#it's quite possibly the hardest thing she'll ever have to do
antianakin · 1 year
So in the Caretaker Luke AU, I think someone in the New Republic is probably connected to Cal or Cal's refuge on Tanalorr and is able to get a message to the Jedi to call them in for Anakin's trial because if anyone deserves to speak or have final say on what happens to him, it's the Jedi. Especially the ones left who survived Order 66. They also need help with guards for Anakin because there's a worry that someone might try to kill him while they're holding him during the trial.
So Cal shows up with Kata and Reva, who Cal found a few years after she left the Inquisitorius.
Leia of course is fairly skeptical of Reva's sudden appearance. Last she'd seen Reva, Reva had been a seemingly loyal Inquisitor for Darth Vader. Reva doesn't mind telling Leia her true story, though, and Leia chooses to bury that particular hatchet.
Cal is the one chosen to speak for the Jedi at the trial, while Reva and Kata guard Anakin. Anakin recognizes Reva, of course, and asks her why she's here, why she's bothering to protect him when he knows she'd rather see him dead. Reva tells him that she had wanted to look him in the eyes one last time and see if she can see a person looking back, instead of a monster. The Jedi are supposed to care about everyone, and she's been trying to get back to that, trying to be the kind of person who would make a good Jedi, but caring about everyone is exhausting. She keeps looking for a way to care about him, tried to tell herself he had a hard childhood but then so did a lot of people, tried to tell herself that he was clearly damaged but then so is everyone in some way. And she knows, better than most, that he's not possessed or controlled by Palpatine in any way. So protecting him now, it's not mercy. She wanted to let the New Republic kill him, and Anakin says she should just let them do it or kill him herself, but Reva tells him that he doesn't get the easy way out. If she has to live with what he's done for the rest of her life, he does, too.
At the trial, when they ask what the Jedi would ask to be done with Anakin, Cal argues for no execution. He tells them that while he was young when the Republic fell and was replaced with the Empire, he knew that the Republic was supposed to stand for justice for all. The Republic wasn't what it was meant to be by the end and it allowed itself to become something that stood only for selfishness and greed because it was run by people who were controlled by fear. He says that this New Republic should not fall to the same mistakes, that if it wants any chance to succeed where the Republic and the Empire failed, it needs to start on a new path, one of compassion and mercy. Executing Anakin, while deserved, only means more bloodshed. This New Republic needs to be better than that. If there are alternate solutions, they should find them rather than taking the easier solution simply because it's there.
Luke offers to be Anakin's guardian, to watch over him until Anakin's death, promises he will keep Anakin from continuing to rain down vengeance and violence upon the galaxy. The New Republic agrees to this solution.
Luke goes to thank Cal for his support after the trial, for speaking up for Anakin. Cal tells him that he didn't do it for Anakin, he did it for the New Republic, to try to ensure that the galaxy they all have to live in for the rest of their lives becomes a kinder place than it has been for a long time. Luke understands and accepts this.
Luke tells Cal how excited he was to hear that there were more Jedi, that there might be a whole planet of surviving Jedi he could meet and if it would be possible for him to go there. Cal tells him that while the Jedi survivors would be happy to meet him, they're also still refugees of the Empire, in hiding as they recover. It was Anakin who destroyed them last time and then hunted them down for 20 years and they've been lucky enough to keep this particular location a secret from him and the Empire for as long as they have; Cal refuses to put what remains of his people at risk (he hadn't been particularly happy about Reva and Kata insisting on accompanying him to this trial, but they'd both insisted and he respected that it was their choice to make). There's also just plenty of people on that planet who never want to see Anakin again and he won't force that trauma onto them if he doesn't have to. And Luke can no longer go anywhere without Anakin. Cal tells Luke that they can't even give him the name and location of the planet in case Anakin plucks it out of Luke's mind. They've only survived this long by being VERY careful about keeping it as secret as possible.
Cal is obviously very sympathetic and apologetic throughout the entire explanation, but it doesn't remove the sting of the rejection and they both know it. Luke just agreed to reap the consequences of Anakin's actions, and this was the first time he truly understood what that sacrifice was going to mean for him.
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cunninghamchrissie · 1 year
Talk to me about Hellcheer sneaking out (at least sneaking Chrissy out of her house) to do something wholesome like getting ice cream or watching fireworks.
yes it's been over a month since this ask i wasn't ignoring it time is just meaningless atp
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when eddie first suggested it, chrissy had immediately scoffed.
she couldn't just sneak out of her house, not with laura cunningham's ears trained to catch any nightly noise lest chrissy should try and grab a midnight snack from the kitchen (that was a mistake she'd made only once, when her stomach hurt so bad she was bent over in pain. and though laura had missed chrissy's light steps on the staircase, she heard the crunch of the dry, wholegrain toast chrissy was scarfing down as if it was the best meal she'd ever had. the finger-shaped bruises on her arm from being dragged back upstairs didn't fade for weeks).
but the seed has been planted despite herself. it's wednesday night, and her body can't lie still in bed.
kicking the covers off herself, chrissy quietly gets dressed, then sits back down on her bed to call eddie. she has to take a few deep breaths after picking up the receiver, the adrenaline at the possibility of doing something so forbidden already coursing through her. should she even be calling him? she knows wayne works the night shift at the plant, but what if eddie's sleeping and she'll disturb him?
but then she glances at her bedside table alarm clock, the bright red 9:17 p.m. on the display mocking her. eddie would never go to bed that early.
chrissy finally dials eddie's number, and he picks up on the third ring.
"munson manor, this is the butler speaking."
"hey, princess! to what do i owe the honor?"
"uhm, well. i-i just wanted to let you know that i'm sneaking out tonight."
eddie snorts, leaning his shoulder on the wall by the phone.
"y'know," he starts, biting down on a smirk, "people don't usually announce when they're gonna sneak out. kinda defeats the whole purpose."
he can almost hear the cogs in chrissy's brain turning through the silence on her end, and he can't help himself from picturing the cute confused face she must be making.
"okay. so, i guess i'll see you tom-"
"i'm kidding! i'll be there in 15."
eddie does his best to drive slowly when he gets to chrissy's neighborhood so the van doesn't wake up half of the uptight, must-be-in-bed-by-nine people that live there, and it's just about the hardest thing he's ever done.
this thing they have is pretty new, and his brain hasn't quite caught up with the fact that he gets to call chrissy his girlfriend and pick her up when she suddenly decides to sneak out of the house in the middle of the week. so, excuse him if he gets a little hyper about it and wants to drive around at 90 miles per hour screaming at the top of his lungs.
instead, he parks the van a couple houses down, kills the engine and the light, and waits for a little blonde jellybean of a person to poke her head out of her front door, look around as if she's in a spy movie, and scurry to him.
"so why did you want me to sneak out?"
becauseiwannahangoutwithyouallthetime is the answer that really wants to come out of eddie's mouth, but he actually does have a legitimate reason this time.
"oh, uhm, rick decided to buy an ice cream truck."
"who's going to buy ice cream from reefer rick?"
"hah, no, he's not actually gonna sell ice cream. he's just gonna use it as a front. but, uhm, he didn't actually realize that the previous owner left it fully stocked, so…"
chrissy's eyes sparkle at that. she can't remember the last time she had ice cream, only being allowed half a snow cone with one drizzle of syrup during summer since she was 10.
eddie drives them out to rick's (who's laying low out of town for a couple weeks) and even in the darkness chrissy can see the bright blue and pink stripes covering the entire truck. the image of a mean-looking drug dealer driving it makes her giggle; at least eddie's van is a little more subtle than that.
letting himself into the truck, eddie opens the hatch and tries to put on a ratty, once-white ice cream man hat over his curls, but gives up when it won't stay on.
"so, what will it be, sweetness?"
chrissy's stomach does a little swoop both at the term of endearment she's still not used to hearing, and at the sheer amount of options on the hanging menu. how is she supposed to know what to pick? and what if she picks something she doesn't like and is forced to finish it (because it's just rude to throw it away like that, not to mention a waste of food)? and what if she picks something that eddie doesn't like, and then he won't want to kiss her afterwa--
eddie breaks her out of the anxiety spiral, seeing through to the heart of her like always.
