmate au
N/A: Is a cliche I´ll use but I like it. So, let´s see what happens here.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
In Ultramar, a country that banished religion for the concept of a positive future, and in a more “clean” future, they ´re separated into 3 classes. The first class is dominated class A and is where the richer and nobles live well, the second class is dominated class B where people with fewer means live and the third class is dominated class C where people with no means are located. Another thing to mention about this world, there´s the soulmate system, where each person is blessed with a half tattoo and your significant other is born with the complete draw, the idea is that each person, unite, and makes the perfect union.
The Prydes meet thanks to the soulmate system. Terry Pryde had a half image of a yellow heart and Cameron had the other half. However, their daughter, Kitty Pryde, has a strange symbol on her hand that no one can decipher.
Her symbol is a half image of a sun, however, the design is very ancient and thanks to a research Kitty made, this type of design is a date in 1600, which, means two things or her soulmate is a hipster that loves old things or her soulmate is already dead. In addition, this prompts pity and mocking from her peers ever since.
Ultramar has some problems and struggles, yet, they have too much pride to ask for help, except, in the health department and when the affiliation of the church offers the help they begrudge accepts. So, this week, everyone has a chance to get vaccinate and the Prydes won´t let that chance be wasted.
“Kitty, sweetie, come on, or the queue will be too big” Terry urged Kitty and Cameron makes some jokes about queue and big things that Terry and Kitty ignored.
The young woman is preparing herself as she is being urged by her mother one more time, however, in the hurry, Kitty forgets her own white gloves and that will change her future forever.
The nurse is making small idle talk with Kitty Pryde, Kitty thinks being a nurse can be a nice occupation. “So, is it raining outside? They broadcast a heavy rain” and the nurse takes Kitty´s arm carefully preparing for the procedure.
Kitty shakes her head, “I´d not think it will rain today, but, the weather is a mystery sometimes” she jokes and the nurse hums in good humour and once the shot is given. “Hey, you have a very pretty tattoo” the nurse speaks in a soothing tone.
Kitty is a bit crestfallen. “Well, that´s a sad tattoo, is the mark of my soulmate but judging by how old it is, is a very ancient style this drawn, my soulmate is already dead” Kitty replied.
“Oh, I´m sorry, but, maybe your soulmate isn´t from here, maybe your soulmate is outside of Ultramar”
“Yeah, well, I´m too poor to leave this country, so, I´d not have means to chase my soulmate”
______________________________________________ In the centrefold of the power of the Church where the Inquisition lives, and nurse Williams is forgetting the proper protocol and is barging into the private area of the head of inquisition.  And she is rewarded by seeing the man himself, if she can call him as such, sitting in the dark in his throne-like chair and drinking wine(is it wine or blood? Is hard to tell and no one dares to make the question) “Sister Williams?” Kurt Szardos regards Sister Williams with little interest. “What´s so important that prompts you to forget the protocols?” his words have mirth, but, is laced with something else, not always, when Kurt Szardos smiles means something good will happen to you.
“I´ve found your soulmate” she speaks and that dangerous smile continues, oh, how many, many and many people try to manipulate him with this talk and how they all fall down. “I´ve proof” she Sister Williams is quick to give an image of the tattoo.
“Where did you found her?” Kurt´s tone is too authoritative and Sister Williams has no reason for the lie.
“In Ultramar, section C. She´s lives in a poor area, along with her family. Her name is…” __________________________________________________
Ultramar hates the Church more than people realize, is not mere displeasure, is a downright malicious feeling, is genuine hate, and Kurt Szardos, the speaking voice of the Church, is the one they hate the most. The government tries secret assassinations plots that always, always fail. So, when the man himself appears in Ultramar, the government is less than, please.
The man is as dangerous as he´s handsome. So, of course, women did look at him(the old fetish of churchmen is strong and hide well in Ultramar) but, Kurt is not paying them any mind as he arrives in the house 34.
Stories of Cinderella dances in his mind. And, Kurt wonders, for a moment, if his soulmate would want her to punish those who wrong him like Cinderella with her step-sisters.
