#it's simple science really
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i saw that post on here a couple of months ago saying "if you like uendo then there's a 90% chance you're a plegg" or something along the lines of that and thought "hahaha that doesnt apply to me tho" and. just yesterday or the day before we realized we are a system.... never was the acception, hah. your (do we use your? we dont know, sorry if we shouldn't!) posts did help us realize we are plural, so thanks ^_^ -zumi and the radiowave sys
🌑Our deepest congratulations on discovering more about yourselves. We wish you all a happy, fulfilling life of coexistence and learning to appreciate all of you. It's quite lovely to know we helped you all. Uendo Toneido truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for existing! 🖤 - Donna
Oh, and, ahem,
#asks#chirps#plurality#uendo toneido#🌑Donna🖤#We simply harness Uendo's plural cracking powers and fire it at people like a beam#it's simple science really
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I put it to you that Scaphiophryne marmorata is peak frog.
Well first, it's pretty round, which is key.
Now get a load of those fingers.
Big, expanded discs at the end, ideal for climbing.
But what's happening back there with those toes? No discs there. Those are good for walking and hopping around on the ground.
Now, let's gently turn them over
First, excellent tum, 17 out of 10, no notes.
But what's that at the base of the foot? Those big projections? Yep, those are spades. This climbing, hopping frog is an excellent digger!
I like to think of these Scaphiophryne as all-terrain frogs. They're basically good at everything. They defy our categorical labels of 'arboreal', 'terrestrial', or 'fossorial', and say 'por qué no los tres?'—but in Malagasy, so 'nahoana no tsy izy telo?'
#frogs#animals#cute#biology#science#Scaphiophryne marmorata#Scaphiophryne#actually the fact that these frogs are hard to categorise makes them a pain in the ass to study sometimes#because the methods we have do not really allow for complexity beyond simple categories#I feel sure I have posted something very similar to this post before#but oh well#this is a Scaphiophryne marmorata fan blog#other Scaphiophryne are good too#this is what peak performance looks like#now if someone would only fund the grant I applied for to prove it#that would be grand
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"haha, are you an art gay, a science gay, or a math gay"
Actually, I find the division between art, science, and math to be a very nebulous idea and useless when you actually interact with the universe. The more you learn about the world, the more you surround yourself with art and science and math, and you'll never be able to see it any other way and it will be beautiful. When I take your hand, it won't be the science of our atoms closing the distance between us that we will experience, but the math of our fingers interlocking and the art of our bodies that we will experience. You are math and you are science and you are art, and nothing will make you any lesser💛
#positivity#the planets are singing right now. are you listening?#if you can't experience the art of science and the science of art then i think you're missing out#the more i intentionally try to learn the more i love art and sfience and the world 💛#i was always more of a humanities person but i've grown restless and taking up science??????? holy shit??????#i was in class the other day and a very simple concept finally clicked in a fundamental way and i think that's why i'm alive actually#i think i know how michaelangelo felt when he painted the creation of adam#this is why i really encourage y'all to look up on youtube some free lectures because some of them are so amazing#like i watched a lecture about elements and it's still fucking me up when i think about it#this is also why i despise the whole 'modern art isn't really art; it takes no skill 😡' thing people like to do#please sit down and paint one of the installments of Who's Afraid of Red Yellow and Blue#i've learned to appreciate that installment and art series as of late and i think it's nice art#i love this stupid fucking world 👾
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september 25, 2021 6:50 p.m. myshuno restaurant
why are you surprised?
grant fixates his gaze far away from his father’s fiancee, suddenly shrinking into himself when he realizes what her appearance means. she intends to talk. she’d walked him right over to the nearest bench–why else would she do that? and grant wishes he hadn’t agreed. he wishes he weren’t so brave now. he wishes he’d left faster, pretended he was in a rush, something of the sort.
you should have avoided this. all of this. this was a terrible–
the gentlest of prods at his shoulder stirs him from his racing thoughts.
“sorry. i'm still space-casing it.” grant shudders; she must have already asked him something.
if she’s bothered by his inattention, varpu doesn’t show it. instead, she smiles. not joyfully, though–it’s a thin-lipped smile that he can only describe as one of abject pity.
“i wanted to know if you were okay,” she repeats, “and no, i think i owe you an apology instead.”
