#it's part of the fun in bickering with someone who cares about you and is willing to disagree with you
wolverigrl · 17 hours
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Scorched Earth
Logan Howlett x mutant reader
!Disclaimer! Y/n is a mutant with the same skills as the human torch! Let me know if you'd like to read another part!
Warnings: mentioning of alcohol and death, angst
“Bobby, for real, you can’t possibly think that’s better than mine!” I laughed, leaning back on the chair in the kitchen, feet propped up on the table. Across from me, my brother grinned, folding his arms over his chest with that cocky smirk of his.
“You’re just jealous I got the better nickname.” Bobby replied, his voice light, teasing. “Iceman? It’s sleek, it’s cool - literally - and it fits me.”
I snorted, rolling my eyes. “Oh, please. ‘Iceman’ sounds like the title of some second-rate action movie. Meanwhile, I’m lighting up the sky over here.”
Bobby raised a brow, feigning offense. “That’s a lot of talk from someone who’s still stuck with ‘Firecracker.’ ”
I punched him lightly on the arm. “I’ll take ‘Firecracker’ any day over your ‘cool’ puns.”
Our banter was easy, the kind that came naturally after years of being siblings. Bobby had always been the steady one, the one who could calm everyone down with a joke, while I was the hothead - pun intended - never one to back down from a challenge. It’s what made us a good team, even if we drove each other crazy half the time.
The way he carried himself, his calm demeanor, and his unwavering sense of control over his powers - everything I wasn't.
I was the fire to his ice, the chaos to his calm. We clashed often, but it wasn’t because we didn’t care. It was because we cared too much. And despite all the bickering, all the teasing, there was a bond between us that no one could break. I’d die for him. He was my anchor when my temper flared, my tether to reality when my powers spiraled out of control.
Just as I was about to throw another sarcastic remark his way, Logan walked into the room, his usual gruff self. He barely acknowledged us, heading straight for the fridge. Typical.
“Hey, Logan!” I called, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. “Did you finally get that stick outta your ass, or is it still lodged in there pretty good?”
Logan froze mid reach for a beer, then slowly turned his head, giving me the look - the one that said 'I am not in the mood for your crap right now, bub.' But that just made it more fun.
“Don’t you have somethin’ better to do, hotshot?” he growled, slamming the fridge shut and twisting the cap off his beer with more force than necessary. “Or do you just live to run your mouth?”
I smirked, unfazed. “You know, it’s funny you say that, because I’ve noticed you love listening to me. Maybe it’s because no one else has the guts to call you out on your eternal grumpiness?”
Bobby snickered from beside me, enjoying the show. “She’s got a point, man. You’re not exactly known for your sunny disposition.”
Logan shot Bobby a glare before turning his attention back to me. “Maybe I’m grumpy ‘cause some people around here don’t know when to shut up.”
“Oh, come on, Logan. You’d miss me if I didn’t poke at you every now and then.” I said, leaning forward with a grin. “Admit it - you secretly love the banter.”
Logan let out a low, frustrated growl, shaking his head as he took a long swig from his beer. “The day I admit that, is the day hell freezes over. And even then, I’ll blame Bobby.”
Bobby grinned, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, don’t drag me into your weird dynamic. I’m just the innocent bystander.”
I shot Bobby a mock glare. “Innocent? You? Yeah, sure. Tell that to the last five people you pranked.”
Logan huffed, clearly done with the conversation, but I wasn’t quite finished yet. “You know, Logan.” I continued, leaning back again and stretching my arms behind my head, “You really oughta work on that sunny disposition. You’re gonna give yourself wrinkles with all that frowning.”
He narrowed his eyes at me, jaw clenching. “Why don’t you mind your own damn business and keep that fire of yours under control?”
“Oh, I keep it very controlled, thank you very much.” I said, flashing a smile. “Besides, you seem to enjoy living dangerously. Why else would you keep hanging around us?”
Logan shook his head, muttering something under his breath before retreating to his usual corner of the room, beer in hand, grumbling the entire way. Bobby leaned in toward me, his voice low enough so only I could hear.
“I still think you’re his favorite.”
I laughed quietly, watching Logan brood from across the room. “Nah, he just hasn’t figured out how to handle all of this yet.” I gestured to myself with a playful smirk.
“Sure, that’s what it is.” Bobby chuckled, leaning back with a relaxed sigh.
Despite Logan’s gruff attitude and my constant teasing, there was a kind of unspoken respect between us. He was the first to step in when things got dangerous, always willing to put himself on the line for the team. And even though he’d never admit it, I knew he appreciated having someone who wasn’t afraid to challenge him, to call him out when he was being extra cranky. In a way, it kept things balanced.
Bobby and I exchanged another look, both of us knowing exactly how this dynamic worked. I teased Logan, Logan growled, and the world kept spinning. It was our version of normal - a delicate balance of sarcasm, snark, and the occasional grumpy Wolverine glare.
It was one of those rare moments when everything felt light, even if just for a little while. Days like these, with Bobby teasing me, and Logan grumbling from across the room, were the best. I’d give anything to hold onto them.
But life as an X-Men had a way of reminding you that those moments could be fleeting.
And I didn’t know then just how fleeting they would be.
Todays mission was supposed to be a standard takedown. Another mutant extremist group, radicalized and bent on 'mutant supremacy'. Charles had briefed us thoroughly, and we had faced worse before. Or at least we thought we had.
It went south almost immediately. We were outnumbered, and it was clear that our enemies had intel we weren’t prepared for. They knew where we would be, how we would strike, and worse - they knew how to separate us. That was when things really started to fall apart.
The battlefield was a mess of chaos and screaming. Blasts of energy, ice, and fire lit up the sky, while the air howled with the sound of Storm’s winds tearing through enemy lines. I was a blur of fire and fury, every step a combustion of flame as I ripped through the chaos, throwing up walls of fire to keep enemies at bay. But no matter how hard we fought, there were too many. We were getting spread thin. Too thin.
I caught sight of Bobby ahead of me, just in time to see him raise an enormous ice wall to shield a group of our teammates. His back was to me, and before I could shout a warning, a blast from one of the enemy’s weapons slammed into him, sending him sprawling across the ground.
“Bobby!” I screamed, my heart lurching.
He struggled to get up, one knee bent, but the blast had been too much. His walls of ice began to crack and crumble around him. Panic rose in my throat like bile. He was surrounded, the enemies closing in.
I pushed forward, flames erupting from my palms as I blasted through the mob, trying to reach him. “Hang on, I’m coming!” I shouted, but my voice barely cut through the cacophony of combat.
But I wasn’t fast enough.
Before I could get to him, a second blast hit him. The impact was devastating. I saw his body jerk violently before he collapsed, crumpling like a rag doll on the cold, scorched ground. Time seemed to slow, my breath caught in my throat, and everything else faded away.
“No!” My scream tore from my chest, broken and raw, but there was nothing I could do.
He was still, too still.
I scrambled toward him, my flames fizzling out as I dropped to my knees beside his body. I reached out, hands trembling as I gently touched his face. His skin was cold, colder than it should have been. His chest didn’t rise. His eyes were closed. My pulse pounded in my ears, but I couldn't hear anything except the roaring silence in my own head.
He was gone.
“Bobby, please…” I whispered, my voice cracking. “Please don’t leave me.”
I don’t know how long I sat there, holding him, begging for him to come back. I couldn’t save him. I. Couldn’t. Save. Him.
Then, something broke inside me.
The grief, the rage, the helplessness - everything surged at once, overwhelming every rational thought. The fire inside me, the power I always tried to control, flared up in an instant. It wasn’t just fire anymore - it was fury, pure and uncontrollable.
Flames erupted from my body, hotter and fiercer than they ever had before. I screamed, the sound ripping through the air as fire exploded in all directions, a supernova of heat and light. The ground beneath me cracked, molten lava seeping from the earth as the intensity of my power burned through everything in its path.
I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to.
The flames raged out, consuming everything they touched. The enemy soldiers who had killed Bobby screamed as they were incinerated, their bodies turning to ash in mere seconds. The ground smoked, trees around us igniting in a blaze, and the air became thick with heat.
Jean’s voice echoed in my mind, faint, as if she was shouting at me from the end of a long tunnel. “Y/n, stop! You have to stop!” Her voice was desperate, but I couldn’t listen. Couldn’t hear her over the roaring firestorm inside me.
Storm tried to summon her winds, pulling clouds thick with rain to douse the flames, but it wasn’t enough. Even the sky couldn’t hold back the inferno that had taken over me. I felt her power strain against mine, but my emotions fueled the fire, making it burn hotter, stronger. I was losing control completely, my body heating up like the core of a star.
“Y/n! You’re going to kill everyone!” Scott shouted through the comm, his voice barely audible over the roaring flames. I could see them, all of them, struggling to get away from the heat, the fire spreading in every direction.
Charles reached out, trying to touch my mind, but I was beyond reach. His calming presence couldn’t get through the thick walls of grief and rage that had consumed me.
I was going to burn everything. Everyone.
Then, through the haze of heat and fire, I saw him.
He was moving toward me, slow and steady, ignoring the screams of the others as they begged him to stop.
“Logan, no! You’ll die!” Jean’s voice, frantic, but he didn’t listen.
“Logan, don’t!” Storm shouted, the wind whipping around her, but he kept walking, one foot in front of the other, his eyes locked on mine.
I couldn’t stop the fire. I was too far gone, too lost in my own power. The heat radiated off me in waves, scorching everything in its path, and yet he kept coming.
His skin started to blister almost immediately. The heat was unbearable, even from where I stood. I could see his face contorting in pain, could smell the sickening scent of burning flesh as he got closer. His clothes were already charred, the leather of his jacket melting and fusing to his skin. But he didn’t stop.
I wanted to scream at him to get back, to stop, but the words wouldn’t come. All I could do was watch in horror as he walked into the flames, his healing factor struggling to keep up as his body was scorched by the heat I was putting off.
And then he was there, standing right in front of me, his skin bright red, his hands trembling as the fire licked at his skin. His face was a mask of pain, sweat and blood mixing with the charred burns that covered his arms and neck. But his eyes, his eyes were steady.
“Y/n.” he said, his voice low and raspy, strained from the pain. “You need to stop.”
“I can’t!” I gasped, my breath catching as the flames flared up again, fueled by the storm of emotions inside me. “I can’t control it. I-I’m going to kill you, Logan!”
“I don’t care!" he growled, taking another step closer, his boots melting into the molten ground. His body trembled, his skin bubbling and cracking under the heat, but he didn’t back down. “I’m not leaving you.”
Tears streamed down my face, evaporating the moment they hit the air.
His eyes locked onto mine, unwavering, even as the flames licked at his skin. His face contorted in pain, but he didn’t stop.
“Bub.” he rasped, his voice hoarse from the heat. “You need to let go. I know it hurts, but you gotta stop.”
I couldn’t hear him over the roar of the fire. I was too far gone. The heat, the flames, my emotions - it was all consuming me. I was a supernova, and there was no pulling back.
Logan took another step. His healing factor was working overtime, but even he couldn’t withstand this for long. Yet, he didn’t hesitate.
“Y/n!” Logan yelled, louder this time, and I felt his words cut through the haze. “I know what it’s like! To lose someone - hell, to lose everyone! You feel like you’re gonna burn up inside. You feel like it’ll never stop, like you’ll never breathe again. But this ain’t the way!”
I felt the fire flare around me, almost as if it were trying to drown out his words. I wanted to listen, but the grief, the rage - it was still so raw. Bobby was gone. How could I stop the fire when everything inside me was screaming to let it burn?
But Logan didn’t back off. He stepped into the heart of the inferno, his arms opening, and wrapped me in a hug. The flames surged as they met his body, and I could feel his skin burning under my touch. I could smell it. His face twisted in agony, but he didn’t pull away.
“Let it out, hotshot. Let it all out,” Logan whispered, his voice softer now, almost tender. “But don’t burn yourself with it. You ain’t alone. I’m here.”
I could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, his breaths ragged from the heat, but his arms around me were steady, grounding. In that moment, the fire faltered, flickering as my mind struggled to grasp what was happening.
Logan - the one person who could barely stand to be in the same room as me without a sarcastic remark - was holding me, burning alive in my fire, all because he wouldn’t leave me alone in my pain.
And then, I felt it.
The fire started to die down, the flames retreating into my skin as I began to sob against his chest. The heat that had consumed me so completely, so violently, began to ebb, leaving behind only the suffocating weight of grief. Logan’s chest was soaked with my tears as I clung to him, my body shaking with the force of my cries.
“I couldn’t save him, Logan." I choked out between sobs. “I couldn’t- ”
“I know." Logan murmured, his voice rough but soothing. “I know, bub. It’s not your fault.”
The last of the flames flickered out, and the air around us was suddenly cooler, still. Logan’s body, still blistered and burnt in places, didn’t move. He just held me tighter, letting me cry into his chest, never once letting go. I buried my face into the fabric of his ruined shirt, his heartbeat the only thing keeping me tethered to reality.
After what felt like forever, I became aware of the world around me again. The sounds of the battlefield had quieted. Jean, Storm, and the others were slowly approaching, their faces a mix of worry and relief.
“We need to get back to the mansion,” Scott said, his voice soft but firm. “Y/n, Logan… let’s go.”
Logan didn’t move to let me go, and I didn’t want him to. The thought of being alone right now, without the steady warmth of his presence, was unbearable.
“Can you walk?” Hank asked me.
Logan shook his head, giving a low grunt of pain as he stood up, still cradling me in his arms. “I got her.”
I felt Logan’s arms adjust under me as he began to walk, carrying me like I weighed nothing. I should’ve been worried about him, should’ve told him to let me go, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I pressed my face into his chest, feeling the burn marks on his skin, the roughness of his wounds. He was hurting because of me, but he didn’t care.
The journey back to the mansion felt like a blur, the sounds of the battlefield fading into silence as Logan carried me, step after step, his breathing labored but determined. I clung to him, my body exhausted, but my mind still racing with grief and guilt.
When we finally reached the mansion, Logan carried me straight to my room. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and laid me gently on my bed. His face was tense with pain, but his movements were careful and protective.
I reached out, grabbing his wrist as he turned to leave. “Don’t go... please.” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I-I don’t wanna be alone.”
Logan’s eyes softened, just for a moment. He gave a small nod and sat down on the edge of the bed, his weight making the mattress dip slightly. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to offer any more words of comfort, and for that, I was thankful. I didn’t need words. I just needed him to stay.
I curled into his side, my head resting against his chest once again. His heartbeat was slower now, more even, though his body was still warm from the burns. He didn’t flinch when I pressed closer, seeking the comfort of his presence. His arm wrapped around me, holding me close, and for the first time since Bobby died, I felt a small flicker of something like peace.
As I sobbed into Logan’s chest, my body exhausted from the emotional and physical strain, I felt his hand gently stroke my hair. He didn’t say anything, just let me cry. His presence as steady as the heartbeat beneath my cheek.
The tears slowly began to subside, my body relaxing into his as the exhaustion took over. I was grateful for the silence, grateful for the way Logan just was - strong, unyielding, and never pushing me for more than I could give.
Eventually, my eyes grew heavy, the grief and pain pulling me into a restless sleep. The last thing I remembered was the feel of Logan’s hand still in my hair, his quiet strength wrapping around me like a protective shield.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, I let myself drift into sleep, safe in his arms.
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shallowseeker · 13 days
I'm breaking this one out by itself because it's a little funny.
*Dean's phone rings*
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*Dean answers without looking*
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*Dean proceeds to yell at Cas*
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Ah, right. What could possible be so important?
Sam goes on to tell Dean that *drumroll* Sam is Lucifer's true vessel.
WOW! Scary!
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DEAN: *sarcastically* Just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in, huh Sammy? SAM: That's it? That's your response?
It's... completely lost of Sam, though, the REASON for Dean's sarcasm.
See. It's this: now that Sam's found out that HE'S a vessel, he's in his car, an absolute FIRE lit under his goddamned tail, EAGER to get back in and fight.
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Dean throws a hint.
DEAN: *sarcastically again* I guess I'm a little numb to the earth-shattering revelations at this point. SAM: Well what are we gonna do about it?
And Sam... still doesn't get it.
Here's the thing. Sam wasn't panicking when they learned that Dean was a vessel. Only Cas and Bobby were panicked and stressed. They were mean, but they were at least aware of the reality of things.
But Sam.
Yes, Sam was going through things, struggling with things, and taking time to go through things is okay. But on the other hand, it definitely still hurts that Sam wasn't insisting on staying in the fight on Dean's behalf, to protect Dean from becoming a vessel.
But now that Sam's learned that he's a vessel?
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It's not even that, though. It's this whole conversation.
Because what's missing here? Empathy for Dean's plight.
Sam doesn't realize that this is why he's perpetually at... the kids' table. This right here.
In this whole conversation, Sam is eaten up with ranting about his own feelings, about how he's sick of being a puppet, and how he's going to hunt Lucifer down and gain redemption.
Sam's all about "how he can do this," how he's "gonna prove it to you."
It makes him seem a lot younger than he is.
There's no acknowledgment of how helpless Dean must have been feeling all this time, knowing that he's been targeted by an archangel, about how scary this whole thing is.
Hell, even Cas acknowledged Dean's fears re: Michael.
I mean: He did it in his Cas way, but it still acknowledged the enormity of the fear.
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Meanwhile, Sam back in 5x01, right after DEAN learned about being Michael's vessel: Geez, why is everyone so cranky and stressed?
🥺Dean, what do you mean that you didn't mean your pep talk to Bobby? Whaaaat? 🥺
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And the thing is. Not "getting it"? That's understandable. But this conversation is just... devoid of support for Dean.
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And they're not. Sam's zapping all the strength for himself.
When they've been together lately, Dean is the big brother who lends support, and Sam isn't giving anything back. Sam's out to prove himself, not to support others.
And they tell older siblings and parents to be patient, to let them learn, to step back and forgive, to be "a soft place to land."
That's hard to do. And it's exhausting.
And aside// Sam's apology to (demon) Bobby was SO MUCH NICER. Sam, where is this humility and energy for other people????
SAM: No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry. Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal. I killed her, and I set Lucifer free. You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on. I'm sorry.
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accioscarheadthings · 3 months
kenji sato x reader
summary: you are professor sato's student and mina contacts you when kenji finds himself with an injured kaiju baby
pairings: kenji sato x fem!student!reader
author's note: turning this into a series (?) may not follow the movie's timeline completely. future smut, so minors DNI.
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masterlist !
you stood beside professor sato in the tube lift as it descended to kenji's basement.
you fiddled with the ends of your shirt, anxiety beginning to spiral within you by the second.
being at kenji’ house was something you never imagined would happen, especially after your not-so-smart first date. 
like kenji, you also had a legacy to bear, with your father as an expert mechanic, he built a titanium-alloyed suit with sato to fight by his side. and with him gone, you had to take on the mantle and the responsibility of protecting the city.
kenji knew you as his father’s student, slightly bitter that his father was spending time with someone who was not him.
but he couldn’t deny, you were a sight for sore eyes.
he would throw his words at you now and then, relishing in your sarcasm and remarks, falling more and more for your fiery demeanour and silver tongue.
and with you both fighting kaiju attacks together, it only pulled you closer to each other.
the baseball player won a bet against you, asking for just one date with you. 
you were skeptical about it, not wanting to get tangled in his spider web of messy celebrity life. but you couldn’t back off from the bet. a deal was a deal.
the date went surprisingly well, with you and kenji bickering back and forth about the most mundane things, just to get a rise out of the other. but as time went by, the sexual tension was increasing between you two.
you couldn’t deny it, no matter how much he annoyed you with his bratty charm. he was hot. 
the date was supposed to end with him dropping you in your place, but instead, you found yourself in his arms in the back of his car- naked, needy, and moaning his name like a prayer.
after that, he took you into your apartment and fucked you good, mumbling praises and promises as he drilled into you. the next morning, he left before you woke up, leaving a note saying that last night was fun. 
no calls or messages after that. he merely acknowledged your presence after that.and you were thankful for it. a bit.
part of you wished he would reach out and check in on you after that night. but you knew he wouldn’t.
it made you feel used and unwanted. took you quite a while to get over it, but you eventually did. 
you only took care of the fights he didn’t pay mind to. like the kaiju attack he ditched when the kdf intervened.
and now with the doom of meeting him again, your nerves were on end.
“fret not, dear,” professor sato glanced at your tensed state, “it will be alright.”
"professor, um, you still haven't told me why we’re at your son’s place. or what we're gonna do. or why you needed me out of all people-”
"i just need you to trust me on this, dear. you're the only one i do at this moment. can you do that for me?"
"you know i'm big on trust, professor, " i commented, shaking my head.
the lift stopped, and professor smiled, "that i do," 
when the lift doors opened, ultramn’s face was right on, big glowing eyes.
you took a step back with a yelp, “what the-"
"oh my-" ultraman gasped, “y/n… hi,” he seemed to be dazed, breathless.
you nodded nervously, glaring at his metal head and glowing eyes, glad that you didn't have to look at his handsome face, “hi,”
“dad! what is she doing here?” kenji hollered, as if you were invisible.
you glared at him even harder, tilting your head to the side at his tone.
"i apologize for my son," professor told you, "kenji, this is my assistant and she knows best about kaiju infants,"
i added, "because i've studied about them.my entire life. what they eat, their life cycle, the metamorph-"
"okay, okay, got it yeah," he waved you off in a hurry, his voice laced with impatience and worry.
you were about to snap when a pained squeal rang out and you leaned past him to sneak a peak, but ultraman obscured your view.
“dad, i’m not asking for pain, complaints, guilt, or criticism. not right now. i just-” he paused, struggling, “i need your help. both of you,” his head turned to you.
when he moved out of the way, you saw it, a gasp escaping your lips .
a baby kaiju lying on its back in the middle of the room, its head resting on ultraman’s knees while he held it down, rubbing its head. a red beam blinked under its skin, signaling its distress.
"wow," you gaped at the kaiju baby, following after professor sato.
“she was hurt, dad. we were attacked, i don’t know what to do. she got loose. i-i should’ve been there,” kenji rambled, guilt evident as he beat him up for what happened.
professor sato examined her, running a hand over a scales, “incredible,”
i held out my fist, metal plates slipping over your fingers and crawling up your arm till your elbow. you held out a hand, shooting a scanning bean from your fist to examine.
“you brought your warsuit?” ultraman asked in wonder. he knew about your identity and was hoping he’d run into you in one of the fights.
“just in case,” you shrugged, eyes on the anatomy chart you had pulled up in front of you as the holograph blinked on the arm of the kaiju, indicating the site of injury.
meanwhile, professor sato ran a chem analysis of the tranquilizer that had hit her.
"oh, hello mina," you greeted the ai when it floated towards you, “it’s been a long time,”
"indeed," mina responded, "you look well,"
the kaiju baby whined in pain, squirming. you rested your metal palm on its tummy, easing your way up and down on its body, "shh, hey, hey- it's okay, we're gonna help you, baby, mkay?” you cooed.
the kaiju baby seemed to somewhat calm down at your words, its body still trembling.
“is it a he or she?” you asked, tapping and prodding her arm juncture.
“a she,” mina responded.
"she's beautiful," you looked up at her in awe, “professor, i suppose she has fracture. there’s fluid build-up in her elbow. mina, can u confirm?,”
“yes, she had a mid-humeral fracture with associated hematoma,” mina added.
the kaiju baby cried out again.
“it’s okay, you’re okay,” professor sato uttered softly caressing her arm.
mina was filling in the professor about the analysis of the tranquilizer while you got a closer look at the baby, running your metal hand over her palm.
her fist closed around your hand, the kaiju baby cooing slightly. your heart melted at the action.
“poor thing. does it hurt too much?” you reached to touch her arm where she got hurt, only for her to squeal in alarm.
“it’s okay,” kenji soothed, “she’s-” he stammered, looking at you now fully and taking in your appearance and feeling somewhat flustered, “she’s not gonna hurt you,”
you spared a glance at him, turning away, your face turning red at the mere sound of his voice. pathetic, you scolded yourself.
“can you synthesize a 100 ccs?” professor sato asked mina. 
“yes, professor,”
“good we’ll need more,”
 “more?!” kenji snapped, “for what?”
“kenji,” “you may not agree with me on anything else, but right now, i’m the best chance she has. and with y/n, it will be easier. so please, please just let me help,”
kenji glanced at you, agreeing, “okay,”
professor sato held up a ragged bunny in the air. the kaiju baby beamed at it.
“dad,” kenjis sighed in nostalgia, “bunny?”
“it always worked on you,” he placed it on the baby’s arm. he notched his walking stick between her shouler and arm, making sure it was right. i nodded in approval.
i placed my hand on the kaju baby’s palm, “hold her tight, kenji,”
two mechanical arms appeared from the ground, grabbing onto the baby’s arms.
taking a deep breath, you mumbled along with the lullaby mina played in the back and pushed her dislocated bone into place. kenji turned his head away to the side, unable to watch while the kaiju baby screeched in pain.
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you sat by the stairs of the containment unit as the kaiju baby slept in it, snuggling a half-crushed car.
you were watching the footage of the kaiju baby loose in the streets, observing its movement, behaviour—
you slapped your watch shut and looked up at kenji, blinking, “hi,”
your eyes locked for a moment longer adn you both looked away, feeling bashful and flustered. 
you felt him sit on the stair beside you and rest his elbows on his knees, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
“so, uh, how are ya?” kenji turned to face you, his hair falling all over his forehead.
you bit back the urge to brush them back, “fine. so how’s life being a single mom with two jobs?” you teased, hoping to ease the tension.
kenji gave a small smile, his chest rumbling with a groan, “exhausting,”
“i can tell,” you noticed the fading dark circles under his eyes, the fatigue in the paleness of his skin.
“watching me that closely, sweetheart?” he tipped his head to the side, leaning forward a bit, his flirty tone showing up.
“you wish,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“it’s good to see you,” kenji spoke genuinely, “after the last time we met turned into-”
“oh dear god-” you sputtered, “don’t just don’t,”
“was it that bad?” he seemed offended that you were shutting out that incident so quickly, “was i that bad?”
“no, no, ken,” i laughed carelessly, missing the way a shy smile crept up kenji’s face at your sound, “its just that,” you tried to find the right words, “it was amazing, but the days after that, not so much. we-”
“-drifted apart,” kenji completed, understanding now.
“i’ll just,” kenji jabbed his thumb to the couch area and walked towards it, muttering and scolding himself for being so clumsy and flustered around you.
you smiled at his back, watching him sit down. you turned back towards the containment unit, watching the kaiju baby snore away.
you crossed your legs, getting comfortable, "mina?"
"yes?" the ai floated towards you.
"give me everything you have on the kaiju baby. and you might wanna get filled in on the kaiju anatomy and life cycle info i have in my database," you held up your watch for her.
“sure thing,” a mechanical arm took it from you.
"and also, could i get a cup of coffee, with three-,"
a cup was thrust beside your face to hold. 
you looked up and saw kenji holding one for you, having one for himself, “three shots of espresso. just how you like it,”
surprised but touched, you accepted it with a kind nod, watching him walk back to his father.
he relaxed back, leaning into the couch and spreading his legs apart shamelessly, one arm resting on the head of the couch.
you lips parted at the sight.
kenji did a double take and caught you staring, a grin quirking his lips as he did so. it only widened as he saw how you fumbled and turned away from him, finding your reaction adorable.
he couldn't believe how captivating you were, and he knew he was in danger of losing himself to your charm. 
 the way your hair draped over your shoulder, only if he could wrap his fist around them and pull you flush against his back-
“pure thoughts, ken. pure thoughts,” he chided himself, his mind struggling to process the mental image it created.
he silently chastised himself for letting you slip through his fingers last time, but he knew that he couldn't ignore you any longer. 
as he looked at you, he felt his heart skip a beat and he couldn't help but sigh, "sweetheart..." knowing that you were too tempting for him to resist this time.
