#it's raining and i dont have keys to the shop
Boss: you need to get here earlier so you can help Colleague set up before the shop opens
Boss: *is consistently late*
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
also another reason i play picc despite it causing my migraines is because i can use it to win arguments. Like any other instrument you have no right to complain about piccolo being "too high" when i am playing it and it gives ME migraines. like. ok coward. what do u even have to complain about
#also its literally NEVER the flutes or oboes (who sit on either side of me) complaining even though they are third closest lol#(first two closest being my right ear and my left ear respectively btw)#ive had them be like wtf thats so high when im on a REALLY stupidly high note but its always in solidarity with me lol#complainers are always like trumpets and low brass and its like Damn that sucks dude.#It must be so hard for u to be like 20+ feet away from it at all times. Sounds like the hardest thing in the world its a good thing nobody#in the ensemble has to specifically be exactly that distance closer to it. Say about 3in away Per Ear. That would just be. Awful#disclaimer picc is fun i love playing picc its great#other benefits include: small i can just put it in my backpack :) flute can also do that but only if i dont have a ton of stuff in there#actually easier to play faster passages than on flute bc the keys are smaller and therefore lighter#marching picc is great cause you dont have to worry as much about rain cause its so little#and also people Will hear u#fun fact my picc that i own has problems with the cork in the headjoint being loose#and therefore the crown and everything can just. Come out. (NOT supposed to happen)#so their name is Lottie which is short for. Lobotomy.#which reminds me i need to take her to a repair shop again bc not only is that cork loose AGAIN (i dont think they actually replaced it the#first time which is Annoying) But Also the glue on the pad on the A flat key has come out a few times. Which strictly speaking i can fix#myself bc its just hot glue and a lighter but it gives me an excuse to be like Hey. Replace the fucking cork this time okay? ive soaked it#about 8 million times and it didnt work. Its dried out i PROMISE it just needs replacing#maybe ill mention im a music student so they believe me
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nerdie-faerie · 5 months
This has got to be the worst move out yet
#packing perils#student living#Uni shenanigans#ace is a mess#oh my god. okay so we start on Tuesday ive been gradually moving my stuff over to my friends house#cus were moving in together in September and shes staying in her place over the summer so well have everything in one place to move in#so take some stuff over to hers on tuesday before her shift then we walk to work together i collect her keys and say bye#go back to mine pack up some more stuff warned her i planned on doing 2 trips while she was working so start figuring out whats going#end up with two tote bags a crate a box and a large bag of boxes decide ill take the heavier tote bag and the box on the first trip#as i cant really carry much else with the box due to its awkward size even though its not particularly heavy and cut through the park to#shave off some time feel pretty good when i get there it wasnt unbareable esp after Saturday when carrying 4 heavy shopping bags ended up#covering me in bruises and scratches and messing my back shoulder and neck up so i feel like underestimated myself on this trip and like i#can take everything on the next trip well its already late in the day cus my mate does evening shift so by time i get back its half 9 so i#decide to cut through the park again to save time but the large shopping bag with my saucepans casserole dish etc is difficult to carry due#to how bulky it is and the crate tho it has handles is also unwieldy so my arms are being bruised and scratched up i cant waste time carryin#everything back home just to put one thing down at this point but im considering putting the biggest bag down in some overgrown plants in#the park speeding to my mates and coming back for it its a stupid and risky idea but its getting dark the sun is almost completely set and#no matter how often i rest i just cant manage it and my damn brain starts worrying about being murdered so i ditch the bag and i can move#much quicker now so rush to my mates and rush back reassure her as im leaving hers that i am bringin her keys back its just after 11 at this#point cus its over 35 minutes to get to hers i get back to the park in just over 20 my bag is still there! and i dont get attacked get my#stuff to her room then hustle to get to her job before she finishes at 12 get there a few minutes to spare shes not ready to go yet anyway#she tells me shes not comfortable with me walking back in the dark i should stay at hers i cant ive got an assignment so she says shes#walking me to mine then going to her boyfriends 5 mins down the road get back to mine shower have dinner and crank out my Wednesday 4pm#assignment by 7am go to bed get about 2 hours sleep before tge fire alarm is tested and then ive got to be up for a meeting with our new#landlord anyway and ofc its raining come back from our meeting grab food and start packing up some more sht get buses over to hers this time#together come back pack some more hope the rain dies down a bit but it doesnt look like its stopping and i somehow fcked my foot carrying#stuff earlier so she texts a coworker asking if they can pick us up they agree so organise a few more things but then a puddle causes their#car to break down the next bus is in over half hour so mate decides shes gonna run to her boyfriends to charge her phone while we wait for#the next bus to be due while shes gone i finish sorting things she then calls asks me to book a taxi cus the rain has only gotten worse when#taxi arrives realise that student accom is basically flooded deciding what to do while at hers cus the weather is unbareable she goes to get
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 5 months
Growing Pains (MWC Day 7!)
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Pairing: RE2 Leon Kennedy x Male Reader Summary: College AU! Your life kind of sucks but at least you have your job. Words: 1,693/200 Warnings: Nothing Happens! Not Edited! Notes: So far this first part is just me world-building and getting the feel of everything. Im hoping to turn this into a series, this is also an apology for the joke of a "fic" I left you with yesterday. Im on some new ADHD meds so I hope it's going to keep getting easier to be motivated. I actually enjoyed writing this.
Navigation | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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You were really starting to doubt walking to work was a good idea, It had stopped sprinkling outside and had turned into a full-on downpour. Earlier at home you’d reasoned with yourself that walking to work was a great idea and that the roads were probably icy from all of the rain you’d gotten yesterday. Yet, here you were; nearly soaked and not even halfway to the coffee shop you worked at.
Your shoes were starting to squelch and your socks were drenched, you just prayed that today would be slow so you could leave early and sleep. But If you did you’d probably feel bad leaving your co-worker, Claire, she was a good kid, pretty and sweet and really good with the customers. If she was working, everyone knew they'd be getting good tips, she was only a few years younger than you, and a freshman in the same college you attended. 
She always seemed happy and well-rested when she came in so you assumed she never had a ton of schoolwork. You finally arrive fully soaked to the bone and shivering, the lights inside are already on so you assumed Claire had gotten there first, how she’d gotten a key you really have no idea. The shop was small, located conveniently only a block or two from campus but you'd long since moved out of the dorms and into your own apartment. 
You probably wouldn't say your entire freshman year was awful but your dorm mate had been a lively Spaniard going by the name Luis. The man was funny and helpful but he would have been way more funny and helpful if he had been dormmates with someone else. He’d made your entire freshman year seem like one constant headache, his incessant yapping, smoking, and partying had been the candles atop the cake of stress that was your first year of college.
When he asked if you wanted to room together your second year, you’d lied and said you already had an apartment lined up. He caught you in that lie, and when you were rushing to get an apartment (and a job) he had ‘accidentally’ dropped a flier for a one-bathroom studio a few blocks from campus, he’d ‘coincidentally’ been neighbors too. You look back in the direction you came from dreading when Luis wakes up and would eventually wander into the shop. 
For some unknown (most likely paranormal) reason, Clair actually liked Luis, not having been subjected to his torture for a year, she said she found him weirdly charming and funny and they got along surprisingly well. Naturally, with their big-mouthed extrovertedness, they told each other absolutely everything, meaning Luis would have some choice words to say about your predicament later.
You huff and walk inside, already feeling a migraine coming on, your shoes track in water as you squelch into the back room. Claire looks up from her locker alarmed at the ungodly noises your shoes were making; it was  a mix of wet rubber souls on the glossy linoleum and the sloshing of your shoes holding more water than the ocean. She takes in your appearance, her eyes crinkling at the sides as she tries unsuccessfully to hide a laugh.
She gives you the dignity of hiding behind her locker door to cough out a short poorly disguised chuckle before composing herself and looking back up at you “The hell happened to you?” She squawks still trying to hold in a laugh. You can't really blame her and you dont, if the roles were switched you know you'd laugh at her too. “I walked.” it’s all you have to say for her to break into an unflattering cackle, 
She laughs and points as you flop onto a plastic chair to peel off your water-logged shoes, you pour the water out in the filthy mop bucket while making a promise to yourself to get new water in there before your shift is over. You get up to drop your sad wet shoes over the vent and then peel off your drenched socks, dumping them onto the vent next to your shoes with a gross slap.
For some reason Claire seems to find all of this incredibly funny, she’s leaned back dramatically against the lockers clutching her belly as she howls with laughter. You look over at her wholly unamused and sigh before padding over to the lockers, thankfully the workplace is prone to messes so you always keep a spare uniform at work. You pull the folded clothes out of your locker and fetch a pair of crocks from your manager's locker, 
Your manager, Jill, was a well-respected (and feared) hard-working woman. She’d been the manager for nearly as long as she’d worked at the shop, her great work ethic and no-nonsense attitude had gotten her noticed by a lot of people in higher positions. When you were hired at the shop she was finishing up her junior year and getting ready to transition into a senior, she was a lot easier to talk to and get along with,
Because of that the two of you clicked quickly and ended up with a lot of hours together. As time went on though, the two of you were getting more and more stressed, and dogpiled with work until you were both working fewer hours with different people. She still tried to keep in contact; always texting to ask you how your morning was or what you were up to, it was sweet and it made you happy when she texted, part of you was enjoying the feeling of having someone dote on you like this.
