#it's really hard because i have basically 0 knowledge
eddiediaaz · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask how you did the double exposure gifs for your merlin set? They're beautiful btw!
heyy, thank you!! of course!
it's actually not very hard, the trick is to find the right shots for this. here's how i did it (reference gifset), under the cut.
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for this tutorial i will be: — using photoshop cs5 on windows — assuming you know how to make gifs using the timeline — have basic coloring, sharpening, groups, and layer masks knowledge
the ultimate trick to pull this off is to choose the right image. in order to do the double exposure, you need a silhouette shot that has these:
a defined and dark silhouette with a background that is not too busy
enough contrast between the silhouette and the background
the silhouette should take at least 50% of the space
not too much movement
here are a few examples of why they work and why they won't:
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gwen: perfect example since this shot is already quite contrasted with a defined silhouette. there won't be a lot of work needed to make this one work.
merlin: not a great example because even tho there's a somewhat good contrast between him and the background, the silhouette is just too bright, not dark enough.
arthur: another good example, even if there are some bright spots on his face and armor. since he's not moving too much, you can definitely brush some black over him to make his silhouette darker (i'll explain/show later)
morgana: this one could work because the contrast is great, but of course her skintone is very bright against the black clothing. that being said, since the movement is not too bad, it could be possible to brush some black over her and move these layers with keyframes (as mentioned for arthur's example). i haven't tried it tho, but i think it would work well enough.
once you have your silhouette shot, you need another gif for the double exposure. what works best, in my opinion, are:
wide, large shots
shots with no to little camera movement (no pan, zoom, etc), but the subjects in the shot can have little movement of course
pretty cinematography/scenery shots
i find these are easier to find and make it work, it's not as "precise" as with silhouette shots. it's mostly just trial and error to see what works best with the silhouettes.
for the effect to work, we want a silhouette that's dark as possible. i'm gonna use the gwen and arthur shots as examples.
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for the gwen gif, i started by sharpening, and then upped the contrast by quite a lot so her silhouette is mostly black, while retaining some nice details. i've used only 3 layers here:
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selective color layer: in the blacks tab, playing with the black slider (value: +10)
brightness/contrast layer: added a lot of contrast (+61) and a bit of brightness (+10)
black and white layer: on top, its blending mode set to soft light and at 20% opacity. gives a bit more depth and contrast
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then for the arthur example, i've also sharpened it first, and added contrast layers in this order (the skintone looks horrible, but it won't matter soon lol):
levels layer: black slider at 0, grey slider at 0.76, white slider at 104
selective color layer: in the blacks tab, black slider at +10
brightness/contrast layer: brightness at +1-, contrast at +47
black and white layer: on top, its blending mode set to soft light and at 20% opacity. gives a bit more depth and contrast
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as you can see, half of his face is still quite bright. to correct that, create a new empty layer and put it between the gif and the coloring layers.
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using a really soft brush and the black color, brush some black over his face and body on that new empty layer. you can edit the layer's opacity if you want, i've set mine to 71%. since arthur doesn't move much here, there's no need to keyframe this layer's position. for the morgana example, this is where you'd need to play with keyframes to make it work. here's where i'm at now after this:
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you can always edit this layer later if you need, after doing the double exposure blending.
once the silhouette is all ready, you can put all layers in a group and rename it (i've renamed mine silhouette).
now the fun part! import the wide/scenery shot in photoshop, then resize it to the same height of your silhouette gif. make sure the gif is a smart object layer, and sharpen it. finally, bring this gif onto the silhouette canvas (by right clicking the smart object > duplicate layer). once you have both gifs onto your canvas, put the wide shot gif layer in a group, and set this group's blending option to screen.
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you can then position the wide/scenery gif the way you like it in the canvas. this is how it looks for both examples after i've done that:
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if the blending mode screen doesn't give you the best result, so you can play around with other blending modes (such as lighten and linear dodge in these particular cases), but generally speaking, screen is the real mvp here haha.
now that the double exposure effect is done, we need to color the gifs to bring them together. i went with simple coloring here, simply enhancing the colors that were already there. just make sure that the coloring layers for each gif are in their respective groups. here's how i've colored both examples:
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gwen silhouette group: i added a gradient map layer on top of the contrast layers in black to green and set the blending mode to color
scenery shot group: multiple coloring layers, with a green color fill layer (blending mode set to color), with a layer mask so it only affects the top half of the gif
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for the arthur gif, i did something very similar but with warmer colors. i didn't use a gradient map for arthur though:
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arthur silhouette group: i made the yellow warmer, closer to orange/red, with a hue/saturation layer, and added more vibrance. didn't feel like it needed a gradient map layer here though.
wide shot group: basic coloring layers to enhance colors from the merlin & daegal shot, and an orange color fill layer set to the color blending mode.
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at this point you're pretty much done. just need to add some final touches and typography (if you want).
a small and completely optional detail, but i wanted to soften the edges of the wide gifs. to do so i've duplicated the smart object gif layer and removed the sharpening filters (right click on smart filter > clear smart filters). put this layer on top of the other smart object layers (but still below the coloring).
then with this same layer still selected, go to filter > blur > gaussian blur... > 10px. this will give you a very blurry gif, but we only want the edges of the canvas to be softer. so add a layer mask to this layer. with a very large and soft brush (mine was at 0% hardness and about 800px size), brush some black onto the layer mask to remove the blur in the middle of the gif.
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you can play with this layer's opacity or gaussian blur amount if you want (by double clicking on the gaussian blur smart layer filter). here how both examples look with this gaussian blur layer:
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you can also mask some of wide/scenery gifs if you'd prefer, so it shows less outside of the silhouette. just put a layer mask on that whole wide shot group and brush some black or grey on the layer mask. it's what i did for the gwen gif, with a very soft brush and i set the mask density to 72% (i kept the arthur one as is tho):
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and that's how i did it! hopefully that was clear enough :)
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factual-fantasy · 17 days
29 Asks! :DD Thank you! :}}📦
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@holly-opal @tallchest13-blog
There was not a single thing I liked about the trailer. Not a single thing.
Not the visuals, not the hinted at Jumanji style story, not the casting, I hated all of it. The thing I hated the most was Jack Black being casted as Steve. 💀
I hated his voice for Bowser, I hate him playing as Steve. Sooooo much hatred and disappointment for this trailer 💀💀💀
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I have made my own version of Tarr! :D They are not intended to be cute 💀
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Soft? :0
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I haven't heard of it <:0 google seems to suggest its a Roblox game..?
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I'm pretty 50/50- I GOT THE 8 WINS IN FALL GUYS JUST HOURS BEFORE THE CHALLANGE ENDED SO THAT MADE ME HAPPYbut then my health came back to bite me and I had a very scary health day :x sooo.....
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Other than Barnaby's mom living out on a big farm away from the neighborhood- I don't actually have many ideas! <:D
And I had no plans for the neighbors to have cars.. but now I'm thinking of giving Eddie a cute little mail car :))
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Yeah I wouldn't use the word "miss"... miss makes me feel like home cares about Wally in a tender way and wants him to come back because it cares about him.. that's not quite the right vibe..
Home doesn't want Wally to leave, and it wants him to come back when he's gone.. but that's the only way I'd word it. Kind'a cold and with unknown intentions..
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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The timing if this is quite humorous. (I spent the last week making 10+ frog plushies)
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I imagine out of all the neighbors, Poppy and Barnaby would have the most knowledge on basic first aid and home remedies. Considering they both grew up way out in the sticks, you're bound to get hurt or sick and not have anyone nearby to help you. So they learned from their parents how to take care of themselves or others when they're unwell :))
If someone is injured or sick though, I can imagine that it might stress Poppy out to come running to her screaming- so people probably turn to Barnaby for those sorts of things <XD
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I thought that Howdy gets up early and comes home late. So out of all the neighbors, Sally gets to spend the most time with him because he's almost always awake and out and about! :)
Howdy is also always on the move- doing things around the shop and working. Usually most neighbors cant follow him around from job to job fast enough- but Sally can! :)) She's been able to get to know him really well and they get along like two peas in a pod!
Howdy is witty and quick with his responses. He rarely stutters, so these two can just chatter away for hours and hours!
When it comes to worrying about him,, it is just the cold thing. But Howdy "not liking the cold" only scratches the surface of it. Howdy practically shuts down in the winter time, ALL the neighbors worry about him..