The Prydes look dubious at Kurt Szardos, while, Kitty Pryde is in total awe. Especially as their tattoo shows a complete and genuine match. “We´re soulmates! Wait, how old are you?” Kitty asked confused, this tattoo´s design is very old and Kurt does not appear to be over 30.
Kurt chuckles and whispers into her ear, ignoring the Prydes. “I´m a vampire, and I was waiting for you”
The prydes are not sharing the same sentiment as Kitty is, however, she´s in cloud nine and their only daughter deserve to be happy, even if is with a vampiric deity that works as head of inquisition.
Ultramar´s government did not take well their own citizen have a connection with a person they loathe so much, so, they decide to do something. Ultramar has many hitman and mercenaries at their beck call, one word, and Kitty Pryde is dead.
Kitty Pryde was happily going to buy some treats, a small celebration she is making, as her soulmate is finally here with her. Sadly, the celebration will be cut short as a hand muffled her screams and take her away.
Ultramar does not forget.
And neither does Kurt.
Kurt manages to find Kitty in time, a battle (if the word can be used here) issues and Kurt left no survivors, only Kitty blindfold and scared is visible. “Katzchen, are you hearing?” she nods “you´re safe now, I´ll take you to a much safer place” and adds “do you trust me?”
“Yes, of course” Kitty Pryde is in the Church now, she´s being taken care of and is slowly come to terms of what it meant to be Kurt´s soulmate. The man enters the room with hot chocolate and Kitty greedily drinks it.
“Will” she starts making a question “became a vampire like you?” and Kurt only chuckles at such naive question.
“No, Katzchen, vampire genes aren´t like the movies show, I can´t make you a vampire” he speaks amused and Kitty is crestfallen.
“So, I´ll die and you´ll be alone one day?” Kitty asked again and Kurt has the self control to not cry or show how this is not an outcome that will ever happen.
“Katzchen, you may not be a vampire, but, you may be immortal” Kurt answers kindly and gives a kiss on her forehead “now, tell me, what are you thinking of the Church?”
“Oh, I´m loving it. Ultramar, often told us how you´re all evil” Kitty speaks and then try to amend “but, they´re wrong” Kurt watches as Kitty has a soft expression telling about her childhood and Kurt is mesmerized. ___________________________________________________________
However, she soon asked about her parents, as she can say she´s nowhere near close to her house, Kurt´s answer is not very satisfying to Kitty. “Ultramar tried to kill you, they wanted to kill you again”
“And my parents are safely in Ultramar?!” Kitty exclaimed angrily “Why I can´t contact them? Kurt, they´re my family”
“Is not safe, Katzchen” Kurt replied again.
“I´ll talk to my parents whatever you want or not”
The discussion is getting heat, until, Kurt agrees under one condition. “ I´ll go with you and if I saw anything strange I´ll act upon, is that agreeable?”
Kitty agrees in the end. And after a month, the Prydes finally saw their daughter, she´s wearing fancy outfits and look far prettier than one month ago. The Prydes hug Kitty, but, don´t offer the courtesy to Kurt.
How Ultramar didn´t take revenge on her family? Kurt has some theories and one that makes more sense, at least for now, is that Ultramar wants to hurt him, the Prydes´ death won´t make him cry, now, Kitty´s death…
Again, the Prydes aren´t that happy with the man.
“Kurt, can I take my parents with me?” she asked in a suggestive tone. “They would be safer in Europe”
The Prydes aren´t too keen on having to be closer of Kurt, however, Kitty´s words have the truth. Kurt is thinking for a moment, until, he concedes is possible to take the Prydes if they so wish to. Again, Kurt and the Prydes won´t have the happiest in-law relationship.
Kitty´s story is the real case of Cinderella and people love it. The poor woman who manages to be the soulmate of the prince(head of inquisition on this case) and many make questions and interviews about the case.
Kitty a real introvert is not too comfortable with people making questions about her love life, unlike Kurt, who seems to take those interviews easily.
