ru-fiction · 4 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Reader
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Chapter 3: Run Boy Run part 2
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Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Comic ChaCha
Comic Hazel
It was a nice day in the fall. The sun was shining, the wind wasn't too strong. People were walking around the carnival with smiles on their faces.
An older man smiled as he saw this and proceeded to set up is concession stand.
He was whistling a small tune as he did so, his favorite time of day was when he came to work. He liked to keep himself busy.
The whisting came to a stop when a broom snapped on the side of his stand, then started hearing a scream. He looked in the sky before jumping out of the way and the next thing he knew the body of the cleaners fell into his stand.
He quickly went and told the security guard what had happened though the security guard was skeptical when he said the man was pushed.
Until he saw the body. He pulls out his walkie and starts to yell into it.
"Excuse me, officer but I believe we can of assistance."
"Who the hell are you?"
The man asked as he turned to find the Umbrella Academy; Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus and Ben. This was their second mission and they felt more than ready to take on the task at hand.
"It's your Eiffel Tower, it's gone insane and must be stopped at all cost."
The man looked at the kids like they were crazy, he had no time for children and their made up games.
"Allow me to introduce my subordinate, Number Three."
Luther holds his hand out and gestures to Allison with it.
Allison turns to face the crowd of people that happened to be surrounding the Eiffel Tower.
"Citizens of Paris... I heard a rumor that the musee d'orsay is giving away many of its finest paintings. They're also serving Crepes."
The crowd of people ran past the children in the direction of the art museum. Luther praises Allison and now that the area was safely cleared out, the kids activated their belts that gave them the ability to fly. Reginald thought this would be the perfect time for the kids to test his new invention before he sold it off.
"Spread out and attack!"
The kids nearly dodged a beam that came from the tower. Above them was a helicopter with the umbrella symbol on it. There, Reginald Hargreeves and Vanya sat watching the action.
Reginald makes no move to acknowledge her.
"Why can't I play with the others?"
He didn't respond but she knew what he would say if he did. She frowned as she watched her siblings fly over the tower.
"Where's Number Five? I don't see him down there."
Five had been gone for days now. Ben, Klaus and Vanya had gone out to find him but he had vanished without a trace.
Today was not that day.
Vanya began leaving out his favorite sandwiches hoping that one day he'd come back.
"The future I presume..I can't be sure nor can I be bothered."
There was not an ounce of emotion on his face. Sometimes Vanya thought he was more machine than human.
"Why don't you go and play your violin?"
They had been there for a while. Arrived at 8:15 am, Almost shot out of the sky around 8:52 am and now at 9:04 am, Ben was using his testicles to try to tear down the Eiffel Tower but currently he was distracted trying to keep Klaus from falling into the gears below them.
"Any bright ideas now, fearless leader?"
Diego glares at Luther.
"You're slipping Klaus!"
"Don't let go! I'm trying to contact a dead engineer from the spirit world. He can tell us how to stop it!"
"Save your breath we're all gonna die!"
Diego yelled at the two annoying Luther.
"Why don't you shut up!"
He flew up and wounded his fist back and punched the tower with enough force to snap it in half. The others quickly flew a little bit away as the tower came crashing down.
"Show off!"
Diego pouts earning an eye roll in return. Luther punched through the control tower giving them a way in. Inside they find the person they were looking for.
"Just as I suspected— Zombie Robot Gustaye Eiffel!"
"Maudit Enfants!"
Ben stares at the man in shock.
"Alive after all these years!"
"Not for long!"
Diego quickly pulls out a knife and throws it before Luther can tell him not to. The knife collides into Eiffel's head forcing him off of his feet. His body lands on the different levers behind him.
Sparks start to shoot out of his head.
"Initier la séquence de lancement!!"
The kids jump out of the building trying to get away from it.
"What's happening?!"
Klaus yells and Luther answers.
"I think it's taking off."
"But why?"
Allison looks to him for answers once they finally get to safety. The kids turn to look at the Eiffel Tower, it starts to lift off the ground and towards the sky.
"That's because it's not a monument, children. It's a spaceship."
The kids turned to look at their dad who was now standing behind them.
"While you have lost the Eiffel Tower, you did save Paris and you know what that means?"
"The Key to the city." The governor states.
"Free ice cream for everyone, one scoop each." The ice cream parlor said.
The kids cheered each one running towards the ice cream stand well everyone besides Luther.
"What's wrong, Number One?"
"When I grow up...I want to go into space."
"And so you shall, Number One..."
He places a hand on Luther's shoulder.
"So you shall..."
Luther wakes up to his alarm he turns it off gets dressed and knocks his head into the light bulb hanging from the ceiling. He walks past Allison's room to look past the hall before turning back to knock on her door.
Allison continues packing her clothes away. Luther is silent for a moment, he wants to talk to her but he's afraid that she's still upset with him. She's the only one he really cares about wanting to appease.
"You know it's funny. I've had the same routine for the last four years. Now that I'm back down here, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself."
"I know the feeling."
Allison chuckled slightly but her eyes still weren't meeting his.
"Well, you must be eager to see Claire, huh?"
"I didn't think it was possible to miss a person this much. But I've got some things I need to do before I can see her."
Luther walks up to Allison believing it was okay because she didn't turn him away.
"You know someday, I'd really..."
She pauses her sentence as she looks up to meet his eyes for the first time today.
"Love for you to meet her."
"Yeah, you."
Allison chuckled again.
"Why not?"
"Well, does Claire even know about me?"
Luther asks timidly.
Allison eyebrows furrowed at his question.
"What are you talking about? Of course she knows about you."
"I know, it's just that, when you left, it felt like..."
Luther shrugs.
"All you wanted to do was forget this place ever existed, so..."
Allison crosses her arms and nods.
"This place, yes. But not you."
The two stood there in silence just staring at the other before Allison broke contact.
"When Claire was little, I used to read her books about the moon. I'd tell her her; her uncle was living up there."
Allison smiles as she looks back up at him.
"That he was... Protecting us from harm."
The two laugh together and Luther's eyes brighten.
"I mean, you were...her own personal superhero."
Luther nods with a smile feeling happy about the thought of Allison talking about him with her child. It made him feel good.
"You know, after all this time, I know she would love to meet you."
Luther paused for a second just staring at her not knowing what to say. So he settled on....
"Uh, Dad's monocle is still missing, so I can't just forget about that."
Allison let out a sigh at him mentioning Reginald again.
"Dad died because his heart gave out, Luther. Don't turn his death into a mission."
Luther frowned at her words not understanding why his siblings weren't on his side.
"Is that what you think this is?"
Allison searched her mind for the right words before placing her hand on his shoulder.
"I think there's a reason why you never left."
Allison searched his eyes for a moment before leaving the room.
Klaus lies on the couch with a twisted look of terror written all over his face. He starts to mumble something in his sleep as he shivered before waking up abruptly, he shivered in fear as his brother watched him from a few feet away.
"You know you talk in your sleep?"
Ben's eyes follow Klaus as he slides to the floor and starts to look around.
"There's no point."
Ben said softly.
"You're out of drugs."
"Shut your pie hole Ben."
After realizing he snapped he looked at Ben.
"Said with love."
He blows a kiss towards his brother.
"I got a crazy idea. Why not try starting your day with a glass of orange juice or some eggs?"
"I can't smoke eggs."
Klaus lights up a cigarette before walking around to look for something to sell. Ben sighs as he stares at a wall feeling concerned for his brother.
Pogo cleared his throat as he entered the room, Ben smiled at the sight of him while Klaus jumped in fright.
"My apologies, Master Klaus. I have a query for you."
His eyes brows raised in question before the chimp began to speak again.
"Some items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay"
Ben turned to look at his brother with disappointment in his eyes.
"Really? You don't say."
"Any idea where it went?"
Klaus figured that Pogo wouldn't be asking if he didn't already know but did he want to be honest about it?.....nope.
"No, no, no. No idea. Sorry."
"Low blow."
"Would you shut up?"
The last sentence caused Pogo to get offended though he didn't show it as he thought the comment was directed towards him.
"Excuse me?"
Klaus instantly spoke up trying to correct himself and attempt to deflect more from the stolen items.
"The contents of that box are....priceless. Were they to find their way back to the office. Whoever took it would be absolved of any blame or consequences."
"Oh, well, lucky bastard."
Pogo said in a firm voice, he stared at Klaus for a few more minutes making him feel an inch of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
Five gripped onto the eyeball in his hand as he stood in the lobby of the lab. His gaze hardens as he looks around waiting for someone to address him.
A man walks out dressed in a lab coat. His brows furrowed at the sight of Five standing there.
"Uh, can I help you?"
Five turns around at the sound of the voice behind him. He took a second to look down at the eyeball before showing it to the man.
"I need to know who this belongs to."
"Where did you get that?"
"Why do you care?"
Five instantly got defensive and glared at the man, the scientist took a moment to study Five trying to figure out the best way to have him give up the information.
After realizing he probably had to say something Five answered.
"I...I found it... At a playground, actually."
He hoped the lie was believable enough for the man to tell him who it belonged to. Though the man in front of him seemed suspicious of that statement.
"Uh, must have just...popped out."
He finished the sentence with a smile hoping to look inviting like you usually did.
"I want to return it to its rightful owner."
The lady at the desk smiled at the gesture and made a comment. Five however was done with the small talk and wanted the information he came for.
"Yeah. Look up the name for me, will ya?"
The smile on the lady's face fell and the man in front of him spoke again.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you—"
"Yeah, I know what it means."
Five started to feel a little frustrated at this point. The man caught on to the shift in attitude.
"Right well, I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just—"
"Yeah, you're not touching this eye."
The forced smile slipped off of Five's face the moment the man tried to reach for the eye. The man frowned and started to scold him as if he were a child.
"Now, you listen here, young man—"
Five glared at the man, he grabbed his coat and pulled him close in just seconds. He looked deep into his eyes, making sure the man was looking at his piercing eyes.
"No! You listen to me, asshole. I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall."
The lady got worried as she saw the twenty year old man get aggressive with the older one.
"Oh dear."
"Call security."
The lady instantly picks up the phone and starts dialing causing Five's glare on the man to harden. Five let's go of the man but not without giving him a harsh shove.
God he wished you were there.
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ru-fiction · 5 months
Discovery: Stiles x Male Reader
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Wolf Moon 2
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There was a sense of peace as you sat in your room, a calmness that came when you were alone in the comfort of your room.
You were currently reading one of your many vampire tomes. The room was dark, the only illumination came from the single candle on your dresser and your red eyes.
You closed your book when you heard a soft knock on your door. You knew it wasn't your parents, they would have just walked in after knocking so you quickly hid your tome as your eyes turned back to normal.
"Come in!''
Stiles walked into your room with a sheepish smile on his face and a lot of random books.
"I know we're supposed to watch a movie or whatever but would you mind helping me with something?"
He drops the mountain of books on your bed. You pick one up out of curiosity and your heart instantly drops when you read the cover.
"What uh- What is this for?"
You nervously started rubbing your hands over pants because they were starting to get sweaty.
Stiles was also nervous. After the information he got, he was extremely nervous.
"You know how Scott and I went into the woods earlier to look for the body....''
You nodded.
"Well we didn't find it but my dad has the other half. Scott said he heard a wolf last night, my dad's team found animal hairs on the body; the half that they have...."
He was hesitant to continue so you grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to you.
"What's going on?"
"I-I'm not sure but I think Scott is in danger."
He had no idea...
The next day Stiles basically dragged you to lacrosse practice, frantically looking for his friend.
"He's probably in the locker room."
Stiles nods frantically before running off in that direction.
You sat on the bench nervously rubbing your hand against your pants, you knew what was happening to Scott but should you tell Stiles? How would he react? Would it really be a good idea to expose him to the supernatural world? Would he be safe if you did?
You were stressing yourself out with all the questions that were floating around in your mind. From your interaction with him the night before, it was clear he had an inkling of what he thought was happening to Scott, he didn't say it but all those books were a dead give away.
The two boys came to the bench, you could hear Stiles frantically trying to tell Scott about what he found but Scott was being sort of dismissive about the information.
Scott headed to the field leaving behind an extremely nervous Stiles.
The team soon gathers around the coach, listening to him talk about what would happen if they make the cut or not. You cover your ears as the team starts to get loud. Stiles was the only one not cheering, instead he was looking worriedly at his friend.
Practice starts as if it were a real match, Jackson bumps into Scott which made you roll your eyes, he was such a jackass. But it made Scott try harder and he ended up making the goal.
Everyone started cheering him on which only made Jackson even more upset.
The coach called him over and you smiled as you heard him say Scott made the first line but then you remembered what sport this was. This was not good...
The dude didn't even know he was a werewolf and now that Jackson was starting to be up his ass, he was definitely going to be provoked.
You looked over at Stiles, whose eyes were already on you. His mouth was open and you could tell how stressed he was about this.
Stiles pulled you into his room and instantly went over to his computer, frantically typing.
"There's something wrong."
He says with a quiver on his voice as he turns to look at you.
"I know...I know I should be happy for him, he's my best friend but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong...."
He wiped his lips. You went over to stand behind him and slowly rubbed your hands up and down his shoulders to try to calm him.
"Am I crazy?"
"No! No, you aren't."
He scoffs and shakes his head before looking at the screen that showed an article about werewolves.
"Let's take a break."
Stiles shakes his head and looks up at you.
"I can't, I have to make sure my friend is going to be okay."
Stiles looks back at the screen and continues to look at different werewolf facts.
You didn't usually associate yourself with any werewolves besides one on occasion, but for Stiles sake you'd make sure that Scott was safe, especially from them.
The two of you spent the next few minutes looking at different werewolf sites or at least Stiles did.
He was going between different websites and books and started printing out different things that he found.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room but decided not to say anything about them, there was a soft knock on the door before Stiles stood up to open it.
It was Scott smiling, Stiles sighs before motioning for him to come inside. Scott's smile drops slightly as he looks at the mess of books that littered Stiles' room. Scott looks at you for answers and just gets a shrug in return.
"We've been up all night reading. Websites, books-"
"How much Adderall have you had today?
Stiles spins around in his chair looking at the different papers he printed not knowing where to start.
"Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen."
"He's had a lot."
Scott laughs, Stiles rolls his eyes before he continues on his rant.
"Is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?"
Stiles grabs a bunch of papers and faces Scott wanting to just get to the reason why Scott was really here.
"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale."
"Oh, the guy in the woods we saw the other day."
You looked at the two, your eyebrows instantly rose at the sound of Derek's name.
"What did you say?"
Stiles turns his attention to you.
"About what?"
"You never said that you saw Derek in the woods."
"You didn't ask..."
You gave him an annoyed glare.
"I didn't know..."
"Well you...why does this... that's not the point, Scott.."
Stiles turns his worried gaze to Scott.
"Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore."
Scott's smile completely wipes from his face. He glanced at you for a second before looking back at his friend, who instantly started to speak again.
"The wolf, The bite in the woods, I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?"
"Should I?"
You sigh, still stuck on the fact that the two interacted with Derek at all. Was he the one who turned Scott? He was the only known wolf you knew about that was still alive. But why would he just randomly bite someone?
You broke out of your thoughts when Scott stood up from the bed looking upset.
"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour."
Scott started picking up his bag.
"I saw you on the field today Scott, okay. What you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible."
Scott shrugs him off.
"Yeah, so I made a good shot."
"No, you made an incredible shot."
Stiles takes Scott's backpack and places it back on the bed.
"I mean, the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. People can't just suddenly do that overnight."
Stiles pauses for a moment to see if his friend was processing what he was saying before he started again.
"And don't even think I don't notice that you don't use your inhaler anymore."
Scott looks at you for help but you didn't know what to say that would be helpful. You knew the truth, Scott was changing there was no stopping it. Scott frowns and looks back at Stiles.
"I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow."
Stiles' eyes filled with panic as he tries to get his friend to listen to him.
"Tomorrow? What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?"
"What are you trying to do? I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me."
Stiles sits down to face his computer and you cover your ears as Scott's voice raises slightly.
"Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?''
You frowned at those words.
"He's just trying to help.''
"Look I know this must sound insane but...."
The two turned to look at you, Scott's frown deepens and Stiles gives you a half smile and an appreciative nod.
You sighed. As much as you wanted to keep Stiles from finding out about supernaturals, with his friend now being a werewolf and them coming into contact with Derek, it's looking like that won't happen.
You said in a stern tone. You pushed away the rage inside that you felt when he first entered the room but your body was on fire. He glared at you knowing you were taking Stiles' side, you always did.
"This is serious, You're cursed. Your body is going to go through changes and which I've experienced myself since I'm a va-"
You stopped yourself realizing you almost outted yourself. Stiles eyebrow raised slightly.
"What I mean is it's not just the full moon you have to worry about, anything can trigger it, bloodlust or lust in general, anything that makes your heart race."
"The full moon also happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."
"Your urge to kill.''
Stiles gazes off to the side, Scott looks between the two of you feeling disappointed.
"I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Stiles."
You glare at Scott the instant the words leave his mouth. Stiles pulls out his book that he had been reading the past couple of hours and recited what you had already said.
"I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date. I'm gonna call her right now."
Stiles riffles through Scott's bag and grabs his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm cancelling the date."
"No, give it to me!"
You instantly saw red the moment Scott pushes Stiles into the wall. You rushed from the bed at the speed of light and pushed Scott against the other wall with your arm against his neck. Your eyes were glowing pure red, the light reflecting off the wall. Scott had a scared look on his face when he saw your eyes.
Stiles looks at the scene in shock not knowing how to react. You blink your eyes rapidly and pull away from Scott, your eyes turned back normal but he continues to look at you in fear.
Scott quickly grabs his bag and leaves the room, you take a moment to calm yourself down and hesitantly look at Stiles. He kept looking from the bed to you, not understanding what happened.
"What was that?"
"I have to go."
You quickly walked out of the room leaving behind a gaping Stiles.
You straighten your dress shirt and tied up your dress shoes before spraying yourself with cologne. You walked out of your room to find your dad sitting on the couch watching a movie about Dracula which he only criticized.
He looked up at you with a smile.
"How's my hair, is it fine?"
Your dad gives you a confused nod as he looks at your outfit.
"Where are you going Kiddo?"
"A party..."
Your dad shakes his finger at you.
"No, you're not."
You sighed.
"No, don't Dad me. Do you know what tonight is..."
You sighed again and said along with him.
"The full moon..."
"The full moon.... exactly."
"But Dad-"
He cuts you off again and starts to pace.
"No, 'But Dads'...there might not be as many wolves as before but there are still wolves in this town not to mention the hunters..."
"You and Mom always tell me I need to go out and do something, anything besides staying in my room."
Your dad looks at you like you grew two heads.
"Yeah, on a normal night!"
You sigh, you didn't have time for this...
"Dad, I have a friend who is in serious danger tonight."
You start to rub your hands against your pants as your dad raises his hands in a big gesture.
"Too bad. You're not going out tonight. I won't allow it."
"But Dad-"
"I said No!"
His voice was dark as he said it, begging to be demanded.
"Fine. You're right."
He sighs as he walks up to you and pats your shoulders.
"I just want you to be safe."
You nodded with a sad look on your eyes. He starts to feel guilty.
"How about I make you some ice cream..hmm?"
You nodded at him with a forced smile. He walks to the kitchen to make the desert and when he comes back you're gone. He lets out an annoyed sigh when he sees the front door open.
You entered Jackson's house with no problem, luckily you had been there before and didn't have to deal with the limitations that came with being a creature of the dead or half dead.
You walked into the party instantly feeling like you didn't belong, it was super crowded and it felt claustrophobic but you pushed through trying to find Scott, didn't take you too long because he was stumbling into the building holding his head in agony.
You noticed how Stiles instantly broke off his conversation to check on his friend. You started to follow behind Scott trying to keep a close eye on him as he passed people who looked worried about his well-being.
You followed him out of the house watching as he bumped into people and stumbled on his way down the stairs, you could smell the sweat from his body.
Allison followed soon after but Scott had already gotten to his car and drove off.
You turned your head in the direction of the voice, it was Derek Hale. You were going to walk up to him but he signaled to you with his eyes that he meant no harm and nods his head towards where Scott was headed.
"Did you do it?"
You whispered, he shook his head before nodding towards the car again. You sighed but nodded before chasing after the car.
You ran up towards his door and knocked hoping he would answer, you could hear the water running so you knew he was there but no one answered. You heard footsteps behind you and found Stiles standing there with a worried look on his face.
"Checking on Scott?"
You nodded. He points to the open window.
"Lets go."
The two of you crawled into the house and walked towards the direction of the running water.
"Hey, how'd you get here so fast? There's no other car outside."
You sighed.
"We're here for Scott.."
"Yeah, but-"
You knocked on the door to the bathroom.
"Go away!"
"Scott, I'm here to help you. I know you're scared right now but I'm going to help you."
Stiles tries to push through the door but Scott pushes back.
"Scott let me in, we wanna help."
"No! Listen, you gotta find Allison.''
"She's fine, Derek's taking her home."
He panics at the sound of his name.
"It's Derek, Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me."
"It's not Derek..."
"Yes..yes it is. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods. Please..."
You spoke softly trying to get him to listen, you don't know anything about the body since you haven't seen it but you knew Derek from the times you've bumped into each other and you believed him, there's no way he bit Scott.
"Scott, He didn't do it."
The door slammed shut and there was silence for a moment but then you heard the window open and the whistle of the wind.
"Damn it, Scott."
You punched the door feeling frustrated from today's events.
"I did not plan on spending my Friday chasing werewolves."
"Where are you going?''
Stiles follows after you as you leave the house, he didn't even want to mention the hole you left in the bathroom door. He secretly glanced at your hand as you balled your fists tightly.
"I'm going to find your friend and hope I can get to him before they do."
"Who's they?"
You don't answer and just sped off leaving an extremely confused Stiles.
"What the hell is happening?"
You found yourself in the middle of the forest looking for Scott, you were so done with today and ready to take a long nap after.
Your eyes were glowing bright, illuminating the surrounding trees in red as you shift your eyes around, looking for any signs of Scott.
You had stopped by the store and bought a rope and pocket knife just in case.
You were about to give up when you heard rustling coming from deeper in the woods, it sounded a lot like someone yelling?
Oh shit!
You quickly rushed to where you heard the yelling making sure to stay in the shadows.
When you got to the clearing you saw Scott with his arm pinned to the tree by an arrow, across from him were three men, the people you were told to look out for, The Hunters.
"Take him."
You took that as your opportunity to act, you took the rope that was in your hand and sped around the men and tied them with the rope before quickly pulling the arrow out of Scott's arm and speeding away from the hunters so that they couldn't see you.
Scott groaned.
"I know, I know! It'll be over soon."
When you were safely away you let Scott go, he ran up to a tree and leaned against it, Derek joined you soon after.
"I'm surprised your parents let you out tonight."
You sighed and shrugged.
"They didn't."
You turned your gaze over to Scott who was breathing heavily.
"You okay?"
He ignored your question to ask one of his own.
"Who were they?"
Derek says with a pause.
"The kind that has been haunting us for centuries."
Derek motions between the two of you as he says that. Scott looks at you and watches as your eyes glow brighter. The fear he had before was now replaced with curiosity.
His curiosity turns to anger.
"You were in on this? You knew he did this to me?"
Derek holds his hand against Scott pushing him back into the tree.
Derek points at you.
"Had nothing to do with this."
Scott looks confused again as he looks between you and Derek.
''Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope?"
Scott holds his arm near him, he looks frightened as Derek steps closer to him.
It was your instinct to hate his kind, it's basically in your blood but at the end of the day he was a friend, well friend of a friend but you couldn't hate him.
You stop Derek from speaking and kneel down so that you were looking into Scott's eyes, yours were finally back to normal.
"I know it's a lot to take in. But I am going to help you."
You said softly.
"Let me take you home."
Scott stares at your hand for a moment before taking it and letting you take him home. Derek goes to say something but you hold your hand out to him and shake your head. He sighs then heads in the direction of his house.
Later that night Your parents had grounded you the moment you stepped foot into the house so you were currently in your room reading.
You were however broken out of your trance when you heard the sound of rocks hitting the window.
You sighed and opened the window, catching the rock that was currently thrown.
"Yes Stiles?"
"Let me in!"
He yells in a whisper not wanting your parents to hear but they could hear him just fine.
"I'm grounded."
"What? Why?!"
You shrug.
"Because I wasn't supposed to be out tonight."
He tilts his head and pouts. You shake your head and roll your eyes before jumping down from your window. Stiles panics for a moment and hurries to catch you.
"What the hell is wrong with you?''