"i'll pick one so we can share, yeah?"
eddie chooses a king cone, and ends up eating most of the ice cream at chrissy's request, but she nibbles on the crunchy cone, and giggles when eddie makes a show of inhaling the rest of it when chrissy hands it to him, declaring she's full.
he drives her home just before 1 a.m. and chrissy doesn't even bother brushing her teeth before bed, not wanting to wash away the feeling of his sticky vanilla kisses of her lips.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
If the BSD girls were my coworkers
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♡ characters: Kyouka Izumi, Yosano Akiko, Kouyou Ozaki, Gin Akutagawa, Higuchi Ichiyou, Naomi Tanizaki, Lucy Maud Montgomery
♡ synopsis: How would these girls be if they were my coworkers?
♡ cw: Swearing, knives, mentions of sexual harassment
note: Well this took forever to write, my bad lol. Uh I'm working full time rn so my posting schedule is a little silly and goofy ahaha anyways um. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
If the BSD boys were my coworkers
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She would try her DAMNED HARDEST OKAY
Scarily good at cutting (legally she's not allowed to be cutting stuff because she's too young, but she's good at it so I wouldn't snitch). Like she'll slice up a whole box of lettuce in like two seconds. We would NEVER run out of cuts with Kyouka on board
Also very good at cleaning, would clear out the entire store and kitchen in a manner of minutes
However she's bad with customers. Like REALLY bad. She would either just tell them the entirely wrong thing, falter and run away, stare silently in confusion, or just refer them to me lol
Always appreciative whenever people bring snacks to work and let her have some
Her favourite job is cutting and wrapping stuff because it's what she's best at and it makes her feel more confident in her ability
Constantly amazed by the pricing machine that just spits out price tags (me too queen) and is always so delighted no matter how long she'd been working there
I appreciate her doing her best and I don't care how many times she makes a mistake she will learn and continue as best as she can and that's REALLY what counts
Oh boy.
I'll start by saying that a very large percentage of my patrons are middle-aged to elderly men. Some of them are very polite and nice, sure, but there are...others.
These 'others' would not last half a second under the icy glare of Akiko Yosano. A single suspicious glance/comment at me or any other female staff would have her committing suable actions
She'd also be good at cutting stuff, but probably get a little too zealous when she gets to cut pumpkins (aka use a mallet and a giant knife at the same time)
Absolutely would answer the phone with no hesitations and be able to take orders and stuff properly without any training which is nice
BUT if someone called us asking for empty cardboard boxes or something stupid like that (which has actually happened) she would argue with them and then just hang up T-T
She should honestly be in a management position because she would be so good at that
Yosano has her ups and downs in vegetal retail. But regardless of all that, she would be like. The COOLEST coworker ever on god
At first I'm not sure if she'd like a job like retail
She'd be like 'I'm really being paid minimum wage to cover my hands in rotten fruits and get verbally abused by pensioners?' (she's so right btw)
But she'd eventually get into the groove of things (probably just because she has nothing else do to) and would actually become quite good at it
She'd be good at organising, cleaning and sorting stuff out to make it look presentable
A respectful AND respectable queen who values neatness and maintains a good rapport with customers...except if they give the rest of her coworkers any shit. Then she's not maintaining as good of a rapport with customers
She's the kind of girl who would ABSOLUTELY talk shit about customers (and other coworkers ngl) in the back lmao
She would always wear gloves because she doesn't wanna get her hands dirty (I hc that Kouyou has perfectly manicured hands and does what she can to maintain them)
Would get frustrated easily though so we'd just have to try not to upset her as much as possible sksjkjfks
I have this coworker who's not very talkative and can be a little awkward to talk to some times, but he's a literal godsend and does everything extremely quickly and to such a perfect degree that without him I am complete mess
THAT is Gin as my coworker
Also my coworker is like super nice as well and Gin would be really nice too lol
She would come off as frightening at first though. I get the feeling that a lot of customers wouldn't want to approach her lol
Might be lacking in confidence at first when she starts but she gets the hang of it quickly enough
Probably doesn't tie her hair up properly and is constantly asked about it by the manager
You would never have to ask her to do anything, she'd just be on top of it all and have everything ready
Would never answer the phone even if she were the only one there. She would probably freeze up and panic until someone else came and answered it for her (she really doesn't strike me as a phone person, because same)
She is also doing her damned best and y'know what? Even if she continuously fucked up, I would forgive her
Even though I know Higuchi is actually very strong and accomplished she's still my favourite girlfailure and I love her
She's pretty good with customers but she would probably falter if one of them started getting mad at her or something (I would defend her guys)
A little bit clumsy, she might drop some things or her cuts might be a little janky, but like honestly the customers can DEAL with it. I feel like they wouldn't probably mind anyway because Higuchi is a pretty likeable person
Always sharing her snacks with her coworkers
Probably late to work a lot of the time but only by a couple minutes, and always makes up for it by staying behind after her shift ends (I wouldn't be surprised if the store actually ended up owing her some hours lol)
Really strong, so people are always getting her to help them lift/carry stuff
Leaves little encouraging/nice notes around for her coworkers because she's a sweetie <3
Naomi haters are gonna get so mad when I say that she'd be a brilliant coworker
We've seen how good at her agency job she is, why would retail be any different?
The best customer sweet-talker ever, would get herself and me out of any and all trouble and the manager would never ever know
Knows how to work all the machines and has memorised each of the numerical codes for each food like a walking dictionary (there's like five hundred of them fr)
Jun'ichiro sometimes visits the store to go shopping and that's the only real issue that Naomi has at work. She will drop everything to spend every second she can with her brother and it's honestly pretty annoying
If she gets overwhelmed she would forget how to do literally anything correctly and might have a bit of a panic moment
Dudes are probably trying to hit on her all the time and she might actually throw food at them I'm not kidding (and I would fully side with her)
She would also be so nice to her fellow coworkers and always encourage them :')
Lucy would consider this kind of work to be spectacularly easy compared to what she had going on in her orphanage and the Guild
Truly a testament to how absolutely shitty her life has been so far (sorry queen I could treat you better <3)
She's pretty good at everything, not perfect but generally quite good. An all-rounder, always getting called in on unscheduled days because she's just the go-to for everything lmao
Not that she would come in on those days, but yk
She would bring snacks for her coworkers but she would never admit it. She'd be like "You can have some if you want I don't care" while having entirely bought them for them lol
If a customer tries to strike up an argument with her or ask for something unreasonable, or try to guilt her into doing things for them (which is surprisingly common actually), they would FAIL
Would store extra stock in Anne's room (and would probably just keep rubbish from throughout the day in there to keep the kitchen clean, until the end of her shift when she can throw it out lol)
Alongside Gin she's EASILY the most valuable and helpful coworker (and also the cutest prettiest one <3)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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wowowwild · 7 months
Who Ace Attorney Characters Would Romance In BG3 (Warning: Spoilers for all acts.)
We're starting with Klav bc I thought of him first. Klav would not romance Astarion. He thinks Astarion is annoying bc he and Astarion have too much in common in an uncomfortable way and he does not want to examine those things about himself. Lae'zel would remind him of Apollo so do with that what you will. I think he'd def be a Shadowheart girlie, she's got his vibe and he can save her from herself. I think he would threesome with Halsin on a Shadowheart run, he is very attracted to Halsin, tell me I'm wrong. A calming chill guy who is hot and fucks nasty? Sign him up. I think he would like Wyll, he'd find Wyll refreshing as a genuinely nice guy who doesn't want anything from him and they are both romantics. He didn't even know Minthara or Mizora were romanceable/bangable bc he always plays good runs. Karlach. Yes. I think he has a 50/50 of trying for Gale bc I think Gale might remind him of his brother a bit, but if he misses any of those possible connections I think he would have fun with Gale.
As a side note for Apollo, he is constantly getting asked out by the ones he's not trying to romance or is accidentally starting something with someone he didn't mean to and is having a mess of a time. Karlach's immediate wanting to ride him line freaks him out, he never romances her. The 'we just met' option was put in the game specifically for Apollo Justice. Lae'zel's boldness also weirds him out but I think he would try it once before abandoning the run or reloading a save. He likes Shadowheart. He does a Shadowheart run. Astarion is not his type, he does get to the bottom of Astarion's character and appreciates him as a character, but he is not romancing him. He does try an evil run bc he gets fed up with helping everyone all the time and I think he would actually like Minthara. He doesn't go for Mizora when she asks, though. Halsin is a little too horny for him, I think. He likes Wyll, though. Wyll would be a fantastic option for him. I think Gale would annoy him.