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animehideout · 9 months
Love Troops Suitable For JJK Men Part 1.
a/n: who should I write next?
part 2
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gojo Satoru:
Enemies to Lovers.
Being the two strongest sorcerers always leads to heated arguments. Bickering over and over again over the slightest things and getting over the higher-ups nerves.
“Your techniques are rustle and old fashioned y/n you sure you can win?”
“Shut up Satoru or I'll beat your ass”
“Come one stop being a weakling, wait are you cryin?”
Secretly admires your techniques and strength.
But during a rough mission, you ended up getting badly injured and it revealed his true feelings towards you.
“y/n are you okay? Does it hurt? I'll take care of you I promise.. slowly..yeah lean on me princess”.
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Toji Fushiguro:
Arranged Marriage.
You'd be set up to marry this man. You had feelings for him from the beginning but he didn't reciprocate. It was more like a deal to strengthen the relations between the two clans. He would ignore you, and tell you that he'll never love you, or consider you as a wife.
“Not because we're married means that you can start acting like my wife. I don't love you and I'll never will”
“Know your limits and don't come near me or get into my business y/n”.
You were too heartbroken, and you had to move on. so you started going out with someone else in order to forget Toji. And here you light up the flame of jealousy in him making him realize how much he wants you for himself only.
“Whos that?”
“None of your business Toji”
“Oh it is my business, I'm your fucking husband y/n”
“Oh I thought we had a deal and you know it's not a real marriage after all”
“from now on, it will be... you're mine”.
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Megumi Fushiguro:
Opposites Attract
His calm demeanor met your lively spirit. You brought laugher and spontaneity and he brought quiet and peace. Like the moon and the sun.You were too expressive but he was always silent. He found your whole personality annoying at first, he wants to enjoy the tranquility but you've always had to interrupt it somehow.
“Can you lower your voice? it's annoying me!!”.
“Ugh you talk too much y/n, I can't focus”.
It was always that way untill you chose to go mute and never bother him again. Being an observer, he would notice your unusual quietness. He would miss the way you talk with passion about things you love or even stupid things. He would miss the way you try to annoy him for fun. He would miss your loud sweet laugh.
“Hey y/n, is everything okay? you'be been quiet for too long”
“come on don't ignore me, I m-miss your l-laugh”.
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01zfan · 4 months
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film it | l. sh
skateboarder!sohee x videographer!reader | 7k words
ninona lore this took me back to my skateboarding days…don’t know why i didn’t realize the tea with skateboarding sohee earlier.
i listened to tape you by N.E.R.D. while writing this. also the music i imagined for the highlight reel is humps for the boulevard by rodney o and joe cooley!
contains: sex & recording the act (consensual), mentions of skateboarding related injuries (nothing major)
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you always heard sohee first.
the sound of the wheels on his skateboard gliding across the ground behind you. you only saw him like a flash of light, there one second gone the next and always followed by his crew of skateboarders. the only time he had spoken to you was the warnings that he was coming behind you and he didn’t plan on slowing down. 
your interaction with sohee was so limited that you thought he was talking to someone else when he first addressed you.
“hey!” he yelled to you.
you looked around the skating park to see who sohee was talking to. you sat on the bench, mouthful of your sandwich when you realized sohee was looking straight at you. when you pointed to yourself sohee nodded, smiling back at his friends before he continued.
“you good with a camera?” he asked, still yelling.
your shitty camcorder sat next to you, resting on top of your recently bought board. you had picked up a hobby last minute for the summer, in no way at all was that connected to the man that spoke to you. you swallowed your bite before nodding your head, instinctually dusting crumbs off of your body.
“yeah.” you yelled back.
sohee looked back to his friends one last time, all of them giving him nods of approval.
“can you film us doing some tricks?” he asked.
you nodded your head with a little too much enthusiasm, and you got up from your spot on the ground a little too quickly. maybe something about the acknowledgment made you feel vindicated, or maybe you liked having something to do. being at the skatepark alone was less fun than you thought it would be, so you leapt at the chance to spend time with people. they didn’t care that you were wobbly on your skateboard, they slowed down as they gave you instructions on where they were going so you could follow them. 
“i’m gonna start on the a-frame and then go to the euro gap.” taesan instructed, pointing at each structure.
“got it.” you chirped.
you started the camera at taesan’s face, going all the way down to his feet planted on the skateboard. before taesan could start, another one of sohee’s friends skated behind you. you turned the camcorder quickly to face him, and he looked shocked for a moment before adjusting to the camera. 
“make sure you get him eating shit too.” leehan said.
you turned the camera back to taesan as the rest of the crew laughed behind you.
“you can’t even nollie flip.” taesan teased.
“fuck you.” leehan laughed.
the rest of the day you spent with sohee and his crew, filming their tricks and them bickering with one another. they even taught you how to be more steady on your board while recording at the same time. 
by the time you guys were done the sun was setting and you all smelled like sweat. you could feel how dirty the clothes you wore were, your shirt felt like a dirty rag that dried in the sun on your body. even if you all smelled and were all still sweating from the heat you ended the day at the top of the ramp huddled together watching the raw footage. they all crowded around the tiny viewfinder, laughing at their failures and exclaiming at the successful attempts at tricks. sohee constantly praised your recording ability, to which you shook your head each time. 
“it’s nothing really.” you pointed at the screen, waiting for a certain part you knew would illicit a reaction. “this is when leehan scraped his knee trying to nollie flip.” you said.
when the videos were finished, sohee’s friends began grabbing their things but sohee lingered close to you. he waited until you looked up from your camcorder to him, and he turned at the same time. you got flustered and sohee smiled at you trying to avoid eye contact, only breaking away when another one of his friends spoke.
“i’m tired as hell. i’m going home.” seunghan said, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
“me too.” haewon got up from the ramp, using a grip on your shoulder to push herself up.
seunghan made his way down the ramp and the others followed. you found sohee lingering behind once again, waiting for you to grab your things. while his other friends walk ahead, he stayed behind to walk with you. he adjusts the backpack on his shoulder and looks to his friends that talk ahead of you two.
“i mean it though,” sohee turns to face you. “you’re really good at recording us.” he says.
now it’s your turn to adjust your backpack, shaking your head shyly the same way you did before.
“it’s nothing really.” you say awkwardly.
you and sohee walked in silence, the only sound between the two of you was his dragging feet on the cement. you clutched your hand around your camcorder, the feeling of now or never crossed your mind as you spoke.
“i would love to film you guys.” sohee turned to you. “for the summer. maybe even make a little highlight reel maybe.” you offered.
you saw sohee open his mouth, his hand going to the back of his neck before the rest of the crew overheard you. seunghan basically leaped on your shoulders, all of them jumped around you thanking you for taking the time out of your summer to film them. haewon promised she’d teach you how to really skate and leehan said he would master the nollie flip by the end of the summer. the only person that wasn’t enthusiastic was sohee. your eyes stayed on the hand that was scratching at the nape of his neck. 
when the crew dispersed to skate back home, you found out that both you and sohee had to go in the same direction. when you thought you’d hear the familiar warning of him behind you on his skateboard you instead heard the sound of his feet running on the road to catch up to you. 
even with the nice gesture, without sohee’s crew to fill the silence between you both it was awkward. his lack of enthusiasm when you offered to film them for the summer still weighed heavy on your mind, making you feel tense. you two walked in complete silence, you even purposely went on a different path to separate from sohee. he watched you as you started walking diagonally behind him, trying to cut through a residential area.
“i’m going this way.” you said, pointing to a beaten path.
sohee looked down at the skateboard in his hand. he looked forward on the road he was walking on. for a moment underneath the light of the streetlamp he looked like he wanted to say something. the two of you lingered underneath the artificial light, getting ready to walk on your own separate paths.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” you asked, still standing in the same place.
sohee nodded, putting his skateboard down on the road next to him. he tightened the straps on his backpack as he got on his board.
“yeah. see you tomorrow.” he said.
and with that, sohee started skating down the road to head home. you stayed underneath the light of the streetlamp, trying to think about what you did wrong. the cicadas matched the buzzing in your mind as you ran through every single interaction you had with sohee. when you realized he probably hated the idea of someone basically inviting themselves to join the crew it all made sense. you didn’t even think in the moment how presumptuous you were being, you just let anything fall from your lips to fill the silence. you cringed to yourself, even letting out an audible groan as you realized your social fumble.  
you thought about your fumble for the rest of the night as you watched videos on how to make a successful highlight reel for skating. you even uploaded old files from your camcorder that you had been putting off to make room for new skating videos.
you came to the conclusion the following day that sohee was confusing. despite him not seeming apprehensive of you becoming a temporary member of his crew, he spent an ungodly time around you. during the breaks he would ask what you packed for lunch, while the rest of his crew convened he would find his way next to you asking for your thoughts. each time you shook your head, not feeling it was your place to give input as a temporary member of the group.
sohee lingering only got worse as the summer went on. he picked up the habit of waiting beside you at all times, even when he was up next for a trick. you became sohee’s director, telling him from behind the camera to go stand with the rest of the crew, or to go to the ramp because he was next. each time he was caught off guard, smiling and shaking his head before jogging to his correct spot. he eventually became something like your shadow, always watching the raw footage over your shoulder at the end of each practice. he would always make sure you could hear his reactions, letting out ooh’s and aah’s each time he saw something cool. sohee even began offering to come with you on the dirt path to your home—you believed that was the first time you ever saw sohee give up the chance to ride his skateboard. 
by the end of the summer, when the video was almost finished and your relationship with sohee was even more confusing than before. you knew at the very least that sohee liked your camerawork. he complimented you so much throughout the summer that you had finally gotten use to the praise. you accepted all of his kind words with a smile on your face. but even if sohee gave you compliments, something still felt off. you were friends with other people in the crew, you had worked up a good rapport and a good friendship to the point that you become something more than an omniscient viewer of the life. but you still couldn’t pinpoint what you were to sohee, and as a result you couldn’t determine what he was to you. 
as the final month of summer approached, you had given up completely on trying to figure out sohee. you instead put all of your effort into the video, spending weeks perfecting everything. you don’t know why you worked so hard on it—you took the extra steps to add segments for all the different tricks. you added bloopers at the end, all the failed attempts as something to laugh at. you had a sleepless week for no reason, trying to find the perfect background music and sync it with the transitions. when you were done you even went the extra mile to burn it to a DVD, keeping it safe in your backpack before heading to the park. 
you were extra excited at the skatepark, the nerves of showing the crew your finished video made you antsy. they had stopped asking you when the video would be done a long time ago. they wanted to give you time, but without fail towards the end of practice everyday they would be waiting with bated breath for an update. you had told the crew it’s almost ready a million times and told them just one more week nearly a month ago. when everyone was grabbing their things getting ready to go you held your backpack close to your body, remembering the DVD that sat at the bottom.
“so about that video.” you tried not to laugh when everyone whipped their heads around to look at you. “i finished it.” you said nonchalantly.
despite you trying to remain casual everyone instantly reacted. all of the crew immediately started jumping up and down, circling around you as they waited for you to show them the proof. when you pulled out the DVD they ooh’d and aah’d at the novelty of it all. everyone wanted to see the video, and it didn’t take long before the crew was following you home to watch the highlight reel. 
you corralled everyone into your recently cleaned room, clearing off your chairs to try and accommodate for the extra bodies. you found your seat on the ground at the foot of your bed between leehan and sohee. you tried not to think too much about how close you were to sohee compared to leehan, instead focusing on your growing nerves of showing something you spent so much time on. you leaned forward to pull the DVD from it’s translucent green holder, putting it in your player and closing it. you sat back in your same spot while everyone waited for it to start
the music started playing before the video played. a loud intro, the beat making everyone nod their heads. the beginning of the highlight reel played as an intro for everyone in the crew, earning a small cheer each time someones name popped up. everyone commented on the special effects, and when the actual tricks started everyone only got more excited. you turned to the side during the video, trying to silently gauge everyone’s reaction. you felt relief seeing everyone smile and deeply involved in the video. you felt even more relieved seeing sohee so clearly enjoying it. he had his palms keeping him propped up, his stretched out legs swaying to the beat of the music. when something particularly cool happened he turned and looked at you, and you had to turn quickly to face your small television. 
when the video was over, everyone was silent for a moment. before doubt could even enter your mind, seunghan spoke first.
“that was perfect.” he said.
almost instantly, everyone else started agreeing. everyone wanted to know how you did it, what song you used to play in the background, why you put so much effort into it. when leehan asked for a copy everyone else started agreeing, saying they wanted their own copy too. you felt high in demand, waving your hands to try and get everyone to quiet down.
“i can burn some extra DVD’s.” you looked to your computer and the stack of DVD’s you already had piled up next to your monitor. “it might take awhile, but i can get it to you guys.” you said.
“take all the time you need.” taesan said.
everyone nodded in agreement, not wanting to rush you anymore.
“i could probably burn them tonight. have them ready tomorrow” you said.
“i can stay.” everyone turned to sohee still sitting on the shag rug. “help you burn them. i live right over there anyway.” sohee said.
he projected his voice and gave his reasons to everyone in the room, but he stayed looking at you. when you nodded your head wordlessly, sohee smiled before going back to looking at the television. the rest of the crew exchanged looks, but they didn’t bother to press the conversation any further.
it wasn’t long before everyone was collecting their things and grabbing the trash of the snacks from the convenience store you guys raided. everyone talked about seeing you soon, and thanking you for the video. when you walked everyone out sohee stayed behind to start burning the DVD’s for you.
when you made it back into your room, you saw that your computer was already in the process of burning a DVD. sohee was back in his original spot at the foot of your bed, knees drawn to his chest as he looked up at you. suddenly you wished you had declined his offer to stay and help. you had narrowly avoided being alone with sohee all summer, but now here he was sitting on your shag rug looking up at you. sohee timidly tapped the spot you were sitting earlier, and you tried your best to seem nonchalant as you sat next to him.
the silence stretched on for a long time. for awhile, it was just you and sohee listening to your computer etch the video into the DVD, and the sound of birds chirping outside your window. when you heard the sound of your metal bed frame creaking due to sohee leaning on it, you kept your eyes on him. he rocked side to side, his knees still drawn closely to his chest.
“the video was really cool by the way.” he said.
you started picking at the strands on your orange shag rug, suddenly feeling too embarrassed to look at him. the fact that you could feel him looking down at you didn’t help, it only made you focus on anything in your room but him.
“thank you.” you said, smiling to the ground.
sohee scooted closer to you, until his foot was in your line of sight. you still refused to look at him, the feeling of embarrassment kept your eyes trained on the rug. the two of you are silent, and you can hear sohee shift as he takes in a deep breath.
“can you look at me?”  he asks quietly.
you look up to sohee quickly, not sure why you listened to him over the screaming voice in your head. he looked at you gently, gaze flickering over the features on your face. having him this close to you made you want to recoil away, but you didn’t want to miss a single second of him taking you in. when he scooted closer you didn’t back away, even if you felt a pounding in your chest and skull. 
“you’re really cool.” sohee complimented.
you let your hands rest in your lap, instead picking at your fingers over the shag carpet. your mouth felt to dry to speak, but you nodded and tried swallowing your spit just to wet your mouth.
“you too.” you said back.
sohee leaned into you quickly. it was too fast for you to recognize what was going on, one moment you were thinking about sohee and the next he was so close to you that his breath fanned your face. his lips were soft against yours, and for a moment you two stayed like that, with sohee leaned into you while both of your lips were still. he pulled away before moving his lips against yours, the tiny sound of your separation permeating in your brain.
“is this okay?” he asked.
“i’m so confused.” when sohee tilted his head in confusion you continued. “did you like the video that much?” you asked.
“i was kinda afraid i wasn’t being obvious enough.” sohee laughed.
when he saw the same confused expression on your face his hand went to scratch at the back of his neck. 
“i really like spending time with you.” sohee admitted.
”i thought you didn’t even want me in the group.” you said.
as you remembered sohee’s reaction when you offered to film the crew’s highlight reel, his face completely changed. instantly he was shaking his head, putting his hands on your shoulder to bring your attention to him.
“i didn’t want you to think i was using you because of your camera. i wanted to find a way to spend time with you.” he clarified.
when sohee tells you his reasoning everything makes sense. the way he stuck to you at the skatepark, how he always watched you so carefully when you were trying to skate. you realized the tense atmosphere when he would walk you home was the complete opposite of apprehensiveness. even though everything makes sense, you still feel upset. when your eyebrows furrow you see sohee instantly become apologetic.
“are you mad at me?” sohee looks back to your computer and sohee starts shuffling to stand up. “i should probably go.” he says.
before sohee can fully get up, you grab his arm. he freezes instantly, and when you guide him back to the ground he follows immediately. when he bites his lip nervously you want to tell him you could’ve been kissing all summer underneath the street lamps of your neighborhood if he had just been more upfront with you. you could’ve been sneaking around and pushing him up against the chainlink fence that surrounded the skatepark before everyone else arrived. but words have barely served you up to this point, and your throat is so dry you think your voice would fail you anyway. so instead of trying to express your feelings with words, you use your grip on sohee’s arm to bring him closer to you. 
sohee let his legs straighten until they were flat against your rug. instantly you put your hand on his thigh, using your grip on him to turn your body to kiss him better. sohee responded by moving a hand to your waist, sticking his ring finger in the belt loop of your pants while his other fingers rested on the bare skin of your torso. even from this little contact you already felt overwhelmed. 
when you pulled away from sohee he kept one of his hands on your face. you took him in like this, how his lips were still parted and his eyes were still closed before he realized you weren’t going back in to kiss him. his eyelashes fluttered when he blinked a few times, trying to recover.
“i really like spending time with you too.” you said quickly.
when sohee pulled you in again, he let his lips press a little harder into yours. you felt his hand on your waist move to your leg, and you let sohee move your legs until they were on top of his. he followed your movements, his hand splaying across your jean clad thigh before pulling you in closer by your legs.
when you were close enough, sohee moved his hand from your leg to the small of your back. he pressed gently, until your back arched and you pressed even more into him. you let your tongue go into his mouth first, and he tilted his head and parted his lips a little wider to give you access. 
the sound of kissing and your jeans rubbing against eachother filled the room. you had one of your hands behind you, gripping your shag rug from the tension and for stability. sohee couldn’t take his hands off of you, pulling and kneading your skin while he pressed his tongue against yours. the kisses were beginning to get sloppy, when you pulled away again there was a thin string of spit stretched between the two of you.
sohee licked his lips and broke the string. he looked up from your lips, scanning over your whole face. you did the same, taking in sohee against the backdrop of your room and his hair that was already sticking up in odd places. 
you were lost in the smell of sweat that clung to his baggy clothes and the wind burn that gave him a natural blush while his eyes wandered down, staying stuck on a part of your shag rug.
“i wanna film you.” sohee said, quietly.
you were still coming down from the feeling of sohee against you as you listened to his words. you followed his line of sight to the camcorder that was turned on its side. it was enticing, looking at the camera that was already on and in arms reach. the only thing you would’ve had to do was hold it in your hands and press the record button.
both you and sohee reached for the camera at the same time, and both of you hesitated at the same time too. you went back to looking at sohee, feeling his warm body press against yours. his hand had moved back to your legs, pulling them in close to his stomach. he looked at the camera once more and decided against it, shaking his head as his hands started creeping back up your leg.
you forgot about your camera as sohee pulled his legs from under you. he stood on his knees now, and it was you looking up at him as he came closer to you. you moved to give him space, and he moved his hand to your shoulder to slowly push you down. 
with your back resting on the shag rug there was another pause as sohee looked down at you. his shirt was loose on his body, hanging down and revealing his toned stomach you sneaked so many peaks at over the summer. when he saw you looking he guided your hands to the bottom of his shirt. when you fisted the fabric and started pulling up sohee did the rest, a single hand reaching for the back to pull it over his head. he balled up his shirt and put it underneath your head for comfort, and you mumbled a quiet thanks.
“i wanna touch you so bad.” sohee said.
you felt your own nerves creeping up on you as you felt sohee ghost his hand over your clothed stomach. he hovered above your body, but you swore you could feel the warmth coming from his hand in waves. you nodded your head, and you guided sohee’s hand underneath your shirt.
you could feel his gentle hand press into your stomach instantly. he kneaded the soft skin, holding onto whatever he could touch. you were already squirming underneath him, tiny sighs escaping your lips as you tried to comprehend what was happening.
“can i take your clothes off?” he asked.
the calm was absent from sohee’s voice now, reeling off the feeling of your skin in his hand. when you lifted your hips he took his hands off of you, reaching to the waistband of your tight jeans to pull them down your body. your fingers were barely fast enough to take off the button before sohee started pulling, and when they were loose enough you started pushing them down your legs. one of sohee’s hands lifted the end of your shirt, revealing the bottom of your bra. when sohee saw that the color matched the trim of your underwear he nearly started drooling. he bent his head to place a sloppy kiss on the apex of your thigh, earning a surprised mewl. when he blew cold air on his spit he saw goosebumps raise across your skin. 
from down here, sohee could smell you so clearly. although dried sweat clung to your body and left a salty taste on sohee’s tongue he felt himself needing more. you smelled like the soil and the air and the sun rolled into one, laid out for him like you were something to eat. sohee was getting high off of you, and the way you squirmed underneath gave him tunnel vision. he focused on what was hiding underneath the soft pair of panties that were clad to your body.
“can i eat you out?” he asked bluntly.
you felt all the blood drain from your face when sohee’s words hung in the air. your eyes that focused on the ceiling fan broke away from the spinning blades to see if sohee was as red as you felt. but he was unashamed, staring at you almost like he was pleading. you couldn’t say no to him, nothing in you wanted to say no. but simultaneously saying yes to something so lewd made you shake your head.
“you don’t have—.” you said timidly.
“i want to.” sohee’s hand went to the thin waistband of your panties, breaking past the elastic. you saw sohee’s fingers curve underneath the fabric, and his cold fingernails pressed into your pelvis. “really.” he assured.
you stared at him for a second longer, trying to hold out just incase he changed his mind. when sohee remained unfaltering, you felt enough of an ego boost to nod your head.
“okay.” you whispered.
sohee was slow pulling your panties down. he moved from between your legs to the side, resting on his haunches as he pulled them down your legs. his gaze flickered from your legs to your face, and then your exposed stomach. sohee alternated between all of it while he went back to slot himself between your legs. you spread slightly for him, watching him look at your core. with the back of your hand pressed to your forehead you felt hotter than ever. when sohee placed a kiss on your inner thigh you twitched.
sohee motioned for your hand the gripped the shag rug, instead guiding it to his brown hair. he encouraged you to tighten your grip, and when you did he nodded approvingly.
“so i know when i’m doing a good job.” he said quickly.
before you could say anything else, sohee placed a chaste kiss right on your spread cunt. you already felt yourself tugging at his hair, lips parted as you started inching your body towards his mouth. sohee smiled into the next chaste kiss, then he let his lips slightly part. before you knew it he was placing open mouthed sloppy kisses on your heat, and you were grinding your hips onto his mouth.
when sohee pushed his finger into your clenching hole, your back arched off the rug. sohee pressed his hand into your lower stomach to keep you still, and you began lifting your head to see him clearly. he was focused on your cunt, kissing and licking the most sensitive parts of you. when he felt your eyes he locked in on you, moving his hasty lips to suck on your clit. 
you thought about immortalizing the image of sohee’s plush lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves and the sound of him moaning into your folds for eternity. his eyes looking up at you for approval could be kept on your hard drive forever, reserved for your eyes only. you moved your body to the side to reach for the camcorder and sohee unknowingly pressed his hand deeper into your stomach to keep you in place. you curled around his hand as he applied pressure to the tension building deep in your stomach. he kept his eyes focused on your clit for a second longer, replacing his mouth with his free hand as he caught his breath. 
“sohee.” you got his attention back, and his eyes followed your hand that was reaching for the camcorder. “can i record you, sohee?” you asked timidly.
he looked up to you again, this time making eye contact with the camcorder you now held your shaking hand. he felt you clench around his fingers as your eyes stayed focus on the folded playback screen. sohee could see the dim glow of the video on your face as you brought the camera closer, trying to fit as much as you could in the frame.
“of course.” sohee said, placing a kiss to your inner thigh.
you let out a shaky breath and sohee saw the red light flicker on to point at him. sohee put his hand on your ankle, guiding one of your legs until your thigh was over his shoulder. you moved behind the camera, your quiet gasps caught on film as sohee pulled your heat closer to his lips. his eyes found the lens, his smile caught on the viewfinder. you watched the tiny screen with bated breath, only looking up when sohee did it first. he held your eye contact above the camera, a smile on his face as he leaned onto his side. with his free hand he plunged two fingers into your heat without hesitation. his lips parted as he watched you tilt your head back. tiny whimpers slipped past your lips as sohee continued pumping his fingers in and out of you, twisting his wrist to give you more stimulation. he looked down at the camera that was already pointing away from the action due to you being distracted. sohee stopped pumping his fingers, his eyes were focused on your heaving chest as you tried to regain your composure. when you lifted your head from the rug sohee gave you his most innocent smile, nodding towards the camera resting on your stomach.
“just keep filming me, yeah?” sohee said encouragingly.
“okay.” you shaky hand pointed the camera back to his face. “i got you.” you said out of breath.
sohee continued where he left off, adding three fingers and flicking his tongue on your clit. he looked up to the shaking camera occasionally, but his eyes were mainly focused on your back arching off the rug and you biting your lip to stifle your sounds. he took it as a challenge, trying everything he could to hear you make noise for him. he imagined hearing your whimpers and moans behind the camera when he would watch the playback. the mental image pushed sohee to pump his fingers in and out of you faster, until you brought your other leg to rest on his shoulder.
“sohee.” you whimpered behind the camera. “i’m so close.”
he nodded against your clit, pulling away to let a glob of his spit and your slick slide down your folds. sohee heard you moan at that sensation, loud and desperate as it acted as a lubricant for his pumping fingers. sohee could see your tight grip on the camcorder as your unfiltered sounds filled the room.
“let me hear you.” sohee said quickly before going back to your clit.
you registered sohee’s request late as the feeling washed over you. you were barely in your right mind to hold the camera straight as your legs closed in around sohee’s head. you were pathetic in every sense of the word. the loud moans that bounced off the walls of your room, the way you rode sohee’s tongue, the way you shook your head from the overstimulation. you were a mess and sohee watched it all, and soon you would be able to as well.
when you were done, your still recording camcorder rested on your chest as you desperately tried catching your breath. you saw sohee raise from between your legs, wiping his face with the back of his hand before crawling up your body. he brought you in for another kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth instantly. you moaned at the taste of yourself and sohee broke away quickly to let you try and catch your breath.
“i need you. so bad.” you murmured.
you held up the camcorder, shaking as you watched sohee stand up to take off his pants and underwear. he looked around your room, his erect dick bobbing mid-air. you looked past your camera to stare at his body.
“do you have condoms?” sohee asked.
you nodded, making the camera move as a result. sohee followed your pointed finger offscreen to the top drawer of your dresser.
“it’s at the—“
sohee found it quickly, holding the foil packet like it was a piece of treasure. he fumbled with the perforated tear as he went back to kneeling beside you, nearly ripping the package in half. before he could lay down you pointed to your bed. 
