#no but this is a conversation of vital importance
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holocene-sims · 1 month ago
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september 25, 2021 6:50 p.m. myshuno restaurant
why are you surprised?
grant fixates his gaze far away from his father’s fiancee, suddenly shrinking into himself when he realizes what her appearance means. she intends to talk. she’d walked him right over to the nearest bench–why else would she do that? and grant wishes he hadn’t agreed. he wishes he weren’t so brave now. he wishes he’d left faster, pretended he was in a rush, something of the sort.
you should have avoided this. all of this. this was a terrible–
the gentlest of prods at his shoulder stirs him from his racing thoughts.
“sorry. i'm still space-casing it.” grant shudders; she must have already asked him something.
if she’s bothered by his inattention, varpu doesn’t show it. instead, she smiles. not joyfully, though–it’s a thin-lipped smile that he can only describe as one of abject pity.
“i wanted to know if you were okay,” she repeats, “and no, i think i owe you an apology instead.”
“oh, i'm fine. and really, you don't.”
you are not fine.
fine doesn’t match the nagging ache in the core of his chest.
why are you upset anyway? why the fuck are you surprised? you knew all of this was coming. you knew he’d always–you didn’t. no, you bought it. you believed it somehow, in some way when he preached about being a better father.
“you are not a very good liar,” comes varpu’s retort. the pitying smile is still plastered on her face, though it slips more and more by the second, slowly replaced by an unreadable albeit piercing expression.
“it’s genetic.”
and you knew he was never going to stay. you even gave him your express permission.
and yet…
somewhere in the back of grant’s mind, a much younger version of himself–the child who experienced the worst abandonment life has to offer–is crawling out of the woodwork and screaming for attention, screaming so loud that he can think of nothing but that child’s agony. bad memory after bad memory floods grant’s remaining bandwidth. he’d barely shut them out at the table, only for them to resurface in a tidal wave the very moment he let his guard down.
“yeah, actually, you know, i don’t think i'd probably use the word fine right now, no.”
varpu knew that, of course. not an ounce of bewilderment dwells in her response. “i'm not sure i understood what happened in there, but nonetheless, i do owe you an apology. i'm sorry. it was my idea to invite you, and that doesn’t seem to have been good for you.”
“it’s not your fault.”
“i fear that it is,” she replies, and at last, it’s her turn to avert her gaze–she turns to face the alleyway on their right “it was also at my insistence that he reached out to you last year. i don’t think that was good for you either.”
“maybe, maybe not. i wouldn’t hold my dad being my dad against you, though. i appreciate that you’ve tried to do the right thing. you’ve been much kinder to the estranged son of your college sweetheart than i'd really have ever expected, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.”
varpu, underdressed for the weather without her coat, shivers as a cold autumn breeze whips by them. she turns back towards him, wrapping her arms close to her chest, and just shakes her head. “why wouldn’t you expect that i'd be kind to you? i'm a mother. it’s my responsibility to treat you like i treated my own children.”
“you can probably guess why i don’t expect that.”
“i didn’t want you to feel left out,” varpu muses, now nervously picking at her dress sleeves, “that’s why i invited you tonight. you have a complicated relationship with your father, and him remarrying and having another family must be uncomfortable for you, but i wanted you to know you would be a part of our lives, that you do have a place with us.”
“no, i very much get that from you. i can tell you care about including me.” grant winces. “my dad, your kids...not so much.”
“i only found out he hadn’t invited you to help with wedding plans or told you about the move this morning–he said he had, and i believed him, which was, as i see now, very silly of me. and my children,” varpu says, letting out a deep sigh, “i should have made you aware that they’re apprehensive about you. it’s not you, it’s…”
“no, it’s definitely me.”
varpu shuts him down. “it isn’t you. they have a good relationship with your father, and they’re very attached to him. they spent most of their lives without a father in their lives, my first husband passed away a long time ago, and having someone to be in that role now is…”
“a big deal. of course. if i were in their shoes, i might feel the same way about him. also, my condolences. i didn’t know that about, um, you know, you, but yeah, i'm sorry you had to go through that. that's terrible. and that makes sense. i mean, as in why your kids would probably not trust me. they don’t, right? you can be honest. it has to be a little bit about me. they don’t trust someone who doesn’t like my dad the way they do.”
“yes. i should have told you that, and i think i should have been much clearer about your relationship with your father to them. it was also very silly for me to think they'd change their minds before you noticed there was any distrust.”
“how much do you know about our relationship?”
she shrugs. “that it's complicated, that he let your mother abuse you. he didn’t lie to me about that. no, in fact, he was very forthcoming about his life since we last spoke years ago. at least i thought he was. i'm a little skeptical now, looking back and having realized he wasn’t being honest with you. if he lies to you, he very well may lie to me.”
“it makes me a little mad to know he’s just, like, chill with someone else’s kids.” the ache in grant’s chest flares with the heat of a billion suns. anger–the ache is anger, the purest he’s felt in years. “sorry. dick thing for me to say. and think. it’s horrible that a part of me wants him to be a piece of shit like he was to me with everyone else, right? no, i don’t really want that. you and your kids don’t deserve that, it’s just–”
“it stings.”
he almost laughs. “it’s so fucked. he can move on, have a new family, like a family he cares about, a family he does stuff with, a family he talks to about important topics, a family he’ll move for, a family he’ll fight for, a family he respects, and–” and again, too, the anger flares. “and he can just abandon me with no qualms. i was always nothing to him. jesus christ, none of my siblings were either. one’s dead, one’s still estranged, and he doesn’t even think about them.”
“the unfortunate thing is i think he doesn’t want to abandon you.”
“now that i have to argue with you on. he's done it before, so he's very likely doing it right now, too.”
the pitying smile returns to varpu’s face. “as far i know, as of this morning, he doesn’t believe you’ll ever forgive him or trust him. he feels rejected by you, and he's reacting to that feeling. i think. i can no longer prove he was telling me the truth about this, but..."
“oh, he feels rejected? fantastic, maybe he finally gets how i feel then. rejection fucking blows, doesn't it? also, that’s just ridiculous. i don't know how he can claim that. i came to meet him last year, i met him earlier this year, i let him meet my ex-fiancee, i took his phone calls, and i showed up tonight. he’s even admitted before i'm putting effort in. where the fuck is this rejection claim coming from? is it because i'm not falling over myself to kiss the ground he walks on?"
“i've truly disrupted your life by encouraging him to talk to you. i'm sorry.”
grant shrugs. “it’s okay. you were very positive in assuming things were salvageable, but he’s always going to be the same piece of shit to me at the end of the day, and i'm always going to be bitter and refuse to forgive him. i think we’d only be on the same page if i just rolled over like i used to."
“why did you try to reconnect, though? why agree?”
“fuck, i have no idea. it’s ultimately my fault for saying yes.”
why did you?
nothing comes to mind. nothing in particular. only the vaguest list of shitty excuses, the same ones he’s thrown at family members time and time again trying to justify his perennial need to prove the people who hurt him love him, actually.
he no longer wants to roll over like a coward, but–
“simple enough, i guess i want to hope he loves me.”
“what does that look like to you?”
his first response, once more, is to shrug helplessly. “i don’t know. i can’t say he didn’t try at all. he tried to apologize, tried to talk things out, tried to include me. even if he was lying about it or faking to win me over...well, i still bought that he was trying, but it never pleased me. it never felt like enough. god, this all, like, sounds insane, doesn’t it? i'm having this whole meltdown over one night.”
“but it’s not about one night, is it?”
grant’s breach catches in his throat. it’s not, not at all. the unruly child screaming in his head is showing him a pile of evidence, thirty years worth.
“and it’s not salvageable, is it?” varpu asks next.
if his father ran outside right now and proclaimed with his soul his love, would it satisfy him? would it cure the ache in his chest, soothe the raging child in his head, turn his bitterness into saccharine peace?
he dwells on it for only a moment before an earth-rending realization dawns on him, and for once in his life, the answer is clear as day.
“no. there’s…” grant stops himself, peering up at the sky. “there is nothing he could do to fix this. i don’t think i want him to love me. i want for what happened to me to have never happened, but time traveling to the past inherently violates the second law of thermodynamics, so that’s unfortunately impossible.”
“i suspect you don’t need my advice, but you shouldn’t be afraid to act on that. your father is a grown man. he can continue to live with the consequences of his actions. you live with them, so can he.”
“that’s very true. uh, and yeah, i think i have to. again, that is. i have to tell him to fuck off again. i'll give it a few days, but yeah.”
varpu stays quiet, acknowledging him with an encouraging nod.
“so, i'll be completely honest with you..." grant trails off.
"please do."
"i doubt i will ever see you again after tonight, but it’s not personal. i just want to make that clear, in case it matters. i do mean it when i say your kindness is appreciated. i care that you care, and you’ve been nicer than my own parents did somehow. thank you."
"you're welcome seems a terribly inadequate response, but..."
"you're welcome is fine. best of luck with the wedding and the house search. regardless of how i feel about my father or the fact he has a new family, i don’t wish any harm your way. if you want to build a life with him, have at it. i know what i said earlier is not in line with what i'm saying now, but i hope the future is good to you specifically, and i hope it’s not disappointing i don’t want to be a part of it.”
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nerice · 2 months ago
simping for eliada is such a funny concept to me bc
fwiw gray is literally not competition. whenever he rolls up at eli's study nd finds him w company he simply leaves again
eliada is a business man and only has affairs
as long as you have something interesting to share, he will indulge you. not any longer than that, however
like i cannot overstate how. bedding his betters to extract secrets was part of his m.o. in academy days. pretty boy for hire. playing escort for everyone with a bigger library than him
he is somewhat of a chronic shut-in (workaholic, jack of too many traits) which is why he at least picks vry fun &/or scenic locations for his study. how you will find him is entirely your own problem
despite appearances (and he would not like you to know this) fauve is the brain cell of the operation. there is a reason both reina and gray dislike her even more than him, and why eliada keeps her around. mucihe ex-spy has her perks :>
couch dynamic, is a delightfully stupid tag u can peruse
also plugging a few eliada/faye posts. bc he is perfectly capable of having normal hangouts if he vibes with someone
anwys my bottom line here is eliada is so fucking conceited and y'all are making it worse and giving him rights smh
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months ago
9th house and marriage💍
I will describe here only signs in 9th house if you have any planets in it then it could be different).
9th house in Aries-Marriage could involve a lot of excitement and spontaneity. Your partner might inspire you to seek new experiences, travel, or explore different cultures and philosophies. There could be a sense of independence in the marriage, with both partners needing space to pursue their own interests. But it's important to watch out for impulsiveness and a tendency to rush into decisions. You could marry someone from a different cultural background or during a spontaneous trip.
9th house in Taurus-You may be drawn to a partner who is grounded, dependable, and shares your values. There could be a strong focus on building a comfortable life together, and material security might play a big role in your relationship. Long-term commitments and traditional values could be important. Travel and philosophical pursuits could focus on enjoying the pleasures of life, food, and art together.
9th house in Gemini- Marriage could involve a lot of conversation, travel, and shared learning experiences. You might enjoy discussing philosophical and cultural topics together, and there could be a mental bond in the relationship. The relationship might be lively, and it's important to keep things fresh and engaging. You may marry someone from a different cultural or intellectual background, and your marriage might thrive on curiosity, learning, and new experiences.
9th house in Cancer - You might be attracted to a partner who provides comfort and a sense of home, even when traveling or exploring new ideas. Your beliefs and values in marriage may be deeply tied to your family, roots, and emotional needs. There could be a strong emotional or spiritual connection. Marriage could bring emotional growth, and you might prioritize a strong sense of emotional intimacy.
9th house in Leo-Your partner could have a larger-than-life personality, and together you may enjoy exploring the world with enthusiasm. Marriage could involve travel, creative pursuits, or spiritual growth. In marriage, you may want to shine as a couple, and you could focus on building a relationship that is both fun and meaningful. You might marry someone who shares your zest for life, or you could even meet them while traveling or pursuing higher education.
9th house in Virgo- There could be a focus on building a healthy, stable relationship where both partners are committed to improving themselves and each other. The relationship might feel like a journey of self-improvement and learning. You could approach marriage with a sense of purpose, aiming to create a well-organized and harmonious partnership. You might be attracted to a partner who is helpful, grounded, and detail-oriented, or someone you can learn from in practical ways.
9th house in Libra- Relationships are central to your personal growth, and you may seek a marriage based on equality, shared ideals, and intellectual or spiritual exploration. You may be attracted to someone cultured, refined, and with whom you can share philosophical or artistic interests. Marriage is likely to be seen as a partnership where mutual respect and shared decision-making are vital. You may approach marriage with the idea that both partners should contribute equally and keep the relationship balanced. Travel, cultural experiences, or learning together can be important to you and your partner, as Libra here enhances your desire for companionship in exploration.
9th house in Scorpio-You might be drawn to a partner who embodies passion, mystery, and emotional depth. Marriage to you is not just a union but a profound merging of souls. There may be a spiritual or even karmic connection with your partner, and the relationship can be a vehicle for deep personal transformation.The relationship will likely be intense, emotionally charged, and filled with moments of deep connection or even power struggles.
9th house in Sagittarius - Marriage for you is likely seen as an adventure, where both partners support each other's intellectual curiosity and expansion. You may be attracted to someone from a different cultural background, or your marriage might involve moving to new places or expanding your worldview. You may see your partner as a companion on a lifelong journey of discovery, and you'll likely value a relationship that doesn't feel confining.
9th house in Capricorn- For you, marriage is seen as a long-term commitment with clear goals, structure, and mutual support. You may look for a relationship that provides stability and security, with both partners working towards building a solid future together. This placement indicates that you value tradition and may marry someone who helps you grow in status or who shares a strong work ethic. Marriage with this placement tends to be focused on long-term goals, including building a home, financial security, and social standing.
9th house in Aquarius- Marriage, for you, is likely to involve a great deal of freedom and personal space, with both partners valuing individuality within the union. This placement often leads to non-traditional views on marriage, and you might seek a relationship that breaks societal norms or expectations. The relationship might focus on shared ideals, and you could both be involved in activism or progressive movements. There is also a strong possibility of long-distance relationships or meeting someone from a vastly different cultural or intellectual background.
9th house in Pisces- Marriage is likely seen as a soulful union, where the relationship transcends the mundane and taps into a higher purpose or spiritual connection. You are likely to seek emotional and spiritual fulfillment within the partnership, and the relationship may feel divinely guided or destined. There's a strong possibility that your connection will involve artistic, creative, or spiritual pursuits, and you might meet your partner through shared spiritual practices, travel, or creative work. The relationship could feel highly intuitive, with both partners sensing each other's needs deeply.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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kleopatra45 · 2 months ago
Mercury in the Houses of Juno Persona Chart
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1st House
When Mercury is in the 1st house of your Juno Persona Chart, communication is a defining feature of how you approach and experience relationships. You naturally express yourself with charm, wit, and mental agility, making intellectual compatibility a priority in partnerships. In marriage, your future partner may be someone who is highly expressive, conversational, and perhaps youthful in demeanor, bringing fresh energy into your life. They are likely to share your enthusiasm for open dialogue, humor, and exchanging ideas. This placement emphasizes the importance of honesty and verbal expression as the foundation for your long-term connection, with dynamic conversations often keeping the spark alive.