You laugh as Stiles places you down.
"I would have caught myself."
You took a moment to calm yourself before asking...
"So what's up?"
Stiles wipes his mouth not knowing what to say or how to word it so he just goes for it.
"What happened tonight? In the span of a few days I found out one of my friends just became a werewolf and the other is... Is...."
"A vampire."
"A vamp- wait what!"
He looks at you in a mix of shock and excitement.
"Wha- why didn't you tell me?"
"Well for one you never asked."
He tilts his head as if to say 'really.' You laugh a little before getting serious.
"And for two. I didn't want you to be involved in this."
You frown.
"I wanted to keep you as far away from this as I could."
"But why?"
"Because it's not fun. Scott might be good at Lacrosse now but it comes with a price. It's dangerous, there are people who want to kill us."
"Yeah, They."
You sigh again for what felt like the millionth time today.
"Look, Sti. I'm going to look after your friend, I can't really teach him how to be a werewolf, but I can stop him whenever he wolfs out."
He nods but he still seemed worried.
"This has to stay between us."
He nods frantically.
"Yeah, of course."
You smile at him and pull him into a hug.
"Good! I'll see you at school."
He nods slowly but stops you by the arm when you try to go through the front door.
"Thanks for uh..for helping me the other day."
He smiles at you and gets one back.
"Of course, I always have your back."
"Well, good night."
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ru-fiction · 5 months
Discovery: Stiles x Male Reader
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Wolf Moon
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⚠️Small instance of abuse in this chapter⚠️
You opened your eyes at the sound of knocking at your door. You were currently floating in the air, a red mist surrounded your body; your red eyes now looking at the door waiting for the person to enter your room.
Your mom entered a moment later dressed in a dark red Gothic dress. Her eyes shine with mischief as she taps her long black nails against the door.
"Hey, honey."
You dropped down to your bed, your eyes were now a normal color than blood red.
"Hey, what's up?"
Your mom shrugs as she walks into your room. She slowly looks around the room before picking up a picture of Danny.
"I miss this kid. Why don't you ever bring him around much anymore?"
You sigh at her question, she knew the reason.
"We broke up, Mom. I'm lucky enough to still be his friend."
Your mom places the photo down before picking up a drawing, this one was miniature versions of you and your friend, Stiles.
"Is there a reason you're here, Mom?"
"Right, Sorry."
Your mom places down the picture before walking over to your bed and sitting next to you with an excited look on her face.
"As you know the full moon is soon."
You nod your head along with her words.
"And your father and I were thinking, that this could be the perfect opportunity to train and level up your powers."
You stare at your mom for a moment before shaking your head 'No'. Your mom frowns at that.
"Why not? You never come hunting with us."
You roll your eyes as your mother begins to cross her arms and pout like a petulant child.
"I'm perfectly fine practicing in the comfort of my room."
She leers at you as you begin to float off of your bed, the red mist beginning to surround your body again.
"That's nothing. You'll never get your full Vampire powers staying in your room meditating and you know that."
You land your feet on the ground and cross your arms.
"And I've made peace with that. I don't want to go out and attack people to gain powers. I'm perfectly fine with my hospital blood."
Your mom stands up and grabs your arms before shaking you back and forth.
"This could be a real bonding experience for us."
"Can't we play board games and bond like a normal family?"
Your mom plants her face into your shoulder and continues to sulk. You sigh at her dramatics.
"What about the hunters? Don't they come out every time the full moon does? Don't you care about your safety?"
"What if I get staked in the heart? Would you want me dying knowing that it could have been our last night together?"
You sighed.
You found yourself walking behind your parents in the forest in the dead of night.
"Are you really gonna find people in the forest?"
Annoyance quickly seeping through your voice. Your father laughs.
"You'd be surprised about how many idiots find themselves outside at this hour."
"That's Ridic-"
All of a sudden the sound of light footsteps and crunched grass filled your ears. Your dad turned towards you with a wicked smirk upon his face.
"Would you look at that.."
Your face dropped at the prospect of actually witnessing your parents trying to kill someone. You start to run your hands on your pants, feeling nervous about what was going to happen.
"I-I don't know about this. M-maybe I jumped into this too quickly. I wanna go home."
Your father gives you a hard smack on the shoulder.
"It's fine Kiddo. You don't have to do a thing. Just watch and learn."
Your parents pushed you in the direction of the voices, both of which started to sound familiar the more your family got closer. You could hear one of them taking a sharp breath and the sound of an inhaler soon after. Why them?
You started to panic and pulled out of your parents grasp.
"Stop, Stop."
Your parents grew annoyed at your antics thinking it was because of your refusal to fully immerse yourself into becoming the vampire they wanted you to be.
Not even a moment later did a pair of teenage boys emerge from the trees and into the clearing of where your family stood. Your mother's eyes widened and the Male with buzz cut stared back in confusion.
You laugh awkwardly before sending him a small wave.
"Hey, Sti."
He turned to stare at his fluffy haired friend before turning back to you.
"What are you guys doing here?"
You turned to look at your parents hoping that they would give you some help but the two just stared off in different directions. You sigh before facing your friend, Stiles.
"This late?"
He crosses his arms as he stares into your eyes. You scoff before turning it back on him.
"What about you? Spying on your dad's jobs again?"
He eyes shift towards his friend, Scott and he gets a nervous look on his face like he had been caught doing something he shouldn't, which guessing from the way he was acting, it wasn't a totally off base assumption.
He turns towards you with an exaggerated smile on his face showing off his dimples and clasps his hand in yours.
"Y/N!! Buddy!!"
You smile at him.
"You didn't see me, I didn't see you."
You nod and shake his hand.
"Pleasure doing business with you."
You pull him into a quick hug waving at Scott behind his back as he does the same to your parents.
You pull away and pat his shoulders.
"See ya at school."
"Right back at ya."
You and your parents watch as the two scurry off to do who knows what. Your father sighs as he watches them disappear.
"No dinner tonight I guess."
You glare at him not noticing your mother staring off in the direction that your friends went.
Your mom walks into your room to find you asleep with your alarm clock going off. She walks up to your bed and shakes your leg to try and wake you up, you stir a little but otherwise you stay asleep. She tries again and still nothing so she walks up to your window and pulls open your curtain. You stir again uncomfortably this time, sweat starts to appear on your brow. Your mom stared at you as you tossed and turned before leaving, not even a moment later your scream fill the house.
You ran into the hall to get away from the light to find your father there looking like he was ready to kill. After he realizes nothing was after you he looks at you to find burned scars on your face. Panic fills his eyes and he speeds through the house before coming back and dabbing a wet towel on your wounds that were slowly healing. He leads you back into the room after closing the curtain.
"What have I told you about sleeping with your curtain open? You're thin-skinned, you aren't sun resistant like your mother and I."
"But I closed it last night. I don't know how it could-"
Your mom walks into the room and tosses a banana and some sunscreen on your bed.
"Good you're finally awake. Come on, we got places to be."
She walks out and your father follows her with a glare on his face.
"Honey, we need to talk."
You let out a sigh and closed the door giving yourself five minutes for your burn scar to heal. Luckily you woke up before it did too much damage otherwise it would have taken longer to heal. You put on the sunscreen and throw on your clothing finishing the look with a hoodie that looks baggy on you to protect yourself from the sun.
You grab your backpack as you leave the room finding your dad standing by the door with the keys instead of your mom.
"Where's Mom?"
You followed your dad to the car after he locked the door to the house.
"We decided that I was going to take you to school and drop her off later.''
'Code for your mom is in big trouble.'
You nod at your dad and hop into the car.
A short drive later you find yourself in the driveway of Beacon Hills High.
"Thanks for the ride."
Your dad ruffles your hair causing you to groan and pull your hoodie over it. Your dad laughs.
"Be safe, Kiddo."
You smile and send him a nod before heading out the door.
"Watch out for that sunlight.''
You look around to make sure no one heard him but everyone was in their own conversations.
"I will."
"I love you."
You roll your eyes playfully.
"Love you too Dad."
You close the door before he can say anything else and start to walk towards the school's entrance. You stop when you notice Scott and Stiles and decide to go up to them and say Hi before class.
"You look like you're gonna ignore me."
You start to laugh at Stiles failed attempts at winning Lydia's heart but the closer you get to the pair, a fury of rage starts to hit you. That only happened around certain creatures people. You looked around to see if you could spot a specific person but you didn't see him in the crowd.
You finally made it to the pair and quickly realized why you were feeling this way. Stiles instantly lights up at the sight of you and pulls you into a handshake. You end it with your fingers intertwined before Stiles pulls you into a side hug and pats your chest.
"Now this guy. This guy gets me cool points."
You were so fixated on Scott that you didn't really hear what Stiles was saying at the moment. There was a deep frown on your face you felt the need to protect Stiles from his friend even if he himself wouldn't know what you were protecting him from. Scott's eyes locked with yours, his brows furrowed also but for a different reason than you. You knew he felt what you did but he couldn't understand why he was feeling that way.
"Uh, are you guys okay?"
The two of you quickly snap out of it and turn your gaze on a confused Stiles.
"Uh, Yeah."
Scott sends you a nervous look as Stiles looks between the two of you.
"You sure? You two were just staring at each other..."
"It's nothing. Lets get you to class."
You smile at the boy. Wrapping an arm around him, you pull him into the school with a confused Scott following behind.
"As you all know, there was indeed a body found last night.''
You watched as Scott turned to look at Stiles who sat in front of you. The two gave each other a look that only the two of them shared when they were keeping secrets. You were close with Stiles, there were things that only the two of you knew about each other not including the fact that you weren't entirely human. Sometimes you envied his relationship with Scott though they were like brothers, you would usually never see one without the other, they had inside jokes, one look and they instantly knew what the other was thinking. You realized a long time ago that your bond with Stiles was different from his and Scotts. There was something unspoken between you that neither one of you acted on. The reason you and Danny broke up.
"But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester."
You sigh before glancing outside. The loud ringing of a phone filled your ears, you already knew where it was coming from because you were already looking at the culprit.
A brunette girl with pale skin, she wore a pale brown jacket, white blouse and blue jeans paired with some boots. You couldn't really see her face since she was looking down but by the sounds of it she was talking to her mother.
You turned your gaze over to Scott and found that he was also looking at the girl, his eyebrows were pinched together in confusion, he stared intensely at the girl as the principal came and took her. If you weren't sure about what he was before, the fact that he handed her a pen randomly when she entered the room confirmed it.
"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page 133."
The bell rings signaling the five minutes the students had to get to their next class. You walked up to your locker to grab your books for your next class, the same bubble of rage clouded you as Scott took his spot beside you.
He was staring at the new girl, you had caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of your eye. She was smiling at him well until Lydia came over and took her attention.
You could hear the conversation clearly, Lydia asking about her jacket, her explaining it and Lydia saying she was her new best friend. Then her saying hi to Jackson and giving him a wet kiss. You shivered as the sound rang in your ear.
Stiles found his way on the other side of you, now you were caged in between the two.
"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"
A feminine voice said to you. You all turned in the direction of Lydia's group.
You used to be a part of Lydia's main group but after she started dating Jackson, you started to distance yourself since he was always around. You had a deep disdain for Jackson and couldn't stand how he treated Lydia. Though you couldn't stand to be in a room with Jackson, you were still friends with Lydia and would hang out with them occasionally.
"Because she's hot."
Stiles said in a breathless tremble.
"Beautiful people herd together."
You shrug not seeing the big deal.
"I hang out with them."
Stiles turns to look at you. You notice how his eyes slowly glanced over your body. He clears his throat as his eyes meet yours before turning his attention back to Lydia's group.
He whispers to himself but you most definitely heard it.
You also heard Lydia and Jackson inviting her to a party on Friday, the same party you were invited to but decided not to go to in favor of spending the night watching movies with Stiles. You smiled at the thought glancing at Stiles as he talked to the girl beside him in an animated like fashion.
Sometime later in the day you found yourself outside watching the lacrosse tryouts. You really didn't want to be at school longer than you had to but Stiles ever the persuader that he is, somehow convinced you to stay and watch him make the team again. Hopefully this time when he makes it he can actually play.
You covered your ears each time the coach would blow his whistle. This was becoming torturous. Lydia pulled you into a tight hug as she and the new girl sat next to you on the bench.
"I haven't seen you all day."
Lydia squealed before pulling away and gesturing to the new girl.
"This is Allison~"
Allison smiles shyly and tucks her hair behind her ear.
"Allison this is Y/n, my best guy friend."
You wave at Allison but notice how she's staring at Scott. Stiles instantly came and sat on the bench, you reached over to tap his shoulder making him turn to look at you. He smiles at you, his smile makes you feel so warm inside like the sun was shining a light on your soul.
"Are you gonna actually play this year?''
Stiles groans before motioning to Scott who was currently standing in front of the goal.
"Well thanks to Scott, I have to. I can't be shown up by my best friend, how else am I going to impress people?"
You send him a teasing smirk, nodding your head towards Lydia before whispering so that she couldn't hear.
"You mean Lydia?''
He groans at your teasing causing you to laugh. You could hear the girls talking about Scott. You looked over at him and the smile on your face disappeared completely.
You liked Scott you did but you know something happened to him. That he was different. Your frown deepens as you watch him grab his ears to try to block off the sound of the whistle. He was so distracted he had ended up getting hit in the face and fell into the goal.
"Hey, Stiles?"
Stiles let out a noise of acknowledgement, there was concern written across his face when the rest of the team including the coach started to laugh at Scott.
"There's something that's been on my mind..."
Stiles instantly turns to look at you.
"Did something happen last night...y'know with you and Scott?''
He shakes his head.
"Nah, my dad caught me so I ended up having to go home."
"Scott was by himself?"
"Yeah, he stayed behind, he said he ended up finding the body we were looking for."
"And Then?''
Stiles looks back at you. He raises an eyebrow and squints at you.
"And Then?"
"Did anything unordinary happen?"
He looks back at Scott trying to think back to the events of the night before.
Scott looked over at Stiles who made a face at him.
"He said he was scratched by a wolf."
You made a look of surprise, It was mostly just for show since you already felt the difference. Scott moved his eyes over to you and you looked back at him before he turned his attention back to the team.
This time when the ball came at him he ended up catching it. He was surprised for a second but that instantly turned into excitement.
The team all looked shocked including Stiles but he instantly started cheering for his friend.
Another ball came at him and he caught that too getting a louder cheer from Stiles.
His reflexes were kicking in and he blocked every ball that tried to get the goal. Allison was impressed, Lydia was shocked but also impressed, Coach was still surprised, Stiles was happy, and Scott happily hopped on his feet when he heard Allison's comment about him. Then came Jackson....
You instantly rolled your eyes, you could practically feel the anger coming from him with the way he was glaring at Scott.
He skipped the line you guessed to try to personally embarrass Scott, He ran at him before trying to shoot the ball and Scott ended up catching it. Stiles hopped on his feet cheering him on. And on a personal level you were happy for Scott. Stiles had always told you that Scott had always wanted to be a starter on the team, you just wish the metaphorical building wasn't going to crash down on him sooner rather than later.
Jackson glared at Lydia as she also cheered for Scott, She didn't really care though.
"You really aren't going to come see the body with us."
You sighed as you closed your locker and turned to look at Stiles, who was leaning against the locker beside yours giving you pleading eyes.
"Come on, it'll be so cool."
"I don't really find dead stuff cool, but you guys have fun with that."
You patted his shoulder and tried to walk away only to get pulled back.
"Come on, come hang out with us."
You sighed again.
"Stiles, I have to study."
Stiles groans.
"School just started, what could you possibly be studying for?"
"Defense against the dark arts?''
You winced at your statement before shrugging earning a glare from your friend.
You sigh.
"Okay, look. I just don't have the time today but I'll hang out with you tomorrow."
He groans again.
"The body won't be there tomorrow."
"That is a crazy line to say."
Scott walks up to the two of you.
"What's going on?"
"Y/n says he's too busy to come with us."
Scott looks confused.
"Well if he's busy then he just can't come. I don't see the problem."
Stiles looked betrayed.
"You're supposed to be on my side."
You ended laughing causing Stiles to roll his eyes but he ends up smiling because of it.
"Fine, you win. But please tell me we still have our movie night."
You nodded.
"For sure."
His smile widened before he turned and patted Scott on the shoulder.
"Lets go Scott, looks like we're on our own."
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ru-fiction · 5 months
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Stiles x Male Reader
With the pressures of school and the constant nagging over your powers at home, there's only one person you can rely on.
I do not own the rights or characters of Teen Wolf. That goes to Jeff Davis and the other writers. Your powers are based on the Sims 4 vampires.
Minors do not interact!!
Slow updates
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Y/N played by You
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Stiles played by Dylan O'brien
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Derek played by Tyler Hoechlin
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Scott played by Tyler Posey
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Allison played by Crystal Reid
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Lydia played by Holland Roden
*Chapter 1| *part 2
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ru-fiction · 7 months
Thank you guys so much for supporting me. I know the updates to the stories have been slow but I really appreciate you guys being here. Thank you so much!!
0 notes
ru-fiction · 7 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 3: Run Boy Run
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Five is aged up here.
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Comic Cha Cha - C.C.
Comic Hazel - C.H.
Cha Cha
Everyone else is in white.
Grace starts the record player, a weatherman's voice reverberated throughout the room. Grace grabs a little bell and starts ringing it, soft chimes gaining the attention of the children.
All of them came to the dining hall one by one standing behind a chair waiting for their father to present himself.
Hargreeves finally makes his way into the room and gives them permission to sit.
Allison and Luther make eyes at each other as the rest of the kids start to dig into their meals. All of them except Five however whom was currently glaring daggers at his so called father. Ben pulls out a book to read Klaus was doing something secretive.
Five picks up his knife and stabs it into the table gaining everyone's attention including Hargreeves though he refused to look at him.
"Number Five."
"I have a question."
Five states with an annoyed smile on his face. He hated when Reginald did that it was like he saw them as less than.
"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."
Five's frowns.
"I want to time travel."
"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said."
Five stands from his seat. Hargreeves still refuses to look at him which causes Five to glare at him before teleporting at his side.
Five was starting to get upset. Why couldn't he acknowledge that he was getting better. Aren't parents supposed to encourage their kids?
"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel."
Five looked at his siblings but they were all ignoring the fit he was throwing.
"One is like sliding along ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."
Five sighs to himself.
"Well, I don't get it."
"Hence the reason you're not ready."
Five glances at his siblings again this time they were all looking at him. Vanya shook her head at him signaling for him to stop. It only angered him because he didn't think they believed in him.
"I'm not afraid."
"Fear is not the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable."
Hargreeves finally looks at him, there as a fierce glare and deep frown on his face.
"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore."
Five looked at him with eyes full of resentment, there was a look of contempt on his face.
Five glares at the ground as Hargreeves turns his attention back to his plate. Five walks out of the dining hall catching everyone's attention.
"Number Five! You haven't been excused."
Five ignored his statement and headed outside.
"Come back here!"
Five walks the streets with a determined look on his face. Who cares if his family didn't believe in him. He was going to show them. Show him. That he was ready. If Hargreeves wasn't going to show him how to time travel, he'll do it himself.
Five begins to run holding his hands out in front of him. His hands begin to shine a bright blue color and as he spreads his hands apart the trees that were once lifeless now had blossoming flowers and bright green leaves.
Five looks behind him and smiles, there were more people outside now and different stands, new restaurants.
"Not ready, my ass."
Now more confident he jumps again. This time snow filled the ground, the air was cold and frigid. There were few were people on the streets and now buildings were put on lease.
He jumps one last time and what he sees shocks him.
Everything was destroyed, buildings were either torn down to debris or on fire. There was no one walking around that he could see. The air was fogged from all the smoke, it was hard to breathe.
He looked around in panic, this was not what he had expected when he decided to jump. This couldn't be the future, how could the world go to shit so fast...
He turned to run, heading home to find his siblings only to come to the hard truth of his home being burned down. It was hard to believe that this happened, where was everyone?
"Vanya! Ben! Dad! Anyone!"
He was scared. He had to warn them what was about to happen.
He balled his fist ready to jump but nothing happened, his hands weren't glowing. He tried again and again but still nothing.
"Come on!"
He was starting to get frustrated with himself. He should be able to do this no problem, he did it before. He got here just fine, he should be able to jump back.
But his body refused, it wouldn't let him and he had to come to terms with the fact that his father was right.
"Wow out one prison and into another."
You shake your head in disbelief, Five shrugs relishing in the feel of your hand playing with his brown locks as his head laid in your lap.
"Dolores makes it bearable."
"What about me?"
Five smiles at you teasingly.
"I could do without you."
You gave him a faux look of annoyance and pushed him off your lap causing him to laugh.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Come back."
Five reaches out for you still laughing.
"Cuddle up with your doll."
Five groans still reaching for you.
"She's not as warm as you."
You roll your eyes when Five wrapped his arms around you and placed his face in your stomach.
"What am I gonna do with you?"
"Oh please, you know you love me."
He had no idea.
Five was currently walking the streets late at night after leaving Vanya's apartment. He was currently pissed off right now. He didn't know if it was because he no longer looked his age but his siblings were not taking anything he said seriously.
It didn't matter though because whether they were helping or not, Five was going to stop the apocalypse, He had to.
With his mind focused on one thing and one thing only he didn't notice the blue light that shined behind his back.
You watched as the figure walked further and further into the darkness in case it had been one of those people Five had warned you to watchout for at night. When the figure is a safe distance away from you; you stand from the ground and start to dust yourself off.
"Okay Five, where are you?"
You started to look around at your surroundings. You didn't know where you were supposed to go, it's been awhile since you've been here and it's even more different now that there were actual buildings around. You were used to seeing tons of merpeople back home but it was a relief to see actual people on the deserted land you came to know, up until now the only people you've interacted with had been Five, some of your ex coworkers at the commission and people that you either had to kill or were on the brink of death, all isolated conditions. Sure you didn't talk to the figure but it was a nice change.
You let out a yawn, slowly rubbing your tired eyes, you were exhausted after today. Finding Five would have to wait and with your tracker now out of your system you actually felt safe enough to get some rest.
With that in mind you went on a search to find a nice place to sleep however unbeknownst to you, there was someone else looming in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike.
You had ended up finding some type of motel. You realized that you didn't have any money on you but the staff was nice enough to cut a deal with you for the night. The guy had directed you to a small room, it wasn't very nice looking and it didn't have conditioning but you were happy with it regardless.
You moved one of the dressers near the door seeing as they put you in a room with no lock, you took a cold bath before checking the window and finally heading to bed.
Outside of the Motel, a taxi pulled up and out stepped two of the four assassins sent to take care of you and Five. A man and woman dressed in blue suits. Hazel and ChaCha.
The two walked into the building and spoke with the staff. The man hands them a key card.
"Room 225."
The two of them look at the man confused. Or ChaCha did Hazel looked around disinterested.
"Where's the other room?"
The other room happened to be the broken down room he had ended up giving to you. He didn't want to admit it so he lied.
"Um... Only one room was booked."
Hazel sighs and whispers to himself.
"Dammit I'm sick of this cost-cutting bullshit."
"Just tell me there's two beds."
ChaCha says firmly.
"Yes Ma'am. Real firm."
ChaCha was not amused.
"How long will you be staying with us?"
"Just the one night. I believe there's a package waiting for us."
The guy nods at her and goes to grab it. He comes back with a box addressed to them. ChaCha grabs the box while Hazel grabs the key card and they go about their day.
Not too far from the motel was an abandoned laboratory, It was dark and dusty, the owner clearly hadn't been there in years. The whirl of machinery started to sound and soon multiple different red lights started to fill the room.
Griddy's was surrounded by different cop cars, there was caution tape surrounding the building and faint drops of blood on the ground. Agnes sat in one of the booths, she was still shaken up about the events that transpired.
One of the cops who went by the name Detective Patch walked around the building shocked by the amount of bodies.
"This is a once in a blue moon type situation, I'd say."
"I'm inclined to agree."
Her boss sighed.
"Same gun on every vic, all M4s. All the castings are .223s."
She informs him of the findings.
"Know what I think? I think these idiots all shot each other."
She said confidently, her boss added to the statement.
"And stabbed. One in the throat."
He shivered.
"One in the eye, and this guy got his neck snapped."
He falls joining her on the ground to inspect the body.
"All quick and efficient kills."
"These are definitely professionals. Dumb, but professionals. Any witnesses?"
"Yes, one."
He points at Anges. Patch walks up to the woman wanting to ask her about what happened.
"It was a slow night. It was quiet. My last two customers were this.. older guy and— and his kid."
Patch nods.
