#the other felt like settling cus it logically made sense to
donnydamakkk · 1 year
i hope y'all know i believe jennifer jareau is a lesbian 😭 like fully 100% i do not acknowledge anything else
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vendettaparker · 4 years
Dancing With Your Ghost [P.P]
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Summary: Every night you’re visited by a ghost from the past.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: ANGST TO THE MAX, smoking, alcohol, swearing
a/n: this is probably the most depressing thing i’ve written. it’s just all sad, no happy ending, no fluff, sorry! :/ loosely based off the song “Dancing with your Ghost” by Sasha Sloan, which was like my fav song for a whole ass month. it’s a really good song, highly recommend :)
            •───⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
     11:47. Fuck. You’re going to be late. You waved down the bartender and held up two fingers, signaling for two more beers. It’s fine, you could surely be late just this once. He’d forgive you, right? He always did. You finished the last few sips of your previous beer just as the bartender came to you with two more clutched in his hands. You dropped a $50 in front of him and started leisurely sipping your next beer, slowly feeling your sense of reality fade away. 
     Another half hour and you’d finished both beers. Stumbling slightly, you got up and started your trek back to your dingy Queens apartment. You only lived a few blocks from the bar so you made in home what seemed like record time, but who could really tell when you were two shots away from blacking out. The smell of weed, smoke, and old books filled your nose when you entered your apartment. The old book smell had always been a part of you. You were supposed to be an english major, in fact, this would have been your second year of your bachelors. What a fucking waste. Guess whatever talent you had in english didn’t do you any good. The weed and smoke were new scents that always seemed to follow you. After the incident you couldn’t just talk about your feelings like everyone else had. That didn’t nearly calm the throbbing in your chest or the screaming in your head. You needed something more. Something to make the world go quiet. 
     You walked around piles of laundry and old take out containers to make your way to your room, no doubt where the smell was the strongest. You walked into the room and closed the door behind you, pushing a towel in the crack between the door and the floor to prevent any draft from getting in. You then went to your window and locked it, doing the same with smaller dish rags. No drafts. That’s the only way to know that it’s real. That he’s really there. 
     You scrambled around the room a bit more in your drunken haze and found the disk for your old favorite song. His favorite song too. You put it in the CD player and let the album play a few songs while you searched in the mess of books and dust for a pack of cigarettes. You found a half empty pack just as the song you were waiting for started to play. The soft jazz melody floated through the air and you lit a cigarette, breathing it in slowly, feeling your nerves slightly calm. Talking to him always made you nervous, even when you both could practically feel the love you had for one another, he still made your stomach do somersaults. 
     Just as the first line of the song was echoing through the room, you felt it. The light breeze encompassing your body. He was here. 
     You sat on the bed and waited for him to give you a sign again. It only took a few moments for a slight dip in your bed to appear beside you. Any other person would’ve never even noticed the change, but not you, you were too attentive, too desperate to believe he was there. The temperature in the room had dropped significantly and you held your knees to your chest to preserve body heat, all while looking at the little dip in the comforter. 
     “Peter,” you sighed, smiling softly at the empty space where he would be. “Sorry, I know I’m late.” 
     Your words into the void were only met with silence, they always were though. You sniffled and took another drag from your cigarette. “Just been real hard, y’know? I can’t seem to sleep without a drink or two. I just don’t like how loud everything is.” You shrugged, once again only met with silence. The dip in the bed remained, not wavering in the slightest. 
     You sighed, once again feeling defeated not being able to hear his voice or words of encouragement. “You never let me say goodbye y’know.” You said, casually. “I came to the hospital three times that week. Stayed for over four hours each time. I didn’t—I didn’t know you had already left. Nobody told me jack shit.” Tears of frustration and anguish welled  up in your eyes. Still, you were only met with silence. The song that sifted through the room had stopped and the album continued on. 
     “I know I shouldn’t say this, but, why’d you do it? Huh? Why couldn’t you have just saved yourself? Just this once.” You sniffled. “I know, it’s selfish to say that. But I just—” you huffed out a short sob, “love is a selfish thing, I suppose. Cus’ you know I’d do anything to have you back. Anything.”
     You wallowed in the silence for the next couple of minutes, taking a drag of your cigarette here and there. 
     “I think I’m going insane.” You finally said. “I mean, I’m talking to myself, thinking that you’re really here listening.” You wiped your tired eyes and looked at the dip in the bed more intently. “But you are here, aren’t you? You’d never disappoint me by not showing up, right?” 
     You shifted around on the bed, finally settling on laying on your back, head turned to continue to stare at the dip. 
     “Even if I am crazy and I’m talking to myself right now, can you blame me? I was finally happy and it only lasted a few months. Of course I’d be off the rails by now.” You stated, trying to think logically if all these ‘encounters’ with Peter had only been in your head. 
     “Doesn’t matter anyways. It’s better tricking myself into believing you’re here than knowing you’re not.” Your eyes started to droop no matter how desperately you wanted to keep them opened to continue your conversation. 
     “Peter, I’m so tired.” You sighed, closing your eyes, sticky with tears. “If I go to sleep, promise you’ll visit again?” 