“oh, i'm fine. and really, you don't.”
you are not fine.
fine doesn’t match the nagging ache in the core of his chest.
why are you upset anyway? why the fuck are you surprised? you knew all of this was coming. you knew he’d always–you didn’t. no, you bought it. you believed it somehow, in some way when he preached about being a better father.
“you are not a very good liar,” comes varpu’s retort. the pitying smile is still plastered on her face, though it slips more and more by the second, slowly replaced by an unreadable albeit piercing expression.
“it’s genetic.”
and you knew he was never going to stay. you even gave him your express permission.
and yet…
somewhere in the back of grant’s mind, a much younger version of himself–the child who experienced the worst abandonment life has to offer–is crawling out of the woodwork and screaming for attention, screaming so loud that he can think of nothing but that child’s agony. bad memory after bad memory floods grant’s remaining bandwidth. he’d barely shut them out at the table, only for them to resurface in a tidal wave the very moment he let his guard down.
“yeah, actually, you know, i don’t think i'd probably use the word fine right now, no.”
varpu knew that, of course. not an ounce of bewilderment dwells in her response. “i'm not sure i understood what happened in there, but nonetheless, i do owe you an apology. i'm sorry. it was my idea to invite you, and that doesn’t seem to have been good for you.”
“it’s not your fault.”
“i fear that it is,” she replies, and at last, it’s her turn to avert her gaze–she turns to face the alleyway on their right “it was also at my insistence that he reached out to you last year. i don’t think that was good for you either.”
“maybe, maybe not. i wouldn’t hold my dad being my dad against you, though. i appreciate that you’ve tried to do the right thing. you’ve been much kinder to the estranged son of your college sweetheart than i'd really have ever expected, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.”
varpu, underdressed for the weather without her coat, shivers as a cold autumn breeze whips by them. she turns back towards him, wrapping her arms close to her chest, and just shakes her head. “why wouldn’t you expect that i'd be kind to you? i'm a mother. it’s my responsibility to treat you like i treated my own children.”
“you can probably guess why i don’t expect that.”
“i didn’t want you to feel left out,” varpu muses, now nervously picking at her dress sleeves, “that’s why i invited you tonight. you have a complicated relationship with your father, and him remarrying and having another family must be uncomfortable for you, but i wanted you to know you would be a part of our lives, that you do have a place with us.”
“no, i very much get that from you. i can tell you care about including me.” grant winces. “my dad, your kids...not so much.”
“i only found out he hadn’t invited you to help with wedding plans or told you about the move this morning–he said he had, and i believed him, which was, as i see now, very silly of me. and my children,” varpu says, letting out a deep sigh, “i should have made you aware that they’re apprehensive about you. it’s not you, it’s…”
“no, it’s definitely me.”
varpu shuts him down. “it isn’t you. they have a good relationship with your father, and they’re very attached to him. they spent most of their lives without a father in their lives, my first husband passed away a long time ago, and having someone to be in that role now is…”
“a big deal. of course. if i were in their shoes, i might feel the same way about him. also, my condolences. i didn’t know that about, um, you know, you, but yeah, i'm sorry you had to go through that. that's terrible. and that makes sense. i mean, as in why your kids would probably not trust me. they don’t, right? you can be honest. it has to be a little bit about me. they don’t trust someone who doesn’t like my dad the way they do.”
“yes. i should have told you that, and i think i should have been much clearer about your relationship with your father to them. it was also very silly for me to think they'd change their minds before you noticed there was any distrust.”
“how much do you know about our relationship?”
she shrugs. “that it's complicated, that he let your mother abuse you. he didn’t lie to me about that. no, in fact, he was very forthcoming about his life since we last spoke years ago. at least i thought he was. i'm a little skeptical now, looking back and having realized he wasn’t being honest with you. if he lies to you, he very well may lie to me.”
“it makes me a little mad to know he’s just, like, chill with someone else’s kids.” the ache in grant’s chest flares with the heat of a billion suns. anger–the ache is anger, the purest he’s felt in years. “sorry. dick thing for me to say. and think. it’s horrible that a part of me wants him to be a piece of shit like he was to me with everyone else, right? no, i don’t really want that. you and your kids don’t deserve that, it’s just–”
“it stings.”
he almost laughs. “it’s so fucked. he can move on, have a new family, like a family he cares about, a family he does stuff with, a family he talks to about important topics, a family he’ll move for, a family he’ll fight for, a family he respects, and–” and again, too, the anger flares. “and he can just abandon me with no qualms. i was always nothing to him. jesus christ, none of my siblings were either. one’s dead, one’s still estranged, and he doesn’t even think about them.”
