#cheesy as in corny
sallymew4 · 2 months
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found this cool magazine while i was out. looked into it a little bit and found out it was from a vintage series, with this specific issue originally being printed in October of 1977 !! the publish date is also at the top right corner, but its a little hard to see with the glare lol
https://postmarkedfromthestars.com/products/ufo-magazine-oct-1977-kidnapped-by-space-aliens?variant=43066407977202 heres a site that shows a few pages inside, but its totally sold out of copies
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anything u need me to be, ill be it for u!
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specshroom · 9 months
★- Little drabble about Choso's sense of humour:
One day when you're lazing around with him. He's reading a book and your laying on his chest, head resting on your arm as you stare at him. You do this often, he's gotten used to it. You ask out of the blue, "Hey, what's that line across your nose for?"
He pauses looking away from the book, eyes on yours. "What line?"
".....The- the line."
You point at your face, trailing a finger across your nose, cheek to cheek. He just stares blankly. You sit up a little now.
"Choso, the mark across your nose. What is that?"
"What mark?" You want to laugh but his face is so deadpan that you're not sure if he's playing with you or not.
You huff and pull him up from his reclined position, pulling him towards the mirror in your bedroom.
"Come, I'll show you then."
Before Choso reaches the mirror he swipes his arm across his face using his technique to gather the blood mark and remove it from it's usual spot, leaving a small mass of floating blood behind his back.
"What are you talking about?" He says trying so hard to keep that deadpan expression.
You turn to look at the mirror to see the signature mark has disappeared from his beautiful face! You stammer for a few seconds looking between him and the mirror until you just fall into laughter.
"Choso!" You push him lightly, now knowing for sure that he's messing with you. He chuckles and pulls you closer, pointing a finger at your nose.
"ohh, you mean this mark?" He says and turns your head towards the mirror where you see that he's moved the blood mark onto your face, across the bridge of your nose.
You laugh again, staring at yourself, hands going up to touch the strange mark. He smiles lovingly and kisses your head.
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stuffyflowers · 3 months
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Text + Inspo:
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Happy birthday!”
“Still not my birthday, Solace.”
“Eh. One day I’ll say it and it’ll be right.”
The flowers he’s holding — pretty, ruffled deep red, although Nico doesn’t recognise them — remains extended between them, clutched fist unwavering. Nico rolls his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek, and takes them.
“Of course, you could also just tell me when your birthday is.”
“No.” A pause. He brings the flowers up to his face, pointedly ignoring Will’s wink, and inhales. They smell almost identical to the shampoo Will wears. “You’re such a loser.”
“And yet you spend all your time with me.”
“Not — all,” Nico protests, cheeks burning. “I spend —”
Time with others, he was about to say, and while it is indeed true that he does, in fact, socialize with more than one person, he realises with startling clarity that Will is almost always there.
Will grins, wide and cheeky and knowing. “Having some thoughts, there, Neeks.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Will gasps dramatically, and when that is not enough he holds up a hand, digs a string of plastic pearls out from his many pockets, clasps them around his neck, clears his throat, and gasps even more dramatically, clutching said pearls.
Nico laughs.
But he chokes it back last minute and turns it into a weird horse noise instead, so he’s victorious, basically.
“How dare,” says Will, indeed dramatically, “how dare, di Angelo, deride me, your closest friend, in such a way —”
Nico deliberates his options. Should Will have the space unimpeded to continue on than he shall do so, with increasing gusto. At the six minute mark he will graduate to elevating himself on whatever surface makes itself available, from an infirmary stool to An Actual Roof, and project his voice to make sure that everyone suffers his Elizabethan histrionics, not just Nico (or Kayla or Austin or Lou especially Cecil or Mitchell or Piper or or or or). At the nine minute mark he will be accompanied, magically, by intense background music, because Apollo deserves all of his trauma. Nico doesn’t know what the ten minute mark will bring, but frankly he’d rather walk on hot coals with open sores on his feet than find out, so.
“— good friends, sweet friends, from this group I hail, and to such a sudden flood of mutiny! To bend to the leadborn suffering —”
When Nico gestures he is graceful, obviously. And poised. When Will gestures he narrowly avoids smacking himself square in the face nine times out of ten, and sometimes, like now, he actually does smack himself in the face, but for some reason this does not deter or embarrass him. Perhaps because he, like most Apollo children, does not actually have the part of his brain that produces shame, and such gleeful shamelessness shows in his devastatingly wide eyes. Which are, Nico notices, beginning searching for the nearest climbable surface.