2nd House
Mercury in the 2nd house points to a relationship dynamic where discussions about finances, material security, and shared values play a prominent role. Your ideal partner will likely be someone who is grounded, practical, and has a sharp mind for financial or material planning. They may be analytical and resourceful, helping to create stability and clarity in your marriage. Communication about long-term goals, assets, and personal priorities will be essential to the relationship. This placement suggests a marriage where thoughtful conversations about tangible matters strengthen the partnership, creating a sense of shared purpose and mutual understanding.
3rd House
When Mercury is in the 3rd house, intellectual connection and lively communication define your relationships. Your ideal spouse may be someone who is curious, sociable, and highly engaging in conversation. They’ll likely have a strong interest in learning, teaching, or creative writing, and may enjoy mental stimulation through debates or discussions. This placement suggests a partnership filled with excitement, where you and your spouse constantly share ideas and exchange knowledge. Your relationship thrives on intellectual exploration, and your partner’s quick-witted nature keeps the connection vibrant and ever-evolving.
4th House
Mercury in the 4th house signifies that communication in your relationships is deeply tied to emotional security and domestic harmony. Your future spouse may have a reflective and nurturing nature, prioritizing meaningful conversations about family, personal history, and emotional well-being. They’ll likely have a thoughtful approach to creating a peaceful and comfortable home environment. This placement indicates a relationship where heartfelt discussions build trust and understanding. Intellectual and emotional bonding will help you and your partner navigate challenges together, creating a safe and loving partnership rooted in open and honest dialogue.
5th House
With Mercury in the 5th house, communication in your relationships takes on a creative, playful, and passionate tone. Your ideal partner may be someone who inspires you through their artistic expression, humor, or innovative ideas. They could have a flair for storytelling, performing, or other creative pursuits, bringing joy and excitement into your life. This placement suggests a relationship where shared hobbies, laughter, and intellectual engagement foster a deep bond. Conversations will often revolve around creative endeavors, romantic expression, and mutual admiration, keeping the connection light-hearted and fun yet deeply meaningful.
6th House
Mercury in the 6th house indicates that clear and practical communication is vital to your relationships. Your future spouse may have a detail-oriented, analytical approach to life, excelling in managing routines, responsibilities, and problem-solving. They’ll likely support you in organizing your life, offering intellectual insight and practical advice. This placement suggests a marriage where mutual effort, cooperation, and discussions about daily tasks build a strong foundation. By addressing challenges together with a methodical mindset, you and your partner create a balanced and harmonious relationship that thrives on teamwork.
7th House
When Mercury is in the 7th house, intellectual compatibility and balanced communication become central to your relationships. Your ideal partner will be diplomatic, articulate, and skilled at fostering harmony through thoughtful discussions. They’ll value fairness and logic in resolving conflicts, creating a sense of mutual respect and understanding. This placement indicates a marriage where the exchange of ideas keeps the relationship healthy and fulfilling. Together, you’ll create a partnership that emphasizes equality, shared goals, and a deep intellectual connection, ensuring that you both feel seen and heard.
8th House
Mercury in the 8th house brings a depth and intensity to communication in your relationships. Your future spouse may have a mysterious, intuitive quality, often engaging in deep conversations about life’s complexities, such as emotions, psychology, or shared resources. They might possess a talent for uncovering hidden truths, fostering profound intellectual and emotional intimacy. This placement suggests a relationship where transformative discussions and a mutual understanding of each other’s inner worlds create an unbreakable bond. Together, you’ll explore life’s mysteries, growing closer through shared exploration of both light and shadow.
9th House
With Mercury in the 9th house, your relationships are infused with a sense of adventure, philosophical inquiry, and intellectual growth. Your ideal partner will likely be someone who loves to explore different cultures, belief systems, or academic pursuits. They’ll inspire you to broaden your horizons through meaningful conversations about life’s bigger questions. This placement suggests a marriage where shared learning and open-mindedness create a sense of fulfillment. Together, you’ll thrive on expanding your worldviews, whether through travel, education, or shared spiritual exploration.
10th House
Mercury in the 10th house suggests that communication in your relationships focuses on ambition, career goals, and shared aspirations. Your future spouse may be highly driven, articulate, and strategic in their approach to life. They’ll likely value discussions about achieving long-term success and may work in a field that requires leadership or public communication. This placement indicates a marriage where mutual support and intellectual collaboration help you both achieve your dreams. Together, you’ll create a partnership that’s built on shared goals, professional respect, and a clear vision for the future.
11th House
Mercury in the 11th house brings an innovative, forward-thinking energy to your relationships. Your ideal spouse may be someone who values collaboration, social causes, and shared dreams. They’ll likely be creative, progressive, and community-oriented, encouraging you to think outside the box. This placement suggests a marriage where intellectual connection and a shared vision for the future are vital. Together, you’ll thrive in group settings and work on projects that make a positive impact, using your combined strengths to create a meaningful and exciting partnership.
12th House
With Mercury in the 12th house, communication in your relationships takes on an intuitive and mystical quality. Your ideal partner may have a deeply introspective, spiritual, or artistic nature, fostering quiet moments of profound connection. They’ll likely be someone who understands your unspoken thoughts and feelings, creating a bond rooted in empathy and shared understanding. This placement suggests a marriage where deep conversations about hidden truths, dreams, or spiritual growth strengthen the relationship. Together, you’ll find fulfillment in exploring the subtle, unseen dimensions of life.
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cyberclouddream · 5 months ago
The 6th House and Bad Fortunes
In Hellenistic astrology the 6th house is referred to the “place of bad fortune”, connected to disease and decline in vitality. Here it’s more associated with hardships and illness than daily routines and activities. This is due to it being twelve houses away from the 7th house, which would mean imprisonment to significant commitments, like our health and vitality.
It represents the challenges that arise when our creative and romantic aspirations meet reality. By addressing the issues related to health, routines, and service we can transform the challenges here into opportunities.
Aries Rising
- tedious jobs that demand grinding
- may clean up after others or work beneath your skill level
- burnout because of perfectionism
- overworking with little recognition
- hypochondria; frequent doctor’s visits or checkups
- nitpicky with coworkers
Remedies: balanced diet; prioritize and delegate tasks; activities that promote self-improvement; face issues head-on; eliminate distractions; learn to say no
Taurus Rising
- passive-aggressive co-workers
- people-pleasing overload
- headaches or skin problems
- jobs that lack beauty or creativity
- indecisive career path
- superficial relationship with colleagues
Remedies: make workplace aesthetically pleasing; distinguish supportive relationships from toxic ones; take proactive steps to manage burnout; stay physically active
Gemini Rising
- jobs full of manipulation, power struggles, or drama
- unhealthy or overwhelming intensity at work
- anxiety, digestive issues, or fatigue
- strong desire for control over work environment and tasks clash
- help others with hidden agendas
Remedies: stop avoiding hard tasks; let go of grudges; find a life outside of work; channel rage into work; get regular check ups
Cancer Rising
- dissatisfaction in routines
- overcommitting to responsibilities
- lack of exercise, weight issues, digestive problems
- conflict with traditions or authority
- too much optimism
Remedies: learn to focus on tasks; be wary of escapism; be honest about what you can handle; establish flexible routines
Leo Rising
- rigid rules or strict hierarchies in workplace
- relentless pursuit for success
- issues with bones, joints, or skin
- missing opportunities for joy
- feelings of isolation and loneliness
Remedies: drop guilt about labor and delegate tasks; don’t take work too seriously; reassess goals if feeling stagnant or underappreciated
Virgo Rising
- jobs that feel misaligned with values or ideals
- alienation at work
- inconsistent health practices; issues with circulation, nervous system, or sudden changes in well-being
- rebel against routine tasks or authority figures
- difficulties with structure or traditional methods
Remedies: make decisions instead of overthinking; engage more with colleagues; address and change when there’s discomfort; stop idealizing job or coworkers; embrace structure
Libra Rising
- neglect important tasks and responsibilities
- elusive health issues; frustration when seeking health solutions; often feel tired without clear reason
- sensitivity leads to overwhelming emotional labor
- lack of structure in workplace
- romanticizing hardships, sacrifices, or struggles
Remedies: stop dreaming and start doing; get real about health issues; don’t overindulge in pleasures; don’t let feelings dictate work ethic; confront conversations and conflicts head-on
Scorpio Rising
- rush into tasks without proper planning
- take on too much workload at once
- headaches, high blood pressure, or injuries over overexertion
- struggles with monotonous tasks
- inconsistent motivations
Remedies: think before you speak to not burn bridges; learn to collaborate; own your mistakes; get organized
Sagittarius Rising
- stuck in unfulfilling jobs that lack progress
- overindulge in comforts; overeating or neglecting physical activity
- resistance to new opportunities and changes at work
- jobs that offer little financial security
- neglecting mental health
Remedies: don’t cling to routines or methods; avoid complacency; don’t overindulge in comfort foods or luxuries; don’t expect people to read your mind
Capricorn Rising
- erratic work performance
- overwhelmed by too many projects
- headaches, digestive issues, or anxiety
- resist structured routines
- prioritize mental stimulation over exercise or proper nutrition
Remedies: don’t take on too many tasks at once; confront workplace drama; avoid procrastination; make time for resting well; think before you speak to avoid misunderstandings
Aquarius Rising
- difficulty separating feelings from workplace
- fluctuating health issues, like digestive problems or issues linked to their emotional state
- prioritizing helping others over their own needs
- home dynamics effect work
- lack of professional boundaries
Remedies: don’t play victim; set emotional boundaries at work; don’t beat around the bush; avoid overindulgence; be realistic about your limitations
Pisces Rising
- snuggle with recognition at work
- desires for leadership clash with authority
- neglect health for status and appearance
- difficulties maintaining routine
- dramatic responses to setbacks, like unnecessary stress
Remedies: quit trying to be the center of attention at work; limit drama and theatrics; don’t let your pride blind from constructive criticism; be a team player; avoid overcommitting because of your passion;
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wisesoultarot · 2 months ago
Your life in the next 3 months
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Instagram | Want to tip me for my work? | For personal reading
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You might find yourself grappling with body image issues or feelings of low self-worth, which can often manifest in a preoccupation with your appearance. This focus on looks may lead you to scrutinize every detail of your physical self, from your skin and hair to your fashion choices. As you navigate these feelings, you may become increasingly aware of societal standards of beauty and how they influence your self-perception.
This heightened self-awareness can serve as a double-edged sword; while it may initially lead to feelings of inadequacy, it can also ignite a powerful desire for change. You may begin to seek out ways to enhance your well-being, whether through adopting healthier lifestyle habits, exploring new fashion styles that resonate with your personality, or investing time in self-care practices that nurture your body and mind.
As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, you may find that embracing your unique features—your skin tone, hair texture, and body shape—becomes a source of empowerment. This process can help you cultivate a deeper appreciation for yourself, allowing you to celebrate your individuality rather than conforming to external expectations.
With each step you take towards self-acceptance, you may notice a shift in your confidence levels. The more you prioritize your health and well-being, the more you may feel empowered to express yourself authentically through your appearance. Ultimately, this journey can lead to a profound sense of liberation, enabling you to embrace your true self with pride and confidence, regardless of societal pressures or beauty standards.
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I can sense your heart and spirit brimming with an overwhelming sense of joy, happiness, positivity, and optimism. It’s as if you are a vessel overflowing with light, ready to embrace all the wonderful experiences life has to offer. You are wholeheartedly committed to embracing deep joy, allowing it to permeate every aspect of your life. This commitment will guide you toward achieving success in your endeavors, whether they be personal, professional, or creative.
As you journey through this vibrant phase, you will find yourself celebrating victories, both big and small, recognizing the importance of each achievement along the way. You will revel in the abundance that surrounds you, appreciating the richness of life and all the blessings it brings. Your focus on enhancing your health will lead you to make choices that nourish your body and mind, fostering a sense of vitality and well-being that radiates from within.
In addition to these profound pursuits, you will also discover a playful side to yourself, allowing for moments of lightheartedness and fun. This playful spirit will invite joy into your daily life, reminding you to savor the little things and find delight in the present moment.
As the seasons change and summer approaches, you will find that your heart opens even wider, leading you to a deeper connection with your soulmate. This connection will be marked by understanding, love, and shared experiences that enrich your lives together. You will truly feel the magic of companionship, as you both embark on a journey filled with love, laughter, and mutual growth. Embrace this beautiful path ahead, for it is filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a fulfilling life.
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You will embody tact, diplomacy, and a sense of balance that will shine through in your interactions with everyone around you, be it friends, coworkers, a romantic partner, or family. Your ability to navigate conversations with grace and understanding will create an atmosphere of warmth and openness, allowing others to feel comfortable and valued in your presence. This skill will not only enhance your relationships but also foster a sense of community wherever you go.
I envision you enjoying social gatherings, celebrating with drinks, and relishing reunions with school or college friends. These moments will be filled with laughter, shared memories, and the joy of reconnecting with those who have played significant roles in your life. You will find yourself surrounded by a vibrant circle of friends, each bringing their unique energy and stories to the table, creating an environment that feels both nostalgic and exhilarating.
As you immerse yourself in these lively interactions, you'll find yourself in a state of pure joy, perhaps the happiest you've ever been. The simple pleasures of life—lively conversations, shared meals, and spontaneous adventures—will fill your days with a sense of fulfillment and contentment. You'll discover a renewed appreciation for the connections you have cultivated over the years, and this will deepen your sense of belonging and happiness.
Amidst this lively group, one individual will capture your heart. This person will stand out, drawing you in with their charm, wit, and shared interests. The two of you will feel an undeniable attraction, a magnetic pull that seems to transcend the ordinary. As you spend time together, the chemistry will ignite a whirlwind of passion, romance, and deep connection. You will find yourselves lost in conversations that stretch late into the night, sharing dreams and aspirations, and discovering the beauty of vulnerability in each other’s company.
This blossoming relationship will not only bring excitement but also a profound sense of understanding and support. You will feel seen and appreciated in ways you may not have experienced before, and this connection will encourage you to grow and explore new facets of yourself. Together, you will create cherished memories, embark on adventures, and build a partnership that is both exhilarating and deeply fulfilling. In this journey of love, you will find not just a partner but a confidant, a teammate, and a source of unwavering joy.
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divinesangel · 11 months ago
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
pm me for an affordable, in-depth personal or soulmate reading! ko-fi.com/solreads
— 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞!
