#it's not about the star the restaurant or the money. it's about spending time together
thoughtfulchaos773 · 11 months
Sydney & Carmy -Make you happy.
I love this episode soooo much and I know it's been mentioned before. But I just need to say why I love it. It's because I adore the last song- To Make You Happy by Tommy Mcgee. It's just the perfect song beside Strange Currencies to tell us of Carmy's perspective.
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Carmy's quote in Al-anon.
"I think when I was a kid, anything that would give me any sort of excitement or amusement or enjoyment always got kind of fucked..I don't think they did it on purpose; sometimes, they'd try too hard or make promises they wouldn't be able to keep.
Carmy is in the role of his family. Although he wants to provide for Sydney, his search for amusement leaves Sydney in disappointment and sadness at his broken promise.
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It's a time when she's deep in thought, alone at a place representing happiness and nostalgia. It is a chapter in her life where she should feel joy, but Carmy's absence leaves her downhearted.
What makes Sydney happy is Carmy. If only Carmy realized he was enough. I hope he sees the meaning behind the desire to see a smile on her face, the same smile when they first met, and when she decided to stay by his side.
That means I love you
and all I wanna do is make you happy...
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koolades-world · 1 year
Exclusive Mc Privileges
Getting to wear his big coats and gloves when you’re cold or whenever you feel like it
Interrupting him working with no consequences no matter how silly the reason
Waking him up first thing in the morning like a kid on Christmas
Telling him how attractive he is when he’s mad
Helping him grooms his wings
Taking as many silly pictures together as they want as long as they don’t share them with anyone
Borrowing his pens
Helping yourself to his record collection
Staying out late
Comforting him in the middle of the night when he wakes up with a nightmare
Being his passenger princess
Treating him like a princess whenever he feels inadequate
Borrowing his sunglasses at any time
Keeping him company when Lucifer hangs him upside down
Taking the blame for anything bad you did even if it means losing money
Driving his car
Using his money
Calling him you first and cutest demon
Dressing in matching outfits even if they are bright pink
Joining him to any and all conventions
Making cosplays with him
Borrowing anything from his manga collection
Touching or seeing his tail in a domestic setting since he’s insecure about
Polishing his scales for him before parties!
Feeding him while he’s gaming
Letting you play any game you want on game nights together
Doing his makeup whenever you feel like it
Caring for Henry
Organizing his books
Sharing his tea collection with him
Baking cookies together from his favorite book series
Going to exclusive events as his partner
Using his influence to get you whatever you want
Spending late night reading time with him
Going on morning walks with him
Scrubbing his hair in the shower <3
Borrowing his notes from class if you were sick or just forgot to take some that day
Sharing his morning routine with him since he wants you to look fabulous too
Getting lots of gifts from him since everything he sees reminds him of you
Borrowing anything you want in his closet
Using his Devilgram
Matching jewelry!
Making jewelry together to have it matching which is better than buying it
Attending meet and greet events with him as moral and emotional support
Him cooking cute recipes he found online for you
Being his personal model for new looks
Cooking for and with him
Stopping him from eating the ingredients while cooking
Picking out his change of clothes after the gym
Going on dates to new restaurants
Stealing his shirts to fashion into outfits or lounging around in
Piggy back rides!
Flexing his arms for you so you can touch them
Admiring his wings
Teaching you everything he knows about various Devildom dishes
Sleepy kisses :)
Hiding in the attic to get away for a while and nap
Pillow shopping together
Going camping in the middle of nowhere to admire the stars and each others company
Sneaking off together at parties
Karaoke together since he knows how much you love his voice
Attempting to wake each other up but falling back asleep together each time
Surprising you at RAD with random gifts of flowers
Making cupcakes together and ending in a flour war
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ollieolliewrld · 7 months
HSR Men on Valentine's Day (SFW)
How each of the Men would spend Valentine's with their s/o!
2.8k words
♡He is going all out on Valentine’s Day
♡The bigger the better in his eyes
♡As you have seen everything with him is over the top
♡You two will be going to the most expensive restaurant and ordering the most expensive items on the menu
♡To him, this day is about celebrating the love that you both share so he will not cut any corners to show you this
♡Aventurine has spent the last two months perfectly picking out the gifts to give you, making note that each gift has a deeper meaning behind it
♡To most, he is a heartless businessman who only cares about gaining power, but his heart is fully yours
♡He cares deeply about you and even though he goes about this day very bombastically he does not treat it like a show
♡The money he spends is to show you the best things in life, not to buy your affection and he knows that you love him for who he is not for what he has 
♡One of the gifts he gets you is a ring with an aventurine stone, it is designed to match the ring he got with your birthstone
♡He asks you to wear it every day and he will wear his so that no matter where you are, you will always be together 
♡This is his favorite day of the year
♡An entire day he gets to celebrate your beauty? Yes, he does that every day but this one has a special name
♡Argenti is going to make sure that you fully feel his love 
♡There is a planet that has a restaurant built inside of a giant rose garden and he had placed reservations months ago
♡From the time you wake up, you are being showered in sweet words as he darts around making sure that he does everything for you
♡He does not want you to life a finger today, this day is about you 
♡When it is time to go to dinner you see that Argenti has already laid out an outfit for you with a single rose 
♡He kept everything a secret so that you could be surprised 
♡The look on your face when you saw the restaurant was everything he could have asked for
♡You sat at a secluded table surrounded by the most beautiful roses, above you was a clear sky full of stars
♡He sits across from you the whole night thinking about how lucky he got to find you and how he could not imagine a world without your beauty 
♡Blade is not accustomed to this day and what it entails 
♡He is confused as to why every shop suddenly has flowers and heart-themed goods to sell and asks you about it
♡You explain to him that Valentine’s Day is coming up and what usually happens on that day
♡Upon hearing this Blade takes time to think about how he wants to approach the situation
♡He is not a big talker and wants to show you that he cares about you but doesn’t get why that has to be done with a box of chocolates
♡To him, Valentine’s should be spent with you doing something meaningful
♡So when the day comes around he takes you to a location where no one else will be
♡It’s a weeping willow tree that overlooks a lake filled with bioluminescent life
♡He had set up a picnic for the both of you and explained that he would like to remember this day with only you 
♡After you finish eating Blade moves so that he is leaning against the base of the tree and you are in front of him with your back against his chest looking out the the beautiful view in front of you
♡You are in his arms all night as you spend hours talking and truly being together
Dan Heng
♡He gets nervous when Valentine’s Day approaches
♡He is not big on celebration and wants to do something nice for you but even with all of his knowledge Dan is not sure what the best thing to do is
♡First, he tries to check off the typical list, he gets your favorite flowers, and favorite candy, plans a nice meal he does what he knows is supposed to happen
♡But he gets stuck on the gift, every option feels superficial to him, like there is no real meaning it is just throwing money at a day
♡Nothing with you is meaningless, you mean the world to him why would he ever overlook any detail
♡So he is surprised when he is woken up to breakfast in bed by you 
♡You told him that Valentine’s Day is not about one person, it is about both people in the relationship 
♡All of the work he put in is appreciated but he does not have to go crazy to prove his love to you
♡Everyday Dan shows you that he loves and cares about you just because today has a name does not change anything
♡Before you go out to dinner, you stop at a bookstore where you each pick out a book for the other which is the best gift either one of you could get
♡You both enjoy reading and having a book that was chosen for you by your s/o has more meaning than any stuffed bear could
Dr. Ratio
♡You were not expecting anything to happen on Valentine’s Day
♡Yes Dr. Ratio loves you and shows you that, however, he has never been big on celebrations like this
♡He views them as a ploy by capitalism to sell off cheap products to lovesick fools
♡So you prepared yourself for a day like any other
♡While he may not believe in holidays for himself, he knows what they mean to you so when you wake up you are surprised to see a fruit salad in front of you with all of the pieces cut into hearts
♡You are taken back and do not know where this could have come from until you look at who is holding the salad
♡If he is going to do Valentine’s Day he is going to do it right
♡As you wake up fully and look around your shared apartment you see that all towels have been folded into hearts, most of the decorations have been replaced with red and pink versions of the item, and the most amazing display of flowers you have ever seen is sitting on your dining room table
♡He wants you to know that he loves you not just on this day but every day and he puts in the effort to show that 
♡Gallagher is a very classic man he will be picking you up with flowers in hand to take you out on Valentine’s Day 
♡You swoon when you see him in his black suit having the first few buttons of his white dress shirt undone 
♡He is the perfect gentleman, opening doors for you, placing his hand on your lower back as you walk, and pulling out your chair for you
♡When you are with him he is going to make sure you are treated right
