#it's like his dad said to him in the afterlife - 'there must be something you're still meant to do.'
strawb3rrystar · 7 months
I got very sad with "Hazbin Hotel characters longing for you."
so you could do their reaction to I love you or us wanting to get back to them.
\( ̄︶ ̄*\))
Hazbin Hotel characters reaction to 'I love you'.
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Pairing: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino, Velvette x GN! Reader
Warnings: None!
Word count: 482
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Charlie's face immediately lights up when you say it for the first time. She'll give a little squeal as she embraces you, squeezing the afterlife out of you.
"I love you too, my little fire bug!"
Vaggie takes a second to process what you just said. But afterward, she'll get all flustered that you said that. If you ask her what's wrong, she'll just shake her head and respond with.
"Nothing.. it's just.. I love you too."
Angel Dust thinks you're joking at first, because he finds it to be unbelievable that someone could actually love him. But once he realizes you're telling the truth he'll question why someone like you loves someone like him.
"Me? Are you sure? Well, of course I love you too, it's just.. ah- nevermind."
Husk will freeze and probably drop the glass that he's cleaning. Something in his brain just short circuits when you say it. If you hug him, or touch him at all afterwards, he will purr, but will also 100% deny that he is.
"Purring? No, you're just hearing things.."
Sir Pentious will have an internal freak out, but will also get extremely giddy. Like he'll flap his hands while trying not to slither out of the room.
"Yes.. yes. Me too! I mean.. uh- I love.. you too..?"
Alastor will think you're talking to someone else and will probably ignore you. He simply can't wrap his head around the idea of someone having romantic feelings for him. If you say it a second time, thinking he didn't hear you, he'll respond with.
"No, my dear, I heard you perfectly well the first time. I must apologize for having no interest in this conversation."
Lucifer will be extremely flattered that you love him. Of course, he still loves Lilith very dearly. But, he's also just a lonely, single, dad who deserves to be loved as well.
"Of course I love you too! Never doubt that fact for a second."
Adam is always very flirty, so he isn't surprised that you love him. He will get really cocky about it though, so maybe knock some sense into him first.
"Ha! Of course you love me! I'm fucking Adam!"
Vox will probably actually short circuit or just get really flustered. Since he's never received a proper confession before, he doesn't know how to respond.
"Mhm. Yep!" *gives you a thumbs up and an awkward smile*
Valentino on the other hand, is very used to receiving love confessions. In fact, they are an ego boost for him. He'll probably kiss the back of your hand and reply with.
"I love you too, darling~"
Velvette will give you a smile and a kiss on the cheek, then will tell you that she reciprocates the feeling. She'll probably tweet about it afterwards, though.
"@Velvvette: my lovely partner just told me they love me today!! Love u 2 <3"
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Star's notes -> My last HH headcanons got 1000 notes in three days. Yall are insane, thank you so much <33
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @corruptcoder @astrolovedy @alexandria-fandom @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach @idontreallyexistyet | Join the taglist
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gallusrostromegalus · 11 months
In honor of the season, what are holidays like in the spirit world? Have they been infected by Christmas yet? I imagine they inherit some popular ones from the world of the living, but also the unique holidays of the afterlife must be wild.
You come to me, on the eve of the High Holiday of Halloween, and ask me about Christmas??
I'm kidding, you're asking about holidays in general but my unsuspecting Agnostic Ass just got jumpscared by Mariah Carey, and I'm sensitive. It's not the season. Not for another 48 hours at least. Do Not Violate The Sacred Treaty.
Anyway, this ended up in my drafts for a few days, so: Christianity has not really gotten a foothold in soul society, but via cultural osmosis "Xmas" has. Nobody in a Shinto afterlife believes in monotheism, but they love a holiday and a Saint is practically a Kami anyway, but.... It's "Xmas" because the holiday in no way remotely resembles Christmas as practiced in the living world.
Scene: 4th Division hospital, a few days after Rukia is rescued and Aizen departed for Las Noches:
"-CHAD!!" Ichigo bellows, almost falling in through the doorway of the hospital room, wheezing.
"I am very sure you are not supposed to be out of bed." Chad frowned, looking up from the copy of the history of soul society Captain Komamura had lent him to read while he recovered.
It was strange, to be in the care of the very people he had thought to be senseless killers not two weeks ago, but he was finding the Shinigami a generally agreeable lot. Even if the captain that controlled the hospital reminded him unpleasantly of a nun with her chaste dress, soft voice and understated but constant threat of violence.
"YOU NEED YO HEAR THIS-! He- hee-" Ichigo stumbled over to his bed and curled up on his side overcome with giggles.
"... I'm beginning to think I am incorrect." Sighed the pale-haired man at the door, frowning down at Ichigo.
"Jushiro Ukitake, I don't think I've had the pleasure of your acquaintance yet, Mr.-?" The man introduced himself and offered Chad a hand.
"Uh. Yasutora. Sado Yasutora. But everyone calls me Chad." He mumbled, cautiously shaking hands with the stranger. "You're um. You're Miss Rukia 's boss, right?"
"Yes! I believe you are her friend with the pet parakeet and good throwing arm, yes?" Ukitake beamed at him and Chad was suddenly struck by the idea that he'd seen Ukitake at a family reunion before - Impossible, obviously, but the man had the intense aura of a distant uncle. "Good show that, she loves being hurled at an opponent!"
"Oh. Thank you." Chad mumbled, Ichigo finally catching his breath. "...What are you incorrect about?"
"Christmas, apparently." Ukitake frowned, and Ichigo dissolved into snickering again. "He says you're something of an expert on the actual mythology, I only have third-hand accounts, you see-"
"No!" Gasped Ichigo, reaching over to tug at Mr. Ukitake's sleeve. "You gotta tell him!"
"I am Catholic, yes." Chad nodded. "-go on. It can't be less accurate than the version Dr. Kurosaki- Uh, Ichigo's dad- gave me last year."
"Yeah it can-" Ichigo wheezed.
"Well, ah- Christmas is a birthday celebration for an important religious figure, right?" Ukitake tried.
"Yep!" Chad nodded, giving Ukitake a thumbs up.
"The birth of Rudolph, the Star-nosed reindeer?" Ukitake tried.
Chad stared at him blankly for a moment, before his thumbs-up slowly wilted into a thumbs down and Ichigo vibrated silently with hysterics. Chad opened and closed his mouth a few times, hand waving, then covered his mouth, searching for words. Eventually he reached out and gently put his hand on the captain's shoulder to explain as delicately as possible-
"...No." Said Chad.
Ichigo rolled off the bed with a dull thud.
"-I am, however, fascinated." Chad elaborated. "Please continue."
"...I'm really sorry that I am this ignorant of your religious dogma." Ukitake winced.
"It's- don't worry about it. Tell me what you think happens on Rudolph's birthday." Chad said, sitting back and pressing his hands together.
"Well- oh, how does it start? Right- there's the Monks- Saints? that give out presents to well-behaved children during the winter holidays- Saint Claus, Saint Nicolas and Saint Kringle. And they're all very old men, and with good judgement about who does and does not deserve presents, so they're called the three wise men!"
Ichigo made a noise like a teakettle from the floor.
"Oh. Oh no." Chad giggled.
"And they travel the entire world giving out presents, but that's A Lot of houses and it was taking them longer and longer so they prayed to... I forget the name Catholics have for Amaterasu. Guadalupe?"
Chad made a noise not unlike a violently squeezing a rubber duck, and started to shake.
"-So they pray for some help getting all the presents to the children, and Whoever She Is says they're doing good deeds, but she wants to see if they're REALLY worthy of that kind of miracle, so she sends them on a journey to recover some lost holy treasures, and on the way each of the holy men wrestles with and tames a demon representing some vice or another-"
"-I. I think you've gotten the Star of Bethlehem mixed up with The Journey West." Chad realized, hands pressed together in front of his face.
"Yes that's right! She marks the direction they're supposed to be going with a bright star! So they go West, following the star! "-Ok the three wise men traveling from the east following a star part is, in fact, accurate. What's this about demons?"
"It's some sort of allegory about how all the Saints are virtues so the demons represent the vices people fall into around the holiday- Being punitive or penurious and ruining good things for others. They all had weird names-" Ukitake frowned.
"What's going on?" Captain Kyorauku asked, sticking his head in the door.
"You'll know!" Ukitake chirped with excitement. "-What are the three demons the saints conquer in the Christmas myth?"
"Krampus the Child-beater, Scrooge the Miser, and... Ah fuck I always mispronounce the last one. He's green and he sucks? The Goonch?" Shunsui frowned.
"THE GOONCH?" Ichigo shrieked from the floor.
"I. I think you mean The Grinch." Chad said, experiencing a brand new combination of horror, delight and fascination that felt like the emotional equivalent of a shrimp color.
"That's him! Oscar The Grinch!" Shunsui nodded. "Why, its only August? Also, what's Kurosaki doing on the floor?
"We are apparently very misninformed about the mythlogical origins of Christmas. This amuses Kurosaki to the point of hysterics." Ukitake explained, lightly nudging Ichigo aside with his foot and sitting on the foot of Chad's bed.
"Your version is so much better." Chad said, vibrating with excitement. "What are these treasures they're supposed to get?"
"Oh you had to ask- Shunsui love, you were the one that heard it all from Captain Kuchiki when he did his tour in the living world."
"Oh for fuckssake of course it's Byakuya-" Ichigo groaned from the floor, and Ukitake gently kicked him in the ribs to shush him.
"Uhhhh... Let's see-" Shunsui scratched at his beard."There's Eight Lost Treasures, they're all magical bells that give anyone who rings them supernatural abilities- there's the Bell of Speed, Bell of Grace, Bell of Balance, Bell of Cunning, Bell of... ah fuck. I always forget the two in the middle... -Oh! Bell of destination- not like fate, like, always being able to find your way to where you're going. Bell of Affection, Bell that gives power over wind and Bell that gives power over lighting!"
Chad blinked at him, then slowly crumpled into a ball.
"...Mr. Yasutora?" Ukitake asked, gently touching his shoulder.
"This is amazing. I love it. I'm going to die." he whimpered, voice high and tight as he struggled to breathe from laughing.