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
one of the main things they will like about you is how happy you will make your soulmate. i feel like the happiness that person will feel because of you will be noticed by a lot of people, not only their family or you, but also their friends and simply people who know them will notice that there was a change in that person and how they have become someone totally different from the person they knew some time ago. i feel like their family will have an opinion at first about you that will later turn into something better and more stable. i feel like at first they may see you as someone very new and they may feel that curiosity towards you, they will want to know more about you, about your customs, about everything. i feel like this may be because maybe your soulmate is from another country or from a culture different from yours and that may make their family curious about you. it's not that they won't like you, but they will want to see if there can be compatibility between all of you. i feel like the best way to put it or to define it would be with the word curiosity or intrigue. however, i feel like from the first moment you will notice that they are quite friendly and that they will be offering you a lot of things. probably when you arrive at their house for the first time they will start putting a lot of food for you. they will put a lot of food in front of you or want you to eat well. they will probably offer to go out with you somewhere or make plans with you. i feel like they will be very welcoming and will work on making you feel at home because in the end you will all end up being family. so not only you will be the only one making an effort and putting in your part but their family too despite that initial curiosity and unfamiliarity they may have. maybe you'll notice that they may be a little more reserved at first and that the first conversations are more formal than friendly. but that's something that disappears over time. it's basically a matter of time and getting to know you a little better. i feel like as i said before your relationship with their family is going to change quite a bit because they may initially have that initial resistance or resist the changes a little. but gradually they will appreciate more your charisma and how well you handle yourself. it could also be that at first you are a little more shy and that makes them think that you will always be like that. but they will realize that you really have a lot of potential and a lot of passion for everything you do. any obstacle or challenge that you think you might have you will overcome victoriously. so you have nothing to worry about. in the end i see that their family will feel very comfortable with you and they will probably be the type of people to want to brag about you to other people, to other relatives or to other friends they have. they will see you as their lucky charm and as someone who brings a lot of vitality and enthusiasm to the life of your soulmate.
— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
i feel like from the start they'll notice that you're a reserved person. you'll have this vibe about you that they'll pick up on, making them feel like you're somewhat reserved, not showing much of how you feel, or simply not being very open from the get-go. i feel like this might confuse some people in their family, and they might sometimes wonder if you're compatible or things like that. i think the most important thing for them is knowing that you connect well with your soulmate and that you can understand each other in every way, especially emotionally. however, i see here that after a couple of weeks or some time in general, you'll be connecting quite well, and they'll realize that you're genuinely a good fit for them. i feel like they might feel a bit bad for judging so quickly at first and will try to go the extra mile for you so you don't feel excluded or anything. i also feel like they'll be realizing that your reserved or shy energy is linked to your personality or simply the fact that meeting their family is a pretty big deal.
i think initially they might have had a different impression of you, but they'll soon realize that your reserved demeanor stemmed from feeling unsure of how to act around them. it's clear that the dynamic is different for you, considering they're family. understandably, you might feel more cautious about what to say or how to behave. however, as they witness the undeniable connection between you and your soulmate, they'll swiftly begin to include you as one of their own. the bond you share with your partner will be unmistakable from the start, showcasing your compatibility and similarities. it seems like your soulmate may have two siblings or two significant family members who hold great importance to them, and vice versa. these individuals will extend their support and protection to you wholeheartedly, recognizing your value to their loved one. they'll make sure you feel cherished and supported in every aspect, whether it's emotional, material, or financial. over time, you'll all grow close and form a strong, united bond.
— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
their family will accept you from the very first moment. they're going to be welcoming you and will try to make you feel like their home is your home and make you feel as accepted as possible. they're going to appreciate you a lot and admire the stability you bring not only to their home and the environment that you create, but also the stability you bring to your person. i feel like there could be a bit of hesitation or discontent from one of you, so either you or their family, because there could be a difference in their perspectives, or maybe there could be certain things about their family that you don't quite understand that well. it could be that maybe the family dynamics are different from what you're used to and that could make you feel a bit hesitant or make you have some questions of how things work around there. besides that, i feel like there's going to be a period of adjustment that you'll have to go through with their family and perhaps you might have to get used to the type of lifestyle that they have or the energy that they exude.
i feel like there could be certain times where you might feel like you have to meet some expectations, even if they don't say anything or let you know anything of that. it's just that you're going to be getting that feeling of maybe having to meet certain desires or expectations and fulfill certain roles in your soulmate's life. so there could be that uncertainty energy from you because you want to make them happy and you want them to really consider you someone of the family and for them to love you from the very beginning. so you could have these thoughts of changing yourself in order to fit their family or do certain things in order for them to see you much better than they really are. but in reality, you don't have to do any of this. i feel like this is just something that you're going to be thinking and it's not necessarily going to be the truth because they're going to be accepting you from the very beginning and i don't see that you have to do much more than that. on the other hand, i also feel like they will see you as someone who has gone through several transformations, and i'm pretty sure that there will be a conversation on this, and it's very likely that you will have to talk about your struggles at some point, and basically let them know of maybe past experiences, or just things that have happened to you throughout your life that have made you the person you are today, or the person you will be by the time you get to meet their family. and in their mind, they're going to see you as someone who is very authentic, and someone who has always shined despite the obstacles or the challenges. because of this, they're going to have your respect and admiration in the end. so i feel like this connection that you will have with their family is going to be very transformative, and it's like it's always going to be evolving.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 !
hi! it's daphne here.
i'm currently offering personal readings for €5 and soulmate readings for €10 so don't hesitate to send me a private message if you're interested!
thank you for being here!
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balkanradfem · 7 months ago
So I've found Alyssa Grenfell on youtube. She shares her experience of leaving mormonism, and the inner workings of the religion. I had very little ideas about what mormonism is, only that it's a high-control religion, very difficult to leave, and has people knocking on doors trying to get converts. I've been interested to find out more, and I ended up watching almost all of her content, and some of the information I've got from it opened my eyes on other feminist topics, and I believe is relevant to the current discourse!
So if you, like me, don't know how mormonism works, it started when a guy decided that he too could be a part of the bible; he wrote a bible part two: mormon, and proclaimed himself a prophet. Then he started a religion based on his writings, decided it was more important than the bible itself because he 'translated it from gold tablets god gave him', and started gaining followers by convincing people he's the prophet. Once he had managed to get a following, he soon started to sexually exploit the wives and daughters of these followers, to the point where he had 20-40 wives and had married 14yo children. Families allowed it to happen because he would promise them to be royalty in the afterlife. He eventually got into a lot of trouble for stealing and raping children so he was killed by an angry mob, but the religion continued.
The religion is same as christianity except more rules (no coffee, no alcohol, no smoking), eternal worship of the predator who wrote it, followers are pressured to follow the rules exactly, and, the vital part, the followers have to give 10% of their income to the church. They developed a culture where once every young mormon kid comes of age, they have to go on a 'mission', which means they're removed from their home, and have to spend 2 years (1,5 for women) living in a foreign area, knocking on doors, sharing the gospel, trying to convert people. The conversion rate is extremely low, but at that point kids have invested so much time, effort, energy and passion for the religion, they become devoted to it and start to feel alienated in the world that rejects their religion. And even with the low conversion rate, every new convert means another continuous source of income for the church. So it's very profitable to send out young adults to make these sales. The kids are told that if they don't complete their missions, they will not be able to marry, and marriage is presented as their only life purpose.
So how rich is the church at this point? 230 billion dollars. I've been shocked to hear this because I had no idea. Alyssa explained that the mormon church is as rich as Pepsi, they have more money than Disney and McDonalds. So you might be wondering, like I did, well what are they doing with all that money? I've been left to wonder this for a while, until I watched the video called 'Why are so many influencers mormon?', which explained it. I didn't even realize a lot of influencers were mormon. But, this video showed me something both disturbing, and eye opening.
Before I go into that, I have to point out how patriarchal and misogynistic this religion is. Women are not given any options except marriage, and it's presented as the only righteous way to live. They're groomed for marriage from a very young age, encouraged to start writing letters to their future husbands at the age of 9. They're taught cooking, sewing and childcare, and to coddle any males in the family. It's taken for granted that m*n won't respect women, to the point where male children are allowed to harass grown women and their families will not intervene or consider it a problem. Chastity and purity are promoted to the level where members of the religion are expected to wear special underwear at all times, which hides their entire torso, shoulders, and legs down to their knees, and their clothing is expected to cover this up completely. They're rejected by the religion if they dare to have sex before marriage, or drink alcohol or coffee, or in some cases, tea. The church has a history of allowing and promoting polygamy, in the sense that a male was allowed to have as many wives as he wanted; they've since stopped this, but refused to break up the existing marriages. They're also promoting anti gay and racist propaganda, which Alyssa observed in school where she'd been teaching; a gay kid almost ended his life due to extreme homophobia.
I know all of this is somewhat common in all areas of society, all religions, and all cultures, but in mormonism it seems to be written into the core of it.
So now, why are so many influencers mormon? I didn't even know they were. The influencers themselves are not promoting the fact that they're mormon, nor does it come up in viral discussions. Ballerina farm is mormon. Tradwives are mormon. Whataboutaub, Rachel Parcel, brooklynandbailey, tanner_mann, thebucketlistfamily, Taylor Frankie Paul, Sarah Beeston, Ruby Franke, these are all mormon. Most of the Utah-based influencers are mormon, and there's a bigger amount of successful and popular influencers from Utah, than from LA or NY.
For me it immediately explained why this viral content is like that. Why we're having such influx of highly patriarchal, anti-feminist, very dangerous and sexist content, put in front of the eyes of young women. Why it's being promoted as an ideal way of life. How are these women able to share this life as if they truly believed it was good and ideal. How could they think it's harmless? If they're using the internet to the extent that they're creating content, how would they not be exposed to any feminism at all? And they wouldn't because it's against their religion to engage with content like that, or with people talking about it. Because being raised in a high-control religion, they would truly believe their lives are the ideal. They would be presented with it as their only option, the only way of life possible for a woman.
It's heartbreaking because I can now understand why it was so easy to push Ballerina Farm to give up her entire life ambition to get married and carry children for a male she didn't even want to go out with, the pressure from the religion to do so would be immense, she would have been raised to see this as the only option, everything else in her life would be considered pointless. She wouldn't have an actual choice, she'd be groomed for this from the moment she was born. Mormons don't advertise 'looking for your soulmate', they only instruct women to marry a mormon male who completed his mission and make it work.
So how does the immensely rich mormon church play into this? I couldn't see it until Alyssa explained in a very detailed way how youtube content advertising works. I didn't know about this either, but here's the overview:
How much you get paid on youtube, instagram, tik-tok, or other online content platform, depends on what type of content it is, based on how much advertisers are willing to pay to put adverts on it. For instance, you get paid much more for finance content, because banks will pay premium prices to be advertised in a finance-related video. If you're making content on cooking, you get paid way less, because it's not such a lucrative field. If you're making content on christianity, you get similarly low price as for cooking, christian church is not that rich. But, if you're making content as a mormon, that's showcasing some aspect of a mormon life, even if you don't specifically say you're mormon, the price goes way up, to the point where it's as lucrative as finance. The mormon church is making sure that the mormon influencers are being paid premium prices for their content, because people who get massively interested in the influencers, eventually find out that it's the mormon life being advertised, and some of them consider taking on mormonism. Which gives church more converts, which means the church will earn more money. The content we're watching is one huge advert sponspored by mormon church, and we don't even know it.
Alyssa figured this out because her content falls under the keyword 'mormon', and her comments warned her that the church is advertising on her videos, even when she's making mormon-critical content. She then realized that she too was being paid a premium price for her views, just because they're mormon themed. She went on to discover that even just being an influencer in Utah will fetch a premium price, because most of mormons are based in Utah. For more detailed and comprehensive explanation on this, watch her video!
Advertising is not the only way the mormon church is spending their money, they've also built a shopping mall, and are basically spending their money by investing and gambling and everything any corporation does with their profits. It's making me mad, and also makes the members of the church mad when they discover where 10% of their income goes, because they're told it's being used for charity and community service, and not advertisments and building malls.
For me this solves a mystery of how is it possible, in this day and age to have such influx of tradwives and influencers of 'traditional life', they're being sponsored by an organization making a profit off of it, making sure that anyone making this content is so well paid, they're able to live off of it, and keep creating more of it, and in the process of doing that, groom young women into their lifestyle.
Learning more about religions, specifically high-control religions, makes me realize just how much of it is happening all around us, but invisible, not naming what it is. It's similar to MLM's, the people inside are constantly trying to lure more people in, to make profit for those on the top, while the organization keeps changing names and hides their business structure in order to save their reputation. People can get influenced by it, and sucked in, without even knowing about it. Somehow most MLM's are also in Utah.
Mormon church also asked to no longer be called that, in order to stop being associated with the words like 'cult', which people have identified it as. Now they're working under more secretive names, and hidden business practices, so we wouldn't even know what we're being influenced by, and why is the content in front of us what it is.    
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sharkgirldick · 2 months ago
And now, the Princess x Knight x Maid origin story. Kinda.
Hope y'all enjoy. :3
In case you start wondering, no, I'm never going to give any of them names if I can help it.
The Princess was holding court, an activity as vitally important as it was boring. The majority of the time, it was local leaders asking for the crown to assist with hardships. That was almost always supplies of some sort, so the Princess would listen to what amounted to haggling between said local leader and the crown's financial advisor. While she understood everything discussed and gave things a cursory look to make sure nothing underhanded was afoot, her involvement was limited to signing a document and ushering in the next person.
During one such discussion, her maid approached with a small platter with tea and cookies. A very slight smile indicated that she was grateful for the small distraction, and she quietly ate her treat and sipped at her tea while the proceedings continued. Her personal guard, a knight who had been sword to her years ago, glanced towards the Princess. For a moment, something akin to anger flashed across her knight's eyes, and the Princess knew that her knight and her maid had their gazes clash. She sighed. What was is that made her two most loyal attendants so angry with each other?
"What are your thoughts, Princess?" The financial advisor's voice snapped her from her thoughts.
"Pardon? I apologize, I was... Still thinking of our last guest."
"Ah, well, as I said, Princess, the request is fairly small, and so we can easily accommodate everything if-"
So, court proceeded into the late afternoon.
That evening, duties attended to and absolutely exhausted, the Princess retired to her chambers, accompanied only by her maid and her knight. The Princess lounged on her bed, a sight her attendants had seen many a time now. She had scant few friends, and so it was the maid that attended her and the knight that guarded her life became her most trusted confidants. Still, she wished the pair would get along.
"It was improper of you to break the Lady's concentration."
"She was clearly tired and needed something to perk her up."
"She seemed perfectly attentive without it. The slip up you caused may make the people think she doesn't care about their issues, all for a snack."
"Please, my Mistress has always aided the people dutifully. She is very popular even on the outskirts of the kingdom."
"Still, you-"
"Do you two of you ever stop bickering?" The Princess interjected, lazily playing with her hair while looking at the two of them.
"I apologize, my Lady." Her knight bowed slightly. "I didn't mean to upset."
"I am sorry, Mistress." Her maid simply turned away from the knight.
"You certainly don't act very sorry..." The knight muttered.
The maid whirled. "Well! Maybe if you didn't-"
The renewed argument faded into the back of her thoughts as the Princess just watched the two go at it yet again. Another sigh escaped her lips. This was how most nights went if she didn't have a topic of conversation. The two of them really just needed to stop. They should.... They should...
"The two of you should just kiss and make up already." The voices of her attendants suddenly stopped, and the Princess realized that she had voiced her thought out loud. The previously snippy pair were now staring at her.
"Mistress, that joke isn't-"
"I would never, not with someone like-"
Frustration bubbled up in the Princess. Not real anger, but the irksome feeling that another clash of words was about to begin.
"That is an order." She said, sternly. The two stopped talking again, then glanced at each other before returning their gaze to the Princess.
"My Lady, surely-"
"Surely," the Princess said, her voice steeped with authority, "you have not been listening. You are both bound by honor and oath, are you not? Do it. Now, with no more word of dissent." She noted that both her knight and her maid were blushing now. She had to admit, it was incredibly cute. The two never showed much emotion when doing their duties, and even in private they were reserved, at least when not at each other's throats.
