#it's going to take forever and ever to finish
multificimagines · 2 days
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Pairing: Moze x reader
Description: You’re fatally injured
Notes: Um I don’t have a comment for this one lol
Warnings: Blood, very vague descriptions of injury
Moze tries not to think about the blood—pooling around you, dripping and smeared across your skin and clothing, and onto him. Now that the adrenaline of the fight has worn off, the thoughts are clawing their way into his mind. Filthy. Grimey. Unclean.
But the blood can be washed away, the clothing can be replaced if necessary. You, on the other hand—you can never be replaced. So he pushes past the sick feeling in his gut, trying instead to focus on that—on you.
“Moze…I’m sorry.” you say, softly, so softly that he almost doesn’t hear you.
But he does.
For a moment, Moze is truly, terribly afraid that you’re gone. “What?”
“I’m bleeding on you…” your words are slurring together in the haze of blood loss. He almost feels relieved that you responded.
But that relief is overshadowed by your words. That shouldn’t be your main concern—not now, while you were bleeding out. While you were so close to dying.
“Don’t worry about that,” he says.
“Talk about something else,” he interrupts. “Stay awake. Just…talk about something else.”
You’re quiet for a moment, but you lean your head closer to his chest. “You’re warm,” you hum. “I think…I could stay like this forever. If I have to die, it’ll be nice to die in your arms…”
He reminds himself that you’ve lost a lot of blood, and that some of that blood is from a head injury. That your words mean nothing, that you’re too delirious to know what you’re saying.
Hopefully you’re also too delirious to notice how his heart betrays him, pounding in his chest in response to your rambling.
When Moze arrives at the infirmary, and hands you off to the Yaoqing doctors, you cling to him, reluctant to let go, but you’re too weak to put up any real fight.
It isn’t until later, when he’s finished cleaning all evidence of the fight and injury, and is scrubbing the blood off of his skin, that he realizes for a moment, when you breathed in his existence and thought it might be the last thing you ever knew, that he’d forgotten all else. That the world around him stopped, because the thought of really, truly seeing you die, overpowered all else.
Somehow, even when the blood is gone and his skin scrubbed raw, he doesn’t feel any less uneasy. All he can think of is you, the pool of blood that had surrounded you, the emotion he can’t quite place twisting in his gut even now, compelling him to stay by your side.
So Moze returns to the infirmary, keeping watch from the shadows.
It was a few days before you awoke, and were actually lucid.
Moze stood in the corner, leaned against the wall. He didn’t realize he drifted off until he was startled awake by the sounds of movement. His hand twitches toward his daggers instinctively before he realizes that it’s only you, sitting up in your bed.
You’re similarly startled when he emerges from the shadows, and your eyes land on him. You also reach for a weapon on instinct—though yours isn’t there—but you visibly relax when your mind catches up with you, and you realize it’s only him.
“You should still be resting,” he admonishes.
You raise a brow. “And you shouldn’t be in here. I doubt they’ve cleared me for visitors yet.”
Moze ignores your comment. “How do you feel?”
“Like I almost died,” you joke. “But really, I don’t remember much. It’s all kind of a blur. I’m not certain the things I do remember even happened.”
There’s a brief moment of silence, and not for the first time Moze takes in the state of you. Bandages wrapped around your head. He knows from his memory of your injury that beneath the blanket, you also have them around your abdomen and chest. Moze had known even as he made every effort to save you that your survival was far from guaranteed.
The phantom feeling of your blood crawls back onto his skin. He crosses his arms, tries to fight the urge to scrub and claw at the skin, because he knows it’s not there.
You’re the first to break the silence. “The medics said you brought me here. I owe you my life, Moze. I know it couldn’t have been easy…”
He remembers your apology. I’m sorry. I’m bleeding on you.
“There was no need to leave you to die,” he responds.
You smile. “That doesn’t mean I can’t be grateful.”
Your smile suddenly twists into a frown, your hand reaching up to brush against the bandages around your head. “I…didn’t say anything strange to you, did I?”
If I have to die, it’ll be nice to die in your arms.
You sigh in relief. “Thank the Aeons! That would have been humiliating…”
He suspects that you remember more than you’re admitting to, but if you would rather believe it never happened, then he’s willing to pretend it didn’t.
