#it's gonna be a case fic but with supernatural elements
I’m thinking of doing another wuxia au for K&H, but this time it’s gonna be a supernatural fic and I’m thinking of making it a case fic as well so...give me some case ideas with supernatural elements.  I’m open to anything
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chaotikanvas · 1 year
Ok, ok, so incoming ramble about the Glamrocks that I keep thinking about under the readmore! 
Disclaimer: I can’t promise too much structure to this since I’m just putting some thoughts down, but hopefully it’s still an enjoyable read or something to think about ghfdkñkjgh
A while ago, when I was first planning my first ever fic for SB (which has been thoroughly planned but not written and I haven’t talked about it here at all but that’s! Beside the point!), I started really wondering how the glitch/virus worked (I will keep referring to it as virus as I think it fits a bit more).
And I was so happy that the DLC seemed to be in line with what I was thinking or at the very least it supports my headcanon in a way!
(And oh gosh this is gonna take setting the scene a bit at first so bear with me)
So, I’d like to make a note first of all, that I’m not entirely convinced Glitchtrap is gone, because the end to the princess quest 3 minigame means Vanessa gets freed from possession (via opening the door). There is not a fight with him as a boss that seems to deactivate or get rid of him once and for all, at least. But what happened to him is entirely guesswork on my part. Also, while the DLC implies very strongly that all the other endings are not canon and more stories Gregory drew himself, there are still elements from those endings that I feel cannot be discarded, and they help understand the story. (The blob does exist after all and that is only discovered in the Burntrap ending, and it is my belief that the friend that has the schematics for the underground mentioned by Gregory must be Vanessa, because Freddy seems to have only vague recollections of the place when Vanessa had him clear the way for her before, and also he is not capable of accessing all areas of even the main pizzaplex)
(Also, I squint a little wondering if they changed their minds on which ending was the true ending because the Burntrap ending is the one that has animated cutscenes and a cgi ending image. I actually like that Princess Quest is the canon ending now, since Vanessa gets to be free, but it does come with some inconsistencies. But anyways!!!)
So taking all of that into account! To me, the way the virus works, and considering that there must be a supernatural element to it due to the existence of Glitchtrap, has to do a lot with it locking away the “consciousness” of the animatronics. Much like in the way Vanessa’s true self was locked away actually! In past games, the animatronics only seemed to act outside of their programming due to possession of some kind, but these specific ones seem to actually have self-awareness. I have no doubt that the way they were programmed influences their personality, but the DLC has really emphasized that they are not actually just limited to their functions. 
They have true intelligence! Not a surprise, since Freddy was clearly self-aware since SB, but I like that it seems to be a confirmation of it being the case in general and not just an exception. And I believe this because there are animatronics that are able to snap out of it after Cassie interacts with them. They do seem to think things are normal like any day in the pizzaplex, at first (Eclipse and Roxy) and it would seem like this means they are not truly sentient, but considering that Sun was aware all this time that things were very wrong, and that Moon would attack Cassie if not rebooted, and that Roxy later awakens, realizes the danger and goes to rescue Cassie from the Mimic, makes it clear to me that their self-awareness is the real deal. 
So not only would the virus have to infiltrate the robot’s systems, but it also would have to fight against the “consciousness” of the animatronics to gain control. While we know the Burntrap ending didn’t happen, I think when we see Burntrap trying to take over Freddy is a good visual representation of what might have happened over a long span to the other animatronics.
Ok, ok so! With all that said (again gfkjh)! I’m getting to the main point of this post, which is that I cannot stop thinking about the little backstory we got for Monty and what might have happened with Bonnie!
The damaged model of Bonnie we find in Ruin makes it clear to me that yes, it must have been Monty the one who destroyed him. The scratch grooves that join with the hole in his chest do match with the marks we have seen on other spots, (I thiiink Monty’s room has them), and we know the claws are the characteristic associated with Monty.
(And here I make a sidenote acknowledging some buts, because I went back to read the SB messages, and according to those, Monty only received the upgraded claws to play the bass, which means Bonnie was already gone by then. One of the messages states clearly that Monty received modifications only after being moved to the position of bassist, when Bonnie was out of commission, so either Monty already had really strong claws or it's a bit of an oversight there, but I digress!)
But! Even with that clear evidence, and here it’s where I admit it’s more speculation on my part, I find it a bit hard to believe Monty, the real Monty, at least, would destroy Bonnie just like that. Which makes me think Monty must have been one of the first, if not THE first of the band being infected with the virus. I think it’s a generally accepted headcanon that the virus alters the glamrocks personalities in a way that some of their main character traits are twisted in a destructive way. 
Now, Monty already clearly existed back when Bonnie was in the band. He had his own (large!) area even though he wasn’t part of the main band. The DJ is large and has his own section too, but he seems confined to it and was bought from outside the plex. And Monty seems to have been able to roam around anyways, so I think that probably means the higher ups were counting on Monty being a main animatronic in the future. (I have to wonder if the whole one man band thing from the backstory was something he did do for a brief time at the start, but admittedly that could have been added just in the cardboards). 
With all this in mind, Monty was probably the newest addition, a newcomer in a place that already had the four main animatronics. Almost known by no one in the public and without an established personality in a franchise he’s never been part of before. One of the messages says Monty could be more popular than Bonnie, after Bonnie’s disappearance, which makes me think he was mostly a side attraction, and nowhere near as known as the main glamrocks. Why mention that he could be more popular if the audience was as aware of him as the band right?
So, I think the main trait programmed for Monty’s personality is ambition. The backstory in his ride seems to hint at that. A young Monty with his own little music business, looking in amazement at the Glamrocks and dreaming of one day reaching their level. It would make sense to have one of the robots have this as their main trait, since kids would relate to the big dreams. And it seems to fit with other main traits from the other Glamrocks: Roxy seems to have been made with self-confidence in mind (winning races and having a beauty salon) which might be for encouraging kids, Chica is obviously all for being chipper and energetic and enjoying food (useful in an entertainment establishment that wants kids to indulge and get their parents to spend their money when they’re having a good time), and Freddy is meant to be nice and fatherly and the approachable gentle main face of the franchise.
(Though I am a bit sad Chica gets pushed aside a bit in regards to explicitly showing what she’s really like)
(As a small parenthesis from all this, I want to say that the Pizzaplexes troubles with the virus (or at least the more worrying behavior of the animatronics) are likely relatively recent before Gregory’s arrival. Could be months or a couple of years, don’t know how much exactly, but the fact that there are old messages all around, how some of those help give Gregory hints to where he can find stuff that is still there, how Bonnie’s Bowling Alley has not been rethemed to get rid of the evidence of his existence, Freddy’s hurt over Bonnie being gone sounding (at least to me) still fresh rather than from that long ago, and the message about the disappearances makes me think it can’t have started a decade ago or something like that)
The Monty “rise to fame” story from the ride establishes that Bonnie “gave” his bass to Monty in order to have him join the band, though that Bonnie cutout is obscured. If they really wanted to make it seem like Monty had retired, why not make a cutout with the most important part of the story clear? They made one with Roxanne styling Monty’s hair! So maybe the plan had been to establish that (in the “in universe” narrative for the animatronics) Bonnie would be the Glamrock that took Monty under his wing and teach him the ropes of being a star? Though probably not with the plans of having him be a Glamrock at all, but maybe appearances with a Glamrock would increase the chances of the new gator attraction succeeding (again, speculation on my part, I know).
Coming back around Monty likely being the newest addition, him still not being established as a popular character would maybe mean that he was an easy target to spread the virus. Way more attention would be paid to the main stars, I think, so I think the probability of him being infected from almost the start is high. And with his main trait being ambition, and Bonnie maybe having been planned to be a sort of pathway to him being more known, it wouldn’t surprise me that by the time the incident happens, the virus has already twisted Monty’s ambition into jealousy and aggression and so he ended up destroying Bonnie that one day. Was Bonnie summoned by Monty? Did Bonnie go to Monty out of his own will because he noticed something was wrong? (which ouch if that was the case. It could very well be even that Vanny noticed that Bonnie noticed something was off and had Monty dispose of Bonnie in order to not have any secrets exposed) Who knows! But this is mostly what I think happened.
And why am I so convinced Monty would not have done this without the virus’ influence? Well… Mostly because of Roxy.
In the main game, Roxy is such a bully. Many of the phrases she says are outright cruel, and at a point where Gregory has done nothing to her yet. But in the DLC we see Roxy as she was meant to be. Encouraging. Lifting a child’s spirits up. Assuring them that they are fantastic how they are. 
We know that Cassie is a lonely child. A bit of an outcast who probably spent a lot of time in the plex while her dad worked. We know that her friends did not show up to her birthday and she treasures Gregory as a friend for being there when she was down. Cassie, seems to me, is the kind of child that would be an easy target for bullying. Insecurities and loneliness seem to be main struggles for her, which is why, if Roxanne was already a bully without the virus, why would she be Cassie’s favorite? Why would she be so nice to this kid that obviously needs the confidence boost Roxanne was made to provide? One of Roxanne’s literal lines in SB towards Gregory is “I bet you don’t even have friends!” Knowing that Roxanne knows this is an issue for Cassie, it seems even more brutal that if she’s in her right mind she would use that as an insult when chasing after Gregory. The Roxanne we see in Ruin is so kind. She is a source of comfort for Cassie, soft spoken, and making sure she feels like number one, instead of being self-obsessed (even if it’s born out of extreme anxiety over her own image). 
So if there is such an extreme change from a virus riddled Roxy, why would Monty’s extremes not be the same? We know not even Freddy is exempt from this sort of change though this one is more evidence from the books (slight not too consequential book spoiler and can’t quote from which book exactly it was, but I remember there was an off handed mention of Glamrock Freddy fighting over a plushie with a kid and then feeling dejected when people got angry at him, so it seems if Freddy was ever truly infected, his change of personality would entail being a spoiled main star?).
And it makes sense! Because Freddy considers all the Glamrocks his friends! We know Chica cares for him, because in the intro to SB she takes a step towards him when he malfunctions. And in the base SB game it looks like Freddy is just in denial about his friends (with the arcade minigolf game even having the famous Freddy in a trashbin course to hint at Monty’s jealousy, which you know could very well a real danger with what happened to Bonnie) (and now that I’m writing that it makes me squint a little at that arcade, since it’s very heavily implied the arcade in Sun and Moon’s room infected them so hmmmmmmm, but I digress), but honestly, seeing Roxy acting how it seems she’s supposed to act right before Cassie turns her off as the final node, really makes me think that the true selves of the animatronics are pushed back by the virus to replace them with a caricature of themselves that will obey Vanny’s commands. I mean, the Glamrock Freddy body is completely headless, and doesn’t even appear in the AR world! I don’t know whether it “attacks” because it’s what it would do if infected, or if it is simply leftover code from the way Freddy hid Gregory in his chest, but there sure as heck isn’t anything resembling a consciousness in there. Besides, we know Vanny was invisible to Freddy.