Now, though, they were suddenly timid in a way the Princess could almost taste. Without showing it, she watched with eager anticipation as the pair turned towards each other and moved closer. The knight, as expected, took the initiative. She simply leaned in, placing an incredibly light peck on the maid's lips. The Princess found herself disappointed. She was hoping for more... and she could get more.
"You can't think that will suffice, can you? A kiss that meagre, to make up for all the vitriol? No. Again, this time with passion." Despite the solidity of the new order, the Princess found her heart thudding in her chest. This was... This was exhilarating.
This time, the Maid was the first to act, grabbing the Knight's face in cupped hands and turning the warrior towards her. The Maid's face was a mix of frustration and embarrassment, looking almost like she was about to scream. The Knight, seeming to sense that this time it was going to be real, swallowed hard. Then the Maid leaned in, pulling the Knight close, their lips locking.
"Hold her." The Princess said, almost breathlessly, not caring who complied. It was her Knight, who promptly wrapped her arms around the Maid. The kiss was certainly passionate, and the Princess even spied the Maid slipping her tongue into the Knight's mouth, the only acknowledgement of the action a soft grunt.
After a moment, the two broke away from each other, a small trail of spit connecting them for just a moment. The Princess sat up straight, startled to realize she had leaned in to watch more closely. She was flushed practically all over. Before her attendants could say a word, she spoke.
"That is all for tonight. The two of you are dismissed. Out." With that, the two filed through the Princess' door without a word.
In the corridor, the door closed tight, the Maid eyed the Knight before speaking up.
"Not a word of this. Ever, to anyone."
"For once," the Knight responded, "we are in complete agreement." With that, the two went in opposite directions.
Within the chamber, the Princess had quickly shed her underwear and pulled her shift up, her hand slick and glistening in the moonlight as she fingered herself, the vision of her Knight and Maid's kiss still fresh in her mind. It was only minutes after the pair had left that the Princess was having in intense orgasm, her back arching with the pleasure, letting out a silent scream before collapsing back onto the bed. Panting, a pleasant warmth over her body, she knew then and there that tonight wouldn't be the last time she gave such an order.
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percyluvr · 11 months ago
hey babes, could you maybe do like a percy x reader where he gets home from AHS one day and just walk in on his mom and gf just having the ultimate gossip session and being besties, idk i just thought that would be funny
percy jackson x fem!reader summary: percy comes home from a long day at school to find his girlfriend and mother immersed in a juicy gossip session wc: 668
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Since the day you'd met Sally Jackson, she'd been your favorite person in the whole world, even surpassing your own boyfriend, who just so happened to be her son. Apparently, being a great person just ran in the Jackson family.
Luckily for you, Sally had also taken an immense liking to you, considering you her own daughter. The two of you bonded over various common interests, as well as your worry about Percy.
At first, Percy had been the main thing the two of you bonded over, but the two of you eventually realized that you had a lot in common, one of these things being your love for gossiping. The two of you gossiped every day without fail, even on the days that the two of you didn't see each other in person. The two of you talked long into the night on the phone, Percy overhearing it whether he was at home or with you, and he always pretended to be jealous that the two of you were 'ignoring' him in favor of talking to each other, to which you and Sally would just laugh and continue talking about people that neither of you really even knew that well.
Today, Percy was tired beyond belief, having a test or quiz in almost all of his classes. He was walking home, the only thoughts on his mind being you and a long nap. Yes, he was a demigod, and yes he fought many hour long battles, one of which being a full day of school, and he was now a sleepy boy who just wanted to cuddle with his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, the gods were not looking favorably at him today, because when he finally made it home, he found his girlfriend and mother sat on the couch, seemingly very immersed in a conversation.
While it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to be at his house before him, what was unusual was the fact that when he walked in the door, near you nor his mother even batted an eye in acknowledgement of his presence.
Typically the two of you would at least give him a small 'hi', but not today.
"Hey, I'm home," he said, thinking that the two of you must not have noticed the door opening.
You and Sally didn't even acknowledge him, opting to continue your gossip session instead.
His mouth opened, but no words came out.
Paul Blofis, Percy's step-dad, let out a small sigh, causing Percy to look over at him and finally notice he was there.
Paul gave him a pained smile. "They've been talking like this since I got home," he stated.
Percy gave an empathetic nod, pulling up a chair next to Paul.
"Let's see how long they talk before realizing we're even here," Percy half-jokes.
"Sounds fun," Paul agreed.
It was, in fact, not fun, because the two boys sat there for around 4 hours before you and Sally even looked in their direction.
It was around 9 pm when you and Sally finally stopped talking and acknowledged the two sitting there nearly dozing off.
You got up and grabbed Percy's hand, leading him to his room and plopping down on the bed. His arms went around your waist as he pulled you close to him.
"What were you and my mom even talking about that was so interesting that you completely ignored me when I said hi?" He asked.
"Percy, Sally and I have gossip sessions daily, and they cannot be interrupted. It's very vital that we get to talk about other people for at least 2 hours a day, otherwise we might die," you joke.
"Really? You two do that every day? How do you not run out of things to talk about?"
"Oh you sweet summer child, you underestimate our ability to find gossip-worthy topics."
Percy realizes that he will not ever understand the two most important women in his life and just hums in acknowledgement of your words before falling soundly asleep.
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eightmakesonebraincell · 8 months ago
the essence of youth is summers with you (teaser)
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genre: poly!surfers!ateez x fem!reader, childhood best friend!san, sort of college!au, slice of life and coming of age, slow burn, fluff, angst
length: 1.5k (teaser) + approx. 38k (full fic)
c/w: surfer!ateez (deserves a warning), explicit profanity, more angst when you think things will get better, remaining tags to be revealed with full fic
synopsis: when you move away from your hometown at the age of six, you discover that summer in namhae takes the form of a skinny, dimpled boy who loves the sea and holding hands– choi san. but as the summers go past and he goes to seoul for college, bringing back new friends each year, you start to develop feelings that run deeper than just friendship. will your summers of youth become ones of love and dreams, or will they end in pain and heartbreak?
a/n: surprise!! we’re actually using full stops and paragraphs for once! full fic will be released in exactly one week so enjoy these crumbs until then
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you’re all sitting on a patchwork of picnic blankets and beach towels spread around the small fire that san has constructed, now experienced from having made one three years in a row. haneul shares the towel with you on one side and yunho on your other.
dinner had been greasy meat grilled by wooyoung’s skilled hands paired with cheap alcohol that made you all wince when it went down. it had been finished off with skewered marshmallows– the most vital part of the night, as mingi had fervently reminded everyone.
someone had then suggested a round of ‘truth or dare’, which most definitely did not stop at one round. the flushed cheeks and tipsy slurs not only made the dares increasingly bizarre, but it made everyone daring enough to actually do them.
but as the night had continued on, the outlandish dares slowly trickled off and more of you picked to answer truth questions. with the mellowing ambience of the campfire and the clearing buzz of alcohol in your systems, it was only a matter of time before the night fizzled into calm.
“mingi,” haneul directs her question at the taller, “ if you were to date one of us excluding me, who would it be?”
his eyes dart from her to you and then to every single one of his friends.
“i’d date you all,” he shrugs. “but if i had to pick one person, then probably yunho, since he’s been there for me from day one.”
yunho knocks shoulders with him appreciatively whilst joking, “your parents would love to hear that answer.”
you spot san and wooyoung cringing at the thought and you’re reminded of snippets of a conversation about surfing as a distraction and escape from home.
“seonghwa, truth or dare?” mingi asks, moving the game on to the next person.
“if you had to pick between love and friendship, which one would it be?”
seonghwa hums for a while, watching the dancing lick of flames.
“i think it depends on the situation, because in the end, they’re not that much different from each other. in love there is friendship, and in friendship there is love. it’s impossible to say that one is more important than the other.”
there’s a collective boo as he skirts around the question, but you all understand where he’s coming from.
it still doesn’t stop san from retorting, “the whole point is to pick one.”
seonghwa chuckles and downs half a shot to appease the other of his apparent half answer, then tosses the same question at him.
“what about you, then?”
much to his disappointment, san actually has an answer.
“i would probably choose love. i think you’re right in saying you can’t separate love and friendship, but the thing that sets a romantic relationship apart is being in love,” he muses. “it’s hard to find friends you love, but it’s even harder to find a friend you fall in love with, so i would probably hold onto that no matter what.”
a few of you subconsciously nod along, words resonating with yourselves.
haneul nudges you curiously, “what do you think?”
you relax into her side as you slowly formulate a cohesive answer from your thoughts.
“i think i would choose love, too. i’ll admit it’s a much more difficult relationship than friendship and it often requires sacrifices to be made…it can even mean having to let go of somebody completely.”
hongjoong glances at you, guilt pricking at his chest.
“but at the same time,” you continue, “when you love somebody that much, sacrifice becomes something you want to give and are willing to offer to the other person, and you develop a depth of understanding, connection and intimacy strong enough to overcome anything that isn’t always possible with friendship.”
“you and san are both such gross romantics,” haneul pretends to gag.
“yeah, shoot us for it,” you poke her in the side. “wooyoung, truth or dare?”
“since everyone’s picking truth…truth.”
“who’s someone you’re sorry towards or thankful for?”
he whines indignantly, “why are we suddenly getting so personal,” but proceeds to think about his answer seriously.
“if i’m honest, i’m sorry towards everyone. i know there are times i fall short as a friend and make mistakes, but you all always forgive me and embrace my imperfections so graciously. sometimes it makes me wonder if i even deserve you guys.”
there are immediate noises of protest and wooyoung smiles, waving away their words of objection because he knows that he’s wrong. it’s just that knowing doesn’t always stop him from feeling a certain way.
“and of course, what i’m sorry for goes hand in hand with what i’m thankful for. but i’m also especially thankful for y/n,” he reveals.
your body reacts instantly to his unexpected answer, blood rushing towards your cheeks and ears as he looks at you appreciatively.
“i haven’t known you for as long as most of the other boys, but i’ve seen how happy and vibrant they all are whenever they return to seoul or whenever they talk about you. and i can definitely see why, now. you make them happy– you make us happy.”
mingi clears his throat, jumping in to add to the younger’s answer, “when i’m here in namhae with you, with everybody, it feels like home.”
a home that he’s never really had until yunho, san, you, and the rest of the boys came along.
“so thank you for giving me a home here,” mingi looks at you earnestly.
if he were sitting closer, you would reach over and squeeze his hand reassuringly.
“no matter how many years go by, you’ll always have a home here,” you tell him instead.
“and the rest of us?” yunho jokes, lightly slapping your knee where your legs have slowly made their way into his lap over the night.
“you all have a home here,” you amend.
because namhae is not the same without san, and namhae is not the same without the rest of your friends, either.
you continue asking each other questions, even after midnight has long ticked past and haneul has retired back to the beach house for some sleep. nobody wants the night to end, because despite already having been attached to each other’s hips all summer, the time you are spending now around the campfire is different.
life slows down and the nine of you are the only ones to exist along with the stars and the ocean waves.
“you know what we should do?” wooyoung pipes up when you are all quietly watching the fire.
he grins, “we should do that thing where we shout at the ocean.”
“just…straight up scream?” hongjoong frowns.
a smile starts to spread across san’s face as he understands wooyoung’s vision.
“no, like our dreams. regrets. confessions,” san elaborates, making a move to stand and brushing the sand off his shorts.
seonghwa questions, “are we really doing this?” and yet he stands up as well.
“when will we ever get a chance to do this again?”
one by one, you all get up on your feet and wander down the beach closer towards the water. it’s silent, save for the crash of waves, while you eye each other and wait for somebody to start it off.
yunho clears his throat, then yells his next words from the very depths of his chest, “i want to become a famous choreographer!”
there are shared giggles at the striking contrast in volume after hours of low, heartfelt conversation, but it’s enough to fill the rest of you with courage and desire to do the same.
“i want my parents to accept that i won’t be a lawyer like they wanted me to be!” yeosang calls out.
mingi takes a huge breath with his entire body, “i hope i’ll win the lottery one day!”
you all break out into laughter, happiness and vigour running high through your veins. it definitely feels a little silly and a little childish, but is that not the charm of living in the prime years of your youth and spending it with your friends?
reservations now completely thrown to the wind, the boys holler and yell both serious and unserious aspirations with their entire soul, cupping the sides of their mouths with their hands to carry their voices further out across the waters. you watch them with deep affection and tenderness and your eyes suddenly start to well up with the intensity of your emotions.
thank you for showing me what love feels like.
you can continue to love them as friends, and that is already more than you could ever ask for.
taking a deep inhale of the chill of emerging dawn and blinking away the blur in your eyes, you join the boys and yell your heart out to the ocean. your screams blend together into a symphony of dreams and hopes; the swell of the chorus and the pinnacle of the movie.
and even though you’re all half-delirious from the lack of sleep, hair ruffled and mismatched pajamas wrinkled, it feels like anything and everything is possible in this moment.
from here on, it’s the nine of you against the world and whatever it may bring.
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The Most Innocent Sinner
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: For everyone, she's the shy, pure, little Y/n. Dating Dean Winchester is like going on dates with the complete opposite of her. So it is a very nice surprise when Dean learns how kinky she actually is by finding her collection of sex toys.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Content warning: Sex toys, masturbation (male and female), dirty talk
Square filled: Dildos for @spnkinkevents / “Now that’s something you definitely shouldn’t try at home.” for @jacklesversebingo / masturbation for @anyfandomkinkbingo / “Unfortunately, I’m turned on by that.” for @anyfandomgoesbingo
A/n: Finding a title is so hard. I got stuck on this one for way too long. Big thanks to my friends that helped me!
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From the outside, Y/n looked like a Saint. Cute, she wasn't very tall and almost sickly shy, and her social anxiety didn't help her case at all. 
Since she didn’t have many friends, Y/n spent her time at the library surrounded by stories that made her forget how alone she felt. The characters on these yellowed sheets would never judge or criticize her, it was a comfort in which she really liked to immerse herself, especially after a hard day.
It was also where she met the Winchester brothers for the first time.
For someone like Y/n, the complete opposite of popular, invisible to people even when she was in the same room with them, the Winchesters were the pinnacle of perfection. Bodies built like gods, well-defined faces, piercing eyes, they gave off a strong and dominating aura that attracted the gaze of everyone in their path. And Y/n was no exception.
The moment the two brothers walked near her table at the library, there was no longer any need to read. Her book closed by itself in front of her, as she no longer held it open, her eyes fixedly stuck on the two men. Following their directions with her gaze, she turned her head, almost hurting her neck.
The colors around her suddenly seemed more vivid. The sounds, sweeter to the ear. She strained her ear to better listen to their conversations. And it was then that the stories she loved reading so much... Became reality.
Y/n had always had a habit of making herself fade away. Not wanting to attract attention, remaining discreet and making herself as small as possible. But the moment she saw them, it was like a light bulb went on inside her, and filled her with a life she had never really felt. And she decided to change that.
She didn’t want to hide anymore.
It was an adventure awaiting her, just like in her books. Filled with villains, monsters, but also angels, laughter, food and finally, a place where she belonged. It didn't take long for her to take part in their lives, quickly becoming a full member of their families. Although she wasn’t trained to be in the field hunting monsters, her lifelong experience of extensive reading was too vital and important to refuse her help.