♡Nothing in the world is more important to him than you and he takes every opportunity to show you this, having a major holiday that he can dedicate to you, he is going to run with it
♡At dinner, he chooses to sit next to you instead of across from you
♡He wants to not only be able to look at you but be able to have physical contact with you as well
♡Gallagher is a fan of sharing everything with you so whatever he gets will also be feeding to you as well
♡He takes care of you and will make sure you are full and happy before you leave the restaurant 
♡After dinner, he takes you to a cute little ice cream shop
♡You have a very cute moment where you get whipped cream on your nose and he kisses it off
♡Geppy is very excited for Valentine’s 
♡He had made sure his calendar was free so he could spend every minute with you 
♡You two had planned to stay in and binge all of the shows and movies that you two had wanted to watch together
♡Like always he makes you breakfast and showers you with affection before moving to the couch
♡He had woken up before you and set up a pillow in the living room, he even put fairy lights around the whole thing so that there was the perfect amount of cozy lighting
♡Inside the fort were pillows, blankets, and all of your favorite snacks 
♡Even though you were staying in he still wanted it be be special and not like any other day watching TV together
♡Hours go by as you are held in his arms being covered in kisses every so often until night comes
♡Gepard had ordered ahead from your favorite food place and made sure to get your usual order 
♡It’s the moments like these that he loves the most, seeing you in your pajamas, hair not done, just being comfortable and 100% yourself
♡Valentine’s Day now holds a special place in his heart because he has someone to share it with, being able to forget the world and be alone with you
Jing Yuan
♡Jing Yuan wanted to do something special for Valentine’s Day this year now that he had you in his life
♡In the past, he had ignored the day and treated it like any other but he is changing that for you
♡He wants you to feel loved and be able to confidently say that you are his 
♡So he is going to pull out all the stops
♡He gets a mini flower garden, live music, and the best chef he can find, and gives Yanqing an impossible task so he isn’t bothered
♡He arranges this all to be set up in the spot where you two first met, wanting to spend the night celebrating how far you two had come and the bond that you now share
♡You are not to do anything but arrive at the time in place he told you looking nice
♡When you arrive he is waiting there for you with a box of carefully decorated pastries 
♡He wanted to give you something as sweet as you are 
♡He takes your hand and leads you to the table where the food is waiting for you 
♡As you eat you are accompanied by live music in the background creating the perfect atmosphere 
♡After the meal, he takes you to a Terrance away from everyone and everything, and takes out a scroll he had in his pocket
♡Written on it is a speech he had prepared for you going over all of the reasons he loves you and detailing just how much he cares about you
 ♡After reading it the music starts up again and he leads you in a slow dance where he holds you close for the rest of the night
♡Valentine’s Day happened to fall on the same day as a big fight for him
♡You two had already discussed that you wanted him to go to the fight and celebrate with you later even though Luka was ready to skip the fight completely
♡After all of the training he had put in you could not let him miss this 
♡He agrees and makes sure to have plans ready immediately after the fight ends
♡When you arrive at the arena you follow your usual fight routine with him
♡You put Vaseline on his face to protect it, make sure his mouth guard is in, and oil up his arm to ensure it performs well
♡Kissing him good luck he heads into the ring
♡The fight is not going as well as you hoped it would and Luka is now tied in the final round
♡The ref calls for a time out and you run over to Luka 
♡Seeing the love in your eyes gave him the strength he needed and to proceeded to win the fight with a KO
♡You were so excited for him that you jumped into the right and grabbed onto him planting kisses across his face 
♡He grabbed onto you picking you up and spinning you around 
♡His happiness didn’t come from the win, it came from having someone whom he loved so much here in his arms 
♡Luocha was happy to have you in his life and had asked you what you wanted to do for Valentine’s Day 
♡In asking you once he got the answer he would make sure that whatever you said would happen without any issues
♡Whatever you wanted he would deliver you knew this 
♡So it was no surprise that you woke up on Valentine's Day to exactly what you had asked for weeks ago
♡He doesn't say much preferring to sit back and watch your reaction 
♡That is where he gets his joy, it's from watching you be happy, the smile on your face, and the sparkle in your eyes
♡He will always make sure you have what you want it doesn't matter what day it is
♡You are his everything and therefore you deserve everything 
♡Nothing is out of the question for you
♡Of course, Luocha has a few surprises for you like the neatly wrapped box you find amongst flower petals
♡Opening it you find a necklace with a stone pendant, the stone is unlike any other you have seen before
♡It is a shade of yellow and glows slightly 
♡Asking him what it is he tells you that he found it a while ago before he met you on a planet he forgets the name of, this stone is meant to be given to the love of your life so that the glow of the stone signifies the undying love you feel for each other
♡Valentine’s Day is one of Sampo's biggest business days
♡He makes a lot of money selling to last-minute gift buyers 
♡But this year he has no interest in this, for the first time in his life there is something more important than money
♡All he can think about is what to do with you and how he can put a smile on your face 
♡Instead of using his powers to gain from others, he uses them to get you a gift that he knows you will like 
♡There is a band that you have been talking about for months and there was a show coming up soon that you wanted to go to but tickets sold out immediately
♡Sampo suggested that he could just sneak the two of you in but you were against this 
♡So during your Valentine's Day picnic that he had planned, you found an envelope underneath your heart-shaped sandwich 
♡You were confused but Sampo just sat there with a smile waiting for you to open it
♡When you did you found a card that was clearly handmade, when you opened it you found the tickets but there were more 
♡Inside the card was a note written by Sampo, he has always been a smooth talker but this was different
♡He poured his heart out in this note and truly opened up about his love for you 
♡Welt has had Valentine’s Day planned out for months
♡He is a romantic at heart and has waited for so long to have someone to spend this day with 
♡As the day approaches he asks that you keep your schedule clear and he will do the same
♡What he has planned is to use the express to take you on a tour of the most beautiful parts of the galaxy, Pom Pom is in on this making sure that the only people on the express are you, Welt, and Pom Pom 
♡You two were completely alone and he was making the most out of this 
♡He had candles set up so that most of the light would come from the stars and suns that you were passing by
♡As you traveled he would tell you about every planet and regale you with information he knew you would be interested in 
♡Food was wheeled in by Pom Pom who was very happy to take part in this
♡Because you were also so kind and respectful to Pom Pom and the Express, Pom Pom was glad to be able to return the effort
♡The entire day was spent being with Welt doing what you both loved most, exploring
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Author’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day! Sorry for not including Sunday but I haven’t fully played story yet so I don’t know his character enough yet ! <3 <3
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rizsu · 2 years
mansae, mansae, mansae sunarin, kenma, bokuto, kageyama.
sum. ib ( inspired by ) mansae from seventeen (kpop) !!
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suna rintarō
inarizaki student suna — he thinks he's cool & slick when talking to you but he gets a little fidgety because of his overwhelming feelings for you
comes up to you in class like "yo" but it's not just any yo, it's a "yo please let me be your boyfriend i love you" but he's not going to say all that.
you guys are deskmates so he sneakily reaches out to hold one of your fingers saying "damn, it's cold today!"
suggests café study sessions when there's no practice (this is an excuse to be with you)
professional volleyballer suna — oh he's still awkward but a little bolder. we all know suna's the cameraman for ANYTHING so yes, he does use you as his personal photo dump.
definitely has your chats pinned. his screentime is high but when you're available to talk? that goes up to HOURS.
when he confessed to you, it was really sceneric. like you know all those fancy restaurants, 5 star hotel weekends, cute little dates to some garden— i mean he has money so why not spend it??
after any match, he comes over > throws himself face down on your bed > begs for you to massage his back > sleep.
kenma kozume
nekoma student kenma — you are his personal room. leaves everything in your care if he has practice or won't be able to use his switch at all.
kenma the typa man to take years before he confesses. he has plans he cannot afford to mess up. meticulously planned plans.
when his class is over he immediately makes his way over to your class and waits until you're out.
conversations usually go like:
"hey, let's go to the gym" > "what about lunch??" > "we can send lev for lunch i dunno."
he LIVES for the way he can just not talk and yet you two would be in a comfortable silence.
uni student & gamer kenma — drives to your house so you guys can go to university together.
if your courses are different — he waits for you at the caféteria and then you guys go wandering about waiting for the next course
if your courses are the same — sits next to you and you guys end up gossiping the entire class. "oh right did you hear about lev's interview?? it was.. something..!!" #1 lev hater (he loves lev)
invites you over for "just the weekend" but you end up staying the entire week.
kageyama tobio
karasuno student kageyama — awkward. very awkward. i know you guys saw the way he freezes up at anything that's not volleyball.
