#it's not even about me being a jemily
donnydamakkk · 1 year
i hope y'all know i believe jennifer jareau is a lesbian 😭 like fully 100% i do not acknowledge anything else
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beware-of-you-98 · 3 months
i know, i know, jj is so fucking strong and she perseveres despite everything she’s gone through, i know, but fucking hell my heart is breaking over and over for her
the far away look in her eyes
the constant fidgeting to keep herself present
the way she only has the bare minimum amount of skin showing, even to where she’s covering her hands
my heart hurts for her so much and she’s forcing herself to deal with all of this alone
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ofwordsandcoffee · 2 months
“What if the unsub sees a freedom in his victims he wishes he had himself”— JJ 3x17
I can’t stop thinking about JJ’s character being such a poignant example of comphet. I know in canon she is “straight”—though the above example happens to be directly from canon— and for those of us who ship Jemily she is generally portrayed as bisexual, however, to me she’s such a subtle but extremely accurate portrayal of a closet lesbian.
Will is a good husband and a great dad, I don’t want to discount that, but JJ being with him doesn’t discount her being gay, it might actually reaffirm it. For me the little clues like this scene above, her wearing Emily’s watch starting when Emily “dies”, her reaction to the conversion camp in “Broken” (8x15), her hallucinating Emily, all the way to the absolutely stunning and slightly heartbreaking delivery of the line “It gives me you” in 17x6 paint a totally different picture. It feels like a trail of bread crumbs for us to follow.
So let’s talk about how a woman who was married to a man for over a decade never loved him—not as she should have. She may have even thought she was bisexual for a long, long time, trying to reconcile her attraction to women with the life she ended up in—these might have even been feelings she recognized very early on but tried to push down because they were confusing. Maybe she even had strong feelings for a close female friend, but felt rejected and in that rejection bottled those feelings, that realization that she wasn’t quite ready to deal with, back up and rushed into the arms of a guy who was right in all the ways she had grown up thinking a partner should be. Because sometimes, especially when we feel vulnerable and rejected, it’s easy to confuse the desire to feel wanted, and liking male attention with attraction. And even though she recoiled from his touch, shrunk away at the idea of being with him all the time, didn’t want her friends to know, spent years terrified of actually committing to him she cared deeply for him and it was easy to ignore those signs. Something inside her was telling her that it wasn’t right, that part of herself, that fear was trying to speak to her—yelling stop. But they had a child she never planned, but loved with everything she had and she couldn’t imagine parenting that child alone. So life kept going on around her, feeling out of her control. And her relationship was hard—work— but that’s what it’s supposed to be right? When you grow up without real examples of what a loving relationship is supposed to look like it’s easy to think that actually desiring your partner, feeling giddy when they are around, wanting to kiss them or tell them about what’s going on in your day that’s a fairytale, that only happens in the movies. And living in parallel to someone you have developed a comfort with through years and years of togetherness is fine, until it’s not. Until you realize that it’s killing you inside and you need more.
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🌈 CM Pride Fics ❤️
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Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who participated. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
First, check out @blackbird-brewster's 🌈 Masterlist of Entries☀️: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Jemily, Temily, Jara, and Je T’Emily fics! Check out their page for even more!
WLW Entries
Out Loud [Ao3] by @gaelic-symphony: [Gen] A series of short fics about Emily Prentiss coming out to each member of the BAU team.
Freedom-Seeking Hearts by @foxy-eva: [Emily/Reader] For how much longer will Emily and Reader be able to contain their freedom-seeking hearts?
Say Something by @mismatched-sockss: [Emily/Reader] Reader and Emily have been seeing each other for a while now but she can't keep being her secret.
Dress by @railingsofsorrow: [Emily/Reader] Reader is dressed in red, and Emily has a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact she wants to kiss her senseless. 
11:11 by @emberfrostlovesloki: [Emily/Reader] Penelope and Derek play matchmaker after Emily meets Reader, who’s allegedly off the market.
Bailed Out by @snixkers: [Elle/Reader] Elle has a crush on Reader. Elle doesn't want to.
Soft & Sweet by @foxy-eva: [Jara, NSFW] A confession between Tara and JJ leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments
Red Wine Supernova by @snixkers: [Emily/Reader, NSFW] Reader teases Emily at a party and she decides she's had enough.
MLM Entries
Bi the Way by me: [S.R./Reader] Derek learns something very interesting about Spencer after he leaves his bag at his significant other’s house.
For There is Danger in Our Pining by @andiebeaword: [S.R./Reader] Spencer is falling for his new library pen pal. Spencer also has a blind date.
Happy Hydrangea by me: [S.R./TransMan!Reader] JJ is corrected in finding out Spencer has had a boyfriend for a while now.
Off the Top by me: [S.R./TransMan!Reader] Spencer is driving his boyfriend crazy after his top surgery.
The Calamity by @masterwords: [Hotchgan] A series dedicated to HIV/AIDS and how it has touched the lives of Morgan and Hotch (Morgan is HIV+).
Assorted Entries
Like Father, Like You by me: [S.R., Child!Reader] In which Spencer’s child comes out as not-straight.
Pair of Aces by me: [S.R./Reader, Asexual] Reader decides to share something with the team this Pride Month.
(In)visible by @foxy-eva: [S.R./Fem!Reader, Bisexual] There are a lot of obstacles for Reader as a queer woman, but she never thought falling in love with a man was one of them.
Proof of Concept? by @mimicdive: [S.R./AFAB!Reader, Bisexual] Reader feels insecure in their sexuality and Spencer offers validation.
Teacher's Pet by @emberfrostlovesloki: [Ally!Reader/Hotch] Jack’s teacher gets injured during the school day keeping her students safe, so Hotch goes to check on her that evening.
Euphoria by @blackbird-brewster: [Trans!JJ/Tara, NSFW] Jay recently came out as trans, but he still doesn't feel like the man he wants the world to know. His girlfriend, Tara, knows exactly how to help.
Fireworks by @blackbird-brewster: [Trans!JJ/Tara, NSFW] Tara gives her husband, Jay, a blow-job and a New Year's Eve he'll never forget.
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Happy Reading!
P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
What about Jemily missing their daughters first soccer game bc they are called away on a case. They have never missed one before and they all have to navigate the outcomes of not only the game, but the feelings of them missing it it from both parent and daughter perspective.
Missed Game
Jemily x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Emily and JJ were helping you get ready for your very first soccer game, though they called out on a case at the last minute.
A/N: I like to think that Elle stayed in touch with JJ and was able to meet Emily. Live Laugh Love Auntie Elle 💗
It was the early morning, sunlight filtering softly through the curtains of the windows, casting a warm glow over the interior. It was your first soccer game and the excitement was through the roof. Emily and JJ were busy preparing for the day, ensuring everything was perfect for your big game.
In the living room, you were already dressed in your tiny soccer uniform, your face a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Your hair was done up neatly and out of your face, and your eyes were sparkling with excitement. You were kicking a small soccer ball around, your little legs moving with surprising agility for a five-year-old.
"Mummy! Mama! Are you ready yet?" You called out, your voice echoing with enthusiasm.
Emily emerged from the bedroom, holding a camera. "Almost, sweetheart. Just making sure the camera is working!"
JJ followed, carrying a small cooler filled with cut-up oranges. "I’ve got the cooler. We’re all set!"
Just as they were about to leave, Emily’s phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and her face fell slightly. It was work. She answered, exchanging a few terse words before hanging up.
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked, noticing Emily’s expression.
“We’ve got a case,” Emily replied, her voice tinged with frustration. “They need us in immediately.”
JJ’s face mirrored Emily’s disappointment. “Today of all days,” she muttered, glancing over at you, still happily kicking your ball around, unaware of the news.
Emily took a deep breath. “We’ll explain it to her together.”
They walked over to you, and you stopped playing to look up at them expectantly. “Is it time to go?” you asked, eyes shining with excitement.
JJ knelt down to your level. “Sweetie, Mama and I have to go to work. There’s an important case we need to take care of.”
Your face fell instantly, your little heart shattering with every word they spoke. “But… my game…”
Emily joined the two of you on the floor, taking your small hands in hers. “We’re so sorry, Y/N. We really wanted to be there, but sometimes our job makes it hard. We promise we’ll make it up to you. Trust me when I say we’d drop everything and come to your game if we could… but we can’t, honey..”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “But you’ve never missed my practice. Not once. And today’s my first game. You promised you’d be there!”
The pain in your voice cut deeply. JJ wrapped you in a tight hug. “I know, baby. We’re so sorry. We love you so much, and we’re so proud of you. We’ll ask Auntie Elle to record the game for us, okay?”
You pulled away, your little face red with anger and sadness. “I don’t care about a video! I wanted you there! I don’t want you to go!”
Emily and JJ exchanged a helpless look. “We’ll be back as soon as we can, okay? And we’ll have a big celebration when we get home,” Emily promised, but the words felt hollow even to her.
You turned away from them, your small shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Emily’s heart broke seeing you like this, but there was nothing they could do. Duty called, and they had to go.
Elle arrived shortly after to take you to the game. She tried to cheer you up on the way, but you remained withdrawn, your disappointment evident.
Emily and JJ threw themselves into the case, but their thoughts frequently drifted back to you. Images of you being upset and angry just before they left flashed through their minds, the last thing they wanted to do was hurt you but they needed to be there for the case.
It was late at night when the case was finally wrapped up, Emily and JJ rushed home, their hearts heavy with a mixture of relief and apprehension. They knew they had to face your disappointment and try to make amends with you.
When they walked in the door, you were sitting on the couch, clutching a small trophy. Elle was in the kitchen clearing up dinner.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ said softly, sitting down next to you. “We heard you played really well.”
You didn’t look up, you were understandably angry. “It doesn’t even matter. You and Mama weren’t there. Everyone else’s mommies were there but you weren’t!”
Emily sat on your other side, her heart aching. “We’re so sorry, sweetheart. We didn’t want to miss it, people needed us, honey. But we’re so proud of you.”
You finally looked up, tears brimming in your eyes, your frown had noticeably deepened. “I needed you too! I wanted you there. It was my first game. It was important and you weren’t there!”