"We may have already lost Mr. Kurosaki." Shunsui muttered, poking Ichigo's shoulder with his toe. "Anyway, they conquer the demons, get all the magical bells and make it to the distant city, aand Amaterasu says 'Great job!" Ukitake continued, enthusiastic as they approached his favorite part. "-But she says 'Here's your final test: I'm going to give a special gift to one of these creatures, you tell me which is the most deserving of my favor.' and then she turns them loose in some kind of farm with talking animals. They're all good and noble animals that have done many brave deeds- dogs saved children from drowning, horse that ran across a battlefield to deliver a message that stopped a war and so on- eventually the saints find a brand new baby fawn with a bright red nose. Since it was born just that morning, it's never done anything of note, and the other animals don't really like it because it's red nose means its kind of sickly and it cant see well so they don't want to play with it."
"YES!" Chad cheered, making the connection.
"Oh, that part is right?" Ukitake perked up.
"Not even remotely, but it's amazing. They pick the fawn right?
"That's right! The saints tell Amaterasu that the Baby deer Rudolph is the one that deserves her blessing, because while all the animals here are noble and good, no good deed is better than another, and of all the animals, the sickly little deer is the one that really needs her help."
"Oh no." Ichigo whimpered from the floor. "That's actually like. genuinely heartwarming."
"Amaterasu applauds them, because they've made the right choice, and she gives the power of the star to the baby deer so it very literally glows like a headlight, and She turns the eight magical bells into a herd of deer that all have the powers the bells they were made from had, so Rudolph has a family and the three wise men have a team of nine magical deer to pull the flying sleigh she gives them, and then they are able to deliver all the presents to all the children of the world in one night, and they do it every year on Rudolph's birthday, because he was the first one to receive a proper Christmas present!" Ukitake finished, giving Chad an excitable two thumbs up.
Chad, slowly tipped forward, faintly hissing with silent laughter, then rolled off the bed to join Ichigo on the floor. Ukitake peered after him with concern, until chad slowly raised a weak, shaking hand up to give Ukitake a thumbs up back.
"-What I can't figure is how the bucket of fried chicken fits into all that?" Shunsui pondered, and the boys shrieked with laughter.
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ru-fiction · 10 months
Unknown Territory:Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals part 2
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Five is aged up here.
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is white.
Everyone stares at Luther waiting for him to speak. He stands up ready to make his point.
"Um..I guess..."
"C'mon speak up, Luther."
Luther sends Five a glare.
"Before that, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. You know in the courtyard at sun down."
Klaus flies over to the bar and pulls out his cigarette, smoking away from the group.
"A few words at dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?"
Luther looked at her confused, how could she not know.
"You know the spot under the oak tree."
Everyone shrugged.
"We used to sit there all the time. None of you ever did that?"
Klaus flies back over, now having two drinks in his hand. He hands one to Five before drinking some of his own.
"Will there be any refreshments?"
Everyone turns towards him.
"Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."
Luther's brows furrowed at the question.
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
Five, Diego and Klaus all rolled their eyes at the statement.
"Dad didn't allow a lot of things, Luther."
Luther rolls his eyes at Five.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Like what?"
Five and Diego were tired of him talking in circles and wanted him to get to the point.
"Like the way he died."
Diego sighs and Klaus sits down.
"Here we go..."
"I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
Luther nods at Vanya.
"Yeah, according to the coroner."
"Wouldn't they know?"
Vanya was confused at what he was saying but Diego knew exactly what he was saying.
Allison gives Luther a concern look.
"I'm just saying at the very least, Something happened."
"Something, like someone killed him."
"Exactly, He told me I should be careful who to trust."
Diego shakes his head and stands up.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."
Luther shook his head in disbelief.
"No. He must have known something was going to happen."
He looks directly at Klaus with a pleading look in his eye.
"Look, I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to dad."
Klaus scoffs and Allison does the same. Klaus shakes his head he was way too high for this.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call.'"
Luther looks at him annoyed.
"Since when? That's your thing."
"I'm not in the right...frame of mind."
"You're high?"
"Yes, Yeah!"
Luther points to the ceiling.
"You were just flying."
Klaus lifts up his feet moving his toes around, Vanya moves his foot from in front of her face.
"My flight and my seance powers are two different things. I take my shoes off I fly. I get high, the ghosts go bye, bye."
Luther glares at him as he takes another drag from his cigarette.
"Well sober up. This is important."
"It's nonsense, that's what it is. There are more important things. Like the end of the world."
Luther quickly turns on Five.
"How could you say that? Our dad is dead."
Five shrugs.
"And the world is better off for it."
"I'm with Five on this one."
Luther shrugs him off.
"Then there's the issue with the missing monocle."
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"
Everyone just stares at Luther as he acts like he made a good point, he starts ranting about how it was someone who held a grudge against Reginald.
"Where are you going with this?"
"Isn't it obvious, Klaus?"
Five glares at Luther and Diego followed along finishing the rest of Five's statement.
"He thinks one of us killed Dad."
The room went silent. Five and Diego continued to glare at Luther, Allison looked offended, Klaus was in disbelief and Vanya was confused.
"You do?"
"How could you say that?"
Diego just shakes his head at him.
"Good job, Luther. Way to lead."
Diego walks away from him. Five gets up as well, flipping him off.
"Our oh so great leader everyone. Screw this."
Klaus gets upset and stands up ready to leave as well when Luther tries to make up an excuse for what Diego said.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy."
"I'm not finished."
Allison and Vanya also stand up ready to leave the room.
"Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back."
"That's not what I was saying."
After everyone left Luther was left alone to process what just happened.
17 years ago....
A crowd of people hover outside of a bank. An alarm goes off from inside, the SWAT team pulling up at every corner of the place.
Different news channels showed up to get a peek on the action from inside the building. From a building far away Reginald watched along with his adopted child Vanya.
"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News."
"This is Rebecca Coleman, giving you the inside scoop on a recent robbery..."
"John Hughes from Channel 8, three hours ago a group of armed men entered the Capital West bank at main and sixth."
Inside the building a man walked around yelling at his walkie talkie. One of his other partners was struggling to get people to stay behind the desk, he had to wrestle with some of them.
The man on the walkie doesn't notice the younger uniformed girl skipping up behind him until it's too late.
"Hey, get back with the others."
The girl smiles at him leaning in as if to tell him something.
"I heard a rumor."
The man squints his eyes at her.
"What? What did you say?"
He leaned in more towards the girl which made her smile grow wider.
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
The man stared off into space before his eyes turned pure white. He turned his gun towards another man wearing a suit that had a similar mask as him.
His partner panicked as he watched him trying to convince him not to shoot but it was too late. The man screamed out in agony causing everyone around him to panic including the people outside of the building.
During the commotion, Luther scrambles across the roof of the building before breaking through it, he slams one of the men against the table before throwing him out of the window. The police looked confused and pointed their guns to the window.
Diego ran from wherever he was hiding before throwing two knives into the shoulder of another goon.
"Guns are for sissies, Real men throw knives."
The man that was near Allison climbs up on the desk, his gun now pointed directly towards the children and he kept backing up trying to put a lot of space between him and them.
"Stay away freaks."
Diego pouts at him playfully.
"Hey, be careful up there, buddy."
"Get back now!"
Allison grins at him.
"Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Or what?"
The man turns towards the sound of another voice to find Five smiling up at him cockily. He pulls the trigger shooting at the boy but he disappears. He hears a whoosh sound behind him turning to find the same boy but this time he was glaring at him.
He goes to shoot him again but this time his gun was replaced by a stapler however that didn't stop him from pressing on it multiple times in desperation. Five grins at the man, amused.
"That's one badass stapler."
Five grabbed the man's hand that was holding the stapler and used it to knock him out. He hops down joining the rest of his siblings. They all faced the door where they were told more people were. The crowd looked at them in shock, tape still around their hands and mouths.
"Do we have to do this?"
Klaus and Five pat their brother's back before Luther pushes his towards the door giving him a stern look.
"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault."
Ben sighs before walking inside.
"I didn't sign up for this."
The hostages all run out of the building scared for their lives leaving the kids to watch as blood splattered onto the door and windows. Moments later their brother comes out shivering and covered in blood.
"Can we go home now?"
The kids walk outside the building, watching as the police start to put their guns away and the cameras start to focus on them. Diego, Luther, and Allison smiled proudly at the cameras while Klaus and Five do too, Ben stares at his feet shyly.
"Why can't I go play with the others?"
Vanya looks at her dad with questioning eyes. He only looks at her annoyed which causes her to look away from him.
"We've been through this before, Number 7. I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
Vanya looks down at her siblings sadly, watching them wave at the people in front of them. She didn't notice A woman watching her back. Reginald leaves Vanya up on the roof by herself making his way over to the others.
"Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."
The children all grin at each other and the audience. The woman moved her attention from Vanya towards the children in front of her. The people around her got rowdy, all trying to be heard.
"Mister Hargreeves! Mister Hargreeves. Channel 9 News. What happened to their parents?"
"They were suitably compensated."
"Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?"
The kids all look towards their father, wanting to hear his answer.
"Of course, as I am for the fate of the world."
The woman looks around making sure no one was following her before stepping into the water. She walks deeper and deeper before completely emerging herself into the water.
Her legs started to fuse together before turning into a beautiful coral blue. She dove deeper into the water, gliding against different types of fish until she reached a golden castle.
She swam towards her room before lying on a mattress someone brought that she took from a shipwreck.
She sighed trying to make herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She opened them again when she felt the presence of another beside her.
"How was your trip to the human world, my love?"
The woman stared into the eyes of her husband.
"It was fine. Though I saw the weirdest thing today."
The merman looked at her with interest which she chuckled about.
"Apparently the humans have gotten themselves a group of supernaturals."
The mermaid sighs, looking towards the ceiling.
"Unfortunately, they're under Hargreeves care."
Her husband's eyes widened at the statement she made. While the two are not anywhere near close to being friends with Hargreeves, they have worked with the man before.
"I hate to think of the paths those children would go down under his care."
She looked back at her husband with a deep frown on her face.
"There was another kid that he had left on the roof, almost like he didn't want her around the others."
She laid her hands down on her stomach and started to rub it softly.
"Promise me, that if we have a second child. We won't make one feel better than the other."
You look around the room, staring blankly at the walls. You were bored out of your mind. You knew this was your punishment for trying to leave without completing your mission and you knew it could be much worse with the way they handle things here, you were surprised you got off this easy.