Ah. Level one has been exceeded.
“Hide not thy poison with such sugar’s words —”
Drastic times, drastic measures; in time of theatre kid, regress to caveman instincts. Et cetera. Nico knows the drill. He’s a twice-adorned war hero. He understands sacrifice. He understands betrayal. He knows timing, knows difficulty. He knows the burden of doing the right thing to prevent further tragedy.
He sets his flowers delicately on the ground beside him, ties his hair back out of his face, does a couple stretches, exhales peacefully, and tackles Will to the floor.
“Shut up,” he grunts, over Will’s screeching. Will, predictably, does not shut up, moaning instead about his spleen, his spine, pausing to yell, loudly, et tu, Brutus?!, moaning about his kidneys, and then once again wallowing about Brutus and betrayal.
“Someone should take away your Riverside,” Nico says solemnly, pinching Will on the arm one last time for good measure before crawling off him.
Will remains on the floor, arm thrown over his eyes. “I would sooner live without the lungs in my chest.”
“It’s gonna be me. I’m taking away your Riverside.”
Will lifts his arm, searching to meet Nico’s eyes before pouting. It is a remarkably well-planned strategy, because he has very pretty eyes, and Nico is a flaming homosexual who is openly weak to Will’s wiles. Will, who is a shit and judging by the smirk he is barely fighting back in favour of a quivering lip, knows this.
“Don’t you love me?”
“No,” Nico lies. He forces himself away from Will’s gaze, ears burning. “Go away, you walking annoyance. I never want to see you or anything about you ever again.” He scoops up his flowers and stomps off, smiling as Will cackles.
He carries around the flowers for the rest of the day.
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eggo-tistical · 7 months
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merry valentine’s day squad
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crym94 · 3 months
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Ok first of all I suck at making comics and they are hella hard for me to plan but I had this scene in mind since forever and I had to try something so yeah 👉👈
Overall I'm pretty happy and it was so much fun working on this and earned loads of serotonin so it was worth it in the end ✨
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leviscolwill · 1 year
trent blurb — #1
things have been a bit weird between trent and you lately. you'd always been close to your best friend but after sharing a drunken kiss one night, things changed a bit.
ever since that night, a few more kisses and innocent touches made you reconsider your friendship with him. trent always made it very clear whenever he talked to a new girl, he wasn't ready for a committed relationship. you never questioned him, never asked him ‘what are we?’, in hopes you could keep him close to you a little longer.
trent also liked to keep you close to him, you gave him confort and familiarity in the midst of the noisy crowd partying downstairs. he ditched his surprise birthday party to make the most of some alone time with you, perched on his lap kissing him softly.
“y’know what would make that day perfect?”
you pretended to think for a second but ended up shaking your head.
“if i was your boyfriend.” you rolled your eyes and slightly pushed his chest, silently pleading him to stop messing up with you and your brain.
“i'm serious, i understand if you're cool with whatever is going on between us right now but i just needed to tell-” you don't let him finish and press your lips on his.
when you looked up at trent, his gaze made you feel the urge to hid your face in the crook of his neck when you felt the heat creep up on your cheeks.
“i love you.” your words were muffled but if trent didn't hear what you said, he definitely understood.
“i didn't catch that love, could you say it again?” you could practically hear his smirk in his voice. “come on, i wanna hear you say it again...”
you looked up at him again, ignoring your abnormally fast heartbeat, “i said, i love you.” you'd never been one to be shy in front of trent but this was different, this was admitting you were taking a new step with him.
“now that's more like it.” he kissed your temple, and whispered those same three words in your ear, the music still playing downstairs long forgotten.
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smilesatdawnmain · 10 months
The following day, Wukong arrives first with a bouquet of flowers. He waits for a short time, and for a moment, it seems like Macaque won't show. Wukong worries that perhaps he had been stood up, or Macaque hadn't taken his date request seriously.
However, he hears someone clear their throat behind him and turns.
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Macaque is begrudgingly a little late for the date, but Wukong is happy either way.
He offers Macaque the bouquet promptly, startling him once again.