JJ pulled you into a tight hug. “We know, and we’re so sorry we missed it. We love you so much, Gigi. More than anything. We know that saying sorry won’t make it up to you but we really are sorry.”
Emily gently rubbed your back in slow circles. “We’re going to make it up to you, okay? We promise we’ll try and be at every game and if we can’t we’ll get Auntie Elle to record it or FaceTime us, alright?”
You sniffled, your small arms wrapping around both your mums. “Promise?”
“Promise,” they both said in unison, sealing it with a kiss on your forehead.
The rest of the evening was spent showering you with love and attention. All three of you watched the videos of your game, cheering at every goal you scored.
You giggled as the recording picked up Elle behind the camera muttering to herself about the coach and the other mums around. “Auntie Elle isn’t happy!”
JJ nodded and chuckled, whispering to Emily. “Well, I don’t blame her…” It was true, some of those soccer mums were really obnoxious.
Though the day had started negatively, having your mums back at home with you while you watched your game did cheer you up a bit. You knew they’d try their best to be to every game in the future and that today just was an unlucky day for them to get called into work. You hoped that they’d be there for your next game, cheering you on the sidelines in real-time.
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veeluvss · 5 months
Nice Try
jemily implied smut
jj tries to top after being bottom for so long
1.5k words
cross posted to ao3 (capvenusprentiss)
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“That’s it, that’s it baby girl. You’re okay,” Emiy said as JJ orgasmed all over her fingers. “That’s my girl. You did so good.'' Her words were encouraging as JJ panted, her eyes shut tight and her back arched. This was everything to Emily, seeing her girl cum all over her fingers - it was like heaven on earth for the grey–haired woman. JJ calmed down as Emily watched the emotions across her face. She laid against the bed and Emily pulled out her fingers, presenting them to the younger girl. Her mouth was open obediently, wanting nothing but to taste herself like the good girl she had to be for Emily. She sucked Emily’s fingers with vigour and Emily smiled, loving the feeling. “Oh my good girl,” Emily praised and ran her fingers through JJ’s hair. “You’re so good for daddy hm?” “Hm,” JJ mumbled around her fingers, looking up at her girlfriend with her big, blue puppy eyes. 
Emily removed her fingers and JJ lay on the bed, smiling and trying not to yawn. She was sleepy now. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Emily said softly and spread JJ’s legs again. Emily smiled at the mess before running into the bathroom. JJ lay on her back, blinking up at the ceiling, thinking it over. She really loved Emily, loved being her sub - serving her and being used like a stupid little fuck toy. But she wandered if she was capable of fucking her and being on top- if Emily wanted to lose that control her her sometime. Of course JJ had fucked Emily. She’d licked her out, rode her face, but she’d never worn the strap. She wondered what it felt like, to pound into Emily beat after beat and watch her face and entire facade crumble. She wondered if Emily ever thought about it, wished JJ would take control sometimes instead of always being so needy.
Emily suddenly appeared above her and she squealed before hiding her face behind her hands, blushing madly. As if Emily caught her thinking about THAT. “Heyyyy, no,” Emily teased and pried her hands away from her face. JJ whimpered and kept her eyes shut tight so she couldn’t see Emily, so she couldn’t get more embarrassed (if that was possible). “What’s my pretty thing thinking about, hm?” Emily asked, stroking JJ’s hair. “You,” JJ muttered back. “Me? What about me?” JJ whined and wiggled up the bed so she could cover herself in the blankets but Emily grabbed her waist and pulled her back down. 
“I’ve got to clean up your mess, take it easy, wiggle bum,” Emily teased and began wiping her down with a hot cloth. “Do you want to shower?” “Not a shower day,” JJ huffed. “Can’t wash my hair yet.” “Do you want a bath?” JJ perked up at the thought of a nice hot bath, with candles and bubbles and salts. She nodded and shot Emily a nice big smile.
“With snacks?” She asked hopefully. “If you ask nicely,” Emily teased and JJ giggled. “Can I have snacks in my bath daddy?” Emily smiled at the question and felt butterflies in her stomach. That was why she did this. She adored being in control of her JJ - looking out for her and taking care of her - spoiling her and protecting her at all costs. “Of course baby, come on,” she stood up and grabbed JJ’s robe from the side. She held it out for her girl to be wrapped up in. 
As Emily walked to the bathroom, JJ watched her from her spot on the edge of the bed. Watched the way her hips moved and her hair bounced over her shoulders in its messy ponytail. As she leaned over the bath to reach the taps, JJ imagined her over the bed, spanking her arse til it was red raw the way Emily does to her if she misbehaves. She giggled at the thought of it, unable to even take herself seriously.
“JJ, seriously, what are you thinking about?” Emily asked, almost concerned. JJ was clearly deep in her own thoughts and after such a scene, she needed to ensure it was healthy. “Hm?” JJ hummed, looking up at the mention of her name. Emily left the bath running and came closer to her girlfriend. She kneeled down in front of her and rested her hands on her outer thighs, brushing her blackbird tattoo. “What are you thinking about?” Emily asked. She reached a hand up and caressed her girlfriend’s face. “Just you, like I said,” JJ smiled. “Nothing bad Em.” “What about me then?” JJ blushed again and giggled like a school girl. “Come on, tell me,” Emily practically whined and her bottom lip jutted out, making JJ’s giggling escalate. “It silly,” JJ chuckled and looked away. “It must be if it’s making you giggle so much,” Emily teased and tickled JJ’s belly a little. JJ laughed and grabbed hold of her hands, tightly securing the tickles. “Tell daddy, Jay. You know you’re allowed to express your thoughts and desires,” Emily said in a firmer tone. JJ sighed and still refused to look at Emily. “Do you ever think- no, hm,” JJ began and then stopped. “Do I think, what?” “About me topping you sometime?” JJ spat the question out as fast as she could. Emily let a wide smile form on her face, not wanting to laugh. “I haven’t thought about it before, no,” Emily replied, as calmly as she could. “Is it something you want to try?” “I’m not sure,” JJ muttered, lowering her head. “Hey, it’s okay. We can if you like.” Emily knew it wouldn’t work out but if her girl wanted to give it a go then they’d give it a go. “I want to,” JJ admitted. “I just don’t think I’d be very good at it - but but I want to try.” 
“Then we can try it. Tomorrow?” “Tomorrow,” JJ smiled. She was glad she didn’t have to take control today, she still wanted her bath. “Bath and snack time then, come on princess,” Emily smiled and stood up. JJ smiled. She was a princess. Emily’s princess. 
The next day came around and JJ was giggly all day. They arrived home and Emily immediately went to take charge of their night but a stern look from JJ stopped her. “Oh yeah,” Emily groaned. “Take my shoes off Em,” JJ said and sat on the ottoman. Emily laughed and shrugged, this was going to be entertaining. “I do this anyway,” Emily said. “Yeah, well- I want you to do it now,” JJ replied and held up her foot. Emily laughed again and began taking off JJ’s heels and setting them nicely on the side. JJ stood up then and, being a few inches shorter than Emily, stood on her tiptoes - Emily tried not to smile at the sight as JJ put her finger under her chin. “Go wait for me in bed like a good girl,” JJ said and Emily nodded, letting the smile out. “Yes boss,” Emily teased and ran upstairs. JJ giggled and kicked her feet happily, this was exhilarating. 
JJ entered the bedroom, and Emily was laying on the bed with her clothes on. “I said be ready for me!” JJ said, looking over at Emily with a pout on her lips. “Hey, no pouting,” Emily warned and sat up. “I am ready for you.” “No, no- your clothes were meant to be off,” JJ groaned and turned around, composing herself. She was meant to be in charge. “Jay?” Emily asked, checking on her girl. JJ turned back around with a sudden fierceness. “Take off your clothes and be ready to take me properly. I don’t want you to step out of line again young lady-” JJ said. It felt foreign on her tongue and she couldn’t help but smile - what was she doing? Emily giggled and began getting undressed. “Yes boss,” she said. “It’s daddy to you,” JJ said, walking more in the room and Emily burst out laughing. JJ swatted her with her discarded t-shirt. “Quit laughing at me,” she groaned. “You’re too cute.” “I’m not cute. I’m hot and sexy and domineering,” JJ said. She began taking off her pants in front of Emily and the older woman groaned, she couldn’t even grab her and tell her off for teasing. She had to watch her girl undress so slowly in front of her and just watch… 
To Emily’s surprise, JJ grabbed the strap. It made her smile but she didn’t want to laugh again, although it was an enduring laugh. She loved that her girl was trying. She watched her struggle to get it on and thought about asking her. It wasn’t until JJ threw the strap down in a huff and sat on the bed that Emily moved closer. “JJ,” Emily said softly. She wrapped her legs around JJ so her back was in her front and the blonde quickly wiped her eyes. “Okay, tears, okay,” Emily said more to herself, acknowledging them. She held her girlfriend tighter. “I can’t do it,” JJ whispered, kicking the strap with her foot. “Can’t do this. I’m pathetic.” “Hey JJ no, we don’t use those words about ourselves,” Emily warned and moved around so she could see her girlfriend’s face. Taking the opportunity, JJ put her head on Emily’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I- I can’t do it. I can’t take charge, it's not right,” JJ admitted. Emily stroked her back and kissed her head. “And that’s okay. We tried it and it didn’t work but our usual dynamic does.” “But-” JJ whimpered and stopped herself, not wanting to voice her concerns. “But what princess?” “But what if I’m not good enough for you?” “Not good enough? JJ you’re more than good enough for me. Is that where all this came from? JJ I adore you, I love the way things are. If you weren’t good enough for me something would have changed a long time ago,” Emily said. “But what if you want things to change now-” “I don’t Jay. I really don't. I don’t want you to top me, especially if it’s something you don't want to do, really.” “I wanted to! I wanted to try it. I’m just not good at it.” “Maybe you’re not the best top but that’s because you’re just meant to be on bottom, Jay. My sweet little princess, let me top you. Let me take control. You never, ever have to.” “Don’t you wish you didn’t have to be in control all the time?” JJ asked, still cuddled into her girlfriend's side. “At work I do, but here, with you - looking after my sweet girl who just deserves all the care in the world. Plus, you’re just as much in charge of me outside the bedroom,” Emily teased and ran her fingers through JJ’s hair. JJ smiled a little and nodded. “I guess I am.” “I love you JJ,” Emily muttered. “I love you, Emily.”  They shared a tender kiss before Emily stood up, she grabbed JJ before throwing her on the bed and climbed on top of her. “Now, what do you call me?” She asked, leaning over JJ. JJ giggled loudly and gripped Emily’s bare waist, taking in the marvellous body on top of her. “Hi, daddy.”