"The guy had a dough— No, that's not right. The guy had an éclair, and the kid had— had coffee. I went-- I went into the back room... To just get some more change. Then I heard his truck start up. They drove away."
Anges recounts remembering the gun shots.
"I heard shots."
She remembered jumping under the desk, cowering until the guns stopped.
"By the time I got back in here. Everyone was..."
She couldn't say it, she wanted to cry.
"Was you know."
"Was there anyone else in the shop?"
Patch asked gently. Agnes shook her head.
"I'm sorry, not to be rude, 'cause you seem super sweet, but..."
She pauses remembering the brunette man who was dressed in dark clothing and a green jacket that came earlier that night.
"do I have to go through all this again?"
Patch was confused.
"Well I already told the other detective everything."
Patch made an annoyed look, she knew who it was but she had to ask anyway.
"What other detective?"
Diego walks out from the back of the building. He sighs when he sees all the police outside of his exit door.
"Shit. Hang on, let me—"
He tried to talk but Patch wasn't having any of it and tases him. She cuffs him and berates him as she walks him towards the front of the store. Diego tries to flirt to get under her skin and she ends up taking his walkie and everything else important that he had besides his mask.
"That you can keep."
"You used to like that."
"Not anymore."
"Where's Lupo?"
"Not here."
"Can I talk to him?"
Diego sighs.
"By the way, this thing might look like a botched robbery, but my gut's telling me something else is going on here."
Patch rolls her eyes.
"Look, the waitress, she mentioned that Ishmael's Tow Truck guy. Maybe they saw something."
"You're not police, Diego, remember?"
"Yeah, I know."
He says sarcastically as she puts him in the back of the police car.
"Do you? Because you show up and act like you can be a part of this, and you can't, not anymore."
She says to him closing the door, sometimes she felt like she was a mother scolding a child when it came to him.
"I'm good at this. You know I can help you. Ask Lupo."
"I know you give me agita. And I do not need... I do not want your help. And I'll make sure the boss talks to Lupo."
Diego glares at her, he was frustrated. His whole life, taught to fight crime and people act like he can't even do that.
Patch walks off as a crowd of people look at the commotion at Griddy's, Hazel and ChaCha being apart of the crowd. ChaCha was silently judging the agents that were burnt to a crisp outside of the building.
You woke up to the sound of the soft chirping of the birds, their little song reminding you of Tigger. Though you couldn't hear him then, his dancing told you he was.
You smiled as you listened to their song wanting to join in with them. You finally stand up to get ready for the day.
You looked at yourself in the mirror there was a small splatter of blood on your suit, faint enough at night but not quite in the day. You took it off and started to wash your face. While washing your face you had the urge to drink from the sink, you hadn't had water in a while and you needed it in your system to be able to use your powers, C.H. and C.C. was currently after you and you had no idea where they were. You never know when you need to turn into a mermaid (less likely) or blow out someone's eardrums.
After mulling over your options you decided it's better safe than sorry and drunk from the sink. Your skin was starting to gain some color and you felt way better.
After that you walked out and had a chat with the staff member from the night before. You waved at him as you left.
"See you later, I will have your money by then. Thank you."
You walked out and smiled as the sun beamed down on your skin, you used to have a bad relationship with the sun. Being alone on a deserted land, crawling around with a heavy tail while being dried out will do that. But over the years it's become a solace, after meeting The Handler everything had become dark but the sun was always there shining bright and you had begun to admire it.
It was nice to see the sky, it was just as blue as the ocean. You hadn't gotten to see it like this before. The air was filled with smoke around the time you came on land, it polluted the sky and other times you were too occupied to notice it when taking care of business.
There was nature, birds, trees, people, lots of people not the lifeless corpses you've come to see across your many years on land.
This was what your mom saw, the way she described the human world before she...
You let out a deep sigh. As you were walking past a park, a terrorized scream filled the air.
And just like that, you were reminded that the human world was in fact not like the stories your mother told you.
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ru-fiction · 7 months
Ken x Platonic!GN Reader
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~Connected to my Ken x Reader story.
Just a little something until I figure out what I want to do with these next few chapters.
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You blinked your eyes open as the sun beamed down on you. You try to move only to find your arms, legs and body restricted limiting your movements. You were surrounded by a cardboard box with the only clearing being a plastic sheet in front of you, you watched as a bunch of other dolls started to crowd around your box with confused looks on their faces.
They all looked at the name written on the box, at the time you were just Y/N, no last name, no job description. It has caused most of the Barbies and Kens to walk away from you losing interest in a doll that was not part of either group leaving the Midges and Allan to pull you out of the box.
After that, Allan watched as the Midges and the remaining Kens crowded around you and started pulling at your limps looking for any type of special accessories, attachments or special features that you had, however they didn't find anything. Though they did consider you to be very stylish which made sense because you were part of a Collab line between Mattel and Kay Jewelry but they soon lost interest as well and spread out amongst the beach. Allan patted you on the shoulder before he disappeared somewhere.
You had been left alone to awkwardly look around. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves in their own little groups, it felt almost clicky. You didn't know whether to go up and introduce yourself or not, I mean what would you even say...
You walked along the beach, scoping the area before deciding to sit down on a red beach chair. You closed your eyes, basking in the sunlight before a shadow casted over you.
You looked up to find a fair-skinned doll with long wavy brown hair and dark eyes.
"You're in my spot."
You quickly stand up and dust off the seat before smiling awkwardly at the doll.
"Sorry, I didn't-"
"It's fine Barbie, just run along with the others."
You looked at her confused as to why she called you that.
"That's not my name."
She looked at you in confusion. Mattel made another doll that wasn't a Barbie?!
"Ken then..."
She studied you for a bit before waving you off.
"I'm not Ken."
She raises an eyebrow at you.
"Midge? Alan?"
You just shake your head at her.
"Are you a Raquelle or Ryan?"
You looked at her like she grew a second head.
"I'm Y/N."
The brunette studied you again before shrugging.
"Well run along...Y/N."
She waves you away before taking a seat and placing her shades on her eyes. You watch her for a bit before walking off. She turns her attention in your direction as a toned brunette doll sat next to her with an ice cream in his hand.
"Who's that?"
"A Y/N."
It was now dark outside and all the dolls had left the beach, apparently there was a party not too far away but one of the Kens had told you that it was invite only. So you currently sat on the pink plastic sand alone.
The temperature was starting to go down and though you couldn't technically feel it, your plastic was starting to get cold.
You just stared at the plastic light blue waves to pass the time. It had been about an hour you would guess since everyone left. You didn't know how long these parties lasted but you had hoped someone would come back eventually so you didn't feel so lonely.
You noticed how the doll from earlier and another doll had gone in the opposite direction of the others you didn't know why but it did make you curious.
You sat alone for a while longer until the sound of laughter filled your ears. You looked behind you to find that the Kens were back all laughing and joking around. They walked past you and one of the Kens started to make a paper fire from plastic logs. They all cheered and you clapped at a distance.
You watched as they all started to sing and dance before finally settling down to rest. One of the Kens had noticed you from afar and slowly made his way towards you.
It was one of the blonde Kens. He was very muscular, his eyes had a childlike presence about them and he had a bright smile on his face.
"You're not Ken. What are you doing here?"
Your eyes widened at his words.
"Oh, sorry. I um..."
You try to stand up but he places a hand on your shoulder to stop you before taking a spot next to you.
"I didn't mean it in that way."
His smile turns apologetic for a moment but returns to its widened status.
"I'm Ken. I haven't seen you before."
Ken holds his hand out for you to take.
"I'm Y/N. I just got here this morning."
You smile at the blonde in front of you as his eyebrows rose in interest.
"Really? I must have missed you. I was helping out Barbie."
He makes a wide gesture with his hands.
"Welcome to Barbieland."
"Thanks. You're the first person to tell me that today."
Ken's face fell at your statement.
"I'm sorry. That's awful."
Ken turns towards the direction of his name to find the other Kens motioning for him to come over. Ken waves them off before turning back to you with a smile and a small shrug.
"Wanna come join the cuddle pile?"
You looked at the other Kens then back at him.
"I wouldn't be intruding?"
"Oh please."
Ken sighs before standing up and holding his hand out.
"The Kens won't mind."
You take his hand feeling butterflies and your smile grows bigger at the gesture.
"Thank you."
"And if you like I could show you around Barbieland."
Ken shrugs as the two of you begin to make your way over to the others.
"Give an actual welcome."
His blue eyes met your (e/c) ones in wonder.
"I would like that actually."
He looked shocked that someone actually wanted his help without him having to beg.
"I mean. That's cool."
Your plastic heart flutters as he places a hand on your back leading you to a spot next to his friends.
The group begins to huddle closer to each other, all whispering 'well wishes' and nodding off.
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ru-fiction · 7 months
In another life 3
Peter B Parker x GN!Reader
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Spider Ham hums a small tune as he walks through the park with a burger in his hand. He breathes in the steam trying to savor the smell but right as he goes to eat it an arrow shoots through it making it stick into a tree.
Spider Ham's eyes widened in shock and he turns to the perpetrator only to find his chipmunk friend, Y/N standing there with a bow in hand with a sheepish smile on their face.
"What's the big idea?"
"Sorry, Pete-"
Spider Ham rushes over and covers their mouth. He looks around to see if anyone was paying attention and turns to Y/N with a glare on his face.
"First you kill my burger then you want to expose my secret identity."
Spider Ham shakes his head at them with a disapproving frown.
"I thought we were friends..."
"We are."
Y/n's ears drop at his statement suddenly feeling really guilty.
"If this is how you treat your friends, I don't want to see how you treat your enemies."
He crosses his arms pointing his nose in the air. He has a playful smile on his face not that Y/N could see it under the mask.
"I'm sorry, Pete-"
He raises his brow at them.
"Spider Ham."
Spider Ham makes a tsk sound and wags his finger.
"Not good enough."
Spider Ham points to his decapitated burger.
"You're kidding."
"Apologize to the burger, Y/n."
Y/n glares at him, their cheeks puffing in embarrassment.
"I'm not apologizing to your stupid burg-"
The ground begins to shake under their feet and soon both Y/N and Spider Ham find themselves trapped in a cage.
The two grab onto each other in shock, laughter filled their ears grabbing their attention. There stood a Crawfish dressed in a lab coat.
"Dr. Crawdaddy."
Spider Ham says in a deep voice, the eyes on his mask squints as he glares at the crustacean.
"Spider Ham. And friend."
He motions to Y/N earning a grin from them at the acknowledgement.
"Finally I've caught you. Crime will go up 100% after I kill you and the other villains will start to respect me..."
The two caged animals share a look before Spider Ham grabs on to the bars of the cage and gives him a dramatic point.
"You won't get away with this!"
"Yes I will."
The Doctor pulls out a huge laser gun and points directly at the two animals, Spider Ham's eyes widened slightly but he was even more determined to be defiant.
"No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
Spider Ham shakes his head at him.
"No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
Spider Ham yawns pretending to be bored which causes the Crawfish to get upset.
"No, you-"
"Yes, I will. Yes, I will. Yes, I will. Yes, I will."
Dr. Crawdaddy goes to pull the trigger and Spidey holds his hands out.
"Wait! I gotta tell you something."
He looks at him, eyes full of suspicion.
"What is it?"
Spider Ham motions for him to come closer and he takes small steps towards him. Spidey motions again for him to get closer which he slowly does again. Spidey lets out an annoyed sigh and motions for him one last time. When Dr. Crawdaddy was finally close to the cage, Spidey grabs on to his jacket and gives him a big kiss with his nose as Y/N slips the key from his pocket.
The Crawfish backs away in shock not noticing the two slip out of the cage.
"I can not believe you just did that."
Spider Ham places a soothing hand on his back as Y/N takes the gun out of his hand.
"Ugh, I know. Bad me taking advantage of you while you're vulnerable."
Spider Ham leads the man to the cage and Y/N locks it after the Crawfish is finally inside.
"I mean, where are my manners."
"Wait a minute."
Dr. Crawdaddy finally realizes he was tricked and starts to try to pull the bars apart.
"Well, nice doing business with you."
Spider Ham salutes at him and grabs the chipmunk's hand. The two animals run away giggling like two school children.
"That was surprisingly easy."
Spidey nods his head with a soft hum in agreement before turning towards Y/n with a glare.
"So are you gonna apologize about my burger yet."
Y/N rolls their eyes then pushes Spider Ham inside of the lake that they happened to be walking by.
"Hey, I was joking."
Spider Ham just shrugs then looks directly at the screen and sends a sly wink.
"How is this even possible?"
You continued to look at the unconscious man in shock, part of you wanted to believe that maybe this was Peter's long lost twin or something but the outfit and web shooter told you otherwise.
"There's no way."
You use your hand to move the loose strands from his face when a bright light starts to flash on the three of you.
"What are you doing over there?"
You let out a huge sigh and Miles just freezes in place.
"New training exercises, running from the cops will improve your speed."
You help drape the strange man's arms around your neck as you stand up, almost falling from his weight. Miles panics.
"Are you being serious right now!"
You nod at him with a serious look in your eye.
"Deadly. Either that or go to jail."
Miles takes a moment to think.
"Are you really thinking about this?"
"I'm not good under pressure."
Miles grabs the man's other arm, the one that's web was connected to him and the two of you started to run alerting the cop.
"Hey Freeze! P.D.N.Y. Drop the body!"
"I have an Idea."
Miles takes the man from your arms and drapes him over his shoulder.
"Wrap your arms around my neck and hold on tight."
You look at him like he was crazy, you had a feeling that you knew what he was going to try and there was no way he was going to carry the weight of two people when he could barely swing himself.
"Are you serious?"
Miles looks at the cop behind and faces you with a determined nod.
You wrap your arms around Miles neck as he maneuvers the man's hand so that it is pointing to a building.
He pressed down on the button in the man's hand and shot out a web. The two of you let out a nervous breath before using the web to swing across the graveyard.
"See you officers!"
Miles shouted out excitedly, however that excitement was short lived because the web didn't go very far.
"Aw C'mon.''
The three of you start to fall from the air almost landing in the street but you quickly activate your rocket shoes before you hit the ground and land safety on your feet.
Miles however was now frantically swinging the strange man around and crashed into the building behind.
You panic a little as the cops flash their lights on him but quickly feel relieved when another web shoots out, Miles practically gets dragged across the snow as the man starts to gain consciousness.
You fly up to stay out of sight from the police and follow Miles from above.
You start to feel bad for the man as he constantly hits his head on things, first it was Peter's grave, then it was a couple of trucks, then the ground. This dude was going through it.
The more you followed them the more you felt worried as they were dragged across the street, cars rushed around them from all sides and at times it looked like they would be hit but they barely skated by.
You hear the two of them yelling over the busy street before the guy gets knocked out again. His face has to be bruised from all the surfaces he hit.
You wanted to try to cut the web but you were scared that they would be hit by a car or something if you did.
The two finally come to a stop and the web snaps making them crash into the ground. You instantly flew down and checked on Miles.
"You okay?"
You go to take off his mask but stop because of the people walking around you.
"I'm okay just a little shaken up."
You let out a relieved sigh, you didn't know why you cared about this kid so much but you chopped up to the fact that you didn't want the new Spiderman to die under your watch.
"Let's get him to my house."
Miles nods as you help the brunette man up.
"Why aren't we tying him up again? He could be dangerous."
Miles questioned as he watches you clean the wounds on the man's face.
"If I thought he was dangerous he wouldn't be here."
"He shot webs from his hand."
You turn to look at Miles as he pretends to shoot webs knowing that if he actually did he'd probably either break something or get stuck to a wall.
"He hasn't actually done anything bad. I mean you basically beat him up the entire time, I don't think he'll want to mess with you."
Miles nods along with your reasoning but still watches the man with a cautious expression. The man starts to mumble in his sleep and you turn your attention back to him. There was a soft smile on your face, the guy looked like Peter to a T well almost but it was also this fact that caused your smile to fall. How is this even possible? You didn't think that Peter had a twin this had to be him but how could that be? You and Peter always talked about the possibility of a multiverse but could it actually be real?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice the man watching you with soft eyes. His brown eyes lit up with recognition and his heart caught in his chest.
You the love of his life sat in front of him breathing. It was hard to believe like the universe was playing a cruel trick on him.
He unconsciously reaches out for you causing you to jump at his touch. He softly whispers out your name as his brown eyes stare into yours.
Miles just stood off to the side watching the whole interaction feeling like he was intruding on something.
"I can't believe you're actually here.''
"I can't believe you're actually here.''
Tears start to fill your eyes as he sits up and hugs you. This was definitely Peter. He had his warmth, his smile and even though they were a different color those were definitely his eyes.
"I missed you."
He whispered softly which causes you to break down in his arms, all the emotions you felt today, the anger, the fear, the sadness. They all came out the moment Peter spoke to you.
There was an understanding that Peter felt when you cried into his shoulder, he softly rubbed your back and pulled you closer to him. You didn't have to say anything he knew you were living the same life he did back at home, no matter how recent.
"It's gonna be okay. You'll get through this."
Peter starts to speak softly to you. Miles goes to jump in but Peter holds a hand out to him.
Miles nods and leaves the room still feeling worried for you.
After a moment of Peter just holding you, the two of you leave the room to finally have a chat.
You go to grab some ice from your freezer to put on Peter's face as he starts to react to Miles' presence. He looks so confused by the revelation he's come to.
"You're like me."
Peter whispers to himself as Miles clears his throat and deepens his voice.
"I got some questions.''
"Hey you electrocuted me. Y/n he electrocuted me!"
He points an accusing finger at Miles, you laugh at the interaction and place the ice into his hand. He lets out a whispered thanks and takes a seat on the couch.
Peter felt safe with you, if you were here then there was no way this kid was bad even if he gave him bruises.
"Why do you look like Peter Parker?"
Miles tilts his head at him as he takes off his mask, Peter just gives him a look.
"Because I am Peter Parker.''
Miles looks him up and down clearly confused about his statement.
"Then why aren't you dead? And why's your hair different? Why are you older? And why is your body a different shape?"
You laugh at the annoyance that started to show on Peter's face.
"Pretty sure you just called me fat."
"No. No, just-"
"You don't look so hot either kid."
Peter spits back as he glares at Miles. He looks him up and down judging his style.
"Most superheroes don't wear their own merch."
Miles squints his eyes at him for a few seconds before asking more questions.
"Are you a ghost?"
Peter answers dryly and Miles starts pacing back and forth..
"Are you a zombie?"
"Stop it."
"Am I a zombie?"
"You're not even close."
"Are you from another dimension? Like a parallel universe where things are like this universe but different?''
You start to feel dizzy watching him pace around.
"And you're Spiderman in that universe but somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?"
Peter looks scarily impressed by the Miles.
"Wow. That was just a guess?"
Miles just shrugs.
"Well we learnt about it in physics."
"Quantum Theory, we used to talk about it a lot."
You whispered to yourself but of course Peter heard you.
"This is amazing. You can teach me like Peter said he would."
You frowned a little. Sure you thought Spiderman would be a better teacher but damn.
"What about me?"
Miles looks at you sheepishly.
"You're great and all but you did push me off a building."
Miles and You turn your gazes to Peter.
Peter stands up from the couch holding his hands out.
"I don't even like kids."
"But Peter."
"Sorry to let you down but I'm no teacher. Being Spiderman is a dangerous job and I have no time for babysitting."
Peter turns to leave but Miles steps in front of him defensively.
"But I promised Peter."
"Watch the hand kid not the mouth."
Peter says unfazed by the kid and moves around him, Miles goes to grab his arm causing Peter to unconsciously throw him against the couch.
Peter walks to the window and shoots a web getting ready to swing away when his body starts to glitch out on him. He starts to fall still violently shaking, lucky you still had your rocket boots on. You jumped out the window and caught him before his body hit the ground. Miles looks out of the window with a worried look on his face.
"Is he okay?"
You look down at Peter questioningly. He sighs when the glitching stops before answering.
"No, I'm not."
"What's wrong with you?"
"I don't think my atoms are really jazzed about being in the wrong dimension."
You help him sit against the wall and he starts to glitch again letting out agonizing groans.
"Look I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spiderman coach."
He says as he looks up to see Miles' pleading eyes.
"I got a lot going on in my dimension."
He says bitterly.
"With great power comes great—"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Don't do it, I'm sick of it."
Peter points a finger at Miles as he continues to glare at him. He tries to shoot another web but starts to glitch again. You place a hand upon his back giving it a soothing rub. You wait until his eyes meet yours before giving him a pleading look of your own.
"Peter, Please."
Peter tries to look away from your eyes but you grab his chin and force him to look at you. He lets out a frustrated groan.
"Dammit, Y/n."
He knew what you were doing and it was kind of working on him.
"KingPin has a super collider."
"He's going to kill us if we don't stop him."
"What did you just say?"
"He's going to kill us."
Miles says exasperately.
"Who cares about that? Well I care about you."
Peter says as he looks at you before turning his gaze back to Miles.
"Where is this collider?"
"Brooklyn, under Fisk Tower."
Peter nods before waving him.
He turns his attention back to you and smiles.
"It was really good to see you again."
"Where are you going?"
Miles asked, confused as to why he was leaving.
"When it runs again, I'll jump in and get back to my life."
"I can't let you do that. If they run it again people could be killed. Peter wants me to destroy it."
"Well I don't want to meet your Peter in the afterlife and have to tell him that I died by glitches."
You catch Miles as he hops from the window. The two of you start following Peter as he tries to walk away.
"Well they can't turn it on anyway because they need the hard drive that we have. It's our override key."
You give Peter a smug look as he turns to look at you. Miles' face instantly falls at the mention of the hard drive, he had hoped you were meaning a different one.
"Please don't make this hard on me, Y/n."
He holds his hand out for the drive but you just shake your head.
"If you go, we go."
You motion to you and Miles. Peter shakes his head.
"Absolutely not. You're not going anywhere near that thing."
"Then neither are you."
Peter groans.
"Why? Why are you doing this to me?"
You shrug. The two of you glare at each other before he finally relents.
"Fine. Just hand me the goober."
"No, because then you'll just leave. I'll carry the drive."
You smirk at him as he frowns and grumbles to himself.
You fly up towards your window feeling satisfied. You instantly go to where you last had the hard drive, you look around the spot confused and then go to look by your computer. You start to check every room, freaking out the more you come up empty handed. You freeze before walking to the window and staring down at Miles. He's already looking at you with a guilty look on his face.
''Show me."
You glare at him. Peter looks confused until Miles pulls out the broken drive from his pocket. You cover your mouth in shock.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
"See this is why I never had kids."
Peter mutters to himself.
"Can't we make another one?"
Miles looks at you nervously.
"We can't do anything. Thanks to you, I have to re-steal what you guys stole from Alchemax and make another one of these."
Peter says as he walks up the side of the building, feeling frustrated with the whole situation. He throws the useless drive to the ground.
"Deals off."
Miles turns towards him and follows him up the building glaring at his back.
"If I don't turn off the collider after you leave, everyone in this city, My parents, My uncle, Y/n and millions of others will die. And you're just gonna go home and leave me here to figure this out by myself?"
You watch as Miles makes a passion argument to Peter. When Miles mentioned your name, you could tell it hit some part of this Peter.
"You good with that Spiderman?"
Peter stops in his tracks for a bit before shaking it off.
You fly up to where Peter is and stand in front of him. He stares into your eyes as you give him that same pleading look. Miles finally makes it up the building and stands next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
"What are you doing?"
Peter asks as he switches his gaze between you and Miles.
Miles pouts his lip.
"Making you feel guilty."
"I need you, Peter."
Peter already couldn't handle saying no to you but both you and Miles were making this extremely hard on him for no reason. After a while Miles asks.
"Is it working?"
Peter tries to deny but you can tell by the look on his face that it was. You two were slowly getting under his skin. He lets out a sigh full chuckle and shakes his finger at the two of you. He lets out a frustrated yell as he turns from the two of you.
"Alright you two win."
You cheer as Miles looks at him so confused about what happened.
"C'mon we don't have a second to lose."
"Wait! I need a weapon."
"Oh c'mon now seriously?!"
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ru-fiction · 7 months
In another life 2
Peter B Parker x GN!Reader
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A/N: Mentions of death and grieving.
Gwen was in the middle of English class. The teacher had assigned them to read a book called 'The Lord of the Flies.' they were supposed to be having a debate in class about things that happened in the book. The teacher was getting ready to put them into teams, while distracted, Gwen felt a small tap on her shoulder.
She looked behind her to find Y/N waving at her with a big grin on their face. Gwen waves back slightly and turns to face the front, she was again interrupted by another tap on her shoulder. She looks behind her again to find Y/N holding up a folded piece of paper motioning to Peter with their eyes.