Your phone alarm chimes, reminding you that you only have a few minutes left until the store has to open, you can hear Claire leaving the break room to tidy up the eating area and wipe down the tables and counters. You quickly slip on a dry pair of socks and Jill’s crocks before making your way to the front of the shop to unlock the store and turn the open sign on, opening wasn't your favorite, 
But recently you’d been pulling all-nighters to get your work done so by the time you needed to get into work you were already awake, you worked in a coffee shop so you had everything you needed to keep yourself up for the day. Your routine is as natural as breathing at this point, blending the hours into one, you have no idea that it’s already lunchtime until the lunch regulars start pouring in. 
The sweet old Marine Biology professor is first to come in, she’s well over sixty but she acts like she’s still young, ordering a single shot of expresso heavy on milk and sugar, a tuna sandwich, and a cookie. She’s definitely your favorite regular, polite, and tips well, she always leaves with a bright smile on her face like she’s happy to be alive, it's infectious. The other regulars aren't all that notable, a few professors and students needing a pick-me-up to get through the rest of the day. 
The only other customer that sticks out is another student, he’s about Claire’s age, and by the way they act around each other, they're definitely friends. Claire always waits to take her break when he comes in, she gets the same sandwich and always pays for his cookie, if you weren't any smarter you'd think they were dating but you notice the way his eyes linger in your direction, 
You’ve picked up how he always comes in when you’re working. He’s helplessly obvious but you dont have the heart to confront him, he's always got this cute lost puppy look on his face when you take his order, helplessly stumbling out his words and blushing like a high school girl. You pretend you dont notice and play dumb every time Claire tries to play matchmaker purely because it's cute watching him fumble, and you’ve never claimed you’re not selfish.
Part of you wants to wait until he grows the balls to come up and confess but the other part is just content to watch him suffer like this forever- “I thought you left in different clothes, what happened to your sweater?” You’re pulled out of your thoughts by satan himself, Luis picks at your new shirt and pouts like a dejected child, “None of your business.” You brush his hand off, 
Not surprised he knew what you were wearing earlier, you tap the screen of the register having memorized his order; the same boring coffee with the same boring bagel. You can't help yourself, you try to keep quiet but you like teasing Luis back, he deserves it, “Keep eating carbs like this and you’ll get fat.” You’re not trying to be an asshole and he knows it but it doesn't stop Luis from acting like it was a personal attack. He feigns heartbreak as dramatically as he can, 
Catching the attention and stares of the other customers, you can tell Luis is about to double down but Claire swoops in and drags him off to her table along with his food. Most of the customers go back to their food but a few eyes linger between you and Luis, you roll your eyes and get back to work, not really, there's nothing much for you to do anymore, the lunch rush slows everything down, you look down at the time on your phone making sure your shift is nearly over before you disappear into the break room to refill the mop bucket and check on your clothes. 
Your clothes are sort of moist and have a weird rain smell, your socks have dried weird and your shoes should be ruined, but you dont really have the money to get a new pair. Hearing your other co-worker arrive you tuck Jill’s shoes back into her locker and put your shoes back on, you cringe as the squelch and water seeps out of the foam and into your socks, you shuffle awkwardly back to the front and clock out before hurrying out of the shop, not sparing anyone left in there a goodbye.
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ADDITIONAL NOTES! //skip this if you dont care//
Let me know if you like this new format(?) its a lot more low effort than anything I've tried in the past, just coloring some things and putting little text dividers.
ALSO, Let me know if you want me to continue writing gender-neutral or just not being gender specific, I find writing from this perspective to be super easy but so far it's been pretty difficult incorporating gendered things into this style (not that I've tried)
you can either comment, ask, or dm, its up to you
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devilish-parrot · 4 months
Tally Hall themed names for pets:
you can also use this to name your children (or renaming yourself)
If you own a tally hall themed zoo(bin), then you know where to look for names
these are all of course only sugestions. im not forcing you to name you dog zirconium pants.
Most of this isnt serious but if you see some good ideas, go for it. youre welcome in advance
(this has been sitting in my drafts for months and ive lost motivation to finish it but you can roughly guess how it goes)
peoples names:
Electric guitar
Acoustic guitar
Roland Amp
Pair names:
What, When
Circles, Spirals
Birds, Bees (unfortunetly most people will think its a sex ed reference)
Mary-Kate, Ashley (most ppl will think its a direct reference to the olsen twins though)
Juno, Sun
Good, Evil
T, A-L-L-Y
Case, Bass
Click, Flick
Collectable, Delectable
No Answers, No Questions
Bubmle, Mumble
Once, Twice
Where, There
Here, There
Twice, Thrice
Direction, Voice
Double, Bonus
Bung Vulchungo, Zimbabwe Songbirds
Laugh, Kick it back
Rythm, Rhyme
Whether, Whatever
Whether, Anything
Bungalay, Bungalow
Too much, Not enough
Back, Forth
One Thing, Another
Spring, Storm
Enthusiastic, Alive
Silent, Explosive
Over Again, Never Again
Laugh, Clap
Serious, Delirious
Gallows, Ghetto
Town, Meadow
Billows, Over the Sun
End of a time, Another Begun
sky, all the land
Song Lyrics:
Good Day
Id like to say hello and welcome you good day
Glass eyes
Cardboard houses
Xray Vision
Silly Rhymes
Silly games
Question Marks
2. Greener
Breaking me slowly
Greener shade of envy
3. Welcome to Tally Hall
Mini Mall
Mega Mart
Eddie Thatch (most ppl will think youre directly referencing blackbeard)
Tizzy Hizzy
Tally Hall (not the most creative but whatever)
Automated Players
Suave Fellow
Heterophonic Tunes
Proud Loud Guy
Sipping 'gnac (or Cognac)
Bill Laimbeer
Unpredictable Games
English Chap
Robo-Electronic Ebonics
Quick Distraction
Mechanic Attraction
Good Old-Fashioned Puppet Show
Marionette Quintet
We think we're playing in a band
4. Taken For a Ride
Helpless land
Sadistic Mystic
Fifteen Flights
Painted Whispered Light
Forgotten Hill
Stranded Senate
White Brick House
Lonely Papaerbacks
Wooden Sign
One Secondary Smile
Extra Mile
Chemistry (is gone)
Taken for a Ride
World Renowned
Last real day of silence
Picture of a Letter
No Secrets (In the door)
5. The Bidding
Mmm-mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm (you have to hum the tune)
Cardboard Box
Liqor shop
Pavlov Dog
(Activate my) Bell
(Not a) Single Lady
I graduated at the Top
(I like to take advantage of the) Bourgeoisie
Couple bucks
Four Times a Lady
Dont shop Around
The Bidding
He's Sold
6. Be Born
Quite Content
Swimming Pool
Pink-Skinned Babes
Forever Young
See the Sun
Six Inches
Dozen People
(Follow my) Instruction
Little Ball
Bah/ Dah/ Baheyah
7. Banana Man
Colonel P.T Chester Whitmore
Bung Vulchungo
Zimbabwe Songbirds
Banana man
White Hot Sand
Banana Tree
Banana Flow
Mm mm mm mmm
Spirit Game
Spirit Names
Spirit Cloud
Fire light
Little Fun
Bumping of the drum
Go with the Flow
Whatever you may never know
Beckoning Man
Nine o clock
Busy Town
8. Just Apathy
Just one state of mind
Something better
(no) Perfect find
Why i bother
Consider the Possibility
Im so tired
I feel bad
I made her sad
I need to learn
Step blindly
close my eyes
Acting kindly
9. Spring and a Storm
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Please stop complaining
Clouds growled overhead
Drained my soul away
Mr moon
Eternally high (great name for a giraffe)
Over and over and over again
Never again
10. Two Wuv
little thing
just a fling
solely mine
great eyes
enrolled in your school
im calling from tally hall
say that again slowly
lovliness blossomed
11. Haiku
ancient asian poetry
lost in the sauce
formulaec verse
tried attempts
lah da dee diddum lah dah dah dum ditto dum doo lah dee doh
12. the whole world and you
pretty people
passing letters
questions answered
la la la la la la la la la la la la
distant cities
revealed the truth
not about me
13. Ruler of everything
juno was mad
shot at the sun
wily one only friend
mechanical hands
ruler of everything
zurconium pants
standing so tall
side of the hill
observing the birds
circle in for the kill
detective undercover brotherhood
objective obscene
flibbity jibbity jibber jabber
word to sell story to tell
ringing the bell
you resemble a fool
bumbling dragon
14. Hidden in the sand
playing in the sand
found a little band
bid adieu
buy a pony
15. Mucka Blucka
mucka blucka
mucka ba-ba
jerk chicken
Good & Evil
Never meant to know
lay of the land
feather in cap
sun in the sand
together again
the earth can stay below
meat from the bone
perfectly equal
being alone
outermost clime
parts combine to one
around the sun
the sun the shadows cast
reasons on the other hand
2. &
love of the s*n
martyr claiming friends
either perspective of &
weak, strong
wet, dry
right, wrong
live, die
sane, gone
love, not
we forgot
hear it
dont deny it
high, low
new, old
stop, go
hot, cold
john, yoko
dark, light
good night
lesson fron their fathers
same command
lives stuck beside
words, numbers
sound, silence
stop the peace, keep the violence
no, yes
we digress
sad, hapenis (i know how to spell happiness i just cant unhear "ha penis oh god")
big bad betty
golden rule
jungle meet
nothing to love, no one to beat
thungs we know, things we dont
think, cant, will, wont
loath to gather
together, bereft
capitalists, communists
hokey pokey
hate eachother, love yourselves
heaven, hell
3. you & me
starting out a road
carefully unload
another seed to sow
getaway undone
divine, circular design
do do-do do-do
time, place
points along a line
keep on turning
sitting in the park
carefully remark
better when youre learning
in the dark
keep on turning
turn away and around
ive been coming down
4. cannibal
place where she can stay
need to feed
willing victim
rips out my bones
blood is drained
calls it a game
dig up the skeletons
corners disguised
phantom of glammer
5. who you are
sitting, waiting, hoping
air, night, airplane
flight overcame
emmiting a glow
holding the thoughts
thinking too often
little aloft
not enough heart
armed to the teeth
falls down
rose up, rode underground
finding found
6. sacred beast
service of the king
in control of everything
queen decides
lives, dies
tonight we will sing
love, *humming and whistling*
easiest thing
slay the sacred beast
claim our innocence
wont return
riding high
easisest thing
claim our innocence
it knows its only truth
made of lies
auht, ever-wise
other sides of our disguise
seperate peace
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felixsramen · 1 year
When i saw the part where y/n said that she was an introvert and loves reading i was in tears really i wanna thank this person that she reqested that!