“can you grab me a pillow for my back?” you asked.
sohee nodded, immediately grabbing the exact pillow you had in mind. 
he dropped to his knees in front of you, crawling with the pillow and condom in his hand. when he was close enough he helped you lift your hips and slid the pillow underneath, looking to you for approval. when you nodded and pointed the camera to his torso. you, sohee, and the camera all watched him grab his hard dick in his hand as he slid the condom on. he rested on his legs and pinched the end of the latex, making sure it was on securely.
when he was done sohee motioned for the camera, and you lifted your weak hand from your stomach to give him the camcorder. he pulled your hand from the strap gently and put his hand in the same place to hold it securely.
for a moment sohee turned the camera around to check for the red dot and you could see him in the viewfinder. something about him looked so perfect to you, almost like he was made to be shot on shitty technology from the 90’s. you saw his large eyes blink for a moment before he turned the camera back to face you, and you could hear the sounds of him messing with the zoom as he tried to find his own angle. he constantly looked up from the tiny screen on the camcorder to look at you, trying to make sure he was getting the perfect framing.
“you look so pretty on camera baby.” sohee said.
his inexperience being behind the camera was obvious as he continued messing with the settings, and your inexperience with being in front of the camera was obvious too. you instinctually let your knees close in on eachother, suddenly nervous to show what you had exposed moments ago.
sohee instantly notices, lowering the camera from his face to slot himself between your legs. he gently separates them with a comforting hand, rubbing your knee tenderly. 
“so pretty.” sohee holds the camera back up, tracing the line of your legs up to your face that felt like it was on fire. “just for us right?” he asked.
“just for us.” you said, nodding your head.
sohee pointed the camera down at your cunt, his free hand running down your inner thigh then back to your knee. you were wiggling your hips closer to him in anticipation, eyes locked on his twitching dick. sohee pointed the camera to you and you let him catch your hungry gaze. he smirked and moved his hand to his dick, letting the camera film him slapping your puffy folds. you jolted from the sensation and tiny gasps slipped past your lips. you could see his smile behind the camera as he kept going.
sohee shuffled forward on his knees until his hips were close to yours. when he lined himself up at your entrance he looked down at you. sohee reached his hand that wasn’t holding the camera out to you, and you grabbed it without hesitation. when he pushed into you, both of your hands were squeezing at the others desperately as the sensation overtook you both. sohee could barely focus on holding the camera as he slid inside of you, and you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt yourself clamp around him repeatedly.
“holy fuck.” sohee pulled out and watched himself in the playback when he pushed himself back in. “you feel so good.” he groaned.
sohee’s gaze flickered between the camera and your body as he began working his hips. he was slow and deliberate with each thrust, making sure you felt all of him. you started moaning pitifully, feeling that familiar warmth slowly spread across your body. you started swiveling your hips, trying to get more stimulation.
“want me to touch you?” sohee asked behind the camera.
you shook your head no, pressing your body against the ground. when you looked up you saw that sohee had lowered the camera slightly so you could see his whole face.
“i wanna keep holding your hand.” you whimpered.
sohee nodded his head knowingly, seeing that you two were now in a predicament. he wanted to see you finish, but at the same time he only had two hands. he didn’t want to stop filming and he didn’t want to let go of your soft hand that was holding his so tight. his eyes drifted to your free hand that still gripped your shag rug and as if a lightbulb went off above his head, he knew what to do.
“can you—” his train of thought was cut off when you clamped around him again. “touch yourself for me?” he asked.
instantly you nodded, you hand going to your clit to rub gentle circles. sohee saw your body react quickly as you arched from the ground and bit your lip a little harder. sohee was so immersed in his view that he forgot about the camera catching all of it on tape. sohee memorized the way you touched yourself to do it to you later. he watched the muscles in your stomach jump and your body occasionally twitch. his lips were parting solely from seeing you get closer and closer. when your grip on his hand tightened sohee hissed, driving his hips deeper to try and give you what you needed. he saw your half lidded eyes open a little wider as your fingers worked faster.
“sohee.” you pulled him closer by his hand, squeezing so tight that sohee’s grip loosened. “i’m cumming” you whimpered.
“go ahead.” sohee grunted.
your fingers that worked your clit started faltering and doing incomplete circles as the rest of your body became tense. sohee stared at you in awe, suddenly remembering that he would have video proof of something so beautiful forever. he took this time to watch you with his own two eyes and to feel you everywhere. when he swiped his tongue across his lip he still tasted you, as sweet as the view before him. he instinctually babbled praises to you, things he had kept to himself all summer or hid under the blanket statement “you’re really good at filming”. 
when your body fully relaxed, and your walls started feeling like a heartbeat around his dick, sohee felt himself becoming desperate. he started picking up the pace but failing to hit the spot he needed due to his preoccupied hands. you must’ve noticed, because you weakly lifted your head to look down.
“go faster sohee.” you pushed your hips to meet his uneven thrusts for emphasis. “please.” you begged.
sohee nodded his head and then moved his hand holding the camera to separate your knees further. you could see him trying to figure out the angle, if it would be possible to give you what you needed while also holding the camera. you felt sohee look at you as he took his hand from the strap that held your camera securely in his hand.
“here.” he motioned for you to grab the camcorder. “hold the camera for me baby.” he said.
sohee put the camera back in your hand, and you propped yourself on your elbows to try and see it all. his speed didn’t falter, and his quiet moans rung throughout your room as he fucked you through his orgasm. you felt yourself feeling the aftershocks of your own peak, becoming so sensitive that your body shook each time you clamped around sohee’s dick. he came forward, head pressed into your collarbone as he kissed your clammy skin. his free hand went to the underside of your thigh and gripped you harshly, and his controlled moans turned into whimpers as he continued rutting inside of you. your view from the camera was obstructed by sohee’s body, but you still brought your lips to sohee’s ear and let your breath fan the shell.
“we look so good together.” you whispered.
after you said that, sohee stilled inside of you. his moan vibrated against your skin and his grip on your hand became vice-like. you flicked your hips upwards a few times until sohee pressed his teeth into your skin.
you let your camcorder rest on your shag rug beside your two bodies as you brought your hand to press into the back of sohee’s head, making him kiss your skin with a new vigor. you two were equally ruined, out of breath as you both tried to keep the stimulation going. 
sohee’s lips travelled from your collarbone to your neck, then your jaw and ending at your cheek. you brought him back down to the ground with you, chests so close they touched each time you breathed. he settled on top of you, kissing your lips one final time before pulling out. he sighed and you turned to see sohee’s shaking hand stop the recording. he rolled next to you on the ground, letting the camcorder rest on his chest.
the two of you stared at your ceiling fan, laying side by side. you reached your hand out to sohee and he grabbed it silently. he squeezed your hand as he took a deep breath in.
“you’re joining the crew now, right?” sohee asked, still looking at the fan.
“if that’s okay with you.” you said.
“more than okay with me.” sohee says instantly.
you hum, feeling like a thank you doesn’t quite fit the situation. your mind is on other things as you see the camera resting on sohee’s chest in your peripheral vision. 
“hey sohee?”
you turn to face him, and sohee turns his head from your ceiling to make eye contact with you.
“do you wanna watch it?”
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rispwr · 9 days
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If i were you i'd do me - JK - MDNI - 2
pairings : fuckboy! jk x fem! reader, established relationship, mentions of smart! namjoon x oc, slow burn, enemies to lovers
contents/warnings : rich! oc, nepo! oc, fuckboy! jk, rich! jk, slight love triangle, smut, spoiled! oc, jk, big c! jk, fingering, semi-public xxx
taglist : comment if yall wanna be added
context : Jungkook, the notorious campus heartbreaker and player, unexpectedly becomes your groupmate alongside Namjoon, the guy you’ve secretly admired for ages. However, it seems your feelings have started shifting from Namjoon to someone else entirely unexpected…
two or three part series
It had been a week and a half since the group project began, and we only had two days left before we were supposed to present. I couldn't believe how fast the deadline was approaching. Surprisingly, Jungkook and I had managed to get along a little better in the past few days, although our relationship was still complicated. There was definitely more tension between us—lots of bickering over small details in the project, but there was also something else. A weird undercurrent of sexual tension seemed to creep into our interactions, though I tried to ignore it as much as possible.
We were in class, and the professor was droning on about something I wasn't paying much attention to. My mind wandered, thinking about how we were going to pull everything together in just two days. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. Curious, I glanced down at my screen under the table to see who had texted me. It was Jungkook.
Jungkook: Hey, princess. Got any plans after class?
I rolled my eyes, my lips curling into a small smirk. Of course, he couldn't just ask normally. I typed a quick response.
Y/N: Not unless you're counting trying to save our sorry excuse for a project.
Almost immediately, my phone buzzed again.
Jungkook: Touché. How about we finish it at my place? You, me... Namjoon. Group work, you know?
Y/N: Why at your place?
Jungkook: Because my place is more fun. And I can make you a proper coffee. You know you want to.
Y/N: Fine. But this better be about the project and nothing else.
Jungkook: Can't promise that ;) See you after class.
I shook my head at his winking emoji but couldn't deny the tiny thrill that ran through me. Whether it was the impending deadline or something else, the air between Jungkook and me had been charged with an underlying tension lately. I wasn't sure how to feel about it, but it was becoming harder to brush off.
Once we settled in Jungkook's place, the tension between us was unbearable. It had been building for days, and now, in the quiet of his living room, it felt like we were teetering on the edge of something we couldn't take back.
Jungkook sat next to me on the couch, his casual demeanor masking the intensity in the air. I opened my laptop, pretending to focus on the project, but my mind was far from it. I could feel his eyes on me, and when his hand casually drifted to rest on my thigh again, I froze.
"Have you eaten yet?" he asked, his voice low and smooth, like he wasn't fully paying attention to his own words but to the way my body tensed at his touch.
I forced myself to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "wow. you suddenly care about my wellbeing now?"
He smirked, that familiar cocky grin that always seemed to piss me off. "What? Can't a guy ask a simple question?"
I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze back to the screen. "Yeah, I ate. Did you?"
"Mmhmm," he murmured, not removing his hand, his fingers starting to gently trace little patterns on my thigh. "Just making sure you're not starving before we start working."
I bit my lip, trying to focus, but every nerve in my body was screaming at me to pay attention to his touch. His fingers were moving now, grazing my skin in slow, deliberate strokes, each one lighting a fire in my core.
I couldn't take it anymore. 
The tension, 
his hand, 
his stupid smirk
—it was all too much. I turned to face him, my chest rising and falling with barely concealed frustration. Before I could think about what I was doing, 
I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his.
The kiss was messy,
 desperate, fueled by all the frustration and tension that had been boiling over between us for weeks. He responded immediately, his hand tightening on my thigh, pulling me closer as he kissed me back just as fiercely. His other hand tangled in my hair, and for a moment, it felt like nothing else mattered except the way his lips moved against mine.
In between the kiss, he pulled back just a fraction, enough to murmur, "Thought you hated me."
I barely registered his words, my breath coming in short, heavy pants. "I do," I whispered, my voice a mix of defiance and something else. "I think."
Jungkook chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against my lips as he leaned back in, his hand now traveling up my side, slipping under my shirt. His touch was slow, teasing, as if he was testing just how far he could push before I stopped him. But I didn't stop him. I couldn't. The warmth of his palm against my skin sent shivers through my entire body, and I leaned into him, craving more.
His lips were on mine again, but this time, the kiss was deeper, slower, like we were savoring every second of this moment. His hand moved higher, grazing the edge of my bra, and I let out a quiet whimper, the sound muffled against his mouth.
"Still think you hate me?" he teased between kisses, his lips brushing against the corner of my mouth, trailing down to my jaw.
I tried to answer, but my thoughts were a jumbled mess, lost in the haze of his touch and the overwhelming heat building inside me. Instead, all I could manage was a shaky, "Shut up."
Jungkook grinned against my skin, his breath hot against my neck as his hand slipped further under my shirt, his fingers ghosting over my breast. "You know," he murmured, his voice low and full of that damn cockiness, "I'm not even doing anything, and you're already..... horny?."
I swallowed hard, trying to regain some control, but the way his hand felt on me, the way his lips moved against my skin, it was impossible to think straight. I opened my mouth to say something, to tell him to stop...or maybe to tell him not to stop, but before I could, 
I heard the sound of the door opening.
Panic shot through me, and I jerked away from him, pulling my shirt back down and scrambling to sit up straight. Namjoon had just walked in, completely oblivious to the tension that had just filled the room.
Jungkook, on the other hand, didn't even flinch. He stayed where he was, leaning back casually with a smug grin on his face, like he was savoring the fact that he had completely undone me in a matter of minutes. He rubbed his lips with his thumb, his eyes glinting with amusement as he watched me try to pull myself together.
Namjoon, blissfully unaware of what he'd just interrupted, smiled and waved as he set his bag down. "Hey, sorry I'm late."
"Uh, it's fine," I mumbled, still feeling the heat in my cheeks as I avoided Jungkook's gaze. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened—or what almost happened.
Jungkook finally sat up, stretching lazily as he glanced at Namjoon. "We were just getting started," he said, his tone casual, though the smirk on his face told me he was still very much enjoying the moment.
Namjoon nodded, pulling out his laptop. "Cool, let's get to work then."
I shot a glare at Jungkook, who only grinned wider, clearly reveling in the fact that I was still flustered. And as much as I wanted to punch him, I couldn't deny the way my body still buzzed from his touch.
This was going to be a long night.
As the three of us sat around Jungkook's living room table, trying to focus on the project, I couldn't help but feel the lingering tension between us. My mind kept drifting back to the kiss, the way his hands felt on me, and it didn't help that Jungkook kept sending me these playful glances when Namjoon wasn't looking.
We were supposed to be reviewing some notes Namjoon had brought, but my attention was elsewhere. Namjoon was talking animatedly about his ideas, while I pretended to follow along, nodding occasionally. Meanwhile, Jungkook, who sat way too close for comfort on my other side, started to shift, his knee brushing against mine under the table.
I froze for a second, my heart racing, but I didn't move. I didn't pull away. Instead, I shot him a quick look out of the corner of my eye. He glanced back, smirking, and then, without warning, his hand slipped under the table and onto my thigh again.
This time, though, it wasn't innocent.
His fingers began to creep higher, just brushing the hem of my skirt. I tensed up, glancing at Namjoon, who was completely focused on the work in front of him. Jungkook's hand continued its slow, deliberate journey under my skirt, and I couldn't help the way my breath hitched.
I should've stopped him. I should've pushed his hand away, but I didn't. My body reacted on its own, allowing him to continue as my heart pounded in my chest. I swallowed hard, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy as Namjoon droned on about the project.
Jungkook's fingers slowly rubbed my clothed clit, and I bit my lip, trying to suppress a gasp. I shifted slightly in my seat, hoping Namjoon wouldn't notice. Jungkook, of course, noticed everything. He leaned in just a little closer, whispering softly, "You okay?"
I shot him a glare, though it lacked any real conviction. He chuckled under his breath, clearly enjoying the fact that I was letting him get away with this. His hand traveled higher, pushing my panties to the side enough for him to enter. 
i then let out a slight whimper catching their attention. jungkook smirking as he inserts another finger into me "are you okay y/n?" namjoon asks concerned about me "a-ahh no no..haha i-i stubbed my toe" i tried to reply as i was unable to talk normally. the pleasure was too good. 
now i know why girls love to throw themselves at jungkook
i held onto jungkooks shirt tightening my grip as i felt my orgasm being near. jungkook sensed it as my walls then starts to tighten around his fingers, he then fastened his pace, making my heart race faster. he then looks at me as i struggle, biting my lips trying not to make any sounds but my legs were shaking. 
i finally came. my white liquid coating his fingers as he pulls out making a 'plop' sound. 
i breathed heavily trying to pull myself together as i lick my lips, turning to jungkook watching him as he licks his fingers, cleaning my cum that was on his fingers.
once we were done with our study session Namjoon stood up to leave, an awkward silence settled in the room for a brief second. He gathered his things, explaining something about a school board meeting that he couldn't miss. I nodded along, thankful for the distraction from the tension that had been building between Jungkook and me for the past hour. Jungkook, on the other hand, remained calm, though I could sense the playful energy still simmering beneath the surface.
Namjoon finally said his goodbyes and left, closing the door behind him. The silence between Jungkook and me felt thick, heavy with the weight of everything we weren't saying. I didn't dare look at him at first, knowing that the second I did, we wouldn't be able to hold back any longer.
i then got up from the couch as i got on his lap, ruffling and playing with his hair. i tilt my head keeping eye contact with him giving him a smile as his hands starts travelling it's way to undo my bra until my phone suddenly rang distrupting our moment. 
i got up to get my phone and it's hoseok. 
i answered the call but jungkook took it 
"hey y/n where are you?" hoseok asks concerned as it has already been past 6 pm.
"she's with her boyfriend" jungkook answers making me shook my head in panic as i try to get my phone from him "what the fuck jungkook!" i got up on him trying to get the phone as i heard hoseok mutter "what the fuck is happening" on the phone. "kiss first" jungkook points at his lips hinting me to kiss him. 
and without hesitation i kissed him. i pull away looking at him in the eye as i spoke softly "can i get my phone now?" "say please" he replies making me annoyed. "can i please get my phone now?" i answered him as he slowly gave me the phone giving a cocky grin.
i yanked the phone from him a little bit harsh but i was already annoyed. 
"hey hoseok? i'm sorry that was jungkook" i said  awkwardly
"i was right then?" he asks 
"you like him do youuu??" he teases 
"hell nah what the fuck" i shook my head
jungkook then interrupts and yell on the phone "says the girl who kissed me and wanted to make out with me!" i hit jungkooks shoulder playfully as hoseok on the phone "omygod!! jimin and jin has to know about this bye!!" 
"wait hoseok no-" before i could speak hoseok ends the call.
"what the fuck?" i said to him annoyed 
"sorryyy princess" he gives me a peck on the cheek and points at his hard bulge
"i made you cum and i didn't get to cum" he pouts 
"my precious pussy doesn't deserve a cock that goes in other pussies that we don't even know it clean. maybe stop fucking other girls and i'll let you, hm?" i cup his face as i answered softly 
i then sat down on the couch to relax, closing my eyes, i couldn't stop thinking about what had happened today with jungkook.
After everything that happened, Jungkook broke the silence with a smirk, his usual confidence returning. "Let me take you home," he offered, tilting his head towards the door. "You know, on my bike."
"Sure," I said, keeping my voice steady, though internally I was anything but calm.
As we walked out of his house and towards his bike, I could feel the unspoken tension between us, a silent reminder of the unresolved tension lingering in the air. Jungkook handed me a helmet, his fingers brushing lightly against mine. I couldn't help but notice how his eyes lingered on me for a second longer than necessary before he turned his attention back to the bike.
"You sure you trust me on this thing?" he teased, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he adjusted his helmet.
I rolled my eyes, but a small smile crept onto my face despite myself. "Just don't kill me, Jeon," I said, slipping the helmet on.
Jungkook chuckled before straddling the bike. "Wouldn't dream of it," he replied, patting the seat behind him. "Hop on."
I hesitated for a second before sliding onto the seat behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. The moment my body pressed against his back, I could feel the firm muscles under his shirt, the warmth radiating from him. I mentally cursed myself for feeling flustered by something as simple as a bike ride, but there was no denying the electricity that sparked between us. The memory of his hands on me, his lips, kept flashing in my mind. God, what had happened to me?
As soon as the engine revved to life, the city streets blurred past us, and I tightened my grip on Jungkook. The wind whipped around us, the cool night air contrasting with the warmth of his body. My chest was pressed firmly against him, my heart pounding in my ears, and I couldn't help but bury my face into his back. Being this close to him, especially after everything that had just happened, made it hard to think straight.
The ride home was both exhilarating and maddening. Every second, I was hyper-aware of how close we were, the subtle movements of his body as he steered the bike, the way my arms tightened around him with every turn. I had never ridden on a motorcycle before, and the adrenaline only added to the charged atmosphere. As much as I hated to admit it, part of me didn't want the ride to end.
But all too soon, we pulled up in front of my house. Jungkook parked the bike, cutting the engine, and I reluctantly let go of him, sliding off the seat. My legs were a little unsteady, whether from the ride or the emotions swirling inside me, I wasn't sure. I pulled off the helmet, my fingers brushing through my hair as I handed it back to him.
As soon as Jungkook and I stepped through the front door, my mom, ever the gracious host, immediately beamed at Jungkook, practically pulling him inside with an invitation to stay for tea. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the inevitable barrage of questions from her, but before I could even process that, I heard the familiar voice of my best friend, Hoseok, from the living room.
"Y/N! Guess what? I found—oh..." Hoseok's words trailed off when he saw Jungkook behind me, his eyes widening in surprise. His playful grin faltered for a second, replaced by curiosity as he glanced between the two of us. "Wait, what's going on here? You're bringing home the infamous Jeon Jungkook?"
I shot Hoseok a warning look, but he only raised his eyebrows, clearly amused. Of course, he would be staying over tonight. Hoseok was practically family at this point—my mom loved him, and he often stayed over when he was in town. I should have known he'd be here, lounging on the couch like he owned the place.
Before I could answer, my mom jumped in, leading Jungkook toward the living room, where she immediately started gushing over him. "Oh, it's so nice to meet one of Y/N's friends from school! She never brings anyone home. Please, make yourself comfortable."
Jungkook chuckled softly, giving my mom his signature charming smile. "Thank you, ma'am. It's nice to meet you too."
I could see my mom's eyes light up at his politeness, and I mentally groaned, knowing she was going to absolutely love him by the end of the night. Great, just what I needed—my mom falling for Jungkook's charm.
While my mom was busy fawning over him, I made my way over to Hoseok, who was sitting on the couch with an overly dramatic grin plastered on his face. The moment I sat down next to him, he leaned in, lowering his voice.
"So... you and Jungkook, huh?" Hoseok's tone was dripping with playful curiosity. "Did I just sense some serious tension there, or am I imagining things?"
I rolled my eyes, trying to act casual, though I could feel my cheeks warming up. "It's nothing. We're just working on a group project together."
Hoseok snorted, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah, sure. A group project. Is that what we're calling it now? What happened, huh? Did you two—" He paused, his eyes widening. "Wait, don't tell me you guys really kissed."
I froze, my heart skipping a beat as I glanced at Hoseok. I didn't need to say anything; the look on my face was enough to confirm his suspicions.
Hoseok gasped dramatically, his voice dropping even lower. "You did kiss! Oh my god, Y/N! I knew there was something going on between you two."
I nudged him with my elbow, whispering harshly, "Will you keep it down? My mom's right there."
Hoseok grinned, completely unbothered by my attempt to hush him. "How was it? Was it good? Was it like... you know, fireworks?"
I shot him a look. "Hoseok, seriously, now is not the time."
But Hoseok, being the relentless best friend he was, wasn't about to drop it. He leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Come on, spill the tea. I've got to know. You can't just drop a bomb like that and expect me to stay quiet."
I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to let this go. "Fine," I muttered under my breath. "We kissed. "
Hoseok's grin widened. "And? How was it? You can't just say it happened and leave me hanging."
I glanced over at Jungkook, who was still talking with my mom, oblivious to the conversation Hoseok and I were having. "It was...something. he uhh you know?" i glanced down at my bottom area hinting him what had happened
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "OMYGOD! So, like... good or bad?"
I gave him a pointed look. "What do you think?"
Hoseok let out a low whistle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Wow. You and Jeon Jungkook. Who would've thought? The bad boy and the good girl. This is like some kind of drama."
I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Please, don't make this a thing."
"Oh, it's already a thing, Y/N," Hoseok teased, nudging me with his shoulder. "You're in deep now."
I glared at him, though I couldn't help but smile a little. "You're impossible."
Hoseok just laughed, but before he could say anything else, Jungkook walked over, finally free from my mom's grasp. He glanced at me and Hoseok, a curious look in his eyes, but didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his gaze briefly meeting mine before flicking away.
"You guys talking about something interesting?" Jungkook asked, his voice casual, but there was a hint of playfulness there.
Hoseok, of course, jumped on the opportunity. "Oh, nothing much. Just talking about how Y/N never brings anyone home. Guess you must be special, Jungkook."
I shot Hoseok a look, silently telling him to shut up, but he just grinned back at me, enjoying every second of this.
Jungkook smirked, his eyes locking with mine for a moment. "Yeah, I guess I am," he said, his tone teasing.
I rolled my eyes, feeling the heat rise to my face again. "Hobi, don't you have something else to do?"
Hoseok shrugged, standing up from the couch with a stretch. "Nah, I think I've caused enough trouble for one night. I'll leave you two to... whatever it is you're doing."
I watched as he sauntered off, but not before giving me a wink. I let out a breath, mentally preparing myself for the inevitable interrogation that would come from him later. But for now, I turned my attention back to Jungkook, who was still watching me with that same playful glint in his eyes.
"So," Jungkook said, his voice low enough that only I could hear. "You really couldn't stop talking about me, huh?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms defensively. "Don't get cocky, Jeon."
But he just grinned, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me. "Too late."
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
Preface: This is not an analysis post, and honestly, I don’t want to overanalyse their interactions or everything they said and did—many others are already doing that. My intention with this post is simply to share my thoughts on the episodes, my impressions, and perhaps my conclusions.
I’m writing this as I watch the episodes for the second time.
Well, this time the trailer or preview of the episode didn’t lie. Tae wasn’t originally scheduled, so to speak, to be on the show. He saw the schedule and invited himself. That’s very him; he does what he wants. This is also confirmed by the activities they chose.
From the first minute, you can see the dynamic between Jungkook and Tae, and I find it so obvious that I don’t understand why many people misinterpret it. They have a slightly passive-aggressive dynamic, but in a fun way. Jungkook is the cheeky teenager who always has a comeback for everything.
They really love Jeju Island. And Jungkook had to prove that his Jiminpedia is up to date.
Jimin and Jungkook bickering cutely will always give me life.
Jimin looked tired at the beginning of the trip. I wonder if it’s mainly because he tends to get carsick?
This episode perfectly showcased the dynamics between each pair, and I feel it confirmed what I said in an Ask: each pair operates on different wavelengths, and when they’re together, it becomes even more apparent. I feel like they try to make it work, and generally, it does, but it’s still obvious that their dynamics are different.
Tae and Jungkook are like two puppy Labradors, excited about absolutely everything. The way they ordered all kinds of food and then ate it so excitedly and happily was endearing to watch. Jimin looking a bit nostalgic and tired, it was quite… an interesting contrast, and a little bit funny too.
The way Jungkook’s face lit up when Jimin walked into the restaurant is just too beautiful and reminded me of that time when they were visiting a TinyTans store, and his face transformed when he heard Jimin’s voice. The same thing happened here.
Tae saying he shouldn’t have come, and Jimin and Jungkook immediately telling him to leave then, that it was their trip, is such a mood. They said it in a funny way, but at the same time, it’s a bit of that passive-aggressive dynamic the three of them share. Though I do wonder what Tae meant when he said “they do that even when there are no cameras”. What was he referring to? The slight awkwardness that’s always there between them? Or what?
Jimin and Jungkook telling Tae what happened on their trip to the USA suggests they don’t tell each other everything.
Why is Jungkook always picking up Jimin’s shoes, and why is Jimin practically allergic to his own shoes? Hahaha.
Jimin chasing after Tae to feed him is so on-brand with their dynamic.
Tae not knowing how to order at a drive-thru is that reminder we sometimes need as fans that they’ve never led normal lives. Though, on the other hand, Jimin seemed like an expert or at least someone with experience ajajajaajaja.
Jimin saying he wasn’t okay with Jungkook not finishing his coffee, despite Jungkook saying it was fine if he didn’t, says a lot about the kind of person Jimin is and how much he cares about Jungkook too.