“the unfortunate thing is i think he doesn’t want to abandon you.”
“now that i have to argue with you on. he's done it before, so he's very likely doing it right now, too.”
the pitying smile returns to varpu’s face. “as far i know, as of this morning, he doesn’t believe you’ll ever forgive him or trust him. he feels rejected by you, and he's reacting to that feeling. i think. i can no longer prove he was telling me the truth about this, but..."
“oh, he feels rejected? fantastic, maybe he finally gets how i feel then. rejection fucking blows, doesn't it? also, that’s just ridiculous. i don't know how he can claim that. i came to meet him last year, i met him earlier this year, i let him meet my ex-fiancee, i took his phone calls, and i showed up tonight. he’s even admitted before i'm putting effort in. where the fuck is this rejection claim coming from? is it because i'm not falling over myself to kiss the ground he walks on?"
“i've truly disrupted your life by encouraging him to talk to you. i'm sorry.”
grant shrugs. “it’s okay. you were very positive in assuming things were salvageable, but he’s always going to be the same piece of shit to me at the end of the day, and i'm always going to be bitter and refuse to forgive him. i think we’d only be on the same page if i just rolled over like i used to."
“why did you try to reconnect, though? why agree?”
“fuck, i have no idea. it’s ultimately my fault for saying yes.”
why did you?
nothing comes to mind. nothing in particular. only the vaguest list of shitty excuses, the same ones he’s thrown at family members time and time again trying to justify his perennial need to prove the people who hurt him love him, actually.
he no longer wants to roll over like a coward, but–
“simple enough, i guess i want to hope he loves me.”
“what does that look like to you?”
his first response, once more, is to shrug helplessly. “i don’t know. i can’t say he didn’t try at all. he tried to apologize, tried to talk things out, tried to include me. even if he was lying about it or faking to win me over...well, i still bought that he was trying, but it never pleased me. it never felt like enough. god, this all, like, sounds insane, doesn’t it? i'm having this whole meltdown over one night.”
“but it’s not about one night, is it?”
grant’s breach catches in his throat. it’s not, not at all. the unruly child screaming in his head is showing him a pile of evidence, thirty years worth.
“and it’s not salvageable, is it?” varpu asks next.
if his father ran outside right now and proclaimed with his soul his love, would it satisfy him? would it cure the ache in his chest, soothe the raging child in his head, turn his bitterness into saccharine peace?
he dwells on it for only a moment before an earth-rending realization dawns on him, and for once in his life, the answer is clear as day.
“no. there’s…” grant stops himself, peering up at the sky. “there is nothing he could do to fix this. i don’t think i want him to love me. i want for what happened to me to have never happened, but time traveling to the past inherently violates the second law of thermodynamics, so that’s unfortunately impossible.”
“i suspect you don’t need my advice, but you shouldn’t be afraid to act on that. your father is a grown man. he can continue to live with the consequences of his actions. you live with them, so can he.”
“that’s very true. uh, and yeah, i think i have to. again, that is. i have to tell him to fuck off again. i'll give it a few days, but yeah.”
varpu stays quiet, acknowledging him with an encouraging nod.
“so, i'll be completely honest with you..." grant trails off.
"please do."
"i doubt i will ever see you again after tonight, but it’s not personal. i just want to make that clear, in case it matters. i do mean it when i say your kindness is appreciated. i care that you care, and you’ve been nicer than my own parents did somehow. thank you."
"you're welcome seems a terribly inadequate response, but..."
"you're welcome is fine. best of luck with the wedding and the house search. regardless of how i feel about my father or the fact he has a new family, i don’t wish any harm your way. if you want to build a life with him, have at it. i know what i said earlier is not in line with what i'm saying now, but i hope the future is good to you specifically, and i hope it’s not disappointing i don’t want to be a part of it.”