So i wanna ask if you could do maybe a oneshot where y/n has a really down day couldnt sleep and when it was morning she was out for groceries and the members were at work and when they came home they saw y/n lying on the couch sleeping but with a book in their hand and the members realize how much y/n was struggling lately and they do something to help her getting better maybe? If thats okay for you i mean you dont habe to but i would really love that
I really liked this ask. Im sorry it's a little short though.
It was probably about 4am now. You were awake on the giant bed that your boyfriends had decided to buy so you all could sleep together. You were currently in-between Changbin and I.N. It was raining at this point and the rain matched your mood. You couldn't sleep after being stressed from work and getting that promotion that had you working later. Instead you climb out of the bed and make your way to the living room.
It hadn't been even a week of getting that promotion. You go to the blinds and open them all the way. You watch as another flash of lightning brightened the sky. You couldn't help but sit on the couch by the window looking out it.
The rain splattered across the sky and you watch as the leaves and tiny branches from the tree in the front yard come down. You couldn't help but cry. You had been yelled at yesterday by your boss for the stack of papers that she had gave you earlier in the week, when she had given you the promotion, hadn't all been filled out by yesterday.
Luckily she didn't force you to do another day of work and told you she expected it done when you returned. It didn't make you feel any better though knowing this was just the first week. It didn't help that your boyfriends were busy working and getting ready for their comeback. So they were staying late practicing and would come home tired and just ready to eat and rest. It didn't bother you much but you were starting to miss spending time with them.
You were sobbing at this point as the droplets hit your window covering it up. Eventually the tears dried and so did the rain but the clouds were still grey. You had stayed up all night and into the morning.
You hear the door open. The light turns on and you see Seungmin who has bed hair. He yawns and stretches. "What are you doing in here this early?" He asks you in his morning voice.
"Couldn't sleep." You tell him and he makes his way to the couch. He goes up to you and climbs onto the couch cuddling into you. Your hand goes to his hair and he sighs.
"They'll be getting up in a few minutes. I have to get ready for work too." He says yawning again. Your nails go into his hair and scratch his scalp and he sighs with content.
He slowly pulls away from you reluctantly. He goes into the room again probably to get the rest of the boys up. Within 30 minutes the house is full with your 8 boyfriends.
"Fucking hell. It's too early for this." Jisung whines onto Hyunjin who is half asleep but ready to go on the other couch.
Your other 6 boyfriends make their way to the living room. "I really don't want to go. Sometimes I wish I had decided to do literally anything else that doesn't involve me waking up at the ass crack of dawn." Minho grumbles as he grabs the keys.
Chan nods eyes heavy as he takes a sip of his coffee. "I'm so tired." Jisung whines again.
"Lets go. They said they'd let us leave work early and then we'll have a couple days off after." Chan says taking another sip of the coffee he made.
The boys file out of the house waving at you and telling you they love you. Changbin sighs. "We'll be back around 1." He says bag on his shoulder.
"I'd appreciate it if you went shopping today. I left money on the nightstand." Minho says yawning and you nod your head.
"I love you." He says and you return it. He sighs as he closes the door behind him. You let out your own sigh.
You weren't feeling much better. You instead went on your phone scrolling through for the next few hours before you decide to go to the grocery store.
You don't feel good about yourself so you throw on a pair of sweatpants and one of Felixs hoodie, opting on going for a more lazy look. Who cared anyways? It was just the grocery store. You grab the money that sat on the nightstand and you put it in your wallet and grab your purse shoving it inside.
It didn't take you long getting in the car and going to the store. Luckily Minho had made a list of things that you needed to get. You were quick to find them knowing you couldn't stand being out in public at the moment. You checked the list once again making sure you had gotten everything.
Your phone buzzes. "Also me and Bin need protein shakes for working out. Love you and thank you!" A message from Chan reads. You try your best not to make a face at the mention of the protein shakes Chan and Changbin would chug. You sigh but go towards that aisle.
You quickly grab it and check out. You were glad the house wasn't too far. You got home and put the groceries up quickly and it was around noon. You wondered if the boys kept your book out that you had currently been reading or if Minho had put it up with the rest of your books.
You go to the drawer occupying the room and open it finding your book. Luckily the bookmark was in it still. Jisung had a habit of picking your book up wrong and the bookmark falling out of it. You grab the book shutting the drawer. You make your way to the hall closet grabbing an extra blanket from there and making your place on the couch.
You had gotten halfway through the book before your eyes started getting heavy. Not being able to sleep last night must've taken a toll on you because before long your eyes give up on you.
The boys pull up to the house getting out. "Why did we have to be there so long today? I thought we were getting out at 3." He complains as he grabs his bag.
"We would've left around 1 if you spent more time practicing than complaining about doing it." Hyunjin says glaring at his boyfriend.
"It was hard and we were there all dayyyy." Jisung says dragging out his last word.
Minho raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "You literally got it in like 20 minutes after you stopped complaining." He says as Chan grabs the keys from his pocket.
"So you're saying it's all my fault?" He says pouting.
"No it's not Ji. You weren't the only one complaining instead of practicing we all were." Changbin says as Chan unlocks the door letting them inside.
"Y/N!!!!" Jisung yells out for you ready to jump on you and smother you with love. Instead he sees you on the couch with a blanket and one of your books laying on you.
He comes up to you and the boys follow behind. Usually you'd be up doing stuff around the house to keep you busy while your boyfriends were gone on your off days.
"She's asleep." Jisung says to his boyfriends.
"We can see that Ji." Hyunjin says to him. Jisung glares at his boyfriend.
"You know what I meant." Jisung says looking back at you.
"I don't think she slept at all last night." Seungmin says speaking up to his boyfriends. They look at him confused.
He sighs. "I got up before you guys and I didn't see her so of course I went looking for her. I saw her looking out the window on the couch. So I went up to her and asked what she was doing up so early. She told me she couldn't sleep." Seungmin says to his boyfriends and they look at you concerned.
"I woke up at one point and noticed she wasn't in bed but I didn't think much of it at the time. I was too tired." Felix says to his boyfriends.
"How long has she been like this?" Changbin asks no one in particular.
"I think we should be concerned Chan." I.N. says and he nods.
"I don't think any of us realized how much she's going through especially with the new promotion." Minho says sighing.
Chan nods once again. Minho grabs the book and places the book mark in it. He sighs watching you.
"Should we wake her?" Hyunjin asks his boyfriends. Chan shakes his head.
"Not yet." Minho says agreeing with Chan.
"We should at least take her to the room." Felix says and they nod. Changbin scoops you up into his arms careful to not wake you up taking you in the room and laying you down.
Jisung and I.N. climb in bed too pressing their bodies against you. You cuddle into I.N.s chest who stays still. "Since we have the next few days off I think we should come up with days we each try and spend with her." Chan says and the boys agree.
"Me, Hyunjin, and Innie were going to go to the new little coffee shop tomorrow. We were planning on inviting her too." Seungmin says replying to his boyfriend.
"Okay good. For the next few days we're off let's all invite her to go with us wherever we go." Changbin says watching you.
You slowly open your eyes to being cuddled behind and in front of you. "Hey love. How'd you sleep?" Jisung asks from behind you.
"Better." You say sighing and rubbing your eyes. You try to sit up but I.N. and Jisung keep you in place.
"Did you sleep last night?" Changbin asks you concerned. They finally let you go so you can look at your other boyfriends. They all have concerned looks on their faces as you sigh.
"No." You say admitting it and Chan comes up beside I.N. and sits on the edge of the bed.
"Are you guys upset at me?" You ask them. You quickly get all 8 boys shaking their heads.
"Not at all we're just worried about you that's it." Minho tells you and you want to break into tears at their words.