Jimin and Jungkook immediately understanding that the mattress on the floor was for Tae and that the beds were obviously for them was a bit funny. I don’t know if they did it intentionally, but they basically said, “You weren’t originally part of the plan.”
Once again, Jungkook always worrying about the staff is heartwarming to see. They’re amazing people.
Vminkook, in general, are cute to watch together. Fun. It’s easy to see they’re the youngest in the group, haha. They’re too adorable. But it’s also easy to see in moments that Jimin is definitely the eldest, haha.
Jimin sleeping through all the chaos caused by Jungkook and Tae is definitely a MOOD. This reminds me of my previous posts when I said Jimin is one of those people who loves to travel and plan trips, but once he arrives, he just wants to rest and do nothing.
That said, Jimin just needed a nap to recharge. Ajajajajajaj
Well, we got to the part where Jungkook and Tae were lying down together. With all due respect, there was nothing romantic about it, and Jungkook looked a bit uncomfortable or lost. Another thing about their dynamic is that Tae often treats Jungkook like a child, or maybe “baby” is the right word in their case. Jungkook usually goes with the flow, but only for a moment. And that moment is a clear example of that. Their dynamic is definitely interesting.
Jungkook and Tae teasing Jimin is a recurring thing when the three of them are together. The funny part is that Jimin is usually the one who starts, but then he can’t handle them.
When they went to the game center, or whatever it’s called, is when we saw the true regression of Jungkook and Tae to their childhood, haha. Jungkook, in particular, was the happiest. This moment also reconfirmed that the trip was designed for Jimin and Jungkook only. Another thing that became clear is that everything they did was chosen by them, as Jimin said it was his idea to pick that place.
When Jimin jumped and got hurt, the way Jungkook’s face fell immediately reminded me of the online concert the guys did. When Jimin started crying, Jungkook didn’t notice right away, and he was smiling, but when he saw Jimin, his face immediately changed. Something similar happened here.
Hearing Jungkook say “Jiminssi” in the way he always does will always give me years of life.
Jimin and Tae are mostly toddlers together. And they’re very cute to watch.
This episode was what I thought it would be. As I’ve said many times, watching their dynamic is interesting.
Something else I confirmed is that the dynamic between Jimin and Jungkook changes a bit when there’s another member present. It’s not that they change in those moments, but I feel they adjust their dynamic to include the other person. I feel they also sacrifice their closeness in a way so as not to exclude the other person. More than once, I’ve wondered if they do this because they’re aware of how they are ajajaajajaj.
The above, I think, is the reason why this episode feels so different from the previous one. This episode is three friends on a vacation that was originally meant for two.
Something I did feel, and this might be controversial, is that this episode felt like a filler episode. I feel like it was more of the same and wasn’t really necessary. I don’t know. It’s also true that this episode felt more like what we’re used to seeing in these types of BTS shows, so in a way, it felt nostalgic.
With that, I can understand why many are saying they miss the vibe of the first two episodes and honestly, I kind of agree with that. I want more of the first two episodes, but at the same time, I like the fact that the three of them had that time together before enlisting and honestly, that difference helps to clearly see the difference between Jimin and Jungkook when they’re alone compared to when they’re with others, in this case, with another member.
Overall, I enjoyed the episode. It was really fun and cute. And I want to see more of how their dynamic and interactions developed as a trio.
If you’ve made it this far, I’m sorry and thank you—I just couldn’t stop writing ajajajajaja.
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boba-beom · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ airport crush pt 2 | CHOI YEONJUN NSFW
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pairing: brother's best friend!yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, kinda angsty
wc: 3.4k
warning: angstier than I thought oops, smut with plot, arguing, yeonjun pining for reader, jealousy, possessive yj at some point, but also lowkey sub!yeonjun ngl, reader confesses about the past but yj does for the present, heavy petting, oral (fem!receiving), fingering, just the tip tease, piv but yj doesn't cum— mile high club ;) , toilet sex again, pet names (baby, good girl, good boy), praises (both), yj calls reader mommy ONCE, light marking, let me know if I've missed anything!
summary: after spending some time with your airport crush, yeonjun's pissed you were spending your time 'efficiently' with someone who isn't him. but you agreed to do anything so he wouldn't snitch to your brother about the marks on your neck.
a/n: the long-awaited next part is here, there is one more main part after this. I hope you enjoy this part just as much as yeonjun did hehe what better way to save this than for @majestyjun's 24 days with yeonjun for our jjunie's birthday! ♥
airport crush part 1 (beomgyu)
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boarding the plane was no problem, beomgyu had made you laugh in the queue–maybe even flirted–despite the slight delay, but it didn't go unnoticed by the people around you. you heard yeonjun subtly bickering with your brother, but soobin wasn't having any of it—he was too jet-lagged to even give two shits at this point. you knew this was going to be a long flight ahead of you and yet all you could think about was beomgyu and his fingers, and how bad you want him to—
you heard a ping and looked down at your phone to see beomgyu had airdropped you a note as your way of messaging each other before the plane had set off. he sent you a few memes and your scoffs would turn into chuckles until you both decided to rest and talk when you reach the airport.
it was a given that yeonjun isn't keen on whatever is going on between you and your newfound fuck buddy. yeonjun may be two years older than you, but there's something about him that you weren't aware of.
"yn? are you even listening to me?" yeonjun fakes a heartache with his palm flat on his chest while you give him a deadpan glare. "and what's happened to your 'stranger danger' policy?"
"yeonjun, I can't lie, I've developed this talent to block you out. now you're like white noise to me." you force a smile until it immediately dropped. "also, YJ, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm literally in my early twenties, chill out."
he scoffs, an annoyed smile crawling on his lips. "and I'm literally just looking out for you, how do you not see that?"
"I don't need you to look after me, m'kay? I have soobin for that. even still, just let me make my own choices." turning your body slightly, facing the window.
you couldn't care less with what he had to say. you were just pissed that it was him, and not beomgyu, sitting next to you. beomgyu was sitting a few rows down from you on the opposite site of the plane, you could just about spot the plum tinge of his hair. soobin, on the other hand, was sitting between random people in the middle section of the plane, a couple of rows in front of you and yeonjun. you weren't in their line of sight, and vice versa.
that's going to be a problem.
"you know what annoys me actually? the fact that you're so smug about this whole thing. you meet a stranger and now you feel like you've met the love of your life." you roll your eyes and take a deep breath before exhaling your frustration.
"oh boo you, is it because I managed to find someone to hook up and have fun with before this holiday even started?" you retort, refusing to look at him, bearing in mind that there are a few people sleeping around you.
"oh for fucks sake, yn, grow up." you hear him exhale.
you scoff. "me? no, yeonjun. you, grow the fuck up. I'm sick and tired of whatever problem it is you have with me."
raking his hands through his hair, he looks up before placing a hand on your knee, “listen here, little miss princess, stop being a fucking brat, you’re so annoying like that.” but what you don’t know is that it's slightly turning him on, knowing how hot-headed you can be, he secretly loves how argumentative you two are and he sort of thrives off of that. he had no intention for it to take a turn like this though.
you stare at him, eyes steady, narrowing and not wavering even a little bit. “and you’re starting to piss me off, choi.” you unbuckle the seatbelt over your hips, your hand pushing off his from your thigh before passing his legs to scoot yourself to the aisle, catching soobin's sleeping form and making your way to the toilet at the end of the plane.
from beomgyu’s peripheral vision, he turns his body to look back, watching you make your way to the toilet and noting the dull look on your face. his eyes trailed behind you to find yeonjun who looked like he was chasing after you. he sits back comfortably, sighing and rolling his eyes from the thought of what yeonjun must have done to piss you off this time.
yeonjun knocks on the door and calls your name softly a couple of times, “let me in. come on, talk to me.”
you sigh, not wanting people to continue watching him knocking on the door, and for all they know you two look like you’re in some sort of lovers quarrel. he quickly enters as soon as you open the door, and you scoot aside as an attempt to make space for his six foot figure.
“and you couldn’t just leave me alone? how embarrassing.” you huff, crossing your arms against your chest, but due to the close proximity, you can feel his breath fanning by your neck.
“you want to talk about embarrassing? how about hooking up with a stranger at the airport? hmm?” he retorts, slightly raising his voice at you.
you cover his mouth to remind him to keep his voice down.
“what the fuck is this obsession about me hooking up with beomgyu. just say you’re jealous and go, oh my god, yeonjun." you aggressively whisper.
your chest heaves from the anger gradually coming out, and if you weren't in a plane right this moment then yeonjun would definitely get a taste of your wrath. it was silent for a moment with the both of you holding this intense eye contact with a hint of something unspoken. yeonjun breaks away first, turning around as much as he can with his hand back to running through his teal strands.
"I am." is all he mutters.
"you are what?" you exasperatedly rub at your temples with your eyes shut in the hopes that he'd just be straight with you.
"I am jealous." he starts. "god, all this time I tried to avoid the littlest thoughts about you, and now that you've grown up to be such a confident, intelligent and beautiful woman it's kind of hard not to be around you."
your head shoots up, almost breaking your neck at his confession. a million things were going on in your head but not a single thought was stable enough to comprehend that your crush throughout your childhood and teenage years had liked you all this time.
it took you so long to get over him, and after being completely over him for two long years, he's thrown away all your efforts.
"I... hate you." your voice breaks, tears threatening to run down your cheek, tired of his stupid games.
the warmth of his body starts radiating even more, feeling him lean closer than you already were. your eye contact lasts for less than a second until he crashes his lips on yours with his hands desperately fumbling with your arms and throwing it over his shoulders before finding purchase on your waist.
the kiss was messy. nothing but teeth clashing and heavy breaths until yeonjun swiftly swaps places with you and hits your back against the door, hard enough for it to just rattle gently.
"you don't hate me." yeonjun whispers before diving in to capture your lips again.
the pace of the kiss was starting to pick up; his hands gradually lifting your shirt until his hands were massaging and roaming over the mounds of your breasts through your bra, whining from the contact, and your fingers tangling themselves in his dishevelled hair.
you let out soft whimpers as soon as his plush lips peppers along the column of your neck, a heated trail over the hickeys that beomgyu had left before.
"I hate you so much," you whine.
"you look so hot marked up, too bad this area's been marked by someone else." he growls in your ear, while his hands busy themselves by tugging down your sweatpants.
the material of your sweatpants fell just above your knees and that was enough for yeonjun to slide his fingers into your panties, roughly circling your clit with his middle finger, making your core twitch with every circle he drew.
"oh fuck, jjun—" a moan got stuck in your throat while yeonjun went back to attacking your lips with soft nibbles on your bottom lip.
his lips descended down your body, from your neck, littering kisses over your breasts, down your navel and straight to your plush thighs. his finger stopped working on you and instead, grabbing ahold of one of your thighs to prop over his shoulder so he could kiss and suck on your inner thighs.
"you should be marked more often, only where I can see them." after leaving a mark on your skin, he sensually flicks his tongue on the surface, giving you a preview on what his tongue could be used for.
"shut up and eat me out already." you lace your fingers in his hair, tugging on them to inflict minor pain.
yeonjun's dick throbbed from the way you explicitly said that aloud, never thinking he'd hear you say that.
his hands steadied your hips, holding on tightly and kitten licking at your clit. the wet muscle twirling around your bundle of nerves had you holding in your moans, letting out airy grunts as an attempt.
"so sweet." yeonjun draws back before diving his face straight into your core, sticking his tongue out and lapping up at your entrance. you could feel the vibrations from his moans as soon as he sticks his tongue into your slick cunny. it was difficult to not get so wet when yeonjun's lips felt like heaven on yours, and you felt like your soul was ascending when they were all over your body.
"YJ— fuck, did you know I— mmh, liked you back then?" you struggle getting your sentence out when yeonjun's basically tongue fucking your pussy.
he ignores your question and groans against your core, his tongue reaching as far as it can inside you, but every time his nose bumped your clit you'd curl in a little. annoyed, you tug his hair back so he's looking up at you, the dim light in the toilet reflecting the sheen layer of spit and your arousal on his lips and dripping down his chin.
"I asked you a question."
he grabs your wrist, shaking off your hold on his roots and brought the back of your fingers to his lips. "I knew." and then he inserted your index and middle fingers past his lips, feeling his tongue dancing between and around your digits.
you could moan at the sight, knowing that he probably knows those are the two fingers you used to fuck yourself to the thought of him.
"then why didn't you say anything? do you know how hard I wanted you to notice me?" you almost whine.
"oh trust me, I always noticed you." he guides your fingers at your dripping entrance. "I didn't want to make a move because you're my best friend's little sister. Soobin would fucking kill me if I thought about you like that, hell, he'd kill me if he finds out I'm eating you out several rows away from him."
you wince at his choice of words, but more so when he flat tongues your clit while controlling your fingers pumping in and out of you. but it wasn't enough.
"jjun, I need more." you quietly cry behind the palm of your hand, trying to keep your cries at bay.
he sucks at your bead until a quick yelp slipped past your lips, grabbing him by the collar of his quarter-zip and pulling him up to kiss you. the taste of your arousal lingered on your tongue as he plays around with yours.
this was something you had wet dreams about. something that you desperately wanted every time you saw him come over. the things you would think about when he'd bring his then-girlfriends around when he was hanging out with soobin.
"please, I want to feel a little more." you hate to beg, but you were thinking, you're already in this situation, why not go the extra mile?
"of course, baby. anything for you." he switches up so easily now that he's confessed to you, wondering that all this time he could have been bearable if he had just told you, even if you were to keep it between yourselves, he would have been so much easier to deal with.
yeonjun spreads his wet kisses along your jaw and behind your ear, imitating your quiet moans as you continue to unzip his loose jeans, pulling them down just below his balls.
as he strokes his length, you lean your head against his shoulder, looking down and observing how pretty his dick is; the pink tip that's a similar tone to his lips with a clear bead of pre-cum dribbling out slowly. not to mention his girth was perfect to the point you could feel yourself aching to have him inside you.
"should I just put the tip in?" yeonjun mumbles by your temples.
he aligns the head of his cock at your entrance, feeling the faint stretch as it dips inside. you sigh, wanting more but he purposely slides it against your folds an swiping over your clit. the motion had you exhaling your breath that you had been subconsciously holding in ever since he was stroking himself.
"yeonjun, please. I want you inside of me." you beg so prettily that yeonjun could feel his dick twitch in his hand, his eyes tightly shut briefly.
"want you to feel good." his sentences have now reduced to wanting to please you, he didn't care about himself, though you're about to wet his dick, he was still doing whatever you wanted.
you hold onto his shoulders, one leg wrapped around his hip as he pushes in, feeling the delicious stretch against your walls. "gonna. fuck. you. so. good." he grunts in between shallow thrusts.
his hands are glued to your hips and under your thigh, holding you in place for him to fuck in this small compartment. but that doesn't stop him from eagerly reaching as deep as he can inside you. his thrusts get deeper after every other kiss you leave on his neck and collar bone, loving the way your lips makes his skin tingle.
the speed of yeonjun's thrusts get faster, and the hold your pussy has on his cock gets tighter. he has his eyes trained on your face, watching your brows knit and your mouth parting.
"mmhh yeah, that's it baby, right there." you moan by his ear and his pace picks up gradually. he loves the way you want more of his dick, not beomgyu's, but his.
the corners of his lips quirked up at the thought of you forgetting about beomgyu and wanting him at that moment. yeonjun wanted to take this chance to show you he could fuck you better than whatever beomgyu did.
"like that?" he whispers, pulling up your shirt and bra so your boobs were on full display.
he gawked at the sight of your bare chest in front of him, his hips not faltering a single bit; still aiming to make you cum on his dick. it took him no second thoughts to latch his mouth onto one of your nipples, sucking and releasing with 'pop' sounds and repeating as he hears more of your mixture of moans and whimpers.
you loved the sensation of yeonjun's tongue and pillowy lips on your boobs, but his dick was starting to drill into you, feeling your mind going hazy with every stroke against your gummy walls.
"I'm close." you whimper above him, his lips still suckling at your aroused nipple and the other massaging it in the palm of his hand.
"wan' you to cum around me mommy." his words were muffled from his occupied mouth, but the slight rasp in the way he said it was ticking your orgasm closer by the millisecond.
yeonjun lets go of your boob and starts playing with your clit again, his thrusts doesn't falter even when you clench around him like a vice, your walls convulsing around him. your moans were becoming dangerously loud, and if it wasn't for yeonjun swallowing your moans by helplessly kissing you, then you were sure you would have a flight attendant knocking at the door.
your thighs start shaking under his hold as you leak down your legs but yeonjun pulls out, his cock still standing strong as reaches for the tissues to clean up your mess.
"feel better?" he wipes down the remaining droplets by your knees, before throwing the tissue away and tucking his hard dick into his baggy jeans.
you cock your head to the side, "you didn't cum?"
"it's okay, just wanted to make you feel good, remember? you were about to transform into a dragon out there with all your huffing and puffing. and even though I got my dick wet, at least it was by you." you slap his shoulder light-heartedly, scoffing at his comment before you both bursted into a shared laugh.
"you were irritating me that's why." you reply. "and you really are just that obsessed with me huh? that why your temper went down too?"
you watch him check up on himself through the mirror, relaying a slow nod to you. noting the faint couple of hickeys you left just under his collar, it's as if he knew what you were thinking and he zipped up his quarter-zip a little higher than before. he seemed more peaceful now, and you found it cute that the tip of his ears were blushing pink.
"I am obsessed with you. literally can't stop thinking about you." his hand reaches for your waist and brings you closer until your chests collide.
"okay, lover boy. take it easy on the simp talk." he scoffs, but the smile he has on his face seems like he's satisfied even when you haven't said how you currently feel towards him.
"can I have another kiss? literally miss your lips already." he kisses your shoulder slowly, maybe leaving two or three. something about that gesture made your heart drop.
you were selfish. you just met beomgyu who you have a good feeling about. but that isn't enough for you apparently. you have yeonjun wrapped around your finger and the fact that he's obsessed with you just as much as you were for him just feeds that emptiness you'd been feeling for so long.
"yn? you know you can say no." you snapped out of your thoughts and didn't realise there was a gap, as much as there can be, between you and yeonjun.
"kiss me." your hands are splayed flat on his chest, caressing the area with your thumb as he cups your cheek with one hand and pulls you in by the hip with the other.
your lips have only kissed three people in your lifetime. your first kiss in freshman year college, beomgyu and now yeonjun. but you seem just as in need of his lips as he is with yours. they were perfect and pouty. soft but also dangerously addictive. and the way he lets you lightly trap his bottom lip between your teeth just makes you want him even more.
you both pull away, a short string of saliva fallen from your lips which has yeonjun's eyes filled with lust for you.
"I- I think we should head out. we're lucky it isn't a full plane." you stutter from the gaze he had on you just a second before.
"it's fine. we'll never see these people again." yeonjun chuckles at you for your attempt at discretion. "and I don't think they cared enough to stop us."
you shrugg at his response, adjusting your shirt even though it still wasn't going to miraculously cover the hickeys beomgyu left.
as soon as you open the door, you step out first and yeonjun stepping out after with him faking a cover up conversation for the people you would walk past to hear, "are you feeling better now?"
you find your row and take your seat, nudging him, "oh shut up." and he laughs at your response.
you genuinely did feel better after the released tension, but now you just don't know how you're going about this sticky situation you were in. you see beomgyu slowly turn his head and you keep an eye on his purple hair until he looks at you, shooting you a smile.
and you still felt your heart skip a beat for him.
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taglist: @ahnneyong @prodsh00ky @wccycc @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @ttyunz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @vatterie @hyuntaena @ja4hyvn @yunkiwii @aprilisque @bb-eilish @ericyjun @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten @day6andetcetera @dainsleif-when-playable @txt-yaomi @soobinsman @hallaween23 @run2min @clayballss @kijasite @nikimeows @tara324253 @robin-obsessed (because I thought you'd like to read ^^) send an ask, reference here
© BOBA-BEOM ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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blkgirl-writing · 9 months
hi!! i just read your massive headcanon list for gale (loved it btw) and i desperately need one astarion as well!! ❤️
Astarions Massive list of SFW and NSFW headcanons (Part 1?)
Literally of course!! I wasn’t sure the people wanted this so I was waiting for a request. I’m bundling a lot of my astarion requests in this one too so if you see an ask you did it’s probably inspired!
TW: Acended Astarion section, details on physical and mental abuse there. I will put a warning for where it starts and ends. Some headcanons are more illuded to "female" anatomy, not all headcanons will reveal much
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Astarion is somehow so soft with his touch yet rough and almost feral when he really desires you
He will trace every inch of your body with such light, soft fingers, but grab onto your hips tight and nearly thrust you into him. Gently kiss you neck before sinking his teeth into your skin
Because honestly his true desires, wants, and needs, are unfiltered and less calculated than his normal affair
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I do have to include acended astarion here because I don’t want to write him fully, so here’s that section. I feel like too many people want acended Astarion to be loving and caring. That unfortunately isn't the truth of the cycle of abuse
It doesn’t last, his love for you. It extinguishes fast, like water to a flame. He becomes cold and controlling
The only was I can see a happy future for tav and Astarion ascended is a Durge, where you rule the land together, ignoring the heart you once had together. It’s lots of bickering. If chaos is your turn on, this is it
Lots of hate sex and screaming matches. At least one per month where you both loose your voice before the argument ends and red marks across eachothers bodies
And honestly, I think one of you kills the other, in a fit of rage. But still whoever dies would get a grave stone. Small, unlabeled, a sort of revenge for the people who wanted it all. Forced in a common place with no success flaunted and easily forgotten
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Astarion holds hand in his sleep, rather than cuddling
A hand is all he needs to feel like he’s in the safest place in the world
Full spooning is just too intimate and personal until much later In your relationship. He wasn’t ready for something so real yet
There's a lot of pushing and pulling til he gets comfortable, but he will always make sure you know that he loves you and wants your touch, there's a lot of learning along the way
He just hasn't experienced the seriousness of true love and compassion for someone he truly feels he can't lose. It's scary, loving so much that your death would lead to his emotional one, if not physically as well
Astarion would never admit it but he would do just about anything for you
he becomes somewhat soft, which, initially annoys him, but he finally accepts it after a few weeks
He realized when you looked at him, with brightness in your eyes, asking him something important, he really wasn't listening
All he could think was to never make those eyes cry again, he'd do anything to stop you from feeling like that again
Your first date isn't very planned
After a fun but quick night on the beach, you get clothed and Astarion stares at you, taking all of your skin in, as it slowly gets hidden by clothing. A bit of a shame, he couldn't see you bare all the time
There was a blanket and you both lay on it for some time, in silence. Slowly, you feel his pinky finger graise yours. You hook them together, and simply watch the moon in the sky, fading in and out of sleep. Astarion doesn't get any closer or further, but he does sigh a few times
And for the first time, when you wake up, he's still there
Your second date was much more of a traditional date, at least for you two
Astarion had the bright idea to sneak as much alcohol as possible from the inn
feet dipped in the cold water of the docks, four bottles of quality whiskey polished off, and working on a fifth, you were positively hammered
Astarions head was leaning on your shoulder, arm slumped around your waist
the laughing and mumbled words only get louder and louder with each sip, and at some point, Astarion looks up at you, a small glint of his sharp teeth peering out of a smirk, and he leans into you further, pressing his lips against yours doe a deep kiss
it was almost aromatic. A charm whispered in your ear that made his lips taste like roses and sugar, with a hint of copper, you feel your own tongue lick his bottom lip, needing more of whatever that taste was
the night was a blur, after that. Too drunk to really remember much the next day, but you both knew there wasn't going back after that. There was a bond, now, with feelings more than just lust and need
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Astarion fucking you feels like getting close to a campfire, warm, hot, even, like getting any closer may kill you, pounding and scraping, biting and bleeding, breath thick and hot
When you fuck Astarion, everything feels light, it flows like water over a riverbed, he lets you ravish him in a gentle, caring sense
His attention is all over you, but your neck clearly has his attention-grabbing the back of your neck, kisses down it, bite marks, hickeys, licks, even cum, sometimes, purposefully dripped on your face, but mostly on your neck and collarbone
It definitely also is just a very obvious placement, it can show that you fuck, he fucks you, and you love it. It gets to the point where there are faded bruises, bite marks, and scratches littering across your whole neck, it almost looks like tattoos, and a few passersby comment on it.
Astarion had a very smug smile on his face that day, and that night he ravished you with more passion than ever before
What else can I say, Astarion fucks, but I do think once you really start your relationship, there's a lot of re-learning of what he really wants
so sex starts off fairly vanilla, adding stuff in, changing it out, uses of safe words and communication being key, a safe, loving space between you and him where he is never used and he never uses you, it's just pleasure and ecstasy
I believe he'd be open to a closed relationship as well, at least for a while, especially if you choose the path of the underdark for your future
Literally not even once do you wear protection either lol
It's messed up so TW, I have a feeling Cazador made sure Astarion could never procreate, giving him an attachment to anyone is dangerous, and something to fight for even more so. Having his own offspring would never be an option for him
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
There would never be normalcy in your relationship, that's kind of the beauty of it
Every single day is different, there is never a moment that passes with Astarion that isn't unique
Especially when Astarion is adjusting to a life where he has to think and care for another, a routine isn't comforting to him, spontaneity is important in your early relationship
Astarion is still very romantic in his own ways, kissing your fingers hugs from behind, small, light touches across your whole body
The first time you nearly die? my god. He's incredibly distant for a few days
and when you ask what's up he would definitely blow up
like what were you thinking? Going in like that, you could have died! You could have left him alone again
He cries softly in your arms, then, repeats how you could have died. It seems like forever, that he stays there, tears dripping down your skin, cold
From then on he always looks back at you, in battle, before striking, to make sure you're ok, accounted for
hey! What other HCs would ya'll like me to add in the next part! I haven't romanced Astarion more than twice so I may need a little help there, haha. But thank you for reading!!
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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bookishdream · 1 year
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Kaz Brekker x fem!Reader Summary: Reader gets kidnapped by the Crows Word Count: 3k CW: swearing, abusive parent, blood
She used to live her best life; a daughter of a council’s member, an heir to the ground so big she couldn’t even begin to comprehend its vastness. However, when she finally came to the age where she was to come into own money and ground, she was kidnapped. By one of the gangs violating the streets of Ketterdam, nonetheless. 
“Who, the fuck, do you think you are?” she pulled on the ropes binding her wrists. The room was so dark that she wasn’t able to see a person standing by the wall opposite of her. When she’d been dragged through the part of the city she hadn’t ever visited, she’d been hearing two voices behind her, one female and one male, bickering back and forth about trivial matters. Yet, when the bag had been removed, she took notice of another girl, sitting on a window sill, her legs loosely dangling over the edge, her face didn’t convey any feelings, only cold indifference.  She also noticed two men, one looked as if he was Fjerdan with his blonde hair and strong face features, whereas the other had brown skin and a little smirk was pulling at his lips. He looked like he was having the time of his life. She counted four of her captors, but she quickly realized who had taken her. She sighed and when she felt her wrist start bleeding, she stopped trying to get free. 
“Well, well, aren’t you a little feisty?” the pale-skinned girl teased, her brown hair fell loosely on her back, and she was leaning against the brick wall of the warehouse. “I told you she wouldn’t be willing to cooperate.”
“Tell me one person who would be, if they were tied up and kept against their will,” y/n spat, sweat coating her forehead. She was trying to come up with a plan that would let her run, but not when all of their attention was on her. 