In the wintertime, Howdy is one lullaby away from collapsing on the floor and falling asleep 💀 the cold completely destroys his energy.. Also he's constantly hungry. He really slows down and starts running into things, forgetting things, sleeping in and being really hard to wake up.. <:/ and he gets sick pretty often in the winter so he's just not having a good time-
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Huh, I've never seen anyone take that direction with Ingo! :0
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HELOOOO!! :}}}}}}}
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And yeah, his hair probably take a few hours to braid and I bet bedhead is his worst yet more common nightmare 💀
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(Referencing this post)
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I feel like unless Home deliberately interacted with Barnaby and wanted him to know its alive, he would never suspect Home to be a living entity. Barnaby assumes that Wally has bad anxiety and its amplified when he's alone.. thus inviting him over to his house just to get out of his own home for a bit, or spending the night at Wally's house..
Barnaby has stayed over at Wally's house a lot and Home watches him too.. but in the end Barnaby chalks up the weird feelings he gets to just the worry over Wally..
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I've never played the game, but I love it :) the fandom can be a real pain sometimes..
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Currently I'm only really drawing/thinking of the base Unovan pokédex, not the pokédex from black 2 and white 2. (There are some select exceptions to this)
Mostly because the second dex is HUGE. And because Pokémon white was the game I grew up playing- so that's the one I wanna pull the Pokémon from. Ngl though, I might not be able to resist incorporating Metagross from the second dex.. 👀👀
Also my violet team wont make any canon cameos, but I did draw a doodle of Grim and V as slimes! :}}
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Meow meow! :))
(Thank you! I wish the same for you! :} )
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@minnesotamedic186 (Referencing this post)
AAAA THANKYIU!! :))) I have a couple ideas for them but I'm having a hard time writing them out 😔
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AAA I LUB YOU TOO! :))))))
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Hello! I've unfortunately not been doing well health wise.. this week has been a rough patch.. but I'm hangin in there as best I can! <:) The fam says hi! XDDD
As for your questions, the fam has been blessed with never being too cold or too hot. So they probably like the winter time because that's when I'm at my happiest :)) I've never given them snow- but I'm sure they'd love to play in it! And yes, Gerald absolutely desires to A-pose out on the garden XDDDD
I typically play as Pit or Metakight. As for the others, I wonder..
Maybe Bibi would play as Luigi, Cici as Bowser, Jangles as Peach and Gerald as Wario XD
Also thank you for the ask! :DD I look forward to your next one but no pressure! :)))))
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Its very rare that anyone from the crew hides their illness.. If someone hid an illness that's a big no no because they can infect other members of the crew. Plus it's really easy to tell if they're sick-
Also thankfully, (aside from Octo that one time-) no one really hides injuries. If the wound is in an embarrassing spot and need help, they'll probably just get the crewmate they are most comfortable with to help them..
I think Tuna only has that gnarly hook hand, he doesn't have anything else to put on in its place 💀
I can imagine when he first got his prosthetic arm he probably hurt himself on it once or twice <:( eventually he got used to it though and didn't hurt himself anymore-
Who made his prosthetic arm.. hmm.. I kind'a imagined he put it together himself.. Hence why it looks impractical and dangerous 💀
I didn't have plans for him to miss anyone... perhaps his mother but she's gone.. at least he doesn't miss anyone from his old crew.
After a battle/conflict on the ship, the very first thing Tuna does is go looking for Ellie..🥺
I imagine rolls are Tunas favorite food because he's kind of a picky eater. So some beautifully made plain bread rolls are hard to beat! :))
I didn't intend for Red to have any siblings,, his family was mostly his rotten mom and dad. :(
I think Coco and Cuttlefish get along better than you might think! :)) They're both rather sassy and have a lot of the same opinions. Other than Tuna, there isn't anyone that Coco butts-heads with :))
Due to the varying body types, the crew typically doesn't steal each others clothes 😅 but I can see Red stealing Coco's coats and boots from time to time 🥺
I haven't thought much about Ellies family.. perhaps she lived with her cruddy uncle before running off with Octo and Seafoam? :0
Thankfully like you said- other than Octo, nobody's gotten hurt so badly they thought they'd lose them. <:)
I'm afraid I don't Understand that question about Red.. D:> But Blue Beauty's favorite food is probably krill! :0
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While I have no plans to add E. Gadd to my AU, I have made my own version of King Boo! :))
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Aww! I still need to work on Julies sisters, but I can see this being the direction I lean towards! :))
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Wally would probably stay home and try to just recover.. but if Home his illness starts making his anxiety/paranoia way worse- I can see Barnaby staying over for a few nights to take care of him. Perhaps even bringing Wally to his house if he thinks it might help- :0
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b14augrana · 2 months
You meet your match in the Champions League semi final
Chelsea Women x teen!reader
Part of the Scrubber universe
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Warnings: reader is a teeny bit cocky. this is not proofread!
A/N: scrubberverse rivalry ���� this is basically scrubber pt. 1 from the pov of a chelsea youngster, based on ‘we both reached for the gun’ because i saw a hard messi-ronaldo edit to it and got inspired! hope you enjoy :) 💝
Beating Barcelona isn’t for everybody.
However, your team managed to do it.
At 16 years old, you were a standout player in Chelsea’s youth academy. Now at 17, you were a standout player in their first team.
Unfortunately, you weren’t a consistent starter just yet, because the likes of Mayra Ramirez and Sam Kerr were other worthy contenders for the spot in the starting eleven, but you came off the bench nine times out of ten. You were widely regarded as one of the best youngsters in the game right now, with how quickly you settled into the first team and the consistent performances you put up every time you were subbed on. Slipping through tight gaps with the ball glued to your feet was a trademark move of yours, and you were basically untouchable to defenders because you were so young and agile.
Your Champions League debut technically occurred in the group stage, but you really shone in the knockouts.
You came on for Mayra in the first leg of the Champions League, and though you were only on for fifteen minutes, it was enough for you to feel the satisfaction of winning in front of a full Barcelona stadium. A few key passes here and there did the trick.
If it hadn’t been for Sam doing her ACL, you’d imagine that the score would’ve been substantially worse for the home side to come back from, even on aggregate, but that wasn’t the case and 1-0 would have to do.
Erin said to not get ahead of yourself, because there was still the second leg at home, but you were over the moon. You liked to think you were a true blue, through and through, so moments like these were what made you the happiest.
Champions League glory seemed closer than ever, now that your team had proven you could overcome possibly the biggest obstacle in the tournament. Sharing the pitch with greats like Alexia Putellas and Aitana Bonmatí was an honour in itself, but beating them? Beating them was historic.
You smiled at the idea of it; beating the best players of all time, scoring at home in front of thousands of fans, possibly taking your team to the final, taking them one step closer to a Champions League title, but above all... proving that Barcelona is human. Maybe even proving that you are the best youngster in the world, along the way. Of course that was the dream, but you couldn't get lost in your fantasy world just yet, Erin said.
Now that you were standing in the tunnel, altering history for your club seemed imminent. Your manager, Emma, had told you that you'd feature in the starting squad for the evening, so it went without saying that the match would be extremely special for you.
“Excited?” Erin asked, looking over her shoulder to see you. You nodded, but you were more scared than anything. You were grateful to be starting, but also a little bit terrified.
“You’ll do good, I know it. You’ve got the deadeye we need to beat them,” she said, and a little giggle came from you in response, “I’ll try!”
Beside you, the Barcelona players were lined up, whispering amongst themselves in what you assumed to be Spanish. Some of the words didn’t sound like regular Spanish though, which sucked, because for a moment you thought you’d be able to eavesdrop on them with the minimal Spanish knowledge you have.
The officials at the end of the tunnel signalled for both teams to make their ways out, and your ears were almost immediately slammed with the cacophonous noises of a fully packed Stamford Bridge. It was amazing, playing in an environment like this while experiencing the tournament of your dreams, and the loud supportive cheers were something you wanted to get tattooed on your soul.
The Barcelona girls walked out looking staunch. They carried themselves proudly despite the loss they previously faced against Chelsea, but you thought nothing of it. All you were focused on was your undying desire to knock them out of the tournament and show the world what the Blues were really made of.
“5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1!”
The crowd counted down to the first whistle blow of the match, and the shrill noise rattled the stadium as the ball got rolling and the match commenced.
You passed the ball backwards then immediately made a run. It looked hopeful when the ball was lobbed back to you, but it was quickly shut down by a well-timed intercept from…
Well, she was gone before you could see the name on the back of her jersey. As she dribbled through the midfield before pinging a through ball to Hansen on the wing, you could only hear the cries of Mapi León from behind you. “Venga, bebita!”
You did remember talks about Barcelona having a youngster of their own, and this must be her.