Somehow, though, he knows the memory of you, clinging to him, saying you’d be fine with dying if he was the last thing you saw, won’t soon fade away. That your blood will continue to linger on his skin long after he cleaned it, that the fear of losing you is now realized and forever ingrained in him.
That he really wants to hold you close, and feel you clinging to him like that again.
He’s quick to bury those emotions, and try not to think about it any further. But he knows they’ll surface again, and unlike the blood and grime, these emotions will not be so easily washed away.
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samandcolbyownme · 7 hours
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Summary: reader drunkenly explains her love for Chris to ‘Matt’
Warnings: swearing, reader being drunk, drinking alcohol, drunk confessions, kissing, mainly fluff
Word Count: 2.9k | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
The night started out slow, but then quickly picked up as more people arrived. Your friend, Wren, was hosting a five mill party tonight and you were definitely celebrating.
“Come play pong with me!” Wren yelled as she grabbed your arm.
“One second, I need to send this text.” You kept your eyes on your phone, typing out a text. Wren leans over, “Texting Chris?”
You jerk your phone away, “No, it’s- um.” You roll your eyes, “Yeah, Chris.”
“Christopher Sturniolo.” She says with a smirk and you shush her, “Keep your voice down. He doesn’t even know I like him, I don’t need a hundred and fifty people knowing before him.”
“Are you ever going to tell him?” She tilts her head and you nod, “Yes.”
“When.. I fell like te-“ you huff, shoving your phone back into your pocket, “Let’s go play pong.”
You pull her over to the table, standing next to her as two other people emerge from the crowd to play against the two of you.
Your drink was finished by the first round, “Damn.” You laugh, “We really suck at this.”
“You’re not drunk enough. The key to pong is being plastered, okay?” Wren points to the guys across the table, “Well be back for a rematch.”
They laugh, giving a thumbs up and she drags you to the drink table, “Here.” She places two shot glasses on the table top and fills them with a clear liquid, “Cheers to five million!”
“Cheers to five million!” You take your shot and set the glass down, and she instantly refills it, “Oh sweetie, we are just getting started.”
You laugh, taking the second shot, “Okay.” You pour some alcohol into your cup, “Let’s go dance a little bit.”
You dance, go back for more shots, dance some more, get a few more drinks, play some pong - and win, and in between all of that, you were still managing to text Chris.
You so agould hace came,, chrisypjher
You watched the screen as the text bubbles popped up and smiled when his text came through.
Looks like you’re having a damn good night. I would have, but I didn’t have an invite.
You bite your lip, your cup between your knees as you focused on typing as best as you could.
You were drunk, drunk.
Yo u coula have cane wirh me it woulw have bwsn okayu
You lean back, finishing the rest of your drink. You were honestly ready to go home. It’s been a few hours, and within those hours, you partied hard.
It’s okay, ma. I hope you’re having a good time. You deserve it.
You bite your lip, smirking as you reread his text. You were close with the Sturniolo brothers. You grew up down the street from them, so you knew them pretty well.
Your crush on Chris, though, only grew bigger and bigger as the years went on.
Before you can reply, you’re pulled up from your seat, “Come with me!” Wren yells as she pulls you away from your seat.
“What? What’s going on?” You ask confused. The tone in her voice made it seem like something was wrong, “Wren?”
She pulls you away from everyone and turns around, “That girl over there, the-the blonde one with the bow.”
You look over, nodding as you see her, “What about her?” You look back at her, swaying back and forth, you felt like you needed to sit down but the words from Wren’s mouth shocked you, “She likes Chris.”
“What?” You stare at her, “What?”
She nods, “You need to claim him now or else he’ll be gone forever.”
“Don’t say that.” You felt like you could puke, “Are you serious right now?”
She nods, “I over heard her talking to my friend, she said that Chris has been texting her and he really seems interested.”
You glance down at your phone, seeing a Chris from text, “M’gonna ask him.” Wren watches as you bring your phone up.
“What’s her name, Wren?” You look up at her and she shrugs, “I think Leslie or something of that sort? I dunno, I jus’want you to be able to be honest with your feelings with him. You’ve liked him forever.”