The girl rolled her eyes, “But for Kaz’s being late, you need to be patient, yes sweetheart? You will hear a reason soon,” 
“It’s ridiculous,” 
“Tell me about it,” the brown-skinned boy remarked, when he came closer to her, and the light from the street fell onto him, y/n noticed his belt with two revolvers, they shone. She swallowed a big lump of saliva, her anxiety spiking. “It’s never fun, when we kidnap someone,”
“So you’re telling me it’s not the first time?” 
“Love, we’re professionals, of course it’s not our first time,” the boy smirked into her direction, making her frown. What did they want from her?
Suddenly, she heard a rather loud clicking of something. The warehouse must’ve been empty, since the echo of the sound matched the loudness of her own heart beating in her chest. She cursed when she realized what Kaz the girl meant. Her father would warn her about the nightmare of Ketterdam, a boy who had deceived her father more than once, and the boy who was a top priority to her father. Since Brekker had robbed him for the first time, messing with his books, her father wanted nothing more than to catch him. He’d never accomplished that. Obviously. 
“You have her? Good,” his hoarse voice matched his looks. He had a sharp jawline and his brown eyes were set on the chair she was sitting on. “I hope you’ve heard of me, it will be easier to make an introduction. I’m sure your father has told you plenty of me.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, lifting her head so as to look at Kaz, who had taken a step closer to her. “Careful, because your hat might not have more room for that ego of yours,” she heard a surprised gasp of someone from behind Brekker. 
“She came for his hat,” the boy who had talked to her earlier whispered.
“I heard that, Jesper,” the other girl, who was sitting at the windowsill answered. 
Kaz didn’t look like her words made any impression on him, he simply leaned on his cane further, looking y/n into her eyes. She held his stare. 
“What do you want, Brekker?” she asked, her voice still. 
“We need a Squaller for our job,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Then go and find yourself one, I don’t see how this concerns me,” she still tried to keep her face as impassive as she could. 
“Oh, I think you know exactly how this concerns you,” Brekker smirked. “You and your mother are clever, I need to give this to you, but nothing goes past my Wraith. Your little travels to the countryside, your mom’s forged papers. I know everything,” he emphasized the last word, his unsaid threat making her shiver.
“And what would you possibly need from an untrained Squaller?” she asked, “Hypothetically speaking, of course.” 
“You are a descendant from a powerful line of Grisha, y/n. With a little more training, you could control clouds and weather, am I right?”
She kept silent, weighing Kaz’s words. She was fucked, no matter what path would she choose. Working with him and his gang came with a strong possibility of her father finding out and his wrath. However, not working for him and letting him go the stadwatch with the intel he had would put into jeopardy not only her, but her mother as well. 
“I don’t know if I could control the weather,” she finally whispered, giving up. She could hear breaths of relief from the others. “I haven’t really tried doing more than controlling and bending the wind.” 
“Well,” Kaz smirked, his cane clicking as he was walking toward the exit. “You’d better be a fast learner,” his final words echoed in her mind. 
Few days later, she still couldn’t get rid of Kaz’s words. The littlest sound startled her and she’d lost her appetite. She was in the library, when one of the servants came to her with a little note. The boy left the piece of paper on the table she was sitting at, and left.. She took the note, the paper was cream-white and the scribble looked as if it had been written in a hurry. The location that had been written told her nothing. She wasn’t familiar with other districts in Ketterdam. She sighed and got up to take a map. She had an hour to find the place and get there. 
After finally finding out that the location of the meeting was outside the city, she cursed at Kaz for leaving her such a short time to arrive there. She quickly changed for her outdoor clothes and left. 
When y/n eventually showed up, she saw that everyone was already there and she noticed a new face. He looked very young, his head full of red curls and a face full of freckles. He smiled kindly at her. 
“You’re late,” Brekker commented.
“And you’re unbearable, yet I don’t go around stating the obvious,” she remarked, her hair being lifted by the wind. “Of course I’m late, I live on the other side of Ketterdam,” 
Kaz wanted to answer her, but when he opened his mouth, the white-skinned girl interrupted him and clasped her hands. 
“I think we should begin,” she came closer to y/n, her hand outstretched, “My name is Nina, the one with the guns is Jesper, the one with the best arms is Matthias,” Nina winked at him, making the Fjerdan’s cheeks tint pink. “The redhead is Wylan and Inej is probably somewhere on the roof.” At the girl's last words y/n turned around and tilted her head up in order to see the Wraith somewhere. 
“Are you a Grisha?” y/n asked, letting Nina lead the way towards the area that was more vacant. They were on the field, only buildings that were in the close vicinity were factories or empty warehouses. 
“I am a Heartrender,” Nina replied, motioning for y/n to stay in her place. Then Nina took a few steps back and stretched out her arms. “Show me what you’ve got.” 
The weather was mostly sunny, with some clouds floating on the sky. It wasn’t very windy, but it was enough for y/n to work with. First she bent the wind into a small whirlwind at Nina’s feet. Then she made it a bit bigger, but still safe. She could feel her face getting some color on it. Her mom had said that she had been looking like a ghost for the past few days. At last, y/n gathered more of the air and she made a show of disheveling Nina’s hair, blowing wind under Jesper’s coat and, her personal favorite, she flew off Kaz’s hat. She heard Jesper and Nina’s silent laugh, however Kaz was looking at her with an indifferent expression. 
“How long until she can control the storm?” he questioned, his moves smooth as he used his cane to lift the fallen hat. He put it back on his head and shifted his way back onto the stick. 
“A week, tops, she has a huge potential,” Nina answered, her eyes glimmering with excitement. 
Y/n rolled her eyes, she could feel the troubles she was going to be in, were their little scheme be found out. 
It took much more than Nina assessed. Only after two and a half weeks was y/n ready to call a small lighting. It wasn’t big, hell, it couldn’t even hurt anyone, but it was something. And she was proud of it. Nina happened to be a good teacher, partially because she herself had been studying in the Little Palace once. 
“Good job, y/n!” She exclaimed, the wind created by the Squaller carrying her voice. “Now call for something bigger,” 
“Nina, you know I can’t,” she breathed, her heart beating so fast and loud that she couldn’t differentiate if the last thud was her heart of the strike of lightning she did. 
“One last time, you have so much undiscovered power! Imagine what you could do once you finally grasp it!.” 
Y/n breathed a pant, her forehead and the nape of her neck was covered in sweat. She could feel her eyes burning from it, even though she had been using the wind to cool her down. She called for the clouds above her head once more time, gathering the electricity sizzling in them. She pressed her palms together and focused on the tree standing mere meters from the pair. Then, y/n let out a small gasp and shot out her palm into this direction. Neither of Grisha expected what would happen next. Y/n didn’t think her powers could be so grand. The alone tree that was standing in the distance was now on fire and both of the girl’s eyes widened in shock. 
“Shit,” Y/n mumbled, she rushed to somehow pull out the air and put out the fire. It cost her even more energy than creating the lighting. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished and only dark strokes of smoke were coming into the air. 
“That was amazing!” Nina giggled, her face brightening in the smile. “Let’s go eat something.”
Y/n let Nina lead the way to the Crow Club, where hopefully they would serve her some food. She was starving. She had never used her powers so much that she felt famished. When the two girls finally arrived at the Club, y/n noticed how much commotion there was. People were everywhere, occupying the poker tables, playing black jack or sitting at the bar. She couldn’t glimpse much more, because Nina was pulling her to the staircase. Upon arriving on the first floor, where there was a room big enough to accommodate seven people she saw a couch and, with a long sigh, sat on it. 
“Any progress?” Kaz asked, while making his way into the room and then towards the desk that was facing the couch and two armchairs. Y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes, refusing to answer his question before putting food into her mouth. She first smelt then saw waffles, her head shot in the direction of the door that was being opened and closed by Nina and Jesper on her hills. Y/n smiled when the Heartrender handed her the plate with hot food and started eating it like she had never seen food in her life. 
“Someone would think that your father is starving you,” Brekker remarked, his voice hollow. 
“Someday, I will put this cane straight into your-’” she was interrupted by Jesper putting a waffle into her open mouth, shutting her up. She rolled her eyes again, but didn’t say anything more. She was focused on eating her lunch, zoning out when Nina informed Kaz what her teachings brought. 
After the afternoon and a part of the evening spent with the Crows, y/n got up and made her way home. She could glimpse Inej a few times, while walking down Ketterdam’s streets. She knew that the Suli was just making sure that y/n wouldn’t spill the secret, but it made her feel better that she had company, nonetheless. 
When she eventually came home, she was met with silence. Lamps were lit up, however she couldn’t hear any talking. She silently creeped over to the living room and she saw her father sitting in the armchair, looking into the fire. 
“My dearest daughter,” the man started, placing his cold gaze upon her. Y/n knew he somehow had learnt what she had been doing for the past weeks. She swallowed, but kept her face straight. “Do you want to explain why people saw you with those brutes?” He got up and made his way towards her. 
His breath reeked of alcohol, but he still came close enough to grab her chin and tilt it so she could see straight into his eyes. She tried to explain herself, but her father lifted his fist and punched her. She was blinded by pain, she could feel hot blood coming from her nose to her mouth. She couldn’t brace herself for another hit, this time his fist connected with her stomach. Y/n doubled over, breathing hard. Her father used this as an advantage and struck another hit to her face and the girl fell to her knees. 
“Get up, you pathetic girl,” he crouched and his face was at the same level as hers. She spat at him, saliva mixed with blood. Her father made a disgusting noise and wiped his face off with the sleeve of his shirt. He roughly took her arm and lifted her up. He swung once again, but his blow never met y/n. She used her desperation and power and hauled her father straight into the window that was behind him. There was a lot of shattered glass and she could glimpse a bit of blood on the pieces that stayed in the window. Y/n didn’t think longer, she made her way towards the door, stumbling. 
She didn’t know if Inej was still somewhere on the rooftops, but still y/n ran into the direction of the Crow Club. Her feet heavy and her face swollen, but she kept running until she saw the familiar building. She barged into the club, running for the staircase and making her way to the top of the stairs. To Kaz’s room. 
She opened the door, noticing the dimmed lights and Kaz sitting at his desk. He lifted his gaze and the only thing that indicated his surprise was his frown. 
“Rough night?” he asked, getting up from his desk. He walked closer to her, looking her up and down. “Please, do say that the other guy looks worse.”
She breathed a small laugh but only shook her head. “I didn’t know where else to go,”
Kaz sighed, going to the small, adjoined room, y/n suspected it was a small bathroom. A moment later, Brekker emerged with a small kit in his gloved hands, he handed her the kit and motioned for y/n to the room he had just left. 
“Go clean yourself, I’ll tell Inej to fetch you some clean clothes,” 
“Thank you,” it was the first time she let herself be that vulnerable in front of someone. She wanted to laugh at the irony of the situation. 
Y/n went into the bathroom, her limbs heavy and her head hurting. She took a look at herself and she spooked herself. Her whole left cheek was swollen, her eye nearly shut, her lip cracked and blood was marking its way down her chin and neck. She swallowed and started cleaning herself. When she mostly got rid of the blood, she lifted her shirt and saw a big, purple bruise on her ribcage. She had a hard time breathing. She felt the room swirling around her, but she strove to pull herself together. With as deep breath as she could take she left the bathroom. 
Kaz was sitting at his desk again. He lifted his head when she stepped into the room and observed her when she took the fresh set of clothes from his bed. She walked towards the door. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” his hoarse voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw him frowning even more than before. 
“I don’t know, maybe Nina has some room on her floor,” she remarked, hugging the clothes to her chest and turning her face back to the door. 
“Stay,” Kaz whispered, his voice barely audible. Y/n stopped in her tracks, her spine straightened. Did she hear correctly? “You can take the bed,”
“Kaz, you don’t have to,” she started, but was promptly interrupted by Brekker’s voice.
“Shut up and lay down, you stubborn girl,” he came back to whatever work he had, y/n heart grew and she smiled for the first time in hours. 
“Who would’ve thought there’s a heart underneath all of those layers,” she teased, laying down on his bed. 
“Such a pity your father didn’t knock your teeth out,” Kaz said, but the small smirk on his face hinted that he wasn’t serious. 
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coolemmasulivan2 · 1 month
Rewinding Us | 3
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: You and Mason built a love story over five years, but after an accident, your memories are wiped away, including any feelings for your constant bickering "rival". Can you remember your love story with Mason, or will you have to start all over?
Word count: 3826
You can read part 1 here, part 2 here and part 4 here
I slip and wonder who I'd be If I never found you and you never found me Well, I don't wanna see
The hospital waiting room was a clean expanse of white, the walls gleaming as if freshly painted. Mason sat on the edge of a blue chair, his leg bouncing nervously. A heavy silence pressed down on him, broken only by the soft voices of nurses and a few others just like him, waiting for their loved ones.
He was alone. The others were already on the plane, on their way home. Charlotte had promised to catch the next flight out as soon as she landed in London, but until then, he was alone and in fear.
His mind raced back to the villa. He ran after you, but you'd always been surprisingly fast, a burst of unexpected energy that often caught him off guard. He remembered the times when you would run away from him, with laughter echoing through the house, often triggered by a harmless joke or the sudden appearance of an unwelcome spider.
The car had appeared out of nowhere. It was as if the world had slowed down. He remembered the shock that froze him in place, the desperate shout that tore from his throat.
Now, alone in the white room, the weight of everything pressed down on him. He should have been faster. He should have protected you.
A voice cut through the room, bringing him back to the present. “Family of Miss Y/l/n?” The doctor, a man with tired eyes, stood in the doorway.
Mason jumped to his feet, his voice hoarse. “How is she? Is she okay?”
The doctor adjusted his glasses. “Miss Y/l/n has sustained multiple injuries, primarily to her leg and arm. She’s currently in surgery to stabilize her condition.”
Relief washed over Mason. “Will she be okay?” His voice trembled slightly.
The doctor nodded. “We’re optimistic about her recovery. The injuries are serious, but she’s young and strong.”
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Ahm-- Not long ago, she was involved in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her car and she lost her memory. Can this…?"
"We’ve conducted tests, and thankfully, this accident hasn’t caused any further brain damage.” Mason's heart pounded in his chest. A wave of gratitude washed over Mason. The doctor continued: “We’ll keep you updated on her condition. Someone will inform you as soon as she’s out of surgery.”
Mason nodded and managed a weak smile. “Thank you!”
It was a sunny afternoon, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of jasmine. You and Mason were attending a friend's wedding, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air.
You never used to care about catching the bridal bouquet, but your friends teased you and something sparked inside you. With a burst of unexpected agility, you managed to catch the delicate bouquet of flowers. Cheers erupted from the crowd, but your eyes locked onto Mason's, his expression a mix of amusement as his friends made fun of him.
"Well, well, well!" His friend Toby teased him. "Looks like someone's future is looking bright."
Mason grinned, taking a sip of his champagne. You walked through him, the bouquet clutched triumphantly in your hands, a smirk playing on your lips.
"I think I need a ring on my finger, Mount!" You teased, leaning in to kiss his lips.
A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "About that…" he began, his voice trailing off as he reached into his pocket. Your heart pounded in anticipation. "I haven't picked out the perfect one yet." He pulled his hand and it was… empty. "But I promise, it's coming."
Relief washed over you, mixed with a touch of disappointment. You hit his chest playfully. "Don't tease me like that, you idiot!"
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. "I couldn't resist." He said, his voice soft. "But seriously, I can't wait to make you my wife." He pecked. A blush crept up your cheeks. You'd talked about marriage before, but hearing him say it so openly, with such conviction, made your heart flutter. You leaned into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.
"Don't say that to our moms," you teased, burying your face in his neck to hide your blush. "They'll probably start organizing the wedding the next day."
He chuckled, tightening his arm around you. "Who do you think is helping me find the ring?" He murmured, his breath warm against your skin.
You pulled back to look at him, a playful glare in your eyes. "Stop it. You're trying to embarrass me."
"I'm always trying to embarrass you," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You playfully punched his arm, but couldn't hide the smile that spread across your face. "I can't wait to marry you."
Your eyes felt heavy, refusing to open against the bright light. Your body was a battlefield of pain, and every muscle hurt. A desperate need to call out, to reach for someone, filled you, but your throat was parched.
With a huge effort, you forced your eyelids open. The room was a blur of white, the silence broken only by the steady beep of a machine. Fear and cold ran through your consciousness. You wanted to sleep, to escape the pain and confusion, but a primal instinct to survive kept you tethered to the waking world.
Your eyelids grew heavy once more. With a resigned sigh, you surrendered to sleep, hoping to find peace in the silent depths of your unconsciousness.
"The guy wasn't being friendly with you. He wanted to get in your pants." Mason said, standing before you and Declan.
You were shaking, not from the cold but from anger. Declan sensed it and placed a comforting hand on your back.
"Mase, come on!" Declan said, giving him a warning look.
Mason ran a hand through his hair. "It's true. The guy had his hands practically inside her dress."
That was it. You stood up, your voice trembling. "And what does that matter to you? You're not my boyfriend, we're not even friends, so stop pretending and don't interfere in my life."
Declan gently pulled you away from his best friend. "We're just worried about you! The guy didn't look friendly and the bruise on your wrist confirms that."
You rolled your eyes. "I had everything under control until Mount decided to step in and ruin everything."
Mason let out a frustrated sigh. "I saved you!"
"I don't need you to save me." You retorted.
"Good!" Mason shouted, with his hands in the air. "I don't intend to do it again."
You slowly opened your eyes, and as your vision adjusted, you gazed through the window on your left, realizing it was dark outside. You could hear the soft murmur of voices from the hallway, however, what truly caught you off guard was the fact that you were no longer alone.
Mason was sound asleep in the cosy armchair beside your bed. His hand was propped against his head, holding it up, while his unkempt hair suggested that he had been running his hands through it too many times.
You took another sweeping glance around the room and spotted a plastic cup filled with water. Carefully, you reached out, stretching your arm to grasp it. As your fingers nearly touched the cup, it slipped and tumbled to the ground.
The noise woke Mason up from his nap, and his heart instantly started beating faster, afraid that something had happened. But when he saw that you were awake, he let out a sigh of relief. He stood up and approached your bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" You tried to speak, but your throat was too dry for the words to come out. Mason realised and picked up the cup from the floor, throwing it in the trash. "I'll get you another cup. I'll be right back."
He quickly exited the room, only to return a few minutes later with a cup of water in his hand and a doctor right behind him.
"Miss Y/l/n, good to see you awake." The doctor began, his voice laced with professional concern. "How are you feeling? Any pain?” With your throat dry, still no words seemed to want to escape.
Mason stepped in to help when he saw your silent plea. “Here!” He said softly, pressing the cup into your hands. With weak hands, you brought it to your lips and took small sips of the cool water.
After a brief but intense check-up by the doctor, you were left alone with Mason.
Being alone with Mason felt weird. A depth of unspoken words and unanswered questions hung heavy in the air. If only you hadn't run from him, from that kiss, you wouldn't be in the hospital. But it had all been too much.
Mason pulled the armchair closer and sat down. His hand found yours, and a gentle squeeze was all the comfort you needed. "The others landed in London, but Charlotte's already on her way back!" He said, his voice low. You nodded, taking another sip of water. His eyes held worry. "Are you really okay? Do you need anything?"
You shook your head. “I’m fine." You whispered. The moment your gazes met, the weight of his worry seemed to lift. Your eyes drifted to your intertwined hands, his long fingers tracing gentle patterns on your palm. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
His eyes held yours. No more words were needed. “How could I?” He began. "You had no memory of us! Saw me as nothing more than the guy you despised." His gaze fell to the floor. “I thought maybe you’d be better off without me, without the chaos of my life. You never complained, but I could see the stress it had on you. Dealing with the media, the fans—it’s a heavy burden. I wanted to give you a chance at a normal life.”
You looked up at the ceiling, your voice rising slightly. “That was not your choice to make!”
"I know." He whispered, his voice barely audible. "I just wanted to protect you."
A heavy silence settled between you. You squeezed his hand back. "I appreciate it. Believe me, I do." You said softly. "But If I didn't like the life we had I would have told you."
Mason emerged from the kitchen, a saviour with a pizza box in one hand and a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "Pizza break?" He offered, his voice filled with amusement.
"What about your diet?"
Mason shrugged. "I will put in more effort during the next training session." You collapsed onto the sofa, relief washing over you. As you devoured your slice, the cheesy goodness melting in your mouth, Mason leaned in, brushing a stray piece of cheese from your lip with his thumb.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this!" He said, his voice soft.. You looked up at him, your heart full. The house, once empty, was slowly transforming into a home.
"Me neither." You replied, your voice filled with happiness. "It feels surreal."
Mason smiled. "Surreal in a good way, right?"
You nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely!" You took another bite of pizza, savouring the moment. As you finished the last slice, Mason stretched out beside you, his arm draped casually over your shoulder. "I can't wait to make more memories here." You said, your voice filled with joy.
Mason turned his head and looked at you, his eyes soft with affection. Slowly, he leaned in, his breath warm against your lips. You closed your eyes as his lips met yours, a gentle and sweet kiss.
Charlotte entered the room, her eyes red and swollen. Mason followed close behind. You were lost in a drugged sleep, oblivious to the storm of emotions in your best friend.
She sank into the chair beside your bed, her hand immediately reaching out to caress your hair. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "Oh my God, why does this always happen to her?" She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "First the drunk driver, and now this!"
Mason leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's been a rough year, that's for sure!" He muttered, his voice barely audible.
Charlotte's gaze snapped to him. Her eyes, filled with concern, held him captive. "Are you okay?"
He offered a weak smile. "I'm fine. Just worried about her."
She knew him too well. "Don't lie to me, Mason." She said softly. "I can see right through you."
He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "It's been a hell of…" He admitted, his voice raw. "What time is it, anyway?"
Charlotte stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She's going to be okay, Mason. We'll wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe." A small smile tugged at her lips as she tried to lighten the mood.
Mason chuckled. He pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head. "I guess we have no choice!"
You finally returned to London after spending four days in the hospital. You flew back with Mason and Charlotte, and because your parents were worried about you, you spent the weekend with them.
"Are you going to fly back, or will you catch a ride with Mason?" Your Mom asked you.
Thinking it through, everything was clear now. Living in Manchester, having a big house you couldn't afford with your salary, the lifestyle, the constant attention from people on the street - it was all Mason's.
"Um, Mason said I could go with him." You replied your voice barely a whisper.
Your mom's face lit up with a delighted and conspiratorial grin. Since you told her what happened at the villa, she'd been on an overdrive of matchmaking, talking about how happy she was and about what a good couple you used to be.
"That means you're re-" She began, her voice dripping with excitement.
You cut her off, burying your face in your Dad's shoulder. "That doesn't mean anything!" You protested. Your Dad slyly winked at your Mom across the sofa. "It's just easier and cheaper to go with him. so stop organising our wedding in that little head of yours."
Your Mom's lips curved into a knowing smile. "That's already planned!" She muttered under her breath.
You raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Did you say something?"
She shook her head, a playful glint in her eye. "Me? No, not at all. Just focus on the show."
Monday morning had the sky in soft hues of pink and gold as Mason pulled up to your parents' house. The familiar sight of the old brick house brought him a wave of nostalgia. He stepped out of the car, a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of the morning.
Your mom was waiting for him at the door, her face lightened with a warm smile. "It's so good to see you, Mason!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.
"It's great to see you too." He replied, returning the embrace. Their relationship had always been easy, even during the wild times of your on-and-off hating relationship. "It's good to be back."
Your mom led him inside, the house filled with the comforting aroma of coffee. In the kitchen, your dad was holding his special mug, the one you had made him when you were a kid. "I see some things never change." Mason commented, a smile playing on his lips.
Your dad looked up, his face breaking into a wide grin. "Mason!" He exclaimed, standing up to offer a hearty handshake. "Welcome back, boy."
"Did you have breakfast, Mason?" Your mom asked him.
"Yes, thanks!" He replied, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of you. It wasn't surprising when your mom told him that you were still in bed. You'd always been a non-moring person.
"Why don't you go wake her up?" Your mom suggested.
Mason's heart skipped a beat. "Me?" He stuttered, blushing. "I-I don't think that's a good idea."
Your mom chuckled. "Oh, come on! You've got to win her back, don't you?" She teased. With a gentle push, she directed him towards your room. "Go on, then. Start by waking her up."
"But that's a terrible first step!" He muttered.
Mason hesitated, his mind and heart racing. He knew the best way to wake you up was with soft kisses, but that seemed like a recipe for disaster at this early hour and he would surely get slapped.
The door was slightly open and the sunlight streamed through it. Mason's hand hovered over the handle, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he could knock, the door swung open, revealing you, already dressed and with the luggage in hand.
Surprise flickered across your face. "Mason? What are you doing here?"
He took a moment to drink in your appearance. He didn't know how, but every day you became more breathtaking. "Uh, your mom asked me to wake you up." He stammered, his voice catching in his throat. "But I see you're already awake."
You quickly shut the bedroom door, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, I had… a nightmare." You explained, clearing your throat. The way you averted your eyes told him the nightmare was about him, but he chose to stay silent, afraid it would cause an argument.
"Let me help you with your suitcase." He offered, trying to change the subject.
"I don't ne--" You hesitated, torn between your pride and being grateful for his help. Finally, you gave in. "Thanks!" You mumbled, handing him the suitcase.
After having breakfast, you and Mason left for a four-hour drive back to Manchester. With the open road stretching before you, the quiet was overwhelming. Your heart was racing. What were you supposed to do for four hours trapped in a car with Mason, alone?
The radio was on and its soft hum filled the car. Traffic was surprisingly light for a Monday. Your eyes wandered around the spacious interior of the car. It was very clean but there were two Starbucks cups, that he had brought. One for you and one for him. A business card from a car dealership, house keys, and a pair of earrings.
Mason must have noticed your curious gaze. "You left those here last time you drove it." He explained.
"I drove this?" You asked him, astonishment filling your tone. The image of yourself behind the wheel of the gigantic car was absurd.
Mason chuckled. "A few times, actually." You stared at him, disbelief written all over my face. "Why so surprised?"
You tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "I don't imagine myself driving a car like this." You confessed.
"Well, you weren't exactly a natural." He teased. "But hey, we all start somewhere."
Your mouth opened, pretending you were offended. "I'm an amazing driver, Mount!" Mason laughed and you couldn't help but smile. "I just… I like my mini Cooper."
"I know, I know."
An unexpected calm settled over the car. It was a surprisingly comfortable silence. Lost in the calm of the road and the melody of the radio, you found yourself enjoying the ride.
But the desire to break the silence surprised you. Five years was a long time, and curiosity was killing you. I wanted to know what his life had been like, to understand what kind of relationship we had.
"How's Manchester United treating you?" You asked, breaking the silence.
Mason glanced at you, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. He'd clearly been lost in his own thoughts, and your question seemed to jolt him back to reality.
"Oh, yeah, it's been amazing." He replied, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "They've welcomed me with open arms. It feels like a family." His eyes held a warmth that was unfamiliar yet comforting. "It was a big change, but everything fell into place. I'm very happy."
You nodded, your heart pounding. It was now or never. "And… I went with you?"
He placed his hand on his leg, resisting the urge to place it on yours, a habit of his. "Yeah." He said, his voice low. "You asked for a transfer and moved with me. Didn't even hesitate."
"So the house where I've been living is ours?" You asked. Mason nodded, his expression serious. "And where have you been living?" A wave of questions formed in your mind, each one more pressing than the last.
"I rented a place." Mason replied. "Luke and Anouska have two houses for rent, and one was empty."
"Oh." You murmured, still processing the information. "Sorry about that."
"Don't apologize." he said quickly. "I chose not to tell you the truth, so it's my fault." A comfortable silence settled between you as Mason seemed to be waiting for you to continue. "We have a long drive ahead. Ask me whatever you want."