“For how long we´ll have to do this?” she asked bemused and Kurt holds her hand gentle calming her nerves.
“The hype will die eventually, however, I´d thank you for doing this for me, Katzchen” there´s a genuine joy in his eyes and kitty is always in awe with her soulmate.
“Fine, but, only because I love you too much”
“I love you too, Katzchen”
The couple is together and the only real conflict comes with the Prydes and when Kurt often makes plans that involve Kitty being absence from her family without them knowing, but, Kitty loves Kurt deeply and Kurt loves Kitty Pryde to death and they can overcome this issue as a strong couple.
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darkouter · 5 years
i checked, the little old lady living under crowle.y’s flat does exist and doesn’t seem to be mentioned any further besides has.tur and li.gur freaking her out upon arrival, and this means i can make up whatever i WANT
i.  her name is miss newton.  she is chronically single, a lesbian, in her 70s, and a massive partier
ii.  cro.wley lives on the second floor, she on the first.  given that their flat is very nice and they’re living in mayfair, i assume the whole building is pretty swanky, and it must be expensive, so she’s also Loaded
iii.  she prefers this as she comes home drunk quite often and does not care for stairs
iv.  crow.ley does not like this as they also come home drunk quite often and do not care for stairs
v.  having to force themself to sober up is such a waste of alcohol, but given the stairs predicament, cro.wley sometimes knocks on her door instead of trying to stumble upward (not as easy as sauntering downward).  she loves this because if they are drunk, she has an excuse to invite them in and also get drunk
vi.  she should be dead but they keep doing minor miracles (ahh, yes, their penchant for healing) that prolong her life and generally increase the quality of it too.  this is how she has been partying hard since the 60s.  crow.ley generally tries to remain aloof to humans because they have gotten extremely attached in the past and hate to see people come and go so quickly.  she is not an exception.  they Love Her
vii.  she keeps trying to set them up on dates.  she really wants to get them laid.  anthony, maybe you should have something other than a stick up your arse for once.
viii.  she seems to think they’re like a hipster occultist or something, but she makes jokes about it that leave crow.ley wondering if she Knows........
ix.  she’s a sugar mommy with game and cro.wley is happy the floor seems to be mostly sound-proof, though she has remarked about their yelling at plants before because she very much did not think they were yelling at plants much the same way she certainly is not yelling at plants
x.  she bugs them nonstop about az.  she knows they are Very Gay for az.  if she knew how to find az, she would, and she would Make A Date Happen.  for this reason, crow.ley remains as vague as possible, and she doesn’t know az’s name.  just knows that crow calls him angel.  she thinks that’s the cutest shit she’s ever heard.
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yuzurk · 6 years
AS OF 2019    ━━━━━━━━        template ┊ @astraofrph  ◞  ❤ | taken from @rkjiwvn
❥ ┊ BASIC INFORMATION  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   full name  choi yena ┊ 최예나
›   pronunciation
›   meaning  choi: high, lofty, towering | yena: life & vitality
›   reasoning  her parents wanted her to be just as successful and mighty as them (lol)
›   nickname ( s )  yuzu, mochi, nana
›   preferred name ( s )  yuzu
›   birth date september 29, 1999
›   age  nineteen
›   zodiac  libra  ・ air sign ┊ the scales. libra is the sign of fairness, and like you would imagine, libras value honesty and fairness. they seek harmonious living, and are often sensitive to those around them, and even run the risk of compromising themselves for the sake of harmony. balance for a libra means finding their other half, making them very romantic individuals. their search for balance and harmony also means biting their tongue, so from time to time, they’re bound to explode.