     Your mind started falling, slowly plummeting into a deep state of unconsciousness. You hummed out more unintelligible nonsense in a feeble attempt to stay awake. Just before the lights in your mind went completely out, you heard a soft, barely there voice come for the dip in the bed, 
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Patlabor fanfic WIP
Summary:  Shige has a cute moment with Noa.  Asuma is definitely not jealous.  Because this is SV2 and nobody ever has anything better to do, absolutely everybody gets involved.  Basically, Noa becomes the center of a (PG) harem comedy and has absolutely no idea.
Backstory:  I’ve been going through a handful of fanfic WIPs and story notes from the past few years, seeing if anything really sparks my interest / seems like it’s worth finishing up...and I really like a lot of lines and concepts in this one, but I also probably won’t ever finish it.
At the time (sometime in 2018), I never finished it because the ideas got more complicated than I felt like wrangling, and because the “she was actually just blushing over Alphonse all along” ending seemed so obvious that it didn’t feel like the shenanigans leading up to the reveal were “worth it”.
And now, I probably won’t finished it because at the time I thought Noa was in her early or mid-twenties, and that Shige was in his mid- or late twenties...but it turns out that Noa is 18 in the Early Days / TV timeline (and left SV2 by the time she was 23 in Patlabor 2) and that The Next Generation set Shige’s canon age at 59, making him fucking 45 during Early Days / TV.  8′)  Since part of the story hinges on Shige crushing on her, even though (or especially because?) it’s onesided, the age difference kinda squicks me out too much for me to want to write any more.  But again, a lot of the lines and concepts make me laugh, so I figured I might as well share.
If you like this but wish it had more terrible sex jokes and/or that it was just poorly written Shige/Sakaki smut, check out my AO3 page cus that describes the only two Patlabor fics I've finished thus far  X’D  (And I definitely won’t be offended if that’s not your cup of tea.)
And now, the story~ (+ notes)
Shige started, banging his head on the raised hatch.  It took a few moments of swearing and cradling his skull before he managed to straighten up and turn around.
Noa had her hand over her mouth, a fiery blush spreading across her face.  He hadn’t expected to see her—it was so late, and she was clearly dressed to go home.
“Oh, uh,” she fumbled, shuffling her feet a bit.  “S-sorry, I didn’t—didn’t mean to interrupt—”
Shige grinned, though the muscle movement made his head injury sting.  “No problem!  ’Sup?”
“I, uh...”
Another surprise.  The blush deepened, and—Shige had never seen her shy.  Hadn’t thought her capable of it, honestly.  Noa was the only girl he’d ever met who burped openly instead of holding it in.
Noa’s hand slowly rose up to point at—him?  Oh, no, past him, into the cavity of her Ingram’s leg.  The hatch on its shin had been opened and the curved guard over the ankle removed, exposing a tangled web of pistons and wiring.
“Hm?”  Shige blinked, then seemed to get it.  “Oh!  Oh, you’re worried about your ‘Alphonse’, right?”
“Oh, n-no, that’s not—”
“ ‘He’s’ just fine, Izumi-chan, cross my heart!  I’m just taking a peek at the ankle servos, you’ve been shifting to the left a teensy bit when you walk lately—not enough to interfere with the auto-balance, of course, but who wants to worry about maybe possibly potentially tripping over six-ton feet in the middle of a chase scene, right?  I’ll get ‘him’ back in tip-top shape in no time!”
“Ah, well, th-thank you, Shige-san...”
Shige grinned again, turned back around, bent into the leg cavity and picked up his toolbox.
Sound echoed in here.
He heard the slight whistling through his teeth as he tried to expel the tune stuck in his head, every little reverberating clink when his tools touched the mechanisms.
He didn’t hear footsteps.
More carefully this time—squatting further down instead of straightening up—Shige extricated himself and turned around.
Noa jumped, glancing away sharply, shuffling her feet again.  That pink in her cheeks looked utterly alien, but...very, very cute.
Shige swallowed.
“H-hey, c’mere,” he blustered, grin a bit more lopsided than before.  “Lemme show you.”
Noa hesitated—wow, shy was a really great look on her—but stepped forward.  There was only room for one on the awkwardly curved slope of the Ingram’s foot, so Shige slid off and gallantly helped her up, being extremely careful about the placement of his hands.  Noa’s fingers dug into his shoulder as she steadied herself, peering into the inner workings of the Ingram.
Shige pointed at things, his already-too-loud voice echoing throughout the cavern of the exposed leg.  He explained what was what, Noa nodded and “oh!”ed and asked all the right questions, her hand on his shoulder the entire time.  She glanced clumsily back and forth between the towering mechanisms and Shige, eyes bright, breath a little ragged.
It was Noa who almost slipped and fell climbing down, but Shige was absolutely dizzy.
“Sucks to be you, Asuma-chan~”
Asuma and a handful of the maintenance crew were crowded in the break room divvying up their Shanghai Noodle lunch orders.  He squinted skeptically.  Shige had been bursting at the seams with swagger and pride all day, and the tone of this latest remark implied a dramatic reveal.
But Asuma refused to give him the satisfaction of showing he was curious, and instead calmly dipped his chopsticks into his ramen with nothing more than an “Oh?”
“Izumi-chan’s got a crush on me.”
Half the room jumped.  Shige crowed with laughter.  Asuma tried his best to hurriedly wipe the wet noodles off his vest and to look coolly aloof at the same time.
“So, what,” he grumbled, failing at the latter, “is this like the time you thought the mailman had a crush on you?”
