#it's truly vicious
serpentarius · 5 months
the Big Fight Scene between Louis and Armand in S2E5 felt like watching live theatre.
it’s in the way the dialogue is written, in the way it flows. you can hear and feel it in both actors' delivery—particularly in Assad's, which isn't surprising given his extensive theatre background.
it's in the cinematography; there are minimal cuts or edits which make for a relatively uninterrupted flow. we’re just in this one room with two characters (well, technically three, but Daniel is unconscious at this point), and it's reminiscent of the duality of live performance; how theatre actors perform in front of an audience but often speak and react as though they are in their own bubble, their own little world. it's unfiltered and intensely vulnerable, even in its performativity.
there's a disquieting sort of intimacy to it. they're talking, yelling over each other as two people arguing in real life might. there's so much raw rage, frustration, and emotion.
there’s no music, no score to accompany the scene in the background, which makes it all the more confronting and vicious and, at times, even uncomfortably comical.
there are so many moments in IWTV where you can tell it’s written by brilliant playwrights, and this scene is the perfect exemplification of that. I loved it so much, and brb gonna study this scene for the rest of my life
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as always, everyone say "thank you, Fjord" for insisting on staging the trap for the Tomb Takers at the initial descent into Aeor rather than in the Praesidis Ward, because he was right about it
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
villains duology is crazy bc one scene its victor killing some guy and maybe dying for a few minutes and the next scene is him coming to his hotel room of the week where his adoptive daughter who can raise the dead, a dog who was raised from the dead a bunch of times and a random hacker guy are like it's a normal tuesday night bc it genuinely is for him
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yansurnummu · 2 months
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TES fest day 6: abandoned
In the grief of supposedly losing her brother, Lilanwe certainly made some choices. She joined the Worm Cult, becoming a much more cold and cynical person. Granted, it wasn't entirely Auredil's fault for what happened to him, but I don't know that she'll ever really forgive him for leaving her behind.
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adalinevanala · 7 months
one of the things that keeps me up at night about the poppy wars is how fang runin’s first name is literally one letter away from ruin,,, there’s just so much foreshadowing in the entire series
they really were doomed by the narrative history // history moves in such vicious circles
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stardustandrockets · 1 year
Do you have a favorite book with disability rep? Drop it below! (Title and author, please.)
July got away from me and I didn't get this disability rep post finished before the month ended.
The rep listed is by no means a comprehensive list, but what I could remember. I know there are a lot of other lists out there with several of these books on them, but some I hadn't seen and wanted to include.
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• Photo 2: Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert (OCD), Turtles All the Way Down by John Green (OCD), The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun (anxiety, depression, and OCD)
• Photo 3: Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (anxiety), Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei (anxiety and depression), Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell (anxiety and ADHD)
• Photo 4: Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas (anxiety and PTSD), The Infinite Noise by Lauren Shippen (anxiety and depression), Heartstopper (anxiety, depression, and anorexia)
• Photo 5: A Neon Darkness by Lauren Shippen (depression and PTSD), The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon (depression and PTSD), Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo (depression)
• Photo 6: Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan by Gaku Kaze (depression), Perfect World by Rie Aruga (spinal cord injury), Vicious by V.E. Schwab (chronic pain)
• Photo 7: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (blindness), The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (partial deafness), The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew (deafness)
• Photo 8: I Hear the Sunspot by Yuki Fumino (deafness), A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard (deafness and select mutism), Everything You Never Said by Jordon Greene (mutism)
• Photo 9: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas (dyslexia), Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade (dyslexia), All the Feels by Olivia Dade (ADHD)
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zukkaoru · 7 months
the truth is that if dazai were written as a female character in canon, most of the people who like femzai wouldn't actually like her at all
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lion-buddy · 11 months
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i found a pen on the floor and have gotten 0 work done since
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kickingtheladder · 5 months
"Maybe he's OUR fucking demon now."
Crystal I adore you.