Though the cuffs around your hands were starting to make your wrist hurt. No one has been in since the handler earlier that day and the quiet was starting to get to you. They knew the best way to break you was to isolate you from the people you loved, it was something Five picked up on when he met you and something the Temps picked up on when they would lock you up for days to see how long you'd last. It was like a game to them however they did stop after Five threatened to kill them after finding out about it.
You sighed to yourself until you heard Five calling for you from inside your head. It scared you a bit and you were going to visit him until you heard the sound of footsteps from further down the hall. It was one of the different mermaid powers you unlocked. When you were younger, you always wondered how your mom could talk to the whales back at home, she said it was a gift that mermaids got when they were older, she explained how they communicated with sound and part of you didn't understand until one day when you were on a kill mission with Five and suddenly everything was louder than normal.
You heard the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder as the person got closer. The door to the room opened to reveal Herb with a tray of food in his hand.
"Oh, the Handler decide she's too good to see me now? I'm hurt."
You send him a playful smile to show you were kidding, you always like Herb. He was a nice guy, always kind to everyone and helpful. You did wonder how a guy like him could end up working for the Temps.
Herb smiles back at you placing the tray at your feet.
"Too bad, you get me instead."
Your smile grew until you looked at the tray below you which caused him to get worried.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it? I picked it myself."
"It's not that."
You gesture to your cuffed hands.
"I can't very much eat with my hands immobile."
Herb sighs before playing with his hands.
"I'd love to let you down but the Handler said if I did, she'd doc my pay again."
Herb then taps his chin.
"But she's sending some guards in later, like two or three of them."
He looked into your eyes and you instantly knew what he was hinting at. You wouldn't get him in trouble if there were other people down here instead. You smirk at the thought.
"Could you at least feed me then?"
Herb nodded his head with a smile reaching down to grab the food.
Klaus stood at the bar staring down at the framed photo and ashes of his adopted father with a pout on his face.
"Listen up old man. You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons--"
He stops himself.
"Adopted sons-- happen to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, I don't know, I don't know... manifesting!!"
He was laughing about it but the better part of him was annoyed with the thought of having to manifest the man that tortured him most of his life. He wasn't too keen on having him around him but if it'll get Luther off his back, why not.
Klaus starts to move his hands around upset with the fact that he couldn't conjure him. He stares down at the photo, anger and frustration growing more and more.
He sighs and tries to patiently wait for something-- anything to happen but nothing does.
He tries to clear his mind, still nothing and that made him more upset.
"You always were a stubborn bastard!"
He points an accusatory finger at the picture in front of him.
"I don't know about you, but I need a drink."
Klaus goes to grab some alcohol but ends up knocking over his father's ashes instead.
In the other rooms in the house everyone just sits in silence waiting for the funeral to start. The family never felt more like strangers than they did in that very moment.
The family now stood outside in the pouring rain holding umbrellas in their hands. Five gave Ben's statue a somber look. He had wondered if he had been there would Ben had still suffered the same fate.
Grace looked at her children with a confused smile on her face.
"Did something happen?"
They all looked at her concerned.
"Dad died. Remember?"
"Oh, yes. Of course."
Most robots wouldn't feel anything but Grace felt an odd sense of embarrassment, sadness, and a small sense of relief.
"Is mom okay?"
Allison looked at Diego.
"Yeah, yeah, she's fine."
He turned to look at Grace, his gaze softening.
"She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."
Pogo walks up finally meeting up with the others before asking Luther to proceed. Luther walks up opening the top of the container which held the ashes of his father, he pours it on the ground but not much comes out. Klaus cringes knowing he was the reason it happened.
"Probably would have been better with some wind."
"Does anyone wish to speak?"
No one steps up, they all look at the other instead. Considering no one had any good memories of him. Grace stepped up facing her children.
"He wasn't the best father.. and an even worse husband.."
Diego nodded along with his mother's words.
"But if he was guilty of anything-- it was caring for the world so much that he sacrificed his personal relationships.."
Diego frowned deeply at her statement.
"Unfortunately, he never asked us how we felt about that. But that doesn't make his death in vain. we must--"
"Stop. Stop."
Diego walks up to Grace, touching her shoulder.
"Mom, You don't have to defend him. He's gone now."
"He was a monster."
Klaus laughs.
"He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."
Luther glares at him and Allison tries to get him to be quiet again.
"My name is Number two."
He looks at her which makes her look away from him.
"You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us names."
He gestures to Grace.
"He had mom do it."
Grace tries to discuss the situation.
"Would anyone like something to eat?"
"No, it's okay mom."
"Oh, Okay."
Everyone looks down, contemplating Diego's words. Klaus and Vanya were in agreement, Five was indifferent, Allison was sad, and Luther felt torn.
"Look, you wanna pay your respects?"
Diego turns to look at each and every one of his siblings.
"Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was..."
"You should stop talking now."
Diego turns to Luther annoyed.
"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I'm warning you."
Klaus bites at his nails feeling stressed and Five just looks away from the scene already expecting a fight to break out before making eye contact with Klaus.
"He had to ship you a million miles away."
"Diego, stop talking."
Luther got upset. He didn't want to believe Diego's words.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"
Diego stabs his finger into Luther's chest which makes him retaliate by pushing it off and swinging a punch however he misses as Diego dives under his arm. He swings another but ends up missing again. Allison watches with a disappointed look in her eyes, Vanya pulls Grace back not wanting her to get hurt, Pogo tries to stop them, and Klaus puts a protective arm in front of Five which earns him a glare and a smack on his arm.
The two continue to go at it getting closer and closer to Ben's statue. Vanya begs for the boys to stop as Klaus eggs it on. Diego uses technique on Luther which throws him off guard as he felt he was stronger. Luther tries hard to use his physical strength against him but Diego kept slipping away.
"I don't have time for this."
Five shakes his head before heading inside.
Diego stand in front of Ben's statue, taunting Luther and as Luther throws a punch, Diego moves out of the way causing him to punch Ben's statue, breaking it.
The rest of the remaining siblings stare at the statue upset about what they did. Allison rolls her eyes at the two before following Five's lead and heading inside. Diego pulls out a knife throwing it towards Luther and slicing his arm much to the dismay of Vanya.
Luther walks inside the house taking this as a personal loss. Vanya walks up to Diego disappointed.
"You never know when to stop, do you?"
"You got enough material for your sequel yet?"
The two stare down each other before Vanya walks away.
"He was my father too."
Diego walks over to Grace before leading her inside with the others. Klaus watches everything with a cigarette in his mouth, stressed about the whole situation. After everyone leaves he walks up the pile of ashes on the ground.
"I bet you're loving this. Hmm? The team at its best. It's just like old times."
He takes another drag before placing his cigarette on the ashes.
"Best funeral ever."
You looked up when you heard footsteps coming in your direction again. The door opened to reveal to people both in the Temps uniform without their masks. One was a woman she was a few years younger than you, she had light blue eyes and blonde hair dyed orange at the bottom to match the suit she wore, she did not look happy to be there, on the other hand the man beside her had the opposite reaction especially when seeing your face. He was the spitting image of the girl except his hair was dyed brown.
"Arin, Johnny, long time no see."
You smile at the two getting a big one in return from Johnny.
"Hey Y/n, Looks like you've gotten yourself into trouble since lunch yesterday."
You shrug as he laughed though Arin didn't find it very funny.
"How's it hanging?"
"Not great. Can you believe how boring it is?"
"Ugh, I bet. I once was on stakeout by myself, worst five hours of my life..."
You nod along knowing the feeling.
"Speaking of Five, how's he doing?"
You shrug again.
"Who knows."
"It must suck to be away from him."
You sigh, leaning your head back against the wall.
"You have no idea."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!!"
Arin claps her hands together getting both of your attention.
"Stop this."
"Stop what?"
Johnny rolls his eyes at his sister before gesturing to you.
"She's our friend. I'm just having a conversation."
"She's a prisoner. We don't Kiki with prisoners."
Your smile instantly drops.
"Really, Arin."
"Shut up. You and Five did this to yourselves. I mean really trying to leave the commission are you serious?"
You scoff sending the girl a glare.
"You're lucky that this is the punishment they gave you. Honestly could you and Five had been any stupider."
Johnny tries to calm her down but she just turns and jabs a finger into his chest.
"Johnny, our jobs are on the line here. We don't have time to play 'friendly', You get me?"
She leaves the room for a bit, Johnny whispers a small apology before she comes back throwing a plate to the bottom of your feet causing some of the food on it to fly off the plate. She sends a fake smile before pulling her brother out of the room with a slam of the door.
You ball hands into fist.
Five sat on the stairs, leaning his head against his hand. He had been trying to get you to come but you hadn't shown up since earlier. He watched as each one of his siblings passed, each one more upset than the last. It was a pretty shitty funeral.
He sat there to himself for a few more minutes until Vanya came down throwing on her jacket and heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Vanya stopped with her hand grazing the door knob, she was still getting used to finally being around again. She hesitates before turning to face him with a shrug.
"I'm headed to a meeting. I'm already late so I'm hoping to catch up with them before it's too late."
Five just nods his head and the two just stare at each other in silence. Vanya figured he wouldn't say anything else turns towards the door again but Pogo came and stopped her again.
"Don't waste your time. Diego's right, I shouldn't have come."
"This is your home and always will be."
Pogo walks up to Vanya.
"Should I get you a taxi?"
"I already called one. But thanks."
Five smiles at the interaction between the two. Pogo has always been more of a father figure to them than Reginald was, Hargreeves was more of a teacher.
"I hope you know that your father loved you very much. In his own way."
"Yeah well that's kind of the problem. isn't it?"
Five chuckles in agreement, raising a hand slightly as a goodbye. Five watches Pogo walk up to the door to check on Vanya before he gets up and walks to the kitchen in search of caffeine. Unfortunately for him there was none. Klaus somehow found his way into the kitchen getting not much attention from Five. Allison later joins them.
"Where's Vanya?"
"She's gone."
Klaus holds on to a guitar, kicking his feet up.
"That's unfortunate. An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."
Five was annoyed to say the least, he hadn't heard from you since you talked earlier and now the sky was darkening. He was worried something might've happened to you and he had no way of knowing, no way to get to you. Now there wasn't any coffee to help him calm his nerves.
He couldn't talk to his siblings about it, no way would they understand. They don't even have their lives together. Not to mention the world was about to end.
"I'm taking the car."