“He did,” Shige retorted defensively.  Then he settled back in his chair again, arms folded behind his head, the picture of perfect smug serenity.  “But I caught Izumi-chan staring at my sexy ass while I was bent over the Ingram’s ankle servos last night.  You ever seen her blush?  Almost reminds you she’s a sweet young girl!”
“What makes you think she was staring at your ass?” mumbled one of the mechanics.
Asuma almost dropped the paper towel he’d been furiously wiping with.
“Yes.  Yes!” he blurted, then remembered he was supposed to be coolly aloof and crossed his arms (spreading the broth stains to his sleeves).  “I mean...it was probably ‘Alphonse’ you were working on, right?  ‘He’s’ the only ‘man’ she has eyes for.”
“Oh, so you think just ’cus she hasn’t jumped on you that she’s completely immune to masculine charms?”  Shige snorted, but he was already starting to go red at the ears.  “All you ever do is yell orders at her!  I’m the one taking care of her beloved ‘Pat-chan’ every day—nursing ‘him’ when ‘he’s’ sick—making sure ‘he’ always looks ‘his’ best—it just makes sense that she’d fall in love with—”
“Seriously?  By that logic, Noa’d be sleeping with the entire maintenance staff!”
All the mechanics in the room became very alert.
“Or Chief Sakaki!” added Asuma.
The mechanics instantly deflated.
“Whatever.”  Shige snapped up his bowl and dug in, pointedly avoiding Asuma’s gaze.  “You’re just jealous.”
A triumphant smirk played across Asuma’s face.  He sat back down, stain be damned.  “Aw, don’t worry about it,” he said soothingly, blowing on his own ramen.  “I get it.  You’re crazed with loneliness being cooped up with a bunch of sweaty guys day after day, right?  Of course you’ll take any smile from a girl as a—”
“I am not—”
Both men nearly fell out of their chairs.
“There you are!” chirped Noa, though she gave a self-conscious start as she glanced around the room and saw just how many people were in it.  Asuma stared.  He’d never actually seen her blush before.
“U-um,” she went on, suddenly timid again but trying to smile through it.  “So, Shige-san...I just wanted to ask...c-can I, uh, hang out with you again after my shift’s over?  ...Like yesterday?”
“Absolutely, Izumi-chan,” said Shige smoothly, flashing a toothy grin at Asuma.  “Absolutely.”
Hiromi groaned.
“C’mon, c’mon!” Asuma hissed, shaking him.  Well, as much as he could shake the big man.  “You’re curious too, right?”
Hiromi groaned again.
“What?  It’s gotta be you, it’d sound weird coming from anyone else!”
“You’re nonthreatening, man, you’re like a big teddy bear, you listen to people and care about their feelings and stuff!”
Asuma bullies Hiromi into discreetly asking Noa cus Hiromi’s nonthreatening (like a big teddy bear)...Noa misinterprets & thinks Hiromi’s asking her out?
Ota thinks crush talk and/or dating a coworker is super unprofessional but now he can’t stop thinking about it either, is jealous that no one’s hitting on him?  Starts alternately peacocking & being really irritable? Demands Noa and Kanuka rate the men in terms of attractiveness and then immediately gets mad cus that’s so dumb?
Noa keeps hanging out w Shige after work, looking at Alphonse’s schematics...he tries to ask her on like an actual date and she’s disappointed? Goes anyways (& went with Hiromi too)?? Now everyone’s really confused??? Asuma asks her out too???
Kanuka’s stoically scornful, like “are you all that desperate for a woman?” (like they’re all crowding around Noa cus she’s one of the only girls they know, and/or comparing it to kids who don’t want a toy until they see someone else play with it)  Hiromi’s just really embarrassed and too shy to admit to Noa that there’d been a misunderstanding
Shinshi’s glad that everyone’s thinking seriously about their romantic futures
Shige & Asuma start getting weirdly competitive and start going on like trio dates where they keep one-upping each other and/or Noa thinks it’s a group hang and invites the others along
Eventually Kanuka just spells out to Noa what’s going on & she’s really surprised and embarrassed. Admits she was so shy and cagey with Shige cus she didn’t want anyone making fun if her for looking at Alphonse “naked” (since he was a mechanic, he’d understand the fascination)
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Left to the Wolves
a/n: So i fininally finished this story which i’ve been working on all summer... it’s my first foray into the genre of a/b/o au so i hope you guys enjoy.  This chap is Hvits centric but there’s suggestion of Ubbe x reader and if this gets enough positive feed back, i will continue with a chap abt him!
warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, a bit of heavy handed persuasion but overall consented sexy times, like this is mostly smut cus im a perv like that... oral (fem receiving) and vaginal penetration, also a healthy competition between brothers. 
FF.net // Ao3 // Masterlist
Hvitserk X Reader // Vikings
word count: 2,445
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As relaxing as the bath felt, it did nothing to relieve the sticky layer of perspiration that coated your skin. The sweat was provoked by a heat that came from within rather than the sun, a heat you had been trying to deny you were due for. Pulling the simple linen night dress over your head, you grabbed the hem to tap at your brow, hoping to dry it some but effectively doing nothing. No matter how much you tried to cool yourself, the moment your hands were idle your mind immediately snapped back to your hosts, Ragnar’s sons and your internal body temperature would spike.