"Good, because I have a lot of questions." You admitted.
He chuckled. "Bring it on."
"How long have we been together?"
"Five years."
"Who made the first move?"
"You did!" His answer was quick.
You raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Mount! I remember the first kiss. The prank. I confronted you about it."
Mason burst out laughing, his laughter infectious. "Oh, shit, yeah!" He admitted between chuckles. "I forgot about that."
This felt right, natural. "Okay, so… how did you know you didn't hate me anymore?"
"I never hated you--" He began.
"You know what I mean."
Mason hesitated, his eyes darting away from you. "I think… I think I always had a crush on you." He finally managed to say. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to process his words. "When we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. But you were with that guy, and… I didn't know how to approach you, so I acted like a jerk." You swallowed hard, trying to comprehend the man sitting beside you. "The prank… when they made me kiss you, something clicked. It wasn't just a crush anymore." You hadn't realised, but he had pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. His hand found yours, and his gentle touch sent shivers down your spine. "After that, I knew I had to make you fall for me. I couldn't let you slip away. I couldn't waste any more time when I had the love of my life right in front of me."
His eyes held a vulnerability you'd never seen before. Your heart was pounding so hard you thought it might burst. His gaze locked onto yours. Slowly, he leaned in, his breath warm against your lips.
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Then, his lips met yours in a soft, tender kiss. As your lips moved together, a wave of emotions washed over you. Love, hope, and a sense of coming home all at once.
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rainnsbeloved · 26 days
you’re touyas little sister, highschool au, keigo and touya are sophomores. you’re younger than fuyumi, you’re starting highschool, possible ooc lol, etc etc
the way i loved you // hawks x reader
you had just turned 16, which was nothing. Birthdays don’t really mean anything in the todoroki household; some ‘happy birthdays' are shared between you and your siblings, but that's all. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your friend. it doesn’t mean anything in the todoroki household, but who said outside of it?
getting all dressed up to go celebrate, you never really liked your birthday, but gifts from friends sure as hell made up for it. as you were getting done you were walking throughout the hall making sure your father wasn’t around as you were sneaking.
“Where the hell are you going?” Touya asked looking you up and down with a certain crimson winged guy behind him.
You turned quickly with a shocked look on your face, heart racing a bit. “What? Oh!” you pondered an excuse looking around avoiding eye contact.
“i know its your birthday, but where the hell do you think your going at 9pm?” Touya says putting a hand on his nape rubbing it was a bad habit of his.
You slouched “augghh, would you fuck off? atleast let me do something! Its bad enough its the end of school ON A WEEKEND!” You made sure to tune your voice a bit at the last part. The sharp eyed avian looked around seemingly tricky expression upon his face clearly not wanting to listen to you and your older brother bicker. It was more than obvious that it was awkward for him
but for you it could be nevertheless embarrassing! you’ve always had a thing for him, whether it be that time you answered the door for him in your first meeting, straight up calling him gorgeous to his face while you thought he wasn’t listening talking to touya. the second time he noticed you had a thing for him was when you were 13 around in your door halfway open talking to your friends, normal middle school girl things. thing is, touyas rooms unfortunately next door. or maybe it is fortunate. you could always sneak into his room and read that lame ass diary of his, it never failed to entertain. as you were lying around talking to your friends planning on meeting up later in the day, they asked if they could be the ones to come over. it was rare that they do, you never really did like it when they came over, always passing glances to your shitty attitude elder brother, you couldn’t help but wonder why it hasn’t drove them away already not seeming to care recollecting your thoughts having to make an excuse, and fast.
“Nah, can’t. My older brother has one of his friends over.” saying unknowingly as the avian’s ears peaked up at the words.
“Mmm, no it isn’t the senior jin, ‘miko. your big brother isn’t here its the hot one, ya’know, the winged one.” his feathers picked up your facial expressions whilst speaking with a highly red face as he was playing a match with your brother on his console, constantly clicking away at the controller frequently.
“‘s not a crush.” you said deadpanning with a slight blush on your face replying to what toga had to say he slightly picks up what the fanged blonde had to say now.
“mhm, and i totally don’t wanna go out with ochako!” “It’s not that toga..” you said, he could pick up a hint of sadness in your voice as you were about to explained. “Why fawn over someone I can’t-“ touya shoved keigo,
“the fucks up with you? We’re about ‘ta lose!” Touya said slightly aggressively. He lost the ability to listen in the conversation, mind racing wondering what it was, filled with what if’s, and listening to touyas rambles as he kept pushing him gently to get his head back into the video game in front of him. “Somethin’ up with your or something? Your mom making you work another shitty jo-“ cutting him off quickly keigo stood up
“huh? Oh nah, i just realized i got hella homework to get done” he softly chuckles, as he scratches his head and heads for his rooms door “gotta fly, later!”
he leaves touya in the room as his mouth formed a shape of an ‘O’ while it was all too sudden. Keigo obviously making sure to shut his door, he found it a bit unusual. His bestfriend never does that.
He knocks your door softly making sure touya didn’t follow him out the room, he could hear you talkin’ up a storm as you approached your door, look of surprise to see the blond there.
“Uhh, sorry if i was too loud, i’ll quiet down, see ya” almost quickly shutting your door before realizing what he has to say. He nervously scratches his head “Um, so listen.. uhh..” you were kinda scared what he had to say, but stuck it through.
“So i heard you on the phone—“ he continued rambling on. but your mind froze, bones weak. you quickly shut the door right in his face closing it before you nervously fall to the ground face red. how embarrassing could that be? surely enough to ignore him 'til you were 14.
it didn’t matter though, cause now you’re here. In a dress a bit too revealing for your age, like a women who's about to go clubbing.
touya continued on with scolding you to get your ass back to your room threatening to tell your mom, you having no choice but to stomp back to your room it was for the better anyway you’d know that when your older.
touya didn’t like the influence you were under, you were troubled. but then again what does a rich kid raised by a rotten man’s core turn out to be? golden or rusted, no inbetween. you called your friends back disappointed you couldn’t make it but to your surprise they were already there sobbing and sending you pictures wishing you were there.
it wasn’t to your surprise when you saw the clock hit 11:57 pm. you already got ready for bed, undoing your hair and taking up the light makeup you had on. you stood at the balcony, trying to catch a whiff of refreshing air although it seems like your suffocating with how overwhelmed you feel by the day you’ve went through
A shadowy figure came by through the sides of house, slowly spotting your balcony. it was keigo looking up at you as he waved with that boyish grin he gained years into you knowing him here and there. he seemed so much brighter than he was when you first met him, ‘specially with his dad arrested.
“Yoo!!” he slightly laughs along with it, waving at you along with the charm he had in his smile. “Whats up? You sulking on your bday? Thats no fun” he chuckles at the end hoping to bring up the mood as he flys to your porch.
“so, birthday girl, you upset you can’t see your little boyfriends or something” ‘aw hell’ were your exact thoughts right now, teasing is a thing this hawk knows how to do, especially to you. almost a 2 year streak! would he like a badge? maybe a cookie, you wonder.
“so? “boyfriends” sorry for getting around here and there!” “around?” he giggled a bit. “I’m sure i had more boyfriends then you did girlfriends, takami.”
“oo… last name huh? well, todoroki. its kindaaa hard to have girlfriends when your kinda the star of the baseball team.. y’know..” his teeth made a stinging noise, talking in a obvious joking tone.
“‘star’ you say, please we all know thats my brother, hawks” you looked in the direction away from him, while he yet again lets out a cheeky laugh. in which you couldn’t help but eye roll.
“dabi’s got nothing on me, sweetheart.” and he’s doing it again, stupidly smiling. as he says the most heart clenching thing. all these years and it still hasn’t went away that thing you had for despite the boyfriends you had and slight crushes your heart always belonged to a certain blond.
“Oh, shut up already.” you were clearly bothered by the last thing he said, brows furrowing. “And don’t call me sweetheart, loser!” you said that a tad bit too harshly but who really cares, right?
he scratches his head. “sincerest apologies, your highness” he sighed. “Well, would you like your gift or am i guessing not since i pissed you off so much” this time he weakly laughed.
“Wow, my brother’s bestfriend giving me a gift and not him, how quaint.” “Ooo, fancy words, unfortunately my vocabs not all that wide, sweets” he reaches to a paper in the back pockets of his jeans getting ready to hand you the paper as his wings spread
your eyes widened a bit, his face looked tricky, you couldn’t read whether it was nervous, excited or embarrassed. extending his arm to give you the paper intending to fly off as you take it out his hand
“schoolgirl much?” he chuckles. “I wouldn’t say im your kind” “hilarious” you replied quickly in the usual sarcastic tone you have with him as you extended your hand
“Well, i’ve gotta go, do me a favor and don’t mention that to your brother? I’d be pretty dead if he woulda seen it, dove.” he said mid way through the air, unknowingly looking ethereal.
unbeknownst you were acknowledging his beauty, he flewed off.
you were a bit too scared to open it but anxious enough to do so anyway.
“dear, n/n. my sincerest apologies if this isn’t grammatically correct, i know how bad your a stickler for those things especially with texts and how i say your but that’s pretty much besides the point that day i knocked on your door, was honestly mind shifting me to me. it made me realize my feelings toward you sooner and helped me warm up to ya knowing it was mutual ish lol i can’t help but say i’ve feel in love with you thru out all that teasing was honestly love and all that. felt like it was pretty obvious honestly im never as flirty with any girl as i am with you atleast when were alone dealing with dabi would be a pain XP. to get to the point. i think your the first girl i ever loved n i don’t wanna mess it up with you theres so much more i wanna chance to say to your face but i guess ima pussy my bad dove but call me please. xx much love your soon to be hot ass man”
along side it with a stupid little doodle of him. your heart was pounding, what you were yearning for finally was being reciprocated. you hear a loud thud at the balconys window turning around to see touya not giving a damn what you were up to
he was prepared to yell but his bedhead self couldn’t be bothered to do so letting out a little whisper yell of ‘get the fuck back inside’ if that isn’t your mean elder brother for you.
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a/n: first fanfic EVER sorry this wasn’t proof read made it at legit 5-6 am lol, i hope you guys still like it though! gn
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
jamie and reader used to date before he went back to his old team and broke reader’s heart 💔 now he’s back and wants reader back ANGST AND FLUFF PLEASEEE
I’ve been thinking about this request since FOREVER so I hope I did it justice!!
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wonder what it’d be like
You don’t get paid enough for this shit.
“So you do know Jamie Tartt?” asks some journalist doing some piece on some footballer crap. You don’t know and you don’t care.
“If you’re not going to order anything, I’m going to get my boss and have you removed from the premises,” you reply, undeterred in your mission to wipe down empty tables. Brian loves his coffee shop and is fiercely protective of both his employees and his peaceful atmosphere. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s kicked someone out.
“Well, do you have any comment on the fact that he said you were the love of his life?”
You don’t miss a beat. “No I do not. Can I get you any coffee or should I get Brian?”
The journalist declines both, and is out the door.
Fucking Jamie Tartt. What does he even think he’s doing? How did you even come up in an interview? Was the question, who, Jamie Tartt, is the greatest love of your life?
(You’d find out later that yes, that was the question. The journalist was looking for an answer like “Keeley Jones,” or “Kiera Knightley,” something a little spicy.)
It doesn’t matter, the journalist (you think his name was Trent) is gone and you can go back to making coffee and chatting with the regulars.
You should have known that wasn’t the end of it.
God, why can’t you just work in peace? You have enough on your plate, between homework and student loans and the person who’s complaining that their iced coffee is “too cold.” 
You don’t need to add “prick footballer ex-boyfriend,” to the list.
But he seems bound and determined to add himself to your list of things to take care of, with the way he’s following you around as you hand people their orders.
“Trent said you wouldn’t talk to him,” he says.
He takes your silence as license to keep going. “Why didn’t you just take the money? Can’t be making much here.”
Do not let him get to you, you remind yourself. Do not sink to his level.
So you just shrug. “I’m not one of those people who fucks a famous footballer just for the money. Now I’m going to give you the same choice I gave that goddamn reporter: you can get a coffee or you can get. Out.”
So Jamie leaves.
It figures that your ex would find some way to make your life hell. Sure, you’ve gotten mostly over him and you have your own life and you’re on your way to becoming an accountant because numbers are fun and numbers don’t break your heart. So of course, now is when he decides to show up and have journalists poking around.
But you refuse to talk about him with anyone. It’s rude, in your opinion. It devalues your old relationship and yourself and you won’t do it.
So instead you stay after hours, going over finances at the café while Brian and his boyfriend chatter softly and try new coffee combinations.
You laugh as they bicker and and sip everything they set before you, grateful that you don’t have to think about the day Jamie got signed to Manchester City and decided that he was too good for you.
Unfortunately, you have to go home at some point, which means you’re wide awake in your bed, flatmates all asleep leaving you to replay that whole terrible day.
(He said, “It ain’t gonna work, babe, I’m in the Premier League now and I should be with someone who’s at my same level.”
You said, “Don’t call me babe.”
He said, “Don’t waste any tears over me, I won’t be crying so you shouldn’t either.”
You said, “I sure as hell won’t cry over a heartless dick like you.”
He said, “That’s a heartless Premier League dick to you.”
And that was it. A year-long relationship and four year-long friendship down the tubes.)
The article hits the papers and now you’re constantly being harassed by journalists. 
You read it, the part about you. It was written in interview format, with a bolded question and then Jamie’s response. It was like a glimpse into his personal life, who he was outside the pitch.
Jamie, you’ve had an astonishing career at such a young age, and made a name for yourself both on and off the pitch. Your name has been in the tabloids with many famous models and actresses in the few short years you’ve played in the Premier League. So my question is, in the history of your romantic entanglements, who is the absolute love of your life?
In your opinion, it was a long lead-up to a short question. 
Jamie’s response was two words. Your first and last name.
That fucker.
It makes work so bad that you had to hide in the back while Brian tells people to leave.
You apologize profusely once everything’s closed and everyone’s gone. 
“I’ll give you my official notice and everything, and I can still help out with finances if you want,” you say. “I’m- not trying to be annoying, but the extra money would be really helpful while I look for another job.”
Brian shakes his head. “I’m not firing you, kid,” he says. “It’ll die down. And Caleb and I are happy to have you over for dinner if you want to talk about it.”
You’re so relieved and grateful that you hug him.
It’s late again. You’re in your kitchen. All three of your flatmates are out and will be gone until the morning, so you have the flat all to yourself. You’ve lit some candles and turned on the soft lights, and are criss-cross on the counter listening to Fleetwood Mac with brownies in the oven.
You allow yourself to think about some of the questions that were thrown at you throughout the day.
How long have you known Jamie Tartt?
When was the last time you spoke?
Are you still friends?
You shake your head. Weird.
There’s a knock at the door. Even weirder. You’re not expecting anyone.
You hop down and pad down the hall, standing on tiptoe to peer through the peephole. It’s Jamie. You make a face, double-check that the door is locked, and turn back to the kitchen. 
“I know you’re there,” Jamie calls through the door. “I can see the light on, and your car’s out front. I just want to talk.”
You’re not going to open the door, but then he calls your name and you’re rooted to the floor.
You open the door just enough so you can look at him, but not enough that he thinks he can come inside.
“I can’t imagine what you’d have to say to me other than an apology, especially after the day I’ve had,” you say, more fire in your voice than you remembered you had.
The fire dies when you get a good look at Jamie’s face.
It’s different.
He looks… forlorn, almost?
“I do, I do have an apology,” he says. There’s no malice, no conniving look on his face. 
You say, “Ok,” in a tone so soft that Jamie could almost forget the anger you just held.
“Look,” he begins, but is cut off by your timer beeping in the kitchen. You sigh. 
“I have to get those,” you say. “Can’t burn down the flat. Do you… do you want to come in? Just for a minute.”
Jamie nods and follows you inside, closing the door behind him.
He follows you to the kitchen, close on your heels, where you motion for him to sit while you take out the brownies. 
“Right,” he says once you’re leaning on the counter across from him. “Look- I was a prick. I thought I was fucking special because my right foot was kissed by god. I didn’t know how to fucking handle it so I acted like a prick. And I never said I’m sorry.” He takes a breath. “Keeley’s always talkin’ about accountability, so… here I am. Taking fucking accountability.”
You just look at him.
“I’m not looking for forgiveness,” he hurriedly continues. “Just wanted you to know that I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry for hurting you.”
You’re still not talking, so Jamie gets up.
“Right,” he says. “Right. I’m going to leave ya now. Got fucking trainin tomorrow.”
He’s halfway down the hall when he turns and says, “Oh, by the way, I called your uni. Paid the rest of your tuition, gave them some extra in case you decide you want to keep going.” Then he turns around again and actually heads to the door.
For a moment, you’re too shocked to even move but the magnitude of what he just said sinks in.
“OI,” you bellow. Jamie freezes, hand on the door handle. 
“Get. Back here,” you say, voice tight.
“Jamie,” you say once he’s sitting again, “you can’t just pay my student loans. The whole reason I never talk to the press about you is because I don’t want to be like those people who just, like, use you for your money. I had it handled and I don’t need you thinking that I’m just- just- using you. And fuck off with saying that shit in a magazine,” you continue, “You can’t just use me to make yourself more family-friendly. Saying that you like the girl who works in a fucking coffee shop so she can get through school and become an accountant. I mean, what the fuck? Just say it was a model or an actress or something, but don’t use me, because I never used you.”
Jamie shakes his head. “But it’s not like that,” he says earnestly. “I know what you’re like. I know it ain’t about the money. That’s why I said what I said. You really are the love of me life.”
You’re silent, analyzing his face. There’s nothing that indicates he’s lying, and if you can claim to know Jamie at all, you’d have to admit that this might be the most sincere you’ve ever seen him.
All you can manage is a weak, “Oh.”
“I’m really, really sorry.”
“Yeah,” you reply, “you keep saying that. I forgive you. But that doesn’t mean that I want to be friends with you.”
Jamie nods. “Yeah, no I get that, yeah. Right. I’m not looking for that. I just needed you to know.”
You’re both silent for an awkward moment.
“Right,” Jamie says again. “Guess I’d better go. I’ll see you around, I guess.”
You nod, letting Jamie see himself out.
“So, you’re not taking him back?”
“Brian,” you say, “why the absolute fuck would I do that?”
He laughs. “I don’t know, if I had some handsome, rich young footballer come to me with an apology that I didn’t ask for, I’d’ve snapped him right up!”
“Don’t let Caleb hear you say that,” you warn.
Brian laughs again. “Oh hon, he’s heard me say so much worse.”
You snort then turn back to the column of numbers in front of you. It’s bright and early, thirty minutes before opening. That gives you twenty minutes to finish what you’re doing before sneaking out the back door. You’re scribbling in the margins in blue glitter pen when there’s a knock on the glass door. You frown.
“Who on earth is knocking?” you ask.
Brian shrugs. “No idea,” he replies as he goes to look.
The frown stays affixed to your face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that Brian just lied.
He’s back a moment later.
“Think these are for you,” he says, arm full of flowers.
You drop your pen.
“What the hell,” you whisper. 
Brian just grins and places them on the table. “A nice young man in a pink tracksuit dropped them off. Said to give them to you and that he’ll have more tomorrow.”
“Fucker,” you hiss.
“Me or him?”
You glare. “Both. Either. I don’t care. Take these home to Caleb or put them around the shop. I’m leaving.”
You shuffle your papers together and flee the coffee shop, door banging behind you.
“Twat,” you whisper to no one in particular. 
Jamie’s delivered flowers every day for a week and a half and you’re not sure how he manages it, but he always avoids being caught by you. You’re not sure why he’s delivering them to your place of work, but you have a hunch that somehow, somehow Brian and Caleb are in on it.
It’s fucking annoying, really. They’re so beautiful and in all your favorite colors and you’re absolutely pissed off that he still knows anything personal about you.
You’re even more pissed off that you like it.
I mean, come on, he has your forgiveness; what more does he want?
The worst part is you actually miss him. You miss the Jamie you dated, the one you fell in love with but are not particularly fond of the Jamie who dumped you when he got signed for Man City. What’s to stop him from doing that again?
You decide you’re going to talk to him.
Brian brings in a particularly large bunch the next day and you’re on your feet in a flash. You’re out the door before he can ask where you’re going, but he doesn’t need to. He already knows. 
You look up and down the street. You know Jamie couldn’t have gotten far. 
You catch a flash of blonde hair zipping away to your right. 
“TARTT,” you bellow.
The blonde hair freezes as you march up the street.
Jamie turns and grins sheepishly, “Hey, love,” he says.
“Stop bringing me flowers. It’s fucking annoying.”
It might be Jamie’s imagination, but there seems to be slightly less rage in your eyes today.
“Thought you liked that sort of thing,” he says.
“I do,” you say, “usually. When I know why it’s happening. I don’t know why you’re doing it. You already paid my student loans and apologized. I don’t really know what else you want from me.”
“A second chance,” Jamie says promptly. “I weren’t kidding in the article. You can tell me to fuck off right now and I’ll leave you alone. Can’t promise that I’ll never hurt you again, but I can fucking guarantee it won’t be on purpose.”
You’re silent, giving Jamie the tiniest spark of hope.
“Fuck you,” you finally say. Jamie raises an eyebrow as you glare at him. “Fuck you for actually fucking changing. And for making me love you again. You’re all I can fucking think about and it’s been driving me crazy, and Brian’s been no help with all his, ‘you should call him,’ and ‘he seems like a good lad.’ He’s fucking right and I’m fucking mad about it.”
“Yeah?” Jamie asks, “Why don’t you tell me more over dinner tonight? I’ll take you on a proper date.”
You actually smile at him for the first time in ages. “Alright,” you reply, “one date. One. We’ll see where it goes from there.”
Jamie doesn’t care. You’re smiling, which means he’s already won the whole fucking thing. He’s yours again, and he’s not going to fuck it up.
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wnobin · 8 months
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petsitter! wonbin x fem! reader
series synopsis: your friends refuse to look after your bunnies, tokki and dokki, while you’re on an overseas programme for a week. luckily, winter knows the right person for the job.
series masterlist
part seven: jealous
wonbin still couldn’t believe how far he made it. he was now standing outside your classroom, waiting for your lesson to end so you and him could get dinner together. just another 5 minutes and you would be out, the text from you read. wonbin turned his phone off after sending you the thumbs up emoji, nervously biting his lower lip as sungchan scrolled through tiktok next to him, having been forced to come wait with wonbin for emotional support. the nervous male switched to pick at his hangnails, looking up every time he heard someone’s feet shuffling, hoping that it would be you.
“jesus, did you bring me here to hold your hand? stop doing that.”
sungchan grabbed wonbin’s wrist in order to force him to stop picking at his skin which would eventually turn into small wounds that he would whine all night about. “of course i didn’t bring you here for that, i don’t need you to hold my hand,” wonbin scoffed, pulling his wrist away and rolling his eyes at sungchan. this only made sungchan laugh harder, intertwining his fingers with the other who cringed and tried to pull away. “aww, little wonbin needs me to hold his hand before his first date ever!”
the two of them continued their bickering, wonbin still trying to separate their hands, not even noticing you had already left the classroom and was now watching them argue with intertwined hands. you cleared your throat to get their attention and they immediately dropped their hands, wonbin bringing his hand behind his back as sungchan sheepishly scratched his head, turning to greet you. “hey, y/n! didn’t see you there…” he could once again feel wonbin’s glares at the side of his head and he couldn’t help but to awkwardly laugh, backing away as he patted wonbin’s shoulder. “you don’t need me here anymore. take care of him y/n! it’s his first date ever!”
before wonbin could tell sungchan to shut up, he was already giggling and sprinting back to the dorms. “fuckin’ hate that guy, i swear…”
“really? seemed like you must love him if you were holding hands with him,” you teased, giggling at the situation you caught them in. you caught the way wonbin’s cheeks flushed and he tried to avoid your gaze. he was cute. really cute. “if you keep making fun of me you can get dinner by yourself,” wonbin tried to sound assertive but you could hear the nervousness in his voice. you didn’t think sungchan was lying about this being wonbin’s first date so you decided to take the lead, tugging on his sleeve and beginning your walk to the nearby ramen place off-campus. you weren’t that brave though, still hesitant to hold wonbin’s hand despite the back of your hands touching due to the close proximity.
wonbin wanted desperately to interlock hands with yours but he was still too shy to initiate any sort of physical contact with you. what do people usually do on first dates? is holding hands a first date or second date thing? his head was full of thoughts like this and he zoned out, not even realising that your hand was holding his stiff and unresponsive hand, too busy thinking of what conversation topics he should bring up during the dinner. he didn’t even notice the way his hand suddenly felt warmer until you squeezed it gently, bringing him back to reality, the both of you now standing in front of the ramen restaurant. it was surprisingly quiet for a weekday evening, the place usually brimming with groups of students who had just finished their lectures.
you guys didn’t have to wait long until you were seated in a booth, a male with a notepad and menus quickly heading over to your table. “oh, y/n? i didn’t expect to see you here!” you lifted your head to look at the waiter, who was also your classmate in one of your biology classes. or your communications class. you didn’t know, you didn’t pay attention to other guys anyways. you greeted him back, not engaging in further conversation when you had the guy of your dreams right in front of you. for some reason, wonbin no longer had a small smile on his face, now replaced by a tight lipped expression. he was wearing a nametag with the name niki. he didn’t miss the way niki’s fingers lingered on yours a little longer than normal when he handed the menus over to you, or the way he gave wonbin a sidelong glance. wonbin wasn’t the type to let his jealousy show easily, but couldn’t he tell that you were on a date? maybe he should’ve sat next to you instead of opposite you. thankfully, niki left after taking your orders without attempting to make small talk with you.
while waiting for your food, you slumped over and sighed, beginning to rant to wonbin about your long day of lessons and how your group mates were being useless as always. wonbin always listened so intently, staring at you with those attentive wide eyes of his and chiming in with his own opinions. it was easy to talk to him, conversations with him never felt forced and you felt like you could be yourself around him. you just hoped he felt the same. the two of you continued talking about random topics of conversation, school, the bunnies, your friends and even the latest episode of the netflix series you were both watching until you were done with your meals. wonbin had his eyes on you the entire time, noticing how you had a slight blush on your cheeks and the littlest of eyeshadow on your lids, and the necklace that adorned your neck. he never noticed that it was a silver moon, matching his gold star necklace that he always wore. it’s like you two were made for each other.
after finishing your foods, you and wonbin stayed behind for awhile to try and fight off the food coma you were both slipping into. eventually, you both made your way to the counter, putting your card out to pay. wonbin pushed your card away, putting out his own and insisting that he would pay for it, resulting in you two playfully bickering in front of niki, who scoffed and made a side comment about how he would never make a girl pay on a date. wonbin gave the male a death stare as he held your wrist, preventing you from tapping your card as he paid for the meals, looking niki dead in the eyes as he pressed the ‘no tip’ button on the ipad before leaving. he continued to hold your hand as you made your ways back to the dorms, whining about how you were supposed to be the one treating him.
“that’s too bad, i guess you’ll have to go on another date with me.”
“i wouldn’t complain about that,” you both stopped in front of your door, you were slightly sad that the date was already over so fast and you didn’t want to let go of wonbin’s hand. you saw a different side of him today, how attractive it was when he got jealous and how adorable his nervousness was, he almost looked like a lost puppy. although, he did manage to find his confidence throughout the date and now he no longer felt unsure about about holding your hand, which fit just right with his. no matter how annoyed he got from niki flirting with you, he still treated you gently and looked at you with soft eyes instead of the glares which were directed to niki.