Maya Fey, my beloved. Wyll is the only guy she'll do a romance with, but she would do a threesome with Halsin. She does one with each of the girlies including Minty. I think Karlach's story (minus the ending) would be her favorite, I think she might relate a little too much with Shart and Lae. She also does the scene with Mizora before reloading a save.
Look, do I think Miles Edgeworth is playing bg3? No. But if he did... He is so into Halsin. He does the bear sex scene. He is blushing the whole time but he's so into it. He tries Wyll bc what's on the label sounds fantastic, but he finds that romancing Wyll just doesn't excite him in the necessary ways. He doesn't try anyone else.
Franziska is pretending she video games are beneath her but she wants to know what everyone is talking about even if she refuses to engage and so she plays in secret, usually in the middle of the night and she does a Shadowheart run bc Shadowheart propositioned her first and as she goes through her story she is just constantly bawling her eyes out, vowing to save and protect Shadowheart. She thinks Astarion is a bitch, Gale is annoying, Wyll is boring, and Halsin is too horny. She might also just be denying the fact that she's not attracted to men. I don't think she does a Karlach run, but she does go through Karlach's story every time so that Karlach can get her heart fixed. She likes that Lae'zel knows what she wants and goes for it, but I'm not sure if she would do a dedicated run. If she does, she also starts bawling her eyes out as she goes through the story. I also think she only ever has the girls in her party until she hits a lock she can't get open. She's playing a paladin btw.
Phoenix Wright. Finally someone who is down for Gale. Tbh his savior complex makes him do a run with each of the main six. I think Shadowheart and Astarion hit him the hardest, but Karlach's endings make him quit the game for a while. He also does Halsin threesome.
Ema is 100% down for Karlach. She likes the other characters (mostly), but she is a Karlach girlie through and through. I think she reclasses Karlach to rogue, though, so she doesn't have to have Astarion in the party. She has Lae'zel there to be the big hitter and I think Wyll would be in her party as well. I think she would be a Lae'zel over Shadowheart kind of person. She is SUPER into the evil run, though and it hurts so bad that she can't have Karlach in her party. On her evil run she takes Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Astarion until she can pick up Minthara and reclass her to rogue. She doesn't absolutely despise Astarion, hater recognizes hater, but he reminds her of the fop, which is a bonus bc when she tells Klav this he gets huffy about it. On her evil run she does romance Minty.
Kristoph Gavin cannot play bg3 bc he's on death row, everyone point and laugh.
Simon is also a Shadowheart girlie. She's mean and goth when you meet her and stays that way even as she becomes a better person. He's into that. He does not romance Astarion, but he always makes sure to absolutely annihilate Cazador. As a side not he also always does the House of Hope. He likes Wyll, he likes how uncomplicated everything is (compared to the other main 5), he would do a Wyll run, but he would still let Duke Ravenguard get blown up. Athena is side eyeing him for that one. He also does not romance Gale, but he doesn't let Gale blow up, either. I don't think he romances Lae'zel or Karlach, but he does see their stories through to completion. He lets Karlach turn into a mind flayer when she offers. He says he's doing an evil run to seem edgy but then Apollo starts talking to him about things that only happen in an evil run and he starts sweating bc he actually did not do that. So he just says actually he's doing a solo run and he's killed everyone possible and Apollo doesn't believe him and forms wild incorrect theories.
Athena is super into Karlach. She basically only does Karlach runs. She thinks Astarion is funny so she always has him in the party (plus locks). Her last party spot is up for grabs depending on what she's doing. She actually brings each of them out to their story locations instead of doing stuff and telling them after.
Am I suggesting that Maya channeling Mia so she could play a video game makes any sort of sense? No. But assuming she did, Mia does a run romancing each of them. She is super into the poly relationships and threesomes bc I hc her as polyamorous and this is my post. I think she would start an evil run just to see and then be so shocked by what Minthara's character is like (in a good way) that she decides to transition into a good playthrough so Minty can see what it's like to be good. She also does the Mizora scene before reloading a save.
Ok, in the same year Athena is playing bc they are the same age, Pearl decides to try it. She goes for Wyll first bc he's a romantic and is everything she thinks she wants. This is when she realizes she's into women. Shadowheart is the female companion you actually get to be romantic with from the start (Pearl is still a romantic), so she tries that and wow. Yuri.
They do not have bg3 in Khura'in, but they do have planes, so when Nahyuta is in the states they play. They are into Lae'zel and Shadowheart equally, actually, and romancing them is very therapeutic. He tries Wyll for the heck of it, but he's too nice, Astarion is too much of a project, and Gale is... Well Gale is really fun to make fun of, so even though they do a Gale run, they're making fun of him the whole time. They are besties with Karlach. They like Halsin's character but are not interested, and they can't bring themselves to attack the druid's grove and the tieflings so no Minty.
This is not an exhaustive list! lmk if there are other characters you'd like my opinions on! I love having opinions!
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maybenotmei · 2 years
Hagumi x reader hcs? :3 Before and during the relationship please
Stay hydrated!
with you!
ft. hagumi kitazawa
notes at the end!
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before dating,
hagumi's very much the type to make friends out randomly. i'd say you would've met her somewhere downtown with hello happy world, or from kitazawa meats shop. she gained an interest in you, and that's why she asked for your phone number the first time.
you two became friends quickly.
you'd be brought to hello happy world concerts, practices, even to her softball matches. it's even better if you play softball as well— she'd love to play against you. she just loves taking you everywhere
she also loves to talk to you. she would message you daily before going to sleep, waking up, responding as quick as possible when you message her. don't expect a logical reply when it comes to studying.
she loves playing games with you alongside hello happy world, and occasionally you'd join in on some brainstorming moments in the tsurumaki household (despite misaki's protests about it)
she loves being with you, but it's just that....
...why does she love taking you places? why does she love playing softball with you? why does she feel something fluttery inside her when she sees you downtown, especially when she talks to you?
she wondered hard about it, thinking maybe it's simply just friendship? but if that's the case, why doesn't she feel all "fluttery" (?) around kokoro? kaoru? misaki? kanon? anyone?
she confronted kaoru about it, and that's when she learned she had feelings for you. thinking of a way to confess, she decided maybe out of the blue would be okay? she asked kokoro and kaoru about this too, and they suggested some big confession party that hagumi agreed on in a split second.
yeah. it was luxurious. you said yes though, saying that even if she confessed out of the blue you'd accept it anyway.
during dating,
not so much would change if you two started dating, except dates would be quite active. amusement parks, softball stadiums, shopping, mall hopping even if she feels like it. a run in the park is fine with her too. she'll accept on the spot anywhere you'd like to go as long as it doesn't actually worry her.
good luck on chasing her, she's quite fast. it's good if you can keep up of go faster, but i wish you all the luck i can give. she gives you quite the workout, but well it's all good, right? she won't tire you out or make you go close to fainting.
studying would lead to an adventure (a date) rather than proceeding with anything. you barely learn anything, but you two have fun together anyway! she really has to work on her test grades, though...
in between your cuddles is hagumi's monkey plush. it's cute, though
pda? she's very openly affectionate no matter what or who she's in front of. she won't cross anything she's not supposed to, but she loves loves loves jump-hugging you from behind and overall giving you quite exaggerated approaches just for her to give you a kiss.
you attend their concerts the same as you usually do, but give her big hugs after them all. she loves being congratulated, as well as loves it when everyone's congratulated, so hearing you proud is one of the best things to her.
fighting is rare, and usually it's mostly lectures if not disagreements. she won't be loud or snap, she won't break anything. she tries her hardest to hear you out, but she'll defend her friends if you're blatantly talking horrible about them (please dont do that to her.....)
she's very active, and no day is boring with her.