#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#sims 4 story#sims 4 storytelling#simblr#hlcn: everything the stars promised#holocene.docx#holocene.png#hlcn: grant#hlcn: varpu#prose (REAL PROSE!) for the first time in a while#did not really edit this though so apologies for any typos#no edits we die like sims with the unlucky trait#bravely that is#name a better duo than grant and making science references#no but this is a conversation of vital importance#it's grant finally processing why he has more patience for and offers more chances to people he shouldn't#it seems like a clear jump in logic to think that trying to get someone to love you is trying to erase all the times you knew they didn't#but it really isn't that simple or easy#it takes a lot of effort and willingness to open himself up to painful emotions to comprehend that all he wants is a fresh start#and admitting that + he wishes traumatic events never happened means admitting an alternative was there - this didn't have to happen to him#and yet it did and nothing can erase it...so now what?
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thinking about her a lot
#pandora rosier#my favorite carnivorous plant#she's back in my mind non stop -> finally i'd say#let me yap about her#she is a mediocre “woman of science” treated like a genius#she does silly/simple experiments for fun but her family and privileged aristocrats friends acclaim her as the smartest woman in the world#she claims to be a science expert but in reality she only reads newspapers that list the discoveries of her time#and she can't even understand them. everyone is amazed by her empty words#she hosts her rich friends in the living rooms of her palace and shows everyone the things she has been working on recently#while her brother spends all the money they don't have -> she's the heir of the family#in reality what she's really good at are tricks and illusions. she creates mazes/mechanisms/locks. she loves riddles.#they say she's crazy but she's just self-centered. all those unfounded compliments have gone to her head.#and the only time she actually does an experiment it explodes in her face and kills her.#fuckkkk she has so much potential#rosier twins#rosier family#pandora/t
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i need to get so good at drawing different pterosaurs. Now
#i love love paleo art and i really love Doing paleo art#i am sometimes worried that my art isnt accurate enough which ik is silly bc its like art and its supposed to have the lens of my creativity#but i also. love science. and want to b correct#so when i do paleo art i stick to simple and looser line sketches so i dont veer into something that could be more obviously Wrong#I love pterosaurs more than any other group of extinct species . and i need to draw more#🪲
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found this cool magazine while i was out. looked into it a little bit and found out it was from a vintage series, with this specific issue originally being printed in October of 1977 !! the publish date is also at the top right corner, but its a little hard to see with the glare lol
https://postmarkedfromthestars.com/products/ufo-magazine-oct-1977-kidnapped-by-space-aliens?variant=43066407977202 heres a site that shows a few pages inside, but its totally sold out of copies
#just something i thought was neat#its kinda hard to search up cuz the name is pretty simple..#super cool to just see out in the wild like this though !!#kinda wanted to buy it but i know i wouldnt have been able to keep my attention on it long enough to finish it lol#i really like the cover art and art similar to it#i think the contents are a little cheesy— but that adds to the overall feel of it. its just a little bit ridiculous and i like that#cheesy as in corny#the talk of cosmic consciousness and automatic mind command reminds me of tome heheh#btw art post later today probably#vintage#vintage magazine#magazine cover#70s magazine#science fiction#sci fi#70s science fiction#70s sci fi#ufos#ufo magazine#70s art#sci fi art#aliens and ufos#aliens#space stuff#not exactly retro futurism but the art style is very reminiscent#ufo magazine: kidnapped by space aliens
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Again not a dungeon meshi reader/watcher but every time I hear about that laois guy I get reminded of how my system had/has a hyperfixation on dragons so intense that we got that big fancy dragonology book and we treated it like the damn dragon Bible for like years
Now, obviously, we understand that there's different interpretations on mythical creatures, and no one interpretation on a dragon is necessarily gospel, but that multiple interpretations on the classic tale of beasts of scale and fire are completely valid and to be expected!
