#but that man will maul
seijorhi · 5 months
Oml for some reason when you said extremely traumatic event, I never once considered Iwa for an intense apocalypse AU but…that’s so hot now that I’m really pondering
Plane crash???? I was literally just watching a Korean movie with this theme ANJDKSJDJFJ the emotions were sky high even after they were safe so yesss omg so much psychological thrill to pull from there!!!
after what happened, iwa can't adapt. it's like his brain flipped a switch when the plane crash happened. adrenaline and survival instincts kicked in, but he's home now, has been for weeks, and there's it's like his brain refuses to comprehend that it's over and he's safe now.
he can't rest easy or relax, he can't let go of the tension that's dug its way under his skin and sunk its claws deep.
not until he knows you're safe too.
at first it's enough just to get a glimpse. he can convince himself you're alright, you're healing – apart from him, because that's what you wanted. said you needed.
the balm doesn't tide him over for long. he's restless. can't sleep. can't focus. he needs more. needs to talk to you, maybe. or touch you, a physical reassurance that you're there and safe and fine.
(you're not fine, you can't be fine.)
the first decent night's sleep he gets is the night he has you back in his bed. the mattress is a thousand times softer than the cold, hard ground was, his blankets warm, cocooning you both. he tucks you under his chin, his arm slung over your waist, and just like back then, he pretends he can't feel the soft, trembling sobs wracking your body. lets them lull him to sleep like a lullaby
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shyranno · 4 months
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i want to be maul's little meow meow guys
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the-restless-bones · 5 months
Every time maul pops up in a new piece of Star Wars media, I can’t help but find it just a tad bit hilarious. Like, yes, go forth my pathetic little Shakespearean murderer and cause chaos while serving absolute looks
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posthumousvigor · 1 year
Obi-Wan being star wars' biggest damsel in distress while also being one of the most powerful jedi ever is so funny to me. Like he's getting captured on purpose. That has to be whats happening. "Oh nooo ive gotten tied up by somebody who's obsessed with me again!!looks like someone equally obsessed with me has to swoop in and save me :33" He's the pillow princess of warfare
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pinkiemme · 3 months
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Born from red ashes ❤️‍🔥
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 11 months
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another entry in my post 'twin suns ghost au'. #3 so far.
the entire idea here is we do NOT leave a depressed man alone in the desert for twenty years. INSTEAD we let his rival haunt the fuck out of him. 👍🏽
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i-am-a-fan · 5 months
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Ah yes, go ask Tang for help. Tang, the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, who totally had a normal childhood ™.
Requested by @mythicalmagical-monkeyman (i just made it separate since it basically turned into a comic)
Typed out script under the cut:
Panel one:
Pigsy: There’s a lot more to Pig demons than people think…we’re like onions.
Mk: Woah…
Panel two:
Mk: Grow!
Pigsy (whispering): Kids can do that?
Panel three:
sfx: Ring Ring- Chck
Pigsy: Tang?
Tang (over the phone): Oh! Hey, Pigsy, how’s the-
P: Hey, uh, do human kids have “powers”?
T: Uhhh…. maybe?
P: … can you check?
T: What… okay.
P: …Thank you.
T: You can thank me with food <3
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hildechainx · 10 months
that part in obimaul fics when:
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raccoonomicon · 2 months
Stupid little doodles that I made into a sort of comic I guess?
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I've been thinking about Jedi Maul for an insane amount of time.
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lightsabergirl · 3 months
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this realization hit me like a truck
*nose twitch*
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shyranno · 4 months
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its so hard when your fave is a villain
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bird-prince-art · 8 months
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Some jedi Maul doodles (and an Obi Wan)
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beaft · 6 months
i must admit, the "man or bear" debate is confusing to me. i have been hiking in the woods several times. on all of those occasions there have been other people in the woods with me, some of whom were men. i would have felt significantly less safe hiking in those same woods if i thought there were bears around. is this hypothetical man in the woods just some random guy, or does he have ill intent towards me specifically? i feel like i'm misunderstanding something.
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what's gayer? being gay or what ever the hell darth maul and obi wan had going on.
Darth Maul: I spent the last 12 years desperately clinging to life just for the chance to see you again. Even when I forgot my own name, I still remembered yours. When I see you it feels like a part of me is missing. You drove me mad. You're the only thing keeping me sane. I dream about holding your heart in my hands, my teeth at your throat.
Obi wan: ...i have a gf
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jo-gakky · 5 days
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Um more Shitji Shinji doodles and such- IM GONNA WRING HIM LIKE A TOWEL OMG /pos /loving
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cccrouton · 1 year
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u guys remember that one pic of ray park with maul face paint and startlingly bare arms?
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