And if consciousness really is pushed aside by the virus, then it would explain why Monty is like that right now. (At least if my speculation of him being the longest with the virus is true) He would know nothing but anger and at this point he is acting like all he knows how to do is attack. Monty’s mind seems to truly be absolutely gone by now. :(
But aaaah this is getting way too long now fkjdghkjf
I guess I just want to talk about Bonnie a bit more, because we don’t have that much more about him that I can form any conclusions about. I do love the poster in his room! The fact that he really was this close to Freddy! They saw each other everyday and Freddy still decided to write a heartfelt message for Bonnie, that Bonnie decided to hang where he would see it clearly everyday! It really seems that Bonnie cared for Freddy just as much and that makes me so happy! It makes it all the sadder to know how heartbroken Freddy is over Bonnie’s disappearance…
Also I am incredibly confused by the whole wetfloor bot stuff! I don’t know if it’s implied that Bonnie’s “consciousness” somehow managed to transfer to the small bots (or why children screams can be heard from them), and if he managed to stay present through them after all. The little bots never really try to harm or sound alarms on Gregory unless shot at I think, so there’s that to think about! Or maybe Glamrock Bonnie was able to connect himself to them but not transfer? Kind of as long as there are any functional he too would be able to hang on? (Or did someone did that for him and it wasn’t himself who did?) Because deactivating the ones where we find Bonnie makes Bonnie’s eyes go dark. But why?? This I really have no idea about!
There’s also that one floorbot that remains beside a pile of Monty’s merch! And if Bonnie is looking or controlling the wetfloor bots that could mean a lot of things!! If Bonnie is in control, is the bot gathering the merch? Is it a negative thing? A sort of attempt to just collect the merch so it can’t be found ever again like Bonnie himself was? Or maybe, if Bonnie did have the most contact with Monty, did he get to know the real not-virus-infected Monty, and saw the merch as a way to remember someone that was briefly a good friend before things went terribly wrong? Hmmmmmm…
Well, I think that’s all I have! Just wanted to get my thoughts out there! It’s not very organized but if you made it all the way to here, thank you for reading!
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oldfashionedmorphine · 11 months
hi, it’s me again, here with another small preview of my upcoming byler big bang fic:
on the same frequency
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-.-. .... .- .--. - . .-. / -....
December 28, 1985
“So what about Plan B?” Lucas asks, first to break the stretch of silence after they finish eating. “Obviously I don’t wanna resort to it anymore than you guys do, but Plan A feels pretty solid now…” then he looks directly at Mike, “and you did say you wanted to be one hundred percent prepared for it just in case.”
All it took was the mere mention of Plan B for Mike to start fidgeting. “Yeah, I know what I said,” he grumbles, getting up off the floor.
“So then how’re we gonna set the trap? Like how do we get him to take the bait?”
“I don’t know.” And at this point, Mike was pacing.
Lucas and Dustin glance at each other, shrugging. It didn’t seem like either of them had any new suggestions to offer, or maybe they were waiting for Mike to throw out the first suggestion. Except Mike just kept pacing back and forth saying nothing, which was making Will even more nervous than he already was.
December 29, 1985
“Shit—sorry,” Mike whispers into his ear as he loosens his arms around him and leans away a bit, but doesn’t fully let go. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he says. And then they rest their foreheads against each other, making Will’s heart race.
“It just seemed so real and I—”
“Mike!” Dustin yells from above, causing Mike to flinch and take a step back from him. “Your mom’s making chocolate chip pancakes! Get up here!”
“We’ll be right there!” Mike shouts back.
It was impossible not to feel a little disappointed when Mike flinched away from him again. But he swallows it down, forcing a smile instead and says, “Pancakes sound good.”
🎶 a song from chapter six 🎶
rating: mature
tags: alternate universe, not canon compliant, major character death, grief/mourning, ptsd, blood and injury, supernatural elements, time shenanigans, butterfly effect, thriller, angst with a happy ending
release date: 11/26/2023
✨ previous chapter previews ✨
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5
@kaiminluu @greenfiend @total-serene560 @across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @soyboystan @foodiewithdahoodie @booksandpaperss @likegoldintheair @mandycantdecide @hazmatazz @sparks-olivarpente @1-tehe-1 @wheelersboy @rebellius @maru-chu @septembr-moon @kamomillatea @trvbblemaker
(only one more chapter preview left!!)
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luetta · 1 month
Found your HDG×SIGNALIS Falke and other posts and had to ask how bioresonance would factor into the Affini's domestication efforts
Like there's the rare bioresonant humans, the kolibris, and falkes, plus maybe even a Red Eye if you decide it's canon in your fic. And uh, given what canon displays and tells us about it? it's a question I can't help but wonder about
Like Falke's would def use their bioresonance to resist, Kolibri's there's the question of if they're altogether or not (but iirc correctly their neutral patterns are allegedly unstable + altogether they might be easier to domesticate) humans are mixed bag cuz do they even know if they're bioresonant?
Oh yeah bioresonants connect to and read minds so that can play into how their domestication goes
Totally get if you dunno how to tackle this since lore's vauge af and you need to take your time. Hope your having a good day
aaa this is such a cool ask !! im well into starting to write the story, but im not yet at a point where there's been any domestication yet, so what ive decided is subject to change, but i have definitely been thinking lots about bioresonance and how itll be relevant. first things first is the canon. this is probably affected a bit by my own interpretation of the canon, but, im probably not going to touch the king in yellow/flesh below leng/red eye at all. for me, the whole story of signalis and all it's supernatural elements is essentially contained within a separate mindscape dimension and doesn't really effect the real eusan worlds. it'd also get a bit messy i feel, pitting cosmic horror against affini technological supremecy, cus like, who would win ? i literally dont know, and affini are meant to always win. so i think im just gonna let the flesh below leng chill. outta sight, outta mind. now, for bioresonance, i think it's fair to say there's similarities between it and biorhythms. given the fact that the eusans dont really even understand the mechanics and source of bioresonance, i feel content for the affini to come in and say "oh interesting, theyve managed to artifically (or naturally with rare bioresonant humans) amplify their biorhythms in their replikas" maybe ill add something about how theyve attuned it to idk, specific physical wavelengths, to induce something analogous to telekinesis. for kolibri's being easier to domesticate, you're right on the money for what ive been planning. theyre more perceptive to biorhythms and more receptive to xenodrugs. and virtue of their sharing of emotions and stuff with others, theyre definitely gonna be useful for, at the very least, calming other replikas and gestalts down while they get boarded and interrogated and domesticated EDIT: also with class-f drugs reducing intrusive thoughts/helping 'mind implant fuckery" work better, i think they could also be used to dampen/strength bioresonant effects too. if the affini wanted to i have a really fun plan for falkes, the first falkes to be domesticated are going to essentially be used against the eusan nation and empire, due to their supreme authority and bioresonance, having one telling everyone about the joys of the affini, to throw down their arms and surrender, is probably going to be a pretty huge boon in getting the governments to surrender. a falke unit is probably going to be the main character that ill follow through getting domesticated. i think itll be so fun having a falke be broken. one more thing ive been thinking about is about persona degredation. now, this seems pretty obvious to me in canon that persona degradation simply doesnt exist, and its just a name for any emerging individualism, which would mean a slight decrease in efficience, which means execution. but idk, ive seen a sort of vibe that ppl thing that not having access to fetish objects and strange things happening is gonna make replikes go crazy and corrupted and bluescreen, when thats simply not the case. that only happens in the game, which is definitely not reality. im going to follow this in the story, an affini showing up is going to scare the shit out of replikas, it's literally an alien. but they're not going to turn into brain broken zombies because of it, theyll just get freaked out and diverge from their blueprints. so yeah ^_^ thats some of my thoughts so far for the setting and canon and plans that ive managed to elucidate so far. thnx for asking !!
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
I hope I’m not the only one here on your blog just for the Tokyo revengers content because I never watched Baki should i thought??
I have been very Baki focused as of late, huh? ^^; You are def not the only TokRev fan though, I assure you!  My first really sizable chunk of followers came from my Taiju fic, and though I have been slacking a bit on posting anything TokRev related, I promise you much more is planned/being written currentl. A large chunk of bigger fics I am working on are actually mostly TokRev, I just wanted a lil break and so I focused on smaller stuff for a bit, and pretty much all of that happened to be Baki.
Now, as for if you should watch Baki…
Short answer: Yes!  :D
Thoughtful answer: I think Baki is a very interesting take on the fighting genre, and I do highly recommend it. The saga of the Hanma family is as engrossing as it is entertaining, and there is a colorful cast of characters that support the series that you can’t help but love, hate, or love to hate. I have been kind of waiting for a Baki renaissance for a while now-I feel like other than in Japan, it really isn’t a super popular series and that’s a bit of a shame because it truly is an entertaining watch/read. The Netflix adaptation I think has helped the series a lot (and we are all grateful for it, to see our lovely boys animated so beautifully :)) and put it on the map for newer audiences to enjoy, but I definitely recommend the manga too. It’s a pretty fast read because a large chunk of it is action, but it’s pretty cool to see how Itagaki’s art has changed over the years and also how he has grown and changed as a story teller. Earlier Baki is much different than newer Baki, and some of the characters feel a bit foreign when you go back and reread some of the earlier stuff after being immersed in the newer content.
 Baki also has some very bizarre and downright comical aspects as well that kind of put it on par with JJBA  while making it very charming. The mangaka def adds some quirky flairs to his story telling, which while sometimes I can get a little annoyed/bored/confused with them, I feel like overall they make the experience of watching/reading the series its own unique and fun experience.