A part of you felt like Wren was making this whole thing up just so you would tell him, but then again, the triplets were popular and it is LA that you’re in right now.
“I don’t feel good.” You shake your head, “I need to..” you step back and start walking towards the back patio, “..go outside.”
You walk out, closing the door behind you. To your right, two people were pretty much choking on each other’s tongues and you let out a small huff, walking over to the back of the house more and leaning up against the wall.
You squint your eyes as you try to navigate through the letters on your keyboard as you type out your message.
You stop, realizing when you don’t know what to say. You’re just tapping random letters, “Shit.” You take a deep breath, swiping out of texts and going to your contacts.
You scrolled down to Matt’s contact and his call.
After a few rings, he picks up, “Hey, how’s the party?”
“I-I need you to come get me.”
“Is everything okay? What happened?” Matt asks from the other end, “Y/n?”
“I’m just..” you sigh, “Ready to leave this place.”
“Okay, can you drop your location to me? I don’t know how to get to Wren’s house.”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.”
“Okay, I’m on my way, can you wait out front?”
“Yeah, I’ll go there now.” You hang up, sending him your location before you walk back in. Wren runs up to you, almost like she completely forgot the news she just delivered, “So good news.”
You sigh, “I’m leaving.”
“Is it because of what I said?”
You shrug, “I just.. drank too much? I think?”
“Whatever, anyway, good news is, she was talking about a different Chris. Apparently this guy is some actor or something, so your Chris is still available.”
You smile slightly, “You need to work on your wording and getting to the point faster.”
“How are you getting home?” She tilts her head as she sips her drink. You hold up your phone, “Matt is coming to get me.”
She nods, “You going to their house?” She smirks, “Where Chris resides. Hmm?”
You roll your eyes, “I guess. Unless he wants to go out of his way, I mean it’s almost one in the morning so.”
“Just bite the bullet, stay at their place.” She perks up, “Fuck I love this song.” She runs away before anything else is said and you shake your head before stumbling to the front door and walking out.
You sit down on the sidewalk outside, looking around as you wait for Matt to roll up.
You look down, gasping quietly when you remember you left Chris on read, “Oh shit.”
Sorty things gor a litle hetiv
You laugh, shaking your head as you type more.
I’m deubk
You look up as a car pulls up and stops right in front of you. Matt gets out and walks around, “Hey drunkie. Need a ride home?”
You laugh and extend your arm out, indicating you need help up, “Please.” You laugh as he pulls you up and opens the passenger door, “Don’t puke in my car. I just got it cleaned.”
“I’m good, I’m good.” You smile and give him a double thumbs up, “I promise.”
“You better be.” Matt laughs and shakes his head before closing the door. He walks around and gets in, buckling up before looking at you, “Seatbelt, please.”
“Aye aye captain, sir.” You turn, pulling the belt out and laying it over your body. Matt shakes his head, laughing as he starts to drive once he hears the click.
“How was it?” He glances over at you and you sigh, “It was good, really fun, up until Wren had to go and ruin my mood.”
He furrows his brows, “Why did she do that? That wasn’t very nice.”
You scoff, “She told me that some bitch was trying to talk to-“ you stop talking, shaking your head, “Some bitch was causing issues.”
“Issues how?”
You sigh, resting your head back, “Stuff. I think, I don’t know. Wren said she was talking to someone I liked and I got all.. down in the dumps.”
“Who do you like?” Matt asks teasingly and you push his shoulder, “m’not tellin, but you know him.”
Matt knew you liked Chris. Chris was oblivious, even when Matt and Nick would pick on him about how he wouldn’t stop smoking around you.
“I know I do.”
Your head snaps over, “You know I like Chris?”
“I didn’t.” He plays dumb, “But I do now.”
You groan, “Please don’t say anything. Please Matt.”
“I won’t, but you should probably tell him soon.” Matt looks over at you and your heart sinks into your gut, “W-why? Is what Wren said actually true?”
He shrugs and you whine, “Don’t do that. Don’t pretend like this is a game because it’s not.”
“You get whiney when you drink, too much. You know that?” He looks at you and laughs, “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.”
You roll your eyes, fighting back laughter, “Not my fault.”