also, you get free croquettes. :)
notes: ha gu mi first ever hagumi request :DDDDDDD tysm! sorry for taking so long 💔
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solarcitymelodies · 4 years
Wowza sorry y'all about the random massive Rockafire spam, I'm pretty sure ??most?? People on here? know me for just Knight Rider because that's the only thing I've ever REALLY posted about--
but I Do Not Care it's RAE hours right now so uhhh here's some headcannons that probably aren't Canon compliant very much because I just got into RAE like last week
So like. I feel like Mitzi is a Good Amount younger than the rest of the band like she was in highschool when she joined, the rest of em were all Adults™ and she was a little bit nervous about it because...... ADULTS™
She was just lookin for a place to get her singing voice out there, because ya girl REALLY wanted to perform, and showbiz happened to have a slot open, but she did not expect all of the members to be older than her (although looking back, she realized she probably should have expected that)
It was intimidating at first but Billy Bob and Fatz were just the absolute sweetest and they introduced her properly to the rest of the band because she was like "oh I barely talk to them because I get nervous :(" and the resident dads p much said "aight we can do all the talking for you then, how about that?" And badabing badaboom she's now attached to these two and like honestly who isn't or maybe that's just me but ANYWAYS I feel like the band would become a second home/safe space for her
Yeah fr some reason I have BIG long headcannon for her joining the band but the rest of them? Nobody knows how they got there for all I know they just Showed Up One Day
Also I came across this
Which got me thinkin about what my headcannons were as far as sexuality/gender stuff
And I find the concept of Billy Bob being Very Much Straight And Ignorant but trying his hardest to be a good ally SO funny like if someone came out to him he'd probably be like "oh!! I don't understand why you would choose that lifestyle but I respect you!!" not realizing how incredibly stupid he sounds sjkrjh like I don't think he can very easily wrap his head around how people are just. not cishet. so he's like "OH then it must be a choice, right? like you can choose to be gay but you're born straight. Right?" and everyone just shakes their heads in the background but he does earnestly try his best and my man would rather DIE than disrespect someone's pronouns I know this for sure
Fatz is pretty similar, straight ally and a lil confused but he's got the spirit, you know? He still least knows being gay (as well as,,, m o s t sexualities that aren't straight, although some he doesn't get/know about at all) isn't a choice but he hasn't quite grasped that being trans is also not a choice. He will respect your pronouns to hell and back but by god he doesn't get it,,, he's trying though and he feels very accomplished in himself that he's starting to get the hang of using they/them even though he slips up a lot
The rest of the band encourages the HELL out of these two because they're. Trying their best and making an honest effort which is more than a pretty good chunk of people would give
Rolfe, Earl, and Dook are the reasons Billy Bob and Fatz are trying so hard to understand it lmao
Rolfe took it upon himself to hang up a MASSIVE gay pride flag backstage, being the flaming homosexual that he is, and the rest of the squad quickly realized "oh he's GAY gay he wasn't kidding" because at first they literally thought he was joking as he was actually just being openly and obnoxiously a raging mlm (and like I mean no shade to him this isn't me tryna to make fun of it because my dumb sapphic ass almost crashed my car once because I saw a pretty girl walk down the street. And by "once" I mean. Yesterday.) Anyways yeah that's when the rest of em Realized and were like "OH" but after the massive pride flag was hung up that prompted Dook to come out and they were all like "???? YOU TOO????"
Dook is a non-binary ICON he's a demiboy and goes by both he/him and they/them and probably would have a bunch of pride pins I think,,, I'm not really sure of his sexuality though!! honestly he kinda gives me bisexual vibes but Who Knows . Not me. He has a HELL of a time trying to explain his gender to the rest of the band (except for Rolfe because like. He's a part of the community so he knows) and basically he was met with "so you're just a dude but ✨spicy✨?" and it was like, "no, but I have no idea how to explain it in a way that will make sense to you, so. yes?" And that explanation seemed to suffice for most of them
Mitzi went in knowing NOTHING about what being non-binary was so she asked a l o t of questions about it, which Dook just kinda dealt with answering (he's heard most of it before, and it gets tiring after a while. if you're nb or trans or honestly any part of LGBTQ+ you know what I mean) but he thought it was really sweet of her to be so determined to learn about it and eventually she did get a grasp on it ish, so she was able to understand why it wasn't just ✨spicy male✨ (the conversation pretty much went "well if i was just male, don't you think I would label myself that way instead?" "....oH TRUE!!!") and she ended up a VERY passionate ally, and she'll ask occasionally about how to be better at it, bein a queen as she is 👉👉 also definitely started questioning her sexuality after a while and just went with "maybe bicurious" and Rolfe, Dook, and Earl were all like "ONE OF US, ONE OF US"
Earl has never once spoken about his sexuality in his life, because 1. He's very aware that's an awkward conversation to have with a puppet, and 2. He's aroace anyways, which is basically what people assume even if they don't realize it just for their own peace of mind, because seriously, puppets and any identity that ISN'T aroace creates a really uncomfortable mental image for... Most people, pretty much. So it's not like he ever needed to say anything about it, which is convenient for him because he wouldn't want to say anything either way. not worth the risk of embarrassing himself and making everyone feel awkward
(side note ish though Rolfe 100% came out to Earl first and was met with "I already knew that but okay." Rolfe was mildly offended)
And spEAKING OF EARL he's VERY much sentient but he can't say he's particularly enthusiastic about it because Rolfe has to carry him around everywhere
He can move on his own but it's limited and generally annoying to maneuver around with his tiny body so he just says screw it half the time and stays on Rolfe's arm or hitch a ride on Random Object, but like... Yeah, the majority of the time Rolfe just has to deal with only having one arm available and a puppet directly next to him making fun of him at every possible chance
They high-key have chaotic and unorganized college roommate vibes (like they're actually roommates because... Where tf is Earl supposed to go?? So Rolfe took him in) and idk if this is really like a part of my headcannons or if I just think it's funny so I keep entertaining the idea of it but I think it would be Fantastic if Rolfe had no idea how to cook but Earl somehow did so this idiot is trying to take instructions from a puppet, who can't physically show him what to do, and it's like Hell's Kitchen live featuring a furry and a sentient stuffed animal
Aaaaamd going off of my Rolfe and Earl headcannons still Rolfe for SURE has some sort of executive dysfunction issue. ADD or ADHD I'm not sure (probably ADHD) but he definitely has it also this totally isn't just me projecting how dare you accuse me of that
And!!! More about Dook!!!! I don't know how or why I thought up of this but I cannot possibly imagine him any other way now-- he's autistic and space is his Big Huge special interest, and if you ever ask him about it you have to be prepared to get infodumped or possibly even shown a PowerPoint presentation, because GOD he loves space!!! He wants everyone to know all about it!! He knows not everyone thinks it's as cool as he does so he tries to keep his mouth shut but when someone asks about it he can't help himself and will infodump a LOT, also haha drumming stims go brrrr, playing the drums isn't really a stim but he likes to just take his drumsticks and whack em around in the air and get that good ol Wavy Arm Action (wavy arms is best stim change my mind you can't it's GOOD)
Also i bbbbelieve earlier I reposted somethin about someone else headcannoning that he has echolalia, which I don't really know enough about to say anything on it?? But even if he doesn't have echolalia he'd probably repeat phrases over and over until he gets tired of them (which is,,, something I do lmao, it's either memes I get stuck in my head or things I've heard from various medias I like the inflections in (like one tiktokker I saw was talking about their tourettes and their vocal tics and one of them was "uh oh! How unfortunate!" and now I CAN'T STOP SAYING IT)) but like uhhh yeah :))) repeating phrases that get stuck in your head for various reasons for the win
This is already really long so I'm just gonna vibe out thanks for coming to my Ted talk feel free to ask questions I probably won't be able to answer a lot of em though because my headcannons are a Mess hehe >:)