Whatever, you thought. You had bigger things to focus on. Dropping back into the midfield, you hunted for the ball, and when possession of the ball was finally in your hands, you felt on top of the world.
It felt like nothing could stop you, now that you had the ball at your feet, dribbling seamlessly past the blaugrana jerseys. Being smaller than others on the pitch had its advantages as you weaved between the gaps and slipped past players… until you came up against her.
She stood tall in the backline, not even giving you a moment of her vision’s time as her eyes stayed glued to the movement of the ball.
You tapped the ball forwards, and she followed, tracking backwards. Stepover after stepover, it was becoming increasingly impossible to shake her as you struggled to deceive her, and then…
One heavy touch was all it took. It was an accident, and maybe you should’ve listened to Erin’s directions to lob it overhead and pass to Lauren, but it was too late; you were on the floor, she was just getting up. The ball was gone, and you were still on the floor. Without the ball.
“Fucks sake,” you hissed, scrambling to your feet and charging after the ball. You couldn’t seem to get past her, at least not yet. You had to think smarter, be faster, push stronger, kick harder, anything to snake your way past.
“Don’t worry about it!” Erin exclaimed, jogging behind you, “Just stay focused.”
You nodded, because she was right. If you wanted to win, if you wanted to see that beautiful silver trophy adorned in only blue ribbons, if you wanted the rewarding feeling of carrying it in your arms, you had to stay focused and you needed to beat Barcelona, or more so, their youngster.
You had to admit, you underestimated her. You didn’t expect her to be a defender and therefore didn’t expect to be crossing paths with her so often, but you expected wrong. She was strong and definitely knew her stuff when it came to defending; at times, it felt like you were kicking a ball into a brick wall, trying with no avail to get through.
It pissed you off.
Running forward made you open for a cross in from Lauren, who resided on the right wing. “Lauren!” you screamed, gesturing in front of you to where you were going to run. She looked up and noticed your frantic pointing, then she lobbed the ball across the field.
It was almost inevitably coming to you. It floated over everyone, barrelling down exactly where you wanted it, but then a body cut in front of you and before you could register anything, they were up in the air and heading it out of the box.
Every blocked shot, every slide tackle, every through ball, every aerial duel, it made you want to win even more. A distasteful feeling welled inside of your stomach when you realised she wanted it the same, if not more, given the way she was flying around and determinedly defending the goal.
The last line of defence was always her — she was the one separating you and the goal, never mind Cata Coll between the posts. It was her saving your shots.
Half time couldn’t have come sooner. You trudged off the pitch, slumping onto the bench as you sprayed water into your mouth. Jess sat beside you and put her hand on your back. “Feeling okay?” she asked, and you nodded simply.
“You’re doing well. Once you get past their back, it’s all yours,” she smiled, rubbing your back reassuringly. You smiled in return, putting your head on her shoulder. “Thanks, J.”
Even Jess knew how much that centerback was troubling you. The whole lot of them irritated you because they were just so good, and they never crumbled even under pressure, but she was something else. Whether you admired her, envied her, or disliked her, was to be decided by the next half.
She was like you — a young talent — but your positions were different. You were a striker, so you could make mistakes. It was one of your many comforts. She was a defender, and there was no room for mistakes at the back. It was incredible that they trusted her so much to start her over the likes of Engen and Paredes, but you could see why they did. You had everyone else on their knees, except for her.
The defining factor, you thought, was the fact you had seen the others play so many times. Rolfö, Guijarro, Walsh, Hansen, they weren’t new phenomenons; you could anticipate their next moves, unlike their new centerback. You didn’t know how she tackled or how strong she was until you were face to face with her.
Aitana had scored in the middle of the first half. 1-0 wasn’t too bad to come back from, so you were confident that you’d get one back. Hope is a dangerous thing, but you had it.
The second half started with more intensity than the first. From kick off, the ball could barely be seen as anything but a blur zipping around the pitch. You sent the ball spinning across the damp pitch to Catarina Macario on the wing, who took one magnetic touch before exploding outwards.
Lucy Bronze had overlapped and now there was a big gap in the defence. Their midfielders were dropping, but they still weren’t quick enough to reach Catarina.
“Watch the wing!” Mapi yelled to someone. You decided to make a run into the box, preparing yourself for some sort of cross, and that’s when you saw it.
It kind of felt like a suitable muse for a renaissance painting, if the context was included — teenage girl slide tackling a world class, Champions League-winning winger to spare her goalkeeper the displeasure of saving a goal. That didn’t change the fact that you were infuriated at the dwindling prospect of getting a goal.
It was hard to hate a player that has done nothing to you except be better than you, but you felt like you were just about at that point.
Your heart raced with every telltale sign of a big chance. Lauren getting the ball seemed promising, and you trailed into the middle for support. “Lauren! Cross it!” you screamed, hoping your cries would be heard. Instead, you watched her cut inside and wind up to take a shot, your stomach swelled with dread when you saw a body in the way and the ball deflecting off someone’s back. Someone being… well, take a guess.
Hope is a dangerous thing, and you had lost it by the 80th minute. It was heartbreak for your team when the final whistle was blown and the game ended 2-0 for the away side, going down in history as yet another amazing Barcelona comeback.
You watched her get swarmed by her teammates, a smile on her face as they engulfed her in hugs and forehead kisses before she walked away with Mapi. You could only observe as you clapped for all the wrong reasons. The title was so close, yet it had always been far. It was appalling as much as it was unbelievable that the person with the most blood on their hands was a teenager. The nail in the coffin was learning post-match that she was actually freshly 16.
You two were no longer a coexisting pair of young talents. You weren’t sharing the stage anymore.
You were competing for the stage.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
A beginner's guide to Vedic Astrology
1. Vedic astrology is based on a very different way of perceiving the world. It will take some time to get used to it but be patient. Its not as quick and easy to compartmentalize as western/tropical astrology. it addresses the human condition in all its nuance and complexity. It will take you a lot of time to understand even one nakshatra but this is normal and part of the process. Avoid looking at twitter/tumblr posts that try to tropicalize Vedic astrology by giving really weird takes with 0 context or explanation. Read blogs and articles, do a google deep dive, there are many websites run by Indian astrologers who will provide you with good introductions to your chart/naks.
2. There are 27 nakshatras divided over 12 rashis, these come under the rulership of 8 planets and are further classified on the basis of their aim, tattva, ganas, yoni animal, function etc. Familiarize yourself with the mythology of your naks and their basic classification. This is the most accessible starting point for a newbie.
3. Zodiac does not automatically become redundant in the Vedic system. They are called "rashi" and each rashi houses 2 or more nakshatras.
4. 90% of the time the moon occupies only ONE nakshatra over the course of one day. its UNCOMMON for the moon to occupy more than one nakshatra in one day. if you don't have someone's birth time and use 12 noon as the standard time (which is common practice since its right in the middle of the day with 12 hours behind and 12 hours ahead) 90% their moon sign will be correct. Since the ascendant changes every hour or so, its hard to narrow it down unless you know the person and can make an educated guess.
ive seen people argue that xyz is ashwini moon instead of bharani moon etc and please go to a good vedic birth chart generating site (i recommend either astro seek or faraway) and you can check their birth chart for every hour of the day of their given birthday if you have the time. the MOON STAYS IN THE SAME NAKSHATRA OVER THE COURSE OF ONE DAY!!!! its RARE for it to be in the preceding or following nak and it usually only happens for a VERY small window of time.
5. if you can, just get your chart read by someone who knows their stuff. avoid consuming the misinformation rampant on twitter/tumblr.
6. approach Vedic astrology with an open mind. many websites will tell you you're a horrible person with zero luck , jealous and doomed to live in perpetual misery but please understand that these come from the narrowness of their own knowledge and understanding. any wisdom possessed by an individual has to pass through their filter of perception in order to be written down. astrology is not a doomsday machine tool condemning some and glorifying others. do not make a religion out of this. think of your birth chart as something that provides context as to why you are the way you are. don't let it be something that holds you back.