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blackbird-brewster · 2 months
Mom!Em Fic Recs
@bau-babygirl requested: Fics featuring Emily as a mom [X]
JJ/Emily + Kids
[Find all of these and more fluff in my Domestic Jemily collection on AO3]
Mother's Day by w00t4ewan (me) Rated: G || WC: 715 Summary: Henry helps Emily surprise JJ on Mother's Day
Dreams Do Come True by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 2000 Summary: Emily and JJ take Henry to Disneyworld on their first family vacation.
Breakfast by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 840 Summary: Emily tries to let JJ sleep in and winds up with her hands full of a certain toddler.
Love is an Open Door by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 1010 Summary: Emily and Henry work together to plan an unforgettable evening for JJ.
Jemily Ficlet Archives by w00t4ewan Rated: M || WC: 31,000+ Summary: An unrelated collection of Jemily ficlets and headcanons which were originally posted on my tumblr and up until now hadn't been shared on AO3.
Sand by @otahkoapisiakii (Phoenix_Falls) Rated: G || WC: 2630 Summary: JJ and Emily incorporate Henry in their wedding ceremony
Steps by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 4670 Summary: Modified prompt from tumblr: "you asked me to the store with you and your child, and now my distant relative we met thinks im married with a baby"
Darwin by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 831 Summary: Henry has an odd nickname. Likely takes place in the same verse as Steps, but 11 years later Mittens and Hats by @velutluna Rated: G || WC: 1944 Summary: JJ and Emily take their sons for a walk in a winter wonderland.
Perfect by velutuna Rated: G || WC: 660 Summary: A perfect evening at the home of the Prentiss-Jareau family.
Happy Birthday! by @ellegreenawayslover Rated: G || WC: 2028 Summary: Emily’s feelings during her birthday, her feelings years ago, and how she finally is truly happy with her life and how it turned out.
Morning Cartoons and Middle Names by @vhsrights Rated: G || WC: 2634 Summary: A shift in the numbers on his digital clock indicated that the time had arrived. 7:15 am. No sound of an alarm echoed through the upper floor of the Prentiss-Jareau house. There was pin-drop silence, and then the quiet chaos began.
Bonus: My Master List of MomEm Headcanons & Fanworks
Other Fics: Emily + Kids
A Year in the Life by @gaelic-symphony (thelarkascending) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 8455 Summary: Twelve vignettes from the married life of Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss, written for the Year of the OTP writing challenge.
handprints on my soul by @prrentiss (unitchiefprentiss) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 32,000+ Summary: tara and emily after the events of just a dream. Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange Halloween Interlude by w00t4ewan Tara/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1573 Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange
Bluey Mom by @alexblakeisgay (ArwenLalaith) Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 2713 Summary: The adventures of Emily Prentiss as she navigates running the BAU, being a wife and mother, and her relationship with gender.
Oh, My Darling Clementine by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 930 Summary: Emily Prentiss is not above bribing her toddler daughter to get her to call her Mama…
Book Ends by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 18,500 Summary: Emily's life revolves around Lux - her four year old autistic daughter. She hasn't had a relationship since she got pregnant and certainly isn't looking to start one when she meets Alex Blake: phenom children's author.
Alex's life since her husband left and her son passed has revolved around writing and little else. She's been a recluse for years when her agent finally convinces her to make an appearance at her latest book launch. Little does she know, she's about to meet a four year old girl that will change her life....
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garciaasfluffypen · 5 days
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things are changing (and only for the better)
pairing: jemily x adhd!reader word count: 2.8k warnings: dialouge heavy, alcohol use, discussions of ethical non-monagamy/polyamory a/n: please please PLEASE tell me if i get anything about polyamory wrong in this series. i myself am not polyamorous, and i want to do this justice. if i'm doing anything wrong or harmful in my writing please let me know.
it had been weeks since you had a girls night with emily and jj, and you were thanking all the gods out there that you finally got to have one. 
the team had been whisked off on three back to back cases, leaving everyone begging for the weekend off. once it was granted, the first text you got before you even left the office was a message from jj stating “our house, wine, 30 minutes?” with an outstanding “YES PLEASE!!” being sent back within seconds of receiving the text from your favorite blonde. emily and jj had been amazing to you since figuring out about your adhd diagnosis, and knew how deliberating it could be if you weren’t on your medication. the inattentiveness had been your downfall multiple times, but your team knew how to accommodate you and make sure all of your needs were met to ensure you could work at your full capacity. specifically jj and emily. 
being on the medication around the team was very important to you. it was something you had been weary of, keeping them from seeing your adhd funks. it still was something you didn’t want to subject them too just yet. despite being on the team for a few years and being friends with them for longer, you had done a good job at keeping the full nature of your funks away from the team and frankly… you wanted to keep it that way. the only person who had seen you in your funk so far was hotch, but that was because you had fallen asleep at the office on a thursday night and didn’t get the chance to pick up your meds on the way home from work. and besides, you didn’t want to hear it from them, about how stupid you were for not taking your medication when you relied on it to keep your brain from shutting down. it had happened before, you forgot your meds at your apartment and had a date that ultimately ended up in you staying at your exes place. when you woke up the next morning and realized, they were upset when they realized you would be in one of your funks and practically shoved you out the door. 
you’d hate yourself if you lost emily and jj like that. 
you shook yourself out of your thoughts and grabbed the fruit platter you had picked up from sam’s club on the way to the house, heading over to the side door that you knew led straight to the kitchen. emily and jj were quietly talking to themselves by the counter, sending a wave of worry through you. they couldn’t be talking about you, right? they invited you over, they wanted you here, they--
“y/n!” jj’s eyes lit up as she saw you, coming over and pulling you in for a hug. “i was starting to think you didn’t want to come.”
“i wanted to get the fruit platter you guys like.” you sheepishly replied, a red hue covering your cheeks. “i felt bad coming empty handed.” 
“you know you don’t have to bring us anything, lovey.” 
your heart jolted as emily called you lovey, the nickname naturally falling out of her lips. lovey… you liked that.  
“i know, but i wanted to.” you shrugged. “it's the least i can do for all you’ve done with me the past couple weeks.” 
“you having proper accommodations is important, y/n. we want you to be comfortable.” 
you smiled at the brunette. “it means a lot to me, really, and i never really properly thanked you for being so attentive to everything.” 
jj came to squeeze your hand. “you don’t need to thank us. just being here is more than enough.” 
the blush found it's way back to your cheeks as you looked down, barely registering the look emily and jj shared before you felt a finger under your chin, lifting it to make you look into emily’s eyes. that was something new, something she had never done with you before. 
and you… liked it? 
“what were you feeling for dinner?”
“i’m not super picky,” you paused. “on nights like these i typically do something easy like mac and cheese or ramen or something but we don’t have to do that if you guys want something else.” 
emily chuckled, a loving glint in her eye. “if you want mac and cheese, we can get mac and cheese.” 
“i don’t want to make you guys special order me mac and cheese, you really don’t--”
“y/n.” jj locked eyes with you. “it’s on us tonight, promise. go put on your cozy clothes and get comfortable, yeah? we’ll get dinner set.” 
“i don’t want to be a bother…” 
“you’re never a bother, not to us.” jj paused. “is your rejection dysphoria acting up again?” 
“a little bit.” 
“do you want to talk about it?”
“can i get a glass of wine in my system before we talk about it?”
“of course. now go get cozy, i’m ready to curl up on the couch and shit talk all the stupid people we’ve run into over the past few weeks.” 
jj watched you as you chuckled and sauntered off to the main room before quickly turning around and running to grab your go bag before heading back in. emily came up and wrapped her arms around jj from behind, placing her head on the blonde’s shoulder. 
“y’know, this could be the last moments of us without y/n in our lives.”
“emily!” jj swatted at her arm. “don’t you dare say that.” 
“i’m just saying!” emily shot jj a joking look. “considering how they reacted to the finger under the chin, i doubt that will be an issue we’ll need to worry about, though.” 
“i hope so.” jj turned so she was facing emily. “i really like them, i like them a lot. and i want them to know that i can love both of you equally.” 
“and we’ll explain it to them if they decide they want to be our girlfriend, yeah?” emily squeezed jj’s hands. “we’ll take it one step at a time.” 
“do you think they like us?” 
“i would sure hope so, or else they wouldn’t be here.” emily looked to jj. “do you think they don’t like us?”
“it’s hard to tell with them, i’ll be honest. i’m just nervous they’re going to say no and everything is going to be messed up. i don’t even know if we fully explained the polyamory thing to them.” 
“i don’t think we did either, now that i’m thinking about it.” emily bit her lip. “okay so we start with that then.” 
“we start with that.”
emily and jj found a restaurant with something all three of you would want before ordering, making sure it would be there in a timely manner before heading out into the living room. emily went to change into her comfy clothes first, leaving her in a pair of yale sweatpants and an old shirt of jj’s that neither of them knew the origins of. returning with the wine she had been itching to pull out all week, emily plopped herself down on the couch and handed you a glass, smiling at you fondly as you took it while you bounced a mile a minute, talking about something you had seen on tik tok on the jet earlier. jj changed into the flannel pants she had stolen from emily eons ago, a pale blue oversized t shirt sitting on her small frame. jj came and sat on the other side of you, the way the three of you typically sat during girls nights, both women giving you all the attention you could desire while on one of your tangents. 
something was off, though. you could feel the vibe shift about an hour and a half into the night, your meals all discarded on the coffee table while you and emily nursed another glass of wine. jj had opted for her favorite beer at that point, the bottle opener sitting next to an empty styrofoam container with the discards of jj’s meal. your energy slowly faded as the dread started to set in, the rejection sensitive dysphoria feelings coming in full swing. you felt yourself start to get into a daze, fingers playing with the hem of your tee as you stared off into space. it took emily a minute to realize what was happening before she placed a supportive arm around you and pulled you close, placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“what’s up, y/n?”