You cut him off, “Are you taking me home or to your place?”
“Where do you want to go?” He asks as he stops at a red light, “Either one is fine with me.”
“My house is further than yours and I need a shower.” You sigh and Matt nods, “Yeah, I know that, too.” He laughs and you smack his arm.
“I think I’m getting buzzed just by you sitting next to me, goddamn.” Matt laughs and you shake your head laughing, “Fuck off, Matthew.”
“Oooh, we’re going by full names now, okay.” Matt shakes his head, “Why don’t you text Christopher and tell him what you told me.”
At that moment, your phone buzzes in your lap, a few texts from Chris appearing on your Lock Screen, “I’m not going to tell him that, not yet. But I will tell him how much of a bully you’re being to me right now.”
Matt laughs, “Good luck with that.”
You read down the texts from Chris,
I can tell lol
Is Matt there to get you yet?
Are you coming here or going home?
You bite you lip, concentrating on typing out your message.
I’m wirh Matthew hea being a bulky righy now tho lol alsp coming to youe house
You hit send and look over at Matt, “Does Chris like me too?”
Matt shrugs, “You’ll have to ask him that one yourself.”
“How do you not know?” You scoff, laughing as you look over at him. He shrugs, “I don’t get paid enough to be a matchmaker.”
“We don’t pay you at all?” You laugh and Matt laughs, “Exactly.”
He pulls into the driveway and you let out a sigh, “Fuck.”
“What?” Matt asks as he undoes both seatbelts, “Thought you wanted to come here.”
“I did, I do. I just, am way too drunk for this right now.”
Matt laughs, “Too bad, you’re not sleeping out here. Come on.” He gets out, walking around to open your door. He helps you out, holding onto your arm as you walk up the steps, “Last one.”
You nod, stepping up and standing at the door. You stare at the knob and look at Matt, “Is it locked?”
“No it’s not locked.” Matt laughs, “Get in there, drunkie.”
You laugh as you walk in, gasping when you see Nick heading for the steps, “Nick!”
He turns around, head tilting as his eyes go wide, “Hello?”
You walk up and give him a hug and Matt closes the door, “She’s wasted.”
Nick nods, leaning back, “Yeah, I can smell it, goddamn. How much did you have to drink?”
You start counting on your fingers but you end up laughing, “A lot.”
Nick raises his brows and shakes his head, “So you had a good time?” You nod, “a greeeaate time!” Matt walks up behind you, “Come on. To the bathroom. You need to wash off the night, literally.”
You groan as you follow him, taking your time on the steps. When you look up, Chris is standing there with a smirk, “What’s up, drunkie?”
You roll your eyes, smirking as you make it past the last step, “I am in fact, drunkie.”
“I know, you told me. Multiple times.” Chris laughs and you sigh, “I gotta go wash the night off, literally. Matt’s words, not mine.”
You hold your hands up in defense and lean back, you gasp as you feel like you’re falling but both Matt and Chris reach out for you, grabbing you before you tumble, “Yeah.” Chris nods, “I’ll go get you some water.”
You walk to the bathroom and you can hear Matt and Chris whispering but you pay no attention. You walk into the bathroom and close the door.
You lean against the wall as you reach in to slowly turn the water on. You sigh, pushing yourself up off the wall and take off your dress and everything else.
You step in, closing the door and letting the water fall down all over you. You sway back and forth, humming to yourself as you reach out to grab some of the soap.
You wash your body, then you move to your hair and rinse and you take a few more moments, just standing under the hot water before finally getting out.
You were still drunk, but you already knew you were in for a massive hangover tomorrow, which you dreaded, but it was always worth it.
You wrap the towel around your body, wiping the mirror to check if all of your makeup was off or not, and it was, luckily.
You opened the door and walk out. As you make your way down to the guest room, a voice calls out for you, “Y/n.”
“What?” You turn around, moving to lean against the wall. Matt walks down the hall, “Do you need clothes or anything?”
“I think I have a few things here. If not I’ll come find you.”
He nods, “Okay. If you need anything at all, just yell.”
“Okay.” You laugh and walk to the room. You had a shirt and a pair of sweats here, so you dried off and threw them on.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. You got up from the bed and opened it, “Matt. I’m good.” You spin around and walk back to the bed to lay down.