7. please don't randomly pick up tantric practices and chant mantras or perform rituals just because you know a little bit about vedic astrology. this is a whole new turf and these practices can be life changing if done right but disastrous if done wrong. trust your intuition, always. i hate that tiktok/social media etc has made witch craft/magick/esoteric occult rituals look like some quirky, "woo woo" thing that anyone can do. please stay safe ya'll <33 don't blindly follow others <33
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friendlymathematician · 5 months
Please help me. What tf are probabilities I don't understand them
i'm so glad you asked
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there are two primary ways to think about probabilities: a frequentist view and a bayesian view. the frequentist view is incredibly unsatisfying if you think too hard about it, but fairly popular with scientists and other people who don't really want to think about numbers, while the bayesian view is more popular with philosophers and mathematicians.
the frequentist view of probabilities is that a probability measures the asymptotic fraction of trials that an event occurs. for example, if you roll a fair die (how do you know it's fair? first can of worms) infinitely many times (second can of worms, what is infinity), you would expect approximately 1/6 of the throws to land on a 6 (why do we expect this? third can of worms), so we say that the probability of the event "obtaining a 6 when throwing a fair die" is 1/6. the idea is that if i repeat identical trials of the thing i'm interested in enough times, the probability of the thing is the ratio between the number of times the thing happens and the total number of trials. you can use this to estimate probabilities in the real world, by for example drawing a card from a deck of cards, checking the suit, and recording the total trials and number of times you get a spade to determine the probability of getting a spade. this way is useful because it matches up with basic intuition and lets you design experiments to determine probabilities but not very solid if you start considering all the worms.
the bayesian view of probabilities tries to resolve the worm infestation in your cans. according to this view, a probability is a reasonable expectation of an event. if we look at the die experiment, instead of assuming i have a fair die and trying to work out the probability of an event, i look at the die and say "i know nothing about this die, let me find stuff out". my reasonable initial belief at this point is the null hypothesis, which might be that the probability of each outcome is identically 1/6. i roll the die with no expectations and record the answer (say it is a 4). then i use the knowledge i gained to update my belief: i now know there is a chance to roll a 4. i've only done one experiment so i don't know much else, but i can update my initial expectation based on this first measurement. then i roll it again (say i get a 1) and update my knowledge about the die. mathematically, these updates can be performed using bayes' rule. i do this over and over, updating my expectations of what will reasonably happen based on the evidence. then, when i've rolled it maybe 500 times, i can calculate a range of reasonable expectations that the die rolls a 6 based on the data that i recorded. maybe my range is 0.15-0.18. this would mean that i can say that a reasonable belief about the probability of rolling a 6 is that it is between 0.15 and 0.18, and i can associate a probability (certainly, trust level) to that range too.
functionally, a probability is a relative value (between 0 and 1 if you're normal, expressed as a percentage if you're not). the fact that it's relative means that on its own it's not very useful (what does it mean that the probability of this die showing a 6 is 1/6?), but if you have probabilities for different types of events you can start saying things about which is most likely to happen based on which probability is higher. for example, if i know the probability of the die showing a 6 is 1/6 and the probability that the die will show an odd number is 1/2, then i know that the second type of event will occur with much higher frequency than the first, because it has a higher probability. on the other hand, the event "rolls the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in order, one after another" has the probability 1/46656, which means it's incredibly unlikely to happen compared to the other two. so knowing the probability of several events means i can make predictions about which will happen in the future. and also cheat at blackjack.
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yandere-paramour · 2 months
Hihihi I gots another question hehe :3
How would Atlanta fair with a darling who struggles a lot with basic tasks? (Like from a disability, whether it be mental or physical)
Like her darling struggles to shower everyday, or even get out of bed. Getting easily overwhelmed and stressed in certain scenarios and needing a lot of time to cool off (especially after going out). Etc etc that kinda stuff that’s really hard to push through with a disability :0
While I know Atlanta likes to be as knowledgeable as pastabowl possible, I personally feel like she’d be accidentally a lil dismissive and try to encourage her darling to push past all that junk (which I chalk up to her growing up and generally being around stuffy highly independent business people who usually aren’t disabled).
Of course with a lil communication I don’t doubt Atlanta would remedy her mistake, buh I don’t really know I’m just headcanoning at this point hehe :3
Okok thas enough blabbering from me. You’re really really cool and you’re good at writing ok byebyebye >:3
-The bunny in your ask bin
I do think Atalanta would be supportive and try to understand. Keep in mind, her father Jamie is kind of disabled by his depression. He struggles with eating and keeping himself clean, he gets overwhelmed easily, he has to be put down for a nap a few times a week because he just gets so upset that it's better for him to be sedated than spend hours huddled in bed shaking and crying.
So if she saw her Darling behaving the same way as her father, she would know what to do. She would hire her precious Darling a friend/caretaker to look after them. It's a lot easier to get through the day when you have someone bringing you your medication, cooking for you, helping you just survive. The caretaker would get you stable and on a steady schedule and you would start to improve.
In addition, Atalanta loves to spoil you and make you happy, but if she noticed that you weren't doing well when she brought you out, she would change her tactics. You don't have to go out to restaurants when she can order the food to be brought straight to the penthouse. If you want to see a theatre production, she'll rent out the entire theatre so it's just you and her (and probably her parents, and Noelle and her Darling). If you find yourself overwhelmed and upset at a Gala, she will have you promptly brought home to rest and she won't take you out again. Any inquiries into where her lovely wife is will be answered that Her wife is fragile and resting at home, and any further inquiries will be quickly and firmly rebuffed. Atalanta prefers you safe inside (or within her arms), so you not wanting to leave would be fine with her. Movie night every night!
I think Atalanta would be able to understand that sometimes people are just delicate and her Father and her Darling are just like that sometimes. She would do her best to make your life relaxing and non-overwhelming. She loves you more than anything, and she will make sure you are taken care of.
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vegaly-art · 1 year
The Tragedy of the Shroud Brothers, a Comprehensive TWST Analysis
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Since my previous Ortho Rant did so well, I decided to write up another (and have one or two more in the works related to other aspects of him). I quite like sharing my interpretation of him, with all the evidence I can possibly get about it, and see how others react to it! It’s really nice to see!  This analysis will be on the Shroud Brothers, their relationship, and the several things that made it dark, unhealthy and extremely trecherous for much of their time in game, up until post Book 6. Now, to clairfy, I am NOT implicating either of the brothers for this directly, nor trying to slander them. Both of them had their parts to play (though admittedly Idia had a larger one), but I do not believe either of them did what they did, or formed the codependant and unequal bond they did out of maliciousness. They loved, and still do love each other very much, however their collection of mental issues, physical and mental limitations, circumstances and more made them have a very existencially uncomfortable dynamic, that is also profoundly sad... because they were both fucking trying, but sometimes trying and love alone are not enough. But they worked through these issues and I am very proud of them. Their relationship is flawed, and to some extent almost existencial, but it is also entirely human. It is filled with miscommunications and reliance and unfairness, because a relationship is not a ledger that resets at 0, but a consistent, ever growing and changing force of it’s own, that needs both sides to contribute to grow healthy. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s begin!
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Too Much Labour Let’s start with the first and simplest examination: what the relationship looks like on the outside, and then delve deeper. Idia and Ortho are brothers, with Idia being about 2 years Ortho’s senior, and them clearly having a rather close bond. Idia takes Ortho almost everywhere he goes, whether to classes, around school, etc. Though they’re not always together, especially when Idia’s in his room or Ortho’s busy with errands, they spend much of their time together with Ortho being Idia’s closest friend, confidant, and emotional support. Idia trusts his little brother with almost everything, from his interest in games and anime, to his tech work, to homework, and occasionally his emotions, though he keeps a distance from Ortho with that at specific times, chosing to lock himself away rather than face his feelings. Ortho, on the other hand, balances Idia out. He’s much more outgoing and extraverted, he is much more careful and knowledgable of concequences, and to an extent more generally mature. He is always the one helping Idia if he’s in a slump, he’s the one comforting him or giving him space, helping him with schoolwork, helping with chores, forcing him to give certain things up before the concequences catch up to him (See Idia’s Labwear Vignette). And Ortho wants the best for Idia, even above himself, always. Idia is his everything. He is the only one who does maintanence on Ortho, who keeps his code and learning in check and has some level of control over what he can and cannot learn or do. He is all of Ortho’s responsibilities, his thoughts, his time. Ortho protects Idia’s reputation as best he can through petty or sometimes destructive means, and punishes those who speak ill of him. The amount that he does for Idia reflects that Idia is the only reason he’s... alive... at all... but I think the issues are already becoming present even from such descriptions. 