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The two rush into the Play a moment later, finding their seats just as the lights begin to dim. Wukong can see from the corner of his eye that Macaque is fiddling with the bouquet. It seems the bouquet was quite the win.
This might just be Wukong's chance to make a move!
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hollowslantern · 9 months
it's end of year art summary season again and I would just like to extend my love to all the artists who can't make a standard flashy "one big piece per month" review. if you've got months where you only did small pieces, or didnt finish anything, or didn't draw at all, or didnt draw "good enough". everyone whos left feeling a bit lackluster after comparing their "year of art" to those around them...this one's for YOU! we rule!
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lupeloto · 7 months
"always watch you sleep" ficlet
hey i'm back with a disgustingly fluff-ridden, sweet, cheesy ficlet about them being gay and married and in love!
The air is still, a warmth settling over the room as the sunrise shines through the curtains directly onto the bed, hitting Mickey’s bare chest in a way that has Ian practically mesmerized.
Mickey lays flat on his back, comforter billowing loosely around his hips. Ian traces his finger slowly up-and-down Mickey’s torso, gaze not breaking from Mickey’s face, the curve of his nose and lips as the sun rays make their way up. He blinks slowly, not wanting to miss a minute of this moment.
Mickey breathes in steadily, “Jesus Gallagher,” he huffs, “Can I help you?” He peeks one eye open and shoots it over to his husband who wears a look of no shame.
Ian shoots a one-sided grin, never looking away or halting the calming movement of his finger tracing his husband’s skin. 
Mickey turns over to face Ian, rubbing his eyes lazily, “Watcha want creep?” He jokes, his hand moves to gently rub Ian’s shoulder. Ian digs further into the mattress and closer to Mickey, comforted by the coolness of the ring against his skin. 
“Always watch you sleep,” he says with a casual shrug. 
Mickey’s eyebrows go up, “S’that right?” He inches closer. 
“Only time I can look at you without you yapping about some ‘take a picture, it’ll last longer, gallagher.’” Ian mocks in his best Mickey voice, tilting his head playfully.
“Oh?” Mickey fakes offense, “You’re the one watchin’ me sleep and i’m catchin’ heat?” He flashes a grin that takes up his entire face, his cheeks lifting to hear his eyes are hidden and a light pink flushing his cheeks. Ian has never seen anything better than that. Nothing has ever been able to bring him back to earth, to ground him, to wash away every single anxiety or fret like that smile. He finds himself gazing dreamily again with a goofy grin of his own. 
“Jesus,” Mickey leans into him, burying his face in Ian’s bare chest, “Maybe you should take a fuckin’ picture.”
“What? I can’t look at you? I can't appreciate what I got?” Ian questions, playfully tackling Mickey, pinning him to the mattress. He kisses his cheek quickly before popping back up to meet his husband’s gaze. 
“Whatever, softie,” Mickey beams, lifting his head up to meet their lips for a long, slow kiss. He pulls back, bringing his hands to cup either side of Ian’s face, captivated by the gleam in his eyes before breaking free and tackling him onto his back, “My turn, Red.” He bites his lip, smashing his mouth against his husband’s as the sun rises higher, illuminating them both in a way that the other completely enthralled at the sight.
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tinka-tank · 6 months
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Stirring up a Disventure Camp AU that's just a cartoon with 60s fashion and aesthetic minus all the realism but with all the cartoon antics
Magenta Team is in a band minus Hunter (maybe he is in it later or left earlier) and James
They play psychedelic music I want to say, and lots of "You were a bad boyfriend" ass songs
In exchange for Fiore's keyboarding skills they let her do almost anything she wants, so yes hide your keys and wallet
They absolutely have no band name yet, and I'm open to suggestions !! I also have a Cyan Team band in the works that is more folk that also needs a name. Magenta is absolutely rivals with Cyan, Fiore tped Cyan's band car (as she should)
Tom is still a cop so he keeps an eye out for the terror caused by Magenta Team at times and Jaiden... oh Jaiden... so in love
Will there be Tomjake ? I don't know yet, seeing as I'm Jake disventure camp pr agent. I do not like Thomas (acab) and we will see where all stars takes us, but they for SURE had a fling here and Tom ignored that son of a bitch (Jake) again
Some of my thoughts here:
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qcomicsy · 1 year
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harringtonswriting · 2 years
would you maybe do ❝  you’re the only thing that matters anymore.  i can’t eat,  i can’t sleep—  all the goddamn cliches from every stupid movie and song.  you’re all i think about.  i’m useless except when i’m yours.  ❞ with Steve?? Seems very much like a Steve thing to say with a grand romantic gesture maybe 💕
ahhh i definitely agree, this is absolutely a steve thing to say and i hope the romantic gesture is grand enough!! 💕
You’re not quite sure what that sound is or where it’s coming from. You look up from your book, one you had been completely engrossed in for the last few hours, but when you don’t see anything moving or notice anything that’s fallen off your bed, you go back to it. You get about half a page of reading in before it comes again.
Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.
You put your bookmark between the pages and close your book before you get up off your bed to search for the sound. It keeps coming, and you realize it’s coming from your window. With all the weird happenings in Hawkins you’re more than a bit wary, because you’ll be damned if you’re going to end up monster food for whatever weird creature of the week is showing up now, so you grab the biggest, heaviest book you own to protect yourself before walking towards your window. You’ve hit someone with it before, completely accidentally, and knew it would be an excellent way to bludgeon something that might attack you.
Except it’s not some weird monster, or a Russian soldier, or even a government goon. No, standing on your lawn at nearly ten o’clock at night, is none other than Steve Harrington. Who’s really the last person you’re expecting to see right now, and the reason you’re spending your Friday night at home with a book.
Okay, well, you can’t put all the blame on him; most of it you put on yourself and the stupid crush you’ve been harbouring on him since you’d made the stupidly wonderful decision to go to Scoops Ahoy last summer, before Starcourt Mall burned down. Unfortunately, as you’d gotten to know Steve and become friends, that stupid crush had only gotten bigger and harder to contain. And when he’d been working in the mall, scooping ice cream with Robin and taking time to chat with you when you stayed way past your break time, he hadn’t been having any luck getting dates—something you were happy about. You felt bad being happy, yes, but him striking out meant you could spend more time with him (and Robin, lovely Robin, who’d very quickly become a staple in your life along with Steve).
But since leaving Scoops Ahoy and starting work at Family Video, Steve’s game had apparently done a 180 and now? Dates all the time, with all the very pretty girls who you’d gone to school with. Never more than once with the same girl, but Steve’s got his groove back and it aches a little, seeing him so excited every time he has a date. But you’re his friend, of course you are, so you push down your own feelings to smile and laugh and encourage him, just the same as Robin and Dustin and the others do, though it’s been getting harder and harder to do lately.
So you’ve been slowly pulling away; you find yourself visiting Family Video far less frequently, usually when Steve isn’t there. You find reasons to skip on group movie nights or hang outs at the Harrington house, and start keeping more to yourself. It’s just until you get over this stupid crush, you tell yourself, and you even tell Robin one night, when you’re on the phone well past midnight and she manages to drag your reasoning for skipping on an outing to Indianapolis with her and Steve.
You’d thought Steve hadn’t noticed. But obviously he had, because here he is. So you put the big book down on your desk before you unlock your window and open it.
A rock goes whizzing by your face, barely missing your cheek, which you were not expecting. You yelp, and that catches Steve’s attention.
“Shit! Sorry! Did I get you?” he yells up at you and you lean out the window to shake your head where he can see you.
“What are you doing here, Steve?” you ask, resting your hands on the window sill so you can lean out a little farther. You can see him shuffling from foot to foot, a big silver boombox resting by his feet. One of his hands is constantly running through his hair, a nervous habit you know he has. His BMW is parked at the end of your driveway.
“I have something I gotta tell you,” he calls up, gesturing with the hand not in his hair. You feel your stomach twist in your abdomen; is he here to break off your friendship? Maybe he knows about your crush and he’s finally had enough. What other reason would he have to be here right now? He probably just finished a date with his latest girl—Heidi? Lauren? You couldn’t remember and honestly, you didn’t want to. Especially not if it was someone Steve was choosing over you. Not that you’d blame him, but still.
“Steve, really, you don’t have to say anything.” Because it’ll hurt more to hear you tell me it’s over before it even began, you want to say. But you don’t. You start to head back in through your window, but Steve shouts and stops you before you can get back in.