“the vibe is off.” you said, quieter than you had been the rest of the night. “something’s wrong.” 
“well, we did want to tell you something.” jj started. “it’s not bad. nothing bad is happening right now, but we were holding off on telling you in case you didn’t…” she paused. “how do i say this without sounding like an asshole?”
“we’re scared that you’ll see us differently after we tell you what we want to talk to you about.” 
“okay…” you looked between them, noticing genuine concern. “i’m gonna need more wine, aren’t i?” 
emily chuckled, the smile you know and love crossing her features. “well, that depends on how you take what we’re about to tell you.”
“i don’t need to be scared, right?” 
“not at all.” jj squeezed your hand, coming closer to you on the couch and leaning into your other side. “unless you see like a ghost or something. then you can be scared.” 
you chuckled. “i doubt there’s going to be a ghost in your house, jayje.” 
“you never know!” jj smiled slightly, glad that you weren’t too deep into the feeling of despair and could joke with her. “all kidding aside, are you in a mental state to have this conversation or do you want to sober up a little bit?” 
“no no, i’m okay.” you nodded. “as long as i don’t stand up. that’s when it’s all going to go to my head.” 
“understandable.” emily rested her cheek against the top of your head. “remember how you saw me talking to tara about that girl i saw who i wanted to get to know?”
“um.. i think so. the one from the coffee shop?”
“exactly.” emily paused. “it didn’t work out, unfortunately, but that was partially because we hadn’t even began talking about this.” 
“so, as you know, we've been exploring the idea of… seeing other people.”  jj piped in, pausing to pick her next words carefully. “but we never fully explained to you what we meant by that.”
“we’ve been exploring polyamory.” it was emily’s turn to pause, gauging your reaction. “the two of us, sharing another partner.”
“cool.” you smiled, relieved it wasn’t something horrible. ”have you found anyone yet?” 
you could have sworn you saw both emily and jj visibly relax. 
“well, thats the thing. we’re not sure if they realized they were being flirted with… or that we’re interested in them that way.” 
you popped a grape in your mouth. “tell me everything, how does this work? wait! tell me about them!” 
emily smiled. “well, they’re easily one of our favorite people ever.” 
“have you known them long?” 
“about five years, give or take. em, when did we meet them?” 
“god, what was it… christmas of twenty nineteen, right?” 
interesting. you met the team in twenty nineteen after penelope dragged you to a girls night just after thanksgiving. what a coincidence. 
“they’ve been friends with us for a while. we’ve only recently started flirting with them about six months ago.” 
jj smiled fondly. “although like em said, we can’t tell if they’ve realized we’re flirting with them yet.”
“so they’re a bit aloof. that’s charming.” you smiled at them. “i’m so glad you guys found someone, i fully thought you guys were flirting with me these past few months.” 
there was an awkward pause. 
“wait… why are you… am i the someone?” 
emily cleared her throat, grabbing for her glass of wine. oh. 
“i am the someone.” 
“we like you, y/n.” jj grabbed your hand. “more than a friend. and i know that sounds weird, and you can say no- we’re not pressuring you to do anything or make any decisions tonight.” 
“i…” you paused. “how did you… are you guys okay? like, relationship wise?”
“we’re more than okay, i promise.” emily squeezed your other hand. 
“we’ve been talking about it, just the two of us, for a few months.” jj licked her lips. “the only other person who knows is tara, she’s gotten us in touch with a great support group that has everything we need to know about getting started.” 
“both of us realized we wanted something more, but didn’t want to end things at all.” emily explained. “we figured out that both of us had too much love to share with just one person, we wanted to share it with someone else.” 
“so… wait, can i ask questions?” 
“of course, babe.” 
“how would this work? the three of us?” you paused. “you’re… married.” 
“we know it won’t be easy, since you’ll never be able to officially legally be with both of us unless some magical law goes into effect that changes the world's view on polyamory. but, it would be like any normal relationship, but you would get both myself and jj. there would be boundaries and rules, and we would talk about those only if you want to give us a shot.” 
“we would want you to be as happy and relaxed and comfortable as you can be. everything is open to be talked about, especially when it comes to your comfort levels. and like we said, you can tell us to shut up whenever you want and we would.”
“and if i were to ask to kiss emily?” 
“then i would say yes, do it.”
“and the same goes for jj?”
“i would want you to do what makes you the happiest.” jj kicked emily’s shin. “i mean, i’d say yes.” 
“sorry i’m… i’m trying to wrap my brain around this. it’s being slow. you guys like me?” 
emily chuckled. “yes, lovey. a lot.” 
“more than you know.” jj nudged your shoulder lightly. “is that okay? that we both like you?”
“you know i’m queer, of course it's okay.” 
“but are you okay with that?” 
“why wouldn’t i be?” you looked between emily and jj. “have you gotten turned down before?”
“not in this aspect, no.” emily answered. “but yes, i have been turned down plenty of times.” 
“and i dated men in my past.” jj chuckled. “do with that information what you will.”
“yeah… men are stupid.” you chuckled. “okay so, hold on. i’d be dating both of you then?” 
“only if you want to.” 
“we’re not pressuring you at all. you can take some time to think about it-”
“- no no, it sounds really nice. dating both of you.” you smiled. “i just never thought…” 
“y/n, no matter what you think, you are loveable.” jj turned your face to look you in the eye. “you are loveable and you deserve the world.” 
“and we want to give you the world.” 
“we’d give you the universe, if we could.” 
“so what do you need from me?”
“your word.”
jj looked at you, a stern look overtaking her features. gods, did the room just get warmer?
“you tell us yes or no, and we go from there. we don’t want you to-”
“the answer is yes.” you stumbled over your words, jj’s look affecting you more than you thought. “i’d love to be your girlfriend.” 
both emily and jj let out a sigh of relief, bringing you in for a hug. it was real, it was happening. they didn’t read the situation wrong and you liked them back. you liked them back, and you said yes. 
“in that case, as our girlfriend, what do you want to do?” 
“can i kiss you?”
“of course you can.” 
you turned to jj. “and then can i kiss you?”
“then it's settled. i give you some smoochies, we binge ice cream and watch silly reality tv.” you smiled, nodding once. “the perfect night in.” 
emily and jj chuckled at your happiness, bringing you in as close as they could muster. you turned to emily first, placing a small peck on her lips to test the water before cupping her cheek, smiling into the kiss. you then turned to jj, who simply smiled widely at you before meeting you in the middle for the kiss. while it was an interesting scenario, you found yourself feeling comfortable. you were in the arms of two of the most important people in your life, and things were going to change. 
but they were changing for the better.
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notallwonder · 2 months
thinking again about cme 17x06. as one does.
I wasn't going to post because I wrote this in a sort of fugue state after staying up super late watching the ep over and over when it first dropped. but I like having a record of what I was thinking, such as it is.
Esp about the brief discussion of BAUgate, and how jj specifically says her beef is that emily wasn’t honest with “...us, with *me*”. emily’s “I am” is earnest, but she’s on a slightly different page than JJ cuz she follows that with “honestly, I want to quit”. Emily’s still drowning in her feelings about how the job is fucking her up, jj’s just over here trying to be real with her about their relationship. And it really sounds like there’s more to the “it’s about being honest with *me*” than just BAUgate. Like….is JJ wanting more honesty about whatever the fuck happened to them? It’s not a huge stretch. I love AJ Cook's performance. when I first got into the jemily of it all with cm I was very focused on Emily but as time has passed and I've watched and rewatched, it's become clearer that JJ a huge engine driving what makes jemily interesting to me.
I’ve seen folks theorize that Emily’s knowledge of BAUgate is what caused the perceived distance between her & JJ in s16, but I personally don’t fully buy into that. Emily became unit chief in 2017ish, and section chief presumably sometime in 2020-2022. It’s unclear when she was briefed on BAUgate. She tells Luke about it like it’s mostly a done deal she inherited the problem/information, the issue was apparently dealt with, and she made a judgment call about informing them. But as he pointed out, you know once it’s on the Internet it lives forever. She’s can't be naive about that. And I think she's glossing over it a bit to try to calm him down. We’ve been given no indication that Rossi had this info, though he probably knew broad strokes, and he was UC for some amount of time. My guess is she was briefed in detail on BAUgate when she became SC. So I guess BAUgate could be a component of s16 tension with JJ, especially insofar as this is a big unspoken thing that Emily has shouldered alone in order to shelter her team/friends, and is potentially emblematic of a larger pattern of Emily withholding information and not feeling free to be open with JJ as a friend because of her professional responsibilities. But I think if we take their distance seriously it has to go deeper than this one thing. Because the weirdness between them goes back further than evolution. It’s also in the way JJ chose to fuck off to New Orleans instead of taking over as UC as Emily planned. [where does this fit in the “we don’t quit” narrative that JJ spins?]. It’s in the way we don’t know exactly why JJ & Will decided to move back to Virginia. It’s in the way some awkwardness, resentment, isolation, hurt, whatever brewed between them during the pandemic years (and before!), and perhaps unspoken history made it difficult for them to be normal with one another on a personal level.
To me, the weirdness of their interactions in s16 is most egregious in the lack of direct comfort/interaction after JJ & Luke were blown up in the shipping container. And maybe a little in the fact that Emily so happily greeted Will, of all people, when they all returned from California (made me laugh so hard my god). But the relative stiffness of their interactions has been consistent since season 12/13, I think (thinking about the what ifs/if onlys convo). As though one or both of them were making an effort to be professional but not too personal, or keep it benign and surface level because dealing openly with whatever they had going on deep down would be too painful.
I’m so glad this convo happened in a more relaxed setting. They were going to have a talk at the office! it would have been more buttoned up, might have even played more into the underlying tension between them. It wouldn’t have been JJ trying to keep Emily from quitting. Could have been harder for Emily to really hear all of what JJ was saying to her, in that environment.
Speaking of all of what JJ was saying. !!!
