#it's not even a niche song
triangular-static · 24 days
do you ever have an animatic idea that seems so perfect that it's. genuinely hard to believe it hasn't been made yet. like i've actually looked more than once my brain has not accepted that it hasn't been done. i will try my best to take on this burden <- has never finished an animatic or rarely even a wip in general
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samglyph · 6 months
I truly believe Will Wood is an incredible musician and songwriter and is one of the top lyricists in the last decade both in and outside of the genres that he chooses to play in with absolutely zero irony. I also believe that you can only fully understand that if you’ve either had a pet die before listening to his music or you have a history of drug abuse and mental health crises. Or you’re trans.
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heynhay · 1 year
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i love everybody because i love you
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 2 months
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Drawing I never posted time so funny story:
so there's this one like really REALLY good Miku cover of a Super Sentai song i found like a year ago and recently i went "hey maybe i should make some fanart of it because I like the cover so much I can even shill the cover in the post so other people listen to it"
then i started drawing this and went to look up the cover to get in the mood only to discover the creator deleted the original upload and replaced it with a version that used AI art for the thumbnail (i am SO salty that guy made amazing covers whyyyy) (this is the saltiest ive ever been about someone using AI) and uhh the cover itself is still great but AI art goes against my morals so I don't wanna link it but I was already inspired to do this art so i finished it anyway
we can just say now this is art of Miku as a Shinkenger or whatever to my 2 followers that appeals to
(anyway this is how you learn i've been slowly falling down the tokusatsu rabbit hole recently)
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abyssal-art · 1 month
I hate Spotify character playlists so so much bc it’s all mother mother, will wood, and other real popular songs. and some don’t even WORK, man!!
Like have fun n stuff but I have a specifically curated playlist bc everyone else is wrong abt my favorite character /lh
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jencsi · 4 months
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ladybeug · 2 years
Alright so
It has been about 24 hours since i finished @peachcitts fanfiction metamorphosis and i spent at least 3 of those hours making a fanmix.
Listen, Im sorry, this is just who I am, Im someone who wants to make a playlist about a specific iteration of ml characters. Especially if there are some grey morals up in there.
read the fic, listen to the fanmix, follow me under the cut thats where the party is
...and by party I mean analytical summary of each song.
I'm about to talk about some of these choices I made in depth, as a treat for myself. An indulgence. I'll keep the fic references high level but there may be some theme/tone spoilers so real talk go read the fic and meet me back here.
@peachcitt I know I tagged you but this will get long you do not have to read it or acknowledge this homage just know I appreciated your story and thought a lot about it.
the whole playlist is meant to be listened to start to finish, its half the tragedy and half the hard work to get your life right side up and the rewards.
I actively tried not to put Cry for Judas on here and i did ANYWAYS
its on so many of my playlists already, I'm loose with this song. But frankly if i could only keep it on one I would keep it on here. I mean I just don't think any other adrien iterations do things just to see how bad they'll make him feel QUITE like this one and i just HAD to have that as the first line of lyrics in the playlist.
I'm just also obsessed with sad and angry, can't learn how to behave?? The tragic acceptance of being unable to be good??
find me a better match. this song had to be on here and it had to be first.
Your Ghost - this might be the only song thats only about Marinette which is a crime because I really connected with her pov but the truth is that this is an adrien fanmix and i need to accept that.
But for real the acceptance but inability to move on in this song is just perfect.
Can't Lose - maybe the angriest song on here? A little angrier than I was going for but I had to keep this one though because, I mean, "I'm thinking I can't move if there isn't somewhere else to go?" like, the, 'sure what im doing is bad but what else IS there' of it, I mean, what can I even say. It had to be on here.
If you only listen to one song on here listen to Animal Mask.
It's a song about partners in a wrestling match written as a metaphor for when John Darnielle's wife was in labor, and its so tender and sweet, and frankly it sounds like it could have been written for metamorphosis for like every single flashback of ladybug and chat noir.