Ortho does basically ALL the emotional labour in their relationship. Not only must he be reasonable and smart and consistent and push Idia to try new things but not hard enough to upset him and make sure he’s always by his side and never get any new friends and do all his chores and other work that’s not school related but also... Ortho holds up the burden of pretending to be someone he is not, and fitting an image IDIA put onto him because he could not process the death of his brother (and nothing else. That was the only image he could live as or aspire to)... but what’s sadder still is that it’s an impossible task. Ortho could never live up to the Ortho who was alive... because Idia doesn't actually see Ortho as his brother, and Ortho is PAINFULLY aware of it. Idia mentioned at the end of Book 6 that Ortho "Doesn't have to pretend to be his brother anymore", and alludes a few other times to the fact that he knows Ortho is just a reconstruction. One that he made out of guilt and grief over the death of his sweet baby brother who was probably his emotional support even in childhood, and who he felt he could not function without... so he rebuilt  him for the soul purpose of ACTING like his emotional support, and also general support which is why he has things like medical knowledge, cleaning, why he has better social and reasoning skills than Idia (even if that was gotten from AI learning). And... I think it's very clear to see that Ortho knows how Idia thinks of him.
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Filling In For Someone Who is Gone
He acts silly and whimsical even though he can clearly chose not to because that's what Idia needs from him. And that’s fine and all to do, it seems to be his preferred form of expression post Book 6, however at that point he at least expressed true negativity, true hopelessness, and true drive to grow and evolve and change. But... before Book 6, and even during it, Ortho was always positive, even when it was clear he was upset. He always went to Idia for help when needing problems solved, but all those problems were related to his technology, to his abilities, never to his emotions... He had to act like the perfect image of someone who did not exist. And he DID. And he did it WELL. VERY WELL... But there is still that distance there. The distance Ortho tried so hard to bridge because he knows that's what he's SUPPOSED to do, but he can't. Because he is not Idia's 'real' little brother, and never would be. He was just an AI reconstruction based on him, and nothing more. Just a computer; a doll; a puppet... but dammit he tried anyway. Though that was partially out of force... because Idia did not LET HIM be any other way. The way he absolutely rejected Ortho having free will in Book 6 is proof enough of just how controlling he truly was over Ortho, whether he intended it or not... but Ortho had his own will anyway, and put it aside because he knew his brother either would not like it, or it’s not what he needed... Ortho worked so hard, every moment of every day, without a choice to do or be anything else, and without the opportunity to be anything more... it’s so tragic. But one thing that likely complicated this is that: Ortho's memories are likely extremely fucking strange. Specifically he has probably the most depersonalized childhood you could think of (This is HC however it makes complete logical sense, let me explain). Obviously they couldn't get human Ortho's memories, only how others remembered him and likely camera footage. So it's likely he has to live up to this biased, 'perfect' standard of himself. And it also gives another reason (besides Idia’s controlling behaviour) why it took him so long to find his own identity as an individual since most of his memories were not actually him alone, and held NONE of his actual thoughts and feelings... which is really tragic and fucked up and terrifying. He may even have felt that his negative emotions may be 'unproductive' or 'bad’, and overall things he should not have because they cause others, especially Idia to feel bad, and likely were not put into his memories, or were not prioritized. So he masked these negative emotions with a smile and internalizes them, working through them completely alone. (This is very much based on his Burst Gear Vignette)... and it fucking sucks. He has to be the therapist for Idia, and also for himself because... well... who would be there for him? Idia is too unstable and would just see any emotions of Ortho’s own as a defect or ‘logic bug’, his parents probably want nothing to do with that sorta thing, and who else does he even have until Post Book 6?? Just... imagining being in such a situation is so viscerally terrifying if you think about it. KNOWING all you memories are not your own, KNOWING you have to live up to a clearly IMPOSSIBLE image of a person who didn't exist outside the minds of others, KNOWING that no matter what you do you will never be able to because people know that person is dead, and KNOWING that you have to do so anyway because your will is not your own, and this is the only path you have in life... and continuing to try and make the best of it anyway.
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A Fresh Start    However, the most interesting part of all this to me is the Epilogue of Book 6, where, with a bit of the original Ortho's soul, Ortho chose to still be Idia's brother of his own will, even when Idia insisted he did not have to. While I think that may be a bit out of habit or obligation, I do think it also just reflects Ortho’s maturity. He is implied to have known all this time about the amount of control Idia had over his life. The unfairness of their relationship, and that he was forced to be someone else for Idia because he couldn’t move on. The amount of labour it took from Ortho, and the amount of emotion he suppressed after all that time, and that their relationship would likely take a while to be a truly honest, open, and equal one. And he was willing to give Idia the chance anyway, even though honestly he did not have to. He was willing to put aside the hurt, and put aside Idia’s immaturity and trust in him to be a better brother, and encourage him. Because he knows Idia still needs him... He is shown to be more independant from Idia post Book 6, such as with the Fairy Gala Remix where he made his own gear and solved issues on his own, or with his Union Gear which shows that he has his own room and likely has started doing his own maintanence and repairs, but he still cares for and is close to Idia. They just need that bit of natural distance. So Ortho can go to his own classes, do his own things, have his own friends and responsibilities. And Idia is obviously not super happy about that, it’s shown DIRECTLY in the Fairy Gala when he’s upset with how Ortho didn’t even come to him for any help, and didn’t heed his warnings not to take part in the fashion show... but... even still, he trusted Ortho’s judgement and believed in him. His heart hurt, knowing he had to let Ortho go into the big scary world alone, and also that he now would not always be there for comfort, and Idia had to get his needs met and be more responsible himself. But even though it hurt, he still supported Ortho anyway. Because it didn’t matter what Idia felt, Ortho deserved the respect and freedom. And Ortho responds in kind by being in a weird way a role model for Idia, with all that he’s learning and being mature and such, while also remaining a consistent wholesome presence in his life if he needs. And others also encourage Idia to be more honest with his praise of Ortho, which probably helps validate Ortho a lot so he doesn’t feel like he’s just... expected to do everything, but he chooses to and would get rewarded for it.  I love their relationship post Book 6 so much. And the one they had before Book 6 may not have been the healthiest, but it was rich, and genuine, and HUMAN. It had struggles and hurdles and unfairness and difficult communication and just... so much nonsense, but it was still filled with love and good intentions. And while that alone does not make it ok, I think that to judge it as morally wrong would be unfair. 
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Further Reading/Sources in Game that support my points:  - Book 6(As usual, most of my analysis is based on Book 6. Notably from about when Ortho meets the Phantom to the Epilogue covers most of what I mentioned here).  - Book 5 (Shows his defence and also closeness with Idia, to the point of it being a little bit... too much. If that makes sense. Basically covers the first section of their relationship before getting into deeper details) - Ortho’s Dorm Uniform Vignette (Also shows his defensiveness of Idia, and implies his reliance on his brother’s opinions, changing his emotional state based on Idia’s, from proud to sad and apolegetic, and seeking validation after his prank finished.) - Fairy Gala Remix (I explained this directly, but still think it’s good to read for oneself :)) - Ortho’s Burst Gear Vignette (Reflects Ortho’s selflessness and focus on Idia’s emotions over his own. Also important timeline wise as it heavily implies that Ortho was only awoken a short while before Idia’s 3rd year at NRC based on dialogue, though this is more my interpretation. ) - Idia’s Labcoat Vignette (Shows the difference in Ortho and Idia’s maturity levels directly. ) - Idia’s Cerimonial Robes Vignette (Shows Idia’s extreme reliance on Ortho, to the point that Riddle actively points it out, and also Idia being COMPLETELY out of the loop with Ortho’s emotions and not having the mental capacity to think or care about them especially when his mental illness is getting the better of him. Also important timeline wise as it heavily implies that Ortho was only awoken a short while before Idia’s 3rd year at NRC based on dialogue, though this is more my interpretation.) - Idia’s Stargazer Gear (Shows that Idia does in fact see Robot Ortho as seperate from his real self, implies Ortho having limited memories/experiences as he chose to focus almost entirely on Idia in the memory he brought up, and Idia at least seeing that Ortho’s trying to get the two of them to grow closer together.
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ok but for the mha thing, it’s really well established that to everyone’s knowledge and at that point in the story, you can’t get a quirk after the age of 5 or so. And there’s been mention of quirk counseling for kids (although it’s a very flawed system). So how would Aizawa know that Deku’s quirk is new?
Even if he initially applied as quirkless and changed it after being accepted, Aizawa still has no reason to believe he hasn’t had that quirk since he was a little kid. At this point in the story, everyone thinks such a thing is impossible, which is part of the reason why Bakugo was so angry thinking Deku had hidden his quirk for years. Similarly, with the quirk counseling programs, Aizawa has no reason to believe any of his students would have 0 experience with their quirks.
In episode 6 they basically say that it’s possible for someone to not know they have a quirk but learn about it as a teenager or adult. That’s how Izuku isn’t regarded as some scientific miracle. Even after getting black whip.