›   gender / pronouns  female ┊ she / her / hers
›   romantic orientation  hetero-romantic
›   sexual orientation  bicurious
›   nationality  korean
›   ethnicity  korean
›   current residence  itaewon, yongsan-gu, seoul
›   living conditions  sufficient to luxurious ┊ with her cousin & her boyfriend
›   title ( s ) gamer gal
❥ ┊ BACKGROUND  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   birth place  daegu, korea
›   hometown  jung-gu, daegu, korea
›   social class  upper middle class 
›   education level high school graduate
›   father  choi kibum, 48 ┊ lawyer, politician
›   mother  kim ahrin, 47 ┊ housewife, “it girl”  
›   sibling ( s )  only child (subject to change, open for plotting!)  
›   birth order  
›   children
›   pet ( s ) two dogs owned by her cousin, very strenuous relationship 
›   other important relatives  cousin: song jieun, 26 ┊ indie musician & model
›   previous relationships  none she took seriously and considers worth mentioning
›   criminal record arrested for charges of assault. case dropped the same day     (information restricted from access due to her father’s influence)
❥ ┊ OCCUPATION & INCOME  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   primary source of income  streamer in twitch (since 2016)
›   secondary source of income  investments managed by her cousin’s boyfriend 
›   tertiary source( s ) of income  part-time barista
›   approximate amount per year  around 5.000.000 $
›   content with their job ( or lack there of ) ?  as of now yes. 
›   past job ( s )  none
›   spending habits  bad but somewhat within reason. mostly spends money on food, game merch and clothing
›   most valuable possession  her computer
❥ ┊ SKILLS & ABILITIES  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   physical strength she’s 49kg of weak muscle
›   offense  can deliver a punch if needed be
›   defense  as robust as a leaf
›   speed  runs 100m in 10 seconds
›   intelligence  graduated best of her year
›   accuracy  decent (did kyudo in primary)
›   agility  decent due to track and field practice
›   stamina 8 / 10 used to be full 10 but got lazy from her life as a streamer
›   teamwork 6 / 10 can work in a team but tends to stray when she does not agree
›   talents  games, making people laugh, dancing, sports, encouraging people
›   shortcomings  fails to take things seriously, avoids talking about her troubles, evades confrontation, tends to be ignorant
›   language( s ) korean ( fluent ), english ( fluent ), japanese ( fluent, dialect based )
›   can they : drive / jump-start a car / change flat tire / ride a bicycle / swim / play an instrument ( and what instrument ) / play chess / braid hair / tie a tie / pick a lock / etc:
›   face claim  choi yena, IZ*ONE
›   eye color brown
›   hair color ( naturally black ) but dyed dirty blonde
›   hair type / style wavy, generally up in ponytail or down
›   glasses / contacts  likes to wear “hipster-glasses”
›   dominant hand  left-handed
›   height / weight / build  163cm, 5'4" ┊ 49kg, 108lbs ┊ slender
›   exercise habits  stretch session in the morning, unknown to most she likes to jog
›   skin tone  slightly tan
›   tattoos
›   piercings  pierced ear lobes
›   marks / scars a scar on her knee from falling from a slide (5), scar on her hip from an appendix surgery (14), scar on the inside of her palm from grabbing a knife wrong (16)
›   notable features  pouty lips, squishy cheeks
›   usual expression  curious, approachable
›   clothing style  casual oversized
›   jewelry
›   allergies  walnuts, pineapple
›   body temperature  slightly more warm above average
›   diet  no such word found in her dictionary
›   physical ailments
❥ ┊ PSYCHOLOGY  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   jung type  enfp┊ a ball of energydespite that, they’re moody af; unpredictable; bounces from one idea to another so much and so quickly it’s not even funny; awesome sense of humor; for some reason, their laugh is almost as funny as their jokes; actually more introverted than most extroverts and can actually be mistaken for an introvert
›   enneagram type  type 7  The Enthusiast  ┊ Enthusiasts are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
›   moral alignment  chaotic good
›   temperament  sanguine
›   element  air
›   primary intelligence type  kinaesthetic intelligence
›   approximate iq 125
›   mental conditions / disorders
›   sociability 9 / 10
›   emotional stability  8 / 10
›   obsession ( s )  
›   compulsion ( s )
›   phobia ( s ) none
›   vice / addiction ( s )  does coffee count?