And if you love delinquents, Kaoru Hanayama is like… one of the best and coolest delinquents. If you put that man in Toman he would be running the whole gang within days and 90% of the bullshit everyone had to go through in Tokrev probs would have been resolved fairly quickly, if it even happened at all. This man would grind Kisaki to paste in the blink of an eye and I would pay to see it happen. :)
THAT ALL BEING SAID: Not everyone likes Baki, and that’s fine too. I know personally a lot of people are turned off by the art/how the characters look and honestly… That’s valid lol. I remember I once showed my friend a picture of Biscuit and her direct response was “Why does he look like he’s made out of balloons, like a clown constructed him?” LOOOL and often times if my friends mention weird body proportions in comics/manga someone inevitable asks when I am gonna chime in with a Baki manga panel. ^^;  Most of the rest of my friends don’t really have any desire to partake in it though, and a few that have just really weren’t in to it. It’s very heavy on fighting and martial arts, and though the fighting is rather fantastical in a lot of cases, it (usually) doesn’t have supernatural elements or magic involved. So if that seems kind of bleh to you, you may want to avoid it.
Horny answer: Incredibly sexy men who are at least half naked a large majority of the time beating the shit out of each other is very fun, nice, and fulfilling to watch. :)
So I say give it a try if you are interested at all. At the very least, some of the fics on here may make a little more sense.
REGARDLESS THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!!! Please stay tuned for more TokRev in the future, I have at least one more alphabet ask that is for a Tokrev chara so that may be the first thing I post, but bigger stuff is coming soon too~ <3
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In Your Dreams
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Moodboard by the incredible @softhecreator
Info, Author’s Note, etc
AO3 info one two three four five six seven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
Special thanks to @darksideofthecocoamoon for letting me use Tim’s dick in her wonderful demon Tim au as inspo for my own fic. If anyone has not yet read that one, please do so with all haste because it’s fuckin incredible and you are genuinely missing out if you haven’t read it yet. Be sure to reblog, too, so others can enjoy it and she can get the recognition she deserves!
Onto the fic!
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Lea knows that her best friend, Tim, is an Otherworlder. She isn't sure of what kind, but it doesn't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, anyway. No matter what manner of fae he is, she's damned and determined to not get involved with him or anyone else.
Except Tim isn't a fae like so many celebrities like him. He's an incubus, she's his mate, and oh yeah— he’ll die without her.
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Author’s Note
I know things get rough, but I promise you, it'll have a happy ending. Tim goes through it, but everything will be okay in the end, trust me.
Be forewarned: this contains a great deal of angst relating to potential (and almost) death. No one actually dies, but it will probably make you cry. If you are not in a space for angst, proceed with caution.
Yes, yes, I'm back at it again. The fic is gonna end up being about 25-30k, I think. It is almost completely done. So! Bit about this one. Tim is an incubus, obviously. In this universe, everyone is aware of supernatural creatures. The fact that Tim is one is something of a poorly kept secret; it's obvious, but he doesn't really talk about it, so they don't have any confirmation. No one has any idea what he is; they assume fae, like so many celebrities are. How incubi work in the fic will be explained, of course.
This fic will have elements of fuck or die, mentions (but not descriptions) of domestic violence, and a May-December romance, which means, in this case, Tim is significantly older than Lea! He doesn't know exactly how old he is, and I'll tell people if they wanna know (I have an exact number, of course), but otherwise I'll leave it up to you guys to internet. He himself has a general idea but that’s it. This takes place in 2023, btw, which means Lea was born in 2003 this time around.
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About This Universe
They are immortal and have been around since the beginning of time, basically. No one knows exactly how long. The oldest of them, the first few, are simply too old to remember how old they are, or how they came to be. My guess it’s simply an evolutionary thing; maybe they simply evolved from early homosapiens in a different way than humans did. It’s hard to say, and I haven’t decided on anything in particular. A rarer type of Otherworlder because of their unique reproduction methods.
They are very alluring. Many (if not most) popular celebrities are fae. No pointed ears; other than their charisma, beauty, and immortality, you can’t really tell who is one and who’s not. They are persuasive, proud, and can be dangerous. Probably the most common type of Otherworlder. Not super relevant to the fic.
Vampires and Werewolves
Pretty standard vampire lore; they don’t tend to be very popular, so most are not celebrities. You can tell who is one very easily. They are bloodthirsty and can be dangerous. Not super relevant to the fic.
Mostly live near the ocean. If they’re famous, it’s usually for singing. They do have a mermaid form. Not immortal, just have a longer lifespan. Not super relevant to the fic.
The same as sirens, for the most part, except they shift completely into a seal. Not super relevant to the fic.
Mates of Otherworlders
Otherworlders that were born into it have a destined mate. If they were turned (such as vampires or werewolves), they do not always have one, only sometimes. Their mates are always perfect for them, so a guy isn’t gonna get paired with a lesbian, and a gay guy would, of course, get paired with another guy. Aromantic Otherworlders have platonic mates. Asexual Otherworlders have romantic mates but don’t experience sexual attraction to them. Most mates have a symbol for fertility on their bodies; often from the culture that first discovered them. For example, the mates of incubi and succubi have an eight pointed star on their hip, which is a symbol of the Mesopotamian goddess of fertility and sex (and beauty, divine law, war, and political power; she’s similar to Aphrodite), Innana. Incubi and vampires are the only species of Otherworlder that die without their mate, because they both require them in order to feed, once they’ve met them.
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I'm including a playlist for this one, because there are so many songs I listened to for this fic and some of them literally made me cry, so. I'll let you decide which song is from whose POV, but yeah. Here are the songs in the order of what happens in the fic. And yes, I know this is mostly Halsey and the rest is me showing my age. Shut up, it's fine. Enjoy. Please note that the most important song for the fic as a whole is this one. I highly recommend reading the lyrics even if you don’t listen to the whole thing.
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@ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence @timmymyluv @oddlyenoughiamweird @leecrunchybones @s-we-e-t-t-ea @almostg @vampire-reanimator @leespparker @bubblebuttwade @glizzymcguirex @starberry-cake
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 6 months
The Fox & the Squirrel- Chapter 17
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Summary: Chasing yet another demon in a long line of hunts, the Winchesters get help from an unlikely source. But their new recruit isn’t exactly who she says she is. Savannah is used to looking over her shoulder. Life in hiding doesn’t leave much room for enjoyment, but traveling with the Winchesters just may give her a new lease on life.
Fic pairing: Dean Winchester/OFC Savannah Hart
Trigger warnings: elements of horror and witchcraft, references to past torture/trauma, Crowley is a dick, lies and deception, mutual pining, flirting, sex, typical Winchester shenanigans.
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16242644/chapters/37972217
“I think it's a Rakshasa,” Savannah said, breaking the silence in the car. “It fits with this case you guys worked a few years ago.” She looked up to the front seat for confirmation to find Dean looking at her in the rearview mirror with pride. She smiled, warmth filling her as she turned her attention back to the hunting journal in her lap. 
     “You know that was one of Sam’s favorite cases,” Dean said over his shoulder. Sam looked up from his laptop to glare at Dean. “What?” Sam muttered something that made Dean chuckle, and Savannah turned back to her own research with a smile. 
     They stopped at a rest area a few hours later, Savannah following behind as Dean led her into the surrounding woods. Sam had elected to hang back at the car in order to do more research on the case. 
     “What are we doing here?” she asked as Dean came to a stop near a fallen tree.
     “Rakshasas are vulnerable to pure brass,” Dean replied, shrugging off the bag on his shoulder. “They’re shapeshifters, with the ability to become invisible.”
     “And they also have super strength and speed, right?” Savannah was familiar with many supernatural creatures, but Rakshasas weren’t part of her wheelhouse. Demons, succubi and vampires were more her speed. Well, and poltergeists and wraiths and werewolves too, now.
     “Right,” Dean graced her with a smile, pulling cans of soda out of the bag and lining them along the fallen tree. “They also can’t enter a home without permission.” 
     “Right, I remember about the last one turning itself into a clown to trick kids to let them inside,” Savannah suppressed a shiver. “That’s not creepy at all.”
     “Sammy’s terrified of clowns,” Dean snickered. “I was kidding earlier, he hated that case.”
     “Understandable. So...what are we doing?”
     “ You are gonna learn how to throw a knife,” Dean replied, reaching into the bag and handing her a knife. “Pure brass. Go ahead, take it.” 
     This was fine. Brass she could touch without a problem. 
     Even knowing this, Savannah had to force herself to grab the knife, a small sliver of fear making her worry it was silver. 
     The knife was heavy, but well balanced. She turned it over in her hands a few times, getting used to the weight. Dean flipped his knife, catching it easily even though his eyes were on her.
     Savannah was surprised by the twist of want that bloomed in her gut. That shouldn’t be attractive. Truth be told Dean had a lot of skills that someone of her species should not find attractive, but here she was.
     “Ready?” he asked. When she nodded he flipped the knife again, this time taking the blade between his fingertips. “Let me show you how it’s done, and then we’ll break it down, okay?” 
     “Sounds good.” Dean nodded, facing the fallen log and raising the knife. He turned to face the log, raised the knife and let it fly, easily taking out one of the cans. Savannah blinked owlishly at the practiced ease with which he took out a second and third can. 
     “See? Nothin’ to it,” Dean grinned before retrieving the knives. “Ready to try it out?”
     “Sure, but come on; you can’t really expect me to hit those!” 
     “It’s not that hard once you get the technique down. You’ll do great,” Dean replied. “Come stand here, by me.” 
     “You’re not allowed to laugh when I miss.” 
     “Hadn’t planned on it. Everyone misses, especially at first. Seriously, you’re gonna be fine. Stand here, feet shoulder width apart,” Dean steered her by the shoulders, nudging her feet with the toe of his boot. “Hold the knife between your fingers, eye level, there you go- now aim and throw.”
     The knife sailed past the first can pitifully, and Savannah grumbled with disappointment.
     “Try again.” Dean pressed another knife into her hand, guiding her through the motions again. Her second knife sank into the log with a low thunk. The third grazed its intended can, making it wobble atop the tree bark.
     “It’s okay,” Dean said, thankfully not mocking her for the cattywampus trajectory of her knives. “I’m not expecting perfection. Knife-throwing, or any skill that requires accuracy, takes time to develop. For now I just want to know that you know what you’re doing in case it becomes a necessity. We’ll keep working on it.”
     “Okay,” Savannah nodded before going to grab her knives. 
     Half an hour later she was beyond frustrated, having yet to land a solid hit on any of the cans. She’d grazed a couple, nicking the sides or skimming the tops. 
     “You’re doing fine,” Dean soothed her from the sidelines. “Honestly. You’re holding tension in your shoulders and it’s throwing you off. Take a deep breath, find your center or whatever, and try again.” 