You can't help but bite your lip to try and stop the tears. Chan sighs seeing you do that with a sad smile on his face. "What did I tell you about that?" He says hand coming to your face tugging your lip from your teeth.
That does it and you burst into tears. All of the boys quickly try and comfort you by hugging you. "It's okay love." You hear Seungmin say and that causes you to cry harder. "I missed you guys." You sob into their arms and they feel guilty about not being able to spend as much time with you.
When your tears finally stop the boys pull away but Felix doesn't. "You have to take care of yourself. Okay? No matter how much you miss us. You have to promise us that okay?" Felix says holding a pinky promise and you can't help but smile at the childish gesture. You take his pinky finger in yours too.
"I promise." You say and he kisses your hand.
"HUG PILE!!!" Jisung shouts and he throws himself on you followed by the rest of your boyfriends.
"You're squishing me!" You manage to say while laughing.
"Yeah. With our love." Hyunjin says making you laugh harder.
The boys pull away not before each kissing you on the lips. "We all love you no matter how busy we get. Remember that." Hyunjin says planting another kiss on your lips.
You were grateful to have all of your 8 boyfriends love for you and each other.
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floydsglasses · 8 months
𝗗𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝗼𝗮𝗽 𝗦𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘀
{All the dagger included, all of these soaps are cruelty free}
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𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐲 "𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫" 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰- 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐚𝐤
Honestly pretty basic but he I dont care, this man seems like he would choose the smell of his childhood and remind him of his dad, like the fresh pine smell from his childhood home. It smells like Barrel Aged Whiskey, Amber Spice, Sandalwood, Pine, and described as Low-Key laidback confident.
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𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 "𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐧" 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧 -𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧
Am I on the nose with my choice yes, but you can't convince me that he wouldn't try have something that reminds him of Texas and the way he grew up. This smells like  Bay Leaf, Fir Needle, Cedarwood, Bergamot, and Tobacco and is described as Complex and Perfect for guys who like to ride fast and take chances
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𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 "𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱" 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 - 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐞
Nat seems like she would want anything to remind her of why she joined up in the Navy, the ocean and the smell of the sea salt. And frankly she liked the color sheme and so did I, It smells like citrus, fresh herbs, white flowers, green foliage, and woods. and is described as, laying by rocky seaside listening to the waves.
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𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 "𝐁𝐨𝐛" 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 -𝐎𝐮𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝
Ive said it before and say it again, this man is like the feeling of walking in the wood's after it just rained, and you know what he smell's just like it, with this soap and its smoked birch, cardamom, and vanilla. and this wash is described as waking to fresh coffee deep into the woods
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𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 "𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐲" 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚- 𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐭
Following up with my headcanon I have for Mickey that he grew up in Florida, around the keys, to keep himself close to home in a way, something reminding him of beach trip with family, Sadly the website wasn't too deep on the smell part but, its smells like Sea Salt, Citrus and too me can be described as running down the dock into fresh water.
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𝐑𝐮𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐧 "𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤" 𝐅𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 - 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬
When he is not saving the world he is sitting on a porch in the sun with sunglasses listening to the water, like man is a very laid back person and why not have the smell that calm's him, this soap smells like Light Citrus and Spice, Sweet Amberwood, and Musk and is described as first choice of surfer dudes, beach bums, and everyone ready for a long-overdue tropical vacation.
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𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐲 "𝐂𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐭𝐞" 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨 - 𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐢
Gonna be honest could not think of an explanation other then I could just see him using this, like he would have this in his shower. I could see that he was just shopping and choose whichever was cheap, he thought this was the best smelling one and he was right, speaking of this smells like, Zesty grapefruit and marine notes, white pepper and patchouli, and is described as Sure to make everyone envyus of you, or everyone will want to be
Heyy I'm gonna finish up some work but here you all go I got bored again and blessed you with my chaos, i dont think im doing part two. Because their is to many smells @sorchathered @bobfloydssunnies @icezansky
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bsotted · 3 months
I have a lukewarm take I’m walking to the microwave to see what happens pls weigh in
When will it be appropriate to suggest we have to pick a new litmus test for basic human decency because I don’t know if putting away the grocery cart you’re done with it should be it anymore..
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Because the new grocery carts have an anti-theft feature on them to try to make it harder to steal them and at a seemingly arbitrary point in the parking lot the wheels literally lock… is it just because I live in Seattle now and the housing crisis is just that out of control here compared to other cities?
I want to know because christ alive grocery stores are starting to make it hard as fuck to keep up the universal I’m Not An Asshole baseline behavior.
Also what’s the intention? For stores that have these, are we literally supposed to just leave the cart next to the car, taking up a whole parking space after you drive off, until some underpaid 16 year old in a hi-vis vest in the rain has time to come by with a key to unlock the wheels?? Is that the new normal?
Because if it is god damn we need a new litmus test for “are you the kind of person who does the right thing even if nobody is watching, even if inconvenient, even for no recognition or reward, and also in the absence of any negative consequence” because it was so USEFUL for that and putting the cart away is dead and dying. Ol girl is bleeding out in the Kroger parking lot. Literally.
A ywy is this just something I’m confronting constantly because I live in a city with a wildly disproportionate unhoused population?
By the way please feel free to use that “other” option to cast a “Sometimes” or “none of the above” or “misc nuance” vote and expand on that in the notes I am invested in this conversation and will be circling back to read what ppl say
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rocksandboulders · 9 months
hey guys :) are you looking for more ways to manifest in your life and/or do you not have time to set aside for manifestations? even if you are not spiritual, these are great ways to build a healthier headspace for yourself.
my BIGGEST tip, which i use on a daily basis, is to turn your everyday tasks into a ritual. here are some examples to use or to find inspiration from:
1- CLEANING RITUALS (showering, bathing, brushing teeth, brushing hair, sweeping, dishes, etc.)
firstly, this is one of the easiest to come up with, and it makes large strides towards positivity, especially when it's something you dread doing. rather than thinking about how badly you want to be done with x task, take a breath and think about how you are doing x thing for y outcome. this can be something as simple as cleansing the space, both physically and energetically, but you can also get more complex with it if there's something with more steps irking you.
when i shower, for example, i use shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and body wash, and i use each item twice. this gets really tedious sometimes, but if i give a reason for why i am doing each thing, talking myself through the process, it slows my brain down, grounds me, and leaves me feeling much more fulfilled by the end. (ex: "i am washing my face to rid myself of any masks i put on that i dont wish to keep." "i am washing my hands to wash off any unsteadiness." "i am washing my chest to relieve my heart of stress.")
if you're interested in my very intricate shower routine, im absolutely happy to give a full outline of products, the intentions i use, the order in which i use them, etc.
2- FOOD AND BEVERAGE (herbs, teas, instant meals, restaurant meals, coffee, etc)
by preparing, ordering, or even grocery shopping, you create many, many different opportunities in which to manifest. in my personal life, i find it easiest to do when i prepare food or drinks for myself.
this can be something as simple as a singular ingredient, and as complicated as every ingredient and technique used! i think, most often, i use this when i make myself tea, because i can just think to myself a singular intention for the cup. "this tea is being made to comfort me." "this tea will slow down my racing thoughts." "this tea will make me sleep easier." etc.
i also like to ask my friends what they would like their intentions to be when i make them food or drinks. you can also set intentions if youre reheating something, re-seasoning something, or even just changing the plate or bowl it's served with.
3-ACTIVITIES (classes, friends, arts and crafts, music, sports, etc)
this is one that i think i overlook a lot, but im trying to make more space to manifest with in my life now. when in regards to activities, i personally spend a lot of time dreading the fact that i have to do anything (bc i would so love to just sit in my bed all day) (and im sure most of us would love that as well), but letting ourselves look at our opportunities negatively in the ways we do means that we push negative energy onto our experiences before they even happen. i, for one, have had my most fulfilling experiences when i have gone in with an intention of what it is for.
this does NOT mean the intention stays the same, or even stays at all. flexibility is key.
but i digress. if you friends are having a beach day and you spend the time leading up to it just dreading that it's going to happen, it's not going to go as well for you compared to if you spent your time being excited and happy. the flexibility comes in when your beach day is suddenly rained out. if youve been a party pooper, youre going to continue to complain, but if youve been optimistic and positive, youre going to work to find an alternative that is just as, if not even more fun.
this is also important in keeping you moving in classes. ("today i learn x." "i am going to x class because y." "my goal for today is to stay fully focused.")
this is so fun to me and if anyone wants to talk about it MESSAGE ME this is SO INTERESTING and i have SO MUCH MORE IWANT TO SAY
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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Today was a very very rainy and foggy day. Shockingly so at times. I am cozy in bed now. And I had a pretty nice day. It was a lot busier then I expected. But that was not a problem.
We got home around 1. I was falling asleep in the car but fighting it. We brought our stuff upstairs and got stuff out away. I took a shower and washed my hair and was asleep pretty quickly. We were beat and we both had to be up in the morning.
I dont remember James leaving. But they would text me when they were safely at work. I woke up at 9 and felt pretty alright. I was not as overwhelmingly exhausted like I expected. I got washed and dressed and felt good.
I did not have breakfast. I felt a little to stressed for that. I thought maybe I would grab something before the market but I just packed a yogurt and hoped for the best.
It was raining very hard and I was very surprised. I just didn't think the drops would be so large. So I was a little worried. I left a bit early to give myself time and figure out where to park and everything at the museum. And I'm glad I did.