I agree this is a confession of love. And it’s fucking beautiful. It’s JJ being vulnerable about how much Emily’s presence in her life means to her. JJ’s telling Emily that they are stronger than their predecessors in part *because they have been a source of strength for each other, for years.* Paris, the miscarriage, yes. And, and. JJ is and has always been so strong as an individual. But Emily was also JJ’s quiet strength in Georgia, the hospital waiting room, the stalking case, the bank robbery, in Reid & Penelope’s abduction, in East Allegheny. JJ saw and believed in Emily’s humanity - her hidden dreams - from early days. She pulled her through those bleak 7 months in exile. How many times has JJ taken the sting out of Emily's mood like she did on the jet in 11x19 Tribute? JJ is making herself a source of strength for Emily, right here in this conversation (*make* them fire you!, don’t just roll over). They have such a history of mutuality: of comradery, kindness, deep care, showing up. It’s not romantic in name but can easily be read that way. It’s *really* fucking romantic, even if it’s platonic. Do you know what I mean???????
I’m obsessed with AJ Cook’s choices throughout. OBSESSED.
The way JJ pauses for that moment after “it gives me you”, making steady eye contact, letting it really sink in. She got brave, and it landed. Then she kind of rolls her eyes at herself, maybe a little annoyed at the tears starting to come, maybe a little embarrassed that she’s letting this truth out into the world.
And the “Always.” Dropping eye contact, retreating from the moment a bit. A bit afraid to watch Emily’s reaction - but also she does very deliberately look directly at Emily again for a split second! That “Always” has carried a torch, for a very long time. That “Always” at least never admitted to Emily how much it hurt when she left. How much the distance has hurt.
~ I’ve been through hell in this job but it brought us together (I love you). You’ve kept me going through awful things (I love you). Of course I’ll support you whatever you decide (I love you). I’ll always support you even when you leave me (I love you). You’ve left me before and it hurt and it didn’t stop me from loving you (I love you). Please hang on; please stay; please come back to me (I love you, I love you, I love you). ~
*gentle screaming*
And, oh my god, Emily’s reactions. Emily had no idea this conversation was going to go where it did. Immediately defensive when JJ mentions Paris - she’s still in the part of the game where she’s protesting being convinced to stay, and Paris feels like a low blow. The way she crumples into “oh goddammit” when JJ brings up the miscarriage. Oh now it’s clear this is going deeper. Like, WHAT is the full story there??!! JJ was pregnant when she came to Emily’s rescue, right? So the attack and miscarriage happened while Emily was tucked away in Paris. We know JJ was Emily’s only(?) connection to her real life in that period, and here’s confirmation that Emily was a lifeline for JJ during that time as well, perhaps implying that she wasn’t confiding in her husband, at least not fully. You know how JJ tends to keep the hard things to herself, and she was forced to keep secrets for her safety and Emily’s safety. But she shared this with Emily. Maybe Emily had to push her (she “didn’t quit” on JJ), but they were already both in the dark, so to speak, so JJ could let herself lean on that support without bringing that darkness into her home life. Emily’s “goddammit” to me sounds like: memories of grief upon grief upon desperate isolation. Sounds like: I put those memories away and it took something out of me to do it. Sounds like: That was when their love for each other deepened, grew richer and more complex. That was when something more might have started to bloom between them, some doomed but lovely unnamed thing. And then it was locked away. And JJ has the audacity to acknowledge it? Now? Emily’s been spiraling about what’s the point of fighting this battle, when I feel like I’m losing myself? And JJ calls up the memory of this awful, bleak time when they both felt horrendously lost and they *got each other through it.* I mean. I MEAN
I love Emily’s shocked reaction as JJ’s confession lands. Either Emily’s feelings never breached the platonic barrier (not my interpretation!), or she put away the possibility years ago and did her damnedest to not look back. You can see her wheels turning, her uncertainty about what JJ’s revealed, her wanting to tread carefully. And when Rossi texts and she has to make a choice? JJ’s looking at her with those big blue eyes. Time to table the full depth of the moment. Sprinkle in a little bravado. The thing about being an adult is, you still have to go to all hands meetings while you’re having an earth shattering realization.
Another thing about “it gives me you.” JJ has probably resigned herself to the fact that working at the BAU is the only way she gets to “have” this much of Emily. It’s part of why she came back from New Orleans, even if never acknowledged or articulated.
You know it’s a good scene when it makes me want to watch a bunch of other scenes. Even scenes I hate. Like…I want to revisit Reid talking Emily off the ledge, the truth or dare confession (loathsome!), the scene where Emily decides to stay on as UC in s12 (love this one). The Forever People (Mr Macbeth my beloved).
Honestly maybe JJ’s poly and she doesn’t know it, hasn’t let herself consider it. She’s evidently got a lot of love to give. And that needn’t be framed as some kind of betrayal of her vows or callous carelessness with her friend’s hearts, not to my mind. Plus, like, three cheers for letting your love for someone simply be what it is, however amorphous or uncategorizable, however little you can or want to act on it.
Oh my god I’ve watched this scene over and over and over. I have total brain worms about it. I feel insane. I forgot to eat lunch and dinner
Jennifer Jareau. This is AJ Cook’s season, it’s her show now. I am all the way in forever and ever
when CME socials started posting Jemily stuff and AJ said “ultimate Jemily moment” and Paget lightly teased……I just laughed. Like, okay, sure, ancient CBS procedural. Sure, my little carousel of disappointments. Sure. LOL. After all these years, they are not going to go there, and I wouldn’t even want them to.
I did not in a million years expect them to crack open the door like this. I still don’t think they’re going to break up JJ & Will. I am not expecting a Jemily kiss. But after this episode - the pathway to such a thing is clearer than it was. And now I think if they did choose to go there, they could maybe (maybe!!) even do it well. Shocking development. Has a lot to do with AJ's performance tbh. The writing is fine, despite the way it seems to twist the facts of canon around bts reality. But she's the one laying JJ's heart bare.
If this is it, the full extent of JJ’s and Emily’s scenes together this season (which would be weird!), I will still walk away with warm feelings. I’m honestly feeling so grateful for the way this episode gave them room to honor the history of these characters.
Grab your keys. Let’s fuckin’ roll.
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beware-of-you-98 · 6 months
lord save me from being so fucking DELUSIONAL bc when I hear “ultimate jemily moment” i’m thinking of emily closing herself off to everyone until jj has enough and confronts her in her office and presses to find out what’s wrong bc she cares so fucking much and she’s so sick of emily shutting everyone out, shutting her out, and she brings up mendoza and for a moment there’s a something akin to fear and panic that flashes across emily’s face and jj doesn’t understand it at first because there’s no reason for emily to be afraid until… until jj just gets it and emily knows jj knows and she can’t help the tears that form in her eyes or the way her stomach drops and flips because… because even if jj didn’t have a negative reaction with tara having a girlfriend, there’s something terrifying about finally admitting to herself that she likes women too and for someone she’s so close to finding out so easily… but it’s jj and her eyes just soften and her whole demeanor shifts into comforting and understanding and it makes emily break because why did she have a reason to be afraid in the first place because it’s jj and jj always understands and and and and I’m so Sick and Delusional
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jenny-from-the-bau · 3 months
Honestly from what I’ve seen on Twitter, I think the cheating thing was more of a joke than anything (not denying that some people genuinely feel that way though). I feel like most people have generally been saying that 17x06 was a good set up for Jemily to actually happen and that they want it to develop from there, not that it needs to be instant. Also the queerbaiting allegations seem to be more directed at the cm social media etc for interacting with shippy posts and responding in ways teasing the ship (e.g. saying that they ship Jemily too) but then referring it to as just a friendship later and the show seemingly having no intention of making the ship canon. Of course whether it’s actually queerbaiting is kind of debatable but I guess people feel like they’re being used for views.
Idk if we're seeing the same tweets, but every time I go on twitter, there's genuine anger and vitriol. People saying JJ needs to just cheat so Will is gone, wishing Will dead, saying that they don't want JJ and Emily being together unless it's canon (romantically), etc etc. It all seems very real and genuinely harmful. I've seen way more people saying they hated 17x06 because Jemily didn't become canon than anyone saying it was a good episode.
Also, like, I understand that it can be frustrating to see the CM accounts say they ship Jemily, but that doesn't translate to "because it's going to happen." A PR account isn't in the fandom. They're interacting with popular posts, and they may even ACTUALLY ship Jemily, but that really doesn't mean anything. It's never been said that Jemily is going to be made canon. No one has said that, I'm pretty sure.
Jemily IS a great friendship. The ultimate moment WAS wonderful and heartfelt and funny and fulfilling. They're best friends and they're there for each other through thick and thin. That doesn't mean they love each other romantically and they probably never will. JJ is happily married, and she also has an amazing, deeply fulfilling friendship with Emily.
Interacting with "shippy posts" isn't a promise or hint or anything like that. It's actually awesome that they're acknowledging queer fans and talking about queer ships! That's crazy to me, as someone who grew up with Rizzoli and Isles and Swan Queen. We're a valid audience!! That doesn't mean it's going to be canon, though. Romantic Jemily has never been promised.
Being acknowledged as fans of a ship in a positive way isn't the same as being used for views. Are the showrunners wrong for thinking that we love JJ and Emily as characters? Are they wrong for thinking that we want to see them be happy and close?
Want a queer ship on CM? Tara and Rebecca are right there! Why are they not good enough for people??
JJ and Emily are a wonderful, wonderful example of adult female friendship, and how important it is to care for your friends when you also have a romantic partner and a family.
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dedise · 14 days
REAL. I am so tired of constantly being queerbaited. If queerbaiting makes a series more popular then - and hear me out - how about you just actually follow through and give the viewers what they want 😍 Crazy I know.
But on a serious note, I refuse to watch Evolution because of this and it also made me lose interest in the official Criminal Minds accounts on social media because they know exactly what they’re doing and they don’t even care that we’ll all get queerbaited again.
they can't realistically make Jemily canon cause, idk, JJ was in a happy relationship with her husband till season 15? and also, because there was never any actual indication that JJ was anything other than straight?
like, what does it mean that you, official CM account, are behaving this way?
it's incredibly disrespectful to the fans, both the ones that want actual queer representation and the ones that have been loving the series for so long.
shit just looks like it's been taken from a poorly written fanfic lmao
(no hate towards Jemily oc, I have no intention of direspecting the shippers)
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scarlettjemily · 2 months
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Good Luck, Babe!