     “Okay, Mr. Miyagi.” Savannah scoffed as she stretched her neck. 
     “Shaddap,” Dean rolled his eyes. “Throw the damn knife.” Savannah rolled her shoulders and faced the log, focusing her attention on the first can. She raised the knife, exhaled, and threw. The knife struck the can dead center, releasing an angry spray of carbonated foam. 
     “There ya go!” Dean crowed from the sidelines.
     “You’re a good teacher, you know. You might want to consider integrating a reward system for good behavior though.” Dean snickered.
     “Oh yeah? What kind of rewards should I offer?” he grinned at her knowingly when she met his eyes, and she felt her face flush. “Oh, I see,” he teased. “Alright, how ‘bout this? You take out the rest of those cans, and you’ve got a deal.” 
     “What?! I can’t do that!” Savannah squawked in protest. Dean shrugged nonchalantly, enjoying riling her up. 
     “Guess you don’t want your reward then.” A cheeky smirk lit up his face.
     “Oh, for- fine,” Savannah huffed, making Dean laugh. She faced the log and took aim, pointedly ignoring the laughter coming from Dean. “Not gonna correct me?” 
     “Nope. You got this.” Savannah rolled her eyes and focused on her target. She took a deep breath, lined up her shot, and stepped forward, releasing the knife as she exhaled. 
     The knife impaled the intended can with another satisfying thunk and spray of soda. Savannah shrieked, amazed she’d hit her target. She turned to Dean to see him staring at the fallen can in amazement. 
     “What are you starin’ at me for? Do it again!” he cried. He handed her another knife, gesturing for her to throw it excitedly. 
     Savannah repeated her steps, taking the time to slow her breathing before releasing the third knife. 
     Thunk-hiss-clink .
     “Holy shit,” Dean laughed. “Again,” he produced a fourth knife, pressing it into her hands eagerly. “Halfway to that reward.” 
     Call it stubbornness or divine intervention, but Savannah managed to take out the remaining cans on the log. Dean was stunned, and Savannah was thrilled. 
     “I’ll take that reward now.” She said cheekily. Dean laughed, pushing off the tree he’d been leaning against to pick up the scattered knives. He gathered them quickly, meeting Savannah where she stood. 
     “You’re demanding.” he griped as he brushed stray hair from her face. 
     “I don’t hear you complaining.” Savannah murmured just before he pressed his lips to hers. He let her control the kiss, just like before, grinning when she pulled him closer and cupped his face in her hands.
     “Did you just hold that over my head so I’d do better?” Savannah asked when they parted.
     “Don’t be ridiculous; I was gonna kiss you whether you hit the cans or not,” Dean chuckled. “But the motivation doesn’t work when you know that, dork.” he booped her nose and smiled, laughing when she slapped at his chest with a scoff. She pulled him by his jacket and captured his lips again, the knives clinking as Dean dropped them to the ground and wrapped his arms around her neck. He licked at her bottom lip, groaning appreciatively when she tightened her grip on his shirt. Her hands found their way under his flannel, fingertips exploring the exposed skin at his waist as she pressed herself against him. 
     They both groaned when his phone rang, ruining the moment. Dean rolled his eyes when he saw it was Sam. 
     “To be continued,” he promised before answering the phone. “Heya Sammy!” 
     “Finally.” Dean grumbled after the door clicked shut, draining his beer as the roar of the Impala’s engine filled the room. He’d been chomping at the bit to finish what they started at the rest stop. 
     “What?” Savannah looked up from her book, surprised (and pleased) to see Dean so close.
     “I wasn’t finished with you yet,” Dean said, dipping his head down to capture her lips. “Can I persuade you away from your reading?” Savannah pretended to think, pouting her lips as Dean looked on. 
     “Ask me nicely,” she offered. Dean grinned and gave her a feather light kiss, sweet and full of promise. Savannah set her book aside and cupped the back of his neck, fingers gliding through his soft hair. “Okay, you’ve convinced me.” Dean hummed in satisfaction. 
     “Trust me?” he asked against her lips. 
     “Yes.” Savannah had a mere second to ponder the fact that yes, she did trust Dean, before he was lifting her in a fireman’s carry and moving to the bed. She looped an arm around his neck, nuzzling against his jaw with her head. She felt so small in Dean’s arms, so cherished, for he carried her with the same care that a dragon clutches its treasures. He set her down gently, laying her back against the pillows before sinking a knee onto the mattress.
     “Is this okay?” His proximity made her equal parts excited and anxious. This was the closest to her she’d allowed a person since escaping Crowley. Savannah swallowed nervously, and nodded, quickly deciding she enjoyed his warmth when he lay beside her. He turned those green eyes on her, so intense they made shivers run down her spine. “So gorgeous.” he murmured, slowly leaning in to kiss her. Savannah’s eyes fluttered closed as his lips met hers, his breath fanning over her skin as fingers brushed through her hair ginger-soft to loop the strands over her ear. 
     Savannah slung her arm around Dean’s body, fingers coiling in the flannel at his back. Dean dropped the kiss with a snorted giggle as she tried to wiggle her other arm under him, raising up to let her snake her other arm around his body and quickly reclaiming her lips when she pulled him flush against her. Savannah leaned into him, sighing happily when his arm wrapped around her back, her leg moving to hang over his hip as if on instinct when he pulled her even closer. Savannah could feel a hint of his hardness between her thighs, and she shivered in his grasp. Dean’s hand traveled down her body, fingers digging into her skin as it traveled to the leg she’d thrown over his waist. He gave a grunt of appreciation as he glided his hand up her thigh and around to her ass, eliciting a squeak of surprise when he squeezed the soft flesh. 
     Savannah’s body acted on autopilot, rolling onto her back and pulling Dean with her, her hands roving up his back to cling to his biceps as he slotted his hips between hers. His rough hands cradled her face as his kisses grew faster, using her gasp to his advantage to slip his tongue into her mouth. She dug her nails into his arms, moaning when he gave a short pump of his hips. White heat and lightning shot through her body, and she wanted more of everything he was giving her. 
     “Dean, please.” She begged as his hard cock rubbed teasingly against her clit through their clothes. 
     “Yeah? You like that?” he grunted breathlessly, canting his hips against hers and making her quake with need. Her belly felt tight and her breath hitched, tingles of pleasure racing along her nerve endings. Her mind was consumed by the pleasure Dean was giving her and how good it felt. “I gotcha, princess.” 
     “Yes, fuck, please-ah!” Dean thrust against her again, and Savannah’s brain short-circuited. She dug her nails into Dean’s skin, thighs hugging his sinful hips as he grunted with each thrust. Savannah let her head fall back onto the pillow, each breath a pleasured sigh as Dean nuzzled at her throat and drove her mad. They rutted against each other until Savannah came, letting out a sharp cry of pleasure that was quickly swallowed by Dean’s mouth. 
     “You tryin’ to get us kicked out?” he teased as she panted and whimpered against his mouth.
     “Shut up.”
     “I’m just saying, you’re being awfully loud.”
     “If I’m loud, isn’t it your fault?” Savannah asked.
     “Fair point,” Dean winked at her, grinning when she giggled. “I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick, take care of this.”
     “Oh, I could-”
     “It’s okay, really. Don’t wanna overwhelm you.” Dean slipped out of the bed and into the bathroom. Savannah stayed frozen under the covers until she heard the water start. 
     What the hell had just happened? Her whole body felt heavy and spent, yet somehow...invigorated? Had she accidentally fed on Dean?
     Savannah quickly nixed the idea. She hadn’t felt the urge to feed, only to let Dean drive her to new heights of desire. Her head was swimming and her eyes were growing heavy. She felt warm and content, easily able to take a nap. 
     With the sound of running water in her ears and the amusing half-formed thought of Dean being some sort of incubus on her mind, Savannah dozed off just as Dean had left her.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Rather than ‘transformative’ I often feel that there should be a shorthand term for fandom/fic writers who attempt to reassert traditional, racist/heteronormative patriarchal social orders into properties that even marginally dare to push against them,
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What's he gonna do? Get a job?
The term you want already exists, though it may not have occurred to you in this context.
This adjective describes actions or aesthetic choices which support middle-class and conventional values. I will further narrow it in this instance to white middle-class conventional values of the United States, as those are the ones that I know best.
First caveat: of course, this doesn't apply to all fanfiction, even to all fanfiction within a given fandom or even a given ship. But the bourgeois strain of writing definitely exists within the phenomenon. Second caveat: I am not a radical progressive by any measure. There are certainly some conventional values of the white middle-class that I appreciate and embrace. However, that doesn't prevent me from identifying trends in group behavior. If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
I will now illustrate what I mean by this with examples from my primary fandom, Teen Wolf, but what I found is that this can easily be applied to many other fandoms, to greater or lesser extents: the Star Wars fandom, the MCU fandom, the Lord of the Rings fandom (!), and so on. The bourgeois need to support aristocratic, privileged, white males as cultural objects and status leaders pervades all of these fandoms; there's a reason Kylo Ren, a genocidal space fascist, received such manic devotion.
What I find extraordinarily interesting is how often elements of transgressive or counter-cultural behavior is introduced to conceal the bourgeois impulse from the audience, or sometimes even from the authors themselves. In the case of my fandom, there is an emphasis on the inhumanity of the characters as werewolves, or a defense of a serial killer, or the reconstruction of the primary romantic relationship as gay (often ignoring canon gay relationships), but this transgressive element never actually threatens the conventional social structure. On to the examples.
Peter Hale's vengeance is recontextualized as justice. The triggering event in canon is the Hale Fire, which is presented as a disruption of the social order, as it should be. And yet, canon's insistence that Peter's resulting murder spree is both self-serving and absolutely destructive vanishes from fanfiction, because it doesn't reinforce the bourgeois idea that the tragedy must be corrected to the satisfaction of white men because of the Hale's privileged status. Peter's actions are vindicated through claims of mental incapacity (which canon rejected), through the conjuration of non-existent social roles (the mythical Left Hand), or through uncritical sympathy (fanon Stiles claiming that he'd do the same thing). You don't see this impulse in fanfiction extended to Noshiko Yukimura's actions at Oak Creek or Tamora Monroe's crusade against the supernatural, because they don't have the same social status.