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Tessa Chiva HPHM - Profile [Redone]
(information is as of sixth year - same universe as Gracie and River)
Name: Tessa Gracie Chiva
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: August 17th, 1973 at 3:37 am (leo)
Species: Human/Witch
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Lawful Good
Ethnicity: White - German, English
Nationality: British
Residence: Chiva Manor, a heavily warded house in the wizarding part of the English countryside
Personality Type: ISFP-T (the adventurer - that's ironic)
The Mage
Wand: 13 1/4 inches of cherry wood encasing a dragon heartstring, flexible. The wand is dark red and slightly thicker than the average wand, with a smooth handle molded precisely to her hand
Animagus: Sparrow Hawk
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimens, moderate strength, with weak Occlumency
Boggart Form: Gracie, angry and coldly saying that she'll never love Tessa because Tessa is weak and beneath her
Riddikulus Form: Gracie deaged to a toddler, saying the same words but meaning them less
Amortentia (how she smells): Tessa would smell like sugar, strong deodorant, and salt water
Amortentia (what she smells): Tessa smells metal, strawberry kiwi drinks, and nail polish (River)
Patronus: Lioness
Patronus Memory: the first time she and Gracie were ever allowed to go wandering in the woods on their own. They found a creek and spent the afternoon barefoot, eating berries and splashing each other
Mirror of Erised: Her family together and happy as if nothing ever happened
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Aguamenti
- Vermillious
- Orchideous
- Visus Aqua (a spell for Quidditch to see in the rain)
- Revelio
(picture made using the zepeto app)
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Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 lbs
Physique: Skinny, slightly wider hips than Gracie. More physically muscular than her sister as well
Eye Color: Army green
Hair Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Pale but human looking. Has spattered freckles around her nose
Body Modifications: Two piercings in each earlobe and a cartilage piercing in her left ear
Scarring: Various small scars on knees from childhood, nothing major (yet), will end up with faint scars all over from the final fight with R
- Her wand
- Her father's old watch, not worn but kept in her purse
- Around twenty Galleons
- A poem about her from River folded in her pocket
Fashion: Tessa is willing to sacrifice comfort for fashion. When not in her uniform, Tessa is usually in a skirt of some kind with a cute fitted top and possibly a stylish jacket. She wears either flats or wedged shoes. Her hair is kept in two braids or low pigtails. When she's being athletic, she wears black fitted tracksuit pants and either a loose tank top or a Slytherin sweatshirt, with her hair in a tight messy bun. She wears small gold hoop earrings and a gold cartilage stud, and in later school years a peridot ring that was a gift from River. For makeup, she only wears lip gloss and mascara.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Chiva Family
- Black Family
- Current student and Slytherin Quidditch Captain
- Future Quidditch Player for the Montrose Magpies
- Future advocate for creature rights
Hogwarts Information
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: O
- Care of Magical Creatures: O
- Charms: O
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: E
- History of Magic: O
- Potions: O
- Transfiguration: O
Quidditch: Chaser, team captain from fifth year on
Extra Curriculars:
- Dueling Club
- Assistant for Kettleburn
- Weekly Legilimency lessons from Snape
Favorite Professors:
- Professor Kettleburn: Tessa adores his wacko personality and enthusiasm for creatures. He's encouraged her whenever she feels hopeless and is a surprisingly good listener
- Professor Flitwick: The number of times Tessa has nearly cried in his class is insane. She used to be worried about being too unskilled at magic and her nerves made her fail a spell at first, but Flitwick was gentle and talked her through it until she was one of the best in the class. Her bad nerves left in third year, but he's still more gentle with her
Least Favorite Professors:
- Professor Trelawney: Tessa is good at Divination. She enjoys Divination. What she does not enjoy is Trelawney acting like a freak and driving people out of the class. Tessa learns much more from her textbook than from the professor
- Professor Snape: Yes, he's her head of house, but he's an asshole. He's insulting to her and many others and makes her feel more worthless than she already does. If she didn't have Gracie and Penny to help her learn outside of class, she would have failed his O.W.L. Her Legilimency lessons are the worst part of her week
Twin Sister: Gracie Tessa Chiva
- Gracie is only eight and a half minutes older than her, but Tessa sometimes feels like Gracie is years older
- She regrets quitting the vaults because she feels like she and Gracie are different people now
- Tessa still blames herself for Gracie's curse. She can't remember the incident, but her wand was two inches from her hand when she woke up and she had no injuries besides the concussion that she thinks is just from falling, so she believes she failed her sister
- Tessa desperately wants her sister's approval and doesn't realize just how much her sister loves her
- She wishes she could do something to protect Gracie for a change
- They were super close as kids and grew apart in the later school years
- All Tessa wants to do most of the time is latch onto Gracie and never let her go into danger again
Older Brother: Vance Riley Chiva
- This bastard
- Vance always favored Gracie
- Tessa still loved him, but she would sometimes feel excluded
- Vance did in fact leave her a few memories, but they were locked in the same box with Gracie's and when Tessa saw how many more Gracie got, she refused to watch hers
- When Vance is freed in fifth year but leaves again without seeing her first, Tessa shatters the picture of him, her and Gracie. It's repaired the next morning, and stays fixed until the end of sixth year when Gracie shatters it too
- Tessa hates Vance
- When he dies in place of her, she realizes she never hated him. She loved him and just wanted him to love her
Younger Cousin: Aiden Carter Darkling
- Aiden is the son of Rachel Chiva, Jason's sister. Rachel and Aiden's father divorced while he was still young, but it was relatively amicable and he comes around for holidays
- Tessa never payed the kid much attention when they were younger, but after he started Hogwarts she took him under her wing a lot
- Aiden comes to her for advice when he has his first crush, when he's nervous about a test, or simply needs a hug. Tessa gets to be a big sister and she loves it
- She's way closer to Aiden than Gracie is, and Aiden isn't hesitant to tell Tessa that he likes her far better. It makes her feel good
Mother: Clarissa Vanessa Black
- Tessa loves her mother, but she doesn't agree with her on a lot of things
- She tries her hardest to make her mother proud, because she knows she's the only "decent" child Clarissa has left
- She actually suggested a contract marriage in hopes of making her mother happy. She was really confused when Clarissa forcefully shut the idea down, not realizing all that her mother went through in her own past
- When Tessa is in her coma in seventh year, she hears her mother go insane (it's what wakes her up) and realizes just how much Clarissa loves her
- Tessa takes much longer to figure out Clarissa and Margaret than Gracie does
- She keeps better in contact with her mother throughout her adulthood than Gracie
- Family dinners are awkward but hey, they're still family
Father: Jason Harvey Chiva
- Tessa, like Gracie, admired Jason a lot as a child
- She only visited his Auror office a few times, because while she thought it was cool she wasn't interested in it as a career
- Tessa didn't see him murder their family friend and didn't believe it when Jason's partner Thomas came to tell her and Clarissa
- She still can't quite believe it, and she misses him a lot, which is why she carries his watch with her *cough cough daddy issues cough*
- The day Gracie has to kill Jason, Tessa destroys the watch
- He tries to kill Margaret in front of Tessa's young daughter Octavia, and that's when Tessa fully believes that Jason lost his mind
Ex Boyfriend: Barnaby Lee
- They met in first year (obviously, they're in the same house), but Tessa never paid him any attention
- It was only in second year when she and Liz were allowed to start getting early lessons from Kettleburn that she started noticing him
- Barnaby was a character during these early lessons
- He hadn't actually signed up for them, but he heard Liz talk about them and just assumed they were open to anyone
- Kettleburn didn't care obviously, he's a bit unstable anyway
- Barnaby would always carry the heavy stuff and Tessa's raging puberty hormones took one look at the muscles and said "heyyyyyyyyy"
- Then of course she actually started talking to him, and dear fucking god was he dumb. But then she talked to him more and he actually wasn't? He was kinda smart in a weird way? And really really nice?