Initially, Y/n was assigned to research. It was perfect for her, she could show them how efficient she was at this task so they would give her more to do eventually. Quickly, she climbed the ranks in the Winchesters' trust and became closer to them.
Everything about her personality was perfect to fit with Sam's. And yet, as the months stretched into years, she inevitably grew closer to Dean. Some will say that opposites flock together, and they are not wrong. Dean was the opposite of Y/n, stubborn, he didn't hesitate to say what was on his mind and loved seeing the adorable expression that invaded her face when he made inappropriate or worse, sexual comments. Immediately, Y/n would disappear from the room almost like magic, or she would become so embarrassed that he took pity and immediately changed the subject.
Y/n had a purity that Dean never had, and it was one of the reasons why even after all this time knowing her, he was still reluctant to let her come with them on hunts. Or even to involve her in anything that could endanger her or defile this purity. If he could keep her from losing that sparkle in her eyes, he would, no matter the cost.
After a few months of dating, Y/n finally agreed to live in the bunker with them. Dean helped her move in, putting her things in a room other than his, and although not sharing the same bed disappointed him a little, he understood why. She wasn't ready, and he insisted on her comfort. He was willing to wait for her as long as it took.
“If I had known you had that many boxes, I would have brought in extra hands,” Dean huffed, placing yet another heavy box on the ground. Straightening up, he raised his arms above his head to stretch his back.
“Sorry, all my books,” Y/n shrugged and lowered her head, embarrassed.
With a quick wave of his hand, Dean signaled that it was nothing. “It only takes a little longer but it’s no problem,” he quickly said to reassure her, so she wouldn’t feel bad about having so much stuff. After all this time knowing her, he knew how important her books were to her.
Her 500 books which weighed bricks to transport…
“I'll go get another box,” she accepted Dean's answer and as she passed him on her way out, left a quick kiss on the cheek. It was Dean's turn to react, his face quickly turning red.
“Okay, in the meantime, I'm going to start…” Glancing at the mountain of cardboard, Dean sighed again. “Cleaning a little…”
Sam wasn't there. Although he proposed his help for moving her stuff in, Dean's ego was more powerful. As a boyfriend, he had to take care of his girlfriend himself. Without help. Showing her that he was there for her, and that she would always be his priority.
Dean had been in several relationships in the past. And he loved each woman with all of his soul. But each time, his work, his family or the apocalypse had forced him to leave. It had been a very difficult task each time, but he had done it.
Just the thought of leaving Y/n had the same effect as losing a limb. It was unthinkable.
Ah shit. He was in love.
Him, in love?
It was the first time.
… Wait a minute.
He was in love with her.
This realization hit him harder than he expected. Dean took a few steps back, his head spinning quickly. He was in love. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Never in his entire life had he felt this kind of thing for someone, feelings so strong, so true. When they were together, he felt so good, like he had finally found the thing he was missing. The person he needed.
Dean took another step back, and inevitably, his legs encountered a box. He lost his balance and, trying not to cause a landslide, had to hold himself against the nearest thing… Another box.
This one was strangely and unfortunately lighter than the others and failed to stop him from doing damage. Luckily, Dean kept his balance and avoided the embarrassment of falling on his butt, but the box fell to the ground.
“Son of a bitch,” he grumbled as he hurried to pick it up. As he took it, he noticed that it was not closed properly. It was definitely not his plan to go through Y/n's personal belongings, but when he opened the box to close it better, he couldn't help but see what was inside.
And it wasn't his fault. The first item on top was a box that displayed the inscription of its contents, and his curiosity, well… took care of the rest.
“What the…” taking the item in question, Dean examined it. His hunter's eye detected every detail, inscriptions, the wear on the cardboard and even the place where the packaging had once been sealed before opening. The sticky paper seemed to have been removed so quickly, the color of the cardboard remained stuck on it. It was exactly as if its owner, eager to have the object, hadn’t been concerned by the breakage of its packaging.
SO. It was still possible that the contents were not what was written in black and white on the packaging. It was still a possibility. Dean understood, it was his duty to get to the bottom of it once and for all. Otherwise, the question would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Heart racing for no good reason, Dean placed his fingers where the paper was torn off and pulled the tab. Then, breathless, he opened the box and peered inside.
“Son of a bitch,” his mouth breathed along with the last of his oxygen. No... he couldn't believe it. As if he needed further proof that his eyes had already given him, Dean reached into the box and pulled out the object.
It was still in its bag, but an opening proved its frequent use. Both soft and very hard, it was of regular size and of a pretty pink shade. Dean didn't need to take it out of the bag to know that underneath was the little hole to get charged, the wire still in the box.
In his hand, Dean held the thing he never thought he would hold… Let alone find among his girlfriend's stuff. The sweet, pure, shy Y/n.
Scared that she would come back and see him like this, Dean quickly put the pink dildo vibrator back in its box. A thousand questions swirled through his mind and his heart still hadn't stopped pounding in his ribcage. In his eagerness and nervousness, Dean almost dropped the box, so he had to pull himself together to put it back exactly where he had found it.
And that was when he saw them.
There were plenty of them. A dozen even. Some had their original packaging, others had boxes without inscription. Curiosity rose in Dean who forgot the presence of his girlfriend and owner of these toys in the bunker. It was like suddenly he was alone in the world as he began to pull out everything he had in front of his eyes, his pupils dilating with each new discovery.
Small portable vibrator. One that looked like a butterfly, insertable and vibrant. A… dolphin? A flesh-colored dildo, including ball and base with suction. A magic staff. Purple, pink, black, the colors were added one after the other. And then suddenly...
Dean came across the largest box.
It was curiously and surprisingly big for what was inside. Dean couldn't help it. It was heavy, there was no doubt about the contents, but he had to see it with his eyes, hold it in his hands, and absorb reality.
It couldn't be that big... right?
And oh my god.
“Now that’s something you definitely shouldn’t try at home…”
Examining it from every angle, he still couldn't understand. The words “bad dragon” were forever imprinted in his brain along with the image of that purple and blue hued dildo. It was imposing, as tall as it was wide, and the different textures were strange but pleasant to the touch. And inevitably, his brain went in that perverse direction he imagined...
Her moans filled the room and the echo was carried throughout the whole bunker. Sounds of pleasure? No. Of frustration. She moaned as she tried as best she could to get the dildo into her entrance, which was still too tight for such a monster. But her determination only grew with her goal, and the idea alone of being able to have all those inches inside her was so exciting that she almost didn't need any lube.
“Oh fuck,” breathed through her lips as the head of the toy finally pierced the breach. Her head tilting back, she wiggled on the dildo to widen her entrance to accommodate the rest. Kneeling over the toy made it easier for her to maneuver her body and part her lips for guidance. And when finally the dildo was inside her, a long sigh of relief mixed with the pleasure of having succeeded hissed between her lips.
“I love the view…”
Dean hadn't missed a single thing. Standing in the doorway, he watched, admired, and nourished himself with the magnificent view before him. Kneeling on the bed facing him, she knew he was there. Even though her eyes were closed, she felt his presence, heard his heavy breathing. And then there was the rustling of his clothes every time he adjusted his position or reached for his swollen crotch.
It was one of the hottest things she had ever experienced. The desire was so strong it was palpable. The smell of sex filled the room. A moan passed her lips as she opened her eyes to look at him, her breath leaving her lungs, making the air almost unbreathable because it was so saturated.
"Oh. No."
The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground brought him back to consciousness. Then it took him several seconds to realize the voice that had spoken just before the impact, what it had said and who it belonged to. Turning towards the door, Dean's eyes were wide open, the green almost disappearing from his irises because his pupils were so dilated.
Her face was not in any better condition. As her eyes, wide with fear and shame, moved between what he was holding and the box behind him and finally settling on him, Dean could see the embarrassment quickly filling her being.
“What is this?”
Still shocked by his discovery and what it implied, these words were the first and only ones that had managed to escape his lips. Obviously, he knew what it was, and what it was for. However, he needed to hear it from her mouth. To confirm what his eyes had already understood.
His question only made her more uncomfortable.
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” she muttered under her breath, lowering her head and crossing the distance between them to grab the dildo and remove it from the hunter’s hands. All this to hide the evidence that had already been consumed, unfortunately. “Please, forget about it,” she pleaded, still refusing to meet his gaze. Her hand resting next to Dean's on the dildo, she tried to take it back, but was surprised to see that he didn't want to let it go. “Dean?”
“It’s impossible,” his voice was low, almost a breath lost in the tension of the air. “Unfortunately… I’m turned on by that. And here I thought you were all pure and shy…” Taking a pause in his words only made the state Y/n was in worse. Next to Dean, she felt his breath against her cheek, and the heat of his body. It was heavy, his chest moving in time with his harsh breathing. As if he had to do everything to hold back. “I waited for you to be ready, and I'll still wait but… Y/n…” As she still refused to raise her head and meet his gaze, Dean took his other hand, the one that wasn't holding the dildo, to gently lift Y/n’s chin. “Thinking about you touching yourself with that… oh fuck, it’s hot, sweetheart.”
“Yeah?” A shy smile appeared on her lips, her eyes watering at how she was embarrassed but still... Very excited by this idea.
“Oh yeah,” Dean swallowed, his green eyes darting from Y/n's lips to her eyes, then back to her lips. Like two magnets held too far apart, but at the same time too close, it was inevitable.
Dean pressed his mouth to Y/n’s, kissing her forcefully. The dildo was quickly put aside, both needing their hands to touch the other. Dean placed his on Y/n's waist, and her around his neck. Her nails scratched the soft part of his neck, leaving red marks he would never see. It was intense, they almost devoured each other with an insatiable appetite. Opening her lips, Y/n stuck her tongue out barely, just enough to give access to Dean who was quick to push his tongue into her mouth. The kiss became languorous, messy, even, and Y/n backed into a box and almost fell. Dean broke the kiss to ask if she was okay, but she silenced him by replacing her lips on his to continue the kiss.
Their mouths didn't leave each other as clothes flew around the room, some getting stuck on boxes while others fell to the floor. Eventually, they managed to maneuver through the mountains of boxes to get to the bed. Y/n plopped down on the mattress and laughed against Dean’s mouth which only took a second to find its way back to hers. Now both were shirtless and their hands explored each other without stopping.
Finally, Y/n broke the kiss to speak.
“I want you to watch me.”
“What?” Dean was panting, his erection so painful in his pants he was afraid it would explode at the slightest touch. Like a hungry lion demanding its prey, he tried to grab Y/n's lips but she refused him access by placing her fingers between them.
“I want you to watch me use the toy…” If she was an angel a few moments ago, the Y/n he had, lying under him on the bed, half naked, was a little devil hidden under the appearance of a Saint.
Just the thought of seeing her in real life masturbating with the monster he had found made Dean gulp and push himself up so he was on his knees. His face was so red, he had trouble understanding how there could still be blood in his length.
“Are you sure? I mean, I… I can’t say no to that, fuck, but… I don’t want you to feel forced or…”
“Dean,” she interrupted, a smile tugging at her lips. “I really want to. And I know you want it too.” Y/n took a deep, slightly shaky breath before continuing. “So… Bring me the one you want me to use… And get comfortable.”
Dean swallowed and looked at his girlfriend's face. Since he had known her, they had never been this far in their intimacy. And he would never have imagined that she had this in her. Obviously he was surprised, but it was a very pleasant surprise. Like an excited child on Christmas morning, Dean rushed to the box of adult toys and once again admired all the choices presented to him. Each of them infused an image, each more erotic than the other, into his mind. For a moment, he hesitated to take the monster he had found shortly before, but decided that for now, this view was better in his mind. And he didn't want to embarrass Y/n even more than she was, what she was proposing was very intimate, very sexy, but also terribly hard to do. To open up like this, to show yourself like this...
Dean returned to his girlfriend, a box in hand. “This one,” he held out the box, knowing full well what it contained. Y/n took it, hesitated for a few seconds while staring at it in her hands. Just as Dean was about to repeat that she didn't have to, that they could continue to just makeout and that was okay, she opened the box and took out the toy.
It was a simple one. No vibration, just a flesh colored dildo with suction at the bottom. It wasn’t the biggest she owned, but it was still big, almost as big as Dean’s cock. So to see her use this, he could easily picture him in her…
Just the thought sent another wave of arousal down his pants.
“Do you need a moment, or lube or…” Dean was still standing up near the bed as she was on her knees on the mattress. For the first time, he was clueless and didn't know what to do. And yet, it was not his first time, nor the last, that he had more kinky moments with his partner. But Y/n was different, she wasn't just his sexual partner, but the woman he loved. And the prospect of getting even closer and more intimate was worth more than any sex he could have.
“I want you to watch the whole thing,” Y/n replied, lifting her ass off the mattress just enough to undo her pants and pull them down along with her panties with just one hand. In an almost expert manner, she finished undressing herself with one hand, her other never letting go of the toy. “You can sit down, you know,” she laughed when she saw Dean still standing where he was, stiff as a stick.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he sat on the edge of the bed and turned his body towards her. It was like he was back at 15 with the most popular girl in school, ready for his first time. Nervousness filled his entire being, along with excitement, and if he wasn't so experienced years later, his erection would have disappeared or he would have come prematurely in his pants.
Dean silently thanked all the girls he had in the past that strengthened his stamina.
“How do you want me to use it?” 
Dean could see how nervous she was. It was the first time she was completely naked in front of him, and her body was shaking ever so slightly, shivers that covered her soft skin in goosebumps. But yet, through that nervousness, she was freaking sexy. Still kneeling, she was slowly stroking her intimacy with the toy, coating it with her wetness. And without asking, Dean knew she wouldn’t need any lube.
“Just… Like this, you can ride it…” The words got out of his mouth by automatism. Truth was, Dean was half there now, so excited and focused on her, a part of his mind was shut down. It was so hot, he couldn’t detach his eyes from her body, the way the toy rubbed through her lower lips, how her hips rocked back on it, and her face, so soft, so cute, so embarrassed… With eyes burning in a strong passion.
“Okay,” she whispered. Time seemed to slow down. Dean could feel his heart beating in his head and in his crotch, the intensity growing with each movement she made. Straightening up, she placed the dildo behind her, careful to align it with her entrance, and opened up her legs to let Dean continue watching. 
And he could see it all.
It was better than everything he could ever imagine.
The toy was big, but she was probably very wet and very used to it, because it didn’t take long for her to lower down on it. Inch by inch, the dildo disappeared into her entrance until it was almost completely gone. Her body was bent back, her chest glistening with sweat and the cutest moan left her lips.
“Fuck,” Dean groaned. It was too much, so he rushed to open his pants, just enough to free his aching cock. The simple touch sent thousands of electrical shocks of pleasure through his body, but still, his eyes were fixed on her. “You’re so hot, I don’t think I’ll last long,” he held the base of his cock stronger to avoid his climax.
“I don’t think I’ll last long either,” she whimpered. She had started moving already, slowly, up and down on the toy. Since she was on the bed, the succion was useless and she had to hold it with one hand. Dean could see how wet she was on the dildo, and imagined how warm it had to be inside.
Another groan whistled through his teeth.
“Hmmm,” she moaned, picking up speed. “It feels so good… Dean… Look at me…”
He didn’t notice, but his gaze was so focused on the toy and her pussy, he didn’t even look at her face. Blinking hard, he looked up, and when he saw her face, twisted in pleasure, he couldn’t help it.
His hand started moving on his cock at the same rhythm as her.