Ste rek (and Ste ter) is written as heterosexual romance in gay drag. While presented as something radical, the actual details of these relationships are astoundingly conventional. Why, as it often seems, is it required that Derek and/or Peter be alphas? There's no romantic or emotional reason; the impulse is purely about social status, like the heroines of fairy tales discovering that their handsome rescuer is actually a prince. Or how the canonically brave, impulsive, and audacious Stiles is written as a neglected, wilting dormouse, waiting for his (her) true love to rescue him (her) from her oblivious, selfish friends and family. The fact that it's between two men doesn't make it any less a PG-rated rehashed variation on Cinderella.
Scott McCall's role as heroic protagonist MUST be delegitimized. That canon chose a working-class Latino as it's primary focus over wealthy white men is, for many in the fandom, the production's original sin. As a consequence, his role must be rendered invalid. His struggles with school work are presented, contrary to canon, as a result of stupidity or simply being a bad student. His morals are presented as foolishness, tyranny, or the manipulations of a sinister black man. His romances are presented as either vapid infatuation or a dangerous sexual obsession. Above all, he is presented again and again as uncultivated, immature and driven by appetite.
Ever notice how often Scott appears in these fanfictions as a gluttonous eater? How he is portrayed as someone who doesn't know how to cook or clean or take care of himself? How his musical tastes run to the most banal of banal pop? How he's characterized as stubborn or incurious about lycanthropy? Of course, it's all designed to make him unworthy of his position as lead protagonist by positioning him as inferior to the white intellectual middle class, but what strikes me as funny is how much it resembles the critiques of the anarchist labor movements of the late nineteenth/early twentieth century, which portrayed labor agitators as an uneducated, unenlightened foreign mob threatening the prosperity of hard-working people.
These are just three examples. I could go on for like, an hour. And then I could select another fandom and give you examples of the same type of behavior, the same laborious defense of white middle-class patriarchal values hidden behind a very carefully constructed transgressive act, one that somehow never seems to disrupt the society in which they live.
Yeah, bourgeois pretty much covers it.
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whysamwhy123 · 1 year
Seeing as I'm not going to ever write it now due to Recent Events, I've decided to babble on here about this terrible idea I had for a big, elaborate comedy/crack fic. If I had been able to pull it off, I would have wanted to post it on either Halloween or April Fools Day because it's very much supposed to be dumb. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Keeping with my inability to come up with good titles, it was tentatively called ''Who Killed Tony Khan? A Hookhausen Mystery!''. At a company party where most of the AEW roster are gathered, Tony's giving a speech where he makes a mean joke about Danhausen, who decides to curse him. Tony then promptly dies on the spot, so now everyone thinks Danhausen is a murderer, no matter how much he insists the curse wasn't supposed to do that. He swears he's innocent. But no one's convinced. Other than Hook, that is. Naturally, Hook wants to clear the name of the man he loves so he and Danhausen have to team up once again, put on their detective hats and try to figure out what really happened to their boss and who's the true culprit. So the whole fic would have been a goofy romp with these two looking for clues, interrogating their co-workers and slowly piecing together the mystery. Obviously, it's not gonna happen now - I probably wouldn't have written it anyway because I'm nowhere near talented or smart enough to write a compelling mystery, but given the Stuff That's Happened recently, the whole inciting incident to that story now seems a lot less goofy and a lot more...distasteful. Plus, the dumb joke I was going to make at the end as a way to Deus Ex Machina the conflict away wouldn't work at all now (if you're curious, DM me about it, but fair warning, it's probably not funny to anyone other than me. And it's outdated now, anyway.)
Also...there were gonna be so many cocaine jokes in this fic. Like, enough that you could have made a drinking game out of it...
The thing is though...I still really want to write some kind of Hookhausen mystery fic! I don't know why but I really like the idea of Hook getting dragged into a situation so out of his element (like solving a fucking murder case - not exactly something in his usual wheelhouse) but willingly throwing himself into it because he just has to clear Danhausen's name. Why, yes, Acts of Service is one of my love languages, how did you know? So the more extreme examples of that, the better!
Hell, maybe I go even more out there and make it some kind of Film Noir AU. Hook as this young but still hard-boiled private eye, roped into some strange criminal plot with a heavy supernatural twist, thanks to Actual Demon Danhausen. I don't know, I just love dumb stuff like that, feels like it could be fun to play around with *shrugs*
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marypsue · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you had any fic recs for Stranger Things? Or honestly just any good fics that can act as a complete narrative without knowing the source material?
Thank youuuuu
*gleefully rubs my hot little hands together*
Yes, I have recommendations! The second part of this request is unfortunately gonna be a toughie, because I tend to like fic that is strongly in conversation with the source material, but I'm sure there are a few things I liked that you could enjoy without knowing the show! I'll mark them out with an asterisk. I'll also mention prominent ships, but you may notice that I skew towards Steve/Nancy/Jonathan. 
Sadly I don’t have anything post-Season 4 to recommend, since I still haven’t finished it (spooky season goals?), but there should still be plenty of good stuff in here. 
(Side note, I'm not going to recommend anything that I haven't actually read yet, myself, for obvious reasons, but I've heard the Fandom Classic is In A Strange Land, by MrsEvadneCake. And I've read their oneshot The Wolves In The Walls and can vouch for that their writing is amazing, so. Check that one out.)
just being in your arms (underneath the mistletoe) by quirkily (2,988 words) is a super sweet Stoncy oneshot that just struck exactly the right chord between coziness, pining, and mutual understanding. Also, poses a fun question if you (like me) care way too much about slasher movies.
break them right by scoutshonour (aka @trulyalpha) (20 chapters, complete, 143,404 words) also has Steve/Nancy/Jonathan, but it's not the only focus. I feel like to describe this one as 'plotty' might give the impression that there's another world-ending threat that the characters have to fight, which isn't quite right, but there is significant meat on its bones, story-wise. It follows Jonathan Byers after the events of Season 3 (in an AU where Hopper survived and he and El both had to move in with the Byers) trying to figure out how to handle his overwhelming survivor's guilt, the ways his family is changing, and his feelings toward both Nancy and Steve - both positive and negative. This one made me tear up in a few places and left me with a warm feeling in my chest, the writing's so thoughtful and full of great imagery and symbolism, the characterisation is 10/10, and the author's a gem of a human being. I haven't read all of her stuff, yet, but I'd say it's a good bet that it's all worth a read.
*Speaking of which, we have the time also by scoutshonour (11 chapters, complete, 124,371 words) is one of those ones that you could probably read with no familiarity with the source material! Nancy and Jonathan are vampires, and have been since 1983. Steve's a human, and has been since about 2000(?). Will Byers is missing, presumed dead since the late eighties, but recent events are making it look like that might not be the case... (This one is an earlier fic and it shows in places, but it's also a fun romp and I love the author's sense of humour and character. Also this concept.)
A Stumble by sarcastical (10 chapters, ongoing, 25,948 words) is a diamond in the rough that I'm going to take every opportunity to plug because it is criminally underrated. It diverges from canon at the end of Season 1, and instead of having El on the run, it asks what might have happened if she'd been found by the people from the lab instead. This author nails down a unique narrative voice for El that rings so true and has so many unexpected funny and heartbreaking elements that I'm desperately envious. There's a lot of thought in this one, and places where things I'd never considered get highlighted in a very deft and effective way. The focus is much more on plot than romantic relationships, but it looks like they're going with the canon pairings.
the night so black (that the darkness hummed) by meliebee (15,983 words) is a post-Season 2 meditation on trauma in the aftermath of supernatural bullshit, through the lens of Steve Harrington and more supernatural bullshit. There is a plot, but it's very strongly tied to the emotional fallout, which is my favourite kind of plot. This fic implies that it could end up becoming Steve/Nancy/Jonathan in the future, but you can read it as platonic if you prefer.
*Jackrabbit Underneath by Grey_Lark (31 chapters, ongoing, 210,614 words) does not need my help reaching an audience, but, well, you asked. Steve Harrington has superpowers he doesn't realise are superpowers. It changes everything and nothing about how the story plays out. Again, the focus is more on plot than romantic relationships.
all these acts of violence by bixxelated (aka @bixxelated) (13 chapters, ongoing, 48,970 words) is another one that I feel is severely underrated. Canon divergence AU of Season 3 where, instead of El, it’s Mike who gets bitten by the Mind Flayer’s weapon. Everything goes horribly wrong from there, in the most entertaining way possible. bixx has such a grasp of these characters and how best to hurt them, and makes some points that cast things that really frustrated me in canon in a new and more interesting light. Also, the climactic scene really spoke to the Terry Pratchett fan in me. The final chapter is still yet to come, but where it ends is a satisfying (if sad) jumping-off point. Mostly plot-focused, but Mike/El is a big part of that plot, so it’s a big part of this fic, too. 
the tune of coffee by Patricia_Sage (1,549 words) is going on here because I am going to drag as many people as I possibly can down into the Bob/Joyce/Hopper hole with me. Cute, sweet, funny fic focusing entirely on these three trying to work out a romantic relationship around their respective kids. 
Best Laid Plans by pterawaters (11,190 words) is another one where the romances take a backseat to the plot. And in this case, a very, very funny plot. Dustin Henderson is convinced that Steve has some kind of supernatural sixth sense to be able to turn up just at the right moment and save the day so often, and he’ll go to ridiculous lengths to prove it. 
kids are dying out in the snow. by ghostshaming (2,876 words) is a mid-canon snippet of character study focused on Nancy Wheeler in the last few episodes of Season 3. Her relationship with Mike is really at the heart of this one and it got me good. 
*this must be the place. by dickovny (6 chapters, complete, 13,416 words) is the only purely Joyce/Hopper fic on this list, and one of my favourite versions of their relationship that I’ve seen in fic or onscreen. Jim and Joyce have a lovely domestic life as a childless married couple with fulfilling artistic careers in a charming house which may be trying to kill them. All is definitely not what it seems. 
Firestarter by echovalley26809 (3 chapters, ongoing, 23,796 words) appears to be abandoned, which is a crying shame, because it was amazing. Another one that has El as a POV character and does brilliant things with her narrative voice. Post-Season 3 canon-divergence AU where Hopper lives and doesn’t end up in Russia (are we starting to see a pattern here?), where El’s powers come back...different. (And as one huge metaphor for trauma.)
Better Than Aspic by Sholio (2,520 words) is a conversation that I badly needed to see between Joyce and Karen Wheeler. Funny and sad in turns, and I love the sense of a shared history between them. 
Purple Haze by Sholio (1,936 words) is a very, very silly, very cute Nancy/Kali fic that has dinosaurs. What more do you need?