Gwen takes the paper from the (h/c) haired teen and turns to the desk across from her.
"Psst... Peter."
Peter turns to look at her, his brows furrowed in confusion. Gwen motions to the paper in her hands before placing it on the floor and using her foot to push it towards him.
Peter reads the note his face flushing at what he read. He turns and faces Y/N who looks at him with a small grin. Peter quickly writes down something, quickly passing the note back to Gwen and nodding his head towards Y/N.
Gwen sighs and gives the paper to Y/N. They quickly read it over, their grin getting bigger with each word they read. Y/N looks up at Peter and the two share secretive smiles before turning to face the front.
After class is over Gwen heads toward her locker to replace her books for her next class. She jumps when her locker door closes finding Peter waiting behind it. A guilty look on his face as he nervously tapped his leg.
"Let me guess. You can't come over to study."
Peter gives her a nervous chuckle.
"Y/N invited me for dinner at their house, I'm meeting their parents. This is a huge step in our relationship. Can we raincheck?"
Gwen laughs and pats her friend on the shoulder.
"I understand. Go have fun."
Peter lets out a relieved sigh and gives Gwen the biggest smile.
"You're the best."
"Just make sure to fill me in."
Gwen points at him as she walks away in the direction of her class, Peter laughs and waves as he does the same.
"Will do!"
Gwen makes it to class before the bell rings, taking a seat next to Y/N.
"Hey, Love."
Gwen sends them a playful smile.
"So, he's meeting the parents?"
Y/N sighs happily.
"Yes, I thought it was time for my people to meet my favorite guy."
They place their chin in their hand and stare off with a dreamy look in their eyes.
"Honestly, I think he's the one."
Gwen's eyebrows raised in question.
"Honestly, he's everything..."
A couple days have passed since then and the group of friends were now seated at a lunch table. Gwen had been really busy trying to balance being Spider Gwen and school. Her time with her friends suffered for it but she didn't think the two really minded the extra alone time.
Gwen drums her hands on the table getting the couple's attention.
"How'd it go?"
Peter looked embarrassed and Y/N started to laugh beside him.
"It was mortifying."
"Babe. It wasn't your fault."
Gwen's eyes shined with excitement at the look on Peter's face.
"This I have to hear."
Peter places his face in his hands with a groan and Y/N softly rubs his back.
"It's nothing too serious. The dinner I invited him to happened to be my mom's birthday dinner."
Peter lets out another noise of embarrassment.
"I had informed Peter of this, letting him know I would be leaving to pick up her cake and might not be home when he showed up."
Gwen nods. Peter begins to speak though his voice was muffled by his hands.
"I convinced them to let me grab it since I was headed that way..."
"Long story short. Peter brought back a cake that was clearly not the one we ordered."
Peter begins to lean into Y/N, stuffing his red face into their neck.
"Someone had it signed, 'Hey, old bat. You're one year closer to death.' My parents thought it was funny."
Gwen laughs then coughs to try to hide it.
"I'm such an idiot."
"No baby, you're not an idiot."
Gwen covers her mouth trying to hide her smile from her distressed friend.
"Oh my god. I would be embarrassed too if I were you."
Y/N sends Gwen an icy glare for that comment which causes her to raise her hand in defense while Y/N tries to convince Peter that he did nothing wrong.
It was a great day, the sun was shining and the wind blew through your hair, the grass was soft under your fingers and the air was filled with laughter as you sat next to Mary Jane in the park. In the distance stood Peter with a bright smile on his face, he walked over with a box of pizza in his hand. However the closer he got the darker your surroundings got. Peter and Mary Jane started to fade away leaving you all alone.
You now found yourself surrounded by darkness.
All of a sudden Peter walked into view again. He looked like he was in a trance walking in the opposite direction of you. You scream out to him, trying to get his attention but he makes no acknowledgement of your presence.
You go to chase after him only to find that your feet were stuck in place, Peter continues to walk until he is no longer in your sight.
Suddenly the darkness began to slowly crawl up your skin leaving you feeling cold. You started to feel like you were suffocating.
You jump up from your sleep letting out heavy breaths as sweat accumulates on your forehead, your tv played in the background illuminating the room with a red glow.
"Sad news tonight, the hero known as Spiderman has died."
You whimper. You had tried not to think about what happened earlier but all you could do was replay the moment of your friend dying in your arms.
Even though you knew that you didn't have powers and probably wouldn't have been much help, you couldn't help but feel like it was your fault. You felt powerless.
You turned off the device at the mention of Peter's name and threw the covers over your head not wanting to deal with the reality of the situation.
The next day you are woken up by call. You check your phone to find that your boss was calling.
An angry voice comes from the phone leading you to roll your eyes.
"Look I'm sorry this is last minute but I need the day off."
You hang up with a heavy sigh. You didn't get any sleep until the very early hours of the day. You stuffed your face into your pillow groaning into it, a part of you had hoped you wouldn't wake up, you didn't want to live in a world without Peter. You try to force yourself to fall asleep but your phone starts to ring again. You let out a defeated sigh and answer not bothering to check the caller ID.
You jump up at the sound of a motherly figure on the phone.
You listen to her talk about how her and Mary Jane had set up a memorial for him with the rest of the city.
"Yeah. I'll be there in a minute."
You got up to get ready. You looked into the mirror and tried to give yourself a pep talk to try and make it through the day.
Town square was filled with many people. While You, May, Mary Jane and a lot of other people wore black, there was a few people dressed in Spiderman masks. Even though they didn't know him truly, the thought of them being here to celebrate his memory made you happy. May motioned for you to come up and stand next to her as Mary Jane got ready to say her speech.
"My favorite thing about Peter, is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another."
You looked down at the ground guilt starting to eat at you. You felt a hand in yours and looked up to see May giving you a reassuring look. You told May and Mary Jane about everything that happened last night and though neither one of them blamed you, you couldn't help but hate yourself. You wondered if he would still be here if you had never left. Or maybe you'd be in his place instead.
"But in our own way. We are all Spiderman. And we're all counting on you."
After the service you turn to leave, ready to go back home and hide in your bed when a hand grabs your arm and you're pulled into an alley. You unconsciously pull your arm away from the person and balled your fist, ready to throw a punch when...
"Wait! Don't hit me."
You stop with your fist inches away from the perpetrator. You knew that voice.
He pulls off the masks with an awkward grin on his face.
He waves at you.
"How are you feeling?"
You ignore the question, not wanting to feel yet. You knew that if another person asked you that you for sure wouldn't be able to hold it in. You decided to hyper focus on the situation at hand.
"You can't be doing that."
You sigh as you lean against the wall.
"I'm a highly trained sidekick. You could really get hurt, grabbing me like that."
You straighten your black jacket and rub your fingers on your pants as you lecture the boy.
The kid kneels down into his backpack and starts to pull out different comics. It was hard not to think about your friend when everything around had his face on it.
"I actually need your help to try and understand this."
He tried to show you a page but you just couldn't look at it.
"Look, I'm not in the right headspace right now to be a teacher."
"I get that but I'm freaking out."
He grabs your shoulders to keep you from leaving.
"There's no one I can go to about this."
His brown pleading eyes looked into your dull (e/c) ones.
"Please. Help me."
This is what Peter wanted. You remembered when Peter told you how alone he felt when he first got his powers, how he hated hiding who he was to the people he loved. A part of you didn't want the kid to go through the same thing and another part of you wanted to just be left alone.
"Okay. But I need to go somewhere first."
"Really? You'll train me?"
He cheers as you walk away.
"Lets go, Kid!"
He quickly gathers his things and rushes behind you to catch up.
"I'm Miles by the way."
You stop for a moment turning towards him with your hand out, he grabs it giving it a firm grip.
"I'm Y/N."
You turn on your heel and head towards the direction of your house.
"What are we doing here?"
Miles looks around your house, picking up small gadgets or looking at pictures of you and Peter.
"Oh, what's this?"
He picks up a controller looking device, he presses the button and a laser shoots out cutting your couch in half.
He throws the controller away and looks at you innocently.
Miles looks around the room again and finds a hard drive, he picks it up and studies it wondering if it had something important on it.
He jumps at the sound of your voice, dropping the drive on the ground. He accidentally steps on it when he turns to look at you.
"Can you stop touching stuff?"
He nods and gives you a thumbs up before turning to see if he could find where he dropped the drive. When he does find it he starts to panic realizing that he had crushed it. He hides it in his jacket pocket hoping you didn't see and really hoping that it wasn't important in any way.
You sigh as you continue to type on your computer. The next thing you hear was the hum of the printing machine. You walk towards it to grab the paper you just printed along with a pen before handing it to Miles.
"What's this for?"
He questions as he begins to sign the bottom. You make sure it's in your hands before you answer him.
"A contract stating that I had informed you beforehand that I was not in the right state of mind due to—"
You let out a deep exhale not wanting to say the words.
"Circumstances and therefore I will not be responsible for my actions."
You grab a few gadgets to take with you as Miles looks confused about your statement.
"What's that mean?"
You give him a tight lipped smile before nodding your head towards the door.
Miles swallows hard as he stands at the edge of a tall building with you standing a few ways behind him.
"You have to jump Miles."
He shakes his head, fear clear in his eyes.
"You're insane."
You sigh.
"This is supposed to help you."
"How is this helping me?"
"We're going to practice web slinging."
He looks at you like you grew a second head.
"By me jumping off the roof?"
You walk up to the kid and place your hands on his shoulders.
"Look at me."
Miles brown eyes meet yours.
"Take a deep breath."
The two of you each take one, Miles to calm his nerves and you to get in a better mindset.
"I will be here to catch you if you fall."
You nod at him which he copies.
You walk him towards the edge again, he's still quite nervous about it.
"You need to jump."
He starts to freak out, you let out a sigh at his reaction before pushing him off the building. You noticed that he was more worried about freaking out than saving himself.
"Maybe that wasn't a good idea.''
You winced making a note to be more clear in your directions so you don't kill the kid. You click the heels of the boots you were wearing and the rockets under them started to flare. You dive off the building passing the falling teen and caught him when you landed.
He clings to you tightly, physically shaking in your arms.
"Sorry Kid. I shouldn't have done that."
You give him a guilty look as he looks into you like you're crazy.
"What did I get myself into?"
He says to himself now really regretting signing that paper you gave him.
The two of you stood at the edge of the building again. This was Miles fifth attempt and he just wasn't getting it. He kept freaking out at the idea of falling to realize that he's the one that has to save himself.
"You ready?"
He hops on his feet trying to shake the nerves off.
"Okay. I got this."
He looks determined and ready to go. He lets himself fall but halfway through he starts to panic again and somehow got stuck to the wall.
"You need to let go."
You say calmly, hoping he would take the hint and let his instincts take over.
"You need to let go, otherwise this is gonna take all day."
He looks at you for a moment and nods. He personally didn't know how to stop himself from sticking but because he was focused on you and not himself his body started to slip from the wall.
"That's not what I meant."
You flew down to catch him.
The two of you sat on the edge of the roof. You were giving Miles time to relax while you tried to think of a way to help him understand his powers.
At this moment you wished Peter was here. He would know what to do, he always knew what to do. You felt like no one could teach someone to be Spiderman like Spiderman could.
"Alright, let's go."
You say as you notice the sky getting noticeably darker.
"Where are we going?"
You help him stand up before flying the both of you to the solid ground.
"I'm gonna go visit a friend and then we'll feed you."
Miles' tummy rumbles at the sound of food.
"I could eat."
He shrugs as he follows you.
The two of you were now at the graveyard, tombs were covered in snow and the ground was frozen over, You were currently shivering after handing Miles your coat. He told you to keep it but you insisted.
The two of you walked deeper into the graveyard until you stopped at one tombstone in particular. Your body tense when you read it. You didn't want to deal with reality but it was inevitable. There were different kinds of flowers that surrounded it along with a few Spider-Man masks and balloons and a newspaper segment about his death.
You sat down in front of it, Miles following suit. The two of you just sat there in silence. You softly rubbed the carving as Miles sat beside you and watched you with a look of pity.
He rubs your back when you finally pull away from the carving.
"You okay?"
You just shake your head not wanting to talk about your feelings with anyone. Feelings you had been bottling up all day.
"He was my b-best friend."
You continue to stare at Peter's name.
"We've been together since forever. It's hard to believe he won't be around anymore."
You take a shaky breath while looking at the sky and trying to blink back the tears. Miles continued to pat your back. He knew you didn't want to talk but he still wanted to be there for you even if you two only knew each other for a day.
The two of you continue to sit in silence, the snow falling and getting trapped in your hair and caught on the coat Miles was wearing. Church bells rang in the distance.
"I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure he was as great a man as he was a hero."
You smile slightly and nod. He was a great person and you spent your last hours with him being mad about something you caused.
"I just wish-"
You let out another shaky breath while shaking your head. Miles figured you needed time to gather yourself so he pats your shoulder before getting up to walk away.
He screams when he sees a shadowy figure in the distance. You stand up quickly and pulled him behind you with an alarmed look on your face, you reach into the pocket of your jacket that Miles was wearing to pull out one of your gadgets.
But Miles was faster and instantly shocked the dude on sight but a web caught on his outfit and he ended up getting pulled along with the dude.
You rushed up to him to check for any injuries.
"You okay?"
He nods his head at you.
"Yeah, I'm alright."
You pull his hands in yours, looking at them curiously.
"How'd you do that?"
He shrugs.
"I don't know it just happened."
You turned to look at the unconscious man and you instantly froze. How was this possible? How was he here? He died in your arms, was this the universe fucking with you?
Miles notices the look on your face before also looking at the stranger. He brows furrowed in confusion.
The two of you turned to look at each other before turning your attention back to the unconscious man in front of you.
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ru-fiction · 8 months
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Peter B. Parker x GN Reader
Peter thought he was the one and only Spiderman. When he lost his Y/N, he didn't think he'd find another.
This story has mentions of death, divorce, grief, and a little jealousy. 'Y/N' is used a bit. This is my first attempt at writing something like this.
I do not own the rights to Spiderman or its characters. All rights go to Stan Lee, Peter Ramsey and the rest of the workers that made this movie.
Slow updates.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 [Working on it]
19 notes · View notes
ru-fiction · 8 months
In Another Life
Peter B. Parker x GN!Reader
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A/N: The story has small mentions of death, divorce, grief, and a little jealousy. 'Y/N' is used a bit. This is my first attempt at writing something like this.
Alright people let's do this one last time. My name is Peter B. Parker.
Peter places his Spiderman mask on his face before letting his body fall and catching himself with his web, gliding across the city.
I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last twenty two years, I thought I was the one and only Spiderman.
Peter sits on the edge of a building with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other.
You see I saved the city.
Different instances of Spidey beating up different villains including Electro, Kraven and Juggernaut appear in a comic of his life.
Lifting or catching cars and buses.
Patrolling the city.
I fell in love.
Little moments of a younger Peter with his love, Y/N flashed in pages of the comic.
Their awkward moments of flirting with each other without trying to cross the line for fear of losing a good friendship.
The secret notes exchanged between classes as they walked past each other.
The middle school dance that they went to together.
The parties Y/N would invite Peter to only for the two to sneak off and have long conversations with the other until their respective family members called for them to come home.
Their first kiss and Y/N finally asking Peter out.
Y/N secretly finding out about Peter being Spiderman and waiting for him to tell them.
Peter finally telling Y/N and them stressing over his safety every night. Peter soothes their fears by video calling them as he swings across the city.
Peter making a huge deal out of his promposal and getting an excited yes in return.
The two graduating together and getting accepted into the same college.
The two moving into an apartment together and hosting weekly dinners with each other's families.
Peter smiles sadly at the memories.
I lost them....
One gruelling fight happened, a day that changed Peter's whole world. A friend of Peter's was corrupted by a symbiote. He tried to talk his friend down but he wouldn't listen.
Y/N and May ended up getting captured by him and Peter has to make a choice. He couldn't choose and Y/N paid the price.
Peter cried for days, he wouldn't eat, he couldn't sleep and if he did Y/N's face would appear reminding him of that night.
No one could console him and even though he was able to get his friend's mind back, a part of Peter could never forgive him for what happened to you.
I never truly got over it, my first love but I did try again.
An older version of Peter hanging upside down in his Spiderman costume kissing Mary Jane in an alley comes to mind.
I got married.
Y/N's family showed up to support him which he was happy about. Their guardian had given him a small smile as he placed the wedding band upon Mary Jane's finger. In the crowd he could have sworn he saw Y/N giving him a nod of approval. He wanted to cry.
Saved the city some more. Maybe too much.
Spider-Man fights off a few small criminals every night sometimes coming home later and later.
He'd come home to a cold dinner or his wife being asleep, sometimes he'd miss her altogether.
My Marriage got tested. I made some dicey money choices.
Peter invested money in crypto scams and a failed business much to the annoyance of Mary Jane and his wallet.
Fifteen years passed and during that time Peter broke his back, got hit in the face with a drone, buried his Aunt May next to his Uncle Ben and his deceased lover, divorced Mary Jane because he wasn't quite ready to completely move on from his past love and moved into a small, crappy apartment.
He would say he handled it like a champ but...
Peter would sit in the tub with the shower running and just cry his little heart out. He felt like he lost just about all the good things that he had.
Some days he would just lie in bed and stay there day in, day out because he couldn't find the motivation to do anything else.
Some days he'd hug a picture of Y/N and Him, other days he would mourn the loss of his marriage and some days he'd wish he had Aunt May there to help him. But every now and then he'd feel a presence near him like something was trying to console him.
Soon he started to binge eat to help the pain and sometimes he would go and visit his family wishing they were with him.
There were days where he would just take all his anger and frustrations out on petty thugs then there were days where he wanted nothing more than to hide himself away from the world.
Some days he would call Mary Jane but stop himself after the first few rings.
I'm pretty sure I broke her heart.
One day Peter was laying in his bed and eating a pizza when a purple and black wormhole appeared on his ceiling. Peter stands up, alert. Watching as the wormhole grows.
The next thing he knew his body was starting to glitch and the items in the room began to float. He tried to save himself but his web snapped as he was pulled into a portal leading to who knows where.
You sat down at a seedy bar with your head leaning on one hand and the other absentmindedly being used to stir a straw in your drink. You were dressed in a long sleeve red shirt and black jeans.
Next to you sat a couple who literally couldn't keep their hands off of each other. The couple being your blonde haired, blue eyed friend, Peter Parker and his redheaded wife, Mary Jane.
The two were celebrating their anniversary and had invited all their friends to come along and though You didn't want to come, one look into Peter's pleading eyes and you just couldn't say no.
After a while of being there everyone in the group had split up after realizing the couple was super into each other today. At the moment You was on your fourth drink, bitterly watching as the couple flirted with each other.
You couldn't figure out why Peter had wanted you to come so badly, if he was just gonna be all over MJ the whole time. It frustrated You to know that it wasn't that long ago that you were in MJ's place. That You were his and he was yours. Hell the only reason you guys broke up was because Peter wanted marriage and You didn't at least not at first but it was too late and now it felt like Peter was constantly throwing his new relationship in your face even if he wasn't doing it intentionally.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You blink finally coming out of the space you were in, the blonde smiles at them as he pulls MJ close to him and motions to the door.
"We're headed home. You need a ride?"
You shakes your head at his offer.
"I'm okay. I'll walk."
You turned to leave only to be stopped by a hand softly grasping your arm, You turn to face the couple with a sigh.
"You know I don't feel comfortable with you walking home alone."
Peter gives you a look of worry.
"At least let me walk you home."
"I'm fine."
"Y/N it's really dangerous out there just let me walk you home."
"Peter, Stop. I'm good."
Peter starts to hand MJ the keys to their home and places a small kiss upon her lips then turns to you with a smile, one that hurts to look at.
"It's nothing really. Your house isn't far from here."
You let out an annoyed groan before giving Peter a stern look.
"Maybe worry about getting your wife home safely than me. I can take care of myself, I was fine before you and I'll be fine without you."
Peter and Mary Jane looked at you with shock. You were even surprised by the words you said.
"Look, I just need some space."
You began to walk away needing to get away from them leaving Peter confused and MJ red faced with anger.
The walk to the house was a quiet and lonely one but You weren't so much as messed with. So that was good. You unlocked the door to your home before throwing the keys on one of the counters and locking the door. You let out a huge sigh and slid down the door, stuffing your face against your knees, taking a moment to sit in silence.
About two hours later your phone started to ring a familiar theme played out and a picture of Peter covered the screen. It rang for a while with you just watching the call end before Peter calls again. You let out another sigh and answer.
"Yes, Parker?"
He lets out a displeased sound at your use of his last name.
"Hey, where are you?"
Your brows furrowed at the sternness in his voice.
"At home."
"Why? We're supposed to be looking for King Pin right now.."
You sigh leaning your head back against the door. There was a moment of silence before Peter speaks again.
"I'm headed to this location. You better be there."
You phone chimes with a message and you hear a small sigh on the phone.
"Please. I need you."
You stood up and walked towards your room. You opened up your closet and pulled out the costume Peter made for you when you agreed to be his sidekick.
It was a skin tight white spandex suit with a red v necked vest, there were black straps around your arms and left thigh and to finish the look you added a pair of white fingerless gloves and black boots. You grabbed your laptop, a pair of binoculars and your trusty baseball bat before heading out the door.
The eyes on Peter's masks widened at the sight of you walking through the subway. He springs to his feet and moves to meet you in the middle.
"I didn't think you'd come."
There was a nervous tremble in his voice. You nervously tap the side of your laptop while staring at one of the walls but soon you turn your gaze towards him.
"What did you need me to do Parker?"
Peter lets out a frustrated groan as the two of you make your way deep into the subway.
"Stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Saying my name like that."
You knew that Peter could tell something was off. Other than the fact that you blew up on him, you've been being distant for weeks now.
"That's literally your name."
You smiled slightly at his little pout.
"Yeah but you only call me by my last name whenever you are mad at me."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before Peter asked with a shaky voice.
"Are you mad at me? Have I done something to upset you or make you uncomfortable at all?"
You sigh for like the millionth time today and just give him a look of defeat.
"Now is not the time or place. Can we get this over with so we can go home and be done with today? Please."
With that said the two of you continue to make your way to your destination. The two of you found a section that was a little far off where you could put your computer.
"Okay. I've upgraded my software so that my computer can update us on their whereabouts."
You type a way at your computer, not noticing Peter nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"About that. I need you to be lookout on this mission."
You turned to face him with a raised eyebrow, your arms crossing in front of your body.
"You better be kidding."
"I can't risk you getting hurt."
Your eyes darkened at his statement. How could he risk his life time and time again and expect you to just sit there and watch it happen?
"I'm not doing this today Peter. This is King Pin we're talking about."
"Exactly why I need you to stay here."
You jam your finger into his chest, anger flaring in your eyes.
"You've got to be out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm gonna let you risk your life alone."
Peter meets your glare with one of his own.
"Why? Why do you feel the need to fight with me on this?"
He makes a big gesture between the both of you.
"Because I lo-"
You let out a small breath both to stop yourself from finishing your sentence and also go calm yourself down.
"Because you're my friend. I don't want to see you get hurt."
"Fine, you win."
You were surprised that he gave up that quickly, Peter was usually stubborn. It honestly made you kind of suspicious of him. This was entirely too easy. But you shrugged it off and turned to grab your bat only for your feet to get trapped under thick web. You turned your head in Peter's direction to find him slowly backing away.
"I am so sorry. I know I told you to come but I can't risk you getting hurt.''
Your eyes filled with anger again as he turned to run off.
"I'll make it up to you."
After an hour of peeling the web from your feet, you ran to the facility that you and Peter had been tracking for weeks now.
There you found a teenage boy falling from a great height. You started to freak out trying to run to catch him but luckily Spiderman also noticed the kid and headed in his direction. He ended up grabbing the kid by his jacket and swinging him to safety. You let out a sigh of relief and stealthily made your way to where they were keeping a close eye on the goblin.
You climbed up the railing without Spiderman noticing. He swings away when you finally make your way to the top, standing behind the awestruck teen.
"He's amazing, right?"
The kid jumps away after he realizes someone was behind him. You chuckle at his reaction.
"Relax. I'm with him."
You point at Spiderman and the kid instantly calms his nerves. That all goes away when a villain known as the Prowler comes out of nowhere and starts to fight Spiderman.
You didn't have any special powers so all you could was silently freak out from the sidelines as the kid pulled out his phone to record the encounter. You tap on your communicator when you notice something from the corner of your eye.
"Spiderman, Watch out!"