I could not figure out how to get to the building. I looked at the map and had to loop a few times before I finally figured it out. And it was absolutely pouring so I was a little stressed when they said we had to go around the back of the building. Two of the other venders were waiting in their cars to see if the rain let up at all. But it didn't seem like it was going to. So once I spoke the the coordinator I just got my wagon and started loading up. Someone form the musuem carried my one picnic basket and I just walked with purpose and tried to get inside without being soaked.
Once everything was in I brought my wagon back to the car and drove my car to the street. I grabbed an umbrella and went back to the museum up the hill. I absolutely forgot my umbrella at the museum which I'm only mildly annoyed about. But it is alright. I have many umbrellas.
I set up pretty quickly. In about 10 minutes. And I was very happy with my display. The other couple venders were setting up still so I had some time to wander the house.
This place was very cool. This was a summer home in the 1800s. And the styling was just so cool. I loved seeing all the details. And the use of color. Some really darling features that I loved so much. For sure inspo for our future home.
We would have some foot traffic! I was honestly a little surprised only because the weather was so crumby. But my theory that it would make people come inside did seem partially true. And I was able to give out my card a while bunch and talk up a few workshops and private classes and commissions. And I did sell a few things. Not a ton but I am whole from the table cost of this week and last week with a little extra on top. So I didn't feel so defeated. Plus I was just having fun.
The woman next to me owns a jewelery store I actually am familiar with! It is a little shop inside the Mt Vernon marketplace. And she was such a big and lovely personality. She wanted all of us to be best friends and honestly by the end I swear we were. When it was quiet or slow we were all giving each other suggestions for business ideas and talking about how running businesses is and what matters to each of us and it was just such a lovely environment and energy and I really needed that bit of community. It just felt really good.
It was a short market but I felt like I got a lot out of it. Plus there was a live harp player and that was lovely to hear. I also got to see them open the big front door with a comically giant skeleton key and it made us loading everything out a lot easier. And it wasn't raining as much.
I went down and got my car and as usual, I was the first one in and the first one out. I packed up very quickly and was out of there. Lovely to meet everyone and followed each other on Instagram to keep in contact for the future.
I was starving though. My little yogurt did keep me from being woozy but I needed to eat and last night all I wanted was a hoagie. So that is what I went and got.
I drove out to Towson and got a Wawa hoagie. I was a little frustrated that I didn't have as much water left as I thought. But it was fine and I enjoyed my sandwich in the car while it continued to get foggier and foggier.
I would go home after that. I was surprised how terrible the weather was. I checked in with James about coming to get them from work. And that was decided.
So I went home to wait the hour before it was time to pick them up. I put some stuff away. Charged my phone. Hugged on sweetp. And at 4 I left to get my husband.
I was very happy to see them. And them me. And Angie was there!! I'm going to miss her when she leaves next month so I was really glad I got a hug today. Love Angie. And me and James went home.
We had about an hour here before we were going to see two houses. I chilled on the couch and tried to not lose the small amount of energy I still had.
But soon we were heading to Patterson to see the first house.
And I really liked this one. Like it was a flip but a nice one. Like they actually seemed to care. It was a little boring but I saw the potential. And I loved a lot about it. I am not making any decisions but man. This one seemed great and just weird enough that I can use a lot of decoration to bring back the original charms without having to worry about major plumbing or electrical issues.
We had another to see but this one was not good. Very very narrow. It almost felt like three studio apartments stacked on top of each other. This was just not it. But we used it as a spot to discuss what we were doing. Money, budget, hopes, dreams, all of that. We decided to look at a house I found that's a little farther east then we originally thought we would want. But it looks really nice in pictures so I think it's worth checking out.
The problem I'm having emotionally though is I'm very tired so everything feels more. And James loved the other house from last week so much so them not loving this one that I like, even though they say they like it, makes me second guess. They said they are struggling with seeing it staged with furniture which is fair, I had to really do some picturing to make it work on my head. But I really could see us happy there and getting to do the fun projects and decorating and all of that we want to do.
We left there and I asked them a question about decorating but they answered a different question about the house itself. Like they didn't understand what I meant and I spiraled a little. Worried. Dad called me and that helped distract me for the moment but once I was off the phone I was trying not to be sad and try to talk through what they were thinking.
I requested we go to a diner so they took me to tambers and we got sandwiches there. We looked at Pinterest and talked about what that house would accomplish for us. And I tried to see that they did like it, I was just feeling a little misunderstood.
I was also just exhausted and wanted to go home. It was still pouring but we got back here in one piece and relatively dry.
James went to finish the laundry and I took a shower. Got cozy in bed with the warm laundry and tried to feel better.
We talked and it helped. But I am very dehydrated right now and it's starting to give me a headache. So it is time to sleep.
We have a chill day tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to it. I hope you all have a nice night tonight and stay safe wherever you are. I love you all. Goodnight.
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what-if-nct · 10 months
HEYYYYY I THINK I TOLD YOU RECENTLY ABOUT HOW IM GOING TO THE MUSEUM WITH A FRIEND THAT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR AND I DIDNT KNOW IF IT WAS JUST AN OUTING OR A DATE. I STILL DONT KNOW BUT WE WENT OUT TODAY!!! I arrived there a bit early which is good for me because it gives me time to panic beforehand and I also realised the Christmas markets were right next to the museum. The museum was quite nice but not particularly interesting but I was talking a lotttt. I tend to be quite quiet actually but when I’m alone with them I’m constantly talking so I hope they are okay with that. My mercury is in their first house tho and my mercury has conjunctions and trines with lots of their placements. Their sun also conjuncts my moon which is cute. We got matching animal thingys at the museum gift shop. But afterwards, we go to the Christmas markets and it was raining a lot so we both had our big coats on and was sharing an umbrella. Ik that isn’t particularly significant but I liked that I got to be closer to them for a bit under the umbrella. But the umbrella kept breaking and going the wrong way because it was also extremely windy. I think it’s really cute when there’s games at an arcade or fair and one person wins a toy/plushie for the other so I kinda hinted at doing that but they didn’t win :/. I chose to do hook a duck so it was quite easy for me and so I got a hedgehog but I didn’t give it to them. It can be our child tho that I look after. We played darts but I failed miserably and they did alright but didn’t get enough points for a toy jellyfish. Then we searched for churros and were walking around everywhere and it was one of the last stalls where we got them. We were planning on surprising our friend who works in a shop but idk if we came at the right time or not. We waited there and started looking very silly just standing there and so we gave up. We went to different shops and looked around but didn’t buy much stuff. I did buy presents though for the person I have for secret Santa. After shopping we went back to the bus stop and hugging before they got on the bus. As there were a lot of people getting on the bus, it stayed there for ages so they waved a few times whilst i was waiting for my bus. I enjoyed it and they seemed too as well. Later on though some of us were talking on a gc about celebrity crushes. The person I like is the type to just read the stuff on the gc but not say anything really unless directly spoken to and so they were reading all of what we were saying. I put some pictures of Hyde of L’Arc en Ciel on there and pointed out how I loved his hair in one of the pictures. Another friend pointed out of the pictures and said “DAMN ITS GIVING SOMEONE” and it made me realise how he low-key looks like my friend I like in the picture especially with his hairstyle and yeah. I still don’t really know if it was a date or not (pretty sure it was just an outing but I’d like to be believe it was a date) but going to the museum and Christmas market as some of my favourite date ideas so yeah.
Im so happy you had a wonderful time. And it sounds like you had a really great time and I think either a date or just an outing at least you got to hang out with someone you like and go to know them better. I hope you get to spend more time with them and if not have a relationship at least build a really strong friendship.
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quaalussy · 1 year
today was a fuckin nightmare jesus. i was scheduled noon to 8 and my shift lead was supposed to be there at 11 but he didnt show so i was just out in the rain waiting for him to show up cause i dont have keys and he showed up at 12:15 and was rly sick and they wouldnt let him call out so i was literally trapped in the shop for 4 hours with a guy who had to keep taking breaks to go puke in the bathroom so like. it was absolute ocd hell and i was fighting off a panic attack cause i knew i was trapped there til 8 and couldnt leave and couldnt do my compulsions and it was just like all the ingredients of an alex anxiety freakout situation
glad i was able to cope thru it (by literally just shutting down my brain and making several hundred waffle cones for a few hours) and he went home and i made it thru the rest of my shift but anyway im still so fuckin rattled and trying to calm myself down. everytime i get hit out of the blue with one of these crazy ocd trigger situations i feel v grateful for exposure therapy cause at least i didnt freak out as much as i used to w stuff like this...
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callsign-terrorizor · 2 years
The ‘Perfect’ Son
——————— Chapter 3
Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter, this is the second story of the day and hope you enjoy! (Disclaimer is; Gore and blood mention and as well as detailed scenes).
oh and dont worry to much on the gore parts, I'll give a warning when the Gore comes and when it ends. Enjoy!!