You cut him off, “Actually. I want to talk to you.” You sit up, glancing over at him, “Remember what I said in the car?”
“You said a lot.” He chuckles, “what part exactly?”
“About Chris.” You look over at him, “Matt, I don’t know how to tell him.”
“Tell him what?”
You scoff, “That I like him. Come on, keep up dude.”
You hear him laugh and he brings his hand up to his mouth, “Right, yeah. Sorry.”
“What so funny? Seriously, I feel like I’m going to lose my chance on being with him, like I just want to know if he likes me back, why can’t you just give me that?”
“He does like you.”
“He does?” You snap your head over to him and your heart sinks into your gut, “Oh fuck.”
“Hey.” Chris pushes down his hood and runs his hand over his hair and you shake your head, “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.. to.. fuck. Drunk me always embarrasses myself.”
You lay your hands over your face and you feel the bed dip down. Chris gently pulls your hands away and tilts your chin up, “Look, I’m just glad that I finally got confirmation.”
He laughs slightly and you smile, “I’m not, like, having a drunk hallucination am I?”
He shakes his head, “No, ma. This is real.”
You were suddenly feeling,. Bold, to say the least. You tilt your head, squinting your eyes, “Prove it.”
Chris smirks, shaking his head as he laughs, “Alright, fine.”
He leans in, cupping your cheek before pressing his lips to yours. Your hand slides up his chest, resting on his neck as your lips move with his.
He leans back slightly, eyes looking into yours, “Did that prove anything?”
You nod your head, “Uh huh. I just hope I remember this tomorrow.”
Chris laugh, “Yeah, me too.” He smiles and nods towards the top of the bed, “Come here.” He moves up, laying down and holding his arms out.
You move up, laying your body on his and his arms wrap around your body, holding onto you tight, “Thanks for drunk texting me.”
You laugh slightly, “drunk or sober, it’s always you.” You tilt your head up and he looks down at you, smiling before pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Good, now get some sleep.” He kisses your head and with that and his embrace, you were out like a light.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thanks for reading! I love you all so much! Catch you in the next one. 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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dreamgirievii · 2 days
Instant Crush 3
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Synopsis: Your families arranged for you to marry each other and boost their companies, they just didn't know you were declared enemies since childhood. Now you're living on the same roof and sharing a bed, you still have to keep up appearances for your parents so they won't suspect that you hate each other. But now after months together, you begin to feel desire for him, and you hate the thoughts that are now invading your head.
Words: 1,8k
Content: female reader, enemies to lovers, oblivious to love trope, arranged marriage, 18+.
part 1 here
part 2 here.
You stayed away from the apartment the whole day, the image of what you had done replaying on your mind like a stuck vinyl. Nothing pushed the taste of his lips away. Or the feeling of his hands bruising your hips. How you were the one who did it first. You sit on the bench near the park, stunned at your own actions, how could you have done that after saying you hated his guts? But God, how good it was, to feel his hands and his lips and the warmth of them. You could feel the slight ache from how hard he grabbed your hips.
Some part of you wanted to go back and finish what you started, but the still coherent part couldn't even move, you were embarrassed, feeling pathetic, angry. And all to yourself.
The sky was shining is the brightest and warmest rays, burning your skin in shades of red, but you couldn’t move, the dreadful feeling inside you were so intense, that all you wanted was to scratch a hole on the ground and crawl into it, and spend the rest of your days rotting. The idea of going back to that apartment you shared and facing him was… excruciating. You have sworn you would hate him forever, with all your might. So why did you kiss him like you wanted to feast on his soul?
The buzz on your phone broke your unstoppable thoughts for a while and made you read the message in an unsaved number so you knew very well who it was. “I am waiting for you, at home. We need to talk.” With a sigh you block your phone again and run a hand over your face, the sweat already accumulated from the hot day of summer. You couldn’t keep hiding forever, you have to face him someday… And if you could choose you would only meet him again in maybe 50 years from the amount of embarrassment you were feeling.