›   drug use
›   alcohol use  7 / 10 ┊ loves to party and enjoy a good drink
›   prone to  evasive behaviour, flirting without any intentions, avoid responsibility
❥ ┊ MANNERISMS  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   speech style  very dialect based, no matter which language she speaks
›   accent  slight accent when speaking japanese but working to get rid of it again
›   quirks  always chewing gum, unhealthy obsession with chicken, chews lips, headtilting
›   hobbies  dancing, gaming, running, archery, singing
›   habits  raises brows when she talks, gum smacking, shrugging, 
›   nervous ticks  twirls her hair, bites her lips, wandering eyes
›   drives/motivations  wanting to make people happy (herself included) 
›   fears  bugs, needles, darkness, ghosts, scary stories
›   positive traits  energetic, courageous, easygoing
›   negative traits  airy, decadent, fickle
›   sense of humor  sarcastic / memes
›   do they curse often? yup
›   catchphrase ( s )  “ hoo boi “ / “ y’all “ / “ foreal! ”
 ❥ ┊ FAVORITES  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   activity  gaming
›   animal  cats
›   beverage  coffee moccha 
›   book the importance of being earnest
›   celebrity griffin mcelroy (gamer, podcast maker, entertainer)
›   color  black / red
›   designer doesn’t care much for brands- perhaps park ivy?
›   food  fried chicken
›   flower  carnation
›   gem 
›   holiday  christmas 
›   mode of transportation  motorcycle (even though she has no license)
›   movie  heaven’s postman
›   musical artist  little mix
›   quote / saying  fall seven times, get up eight.
›   scenery  sunset on a hill
›   scent  tangerines
›   sport  track and field
›   sports team
›   television show  hello counselor 
›   weather  breeze, warm
›   vacation destination  kyoto, japan
❥ ┊ ATTITUDES  ━━━━━━━━━━━
›   greatest dream  to live a happy and comfortable life
›   greatest fear  being judged in unjustified manners
›   most at ease when  streaming games, spending time with friends
›   least at ease when with her parents, in formal situations
›   worst possible thing that could happen  having to go back to daegu
›   biggest achievement being close to 400K followers on twitch
›   biggest regret none
›   most embarrassing moment  having to tell yoongi she had a crush on him
›   biggest secret  almost got a criminal record if not for the influence of her father
›   top priorities  first. friends and family; second. streaming (her fans); third. her job as a barista
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gh0stcav1ty · 6 years
Forsythe - Notting Hill AU for @theheavycrown and @eventyyr
“ Arch, i’m leaving! Meet me at the shop with lunch and i’ll help you finish you resume.” Jughead called, hearing Archie groan as he walked out of their quaint apartment.
Jughead walked down the the steps onto the sidewalk, contemplating on what coffee shop he wanted to pick up his latte from that morning. It was 7:30 AM on the dot, Jughead was heading to his favorite place to be and his second home all in one; “The Snake Nook”. His very own book shop he opened three years ago, never being late for the opening each morning. He decided to take the scenic route to his favorite coffee shop in all of New York, seeing he had the extra time to do so. He moved with morning bustle quickly, until he arrived in a quaint hipster cafe at the end of the block. The place was nearly empty, except for a beautiful blonde with a book in her hands, sitting in the corner with her feet tucked under a pillow. She was absolutely beautiful though, Jughead couldn’t bring himself to interact with her. She looked up, noticing him staring, and gave him a little wave before returning to her book. Jughead returned the wave before grabbing his latte as he exited the cafe.
He knew he had seen this girl before, but couldn’t quite figure it out. That was until he had to walk through times square, only to see her face on a billboard for a new movie coming in the fall. She was smiling, and Jughead couldn’t help but lazily smile to himself as he continued on. He arrived at the bookstore at 7:59 sharp and once the bell rang, he turned the sign on the front door to indicate they were “open”. He didn’t mind being the only one that worked there, it was a quiet work day doing things he loved to do. The day was a fairly steady pace throughout, many people coming to browse the latest series of science fiction novels. Around lunch time, Archie strolled in with a white paper bag filled with his usual lunch from his favorite diner, “Pop Choc’ Lit Shoppe”. Archie lifted it up as Jughead practically leaped at the bag, eager to eat his burgers. They sat down in their usual window nook and began to tweak Archie’s resume.