"uh- damn- hi- uhm, can you help me??" yeah you gotta help him or else he can't go to the practice with seijoh to settle his beef with oikawa.
really shy?? he literally cannot form a proper sentence without having hinata's help from the sidelines. sometimes he goes mind blank while staring at you.
does he answer anyone's messages? hardly. does he answer yours? immediately.
professional volleyballer kageyama — still awkward but not as much. isn't as bold as suna but he doesn't think before speaking and just lets it out. you can be wearing rags and he'd be like "wow you look so pretty.."
has this one pic of you furiously scooping out ice-cream while wearing some powerpuff girls pajamas as his lockscreen and wallpaper.
holds your hand like his life depends. he's asleep? holds your hand. scared bc of the horror movie? holds your hand. walking into the house? holds your hand.
a cutie honestly.
bokuto kotarō
fukurodani student bokuto — he does NOT care! will let you know he likes you and will court you until you give him an answer.
likes it when you massage his head after practice but you have to restyle it ++ tries to fit you in on any trips whenever they're going to practice with nekoma/karasuno/some other school
there was this one time he walked you home since he "lives nearby" but it was like?? 6pm so your mom made him stay over. she adores him.
lets you use his volleyball jacket(?) and loves it when he sees you down the hallway wearing it. whether it's tied around your waist or you're wearing it, he loves it.
professional volleyballer bokuto — made you his personal manager. talks A LOT about you when drunk,, to the point where sakusa had to tape his mouth shut.
"yeah so like y/n's so pretty i just wish—" "please shut up bokuto."
stole one of your perfumes bc he loves your scent and cannot live a day without your scent (exaggeration but you get me).
once bokuto messages you, there is no end. he WILL tell you every little detail about his day and honestly you love it :(
he can SING. whenever you guys are driving about it turns into a karaoke session.
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animehideout · 9 months
JJK Men Perfect First Date
Part 1
Who would you choose to go on a first date with?
Part 2 ✨
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Nanami Kento : Beach Date
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Nanami adores nature, so most likely he would take you to the beach, so both of you can enjoy the peace the beach brings.
You would start your date with a walk on the shoreline feeling the warm sand beneath your feet.
You would collect seashells that you'd keep forever as a symbol of your first date.
You came fully prepared with delicious food, snacks, refreshing drinks, a blanket to keep you warm in the evening and books.
You'd watch the waves roll in, the sound of the water brings you tranquility and encourages you to express your love.
You'd watch the sunset together, you sitting between his legs, your head on his chest as the blanket covers both of you.
He would whisper sweet nothings, play with your hair and reads you his favorite lines from his favorite books.
“Your touch is warm like sand, your love is deep like an ocean that I crave to understand”.
Gojo Satoru: Fancy dinner date
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This man likes to show off on his first date, so of course he would spoil you and spend his money on you.
He would take you to an elegant restaurant with a modern architecture.
Would probably reserve the whole restaurant for both of you so you can enjoy your intimate time together without people being loud around you.
Your table would be adorned with red rose petals and scented candles that helps both of you relax.
The candles soft glow adds to the romantic touch.
The soft live music in the background adds to the experience making it unforgettable.
Would bring you a bouquet of roses with another expensive gift.
Satoru works hard for the first date impression, he wants you to fall head over heels for him.
“This bouquet of roses pales in comparison to the radiant beauty you exude”
Toji Fushiguro: Stargazing
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Toji would admire the night sky and most importantly admire..you.
A blanket spread on the ground with some soft cushions so you can lay comfortably.
You'd lay your head on his chest while he lays on his back, his hand softly caressing yours as both of your eyes glued to the night sky.
To ward off the chilly night breeze, you'd bring with you some warm beverages.
A soft playlist of music instrumentals is playing in the background, taking you to another dimension.
You'd count starts, and give them names. If you're lucky enough you may witness a meteor shower.
Comfortable silence is cherished between both of you, just humming softly enjoying each other's company.
When you're in the mood to talk, you may share stories, myths or general opinion so you can get to know each other better.
You may share your first kiss as well.
You'd make a wish everytime you see a fallen star.
“As the star descends, my wish for our love to ascend to new heights reaching the edges of the universe”
Geto Suguru: Casual coffee date.
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Nothing is better than a simple date that would bring you closer to each other without being overwhelmed.
The space is cozy and eases any initial temsions.
Geto would greet you with a warm big bear hug, that heals all of your stress.
Both of you would choose a corner booth, so you can get some privacy.
The corner is adorned with fairy lights and plants that makes the atmosphere more relaxed and cozy.
The aroma of freshly ground coffe beans envelops both of you.
As you sip your warm drinks, the conversation effortlessly flows.
You'd talk about everything, your interests , your experiences, you dreams and ambitions.
You'd exchange loving glances, and genuine smiles.
He may hold your hand as well and run his thumb on your soft skin.
“Your company is incredibly comforting, I already feel at ease around you”
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saursoob · 1 year
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genre: fluff, random bf txt things, bf!txt x reader
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when you and yeonjun go on dates he takes soo many pics of you and the date you’re on! literally 30 million pictures of you he thinks you’re so beautiful he cant help it but if you’re not also doing the same and taking cute pictures of him as well he’ll get all fake upset “hey, i look cute too! take some of me” and he’ll pose all pretty waiting for you to take some of him 😭
if he playfully teases you and you get a little pouty he’ll definitely notice right away and pull you close and say something like “you’re so cute when you pout” and kiss you on your nose or forehead
he shares his food with you 24/7 “my baby always has to get the first bite” & will always ask after if you liked it “is it good my love?” he says it with such cute eyes UGHH he’s so cutie
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lovess movie nights with you but you especially love when its horror and he tries to act all tough but ends up screaming and hiding in your arms whenever there’s a jump scare and when the the movie ls over he says to you,“honestly that movie wasn’t even that scary” and says it so confidently too 😭
also the way when you make him laugh so hard to the point where he falls on to you laughing and/or shakes you slightly with his hands is literally so adorable + when he laughs his voice slightly squeaks at the ends of them
or the way he gets all flustered when you talk about how he was when you guys first met “you were just so shy soobin i cant help but tease you about it” and he comes up with sooo many excuses waving is hands in the air while a pink hue is tinting his cheeks, “well im just a naturally introverted person!” we all know its because it was love at first sight and that man was already so whipped for u
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loves loves loves being around you hes literally so clingy with you always playing with your fingers or hair he just loves being around you and he feels comforted by just that so cuddling with you is his fav & he absolutely loves when you play with his hair while cuddling especially during loser lover era when his hair was long <3
definitely will apologize first when in a argument but it will take him a while since his mindset is “why do i have to apologize? i didn’t do anything wrong, right?” but he will anyways because he cant stand you being mad at him for long
he loves teasing you but this time when going on a date with you he does it with his looks, tell me why this man pulls up to your date looking so scrumptious in a suit and tie ofc he teases “i look good right babe? i bet you can’t resist me right now” with that smirk of his so true i cant 🧎‍♀️
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taehyun doesn’t often show his affection in physical touch but instead buys you “gifts”, it doesn’t matter whether its food delivered to your house after you get home from work because he knows how tired you must be after a long day or something as random as something he picked up for you while shopping that reminded him of you he’s always thinking of u bae
also when you guys go on dates he is not afraid to spend money on you always making sure you get the best, taking you to five star restaurants and such + acts like its no big deal “babe are u alright?” NO IM NOT?? THIS IS SO FANCY? swear wouldn’t even care if one appetizer is 1000+ dollars like what. anything for u he says so 🤷‍♀️
definitely would “make” you go to the gym with him you went willingly to watch him workout okay at first you were gonna actually work out with him but how can you when your boyfriend looks so good lifting weights like that?!?! its actually impossible not to stare at that sight
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kai is such a reassuring boyfriend like any worries you have GO TO HIM!! not to mention so considerate like whenever you vent to him he’ll always ask “babe, do you want comfort or advice right now?” and by the end of it you’ll forget why you were even worried in the first place UGH kai is the definition of perfect bf
yk how protective he is with his plushes with the members? yeah not with you, he will literally let you borrow his fav plush and yes i say borrow because don’t get me wrong he LOVES you but he’s still a little protective with his babys also you guys definitely have matching plushies he bought you two pucca & garu
you two always talk in baby voices with each other def not in a cringe way though, it’s literally just became a normal thing for you two. at first it was to make fun of each other but now its just randomly. for the record though you don’t always respond back all cute 😭😭 “is it good y/nie?~” you give him the biggest side eye “well now im not hungry thanks!” LMFAO you both laugh about it so dw
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@saursoob reblogs r okay! please don’t repost
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atimeofyourlife · 7 months
A love written in the stars
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: Valentine's Day | rated: t | wc: 850 Steve always had bad experiences with Valentine's Day. Eddie makes him change his mind.
Steve had always hated Valentine's Day. Ever since he was a little kid. Because his early- only- experiences with it was an attempt to buy another's love. His father would always go overboard, showering his mother with attention and love and expensive gifts. Buying her love and loyalty for another year before going back to his mistresses by the end of the week. So by the time he was old enough to understand Valentine's Day, he already had a strong distaste for it.
