#it's just HP or Health
gierosajie · 1 year
Idea: dead lore characters becoming playable through leyline shenanigans similar to the Hidden Strife event and their voicelines are either directed at someone else or are said by a present character that knew them
Imagine the about sections in Vennessa's voicelines being told by Venti, or things about Crepus told by Diluc and Kaeya, Guizhong's being super long because of both Zhongli and Cloud Retainer, etc.
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what would the doctors visits tom apparently endured have been like? what if he had been institutionalized as he apparently feared? what would have happened to him?
Sorry this took a little while! I had to do some research for this because I'm not super familiar with healthcare from this period.
This is potentially triggering for ppl who are neurodiverse or experience mental/chronic conditions as I'm discussing outdated language and treatments, some which are still prevalent today despite medical suggestion. So after the first part on general healthcare, I'm going to put the rest as hidden.
From what I can gather, general healthcare (like doctors) were largely free for working men, but that left women, children, the unemployed and homeless without. This also means Tom. Tom would've likely been treated, if he ever got ill (and I think its mentioned in Order of the Phoenix that wixen don't get the same health issues that muggles do, although that may just be JKR batshittery), by one of the staff at the orphanage, who would prescribe cod liver oil for colds and thats about it. Penicillin was only discovered in 1928 so its likely kids were still dying from infections, especially in the orphanage. A doctor might've been called for something more serious like a broken bone, but operations still were being done on stuff like kitchen tables, so I wouldn't trust a 20s/30s doctor. There would've been a sanitarium (basically a sick room) although I can imagine that children went there to essentially die, especially from the more dangerous conditions that were rife at the orphanage, which I also discussed here.
(This next part is the potentially triggering section. Read at your own discretion.)
Tom is commonly read, particularly to outsiders (as we are when we view him through others eyes), as neurodiverse or with an Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Especially with his magic, he likely would've been perceived the same way by those at the orphanage, most prevalently by Ms Cole and others in charge as kids just don't notice these things. Germany's Aktion T-4 during the 30s an 40s (the proposed eugenics and selective breeding, but in reality murder, of anyone 'mentally retarded') mirrored the attitudes of the first half of the 20th century. Not a lot was known about how children think anyway, so they were often treated as mini adults or dolls, despite children not even having the mental capacities to comprehend why they're doing something until they're literally 15.
Tom (with whatever condition he does have) would have fallen under the Mental Deficiency Act (1913) which was passed almost unanimously with only 3 votes against it. It was a step forward from the previous Idiots Act (1886), but the language and treatment was still poor. It categorised people into four groups:
a) Idiots. Those so deeply defective as to be unable to guard themselves against common physical dangers. b) Imbeciles. Whose defectiveness does not amount to idiocy, but is so pronounced that they are incapable of managing themselves or their affairs, or, in the case of children, of being taught to do so. c) Feeble-minded persons. Whose weakness does not amount to imbecility, yet who require care, supervision, or control, for their protection or for the protection of others, or, in the case of children, are incapable of receiving benefit from the instruction in ordinary schools. d) Moral Imbeciles. Displaying mental weakness coupled with strong vicious or criminal propensities, and on whom punishment has little or no deterrent effect.
It suggested institutionalisation was the best response to these conditions, and the now-obsolete Board of Control for Lunacy and Mental Deficiency oversaw this implementation of 'care'.
Tom wouldn't have been aware of what occurred in these places (lobotomies and shock therapy of various kinds for 'treatment', including insulin and forcing seizures; but also horrible treatments of patients by 'carers' including violence and abuse), but would know that it meant you were crazy. Bedlam (12th century — present) was notorious based on rumours alone. Tom would've been genuinely fearful of what happened in those places even though he had no idea himself.
I remember playing games about asylums when I was a kid, and I doubt children in Tom's time were much different, but there was no one around to de-stigmatise and so rumours perpetuated. I think Tom was very scared because he believed his magic was a sign of insanity or a hallucination, and although he probably wasn't politically aware, he realised his own ability to hurt and was afraid of what that meant for him. To Tom, as a young child knowing nothing about his strange powers, being crazy was just as frightening as death because it meant the end of freedom.
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wackysach · 6 months
Hello, I did not draw this but my friend did. He told me to use my account to send it to you because he did not want to publicly out his Tumblr account. Here you go 😁
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dude. this just lit up my entire week. IT'S SO GOOD !!! the details... ough... 💖💖 the little doodles on their face, the crayon textured background, THE HEART CURL IN THEIR HAAAAAIR !
i sense a new wallpaper change for my phone. this is seriously so incredibly kind. 💜 thank you so much for sharing this with me. and tell your friend i said thank you too !