however if you call an Eastern dragon a coatl I'm going to come to your house and slaughter your family
#THEY'RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT#yes they have similarities but coatls have WINGS typically and dont usually have other limbs. they're more serpentine birds#meanwhile Eastern dragons (Chinese depictions for example) don't typically have wings and are more lizard-like#like Mushu !!!!!!!! Mushu is an Eastern dragon#and then there's drakes and wyrms. which are entirely different bc they can't really fly#drakes are more like draconic horses or dogs. no wings but four limbs and a tail with a reptilian appearance#wyrms are more serpentine with no limbs and no wings. though i think some interpretations of wyrms give them like.. two forelimbs#then there's wyverns. wyverns have two legs and two wings instead of the typical eight limbs (four limbs two wings)#(i also perosnally hold true to the interpretation of wyverns with poisonous stingers for tails but that's just me cause i think its cool)#..... how much of this is just me talking abiut dragons#explodes.#oh yeah and obv there's the HTTYD interpretations which i adore! they're interesting#the designs are so fascinating and from what ive seen seem to have some science behind them#and arent just the typical western style of dragons. which nothing wrong with the western style it's a classic ofc#but it's still fun to see some variation!!#and ofc there's WOF#which holds true to Western dragons in simple anatomy but has its own variations and of course its own lore#then there's. fuck i forget the name but it's a fantasy story based in China i believe#i loved it so much it was so cool#anyways it had a dragon character named Seryu. I love Seryu. he my favorite#anyways i liked the interpretation of dragons there bc iirc it held true to ummmmm some Chinese mythology involving dragons#cause Eastern mythology of drahons is . so much diffetent than Western#Western dragons are commonly very monstrous creatures‚ usually very animalistic#they tend to embody the Christian concept of greed/gluttony hence why they're so typically monstrous/villainous#which i find interesting but i wont get into that#meanwhile. i wanna say Eastern dragon legends more revolve around the idea of a dragon as more of a godly/fae-type creature?#that's probably a poor comparison but that's how i interpreted it. agian im probahly wronf about all of this#im some weirdo rambling about dragons on the internet. dont trust me explicitly#i need to get more dragon mythology books#HELP I REACHED THE TAG LIMIT I DIDNT THINK THAT WAS POSSIBLE GOOD LORD OKAY I'LL SHUT UP NOW
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Girl help they're submitting more induction proofs
#this is actually really funny and i think the humanities and social sciences could honestly benefit from this methodology#clearly defining your terms? making your argument simple and concise?? sign me up#(i do also appreciate a good non-induction-proof but i'm kind of a fan of this)#perce rambles#this is objectively hilarious though that's all i shall say
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the more i listen to behind the bastards podcast history stories, the more i'm like 'wow rich people really will do endless horrible stuff in pursuit of ever more wealth (even if they're already comfortable and could remain comfortable simply NOT doing more horrible stuff to others)' and also 'wow lack of empathy is a huge problem'
#rant#things i wish were taught so much more (but with schools being defunded and all the other stuff ehh i doubt i'll see it for a while)#are: critical thinking. and Building Empathy#i wish local libraries did weekly Critical Thinking classes where they showed public visitors to the class a news article. then explaine#how to check the sources and how to determine the biases of the author and the goal of the author. and then did that with an instagram post#and a facebook ad. and a bot reddit post.#and a news piece on TV. it would help regular people SO much to have a refresher class on critical thinking#and then also a weekly library class on Building Empathy#it could be really simple: invite everyone in the class to introduce themselves and some facts about their background or likes or family#and have everyone in the class do a team building activity - possibly a fun one like make an art piece together that'll be hung up in libra#library. or plant some plants in a community garden. simply MEETING people outside their normal groups#will foster more empathy.#do the same with a kids class. other activities can include encouraging people to read 1 new narrative book every few month#the library can recommend the book or take recommendations from the class. and then each meeting the group discusses thoughts on the book#its about getting the whole GROUP to practice empathizing with characters that are unlike them. sometimes the book will have a narrator#unlike someone in the group.#just some regular weekly community classes like this would do SO MUCH to help a community#i'd love to see schools do this too - as there's structured time to actually do this (team building activities and empathy building)#and assignments where teachers can focus on critical thinking (essays. news article/book analysis. history class. english class. science#class. any class using sources of information can practice teaching kids critical thinking)
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Hey, did you know most traffic lights are via IR sensing cameras? Which means we can do this:
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People on TikTok are so mean about everything that’s slightly weird, it’s so strange. There’s a lot of moral panic over the littlest things. However, seeing such staunch opposition to those little things does make me wonder if I’m wrong about some things, not for any heavy reason, but just ill-informed. Like in an echo chamber of sorts.
I’m not sure; I’m just thinking “out loud” here.