Once he was old enough to start 'dating' it all fell on him. From when he was twelve, if he was even vaguely involved with a girl he was expected to get her a card and flowers or chocolates. Even when there was nothing more between them than holding hands at lunch and maybe a kiss on the cheek. He'd be lucky to get a scribbled note in return.
Once he was in high school and actually interested in dating and girls, Valentine's Day started to feel very transactional. He would put in cards and flowers and dates with expensive gifts, and he would get affection and maybe sex in return. But he knew deep down if he didn't go all out with it, they wouldn't be interested. Most of the girls around him wanted an experience they could brag about, not anything with commitment.
With Nancy it felt different. He knew she wouldn't want anything too big and out there. So he had a card and a single rose for her at school, with a candle lit dinner that he'd made that evening, with a full bunch of roses. A sweet date without any expectations for the evening. She'd got him a card and some chocolates in return. The date seemed to go well, but as the evening went on, Nancy started to pull away, the grief of losing Barb eating at her from the inside, making her feel guilty for doing something that Barb would never get to do. So the evening ended early with him comforting her and then dropping her home early. He knew it wasn't her fault, that she was suffering and struggling with her trauma, and he didn't blame her for the evening not going the way he'd planned it. But, when he got home to see the half eaten dinner that he'd worked so hard on, he couldn't help feeling that there was something inherently bad about Valentine's Day. It felt like it was almost cursed for him.
The years after Nancy didn't get any better. He tried to stay away from the spending a lot of money style of Valentine's plans, and focused more on the romantic, meaningful style dates. But once his dates realized he wasn't going to be showering them with expensive gifts, they lost interest. Often making excuses to leave before the date had run it's natural course. It made him want to just give up on Valentine's Day.
But then Eddie happened. Neither of them mentioned any plans for Valentine's Day. Steve was thinking of treating it just like any other day. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner together, have sex, then fall asleep. And to start with, Eddie seemed to have the same idea. The day started normal, a lazy morning make out session before they both had to hurry to be ready to leave on time for work.
When Steve got home, the table was scattered with folded paper stars. He didn't know what to make of it. He was so caught up in it, he didn't notice Eddie coming up behind him until his eyes were covered.
"You weren't supposed to be home just yet. No peeking." Eddie said, steering Steve into the bedroom and pushing him down onto the bed. "Now stay here until I call you."
Steve didn't get a chance to reply before Eddie had left the room again.
He wasn't alone for long before Eddie came back to him. "It's ready now."
Steve followed Eddie back to the kitchen. Plates already on the table with what looked like take out from their favorite restaurant. The room lit only by the star shaped lights that had been hung all over the kitchen.
"Ed's, I-" Steve didn't know what to say. He just wasn't used to a partner making an effort for Valentine's Day.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I wanted us to eat under the stars, but it's too cold to eat outside, so this is the next best thing." "I. I love it." Steve choked out, unsure what else to say.
"And each one of these stars," Eddie picked one of the paper stars up, holding it between his thumb and finger, "is to remind you how much I love you. I know you don't have great experiences with Valentine's Day. But every time you feel like you deserved the way all those girls treated you. Open one of the stars. Each one has a message inside, reminding you that you are so loved."
Steve couldn't help the tears that were welling up. "I love you."
the paper stars are these origami wishing stars:
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intynidad · 1 year
I lost the askkkkk but somebody asked me for how a relationship with the love interest of the otome au would be soooooo:
How a relationship would be with the yandere otome characters SFW
Yandere otome au part1 part2
The childhood friend
Very wholesome, you two have known each other since forever, and things haven't changed much. Your relationship would be like an extension of your deep friendship, but with the added sweetness of kisses, hugs, and, well... other things.
It's amazing how your connection has evolved over the years. You've shared countless memories, inside jokes, and moments of vulnerability. There's an unspoken understanding between you, a comfort that comes from knowing each other's quirks and flaws.
The transition from friendship to romance is smooth like it was mean to be.
Be prepared for Cute dates and lots of cuddling
The older family friend
Prepare to be immersed in a life of luxury and glamour beyond your wildest dreams! A relationship with him is like stepping into a world of opulence and extravagance.
Don’t take me wrong, you had money, after all you are the heir of the L/N corporation, but he has more…so much more
Picture yourself indulging in lavish dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, savoring exquisite cuisine prepared by renowned chefs. Every meal is a culinary masterpiece, accompanied by the finest wines and champagne (or expensive sodas and fine juices if you don’t drink). Your taste buds dance with delight as you explore a world of gastronomic delights, each bite a symphony of flavors.
But it doesn't stop there. He has a penchant for showering you with lavishing gifts, each one more extravagant than the last. Expensive jewelry, designer clothes, and luxurious accessories become a regular part of your life. The world becomes your runway as you effortlessly exude elegance and style, draped in the finest fabrics and adorned with dazzling gems.
The heroine
Exactly what you would expect with dating a diva, but hey your nails never look better!
One thing is certain: she knows how to command attention. She's the type of person who effortlessly captivates a room with her magnetic presence. Being with her means being in the spotlight, as she enjoys being the center of attention and adores having you by her side. Prepare to witness her diva moments and embrace the grandeur that comes with dating a true star.
but don't worry, it's not all about her. She genuinely enjoys spending quality time with you and cherishes the moments you share together. She understands the importance of self-care, and skin care dates become a regular part of your routine. Get ready to be pampered and treated like royalty as she devotes herself to ensuring you feel loved and cherished.
She knows all the gossip from everyone in town so she is the go-to person for all the juicy details of every rumor
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit back, as she entertains you with the latest drama and spills the tea on everyone in town.
She is a mega fan of carnival dates, she just thinks the ferri wheel and the cotton candy makes for a romantic outing, she just enjoys going out in general , there is an activity for everyone after all!
The loner
It took them a solid two weeks, after you two began dating, to fully process and comprehend the reality that the two of you were indeed in a romantic relationship. It was as if their mind needed some extra time to catch up with their heart.
He is such a puppy with you,honestly he would gladly strip themself of their personality to make sure you are happy
You wanna do A? Sound fun
You wanna eat B? Please do!
You wanna use him as a stress reliever
You wanna play C? On board !
His only response to anything you ask would be “yes dear” and is not like he minds to be honest, he is happy as long as you are happy
The playboy
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself succumbing to the irresistible allure of their charms. They had an air of confidence about them that was both captivating and, dare I say, a tad cocky. But hey, that was part of their charm, right?
Being a true party animal, they knew how to bring the fun wherever they went. Get ready for a whirlwind of lively nights filled with drinks, laughter, and the pulse-pounding beats of music. With them by your side, it felt like the party never stopped. They had a knack for turning any gathering into an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting impression on the town's history, whether for the better or worse. The stories that emerged from your parties together became legendary, etching your names in the memories of those who attended.
One of their many talents included the art of mixology. They could effortlessly whip up tantalizing cocktails that tantalize your taste buds and set the mood for a delightful evening. Whether it was a classic concoction or a unique creation, their skills behind the bar were unmatched. Imagine sipping on expertly crafted drinks, each sip a flavorful journey that they meticulously curated just for you.
As your place became the epicenter of these vibrant gatherings, it transformed into a haven of excitement and celebration. The walls echoed with laughter, the music reverberated through the rooms, and your home became a sanctuary for joy and revelry. Sure, the occasional mishap may have occurred, but it only added to the colorful tapestry of memories that you shared with them.
So, brace yourself for a whirlwind of endless festivities and unforgettable moments. With them leading the charge, your nights would be filled with the clinking of glasses, the rhythm of the music, and an undeniable energy that brought people together. Get ready to raise your glass and toast to the extraordinary experiences that awaited you in the company of this charming party aficionado.
The delinquent
Why x2
To be honest, you were the one who took the first step in this relationship. It's not that they were shy or anything, but they couldn't quite comprehend the fact that you would actually want to date them
Congrats! You are an official member of the gang now, and everyone better respect you if they don’t want their teeth on the floor, on the outside he is still the leader of the criminal gang, and you would easily become his right hand in all of his plans.
Hope you aren’t afraid of a little blood!.
He would teach you how to fight and defend yourself if you didn't know already,your ego would get a boost with all the gang treating you with respect (and fear)
On close doors,baking dates are a must, you would be the designated taste taster of all his cooking!
He can make almost everything sweet!
Low carb, sugar free, gluten free, allergies, just tell them and they will accommodate all of their cooking to your taste.