(And he really does become their fucking demon <3 <3 <3 )
I love this argument and this whole section of this episode. Crystal and Edwin are both very traumatised and having a bad time and yelling a lot! Charles is having a bad time because his bestest most important person and his new person that he is enamoured with are yelling at each other! No-one is wrong and everyone is hurting!
But they're being honest with one another! I feel like this is part of all three of them realising they can show each other the ugly angry sides of them and they won't be abandoned for it, that they can storm off after an argument and they will all still come back together afterwards (that ultimately they will still be loved). Crystal doesn't have her memories but we learn later she's never had people who really cared about her at all, let alone after she was mean to them and made bad choices. Edwin and Charles are devoted to each other but also because they are all the other has neither of them can face even potentially driving the other away! Charles has kept mum about his dad and his fears of becoming like his dad and not being a good person for thirty years! Edwin hasn't even looked at what his feelings about Charles are or talked to Charles about hell and the fact he maybe thinks he deserves it for thirty years! (He clearly has talked a bit about it, but given Charles has no idea what to expect when he goes to rescue him I really feel like Edwin was very much sugercoating the whole thing.)
All of them go through related arcs this season about being honest despite your fears that that honesty will make someone you care about turn their back on you, and I feel like this whole bit with this argument and Charles showing Crystal his parents and Edwin's "this MATTERS" is the beginning of that. Crystal tells them what happened with David after this! They're all working out letting each other in and I have a lot of emotions about it!
Anyway this got long and incoherent, I don't know where I was going with this originally.
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seijorhi · 5 months
Oml for some reason when you said extremely traumatic event, I never once considered Iwa for an intense apocalypse AU but…that’s so hot now that I’m really pondering
Plane crash???? I was literally just watching a Korean movie with this theme ANJDKSJDJFJ the emotions were sky high even after they were safe so yesss omg so much psychological thrill to pull from there!!!
after what happened, iwa can't adapt. it's like his brain flipped a switch when the plane crash happened. adrenaline and survival instincts kicked in, but he's home now, has been for weeks, and there's it's like his brain refuses to comprehend that it's over and he's safe now.
he can't rest easy or relax, he can't let go of the tension that's dug its way under his skin and sunk its claws deep.
not until he knows you're safe too.
at first it's enough just to get a glimpse. he can convince himself you're alright, you're healing – apart from him, because that's what you wanted. said you needed.
the balm doesn't tide him over for long. he's restless. can't sleep. can't focus. he needs more. needs to talk to you, maybe. or touch you, a physical reassurance that you're there and safe and fine.
(you're not fine, you can't be fine.)
the first decent night's sleep he gets is the night he has you back in his bed. the mattress is a thousand times softer than the cold, hard ground was, his blankets warm, cocooning you both. he tucks you under his chin, his arm slung over your waist, and just like back then, he pretends he can't feel the soft, trembling sobs wracking your body. lets them lull him to sleep like a lullaby
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starfallkaz · 8 months
I’m reading The Never King series rn and it’s objective trash and im hating it, BUT there is something truly so funny about Vane constantly throwing homegirl across the room, disrespecting her and not taking her shít. like yes, this is exactly how we should be treating people who don’t know the meaning of the word no
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yaburnae · 3 months
something about being in the center of a big seedy city is dragging kaz out of the trenches of my mind
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I am thinking about dirge despite everything that they still have bouts of dealing with the massive cranial damage that occurred at moonrise. like that is still very much there
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prismatoxic · 6 days
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somehow, against all odds, felix carter has a normal human admirer at the company. his name is sebastian and he likes doing whatever felix asks him to, which makes him very useful
matt does not like sebastian.
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thedcvilherself · 6 months
i miss this place and writing and my threads 😔
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lifesver · 5 months
it is 11pm and i am thinking about dire/turned killer verse aliases again just bc they’re neat to me. and bc they represent little fragments of just completely unresolved trauma in him. they are so deep delusions and specific to nosy trajectories rly but i’m so glad renee invited me to think about it one time
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