*the other side of the coin by younglegends (9,186 words) Role reversal fic where it’s Mike who gets snatched up by a Demogorgon and goes missing for a week, instead of Will. There’s a significant splash of Steve/Nancy/Jonathan, but the real draw in this one is how the different characters being in each other’s places changes the story. Does a very clever thing with Mike being a DM that I appreciated. 
What About A Threeway? by gala_apples (3,105 words) I will drag you all down into the Joyce/Bob/Hopper hole with me. This was the first fic I read for them, and remains possibly the best AO3 has to offer. Also convinced me that a Big Unexpected Kiss That Reveals Feelings is the way to go for this ship. (It’s also, IIRC, the steamiest entry on this list. Heed the tags.)
*Let's Stop the World by Sholio (5,339 words) AU where Steve and Jonathan become friends prior to the events of Season 1, and the pool party goes...very differently. This one’s also Steve/Nancy/Jonathan-flavoured.
Nought by Anonymous (2 chapters, ongoing, 10,000 words) also appears to be abandoned, and I hope the author is okay, whoever and wherever they are, because they mentioned being a healthcare worker at the beginning of the pandemic. This is, hands down, the single best fic I’ve ever come across in the ‘Steve Harrington Has Powers’ tag. And I’ve read most of said tag. (And written one!)
*The Very Best People by scioscribe (18,150 words), on the other hand, is one of the best fics I’ve read in this fandom. Steve and Robin go undercover in an evil suburb as a newly married couple. It’s exactly as awkward as you’d think it’d be. The power of friendship is on full display in this one, and I still think about how the author described the pinks of the house exteriors whenever I’m driving through certain late-eighties-early-nineties suburbs. 
Mourners by Rosie447 (1,716 words) Hawkins holds a funeral for Jim Hopper. Nancy Wheeler remembers another couple of funerals she attended, not so long ago. Mike is a pain in the ass until he isn’t. I really love Nancy and Mike’s sibling relationship, and it’s strongly in focus here. 
So This Is The Aftermath by nyctanthes (3,404 words) This one’s restricted to logged-in AO3 users only. Will Byers questions everything in the aftermath of Season 2. This one hurts in the best possible way.
The Unquiet Gate by scribefindegil (8 chapters, abandoned, 17,468 words) is a crossover with Gravity Falls, where post-Season 1, both Barb and El end up in 1983 Gravity Falls. One of the big complaints I had about Hopper on my first watch (and, honestly, still do) is that he’s just...not Stan Pines, so seeing El get adopted by Stan was everything I needed. Sadly abandoned, but still well worth a read. 
the light (had too much to dream last night) by palmviolet (33 chapters, complete, 86,430 words) has such a fun concept and some absolutely fantastic imagery. Joyce Byers has more of a personal connection to the happenings at the Hawkins Lab than anyone realised. I have also heard good things about this author’s fic view from a bridge, but again, haven’t read it myself yet so I can’t put my personal seal of approval on it. 
*now I am the violence, I am the sickness. by poisonquiver (14 chapters, complete, 35,537 words) AU where Jonathan Byers is the child who was stolen at birth and raised as a psychic experiment. Robin is in it! Everything is horrible and painful! It looks like the author intended to turn it into a series, but that doesn’t seem to have happened. Still, it stands well on its own. 
smoke signals by plastiswafers (2,359 words) Steve and Robin watch movies together. Steve has a best friend now and doesn’t know how to feel about this. Heartfelt and hilarious. 
sea legs by plastiswafers (2,066 words) Steve is dealing with the aftermath of Season 2. Not well, maybe, but. He’s dealing. 
The Steve Harrington, Demogorgon-Whisperer series by RadScavver (4 works, 17,023 words) was actually part of the inspiration for the road goes ever on (I’m not plugging my own work on a reclist, you’re plugging your own work on a reclist!). I didn’t find it until I was already well into planning the road goes ever on, but it definitely worked its way in there when I was writing the scenes with Gizmo at the Harringtons’. So. If that was something you liked, you will like this, also. 
*The Right-Side Up AU series by midas_touch_of_angst (3 works, 199,070 words) is a role-reversal AU where El and Max are the kids who find an escaped psychic kid in the woods. Good fun if just to see how the author changes everybody’s roles, and how that plays with their canon personalities. 
*And finally, Black Christmas by daddygrandpaandthebeaver (aka @daddygrandpaandthebeaver​) (687 words), which I love unreasonably. Steve asks Robin to show him her favourite Christmas movie. Courtney’s grasp on the characters is impeccable, and I laughed real laughter until she unexpectedly punched me in the gut. 
...and now that I’ve come to the bottom of this list, it occurs to me that you might have been asking for fic from fandoms that aren’t Stranger Things which could be read with no knowledge of the source material. Oops. Well, if that’s the case, I have to plug:
*A Draught of Light by GretchenSinister (32 chapters, complete, 200,099 words) This is a high fantasy novel about the immortal avatars of darkness and light, their tragic history, their forbidden love, and their attempts to restore balance to a world that has all but lost it. It also uses characters inspired by the 2012 animated movie Rise of the Guardians, which you do not need to know literally anything about in order to read this. In fact, I’d recommend it even more strongly if you don’t. 
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wooahaes · 2 years
thank you for the tag @twogyuu !!
rules: post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
oof okay so this one is already gonna be hard because... everything on this blog rn was released in the year 2022. idk how many fics that is, but its a ton.
also sorry you can tell when my mood seriously dropped off during this
5 works i’m most proud of from 2022
under the sun: yes, i know she’s not finished yet. i debated including her because of it, but i’m genuinely proud of what i’ve written for UtS so far!! hopefully i’ll finish the fic next year, thank you all for bearing with me as i finished off school since that too precedence over most things (+ sometimes i just need a break from longer projects like UtS), i’m hoping to have wonwoo’s part out soon! but i think there’s a lot in this fic that i’m definitely in love with, primarily the world building. i feel most in my element when i work on UtS and the vaguely supernatural background it has, all wrapped up with a sweeter romance in most cases. without spoiling anything, i’m genuinely excited to eventually get to cheol’s part. whether the series ends with his part or continues on to a different title for the alternate ending, i feel like cheol’s part functions as something encompassing a lot of what this series means.
lonely hearts club: ah, lhc. my beloved. i genuinely have such a soft spot for wonwoo, and this is actually a series written in full! its been a while since i’ve done one of those lmao. i think my writing has come a way since i wrote lhc, and i think if i were to rewrite it, there’s things i’d add in--but she has a special place in my heart nonetheless. writing wonwoo as someone who is soft and loving is genuinely just something i enjoy because i feel like i rarely see it sometimes. he’s just a big ole softie who’s quiet and i love it about him.
sweet night: another unfinished one, i know, but... i think there’s parts of sweet night that i genuinely enjoy writing a lot. i think it’s pretty telling how every fic i’ve listed so far is pretty damn plot heavy (because genuinely that is what i love writing!!) and this one is no different. plus, i think this one has a special place for me because it’s technically a collaborative piece with several anons from a mutual’s blog (if you see this, hi sol! hi anons! thank you again for giving me permission to write this fic!) and i think collaborative works are fun. but there’s also some heavier emotions that i do like addressing. 
a mermaid’s kiss: a short one! but i do love her. idk i just love vague mermaid lore and joshua was a rly good fit for this au.
enouement / singing in the rain: ok so im linking both of these here bc SitR is a retelling of enouement as a skz fic. idk why i was abt to say both of these flopped when they did decent. i guess i just don’t hear much feedback on either of them? they both have a special place in my heart. enouement was the first long fic i posted and one i was excited to write, while the other was just one that i have some lines in that i really like.
4 current WIPs for the new year
the rest of under the sun + [potentially] shadow: ok im cheating here but genuinely i’m excited to eventually finish UtS and hopefully still have the juice to write what i’ve been titling shadow! it’s the alt ending, name currently pending.  just assume any series i haven’t finished, i’m hoping to finish next year.
i can’t run away: a vernon fic that feels kinda venty. it’s angst with no happy ending. title also might change a little, but i do like keeping it as it is now.
[WORKING TITLE ALERT] 88/134: a bang chan fic! its another chubby!fem!reader long fic because i can’t be stopped. might change the title later, but it was a reference to apparently how long it takes people to fall in love (men 88 days, women 134 according to a study i have linked on the google doc)
topsy turvy: both versions even though one will be titled differently!! :)
3 biggest improvements
honestly? just motivating myself to write in general. sometimes i hit dry spells, sure, but i’ve been getting better about forcing myself to sit down and write most days.
idk i just feel like i’ve found my style a bit more. focusing on emotions within a plot just fits into what i enjoy writing the most.
properly planning things (most of the time) and sticking to writing out those plans. trust me when i say i never used to plan things out.
2 resolutions
writing the full goddamn fic before posting it OR at least finishing all the plans first.
write more for non-svt groups. please.. @ myself this blog was started for svt AND trsr.
1 favorite line
ughh i think i usually end up having multiple lines that i like in fics so i’ll just pick one at random:
If eternal love took the form of a person, then that truly was you. You’d always have one part of his love tied to you, no matter how far away he went. That was the funny thing about love: you gave up parts of yourself for someone else. Wonwoo might always see you in the books he’d read, in the stores he passed, in the world itself. One day the pain would fade, but his love would always rest with you whether you knew it or not. He tried to think of what the Twitter account would say. Part of him wanted to message it, even if the person running it was on a break. But what could they say to comfort him? That it was okay to be hurt, that they were sorry for encouraging him? That love was a leap of faith and sometimes you fall but it’ll all be okay?
They said falling was the best part of love. If it was, then the impact of hitting the ground was the worst.
(from pt.10 of lonely hearts club)
i will simply mention some ppl and no one has to do it if they don’t want to @junkissed @thepixelelf @husbandhannie
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Here’s something dumb with these two cause neither had a brain cell.
On with the fic!
Peter had lost sight of Thorne in just a few minutes he had left the main room to take a phone call from his agent. When he returned, he didn’t see the musician sitting on a chair anymore, and he clearly wasn’t in the bedroom or anywhere else in sight.
Which meant he was in the weapons hall. 
With a groan, Peter made his way into his collection archive, finding Thorne looking at a display case that contained a candle made out of the hand of a hanged man. One of the more macabre displays, but it could be used when dealing with the supernatural. 
“How much did you blow in this?” Thorne asked before Peter could even say a thing.
“What do you mean?” 
“Looks fake, mate. Like, you can clearly see the seam from where it came from a mold.” 