Jemily fic inspired by Good Luck, Babe! By Chappell Roan.
Description: JJ walks in on Garcia listening to Good Luck, Babe! She accidentally says the lyrics ‘hit too close to home’ and now Garcia won’t stop until she finds out who the woman JJ is talking about.
Tags: slightly angsty, meanish Emily, Emily’s actually just heartbroken, sad JJ, Garcia being Garcia, gay Emily, gay JJ, mommy emily smoking.
Chapter 1/??
‘You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot tryna stop the feeling’ Penelope sings along typing quickly at her computer, just like she’s done many times before. She mumbles the lyrics while her concentration shifts slightly to something she’s reading on her screen, something relevant to the case they were currently working.
A few moments later, there’s a slight knock at the door ‘Penelope?’ JJ says, expecting Penelope to turn around instantly but she realises the woman didn’t quite hear her, she was preoccupied with her work. JJ lets out a quiet chuckle, seeing Penelope enveloped in her work, whilst bopping to the music. ‘Yoohoo Penelope!’ She says a bit louder, stepping next to the computer analyst and leaning against the desk, making sure not to knock any of Penelope’s trinkets as she did so.
‘Oh JJ! I didn’t even hear you, ha! I’m just obsessed with this song at the moment! Quick listen it’s my favourite part!’ Penelope quickly presses a few buttons on her computer keyboard, increasing the volume of the music.
‘When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night. With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife. And when you think about me, all of those years ago. You're standing face to face with "I told you so”’
JJ laughed and shook her head, her arms crossing over her chest subconsciously. She knew the song, quite well actually.
Penelope was singing right at JJ, performing dance moves that looked like she may have done many times before. It made JJ smile, Penelope’s mood was always so infectious.
Penelope muted the music right after she’d had her fun. ‘Ugh how good is that song? So catchy, you know it right?’ She said in her usual fast voice that sounded as though someone had her on 1.3x speed.
‘Yes yes, I do know it’ JJ said letting out an amused sigh.
‘What? You don’t like it?’ Penelope asked, picking up on something in JJs demeanour.
‘I do like it, how can you not. It just hits a bit too close to home’ the taller woman said waving her hand nonchalantly, about to move onto the subject she initially came in for.
Penelope laughed and shook her head ‘JJ no honey, I think you’re confused, it’s about a gay woman who denies her sexuality and forces herself to be with a man and her ex-love, who is a woman, is saying “I told you so” I think you must’ve misunderstood’ she shook her head turning back to her computer to continue typing.
JJ knew exactly what the song was about, she just wasn’t thinking when she said it hit too close to home. She should’ve known not to say anything in front of Penelope because it was only a matter of time until-
‘UNLESS’ Penelope chirped out in an excited tone, spinning her entire chair to face JJ. ‘Unless you’re trying to tell me you’re married to a man you don’t love because you’re thinking about a female lover you had back in the day. Oh my god JJ please tell me it’s not that because I love Will but if it is true, I support you 100% and you need to tell me who it is right now’ she was now talking at a speed that well exceeded 1.3x speed, probably closer to 2x speed.
JJ waved her hands quickly in front of her, shaking her head in unison ‘no no Penelope stop, I didn’t mean anything by it, just forget I said anything’ she was trying (very likely failing) to diffuse the situation and get Penelope to stop but everyone knows once she’s onto something, there’s no stopping her.
Penelope let out a little squeak, holding her closed fists up to her mouth. She was speechless from the excitement? Shock? Who knows, but she was struggling to get words out.
‘Penelope please I’m begging you, please stop talking about this. I don’t want to get into it’ JJ mentally kicked herself for the wording she used. She knew Penelope would pick up on it, she may not be a profiler but she can read people almost as good as anyone in the BAU.
Penelope let out a quiet gasp ‘you don’t want to “get into it” holy shit that means there’s something to get into’ she said, exactly how JJ predicted. ‘Wait is this why we haven’t seen Will around in like forever?’ She asked quizzically.
JJ knew there was no point now, Penelope was not going to drop it. She let out a grunt that turned into a groan, grabbing the spare computer chair and rolling it over to sit next to the other woman. ‘We’ve been separated for 3 months now but Penelope you can’t tell anyone please I’m begging you’ she pleaded, her face dropping into her hands.
Penelope frowned and placed a hand on JJs knee ‘JJ why haven’t you told any of us? And how have we not noticed?’ She was sad that her friend had been going through it alone. ‘Forgive me for being very forward right now but considering how our conversation started, JJ are you gay? Is that why you’re separating from Will?’
JJs head jerked up and looked at her friend ‘what? No. No I’m not gay, I slept with a woman one time. Once! Like 10 years ago, I don’t think that’s makes me gay Penelope. I wouldn’t have married Will if I was gay’. JJ was rambling, she was well aware she was rambling but she couldn’t help it. ‘I just fell out of love with Will, that’s it. It’s not related to me sleeping with a woman. Not at all’. She was trying to be firm but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince the other woman.
‘Okay no, sleeping with a woman once doesn’t mean you’re gay but did you enjoy it? Do you think about it a lot? Would you do it again?’ Classic Penelope, she always asked a lot of questions but everyone knew that was just what she did.
JJ groaned loudly, throwing her head back, leaning against the chair she was sitting on. She’d never thought so much about this, not in a very long time at least. She thought this was history, never to be thought of again. Definitely never to be spoken of with anyone, EVER. ‘Yes I enjoyed it Penelope but that was a million years ago, it was once, it was nothing. It meant nothing.’
Penelope gave JJ a knowing look ‘doesn’t sound like it meant nothing, you wouldn’t be so worked up if it didn’t. Ooo is it someone I know?’
JJ freaked, no one could know who it was, she would never tell anyone, at the very least Penelope. ‘Nope no way, I am NOT telling you who it was’ she pointed her finger at Penelope, trying to be stern but honestly she was giving off desperation more.
Penelope let out a knowing laugh ‘holy shit I know them don’t I?’ She clapped her hands like an excited kid ‘who is it? Please who is it? Tell me!’ She begged.
‘Tell you what? I wanna know too’ a voice interrupted, coming into Penelope’s office. It was their boss, Emily Prentiss.
Penelope didn’t think before she spoke, everyone was so close at the BAU it didn’t cross her mind that JJ might not want Emily to know. ‘She was about to tell me that she slept-‘
JJ instantly cut her off, absolutely frantic. ‘Slept through the latest episode of the British bake off! Ha! You know how much Garcia loves that show. She’s gonna kill me for that’ JJ let out a desperate laugh, standing up from the chair, knocking it back. It rolled into Penelope’s desk, knocking over a few of her trinkets ‘oh fuck, ha sorry silly me. So clumsy. I have to go’ JJ practically ran out of Penelope’s office. She knew she wasn’t being subtle and she knew that they’d both be wondering why she was acting like that but there was no way they could find out. No way Penelope could find out, that the woman she slept with 10 years ago was their boss, Emily fucking Prentiss.
Emily watched as JJ ran out of the office, she had to admit she was a bit confused. She turned to look back at Penelope, who had a knowing look on her face. ‘Well that was weird? Do you wanna tell me why she practically just ran out of here and don’t say it’s the British bake off because I know that was a lie’. The older woman’s hand subconsciously landed on her hip, exuding an heir of power that Penelope could never say no to.
Penelope let out a nervous sigh, you could tell she didn’t want to tell Emily what was going on but everyone knew what Penelope was like with keeping secrets, she wasn’t very good at it. ‘JJ really doesn’t want me to tell anybody but I’m so bad at keeping secrets and I don’t want her to be mad at me but I also don’t want her to struggle alone so I don’t know what to do, do I tell you what she told me? or do I die trying to keep the secret or do I wait until she tells you but I really don’t think she’s going to tell you because she hasn’t told anyone. I was the first person she told today and that was only by mistake.’ Penelope was completely rambling again. It was like word vomit and it didn’t look like it was going to stop.
Emily knew she didn’t have to say anything, if she just stood there and stared at Penelope the way she was already doing, she would continue to let out every passing thought.
‘I was listening to a song and I was just having fun but then she kind of said she related to it, which I thought was weird because it’s about a gay woman. Then she pretty much told me that her and Will have been separated for 3 months because she’s practically in love with a woman she slept with like a million years ago. Well she didn’t say she was in love with her but she was acting weird and I’m just talking too much now please stop me’ Penelope froze up knowing she’d said way too much but Emily was close to JJ so maybe she could help?
‘Hey Garcia shh, it’s fine I’ll go talk to JJ. She’s not going to hate you, I promise’ Emily placed her hands soothingly on Penelope’s shoulders to calm her down. The truth is, she already knew JJ had split from Will. JJ had to change her address in the data base and asked Emily to do it. It didn’t take a genius to find out she was now living in an apartment block so it was obvious she’d left Will. Emily just didn’t want to bring that up with JJ until she came to her, she knew how JJ worked. What she didn’t understand was that she knew she was the woman Garcia was talking about but why would JJ bring that up now? It was complete history. ‘Leave it with me, I’ll go see her now’ she said giving the other woman a small smile.
Penelope let out a big sigh of relief ‘thank you Emily, thank you thank you’ she was glad that JJ may be able to talk about it now.
Emily stepped out of Penelope’s office and headed back to the communal area to go find JJ. She could see the blonde woman sitting at her desk, she walked straight past her. ‘JJ, my office now’ she said without skipping a beat.
JJ instantly knew that Penelope had probably told her what she said. Did she tell her about sleeping with a woman? She couldn’t let Emily know that she still thought about it. It’s meant to be total history. She got up and followed Emily to her office. Emily was standing there holding the door open, she walked in sitting straight down in the chair in front of Emily’s desk. ‘Look Em, I don’t know what Penelope told you but-‘
Emily shut the door and interrupted JJ as she walked to the opposite side of the desk that JJ was sitting at. ‘Don’t JJ. Don’t you dare’
Emily was mad and JJ could feel it, although she didn’t quite understand why.