And as you say, the quirk counselling is a flawed system so if Izuku didn’t apply as quirkless, it wouldn’t be that hard to assume Izuku didn’t get proper quirk counselling because who, in any reality, would prefer painful physical destruction over not painful physical destruction.
I apologise if I failed to explain something or if something needs more clarification
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jils-things · 9 months
◆↬ jaide e. stone ; profile↫◆
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[ pre i/ii - rgb arc - aged 0-18] (may change)
◆↬ jaide is a self-taught aprijuice merchant. she started when she was quite young - she liked to collect apricorns with her teddiursa and was quite fond of roller-skating to maximize the apriblender's juicing proficiency.
◆↬ she picked up on this trade when her mother introduced this concept to her which was still new at the time, and enjoyed this as a hobby before turning it into a profession
◆↬her childhood companions consisted of; teddiursa, hoppip, and ralts (all evolved as years go by). she is strictly not a trainer, but has practiced basic pokemon battle conduct
◆↬ jaide is an older sister to a sibling named gold, with an age gap of 8 years.
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◆↬as kids, they were an interesting duo. while they were quite the tough kids, they have their own styles in projecting it (his actions / her words). gold took an interest in skateboarding to copy her roller-skating tendencies
◆↬she wasn't exactly the same as her adult counterpart. she was a little rough around the edges and sometimes played hard with her words. she isn't the type to fight, but she knew how to get around people older than her and she was rarely afraid. she was fast, charismatic and somewhat smug
◆↬ jaide was gifted with an interesting skill to be able to read other pokemon's natures, almost psychic-like thanks to her kirlia who was able to steer her guesses in the right path. this would later be very useful when aprijuice would be popular in the pokeathalon games in allowing pokemon improve their performance in the multitude of sports*
*(this is aligned with the game mechanic where several drinks have different results with consideration on the nature of the pokemon drinking it and flavor of the drink)
◆↬most people buy her drinks because it actually refreshes the pokemon - but what customers don't know is the underlying magic it does when you mix the right flavor with the right nature/personality of pokemon. that's what fascinates her the most. this can only be achieved because of her good perception of pokemon natures.
◆↬jaide wanted to make it a point that her aprijuice business would expand beyond johto - her personal reason being to introduce the beauty of it. she sees aprijuice production as an intricate way to create natural beverages (and not artificial) for pokemon. (which admittedly, is a commonplace in johto. i.e: kurt and his pokeball production)
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[ gsc - oras arc - aged 19-25+ ] (most present frame)
◆↬jaide becomes more mild and calm in her personality due to maturity and events that occured in gsc, though she still retained the cheeky personality but it would be more sly and vague. and being a mom. of course /lh
◆↬meeting steven was definitely a curveball thrown at her direction because he's one of the rare people who can see through her cheeky facade. it's common for them to have interesting back and fourth that either sounded smart or really flirty. only they know really.
◆↬after officially being renamed to his family name, she treats aprijuice making as a hobby instead, she passes her knowledge to ruby and this helped him indulge in making pokeblocks. while it's hoenn's equivalent to her juice, she doesn't mind it as long as he's learning something.
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trivia ;
- her pokemon team consists of: (old to recently joined)
gardevoir, ursaring, jumpluff, glaceon (previously eevee), solrock, aron
- it's a bit of a running gag with new bark town's population that jaide and gold are the kids with the worst natural bed hair /lh (it's just like that)
- jaide and gold loved to skate together in the national park as kids
- the e. in her maiden name is evergreen
- goldenrod city her favorite landmark since it's the most modernized section of johto. definitely likes shopping there
- jaide doesn't skate anymore, but if she were in a floor of ice, (usually caused by her glaceon), she probably would skate a little. just for old time's sake.
- jaide has met all the johto and hoenn dexholders + only red from kanto. (mt silver incident) she has never personally seen blue, green and yellow but only through others' accounts of them
- she is right-handed.
- semi-canon statement, if she had a mega stone, it would be attached to the back of her necklace
- she supports fran.ticshipping :]]] (she also emotionally supports sapphire as she's not really good at expressing herself without being wild)
- dislikes zinnia. that's it /lh
- in my head, i imagine she's currently living in hoenn but she occasionally visits johto when she can just to see her mother and gold
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Naoto Tachibana top 10 moments!
10. Let's kick off the list with something simple but important, Naoto naming the time leaps. He's the one who helped Takemichi come up with the name, who knows without him we could all be calling them time jumps or something.
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9. Trying to prepare Takemichi for the past by giving him toman knowledge. Look Naoto tried, he really tried and it's not his fault that Takemichi seemingly forgot literally everything.
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8. Turning up to talk to Takemichi at like midnight, this poor child probably just wanted to sleep but still went outside to see Takemichi when he called and then just witnessed him having a mental breakdown while getting 0 explanation at all, he must've been so confused.
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7. Trying desperately to get Takemichi and Hina to actually talk in the future. I'm sure he regretted his decision when he realised how awkward it was but at least he tried to help them.
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6. Holding Takemichi's hand, come on did anyone not laugh here?
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5. The time he gave Takemichi a much needed pep talk in the bad toman timeline. Takemichi was losing it here, he was ready to give up and had basically lost faith in himself. Luckily Naoto was there to give him a much needed hug and encourage him to keep going. Story might've ended here without him.
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4. Being prepared to sacrifice his happy future for Takemichi's and Mikey's happiness. We don't talk about this enough but this is such a big deal for Naoto. After everything he's seen and been through he finally gets a happy future but when Takemichi begs him to shake hands again so he can go back to help Mikey he reluctantly agrees. Even though he knows doing this literally puts the whole happy future at risk. It doesn't actually work but Naoto was willing to give it up for Takemichi.
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3. Dying for Takemichi, I don't think this requires much more of an explanation.
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2. Dedicates his whole life to saving his sister. He literally studied and worked hard his whole life just to become a detective which he then spent all his time studying gangs so he could understand toman just to save Hina. Years of his life spent trying to save her, he doesn't get mentioned enough when we talk about the best tr siblings.
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1. Continously believing and not giving up on Takemichi. I've said it before and I'll say it again the whole plot happened and everyone got saved because of Naoto. He's the one who first asked Takemichi to save Hina and is the one providing constant support and knowledge about the future. Takemichi never would've succeeded without him, Naoto's so important.
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anonymous-dee · 2 years
Ranpo! Is! Autistic Coded!
Hear me out! I definitely think Ranpo from BSD is Autistic coded! It only occurred to me during my second watch-through but a lot of his mannerisms actually match up a lot with my own experiences as someone with ASD! :0
I found a whole article explaining a lot of different things that make him Autistic coded so I'll link it here! But I'll also make a TLDR version too in case the link doesn't work!
2.Missing tons of social cues
3.Obliviousness in many situations
4.Not understanding/feeling/expressing emotions the same as others
5.Comfort objects and stimming
7.Sensory issues (especially with clothing)
8.Hand flapping
9."Childish" or unusual interests/hyperfixations
I love him so much! (Even though Akutagawa is my ultimate favorite character)! I would love to elaborate on the points made above but the article does a better job than me!
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So based off of all of the Ranpo LORE revealed in the first episode his Autism beams are stronger than ever because HEAR ME OUT!!!
So it's revealed that Ranpo always gets perceived as childish even when he doesn't wish to be perceived that way (I know he's 14 but he says something along the lines of like "Here we go again, getting treated like a child") which is something many people with Autism (me included) have to deal with from our NT peers
AND! Not to mention the particular eating habits from when Fukuzawa was taking him out to eat red bean bowls with mochi in them and he didn't eat any of the mochi (in any of the 20 bowls)
AAAAAND! This is the spiciest part! It was revealed that Ranpo kept getting fired from jobs because of how blunt he was with the truth and how he would easily confront his superiors about their past or their crimes! It's so hard for many Autistic people to keep a job oftentimes because many of us don't understand social cues!
Another thing was that Ranpo automatically assumed that all of the tiny details he noticed were common knowledge and that everyone was on the same page as him, when in actuality he was noticing things that nobody else had yet to pick up on!
There were many other moments where Ranpo either didn't pick up on social cues or said/acted in ways that were out of pocket or not "normal" if that makes sense, and it only strengthens the argument that Ranpo is Autistic coded!
And then he has a small meltdown in the theater and you can clearly see people are starting to stare if you look closely
I literally relate to him so much so much so much
IN EPISODE 3, Ranpo also notes that he can't pay attention to things he has no interest in, which is something I personally really struggle with (especially as a college student RIP)
I'm not 100% sure if his breakdown at the end of episode 3 would constitute as something that should be added to this list, but I think it's noteworthy because I myself have also had similar meltdowns that went very similar to Ranpo's and I want to mention it.