- She never told him she liked him, and by the end of the year he was starting to slip under Merula's control
- Tessa was the one to try and get him to think for himself in year three. She's also the one who dueled him, and she lost miserably, but she stood back up whenever he knocked her down and he admired that. A few weeks later, he asked her out to Hogsmeade
- Gracie was pissed but Tessa didn't care that much
- They were a super cute couple and all of Slytherin (besides her dorm mates) shipped them so hard
- They ended up growing apart in fourth year and deciding they're better off as friends
Love Interest: River Mund
- As of sixth year, they are not together, though it's pretty obvious they both fancy each other
- River is an exchange student from Ilvermorny who arrives the same day as Alanza. Tessa is made to be their tour guide, and while showing them around she can't help but notice that this (very handsome) new boy seems really stressed out. She assumes it's from being so far from home and tries to be encouraging, but he doesn't say a single word the entire time
- River ends up staying in the Slytherin dorms, and Tessa watches him all the time (just out of curiosity of course). He almost never talks to anyone, and is very jumpy when someone gets too close
- After about a month of this, Tessa decides to sit down at the same table as him while doing homework. He seems almost scared of her, but after a week it becomes normal, and she hears his voice for the first time when he asks her for help on his CoMC essay. Another week, and when River packs up his things to go to the dorms, he leaves her a folded up piece of parchment containing a poem he wrote about her
- Tessa starts noticing how often River sneaks into the Forbidden Forest, and gets curious enough to follow him. This is how she discovers he's a vampire - a rarer subspecies theorized to be stemmed from partial vampire breeding together
- River is horrified and thinks she'll hate him since he hates himself. He wasn't born a vampire. His family illegally paid a vampire to break into the hospital and change him to save him from cancer without any input from him. It's why he wanted to come to Hogwarts, to get away from them
- Tessa is scared, obviously, but she tries her best not to show it because he had just started to open up and she didn't want to lose the progress they had been making. When she tells him she's not scared of him River doesn't look like he believes her, but he's so relieved she's trying that he hugs her
- They very quickly become much closer after that, and Tessa realizes that she might be in too deep when she shoves her wrist in his face for him to drink from when he weakly confesses he hasn't had any blood in two weeks without a second thought
- He buys her the ring during January. He claims it's for being such a good friend, but Tessa hopes it's because he likes her (they're both so oblivious)
- They'll get together in seventh year over Christmas break. They both stay behind at the school, and end up confessing while sitting in front of the fire in the Slytheirn common room
Best Friend: Liz Tuttle
- Tessa and Liz met in first year, the first night in the dorms
- Liz, being her awkward self, asked slightly too loudly if anyone wanted to discuss the Fwooper
- Tessa did indeed want to discuss the Fwooper
- Boom, best friends
- Tessa tries being vegan like Liz but can't take it, and reverts to being vegetarian. She's not exactly good at that either, but she never eats meat in front of Liz (at home is fair game)
- She and Liz spend a lot of their free time outside, sneaking into the forest even
- On an assignment from Kettleburn, they accidentally discover the Room of Requirement and now spend free time during bad weather in there
- Liz constantly reassures her that she's not a bad sister for stepping back from the vaults
Rival: Skye Parkin
- They may have been teammates, but Tessa and Skye HATED each other. It really threw off the team dynamics for a while
- Tessa almost quit because Skye made practices miserable for her, and this is when she and Erika ended up friends. Erika convinced her to stay on the team and make Quidditch miserable for Skye instead, and even helped train her
- Orion picking Tessa as his successor and not Skye (who was a year older and more experienced) made Skye so mad she broke her broom and quit. Tessa couldn't help being happy about that. Skye brings out her inner pettiness
Enemy: Vance Riley Chiva
- Tessa is just so sure he's lost all humanity
- She's mad at him for getting them into this mess in the first place
- She swears the next time she sees him, she's going to smack him
- She doesn't get the chance, nor does she get to say anything at all
- Gracie Chiva
- Liz Tuttle
- Rowan Khanna: they're friends, but very casually, as Rowan is Gracie's best friend
- Merula Snyde: they're not friends, nor will they ever be, but they try very hard not to argue for Gracie's sake
- Ismelda Murk: they too are not friends, but they study History of Magic together because they have similar studying styles and both find the subject interesting
- Colette Belrose: see below
- Ruby, the family Crup
- Clara, Vance's toad (she's more Gracie's pet)
- Elaura, a shared owl
- Lemmy, a moke
- various creatures in the reserve that Tessa and Liz coparent
Closest Canon Friends
- Chiara Lobosca: the werewolf quest? Tessa did that. She adores Chiara's kindness and resilience, and frequently uses her Animagus to accompany her on full moons
- Diego Caplan: he helps train Tessa's magical strength. He was totally into her at first, but he calmed down and now they hang out a lot in and out of the Dueling Club
- Erika Rath: Training buddies with a healthy Quidditch rivalry. Tessa has even gotten Erika to come over to her house so they could hang out over the summer
Closest Noncanon Friends
- Gracie Chiva (Jacob's sibling canonically has no other siblings)
- Rosalie Sonnenschein: A German model one year older than her who attends Durmstrang. A first generation part Veela with a very strong natural allure that has men (and women) swooning
- Kyle Orchan: the Squib son of one of the shopkeepers at the clothing store Tessa frequents. He's the best listener Tessa has ever met and loves hearing about her magical adventures. He does sometimes get very sad hearing about this world he'll never be a part of, but he's too nice to ever mention it
- Colette Belrose (@gcldensnitch): Tessa met Colette their first night in the Slytherin dorms. Granted, Tessa spent most of that night talking to Liz, but she went to bed relatively early so Tessa struck up a conversation with Colette. They're super similar and plan to go on a tour of Europe one day. Colette helps Tessa step back and remember to breathe, and she loves her for it
(Storyline has to be in a different post because of tumblr's dumb text limit)
Marriage and Children: Tessa and River get married at the age of twenty one, and almost immediately Tessa gets pregnant with her oldest daughter, Octavia. Her body reacts very negatively and she almost dies while giving birth, so she and River agree to not have any more children. Six years later, Tessa accidentally gets pregnant with twins, Meredith and Alexander. It's a terrifying experience, but all three of them live and the twins are healthy
Career: At the age of twenty two, Tessa is recruited for the Montrose Magpies after one of their scouts watches her casual group's practice. She takes a short break years later to have the twins, and they welcome her back when she joins back up. Her replacement was shit. Tessa gets better at International Apparation so that she and River can spend time in America, England, and Germany without interrupting their work schedules. After she eventually resigns from the team, she uses her "fame" to bring more attention to the petitions for creature rights
The Second Wizarding War:
- Tessa isn't in the country for the most part when the war starts up, though she stops bringing the kids when visiting her mother after it starts getting bad
- After Bill's attack she and River temporarily stay in England for their friends, having her kids stay with Merula and her and Gracie's kids
- She doesn't fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. She's too scared for both herself and Gracie, as if Tessa went to fight Gracie would follow
- Tessa finally discovers all of what happened when Gracie joined R, and how much she truly was one of them for a little while when Olivia Green suddenly enters the picture. That takes her a while to get over, but she's able to
Old Age and Death: Tessa dies at the age of 120 of natural causes, after Gracie, River, Liz, and basically all of her friends. When she gets too lonely, her soul gives up
- ambivert
- horribly insecure, not so much about her looks but her strength, both magical and physical
- a wee bit of a masochist, constantly pushes herself too hard
- has a good memory
- is good at strategy
- very very kind, even sometimes when someone doesn't deserve it
Misc Information
- Tessa is bilingual, fluent in both English and German
- From all her practicing, Tessa is an amazing cook/baker - River's drinking buddies absolutely love her for it
- She can sing beautifully, and can play simple songs on the piano
- Tessa's depression never quite goes away, but it never gets very bad
- She has pretty bad misophonia, which developed around age nine and got worse with the anxiety and depression
- She ends up with a doll collection that River is terrified of, so much so that she has to put charms around each one so he can't see them unless he focuses
- Tessa is a massive pasta hound
- She hates any drink that fizzes. It's very inconvenient considering she frequently attends parties with things like sparkling water and champagne
- Tessa likes pineapple pizza
- Her favorite color is green
- She's left handed like her siblings and her mother
- She loves thunderstorms
- Her favorite season is winter
- She loves going stargazing
- She has a weird obsession with water. If she's upset, the best thing to do is draw her a bath, and sometimes she'll fill a bowl and stick her hand in it while studying or reading
- She sweats a lot, both from being active and from unlucky genetics (hence why she smells like strong deodorant)
- Tessa doesn't exactly believe in aliens, but she's pretty sure we're not alone in the universe
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just-strolling-by · 4 years
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Was debating on whether or not I wanted to post this but I decided "eh, why not." Here's my designs for the Origin SMP. Will I make one for Charlie and Schlatt? Probably not.
Some Design Notes/Character "Headcanons":
Wilbur Soot:
- Didn't know how to make him look obviously transparent so go along with it
- (Was actually considering to make a background for all of them because of this but I got lazy)
- Should have made him float higher but didn't have enough room on my page
- I forgot to put it but their's supposed to be fins on her arms
- I gave her legs cause technically she CAN go on water but she'll suffocate
- Gills are either covered by hair on neck or behind those fin-things on her head
- Blue pupils to symbolize "Wet Eyes"!