Right as Spiderman was about to fight back, out came the goblin catching him under his foot and licks him.
The two of you duck behind a canister and tap on your communicator again.
"Hey, are you okay?"
'Yeah, Yeah. Everything is fine.''
You give the canister a frustrated look at his obvious lie. All of a sudden the room starts to glow in a bright light. And Spiderman yells out trying to reason with the villains.
Soon a beam shoots out in the middle of the room. A big thing of rubble hits the surface that you and the kid were on causing you two to fall but the two of you were quick to catch yourselves on the railing. The next thing you knew the goblin was pushing Spiderman's face into the beam.
Then the whole thing exploded. The two of you somehow made it to the ground safety and you started to pull the kid to the exit.
"Wait! What about Spiderman?"
"I will come back for him. I need to get you out of here.''
You ran back in the direction you last saw him after making sure King Pin and gang was gone.
You started to get worried when you didn't get a response.
"Peter I swear if you're messing with me I'm gon-"
You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him leaning against a rock all bloodied and bruised. You felt like your body was moving in slow motion as you ran towards his.
You fell to your knees and pulled his body against yours. His heart was beating slowly and his breath was ragged. You moved your eyes up to his face to find him smiling back at you with droopy eyes.
He whispered softly to you his hand moving to wipe the tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Don't cry. Please don't cry."
He could tell that you were tearing yourself up, there was a look of guilt in your eyes and your bottom lip started to quiver.
You shook your head and wrapped one of his arms around your neck and you placed one of yours around his waist getting ready to lift him.
"It's okay. Everything is okay. I'm gonna get you through this, we'll get you to a hospital and everything will be fine."
You were saying it more to convince yourself. Peter already knew he wasn't going to make it, he had made peace with it the moment you found him.
"Y/N, stop."
"It's fine. I-I'll call the ambulance and t-they'll meet us o-outside."
You go to stand up but Peter leans on you with so much wait that it pulls you down again. He pulls you into a hug staining your clothes with his blood. Though it hurt him, he wanted to feel you one last time. He started to rub the back of your head as your tears wet his suit.
"Look out for May and MJ for me okay."
You nod into his shoulder and your sniffles fill the air.
"Watch out for the kid. He's going to need the help."
You nod your head again pulling away so that you could look into his blue eyes one last time.
"Of course."
Peter moves to grab your cheeks, softly rubbing his thumbs over them.
"One more thing."
There was a look in Peter's eyes, one that you've seen plenty of times before. A look that he gave you when he had one thing to say.
"Don't. I can't take it if you say what I think you're about to say."
Peter pulls you closer so that your foreheads meet and places something into your hands.
"I love you."
Your lip trembled again, his heart was starting to slow to a stop.
"I never stopped loving you."
That was his last words before he went limp in your arms. Leaving you a crying mess.
A little while later you take the kid home and then make your way towards the Parkers' house. You give the door two knocks before MJ opens it. She frowns at your presence and a glare forms on her face but it quickly drops when she sees your expression. You gave her the Spiderman mask with a trembling hand and she quickly pulls you into the house where the two of you just sat on the couch and held each other.
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ru-fiction · 8 months
Ken Carson
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Playground Rivals: Ken x Reader
What do you do when your sister was made in opposition to your best friend and your brother to your crush? Can you really be evil if you were made to just play a part?
Five Hargreeves
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Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
A combination of both the comics and the TV series, Five Mets a mermaid and falls in love. What happens when forces try to keep them apart?
Stiles Stilinski
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Discovery: Stiles x Male Reader
With the pressures of school and the constant nagging over your powers at home, there's only one person you can rely on.
Peter B. Parker
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In another life: Peter x reader
Peter thought he was the one and only Spiderman. When he lost his Y/N, he didn't think he'd find another.
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ru-fiction · 8 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2- we only see each other at weddings and funerals part 3
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Five is aged up here.
I moved some moments from the other episode to here because it was already pretty long. Also I'm adding a scene from the second comic into this chapter.
Characters talking...
Five Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Comic Hazel - C.H.
Cha Cha
Comic Cha Cha - C.C.
Everyone else is in white.
"Five what do you think?"
A younger you smiles at the boy holding up a flower crown you had made from the few remaining plants in the world.
"It's nice. Brings out your eyes."
You frown at him as you watch him put one of your dresses you found on Delores.
"You're not even looking..."
Five turns towards you looking at your flower crown before returning his attention back to what he was doing.
"It's nice. Brings out your eyes."
You shake your head with a smile on your face, rolling your eyes at his statement.
"What am I going to do with you?"
Five shrugs as you walk and sit next to him, placing the crown on his head. He side eyes you and you give a smile in return.
You two sit in silence for a moment, you study his face as he starts to fix your Delores' dress. You move a strand of hair from in front of his eyes, your hand lingers and Five lets your hand rest near his ear for a moment before removing it.
"Tell me a story, Five."
Five's brows scrunch together.
You lay down on the ground placing your head into your hands, giving him your full attention.
"Once upon a time there lived a mermaid princess."
You glare at him, raising your hand to stop him from continuing.
"Stop. That's not what I meant."
"Then what do you want."
You roll your eyes at him in frustration, he glares at you in return. You might be able to peel in his mind when he has his guard down but he sure as hell couldn't read yours.
"Tell me something about you."
"Like what?"
You open your arms in a big gesture which causes Five to roll his eyes.
"Fine. About a few years ago when I turned 13..."
"Nietzsche once said, Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman."
Our dad had us lined up against the wall, something he would do everyday always reading us a page from his book. Well he would tell us to wait under the stairs but Number 1 and 2 deemed it fair for everyone to start at the wall.
"A rope over the abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking back, a dangerous trembling and halting."
He would always have Number 7 with him watching us. Something twisted he did to remind her that she was nothing like us. She would stand at his side as he wrote down information in his book about us as if we were his test subjects than his children.
That day was like any other, Number 7 blew her whistle and we all raced up the stairs.
"As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord..."
Number 1 and 2 fought for first place like they always did, usually I would stay behind and chat with my brothers Number 4 and 6 but I had been working on my jumps and wanted to prove that I had gotten better.
"That there is no individual stronger than the collective."
I jumped in front of them instantly gaining the lead much to the annoyance of 1 and 2. I didn't care how upset they were I wanted to prove I was better. I don't know why, maybe it was the fact that our father put us in competition every day.
"That's not fair, Five's cheating!"
"He adapted."
It was nice to finally get some words of accomplishment from him even if it wasn't directly said to me. I won that day, though not all of my siblings were happy for me.
"The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone."
That was the day I also got my tattoo. My siblings and I were nervous about it.
"They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you."
It was a painful process though none of us wanted to show it. Number 2 basically pushed our Mom away to prove to Dad that he could handle it. Number 3 cried after, our brother Number 4 tried to comfort her.
What about Number 7? Well she drew hers on.
"And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful."
"Give me your best impression of your father."
You laugh as Five uses one hand to make a circle around his eye, he sends you a playful smile before making the most over the top frown on his face. He clears his throat before speaking the most proper accent.
"You might be born with powers but there's a difference between special and extraordinary. And you are neither."
"That accent."
Five eyes you mischievously before lying down next to you.
"It's obnoxious, I know."
You send him a sympathetic smile as he looks at the darkening sky.
"Did he really say that to you?"
He shrugs with a blank face trying to hide any emotion from seeping through.
"Number 7 had it worse than any of us. He made her a special example because she was the only one without powers. She had to hear that statement everyday. And from the looks of it things didn't get better according to her book."
You thought Five's impression was funny, the words though not so much. And by the look in his eyes you could see that in some capacity he might have actually believed those words his father told them.
You turn your body in the direction of Five before placing your hand on his cheek and turning his face towards you.
"I think you're extraordinary, Five Hargreeves."
Five looks into your eyes, looking for any signs of deceit but he couldn't find any. He smiles at you before grabbing your hand that was laid on his cheek..
⌛⌛⌛⌛ Violence in 321⌛⌛⌛⌛
Back at Griddy's,
Five knocks on the glass gaining the attention of the one of the Temps, he teleports as their finger pushes down on the trigger causing them to shoot at the glass. Five watches from the shadows and breaks a mop that sat beside him before teleporting next to the agent at the door and stabbing them in the side.
Five teleports behind another agent; who was distracted by the death of his coworker, Five uses his tie to choke the man to death. Another agent tries to sneak up on him only to get stabbed with a pencil in the dick, Five throws a plate at another agent with enough force that makes him crash into a wall before turning his attention back to the one in front of him and using the same pencil to stab the agent in the eye.
Five watches as two other agents turn towards him with their guns raised. He teleports out of the way causing the two to shoot each other to death.
Five looks down at the bloody and bruised bodies around him with a sadistic smile on his face, his uniform drenched in their blood, he walks up to the agent he choked out and grabs his tie, tying it around his neck. He turned his head to where he heard breathing and slowly walked up to the now maskless agent before snapping his neck.
He felt proud, like he somehow gave you a little bit of justice, He knew he couldn't save you; he didn't have a way back to the commission office but at least he felt like he could do this for you.
Five lets out a breathe before walking up to the counter and using a knife to cut into his skin not noticing cars pulling up in the parking lot behind him. He pulls out the tracker before walking outside and tosses it into the sewer.
Agents come out of their cars and surround him again.
Five sighs before taking his tie from around his neck and tying it around his wounded arm.
"Give me a fucking break."
One of the agents walks forward while the rest backup, taking cover behind their cars.
"It isn't standard protocol of the Temps Aeternalis to make such a spectacle."
Five crosses his arms, a dark glare making its way on his face.
"All of your corpses scattered in the store and around the parking lot isn't going to be 'discrete'.
The agent removes his mask.
"We don't want any trouble, Number 5. We just want you to come back and finish the job."
"That's unfortunate, because I am no longer in the practice of doing anything anyone wants me to do."
Five turns to walk away but the agent points his gun into the back of Five's head.
"Most unfortunate. Because my supervisors see you as a valuable asset to the commission."
The agent's hand shakes a little at the thought of taking the life of the person who they were explicitly told not to kill under in circumstances but if he wouldn't come willingly...
"An expensive acquisition, and a prize worth hunting until it has been captured..."
The agent lets out a breath before straightening their poster.
"Or killed."
"Well aren't you a bunch of tigers..."
The agent looks at him, confused.
"So hungry, so poised... All sharp teeth and swagger."
Five studies his surroundings as he speaks to the agent.
"A tiger shows a hundred stripes, but I know it has more than that. A tiger hides them. Do you know where it keeps them?"
"Here's a hint."
Five teleports onto his shoulders and sticks his thumbs into his eyes, so deep that his blood comes out.
"Forget about the mission, Kill him!!"
Another agent yells out causing the others to shoot at the direction of the two men however Five already teleported by then causing them to shoot at the cars instead making them catch fire.
Five grabs a gun from the one of the car trunks as the cars start to blow up one by one killing the agents beside them.
"Get to cover!!"
Five's blood covered finger pushes down on the trigger, shooting some of the agents that tried to run.
He continues to teleport around gaining more agents attention and laughing as they keep blowing up more and more cars, killing their own members.
"Fast. Too Fast."
Five lands on the ground with the gun in his hand, burning bodies and cars surrounded the outside of Griddy's.
"I am in the jungle and I am too fast for you."
Five watches as one of the agents tries to crawl away.
"You have teeth and stripes and things that tear."
Five reloads the gun.
"But I am much too fast. You want my flesh, but you don't know where the jungle is...only I know where the jungle is...only I know."
Five shoots the agent in the head.
"I am a gazelle. I will always be faster than you."
Five lets out a satisfied laugh but that soon stops at the sound of static.
"W-we need them now...T-target confirmed in this area..."
Five teleports to where the voice was coming from.
"P-please send help..."
Five shoots the guy dead and let's out a sigh before static fills his ears again.
"Mission control dispatching Hazel and ChaCha..."
Five's eyes widened in fear.
"God dammit.."
"Handler, Handler!!"
The Handler looked up from her desk in the direction of the panicked Agent that walked into the room.
"Unless this is about the two traitors, I don't want to hear it."
"It is ma'am. Five was last located at Griddy's, a call came in confirming the location before the line went dead. But it seems Five has somehow taken his tracking device out."
The Handler squeezes her fist tightly at the agent's words.
"Yes, Yes. I am aware. Any Idea where he is now?"
The agent shakes their head with a slight frown on their face.
"No Ma'am. Nothing recent."
"So he's missing..."
The agent nods.
"Yes Ma'am."
"And the other one?"
The agent looks down at the clipboard in their hands.
"Looks like she's in a different timeline. I've already made preparations to send agents after her."
"I've already sent the Hazels and ChaChas on this mission."
The agent's face paled at her words. The Hazels and ChaChas were good at their jobs, great even but three of the four were sick. They'd do anything to complete a mission. Anything.
"B-But I thought you wanted them back alive..."
The Handler stands up looking the agent dead in the eye.
"I told them to beat Five up a little if they have to but I need him alive. Do what they will with the other one."
The agent lets out a little gulp and nods nervously before leaving the room.
You ducked into a theater with your hands covering your ears as the sounds of gunfire sounded in the air.
As soon as you left the commission building, you used the suitcase to bring you to the past. You remembered Five mentioning the day the apocalypse happened from some newspaper he found. You weren't there when it happened since you were dealing with your own issues under water but you took his word for it.
Not even an hour into leaving the commission office, did you encounter the sound of maniacal laughter. Hazel and ChaCha.
Luckily from the quick glance you got of them before ducking behind a seat, it seemed like it was only two of them which relieved you a little bit until you realized you had the blood thirsty ones on your trail.
"Y/N come out, come out, wherever you are."
"Fuck me...."
You whispered to yourself as you looked over the seats to see how far they were. Their pink and blue masks seemed like they were mocking you as they got closer and closer to your area.
"How'd they even..."
Duck back down and looked at your arm.
The gun shots stopped for a second and you looked up to see what they were doing. The two men in masks were looking down at the tracking device in Chacha's hand before looking in the direction of where you hid. You quickly ducked back down, since the other people that were around started shooting in your direction. Catching the attention of Hazel and ChaCha.
You couldn't see them but in that moment you felt extreme terror. How were you going to get out of this?
You closed your eyes trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this situation.
You could use your siren voice but there was no way of knowing if they were wearing headphones under those masks.
Not to mention there was already so much going on in that moment. Bullets rain in the air, trying to hit whatever they could make contact with while a blinding white light burned your eyes as you tried to take a look at the commotion that was also happening behind you.
You pulled out a pocket knife that Johnny had slipped into your pocket. You winced as you cut deep into your arm before sticking your fingers in to pull out the tracker that was in there.
You didn't have too much time to worry about your wound because a voice started to yell above the commotion. You turned in the direction of the entrance to find a guy dressed in a red and white shirt, dark jeans and a green vest hopping over the stairs case. His hair was messy and he had dark makeup around his eyes, he looked about your age well... younger.
You started to panic as the agents turned their guns towards him. You rushed over; suitcase in hand, without even thinking and pulled the guy down and covered him with your arms as the guns fired off again.
You looked at the dude and checked for any injuries before looking over the seats again after finding none. Your eyes widened as you found the familiar face of a twenty year old Five hopping on the back of one of the agents and moving his gun to where he ended up shooting his own partners that were close by.
You're blinded again as the guy beside you, hands start to glow a similar shade of blue to Five's. Then you realize who this could be, a small smile makes its way on your face. One of Five's brothers that he'd always talk about. You were finally able to meet one though you wished it was under better circumstances.
He stands up and spreads his hands, the next thing you know all the agents are being thrown around or killed. You looked at him in amazement, this could only be Klaus. Five told you about his siblings powers but to actually see it in action.
"Wow. You're amazing."
The guy you assumed was Klaus smiled at your reaction and gave you a bashful look.
"Thank you. It was nothing."
Unknowingly to you, his ghost brother beside him let out a sigh as he continues to tear the other agents apart.
"Really Klaus?"
Your attention is pulled again ChaCha walks in, This was the female ChaCha, unlike her counterpart who was now making eye contact with her, she didn't have her mask.
She looks taken back at the sight of the other two before recognition filled her eyes.
"She's here?"
ChaCha nods at her.
"She is."
Five takes cover in the seats closest to watching as his brother uses his powers to conjure the other. His attention quickly shifts to you and his eyes filled with happiness and relief.
He teleports behind you and you jump as he places his hands on your shoulders taking your attention away from the brother in front of you.
Your eyes start to water as you face him, he sends you a small grin before pulling you into a hug. For you it might have only been two or three days but Five had eight long days without you. Tears fill his eyes at the warmth of your body against his, yours had already started to fall as you pulled him against you tighter. If it was one thing you two could admit, it's that being without the other was like hell.
You breathe in his scent before pulling back and placing your hands on his cheeks. You watch as his grin turns into a wide smile, one that showed off his dimples, tears of relief falling down his face. You pull his face closer to yours before giving him a lot of kisses around his face getting a genuine laugh from him. After you finish, he places his forehead against yours.
"I missed you."
He looks deep into your eyes.
"So m-much."
You pull him into another hug which causes him to whimper.
"But you can't stay here."
You pull your head back to look at him with questioning eyes.
"I need you to go back a few days.''
Five nods.
"I need you to find me and tell me it's Vanya."
Your eyes squint in confusion not processing what he meant.
"Do you understand?"
You shake your head.
"I just found you."
Five messes with the suitcase before handing it to you.
"I need you to understand."
You shake your head, not wanting to say goodbye.
You looked into his eyes and knew he wasn't going to change his mind on this one. You nodded with a sad look in your eye.
"Don't look at me like that."
Five frowns as he rubs your cheek with his thumb.
"You'll find me again."
You take a deep breath before giving him a nod of assurance.
"I won't let you down."
"I know you won't."
Vanya walks down the hall to her apartment with a look of disgust on her face. The meeting she went to was distrubing to say the least. She had gone to the theatre where the person on the phone said he would be and discovered an orchestra there though the atmosphere didn't feel right. It felt more like a cult and at the head of it was the conductor.
He had forced her to play a song to show off her skill before telling her of a piece he wrote. He called it, 'The Apocalypse Suite.'
Vanya thought it was a waste of time and turned to leave with him taunting her as she did. It all felt like some type of sick joke.
Vanya took a breath to calm her nerves before unlocking her door and stepping inside. She jumped in fright when the lamp on the other side of the room lit up to reveal Five sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other.
"You should really have locks on your windows."
Vanya looked at him confused as she placed her keys down and turned to lock the door.
"I live on the second floor."
He gave her the most blank stare.
"Rapists can climb."
There was a beat of silence.
"You are so weird."
Five studies her as she sits on the couch. Vanya nervously rubs her hands against her pants before giving him a concerned look.
"Is that blood?"
Five slightly glances at his collar and soothes himself by rubbing his fingers together.
"It's nothing."
Vanya looks at him like she doesn't buy it but there was no use trying to get any answers from him, she learnt that from her father.
"Why are you here?"
Five pauses a moment to think about what he wanted to say.
"I've decided you're the only one I can trust."
"Why me?"
"Because you're ordinary."
Five watches as a crestfallen look befalls her face. He backtracks after he realizes that was the wrong thing to say.
"Because you'll listen."
Vanya gets up and goes into the bathroom to get things to help heal his self inflicted wound. She winces as he reveals it before cleaning it.
Five talks to her about the future, he eyes glaze over as he remembers the wreckage he found, the flames that surrounded the city, the lifeless bodies. Everything a thirteen year old boy shouldn't have witnessed.
As Five opens up to her about what he saw and how he felt, Vanya begins to look at him sceptically.
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ru-fiction · 9 months
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Ken X GN Reader
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~ Connected to my Ken x Reader story. The life of the reader before the events of the Barbie Movie.
~ Pining for each other.
~ If you haven't read my story the reader is the younger sibling of Raquelle and Ryan.
~Picture reference for Stacy, Chelsea, Skipper, and Barbie in this story.
The Sun rose high above Barbieland, shining down brightly on the purple Victorian Mansion, its light reflecting off the golden statues of Raquelle that surrounded the building.
Inside the house in one of the many rooms, laid you all snuggled up in bed. The curtain in your room shut out the light leaving you encompassed in darkness. You were having a peaceful dream, one in which you could just sit and be with your loved ones without any judgement. A smile made its way on your unconscious face. You were peaceful.
The door to your room slammed open revealing your siblings, Raquelle and Ryan. Ryan had a grin on his face as he pulled a horn from behind his back as Raquelle made her way towards the curtain.
She pulls it open flooding your room with light as Ryan begins to play the horn making you jump up from your sleep and fall out of your bed in panic.
You groan from the ground before standing up and glaring at your grinning siblings.
"Seriously, Every time."
Raquelle walks to your closet and shifts through different clothes trying to find something to match her and Ryan's red leather looks. Ryan pushes you into the bathroom before shutting the door.
You were Y/N Lee Kim, the youngest and kindest of the group. You came out a few years ago, a new doll without an adjective just something Mattel hoped would stick. A Collab opportunity and that was it.
You didn't usually sleep in, not because you didn't want to but because everyone in Barbieland was expected to be up and about during the day. Your siblings basically made a schedule to keep you busy every hour of the day.
"Y/N!! Let's go!!"
Ryan banged hard on the door before opening the door and tossing to you the clothes Raquelle had picked out for you.
"Come on, we're already late. Let's go, let's go, let's go!!"
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, closing the door in his face to get ready.
You walked out of the bathroom in your black dress shirt and ombre red and black dress pants to find your siblings, hastely throwing food into a plastic togo container.
Raquelle wore a red and black ombre dress with red heels while Ryan wore a similar outfit as yours though he finished his look with an ombre jacket.
"What are you two doing?"
Raquelle stuffs the Togo container into a bag as Ryan grabs the keys to his car and the two push you out the door.
"Because someone wanted to sleep in.. we missed our 5 am rehearsal."
You rolled your eyes at Ryan. He literally ran a show until 12 am, a show in which no one showed up.
"Who has rehearsals at five in the morning?"
The three of you hop into the red car. Ryan and Raquelle took the front and you laid down in the back.
"If Raquelle can get up every morning to run, you can get up and rehearse."
You grumble to yourself and glare at Ryan as the car pulls out of the lawn and onto the plastic road.
"So what do we have today sis?"
Ryan slightly glanced in Raquelle's direction.
"A bunch of freelance chores that our sibling couldn't help but say yes to doing."
Raquelle gave you an annoyed look as you shrugged.
"What? I like helping people out."
"They don't help you."
"So, why would you do that to yourself?"
Raquelle looks back at you.
"If I want to help my friends, I'm going to help them."
"Everyone knows to help someone only if you're getting some back in return. Right, Ryan?"
Ryan nods along to Raquelle, his attention mostly on the road and not on whatever the two of you were arguing about.
"That's stupid."
"It's not stupid."
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you motion to the twins.
"We help each other all the time."
"That's different."
Raquelle swings her finger around motioning to each of you.
"We're family."
"And they're my friends!!"
Raquelle rolls her eyes at your statement. The only ones that could ever be considered "friends" to the three of you were the Kens and Allan.
"You can't call everyone your friend just because you had two conversations with them. Let's not delude ourselves."
Your brows raise, challengingly.
"I'm delusional now."
"Alright, Alright. You guys need to stop, you're being annoying now."
Ryan turns on the radio and the station was playing one of Barbie's favorite songs.
Raquelle slides down in her seat as Ryan drives you guys to your destination.
You and Raquelle stood behind the kitchen counter of Baker Barbie's bakery, sticking plastic frosting onto a plastic cupcake. Raquelle grumbled about it but put in a lot of effort after Barbie said that she would give you guys what was left after her delivery.
Ryan was walking back and forth, frantically talking on the phone.
"Please, give me another chance. This is something I'm super serious about."
Ryan made a face as if he was offended by what the other person said.
"Of course I'm serious about this. This is my livelihood."
Ryan stops walking for a second to look at you.
"It was a family emergency..."
You were starting to feel kind of bad. The person, Ryan was talking to was the owner of the Venue You and Ryan signed a contract with. The person has been trying to find every reason to get rid of the two because of your affliction with Raquelle. The only reason they signed a contract with you was because Stereotypical Barbie charmed them into it. Because you slept in, it could cause you to lose it altogether.
"Then I guess it's done. My family comes first and if you don't like that then we can find something better."
Ryan walks up to the counter to help you guys out.
Ryan looks at you before shrugging.
"We lost the venue."
Your shoulders dropped and your eyes started to fill with guilt.
"No, No."
Ryan walks up to your side and places his hand on your shoulders.
"I know I was upset earlier but do not blame yourself. They have been trying to get rid of us for a month now."