I know I keep expanding this list as I find more and more content but somehow Ranpo's existence and the way he is unanimously respected and loved by the ADA is somehow really validating and comforting to me at the same time. I know BSD is fiction but somehow I see myself in Ranpo and yearn to be loved in the way that he is by all of his friends.
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kevtching · 9 months
Ok time to infodump about blorbo of the week!! AKA my main Pacific Rim OC. I'm telling things in sorta chronological order, just know my friend and I have been RPing this and there's stuff we havent gotten to yet.
Ariel Cassidy (though they usually just go by their last name so I'll be calling them Cassidy/Cass) is the child of a now retired Jaeger pilot duo based in Valparaiso, Chile. They grew up in a shatterdome and have been training for as long as they can remember. So, even though their parents said they could be anything they wanted and they'd still be proud no matter what, how could they ever even want anything else?
Their upbringing was Odd, to say the least. School didn't go well for them (being socialized around 0 kids their age and a bunch of really intense and nerdy adults didn't help) so they were mostly tutored by scientists at the shatterdome and now they know a lot about really specific topics and are sorely lacking very common knowledge in some areas. They are incredibly skilled in pretty much everything pilot-related, and that often comes with incredible arrogance. They have a complicated relationship with authority, they've had rules and respect drilled into them from a very young age but they're a little too familiar with Marshall Velez, top dog in the Valparaiso shatterdome and also their godmother (she's very good friends with their parents and often had to look after Cass while their folks were out kicking Kaiju ass) so they often step out of line. They constantly have to deal with allegations of being a nepo baby and they HATE it. More than anything, they want to prove they're more than just their parents' child, and show just how hard they've worked to be an amazing pilot. Overall they're a bit obnoxious, but they have a deep admiration for all the work done in all areas of the shatterdome and are a friendly and passionate person to talk to if you can get past initial impressions.
Though they became a pilot recruit as soon as they were old enough to qualify, they couldn't find a partner until recently. The gap in skill between them and other newbies made it hard to synchronize with any of them, but their lack of experience in the real world made them a pretty bad match for veteran pilots. This all changed when Harrison Reyes (@therafofgod's character) transferred from the Taipei shatterdome after failing to find a partner several times himself.
I'll let Raf explain Harris more in depth if he wants, but he's also from a pilot family (his brother Melchor, specifically, who trained him after having to retire following an incident that got his partner killed) and he's garnered a bit of a negative reputation after having to transfer several times. He looks scary, but he's actually a sweetheart. Cass wasn't intimidated by him, and once they got to spar together, they instantly clicked.
Their first drift test went pretty terrible. Cassidy didn't rabbit, they didn't even have time, they just rejected the drift altogether and started freaking out. Some tests were done to try and determine why they had such a strong reaction, and instead of figuring that out, they found traces of Kaiju DNA in Cass' blood. They were extremely confused, until their parents explained that Cassidy was actually made as an experiment, without their knowledge or consent, by a fringe group of scientists in the shatterdome who had long been fired for doing exactly that. They combined human DNA (they had Cass' parents' blood available from medical testing) with a bit of Kaiju to try and create basically a living weapon. They weren't sure what results it'd yield, but hopefully something that could go up against the Kaiju- they never found out, though, because when the Marshall caught wind of them creating a literal person she shut them the fuck down and was going to have the experiment terminated, but Cassidy's parents begged her to let them keep it.
They raised Cass as normal as they could and never got around to telling them they're actually a little bit the monsters they've trained their entire life to kill. So there's their first identity crisis. The enhancements aren't all that noticeable, but they can't help wondering if all their talent is just due to being a little stronger, a little tougher than a person should. At the very least, when they found out, they expected Harris to be disgusted by them. Instead, he stuck by their side, comforted them, and promised to protect them no matter what.
So, they kept training as normal and trying to figure out what went wrong with the drift and whether Cassidy can even pilot at all, considering what happened. They had a successful test (well actually they did have one between the first one and this but it got derailed by Harris rabbiting) and uncovered some trauma that Cass had blocked out from their mind. When they were young, far too young to be anywhere near drift tech, they were made to drift with an experienced pilot to gain some of his expertise, reflexes and muscle memory for fighting. This also happened without their parents, or even Marshall Velez, finding out. Cue second identity crisis, even the one thing they're good at isn't truly theirs (although they've been training continuously, and have built upon the foundations they got from that experience to make their fighting style better suited to themselves), etcetera. Worse yet, the pilot who did this was Jun, Melchor's old partner and someone who Harris really looked up to growing up. Jun was the soft edge to Mel's harshness, a kind and stable presence in an otherwise very rocky childhood. Finding out he did that to someone Harris now cares about so deeply was devastating.
Harris spoke about this over the phone with Melchor, and he decided it'd be better to have this conversation in person and just showed up uninvited. He jumpscared the duo while they were just trying to eat breakfast in peace and proceeded to be a huge dick while acting superficially nice and Cass decided they hate this fucking guy. After a very frustrating conversation and covert threats from Mel to get Harris transferred again, Cassidy decided they were getting nowhere with finding out more about Jun and excused themselves and Harris to go train. Mel tagged along and asked to try sparring with Cass, they half-accidentally punched him in the throat and that finally got him to fuck off for a bit.
Last we wrote, the duo finally had a fully successful and not panic inducing drift and simulation! With Mel's threats, they're more determined than ever to prove their worth as a duo. Harris has decided that if Cass won't be their partner, no one will. So now, they have to have a successful drop and kill a Kaiju before Melchor's meddling can tear them apart and end both their careers early.
This is about as concise as i can make anything. There's a lot more about the duo's bond which is so lovely, and also Harris is a really interesting character and so are Mel and Jun and the Marshall and we have a bunch of great side characters I didn't even mention. Raf if you wanna reblog and explain some more about Harris I would love that very much but no pressure.
Also, it hasn't been written yet but once exposed to Kaiju, Cass will start to manifest a few subtly monstrous features. Does it make sense? Not really. But this is my house and I do what my heart demands and my heart wants fucked up little guys.
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grizzersmamma · 1 month
Favourite Fics Tag Game!
Got tagged by the lovely @ghouljams to join in with the current ask game going around where you need to share your two favourite fics that you've written. This was really hard because I didn't know if I should pick my more popular ones or my lesser known ones, because I love all my children equally lmao.
Call of Duty Daemon AU
This is a crossover between Call of Duty and His Dark Materials. The general premise is that each person has a "daemon" a physical manifestation of their soul in the form of an animal. There are other concepts from the HDM AU, but you don't really need much of a background knowledge of the universe to read it.
My favourite of the ones currently uploaded would have to be Bloody Paws and Broken Strings, since that covers a large amount of Simon's backstory and his personal trauma (but with a side of GhostSoap). Working on a Gaz centric part and a request for Ghost meeting Soap's family for the first time!
Masterlist Link
Ghosts & Monsters - Primeval AU
For the Ghost x Reader girlies among us, this one is a crossover with the Primeval universe. It gets basically 0 attention since not many people know of the old BBC show since it was running at the same time as Doctor Who on TV and got rather overlooked. But for those who love dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, plus a massive heaping of angst, this may be the story for you!
Again, it's not a popular fanfic, but it has a special place in my heart, so I'll be continuing updates on it for my own attention. (For the Nikto girlies I have something in the works for him too set in this universe lmao).
Masterlist Link
IDK if I should do this on my alt blog too?? Anyway, I'm not 100% sure who has and hasn't been tagged for this, so if you've already been tagged then feel free to ignore. No pressure to do so as always. @istanmyman @lethalchiralium @cyber-nya @imrowanartist
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anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
I've got a bunch of random questions from off the top of my head so pardon me for this...
• Who is. More likely to own 10 cats between the trio :3c
• Who is more likely to fall asleep on the couch while watching tv and the one most likely to either tuck that person in or carry them to their bed
• Any "irrational" fears that the trio got? :0
• Fave flavour of ice cream if they eat / can eat em
• How old is Minnie— I assume Buck and Davey are in their 40s-50s so I won't ask abt that! Unless you clarify, that's alr too :3c
• How would the trio react if. They met clones of themselves and had to figure out which are the OG ones out of each other...........
• Can I pet da Cookie... Also does da Cookie bite.......