#feel free to add on any thoughts you might have#for context: 8 started thinking about this bc there was a comment on a positive objectum post that was calling objectophilia harmful due#to it being ‘’a delusion’’ that would ‘’ eventually isolate you from society’’#do 8 agree with them? No! but I’m not informed on the science behind objectophilia#8 just know that human sexuality is hella nuanced and shouldn’t be villainized just for being a little weird#also the whole 3-day drama about ‘infinity pillows’#that were actually just discreet sex toys vaguely shaped like a very simple cartoon dog#that was really fucking annoying and blown out of proportion#barking tag
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Actually what do I study if I am kind of a little bit a stem-girlie but also really definitely not. And I like psychology, religion, languages and linguistics, cultural anthropology/ethnography. Like maths (algebraic, bad at numbers), abhor statistics, like physics (but really bad at a lot of it), dislike chemistry, is okay with biology but not extremely passionate about it quite lukewarm really though medicine is my favorite aspect of it and i kind of like it. Well?
#is good with words but bad at reading due to concentration issues and really really bad with numbers and a lot of abstract things also#not rly interested in political science or economics#history never grabbed my attention that much#in that case i am more interested in pre-historic times#or ancient times too#from prehistoric to the neolithic revolution and then onwards until a few hundred years A.D#but then my interest wanes#oh i know its when christianity enters the story lol#ruining everything interesting in history and the cultures#im intersted in scandinavian history pre-christianity#and like every countrys individual history#i guess i like philosophy too its kind of my natural state existential crisis is my middle and last name#first wrote that i am good at thermodynamics and electricity for physics then was like oh yes i am good with nuclear/atomic physics too#then i was like Girl what in the world are you talking about. you are not. good at those things#and then realized oh high school physics probably does count#and that atmoic physics had a lot of math and thats why i got it#basically like the physics was so simple that it was just mathematics#like putting the atoms into a formula or whatever we did#oh it was my favorite though#but yeah. i am not. like. who the fuck do i think i am#(went to swedish version of high school specialized in natural science to clarify so idk if its just regular hs physics but still girl no)
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introducing 'what the fuck is yaps doing to EPIC now', vogler's 'hero's journey' edition

#epic the musical#vogler's theory is actually really simple when you think about it#so this isnt really rocket science but it was fun to see 'death and rebirth' right there for the taking#it was basically made for me
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I just found out that a tilt table test isn't like, getting tilted back and forth for a while, you lay there for thirty minutes and then they tilt you upright REAL QUICK, im gonna fail that test so hard lmao
#at first I'm like hmmmm idk if I meet the criteria for orthostatic intolerance idkkk#and tested my HR a few times from laying/standing with a few minutes in between#but if it's THIRTY MINS at rest before they flip me?#I'm fucked lmao#the biggest increase from sitting to standing that I've seen in the last two days#was 24bpm#that's like...not the worst. it's outside the normal range but it's not BAD#it's not pre syncope levels of bad#but I've also deliberately increased my salt intake ever since the PT said POTS to me on Tuesday so#hmmmmm#sometimes I feel like my fucking around and finding out isn't very science based and k can't possibly accurately diagnose myself and then#this stuff happens...#I'm so fucking tired bro#I got so confused and frustrated about a really stupid and simple thing today that I just started crying#I've been crying a LOT in the last two weeks#BUT#only two more shifts and then I'm free from this job forEVER!!!#and I can focus on my health or lack thereof#I don't expect cures or even really effective treatments at this point I just want to know WHY#like WHAT is happening with my body bro#it's never worked particularly well or normal but the last time I felt physically healthy was early 2022#it's been almost TWO years since I felt healthy and I'm 25#and I feel like it's getting progressively worse. not by huge increments but enough#maybe that's just symptoms stacking? idk#maybe it's just extended fatigue without really feeling rested#I have no clue which is why I would loooove to know bro#sigh#little Victorian boy wasting disease
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it's different too from scientific journal publications i feel like. maybe that's my own bias but i feel like those papers that language means something that can't be fully conveyed any other way. social sciences and literature type papers that is generally not true
#like if i'm summarizing a paper for patient outcomes in medical interventions#i can use more simple language but there is an extent where the details are being lost that actually are really important#for people in the field doing this work#txt#summarizing social science type papers i can summarize these points and there little to nothing lost i feel personally#i can discuss these topics and speak more casually and still fully be able to engage w the material#science and things that is harder
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