Five moved to walk out of the kitchen. He wanted, no he needed coffee. Something to make him feel like he had some semblance of his life together.
"Where are you going?"
Five looked at Klaus like he just asked him the dumbest question in man kind.
"To get a decent cup of coffee."
Allison looked at him skeptically.
"Do you even know how to drive?"
She thought her question was valid, if the world was going to end, according to Five, there would technically be no need for them.
Five however just glared at the girl.
"I know how to do everything."
Five teleports away from them and into the car. He realizes he doesn't have the key and hops into the house for a second before jumping back, starting the car and pulling off.
He pulled into a stop in front of a place called Griddy's, somewhere he, Ben, Klaus, Allison and Vanya would sneak off to when everyone else was asleep.
He walked into the building not seeing anyone there so he approached the counter before pressing the bell. Another man walks in sitting next to him. The waitress comes from the back apologizing to the two men before taking their orders.
Five talked to the man for a bit, they talked about early memories before the waitress came back with their orders. The man offered to pay for Five much to his relief because he forgot to grab any money on his search for his caffeine. The man had given Five an address that he asked after awhile before leaving the building.
Five was now left alone again as the Waitress went back to where she came from. He was now deep in thought, worried about your safety. He knew how the Handler could be and for some reason she didn't particularly like you. Most would say that she was jealous of you; you were likeable and kind hearted, She however was not. But Five knew better, the Handler had some type of infatuation for Five and that didn't go unnoticed by him and because of that his relationship with you, platonic or not; angered her greatly.
After a while a group of agents walked into the building. Five recognized the orange, yellow and black costumes from anywhere. They found him.
"That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me."
All of them instantly pulled their guns to his head but he didn't show any fear.
"On your feet, come with us. They wanna talk."
"I've got nothing to say."
"You think I wanna shoot someone today? Go home with that on my conscience?"
Five smirks while picking up the knife beside his cup. This was a new agent, Five had seen him around the commission. He was good at his job, Five was better.
"I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home."
Five quickly teleports behind the man, stabbing him in his neck causing him to shoot his gun in shock before falling to the ground dead.
The other agents try to look for him as the lights start to blink from getting hit with the bullet. Five watches them look around in confusion from under the table before he teleports onto another one laying down.
"Hey, assholes!"
All of them quickly turned to the voice pulling their triggers but it was too late, he had already gone. All they succeeded in doing was shooting the lights out in the signs that were around the building.
Five smirks at them from outside of the building. You would have chastised him about making this longer than it had to be, you didn't like killing people. Sure you could have had any other job in the commission but the thought of Five being out there risking his life scared you, so you stuck it out. Though you'd rather do a fast and easy kill than drag it out. Five on the other hand could care less about torturing these agents, they took you away from him. They had to pay.
You tap your fingers against the medal around your hands. Your eyes shift to the door in anticipation. You start to hum the tune of come little children as soon as the door opens. Arin locks eyes with you as you continue your song, her eyes start to turn silver, you smirk as she walked closer to you while pulling out her keys.
You smile as you land on your feet, softly rubbing the bruise that formed around your wrist. You were happy that Herb and Johnny weren't the ones down here at the moment otherwise you'd feel bad.
"Thanks Arin, You're a doll."
She smiles as you softly pat her shoulders and You send her a guilty smile.
"I'm so sorry about this, buddy."
You punch the girl super hard, knocking her out as soon as her head hits the ground.
"No hard feelings..."
You smiled down at the body before slipping out of the door and heading towards the direction of the suitcases.
Though as soon as you turn the corner you bump into Johnny causing him to fall on his ass. He looks up at you in shock before sending you a big smile.
"No way, Arin changed her mind and let you out?"
You grimaced at him.
"Not exactly..."
His eyebrow raised in question. You were weary about how he'd react, the twins were super protective of each other, hurting one was like hurting the other and neither would let it go.
"What do you mean?"
You couldn't really hide the fact that you knocked his sister out because he would find her body if he walked into the room.
"I knocked her out."
You started stumbling trying to think of something to say so that he wouldn't be upset but there was nothing you could say.
"I'm sorry but I can't stay here any longer."
Johnny stands up from the ground dusting himself off while sending you a glare.
"I have to get to Five and help him save the world and unfortunately Arin was in the way of that. I will fight anyone I have to, If it means I can help him."
Johnny's face softened and he shakes his head with a small chuckle.
"You really care about that man, don't you?"
You nod at him.
"Fine. I'll help get you out of here."
He smiles at you and you quickly pull him into a hug.
"Thank you!!"
The two of you break away from each other and make your way down the hall looking for the suitcase room in the dark corridor. Once you make your way there you find two different guards outside the room with three inside.
"Ugh. I thought they'd be patrolling around right now."
"Don't tell me you're not up for a challenge, Johnny."
Johnny sighs.
"Not tonight."
You smile at him.
"I got a plan."
Johnny walks up to the two agents that were guarding the door with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Guys."
"Hi, Johnny."
Johnny's smile falters.
"The Handler is asking for everyone to meet up in the training room."
The two looked at each other in confusion before turning to Johnny.
"Apparently Y/n has escaped so The Handler needs all hands on deck."
"What about the suitcases?"
Johnny looks at them sternly.
"She says this is more important."
"Right. Lets go."
"Go on ahead you two, I'll let the others know."
The two nod before heading in a different direction once Johnny is sure they are completely gone, he sends you a thumbs up before walking in the room.
The other three agents turn towards him with their guns pointed but instantly point them down when they see it's just him.
"Oh, John. Sorry, We thought you might be someone else."
"Like who?"
One of the agents shrug.
"I don't know, Y/n is a sneaky little minx. We thought maybe she escaped or something."
Johnny starts to chuckle nervously.
"No way. I was in the room they're keeping her in earlier, she's bound tight. No way she's getting out of there."
"Right, obviously they wouldn't let that sneaky little siren just roam in a cell somewhere."
One of the other guards butt in.
"You guys hear something?"
Johnny and the agent look at him.
"Weird, I hear someone humming."
Johnny knew what he was talking about, You were using your song on the agent. Johnny was currently wearing his headphones, something he received after The Temps found out you had the power to control people with your voice, of course not every agent received a pair, only the ones that worked with you which is why he and the other two agents couldn't hear you at the moment.
The other agent however had his eyes change into a silver color which quickly alarmed the other two however it was two late as he quickly shot one of his teammates in the leg. The agent on the ground screamed in pain of the shot before firing one of their own.
Johnny quickly backed out of the room before you slipped in and knocked the agent whom he was talking to into the wall, knocking him out as the agent you sirened shot the other in the head.
You let out a shaky breath, watching the blood drip from the agent's head causing you to close your eyes before turning to the sirened agent.
"Alright get out of here."
The agent nodded before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the two.
You quickly grab a suitcase before turning to Johnny; who had come back into the room. You pull him into a tight hug and your eyes filled with worry.
"Be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place as you know."
"I'll miss you."
"And I will miss you."
Tears started to fill your eyes and you were starting to regret letting Johnny help you.
"It'll be okay."
You pull away from him, looking deep into his eyes as he sends you a smile.
"It'll be okay. Now go."
You nod before holding onto the suitcase and disappearing in a flash of a light.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Arin frowns looking down at the floor finding herself unable to make eye contact with the handler.
"You had one job. Not to let her escape and what did you do?"
"We let her escape."
"You let her escape."
Arin backs away as the Handler advances towards.
"Actually. It was my fault."
Arin's eyebrows pinched in confusion as she turned to find her brother at the door.
"I let her out."
Arin shakes her head at him, her eyes were telling him to shut up though he didn't listen.
"I don't know why I did it, It was just hard watching my friend being held captive."
"Johnny, stop."
"Arin, had nothing to do with it."
The handler walked up to him with a glare on her face.
"How do you explain the fact that we found her knocked out on the ground."
Johnny makes eye contact with his sister. He had hoped this would get his sister out of trouble.
"I knocked her out, she was adamant about keeping Y/n locked up so, I helped her escape."
"You weren't in the camera footage."
"I snuck in and deleted it in hopes that I wouldn't get caught."
The Handler looks him up and down. Her eyes showed suspension.
"And yet you're giving yourself up now. Why is that?"
Johnny looks down at the ground as the handler continues to stare intensely at him.
"I can't let my sister take the fall for what I did."
The handler turns her attention towards Arin motioning to Johnny.
"Is this true?"
Johnny nods at his sister wanting her to let him take the fall. Arin looks down again, her jaw tightening.
"Arin, leave the room."
Arin hesitates but heads towards the door when her brother smiles at her, she grabs his hand on the way out and he gives it a squeeze before she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
Tears started to stream down her face at the sound of a gun shot ringing through the halls.
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akemii14 · 1 month
I need help
Just leave a comment for encourage me. I've been suffering right now.
I have four siblings and the fourth one is the most manipulate one. I asked her to help me a bit, at least just to wash dishes together and she just like, "No, you will use me as a maid."
And then she use reverse uno, I became her maid instead. I take care of her son while she's working at 6a.m to 6.pm. As she arrived home, she... Does not take care of her son well.
Her son is sick, but she still goes to work. When my late dad were sick for 40 days, my mom legit did not go to work only to take care of him. Her son got hospitalized for 4 days and puking on the next day!
She blame me because I didn't cook his food well and poisoning him but never in my life saw her go to the kitchen to cook her son. I'm the one who worried about her and her son, so I cook her rice for her just in case she brought cooked foods.
I'm happy while go downstairs, she called me insane. I go downstairs with serious cold face and she complained about it. I talk to 'her' son a lot and she shut me down. It's not that I badmouthing her in front of her son! What did she want? WHAT DID SHE WANT!?
Few days ago, I told her that something is wrong with the rice cooker and she teach me something... out of topic. I correct her and she said "I'M OLDER THAN YOU! I DESERVE TO TEACH YOU AND YOU WON'T LISTEN!!!"
And when I refuse to help her, she brought the topic of the end of the world will be next year. I...
"You cannot bring your art to the afterlife!" "You're disobey me and I'm older! That's mean you're going to hell!" "Stop wasting your time on drawing! Take care of my son instead!"
I thought things will be easy this year, but nope! She got pregnant and her due date is next month. I want to smack my head on the wall! I can't do this anymore! I need support by commenting or I will completely lost my mind!
I will leave Tumblr for a whole day and return tomorrow... I need to rest mentally.