I was woken up to the sounds of rain and something touching my head and arms, "Hmmm?.." "oh cup cakes, your awake?!" I open my eyes to see that fake rain fell with the sounds of rain as my lights twinkle above me, but when I looked over at father there was kids with him. "...kid..s...why..?" "Well I waited for you to wake up, but I had to watch these ones as they wait to get their shots as someone got sick on check up day" I nodded and got up before walked over. I plopped down and looked up at father so he could continue, "hehe well everyone this is my son y/n, he is also a very good toy maker and a good sleeper" father said with a soft chuckle and I just nodded and made a thumbs up before pausing and looking at father. "...what..." The kids laughed as did father, but I got a bit offended by his words but In a good way. "Hi" "hello" were what most of them said and some just waved and I waved back, "...h-hi..." "Does he have a stutter?" "Ohhh no no, he can't say full sentences dear and can't say singler words by themselves." 'ahh' I nodded but in reality wish I didn't have to speak like this, but at least father understands me. "Well should we finish our story or do something else?" "What else is there to do?" "Oooo do they have toys here?!" "I' mean... They do make toys... So maybe they have toy making stuff... Or just a bunch of toys..." I nodded quickly, I had all of those, I had two boxes full of toys and a box full of parts to make toys. "Hehe mhmm my dear here has a lot of toys but if you want to see him make them or even make one yourself, just ask him and he will help you" I nodded before getting up and making my way over to very large chests and pulled them over, I opened them to see a sea of toys of different kind. I ran to get paper and a crayon while they looked at all the toys. I wrote down, 'you may have one, and have another, another time' I went to all the kids and they thanked me for letting them have one. I then went over to another box and moved my leg so I can grab the keys from it, I then unlocked the box and opened it up. I pulled the black part off and then saw the box unfold to show a lot of parts. But what I did notice was that there was one kid who was staring intensity at the box before me. I looked up at father but my arm catches something, I look over and see that same kid trying to steal one of the parts from my boxes. I was not happy with this but also very confused.
I had a very very tight grip on this kids arm, not planning on letting it go, I could also see the other kids tempted to do the same and take one but I guess they were scared. I then moved my other hand pretty fast and saw that the really quiet kid was trying to do the same but I knocked him out before he could leave. Everyone then tried to get something from the box but something came flying from my back and latching onto each child, leaving only one or two sitting or standing away from the mess. One was just playing not really caring about what was happening and the other also didn't care as they stared in pity at the kids above. "Hey let us go!" I didn't listen as I made sure no pieces were going missing from with the quiet kid. But I did wonder, 'why are they wanting to take toys... Parts?' 'maybe they want to build something and they can't normally get it from shop so they are taking it from you as you have like everything they probably need' I nodded and looked up at them. "...help...build..." The kids seemed confused but some surprisingly enough understood what I was trying to say. "Y-yeah we need the parts... But... We also was told to try take it so you could try use this new part on you, these grabber thingies" I nodded as i looked at my back to see nothing but extended arms coming out of my back, no extra plate no big bag, just arms. I nodded at the kid before letting them all down but I didn't let two kids go, in fear they might do something. I got my paper from before and a crayon before scribbling down some things that read 'you can have one part' I held up the paper and the kids cheered, still not understanding why some kids wanted parts, what were they making? 'system activating' I jumped a bit at the sudden robotic voice in my head, 'hello?' 'you've been upgraded dear, so you are equipped with a system that is like a helper and such' a more older yet familiar voice said 'affirmative, I am eve your system engine to help you with understanding and controlling your new abilities such as wip arms, which are the ability to make more the  one arm appear out of your back. And also control, which allows you to control any object or toy to do as you say, kind of like a puppet master' I nodded softly to myself. I turned around to where father should be. "Father went somewhere while you were spacing out sir" I looked over at the kids and nodded, but wanted to test out this control ability eve was talking about. 'how can i use control?' 'easy you must touch any object and tell it to move or do something with your voice or in your head' I nodded an turned to a kid, "..borrow...toy.." the kid nodded and handed it to me, I held in my hands and whispered "..move.." and then the doll moved little by little before falling back down and back to a doll. 'you can also make the doll come to life and make it like a tiny soldier of sorts' butter said softly 'oh ok thanks' 'mhm!' I turned to the kids and they all seemed very shocked and ever scared that a doll just suddenly started moving. "...toy...friendly...no...fear..." "How did you do that" "...magic..." The kids groaned and I just stood up front my sitting position and started making toys with the others kids that weren't in time out or uninterested.
Me and the kids made a few toys and laid them on the ground after I wrote down what I was gonna do next. I touched each one of the toys and whispered "...come...alive..." And slowly each one started to move at their own pase and within just a few minutes they were all standing up and running over to me. I patted each one as I didn't know what to do with them. "Woah... Is this real?? Are they really moving?!" "I'm pretty sure no one would be screaming if this was just you" I nodded and just silently poked at the toys, "...toy...need...clothes..." I said carefully and picked them all up, some wanting to climb me which was fine. I went to a dresser on the right side of my room and opened it to find a different variety of doll clothes and accessories. "Toy...find...clothes..." They all jumped out of my arms and into the dresser in search for something to wear, there also happen to be some tiny masks so each one had one on. (There is about 11 of them btw). I nodded as they all slowly came back with a different kind of outfit and some being silly and wearing a wig or some feathers and running around for a bit. They had some very interesting personality, some being similar to the three kids, butters, Nick and Sammy as there was three that were running around/arguing and two who, looked tired/ one who didn't look fazed. I nodded an asked for them to hop into my arms, as they do so, some going into pockets and some climbed me like I was a mountain. Some just chilled in my arms. I placed them back onto the ground in front of me. "Oooo they look really pretty!" I nodded "mmm they didn't have faces but it'd impressive that they found masks and put them on correctly hehe" "Mm!" "Ooo that one looks silly it has a costume on" the one the kid was pointing at was in a chicken costume, and he kind of acted like pocket shadow or also known as Conner. He had that childish personality and funny humor, even ran around swinging it's arms around making everyone laugh. I nodded as most of the dolls were like people I've met in my mind space last night, 'hmm very interesting' 'hehe I like the chicken one he is funny' I nodded as butters and Nick an Sammy pointed out their favorite and their opinions.
Father finally came back but slowly forgot about telling papa as we were all preoccupied, even the trouble makers and just relaxed until everyone has to go right when father came back so they could get ready for their check ups. I was pretty noticably bored as I turned my lights off and stared at the ceiling with wonder in my eyes. 'i wonder... What does the sky look like... Is it a glowly pretty sky like my ceiling? Or... different?' I forgot what the sky almost looked like as everytime I tried to remember what it was like it was all a blurry blue mess. 'dont worry one day we will be out there' 'wether they like it or not' I nodded confused about what they meant but didn't care all that much. "..1...2...3...4" I was counting randomly to try get my voice at least a little use to speaking more stronger so others can understand me. "...7...8...9...10" but I realized that it's not that I don't have a strong enough voice, it's just that I speak slowly and my brain can't function fast enough to make full sentences with slow speaking. I sighed as I just decided to take nap with all these dolls on me.
——————⟩ Next Part
(Gore ahead)
I woke up to feeling something dripping on me, it was warm at first but then it was starting to get cold. I looked up to see something very unexpected. There was a body a over me, it had several stab wounds and lots of slices in every exposed part of this persons body, but there wasn't just one there was three and they all looked to be adults. One had normal clothes and the other two had an almost guard like uniform. "...body...blood...why..." The blood was still dripping onto my head as I felt something light pulling on me and looked to see the dolls covered in blood and some parts were missing. I looked worriedly at them and back at the body's above, "...fixed...broken...killed..." Those people hurt my friends...and they will never be forgiven, the guards were still alive as the other male was very dead and had tears, 'he was probably forced into this mess.. poor thing... I'll fix you... Don't you worry' I stood up and walked underneath the normal looking man as his tears still fell. "Let us go you freak!" I shoved my extended arm into his chest and pulled out all his important organs as I stared longingly at the man, "...fix...not...broken...no...more..." I touched the man's face before pulling him from the wall and onto the floor below, the only alive guard was shivering in fear as I dragged this dead man to a dresser on the right side of my room and opened it, I moved everything out of the way and pulled out a large male doll body and placed it on the floor before placing the man next to it. I tilt my head to the side as I looked at the man and then at the doll. I nodded to myself 'i must fix him...' I didn't bother with a knife or anything I just ripped his stomach open and broken off all his ribs for better access. I then turned to the doll and bent it over to open a small compartment in it's back before flipping it so I could place the organs more better, I started slowly disconnecting and reconnecting organs until I was left with the heart and brain, the brain was still in great condition so I cracked the skull open and opened the dolls head before transfering the brain to the dolls head. In the mist of doing this last step, father walking inside and dropped some glass in shock. I turned around an saw him walking towards me, I thought I was in trouble but he just came to scold me for not asking for help as I could dirt up the organs. I nodded as father helped me clean my hands and placed gloves on before letting me continue what I was doing.