You knew they had noticed, it was blatant they had caught a whiff of your budding heat when you spent that afternoon watching them train. Earlier in the week you had merely sat at the sidelines, spectating as they practiced, but today each of the brothers insisted on vying to hold your attention personally.
Hvitserk offered to teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow, something you’d never cared to learn before. He quickly took advantage of the situation, crowding in behind you to rest his hands on your hips under the guise of adjusting your stance. Rearing your elbow back, you pulled the string taut as his breath fanned the nape of your neck—sending a shiver down your spine—when a movement from across the field caught your eye.
Casually, you turned your head thinking it was just the others wrestling when you noticed Ubbe tugging to remove his tunic. He discarded the garment somewhere to the side as he strode back towards the makeshift ring where Sigurd waited. He met your gaze and flashed a wink, smirking before slapping his chest and settling into a starting pose. You watched the way he bent over, hands at the ready to deflect his brother’s attacks when your grip went completely lax, launching the arrow absently into the dirt.
Hvitserk’s laugh tickled at your ear, bringing you back to your present position, his hands still firm on your hips, holding you in place pressed against his chest. “You need to remember to keep your eyes on the prize, Princess,” he teased in a low voice only you could hear.
For the rest of the day you could think of nothing besides the warmth of Hvitserk behind you, his strong hands keeping you still. At the same time you found your mind wandering to his older brother, Ubbe, and to the way the sun radiated off his skin, highlighting the lean muscles he’d cultivated since your last visit when you were still a child.
That night you followed your mother and Queen Aslaug to dinner, finding all of the princes already seated at the table. Your approach caught their attention and both Hvitserk and Ubbe stood, abruptly sliding their chairs away to greet you as their younger brothers remained sitting. Aslaug and your mother took their respective seats at the head of the table and across from your intended destination. It had been a few days now that you’d occupied the spot situated between Ubbe and Hvitserk at every meal, but there was a light in both their eyes tonight that you couldn’t ignore as they ushered you into your chair.
The dinner was pleasant enough despite Ivar’s unsolicited and spiteful comments. In fact, you barely noticed the bitterness of the youngest and third Alpha in the family, having no idea that his sour mood was inspired by the same scent that brought his older brothers to battle for your attention.
Ubbe and Hvitserk were both eager to offer you more bread or mead, each  making sure your plate was full before you could even reply. You were utterly overwhelmed by their hospitality, unsure of how to properly respond while also fawning at the onslaught of affection. You could barely eat under the watchful gaze of the two brothers. They were much more obvious about the competition then they had been earlier that afternoon. Throughout the meal they strove to outdo the other—whether it be through tales or kind acts.
Once you had finished eating, you were quick to excuse yourself, providing the need for a bath as the reason. As you rested in the warm water, you attempted to relieve some of the tension with your own hand, a tactic you often used before. Though before you’d never been in heat around so many Alphas, and it seemed the more time you spent with them, the more painful it was to resist. You wanted to fling yourself into their willing arms without hesitation and let them do as they pleased, marking you as theirs forever.
Unable to find release alone, you let out a frustrated snarl and gave the surface of the water a slap as if it was the bath’s fault you felt worse than before. You ultimately climbed out of the water before your fingers became too wrinkled, drying yourself and dressing for bed.
With a sigh you dropped the hem of your nightshirt back over your body when something behind you creaked. You spun on your heel, finding the door ajar and Hvitserk standing on the other side, his hand holding the latch as a smirk grew on his face.
“How long have you been there?” You exclaimed, hands flying to protectively cover your chest, forgetting you were already dressed.
“Long enough,” he shrugged as he crossed the threshold to your room, making sure to shut the door tightly behind him, clicking the lock closed.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you stated in what you hoped was a strong voice, but even you couldn’t deny the waiver at the end. “If-if my mother knew, she’d—,”
Hvitserk’s smile cut you off. “You see, I’ve been thinking about that,” Hvitserk began, slowly moving closer as you tried to match his steps in reverse, backing away until your thighs butted up against the edge of the table where you ate breakfast. “If your mother cares so much, why did she bring you to Kattegat—where she knew there were young alphas—when you would be in heat? Why are you in a room by yourself, with such a large bed, if you weren’t meant to share it?” His jovial expressing and tone seemed kind enough, but you could sense the edge to it. You could see his scheme but something in you found it logical—maybe it was the part of you that wanted him so—but suddenly it seemed to make since why your mother kept dismissing you, telling you to spend time with the Ragnarssons while she and Aslaug did needle work.
His hand found your waist again, squeezing your curves harder than he had while teaching you to shoot. Leaning to the side, Hvitserk dropped his head, nuzzling into the crook of you neck, inhaling your scent with a groan. Your fingers squeezed his shoulders, making a futile effort to resist as you melted into his touch.
“I’m not supposed too—,” your voice trailed into a moan as his lips made contact with your skin.
“Stop fighting,” Hvitserk hissed, finally crashing his mouth against yours. You tongues wrestled as his left hand dropped to cup your thigh, lifting your knee to curl around his waist as he lifted you to sit on the table. You leaned back, resting on your elbows to take in the way he loomed over you, his large palm slowly traveling up your side from your leg until he came to engulf you breast.