“Can’t wait to be inside of you,” Dean muttered through his rashing breath. “Must feel so warm in there, and you’re so wet, fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me.”
As an answer, she moaned and closed her eyes for a second. But quickly, she set her gaze on him again, even if it had to be the most embarrassing thing she ever did. She wanted to watch him watch her, watch him stroke his cock, watch him cum with her. “Soon… I promise, soon, you’ll have me, you’ll fuck me as much as you want, whenever you want… I'm ah... All yours, Dean..."
"Y/n." Dean could only say that. Again and again, moaning her name as she continued moving on the toy. "Y/n..."
"Dean, I’m gonna cum, oh my god, I’m…”
It was stronger than her. Never before did she come with only a dildo in her, it always took her hands or a vibrator on her clit to reach the end. But right now, in front of her boyfriend masturbating with her, it was too much. It felt so good. 
In an explosion of pleasure, her orgasm ripped through her in a scream. She closed her eyes, her body shaking, her wetness flooding under her and on her bed. But she so didn’t care about this right now.
It took a few moments for her to regain her hearing back, and a few more moments to open her eyes. It was strong, and she suddenly felt so tired, like the world came crashing back on her. Feeling like she could sleep for a whole day without waking up.
Y/n landed her eyes on the man in front of her. Dean had his head bent back, eyes closed, mouth parted. Lower, his cock was still a bit hard, and his release was covering his hand.
“Oh,” she said sadly, realizing she didn’t see him cum. At least, they came together.
“Oh,” Dean repeated, finally opening his eyes to land them on her. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and done,” he admitted, a silly smile filling up his face. So he was too, drunk on pleasure.
“Yeah,” she admitted, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. Wow. They did it. They actually did it. Her joy, thought, left her face quickly as she realized something. “Fuck.”
“What is it?” Dean immediately went on protective boyfriend mode when he heard the change in her voice.
“I think I…” Y/n’s voice was small, so small and shy as she lifted herself from the spot she was in, removing carefully the dildo from her, and looked at the mess she made. “It never happened before, but now my bed… I don’t think I can use it anymore… Oh no…”
“Sweetheart,” Dean rushed to her side, quickly putting himself back in his pants even if he was messy with his release as well. “It’s alright. There’s plenty of other room in the bunker, with other beds.”
“But,” she stammered, her gaze looking down at her hands. “What if I want to… Use your bed, with you?” 
Y/n ended up looking up at him, their gaze meeting.
A soft kiss on her lips answered her question, and all of her insecurities washed away.
“My bed is yours, sweetheart. We can always use this room for your books, I’ll ask Sam to help building shelves and-”
Another kiss, this time, more powerful, interrupted his sentence. “God, I love you so much.”
The words he never said back before.
Dean thought they would be hard to say. Impossible, even. But he surprised himself with how easy it actually was.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245 @eevvvaa​​ @wickedinspirations​@fictional-affairs @awkward-and-indecisive​​ @peachyaliien @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Supernatural Tag List: @peachyaliien @sexyvixen7 @stixnstripesworld @charred-angelwings @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24 @fiftyshadesgrl @this-is-me19
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @kazsrm67​​​ @wtrpxrks @deanwanddamons @thoughts-and-funnies​​​ @charred-angelwings @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​​​ @happyt0exist @waynes-multiverse​​​ @djs8891 @mimaria420 @this-is-me1​​​ @syrma-sensei
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loveemagicpeace · 1 month ago
💗Astro Notes💗
The fire signs tend to be confident of finding light at the end of the tunnel. The earth signs are focused in the present - staying busy with practical arrangements can bring security. With planets in air, your key asset is objectivity - conversely, with planets in water you need to give due importance to deep feelings.
The cardinal signs tend to deal with difficuity by taking control and trying to make headway. In the fixed signs, there is natural resilience and staying power. If you have mutable signs strong on the other hand, running away might be your preferred option - but if not, you can use your versatility and capacity to adapt.
The 6th house is a good place to begin. Your daily health plan belongs here and so it is wise to create one which reflects your 6th house planets (and/or the sign on the cusp).
Sometimes there will be contradictions, such as having both Jupiter and Saturn in this house, but this simply means that you must pay attention to both and get them to work in tandem in this area of your life.
Even if you have Chiron or Uranus here, you can devise a way to honour these principles. With Chiron in the 6th, you might be interested in investigating complementary health practices; with Uranus, it might help to exercise in short bursts, and also to find ways to discharge the high-voltage nervous energy this planet exudes. Mercury in 6th house you can have a very exciting lifestyle, and you can also be distracted by many things during the day.  Sun in 6th house you like to be productive during the day itself.
The 12th house Traditionally this was regarded as the house of sickness, a place where planets lose vitality and are "weak" in their expression. Other astrologers speak of karma and "past lives" in respect of this house. A psychological approach can shed light on this.
Planets in the 12th are hidden from view - thus our motivations and behaviour patterns around them tend to be unconscious. In addition, the "past lives" can be seen as those of our ancestors; planets here can hint at complexes or traumas experenced by past generations, which we have somehow inherited.
These hidden feelings often make themselves known to us in psychosomatic form, as physica. symptoms. An example of this might be the Moon here suggesting an experience of lack of nourishment or care, which might emerge as a longing to be looked after; with  Mercury here you can experience of not being allowed to speak out, which emerges as illnesses or conditions connected to the voice.
People with a lot of neptune, 12th house energy are more prone to daydreaming and have a more relaxed outlook on life.You are not so inclined to be able to do something immediately or to be organized, you are often more inclined to do things when you feel like it. You do a lot of things by feeling.
Sun -your indentity and purpose can emerge from a life dedicated to service. Mercury- you have ability to manifest a lot of things. You have a wild imagination. Pluto- You have a very strong intuition and often feel things before they happen.
Pluto can be very powerful in this position.
Based on your venus u can see what type of love u want and where u feel the most loved. Venus is also your pleasure and desire. Where you find your value. Your beauty, art , music, things you love to do. Sagittarius venus you find beauty while traveling. The love you have for places is very big. You love people with whom you can share adventures, fun things, passion. Virgo venus for you grandness of love is shown through everyday acts of affection and care.
Virgo Rising -they have trouble finding true love. They attract many partners who don't suit them in the way they would like them to be. They are also quite individualistic. They like to be with people they can connect with as part of their routine, they usually look for someone who has a similar lifestyle to them.But many times they attract people who are the opposite of who they are, especially since they have Pisces in the 7th house. At least once in their lives, they attract someone who betrays them or has a false identity. They often have a thinner physique and have a harder time gaining weight.
Cancer Rising-they tend to find the right partner later in life.Usually when they have a Saturn return. Before that, they can attract many karmic partners.
Capricorn Rising-they are very independent and can do many things on their own. They also have a lot of luck in love, often find partners, are caring, and create a beautiful home with them.They have a lot of self-respect and will never let you humiliate them.
Libra Rising -They flirt a lot and always need love, but because this is the house of Mars, it is sometimes very difficult for them to regulate their energy. Your personality is naturally passive aggressive at times. You don't like conflicts.. You see the beauty in everything and always want to be kind to people. But there is one side of you that doesn't show as much. That is, people always think you are very open because of your friendly energy, but you are actually quite a closed person. You don't really share your privacy with others.
Sagittarius Rising- Your personality is very optimistic and you try to look at life from a positive perspective. Many times you can  have certain beliefs that you don't deviate from. You are also a very resourceful person. You can quickly get out of situations that are not pleasant
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clownstillwritesfanfic · 2 months ago
I Could Be A Good Mother, and I Wanna Be Your Wife - Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader (REUPLOADED)
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PLEASE READ: my old blog (clownwritesfanfic) was deleted when my main blog attached to it got terminated for some unknown reason. I can’t get it back so I’m reuploading everything I had saved in my notes app. Sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment, trust me, I’m devastated, but with your help I can get back to my former glory so PLEASE reblog if you like it 🙏😭
Summary: Class 1A is given the surprise task of caring for baby dolls. Everyone is randomly paired up in two’s, and it’s just your luck that you get your crush as a partner.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 6,535
Warnings/Notes: plus size friendly, poc friendly, trans women friendly (except the bonus scene at the end), reader has a quirk
Disclaimer: This fic was written originally with an OC of mine in mind, however, most people don’t read Canon x OC and while I normally wouldn’t care and wrote one anyway, I am very proud of this and want as many people to read it as possible and hopefully enjoy it. So with that in mind, I took out any describing factors and her name but I did keep some of her backstory and her quirk. If that bothers you, you can move on but I hope you read it anyway because I’m very proud of this.
Also, there is another OC of mine in this story, Usagi. She’s not integral to the plot and has no speaking roles. I had to add her to keep the class even, otherwise someone would’ve been a single parent.
It was a Monday, few weeks after a majority of Class 1A got their provisional hero licenses when Midnight and Recovery Girl entered the classroom. Aizawa had taken it upon himself to snuggle up in his yellow sleeping bag and take a nap after introducing the two women, leaving them to explain what today’s class is.
The students expected Midnight, considering she had taught a few of their classes before, but there were murmurs of why the school nurse was there.
“Listen up boys and girls! We have a very special and unique class for today!” Midnight announced as she raised her hand in the air, her leather whip clutched in her hand, catching the attention of everyone (who was awake) in the room.
“Today isn’t about hero work or everyday schoolwork. This lesson is special, it will help you all later in your lives if you choose this path. The path being….PARENTHOOD!” She exclaimed while striking an enthusiastic pose.
“Wait, what?!” “Seriously?” “What do you mean?!” A series of voices could be heard throughout the classroom.
“Settle down!” Midnight got the attention of the students. “This lesson is the most important lesson anyone can learn. Whether you want to become a parent or not, learning how to care for babies and children is a vital and selfless aspect of life.”
There were a couple hushed protests among the class but Recovery Girl talked over them. “You will have one week to care for these babies.” She explained as she pulled out eleven baby dolls of various genders and races. “These dolls are specially made for things like this. These babies will cry, make noises, “sleep”, “eat”, and soil its diaper like a real baby. They’re also able to record and grade you based on how quickly you can figure out and resolve its problem. And be careful what you say around it and how you say things. They can detect anger and verbal abuse which will drastically affect your score. Now…any questions?”
A bunch of hands were instantly raised. But that didn’t matter since Bakugou stood up and slammed his hands onto his desk and yelled. “WHAT THE HELL DO WE HAVE TO RAISE SOME DUMB BABIES FOR?! THIS IS THE HERO COURSE NOT A NURSEY COURSE!”
“Sit down.” Midnight said sternly. She took over the conversation. “While this lesson isn’t exactly meant to play into your hero work, this knowledge can be beneficial out in the field. For example, in some rescue operations, it can take hours for a child to be reunited with their family. Most of the time, medics will take the child and work with police to try and reunite them with their parents, but there are times where a hero must step in and care for and comfort the child. With older children around three to five years old, they’re easier to calm down. You can talk to them and explain the situation and reassure them. But babies and younger children are harder to console in high stress situations. If you learn these things now, you won’t be stressed if you ever get caught in a situation where you’re in charge of a small child. A lot of heroes are inexperienced with child care unless they are a parent themselves or have young family members. Think of this as getting ahead of a problem before it even starts. Make sense?”
Bakugou grumbled and sat back down.
“Eeeee This is going to be fun! We get to take care of cute babies!” Ashido squealed.
“I don’t think it will be that fun, Mina. Babies are a lot of hard work and dedication.” Asui chimed in, a finger lifted up to her lips. She had two younger siblings, so she knew a thing or two about raising kids.
“Correct you are, child.” Recovery Girl said. “The infant stage is one of the toughest stages of child rearing since they can’t communicate their needs and wants with words. It’s a lot of guessing and paying attention to their body language. However, these dolls do not move so you will have to rely on audio cues to guess what the child needs.”
Midnight spoke up. “You will be split up into groups of two all determined by a random draw. Because there are more boys than girls in this class, some of you will end up in a same sex partnership. You do not have to act as a real couple so don’t freak out if you’re partnered with someone you don’t have romantic feelings for. What’s important is teamwork on taking care of the baby. You are in charge of the child for the rest of this week, including the weekend. You may chose to either take turns or to split responsibility evenly. You will be given all the supplies you will need, if you end up needing more, Recovery Girl will help you. At the end of the week you will return the dolls and we will tally up the scores and see which couple has the lowest score. The lowest score is the winner since each mistake is marked based on how severe of a mistake it was. The higher the score, the worse you did. Any more questions?”
Iida quickly raised his hand. Midnight gestured for him to speak. He stood up and loudly asked “If we are to have the baby all day for the rest of the week, what do we do with it while training? You can’t expect us to take the baby with us! That’s highly dangerous and immoral and I would expect better from such a prestigious school!”
“Yes, you’re right. We don’t expect you to keep the doll with you while training. That’s why each of you will have to figure something out. One of you will have to sit out of training unless you can find a better option. Leaving the child in your dorm and hoping for the best is not an option and neither is bringing it to training and leaving it off to the side. It’s like real life. One of the parents has to stay home and care for the child. Sometimes they will get a babysitter but that is not an option for you since the scores need to come from you and your partner only for you to pass. If you really want to train that day, you’ll either have to talk it through with your partner, or train later in the day during your free time.” Midnight answered.
“Thank you very much for clearing this up.” Iida said, bowing deeply before taking his seat.
Midnight clapped her hands. “Alright! With everything out of the way, let’s draw for your partners.” She held up a blue plastic box. “In this box is twenty-two coloured tokens. There are eleven pairs. Each one of you will reach into this box and pull out one token, when everyone has a token, you will be given time to find the person with the same colour token. They will be your partner for the rest of the week. You may not switch partners. Each colour is already assigned to a baby as well, so you don’t get to chose that either.” As she finished explaining she walked around the room letting everyone reach in and pull out a token. When the box was empty she returned to the front and allowed the class to find their partners.
Midoriya and Uraraka had the yellow tokens, Shouji and Asui had the purple tokens, Mina and Kirishima had the red tokens, Kaminari and Jirou had the orange tokens, Hagakure and Yayorozu had the light blue tokens, Sero and Mineta had the black tokens, Usagi and Tokoyami had the dark blue tokens, Todoroki and Ojiro had the pink tokens, Iida and Aoyama had the green tokens, and Satou and Kouda had the white tokens.
You looked down at your brown coloured token and looked back up to scan the room. All your classmates were already paired up and either happily talking about how it would be to raise a baby together or complaining about their partner. You could faintly hear Mineta crying about not being paired up with a girl. You look across the room at Bakugou who was still sat at his desk, glaring at his token.
Upon closer look, you could see that it was the same colour as yours. You sighed, already accepting that you’ll basically be a single parent as you can’t imagine he’d want anything to do with this. You reluctantly stood up and made your way across the classroom to him.
“Um…hey. Looks like we have the same colour. Guess we’re partners for the week.” You said, gently.
“I can fucking see that. I’m not blind, dumbass.” He retorted.
Ah, it seems he’s decided to take on the verbally abusive and absent father route already. You’ll have to do your best to make sure you get a low enough score. You’ve never taken care of a baby before. You had baby dolls as a kid but they’ve never graded you before. This was a whole new challenge and you could feel the anxiety pooling in your stomach.