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gluion · 5 months
[TEASER] finger trapped (ripped to its seams) ➵ ji changmin
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ji changmin x reader
with an unexpected reunion, you and changmin relive the memories of cheongju—and confront what could’ve been between you two.
inspired by ➵ "seasons" by wave to earth, the last five years
general genre/warnings ➵ friends to almost lovers, angst, fluff, the last five years story-telling method aka present will be told going backwards while past will be told moving forward (i hope that makes sense), missed chances, unexpected reunion, keeping secrets & lying, hurt/comfort, jealousy remains but love triumphs, tiger parents, journalist reader (u kno i had to do it), reader is a nerd and changmin is a student-athlete, kms jokes from jongseob (all /lh), finger traps aren’t efficient after all
word count ➵ est. 10-15k [now available! read here]
playlist ➵ end of beginning by djo // high school in jakarta by niki // i know it won't work by gracie abrams // no big deal (i love you) by dodie // keeping tabs by niki // no one knows by stephen sanchez & laufey // so what now by renee rapp // i wish i hated you by ariana grande // the 1 by taylor swift // seasons by wave to earth
a/n ➵ shhhhhhh.... i know that i'm still writing this but a lil motivation and accountability goes a long way SOOO !!! this is just a lil teaser for the upcoming jichang fic for the deoboyznet event <33 thank you again to my lovely @hcuyk for beta reading !!! (i've only written 1/4 please understand.) but i'm dedicating this to my lovely @sungbeam whose love for changmin is one i'll forever feel even to my ribs and @wavesmp3 who forever remains an inspiration in the way i write </3 plus, i've posted these snippets anyway so :P if ure interested in this fic, feel free to ask to be part of the taglist for this! and dont forget to always leave feedback <3
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlists
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it’s a late night on a tuesday, about to be a midnight wednesday, and you’re in a convenience store as you scout for your dinner. all hauled up in the newsroom, the idea of ordering food during a time where restaurants would still be open slipped your mind. now, you’re left to scan through the same options you’ve eaten for the past years since you started living in seoul.
the convenience clerks are familiar with you, both kim jongseob and kim jiwoo. with your constant late-night meals at the store, you’d talk to whichever one had a shift. jongseob is saving up to upgrade his setup at home to record more music. with all the stories he shares about his time in underground rap battles along with the short verses he’s performed for you, you’re positive that he’ll get signed to a label soon. as for jiwoo, this is one of the many jobs she has in order to save enough money for fashion school. you’ve seen her sketches and outfits she’s put together and you’re hoping that she’ll get accepted.
a sigh leaves you. you didn’t have a problem with eating the food here but you were craving for something new in your life in seoul. the perpetual cycle of eating takeout food and unconsciously skipping meals for work needed to be disrupted just for a moment. but you weren’t seeking michelin-star food—all you wanted was home cooked, something from home.
the spice of tteokbokki, the burn of freshly fried hotteok, and the sweetness of homemade peach iced tea—mr. kim’s convenience store had it all.
your tastebuds long for cheongju.
“planning to beat your record of spending 23 minutes on deciding what to get?”
you roll your eyes before looking to your right, seeing jongseob stocking up the drinks in the fridge. “i hate you.”
“what? i’m just saying, you’re taking a lot longer to decide today.” he chuckles before placing the last bottle of sweetened probiotic milk in the fridge. “none of the options look good to you?”
“sort of,” you hum before you scan through the aisle of packaged meals. “i think i’m craving for something different.”
“i get it. the food here can get boring, which is why i’m planning to order pizza if you want to split the costs.”
your eyebrows shoot up at jongseob’s suggestion. “really? you’d share pizza with me?”
“yeah, as long as you pay for your share.” he shoots you a smile before grabbing on a trolley carrying empty boxes. “unless… you want to pay for the whole thing.”
you bite back a smile as you shake your head. you should’ve known the guy would ask you to buy him food, but you knew that he needed the money and you at least had a stable income to keep you comfortable. “fine,” jongseob’s smile grows as you fish out your wallet from your pocket and pull out a couple of bills. “just order enough for us two.” 
“of course,” he says as soon as you hand him some money. “i’ll make sure to order the most expensive thing on the menu.”
you scoff at his joke. “just make sure to treat me to something.”
the bell by the door chimes. “sorry, can’t hear you over that! need to attend to a customer!” jongseob quickly runs away from you while dragging the trolley. that little shit just knew how to press your buttons, but you love the kid, anyway.
still, you stand in the middle of the mart and your heart longs for home.
then, you shut your eyes, and you’re transported back in front of the familiar aisle filled with bags of potato chips and sweet corn. the noisy fan along with the soft sounds of mr. kim’s korean drama fills your ears. a mix of yellow and orange hues paint every corner of the mart, including you—and you’re not alone.
your best friend stands on your right, wearing the unbuttoned school uniform polo over a tank top along with jogging pants. he’s lost in thought as he scans through the options of snacks you two can have for today’s afternoon. he starts to giggle to himself, probably from a silly thought he’ll share with you in the next second or a memory involving you, and the dips in his cheeks appear—your heart thumps in your ears.
and just like how quickly you were transported back to cheongju, your surroundings transformed into the cool-lit convenience store found in seoul. all you have left is the image of him bathed in the sunlight.
but he fades away like the ink on old receipts, never gone, because the glowing image of him warps into a different version who stands next to you in the cold mart. he’s grown a few inches taller and his hair doesn’t get in the way of his line of sight. while he wears a green sweater, you notice that he’s gained some muscles. his eyes scan through the aisle behind you filled with different brands of instant ramen.
but he bites the inside of his cheek, and his dimples appear.
it’s a tornado that brews within you, enough to uproot trees and displace buildings, all because of an unexpected reunion with changmin. why did the universe decide to bring two ex-best friends on a random tuesday night? what brings him to the convenience store at the same time you’re there? and why did it have to happen a day before the interview?
you weren’t going to commit the same mistake; keep your eyes off of him and make your way out of the store. it didn’t matter if you had an empty, growling stomach, or gave free money to jongseob. you need to leave without the distant, familiar face noticing.
your feet act fast, and you're almost certain that might’ve caught his attention, but it didn’t matter as you see jongseob standing behind the cashier with his phone out. “i just ordered the pizza. it should arrive in about… 20 to 30 minutes.”
“yeah, about that…”
“don’t tell me you’re taking your money back.”
at the sight of jongseob’s pout, you roll your eyes. “no, keep it. i just—i need to go.”
“what? why?”
you peek behind you. it seems like he didn’t recognize you, after all. “i’ve got… work!”
“but don’t you only have your interview with the bo—”
“hey!” your fingers snap at him. “you cannot—i mean, you just… just take the goddamn money.”
“but we’re supposed to share the pizza. you haven’t eaten.”
an exasperated sigh leaves you. “jongseob, just treat me next time. i can eat at home.”
and you’re ready to leave the convenience store, bid farewell to jongseob and a delicious pizza made for two, and never greet or say goodbye to the living fragment of what you last know of cheongju—
and the plan failed.
when you meet his gaze, you’re able to take in the different version of him. he’s grown so much—it’s such a pain that you weren’t there to witness it. his eyes are a pool of emotions; you can’t identify them.
all it takes is one breath from you. “changmin.”
a beat passes.
“i’m just gonna… go through the storage,” jongseob points his thumb at the back of the mart, “and maybe kill myself afterwards. i don’t know.” before you can protest, he’s already gone. (and he still has your money. that fucker.)
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taglist ➵@winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
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Slytherin Boys try to impress you with their idea of an ideal date.
(part.1) : Draco | Blaise | Theodore
Warning - mentions of kissing, slight toxic behaviour if you squint. This is not proof read, so kindly ignore any grammatical errors or typos
a/n . I have only included Draco, Blaise and Theo in this because if I add the rest of them ( Enzo, Matheo and Tom ) it'll be far too long. But for the most part I'm too lazy to write for everyone in one go. I don't mind writing a part 2 if someone requests. Also yes I made the mini mood boards 😌
Kindly do not copy my work.
Draco Malfoy is the definition of generational wealth, so there's no doubt that he'd plan something romantic and lavish to spoil his partner.
He's not the best at expressing his feelings through words, so he loves making grand gestures in spoiling you. This is his way to show his upbringing and heritage; that he is worthy of your time and can treat you right.
Firstly he would pick you up personally then gift you a bouquet of your favourite flowers & something exquisite, like some custom made jewelry -an elegant bracelet maybe.
He'd go all out and book a private roof- top classic candle light dinner at the most famous and exclusive wizarding restaurants with the perfect view of the Eiffel tower in Paris. He'll hold your hand across the table, gently rub circles and occasionally give it a kiss. He also arranges for a pianist to play your favourite pieces.
After dinner, he would surprise you with a suite at a luxurious hotel to spend the night together. He'd run you both a bath and wash your hair for you while you enjoy some champagne and the most delicious macaroons you've ever had.
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Blaise may come off as the most unbothered slytherin boy and honestly speaking, he is. But not when it comes to you.
You are special to him and he'd make it a point that you know. To prove this he would opt for an unconventional but romantic date night idea.