With a tilt of his head, he studied the rapid rise and fall of your chest and the way the linen of your nightshirt clung to the sticky sweat on your skin. Reveling in the softness of your flesh under his his grasp, he unconsciously jutted his hips into yours, letting his hard length prod at your inner thigh.
Hvitserk mumbled something before lifting his head to repeat himself, “I want you.” His green eyes held yours as he stilled on top of you. “I need you. Please say you want me.”
You responded without words, snaking your fingers across the nape of his neck, pulling him forward. He easily took the hint, shifting to press against you before he suddenly went stiff. Drawing away, he looked over his shoulder just as there was a knock on the door.
“Go away Ubbe,” Hvitserk barked with a sly grin. You laid frozen beneath him, slowly processing what was happening as he chuckled, “You’re too late.”
There was a still moment of silence as the pair of you waited for an angry retort but as the minutes grew it was obvious Ubbe had left—for now. Hvitserk could barely resist himself, anxiously inching his hands under your bottom. He tensed his fingers, squeezing as he began to pull back. Stepping away, Hvitserk grabbed your hand, leading you away from your perch on the table.
He backed you to the mattress, crowding against you as his palm came to hold your cheek. “It would be a shame if this big bed went to waste,” he teased as he lead you to lay flat atop the furs. You were like putty in his hands, allowing him to maneuver you limbs to the right place as he pleased, settling so your arms were pinned above your head.
Pawing at the hem of your skirt with his free hand, he drew the fabric higher, revealing the apex of your thighs. The deep groan he released at the sight of your sopping mound resonated in your bones. Silently, you longed for contact, jutting your hips towards his, begging for some kind of stimuli.
Slowly he dipped his fingers between your lips, easily finding your bud of nerves. With a brazen swipe, he rolled the nub under his touch, eliciting a moan from you lips with each rock. Grinning to himself Hvitserk watched the way you fell apart under him, knowing that every sound that crossed your lips came without hesitation. You bucked into his grasp, urging his hand to slide lower. He swirled his digits, skimming just around where you wanted him most before he began to shift. Inching his knees back, Hvitserk dove forward, burying his face between your thighs. His tongue and lips took over where his fingers had been as he laved at your hole, giving you everything but what you needed for release.
“Stop, stop,” you panted, tugging at his braids to pull his face away, overwhelmed by the presence of his tongue. Your cunt ached for him and his mouth only increased the want til it was unbearable. “Please,” your voice came out breathy and eager as you begged. “Please, I need your cock inside me.”  
The look in his eye only stoked the fire within your gut, leading you to whine for his touch. Kneeling back he wrestled with his tunic as your fingers tugged at the lancing of his pants, too impatient to wait for him to finish. Kicking off his boots he slid his trousers down his lean legs, discarding them aimlessly before turning back to you. His prick stood proud and ready, bobbing slightly as he moved—the tip an angry purple.
You mouth watered at the sight before you, a fresh pang of desire flooding your senses. Lacing your fingers into the roots of his hair, you pulled him forward as you laid back, letting your knees fall open. Hvitserk pumped himself while lining the head with your entrance. In a single hard thrust, he sank into you easily.
Clenching around him you reveled in everything you wanted but had been denying yourself. He drew back before slamming against you, the sound of skin slapping against skin mixing in the air with your moans as he kept up a brutal pace. Hvitserk wrapped his arms around your ribs, holding you tight as you clutched at his shoulder blades, your nails leaving red lines as they dug in to his skin.
Maneuvering his legs, he pushed himself to roll onto his back, dragging you to straddle his waist. Sitting up you rested your hands flat on his chest, bracing yourself as you reared back, pushing your ass backwards to swallow the entirety of his prick, swollen knot included. You could feel Hvitserk’s grip tighten as your hips came to touch his, pausing for a moment to adjust to the way his knot stretched your walls so deliciously.
A stuttered moan leaked from Hvitserk’s mouth as you began to roll your hips, grinding so that your clit hit his pelvic bone with every pass. You were so distracted by the feeling of his cock inside you, you hadn’t even realized the filth that he had been cooing to you.
“You like that don’t you?” he chided as you raised your eyes to meet his. “You feel fucking perfect, I can barely hold back.”
“Then don’t—,” you whined in response, blushing at the dark grin that slid across his face.
“You want me to ruin you, huh?” He began, digging his fingers into your ass, spreading your cheeks as his lifted you. “You want me to come inside you, to fill you with pups?” Grounding his heals into the bed he began to thrust upwards at a steady but teasing pace. “Tell me. Tell me how bad you want it and I’ll give you everything.”
“Yes, I want it. I want your cum so bad, please fill me,” you begged without thought or hesitation in a high pitched, wanton voice that nearly threw him over the edge. Hvitserk grabbed at your hair, wrenching your head back to expose your neck to his teeth as he pounded into you in an unyielding rhythm. Your soft flesh bounced as he nipped along your throat. He could feel the moment your body let go, the walls of your cunt spasming around him as your limbs shook, overwhelmed by the liquid ecstasy that flowed so freely through you.
Hvitserk followed soon after, his own body tensing as he fulfilled his promise to release his seed deep within you. Finally giving up on using your arms for support, you collapse to his chest—still trying you gather you conscious thoughts.