Peter glowered at him and looked. It wasn’t a seam, it was a crease in the palm. “I can’t tell if you’re tryin’ to get under my skin or if you really believe that.”
Thorne smirked and moved onto the next display. “Ya gotta know most of this shit’s fake, yeah? I mean, lotta people were scammin’ superstitious folks back in the day. Still doin’ it now with crystals and oils, and those jade eggs you stick up your-”
“Most of this collection is real.” Peter interrupted. “There are a few fake pieces, just included cause they’re cool as fuck.”
“Such as...?”
Peter guided the man over to a display case that contained a briefcase, opened up to show the contents inside. “Vampire huntin’ kit from the 1890s, Ireland, I do believe. Fittin’, considering that the guy who wrote Dracula was Irish. Anyway, this was just a scam to play up on people’s fears, especially after the whole increase of consumption at the time.”
Thorne looked at the display, then up at Peter, before leaning on the glass. “God, I’m sleepin’ with a fuckin’ nerd!”
“Don’t diss my collection, unless if you want a history lesson!”
“A’ight, professor. That printed out degree gonna tell me more spooky scary history facts?” 
Peter glared at him. “I could try out a stake on you, show you how effective of a weapon they really are.”
“Oooh, I’m sure there’s a different stake of yours that I’d love to have penetrate me right now.” 
“Keep makin’ fun of my shit and you’re not gettin’ any kind of penetration, Jamison.” 
The hand and the kit are real items used for things involving supernatural elements.
Because I’m also a fucking nerd. 
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haztobegood · 2 years
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I started planning this fic rec a few weeks ago after some inspiration from @allwaswell16​. It started out as something fun I could post for Independence Day, but it’s hard to be excited when the very freedoms we’re meant to celebrate are being taken away. So instead of a Fourth of July themed fic rec, here is a collection of 51 fics from 51 places in case you need an escape this long weekend.
📍 Alabama - (Something's Been) Hiding In My Heart by @lululawrence​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson/Patrick Dempsey, 26k NR Sweet Home Alabama AU, Exes to Lovers, Implied Mpreg
📍 Alaska - Outlasts by cutedaffodil Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, 12k, M Survival, Dogsledding
📍 Arizona - No Hold to Hold Onto by @kingsofeverything​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 48k, E Historical AU, Cowboys, Rodeo Competition
📍 Arkansas - On This Sinking Night by Luz Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, 4k, M Supernatural Elements, Ghost Hunters
📍 California - Climbing The Swells by @cyantific​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 6k, E Surfers, Strangers to Lovers
📍 Colorado - Get Lost and Found by crimsontheory @ireallysawanangel​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 9k, T Hiking, Mountains, Meet Cute
📍 Connecticut - Make The Yuletide Gay by flowercrownfemme @fairytalefem​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan/Shawn Mendes, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, 10k, T Chirstmas in Connecticut AU, Christmas Tree Farm, Girl Direction
���� Delaware - I dissolve and break and then away I crawl by lumineres Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 10k, M Little Red Riding Hood AU, Fluff and Angst
📍 Florida - The Daddiest Place on Earth by lovelarry10 @chloehl10​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 24k, E Disney World, Social Media AU, Strangers to Lovers
📍 Georgia - An Invincible Summer by Brooklyn_Babylon @twopoppies​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 45k, E Historical AU, 1940s, Watermelon Farming 
📍 Hawaii - There Is No Place I'd Rather Be by orphan_account Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson, 24k, T Lilo and Stitch AU, Aliens
📍 Idaho - A Road To Something Better by @taggiecb​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 25k, E Writer Louis, Friends to Lovers
📍 Illinois - From the Start by @allwaswell16​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 32k, E Fake/Pretend Relationship, Marriage Proposal
📍 Indiana - to know I'm gonna be alright by aiienharry @leedsau​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, 61k, E Small Town AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers
📍 Iowa - The Grundy County Auction Incident by @haztobegood​​ Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 4k, T Farmer AU, Sugar Baby Harry, Livestock Auctions
📍 Kansas - As Long As You Bring Your Dog by heerickson Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 8k, NR College AU, Meet Cute
📍 Kentucky - fallin' and laughin' at the drinks we spilled by enbyharry @non-binharry​​ Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, 14k, E Strangers to Lovers, Nonbinary/Genderfluid Harry Styles, Louis lives in a van
🗺️ PART 2 | PART 3
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foxofninetales · 3 years
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Carbon and Other Forms Of Dating by Fox_of_Nine_Tales
Written for the 10 Year Promise Pingxie fic exchange - read all the exchange fics here!
Fandom: DMBJ | The Grave Robber’s Chronicles, The Lost Tomb 1, Ultimate Note
Pairing: Wu Xie / Zhang Qiling, background Hei Xia Zi/Xie Yuchen
Rating: Teen
Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Humor, Romance, Idiots in Love, Action/Adventure, First Meetings. Getting Together, Meet-Cute, Angst, Pining, Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, OOC Sanshu (not a complete bastard), plot holes you could drive a bus through just go with it, Old Bastard (Carp) - Character, a suspiciously familiar fox
Roped into a temp job as night watchman at his uncle’s museum, Wu Xie is looking forward to the most boring summer of his life. Until his other uncle sends him a mysterious artifact...
(A Night at the Museum inspired DMBJ AU.)
“This,” said Pangzi, “is your badge.  It’ll get you in and out of the restricted areas.  And this is your radio.  And this-” he held out a clunky silver cylinder “-is your flashlight.  Any questions?”
Wu Xie held the flashlight out at arm’s length.  It weighed more than his heaviest textbook and was, at a guess, older than he was.  “Yes.  Why is this in my hand and not in one of the display cases?”  
“Don’t mock your elders and betters!"  Pangzi held up an admonishing finger.   "That flashlight is the elegant weapon of a more civilized age.   Besides, you know we keep the lights low at night to protect the artifacts, so you may actually need that now and then.”
Wu Xie let his wrist go limp under the weight. “You do know that we have cell phones now, right?  With built in flashlights?”
Pangzi snorted.  “Where’s the poetry in that?  You discover that a couple teenagers have hidden out inside the yurt diorama again and you’re going to, what, take a selfie with them?  Nope. The flashlight comes with the job.”  He took it from Wu Xie’s hand and hooked it on his belt, next to the radio, then stepped back to admire the effect.  “There.  Now you really look the part.”
“Thanks,” said Wu Xie dryly.  “Rub it in, why don’t you?”
“Look, you were the one who was all excited when your uncle said he had a summer job for you at the museum.  If you didn’t want it, you could have turned it down.”
“I thought he meant working in the preservation rooms, or staging the displays, or… or anything that uses my degree!  Not this.”  He waved his badge in resigned disgust.
“Hey!” said Pangzi.  “Being a security guard is a fine and noble occupation.  Defending priceless artifacts-“
“There’s nothing here that's that rare, you know.”
“-against the depraved intruders-“
“School fieldtrips.”
“-who would threaten our country’s glorious past!”
“You had to scrape gum off the lion statue again.”  
Pangzi smacked Wu Xie lightly on the back of the head.  “Besides, it’s not like you actually have the degree yet.”
“I’m working on it, though!”  Wu Xie rubbed at his head, trying uselessly to restore some order to curls that were only too ready for any excuse to become disordered.  “Just one more year!  And then I’m going to be out there competing against other graduates who got actual summer internships in their field of study.”
“Yeah, and you could have had one, too, if you were willing for it to be unpaid.  You want to earn some money?  You’re gonna do some real work.” Pangzi grinned at Wu Xie as he stuck his tongue out at him.  “You’re just annoyed that nepotism didn’t work.”
There may have been a little truth in that.  “Couldn’t I at least be on the day shift?  At least then maybe some stunningly attractive visitor would come in and we could have a meet-cute over the jade radish or something.  If I can’t get academic cred, at least let me have a summer romance, Pangzi!”  
“The job that was open was for night security guard, that’s the job you get,” said Pangzi ruthlessly.  “You can romance the mummy, okay?”
Read it on AO3
Bonus extra: since this is set in a museum, beneath the cut are some visual references for the various exhibits (with links to more info), in case anyone is curious!
I won’t post a pic here (because she’s enough like a recent corpse that it might bother some folks) but follow the link to read more about Xin Zhui, the incredibly well-preserved Han Dynasty mummy.
Here’s her stone coffin:
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Han dynasty jade burial suit (no, I wasn’t kidding about the articulation)
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The Sword of Goujian
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Jadite cabbage (the inspiration for this fic’s jade radish)
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Insect specimens
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Tang Dynasty pottery female polo player figurines
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Ming Dynasty stone lion
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Qing Dynasty dragon screen (this one found at auction here)
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BIanzhong - bronze bells
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Song Dynasty silk painting
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Woodblock prints
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Zhou Dynasty jade tortoise
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Qin Dynasty bronze cranes
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Qin Dynasty hanfu (though I admit my visual is significantly affected by my favorite costume from TSOTMD)
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Martaban Jar
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The koi pond floor and the pottery huli jing were, I will admit, creations of my own whimsy!
I honestly don’t know if the jade “ritual object” is real or not, because that was not a Google search I was prepared to make.
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
So for the most part, I outright reject the finale. But I do think, in light of the whole "Jimmy was supposed to be in the bar, and Dean was disappointed by that because his perfect heaven would have Cas in it" just makes me all the more convinced that the final episode was some kind of djinn dream. Like.... There's no other explanation in my opinion. If Dean's perfect heaven was supposed to have Cas, and he tragically gets faked out by Jimmy (????? Why tf would jimmy be there anyway), it just proves that it's not ACTUALLY heaven. That, along with he El Sol beer he's drinking is all the evidence I need. I think after 15x19, Dean and Sam got whammied by some monster, and are stuck in a hallucination, and that's what we're seeing. (My headcanon is that it's actually The Empty doing it, because it knows if it doesn't keep Dean and Sam occupied and spinning in circles, they'll invade the Empty to save Cas. So its trying to prevent that) :)
Hello, anon friendo! I am gonna start by offering the socially distanced version of a high five, because yeah... There is just so much to unpack here, and you provided such a succinct and all-encompassing series of statements to start from. Thank you!
*flings open array of questionable suitcases*
First off, Congrats on having rejected the finale. I know a lot of folks are still struggling with that one, for many reasons. But you have hit upon so many of the points I’ve been trying to make about the finale since it aired. I’d just like to start with some of the assumptions I’ve heard from folks about the finale that make it impossible for me to consider it fully honestly canon. Because so much about it just makes no goshdang sense... like... not at all...