I just feel that he'd know how to drive a charmed car and owns a wide collection of vintage cars ( few from his ex step -fathers' as well). So he would take you on a romantic drive in the evening on his favourite classic vintage Porsche.
Both of you spend the night driving through the night sky watching the city lights of London; making conversations about what you like the most about each other.
Then he'd make a stop at one of his favourite spots secluded from the city to spend time watching you gaze at the stars and cuddling to get warmth from each other's bodies while he hums a soft tune.
He'd then drop you home safely but not before he kisses you passionately and say those three special words for the very first time.
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Theo is the pretty boy of the group. He is no doubt loaded with money- their family basically mints money for Gringotts from generations (so duh-) but he doesn't like to flash it the way Draco does.
He uses the 'dead mother' card to pull girls but in reality, he is quite the player. Deep down he at times, craves for female validation or attention. So he surrounds himself with different girls every few weeks so that he wouldn't get too attached to them.
But then he meets you and he just knows that you're the one for him. So he chases you down until you fall for him and now he wants to surprise you with the perfect date idea.
He invites you to his holiday home in Italy for the first time. The place where he grew up until his mother's death when he was 7 years old. He shows you around the huge property facing the sea and telling you about his childhood adventure there and secretly hopes that he would one day get to spend his life there with you.
He would then cook you dinner himself. Spaghetti- in the traditional Italian way with some vintage wine from his family's vineyard in the countryside.
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Thanks for reading! 🤍
Do like, share and comment down about your thoughts 🤔💭
Who would you go on a date with and why?? 🐍
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tojivu · 2 years
a/n hahah Hi
warnings/tags dates with genshin men. gn!reader. includes zhongli diluc childe xiao thoma. a little favouritism in childe LOL sorry. petname ‘baby’ used in childe’s. mentions of wearing a dress in xiao’s.
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ZHONGLI never lets the romance die. you’ve been together for a while now, and he has never disappointed you in that time. candles, picking you up in his car, getting out of it and opening the door for you—dates with your boyfriend are truly the highlight of the week. due to his busy schedule at the funeral parlour, he often leaves you alone in the wee hours of the night; but he never lets you go a week without a date where it’s just the two of you. he values you greatly and it shows in the way he puts so much effort into these special nights, and he’d often ask you how you liked it afterwards (if there need be improvement, though rare).
“hello, dear. ready to go?” he’s walking you to his car, your arm around his—and you nod.
you wonder where he’s taking you this time, since it was his turn to pick this week; but you don’t really care. anywhere with zhongli is fine with you, even if it was a junkyard and you two spent the night eating chips & watching the stars.
he ends up taking you to a fancy restaurant in the city, in a high rise building—he pulls the chair back for you, and you’re speechless at the view. the city lights were bright, and you could see cars commuting multiple floors below. it overlooked many of the other buildings, but what caught your attention the most was the night sky.
“the view is so.. stunning, zhongli—how did you get a spot here?”
“anything for a beautiful view, y/n.”
you notice he’s not even looking outside, but instead staring right at you. you don’t know why, or maybe you do and you’re just shy: but something’s telling you that it’s not the city view he’s talking about.
DILUC never understood the appeal of date nights before you came along. he thought they were pointless, spending money to do something outside the comfort of your own home seemed like just that. it was only until you expressed your need for quality time that he finally gave it a try. having a busy schedule, he wasn’t sure when to take you out—but when he finally did find an opportunity, he found himself enjoying it much more than he thought he would. ever since then, he’s been picking you up from work at least once a week and taking you out to somewhere new; diluc’s never one to disappoint.
work ended late into the afternoon and you were starving. your coworkers waved you goodbye as they entered their taxis home, and you were just about to book a ride too—but a few seconds later, you see a familiar white car stop in front of you.
the window rolls down, and you see your boyfriend in the driver’s seat. what an extravagant entrance, you think, and you find yourself snickering at him.
“what’s so funny?” he asks, blank and deadpan expression worn.
“nothing. where are we going now?”
“you ask this every single time; you wouldn’t know.”
“i thought so.” you smile. it’s amazing, how someone could know so many places. at least now, you’ll have more places than just your shared apartment to make memories in.
you get in the car, and you both drive off.
CHILDE plans the most obnoxious, extravagant dates. he knows that you think it’s cringe, but he loves seeing the embarrassment on your face when he appears at your doorstep in his finest suit with the most colourful flowers, a sign in his left hand saying “will you go on a date with me?”. you could say it’s not surprising, a man of his nature doing such things—yet it’s sweet, not more sweet than cringeworthy, but still sweet nontheless. you were the lowkey, stay at home with pizza and binge movies type: after all, that was what your ex boyfriends had given you—but it’s childe, so you can always expect something more.
it’s a rainy friday night and childe hasn’t texted you. you’re sure he’s up to one of his stupid antics again, but a part of you thinks he’s probably swamped with work and can’t text you. it disappoints you a little, but it can’t be helped anyway. there’s always next week.
just then, your doorbell tune plays. you get up from bed, excited, but then you remember you ordered food an hour ago. could be the delivery guy, childe wouldn’t just appear at your door during a thunderstorm without telling you he’ll be late, right?
but you open the door and see him, drenched from head to toe, holding a bouqet of flowers (that were also wet). “i’m so sorry baby, i got caught in the rain while buying these.” he explains, using his free hand to move the hair away from his face.
it’s safe to say you two didn’t have the expected date that night. but he’s here, in your home, snuggled up next to you—he’s warm from the shower you told him to take, so you don’t really care; a break from the glam once in a while isn’t a bad thing.
XIAO is never late. he plans down to the minute, every detail in his mind—it always goes according to his plans whenever you two are out. usually, it’s always him who handles the where, when and how. you were never the type to plan ahead, often throwing yourself out there and seeing where it took you—and always the one following others plans and agreeing with everything. it was a friday night and you’ve gotten sick of the restaurants; you’ve sworn that you visited one of them at least more than 5 times in a month already.
you’re tempted to ask xiao to change it up a little, but it’s last minute—you’re getting ready and he’s on the way. you’re sure he would get mad, who wouldn’t? he’s booked a reservation, he’s wearing his nicest suit and you’re in your prettiest dress, it’d be a bit rude; but you’re sick of the monotony, work has got your legs sore and there’s nothing you want more than to lay in bed with your boyfriend.
xiao shows up at your door, and you hesitantly speak up before he takes your hand. “can we just stay in tonight?”
“tired today?” he smiles, expression soft and understanding—and you’re immediately relieved.
the night definitely did not go as xiao envisioned, but it’s okay—he’s with you, still, and that’s all he needs to check off his list.
THOMA grimaces at the thought of sitting across his lover, eating and just talking. that is the most boring thing ever, he would say; and that’s not because he doesn’t enjoy conversation with you, it’s mostly because there isn’t an opportunity for him to see you laugh or smile until your cheeks hurt at a dinner table. you won’t see anything funny at a fancy restaurant that would make you burst out laughing—and thoma loves that most about you, how your voice jumps an octave when you’re laughing and smiling, how your eyes sparkle most in those moments, or how you clutch your stomach when it’s too much to bear. there’s no fun in it, he would tell you time and time again.
due to this, it was clear what he needed to do. rule number 1, no dinner dates at fancy 5 star restaurants (unless you’re really craving a good steak). the weekend arrives swiftly, and you know your boyfriend is going to surprise you with a new adventure. this time, it’s going hiking and ziplining.
“oh, but we’ll be going together!” he responds, all cheery when you tell him you’re not a big fan of heights.
“that doesn’t make it any better.”
“are you sure? we could hold hands—“ thoma adds on, clearly convinced this was the most romantic thing to do with your lover.
“we are going to a restaurant after this. and i’m going to talk the entire time.”
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140323 — omg this was shpposed to go up 2 months ago but i got swept up in so much :,, anyways not proof read as always don’t comment anything mean or else it’s another hiatus ok bye
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tedwardremus · 4 months
What kind of dates do you think Harry and Ginny go on? I think they are super fun-loving thrill seekers. Harry was denied so many happy experiences when he was younger and I bet Ginny fantasized about all the things she would do when she was older and had money and finally some freedom. So, I think they are super fun and they travel a lot. Basically act like two big kids even when they are 35 or 45. They do things like order every dessert item on a restaurant's menu. They do dumb challenges like try every cereal and rank them from best to worst. Make a list of every single theme park and all the best rides and try to experience every single one (they def took Teddy to Disney World and paid for the VIP treatment so he could eat with Mickey Mouse). They do bucket list things like spend Christmas in NYC (Harry loves it because the muggles are distant and rude and that's totally his vibe) and spend New Years on Sydney Harbour watching the fireworks on the beach (one of Ginny's fave ever memories). When the kids have birthdays they are the aunt and uncle that rent the bouncy castle and water slide and rent a fckn pony for the kids to ride. They are FUN. For Christmas they do a build the nicest gingerbread house challenge with the kids and its super competitive. One time Ginny shows up at Hogwarts and says there is an emergency and the kids need to go with her and they are like wtf and then they meet Harry in Hogsmeade and take a portkey to Coney Island (Hermione is so furious and yells at H/G over this because it's SO childish and irresponsible - Ron is like please don't tell her I went with you she thought I was at work).