- The first clothing design I did. I really liked the idea of Avians having their wings gradually form to their arms because over time they didn't need to fly anymore
- (but you also can't really see it since his arms are covered with his clothes )
- ((no, those are NOT his "wings" I just drew it like that and I am now experiencing regret))
- Out of everyone, I feel like his is the one that's the most heavily based on his skin
- Oh well
- Instead of flying they would use their strong feet to travel at mountains.
- (Also I was trying to find a "mountain chicken" type bird that lives in high places but I discovered a "mountain chicken" is a type of endangered frog. Also I think quails suits Avians??)
- I think when one first hears about Avians they'll think about like these peaceful, graceful species, like akin to elves, and the person who chose this role is Tommy of all people and I find that funny and really interesting. Like, imagine a young (and loud and brash) Avian who left the mountain because he didn't agree with the traditional ways and wanted to explore the world. Also he really wants to fly. Could be a really interesting story.
- Oh God, wHERE DO I START????
- Smallest one there for obvious reasons
- Tubbo's and Jack's designs were the trickiest ones for me. Because Tubbo's main color is green it clashes with purple quite a lot.
- Added purple splotches cause the description said "protected shell-like skin" but that (along with the green cell-shading) made him look sort of sickly. Also without the gloves his hands are completely purple.
- When I colored the pants I did what any good mom would do and try to add as much green as possible. The inside of the shulker is yellow so I made it to a greenish-yellow.
- (also, because the weird robe thing I did had the pattern of a shulker box I thought it was clever to "hide" the color inside it, like the actual mob)
- Hands are shaped like that because he can't hold a shield and I think its easier to mine stone like that.
- His outfit sort of resembles a guard's uniform because there is always one shulker guarding the treasure room.
- Backpack has no straps cause it really isn't a "backpack" but an actual box stuck on his back
- Thought about basing the shulker parts on the green shulker box for a smoother transition but I thought against it since I felt like it would go against the purple-scheme of the End. Oh well.
- The first time I ever saw an elytra in Minecraft the first thing I thought of was "insect"
- Because Elytras are from the End (a mysterious place) I make it like a magic "cape" he was born with that can turn into "cape wings" (there was this one design I saw of his wings and I think that perfectly represents what I had in mind)
- Originally thought "Would it be fine just to give him his original skin?" but I thought it was too easy so I come up with him being some sort of "treasurer" since Elytras are found in the treasure room (don't quote me on that I have not played Minecraft in years)
- I think it'll be cool if every Elytrian has a Shulk to protect them since the Elytrians are with the treasure they're probably some kind of trusted nobility so they need a guard to help them. May this guard be Tubbo is up to debate.
Jack Manifold:
- The second hardest one to design.
- Because his color scheme has a lot of blue I didn't know what to add and remove to match with the blaze (no pun intended) of the Nether.
- First thought is to replace his camo pants to a nether-camo pants. I dropped the stripes cause I didn't know what to do with them and instead gave him a gradient.
- Arms are disjointed and (don't know if you can see) his head is floating akin to a blaze.
- I gave him golden kneecaps cause... Nether
- His shoes/head is bright cause of fire(?) I headcanon that blazes have an innate fire/heat system so I carried that over to the Blazeborns
- Noble that snuck away from the End to visit the Overworld!!
- When I first read the description for the Enderian the first thing I thought was of princes, princesses and nobility, with the Ender Dragon of course being the tyrannical ruler of the End.
- (plus, his skin has a liTERAL CROWN)
- I gave him a traveller's cloak and some noble-ish clothes underneath to emphasize on that "noble snuck out to explore the world" sort of vibe.
- It's sort of hidden by the hair but there is a crown underneath it. There was originally jewels there but I decided against it
- His arms are longer and I was supposed to make him taller (despite him already being the tallest person in the server) but I did not have enough room. Also he was originally not gonna have a mouth but I gave it to him anyways.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 6 years
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Pairing: Jack x Winchester!reader
Summary: Isn’t it sad to think that if certain things in your life never happened you would be totally different from the person you are today. Y/N and Jack were once parallel lines never destined to meet, but something in both their lives made them. Was it chance or just a fortunate accident?
Warnings: Fluff, angst, cuteness of young love, over protective brothers, language.
Word Count: 2008
A/N: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Spn Beautiful Words Challenge. My word was serendipity: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. This is just cute fluffiness with Jack. There is no smut because, well he is still technically a child. I just found this concept really cute. Enjoy!
She never planned on falling in love, ever. She had grown up in a life where attachments meant danger. Not just for you, but for the attachment itself. She had been taught at a young age to love but to keep your distance.
She never planned for one day love to come knocking on her door. She never expected it to be the very thing she was always taught to fear. He was her happy accident. The thing she never planned for, but the thing she always wanted.
Y/n Winchester was the youngest sibling. The boys didn't know she existed until after their father died. They had gotten a mysterious call from an unknown number. They agreed to meet and found out that she was their sister. Well sort of.
They took her in though. She knew the life that her father led. It was how her mother and him met. A hunt had brought them together. Y/n had called her dad wanting to tell him of her mother's passing, but instead got a voicemail saying to call Dean.
Her life became nothing but chaos then. She was almost teenager when she met up with the boys. Just started middle school. Dean didn't want to drag her all over like how they were raised, but Sam brought up a good point that she was already involved in the life, and whether they kept her out or not, she would always find her way back. They decided to take her to Bobby's. There he raised her and she finished school, but not without some changes to her life.
Hunting was always in her blood though. Even when she decided to go to college, she still hunted, but local hunts. It wasn't till she was going to go back to college for a summer semester when the boys found her again. This time they had someone with them. A boy who looked to be her age with light brown hair, and the most impressive eyes. She found herself staring at this man for a long time. That is till Dean broke her focus.
"Are you going to let us in or are you going to make us get a motel?" Dean said barging in anyways.
"Sorry I was hoping you would introduce me to your friend here."
"Not gonna happen. We are just watching him for a little while. We are just here for the night, then we are headed back to the Bunker."
"Right because you are afraid of me getting attached."
"Do you mind if we talk out in the hall for a second?" Dean asked grabbing her arm and practically dragging her out to the hallway.
"What is your problem? You just dragged me out of my apartment for no reason." She blurted out once he shut the door.
He looked around making sure no one was around before he spoke.
"You cannot have any association with that kid, do you understand? He is Lucifer's son. He could be dangerous and you are not going to have any part of this. You are going to finish school and live a normal life."
"Yeah because hunting is a normal life."
"You don't hunt anymore. You gave that up when you went off to school. At least you promised you would."
"Yeah well things change Dean. I have been taking local hunts. You know the occasional shifter and ghost."
"Oh...oh." Dean was shocked to hear her say this, but he was glad she had taken notice to the surrounding areas.
"I know I made a promise, but if I see something I'm not going to ignore it like most people do. I do my best to solve it."
"I'm actually really proud of you for that. I know you made a promise, but that's really cool you have done that."
Dean then filled her in on the stranger in her home. She found out his name was Jack. She loved that name. She felt it suited him.
Jack felt very intrigued by the youngest Winchester. He had no idea Sam and Dean even had a younger sibling. He wanted to know everything about her.
"Sam who's the girl that Dean is talking to?" Jack asked curious to hear her name.
"Oh that's our sister. She's our half sister, but her and Dean are so much alike she feels like a full sister."
"Oh, she seems very nice. To let us stay here at least."
Jack felt an odd need to know everything he could possibly know about this girl. He didn't know why he just did.
"Yeah, she has a kind heart. She cares a lot about people and their feelings." Sam said a smile growing on his face just thinking about her.
"She seems lonely though. Like she's missing something." Jack pointed out.
Sam never really noticed that before, but it could be that she just misses her mother. She was only 12 when she passed.
"At a young age she lost her mom just like you. She probably misses her a lot."
"Hey guys how about I run out and get some beer and some grub. I really don't have much here right now. I haven't been shopping for a while." She came in suggesting.
Jack couldn't stop looking at her. She was amazing and she had such a story to tell. All he had to do was look into her eyes and see that.
"Why don't Dean and I run out. You and Jack can stay here and set up a table or something. We wouldn't really know where things were anyways." Sam suggested.
Dean looked at him like he was crazy. He didn't want their little sister left alone with the son of Lucifer.