‘I can’t JJ, I can’t do this again. You put me through hell last time, you knew how I felt about you back then. Do not suck me back in now, not after all this time’ Emily was distressed, you could tell. Her hands were slightly shaking as she ripped open the draw to her desk, pulling out her packet of cigarettes that she kept hidden in there.
JJ watched, confused as she’d ever been. Emily lit the cigarette, taking a deep drag from it. JJ hated her smoking but she knew she only did it when things were serious. ‘Emily, what are you talking about? I’m not sucking you back into anything’ JJ said sort of defensively.
Emily scoffed, waving her cigarette around subconsciously ‘I know you left Will, I knew as soon as it happened. Now Garcia says you’re in love with a woman you slept with a million years ago? Unless you slept with someone else back then, she must be talking about me?’ She took another deep drag, the smoke leaving her lips as she spoke. ‘I want to be here for you JJ but not like that, not again.’
JJ was shocked, she shook her head and stood up ‘Emily I’m not in love with you, I never said that to Garcia. Please you have to believe me’ JJ was practically begging her, she could see the other woman getting upset and that was the last thing she wanted.
‘Fucking bull shit JJ, you leave Will 3 months ago and now start talking about being in love with the only woman you’ve ever slept with? News flash JJ, that’s me’ she put out her cigarette into the ash tray she kept in her desk, not realising how quickly she smoked it. ‘You chose Will. I told you I loved you and you fucking chose him, don’t you dare come back to me 10 years later after I’ve already gotten over you’ she was trying not to yell at JJ, she hated being angry at her.
‘I’m fucking gay Emily!’ JJ blurted out loudly, she just wanted Emily to stop being angry at her. ‘I didn’t leave Will because I’m in love with you, I left him because I realised I was gay. Are you happy? That’s the truth.’ Her arms flapped by her side, reinforcing the urgency of what she was saying. ‘I’m fucking sorry for what I did to you, I was so scared back then. I wasn’t ready to accept who I was’ her eyes began to water, she’d never admitted any of this to anyone before.
Emily rolled her eyes and let out a scoff ‘correct me if I’m wrong, you told me it was a mistake didn’t you? I told you I loved you and you told me it meant nothing’ Emily waited for a response from JJ, although she wasn’t sure she would really accept anything she said.
‘I’m sorry Emily, I said that but you have to know I did love you back then, I really did. I’m not telling you any of this to try and get you back’ JJ was crying now.
‘Get me back? I was never fucking yours Jennifer’ she practically spat JJs full name, like it was filled with disdain. ‘Do not come here and tell me that you loved me too, you never would have done that if you did’ Emily wasn’t looking at JJ, she couldn’t handle seeing her cry.
‘I did though! I swear I did, I was just broken Emily, surely you understand that?’ She pleaded for the older woman, to just understand.
‘Get out’ Emily said flatly. She’d suddenly turned cold, like she’d shut off from all emotion.
‘Em please’
‘Get the fuck out NOW’ she snapped at the blonde, she needed her gone.
JJ let out a gasped sob, stood up and ran out her office before Emily could really see her cry.
As soon as the door to her office shut, Emily let out a strangled sob that she was holding onto the whole time JJ was in her office. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The feelings that she had felt 10 years ago, that she worked so hard to move past and get over, all came flooding back in the mere 2 minutes JJ was in her office. She cried, she cried all the tears she had, otherwise she was going to drown in the feeling of what could’ve been if JJ had just told her this 10 years ago.
Part 2:
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lilliejareau · 11 months
Forbidden Love
A Jemily One-Shot
Written by: lilliejareau
Author's Note: this was originally going to be for my 1k celebration post but I unfortunately wasn't able to finish writing on time. But I have finished today and I hope you all enjoy this, though it is quite emotional.
Please be kind because I have not posted anything I have written publicly since 2021/2022 because I am very self-critical of my work. Thank you and enjoy! (ps, I don't have gifs and stuff, sorry!)
Word Count: 1,743
(I know it's pretty long, but I got so into it!)
Summary: When JJ marries the love of her life, Emily comes to accept the fact that she has to let hers go.
"Are you alright?"
Emily inhaled sharply, startled out of her thoughts. It was JJ who asked the question, standing there in her beautiful bridal dress, reminding Emily of what she lost. Emily's head tilted slightly, her lips pulled upward but not quite showing her teeth.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
JJ did a sort of smile. "You're out here all alone? I figured you'd gone inside like the rest of us."
The dancing had ended moments ago, everyone had gone inside to enjoy the rest of the party as it simmered down. Everyone except Emily who had lingered out on the dance floor with a glass of champagne thinking about the memories she had with the team over the years. She thought about JJ and the 'what-ifs'. She was so incredibly happy for and proud of JJ for finding her true love and having everything she deserved. Having hidden feelings for JJ didn't stop Emily from being delighted for her.
Emily had never loved, hadn't truly loved until she met JJ. By the time she understood and accepted that love, accepted who she was, and what that meant, it was much too late. Her heart ached terribly as the reality set in that she should no longer love JJ. It wasn't fair for either of them. JJ had Will and for years, Emily watched the couple fall in love and develop their relationship into more than what Emily had ever had with somebody before.
Yet, even after all that time, all those years, her forbidden love for JJ never really went away.
Emily shrugged in response to JJ's observation, trying to come off as nonchalant but when she looked up to meet those blue eyes she'd fallen for long ago, she knew that JJ could tell something was up with her. She cursed herself for not hiding it better.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" JJ inquired, eyes slightly narrowed but showed nothing but concern for her friend. Reaching out, she went to take Emily's hand in her own but the brunette pulled away, seemingly against her own will. A strange reaction to a familiar gesture. Something was wrong. "Emily?"
"JJ, I..." Emily tore her eyes away from those blue ones she'd fallen for all those years ago. She knew what she felt for JJ was wrong, that what she was about to say had a possibility of hurting more than keeping it bottled up. 
"Em, what is it? You can tell me anything, you know that."
"I love you." the words were regretful and rushed, and one quick breath released what she had bottled up for years. There truly was no going back now. Before JJ could respond, Emily held out a hand to stop her. "You don't have to say anything, I'm not asking you to, but I do love you. I think I always have."
A very long silence filled the air, not only tension but something else that neither could name. A moment and a breath of composure later, JJ's shockingly calm voice filled the silence.
"I know, Emily."
Emily's heart beat rapidly in her chest. "You know?"
JJ gave a slow nod. "Back then, God, I was so blind. I had feelings for you, Emily. I did. But by the time I realized what those feelings were... It took me years to finally understand what I felt for you was love." JJ's eyes shone with emotion and Emily's guilt only grew. 'But I love Will. God, I love Will. And Henry, too. They're my family, Emily, and what we had, what we felt back then...it's gone now. I do have love for you. I love you so, very much, just not in the way you want me to. Not anymore."
Emily knew this would be the rational outcome the moment she opened her mouth and said those words, but that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt. It hurt so terribly, even if she knew and expected JJ's response to be nothing short of rejection.
"I know," she tearfully admitted, voice quiet, barely a whisper. She couldn't look at JJ, her eyes focused on the previously forgotten glass of Dom Perignon she held. She felt like an idiot for admitting feelings she should have never spoken aloud, to begin with. And on JJ's wedding day nonetheless. What was she thinking? The relief of releasing bottled-up feelings wasn't enough to overshadow the guilt. 
"I love him, Em, he's my everything. That's my truth and I know this should be the part where I say that I wish I could change that, but I don't. I wouldn't have Henry, my life with Will, I wouldn't have any of what I have now. I know this hurts you, especially coming from me right now, but it's too late for anything more than what you and I already have. You're still my best friend, Emily, and you will always be. That's not going to change."
Emily nodded and finally met JJ's eyes again as a tear slid down her cheek. "I didn't tell you this in hopes of some sort of fairy tale ending. I love you, yes, but you're right, we're best friends. Nothing more. We had our chance and never saw it, it's over now. I just couldn't keep it in any longer. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. I honestly didn't plan on telling you tonight, I guess it's just the perfect timing, huh?" Emily rolled her eyes at her poor attempt at lightening the mood and shook her head.
JJ didn't say anything, and it was probably better that way. Emily didn't expect an answer. The blonde simply gave her friend a sad smile, leaned in, and hugged her tightly. Emily embraced her back almost immediately. This would be their last hug before she left for London; their last moment alone together. It was very emotional for more reasons than the one.
The hug remained as Emily's mind drifted to the eye contact she and JJ held while the bride shared a dance with her new husband. For JJ, that shared eye contact was about Prentiss leaving for London soon, knowing her best friend was moving to an entirely different country shortly after that very night. But for Emily, it meant so much more. She'd lost her and for good this time. It was over and as painful as it was, it was for the best. JJ had a happy family, a husband, and a beautiful little boy.
It had once been a dream of Emily's that she would settle down and have a family of her own, a husband or a wife, a child or two. But as the years went on, she watched her dream fade away as it became a reality for the woman she loved, the hardest part being that it wasn't with her.
Now she just needed to come to terms with that.
"Thank you for telling me," JJ whispered, holding onto the embrace just a bit longer before pulling away. She could see the pain in those brown eyes and it broke her heart. She studied them longer, seeing the guilt. "I don't want you to feel guilty for admitting what you feel."
"You don't choose who you fall in love with," JJ interrupted, watching as Emily's eyes recognized those words as they welled up with tears. "Those were your words, Em. I'm glad you told me and maybe in some...parallel universe, we wouldn't be as blind as we were."
"Maybe," Emily softly repeated, bringing up a hand to wipe her cheek. "You're not...disgusted by me?"
"Emily, no," JJ was quick to assure, grasping her friend's hand tightly. "It took courage to tell me what you did, I don't know if I ever could've done it."
"But it's you're wedding day."
"Yeah," JJ nodded. "It is, but what's done is done and there's no changing that. We might not be on the same page when it comes to who we love, but I can assure you that I am proud of you, not disgusted. I don't think I could ever be revolted by you, Em."