"No, Buts. Now frost your cakes."
Ryan smiles at you before going to box up the cupcakes.
"Thanks for distracting Ken for me. It's Barbie's political campaign party and I need everything to go perfectly."
You nod at Stereotypical Barbie, understandingly while Raquelle squints her eyes at her.
"So you want us to...Ken-sit?"
Barbie shrugs her shoulders, giving you all a sideways smile.
"Sort of. I don't mind hanging out with Ken but..."
Barbie looks off to the side, trying to find the right words to say.
"Sometimes he can get in the way and it does more harm than good."
You nod your head again, eagerly at the thought of spending the day with Ken. However it doesn't seem like everyone was on your side today.
"I don't know if Y/n told you but our schedule is pretty booked today."
You roll your eyes at your sister's statement, the only reason she didn't want to do it is because Barbie asked.
Barbie turns her attention to you directly.
"Oh, well. When I asked yesterday, You seemed pretty okay with it."
"That's because I am okay with it."
You turn to Barbie, giving her a big smile.
You give both Raquelle and Ryan a stern look, knowing Ryan wanted to interject about having to spend the day with Ken. Or at least an hour or two with him.
"You can count on me."
You go to salute but quickly get distracted by the sound of things falling on the floor. The four of you turn in the direction of the chaos to find Ken trying to gather the things he dropped.
"Ken!! I told you to be careful."
"I'm sorry, Barbie. I tripped over a heel."
Barbie walks over to where Ken stood and picks up a now broken model of Barbieland.
"Barbie needed this for her presentation tonight."
Ken looks down at his feet in shame before looking back up determined.
"I'll remake it. I'll spend all afternoon doing it if I have to."
Barbie however shakes her head at the idea.
"It's fine. I'll figure something out."
"It's okay. Really."
Barbie gives Ken a reassuring smile that seemed kind of forced to you but Ken believed it so it was fine.
Ken smiles at Barbie before his attention falls onto you. You start to get nervous under his gaze as his eyes light up at the sight of you.
You wave at him.
"Hey, Ken!!"
He runs up to you and pulls you into a tight hug, lifting you slightly off the ground. You hugged him back tightly, as long as you could before Ryan broke the two of you apart, sending Ken a cold glare as he does so. Ken didn't seem bothered by it though.
"I feel like I haven't seen you all day!!"
Ken's attention was solely focused on you.
"Yeah, Yeah...I've been around."
You shrug slightly trying not to seem so nervous in front of him.
"Well, I missed you this morning."
"Did you?"
Ken nods at you.
"Well, I missed you too."
You smile at him causing his to widen as the two of you stare into the other's eyes. The temperature in the room started to rise, Barbie didn't notice more focused on how she was going to fix the model than what you two were up to. Raquelle and Ryan however looked on at the scene.
"Okay. Yeah, we all..we all missed each other. We're all besties. Everyone out the door."
Raquelle rolls her eyes at Ryan's attempt to break any type of tension you guys had. He was always so protective of you though it was more of an annoyance to the two of you. You wanted to see where the relationship would go despite the fact that you guys couldn't 'technically' be together whereas Raquelle just wanted to see you happy.
The four of you decide to walk towards the next destination, it wasn't too far away since the Barbies were practically neighbors. However the walk was pretty miserable for you considering the fact that Ryan basically forced Ken to walk twenty feet behind you. Raquelle stayed with Ken because he was pouting about being lonely, hoping you would join him but Ryan sent Raquelle instead. Ryan and You walked side by side, his arm was around your shoulder constantly pushing you forward whenever you would stop to see what Ken and Raquelle would laugh about.
"This sucks..."
You pouted, frustrated with Ryan's overprotectiveness.
"Yeah, taking the car would be way faster."
You rolled your eyes at him before letting out a frustrated sigh. He rubs your shoulder and pulls you into a side hug before letting go.
"No worries, we'll be there any minute."
You sulked more when Ken and Raquelle laughed again. You weren't a jealous person but you sure wished you were Raquelle right about now.
Ken looked at you longingly as Raquelle talked about her dreams of opening up a boutique. He and Raquelle were close friends but at this moment he was wishing you were by his side instead.
"I can distract him you know."
Ken looked at Raquelle confused about what she was saying.
"We're supposed to be babysitting. I can distract Ryan so that the two of you can have a moment alone."
Ken's eyes shine in excitement.
"You'd do that?"
Raquelle smiles at him and nods.
"As long as you finally confess, seeing you drool over my sibling from afar is getting kind of old."
Ken chuckles nervously.
"I'll try."
"That's all we can ask."
Once you guys make it towards a dream house, Ryan presses the doorbell causing the Barbie that owned the place to walk to the entrance.
She sighed in relief, giving you guys a smile, she looked tired though she tried to hide it.
"Chelsea, Stacy, Skipper!!"
After a few minutes the sound of foot steps could be heard before three other dolls joined you at the entrance. One was older than the others she had dark hair and she wore headphones around her neck, the other two were carbon copies of each other, one wore a sports jersey while the other was all dressed up.
"These are my sisters. They'll be the ones you're babysitting."
"I'm a babysitter, we don't need a babysitter."
The three of them complained as Barbie pulled them to the side to talk to them. After a while the four join you again though the younger sisters weren't as enthusiastic as Barbie was.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem."
You wave her off with a smile.
An hour has passed since Barbie had left and the seven of you had all sat on the couch watching a movie. Chelsea seemed the most into it, Stacy sat next to her spinning a basketball on the tip of her finger, Skipper was drumming her fingers against her leg and her headphones were now on her head, the rest of you sat there bored out of your mind.
Ken looked at Raquelle hoping she would give him her attention.
Raquelle inhaled deeply through her nose.
"Omg!! Someone answer him!!"
Everyone shushed Ryan causing him to glare at Ken. Raquelle turned to face Ken.
Ken looked down bashfully before looking up to meet her eyes.
"You think you could give us a moment."
He gestures to you then himself.
Raquelle sighs before turning in your direction.
"Hey, Y/n!!"
"Yes, Raquelle?"
"Could you make us some snacks?"
You made a face before turning to her.
"Make it yourself."
"But I asked you..."
"So? You have legs..."
Raquelle sighs before trying something else.
"Kids, don't you want snacks?"
Stacy and Chelsea cheered.
"Of course!!"
Skipper shrugged.
"I could eat."
Raquelle sent you a cocky smirk.
"Are you really gonna let them down?"
You sighed sending Raquelle a glare before getting up and heading towards the kitchen. Raquelle waits a minute before ramming her elbow into Ken's stomach and nodding towards the kitchen, Ken smiles and mouths a thank you to her before getting up.
"Where are you going?"
Ryan shrugs before turning back to the still picture of a fairy.
You turn to face the door once you hear it open, you smile once you realize Ken was there at the door.
"Hey!! What are you doing here, Ken?"
Ken shrugs and smiles back at you.
"I thought I could help."
You look around but the dream house had a snack button so there were already cupcakes on the counter at the ready.
"I mean I'm kind of finished."
Ken looks down upset that he missed his chance. You stare at him for a bit before taking the plate and pushing it into the trash.
Ken looks up at you as you sit by the counter patting the seat beside you.
"Grab the flour and stuff, we can chat a bit while we're at it."
A smile finds its way on Ken's face again as he hastily makes his way to you after grabbing the ingredients.
"So, how's your day been?"
"Good, Good."
Ken places his cheek in his hand as he stares deeply into your eyes.
"Anything happen on the beach today?"
You start to grab the ingredients from him and place them on the table, taking two eggs and putting them in a bowl.
Ken thinks about it his day for a bit before making a face, he shakes his head and shrugs when he notices your attention on him.
"What was that?"
You pointed at him with a spoon.
"That face you made. What happened?"
Ken looks embarrassed and shakes his head again.
Ken pretends to be offended by your comment.
"Me a Liar? I would never lie to you."
You place a hand on your hip before shaking your spoon at him.
"You're lying to me right now, mister. C'mon tell me."
Ken sighs as you give him your best puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, Okay...So, Ken was doing as he does, pretending he's the best Ken that ever graced Barbieland."
You roll your eyes at his statement, he always took any chance he could to throw shade at Simu!Ken.
"Barbie wanted to have a dance off."
You start to add the rest of the ingredients in the bowl making sure to keep glancing at Ken so he knew you were listening.
"We were all supposed to have 10 mins to dance and Ken's 10 minutes were up however he kept dancing showing off his stupidly great dance moves."
"He is a great dancer."
Ken pouts at you and you respond by shrugging then ruffling his hair.
"Anyway, I stepped in for my turn and tried to do a round off like I saw gymnast Barbie do but I ended up tripping over his foot. I tried to catch myself but I grabbed Ken's shirt and we both ended up on the ground. Suffice it to say, I did not win."
You pat him on the back before pushing the bowl in front of him to stir.
"Maybe no one noticed."
"Everyone was watching..."
"If it makes you feel better I lost my venue for my show."
Ken faces you with a concerned look.
"What?! Why?! How?!"
You shrug.
"I overslept..."
"Oof...What did Ryan say?"
"He took it surprisingly well."
Ken's eyebrows were raised in shock.
"That's surprising.."
You rolled your eyes with a smile knowing he was right.
"He's not that bad."
You take the bowl from him before placing it into the oven and closing it.
"Oh yeah? Remember that time the two of us wanted to go roller skating together."
You smiled at his words, you had never learnt how to roller skate and Ken has offered to teach you. You remembered talking about it with your siblings nonstop, you counted the days until your day off but Ryan had caught a cold.
You were more worried about being a good sibling to think about how logical that would be...
"What about that time I got both of us ice cream?"
Ryan ended up taking both from Ken and eating it in front of him when you were busy talking to Raquelle.
"Or that time we went to the movies..."
That day was completely ruined. Ryan followed you and brought along a confused Raquelle. He ended up taking Ken's seat and having him sit in a row further away which was Ryan's. Let's just say no one but Ryan was happy that day.
"I see your point..."
You furrowed your brows thinking over all the times Ryan ruined your moments with Ken.
"He's just trying to be... protective."
You walk up to him and he pulls you close, laying his head on your stomach with a sigh.
"Does he have to be protective all the time? Sometimes I just want to be with you..."
You smile at him as he looks up at you.
"Just the two of us..."
The two of you stare deeply into each other's eyes, just admiring the other before the door opens up.
"Guys c'mon the kids are hun-"
Raquelle stops in her tracks as Ken glares at her.
"I ruined the moment..."
You sigh pulling away from Ken to grab the cupcakes from the oven which were now completely done.
"I'm just gonna...Yeah."
Raquelle walks out with an apologetic look on her face. You and Ken stare at each other, shaking your head with a smile on your face before heading out with the cupcakes.
When the two of you make your way back into the living room, you notice that the sitting arrangement changed. Ryan was now between Raquelle and the Kids. Raquelle nods to the empty spot that was now open for you and Ken to sit beside each other much to the annoyance of Ryan.
Raquelle winks at Ken and he smiles back at her quickly pulling you into the spot beside him.
About an hour later, Barbie walks back into the house giving Ken a big hug and thanking the rest of you.
"I appreciate it so much, thank you."
You shrug with a smile.
"It was nothing. They were absolute angels."
"Can we go to the beach later Barbie? Can we? Can we?"
"Of course we can."
Barbie waves the four you goodbye before shutting the door.
The four of you start to walk back in the direction of your car. Ken however was dragging his feet.
"Could you walk any slower Kenny boy?"
You all looked back at the sadden doll.
"Ken, what's wrong?"
Ken shakes his head.
"Nothing, I just have to go to Barbie's party in a few minutes. She wants me to support Barbie. I won't get to spend the day with you."
"Oh, Ken."
You walk up to him placing both your hands on his cheeks.
"We'll see each other tomorrow.."
You lean in and whisper.
"Meet me at our spot tomorrow evening."
"Hey, Too close."
Raquelle rolls her eyes before pulling Ryan along. Ken smiles at you with a nod before leaning in and kissing your cheek.
"See you tomorrow.."
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ru-fiction · 10 months
Unknown Territory:Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals part 2
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Five is aged up here.
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is white.
Everyone stares at Luther waiting for him to speak. He stands up ready to make his point.
"Um..I guess..."
"C'mon speak up, Luther."
Luther sends Five a glare.
"Before that, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. You know in the courtyard at sun down."
Klaus flies over to the bar and pulls out his cigarette, smoking away from the group.
"A few words at dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?"
Luther looked at her confused, how could she not know.
"You know the spot under the oak tree."
Everyone shrugged.
"We used to sit there all the time. None of you ever did that?"
Klaus flies back over, now having two drinks in his hand. He hands one to Five before drinking some of his own.
"Will there be any refreshments?"
Everyone turns towards him.
"Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."
Luther's brows furrowed at the question.
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
Five, Diego and Klaus all rolled their eyes at the statement.
"Dad didn't allow a lot of things, Luther."
Luther rolls his eyes at Five.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Like what?"
Five and Diego were tired of him talking in circles and wanted him to get to the point.
"Like the way he died."
Diego sighs and Klaus sits down.
"Here we go..."
"I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
Luther nods at Vanya.
"Yeah, according to the coroner."
"Wouldn't they know?"
Vanya was confused at what he was saying but Diego knew exactly what he was saying.
Allison gives Luther a concern look.
"I'm just saying at the very least, Something happened."
"Something, like someone killed him."
"Exactly, He told me I should be careful who to trust."
Diego shakes his head and stands up.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."
Luther shook his head in disbelief.
"No. He must have known something was going to happen."
He looks directly at Klaus with a pleading look in his eye.
"Look, I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to dad."
Klaus scoffs and Allison does the same. Klaus shakes his head he was way too high for this.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call.'"
Luther looks at him annoyed.
"Since when? That's your thing."
"I'm not in the right...frame of mind."
"You're high?"
"Yes, Yeah!"
Luther points to the ceiling.
"You were just flying."
Klaus lifts up his feet moving his toes around, Vanya moves his foot from in front of her face.
"My flight and my seance powers are two different things. I take my shoes off I fly. I get high, the ghosts go bye, bye."
Luther glares at him as he takes another drag from his cigarette.
"Well sober up. This is important."
"It's nonsense, that's what it is. There are more important things. Like the end of the world."
Luther quickly turns on Five.
"How could you say that? Our dad is dead."
Five shrugs.
"And the world is better off for it."
"I'm with Five on this one."
Luther shrugs him off.
"Then there's the issue with the missing monocle."
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"
Everyone just stares at Luther as he acts like he made a good point, he starts ranting about how it was someone who held a grudge against Reginald.
"Where are you going with this?"
"Isn't it obvious, Klaus?"
Five glares at Luther and Diego followed along finishing the rest of Five's statement.
"He thinks one of us killed Dad."
The room went silent. Five and Diego continued to glare at Luther, Allison looked offended, Klaus was in disbelief and Vanya was confused.
"You do?"
"How could you say that?"
Diego just shakes his head at him.
"Good job, Luther. Way to lead."
Diego walks away from him. Five gets up as well, flipping him off.
"Our oh so great leader everyone. Screw this."
Klaus gets upset and stands up ready to leave as well when Luther tries to make up an excuse for what Diego said.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy."
"I'm not finished."
Allison and Vanya also stand up ready to leave the room.
"Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back."
"That's not what I was saying."
After everyone left Luther was left alone to process what just happened.
17 years ago....
A crowd of people hover outside of a bank. An alarm goes off from inside, the SWAT team pulling up at every corner of the place.
Different news channels showed up to get a peek on the action from inside the building. From a building far away Reginald watched along with his adopted child Vanya.
"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News."
"This is Rebecca Coleman, giving you the inside scoop on a recent robbery..."
"John Hughes from Channel 8, three hours ago a group of armed men entered the Capital West bank at main and sixth."
Inside the building a man walked around yelling at his walkie talkie. One of his other partners was struggling to get people to stay behind the desk, he had to wrestle with some of them.
The man on the walkie doesn't notice the younger uniformed girl skipping up behind him until it's too late.
"Hey, get back with the others."
The girl smiles at him leaning in as if to tell him something.
"I heard a rumor."
The man squints his eyes at her.
"What? What did you say?"
He leaned in more towards the girl which made her smile grow wider.
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
The man stared off into space before his eyes turned pure white. He turned his gun towards another man wearing a suit that had a similar mask as him.
His partner panicked as he watched him trying to convince him not to shoot but it was too late. The man screamed out in agony causing everyone around him to panic including the people outside of the building.
During the commotion, Luther scrambles across the roof of the building before breaking through it, he slams one of the men against the table before throwing him out of the window. The police looked confused and pointed their guns to the window.
Diego ran from wherever he was hiding before throwing two knives into the shoulder of another goon.
"Guns are for sissies, Real men throw knives."
The man that was near Allison climbs up on the desk, his gun now pointed directly towards the children and he kept backing up trying to put a lot of space between him and them.
"Stay away freaks."
Diego pouts at him playfully.
"Hey, be careful up there, buddy."
"Get back now!"
Allison grins at him.
"Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Or what?"
The man turns towards the sound of another voice to find Five smiling up at him cockily. He pulls the trigger shooting at the boy but he disappears. He hears a whoosh sound behind him turning to find the same boy but this time he was glaring at him.
He goes to shoot him again but this time his gun was replaced by a stapler however that didn't stop him from pressing on it multiple times in desperation. Five grins at the man, amused.
"That's one badass stapler."
Five grabbed the man's hand that was holding the stapler and used it to knock him out. He hops down joining the rest of his siblings. They all faced the door where they were told more people were. The crowd looked at them in shock, tape still around their hands and mouths.
"Do we have to do this?"
Klaus and Five pat their brother's back before Luther pushes his towards the door giving him a stern look.
"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault."
Ben sighs before walking inside.
"I didn't sign up for this."
The hostages all run out of the building scared for their lives leaving the kids to watch as blood splattered onto the door and windows. Moments later their brother comes out shivering and covered in blood.
"Can we go home now?"
The kids walk outside the building, watching as the police start to put their guns away and the cameras start to focus on them. Diego, Luther, and Allison smiled proudly at the cameras while Klaus and Five do too, Ben stares at his feet shyly.
"Why can't I go play with the others?"
Vanya looks at her dad with questioning eyes. He only looks at her annoyed which causes her to look away from him.
"We've been through this before, Number 7. I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
Vanya looks down at her siblings sadly, watching them wave at the people in front of them. She didn't notice A woman watching her back. Reginald leaves Vanya up on the roof by herself making his way over to the others.
"Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."
The children all grin at each other and the audience. The woman moved her attention from Vanya towards the children in front of her. The people around her got rowdy, all trying to be heard.
"Mister Hargreeves! Mister Hargreeves. Channel 9 News. What happened to their parents?"
"They were suitably compensated."
"Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?"
The kids all look towards their father, wanting to hear his answer.
"Of course, as I am for the fate of the world."
The woman looks around making sure no one was following her before stepping into the water. She walks deeper and deeper before completely emerging herself into the water.
Her legs started to fuse together before turning into a beautiful coral blue. She dove deeper into the water, gliding against different types of fish until she reached a golden castle.
She swam towards her room before lying on a mattress someone brought that she took from a shipwreck.
She sighed trying to make herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She opened them again when she felt the presence of another beside her.
"How was your trip to the human world, my love?"
The woman stared into the eyes of her husband.
"It was fine. Though I saw the weirdest thing today."
The merman looked at her with interest which she chuckled about.
"Apparently the humans have gotten themselves a group of supernaturals."
The mermaid sighs, looking towards the ceiling.
"Unfortunately, they're under Hargreeves care."
Her husband's eyes widened at the statement she made. While the two are not anywhere near close to being friends with Hargreeves, they have worked with the man before.
"I hate to think of the paths those children would go down under his care."
She looked back at her husband with a deep frown on her face.
"There was another kid that he had left on the roof, almost like he didn't want her around the others."
She laid her hands down on her stomach and started to rub it softly.
"Promise me, that if we have a second child. We won't make one feel better than the other."
You look around the room, staring blankly at the walls. You were bored out of your mind. You knew this was your punishment for trying to leave without completing your mission and you knew it could be much worse with the way they handle things here, you were surprised you got off this easy.
Though the cuffs around your hands were starting to make your wrist hurt. No one has been in since the handler earlier that day and the quiet was starting to get to you. They knew the best way to break you was to isolate you from the people you loved, it was something Five picked up on when he met you and something the Temps picked up on when they would lock you up for days to see how long you'd last. It was like a game to them however they did stop after Five threatened to kill them after finding out about it.
You sighed to yourself until you heard Five calling for you from inside your head. It scared you a bit and you were going to visit him until you heard the sound of footsteps from further down the hall. It was one of the different mermaid powers you unlocked. When you were younger, you always wondered how your mom could talk to the whales back at home, she said it was a gift that mermaids got when they were older, she explained how they communicated with sound and part of you didn't understand until one day when you were on a kill mission with Five and suddenly everything was louder than normal.
You heard the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder as the person got closer. The door to the room opened to reveal Herb with a tray of food in his hand.
"Oh, the Handler decide she's too good to see me now? I'm hurt."
You send him a playful smile to show you were kidding, you always like Herb. He was a nice guy, always kind to everyone and helpful. You did wonder how a guy like him could end up working for the Temps.
Herb smiles back at you placing the tray at your feet.
"Too bad, you get me instead."
Your smile grew until you looked at the tray below you which caused him to get worried.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it? I picked it myself."
"It's not that."
You gesture to your cuffed hands.
"I can't very much eat with my hands immobile."
Herb sighs before playing with his hands.
"I'd love to let you down but the Handler said if I did, she'd doc my pay again."
Herb then taps his chin.
"But she's sending some guards in later, like two or three of them."
He looked into your eyes and you instantly knew what he was hinting at. You wouldn't get him in trouble if there were other people down here instead. You smirk at the thought.
"Could you at least feed me then?"
Herb nodded his head with a smile reaching down to grab the food.
Klaus stood at the bar staring down at the framed photo and ashes of his adopted father with a pout on his face.
"Listen up old man. You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons--"
He stops himself.
"Adopted sons-- happen to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, I don't know, I don't know... manifesting!!"
He was laughing about it but the better part of him was annoyed with the thought of having to manifest the man that tortured him most of his life. He wasn't too keen on having him around him but if it'll get Luther off his back, why not.
Klaus starts to move his hands around upset with the fact that he couldn't conjure him. He stares down at the photo, anger and frustration growing more and more.
He sighs and tries to patiently wait for something-- anything to happen but nothing does.
He tries to clear his mind, still nothing and that made him more upset.
"You always were a stubborn bastard!"
He points an accusatory finger at the picture in front of him.
"I don't know about you, but I need a drink."
Klaus goes to grab some alcohol but ends up knocking over his father's ashes instead.
In the other rooms in the house everyone just sits in silence waiting for the funeral to start. The family never felt more like strangers than they did in that very moment.
The family now stood outside in the pouring rain holding umbrellas in their hands. Five gave Ben's statue a somber look. He had wondered if he had been there would Ben had still suffered the same fate.
Grace looked at her children with a confused smile on her face.
"Did something happen?"
They all looked at her concerned.
"Dad died. Remember?"
"Oh, yes. Of course."
Most robots wouldn't feel anything but Grace felt an odd sense of embarrassment, sadness, and a small sense of relief.
"Is mom okay?"
Allison looked at Diego.
"Yeah, yeah, she's fine."
He turned to look at Grace, his gaze softening.
"She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."
Pogo walks up finally meeting up with the others before asking Luther to proceed. Luther walks up opening the top of the container which held the ashes of his father, he pours it on the ground but not much comes out. Klaus cringes knowing he was the reason it happened.
"Probably would have been better with some wind."
"Does anyone wish to speak?"
No one steps up, they all look at the other instead. Considering no one had any good memories of him. Grace stepped up facing her children.
"He wasn't the best father.. and an even worse husband.."
Diego nodded along with his mother's words.
"But if he was guilty of anything-- it was caring for the world so much that he sacrificed his personal relationships.."
Diego frowned deeply at her statement.
"Unfortunately, he never asked us how we felt about that. But that doesn't make his death in vain. we must--"
"Stop. Stop."
Diego walks up to Grace, touching her shoulder.
"Mom, You don't have to defend him. He's gone now."
"He was a monster."
Klaus laughs.
"He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."
Luther glares at him and Allison tries to get him to be quiet again.
"My name is Number two."
He looks at her which makes her look away from him.
"You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us names."
He gestures to Grace.
"He had mom do it."
Grace tries to discuss the situation.
"Would anyone like something to eat?"
"No, it's okay mom."
"Oh, Okay."
Everyone looks down, contemplating Diego's words. Klaus and Vanya were in agreement, Five was indifferent, Allison was sad, and Luther felt torn.