The streets were rather empty for a friday, but besides it was the heat keeping the people tucked inside their houses, above their fans and while you walked back towards your apartment you started to dwell again. What if he hates you more? If now it was the final reason and he would send you away and annul the wedding? A part of you wanted it but the growing part of you, the part that needed him desperately was dreading that thought.
It was common knowledge you two never got along, ever since you were small children you would bicker and throw insults, and that never changed as you grew older. And now after this arranged marriage you thought it would only get worse, you wanted to get worse. To hate him as you thought he hated you. But now you weren’t so sure about it. After the kiss, you were starting to come to your senses for the fact that you actually liked him… and that frightened you.
“Where were you? Why did you run away like that?” The first thing he says as you enter the apartment, Satoru was waiting impatiently for you by the front door. Walking back and forth and replaying that kiss in his mind.
You don’t reply to him at first, too overwhelmed by his presence to think of anything.
“I was… Taking a walk.”
“It’s 96 degrees outside, are you trying to get an insolation, or were you just running from me?” Satoru asks in a cocky tone, like he knew exactly why you ran, and that amused him.
You ran a hand over your forehead and wiped some sweat and looked at him with a pleading look, hoping he would drop the subject and continue with life as if nothing happened earlier. But that would be too good to be true because he says next.
“Look, I just want to talk about ‘that’. Why? Because until earlier I thought you wanted me dead. Last night I tried to convince you to let me be in your life and you practically shoved me aside. Now you kiss me?” He walks around, still shirtless for your misfortune… Or fortune, it is a pretty toned body, you thought. But then you quickly shook your head and sighed, trying to think of an answer.
“I wasn’t thinking, okay? I… I just wasn’t thinking…”
“It’s the first thought of being with me that dreadful to you?” Satoru used a sad tone, that at first you thought it’s mocking until you looked at him again.
“Maybe… Yes. We were supposed to hate each other, as until yesterday I thought we did, but after you practically begged me to let you in my life, I don't know anymore.” You paced around the living room, not wanting to look at him as you let the words out. “I made a mistake, okay? I’m sorry I shouldn't have kissed you, I wasn’t thinking.”
Satoru looked at you with gritted teeth, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you pacing around. “Wasn’t thinking? It felt like a well thought out act, by the way you did it. I don’t know why you hate me so much that the thought of returning my feelings makes you want to rip your own skin but…” What? You stopped mid pacing and looked at him with parted lips and a shocked expression. Did you hear him right? Did he just say ‘Returning my feelings’?. “What?” You ask, in a barely audible voice.
“What, what?” Satoru looks even more confused than you now.
“You said ‘Return your feelings’. You… You like me?” You asked incredulously.
“Did the conversation we had before bed ring any bells?” He scoffs.
You let your mouth hang open as you remembered yesterday's talk when you two were trying to sleep. And then everything made sense. You thought he was just pushing your buttons, you thought he still hates you just as you hated him (in theory).
“Since when?”
He sighed and walked towards you slowly “Ever since the first time I saw you. In that yellow dress with pink dots, your hair in a cute braid, I had to focus myself not to take it in my hands and play with it. I have liked you ever since that day.” He stops in front of you, brushing a strand of your hair beside your ear softly. “You captivated me ever since day one, with your bossy attitude, always telling me to do this and that, fighting me when I refused to do what you told me to.”
“I don’t get it, Satoru. Why did you pretend to hate me all this time? Why didn’t you say anything?” You ask. This can’t be true right? He likes you all this time? Even before your arranged marriage? You couldn’t wrap your mind around that, he had fought you, cursed back at you, and claimed to hate you as much as you did.
“My family has always been interested in your family business, I knew that once they put their hands on your fathers company, it would be over for your family. They’re too greedy, and I've seen what they’ve done to other companies . I couldn’t let this happen to you. And when I overheard one of their conversations, I knew what to do, to push you away so you would hate me, and eventually push your parents away from mine. And that worked until… eight months ago…” He trailed off, playing with your hair as he looked at your shoulder apparently lost in his thoughts.