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mousebattery · 21 days
does anyone have any easy to comprehend tips on how to beat ricardo's ass my team is at full strenght and uptie yet he kicks my ass to next sunday every goddamn time and i lost all of my patience braincells on dongbaek who took me like 4 months to finally beat lmao :(
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deer-with-a-stick · 10 months
Gale is single handedly ruining every single "haha wizard die from 1d4 poke damage" meme I have because I did the githyanki fight at level 4 (with the party extender mod) in Tactician and by the end of that, Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karlach, and my paladin were all dead, Astarion was half health, all while Wyll and Gale had nary a scratch on them
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cursedwithwords · 5 months
I hope everyone is aware that every time I'm writing Teddy Lupin, he's battling this inner monologue:
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This is him every second of every day of his life. He is simply waiting for the opportune moment to go gloves off. He is, after all, related to the Black family who are, historically speaking, 100% fucking batshit insane. It's in there, lads.
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 9 months
i replayed hypno's lullaby for a quick bit just to feel the nostalgia but replaying dissension made me realize how the strangled red story is probably one of the best creepypastas out there because there's a really good story behind it and it's not just of any ooo scary supernatural shit that every creepypasta falls under - the unnatural playstyle of the game is just the catalyst to tell a good story and the story IS good.
trading is such a simple concept in-game but the genuine horror realizing that a slight mistake in the trade can ruin a simple exchange just to finish a pokedex - which is what happened to poor steven's miki. i can't imagine the guilt mike must've felt and the anger steven carried just for this
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tricos-here · 1 year
going through HoT with thief genuinely is so
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sgdlr · 2 months
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this is the worst run that i should not have fucking won. look at my damage output and tell me thats normal. i didnt get an attack boon until the final shop before chronos.
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steakout-05 · 6 months
i think having TF2 as a special interest really early in my childhood influenced so many things about myself and my identity.... my gender is big men my sexuality is big men and my sense of humour is big men. i even named myself after the "very tiny and scrawny but still big" big man and i think about all the big men in TF2 on a semi daily basis,,,,,, anyway yeah i like the men in TF2 :)
#tf2#this post is nigh incomprehensible#this is the true effects of autism...... having such a big special interest that it literally influences half of your entire sense of self#i think this is why i feel gender euphoria playing crusty old source games#like i literally feel so connected to TF2 it's crazy#i'm currently listening to a TF2 YTPMV and have it in the corner of my screen and my brain is just going ''ahh... the song of my people''#i look at scout tf2 and i go ''he is just like me!!!''#man's got adhd and likes being an asshole to the other team on the battlefield and if that isn't relatable i don't know what is#i also occasionally play as engineer and i always put my sentries in the most bitchy spots ever#like you're taking a stroll over to the point and you're like ''oop. level 3 sentry that i can't get rid of because the fucker behind it-#-won't stop helicopter parenting it. welp.'' that's my gendar#scout main to engineer main redemption arc to scout main villain arc because my sentries kept exploding pipeline#that made absolutely zero sense.#i usually play on training mode because i'm too shy to play on casual again yet and let me tell you#the amount of times i've yelled at the engineer bots because they just won't build a damn dispenser next to their sentries is insane#like maintaining a sentry would be SO MUCH EASIER if you just built a dispenser nearby. like.#when you play engie you start to not even worry about your health anymore because you're too concerned with your metallic kids to care#it's like ''oh i'm at 2 hp. wow. OH SHIT MY SENTRY GOT HIT ONCE AND LOST A SINGLE BAR OF HP I NEED TO HEAL HIM!!!!! MY SON!!!'#and you never end up dead somehow because dispenser#and when you do die it's like torture looking at the spectating cam and seeing your sentry get shot at and not being there to help it#it's like ''nooo... my son.... please i need to heal my son..... i can't bare to watch''#i should invest in a wrangler.... hmmmm......#anyway this post is... so autism! it's great we love to see it!#autism#i'm very tired yet feel very energised.... i'm having a neurodivergent moment hang on#spy sappin my executive functioning#my brain is literally just 3 scouts and 2 engineers doing do si do with 'erectin a river' blasting really loud at the moment#YIPPEEKIYAHIYAAAAAHYKIYO - my brain when special interest
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
AAHH! I’m stuck on Chapter 67, part 24, Vil’s group!
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theeflowerofcarnage · 10 months
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this was like the most rewarding quest in act 3 for me cuz YURGIR!!!!!!
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mars-ipan · 3 months
so funny when i make it back to my dorm on fridays and i’m like “god why am i tired…” girl you just roleplayed for 8 hours of course you’re tired
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theflikchic · 2 years
Okay so that moment in the Chamber of Secrets movie where Dumbledore cancels all the exams. Everyone laughs about Hermione being disappointed while everyone else cheers, but can we talk about how Snape looks at Dumbledore with the most obviously horrified yet fathomless face?! Like- like all the other teachers are smiling and nodding like "Thank goodness, the students get to relax and I get to relax 🙂" and Snape's looks over in shock like "The students get to relax?! But I've never relaxed a day in my life, what the hell is THIS??? 😐"
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eightyuh · 8 months
Does SP stand for Soul Power?
Very close! Spirit Points. (Will be elaborated on in chapter 3)
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nevert-the-guy · 11 months
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I love their design, but I hate them in battle.
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