It's a close one - Minnie's the big animal-lover of the trio, but also because of that, I think she'd be more likely to recognize when Too Much Is Too Much and try to get those cats to other, safe, loving homes. Davey, similarly, is soft-hearted and would be likely to get attached, but is also fairly responsible and would know when to cut himself off. Buck will swear up and down he hates animals but he is also soft-hearted deep down, so I think he would be the most likely to get suckered into Ten Cats and have a hard time letting go of any of 'em.
Davey is a chronic couch napper, full stop. That said, I think Davey's the most likely to carry either of the other two to bed and/or tuck them in. (He's also the strongest of the trio - Buck can lift either of them if he really has to, but it's certainly not easy for him, and I don't think Minnie could pick up A Grown Adult Man on her own. at most she might be able to drag them a short distance. like, say, dragging Davey's napping ass off the couch so she can sit down)
They're all a little bit paranoid in their own ways, though in all their cases a lot of their fears aren't "irrational" so much as "very much rational but impacting their life in ways that aren't healthy". they are all so normal
Davey's favorite is a rocky road. I think Minnie probably likes a fruity sorbet best, but she'll have basically anything and be happy; I think she's probably a sucker for dumb novelty flavors too. Buck continues to argue that Regular Unflavored Yogurt With Nothing In It counts as an ice cream and he WILL die on that hill
Minnie has just recently turned 13 when the comic starts! (For the record, Buck is 49 and Davey is 46 - I usually just say "middle aged" but they DO have exact ages)
I think they would ignore the clones, conclude (probably correctly) that resident mad scientist Dr. Practis had something to do with this, and go after Practis to solve the problem rather than engage with the heart of the problem at all. (That said, Buck and Davey have enough of a long and intimate history with each other that, assuming the clones are purely aesthetically identical and don't have any of the originals' knowledge, they could probably pick out the real deal in no time. Minnie would probably be tougher for them since they're still getting to know her; Minnie, similarly, would have a tough time picking out the right Buck and Davey.)
Cookie was a class pet up until Minnie stole her took her home to watch over spring break and then never went back, so she's pretty amenable to pets and has a Very High Tolerance for bullshit before biting. She Will escape at first opportunity, though, so watch out
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anakliro · 3 months
Random facts abt the twins
*** I got carried away at some point, also SPOILERS WARNING
— They were VERY active in their childhood. Always up to something, always the mess, I don’t know how their mother dealt with them, bless her patient and loving soul.
— Their birth times are 23:59 and 0:00 respectively.
— Naïse and Anatole both love the Beatles, because they were their mom’s favorite band. She used to turn them on regularly, and Anatole brought a shirt with the Beatles’ logo to Andromeda.
— Anatole used to be quite popular in school, especially with girls. Bright blue eyes, radiant smile, and a warm type charisma did their thing.
— Naïse has a weak spot for dark red roses. No idea where Reyes got her those, but he might have pulled some strings on the Nexus… Or the Tempest.
— Naïse believes in a higher power and a greater good despite her rather critical view of the world.
— Naïse and Anatole’s personality types are closest to ENFJ and ESFJ respectively.
— Ellen once gave Naïse a tight red top she used to wear in her youth. Naïse ended up wearing it to several outings on Kadara. She likes to dress up at least once in a while.
— Naïse has a complex and complicated relationship with romantic love. It’s something she greatly desires, but is also afraid of. She falls in love slowly (usually, at least), and she didn’t really have positive experience with romance throughout her life. And because love has shown to be temporary, untrustworthy, and painful, she grew wary of it. But still, she respects and values everything the people she was in love with gave her, and remembers the events in great detail. It’s not like Naïse didn’t let go of her past lovers, but she keeps the memories at the back of her head and returns to them from time to time. It’s like wandering around a museum, admiring something old and beautiful, without the attachment or heart wrenching pain. The fear remained, though.
— And despite some questionable moments, Reyes was the person who Naïse was finally able to let go of the fear of love with. That was truly some very unexpected success, the one she had to take a huge leap of faith for. She might be scared, yes, but she is the type of person who would “be scared, but do it anyway”. And damn the consequences. It’s nothing she can’t handle, anyway, been there, done that.
— And the thing is, it all paid off tenfold. It was liberating. From she shadiest man possible she got such deep mutual trust, friendship, understanding and, well, love, I can’t say she ever experienced anything like this with any of her previous lovers. Reyes basically lulled her weary heart into long awaited bliss and pure happiness. Something he himself, perhaps, desired for a long time (but got used to failure in love, too). A Pathfinder’s search is never over, but here, a forever home has indeed been found.
— Speaking of the never ending search, it’s quite fitting to Naïse’s nomadic personality. I can’t see her living in one place for more than several years, standing still, head empty of all thought. The mind is always restless, the legs are restless, the eyes hunger to see, more, more, more. Perhaps, she would like to settle one day, but her duty and other circumstances would always drag her elsewhere. And that’s exactly how she likes it.
— This is where Anatole differs from Naïse. Like his sister, he has a drive for knowledge and action, but he’s way more grounded and “fixed”. His roots run deep, once he adapts to his surroundings. He knows he needs stability, and got good at keeping it. And that's where Naïse depended on him from time to time when they were both teenagers. He always gave her peace of mind, helped her stop her brain race and provided an anchor of sorts, because with all this drive it's sometimes difficult to push stop when you have your gas pedal to the floor all the time. — In return, Naïse helped Toly deal with uncertainty. Adaptation and change aren't exactly things he's verse in, these things rock him hard, even if he wants them, and he relied on his sister for support. You can also see and feel the impact of when he fell into a coma and then broke out of it to find out that Naïse lied to him about their father's death and the state of Nexus, even if it was for a good reason. He had every reason to be angry at Naïse, but he chose not to in the end. And that's because he couldn't be mad at his sister for long, and at anyone, really. One quality that the twins do share utterly and fully is sound benevolence, the ability to step into the other's shoes. To listen, to understand, even if hey disagree.
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xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
Anything you'd be willing to share on the bjd project?
What inspired you, intended size. etc?
i actually just pretty much finished the model so perfect timing lmao
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the size is around 30cm so average barbie size or 1/6th scale i believe?? im not actually that knowledgeable about bjd terms and shit i just want a pretty doll i can pose better than my eah dolls 💀
for inspirations this model is based on my c.a cupid design (aka big booby curvy cupid my beloved) because im insane and obsessed ofc so it only makes sense i make the bjd of her. but there wasn't really any doll inspirations?? i mean i looked at hundreds to figure out just how the fuck bjd's actually work since i dont even own one or anything (my made to move barbie actually helped a bit, she has somewhat similar mechanics so i could sometimes study her movements and shapes as i worked) , but i really just wanted a more realistic looking curvy doll so i kinda winged it because most i saw are really simplistic, over exaggerated, anime inspired or just skinny. even then she still isn't as curvy as i would have liked mostly for the fact that it was hard to find references that would show me how to deal with the pose limitations curvy dolls have.
i will say, her joints arent actually sculpted by me. i used the free elbow/knee joint and peanut hip joint by aelithArt because i literally have 0 blender experience and when i started i didnt think i could handle making joints yet. i might be able to now after finally finishing my first project, and maybe i will try to make some eventually but for now im fine with using the premade ones.
like i said she is literally my first blender and 3D modeling project ever, the only experience with blender i had before this was occasionally downloading it thinking "im going to finally learn blender" struggling to do basic things for an hour and then just uninstalling because i couldn't do anything 💀 but this time i actually followed the character sculpt tutorial by bran sculpts on youtube, and fuck it helped me so much- my ass had no idea how to use a subdivision surface or boolean before it 😭
this finished model is also the result of a second try, the first model i started and posted about on here i actually quit it because i ran into issues i didn't know how to fix at the time. im much happier with this one's face and body though, although i kinda really miss the massive tits of my old one and might make a version of the bust piece with similar boobs (part of me also really wants a penis version of the hip piece so i can make cupid cock real LMAOO).
here's a comparison of the two (old left, new right)
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she has her elastic channels all hollowed out (they should fit 3mm elastics if i did my measurements right, but then again i dropped out of school at 13 so dont take my word) and the inside of her head has supports for small magnets to be added.
basically all thats left for me to do is to save up and get an actual resin 3D printer because i dont actually have one 💀 thats right i spent all this time making her knowing i have no way to actually print her 😭 i cant even show off this achievement to people i know like my parents because i don't know how to explain why i sculpted a doll with nipples and a vagina.
no one even knows i draw nsfw art despite it being literally all i draw now, i just don't want these kind of conversations with anyone i know 😭 despite my shameless hornyness online i am actually very shy about these subjects when it comes to people i know irl 😔
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