Your family and Satoru’s were closed, even before you were born, you grew up with him, always in family dinners on his fancy house, until he began to pick on you, making jokes and annoying the hell out of you, so you complained to your father and soon your weren’t around him anymore. The relation between his family and yours grew colder as well, until last year when his father proposed yours for the idea of an arranged marriage to conjoin their companies and improve their sales. And that was exactly what happened. You and Satoru have been married for a few months now, at first this was your worst nightmare . You thought he would keep picking on you and playing his stupid tricks like he used to when you were younger. But that wasn’t what happened, he was respectful of you, of your space and never pushed you like he had done multiple times before. You still thought he disliked you, but were trying to be civil now, until today.
You looked at his eyes, his bright blue eyes that felt like he could see your soul, the same pair of eyes you started to grow mesmerized by. You touched his hand in your hair and dragged it to your cheek. Satoru squeezed your hand in his and leaned even closer to you.
You closed your eyes, his touch warming your heart even more, all you’ve been needing was his touch, even if you denied yourself, but having his skin against yours made you warm on the inside. “You’re so beautiful, brat.” He muttered close to your ear, his warm breath caressing your skin. You opened your eyes again and looked at him, a soft smile creeping in the corner of your lips.
Satoru smiled back at you, his eyes full of affection. He leaned in towards you, cupping both your cheeks and pressed his lips against hers in a soft, tender kiss. Your hand traveled to hold his neck and bring him closer, your chests now pressed together. Satoru hands moved to your waist, relishing the feel of your skin under his fingertips. His lips moved against your slowly, savoring the taste of you. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss, his tongue gently tracing the seam of your lips and seeking entrance. You opened your lips and intertwined your tongue with his, moaning softly at the feeling. His hands roamed around your body, feeling your curves. The kiss grew more heated and passionate with each passing second. You felt like you could die right now, this is heaven, you thought. It wasn’t like the earlier kiss, no. It was so much better, no guilt, no trepidation… It was only affection and desire, and you knew he felt it too, by the way his hands traveled to grab your ass. You couldn’t help smirk as he kissed you. Maybe liking him back wasn’t so bad, maybe loving him was what you were supposed to do ever since that day he saw you in your yellow dress. And God, you wish you realized it sooner.
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nuria-schnee · 1 day
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Hi everyone! ❤️ In this week's sneak peek, the boys are having an emotional conversation in the cupboard.
Melancholy had been ever-present since he died. In all honesty, admitting it was even more complicated than bearing it. Only by thinking about it something actually seemed to crack and shatter inside his mind, in his chest. He couldn't allow himself to look into it, knowing he would find something ugly and contorted behind it. That night, the evening before their travel, Charles had found himself alone, which hadn't been usual in the last months. Edwin was at Crystal's, finishing up the preparations for the following day and assuring everything would go smoothly. Charles had stayed at the agency, in charge of checking they had the correct supplies stored in his bag. He had checked twice already, but Edwin hadn't returned yet. This had left Charles with too much time to think, which was precisely what he didn't need then. In the end, he couldn't help to get sucked into his own thoughts. The agency seemed too empty when he was by himself. Restless, he tried to distract himself and failed in every attempt. Admitting his defeat against his mind, Charles dared to look this melancholy in the eye. He walked around the agency, taking in every bit of it, every corner, every memory snatched into it— Of course, he knew everything by memory. However, he did it all over again, slowly, just in case. Just in case was becoming a motto for him lately, and he hated it. Every time he did or said something just in case he couldn't have the opportunity later, the reminder that such a thing was a tangible possibility haunted him for hours after the thought popped into his mind. It was a curious terror to have, being already dead and all.