"Look, you wanna pay your respects?"
Diego turns to look at each and every one of his siblings.
"Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was..."
"You should stop talking now."
Diego turns to Luther annoyed.
"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I'm warning you."
Klaus bites at his nails feeling stressed and Five just looks away from the scene already expecting a fight to break out before making eye contact with Klaus.
"He had to ship you a million miles away."
"Diego, stop talking."
Luther got upset. He didn't want to believe Diego's words.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"
Diego stabs his finger into Luther's chest which makes him retaliate by pushing it off and swinging a punch however he misses as Diego dives under his arm. He swings another but ends up missing again. Allison watches with a disappointed look in her eyes, Vanya pulls Grace back not wanting her to get hurt, Pogo tries to stop them, and Klaus puts a protective arm in front of Five which earns him a glare and a smack on his arm.
The two continue to go at it getting closer and closer to Ben's statue. Vanya begs for the boys to stop as Klaus eggs it on. Diego uses technique on Luther which throws him off guard as he felt he was stronger. Luther tries hard to use his physical strength against him but Diego kept slipping away.
"I don't have time for this."
Five shakes his head before heading inside.
Diego stand in front of Ben's statue, taunting Luther and as Luther throws a punch, Diego moves out of the way causing him to punch Ben's statue, breaking it.
The rest of the remaining siblings stare at the statue upset about what they did. Allison rolls her eyes at the two before following Five's lead and heading inside. Diego pulls out a knife throwing it towards Luther and slicing his arm much to the dismay of Vanya.
Luther walks inside the house taking this as a personal loss. Vanya walks up to Diego disappointed.
"You never know when to stop, do you?"
"You got enough material for your sequel yet?"
The two stare down each other before Vanya walks away.
"He was my father too."
Diego walks over to Grace before leading her inside with the others. Klaus watches everything with a cigarette in his mouth, stressed about the whole situation. After everyone leaves he walks up the pile of ashes on the ground.
"I bet you're loving this. Hmm? The team at its best. It's just like old times."
He takes another drag before placing his cigarette on the ashes.
"Best funeral ever."
You looked up when you heard footsteps coming in your direction again. The door opened to reveal to people both in the Temps uniform without their masks. One was a woman she was a few years younger than you, she had light blue eyes and blonde hair dyed orange at the bottom to match the suit she wore, she did not look happy to be there, on the other hand the man beside her had the opposite reaction especially when seeing your face. He was the spitting image of the girl except his hair was dyed brown.
"Arin, Johnny, long time no see."
You smile at the two getting a big one in return from Johnny.
"Hey Y/n, Looks like you've gotten yourself into trouble since lunch yesterday."
You shrug as he laughed though Arin didn't find it very funny.
"How's it hanging?"
"Not great. Can you believe how boring it is?"
"Ugh, I bet. I once was on stakeout by myself, worst five hours of my life..."
You nod along knowing the feeling.
"Speaking of Five, how's he doing?"
You shrug again.
"Who knows."
"It must suck to be away from him."
You sigh, leaning your head back against the wall.
"You have no idea."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!!"
Arin claps her hands together getting both of your attention.
"Stop this."
"Stop what?"
Johnny rolls his eyes at his sister before gesturing to you.
"She's our friend. I'm just having a conversation."
"She's a prisoner. We don't Kiki with prisoners."
Your smile instantly drops.
"Really, Arin."
"Shut up. You and Five did this to yourselves. I mean really trying to leave the commission are you serious?"
You scoff sending the girl a glare.
"You're lucky that this is the punishment they gave you. Honestly could you and Five had been any stupider."
Johnny tries to calm her down but she just turns and jabs a finger into his chest.
"Johnny, our jobs are on the line here. We don't have time to play 'friendly', You get me?"
She leaves the room for a bit, Johnny whispers a small apology before she comes back throwing a plate to the bottom of your feet causing some of the food on it to fly off the plate. She sends a fake smile before pulling her brother out of the room with a slam of the door.
You ball hands into fist.
Five sat on the stairs, leaning his head against his hand. He had been trying to get you to come but you hadn't shown up since earlier. He watched as each one of his siblings passed, each one more upset than the last. It was a pretty shitty funeral.
He sat there to himself for a few more minutes until Vanya came down throwing on her jacket and heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Vanya stopped with her hand grazing the door knob, she was still getting used to finally being around again. She hesitates before turning to face him with a shrug.
"I'm headed to a meeting. I'm already late so I'm hoping to catch up with them before it's too late."
Five just nods his head and the two just stare at each other in silence. Vanya figured he wouldn't say anything else turns towards the door again but Pogo came and stopped her again.
"Don't waste your time. Diego's right, I shouldn't have come."
"This is your home and always will be."
Pogo walks up to Vanya.
"Should I get you a taxi?"
"I already called one. But thanks."
Five smiles at the interaction between the two. Pogo has always been more of a father figure to them than Reginald was, Hargreeves was more of a teacher.
"I hope you know that your father loved you very much. In his own way."
"Yeah well that's kind of the problem. isn't it?"
Five chuckles in agreement, raising a hand slightly as a goodbye. Five watches Pogo walk up to the door to check on Vanya before he gets up and walks to the kitchen in search of caffeine. Unfortunately for him there was none. Klaus somehow found his way into the kitchen getting not much attention from Five. Allison later joins them.
"Where's Vanya?"
"She's gone."
Klaus holds on to a guitar, kicking his feet up.
"That's unfortunate. An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."
Five was annoyed to say the least, he hadn't heard from you since you talked earlier and now the sky was darkening. He was worried something might've happened to you and he had no way of knowing, no way to get to you. Now there wasn't any coffee to help him calm his nerves.
He couldn't talk to his siblings about it, no way would they understand. They don't even have their lives together. Not to mention the world was about to end.
"I'm taking the car."
Five moved to walk out of the kitchen. He wanted, no he needed coffee. Something to make him feel like he had some semblance of his life together.
"Where are you going?"
Five looked at Klaus like he just asked him the dumbest question in man kind.
"To get a decent cup of coffee."
Allison looked at him skeptically.
"Do you even know how to drive?"
She thought her question was valid, if the world was going to end, according to Five, there would technically be no need for them.
Five however just glared at the girl.
"I know how to do everything."
Five teleports away from them and into the car. He realizes he doesn't have the key and hops into the house for a second before jumping back, starting the car and pulling off.
He pulled into a stop in front of a place called Griddy's, somewhere he, Ben, Klaus, Allison and Vanya would sneak off to when everyone else was asleep.
He walked into the building not seeing anyone there so he approached the counter before pressing the bell. Another man walks in sitting next to him. The waitress comes from the back apologizing to the two men before taking their orders.
Five talked to the man for a bit, they talked about early memories before the waitress came back with their orders. The man offered to pay for Five much to his relief because he forgot to grab any money on his search for his caffeine. The man had given Five an address that he asked after awhile before leaving the building.
Five was now left alone again as the Waitress went back to where she came from. He was now deep in thought, worried about your safety. He knew how the Handler could be and for some reason she didn't particularly like you. Most would say that she was jealous of you; you were likeable and kind hearted, She however was not. But Five knew better, the Handler had some type of infatuation for Five and that didn't go unnoticed by him and because of that his relationship with you, platonic or not; angered her greatly.
After a while a group of agents walked into the building. Five recognized the orange, yellow and black costumes from anywhere. They found him.
"That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me."
All of them instantly pulled their guns to his head but he didn't show any fear.
"On your feet, come with us. They wanna talk."
"I've got nothing to say."
"You think I wanna shoot someone today? Go home with that on my conscience?"
Five smirks while picking up the knife beside his cup. This was a new agent, Five had seen him around the commission. He was good at his job, Five was better.
"I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home."
Five quickly teleports behind the man, stabbing him in his neck causing him to shoot his gun in shock before falling to the ground dead.
The other agents try to look for him as the lights start to blink from getting hit with the bullet. Five watches them look around in confusion from under the table before he teleports onto another one laying down.
"Hey, assholes!"
All of them quickly turned to the voice pulling their triggers but it was too late, he had already gone. All they succeeded in doing was shooting the lights out in the signs that were around the building.
Five smirks at them from outside of the building. You would have chastised him about making this longer than it had to be, you didn't like killing people. Sure you could have had any other job in the commission but the thought of Five being out there risking his life scared you, so you stuck it out. Though you'd rather do a fast and easy kill than drag it out. Five on the other hand could care less about torturing these agents, they took you away from him. They had to pay.
You tap your fingers against the medal around your hands. Your eyes shift to the door in anticipation. You start to hum the tune of come little children as soon as the door opens. Arin locks eyes with you as you continue your song, her eyes start to turn silver, you smirk as she walked closer to you while pulling out her keys.
You smile as you land on your feet, softly rubbing the bruise that formed around your wrist. You were happy that Herb and Johnny weren't the ones down here at the moment otherwise you'd feel bad.
"Thanks Arin, You're a doll."
She smiles as you softly pat her shoulders and You send her a guilty smile.
"I'm so sorry about this, buddy."
You punch the girl super hard, knocking her out as soon as her head hits the ground.
"No hard feelings..."
You smiled down at the body before slipping out of the door and heading towards the direction of the suitcases.
Though as soon as you turn the corner you bump into Johnny causing him to fall on his ass. He looks up at you in shock before sending you a big smile.
"No way, Arin changed her mind and let you out?"
You grimaced at him.
"Not exactly..."
His eyebrow raised in question. You were weary about how he'd react, the twins were super protective of each other, hurting one was like hurting the other and neither would let it go.
"What do you mean?"
You couldn't really hide the fact that you knocked his sister out because he would find her body if he walked into the room.
"I knocked her out."
You started stumbling trying to think of something to say so that he wouldn't be upset but there was nothing you could say.
"I'm sorry but I can't stay here any longer."
Johnny stands up from the ground dusting himself off while sending you a glare.
"I have to get to Five and help him save the world and unfortunately Arin was in the way of that. I will fight anyone I have to, If it means I can help him."
Johnny's face softened and he shakes his head with a small chuckle.
"You really care about that man, don't you?"
You nod at him.
"Fine. I'll help get you out of here."
He smiles at you and you quickly pull him into a hug.
"Thank you!!"
The two of you break away from each other and make your way down the hall looking for the suitcase room in the dark corridor. Once you make your way there you find two different guards outside the room with three inside.
"Ugh. I thought they'd be patrolling around right now."
"Don't tell me you're not up for a challenge, Johnny."
Johnny sighs.
"Not tonight."
You smile at him.
"I got a plan."
Johnny walks up to the two agents that were guarding the door with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Guys."
"Hi, Johnny."
Johnny's smile falters.
"The Handler is asking for everyone to meet up in the training room."
The two looked at each other in confusion before turning to Johnny.
"Apparently Y/n has escaped so The Handler needs all hands on deck."
"What about the suitcases?"
Johnny looks at them sternly.
"She says this is more important."
"Right. Lets go."
"Go on ahead you two, I'll let the others know."
The two nod before heading in a different direction once Johnny is sure they are completely gone, he sends you a thumbs up before walking in the room.
The other three agents turn towards him with their guns pointed but instantly point them down when they see it's just him.
"Oh, John. Sorry, We thought you might be someone else."
"Like who?"
One of the agents shrug.
"I don't know, Y/n is a sneaky little minx. We thought maybe she escaped or something."
Johnny starts to chuckle nervously.
"No way. I was in the room they're keeping her in earlier, she's bound tight. No way she's getting out of there."
"Right, obviously they wouldn't let that sneaky little siren just roam in a cell somewhere."
One of the other guards butt in.
"You guys hear something?"
Johnny and the agent look at him.
"Weird, I hear someone humming."
Johnny knew what he was talking about, You were using your song on the agent. Johnny was currently wearing his headphones, something he received after The Temps found out you had the power to control people with your voice, of course not every agent received a pair, only the ones that worked with you which is why he and the other two agents couldn't hear you at the moment.
The other agent however had his eyes change into a silver color which quickly alarmed the other two however it was two late as he quickly shot one of his teammates in the leg. The agent on the ground screamed in pain of the shot before firing one of their own.
Johnny quickly backed out of the room before you slipped in and knocked the agent whom he was talking to into the wall, knocking him out as the agent you sirened shot the other in the head.
You let out a shaky breath, watching the blood drip from the agent's head causing you to close your eyes before turning to the sirened agent.
"Alright get out of here."
The agent nodded before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the two.
You quickly grab a suitcase before turning to Johnny; who had come back into the room. You pull him into a tight hug and your eyes filled with worry.
"Be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place as you know."
"I'll miss you."
"And I will miss you."
Tears started to fill your eyes and you were starting to regret letting Johnny help you.
"It'll be okay."
You pull away from him, looking deep into his eyes as he sends you a smile.
"It'll be okay. Now go."
You nod before holding onto the suitcase and disappearing in a flash of a light.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Arin frowns looking down at the floor finding herself unable to make eye contact with the handler.
"You had one job. Not to let her escape and what did you do?"
"We let her escape."
"You let her escape."
Arin backs away as the Handler advances towards.
"Actually. It was my fault."
Arin's eyebrows pinched in confusion as she turned to find her brother at the door.
"I let her out."
Arin shakes her head at him, her eyes were telling him to shut up though he didn't listen.
"I don't know why I did it, It was just hard watching my friend being held captive."
"Johnny, stop."
"Arin, had nothing to do with it."
The handler walked up to him with a glare on her face.
"How do you explain the fact that we found her knocked out on the ground."
Johnny makes eye contact with his sister. He had hoped this would get his sister out of trouble.
"I knocked her out, she was adamant about keeping Y/n locked up so, I helped her escape."
"You weren't in the camera footage."
"I snuck in and deleted it in hopes that I wouldn't get caught."
The Handler looks him up and down. Her eyes showed suspension.
"And yet you're giving yourself up now. Why is that?"
Johnny looks down at the ground as the handler continues to stare intensely at him.
"I can't let my sister take the fall for what I did."
The handler turns her attention towards Arin motioning to Johnny.
"Is this true?"
Johnny nods at his sister wanting her to let him take the fall. Arin looks down again, her jaw tightening.
"Arin, leave the room."
Arin hesitates but heads towards the door when her brother smiles at her, she grabs his hand on the way out and he gives it a squeeze before she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
Tears started to stream down her face at the sound of a gun shot ringing through the halls.
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ru-fiction · 10 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals
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Five is aged up here. Maybe long...
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is in white.
It was the same year "Tuselin' Tom" Gurney knocked out the space squid from Rigel X-9 by using his atomic flying elbow.
The people cheered for the man as he stood up from the twitching being beneath him. He smiled, flexing his muscles to the crowd, he was bloodied and bruised.
It happened at 9:38 Pm...
The referee grabbed the man's hand and lifted it up, cheers grew louder.
And in that moment, without warning an occurrence of complete coincidence...
A swim team was practicing in the water, the coach telling them what to do. Two of the swimmers sit off to the side. The two keep sneaking glances at each other, big smiles on their faces.
The boy soon gets up and sits next to the girl once no one is looking. He leans in to kiss her but she pulls away not wanting to be caught but kisses his cheek making the boy smile before running off to join the others in the water.
The boy quickly runs up to the water when he notices that the girl didn't come back up after she jumped in and soon the water started to fill with blood, getting everyone's attention. The boy screams her name, hoping that she was okay. The girl finally comes up for air but she was now pregnant and this caused everyone around her to scream once she started contracting.
Everyone was quick to pull her out of the water and they helped her as she got ready to give birth.
Soon a baby's crying voice filled the air.
This happened to a couple more women....
Forty-three extraordinary children were born to mostly single women, who had shown no signs of pregnancy, in seemingly random locations around the world.
The children were either adopted or abandoned, the ones who survived anyway...
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire, world renowned scientist, and adventurer; Inventor of the Televator, Levitator, mobile umbrella communicator and Clever Crisp Cereal, Olympic Gold medalist and recipient of the Nobal Prise; resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible with his bodyguard Abhijit by his side using methods undisclosed.
He walks into a building dressed in a thick coat and monocle, he walks past a few people with Abhijit behind him, he enters a room where he was met with a girl who had a scared look in her eye. He paid no notice to her only focused on the baby in her hand.
He goes to reach for the baby who turns away from him.
"How much do you want for it?"
He knocked on a door to met with a man whose stare was as cold as Reginald was. The man opened the door wider and motioned for the alien man to follow him. He lead him to a room with a crib in it, the woman beside it quickly makes a frightened look when she recognizes Reginald.
She turns to the other man, tears filling her eyes.
"Please don't do this... I want my baby."
The cold man snaps his fingers and is quickly joined by two men who pick up the woman and take her out of the room. She sobs as the man walks over and hands the child to Reginald.
A lady hops out of her car with an exhausted look in her eye. She grabbed her purse and walked towards her apartment. When she makes it, she notices Reginald waiting at the steps, money in hand.
Part of her felt bad but she couldn't take care of this baby not with the salary she had.
She opened the door and Reginald followed her inside. She walks to the room where the babysitter was, the woman smiled as the girl placed the baby in her arms.
She pointed in the direction of the babysitter's money and sent her on her way.
She rocked the baby in her hands, cooing at the little girl before handing her to Reginald, who had a big grin on his face.
"There are two of them."
The woman pointed in the direction of the twins. Reginald walked towards them studying each child.
One of them was asleep and the other had tried to eat his toe, it made the woman beside him giggle. Reginald turned to look at the woman and she quickly hid her smile.
He motions for his bodyguard to hand the woman two suitcases filled with money. Both he and Abhijit grabbed a baby boy and left the house.
He got seven of them.
Reginald walked away a happy man, some people that worked with him followed behind him with different strollers carrying the children.
They followed him until he made his way to a building.
He wiped away the children's identities and concealed the children from the world, Sir Reginald held a press conference in Stockholm in which journalist Cosimo De'Lostrono from Milan asked.
"Why have you adopted these seven children?"
The cameras flashed all around Reginald as he thought of his answer.
"To save the world, of course."
Murmurs started to make it's way through the crowd with one person speaking up.
"From what?"
Reginald just waves to the crowd before stepping down and having his bodyguard walk beside him.
A girl with medium length black hair wearing a black suit picks up a violin. The spot light shines down brightly on her, she starts to play 'the Phantom of the Opera' as she sits on a lone stool, all eyes on her.
She plays with lightning speed, the energy in the crowd rising more and more.
She switches to playing 'the Angel of music'. The melody becomes a lot softer as she plays on.
An alarm rings waking up a tall, blonde man. he gets up, stretches and scratches his butt as he leaves the room but then hits his head against the door frame. He presses a few buttons before running his hand over a small plant and then watering it. He walks pass and heads to where his suit is and puts it on.
He exits the ship and hops across the moon to throw away his trash. He then turns around jumping in fright when he finds his space robot 'Ben' there. He pats the robot's head before heading inside, 'Ben' following behind him.
A man wearing a mask leads a scared one in the direction of his family, who were all tied up and frightened.
"Where's the safe? Where's the safe?!"
The people who owned the house panicked as the other man started knocking things over.
A man wearing all black with different knives decorating his suit watches from outside the house. He slips in grabbing one of the men and smashing his head against the wall. He comes back out with a mask and a sly grin on his face.
One of the guys notices him and tries to throw a punch but it's quickly blocked and he is instead thrown to the ground and knocked out. This however alerts the other men in the house who all try to throw things at the man dressed in black but each object gets directed elsewhere, missing the guy each and every time. He grins before sending a knife into one of the man's arms, quickly making work to beat up the other two men in the house and throwing them against walls.
A knife covered in blood gets picked up by the man dressed in black, he faces the family who are still tied up.
"Your family is safe now."
He walks past them ready to leave but stops when a news story plays on the television. A shocked look makes its way on his face. Never in a million years did he think this would happen.
A beautiful woman walks down the red carpet in a long elegant red dress. She faces the crowd with a confident smile, cameras flash all around her.
People try to ask questions but she just gives them a polite smile and walks down the red carpet, posing for pictures.
"There's our sweetheart Allison."
"Oh you're perfect."
A man whispers to one of the camera men taking his attention from the woman in front of him.
"Allison, have you heard the news?"
Allison looks confused but quickly hides it behind a smile.
"When's the last time you saw your father?"
She cringes at the question.
"Have you heard from your brothers?"
She frowns deeply not knowing where this was going. Her manager comes behind her and pulls her away, Allison sends the crowd a friendly smile before letting the woman take her.
A man dressed in black leather and fur hops off a bunk bed with a devious smile on his face. He sighs happily before saying goodbye to a companion. Showing off his hand tattoo.
"Stay strong, I believe in you."
He waved to another companion and jokingly states.
"You, not so much."
He gets a chuckle from them and leaves with a smile on his face.
"Bye Klaus."
He waves to another man who just gives him a dead stare and hands him a bag.
"See you soon, Klaus."
He flips Klaus a coin which he catches and pockets after kissing it.
"Stay sober."
The man exists the building quickly finding an alley to hang in. Sirens ring around him and he checks to see if anyone is watching him. He meets up with a guy who quickly slips something into his hand. Klaus smiles and heads outside of the alley.
Not even fifteen minutes later is he being placed into an ambulance and sent away. An oxygen mask placed on his face as the paramedics try to get his heart started again. He awakens, shaking violently as he does so. He laughs once the shaking stops and high fives the paramedic that brought him back.
The TV quickly catches his attention as a news story plays. He blinks rapidly in disbelief.
We go back to the man on the moon as he watches the sun flashing behind planet earth; his home.
"..Number 1.. come in, number 1.."
The man looks down at his flashing communicator around his waist.
"..Number 1.. this is annihilation control..you have a call.."
The man sighs in annoyance.
"Tell them I'm busy."
".. It's Dr. Pogo..on the phone.."
The man quickly jumps back to the ship.
"Keep him on the line."
Once in the ship he picks up the phone, he looks around the room at the different documents talking about him; a poster called space boy and a news paper about his injury being a few scattered across the room.
"Pogo. Any news from Earth? Is this it?"
The man listens to the other line for a little bit before responding.
"Negative, Pogo. You know I can't leave my post. A threat may finally–"
The man's eyes start to go wide with worry.
The man's eyes turn with a mix of cold and heart broken.
"I see. I'm on my way."
He places the phone down and exhales as he does the robot, 'Ben' makes his way up to him.
"..I've readied your ship.. Number 1.. will you be requiring your laser pistol..?"
The man nods at the Robot.
"Yes. And Ben?"
The robot moves its head in acknowledgement.
"Remind me to reprogram you when I get back. Only my father calls me number 1."
The man hops in the ship waving goodbye to 'Ben' who waves back.
"..Godspeed, Luther, sir.."
The woman continues to play as the light around her start to turn on signaling the end of her solo. She opens her eyes to reveal no one there. The audience, the cheering, it was all in her head.
She sighs sadly placing her violin back into its container and starts to head home. On her way there she stops by a store whose TV plays the channel showing her father who apparently is now deceased.
She heads into her house which wasn't much further. The rain poured onto her skin, she was in too much shock to notice.
Once she reached the building she hopped into the shower and changed into clothes for bed. She laid down on her bed, she couldn't sleep, not after watching that. Part of her was sad he was gone, he did raise her but another part of her...
The phone in her room started to ring. She laid still, closing her eyes hoping that whoever was calling would stop but the ringing kept going. She stood up and walked over to the phone picking it up and placing it near her ear.
"You know your father is dead right?"
The woman's brows furrowed at the question at this point the whole world did.
"Who is this?"
"I suppose I didn't expect you to be broken up...you wrote a lot of nasty things about your family in that book of yours."
The woman gritted her teeth at that.
"What do you want?"
"I'm conducting a suite. The first of it's kind. It appears my chair for first violin has been rendered...vacant. I'd like you to audition."
The woman glared at the wall, biting her lip before answering.
"Why would I do that?"
"Revenge. Be at the Icarus theatre at noon tomorrow."
Five falls from the sky, hitting the ground really hard. As much as that hurt he turned his direction to the portal in the sky, it slowly started to close as he watched the woman he cared for mouth 'I love you' before being hit in the back of the head.
He wished he could run to her, help her; He wished that he was stronger in that moment, better but he wasn't, he was weak and now you were gone.
His fist hit the ground and angry tears start to fill his eyes.
"Master Five."
Five quickly rubs the tears from his eyes before turning around to face the chimp he hadn't seen in years.
"Let's get you inside."
Five nods and stands up following Pogo to the door. Before he enters he turns his attention back to the sky making a silent promise to get you back.
He follows Pogo into the kitchen watching as the chimp walked around the kitchen pulling out ingredients to make tea.