“ Holy shit,” Archie said, eyes following someone approaching the store. “ That’s Betty fucking Cooper.” Jughead choked on his food as he turned around to see the beautiful woman from the coffee shop walking through the front doors, making the bell chime lightly.
“ Go talk to her dude,” Archie said, nudging him slightly. “ It is quite obvious you have a thing for her.”
“ Are you listening to yourself? She is a world-famous actress. I am just a bookstore owner.” Jughead said, whisper yelling at Archie with a hand obviously blocking her vision of the conversation.
“ Yeah, a bookstore owner. The one she just walked in to.” Archie said, slapping his shoulder. “ Go talk to her.”
Jughead stood, pushing his glasses to their correct balance on his nose. He pushed up his sleeves as he approached her, trying desperately not to shake.
“ Miss, is there anything I can help you with?” He stuttered, smiling at her shakily.
“ Yes, please! I love your bookstore but I don't get to come in here very often because I’m often out of town. I’m not too familiar with the selection, do you possibly have Beloved by Toni Morrison?” She asked, looking at him with a slight smile.
“ We do! It’s a personal favorite of mine so it’s back here in the “Snake Charmer’s Favorites.” He said, as he led her back to the corner section of books in the back.
They stood there for a good 45 minutes, not much of the conversation could be heard, but laughter filled the section with joy. As they walked back to the register, Archie saw as his best friend gained an extreme amount of courage.
“ Are you free tonight? My childhood friend’s birthday party is tonight and I don’t have a date.” He said, looking down sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
A smile grew wide on her face. “ That sounds wonderful, I would love to! How much do I owe you?” She asked, digging for her wallet in her bag.
“ Not a cent,” He said smiling at her brightly. “ Meet me here at 6:30 tonight and we can walk over to the party.”
“ Ok!” She said, smile growing even wider as she pushed the door open to exit.
Jughead closed early that night, the first time he’s done that since opening. They both spend the next few hours thinking about the events yet to come and the attire needed. Jughead settles with a white button-down shirt, brown pants, and black suspenders. Betty had picked out a spaghetti strap dress to match her eyes. They both left early, inevitably meeting each other there 15 minutes earlier than planned.
“ Shall we go?” Betty said, comedically stepping up to him, her arm bent to him. They both laughed as they made their first few steps and as the time passed, I don’t think they stopped laughing.
They arrived at Toni’s house, and Betty was an immediate hit. Everyone adored her, and Jughead knew this wouldn’t be the last he’d see of her. As they all sat down, laughing on the balcony, Betty broke the chatter.
“ So I know that Jughead cannot be his real name, so what is it?” She said, still slightly giggling from Sweet Pea’s previous joke. Jughead looked over at Toni immediately, frantically shaking his head, begging her not to tell her.
“ Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third,” Toni said, in an english accent. Everyone immediately burst into laughter as Jughead rolled his eyes with a slight smile. The party lasted for several more hours before people started to leave. Betty and Jughead walked out to the front of the building before Betty grabbed Jughead’s sleeve, turning him around to face her.
“ Forsythe,” She mimicked, making him roll his eyes as he smiled to look at her. “ I had a wonderful time tonight.”
“ As did I, Elizabeth.” He said, returning the mockery and making her giggle.
They were close together, practically feeling each other’s breath as one. Jughead finally closed the distance, setting off fireworks as their lips touched. They stayed here for few moments before parting, making Betty light up.
“After you Forsythe,” She said, bowing for him to walk as she hid a giggle.
“ Ladies first, Elizabeth.”
Sorry about my inability to have grammar, I’m running on no sleep. 
Here you go loves! @theheavycrown @eventyyr
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