Just for you know, I've take care of her childs without any payment. She still ungrateful towards me.
I know I didn't go to work, but that's why am I promoting my art for? She breaks my dream as digital artist and gamedev, does she happy to ruin her little sister's life?
I should give up on my dream and take care of her kid's dream. I don't want them to be as failure as me... 💔💔💔
Sorry dad, I cannot keep my promise to be digital artist. You must be disappointed on me in the afterlife. I love you dad, and always will.
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thevagueambition · 7 months
Les Mis 1.1.4 thoughts
a lot of this post is about things that annoy me about christianity just fyi lol
Re Geborand, I'm reminded of something biblical scholar Dan McClellan has talked about (e.g. in this 2 min video) called the "prophetic critique" where various performances of piety are criticised in the old testament/tanakh. The context of that being that when the rich and powerful perform piety through these offerings and festivals while at the same time violating religious principles of mercy and charity, their offerings become sinful.
"There is M. Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou." is not quite the same thing, but it hits on this same idea of the public performance of piety with an ulterior motive in mind (whether social propriety or a ticket to paradise) not being paired with moral behavior
(I guess the text doesn't mention if Geborand starts behaving more morally alongside his charity, but how paltry said charity is certainly suggests not)
The bishop's use of local dialects contrasts with the FRev's dogmatic desire to define a french citizen as a speaker of standard french
Myriel's religious views frankly seem fairly similar to the sort of Christianity I was raised with (there are shitty conservative priests in my area as well, but not in my immediate community).
His virtue lies in correctly identifying the miserable as the inheritors of the earth and in acting according to his principles
The description of Myriel's beliefs does hit on a part of Christianity that deeply annoys me, though: the body as something bad which must be subordinated to the mind/soul ("Man has upon him his flesh, which is at once his burden and his temptation. He drags it with him and yields to it. He must watch it, cheek it, repress it, and obey it only at the last extremity.")
Why should the body be bad? It can cause you pain, of course. You can fall ill, you can get injured. But you can also embrace others, you can smell the smells of your home, you can eat your favourite dish. The body that hurts loves and feels pleasure, too. But then of course "pleasure" is exactly what's "dangerous" about the body – as if all pleasure was selfish and destructive 🙄
(I don't agree with the Descartean body/mind split in the first place. Imo you are your body. Your mind is part of your body.)
It relates somewhat to this other thing that irks me about Christianity -- and which I think might also actually be relevant to Myriel's development in this chapter, lol -- which is Christianity as a cope religion. It identifies the problems of the world -- illness, oppression, war -- and says "but if you're kind, if you dont break our rules, the afterlife will be wonderful." Like we don't have to fix the problems we have in the world because in the afterlife you will be free from suffering. Enduring the world piously is the goal, not making it better
(I'm aware that there are many Christians who don't think that way. My dad believes firmly in God and (his own personal interpretation of) the Bible and that's certainly not how his morals shake out. But that is an element in many permutations of Christianity)
Anyway where I think this might actually be relevant to Myriel is re "It is wrong to become absorbed in the divine law to such a degree as not to perceive human law." One interpretation of that is that if you focus exclusively on piety and the solace of divine judgement, it precludes you from perceiving injustice and brutality in the world and acting against it. An injust ruler may be condemned in the afterlife, but you should do something about him in this life, too
I think Hugo is probably right in saying that the death penalty is the sort of thing one can't be neutral on once one has seen it in action
Becaise it's one of the few pieces of leftist theory I actually have read and (mostly) understood, Walter Benjamin's Critique of Violence (Zur Kritik der Gewalt) it probably occupies an outsized prominence in my thinking on several things, buit in it Benjamin argues that the death penalty is the ultimate form of law establishing -- that the threat of violence(/force) behind law is what makes that law into a reality rather than a piece of writing and that in control over life and death being the ultimate form of violent power to hold over someone, capital punishemtn is useful for a legal system less because of its literal function and more because it so concretely manifests the law
"The opponents of these critics [of capital punishment] felt, perhaps without knowing why and probably involuntarily, that an attack on capital punishment assails not legal measure, not laws, but law itself in its origin. For if violence [...] is the origin of law, then it may be readily supposed that where the highest violence, that over life and death, occurs in the legal system, the origins of law jut manifestly and fearsomely into existence. In agreement with this is the fact that the death penalty in primitive legal systems is imposed even for such crimes as offenses against property, to which it seems quite out of "proportion." Its purpose is not to punish the infringement of law but to establish new law. For in the exercise of violence over life and death, more than in any other legal act, the law reaffirms itself." (online PDF version of source)
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panharmonium · 3 years
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okay, let’s just recap.
three years ago, little kakashi came to the third hokage and said “your second-in-command is plotting to assassinate you.  i know this because he encouraged me to steal confidential documents about your whereabouts so he could ambush you on your next journey.”  danzo made the predicted attempt on sarutobi’s life; it failed because of kakashi’s intel; and then when sarutobi got back to his office and saw danzo sitting in his chair prematurely celebrating his supposed death, sarutobi did...nothing.  the most powerful man in the village looked away, and danzo retained all of his power and suffered no consequences.
three years after that, teenage kakashi comes to the third hokage again - beaten, bleeding, poisoned - and says “your second-in-command just tried to kill me.  i’m afraid he’s going to retaliate against the child who refused to finish the job.”  when he begs the most powerful man in the village to do something about this, sarutobi is almost...TAKEN ABACK at being asked to act.  he hesitates, sighs, and eventually, finally, sends yugao to the foundation with a note for danzo to come see him.
a note.
so kakashi - who knows that danzo got away with this shit before, who knows that the foundation’s sentries are just going to brush yugao off, who knows that a note is not going to save yamato in time - takes matters into his own hands.  the third hokage tells him to go to the hospital, and kakashi lies to him, saying that he will.  “yes, sir,” he says, and then he goes straight to the foundation, where he breaks into the forbidden facility, incapacitates danzo’s guards, rescues yamato from the lab where he’s lying shackled to an examination chair, and attempts to fight all of danzo’s forces AND danzo himself on his way out the door.  he literally confronts konoha’s equivalent of the vice president (a man who just tried to have kakashi killed), after lying to the actual president, while trespassing in bowels of the cia.  he commits TREASON.  he breaks every rule on the books, because THOSE WHO BREAK THE RULES ARE SCUM, BUT THOSE WHO ABANDON THEIR FRIENDS ARE WORSE THAN SCUM.
and then, when sarutobi finally does show up (at which point he witnesses danzo attacking two young teenagers, when he already knows that danzo tried to have kakashi murdered for as-yet-unclear reasons), the most powerful man in the village once again does NOTHING.  he uses the situation to leverage yamato out of the foundation, and once the valuable wood-style user is in his own hands (how convenient for him), he lets everything else go, saying “we’ll consider this settled amicably.”  he doesn’t hold danzo accountable for a single thing.  there are NO consequences to anything danzo did.  sarutobi KNOWS yamato is a product of orochimaru’s experiments, and he doesn’t ask danzo a single thing about that.  he KNOWS danzo ordered a hit on kakashi, and he lets him walk away with all of his power and resources intact - while kakashi is right there watching!  danzo tried to have kakashi killed, and the third hokage knows he did that, and it doesn’t matter.  
what does that tell kakashi about how little his life is worth?  how expendable is he, how insignificant is his suffering, that one of the village’s leaders can just make an attempt on his life without fear of reprisal?  how unimportant is kakashi, ultimately, if the village’s second-in-command can try to have him murdered, and the first-in-command can just handwave it away and tell kakashi to forget it happened?  
the fact that kakashi in the present day continues to suffer for this man’s sins (and the fact that i suspect he’s also going to end up being the person responsible for cleaning up this man’s mess) makes me so frustrated.  kakashi, when he was just a CHILD, gave the hokage everything he needed to put a stop to danzo’s misdeeds long before his crimes culminated in the uchiha massacre.  kakashi came to the third hokage again and again with proof of serious abuses; he sounded the alarm, once, twice; he gave the third hokage all the information necessary to stop this train before danzo drove it off a cliff.  the third hokage knew - because kakashi told him so - that danzo ordered kakashi to steal confidential documents, that he tried to have sarutobi assassinated, that he tried to have teenage kakashi killed, that he was secretly in possession of a wood-style user who had been kidnapped by orochimaru as an infant and experimented upon.  it’s not like sarutobi didn’t believe these accusations - he knew they were true.  he just actively chose to let all of it slide.  he kept danzo at his side, kept looking the other way, until his leniency (his cowardice) led to a genocide.
sarutobi is the hokage.  he’s the most powerful man in the village.  he’s the one with the ability and the authority to stop his subordinates from hurting other people, and when it’s brought to his attention - multiple times, by a child - that danzo is, in fact, hurting other people, it’s sarutobi’s responsibility to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  kakashi is just a teenager, one whose own life is in such a shambles it’s a miracle he’s even functional enough to take this amount of action; and he’s been targeted by danzo specifically because he’s so vulnerable - when a foundation ninja tells danzo that attacking a member of the uchiha to steal the sharingan will be high-risk, danzo responds, “there is one with the sharingan who is not an uchiha, who has neither parents nor teachers” - ie, there’s someone out there who is all alone.  kakashi has no parents to take care of him, no teachers to protect him, no clan to back him up.  he’s targeted because he doesn’t have the power or the connections of the uchiha clan, and because danzo thinks no one will kick up a fuss or ask inconvenient questions when he “accidentally” dies in the field.  kakashi is the injured antelope separated from the herd.  he’s what danzo sees as an easy mark.  it’s easier to murder an orphaned, sensei-less teenager than it is to take on one of the the most powerful clans in the village, and danzo, expecting that sarutobi will avert his eyes from most of his dirty work, is not afraid to attempt to kill a child and loot his body for parts.
it’s infuriating to me, how right danzo is about this.  kakashi begs the third hokage for help, and sarutobi responds with the absolute least amount of assistance possible.  he’s worse than useless.  he’s worse than danzo, even, because he’s so self-deluded.  danzo is evil, but he doesn’t lie to himself about who and what he is - whereas the third hokage, on the other hand, genuinely sees himself as a benevolent patriarch who loves his people and “takes care” of the village’s children, when really he’s a coward who lets orochimaru and danzo get away with murder.  
kakashi, as a child, goes far beyond the scope of his own responsibilities in order to stop danzo from hurting people, long before things get to the point where we’re at now.  he does everything within his limited power, and whenever he takes his concerns to the person who’s truly responsible for dealing with the situation, the third hokage is like “thanks for bringing this to my attention; don’t worry; i’ll handle it from here.”  but after the crisis, behind the scenes, sarutobi’s version of “handling it” just looks like letting danzo continue to do whatever he wants, up until the moment when danzo exterminates an entire ethnic group, at which point it’s too late.  AND THEN SARUTOBI COVERS FOR HIM, EVEN THEN.
kakashi has spent his entire life picking up messes that the third hokage made, and i do mean his Entire Life - sarutobi was hokage during the previous generation’s time, too, and he clearly was just as unwilling to intervene when one of his most respected jonin was being publicly harassed and driven to suicide as he is about everything happening in the present day.  sarutobi has spent decades declining to act when the situation called for courage, and his legacy is precisely what kakashi describes to tazuna in the land of waves arc: “to know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward.”  
i hate the idea that kakashi is probably going to have to spend even more of his life cleaning up after this man, but he’s the only person i trust to do it right.  and that’s a sentiment i suspect will be shared by the “wood-style user” whom kakashi rescues immediately after the end of the above gifset, because - and i say this with full offense intended to sarutobi - sending a NOTE to someone who just tried to murder a child doesn’t cut it.