One of the biggest issues I have surrounding the reception of the finale in parts of fandom is that it portrayed a “happy ending.” The show itself spent the entire final season telling us that a gravestone marked Winchester was not and never would be a happy ending (thank you Becky Rosen-- words I never thought I’d say, but honestly and most sincerely meant). Let’s break this down a bit.
Starting from the assumption that “heaven was fixed” so that characters could have true free will there, making it satisfying in any way that Dean died so young and never got to truly experience happiness during life, I would like anyone who has adopted this attitude to then explain Kansas the band. I mean... explain that in any satisfactory canon-compliant way. (hint: you can’t. it makes zero sense in canon, if heaven is truly reformed and “happy” with everyone in possession of free will.)
Which brings me to Misha’s comments about Jimmy being in the Roadhouse. Why, if heaven were truly fixed, would Jimmy ever in a bazillion years attend a party for Dean Winchester? If Heaven were truly a “happy” ending for Dean, why introduce this element of eternal tragedy and heartbreak to his heaven experience? Why taunt him with the eternal loss of Cas-- even if you don’t think he reciprocated Cas’s romantic feelings, he was canonically the best friend Dean ever had, and being forced to exist forever in a place where he had everyone else he ever cared for except for Cas? Is frankly horrific.
How the actual fuck is that a happy ending, in any sense of the word?
How is this the sort of heaven that Dean would’ve made for himself before it was “fixed?” At least in the memorex heaven, he could’ve lived in oblivious peace with Cas, even if it was always just his own memories and not ~actually Cas~. I honestly think that would’ve been happier than the abject tragedy of what we did get, and what we would’ve gotten had the original script played out.
All of this kind of makes me wonder if they ever even actually defeated Chuck. Like... it feels more like Dean got pulled into the Empty at that moment with Cas and Billie, and everything else after that point was the Empty’s endless experience of sorrow and despair we knew it subject its charges to. So that’s one potential for what could’ve actually happened. I mean, everything about the finale was sorrow and despair, you know? Dean didn’t even get to enjoy his pie at a pie festival because Sam smashed in in his face. How is any of it happy, in any way?
Because if that was actually heaven, there wasn’t actually any free will (because why tf would Kansas the band have chosen to put on that concert? why tf would Jimmy have been there, just to torment Dean with the taunt of Cas returning to him only to have that hope snatched away again? It’s cruel. It’s, in fact, a source of intense despair).
The djinn theory could also work, and I’ve read some excellent fix-it fic using that as a premise. But that doesn’t really explain what happened to Jack (and Amara, since she was in there with them) after hoovering up Chuck’s power, you know? I think the simplest explanations in canon are that Chuck actually won via the unified power of Light and Dark being transferred into Jack and effectively using him as a vessel. With Sam and Dean convinced they’d won, they effectively stopped resisting Chuck’s story for them, and using Jack’s understanding of humanity and the Winchesters specifically, Chuck finally was able to implement a version of his story that the Winchesters would just waltz into without thinking it was supernaturally influenced at all. Going bigger and bigger with monsters and cosmic troubles hadn’t worked, but going so small Sam and Dean would barely even notice the influence-- even with the incongruous reappearance of a vampire that appeared in their lives once, for like two whole minutes 15 years ago, and an unsolved case from the journal from more than 30 years ago that John had never even linked to vampires at all.
At this point, I need to mention that I’m watching 10.23 as I type this up. An episode in which we confront the Mark, along with Death, and Dean’s despair, where he learns a version of the truth (but by no means the full truth, or even accurate truth in some respects) about Chuck’s Story, Amara/The Darkness, etc. That would unfold more fully over the next five seasons. And what was the case Dean took in this episode? Vampires. LOLOL omg this show is nothing if not horrifically consistent, yes?
So because of this, I went haring off through my own blog looking for a post I made a long time ago about the symbolism of how various monsters are used on this show (because again, consistency). I got sidetracked by other posts in my monsters tag, including this from after 15.09 aired, which feels particularly awfully relevant. This was my reaction to Chuck’s Story he showed Sam in that episode, about what the future would look like should he successfully trap Chuck with a Mark, and which... yeah is basically exactly thematically consistent with what we saw in the finale, right down to a cheesy twist on vampires. Read the whole post right here, but this is the part that reached up and punched me in the face:
this is how Dean personally reacts when he loses Cas. We know how he reacts when he loses anyone else– think about what he did when Charlie died. He went on a murder rampage against the Stynes for killing her. When Mary died he broke some furniture and went full bore toward both resurrecting her and stopping Jack. But without Cas, Dean loses the will to fight. Sam has… always been different. He referenced Jess in 15.04 to remind us of how he was after she died in the pilot episode. Just like John, he picked up the revenge mission and ran with it. But for Dean, Cas is different. Without Cas… Dean gives up.
Because... Dean gave up. Sure, he and Sam weren’t overrun by vampires in the end. Chuck knew they’d never stop fighting the monsters, one way or another. The only way to get Dean to give up is something Chuck hadn’t quite figured out yet... maybe not until after 15.17, after confronting Cas in the hallway of the bunker, after absorbing Amara’s power, knowledge, and perspective on Dean.
Chuck needed Dean to give up, and honestly? Pushing Billie to clear him off the table and send him (and Cas, that pesky angel who never did what he was told) to the Empty would’ve been a direct way to deal with that... pretty much akin to having one sibling locked in a cage forever, yes?
Also, still looking through my monsters tag, I’m reminded of 14.15, and still cannot differentiate the version of Heaven in 15.20 from what was done to the people of that town. This... is not... paradise. This is actively what Dean has been insisting is the OPPOSITE of paradise since like… 4.22… No ending where Dean was a “Stepford bitch in paradise” ever had the possibility of being “happy,” at the core of things, and this “fixed” version of Heaven just doesn’t hold up to any degree of inspection. Something is seriously wrong here. https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/183465650390/so-can-we-talk-about-this-monster-of-the-week-for
And since I was unable to find the post I wrote who knows how long ago about Monsters and how they’re symbolically used on Supernatural to represent larger themes in the episode, I’ll just attempt to sum up what Vampires have been used for. Revenge. Vampires are always, in some way connected to themes of revenge.
(and hooray, I found at least a post adjacent to the one I’ve spent the last four hours trying to find... https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/187207052080/i-obviously-did-not-think-this-through, where I mention that shapeshifters are about revealing hidden truths (mostly about Dean since most shapeshifters are connected to Dean), zombies are about grief and the inability to move past it.)
So why... why at the end of their road is the monster that comes after them-- literally FOR REVENGE for something that had never been blamed on Sam or Dean to begin with, from season 1, directly connected to John’s revenge mission and the first time they learned about the Colt AND the first time they learned in canon that Vampires were even real... like... this feels very specifically like some kind of layers-of-meta levels of shade on them, you know? Vampires are for revenge, so what vengeance exactly is being visited upon Sam and Dean in this episode? If not Chuck’s entire story for them itself?
So yeah, 100% agree, something is incredibly rotten in the finale. And I am sick to effing death of people trying to convince us that anything about this was “good” or “happy” or “satisfying” in any way. Or even “how it was always supposed to end” with Dean dead bloody, as if the entire back half of the series hadn’t been suggesting that a true win was the subversion of all of Chuck’s story for them, and Dean finally being able to have his chosen family all alive, happy, and chilling on a beach somewhere watching the sunset. Nothing will ever convince me that the ending portrayed in 15.20 wasn’t exactly how Chuck thought he “won,” rendering it entirely irrelevant to the rest of canon, unless all of canon was ultimately the tragedy we’d been encouraged to believe would be firmly defeated in the end.
Folks, you can’t have it both ways. 
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riley-phoenix · 3 years
Tag as many people as you have WIPs and they get to send an ask about one that intrigues them.
Punishment - requested by anon, smut, Malia X Reader (male)
Scary Sunday/Supernatural Saturday - actually 2 different fics that have the same story but I wrote 2 for 2 different characters, Dean Winchester X Reader/ Malia Tate X Reader, Body Swap fic, idk wether its gonna be enemies to lovers or friends to lovers yet, maybe frenemies to lovers?, Crappy names... I know... I think I was going for a freaky Friday parody?
The Werelion - literally just chapter 6 of my Teen Wolf/Supernatural crossover series, first 5 are out
The Forbidden Element - Ninjago fanfiction 💀
Love, Danger, Shadow - My series "The Bound Anthology" from the Antagonists POV, Choices: Nightbound Fanfiction
The Smile Anthology - A Teen Wolf parody/rewrite of my Choices: Nightbound series, "The Bound Anthology", for Teen Wolf Characters. Malia X Reader
Begins, Returns, Ends - "The Smile Anthology" from the Antagonists POV
Mixing Business With Pleasure - Choices: Nightbound Fanfiction, Smut, Nik Ryder X Reader
Fooling around - Teen Wolf parody/rewrite for teen wolf characters, smut, Malia X Reader
First Case - Suits Fanfiction, post series finale. Considering making it a series and Changing the name to SUITS: SEATTLE
Wayward Son - Supernatural, takes place in 2026 (a year after the series finale)
"Me" Trilogy - Malia X Reader, Reader enters the Teen Wolf universe by accident
"You" Trilogy - "Me" Trilogy from Malia's POV
Carry On - A fix it fic for the Supernatural series finale
Super-Dee-Duper-Natural - Supernatural crack fic
Keeping Up With The Gunners - reality show Fanfiction for Arsenal FC
Shadownatural - Supernatural/Shadowhunters crossover
Hunter Alone - Supernatural Crack fic, home alone parody, inspired by a post I saw by @sexynursedean @nightshifters
Pack Dynamics - Teen Wolf, Malia X Reader, general stupid teenager trip stuff, Smut, fluff
One thing Straight -Teen wolf, Malia X Reader, a fic about being queer and confused, Aromantic fic, Awkward bout with romantic attraction, really this fic is just for me to vent about being Aro but wanting a relationship with Malia Tate.
Tagging: @nightshifters @taurielthepirateking @lilcasx @parkkrys @rottenstyx @night-wing-owl @scilessweetheart @nicoistrying @lucbian @leseveybian @cactuwus @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @akuri-shinsou @ladylamrian @loveinfinitelyandforever @twjournals @regulusblacksbabygirl @incorrectarsenalfcquotes @heartsuits @just-ilde @maliahalefandom @maliatatefuckyeah @w00w33 @statticscribbles @teenwolffan-with-nolife
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