I was on my way back to my room with two  cover up jar, I also had some other very nervous people, one was a female the other a man. Father said they could be useful for helping me 'fix' the man and I agreed with keeping them. We walked into the room and I offered juice which they accepted and I went back to work, I opened the one jar that held the man's still working brain before carefully placing it into the head and connecting the tubs from head into the right places for it to function correctly. I looked behind me an saw that the two people were very uncomfortable, I had chains on either side on my hands because I had to hold their chains, so unless they walk with me I can't get clean paper to write down. I stood up and they quickly did as well as I walked over to the desk an dragged them with me. I grabbed some paper and a crayon as I wrote down some stuff and held it up towards them, 'why are you so scared?' they gave me 'are you serious' type of face before sighing, "were scared you might kill us that's why..." "U-uhh yeah.." I tilted my head in confusion. "...no...fixing....me...fixing...he...hurt...need... helping" they sort of understood what I was saying but didn't push further, I walked back over to the body and doll with my crayon and paper. I poured water on all the organs before opening a jar that held a new heart, it was beating this time and it felt weird. I prefer it not to beat but I shrugged and connected some tubs to the heart and softly let it go after sticking it in so it won't fall or disconnect. And then I closed the back and flipped the body over, I place the top part of the head back on and waited for the perfect time to press the button father said to push when I finished putting everything together. "Little warning... It will make a very loud sound when you turn it on" I nodded at the girl before pressing the button and sure enough it was loud. I screamed in shock and jumped a bit before scooting away, "..loud...scary...bad...bad..." "Hehe told you" "...oh God it's moving..." The man said and The doll body did indeed move, the chest slowly rised and fell before going at a more normal pase as the arms and fingers twitched a bit here and there. I looked up and saw that the guard was still alive, he looked at me and I waved at him, it seemed to scare him. I stared back at the doll body before it sat up breathing heavily and franticly looking around, before laying his eyes on me in fear. As well I was covered in blood and was the last thing they saw before dying a bit. I waved and this just made them scoot away more. I sighed and shook my head, 'why are they all scared of me... I'm trying to fix them...' I teared up a bit and sniffed, "hey man don't be afraid I think this kid was trying to save you..." I nodded and slowly laid onto the floor with tears, 'why do they fear me... They never fear father...am I..' 'no dont think that, your doing amazing they are just confused and this is your first time fixing someone remember' I nodded to myself as I felt arms lift me into an embrace. It was father, I sniffled more as I sat there listening to father lecture me.
(Gore ended)
"Mmmm...." "Oh come one don't grumble at me son, look at me" I slowly fell over as the girl who name is Sidney and the man who is named Darrick, sat next to the doll man as they try ease his fears. I was not wanting to pay attention though as I felt very uncomfortable at the moment, as the blood on me started to dry. I slowly raised my hand and mumbled "hmm yes?" "..dirty... clean...better..." "Hmm ok fine you can go shower, the shower room is just over there" father presses a button an the wall slowly moved to have a doorway appear, "...how..." "Hehe even he is confused" Sidney said "I'm glad you are still the person you are and take this situation less seriously then others" father said calmly "yeah I got use to it by now... And he isn't that bad, he clearly just wanted to help" I nodded even though I wasn't paying attention and quickly got up and picked all my friends up from before and made my way to the bathroom.
Well you made it to the end, Yay! I really did hope you enjoy as I am not sure if I proof read this. So bare with me on this one, but personally this is chapter is by far one of my better ones I've done in a good while. But, well this is the end, and I shall bid you farewell. and ill See you around Horror Lovers!!
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indigo474 · 1 year
Bye bye July-
My love affair is over.. I went to see him on Friday after work. Anyone who knows me- hardly anyone-haha- knows i go to bed early. I had to work until 9. I was a little concerned about being tired and showing up in a bad mood. I knew it was going to be a late night for me- but i decided to go for it.. I said to myself... as long as its not raining i'll be ok. I much prefer to drive during the day and night driving combined with rain.. just sucks. I head out after work feeling good. windows down, music up. I get on the turn pike and i was truly happy.. i did notice lightening up ahead but thought it was heat lightening and i was super stocked because i thought mother nature was putting on a spectacular show for me. Then, it started.. the rain, treacherous. it was like an omen.. dont go April, dont go.. but onward i went. i pick him up, he tells me he cooked dinner for us and we need to stop at wawa for bread. ok no problem. i'm still in an OK mood.. happy to be at my destination and looking forward to getting to the hotel to relax, have a beer and eat. Now, i had been thinking this man may not be too bright but... i didnt want to judge too harshly, after all he doesnt speak english and so on..we order 2 rolls from wawa.. in spanish and it was almost like he couldnt read.. we get to the hotel and he tells me he is waiting for them to send the key via notification.. earlier in the week he sent me a screen shot with the reservations. we are in the parking lots its 11 something. the key is not coming.. i say lets go in and see whats up- he says he wants to wait. I ask him how long does he want to wait. We go in and the guy says the reservations were not completed online- my friend needs an id to complete them. he doesnt have an id. It was a fucking disaster. we had to go to another hotel..didnt get there until after 12.. i paid. the sex was ok.. i was pissed, but i was like whatever.. i already had it in my head i was done with him.. he made dinner but failed to have eating utensils. luckly i grabbed napkins from wawa. he tells me he wants to take me to NY.. you cant even book a hotel aint no way in hell im going to NY with you. he tells me he went from mexico, arizona to NY. the first time we were together he told me he was in Charlotte.. i ask him about it and he says he never said that. He said it- i have a real big fucking problem with people who say shit and then say they didnt say it.. like a huge problem.. never speak to you again problem.. He tried extra hard because he knew i was upset. he kept asking me if i was still made.. a little. the next day i tell him i am ready to go as i want to get home. he asked me to take him food shopping.. No, i cant do that. He never offered to give me money for the room. I didnt ask.. i honestly wanted to see what he would do. Nope. it is what it is.. i dont know if the whole room thing was intentional.. im assuming yes.. he texted me a few times yesterday one i got home.. i texted him back saying what a shitty thing he did by not offering money for the room and that i didnt want to see him anymore. the end..
AND.. it was fun, but i knew it wasnt what i wanted. between my thinning hair, aging face, saggy body, i dont know how i'll ever meet someone. i'll have to depend on my winning personality. HAHA.. i text these men online and when i am myself, i never hear from them again. its hard to to think that i am the problem. it doesnt matter if im a good person.. i think a lot of guys want a someone who wants them for the things they can provide.. its easier than putting in any kind of effort. I dont think i want too much.. i just dont know if there is anyone in this world like me. i am going to have to fully embrace my singleness.. i havent wanted to do things alone in a while. i guess i am going to have to start or just not do things. I am trying to save money, so there is that and that is an excuse to not go out. My mind goes back to the fact that i wasted so much of my life with someone who never loved me and raising kids who dont love me.. such a fucking waste and i'm so far behind in life and cant image anyone ever loving me and that breaks my heart. that breaks my heart because thats all i really want.. someone to love and who loves me.. someone who consistently shows up.. someone i can count on.. ive never had that.
My friend in work got her xanax filled- actually got a higher dose too. She tells me she is positive Dr W does not have my records- i told her i was kick out of his office- she said the same thing happened to her years ago.. of course i didnt go into detail. she tells me to go, get what i want.. i know she is telling me because she is trying to be my friend.. i wish i had friends who asked me if i worked out today- or offered to go to the gym with me or asked me who much i lifted this week or maybe told me what kind of supplements they take or asked me what i took.. or shit about pre workout of food prep or asked me about my mental health anything other than where to get drugs.. i don't need anyone giving me advice on how to self destruct- i know i am capable of doing that on my own without the help of anyone.. and i know she's not trying to me mean or hurt me or anything like that- she thinks she is helping me by telling me to go see this Dr.. she doesnt know my story and everything that ive been through- and even if i told her, she still wouldn't know my story. maybe its just what i have to deal with because i told her to go see him.. i only did because i was tired of hearing her say xanax would cure all her problems..
I wanted to run on Friday but got stuck at the mechanics.. i didn't run Thursday so wed was the last time i ran and i didn't lift this week and that probably explains why i feel the way i do.
the weirdest thing. coming home from Downingtown.. i started seeing 3's everywhere.. like i made the right decision and i'm on the right path. trust the process.. the process sucks at times.. and its hard to trust anything..
i have to tell Madison Aunt Joanne is sick.I want to do it before my Mom does. i think Maddy has my Mom blocked.. but i really should tell her. weird thing, when i use to cry everyday you couldnt tell.. i would cry on my lunch break and return to work and my eyes looked fine. i haven't been crying and now when i do.. its so noticeable..
I need to get a new couch and get rid of the one i have. I would like to move but everything is so expensive.. i'm not sure what i am going to do.. i guess i'll keep looking and hope that something good comes my way..
0 notes
smilesvt · 2 years
the little magic music shop
hoshi x reader
genre: FLUFFFF
warnings: none really ! a lil bit of sadness, hoshi just being cute
8:32am. he was late, again. i had gotten used to it by now; there was really no point setting up meeting times with hoshi.
he always seemed to have some sort of excuse : 'i woke up late' 'i ran out of toothpaste' ' my hairdryer broke'. as i sat on the bench waiting, i wondered what he was going to come up with today.
a couple moments later, a bike skidded to a halt at my feet. looking up, the rider flashed a sheepish smile at me, rubbing the back of his neck.
'late again. i know.' he finished my sentence.
'this time my hairdryer actually did break.' he pointed at the damp, curly mess atop his head. i sighed.
'at least i know what to get you for your birthday then .' i joked, sitting down on the back of the bike and smacking his arm.
'and for that, you can work the till today.'