Shifting, you move to roll off from on top Hvitserk, but he was quick to keep you in place the moment he felt the slightest tug on his over inflated knot. “Not so fast,” he chuckles, drawing his arms tighter around your ribs. “You think I’m letting you go this soon after getting you? I'm not done here tonight.” Your response was a content purr, accepting your fate for the evening as you nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck.
Hope you enjoyed! please tell me what you thought!
@beautifulramblingbrains @ariwolf14 @titty-teetee @whenimaunicorn @sweetvengeancee @ivarinleatherpants @tiyetiye @romanchronicles @oddsnendsfanfic @murmelinchen @buckybarnesisalittleshit @laketaj24 @ivarslittlebadgirl @readsalot73 @imgoldielikehawn @ivarsshieldmadien @ceridwenofwales​ @grungyblonde​ @honestsycrets @lisinfleur [[if you want to be tagged for vikings stuff in the future, leave a reply]]
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writeturnlove · 6 years
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x POC Reader
Part 4 of ?
Summary: Reader is assigned by the boss to train the newly hired account manager to the team - Sebastian Stan. She is reluctant to work with a new partner, but she feels up to the task…until she meets the handsome stranger and things get complicated.
Chapter 4 Warnings: Angst, fluff, sensual situations.
The New Guy: Chapter 4
By V.C. Turner 
Mia scooted down in the front seat of her car so she wouldn’t get caught spying on you and the mystery man running his hands up and down your back. She knew she shouldn’t be doing it, but the view was a little too adorable to ignore.
Although she was happy for you, she felt a little upset that you hadn’t told her about the secret romance you had going on the side. She pulled out her smartphone and began to record the little interlude on the porch. She watched as the man pulled you closer and kissed your neck. She saw the far-away look in your eyes and pride swelled in her chest.
“Get it girl,” she said to herself, and then took a sip of the coffee she’d purchased on the way over.
Mia watched the hug young man gave you as he whispered in your ear and you smiled. Once she finally caught a glimpse of his profile, she realized that she should have recognized that square jawline from anywhere.
You were messing around with Sebastian!!!! She knew it!!!
“See, I called this shit from day one,” she said as she did a little dance in the car.
She almost felt guilty for gawking at the intimate moment, but she had to admit it was kind of sexy to be a voyeur.
Mia watched as Sebastian headed to his car only to run back onto your porch to hold you again. She held her breath when she saw Sebastian take a brief break from nuzzling your neck, and then he pressed his lips to your forehead, kissing his way down your face until his nose brushed yours.
“He’s gonna kiss her. He’s gonna kiss her!” Mia cheered quietly in her car. She aimed her phone at the two of you, zooming in slightly to catch the kiss on video.
When Sebastian’s mouth captured yours, Mia squealed with delight. Her little girl was growing up…. and you were going to provide all the details of why Sebastian was wearing his Friday work clothes on a Saturday morning as he stood on your porch making out with you.
After a few minutes, he reluctantly pulled away. Sebastian stroked your cheek and Mia sighed as she recorded the moment, knowing that she would probably play it at your wedding reception someday.
She saw Sebastian whisper in your ear and place his forehead to yours. She witnessed the final embrace you shared with him as he slowly backed away to get into his car and leave.
Mia waited a couple of minutes before she ran up to your door and knocked rapidly. She heard your footfalls approach and cued the video of you and Sebastian. As soon as you opened the door, she pushed the “Play” button.
 You didn’t expect Mia for a few hours, so you hoped to get some sleep after Sebastian left. You still felt his lips on yours; the sensation burned into your memory. The feeling of his hands on your waist and your back continued to make you tingle. You missed him already. When you heard the knock on your door, it scared you a little, but when you saw Mia through the peephole, you relaxed.
Until you opened the door.
Your eyes widened as they fixed themselves on Mia’s phone, which had captured almost all of your exchange with Sebastian on the porch. While you knew the two of you were in public, you never dreamed that anyone would record it. For some reason, you believed no one would see it; much less someone who knew that you and Sebastian worked together.
You glared at Mia only to be met with tears of joy filling in your friend’s eyes.
“I’m so happy for you girl!” Mia said as she pulled you into a hug. She started to take a quick whiff of your shirt, then pulled away with a broad grin on her face.
“You smelling all like him and shit,” Mia continued, “Spill it because if y’all doing this mess out in the open, I can’t wait to hear what y’all did in here!”
You stepped away from Mia, but you weren’t able to hide the blush engulfing your brown face.
“Nothing else happened, Mia,” you said as you walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
Mia followed you, placing her things on your counter and sitting on the barstool.
“Plenty was happening out there on your porch,” Mia teased in her “I told you so” voice.  
You took a deep breath before you delivered your explanation.
“Look, we just hung out and did a little bit of – friendly cuddling – that’s all,” you insisted, chugging your water and hoping she’d drop the matter.
She didn’t.
“That wasn’t just friendly cuddling on that porch,” Mia stated, “That was making out.”
“We were not making out!” you yelled, slamming the water bottle on the counter and spilling water in the process.
Mia’s look of shock snapped you back to reality. You anger surged forward faster than you could catch it. Having someone see you and Sebastian, much less film your intimate moment, did anger you more than you realized. That moment was yours. It didn’t belong to anyone else and having Mia record you made you feel more than a little exposed.
“Damn, girl!” Mia exclaimed as she pushed back from the counter.
You did your best to hold it together and give yourself time before you spoke.