“Right…well. We should talk about how we want to do this.” You started. “I think we should take turns each day. I could take it today and you take it tomorrow and repeat. I know you probably don’t want to skip a day of training so I can take it during training even on your days. There’s not much really for me to train anyway so I can afford to lose a week of it.” You let out a weak laugh.
Bakugou growled. “Do whatever you want but don’t be stupid. You can train on the days I have it. Don’t stop your training over some dumb doll.”
“But…you would be stopping yours if you-“ You get cut off by the blonde.
“I’m already the best in this whole class! Missing a few days of training isn’t going to do anything. Besides, you’re weak and you need to be at your strongest so I can beat you and prove that I’m the best in this entire school!” He yelled. You think that was a compliment albeit he put it weirdly.
“Ha…yeah…okay.” You replied. Just then the bell rang and everyone started to put their stuff away. You went over to your desk to do the same.
“Please return your tokens to the box! And before you leave, pick up your baby with the matching colour onesie and the bag of necessities. You have the rest of the day to yourselves.” Said Midnight.
You slung your bag onto your back and walked to the front of the room and dropped your token back into the box. You waited for your classmates to fizzle out a bit so you could get your baby. The dolls were all lined up in car seats. You found the one wearing a brown onesie, a girl with blonde hair. You chuckled to yourself at the resemblance to your partner.
You grabbed the handle of the car seat and went to grab the big duffel bag next to it when someone grabbed it before you. You look over to see Bakugou standing over you, glaring off to the side.
“Move it.” He gruffed out as he slung the bag over his shoulder.
You left the classroom with Bakugou trailing behind you, still scowling. You turn around and start walking backwards to face him and hold out the car seat so he could see the doll nestled inside.
“Look. She looks like you.” You giggled. He glanced down at the blonde doll and huffed.
“Watch where you’re going, idiot.” He grumbled. You rolled your eyes and turned back around and followed your classmates to the dorms.
Back in the dorms, everyone was changed out of their school uniforms and gathered in the common room with their new kids. Everyone of course…except for Bakugou, who very grumpily went to his room after dropping the bag of things off at your room.
You had went through the bag and found loads of diapers, clothing, a carrier that strapped to your chest, bottles, a pacifier, and some baby toys. You weren’t exactly sure why you would need toys, considering the baby isn’t actually real, but you guessed you’d find out the reason sooner or later.
You decided to change her out of her boring brown onesie so you picked out a cute outfit from the ones provided. You undid the buckles holding the baby in the car seat (why it came in a car seat when you don’t even know how to drive a car, you will not know) and gently and carefully lifted the little girl out of the seat, making sure to support her head.
As you laid her on the ground and started to undress her, she started making cooing noises.
“Oh! Hello….you must be awake now I guess.” You spoke to the baby as she cooed in reply. “Ha…I guess you are kinda cute.” You felt as if you were talking to yourself.
When your new daughter was dressed, you decided to go to the common room since you thought everyone would be there, and right you were. As you went down the hallway you could hear the excited chatter of your classmates getting louder. When you were in sight, Mina noticed you and waved you over.
“Hey! Come over here! We’re all showing off our babies!” She excitedly exclaimed. As you walked over, Kirishima stood up from his spot beside Mina and offered the space to you. You thanked him as you sat down and readjusted your baby in your arms.
“Course! What kinda man would I be if I didn’t offer a seat to a lady with a baby!” He replied. Ever so chivalrous, he is.
“Ha! That rhymed.” Kaminari pointed out.
“Awww you got a girl? How lucky!” Mina squealed. “Kirishima and I got a boy. We named him Kenji.” You looked down at her lap where the doll was laid on its back.
“You named it?” You asked.
“Well yeah! We can’t just keep calling him “it” and “the baby”.” She explained as if it was obvious.
Iida then chimed in, his baby tucked securely in one of his arms. “Yes, I suppose it would be beneficial to name the child. This is supposed to be taken seriously and we can not leave a child unnamed!”
There were murmurs of agreement throughout the room as everyone talked with their partners on what they should name their baby. You looked down to the small blonde doll in your arms that let out another coo and softly smiled.
“Riki…” You thought to yourself. “I’ll call you Riki.”
“Riki?” Bakugou gawked. “You gave it a name?”
Bakugou was helping with making dinner, well, it was more like he forced everyone to let him do most of it because “no one was doing it right”. You were stood out of the way but within talking distance, your newly named baby in one arm and holding a bottle up to her mouth as she “ate”.
“First off, she’s a she not an “it”. Secondly, everyone in the class named their baby. We have to take this seriously and I’m not going to call her an “it” the whole week. Besides…I thought Riki would be a good name. It means “strong”….and since she kinda looks like you, I figured you’d want your kid to be strong like you so…” You trailed off looking down at the doll in your arms. “We can change it though if you really don’t like it.”
Bakugou huffs. “No…call it-…..call her whatever you want.” He continues to cook in silence. There’s a faint blush on his cheeks. You smile softly at him. Maybe you won’t have to do this alone after all.
The first day goes by smoothly. You had a bit of a learning curve with changing the diaper but you managed after help from Yayorozu. Who knew she’d be so good at something like that?
You had just settled down into bed after putting Riki to “sleep” and were scrolling on your phone. It was about 10pm, most people were still awake but you knew the person you wanted to talk to most more than likely wasn’t. He went to bed at 8:30pm every night, even on weekends.
You stared at your screen open on Bakugou’s blank private messages page. UA made an app for the students to contact each other and teachers with. It worked like a regular texting app, every class had their own group chat and you could private message each other, even students from other classes. All of them were accessible to staff if needed though.
You didn’t know if you should even bother asking him if he’s still going to take Riki tomorrow. Plus you didn’t want to wake him up. You were about to turn your phone off when you got a message from Mina. You open up her message and see a picture of Kirishima with his hair down, asleep on one of the couches in the common room with their baby on his chest. You laughed quietly to yourself and responded with a cute reaction meme. You thought they would make an interesting pair for this project.
You turned off your phone and plugged it in to charge and set it on your bedside table. You got comfortable in bed and closed your eyes. It would take you a while to fall asleep so you started to let your mind wander. You realized that tomorrow Bakugou will miss out on training if he takes the baby. He already told you earlier today in class not to worry about it and to focus on your own training…but you genuinely couldn’t think on how training would benefit you.
Your quirk has always been more of a supporting quirk rather than one that could do well in a fight one on one. Your quirk is called Cheer, by speaking words of encouragement to someone, you can make your target stronger both physically and emotionally. The reverse also works, if you berate someone it makes them weaker. You can use it on more than one person but its effects get weaker the more people you use it in at once. There’s also a major weakness to your quirk. Anytime you berate someone, you gain confidence, but when you encourage someone, it takes away your confidence. Because of this you feel inferior to everyone else in your class. Even Mineta has a more useful quirk in combat than you do. You’re basically forced to sit on the sidelines and watch people fight. It helps in rescue operations but you still wished you could fight like everyone else. You only managed to get into the hero course because you racked up enough rescue points and got lucky with a three pointer.
It’s ironic that someone with an inferiority complex got paired up with someone with a superiority complex. It’s even more ironic that you managed to gain a crush on the bastard too.
It was now Tuesday morning and Bakugou was sat in his room staring at the doll in its car seat.
You had entered the common room already dressed in your uniform with Riki in the seat. Hero training was the first class that morning so anyone who was in charge of their baby that day stayed behind and would join everyone later for normal classes. Your tie wasn’t done yet and your skirt was pulled up a little too high, showing off more thigh than you usually do, as you were in a rush since Riki wouldn’t stop crying and you couldn’t figure out why. She had finally managed to settle down when you gave her the included pacifier.
You weren’t much of a breakfast eater, especially if you were training in the morning so you didn’t go to the kitchen. You noticed Bakugou sat on one of the couches drinking something out of a mug. He was wearing a simple black tank top and sweatpants.
“Oh Bakugou! There you are. I’m guessing since you’re not in uniform you’re still taking Riki today.” You sat the car seat on the floor near him and started doing your tie. You knew you were just going to have to take it off soon to change into your hero costume but you still wanted to show up looking like you at least tried. “So I figured out that she makes different noises depending on what she wants. Most of the time she just wants to be held or given a pacifier so she makes really whiny sounds that almost sound like a cry. She was just crying now and the only thing that made her stop was the pacifier so she might start up again soon. I made a smaller bag of her things like diapers and her bottle just so you’re not carrying a big ass duffel bag later.” You were almost rivalling Midoriya with how fast you were muttering, you didn’t mean to but you didn’t want to be late and you kept fumbling with your tie.
As you were smoothing out your front, you felt a pair of hands grab the bottom of your skirt and start to pull down. You shrieked and smacked the hands away and turned around to see (to the best of your ability) Hagakure behind you.
“Oh my god, Hagakure! I had no idea who was behind me! You scared me thinking it was Mineta pulling at my skirt.” You laughed and grabbed onto the girls arms.
“Ahhh I’m sorry! I just noticed your skirt was up a lot higher than normal and you almost showed off a bit too much.” The invisible girl explained as you fixed your skirt. “Come on, we got to get to class!”
“Right, yeah, I’m coming.” You responded as Hagakure held your hand. You quickly turned to Bakugou again who once again had a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “You sure you’ll be okay? I know it’s only for an hour before I see you again so if you want to pawn her off to me next class then that’s fine.”
“Tch…how incompetent do you think I am? Of course I can take care of some stupid doll for an hour!” He barked back at you.
You felt Hagakure pulling you towards the front door. “Ok, well…see you later then!” You said as you finally took off with your friend, leaving Bakugou and a few others scattered around the common room.
“Heyyy, Bakugou! You get stuck on babysitting duty too?” Kaminari taunted, his baby settled in a carrier strapped to his chest.
Bakugou growled. “It’s not babysitting when it’s your own kid you idiot. And you look dumb with that thing on.” He stood up and grabbed the handle of the car seat and went off to his room. He could hear Kaminari complaining as he left.
Now here he was, in his room having a staring match with a doll. He wasn’t sure what to do for an hour, let along with a baby. He glanced up at some math homework left on his desk and decided to finish it up so he was ahead of everyone else in class. Ten minutes past when his concentration was interrupted by whining. He looked over at the car seat that was faced away from him at this angle and sighed. He reached over and turned it around.
“Jesus. She didn’t mention how fucking annoying it would be.” He muttered to himself as he undid the straps and lifted the baby out. “What the hell is your problem, huh?” He asked, surprisingly not as loud as he normally would. He thought maybe she was hungry and remembered you said something about a small bag with her bottle in it. He looked around but couldn’t find it. In fact, he didn’t remember seeing any bag with the baby anyway. He grumbled as he picked up his phone and opened up the messaging app and sent you a private message.
In the locker rooms you heard your phone buzz and decided to look at it as you were changing. You saw a notification from Bakugou and quickly opened it.
Katsuki Bakugou: hey, dumbass. she’s crying but I can’t find that bag you were talking about
You winced as you remembered that you never actually grabbed the bag in your rush to get downstairs.
You: damn I must have forgotten it in my room, sorry. feel free to go and grab it. my room code is 6678 it should be on my desk. you know which floor I’m on right?
Bakugou scoffed.
Katsuki Bakugou: yes I know. I’m not stupid.
You: never said you were <3 have fun lol
You didn’t realize you sent the heart. It was muscle memory from texting with your friends, but it sent Bakugou for a loop.
After he had quickly made his way to the second floor and grabbed the bag you mentioned, he went back to his room where he had left the baby on his bed. Her whining had turned into crying by now.
“Alright, Alright! I got your damn stuff.” Bakugou sat on the floor and settled the doll into his arm. He removed the pacifier and held the bottle up to its mouth. He felt relieved when the crying stopped. “This is fucking ridiculous.” He thought out loud.
He rested his back on his bed and started to drift off in to thought. Why did you send that heart? Did you mean to do it? Was it a reflex? Were you making fun of him? No…that couldn’t be right. You were one of the few that took him seriously. Sure you teased him sometimes, but not as much as the others. He thought back to a time where he accidentally overheard something he probably shouldn’t have that still made his heart feel weird.
Bakugou was making his way to the kitchen to get something to drink. He could hear you and the other girls of Class 1A giggling and talking about random shit.
He was going to ignore the group when something made him stop in his tracks right before he would be seen.
“Sooo, who do you like?” Mina asked with a teasing voice.
“Who, me?” You asked as Mina nodded. All eyes were on you and you felt yourself blush. “Well…I guess I kinda have a thing for Bakugou…” You answered shyly, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“What?!” “Wait, Bakugou?!” “Really?” The girls cried out in unison.
“Why is that so shocking? You guys seriously don’t think he’s at least a little bit attractive?” You inquired.
Bakugou stiffened at the confession and he felt his heartbeat speed up. You…had a crush on him? Someone actually was interested in him romantically?
“You don’t think all his yelling and name calling is a turn off?” Uraraka asked.
“Hm…not really. Sure he says some mean stuff but…he doesn’t actually mean it.” You reasoned.
“I don’t know…he always seems to be serious about it. I mean he doesn’t even know our names.” Jirou huffed.
“Yes he does!” You laughed. “He’s not stupid. He’s a lot smarter than I think any of you give him credit for.”
“He is in the top our class academic wise as well as hero wise.” Yayorozu chimes in.
“Exactly. Have none of you realized that a lot of his plans actually work? He may seem like he’s rushing into things but it’s obvious he’s put clear thought into his plans. And the fact that he can make one up that quickly is impressive. He’s also more compassionate than you’d think.” You said, leaning back on the couch.
“Well I think you’re wrong with that.” Tsu replied.
“Because you guys are only seeing the surface level. You’re not reading in between the lines. For example, remember when we just moved into the dorms, the talk Mr. Aizawa had with us outside?” They nodded. “When Mr. Aizawa left, you could feel the uncomfortable tension in the class at being reminded of what happened. Bakugou grabbed Kaminari and made him go all dumb because he knew it would make everyone laugh. And it did! The tension was gone instantly! Bakugou really does care, he just doesn’t know how to show it like other people. And remember the school festival? He totally could’ve refused to play the drums but he did it anyway! That’s what I like about him. He’s not a cold hearted asshole, he just wants you to think he is. I use to be like that too.” You trailed off, looking ashamed.
“Wait. YOU were an asshole?” Mina prodded.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, back when I first got my quirk. I realized that putting other people down gave me a lot of confidence. I went on a power trip and started bullying everyone. I started to realize that the “friends” that I did have were only my “friends” so they could escape my words. Made me feel like shit when I found out. Now I hate using my quirk like that unless absolutely necessary. But yeah….I see through Bakugou’s walls and I guess it just made me fall for him.” You changed the subject.
“Wow…you’re whipped for him, aren’t you?” Mina teased.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don’t tell him that. I don’t need him on my ass about it.” You blushed and waved her off.
“You sure you don’t want him on your ass?” Mina teased again.
“OH SHUT UP!” You threw a pillow at her as the girls laughed.
Bakugou had zoned out at that memory. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, it’s your fault for being so damn loud and talking about him in the first place! It’s been a few weeks since that and it’s still fresh in his mind. Did he like you back? He wasn’t sure. On one hand he was pissed at how you managed to figure him out so easily, but on the other hand…he felt comforted knowing someone understood him and didn’t make fun of him for it. He will admit that you weren’t that bad looking or as stupid as everyone else. He did wish you would see the potential you had with your quirk, though. He could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he scoffed, snapping out of his thoughts and looking back down at the doll in his arms.