"Dude really?!" Dean shouted when they entered the hallway.
"She'll be fine. Don't worry. He just wants to get to know her. Plus I really want her to come home. She has spent so much time here, she hasn't even seen the Bunker yet. I feel we have missed quality time with her. Time we won't ever get back."
"I know, but Jack and her? I saw the way she looked at him dude. She is going to fall and he is going to hurt her."
"If that happens we'll interfere."
"Fine." Dean agreed reluctantly.
"So Jack, how's it feel to be babysat by my brothers?"
"It's quite interesting. I don't mind it though they both seem very nice."
"They are, but Dean can become very opinionated at times. Sam is gentle and kind hearted. He will look after you quite well. Sam is always the nurturing one."
"Yeah he is. He has been telling me that I'm not who my father was, but who I choose to be."
"Exactly only you get to decide that. Dean may have his opinions, but I can see there is not a bad bone in your body."
Jack appreciated her kind words. He still saw that she was lonely, but he didn't know what to do to make her not so lonely anymore.
"You seem very nice and kind hearted like Sam. I see more similarities between you and him rather than you and Dean. Yet, I feel something in your life is missing, much like Sam and Dean."
"It's love Jack. Because the life we live, we can't have attachments. For I have tried, I can't seem to find the right one for me."
"You will. You're kind, and beautiful, and amazing."
"That's very sweet of you Jack. I don't think it'll happen though. I'm not destined to be with anyone."
"Y/n you will find someone. This life won't take that away from you." Sam said startling her.
"We want you to live a normal life. Not the one we live." Dean chimed in sounding guilty.
"I want to be in this life. It's all I know. Even when I've been at school I still hunted. I don't want the normal life anymore. Jack is right I am missing something. I'm missing my brothers. I want to come home. Forever."
Jack felt he knew her now. She was a family person. She just needed her family.
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Y/n had been living at the Bunker for a couple months now. Jack had taken off because of a hunt gone wrong.
Y/n was worried about him being out there on his own. Luckily, Jody had a lead on him and they were headed out to find him.
"I just hope he's okay. I have been so worried about him being out in the world by himself."
"Of course you have." Sam teased.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Yeah, what is that supposed to mean? You aren't pushing Jack on her are you? We've talked about this." Dean sounded worried. He didn't want Y/n to be with Jack, or anyone for that matter.
"I think he's good for her. She's probably opened up more to Jack in his first few months than she has her whole life." Sam said though Y/n could hear every word he was saying.
"You do realize I can still hear you two, right?" She interrupted them.
"Can you tell me I'm wrong then? If you can we'll drop it and leave you two alone." Sam compromised.
"You aren't wrong. But what I tell Jack is none of your business. I tell him things because he listens. When was the last time you ever listened to what I had to say?"
"We always listen to what you have to say." Dean piped in.
"Oh yeah? Then what did I suggest for breakfast this morning?" She quizzed them.
"Pancakes. The thing we had for breakfast." Dean responded not giving it a second thoughts.
"Wrong. Sammy?"
"Breakfast burritos from that restaurant you love so much." He caved knowing very well they both never hear what you have to say.
"No way she totally wanted pancakes this morning..."
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She let them argue about this. All she could think about was Jack. She let herself get distracted, but only for a few minutes before her mind wandered back to the nephilim she has grown so fond of. It wouldn't be long before they were reunited.
Losing Jack was the hardest thing for Y/n. She only hoped her brothers and Castiel had the resources to get him back. She was walking on thin ice with her thoughts. If she didn't talk to someone, but she couldn't talk to anyone about this.
That's when she finally realized how she felt about him. She knew exactly where she belonged.
Though she hated to admit it, she was starting to fall for the young nephilim, and she was starting to fall hard.
She wanted nothing more than to figure out rescue him from this apocalypse world.
Jack wanted to find a way to destroy Michael and get back to his friend. He couldn't help but want to tell her everything he felt close to her. Closer than he ever felt with anyone. Even Castiel.
Every time he thought about her he smiled. He didn't know this unnatural feeling. He didn't even realize he was doing sometimes. It was just natural for her to make him smile whether she was with him or in his thoughts.
She distracted him when he needed a break. It was his way to cool down. Though he didn't know why, it made him feel good. He only hoped she did the same with him.
Her brothers had the perfect plan in place to save Jack and Mary from the Apocalypse World. It was almost full proof. Almost.
There was only one thing they were missing: Archangel grace. That was the last ingredient standing between her and the boy she had grown to love.
She only hoped Gabriel was healed enough to create the rip. Sadly it wasn't enough. He wasn't fully healed from what Asmodeus did to him.
All hope felt lost. She was never going to see her Angel again.
@anotherwaywardsister @archangel-michael98 @atc74 @bella-ca @canadianspnhunter @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @ericaprice2008 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @katymacsupernatural @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @luci-in-trenchcoats @mamaredd123 @masksandtruths @mirandaaustin93 @muchamusedaboutnothing @our-jensen-ackles-love @roxyspearing @sea040561 @snffbeebee @spnwaywardwitch @squirrelnotsam @winchesterprincessbride
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I've never had much self confidence. I haven't liked myself since I was a child and even then I knew something was off. Beginning my transition to fully become male has caused the first feelings of contentment in small changes of myself. My voice especially. It has dropped in pitch and finally resonates within my very soul like I dreamed it would.
I had my surgery and went to stay with my mother for recovery.
As usual, she forgot I was transitioning (her medication really messed with her memory) and was immediately concerned with my changes. I assured her the change were good ones and what I wanted so she backed off but has yet to refer to me as male. I've already accepted this issue so im not even going to fight her on it since she just forget again anyway.
The point of all this isn't her but the rest of my family.
Last year I visited for three days and though there was a slight feeling of disapproval of my less than ladylike self, my family had always made it a point to avoid unpleasantness and just rejoice in the togetherness of the moment. Besides, I wasn't making a huge thing of anything since I knew in the end, I'd be leaving them for the majority of my life so who cared?
This time, however, my very proper and almost southern-bell like grandmother decided she should make her distaste of my changes known. I was very formally informed how unsatisfactory my voice was and how disgusted she was with me as well as how dare I subject the family to my foolishness...so I quietly left to my room.
Seeing how this was announced in front of most of the family, there was quite the reaction.
I'm proud to say that many supported me and were quite appalled by grandmother's opinion and apparently the largest fight to ever occur within our family broke out. Not physically (at first) but a definite divide was forged.
Over the following days, while I was mainly bed bound for my surgery recovery, I was lectured and blamed for the argument. Because I chose to do this, I am now the core of the fight. It is my fault. I can't say anything though. My voice disgusts them too much for them to listen unless I start talking like a lady again.
Physical fighting began as well. Cousins fighting cousins. Aunts and uncles yelling and threatening each other. All the while Grandmother has my mother as an oblivious captive, threatening me how she'll throw her own daughter out of the house if I don't cooperate. Grandfather's gun to my face certainly helped my drug fogged mind to focus.
I have spent nearly a full month here. One week to go.
I am tired and frankly worn to a very low point.
I can't speak.
I can't express or wear my clothes.
To top everything off, this is November. This is the time of year I hate the most. Now is when my nightmares hit the hardest and most cruel. Every year I have managed to get by through working myself ragged, distracting myself as much as possible, sometimes even medicating myself to sleep.
This is the first year of my life to have nothing.
I have no distractions. I laid in silence alone in my room with nothing but my mind for the first week. Nightmare after nightmare clawing at my mind as I am trapped in my drugged state, trying to heal.
Then this chaos began.
So now nightmares by night, family grievances by day.
And I'm tired.
I'm trying to remember that this is temporary. I'm trying to keep on mind that this doesn't matter. I am allowed to disagree. I am allowed to change my body till it is the me I am inside.
Is my voice really that bad? Do I really look so disgusting? I thought I sounded pretty good but am I wrong? I thought I was getting thinner and looking pretty good and finally heading towards masculine...but maybe I'm just kidding myself. Wishful thinking out of desperation?
Just like being told by four bosses how I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, there comes a point where I have to really look at myself and realize...they're probably right.
I'm more or less in autopilot now a days. Don't want to keep bringing down my friends with a problem there is no answer for so I stop reaching out. They are all having their own problems stressing them out majorly anyway so why add more worry?
Just one more week.
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