“I know you meant well, Mia, but … you made a video of our first kiss. I didn’t want to share that with anyone other than Sebastian. I wanted it to be just his and mine – at least for a little while,” you explained.
The disappointment you felt matched what was reflected in Mia’s eyes.
“I’m sorry girl. I was just so happy for you that I didn’t think about anything else. I’m sorry,” Mia said. She walked around the counter and hugged you. Your emotions soon settled and you both walked to the sofa to talk.
“No. Don’t apologize. I’m sorry I yelled. All of this just caught me off guard, that’s all,” you explained.
“So…how long have you guys been dating?” Mia asked, “That is – if you want to tell me.”
“That’s just it,” you told her, “I don’t know what we are. We didn’t really discuss it. You know how people say things like ‘It just kind of happened.’ Well, that’s how it was. He took me to dinner after work, and then we came here. A little flirting happened then something fell and scared the shit out of me. I had a panic attack, so he agreed to stay with me for a little while. The next thing I know, we’re cuddling on the couch. Then we moved to the bedroom,” you said.
Mia’s mouth dropped open when you said the word ‘bedroom.’
“And?” she asked.
“And…we just got a little friendlier. He behaved himself for the most part though. It was just so nice,” you continued, remembering each kiss on the neck and each caress he gave you throughout the night.
“But the whole ‘we’re officially dating’ conversation didn’t happen?” she inquired.
You shook your head.
“I know he likes me. I know he probably wants to sleep with me, but guys are like that with me, sometimes. It’s easier to get into their beds than it is to get into their hearts,” you firmly stated.
Mia raised her eyebrows.
“I don’t think that’s it, (y/n). He seems too into you as a person. I don’t think he just wants a little sport nookie. I mean let’s be honest. He’s gorgeous. He can get that anywhere. What he’s choosing is to be with you because you’re beautiful, smart, and amazing,” Mia stated.
“Mia, he can have any woman he wants, so it makes no sense to pick me. No. Maybe I’m his pity fuck for the year,” you asserted, staring off into the distance.
“Girl, you need to stop that mess. You know he’s been going after you for weeks,” Mia asserted, “That boy’s been brushing off everyone’s advances because he only has eyes for you.”
“Then there’s something wrong with him,” you said.
Mia pushed your shoulder and as she did, your phone lit up. A new message came in…from Sebastian.
“Hey beautiful. I hope you’re sleeping. Wish I was there. Will you call me later? – S”
You smiled down at your phone, running your fingers over the words as if you were actually touching Sebastian rather than the screen of your iPhone.
Mia tapped your shoulder and you showed her the message.
“Girl, it ain’t even been what, an hour and he’s already missing you. That boy’s in love,” she said.
You shook your head. While Mia’s words did give you some comfort, all of it felt too good to be true. The last time you dated a man this handsome was in college, but back then you were skinny and you felt confident about attracting men like that. Your college romance ended in heartbreak for everyone. You didn’t believe you could date anyone that gorgeous ever again.
Now, with a few extra years and pounds on you, attracting men wasn’t so easy and you ended up dating people simply because they were interested in you; not because you were all that interested in them. There were times when you struggled to find an attractive feature on someone and, once you did, you clung to that feature as securely as possible.
With Sebastian, you felt even more insecure about where you stood with him. Yes, he’d kissed you. Yes, he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of you the night before, but you couldn’t discount the possibility that he was just another horny guy interested in sex with a nice girl he thought would be an easy target.
Sebastian seemed nice; almost too nice. He had beautiful eyes, a perfect smile, a jawline made for royalty. You didn’t feel someone like that could truly fall in love with you, despite how he treated you the night before; or even how he’d treated you since the two of you met. You wanted to trust him. You really did and you had no logical reason to doubt him. But emotions are never logical.
“He’s not in love,” you asserted, placing the phone back on the coffee table.
“Wait, aren’t you gonna text him back?” Mia asked.
“Not yet,” you said as you bit your lip, “I don’t know what to say.”
Mia looked up at the ceiling as the thought about the right way to advise you on the subject.
“How about just sending him an emoji?” she asked.
You seriously considered this for a moment, initially believing that an emoji would not sound desperate – which is something you never wanted him to think. Then you realized that you were not one to play games with anyone. You wanted to be honest, but you also wanted to keep your emotions in check to spare your heart a little.
You picked up the phone and finally answered his message.
“Wish you were here too, handsome. I’ll call you after I get a little sleep,” you typed. You showed the test to Mia, who nodded her approval just before you hit the send button.
You placed the phone back on the table and turned to face Mia. The phone soon beeped again. You didn’t expect a reply so quickly and you were afraid to pick it up. You simply stared at the phone before Mia reached for it and handed it to you. Your heart raced as you opened the message from Sebastian.
There were no words just two emojis: The symbol for a kiss…and a red rose.
 Sebastian pulled up to the apartment building where he saw Anthony leaning against the brick wall of the massive residential complex. His friend approached the car and got in, huffing as he latched the seatbelt.
“Man, why are you this damn late?” Anthony asked. There was no anger in his voice; just frustration.
Sebastian picked up his phone and found your picture and then handed it to Anthony.
“She’s why,” Sebastian said.