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lavendersugarplum · 4 years
☂︎ZEROᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ᵘᵐᵇʳᵉˡˡᵃ
(The Umbrella Academy x Sibling! Adolescent! Reader)
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sᴏɴs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀs
ZERO WAS OBSERVING HERSELF in the mirror imagining what her day would be like this morning. The change in the weather already had her feeling gloom, but she didn't really expect much from today. It was probably just going to be just like every morning, or so she thought.
Seconds later, Pogo came in, gently, through the door. "Miss Y/n, Luther, and the rest of your siblings are here." As soon as those words fell out of the chimp's mouth she froze as if she didn't know how to process what he just said. She couldn't believe it. Zero didn't think that they would even attend. After how so Sir Reginald treated them, this must be some kind of joke. Once Zero fully processed what was happening, she positions herself around and raised an eyebrow. "Why hadn't you told me they were coming before?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise." Pogo smiled gently at her before walking up to fix the tie on her uniform. Once he was done tying it, he looked at her with his big brown eyes. "You'll do fine. Just talk to them." Zero nodded in understanding, eyes furrowed. "I see....... and Pogo?
"Yes?""You don't have to call me Miss. I'm not quite grown up, as you can see."
"Well, I think you've grown to be a mature young lady," Pogo said smiling.
"Too bad Mr. Hargreeves didn't think so." Zero thought as she walked out of the room.
TO SAY THAT SHE WAS nervous was an understatement. It had been forever since she had seen any of her siblings at all, including Luther. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Zero's head in anxiousness. Within every step she took getting closer to the living room, the feeling of her throat closing up came with it.
When Zero arrived in the living room, the first person she saw was her bulky brother Luther along with Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Vanya. They had all looked so grown up. It almost made Zero envy for how mature they had gotten.
"Zero has arrived." Pogo announced causing the five to have their eyes zapped straight to Zero. Vanya was the first to walk up to her with welcoming arms. "Zero." Vanya went over to hug her, causing Zero to back away trying to contain her abilities from being triggered. "I'm sorry." Vanya apologized as she backed away.
"You came back." Zero said, putting what had just happened aside. She was just overjoyed and slightly overwhelmed to see her family again.
"I told you I would come back." Vanya shyly smiled, running a hand through her dark brunette hair. The next person to the conversation was Klaus.
"Oh my, Zero! Well I'd say you don't look a day over..... Since I last saw you!" Klaus said acting surprised but was just really being a tease."Some family reunion, huh?" Zero slightly rolled her eyes at him. "Go on, M-I mean Zero. Go sit by Luther." Pogo held his hand out in the direction of the couch. As Zero made her way over to the couch, she tried to avoid eye contact with her siblings in pure shyness.
"So do you come out of your room now or is it just for stupid occasions like these?" Diego asked, clearly annoyed.
"Diego." Allison warned.
"It's fine." Zero said quietly, voice barely above a whisper. As soon as she said that Klaus's eyes widened.
"Wait. She can talk now?"
Klaus asked, but everyone just ignored it as a question.
"Why am I always the last to know about stuff?" Klaus groans as he fixes himself a drink.
A pensive silence starts to enclose over the room. Zero understood it was kinda awkward because none of them saw each other in such a long time.
Zero observed her siblings as they had their moments of silence. She looked to Luther who looked the same just as when he had left. With the chimpanzee DNA he took, he had gotten taller. She remembers when they were younger, with him being the leader. She knows Luther tried his best, but Reginald didn't think that was enough. Luther was always the leader, and she could feel how much it always got on Diego's nerves. Those two were always getting into rivalries.
Sh started to feel bad that he's going to realize he went to the moon for no reason. Reginald didn't read his reports at all; and she knew that.
Even though Luther was raised to be the best and most useful, Zero couldn't deny that he went through some trauma. They all did. He was raised to believe he was the best and a leader. Another example of Reginald's bad parenting. And as a result, his ego is still here, as Zero noticed. He's the only one that still cares for his father, while Zero just doesn't know how to feel after all the things he did to her. They say it's always better to forgive, but Zero just doesn't know.
Luther loved being hero more than anything, she had to  just hope that he wouldn't put that over himself and his family.
Her pupils bored over to Diego. He may be brash, but deep down Zero senses that he's insecure and still wants to prove himself. Still trying to measure up to Luther, even though Diego has become very skilled in Zero's eyes. She still remembers the time when they had first interacted.
ZERO WAS WALKING DOWN the hall with Reginald's reports in her hand; taking them to him. A thud into her shoulder made every last one of the reports fall out of her hand, but like magic, she reached her hands and the reports defied gravity to arrive back into her possession.
Zero was about to walk away but Diego stopped her.
"W-wait. I heard you in my mind. What kind of ridiculous trick are you playing on?"
"...... I can read minds and feel emotions."
"Well don't do that on me. I-i don't need a weird girl like you looking through my mind." With that Diego walked away, keeping a guard on his mind.
ZERO THEN PEERS AT ALLISON. She had grown up to be a very pretty girl, as so Zero thought. Allison was always nice towards everyone in the Umbrella Academy. She never once talked bad about anyone behind their backs, which is quite admirable to Zero. How much Allison craved for attention is what she didn't notice.
Then there's Klaus. Still the same rebellious person he is. Zero admires how he can just move on and not dwell on the past too much. Sweet and vulnerable as a boy, and also her other close friend thanks to Ben. Besides herself, Klaus got experimented on by Sir Reginald the most. Through the years he has become not all himself, which awakens her concern for his well-being.
Finally, there's Vanya. Zero learned that she became a writer. She remembers when she sent her book to Reginald, but he never read it. Zero finds herself wondering how her music career was doing. Though in the past she seemed aloof, not want to have anything to do with her siblings, Zero had always watched them from afar, knowing their feelings and insecurities.
But sometimes it would be too much feelings and insecurities.
Zero's thought process was interrupted when Luther began the gathering speech.
"I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison asked, astonished, an expression of surprise crossing her face along with the others.
"You know, under an oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Luther asked, like it was a usual thing.
Not all of us were his Number One, is what Zero thought.
"Will there be any refreshments? TV? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." Klaus asked as he nonchalantly popped a joint, joining his siblings in the living room, drink in hand. Luther's face scrunched up at Klaus.
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
"Is that my skirt?" Allison says in tone, referring to the skirt Klaus was wearing. "What? Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know. But it's very breathy on the." Klaus motions his hands. ".... Bits."
"Listen up. Still, some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" Luther proceeds.
"Like what?" Diego asked dryly and uninterested.
"Like the way he died."
"And here we go." Diego rolled his eyes, uninterested.
"I don't understand." Vanya mumbles. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
"Yeah, according to the coroner."
"Well, wouldn't they know?"
"Theoretically," Luther explained.
"Theoretically?" Allison asked.
"I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. the last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange."
"Oh, Quelle surprise!" Klaus exclaimed gurgling his drink.
"Strange how?" Allison asked.
"He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust. Hearing these things made Zero look up from her lap, at Luther.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles," Diego said walking over to him.
"No. He must have known something was going to happen. Zero, you must know something. Did he say anything out of the usual to you?" Luther said kneeling to Zero.
".........No." Zero replied, looking back down.
Luther sighed and got back up. "Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad," Luther said referring to Klaus, causing Allison to scoff.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, "Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?"
"Since when? That's your thing," Luther encourages.
"I'm just not in the right frame of mind," Klaus replied.
"You're high?" Allison exclaims.
"Yeah! Yeah! I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?"
"Well, sober up, this is important. Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." Luther said.
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?" Diego said.
"Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge."
"Where are you going with this?" Klaus asked.
"Oh, is it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed dad." Diego said, eyes trained on Luther.
"You do?" Klaus said in awe.
"And I already know exactly who is the main suspect is. He thinks Zero did it." As soon as Diego said that everyone's eyes went wide and Zero tensed up.
"No, Zero. That's not-" Luther reached out for Zero, but she backed away.
"Why......do you lie?" That was the last thing she said before walking out of the room, heading for her bedroom.
"How could you think she would do that," Vanya said in disbelief.
"She's a kid, Luther," Diego said.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy. Crazy."
Klaus, Vanya, and Diego started to storm at the room not wanting to continue with the conversation anymore.
Allison started to walk away too with a disappointed look on her face.
"That went well," Luther said sarcastically. He sighs and settles down on one the couches and rubs his head in exhaustion.
"Master Luther."
Luther's thoughts were halted by Pogo, who walked in; wooden walking stick glued to his paw. Luther had called him in to ask him about Sir Reginald's Monocle which turned to be missing.
"I'm trying to locate Dad's monocle. Have you perhaps seen it?"
Pogo simply shakes his head.
"No, unfortunately I haven't, but I would assume it would be one of his personal findings."
"It's not there... I've already checked." Luther goes silent almost about to give up.
ZERO WAS IN HER BEDROOM reading the book Ben gave her. She already read it a thousand times, but this book is the only thing she has of Ben. She soon started to hear the music play in the house. She shook her head and kept reading. Zero' started to think about what Luther had said about their father seeming off. It wasn't just him, she also noticed he was a out of character months before he passed. Reginald started telling her more about the world beyond the Academy. Of course they would have their usual sessions, like playing chest or eating breakfast together. Sometimes they would just sit by the fireplace in silence. No lectures, no teachings, just silence.