It was a difficult undertaking to plan a date night when your boyfriend happened to be the most famous wizard in the entire world. Everywhere they went, the press was sure to follow. And if not the press, then someone would try to tell Harry how amazing he was and ask for an autograph. Either way, if they spent too long in public, Harry would get spotted, and his mood would turn sour.
There was always the Leaky Cauldron—Hannah would ensure they had a private booth. But the Leaky was crowded and noisy and they spend so much time hanging out with friends there it didn't really feel like a date night location.
There were always weekend getaways to Romania to the Dragon Reserve to see Charlie or France with Bill and Fleur. But family trips, while fun, were not romantic.
They'd head out to Muggle London, go to the zoo, and once Harry took her to the movies. But if she was honest, Ginny didn’t understand the hype and much preferred reading her books or listening to stories on the wireless.
Or they’d go out with Hermione and Ron, but again—a date that included brothers was automatically not romantic.
Then there was coordinating their busy schedules. When Ginny didn’t have a game, she was usually training, and now that she was on the national team as well as the Harpies, her schedule was even more hectic.
Harry, of course, was busy not just with Auror training but also various committees to reform the Ministry. He always did his best to spend a day or two a week with Teddy—even if it was just a quick mealtime hello.
That’s why their best dates tended to be quiet ones at home. Just the two of them in the safe sanctuary they had built together. Away from public eyes, dark magic, and intrusive press. They’d play music records—a mix of wizard and Muggle music. Do silly dances while they cooked. Sometimes dinner turned out well, and sometimes they ended up walking to the nearby village to get takeaway when it turned into a disaster. But they had been living together for a couple of years, and Ginny was confident that their cooking was improving.
They’d share a bottle of wine and start a fire. Afterwards, Harry would look at her and ask if she wanted to fly.
She always said yes.
And in the cover of darkness, they’d fly. And they’d be free. It was wonderful—to reach out and touch the stars and have the love of your life hold your hand in return.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Some more supplementary material for the Frat Boy! Au, this time starring blorbo of the hour: Kento Nanami
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Because he’s been heavy on my mind. Starting with his basic info!
Nanami grew up very middle class, not as poor as Suguru or Ryomen, but nowhere near as well off as Satoru.
He’s a business major not because he wants to, but because he feels he has too. If he had it his way, he would be a culinary student. But according to his father, there's no money in being a line cook, so accounting it is. 
Still, he hopes to use his degree to open his own restaurant one day. His father would never approve of a line cook for a son, but maybe Nanami could sell him on a business owner for a son. 
He says the main reason he joined the ABO frat was to try and make business connections, he knew that some people would hire one applicant over another just because they were alumni of the same fraternity. In reality though, he’d have more room in the frat and unlimited access to the kitchen. 
His room is full of plants. Plants of all kinds everywhere, including some herbs. It used to kinda annoy Ryomen (his roommate) but, he’s grown to actually kinda appreciate it. It makes the room feel less dead. 
Phenomenal cook who can not bake to save his life. Cooking is an art but baking is a science and somewhere along the way he fucks it up every time. Be it mixing the batter too much or too little, not letting it sit long enough or letting it sit too long- he doesn't know. He can handle box cake mix that’s about it. 
Now if you want a steak cooked to perfection with perfectly roasted veggies and the creamiest mashed potatoes you've ever put in your mouth on the side he’s you’re guy. If you want an authentic lasagna with homemade everything including the noodles and sauce, he can do that for you. Do not ask him to make bread. 
He’s also insanely good at fighting games. Every version of Nanami in my heart is a God when it comes to fighting games, there is not a universe in which Nanami exists where he doesn’t dominate at Tekken, argue with the wall if you don’t agree.
Adding to that, he’s also in love with D&D. He’s a forever DM that spends hours of time planning campaigns, hours he should be spending on his school work but shhhh. If you really want to make him swoon, offer to let him be a player in a campaign. He’d pull out a ring on the spot. 
That being said, I think it’s time to get into some relationship headcanons ;)
HE’S A TSUNDERE! Look at that man, he has such big Tsundere energy.
Out of all his frat brothers, Nanami is probably the one that gets laid the least. Not from a lack of opportunity, nay nay, women (and men) throw themselves at him all the time. He’s just picky and not a fan of being touched by stragers. 
You though? You’re different (of course you are, you’re the main character!) The two of you really started to click after you had to work on a pretty big project together. Little things you did softened his heart for you.
Small things like asking him more about his D&D campaign plans, excitedly showing him pictures of the plants that you kept in your dorm, and offering to help him out in the kitchen. Little moments of quality time and tenderness while you were working on this project together nurtured his small crush into full blown butterflies when you were around.
He finally admitted to himself he was in love with you when you beat him in Street Fighter. He wasn’t used to losing at fighting games. You bragged about using his tips against him (you listened to what he said) and laughed about the weeks you spent training to destroy him (otherwise known as taking a genuine interest in his hobbies.) 
He asked you out on a date that night and you were taken completely off guard! You had no idea the fool even liked you! He was cold on the best of days, spending more time scowling at his notebooks than listening to what you said (or so you thought.) He never contacted you unless it was in regards to your project, and most of the time you spent hanging out outside of it was just because you had become friends with his frat brothers and happened to be at the house. You mean he liked you?! 
Of course you said yes, if for no other reason than to see where the hell this goes. You were 40% sure it was a prank, but hey- a free meal was a free meal. It helped he was hot as hell, what was the harm in one date?
You saw a whole new side of Kento Nanami that night. He was warm and attentive, and fucking hilarious when he wasn’t just keeping all of his jokes to himself. 
It was a simple date. A moonlit picnic in the nearby park, one where he brought his laptop and used his phone hotspot so the two of you could watch movies together. 
That was the night when you found out Kento Nanami considered himself to be a hopeless romantic. 
When he took you back to your dorm, he walked you to the door and actually asked if he could kiss you goodnight. 
And now you’re both smitten! 
Once you’re officially his girlfriend, You’re gonna find out he’s genuinely pretty chill. Happy to give you your space and recognize you’re a person outside of your relationship. That being said, let some asshole start getting a little too comfortable with you at a part and he’s quick to throw hands.
You would think nerdy little Nanami wasn’t that good in a fight, but nay nay, he was forced to play football in highschool and will leave a bastard concussed. 
He says he’s not a cuddler, but every time you sleep in his bed you wake up with him cuddled close to you. 
Nanami loves kisses, and is always planting them on you when you’re in kissing range. Your lips, cheeks, forehead, everything is fair game. 
You’re the only person in the world other than like, his parents that can call him Kento. He’s always gone by his last name, to the point that his first name makes him feel like he’s in trouble. Only authority figures use it when they’re pissed off at him. But it hits him different when it comes from your lips. When you say it, it feels tender and intimate. It’s the closest he gets to liking his name.
He always tries to make time for you and your relationship. Even if that sometimes means that your date nights are just study dates, he always strives to make you feel like a priority. 
He’s a soft guy that falls in love easily. You may not know it yet, but he has full intentions to marry you after graduation. A fact his frat brothers are quick to tease him about, while also making him promise to make them groomsmen. 
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justforfunfic · 7 months
How they spend Valentine's Day
A/N: I’m a little late for Valentine’s Day but I thought this would be a fun prompt for some of my favorite GoT characters. Some of the characterization might be a bit off just for my preference but I hope y'all still enjoy :)
Jamie: Jamie is not a huge fan of  Valentine’s Day, but he sure knows what to do for it. Expensive roses, fancy chocolates, reservations at a three Michelin star restaurant, you have everything you could ever want on Valentine’s Day with Jamie. It was all for you, to show his love and devotion to you, but there was another reason he did it, not that he would ever tell you. He loved one-upping everyone else. The other men dining at the same restaurant with their girlfriends and wives were obviously able to get reservations, but were they able to get a matching set of gold earrings and a necklace for their love? He didn’t think so. What was more is that he knew that none of your exes had ever done anything like this for you on Valentine’s Day, or would’ve even if they had the money. Those thoughts, along with your smile and visible delight, went straight to his head. He was on a power trip and couldn’t wait to take you home. That’s where the real delight would be. 