I could quote every line and be like 'this is them' but like, 'hold on,' I cried, 'I'll be right there', pulled your mask down through your hair. they won't see you, not until you want them to. What am I supposed to say?? It moves me deeply I'm having emotional problems please come join me. Every other song on this playlist doesn't matter.
Anyways intermission, while we're here, let me share this experience that I had today with you:
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I did then proceed to count, was appropriately ashamed that about 25% of the playlist was mountain goats, and extremely painfully chose to remove 'oceanographer's choice'.
[tangent about Oceanographers Choice vs Haunted House]
As obsessed as I am with going straight from the unbearably tender memory in animal mask to oceanographer's choice, first line: "well, guy in a skeleton costume, walks up to a guy in a superman suit, runs through him with a broadsword", the anxious switch in music, and then straight into a song about a fucked up guy fighting the woman he is still complicatedly in love with.... and he doesn't know how else to be....
oh no, listen, as I typed that I half convinced myself to add it back in again
but I won't because I even more love the transit of animal mask to the shrill and tense line in Haunted House, "I was buried in the summer, all those parties ago", and then a confused and hysterical song about dissociation and loss of control in a world where nobody seems connected to what you're going through. The tone is more ungrounded, and scared, and less resigned. Which matches what I was going for - I tried to avoid songs that were just like... "yeah i'm evil >:) thats my identity"
[end tangent]
Little Pistol I feel like I barely have to justify, but I will say what really sold me is the reference to 'I want what's best for me, and I think I know just what that means'. But then also the slight change in tune at the end? Delicious?
The Run and Go, just read the fic ok
I Wanna Get Better is one that honestly feels like it doesn't fit perfectly but I'm really drawn to a sharp turning point in the playlist from 'bad and spiraling' to 'desperately clawing my way up' which is how reading the fic felt at a certain point, and this song feels like the perfect tonal shift and has the end-of-a-movie screaming conviction that I want. Its also just so good
Do it Anyways might be the second most important song... third most important? on this fanmix. The frantic, panicky music matched with the unwavering conviction to improvement is so unmatched honestly and if we're talking about how hard it is to be your best when you feel your worst, oh my god. Read the fic, listen at 2:44 and meet me back here and there's nothing else I even need to say
Absolute Lithops Effect.... I tricked you, this is also a mountain goats song :) its a cover though so I'm not counting it.
This is one of the most beautiful songs about hope for the future and growth that I know its very important to me. The title of the playlist comes from this song. Here's what you need to know about it:
Lithops are these:
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They grow so slowly they don't look like they're growing at all. But they are.
Love Love Love: Ugh don't talk to me about love love love. I'm not going to explain how this connects to the fic. It does, I'm right. There's nothing I can say about this that can't be said better by Mr. Mountain Goats himself:
"The point of the song is, you know, that we are fairly well damaged by the legacy of the Romantic poets--that we think of love as this, you know, thing that is accompanied by strings and it's a force for good, and if something bad happens then that's not love. And the therapeutic tradition that I come from--I used to work in therapy--you know, also says that it's not love if it feels bad. I don't know so much about that. I don't know that the Greeks weren't right. I think they were--that love can eat a path through everything--that it will destroy a lot of things on the way to its own objective, which is just its expression of itself, you know. I mean, my stepfather loved his family, right? Now he mistreated us terribly quite often, but he loved us. And, you know, well, that to me is something worth commenting on in the hopes of undoing a lot of what I perceive as terrible damage in the way people talk about this--love is this benign, comfortable force. It's not that. It's wild, you know?" — NPR interview with Linda Wertheimer, 14 May 2005
Metamorphosis: okay this one I added to make myself laugh but I also stand by it thematically
SUPERBLOOM: Don't we all deserve a little celebration for the hard work we do?
Anyways this is my fanmix, if you read to here I love you and you're welcome for all the mountain goats songs I peeled off of here that I didn't even tell you about. I didn't even put heel turn 2 on here. Whoops ok now i've told you about that one.