Zero's thought process was diminished by a Thunder clap and sound clouding her ears, along with bright blue shadowing over her room. Zero decided she would stay in a room since there is no way she was going outside. A blue glint casted her eyes as she just stared in awe at the illuminating glow. It was some sort of a wormhole forming in mid-air. She saw her siblings going out to look at it as well.
"And just what do they think they're doing?"
She saw Klaus coming out with a fire extinguisher throwing it in. She then saw Luther directing them to back away from it. All the Hargreeves just stared at it with the wind ferociously blowing. The unbelievable happened. A small figure fell from the whole. As soon as the person hit the ground, the wormhole instantly closed up.
The siblings started to inch closer to the figure, along with Zero who examined the person with curious eyes, eyes widening at what it was.
It was her missing brother.
Five Hargreeeves
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taylorgrace-writes · 3 years
We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals
Part 5
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Pairings: None
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 734
“I suppose we should get this started.” Luther says. It’s early in the afternoon, but Klaus has already started drinking. You all sit down in the living room, no one wishing to talk first. It’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop if it weren’t for Klaus pouring a drink. “So,” Luther begins,“I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at dusk. Say a few words at dad’s favorite spot.” 
“Dad had a favorite spot?” you asked.
“You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?” He asked, glancing around at the rest of his family, giving him blank looks or shaking their heads. 
“Will there be refreshments?” Klaus asked, a lit joint dangling from his lips.“Tea? Scones? Those little cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.” 
“What? No, and put that out!” Luther growls at Klaus.“Dad didn’t tolerate smoking in here.” 
“Is that my skirt?” Allison asks, looking at Klaus.
“What? Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room.” Klaus replies, spinning around in it. “It’s a little dated I know, but it’s very breathy on the bits,” Klaus says, gesturing down towards his groin area. Allison just rolls her eyes in response.
“Listen up. There are still some important things we need to discuss, all right?” Luther says, trying to get everyone back on track.
“Like what?” Diego asks.
“Like the way he died,” Luther responds.
“Here we go.” Diego moans, not wishing to discuss this any further.
“I don’t understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack.” Vanya said.
“Yeah, according to the coroner,” Luther responded. 
“Well, wouldn’t they know?” you asked, a bit puzzled why Luther was talking about your father’s death.
“I’m just saying at the very least something happened. The last time I spoke to dad, he sounded strange.” Luther said.
“Strange how?” Allison asked.
“He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who I trust.” Luther answered, glancing around.
“Luther, he was a paranoid bitter old man who was losing what was left of his marbles,” Diego says. 
“No. He must have known something was going to happen.” Luther said. He glanced over to Klaus, who was busy smoothing out his, or rather Allison’s, skirt. “Look, I know you don’t want to do it, but I need you to talk to dad,” Luther says to Klaus. Klaus scoffs at his request. 
“I can’t just call dad in the afterlife and be like, ‘dad could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call.” 
“Since when? That’s your thing.” Luther asks.
“I’m not in the proper... frame of mind,” mumbles Klaus.
“You're high?” Diego asks.
“Yeah! Yeah! I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?”
“Well, sober up, this is important,” says Luther through gritted teeth. He then leans back in his chair and lets out a sigh.“Then there’s the missing monocle,” Luther says, resting his head in one of his enormous hands.
“Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?” Diego asks,
“Exactly. It’s worthless. So whoever took it, it was something personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge.” Luther says looking over to Diego and staring at him.
“Where are you going with this?” asks Klaus 
“Oh, isn’t it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed dad.” Diego yells at Klaus
“You do?” you ask Luther, shocked at why he would assume such a thing.
“How could you think that?” asks Allison clearly, just as shocked as you. 
“Great job, Luther, way to be a leader,” Diego says as he stands up and gives Luther a hard pat on the back before he goes to grab a drink from the bar.  
“That’s not what I’m saying,” Luther says, trying to defend himself. 
“Your crazy man, you’re crazy.” Says Klaus, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Hey, I’m not finished yet,” Luther says, trying to get the group back under control. 
“Sorry, I’m just going to go murder mom,” Diego says.“I’ll be right back.” 
“That’s not what I was saying,” Luther says, trying again to defend himself. Allison looks at Luther, shaking her head as she gets up and walks upstairs to her room.“Allison,” Luther calls out, but she’s too far gone.“Jeez,” Luther grumbles, resting his face in his hands.
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jellytoru · 4 years
Take me home ( The Umbrella Academy )
Five Hargreeves X Reader
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Chapter 2: “ Oh, Quelle surprise! ” part. 2
" Is that my skirt? " Allison asked, eyeing the skirt that Klaus was wearing, Y/n turned her head at Klaus before looking down to see him wearing a long, cloured grey flowy skirt that reaches past his knees, the younger-looking female let out a chuckle at the sight.
" What? " Klaus replied as he turned around to face Allison " Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits " Klaus explained as he makes hand gestures before taking a seat beside Y/n which sitting on the female's legs in the process. earning a yelp in pain from the female
" Ouch! Klaus! " Y/n yelp before curling her legs inwards so Klaus could sit on the space that Y/n's legs were resting before.
" Sorry sis " Klaus replied before offering the glass to his younger sister, Y/n  got up from Vanya's lap and grab the glass before taking a sip and handing it back at Klaus as she laid at Vanya's lap once again.
" Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss. all right? " Luther announced to his siblings.
" Like what? " Diego asked aggressively, clearly annoyed at Luther.
" Like the way he died. " Luther answered, eyeing Y/n as she was looking at Five's portrait again.
" And here we go " Diego sighed as he looked to the side.
" I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack " Klaus said
" Yeah, according to the coroner " replied Luther
Vanya stops laying with Y/n hair as she questioned " Well, wouldn't they know? " 
" Theoretically "
" Theoretically? " both Allison and Y/n asked in unison as they both looked at Luther confuse.
" I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. " as Luther said that, Y/n took her legs off from Klaus's lap and got up from Vanya's lap as she sits properly, both of her hands were now on top of her lap while straightening her back. She knows something gonna happened and she doesn't like where this is going.
" The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange," Luther said
" Oh yeah, the last time I talked to Dad which was last night- he sounded normal " Y/n chimed in
" Oh, Quelle surprise! " Klaus gurgled, Vanya and Y/n give him a disgusted look. 
" Strange how? " Allison questioned, ignoring Y/n's statement.
" He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust " Luther explained
' The hell is he thinking? ' Y/n asked herself as her eyes start to twitch in annoyance ' Dad was normal last night '
" Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles," Diego said as he stood up from his seat and started to walk forward at Luther.
" No. He must have known something was going to happen." Luther replied as he and Diego looked at each other before breaking the eye contact " Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad " Luther adds as he looked at Klaus.
Klaus pointed at himself, looking at Luther with disbelief, Allison scoffs before bringing the glass to her mouth.
" I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, "  Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call? " " Klaus explained
" Since when? That's your thing " Luther replied
" Don't make him do what he doesn't want to, Luther " Y/n told the giant male in front of her.
" I'm not in the right....frame of mind " Klaus answered
" You're high? " Allison questioned
 Klaus laughs before admitting " Yeah! Yeah! I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense? "
" Well, sober up, this is important " Luther harshly demand at Klaus, making the junkie male sigh, Y/n just pat her junkie brother's shoulder while sending him a timid smile.
" Then there's the issue of the missing monocle " 
" Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle? " Diego scoffs
Y/n clicked her tongue " Yeah, Who even gives a flying fuck about that? " 
" Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal " Luther affirmed looking at Deigo before looking back at the rest of his siblings " Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge " he adds
Diego looked at Luther with disbelief as Klaus asked " Where are you going with this? "
" Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? " Diego grumbles as he took one step at Luther while looking at the male with pure anger present to this face, " He thinks one of us killed Dad. "
Luther grunts softly as Diego continued " And he thinks Y/n was the one who killed Dad because she's the only one with him "
" First of all- What the fuck? " Y/n announced looking at Luther with disbelief " Second of all- For all due respect! So you're suspecting me? no wonder you kept looking at me with a deep hatred on your eyes! Yeah, I'm angry with Dad- Hell! I even despise him because he was the reason why I'm still stuck at this 14-year-old body! Not to mention spending almost half of my life training after I woke up 4 years ago! But I would never- I mean NEVER! EVER! do that kind of thing to Dad! Heaven forbid me! " Y/n barked at her brother who is standing in front of her.
The female could feel Vanya and Klaus worried glances at her but she paid no heed at them " Luther, just because you just got sent to the moon, that doesn't mean you have the right to suspect everyone in our family that killed Dad! Especially me because I'm the only one, among us remaining six siblings that still lived here! "
 Y/n quickly stood up from the sofa and storm off the living room without looking to her siblings who were left behind and made her way towards her bedroom to try and take a nap because she hasn't slept since yesterday. The stress, anxiety and depression are worsening by the minute and she could feel herself hyperventilating again and her vision started to swirl, luckily Y/n leaned her body against the wall and started to take deep breaths, remembering how her mother would always tell her to breath in slowly and hold it for 5 seconds before exhaling, she did that about 6 times.
After doing that, she slowly walks her way towards her bedroom, twisting the doorknob gently before entering her bedroom and close it behind her. Y/n then made her way towards her bed and flop on top of the soft mattress.
After the outburst of their little sister, the living room grew silent and the remaining siblings wait for Luther's explanation only for the giant male to let out a small grunt without saying anything. Vanya, Allison, Diego and Klaus looked at Luther with pure disbelief and disappointment.
" So you do think that N/n killed dad! " Klaus said stun by how much their brother distrust them mostly to their little sister. 
" How could you think of that? " Vanya questioned 
" Great job, Luther. Way to lead, " Diego said sarcastically before walking out of the living room.
" That's not what I'm saying " Luther tried to explain as he watches Klaus stood up from the couch. 
" You're crazy, man, You're crazy, " Klaus told Luther as he stood up from the couch and walk towards the small table to grab the trophy " Crazy " he added. 
" I'm not finished " Luther claimed as he tried to call back Diego and Klaus. 