Anthony whistled as he zoomed in on the picture and gazed at your features. He ogled you from your sparking eyes, to your full lips, to your angelic face, to your curvy body. Sebastian soon pulled the phone from Anthony’s hands.
“That’s enough looking,” Sebastian warned, “She’s my girl. You’ve got one.”
“I know. That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate little Miss Curvalicious on your phone,” Anthony added.
“I just showed you that picture to prove that I’m a damn good friend for leaving HER to come get you, that’s all,” said a smiling Sebastian.
Anthony slapped Sebastian on the back.
“Your sacrifice is appreciated, man,” Anthony joked, “So when are you seeing her again?”
           “If I had my way, I’d go back to her place right after I drop you off, but she didn’t get much sleep last night.”
           Anthony elbowed his friend and they drove to the car dealership where Anthony’s car was being repaired.
           “Damn. Wore her out did you?” Anthony joked, earning an angry glare from Sebastian.
           “It’s not like that! She’s not like that!” Sebastian defended himself. He didn’t want anyone thinking you were just another notch on his belt. He wanted didn’t want a fuck buddy. He wanted a serious girlfriend. You were the total package and, as hard as it was, he was willing to wait to unwrap it.
           “So, you and cutie pie just talked all night? Yeah right.” Anthony asked, pointing to the street where Sebastian would need to make a right.
           “We didn’t just talk. There was some kissing too… I’m not saying anything else, except that I really like her,” Sebastian explained.
           As the friends pulled into the dealership, Anthony exited the car then walked around to the driver’s side and leaned into the open window.
           “Well, then go get your woman later. Maybe Mia and I can meet you two tonight and we can all hang out,” Anthony offered.
Sebastian thought about it for a moment. While he didn’t want to pressure you into something you weren’t ready for, he wanted you to know how he felt. The selfish part of him also wanted to give you as much PDA as possible.
“I’ll talk to her later and see what she’s doing, okay,” Sebastian added. He waved to his friend and pulled away.
As he headed back to his apartment, he resisted the temptation to drive past his place and head to yours. He wanted to see you again, but he knew you were sleepy. You deserved to rest. Still, the memory of you lying next to him was so fresh and so perfect. He had to at least text you; reach out to you in some way if he couldn’t touch you for real.
Sebastian pulled into the parking space in front of his home and sat in his car for several minutes. He sent you a text message and after you responded, he couldn’t wipe the smirk off of his face. He ascended the steps of his house, stripped off his clothes and fell onto his bed. For the first time since he purchased it, the king-sized mattress felt empty. Something was missing. You were missing.
In that moment, he decided that this would be the last time he crawled between those sheets without you lying next to him.
 You went to bed after filling Mia in on the details from your night with Sebastian. She hugged you several times during your explanation. You were so glad to have someone in your life like Mia. She was the sister you always wanted; kind, outgoing, and fun to be around. You didn’t know what you would do without her in your life and you prayed you’d never have to find out.
           You slept for three hours before your eyes popped open on their own. You showered and dressed in casual clothes, thinking of Sebastian and what you would say to him once you gathered the courage to pick up the phone and call him like you’d promised.
           For some reason, you didn’t know what you wanted to say to him. You paced for several minutes before gathering the courage to dial his number. You were about to chicken out after the second ring, when you heard him answer.
           “Hi,” he said, his voice sounding deep, but cheerful.
           “Hey,” you said as you blushed. Why did you still feel nervous just talking to him on the phone? You were kissing him on your porch a few hours earlier and you continued to feel like a teenager experiencing puppy love for the first time.
Sebastian finally broke the somewhat uncomfortable silence.
           “Did you get some sleep?” he asked.
           “Yeah. I did. Thanks for asking. Did you get any rest?” you asked him.
           There was a brief pause before he answered you.
           “A little bit,” he said with what sounded like a hint of sorrow in his voice.
           “Why? Do you have usually have a hard time sleeping during the day?” you inquired, knowing that many people can’t sleep when the sun is up, regardless of how dark they make their bedrooms.
           “No,” he said softly.
           “Oh, no. Why not?” you asked him, finding yourself worried about him more than you expected.
           “I just had a lot on my mind, that’s all,” he clarified.
           “Anything I can help with?” you asked.
           “Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you wanted to go out again tonight,” Sebastian said. You could almost hear the smile in his voice. You closed your eyes, wishing you could see it. The reservations you were feeling earlier dissipated a bit and you lost yourself in happiness of the moment.
           “I’d love you – I mean, I’d love to,” you stammered.
           Several agonizing seconds passed.
“You love me?” he asked.
           You began to panic. Your heart beat so hard in your ears that you didn’t even hear your own explanation.
           “I’m sorry. I meant that I’d love to go out tonight,” you explained.
           He chuckled softly on the other end of the line.
           “Don’t be sorry,” Sebastian said, “Just promise me something.”
You took a deep breath, wondering what he had in mind and feeling a little nervous about what kind of promise he wanted you to make.
“What’s that?” you finally asked him.
“Promise me that the next time you say you love me, that it won’t be an accident,” he added.
You stopped breathing and swallowed hard. All of this was too perfect and too fast. You wanted to believe him, but you also needed to protect yourself.
“I think I can handle that. Although, I’m always nervous about being the one to say the ‘L’ word first,” you explained, hoping he would understand your caution.
“Don’t worry,” Sebastian said, “I’ll be the one to say it first.”
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