“Wait! I do have to say it, because I can’t stand that we haven’t been as close lately. It’s killing me and I can’t keep going like this.” You’re silent, watching him move closer to your house, grabbing the boombox to hold up to his chest. “You’re the only thing that matters anymore. I can’t eat, I can't sleep—all the goddamn cliches from every stupid movie and song. You’re all I think about. I'm useless except when I'm yours.”
Holy shit.
That is definitely not what you’re expecting him to say, and one hand comes up to cover your mouth because that was actually the sweetest thing you think you’ve ever heard him say to you.
That’s when he starts fiddling around with the buttons on the boombox until he gets it to do what he wants, and he cranks the volume dial all the way up before he holds it up over his head. It takes a second before you hear the opening bars of Careless Whisper start to play. He starts swaying back and forth, boombox held high, and god you feel yourself falling even harder because Steve is here, doing this for you, after telling you something that sounds like it would be straight out of one of the romance novels on your shelf.
You get to enjoy the sight in front of you for about a minute before you notice a light turn on and start shining from the house next door.
“Turn the goddamn music down!” You hear your neighbour, old man Mitchell, yell from the vicinity of his yard. It ruins the moment, just a bit, and you can’t help the laughter that bubbles up as Steve nearly drops the boombox on his feet in his rush to turn it off.
“Sorry!” Steve yells back, and you laugh louder. Steve laughs too, the sound floating up to your window, and you can’t help the smile on your face.
You wave your hand at Steve, gesturing for him to come inside, and even from your window you can see the way his entire face blossoms into a wide grin as he lowers the boombox and makes his way towards your front door.
Steve wants to be yours. And you want to be his. And when you unlock the front door and pull Steve in for a big kiss, you press play on the boombox so the two of you can dance to George Michael’s unbearably cheesy song in your living room while you tell each other how you feel.
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andromeda3116 · 11 months
people actually went on about how game of thrones made it socially acceptable to be a fantasy nerd, as though the lord of the rings movies hadn't been released less than a decade earlier and left far greater cultural ripples and i am just
got may have made the adults feel better about liking fantasy, but lotr got into the kids' heads when they (we) were just young and impressionable enough to be absolutely transported and emotionally rewritten by don't you leave him, samwise gamgee and my brother, my captain, my king and and rohan will answer
lotr was rewriting entire generations' brain chemistry long before asoiaf and so obviously it's not fair to compare any post-lotr fantasy novel to it, and each book series was trying to do different things within their own spheres and so that also is not a fair comparison, but in terms of the cultural impact of the adaptations that came out within a decade of each other, saying that it was game of thrones that made fantasy mainstream is baffling
game of thrones could only run because the lord of the rings movies laid the path, and i will die on this hill
#lotr#lord of the rings#lord of the rings movies#i started this post because ''may it be'' came up on my playlist but now i think i'm going to start my nth rewatch of the trilogy#there is a lot to discuss about it re: comparison to the books but it's like...#for all the changes they made - good and bad and neutral - everyone involved in making the films *loved* the source material#they all *wanted* to do justice to it and believed in it and it shows#i think of some posts i've seen about how frustrating this modern push towards tongue-in-cheek irony over sincerity#so afraid to be corny or cheesy that you have to tack a joke onto every real emotional moment#like no fuck that#give me sam hauling frodo onto his shoulders saying ''i can't carry it for you but i can carry you''#give me aragorn gently kissing boromir's forehead as he dies#give me merry and pippin throwing themselves at the uruk hai to distract them from frodo#give me theoden's grand speeches and gandalf's pained expression when frodo says he'll carry the ring#tbh i think that sincerity is a large part of *why* it has such staying power even now#because it is a story you are meant to get deeply emotionally invested in and not hold yourself a little ironically apart from#it isn't meant to sell merch it's meant to bring you to middle-earth and capture your heart and make you believe that the war can be won#with love and loyalty and hope and fellowship and fidelity and integrity and just... just refusing to give in to despair#it is earnest. it is unafraid to be melodramatic or corny because it believes in the story it's telling.#and so it imprinted onto a whole generation growing up right at the cusp of a barrage of apocalypses#anyway. i have Feelings about these movies and their impact and how that mirrors and enhances the books' own impact
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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Reaction to the final trailer of uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom of the show's main cast (Li Junliang, Wang Yunkai, Li Le, Li Yimu, Kou Weilong)
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