“i guess this is goodnight?”
you didn’t want wonbin to leave already but you knew it was getting late and you two would probably end up calling each other late at night again, so you reluctantly let go of his hands, looking up to stare into his eyes. wonbin swear he had hearts in his eyes as he looked back at you, slightly leaning in to you with a hand cupping your cheek. you shut your eyes, expecting to feel a pair of lips on your forehead. instead, you feel a breeze of wind next to your ear, wonbin blowing at something on your door. “sorry, there was a bug on your door.”
“oh, thanks…!” you cleared your throat as you pulled away, flustered that you were expecting a kiss from him. wonbin patted your head, smiling at you softly as he urged you to go in because it was getting cold out, only leaving once he made sure you were in.
“i’ll call you!”
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taglist: @istphanie @snowyseungs @nyuoqi @myizhous @jhskluv @babigriin @revehosh @acidwon @fourthirtyone-am @bunni @annswwa @luvvsnae
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builtbykittie · 1 year
S.F.K x f!reader
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Summary: Escaping an uncomfortable situation at a party, you frantically look for your best friend, just to find he was also searching for you.
Warnings: 18+ per usual, alcohol consumption, SMUT, semi public sex, unprotected sex (y'all know better), this is literally just porn... nothing too crazy.
Words: nearly 4.5k
A/N: Ugh another Sam friends to lovers? Yes. This is a Taylor Swift inspired fic🥰. Every time I hear this song, I think of Sammy (despite the fact he hates pop music) So I finally wrote about it, enjoy! (Disclaimer I literally didn't edit this much at all & I'm so sorry)
"Who are you trying to impress," Sam's eyes trace the shape of your body before looking back to the road. "Nobody," you fix the length of your dress in the passenger seat. "Why? You worried someone might try to take me home?" you smirk.
"Pfft, no," he rolls his eyes, thumbs drumming to the beat of the rock song piercing through your ears. "Then why do you care," you bicker with him as if you're siblings, trying to get each other as annoyed and worked up as possible.
The truth is, you couldn't care less if anyone else saw you. You only wanted Sam to see you, for some stupid reason. Sam is your best friend, and has been for years, so why would you even try to impress him? For the same reason everybody else tries to impress their person of choice, of course.
"Oh thank god. I'm saved!" Sam snickers as he pulls into his brother's crowded driveway. You giggle and roll your eyes "Sam you know I don't like parties, you're gonna have to deal with me eventually tonight."
"Yeah, well, I'm saved for now," he playfully grabs your knee and gives it a shake before pulling his seatbelt away from his body. "Oh shut up, you know you would gladly argue with me for hours," you unbuckle your own seatbelt, pushing the door open with your heel.
Sam helps you down from the passenger's seat, his large hand hovering over the small of your back, then gently grabbing your waist as you slip out of the seat until your heels touch the ground. "You got me," he grins. It's simple touches like these that keep you on your toes, a wave of electricity flowing through your body every. single. time.
You look around at the countless cars lined up in front of Josh's house, starting to grow anxious. "I'll be in there the whole time. If anything happens, just find me," Sam pats your back and gestures for you to follow him into his brother's house.
All you really want is to stay in and watch movies, but Sam wouldn't dare to miss his big brother's party, and you don't blame him.
Sam parts ways with you within just minutes of being in the house, instantly going to mingle with any person who catches his attention. You grow a little jealous, not just of the other people getting his attention but also of his social skills. You wish you could make conversation with people as effortlessly as he could, but instead, you hunt for any person you're relatively close with.
"Y/N!" You hear your name being called by a voice you could recognize from miles away. "Jake?" You locate him in just seconds, walking over and pulling him into a side hug. "You here with Sam?" Jake looks around for any sight of his younger brother.
"Yeah. He left me as soon as we got through the door," you smile, swinging your arm through the air as if to swat away a pesky fly. "Yeah.. Sam's an asshole," he laughs, but he can't seem to mask the look of concern playing on his features.
The unbearable sounds of Sam shouting with others only seem to make you more upset. You should be happy that your best friend can have fun and be himself, but it all just gets caught up in a fit of jealousy. "You don't need to worry about me. Do you know where Josh is?" You look around, having not seen Josh once at his own party.
"Hm, downstairs maybe. You know how Josh is, he's just trying to converse with everyone," you nod your head, giggling as you picture his adorable self going around to every single person here and making them feel welcome.
"Well, I'm gonna go look for him. I'll see you later," you wave, squeezing through and dodging everyone till you reach the stairs. There he is, his slim figure facing away from you as he talks to someone at the bottom of the stairs. You wait there only for a few seconds until Josh discovers you himself, swiftly making his way up the stairs "Y/N! When did you get here? Where's Sam?"
"There he is! We didn't show up too long ago. And Sam's gotta be around here somewhere." Josh pulls you into an embrace, stepping back and complimenting your dress. "Thanks, Sam didn't like it," you giggle "I gotta say, you always have the best parties. You truly are a man of many talents."
You and Josh are rudely interrupted by a woman's voice shouting your name, followed by a cold hand wrapping around your arm. Your brows furrow, giving Josh a puzzled look before turning around to meet eyes with a girl you knew, but not well enough.
She's obviously wasted, her eyes bloodshot, her skin a deep shade of crimson, not to mention the fact you can hardly understand her "I haven't seen you in forever!" You avoid any physical contact, lest she spills her drink on your brand new dress you'd spent all afternoon staring at yourself in. "Hey, Jen. Been a while, huh?" There's no doubt in your mind that this conversation would be 100% less painful if you had something in your system, but you were completely sober.
"Let me get you a drink," she pats your shoulder and gestures toward the counter that is littered with countless alcohol bottles, empty and full. It's as if she read your mind. You let out a sigh of relief, turning back to Josh but he's not there, and now you're surrounded by people you'd rather not be around.
Normally you wouldn't take a drink made by someone else, but these are Josh's friends, and Jen was 100% a girls girl. "Thank you," you take the drink from her hand, awkwardly sipping off the red solo cup filled with what tastes like a mix of vodka and cherry juice.
"We're playing games in the living room, you should come join," Jen grabs you, pulling you in the direction of the living room before you can even say anything.
"Oh no, I'm so bad at games, I'll just embarrass myself," you whine, but letting her drag you into the room of people nonetheless. "Not skill games, silly!" She points at everyone sitting in a circle, familiar faces looking up and insisting you to sit. It all feels so childish, like a bunch of high schoolers that got ahold of their parent's alcohol, playing games to get a rise out of each other.
You find Jake in the circle as well, a defeated smile on his face as he shrugs in your direction. "Fine," everyone cheers, scooting over to make room for you and the dark-haired girl next to you. Jake is sitting straight across from you, his sweet brown eyes calming you down and silently telling you to relax, to have fun.
You're not sure when, but at some point, the questions being asked have taken a sharp turn from being embarrassing yet harmless, to being strictly about the sex lives of everyone in the circle.
All color drains from your face as the bottle slows down, pointing straight at you. You already know the question is gonna be about you and Sam, it always is.
"Have you hooked up with Sammy yet? What's he like in bed?"
"I haven't... which is a surprise considering he'll take any girl home," you fail to hide the venom and jealousy that has laced your voice, everyone giggling and "ooh" ing like little children. "Just spin the damn bottle. I don't wanna hear about Sam's sex life anymore," Jake saves you from any more invasive questions, sending a wink in your direction.
You sit miserably through a couple more rounds and a few more drinks, the constant discussion of sex reminding you that you haven't gotten off in a while. You've been so busy for the past few days, you'd completely forgotten how long you've gone without a good orgasm.
Wetness in your panties becomes evident to you as you adjust your position. For every minute you sit there, the anticipation grows, your heart pounding and your hands trembling as you absent-mindedly search for Sam every other second. Your mind sifts through every possible affair, unsure of how to fix your problem. Do you relieve yourself in Josh's bathroom? Look for someone to go home with?
Finally, you stand up, your legs beginning to carry you away from the circle before your brain can even make a decision. "Excuse me," you ignore everyone's stares and questions, moving through the house as if you're on autopilot mode.
You still don't know where you're going, but when you find yourself subconsciously searching for Sam's face, it becomes apparent what you truly want. Now you're frantic, plowing through people and shamelessly calling his name. You're in a daze as you search every corner of Josh's house, not paying any care to how beside yourself you may look or how desperate you may sound to lingering guests.
Turning the corner to yet another crowded room, you run into someone's chest, exhilaration coursing through your veins and what's left of your inhibitions melting away as you realize it's Sam.
"Sam! I was looking everywhere for you!" you basically throw yourself onto him, smoothing your palms over his chest. "I was looking for you," his tone is sexy, hypnotizing sultry brown eyes stare into yours. You don't know if it's just the drinks, but there's a specific energy radiating off of Sam's warm body. If you stand there for long enough, breathing him in, you're sure that it will get you high.
An overwhelming feeling takes complete control over you, lifting yourself slightly to whisper in his ear "I need you, Sam." You shock yourself, unsure where your sudden bluntness came from.
You watch Sam's eyes widen and feel his chest rise and fall underneath your hands, his body growing unbelievably hot.
Sam's breath significantly picks up as you cup his face, rubbing your thumb across the warm surface. You back him into a dark part of the room, starting to press kisses against his neck.
He looks around in a panic, but luckily no one is looking "Y/N, we're leaving. Now." His lanky fingers wrap around your wrist, and he begins to pull you through the house, nearly running.
You both are far too turned on to say goodbye to anyone or pay attention to comments people make as you pass by. But to your misfortune, Josh stops you.
"Hey! Are you two leaving already?" Josh quirks an eyebrow as he notices something on Sam's neck, a smirk playing on his lips after connecting the dots. "Uh, yeah," Sam searches for an excuse "You know how she is with parties." Sam lifts your arm as you awkwardly smile beside him.
"Okay, well, it was really nice to see you. Enjoy yourselves," Josh doesn't pull you in for a hug like he normally would, instead just sending you on your way. His smug tone and grin would normally send you into a panic, but right now you couldn't care less about anything other than Sam.
You hope to make a beeline straight out the door, but you're stopped by yet another Kiszka brother and Daniel by his side.
"There you are. Leaving?" Jake's eyes flick down to the same spot Josh noticed, now you're curious. Sam nods "She's not feeling great and I'm her ride." Jake snickers and taps Danny with his elbow, a crooked smile growing on his face "I'm sure you are."
"Oh fuck off. Are you gonna let us leave?" Sam doesn't even try to act calm, the more you stand the more the anticipation builds. "You can't stay just a little longer?" Danny smirks, Jake bringing his hands up to rest on his hips.
"No," now you're incredibly impatient and unable to stand still as your arousal soaks your panties "I really don't feel good." "Awh... Well.. you heard the girl," Jake laughs through his words, sending a jab to Danny's side with his elbow. Danny slings his arm over Jake's shoulder as they begin to take steps backward "see ya!"
"Fuck. Finally," Sam breathes, and you look over to him, your lipstick painted all over his neck. "Sam," you whisper, but he's too distracted to hear it, or anything anyone is saying. Suddenly, the room erupts with hollers as Sam shoves you through the door.
"Sam, they all know," you whine, reaching a hand up to massage his scalp as he pulls you into his side. "Good," he pulls his keys from his pocket, unlocking the car and practically running to it. Sam walks around to the driver's side, and that's when you realize you can't wait any longer.
"Sam," you drop your head, fully aware of how desperate you've become. "What baby?" He opens the door, a smug grin pulling on his cheeks. "Sam I- I can't... I need you."
"I thought you'd say that," he snickers, slamming the door shut and pulling the door to the back seat open. You waste no time sending the door flying open and crawling in, locking the door behind you.
Your lips instantly find his, your teeth clashing into each other's as you smash your lips together. "What were you thinking?" Sam sucks in a breath as he backs you toward the door and hovers over you. Before you can respond he starts again "I mean seriously. Wearing this tiny fucking dress. Kissing me in front of those people. Getting me all worked up."
A whiney moan escapes your mouth as he lifts the hem of your dress, his cold fingertips grazing the skin of your upper thigh. "I knew you'd like it," you confess in a moan, lifting your hands and tangling them in his hair, pulling him into you.
Suddenly, he violently pulls the silk black fabric above your head. Your words obviously sparked a fire in him, a vicious one nobody could put out. Sam's fingers rake over your thighs then up to your unclothed breasts, groaning at the sight "You knew full well what you were doing dressed like this."
Sam takes your nipple in his mouth before releasing it with a pop and sucking a bruise to the swell of your breast. "So what if I did, Sammy?" You moan, arching your back into him. You reach down and cup his bulge, palming him as a devilish grin grows on your face.
"Then I'll just have to fuck you until you can't see straight." With that, he begins to trail kisses down your breasts to your navel, his finger drawing lines across your skin so close to where you desperately need his touch.
"Sam, please," you whine, back arching up into his touch as he kisses along the band of your panties. Your pleads are met with a sick laughter against your tummy "you're so needy, you know that?"
You couldn't roll your eyes back further in your head, trying your very hardest to not reach down and pull your panties off yourself. "You can't act like you don't need it just as bad, Sam. I know how bad you want to fuck me," you moan, knowing it'd set off something in him.
You were right, because without warning he swiftly pulls the tiny piece of lace fabric down your legs, leaving you completely naked. "Jesus, you're eager, huh?" Sam hums and brings his lips to your tummy, sucking the skin into his mouth before lapping at the raw skin with his tongue.
"You just can't admit it huh Sammy? You can't admit that I'm right?" You try to get him as worked up as you possibly can, your body rolling into his touch. "Wow. You're right, Y/N. I'm just dying to feel you," he rolls his eyes dramatically, but he's far from lying.
Slowly and painfully, Sam makes a line of kisses down from your navel to the very top of your heat. "Please.." is all you can muster up and your eyes clamp shut in anticipation, just waiting for him to do something, anything.
"Now you're being nice? What happened to the bratty girl who was here just a second ago?" Your breath hitches in your throat as you feel his hot breath against your core. "Sam, stop. Plea-" you're unable to finish your sentence when he suddenly points his tongue, dragging it through your arousal drenched folds.
You suck in a choked gasp, involuntarily pushing yourself against Sam's face, earning a hum against your heat. The vibration sends a shock through your body, your hands mindlessly flying to his hair "oh Sam..."
His tongue quickly warmed up to you, it was as if he already knew your body. Without warning, Sam shoves a finger in you, hitting a sweet spot as he does so. "Sam.. I can- I'm almost-" you're interrupted by your own moan as he pushes another finger in, instantly curling up.
Sam lifts his head to look you in the eye, stopping his movement causing you to whine at the loss of contact "can you do one more?" You're a bit taken back by the question "I- I don't know... Nobody's ever..."
"I know you can," he presses a peck to your clit and slowly slides in a third, stretching you out in a way you've never experienced before. "Oh- oh my god.. Sam,"
"Good girl... You're so tight around my fingers, baby. Are you close?" All you can muster up is a weak nod and a hum, pushing yourself down onto his fingers further. You find yourself holding your breath, a moan ripping through your chest as he presses the flat of his tongue against your clit.
You take the opportunity to grind against his tongue, your hips beginning to shake and your thighs burn when you feel your orgasm approach. Your movements significantly quicken, relentlessly grinding and pushing yourself against Sam's tongue as he viciously rams his fingers into you.
Within a matter of seconds, the burning pleasure flows through your entire body, your eyes shut so tightly you might need to pry them open as you mutter his name over and over.
"Fuck, Y/N," Sam breathlessly snickers, slowly pulling his fingers from you and rubbing the slick all around your core. He returns to hover over you, bringing his face down to your ear "you know... A couple girls tried to take me home.. but I was looking for you, Y/N."
Your eyes widen in confusion and you nod your head, silently telling him to continue. "I couldn't stop thinking about you.. that dress.. your body. I needed you. Only you," he takes the shell of your ear in between his teeth, gently biting down.
The confession sends a shiver down your spine and your mouth falls open once he finds a sensitive spot behind your ear. You reach up and push his head against your neck, you can basically hear your heartbeat in your ears as he continues to nip at and place open mouth kisses to your neck.
"I thought you didn't like the dress," you smirk, your other arm reaches down, desperately trying to find what you need so bad. "So greedy... you're not satisfied with just these?" Sam teases, dragging his fingers through your heat.
"Sam, stop," you moan, your body jolting at the touch. Another wicked snicker leaves his lips as he presses his clothed bulge to your core "that attitude isn't gonna get you anywhere, doll. Ask nicely."
As much as you hate it, you're ready to accept defeat. "Please, Sam. I need you. Please... give it to me," you whine, grinding up against his bulge. An animalistic groan bubbles up from from his chest as he props himself up with one hand, the other fumbling with his button.
"Need help with that?" You giggle, watching as he fails to swiftly undo his jeans. You don't let him respond, his head dips down to rest in the crook of your neck as you reach to finish the task yourself.
Within just seconds you get his button undone and his zipper down, pushing them to his knees and instantly cupping his erection. Suddenly, you start to process just exactly what is happening.
He lifts his head and you look into his gorgeous brown eyes, yours widening as you take in every feature of his face lit by the moonlight. "What is it baby? You nervous?" He smiles at you, his hands running down your body, squeezing painfully at your thighs.
"Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, Sammy," you confess, and his face softens, the devious smile that played on his lips visually turning into a fond grin.
"Oh, Y/N. There's no need to be nervous, I promise," he brings his head back down to softly kiss your lips, but you had something else in mind. You take the opportunity to palm him through his boxers, eliciting a desperate groan from him. You can tell he's been holding back, and it's painful.
You bite his lip as he pulls back, every ounce of doubt or anxiety draining from your body. "Tell me, pretty," he pushes his boxers past his hips, his unbelievably hard cock springing free. "You knew I'd like that dress?"
If you're being honest, you completely forgot you had even said that, but it's obvious he'd been working himself into a frenzy over it. "Sammy.. I wore it for you," you drag your fingers over his body, his breath hitching in his throat as you draw a line down his length with your fingertip.
"I wore it because I thought.. I don't know.. it'd turn you on..." You trail off, looking away from him and suddenly hyper-aware of your naked body. "Well it worked, didn't it?" He giggles, grabbing your face and forcing you to look at him "does this mean you've wanted to fuck me before tonight?"
"Well... I mean yeah," you reach down, grasping the base of his cock "are we just gonna lay here and have a conversation or do you want to fuck me, Sam?" A shocked look plays on his face which quickly morphs into a sinister smile "you're feisty."
You grasp the back of his neck, bringing him close to you and sucking on the skin behind his ear as you slowly stroke his cock. "God- damnit Y/N," Sam groans as he involuntarily fucks himself into your hand.
Just as he juts his hips to fuck himself into your hand, you move it, and push him down to be lined up with your dripping entrance. "Fuck me until I can't see straight, Sam," you whisper lowly into his ear, granting him permission to enter you.
"Oh fuck," he groans, your own noises mirroring his as he stretches you out so slow that the sting could become almost too much for you. You arm instinctively flies over his back, pushing him down closer to you "oh my god."
Within just a matter of seconds he begins to roll his hips, snapping them into the meat of your thigh and hitting a sweet spot just right. The moan that tumbles past your lips could disturb the entire first floor of the party still very alive and just feet away from you and Sam.
"Yeah you like that?" He punctuates his words with another sharp thrust, followed by a slow, languid thrust. "Mhm.." your eyebrows knit together, unable to form words as he keeps up this intoxicating pattern.
Your mind grows foggy, your only thoughts consisting strictly of Sam. "M- more," you whine and reach down to unbutton his shirt, desperate to feel his skin on yours.
"More? Are you sure you want that?" Sam struggles to form his own sentence as you clench and quiver around him. You nod your head frantically, pulling his chest down onto yours and arching your back up into him.
The slight change in position allowed Sam to go even deeper, the new leverage giving you everything you needed. "Oh Sam.. right there.. oh," you cry, clawing his back.
He feels too good
He hits an especially sensitive spot with a particularly rough thrust, a shocking wave of electricity flowing through your body. "Holy- holy shit..." you all but shriek, and you violently throw your head back, crashing into the door behind you.
"Woah- you okay?" Sam's movements never falter, keeping that same pattern. "Yes, Sam. Just keep- keep fucking me," you finally get the full sentence out after what feels like forever, and you know you're not going to last much longer.
You try to warn him, but your pathetic attempts to form words fail miserably. "Shit Y/N... you're so-" he interrupts himself with a guttural groan as his own orgasm to approaches.
Just as you requested and he promised, what was left of your vision completely fades away and you no longer fight to keep your eyes open.
Suddenly, fiery white pleasure viciously burns through your body and you're sure you've never felt anything like this before as you cry out his name over and over and over. "Shit. Shit shit shit," Sam's pleasure takes over his mind and you feel his hot release spurt inside you.
You're unsure just how much time has passed, but it's enough to bring you back down to earth. "Sam? You still with me?" You giggle, rubbing his back as you half expect him to be asleep.
"I'm here," he breathes, a wave of melancholy taking over your mind as you realize it's over. "I'm gonna pull out love, you ready?" All you can do is nod, clamping your eyes shut and preparing yourself. You bite back a whimper as he pulls from you, a mix of your juices dripping down your leg.
The last thing you'd expect is Sam going down and licking the mess up. A sharp, yet intoxicating feeling shocking your body as he licks through your folds and over you overstimulated clit.
"Think you could go another round?" You whisper, untangling his sweaty hair. His head shoots up to meet your eyes, a sinister grin playing over his features "go get in the front... We're going home."
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lyramundana · 9 months
lyra lyra lyra because we talked about omegaverse –
wild, angry, possessive rut/heat sex between alpha!minho, alpha!reader/vivi and omega!jisung
i wanna see the two alphas fucking each other stupid and jisung getting off majorly on watching and being dragged in between them 😵‍💫
Lucky for you, I already imagined an omegaverse au with Vivi, so I have plenty to share~
My girl can only be an alpha, sorry but that's how it is. It's her nature, and that gives an extra reason of why she and Minho clash so much. They're both territorial, stubborn and pride themselves in their authority over others. Minho doesn't take it kindly when people try to touch what's his, and when Vivi wants something, she gets it at any cost. And in this case, Jisung is what she wants.
(this got way longer than anticipated, so beware)
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Warnings: Established polyamorous relationship, omegaverse, 2 alphas and 1 omega, angry sex, penetration, unprotected sex (no hat, no party), voyeurism, subtle PDA, third pov perspective, not entirely reliable narrator, spit, nipple stimulation (f! receiving) switch minho, switch oc! (they both try to dominate the other), sub! jisung, boy x boy action, some verbal degradation
It's not easy at first and it's obvious to everyone the two alphas only co-exist for Jisung's sake, since he claimed them both as his mates and they're way too possessive to let go of him. But they're not friends, Hell, they can barely spend five minutes in the same room without insulting and attacking each other. The tension is always thick with them around and people unconsciously drift away from them in fear for turning into "collateral damage".
It's all a competition with the two of them, specially when it comes to their beloved Omega. When heat/rut comes, that time of the year they spent weeks locked in a room and fucking Hannie until he faints, they push each other, trying to overdo the other in terms of hickeys and orgasms, seizing their bite marks so they're bigger than the other. At the end, Jisung's body is just a canvas covered in red, purple and yellowish bruises, with two big bite marks on his neck, proudly displayed. Luckily, this rivalry means Jisung is always twice as spoiled and cared for than anyone, and overall treated like a prince, provoking the envy from some Omegas.
At first sight, one would think the love only goes for Jisung and the other two hate each other. And to some extent, it is true. Even Jisung believed this, much to his sadness.
Until that night.
They were hanging out with their friends in their regular club. Dressed for the occasion, a couple of disagreements before leaving the house (guess from who), spicy compliments that definitely held a second meaning and sitting in their own corner with a table full of drinks and snacks. It was enjoyable.
They were mostly Jisung and Minho's friends, although Vivi got along with them just fine and was seemingly having fun chatting. Of course, her and Minho couldn't stay five minutes without bickering about something, but at least they weren't beating each other into pulps (Jisung already witnessed that, and as hot as it was, he didn't like them injured). Minho had one arm wrapped around his shoulders and Vivi at his other side, hand comfortable placed in his thigh.
Then, someone complained about a few empty bottles and Vivi offered to go and refill them herself. She stood up the table, "accidentally" kicking Minho out of her way, which earned a low growl from the older and a mocking chuckle from her part. While the rest kept talking, Jisung couldn't help but admire her backside as she retreated, the delicious skin exposed with the open cut in the damn back dress, ending right before her ass started.
He felt Minho's fingers twitching in his shoulders, and when he turned to look at him, he found something...weird to say the least. The alpha's eyes were fixed on Vivi's figure as she walked, eyes dark and focused with a feeling akin to anger, which wasn't surprising. But as Jisung looked closer, he also noticed a predatory glint in them. It reminded him of how Minho looked at him during his rut. A wolf watching his chosen prey, calculating the best moment to sink his fangs into helpless creature.
It was the first time Jisung saw that glance directed at someone else, and the last person he expected. That's what convinced him that he was just overanalyzing things. There was no way Minho looked at Vivi with anything remotely positive, at least as far as he knew. Yeah, he was most likely imagining things, but well, one could hope, right?
He doesn't recall how much timed passed, probably some minutes, but he was already light-headed when talking to Felix, both of them discussing the complexity of pigeons' lives and how fascinating they were. Minho had dissapeared to the bathroom for a moment, leaving him unsupervised, so really it was his fault. When he returned, he stared at the table with a frown.
-She hasn't returned yet? -he looked at his watch, then at Jisung's empty sides.
The boys looked around too.
-I don't think so.
-There's a shit ton of people, maybe she's struggling to get through. - Felix shrugged his shoulders. - And it's harder while carrying drinks.
Jisung worried a bit, but quickly recomposed. Knowing Vivi, she would growl at anyone that got in her way and step over them if necessary. She would be fine.
But for some reason, Minho only frowned deeper. He turned his head on all directions, looking almost frantically for something. Jisung noticed how his eyes got lighter and his sharp fangs started to grow.
He was activating his hunting senses. He usually did it when they were in big crowds and one of them accidentally strayed too far from the group, so he could find them quickly. But why would he activate them now? They were all okay, and Vivi would come back soon. Weird...
Then Changbin called their attention.
-Hold on, I see her. She's right there..oh, and she got my favourite! I love her!
Jisung turned at the direction and there she was, a tray filled with drinks in her hand and the other fixing her collar. She was talking to the bartender, who was casually leaning against the counter and explaining something. They were both smiling, acting like they knew each other.
Jisung could sense the guy was an alpha too, his pheromones were pretty damn recognizable. He exuded confidence and strenght, but unlike Minho, his aura felt softer and more aproachable at first sight.
He felt something churn in his chest at the sight of Vivi giggling at his comments and clearly in no hurry to return. He knew it was stupid. He carried her mark his neck, imprinted in his skin for the world to see. There should be no doubt who she wanted.
Before he could say anything, he heard Felix gasping quietly besides him and grab his arm. Then Jisung felt it too. A thick, low growl sounded next to him and made him want to hide under the table.
Minho had his fists clenched on his pants, eyes darker than ever and fixed on the bartender. He clicked his tongue with a humourless smile and walked towards them with long steps.
-Uh oh, that doesn't look good - Changbin muttered.
Jisung stared at his boyfriend, wary and confused. He had the exact same face when someone flirted with Jisung, or he flirted with them, or when he was in danger. A gaze that promised a very uncomfortable time to whoever poor soul was involved.
He didn't knew if it was for Vivi or the bartender this time, but one thing was clear: He needed to hear it himself, so he stood up quickly and aproached them, just enough to listen without being seen.