Sandor: Sandor doesn’t really care for Valentine’s Day, but to do nothing would be a disservice to you. He’s never had someone to share Valentine’s Day with, so he’s accustomed to sitting at home and drinking by himself. He rarely went out because he didn’t want to see others coupled up around him, suffering dozens of love declarations, a handful of proposals, and twice as many stares. But being with you changed that. One your first Valentines together, Sandor asked you what you wanted and where you wanted to eat that night, and the both of you settled at a local Italian restaurant. Sandor brought a small bouquet of flowers, but nothing grand. The wine was nice and the night even better. The next Valentine's Day you spent together was better though. Sandor had still brought you flowers, but this time insisted on cooking for you. He made steaks, searing them to perfection, as soft music played in the background. The two of you laughed in the kitchen while he cooked and you chopped a salad, despite Sandor’s protests that he wanted to make everything. The two of you ate in the dining room, an unlit candle between you.
Tormund: To Tormund, Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to have sex. While other couples spent the day re-declaring their love and showering their partners in affection for the first time in a while, it was just another day with Tormund for you. He was constantly telling you how much he cared for you and regularly took you out and gave you gifts throughout the year, so Valentine’s day was like any other weekday but with roses. However, that’s not to say you wouldn’t celebrate. The two of you would go out for a nice dinner, something hearty with a baked potato for a side. In the car, chocolates would be waiting for you. Little did Tormund know, you also had chocolates for him, or rather chocolate syrup and a can of whipped cream. You told him about your little surprise in the car, smiling shyly and waiting for him to get the hint. Whether he feigned confusion or really didn’t understand, you don’t know, but you leaned over in your seat and whispered what the syrup was for and where it would go, eyeing his chest. It clicked for him instantly and you spent the rest of the concerningly short drive begging Tormund to obey traffic laws.
Jon: Valentine’s Day with Jon is special, but not in the way your friend’s think. While your friends are spending the evenings with their partners at a fancy dinner, the movies, or in the bed, you and Jon are makin moves. Your Valentine's Day plans are centered around your shared interests and goals. The two of you had been planning a big hike on a difficult but beautiful trail through the mountains together. It would be challenging, but facing a challenge with Jon was one you didn’t really mind. At the same time, the two of you had been wanting to learn how to throw pottery. Ok, you really wanted to and Jon was slowly roped into the idea, but now he was just as excited as you. He pictured hosting a small party of your friends, showing off the vases and bowls that you made together. The two of you probably wouldn’t decide which activity to do until the night before, but it wouldn’t matter which one you picked because either way it would be something you both enjoyed.
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
ik that you just did something about what dates Valeria and Laswell who take you on butttt can you still do how’d they like to celebrate valentine’s day! Hope you have an awesome valentines 🩷
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Hey! Sorry for not posting on Valentine's Day or yesterday, I was extremely busy with work and had some very long days ^^; But I'll post twice to make up for it today! Sorry this was a bit late as well ^^;
Valentine’s Day with Valeria and Laswell
Valeria: We’re just going to assume that she has time to spend with you this Valentine’s day and took a day off or something. Valeria doesn’t think too much about it, it’s just another day where people are taking the money straight from your wallet, either because there’s someone you love or because you’re single and need to eat your frustrations away. She doesn’t care at all about that day, and whether she does something for it or not entirely depends on whether or not you complain about wanting to go on a date with her that day. If you don’t then there will be no date. Because it’s only a cash grab sort of day, Valeria wouldn’t particularly buy you chocolates either. She really doesn’t like Valentine’s day. Complain enough and she’ll get you some chocolate straight from the chocoria, no matter how expensive. A few flowers maybe as well, but that would be it out of her own initiative. She’d much prefer to stay at home and watch some movie with you. One that isn’t about romance, just a normal action movie or comedy or something. Complain enough and she’ll sigh, grabbing her coat and ushering you outside. It’s not often that she does something like this, but you’ll be walking around Las Almas together, chatting a bit, getting some of the yummy street food out there. You’ll do something akin to sightseeing where she shows you all the places there are in the city and around it, except they’re all the places she found when she was still young and reckless. From the berry bush in the park no one knows about, to the abandoned mill by the countryside she used to hide from her parents in. Valeria is normally a classy woman who could buy the world if she wanted to, but her real signs of love would be when she isn’t spending money on you for once. It shows that you’re more to her than just another cost, another person who’s just out for her money. Or, at the very least, she trusts you to not be. While there still won’t be too much sentiment from her side, you’ll also go stargazing together if the sky is clear. She can’t tell you too much about the constellations, but you’ll just stand there and look at the stars. Valeria hasn’t had the time to do that in forever, so she’ll likely take a while.
Laswell: Again, we’re going to assume that she has the time to spend with you and isn’t out and about abroad, risking her life. Laswell has a much greater tolerance of Valentine’s day than Valeria does. She used to love that day much more when she was a teenager and was with her first girlfriend, but stopped caring as much about it as the years went by. While she doesn’t like how romance is being forced down everyone’s throat that day, she’ll tolerate it since she can’t change it anyway. However, Laswell is much more likely to do something with and for you on that day, she doesn’t complain either. Starts the day off with a kiss to your temple in order to wake you up, makes you breakfast, heart shaped pancakes with vanilla ice cream, before she gives you the chocolates and flowers she got for you. The flowers are fairly fancy, roses, dahlias, lisianthus. Anything that looks nice and could show you just how much she loves you is a-okay. After breakfast you’ll lounge around your home for a bit, doing chores together and stuff, until it’s time to leave that is. You’ll be going to a fancy restaurant together, eating at an all you can eat buffet until your hearts and stomachs are content. Of course, all of it goes on Laswell’s bill. Afterwards it’ll be something relaxing for the time being, digesting the food as you take a stroll through the park, for example. Whatever suggestions you may have, you may voice them now before the two of you will go to a jewelry store where you can pick out something gorgeous that fits you, your outfit, your eyes and whatever else there may be. After your stroll is over, you’ll likely go home together, cuddle on the couch and watch TV. It’s not the most exciting day there is, but Laswell is just glad she has a sweetheart she can spend the day with. You’ll end up watching some awful rom-coms together, complain about them and how bad they are, only to be watching the next one right afterwards. You will be eating popcorn together, salted, with caramel and maybe steal a few kisses from each other here and there while there’s nothing interesting going on at the moment. Again, it’s not much but Laswell is usually out and about just about anytime and wants to relax for a bit for once. Even better if she gets to do it with you.
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
i keep having really random ideas pop into my head and it’s actually a need to offload them.
I keep thinking about Finnick taking reader (before her games) for a dinner date in the Capitol as that’s where the best restaurants are. it would be their first time going out together and seen by the Capitol Citizens as a couple.
reader is wearing a beautiful dress and Finnick’s jacket is draped over her shoulders and he’s just holding his sweet girl close as citizens surround them as they’re walking to the restaurant together😭😭
idk it’s just so cute to imagine them going to a nice restaurant and just having the most lovely night together and eating delicious food. i definitely feel like there are a bunch of press taking pictures of the two walking together and it’s all over the newspaper about Finnick’s new ‘girl toy’ and speculating whether she will be the one to tie him down for good (she will be)
yes please offload them, I love all of these sm ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yeah I mentioned in one of the chapters of the lakes that during readers interview ceaser was like "we've seen you before" and she's like o h because she assumed they'd forget. but like when they wanted to a piece on finnick at one of his parties she's always around but her being in the Captiol with him just like jetsets the idea that they're actually together.
finnick is also a teenager so sometimes he just wants to show off to his sweet girl, "I wanna take you out somewhere, angel."
"Finn, you can take me out whenever you want, you know that."
"no, like in the Capitol, a no seafood in sight meal. for your birthday."
"is that even allowed?"
"I'm their darling, they'll make exceptions. plus, it makes good television." he's pecking her on the lips and saying he'll find a way to make it happen. because yes the Captiol already uses him as they see fit, but he's a teenage boy who wants nothing more than to show off his girl and show off to her.
he spends so much time getting someone to make a perfect dress for her, that way Capitol tabloids don't try to tear her apart too harshly and that she'll be amazed when she sees it. and trust she is, also a little peeved because why would he spend that much money on something she'll only ever wear once but he doesn't care because his girl deserves it. he'd prefer to spend all his money on her anyways.
and he's tried all the spots to find the one she'll like the most and preps her for the way cameras are sure to follow them everywhere. but she assures him that she doesn't care as long as she can be with him. as if it's not clear enough he's giving her that jacket as soon as possible to make it even more well known, regardless of the fact his hands are firmly attached to her.
thankfully none of the tabloids are too harsh on her because they're used to her face in the background, she's charismatic, has the 'right' personality for the press. there's a few that try to pin her as a golddigger, but her and finnick don't care about those because they know it's not true. of course they have a field day when they start being seen together less because of the breakup which only hurts finnick more. however the media gets a lovely bow on their story when the two end up together after her games, the star-crossed lovers from district 4.
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