After he finished making the tea, he handed it to Five. Pogo sends Five a gentle smile but doesn't get one back in return instead Five takes a sip from his cup before laying his head down in his hand.
Pogo just watched the boy not really sure what to say. It was clear Five wasn't in the mood to talk but as Pogo started to head to his office, Five got up and followed him.
"The world's in danger."
Pogo's eyes widened at Five's words as he sat at his desk. He goes to say something but stops when the door slams open.
"Dr. Pogo...Is it true?"
Five studies Luther as he enters, he seemed different from when he last saw him.
"Yes. Sir Reginald Hargreeves is dead."
Five steps up getting the attention of his taller brother.
"And something worse is coming..."
Luther's eyes went wide at the sight of his missing brother.
"Number Five? Where have you been for the last 17 years? What's happening?"
"Now, Now, Luther. It can wait until tomorrow. You've just come home."
Five starts walking towards the door, ready to leave the conversation.
"I also would rather not repeat myself, it's best we wait for the others."
Luther goes to stop him but Five just teleports away from the office and into his room. He sighs and quickly changes into some old Pj's that he had and lays down on his bed.
It felt weird being in this house. It felt weird not having you beside him. Nothing felt right. He closes his eyes, trying to open his mind.
He opens them again to find a black void. He looked around for any sign of movement but there was nothing.
You opened your eyes and instantly felt a cold medal pressed against your skin. You looked down and noticed your body strapped against a wall. You knew it was a long shot but you tried to move your hands to no avail.
Escaping was gonna be a lot harder than you had hoped it would be. You looked around the room, it seemed to be the same one they used to experiment on you.
You heard the clicking of heels before the door opened which drew your attention to the figure who walked in. The same one who found you and Five in the first place, The Handler.
She sends you a cheeky smile, you roll your eyes at the sight of her.
"Oh, Sweetie. I thought you'd be happier to see me."
She steps closer and closer to your restrained body.
"You don't have to worry."
She touches your cheek, making your skin crawl at the contact.
"I don't want to kill you...Not yet anyway."
You glare as she walks away after sending you a condescending smirk. She closes the door leaving you in a room all alone.
"I gotta get the fuck outta here."
You continued to glare at the door.
"Space-Luther. Wake up."
Luther blinks his eyes a few times before sitting up and Pogo stands at the edge of his bed with a cup of hot coco in his hand.
"What time is it?"
"Eight A.M. your sister has arrived."
His eyes lit up a little until he remembered he had two.
"The rumor?"
"Allison? Yes. She's been standing beneath Ben's statue for forty minutes. You should help her with her ba-"
Luther quickly left the room before he could finish his sentence. He passed Five's room before walking back and waving to the boy.
"Hey Five."
Five looks up and rolls his eyes before standing up and walking to the door.
"Hey, Luther."
He closes the door, Luther just shrugs before heading down stairs and walks out the door and just like Pogo said Allison was there looking sadly at the statue of their deceased brother.
"It wasn't your fault, y'know."
She glances at him from the side of her eyes.
"I know everyone blames you for what happened to Ben, but none of us know what really happened that day."
Her brows furrowed at the name.
"Still using code names?"
He gets shy when she turns to fully face him.
"I-I wasn't sure you'd come."
Her eyes soften.
"I missed you too. Where's mom?"
"She's somewhere around here. Where's Patrick and Claire?"
She sighs before walking towards the house.
"Patrick filed for divorce eight months ago. Of course you don't know, you've been gone."
"What about Claire?"
She just shakes her head turning back to him.
"He got custody."
"Well, you could always use your, rumor thing."
She frowns at the suggestion and walks into the house.
He goes into the house a few minutes later not noticing Klaus flying over them, watching them and smoking a cigarette.
The taxi that held Vanya finally pulled into where the house was. Vanya hopped out and studied the building for a while, it's been so long since she's been here. She took a big breath before stepping into the building.
She looks around the room, a lot of memories flushing in her mind; some good, some not so much.
She stops when she finds Grace staring into a fire, the picture of their missing brother, Five on top of it.
Grace doesn't react to her voice, she just continues to stare at the flames in silence.
She flinched as her name was called. She turned around to find her sister, Allison. The two didn't have the best relationship and they fell out as soon as Vanya wrote her book.
She watched a surprise look make its way to Allison's features.
"You're actually here."
Allison chuckles at the shy look on Vanya's face.
"Hey, Allison."
"Hey, sis."
Allison walks up to her slowly and pauses in front of her before pulling her into a hug. They pulled away from each other as Allison smiled, another one of their siblings decided to show up.
"What's she doing here?"
Diego glares at the smaller girl.
"You don't belong here. Not after what you did."
Allison sighs and glares at him as he walks pass.
"You're seriously gonna do this today?"
He walks up the stairs not paying her any attention.
"Way to dress for the occasion by the way."
He rolls his eyes.
"At least I'm wearing black."
Vanya gets upset.
"You know what? I-I maybe he's right."
"Forget about him."
Allison looks deep into Vanya's eyes.
"I'm glad you're here."
Vanya smiles a little at her words. This would be the first time in a long time where she felt wanted.
In another room...
Luther is walking around his father's room. He doesn't notice Diego watching him from the door.
"I can save you some time. They're all locked."
Luther turns to face him and Diego just shrugs.
"No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary."
Diego walks into the room and studies Luther. He hadn't seen him in so long, not that he really minded.
"You got big Luther. What's the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?"
It was obvious Diego wanted a reaction out of Luther.
"What do you want?"
Diego rolls his eyes before pulling something from his pouch.
"Autopsy report."
He hands it to Luther and he receives a glare from the taller man.
"Why do you have this?"
"I know a guy. He gave me info. That's all you need to know."
Luther reads the paper not buying what it was saying.
"A boring heart failure."
Luther stares at the picture sadly.
"Yeah, so?"
"So, why are you in here? Checking all the windows."
Luther looks at his brother in suspension.
"Were you the first one on the scene?"
"Pogo found him."
Diego was offended he would even ask, he didn't like him when he was alive, why would he want to see him before his death.
"Yeah, I talked to Pogo last night. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle."
Diego exhales, annoyed with where the conversation was going.
"Your point being?"
"Can you think of a single time you saw dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle?"
Diego closed his eyes in thought.
"No. Which means someone took it."
Diego shakes his head.
"Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died."
Diego gets up from the chair he sat in and walks up to Luther again.
"There is no mystery here. Nothing strange. Nothing to avenge. Nothing to solve, nothing like that."
Luther looks at him in shock and Diego stares at the bed.
"Just a sad old man who kicked it in a big empty house."
He looks deep into Luther's eyes making sure to emphasize his words.
"Just like he deserved."
Luther gets upset by his statement.
"You should leave."
"Whatever you say, brother."
He leaves the room, balling his fist at his side.
Back in Five's room...
The man looks at himself in the mirror, he was no longer an old man but a twenty year old dude.
He sighed to himself and sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling before laying down completely.
He hadn't gone down to see if his other siblings had come yet. If they had none of them had come up to see him either.
He closed his eyes again, letting his brain drift off for a little bit. He opened his eyes again and sat up.
He got up and started to get dressed, he might as well go and warn them about what would befall them in the next seven days.
"Leaving so soon."
Five stopped in his tracks, turning around to face the smiling face of the girl he loved. His eyes softened at the sight of you.
"You're here."
"You let me in."
You stood up walking to him, he smiled and went for a hug but his body went completely through you.
"We can't touch, remember."
You turned to face him, staring sadly at him. He sat on the bed staring at the ground.
"You look different."
Five chuckles at your attempt to change the subject.
"Yeah, some people lose a few pounds. I lose a few years."
You shrug.
"Guess now we both have to look youthful forever."
Five looks up at you.
"Are you...Are you okay?"
You shake your head a little.
"Not exactly. Are you okay?"
"Not exactly."
You sit next to him, you wish you could make him feel better but you can't, at least not at that moment.
"I'm not injured or anything. If that makes you feel better."
"I'd feel better if you were here."
Five balls his fist, he was angry at himself for leaving you even though it wasn't technically his fault.
"I'm okay, Five. I'm gonna get out of this."
He stares at you longingly as you smile at him.
In another part of the house...
Allison opens a room to their father's office. She walks in and remembers all the times he turned them away.
Reginald sat at his desk writing letters about who knows what or to whom. Grace walks in the room with the children behind her.
"The children are ready for bed, sir. They wanted to say goodnight."
All the children smile at him but he doesn't even look up to acknowledge them. Five, Klaus, Vanya, Diego and Ben instantly frown at his disinterest in them. Grace notices and turns to the children.
"Okay, time for bed now, Kids. Come along."
Allison paused as everyone left, Grace got her to step away from the room which she ends up making a snappy remark in his direction.
"Where's the cash, Dad?"
Allison looked confused for a moment but soon heard the drawers clattering. She walks deeper in the room and finds Klaus behind the desk.
"Klaus? What are you doing here?"
He just smiles at his sister, even though he was caught, he was happy to see her.
"Oh, Allison. Wow, is that you?"
He stood up and pulled her into a hug.
"Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you actually, I wanted to get your autograph. To add to my collection."
Allison smiled at his goofiness. She pulls at his wrist when she notices something.
"You just got out of rehab?"
"No, no. No, no, no, no.
Allison looks at him sceptically.
''I'm done with that. I came down here to prove to myself, that the old man was really gone."
Allison wasn't buying it. He claps cheering for his death.
"You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room."
Allison silently agrees with his statement as he starts to vent. He sits down on the chair before crossing his legs onto the desk. He starts being silly again getting Allison to laugh.
"Get out of his chair."
The two instantly stare at the door where Luther was. Klaus just rolls his eyes at him.
"Oh, wow, Luther! Wow, you're really, uh..."
He stands as Luther starts walking closer.
"You really filled out over the years, huh?"
Klaus stops him from speaking.
"Save the lecture. I was already leaving."
He starts heading towards the door, the smile he had no longer on his face. Luther stops him from leaving which makes him frown more.
"Drop it."
"Ex-squeeze me?"
"Do it. Now."
Klaus jerks his arm out of Luther's grip and places almost everything he had on the floor. Klaus glares at Luther as he does so, he was always his least favorite sibling.
"Now, you could've let him keep that. Not like anyone else would use this junk anyway."
The three looked to find Five leaning against the door with his arms crossed. Allison looked shocked at his presence and Klaus eyes lit up as he went up to the boy and pulled him in a hug that lifted him off the ground.
"Let me go, Klaus."
Klaus only hugged him tighter.
"I haven't seen you in so long."
Five sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Five more seconds."
Klaus savors the five seconds before putting him down.
"I didn't get a hug when you came."
Five shrugs.
"Don't I get one too."
Five just blinks at Luther before waving at Allison and following Klaus out of the room.
''Meet me in the living room!!"
The air was awkward at first because of what happened earlier between Allison and Luther but they quickly got back into talking as if it never happened.
After a while the two make their way into the living room. Everyone was already there staring at Five in wonder. Klaus had apparently changed his clothes during that time.
"When did you come back?"
"Last night."
Luther sits down and glares at Five, he wanted information. Something he didn't get last night.
"It's been 17 years."
Five just scoffs at him, sending him his own glare.
"It's been a lot longer than that."
"Where'd you go?"
He turns to Diego, the glare softening on his face.
"The future. It's shit, by the way."
"Called it."
Everyone stares at him before turning back to Five.
"I should have listened to the old man. Y'know jumping through space is one thing."
He teleported away for a second then came back with a sandwich in his hand.
"Jumping through time is a toss of the dice."
"So you hated it there."
"It was fun for a while. No one to tell you what to do, No one to make you feel small, No one to make you wear a mask. But after a while it wasn't fun anymore. Unfortunately for me. I was stuck there."
He sighed before taking a bite from his sandwich. He stared up at a floating Klaus just now realizing he changed.
"Nice dress."
Klaus smiled when he realized he was talking to him.
"Oh, well, danke!"
"How did you get back?"
Five looked at her.
"In the end, I had to project my consciousness foward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."
Everyone looked at each other confused about what he had said.
"That makes no sense."
Five sighs and takes another bite from his sandwich.
"Well it would if you were smarter."
Diego and Luther both stood up. Diego to fight and Luther to hold him back. Five just stared blankly at the two.
"How long were you there?"
"Forty-Five years. Give or take."
Everyone looks at him in shock.
"So what you're saying is that you're 58?"
Five smiles.
"No, my consciousness is 58."
Then he frowns, looking down at his hands.
"Apparently, my body is now 20 again."
"How does that even work?"
Five shrugs.
"Delores kept telling us the equation was off. Eh. We were always so stubborn."
The group all start to look at each other confused again.
Five just stares off into a distance before changing the subject.
"So..Heart failure huh?"
Everyone looked at Luther.
"Nice to see nothing's changed."
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ru-fiction · 10 months
Playground Rivals: Ken x Fem Reader
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Chapter 5
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"Barbie, Raquelle and I will take them somewhere. Okay?"
Barbie nods as Y/n motions to the boys.
"This way you can think, they have something to do, and we don't have to listen to anyone whining."
Y/n looks at each of them sternly before smiling.
"Though, I say that with love."
Everyone nods along before Y/n motions for them to follow her, leaving Barbie on the bench by herself. Ken keeps looking behind him at her, seeing how far he can go but stops when Y/n turns his face to look forward.
"Don't go far."
The dolls round the corner. Y/n sighs and looks at her sister, who was already looking at her.
"We aren't gonna listen are we?"
Y/n sighs again as Raquelle starts to lead the boys farther and farther away.
"Why are we back at the beach?"
Raquelle looks around the beach with a confused look on her face. All the other dolls look at each other and shrug as if to say "What's she doing?"
Y/n watches her sister's face light up, she follows her eyes to see what had her attention. It was the guy from earlier. She looked at the other boys only to find Ken smirking back at her and Ryan looking completely lost.
The dolls watch Raquelle walk up to the guy and talk to him. After a while the two walk back towards the others before Raquelle motions for everyone to follow her.
"What's this?"
Raquelle walks past her twin; the guy nervously follows after her eyeing Ryan as he goes. Ryan glares at the boy's back walking after them.
"Raquelle! Who is this guy?!"
Y/n shakes her head at the scene. Ken reaches for her hand while watching the others, Y/n smiles when she notices and she intertwines her hand with Ken's and pulls him along.
Barbie exhales trying to get her thoughts going.
She opens her eyes and starts to look around hoping to find something that could help her find this girl.
She watched a bunch of cars drive past and seen a lot of people walking by but saw nothing that could help her.
She stands up and walks around in a circle before sitting down again.
She really needed this to work, she closed her eyes again and started to think of a memory.
"You look stressed Barbie."
Barbie turned around to find her friend walking to her with a tray of cookies in hand. Barbie scratches her cheek before looking back at the riddle one of the other Barbies gave her.
"Hehe yeah, um Barbie gave me a riddle. It's supposed to lead to a surprise the Barbies are planning but I have to find all the clues to find the real location."
"Oh that sounds fun."
Barbie shrugged, she wasn't much of a puzzle person. Y/n smiles at Barbie and offers her a cookie.
"Do you think I could help?"
Barbie smiles at the doll.
Y/n took the riddle from Barbie excited to help out. Every now and then Ryan would give her tiny hints whenever he stole her stuff and hid it somewhere.
"What five letter word can be read the same way upside down?"
Barbie taps her chin in deep thought and Y/n looks around not really looking for anything particular it was a small habit, she smiled when the answer came to her.
"Is this the first one?"
"The third."
"Well the next clue is at the beach."
Barbie looks thoughtful about her answer.
Y/n nods her head at the blonde beside her, Barbie's eyes lit up and she pulled the girl into a hug.
"You're a genius. Come on."
Barbie then pulls the doll into the direction of her car so that they could head to the beach.
Barbie smiled at the memory, maybe that was the key to finding the girl.
"Hey Blaine. How's it going?"
Blaine was the guy that Raquelle was hanging out with. He had learned that the others had never seen a movie with moving pictures before; it totally confused him about what they meant by that; he decided to bring them to his favorite movie theater.
"I'm doing pretty good."
The girl smiled at him and then sent Raquelle a friendly smile which kinda threw her off.
"Who's this?"
"I'm Raquelle."
Blaine smiles at Raquelle before handing some money over to the cashier. He had used to work there before and visited there a lot so he knew how much things were.
He had agreed to get everyone drinks and food but the movies are expensive so he told the others that they would have to find a way in.
"I got an idea."
Y/n shook her head, she already knew what he was going to do but Ken looked at Ryan in wonder.
Ryan put on his best smoldering look and walked up to the girl as Blaine and Raquelle waited for the food.
The girl looked unimpressed and just looked down at her computer system.
"What movie are you trying to see?"
"The same one as them."
Ryan points to the other two who were now getting food handed to them.
"Tickets for three please."
The girl types in her system before looking up.
"That'll be $40.56 please."
Ryan frowns.
"I don't have any money."
"That's too bad. Next person please."
Ryan gave her a desperate look.
"C'mon please, isn't there anything I could do to get me and my friends in there."
The girl shook her head, an apologetic look filled her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Y/n sighed as everyone started to look in the direction of her brother, she quickly walked up to him and pulled him away from the register.
She looked around, trying to think of something when her eyes landed on a poster with Ken's face on it? No, not Ken. A Ryan Gosling?
She motioned for Ken to come to her and he does so. She takes his face in her hands and moves her eyes back and forth between him and the guy on the poster.
She waits for the other people in line to finish grabbing their tickets and pulls of Ken's hat then ruffles his hair.
The girl at the countertop eyes lit up when she saw him.
"Oh my... I'm a big fan of yours."
Ken just smiles not knowing what to say.
"Hi. We're friends of Ryan. We had talked to your manager not too long ago and he said it was okay for us to go in."
Clearly starstrucked the girl just nods along, letting the trio through without checking. They meet up with Raquelle and Blaine and make their way to their seats.
Y/n places Ken's hat back on his head then kisses his cheek. She was happy her plan worked but she did feel bad about lying to that girl.
"Raquelle, I wanna show you something. It's a place really special to me."
Raquelle smiles at Blaine, intertwining their fingers.
Ryan quickly breaks their hands apart and puts his arms around both people, receiving a glare from his twin.
"Nope, I'm coming too."
"Really, Ryan."
Ryan sends the brunette a cocky grin.
"What about Y/n and Ken?"
Usually Raquelle would do anything for her little sibling to get alone time with Ken but she really wanted to be alone with Blaine right now.
Ryan turns to look in the direction of his other sister and then back to Raquelle and then back to her. He was clearly torn.
He bit his lip in thought before walking back to Ken and giving his shoulder a hard squeeze.
"I trust him to look after Y/n."
Raquelle's face fell at that so Y/n decided to enter the conversation.
"I mean what if someone starts causing trouble with me and Ken. You know I can be pretty passive sometimes."
"That's what Ken's there for."
Ryan shakes his head and walks to Raquelle.
"You'll be find, I know Ken. He wouldn't let anything happen to you."
He puts his arms around Blaine and Raquelle and walks away.
Ken grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her in the other direction, taking her around that part of the city. He didn't know where he was going but he sure acted like he did.
"Excuse me sir."
A guy stopped Ken, easily getting his attention. Ken nodded at the man as he walked past before turning to the (h/c) doll behind him and smiled.
"Did you see that?"
Y/n smiled at him, she was happy to see him having a good time in this nice but messed up world.
"I did."
The two walk pass the Century City Center and just talk about any and everything they've experienced in the past week in Barbieland, venting about times they were annoyed, talking about times where they were happy, leaving out some parts where they were not so happy or embarrassed.
The two of them watched as a man walked out of the building wearing a fluffy fur coat. Which both Y/n and Ken admired on him.
Another guy waved at and congratulated Ken which earned him a happy smile from the doll.
The two walk by a gym watching two of the men walk out and fist bump each other. Ken turned to Y/n wanting to do the same so the doll decided to entertain him on his little quip.
He pulls her inside the gym and their noses are instantly filled with the smell of sweat and musk. They watch as a couple of men take turns punching punching bags, some lifting different types of weights and others on a running machine.
When they came out Y/n noticed how Ken started walking differently. She was kind of concerned.
"Ken? Babe, what are you doing?"
"Nothing. Just walking."
"Yeah but...you don't walk like that."
Ken just sends her a playful smile and shrugs off her comment.
Ken stops walking after a while to watch a car drive by, his eyes started to shine at the sight of it.
His eyes got even brighter when he watched the police men riding one of his favorite animals, the horse. He patted Y/n's arm, jumping up and down at the sight of them.
He then grabs the doll's hand and goes inside of another building. The two watched as the men below were having a meeting, Ken crossed his arms and started acting like one of them. Normally Y/n would laugh whenever he did his imitation but part of her couldn't shake the feeling that this was bad somehow especially because the guy Ken was imitating had disrespected a woman in front of his group.
Y/n had gone to the restroom to wash her face. She was getting a sick feeling from the whole experience but she couldn't quite pin point what it was.
She panicked after she walked out when she didn't see Ken anywhere. She ran around the building looking for him before she ended up bumping into him at the door. He had the biggest smile on his face.
"Oh my god."
She pulled Ken into the tightest hug shocking him but also making him melt.
"Don't do that again."
Ken giggles.
"I was only upstairs."
"I don't care."
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Barbie sat at the bus stop with her eyes closed. The world went quiet and suddenly she could see the swing of a child's foot. Next she saw the child braiding someone's hair.
She took that moment to focus on what the memories were showing her. It was a little girl doing a hand shake with someone but she couldn't see who. The next few memories were flashes, her and someone eating ice cream, then she was playing dolls with who Barbie assumed is her mother, next she ran into her mother's arms and then the next she was sad and started to push her mother away. The girl was now throwing her toys away, her mother keeping one, the girl kept pushing her mother away at this point they didn't seem as close.
Barbie opened her eyes, all those memories, they were intense. She felt a tear running down her face.
"That felt achy but good."
Barbie looked up watching her surroundings, she watched as a family had a picnic on one side while another family played in a park together, One mom pushed a bike down the road while her two daughters followed her, she watched as a couple argued with each other, how the trees blew in the wind, she watched as two men laughed with each other causing her to laugh along even though she had no idea what they were laughing about, she watched as a man looked upset with himself. She wondered if anyone ever looked like that in Barbieland, everything was different, everything felt different.
She looked beside her finding an older woman sitting not too far away from her. The woman looked back up at her and Barbie couldn't help but smile at the woman.
"You're so beautiful."
"I know it."
The two took a moment to admire the beauty of the other. This is what it felt like to be real.
Barbie's eyes widened when she saw Ryan walking back sulking.
"Hey Ryan, what's wrong? Where are the others?"
Ryan sighs passing the lady to sit next to Barbie, sinking down on the bench.
"I've been ditched Barbie. My own family turned against me."
Barbie chuckles as Ryan whines dramatically.
"You're still sulking about."
Raquelle walks up to them now without the guy she ran away with.
"I can't believe you just ditched me."
"I hardly ditched you."
Ryan just looked at the brunette in disbelief.
"You literally told a girl, 'what you met my brother Ryan,' and left without another word. If that's not ditching, I don't know what is."
"Barbie! Barbie!"
The trio turned their attention to the yelling blonde as he runs at them full speed, Y/n following close behind him.
Barbie smiles widely at the appearance of the two.
"I got it!"
"I got it!"
The siblings all looked at Ken, confused about what he 'had.' Ken looks all bashful when he notices everyone's eyes on him.
"Oh, what do you got?"
"You go first."
Barbie was also interested in what he had to say. She gave him a big smile.
"No, no, you go."
"We'll go at the same time."
Ken giggles excitedly and Barbie does the same.
The two yell at the top of their lungs gleefully.
"She's at school."
"Men rule the world!"
The siblings eyes widened and their jaws dropped to the floor. What did he say?
Barbie's face scrunched up in confusion and Ken got nervous at the looks he was getting.
"What was that?"
"The kid's at school?"
He brushed off both of his friends' concern.
"But what did you say?"
Ken just shook his head putting on a smile.
Barbie just shrugs it off.
"Well, let's go to the school."
Barbie was super excited to meet the girl, Ken laughs along with her walking her away from the other dolls who all looked at him in shock.
"Is he okay?"
Y/n looked at the twins as they studied her face.
"What do you mean 'what'? You were with him all day."
"That's supposed to mean I should know what's going on with him?"
The two dolls gave him a blank stare.
Raquelle shakes her head in disappointment.
"You're basically in a relationship, how could you not know what's going on in his head."
"We're not in a relationship."
"Could have fooled us."
The trio bicker as Ken and Barbie lead them in the direction of the school.
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