-Having fun, I see. - Minho stopped right in front of them. Vivi muttered some curses while the other alpha looked at him curiously.
-What do you want? -she barely concealed her annoyment.
He scoffed, crossing his arms at her with a forced grin.
-Seriously? So this is why you offered to refill the drinks, to flirt with a random guy? You're really something else.
-For fuck's sake, Minho, we're just having a normal conversation. Can't I do anything without your input?
-Normal converstation? You look ready to throw yourself at him. What is it? You stop being the centre of attention for five minutes and start acting like a whore? -he let out an humourless chuckle.
Jisung wanted to bang his head against the counter. What the hell? Couldn't he speak without putting his foot in his mouth? That was too much even for him.
Vivi clenched the tray, eyes darker too and full of murderous intent. Suddenly, the other alpha growled at him and pushed him back with a hand on his chest.
-Hey, back the fuck off, dude. We were just chatting, no need to be an asshole. - he shook his head. - No wonder she prefers my company tho, if this is what awaits her back there.
Vivi threw him an intense glare, making him confused, and Minho turned his head at him slowly. The tension turned so thick out of a sudden that Jisung felt he couldn't breathe. It seemed to be the same for the rest, since people started to move further from the three.
-The fuck did you say, dipshit? -his voice sounded scarily calm.
-Minho, that's enough. Leave. -she grabbed his arm anxiously, and he didn't pull back. Jisung didn't recall them touching each other unless it was to fight or accidental.
-I said that I understand she preferred to stay here, given your psycopathic attitude. Guys like you don't know how to treat alpha women like they deserve.
Minho laughed mockingly.
-Oh, let me guess, you do?
-Better than you, definitely. I would be more than glad to prove it. - he gave her a knowing look. Her eyes widened.
Everything happened in a flash, but Jisung remembers how Minho growled loudly and how he held the other alpha by the throat, pressing him against the very same counter. There were gasps and whispers around them.
His face was distorted to show his true side, the wolf side. Eyes twinkling in black, covering the entire pupil, and fangs fully out, showing them in a snarl. The other boy mirroring his stance, both glaring at each other and struggling. Their pheromones were so strong it got everyone who wasn't an alpha move away in fear, even Jisung felt the need to escape.
-Say that again, you son of a bitch. I dare you.
-Go fuck yourself. You barged here, acting like a dick, and expect me to bow down to you? She should give you the boot and be with someone at her level.
-She doesn't need anyone else. She knows better, so shut your mouth before I break it.
-Why? Because it hurts your ego?
-Because I'll fucking kill anyone she dares to leave me for.
Jisung can't hear anything after.
There's...so much he has to process. So much signals in just a few seconds.
"Leave me". Not him, or us. "Me".
Like she's actually his, not just a third-party or the "homewrecker". He speaks of the possibility of her leaving like it'll affect him too, beyond what Jisung would feel.
Then a sudden realization hits him: This isn't a first time thing.
Just how long has this been going on under his nose? How could he not see it?
And most importantly, what is this warm feeling growing inside his chest?
Vivi finally intervenes, stepping between them and yanking Minho backwards with harsh force. She bares her own fangs and flashing eyes the moment they try to growl at her, asserting her dominance too.
-I said enough. You're embarrassing yourselves. -she glares at Minho. - You just don't know when to stop, don't you? I can't so much breathe without you ruining it.
She walks away from them, towards the bathrooms hall, leaving the drinks behind. Minho doesn't waste a second before following her hurriedly, annoyed. Jisung does the same, if only to get them alone and ask them what the fuck was that.
There was a problem, however: Their legs were longer than his and he soon lost sight of them. He guided himself through the smells, until he found them again, both standing strangely close and speaking in angry voices. Minho's agressive pheromones were still coming off waves from his body, but Vivi didn't even blink, holding his piercing eyes with her usual defiance.
-I just can't believe you pulled that shit, Lee. God, how can you be so inmature?
-I'm sorry for interrupting your eye-fucking session with the guy.
-For fuck's sake, Minho, there wasn't any "fucking"! I just had him refill the bottles and then he started to talk to me. I wasn't going to be a rude bitch and push him off, like you do. -she scoffed. - Besides, he was being ten times nicer than you've ever been. It's rare to find such chemistry with another alpha male, you know? So forgive me for indulging him.
Minho doesn't like that comment, which it's obvious when he pushes her against a wall with a low growl. She stumbles at the shove but quickly recomposes herself, laying her weight against the wall with her arms crossed. Like having Minho caging her like that, faces inches away from hers, is completely normal. Jisung never understood her nonchalantly in these cases (he always crumbled when Minho acted like that) but her indifference was very hot too.
-Shut the fuck up. We both know that whiny bitch wouldn't have met your high standards. - he relaxes a bit.- And you're utterly incapable of looking at anyone but Jisung, which I respect.
-If you know that already, what was that about? I'll never betray him, so why-
-And me? What about me, uh? Would it be easier for you to betray me, then?
She looks bewildered at first, then wary, with some kind of understanding in her eyes.
-Minho...-she sighs.
-He was devouring you with his filthy eyes, like he had any right to do so. -he gritted his teeth, his fists clenching next to both sides of her head. - And you were letting him-shit, i can still smell him.
-I don't care if he wants me. I know where my place is, as you so kindly told him. -she replies acidly. - I'm not interested in fucking someone else. It's just, well, it felt nice to get along so well with a male alpha for once. To not be constantly "faring my teeth", expecting an attack or an insult to defend myself from. -she sighs, sounding more tired. - Simply talking to someone that understands me in ways others can't, with no violence.
Silence reigns in the hall, and Jisung feels his chest constrict at her words. He's so used to see her fighting Minho back, see her so confident and allmighty...he never considered she might felt a bit lonely. That ,maybe, she craved that sense of comradery with other alphas, that mutual understanding that only comes from those who are like you. Who share your same instincts and body functions.
Something Jisung couldn't give her, and Minho never tried to.
The older male seems thoughtful for a bit, his frown even softening a little. He breathes on her mouth.
-You don't need others for that, specially not men. -his voice is low, almost a whisper, and his eyes don't move from hers. - I'm right here.
His fingers move to brush a strand of hair from her face. Her shoulders tense.
-And you know -his nose brushes her ear as his fingers trace the veins of her neck. - how well we understand each other. -She doesn't move, just blinks at him.
Jisung can't.fucking.breathe.
What the fuck is this?!
He feels his skin getting warmer and warmer, his palms sweaty and his throat dry. It's like the world is spinning around him, deadly fast, and he can't keep up. He's receiving too many signals, too many messages in a too short time, and his half-drunk ass brain can't process them all.
"and you know how well understand each other"
It could've been sarcastic, that would've been Jisung's assumption, considering their relationship. But that was before he saw Minho's reaction to that bartender, before seeing Vivi touching him in a comforting gesture and Minho accepting it.
Before seeing this scene in front of him. This...whatever it's happening right now.
Jisung has seen those gazes in their eyes a handful of times, and it's always directed at him. The hunger and the heavy breathing, usually as they both wreck him to tears. In his most secret fantasies, he can pretend they look at each other like that too.
Maybe he's in a dream right now?
His eyes are fixed in them, barely blinking, in case he mixes a crucial second. The two dominant beasts keep staring into each other's eyes, enganging in a silent battle for who's weaker. However, the way their mouths brush, Minho's slow fingers and Vivi's mid-open lips, it feels less like an argument and more like..a prelude for something else.
Jisung feels the blood rush to his dick at a worrying speed. His pants get tighter and uncomfy as they continue to seize each other with that fucking bedroom eyes. He has no other definition.
He's faint when he sees Vivi's arm sliding up to Minho's neck, hugging him by the shoulders, as the other grabs his belt.
-Min..-she whispers, her lips brushing his as she speaks, and both men take deep, shaky breaths. She looks at him in wonder.
Then her mouth moves next to his ear, teeth nibbling the skin.
-A whore, you said?
And her knee collides against Minho's very delicate zone, inmediatly making him jump away from her. Even Jisung flinches in ghost pain, shocked.
Holy shit, what was that about?!
While Minho groans in the floor, face all scrunched up and furrowed eyebrows, Vivi crouchs next to him and snarls.
-Call me a whore again and I'll kick them all the way to your guts -she spits out.- Fucking asshole.
She stood up and left the hall hurriedly with angry steps, the clicking of her heels resonating in the now quiet, unmoving hall.
Jisung stood in the dark, his croch now completely soft again, and frozen. Minho muttering curses as he stood up caught his attention and he eventually ran to him, pretending he didn't witness anything.
-Hyung, what happened? I lost you guys in the crowd, and when I finally find you I see her leaving with smoke coming out her nose and you here. What the hell? -he grabs him by his arms, pushing him up and worriedly checking between his legs. He hopes there's not an irremedable damage...
Minho growls at her mention and hastily brushes Jisung off, now cursing loudly.
-Fucking bitch -he readjusted his shirt. - She and her twisted little games. Ohh, when I get my hands on her again, she better pray..
-The only one who's going to pray it's you. -Minho stared at him, confused. -What? You think I didn't see what you did to that poor man? I'm pissed, Lee Minho. You ruined our night with your shit again, so pray that the couch is specially comfy and warm tonight.
The alpha's eyes widen almost comically. Almost, because Jisung can't find it in himself to see anything comically now.
Before he tries to explain himself, Jisung leaves to follow Vivi's trail. Definitely not thinking about that weird, intense display from earlier. Yep, definitely not remembering. It was probably a misunderstanding from the alcohol, yeah.
That said, he couldn't help but pay a bit more attention to his partners since that night.
Initially nothing seemed different. The usual bickering, the backhanded compliments, the pranks aimed to hurt rather than laugh, the shattered furniture from their fights, the noise complaints from neighbours. There was nothing about them that could lead anyone to think they felt anything other than hatred for each other. Jisung started to assume he imagined everything back in the club, that the alcohol messed up with this senses.
But there were these tiny details, rare and hard to notice unless you were looking closely, that triggered his observational skills. Like when he caught them once in the kitchen, heatily arguing about what they should eat that day. It wasn't anything strange...except for Minho's slender fingers playing with the belt loop of her jeans as she spoke, and her own hands grasping the front of his sweater.
Or how insistent was Minho about undoing her bra strings with her shirts on, as another antic to annoy her. It wasn't weird for him to use all the tricks in his book to piss her off, but Jisung finally realized how often he relied on that particular one. And most curiously, how Vivi's reactions seemed more amused than irritated. Or the way she always picked on when Minho's shirt collar was off and took it upon herself to fix it, even if grumpily and still commenting how horrible he looked.
When they had sex, everything was a competition and Jisung the playground. They focused mostly on driving his mind to new limits with pleasure and leave him shaking in the bed, trying to outdo the other in who could pull more orgasms out of the omega, or who got the best reactions from him. This tended to include attacking each other in the duration of it, which meant biting and scratching the other until the skin was covered in bruises and even blood sometimes. In the haze of his overstimulated mind, Jisung struggled to remember the exact moments when this happened, and it's not like he didn't leave his own share of marks on them too, so he couldn't be sure which was his and theirs.
Regardless, he couldn't help but question their fixation for always bruising each other, one way or another. In and outside the bedroom.
Truly, it was only a matter of time that the truth was exposed for Jisung. And in a quite interesting way.
He was out for some emergency shopping for his partners' upcoming rut, leaving them at home fighting for the TV remote control. Just when he was paying for the stuff, he got a message for one of his neighbours and sighed tiredly. They only had each other's numbers to talk about important matters about the apartment building...or to complain to Jisung about the noise from his flat, usually caused by his partners.
"Mr Han, I understand that, as young people, you tend to have certain physical needs and enjoy satiating them with your lovers, but could you please do it a bit more quietly? My ears would very much appreciate it. Please and thank you"
Jisung could perfectly imagine her passive agressive voice as she said that. He chuckled at it, shaking his head and closing the phone.
But wait, what? What "intimate activities" she was talking about? He was out of the house and as far he was concerned, Minho and Vivi were the only ones there.
"They must be breaking stuff again. Jeez" It happened more often that he'd like. They never held back on their "disagreements" and they ended up ruining furniture more than once. Broken glass, thrown down chairs, cracks in the walls, etc.
He told them he'll take longer to go back home, since he also wanted to get some coffee first, but he decided to return inmediatly this time, leaving the drinks behind. He was sick of replacing his stuff because of their lack of self-control, and he also refused to suffer another embarrasing lecture from the landlord.
As Jisung went up the stairs to his apartment, he distinguished the noises of bodies repeteadly colliding against the wall and things falling down the ground, either dragged or kicked out of the way. He wouldn't be susprised they were actually throwing stuff at each other.
When he got to the door, however, he had a strange feeling in his chest. He looked back at all those small details he picked on between them for the past weeks, and that very particular interaction in the club that he still wasn't totally sure it happened.
His hand moved the doorknob slowly, finding what appeared the aftermath of a battle inside, and he felt his body pressure go down abruptly. Chairs thrown to the floor, furniture moved out of place, collisions on the wall, the usual...along with a pair of shorts and a crumpled shirt. Both clothes seemingly tore open, like they were ripped off crudely.
But that wasn't the only reason his heart suddenly stopped, choking him. No. It was the loud, angry growls coming from the bedroom, followed by some occasional moans.
With trembling legs, he walked in that direction, slowly and quietly to not be detected. On the way, he found a belt, Minho's pants and the crop top Vivi had been wearing before he Jisung left. Or what was left of them, now turned into shreds of cloth.
A familiar angry voice sounded from the bedroom.
-Watch it, asshole, this is one of my favourite p-ah! -she stopped halfway to moan.
-Shut it. You shouldn't be wearing anything, then I wouldn't have to tear it off. - Minho. He sounded breathless, urgent even, but Jisung knew every note of his voice to feel his smirk as he talked.
They spoke in rushed tones, clashing against something as they did. She chuckled.
-Please, still with excuses? You're a fucking animal. Even if I walked around naked, you'll lunge at me to sink your-
Minho growled and Jisung distinctively heard another thud, harder than the previous one.
-You really can't keep your mouth shut, right? -his voice sounds muffled by something. - Not even now.
She let out a pained moan, making Jisung's jeans even tighter around his dick.
-Mhm, if only there was something to occupy my mouth with~ -she giggled breathlessly. This time it was Minho who laughed, with that raspy voice of his from when he's very turned on.
-You're a fucking slut, I always knew. -he sighed, followed by a serie of wet, smooching sounds.
Jisung felt his head bobbling to the side and his feet melting on the floor. His fingers twitched as his member pulsed inside his boxers, fighting the urge of grasp it in his hand and aliviate himself.
He still wasn't 100% sure his brain wasn't making this up, after all.
-And yet your dick is throbbing inside this slut. -her voice becomes a sultry whisper.
Minho groaned, and Jisung's hand pushed the door slowly before he could think.
And what he saw made his knees almost give up on him.
Vivi's sweaty, bruised body pressed against the wall, the dresser digging into her lower back. She had fingerprints on her hips, dark and purple and painfully looking. Her bra was ripped from one side, exposing her right boob, while the other remained half-covered by the part that wasn't obviously mistreated. Her panties, or what was left of them, hanging from her thigh. Cuts and teeth marks painted her skin, some even bleeding a bit, but she didn't seem the slighest of bothered by it, smirking down at the equally sweaty and bruised male holding her up as he mouthed down at her neck hungrily.
Minho had his own skin decorated with red, angry lines on his back left by her sharp nails and bite marks all over his body. A hand keeping a vice grip under her knee as the other grabbed her by the waist, leaving his fingertips imprinted on her in dark, purple lines by how harshly he was grabbing her. His hips were trapped between her legs, grinding against her with slow but strong movements, as he trapped her against him tightly, almost strongly enough to cut her breath.
Jisung feels his throat go dry at the visual confirmation that, indeed, Minho's thick cock is throbbing inside Vivi's cunt. He watches as it pushes in and all the way out of her wet, inviting hole, her delicious essence dripping to the floor and enveloping Minho's hard member in a slippery sheen. Jisung licked his lips instinctively at the image, eager and craving to taste both of his favourite treats together.
Then it dawns him, within the fog of horniness and desire, that holy shit they're actually doing it, they're fucking each other what the hell-
Vivi lets out a gasp and pulls Minho's head back from her neck by grabbing his hair. He groans in protest, but has a satisfied grin on his face.
-You son of a bitch, you seriously tried to mark me?? -she seethes, her worlds trembling in anger and desire, her lips brushing his.
His grin grows more sinister.
-Like you wouldn't like me doing it, you slut. -he nuzzles her collarbone, letting his sharp teeth caress her skin.
She growls and pushes herself off the wall, making Minho's stumbling backwards and towards the bed. He quickly grabs her thighs to keep her up, before breathing sharply when she nibbles her earlobe, licking it after.
-God, I'm going to fucking destroy you. -he groans, and his voice sounds so deep and raspy it makes Jisung's painfully hard cock start leaking in his pants. Whenever that voice comes out of Minho, it means Jisung is going to get fucked mercilessly for the alpha's sole pleasure, and his body has the reminders of it impregnated in his cells.
In a swipe movement, Minho turned her around and fell into the bed with her still in his arms, caging her body against the matress and devouring her mouth, ripping off the rest of her already destroyed underwear. A messy fight for dominance begins, like everything that goes on between them, with tongues and spit and wet sounds along with the skin colliding against each other. She finishes getting rid of his boxers, and Jisung knew he couldn't get any harder.
His hand was squeezing the head of his cock before his brain could process it was happening, pants undone and boxers right on his knees, hastly discarded just enought to let his hand in. His eyes rolled back white at the so needed relief, biting his lip painfully to keep a high-pitched moan inside his mouth, along with his growing drool.
A loud slap echoed in the room, followed by a whine and some thrashing in the sheets.
-Aw, there she is. Are you going to make those adorable sounds I like so much? -he grinned against her lips, a string of saliva connecting them. He traced her mouth with enraptured attention as the other travelled slowly from her ass to her inner thighs. She groaned with a pout, hitting him with her knee to push him, making him tsk and sigh dramatically. -I guess not now.
-Stop talking and fuck me already. It's all you're good for. -her tone was exactly the same kind of annoyed as when she spoke to him usually, but there was also this underlayed impatience and desesperation in it that told a different story. That, and the way her legs wrapped around his waist to lock him in place.
He chuckled, almost delighted.
-So you admit my dick is good enough? -he nibbled her lips. -Looks like we're progressing.
She groaned and tried to slap him. He caught her wrist mid-air, his cheeky smile fading off and replaced by a furious scowl. He grabbed both of her hands and pressed them to both sides of her head.
-Ungrateful, insolent bitch. You don't deserve my dick inside you. I should've-
She shifted her weight to her legs and switched positions, trapping him underneath her with his waist still between her knees. Before he could verbalize his surprise, she grabbed his throat.
-Minho -she sighed as her nails drew some blood in his neck. He groaned.- Shut the fuck for once, would you?
And she proceeds to ride him at an inhuman speed.
He started to let raspy ah's as she picked up her pace, throwing his head back as a a sheen of sweat became visible on his forehead and broad chest, which was also covered in bloody scratches. She moaned in pure satisfaction, burying her head on his shoulders and biting. She continued to fuck herself on him, keeping him inmovilized from his hips and down.
-Look at you now, so c-compliant and cute. This is-fuck!-is how you should be everyday.
-I swear to God, Vivi, let me-oh shit-let me move or else.
-Or what?
That was it. Jisung knew at that moment that porn was ruined for him forever. Nothing, not even his most recurrent fantasies, would ever compare to this absolute wonder his eyes were witnessing. He tried to match the tempo of his own strokes to that of Vivi's hips as Minho's dick kept dissapearing inside her, his pre-cum already falling in drops to the floor and staining his jeans. He bite back a moan at the image, eyes growing wet at the overwhelming emotions and pleasure.
Then, Minho growled and wrapped an arm around her back, while the other sneaked in between their bodies. She whined in protest, fighting to break off his grip, until her eyes widened and she let out a sinful mewl. He chuckled darkly, and Jisung held his breath when he realized the older alpha's fingers rubbing her clit.
-Oh? Where did all that bravery go, kitty? You were so high up there..
-Oh my god, finally! Don't stop, Minho. Don't you fucking dare to stop, or I'll rip out your throa-ah!
Her head fell on the pillows beside his head, gripping his shoulders as she turned into a moaning mess, but Minho wasn't much better, letting out a series of curses and groans himself. Vivi threw a choked scream as her legs trembled, her wetness dripping unto Minho's hand and his cock. He followed shortly after, biting her neck hard and closing his eyes shut, while his release leaked from her cunt and got mixed with her own essence. Jisung came seconds later, gagging himself with his shirt to not be heard and even letting a single tear run down his cheek.
In the process, the vice grip of her legs softened and allowed Minho to move, which he didn't waste a second for as he wrapped his arms around her and switched positions again, this time with her underneath. He grabbed her wrists with one hand, the other still occupied with her reddened clit.
Jisung couldn't fucking believe it. Already? Didn't they have any refraction period or something? There was no way they recovered that fast!
But apparently they were. She hugged his hips with her legs, fixing her posture while pushing him closer to her, until their fronts were glued together. The realization that they never let Minho's dick separate from her pussy not even few inches made Jisung's head burn.
Worse? He could see the outline of the alpha's still hard cock in her fucking belly, as he rocked into her again.
She sleazed her right leg towards his shoulder and he rushed to held it in place. His other han gripped her hips viciously, leaving more fingerprints shaped bruises in her skin, but she didn't seem to notice. He slowed down his thrusts to shift his posture and the new angle brought another delicious mewl out of her.
-Fuck yeah, t-there it is. Am I-ah!-hitting it right, princess?
-Holy shit, yes! Rig-hnng-right there, Min. Keep going!
The bed started to move wildly with them, the wood creaking getting louder and louder, and the constant banging of the frame against the wall almost mutting their own noises. Jisung didn't dare to think what the neighbour might be thinking now. Maybe she was punching the door to complain and they didn't hear it.
Unfortunately, Jisung couldn't bring himself to give a single fuck about her comfortability or her poor, conservative ears at the moment.
He was already spent, still half-floating in his post-nut haze. His dick couldn't get hard again, not that quick at least, so he remained watching them, memorizing every single angle and sound they made together.
They stopped talking altogether, not even to argue. They fucked each other like they were fighting, trying to get the upper hand over the other, a race for dominance and authority that left nothing but chaos behind. Jisung loved the show, but he knew his Omega body wouldn't resist the agressive, blood-thirsty handling they had going on.
The female alpha's sharp nails got entangled on Minho's hair and pulled viciously, her other hand scratching his lower back, getting near his butt. Suddenly, she slapped them.
Minho gasped at the sting, slowing down his movements for a bit, only to let out a deep growl and squeeze her even harder against his body, not even a wheeze of air fitting between them. His fangs made contact with her shoulders and sunk them in, making her whine and fidget in his hold. His hands begin to play with her nipples, which Jisung just noticed had teeth mark around it (when did that happen??), twisting them and even mouthing them, letting his spit fall into the skin.
-I hate you so much -she panted.
-Yeah? You do? -he was just as breathless,
-You can't even imagine. -she bite his neck, sucking a big bruise in it, along with the many others she left.
-Aw, princess. -their lips brushed. -I hate you more.
Their lips collided with hunger, and Jisung's cock started to grow interested again. Tongues sucking on each other and joining the cacophony of wet sounds filling the bedroom.
Of course, she wouldn't be the alpha Jisung adored if she gave up without a fight. She sunk her nails right on Minho's buttcheeks, using them as leverage to seize his thrusts, and licked his ear. He panted, biting her nipples harder and breathing sharply through the nose. Then she pushed both of them, until they were both sitting with her on top of his lap. Her hands grasped his wrists, pressing them behind him as she took control over the situation again. He tried to argue, but his voice died quickly when her own fangs caught the skin of his neck again, right where his pulse was.
Her hips kept rutting against his, too fast for Jisung to even think, making Minho moan and sigh in delight.
-W-wait, Vivi, shit, slow d-down for fuck's sake! I'm...
His whole body freezed suddenly, his back going all rigid and his eyes closed shut. He buried his nose into her chest, breathing in deeply, as his hips began to shook violently and spurts of white started to drip down to the sheets. Again.
He panted heavily, blinking to focus again. But she didn't stop. She wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders and let out a high-pitched moan.
-A little more, please, I-oh my god- I'm almost-
She screamed, her body trembling too as she cames, a gush of wetness soaking Minho's pelvis and the sheets underneath. He held her firmly against him, their foreheads pressed together. They had drops of sweat running down their skin, hair plastered on their faces, lips all wet and mistreated. Minho's hand traced imaginary lines on her waist, and she lazily counted the hickeys around his skin.
They looked like an erotic painting, one Jisung could have only imagined before today, and that he wanted to capture in his brain for the rest of his life.
They laid back on the bed, facing each other, and their sexes still connected because obviously.
Out of sudden, Vivi started to giggle.
-What now, brat? -Minho asked annoyed, his voice raspy with post-orgasm exhaustion. Curiously, his face didn't seem as bothered as he sounded.
-Nothing~ -he raised his eyebrows at her, and she relented. - Just remembering how you actually ended up ruining my clothes, so now you'll have to buy me everything new.
He scoffed.
-Please, I was joking. Like hell I'll spend my money on you. -he rubbed his eyes.- I don't owe you shit.
-Oh, screw you, Minho. -she attempted to move away, his cock slipping out of her, but he grabbed her quickly and groaned.
-What are you doing? Stay right the fuck here. -he said almost petulantly, hugging her by the waist and adjusting her posture so his softening (it better be softening) member didn't get out.
-Are we sure Jisung is the clingy one here? Jeez -she had a small smile that Minho couldn't see from his angle.
The room reeked of sex, sweat and intense alpha pheromones. In short, the kind of domestic smell Jisung would gladly get home to every single day for the rest of his life.
-Well, ignoring the few accidentally broken stuff, we didn't do so bad this time, right? -she said, playing with Minho's fingers mindlessly.
-Yeah, I think-
He was interrupted by a loud noise: The bed frame collapsing beneath them and the posts shattering completely.
Jisung felt his eye twitch, arousal slowly fading in favour of anger.
Silence reigned in the room for a moment.
-You better drop that fucking grin off before I slap it, Lee Minho.
-What? I am not!
-I literally feel your mouth in my neck, I know what you're doing!
-Just say you're obsessed with my mouth and be done with it.
She let out a loud, exasperated sigh, making him chuckle more. He kissed the back of her earlobe, the softest gesture Jisung saw of him directed to someone else. She leaned back into it, like it was normal.
-This is nice. -she whispered to herself, but both men heard.
-What do you mean? -he asked in the same tone, his lips tracing the back of her throat. She looked startled.
-Nothing, forget it.
She looked away, dropping his fingers to fidget with the sheets instead.
-This, what we're doing now, it feels nice. -she traced imaginary lines in the matress. -It feels like you don't hate me that much, and I like it.
Now the anger moves to let the heartbreak in. Jisung has the urge to run to her and smooch her face all over, anything to not hear that sad voice from her ever again.
He looks at Minho, and his heart clenches when he sees the same sadness in his eyes, focused on her.
-You idiot -he muttered, shaking his head. -You big, incredible idiot. -he caged her with his body and kissed the bite mark on her neck, one Jisung hadn't seen before.- Can you not see it?
-I'm yours already.
Taglist (my fellow minsung girlies): @skzms @2chopsticks2eyes @linlinaert @queenmea604 @hanjisunglover @hanjibug @hyunsvngs @minsungisvreal @k-krissten @roseykat @mal-lunar-28 @thightswideforhanin (please tell me if i forgot someone, i'm really bad at tagging)
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