'no PLEASE-' however i couldnt finish my sentence, as hoshi abruptly began pedaling away as i scrambled to hold onto his waist.
this was our daily commute to work: me on the back of hoshis trusty old bike that i had got him for his 18th birthday. we knew this route like the back of our hands, yet i never got bored of it. the morning breeze blew through our hair, and the sun was bathing the streets with pinks and oranges.
before we started working, neither of us had enough money to even buy bus fare with. hence why hoshi began picking me up and dropping me off at our designated spot.
and although we can afford it now, hoshis never mentioned stopping this daily occurrence , so i guess it'll carry on till his legs get too weak to carry us both.
'hey could you tie the bike up? i have to pop in somewhere quickly-' hoshi asked, braking outside our workplace and quickly jumping off.
i pretended to not see him rush into the bakery next door, assuming he wanted to surprise me.
sure enough, as i finished tying the bike around the lamp post, i turned around to see a satsified hoshi step out of the bakery door. his toothy grin seemed to be sparkling in the sunlight, and he rushed over to me, his eyes glinting.
'here's a lovely pastry for the equally lovely lady' he bowed slightly, handing me one of the bags.
'and a warm baguette for the handsome gentleman.' he wiggled his eyebrows, and i couldn't help but laugh at how dorky he is.
'why thank you good sir. should we head in now?' i giggled and gestured to the shop door and he nodded.
i fumbled around with the keys and managed to open the door.
'ah, home sweet home.' hoshi sighed, walking over to hang his backpack on the coat hooks.
we worked in a music store, as we had been doing for about 3 years now.
hoshi was right: it really was like our home. the store had belonged to his mother, and it was her gift to him before she moved away. as much as he resented her, he decided to keep the small business going. and of course, being hoshi's bestfriend and music being my passion, i wanted to help him out as much as i could.
the work pace was slow, with only the occassional customer coming in to buy vinyl for a loved one, or random teenage girls coming in and browsing at seemingly nothing. days were long and tedious, yet i wouldn't give it up for the world. something about the late candlelit nights with slow jazz playing in the back whilst i read and hoshi sang made it all worth it.
'deep in thought?' hoshi questioned, breaking me out of my reminiscing.
'just remembered something, dont worry.' i smiled at him.
he smiled back, curled up on the sofa we had once randomly found outside someones house. i remember us dragging it down the street in the pouring rain, our clothes soaked and muscles aching, until some nice man offered to pick it up for us. all was well, until we struggled to fit it through the door. i chuckled to myself at the memory: i seemed to be feeling nostalgic today.
'you seem to be in a good mood today love.' he spoke, though muffled, his mouth full of bread.
'and you seem to be a mess today.' i chuckled as i sat down next to him.
he jokingly rolled his eyes. 'shut up and eat.'
and we did, the silence only being broken by chirping birds or us bursting out laughing when we made eye contact. the pastry was my favourite flavour too: he always seemed to know these little things about me that i can never recall ever telling him.
however our eating was cut short by a surprising ring as the door to the store opened and a man walked in. we both shot up as i hurried to wipe the crumbs off my skirt.
'm-morning sir.' hoshi began to approach the older man, yet i noticed his face covered in bread. i quickly pulled him to me by the front of his shirt and wiped his cheeks.
'nearly embarrased yourself.' i tutted.
'i can always count on you honey' he flashed a smile at me and walked off to the customer, his upbeat, friendly persona swiftly showing as he spoke, 'how can i help you on this fine gorgeous day sir?'
i smiled to myself as i walked behind the counter, watching him talk away with the gentlemen, his smile never fading.
the rest of the day went by as always: only a few more people walked in and out, and it was beginning to grow dark.
'$90 today, not too shabby.' hoshi nodded as he counted the cash from the till.
'pretty good.' i agreed, lighting the last candle at the front of the store. the weather outside seemed to have gotten worse since i last checked, the rain now pattering against the window.
'are you still saving up for the new bike'?
'yeah, but ive got a little while left till i can afford it.' he chuckled, although solemnly.
'you know, we can always get the bus now.' i replied, laying down onto the sofa.
hoshi looked at me and laughed.
'never. not until i get old and cant pedal anymore anyways. what about your camera?'
'ill get it...someday.'
we made eye contact and laughed again.
the rain seemed to be getting louder, and hoshi sat onto a stool opposite from me. the low buzz of the radio seemed to be interrupted by talking, and he turned it up for us both to hear.
'torrential downpour... imagine we get stuck in here AGAIN.' i sighed.
'i mean it wouldnt be awful-'
'you dont remember last year when we got snowed in?'
it was awful. the snow was so high we couldn’t see out of our shop window. hoshi cried but i decided not to remind him. either way, we nearly ran out of food and had to huddle together for warmth. awful.
‘i mean, at least we had each other.’ he shrugged. i guess he was right: without him dancing and making it really awkward when we hugged i probably would have got frostbite.
‘60s soft jazz or 90s rock-indie?’ hoshi suddenly asked, stood in the corner of the store holding two vinyls.
‘hmmm... definitely soft jazz.’ i sat up from the sofa.
he smiled. ‘i should’ve known. you’ve always been after my own heart.’
i felt my cheeks flare up and a small smile forming at my mouth.
‘y’know, this is where my parents met.’ hoshi spoke, staring out the window as the smooth sounds of a swing band began to play.
‘this shop?’
‘yup. my mom worked here and one day, a fairly handsome man walked in. safe to say, after he kept coming in everyday my mum seemed to get the hint.’
‘did your dad like music?’
‘he was a musician. in a band. they never got anywhere or did much , but he really enjoyed it.’
he never spoke about his father much, so hearing this was all new to me. his voice seemed to be breaking every couple words.
‘im sure he’s proud of you, wherever he is.’
‘i’d like to think so too. after all, he’s the reason i always wanted to go to music school.’ my heart shattered at those words as i saw hoshi look down at his feet.
music school. his dream. i knew this was a touchy subject, so we never talked about it much. but i knew how much it hurt: hoshi had always talked about becoming a singer and dancer, performing up on stage with his loved ones and showing his passion to his fans.
so when the fees grew too big for a lone teen to afford, he knew he had to let it go. i remember feeding him when he refused to eat, as he blamed it all on himself. and since then, i made a promise to myself: always make sure hoshi has a smile on his face. that smile that i love the most. the smile that brights up even my worst days.
i walked over to where he was stood and placed my hand on his shoulder.
‘your still young. you have time.’
he looked down at me and smiled, ruffling the back of my hair.
‘but id rather be here.’
‘yup. i used to hate the place. it reminded me of my mom. but now-‘
he stopped and turned to face me.
‘it reminds me of us.’
i internally cursed at myself for being so awkward. i was never good with things like this, especially not from my best friend.
thankfully, he laughed as he held my hands .
‘yes us.’
he gently swayed them from side to side, in time with the piano softly playing in the background.
‘if your about to dance with me-‘
‘i know i know ‘you cant dance’ but-‘
he placed an arm around my waist and held the other one behind my head.
it was a warmth i had never experienced before. the feeling of a touch that i could never describe.
i placed my head on his chest. and suddenly, everything felt like it was supposed to feel. maybe he was right. maybe i did want to be here. with just the two of us.
we swayed to the slow rhythm of the jazz band, his feet and body guiding mine as he cradled me in his arms.
and as the streetlight bathed our intertwined bodies in a hazy glow, and the rain fell at the beats of our matching hearts, it felt right.
like our fate was
at our lil magic music shop.
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little-nobody · 2 years
me @ the duffers during the first 24 hours after watching vol 2:
"i hate u and i hope u slip on a banana peel while holding a birthday cake with ur fav shirt and get it dirty. i hope that both sides of ur pillow are gonna be too hot and u will never be comfortable in bed and have to turn around every second and i hope ur blanket dosent reach ur feet so they feel cold while u feel so hot but when u pull the blanket off u get very cold and there will be no way u ever will be comfortable in bed. i hope u lose ur fav things and u get all ur fav clothes dirty. i hope that u lose ur keys and pocket money u got from someone to buy smth. i hope that u buy something expired. i hope that everynight u rephrase the shinnie quote in ur head like a shinnie u are. a disgusting shinnie being. i hope that ur jeans are too tight and u grow out of ur fav shirt. i hope in school u get the longest lessons and the hardest most troublesome math twice a day. i hope ur lessons r gonna be the longest. i hope that ur hands r always sticky and ur ipad ur phone and ur keyboard are all dirty and sticky. i hope ur mom never kisses u on the forehead goodnight. i hope u are walking with an icecream and drop it when u just got it. i hope u break a new phone u just got. i hope u have to write a 15 page perfect grammar paragraph in another language u barely know and it takes a big impact on ur grade. i hope that u fail to peel a banana. i hope that ur socks get wet. i hope u drop ur mcdonald shake when u just got it. i hope u drop kfc when u just got it. i hope it rains and u don't have an umbrella. i hope that ur fingers r always cold and u dont have finger gloves on u, i hope u forget ur wallet when there's smth u rlly want in a shop and it's the last of it and u rlly want it. i hope u slip on ice while ice skating. i hope when u drive a car it runs out of gas. i hope ur charger breaks and u have to hold it in a certain angle for it to work."
me after those 24 hours:
"ANYWAYS, let me give you a whole synopsis of the entirety of season 4 and show you every hint of byler and why they should kiss, also did you know they played the fake out song when Eddie died? There's also that it was released on international joke day, also Robin girboss haha and then there's-"
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