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motherwench · 6 months
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some favorite looks from jun song in big brother 4 (2003)
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krshush · 1 month
I think it's healthy to have a sort of section of your music taste dedicated to songs you know are niche or mid at best. gotta have an expansive palette for real quality taste.
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So are any of you bumfucks on this godforsaken app gonna talk about how Brazil (Declan McKenna) was written By and For Ronan Lynch or am I gonna have to do it myself let’s do this bitches
Fair warning I’m sorta really bad at analysis according to every English teacher I’ve ever had so this is a lot of me freaking out but I think it turned out ok (this took half a year)
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Starting off strong with Cars and Animals (Ronan’s favourite) !! Anyway the vibe I’m getting from this is like. The barns and then the He’s got eyes talks like an angel looks like me part is about the like. Greywaren vs Ronan Lynch dream vs human stuff we see in Greywaren (not super spoilery but it kinda doesn’t make sense unless u read the book lmao)
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I could write a whole second post as long as this one just about this line but let me unpack this because ohhh my god. First up the use of religion is so perfect for mister Lynch over here and then. IM THE FACE OF GOD IM MY FATHERS SON IS INSANE FOR HIM IM GOING SO FERAL OVER THIS HE LITERALLY IS GOD AND HES HIS FATHERS SON (“and Ronan was everything that was left: molten eyes and a smile made for war” and also The Scene in TRK where Adam goes into Ronan’s room and thinks Niall is sitting on the bed) THIS IS CANON
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He’s Not what u think u see he looks so mean but he just wants his little farm and for his husband to get into heaven when he dies (he’s worried about his agnostic tendencies) jk but this is 100% ab stereotypes and how Ronan doesn’t rly fit into what anyone thinks he is (the whole thing about Adam wanting to be unknowable and realizing Ronan Is Unknowable [poetry chefs kiss])
Can’t eat leather is so self explanatory. The bracelets are RIGHT THERE you can’t fool me Mr mckenna
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I’m done. I’m done. I don’t even need to keep explaining this it’s RIGHT THERE AGH
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And onto the ecoterrorism
I’m kidding (not really) bc this part always makes me think of literally the Entire Plot of TDT when Ronan is going around destroying capitalism to save dreamers. This IS the servers scene and the underwater pipeline and the Mirrors lady and also the way all of TDT is about self discovery and learning who you are and how to deal with that in a society made to destroy you and how isolating and sad that is (it gets him down 😞) and I can KEEP GOING
And just the way the song is so melancholy and also happy at once hits me so hard cause it feels like what the Barns does when you read the book like it SOUNDS like something Aurora would sing to kid Ronan it’s so homey and sweet but also sad and perfect
And obviously I don’t go through the whole song here but I feel that I’ve made my case sufficiently enough thanks for reading this far I love u mwah
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wormsdyke · 1 year
cannot beliiiieeeeeeve the heartstopper show runners would create a show so specifically designed to make my inner child weep
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ambrwolf · 2 months
Realizing how weird my music taste is cause this karaoke app has next to NOTHING on it 😭😭
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ourstarscollided · 1 year
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sgt-celestial · 1 year
Participating in the "try not to get gender envy from a cassette recording of your dad infodumping about 50s music on the radio when he was 18" challenge
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mirpkechi · 1 month
you’re also my favorite moot (well, one of two favorites, but still!)
i'm actually one of the favourite moots ?!?! kicking my feet and giggling and twirling my hair girlishly how the hell do people see me as their favourite ?!?!?!&÷(£&=["<÷[%>=(^ sobs happily thank you moot <3333
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articskele · 2 months
Hello... pardon me. Excuse my interruption. Can I ask you something? Do you know of VOCALOID? If so, can I show you a site I am working on? It is a wiki.
Oh, hello! I checked your blog and saw that you were working on an english translation for Moegirlpedia? I don't know much about Vocaloid myself, much less wikis and how to edit them, but I wish you good luck! ouo
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