“I guess…she’s not so bad…” He said softly to Riki.
Training had finished and you and the rest of your classmates were on your way to your next class.
Upon entering the classroom you noticed everyone that had skipped out on training standing around, babies either in their arms, strapped to their chest, or in the car seat. Bakugou was sat in his spot, chin in his hand looking out the window to his left.
You had a few minutes to spare before class started so you walked up to your partner. “Hey! How’d it go? Was she fussy?” You asked as you squatted down to see Riki, who was in her car seat on the floor next to his desk.
“Tch, no. I told you I know what I’m doing.” He grumbled.
“I’m pretty sure none of us know what we’re doing but it’s nice to know that you’re taking this seriously.” You replied standing back up.
“HA? YOU THINK I WOULD’NT? YOU THINK I’M NOT CAPABLE OF THIS?” He yelled as he let off small explosions.
“Course not. I did kinda think you would end up leaving most of this to me though. But it’s nice that you’re playing along.” You smiled sincerely.
Iida started ushering everyone to their assigned seats as class was about to begin. You patted Bakugou on his shoulder and left to your seat near the back of the class.
He clenched his fists and glared down at his desk, he could feel his heartbeat going wild again.
A few days had passed and it was now Friday night and you were at your wits end.
It was your day with Riki and she had been crying non stop for thirty minutes now. You were pacing your room with her in your arms as the doll “sobbed” louder and louder with each agonizing minute. You had no idea what was wrong; you tried feeding her, changing her diaper, holding her, giving her a pacifier, you even tried the toys that they provided but nothing was working!
You were close to tears yourself as you thought about how this would affect your grade and how pissed Bakugou would be if you ruined it. The whole week went by just fine, it never took this long for her to settle down. You had gotten lucky with the baby you were given as she was so easy to care for, but this moment right now was proving difficult.
Feeling like you had no other choice, you left your room with your still wailing daughter in your arms and quickly made your way up to Bakugou’s room.
You knocked on his door while still trying to shush Riki. When Bakugou opened the door, he looked like he had just woken up which made you start ranting.
“Bakugou, fuck, I’m so sorry to bother you right now I know you like to go to bed early but she’s been crying like this for like thirty minutes now and I’ve tried everything but she just won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do and I’m probably gonna make us fail cause I can’t get her to fucking stop and I just…” You panted “…can you please help me?” You nearly whined.
“Give her to me.” Bakugou reached out as you transferred her into his arms. He walked away with the crying doll, leaving his door open. You decided that was an invitation so you slipped into his room and gently closed the door behind you. You watched as Bakugou gently bounced the doll in his arms and started petting its blonde head.
You stared in awe as Riki started to finally quiet down until she was silent. You breathed out a sigh of relief but tears started to quickly gather in your eyes. Bakugou had opened his balcony door and stepped outside to the cool air. You ran a hand through your messy hair and followed them out onto the balcony. The not quite freezing but cold air nipping at your skin. It felt nice as you didn’t even notice that you were sweating from the stress. You bent over and rested your elbows on the railing and placed your head in your hands, trying to hold back your tears.
“She had been crying for so long…I tried everything but nothing worked. But the minute you have her she finally stops. What the hell am I doing wrong? Why am I such a bad mother?” You muttered more to yourself but your partner could hear you anyways.
A minute of silence went by as you tried to not let your tears fall when Bakugou finally spoke up, surprising gently. “Don’t beat yourself up over something you barely know how to handle.”
He leaned his back against the railing next to you. His arm barely grazing against your shoulder, his way of trying to comfort you. You sniffed and dropped your arms from your head and looked forward out into the dark courtyard.
“She’s been perfect this entire week. Nothing I couldn’t handle…but she just had to act like a total brat tonight.” You sighed.
“Hey.” Bakugou said sternly. “Don’t call our daughter a brat…that’s my line.”
You laughed at that, completely overlooking the fact that you called the doll “our daughter”. Bakugou softly smiled at your laugh, also not realizing exactly what he said. But her certainly felt his heart flutter as he looked down at the baby in his arms.
Bakugou decided he’d take her for the rest of the night so you could get some sleep. It was his turn tomorrow anyway.
Monday had come by quickly, thus, ending the project. Recovery Girl had collected the dolls, and you couldn’t lie, you felt a little sad at the fact that you won’t have Riki around anymore. The class waited in anticipation to see whose grade was the lowest.
When the results came in, Midnight stood at the front of the class once again and started to call out the grades.
“Coming in last place is Sero and Mineta with a sixty-five.” Mineta started screaming about how unfair it was and that they got a faulty doll. “Todoroki and Ojiro have a score of thirty-four, Kaminari and Jirou have a thirty, Iida and Aoyama a twenty-seven, Usagi and Tokoyami with twenty-five, Shouji and Asui with twenty-one, Hagakure and Yayorozu with twenty, Mina and Kirishima with an eighteen, Satou and Kouda with a fifteen, Bakugou and (Y/N) with a score of eight, and lastly, coming in first place with the best score is Midoriya and Uraraka with a three! Good work everyone. I hope you all learned some valuable lessons from this experience!” Midnight finished.
There were high fives and cheers coming from the people with the lower scores and talks of what they could’ve done better from the people with higher marks.
You stared down at your desk smiling. Eight wasn’t so bad, right? Much better than what Mineta got.
At the front of the class, Bakugou has turned his head back to look at you and softly smiled to himself when he saw your relief. He turned back around to look down at his hands as he played with his pen. He could hear Midoriya and Uraraka being congratulated for the lowest score and for once in his life….he didn’t mind coming in second.
Twelve years later, Bakugou had established himself as the number two hero with his own agency. You worked along side him as his number one sidekick. You both grew a lot since high school and grew closer from the experience. You managed to get rid of your inferiority complex and become more comfortable with using your quirk against villains rather than standing by and cheering on the heroes. You can also hold your own in combat pretty well now and you have a slew of support items to help.
But instead of kicking ass on the street you were laid out on a hospital bed after the longest 7 hours of your life. You were sweaty and exhausted, but it was all worth it as you looked at the little bundle in your arms. A head of blonde hair was peaking out of the blanket.
“What should we name her?” You whispered to the person leaning over you with their hand on your head and looking lovingly down at the newborn.
“…..Riki.” Bakugou said softly.
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kleopatra45 · 7 months ago
♡ Love Asteroids Series
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asteroid adonis (2101)
Asteroid Adonis in astrology represents beauty, desire, and the allure of physical attraction. Named after Adonis, the Greek god associated with youthful beauty and love, this asteroid indicates how individuals express their attractiveness, charm, and how they experience romantic admiration and desirability.
in the houses
Adonis in the 1st House: This placement suggests that your physical appearance and personal charm are integral to your identity. You naturally attract admiration and attention, and your allure plays a significant role in how you express yourself. Adonis in the 2nd House: Material possessions and physical comfort are closely tied to your sense of desirability. You may attract partners who appreciate your sensuality and the way you indulge in life's pleasures. Adonis in the 3rd House: Communication and intellectual connections play a key role in your romantic allure. You may be drawn to witty and articulate partners, and your charm is often expressed through your words and ideas. Adonis in the 4th House: Emotional security and home life are central to your romantic attraction. You may seek a partner who provides a sense of belonging and comfort, and your beauty is often associated with a nurturing, caring nature. Adonis in the 5th House: Creativity, playfulness, and romance are emphasized in your approach to attraction. You may express your charm through artistic pursuits and enjoy being admired for your creativity and vitality. Adonis in the 6th House: Service, health, and routine impact your sense of attractiveness. You may find fulfillment in relationships where you can support and care for each other in practical ways, and your beauty is often tied to your dedication to well-being. Adonis in the 7th House: Partnerships and committed relationships are central to your experience of attraction. You may seek a partner who complements you and values your beauty and charm in a balanced, harmonious relationship. Adonis in the 8th House: Intensity, transformation, and shared resources define your approach to desirability. You may be drawn to powerful, deep connections and find that your allure is linked to a sense of mystery and emotional depth. Adonis in the 9th House: Exploration, philosophy, and higher learning influence your romantic allure. You may be attracted to partners who expand your horizons and share your love for adventure and intellectual growth. Adonis in the 10th House: Ambition, achievement, and public image impact your sense of desirability. You may seek a partner who supports your goals and enhances your social status, and your attractiveness is often linked to your success and accomplishments. Adonis in the 11th House: Friendships, social causes, and group affiliations play a role in your romantic attraction. You may be drawn to partners who share your ideals and social values, and your charm is often expressed through your connections with others. Adonis in the 12th House: Spirituality, hidden desires, and unconscious motivations affect your approach to attraction. You may be drawn to deep, soulful connections and find that your allure is linked to a sense of mystery and spiritual depth.
in the signs
Aries: Adonis in Aries seeks passion, excitement, and spontaneity in relationships. You are attracted to partners who are bold, confident, and adventurous, and your allure is tied to your fiery, dynamic nature. Taurus: Stability, sensuality, and loyalty are important for your romantic fulfillment. You may seek a partner who appreciates your physical beauty and shares your love for comfort and security. Gemini: Intellectual stimulation, curiosity, and variety define your approach to attraction. You are drawn to witty, communicative partners, and your charm is often expressed through your lively, engaging conversations. Cancer: Emotional security, nurturing, and family connections are central to your romantic life. You may be attracted to partners who are sensitive and caring, and your allure is tied to your nurturing, protective nature. Leo: Adonis in Leo seeks admiration, romance, and dramatic expression in relationships. You are attracted to partners who appreciate your creativity and generosity, and your charm is often expressed through your vibrant, confident personality. Virgo: Practicality, service, and attention to detail influence your romantic relationships. You are drawn to partners who are reliable and supportive, and your attractiveness is often linked to your dedication to helping others. Libra: Harmony, balance, and equality are important for your romantic fulfillment. You are attracted to partners who value fairness and mutual respect, and your charm is often expressed through your graceful, diplomatic nature. Scorpio: Intensity, emotional depth, and transformation define your approach to attraction. You are drawn to deep, passionate connections, and your allure is tied to your powerful, magnetic presence. Sagittarius: Freedom, adventure, and exploration influence your romantic life. You are attracted to partners who are open-minded and optimistic, and your charm is often expressed through your love for adventure and new experiences. Capricorn: Ambition, responsibility, and long-term goals impact your approach to relationships. You are drawn to partners who are serious and committed, and your attractiveness is often linked to your disciplined, goal-oriented nature. Aquarius: Individuality, independence, and progressive values define your romantic fulfillment. You are attracted to partners who are unique and unconventional, and your charm is often expressed through your open-minded, innovative approach to life. Pisces: Adonis in Pisces seeks compassion, empathy, and spiritual connection in relationships. You are drawn to partners who are intuitive and understanding, and your allure is tied to your dreamy, compassionate nature.
in aspects
→ Conjunctions A conjunction of Adonis with another planet intensifies the influence of that planet on your approach to attraction and beauty. For example, Adonis conjunct Venus emphasizes charm and physical allure. → Sextiles and Trines Harmonious aspects indicate ease in integrating the energies of Adonis and the other planet involved. For instance, Adonis sextile Mars suggests a dynamic and passionate approach to relationships. → Squares and Oppositions Challenging aspects can indicate tension or conflict that needs resolution in romantic matters. For example, Adonis square Saturn might suggest obstacles in expressing attractiveness, while Adonis opposition Uranus could highlight a need for balancing freedom with commitment.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 1 month ago
Writing Notes for your Sex Scenes
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Sex - a physical bonding activity that can be an important part of many types of relationships—including monogamous, polyamorous, and open partnerships—because it can offer increased emotional intimacy, a stronger self-image for each partner, and stress relief.
Avoid looking for a one-size-fits-all solution to sex in a relationship; you can have a strong, healthy relationship regardless of the amount of sexual activity.
While many people require frequent sexual activity for a strong romantic relationship, many others—including asexual individuals and those with low libidos—enjoy deep and meaningful partnerships without using sex as a key component.
Benefits of Sex for a Relationship
In relationships in which each partner feels sexual desire and wants to be sexually active, a healthy sex life can offer significant benefits, including:
A stronger self-image: Sexual activity is a physical act that emphasizes the pleasure your body can give and receive; mindful, regular sex can increase confidence, self-esteem, and body positivity for each partner, allowing you to carry these feelings into other areas of your life.
Increased intimacy: Sexual activity is a type of physical intimacy that releases the hormone oxytocin, which produces feelings of emotional connection and intimacy. Therefore, sex can deepen the bonds between partners and foster feelings of closeness, emotional well-being, and relationship satisfaction.
Stress relief: Good sex is a stress-relieving activity that releases endorphins, producing feelings of relaxation and satisfaction that can help melt away the stresses of a difficult day. In the same way, sexual satisfaction and orgasm can help foster better sleep.
Talking About Sex With Your Partner (or Partners)
Communication about sexual intimacy is vital in any healthy sexual relationship because it allows each participant to build a connection that is more in tune with each partner’s desires and comfort zones. Here are a few tips to help you talk to your partners about sex:
Avoid critical statements. It’s normal for sexual partners to be sensitive when talking about intimacy (especially if it’s your first time communicating like this), so be as kind and positive as possible. Rather than saying, “I wish we had more oral sex,” try a more encouraging phrasing like “I love it when you go down on me—it would turn me on a lot if you did it even more.” Avoid phrasing that could sound accusatory; where possible, frame your comments as “I-statements” or “we-statements.” For example, try “I would love it if we tried…” or “Would it be fun if we tried…” rather than “you-statements” like “You should…” or “What if you tried…” to shift the focus and tone.
Avoid focusing on sexual frequency. You can have a good sex life regardless of the amount of sex you engage in; it’s about staying in tune with each partner’s interests and sexual desires. This may mean less sex but higher-quality sex, or it may mean planning masturbation sessions when one partner isn’t feeling in the mood. When you talk about sex with your partner or partners, keep in mind that the goal is mutual wellness rather than more sex.
Be open and honest. Talking openly and truthfully is essential for a healthy sexual conversation. The information you share helps your partner or partners improve their understanding of your sexual preferences and encourages them to share their desires honestly. Being up-front and honest about your feelings around sex will create a safe space for you to develop your sexual relationship together; the best sex is sex that is collaborative and trusting.
Choose a calm and comforting moment. Sex can be a difficult and sensitive subject for many people, so ensure conversations about sex happen in spaces that feel safe and relaxed. Avoid initiating the conversation during or immediately after a difficult moment; instead, try talking during a relaxed cuddling session or in a room other than the bedroom. This creates a safer, less charged space for open discussion.
Discuss libido and interest. Sex is only a beneficial part of a relationship if each partner wants it. If you find that your partner seems less interested in sex than you are, sit down and have an honest conversation with them. Ask if there are things in their life that seem to get in the way of their sex drive, if there is a type of sex they’re interested in that you haven’t explored together yet, or if they have a major sexual turnoff they haven’t shared yet. Investigate the other areas of the relationship you could improve together to work toward a healthier sex life.
Involve a sex therapist. If you or your partner or partners struggle to communicate about your sexual relationship or insecurities, consider consulting a sexual health professional to help facilitate the conversation and help you work toward a healthier bond and better sex.
Source ⚜ More: Notes ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs ⚜ "Beautiful" Words ⚜ Part 1 2
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