Vanya stood up from the couch as Klaus turned to face Luther and jesters" Sorry! I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back "  then turned towards the door and walked out of the living room with Vanya behind him. " Be right back! " Klaus said as he and Vanya walk out of the living room and go to separate way. 
" That's not what I'm trying to say " Luther tried to explain " I didn't- " the giant male sighed as he watched Vanya and Klaus walk away, Luther then looked at Allison who is also walking out of the living room, leaving Luther alone by himself. 
" Allison, Jeez... That went well " Luther sighed to himself.
@outofcoffeee @im-dead-and-hurting @isnt-it-loverly @ifancyubbko @littleshine07 @2cuteforyourlies
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purplerose244 · 6 years
And adding this to the pilot episodes, which are four in two episodes, we finally reached 100 episodes of Ninjagooooo!!! 🎊🎊🎊 YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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I can't believe we really achieved this, like, I remember getting interested because of that elevator gag with Jay in season 1, now look at this!!! 😍😍 I love this show, I love how much I have grown during it, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for it!
And after getting all hyped with this, let's get to the episode! 😎
I wanna start by saying that, back when I watched it, I really liked Day of the Departed, but I would've LOVED IT if it was a season. Like, it's clear that a lot could've been done, and it came out really freaking cool but not mindblowing (and I kinda expect that from my favorite show, not sorry 😙)
My opinion on March of the Oni is similar, I definitely enjoyed more than DotD because it was basically a season of four episodes, it's just that some parts went by a little fast.
But you're asking if I liked it, right?
And let me tell, with the amount of parts coming from pilots and first season, I can die happily 😆 That's what I love about Ninjago, even when I think it's not perfect, there are still moments that I fall in love with immediately!
For the start, Faith's story. I'm so sorry for the poor dragon hunters, can't even have the time to fully redeem themselves that darkness arises 😅
To be honest, when the ninja arrived and Wu was smiling at them like waiting for good news, I was too worried for Cole and was grieving like all of the ninja 😢 Then it reminded me of that one scene in Kung fu Panda with Shifu being all "ah yeah, I really need good news" with his messanger and it turns out it's fricking Tai Lung coming for him 😂😂
But yeah, that was heavy. And Garmy was still merciless with his brother, as much as with his wife (weird that I kinda enjoyed that part? He never went all bad against her, not even as Lord Garmadon. He is full beast now)
And oh man. WU'S REACTION.
One of his first pupil, the first leader of the team; not only that, Cole was always there when Wu turned into a baby and grew up, he basically became a second father for him in a weird but cute way. Can you imagine the grief? It would be really sad if he got to remember him being to affectionate with his infant version, singing for him 😭😭 (woa, fanfiction idea!)
Well played, I must say, Ninjago crew. I'm already on feels mode 👏 But don't think you can fool me again writers, I'm not that easy to impress for y-
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... I screamed at that part. A LOT.
It's been AGES! He wore it two pilot episodes, period, he looks so young 😍 From this point of few I appreciate that he changed design, it's like he really grew up from before. And he looked so worried, or disappointed? Maybe because he gave up on being blacksmith a long time ago for doing something he's actually good at, and going back again it's like saying he didn't improve at all...
... or maybe I just overthink Kai all day all night
Well, forge happens, no Ray and Maya but it was kinda hopeless anyway 😅 I really want them to come back, come on Tommy!
And bam, golden weapons. BAM 👊
They made me feel way more excited than I thought, I really squeaked all over while they were fighting! ☺ Back then there was nothing more important and powerful, and now they are back. But I think the golden power in them is weak? I guess they forged in a different way the first time, or maybe they need to be charged by golden power user. I don't know but good job anyway, my hot blacksmith 😚
Meanwhile, in another dark place...
I screamed again 😅
I was just super happy to see Cole fully alive and not frozen and stuff. I thought it had a deeper meaning him moving, but then I guess he woke up in time? And wasn't in the middle of the toxic darkness, thank lord 😵😵
Or maybe they'll explain it better next season and it's important? You never know
Kirby did his best at talking to himself 😂 Rocky you gotta stop loving your best bud that much, you were panicking just like him 💙 Also the part when he was so close to despair, man if I wanted nothing more but broke my phone screen and give him a hug 😢
Luckily, cuteness came to my rescue
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My bruise heart is beating faster? My bruise heart is beating faster 🖤💙🖤💙 Sorry, can't help it, moving on!
I missed some full team fighting action! I wanted more, especially with the new golden weapons and how amazing the landscape look now near the monastery ☺ But it was cool, and I love Nya and Lloyd fighting back to back since they don't have golden weapons! Also Wu is getting so active in season 9 and 10 😊 And Faith is a queen 🖤
While we're at it, my idea is that Garmadon's doubts about his evilness are meaningful, but not for now. I like that they didn't push him into full redemption, it would've been too early. He clearly wants to know more about himself and his family. I think that the next adventure will be important for him, even if I still don't know how, maybe a full life-changing field trip (if so, my warlord, I have a half burnt prince from the Fire Nation to recommend 🔥)
... I did enough serious stuff for him, right? Well then...
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... OKAY I CAN'T 😂😂😂😂
Like, I get the point and everything about him being almost full oni and stuff, but I can't look at his face 😂 I think it's the only part I really don't think it fits, the rest is pretty cool. I like the staff, looks all sorcery. They even used the design of the oni masks, nice touch.
... still, the face is weird, happy it didn't last 😙
Back to the monastery, everyone's scared, it might be the end, I actually liked the situation very much for the yang proposal. Jay stopped overthinking and went for it, it's hard for someone like him 😂
And of course Nya was ecstatic, and when our goddess is happy I am 💙💙💙
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I'm a sucker for romance, I'm sorry 😅
I'm also a sucker for references from past seasons, so...
They played it as they didn't use it again because it was kinda a miracle... I guess I can buy that, even if the Hagemans explained that they didn't expect Ninjago to continue and put the ultimate power immediately in the pilots... regretting it 😅 So I'm not hard on the writers in general, I'm happy to see this old friend back 💛
They all used spinjitzu, and the new design is so good, I was so happy!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Well I was, but then... boy... 😳
Now... let me tell you... how FREAKING nervewrecking... the last minutes of the episode... have been for me
First of all, the transition in black and soundless was so sudden that it got me thinking "okay this is new, got a weird feeling about it". Lloyd wakes up into such a heavenly beautiful place with a paradisiac great view. And I was already on what the frisk mode, because the others are gone and there's a beautiful golden dragon right there. And I freaking love those (I WANT ONE), so I got distracted.
Then a voice. Good Garmadon? I guess it could be, but why now and here? The heck?
Then of course I recognized him...
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Because he still gives his back to the camera 😂 Also he freaking called him Lloyd MONTGOMERY Garmadon, I can't even 👏👏 This compensate the fact that I kinda wanted green bean to just go and call him granpa 😘
And while I thought it was super cool and over the top and reminded me again of Kung fu Panda, the third movie this time, I was still thinking from time to time:
"This looks like afterlife."
"The first Spinjitzu Master is gone."
"This can't be happening."
"This can't... can't..."
And after making sure to remind us that yes, first Spinjitzu Master-san is indeed Wu's dad, with his wise words because...
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... he said that. THAT. Come back to your friends, or come with me. Go back being the green ninja, or reach the light once and for all. And darn it. I could feel my heart pulsing in my head. It ached when Lloyd extended his hand, and suddenly everything went white.
Back to the monastery. Guys are fine, Jaya is still beatiful and my poor sweetie flame got under a colomn thanks Cole I bet lavashippers appreciated
Then the worry. All of then running to him, checking, my flame so scared, "come on buddy, wake up". Wu following, he's the only hope, he can manage...
He can... can...
"There is nothing to be done."
I sobbed. Like, I didn't even dare to look at the time, I was too scared. I just didn't want it to be real.
Gotta say, when it comes to grieving, Ninjago makes me feel the most. Jay stuttering, asking Wu to help him. Nya sobbing calling his name. Kai slowly shaking his head, so desperate, like it wasn't enough they lost Cole even if not for long, and then going to comfort Wu because Garmy is not his brother right now and he's not showing emotion at all (although he was backing off, I wonder if he was trying to keep the distance from such a strong scene)
... and then Lloyd came back
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Also Kai and Cole hugging, it was really sweet 🖤❤🖤❤
Oh man, OH MAN 😵
They put everything into that last fragment, now did they? Very nice, loved every part of it and it's really cool how we now kinda know what could be waiting on the afterlife 🤩 I wonder if there is more of that world...
This is why I said I wanted a longer special/season, we had two beautiful moments of pure sadness, really impactful and intense, that could've been even stronger if we had more time to struggle. But you know what? I died inside twice, came back to life twice as well, and nobody died!! 😊 ... except the oni I guess. I think... they died, didn't they?
Well whatever, going for the end!
Okay can I call upon myself the frame meme of Gravity Falls without actually showing it? I can't put more pictures 😅
"Oh, this."
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"This is beautiful."
It's both extremely funny for the claw lego thingy, and meaningful. Only they could do that. Only those that really follow Ninjago could recognize this. I just like it a lot, the Tornado of Creation in its on way ❤💚💙🖤💦💎
(give me white and gray hearts emoji you COWARDS)
And of course, reunion for the finale
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Sky you have no idea how happy I am to see you, girl I missed you a lot 😘 Also dat wink, Kai you might be the next to the yang proposal 😙 Cyrus is okay, I'm happy, and random Ronin because why not? He has better things to do than being caught up with all this drama 🤣
AND THE POSTMAN IS THERE 😎 Of course, our greatest ruler appear! 💪💪💪
While at the end that little moment between Wu and Garmy, I wonder what's waiting for the two sons of mister too shy for facing the camera 😜
And of course our Ninjago alphabet, THE END, with mama dragon who seems to be okay, good 😊 Pretty cool
Well guys, this is it. I enjoyed, no matter how it could've gone as a full season or other formats, it's refreshing knowing that they still remember stuff from the very beginning (MONTGOMERY 🤣🤣🤣). I think we had a good ending for a good beginning to a new fragment of Ninjago, involving what, I have no idea 😅 Also I really appreciate what they did with my Kai, the hotheaded, cocky but selfless warrior that I love so much. Thanks a lot ❤❤
Guess we'll find out sooner or later what's in store for this show, for now I'm done! Thank you guys a lot for all the notes in the last post, you guys are amazing! 😁
Nothing else to say, see ya around! 💜
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