"Yeah?" Emily tearfully whispered, looking into JJ's eyes for a sign of reassurance.
JJ smiled. "Yeah."
A touching silence fell upon them as a song played faintly in the background from inside, a familiar melody that both of them knew.
"Dance with me?"
The brunette was slightly caught off guard by the offer, her lips withholding a response. She had always been so certain that after she told JJ her secret, the blonde wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere near her. Instead, JJ was being as kind of a friend as always and asked Emily to dance. It seemed like such an innocent gesture but to Emily, it was more. It was closure instead of more heartache, and that was something she never expected to have.
JJ took the champagne glass and set it aside, taking Emily's hand in her own and leading them to the center of the dance floor, both women sharing a sad smile as their eyes met, hands interlocked.
This was the end, the end of an era, the end of what could have been, and the beginning of a new journey for both. A journey where Emily would move on, and JJ would remain happy in her family life, content with what she had. Both were certain at that moment that no matter what, their friendship would always be a strong foundation.
For the first time that night, Emily smiled softly, looking into those blue eyes that would be a memory from now on, not a constant reminder. She would no longer look into those eyes and feel her heart ache, her stomach tighten, or that dreadful sense of longing. 
JJ was not hers, and she never would be, but at least she could leave with no regrets, the weight off her chest, and a clear conscious. She still loved JJ, and that would never change, but now she knew things she never knew before.
As they held onto each other and slowly swayed to the music, JJ's soft, quiet voice uttered words Emily had longed to hear in a much different manner.
"I love you, Emily. Always."
Emily repeated, her voice just as soft and quiet, words she meant with all her heart. "I love you, JJ. Always."
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
CM 17.3
Alright!! 17e3 here we go!!
(I meant to rewatch the first 2 eps before this but didn’t get around to it, so a more in-depth review/more film student analysis is still to come.)
Enjoy this chaos with no context for now! (a lot of it likely isn’t gonna be fully fleshed out cause I have a full thought/reply and try my hardest to type it all out super fast before the show moves on but I have to stop to pay attention OR something else comes up and im just SCRAMBLING)
Absolutely hate there’s no subtitles right away for this but I mean.. I could wait a couple of days til its on Disney I just have no patience.
GOD why is it so fucking dark.
Thank you Emily for not letting luke spill the beans, like, kinda like Rebecca as a person, but can’t trust her as long as her job goes
Okay, em is in the right here, both in the sense of keeping it quiet originally but also making luke keep hush. Cause im sorry but she’s right. It would’ve 1000% drove the team to the brink and split them apart AND made them spiral so deep about what was on the site/other people seeing them/trying to cleanse the web of them (which obvi is impossible). Esp jj of all people? Like I’m not really sure *what* is on there, but jj is the one with KIDS, a full family, she’s still in contact with her parents (at least the mom?) she’s probably likely known in the circle of the boys friends parents? Like that’s SO much damage control to stress over??
Im so fucking excited for prentiss’ wacko neighbour to come back loool
LOOOOLL em’s “oh.. oh no…” reaction. I love this.
Did pen just say “tik tack” instead of tik tok? or was I not listening properly lol
“what are you gonna do?” “put out fires” that is LITERALLY a boss’ job. This being said as a boss.
“I don’t want to say no to your face…” SAME girl… same
GOD Emily is so fucking beautiful
This back and fourth with Garcia and her opinions on tyler is SO annoying. At first she hates him and doesn’t want to even look at him, then they’re flirting, then they’re fucking. Then she’s all twitterpated and wrapped around his finger. Then she AGAIN wants nothing to do with him?? Even though in the last ep she was all high school girlie about working with an “ex”?? I GET that the writers/showrunners are piling the comic relief onto her/the situation but come ON.
“I didn’t call you” “your landlord did” BRUH. COME ON. I don’t care how crazy things are, you ALWAYS double check that! I once saw a dude backing into my driveway with a ladder and immediately went outside to be all “uh..hello?” he immediately pulled out his phone, named my landlord, pointed out what he was there for (damage to the siding of the house, I hadn’t noticed cause I hadn’t left the house and live in the basement) AND offered to call my landlord. ALWAYS BE SUSPICIOUS.
WHY THE FUCK ARE JJ AND LUKE PAIRED UP!!!!????? Jj’s a profiler, she’s obvi gonna be able to get it outta luke, or press him for details, or whatever. If he’s supposed to keep shit quiet why tf are they off together. (or were they specifically asked to be together by voit? Cause that’s just him playing into his bullshit again)
“Emily practising deception isn’t a lie. It’s good leadership” THANK YOU.
Also...to feed all the jemily shippers out there… if this was a fic written by me.. it would be bundled into the AI shit, but there would be pics of Emily and jj hooking up that were very easily proven to be legit and the entire situation would out them and that’s what the actual issue was/is with the site…
I understand jj is outside with Sydney and luke’s job is to keep the girls distracted inside but of COURSE its himbo’s first reaction to pull out the soccer ball INSIDE.
Okay is that just some weird direction/camera angles or are we eluding to the older sister being a cutter?
Emily’s reactions to brian were perfection.
JFC NO! who’s out there stalking them? Uggghh (though I will say that the moment something clinked in the parking garage I said to myself “pls don’t let her get kidnapped in ep 3…”
Why does it feel like tyler knows more about gold star than the bau does?
Oooo but he cloned the phone! Good boy!!
Penelope: in charge of tracking down tyler
Tyler: texts Penelope “I need to see you”
Penelope: “NO!” doesn’t reply….
Ah yes.. I was right about the cutting… oof. Uugggh talk about heartbreaking..
LOOOOL tara teasing rossi! “I think I pulled… everything…” HHAH
Im not gonna lie, I absolutely HATE that they went down this AI *porn* route, as if these fucking poor characters haven’t been through enough, and like, again as I said, JJ… she’s got the most damage control to do no matter what, and poor girl hasn’t dealt with more than half her trauma so far…
“but I didn’t exactly get it legally, so you know what rebecca’s gonna say” THANK YOU. But also, like fuck that. cause this show has ALWAYS been above the law in that sense. I can’t remember if I said it in last week’s summary or if it was another random post, but CM vs like, SVU is WILD because we NEVER see things past the cuffs being put on/the unsub getting killed/killing themselves. We never go to court, we never see the legal side of it BECAUSE 99% of them would be not guilty due to mental…defect? LOL I know that’s not the right word/phrase but you know what I mean. CM is about the mind of the criminal and chasing them down and finding out the trigger and stressor and figuring out the pattern, not seeing things through to court and prison.
and while I love the addition of her character (Rebecca), it’s making other characters act in ways they never have before/never would simply because now the show is implicating the legal side of things. again, love having Rebecca and that boundary in line for the team but it is messing with the normal dynamics we are used to. Like..as IF Penelope would have any issue using an illegally cloned phone in the past. She was all “don’t ask questions” “well yes I *could* get access to that record, but it is technically sealed” and hotch would be all “I didn’t hear anything…”
LOL Emily with a full bottle of wine at her desk. Love her. god she’s SO annoyed with brian and I love it.
SEE this is why luke never should have said anything. Cause it doesn’t matter how hard you try not to look, you’re never going to be able to resist being able to look it up, no matter how bad it is, how fake and evil and ugly it is, you’re still gonna want to know and jj didn’t need to see that/know about it. How is she supposed to go home and act ok now??
“okay they’re here… somehow” DUDE YOU KNOW BETTER EM! Doesn’t matter that youre in an fbi parking garage, no cop gets there that fast!!
Also..that red coat is TRENCH COAT. YEESSS
“FUCKING BRIAN!” thankkkkk you em
Also…in all seriousness. Em was in HER office at the BAU, somewhere you (I assume) need clearance to get on property, much less in the building or into the parking, so WHY/HOW the FUCK were both brian, the guys who beat him up and whoever took the pictures get clearance?? SHOULDN’T QUANTICO HAVE SOME PRETTY FUCKING HIGH SECURITY LEVELS???
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
i’ve been dying to talk about how jj is not at all evil and terrible as some people paint her out to be after the events of 14x15 truth or dare
and also why i adore her and will as a couple
and lari just reblogged pro will lamontagne content so i’m going to post this draft from when i was watching that episode before i forget to again. i cannot stand for anymore jj or will slander
warning i criticize spencer once dont doxx me please 🙏
ok listen i love jemily but i ADORE jj and will as a canon couple, they are so supportive of each other and im watching the aftermath of truth or dare and it is my belief that jj was completely honest with will about her feelings for spencer. i think she was confused by her own feelings toward spencer and was honest with will about that seeing as they had been together for like a decade or something by that point and had a family together. i think when jj confessed to reid that she loved him it was never with the intention of abandoning her kids and husband, they were half formed thoughts and feelings that she wasn’t even sure of herself. that’s why she couldn’t answer spencer when he asked if she meant it at dave’s wedding because she herself didn’t know. and when she’s shot in 15x1 and then in critical condition in 15x2 will says jj’ll want to see spencer when she wakes up. i think he knows everything that went down between her and spencer and was really supportive of her working through it because he knew at the end of the day she was not going to leave him. jj was never not going to choose will and her kids, and because of that was able to be honest with will about her feelings. i think will knows how special jj and spencer are to each other but wouldn’t actually see spencer as a threat to his marriage because he knows jj isn’t leaving him. she was truly in love with him, whereas she was more in love with the idea of spencer, or cared about him so deeply she confused it for romantic love.
i like this a lot more than the narrative that jj is a selfish bitch for being willing to give up her whole family because of spencer. i don’t think that was ever going to happen, i don’t think she was ever going to tell spencer she loved him, and she was never going to pick him. if she hadn’t been forced to she never would have brought up her complex and confusing feelings for him because they at the end of the day didn’t warrant a conversation. she picked her life, and it was with will. she literally told spencer she never intended to tell him about those feelings because it wouldn’t change anything. there was no reason to have done it until she was forced. jj is not selfish and she is not a bad wife!! in fact i think she is the opposite of selfish!! she’s not perfect but lets not hold her to that standard because remember when spencer reid choked out a pregnant woman? yeah so do i!! everybody makes mistakes 🩷
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