In Port Townsend, Charles had actually feared to lose Edwin. They had been facing every kind of danger for decades, so being in risky situations wasn't a novelty. Besides, they had been running from Death all that time, and sometimes, it had been a close call before they had escaped. So, he had felt traces of that anxiety, that fear of losing Edwin forever, other times. Nothing like losing him to Hell, though. Not like the fear of being too late, chained in a kitchen for hours, hearing him scream while Esther Finch tortured him. Not to that extent. That night, when the Summoner had appeared and attacked them, Charles had sensed Edwin's energy flickering out. It lasted less than a millisecond, but Charles noticed anyway. After so many years protecting him, he had a sixth sense in that regard, and he knew the Summoner had tried to drag Edwin away, pull him into wherever he was stuffing ghosts into. The look of panicked confusion in Edwin's eyes had been enough confirmation. Even so, Edwin still had to talk to Charles about it, and, considering how things were, he wouldn't until e they were back from the mission. He couldn't shake the worry away, no matter how hard he tried. After a while, Charles dragged himself to the cupboard and lingered there. That was how Edwin found him, tracing one of their Cluedos as if he could sense every memory attached to it through the gesture. "Charles?" Edwin's voice sounded behind his back. Charles turned around right away, fining his soft eyes on him, a slight frown marring his forehead. "What are you doing?" Charles dropped his arm, shrugging and put his hands in his jeans' pockets. "Nothing. Just remembering." Edwin arched a brow. "Remembering?" Charles shrugged again, and Edwin softened, his face falling into a gentle understanding. He stepped into the cupboard and stood in front of Charles. "Everything is settled for tomorrow," Edwin informed him, catching him off guard. "Have you checked we have everything we need in your bag?" "Yep. Super checked." Charles gave him a little smile. "Perfect." Silence hovered between them after that. Charles watched Edwin as he dropped his eyes to the space between them for a few seconds. Just in case, Charles kept his mouth shut and stared at his friend for as long as Edwin allowed that moment to last, tracing his features with his eyes for the umpteenth time in almost forty years. However, his gaze caught on the way he blinked slowly, his lashes casting a soft shadow over his cheeks. When Edwin finally fixed his eyes on him, which he received openly, a gentle tingling burst in his chest. Charles smiled at him, but it was too late to rectify when he noticed his sadness filtering through it. "Is something on your mind?" Edwin asked, voice hushed. Charles had the impulse to close the cupboard and turn off the light. There, he could keep Edwin safe and keep them together. No one but Charles would get close to him that way. "I am aware I have not been as present as usual lately," Edwin said, regret dripping through his words. "With the disappearances and now this— I wish you to know I am sorry if I have neglected you in any way." For a few seconds, Charles was speechless, not knowing how to answer. He couldn't imagine why Edwin was apologising. And, alright—Of course, Charles had missed spending time with him and had tried to drag Edwin into relaxing for a bit sometimes (unsuccessfully). But they had both worked on it. Both of them had been too preoccupied to actually worry about finding some time to spend outside the case. "Mate, you haven't. We've been busy with what's been going on. I don't feel left out or something. Why do you even think that?"
Edwin seemed sheepish, which baffled Charles even more. He didn't avert his eyes but clearly fought the need to. "It was only a hunch," Edwin answered. "Since I have found you in the cupboard, stroking our oldest Cluedo." The statement made Charles squirm a little. He bowed his head with a guilty, nervous smile and breathed in, gathering strength before looking up again. "I guess I'm a bit worried," Charles admitted, guessing it would be better to share his thoughts with his best friend, after all. "The Summoner— I know he tried to do something. And after Port Townsend—" After Hell and after Ester went unsaid, but Edwin, considering how his face turned stone serious, Charles knew he had heard the silent part in his speech anyway. Charles gulped, wanting to put his hands on Edwin's shoulders and pull him closer, as close as he could get him, but he had to fight once more the impulse. "I don't know what I'll do if— If something happened to you," Charles added, voice so tiny it almost drowned in the silence of the cupboard. "If I couldn't— If I'm not fast enough to—" Charles struggled, but Edwin understood him regardless. Edwin understood him as if he were a unique language written in a book born from both their souls. Every word and structure was familiar and expected, even when incomplete, and easier to comprehend and use than any other. Edwin stared at him, a reassuring smile curving his lips and his eyes shining with absolute tenderness. "I do not think, Charles, that any entity in the universe will beat the unmovable force that is your resolution capacity once you have put your wit into it," Edwin assured him, joy tainting his tone, making Charles feel a bit like crying. "Just as I am certain you will reach me if I ever find myself in trouble." Charles gulped, trying to answer, to tell Edwin he would, even if he was doubting himself, he would. Always. Instead, he reached for his hand, taking it softly into his, and nodded shakily.
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r0-boat · 4 hours
Hello there! Can i request a Lycaon nsfw with a fem neko reader?
if its not too much trouble, maybe like a slight prey/predictor with some biting??
Von Lycaon Headcannons with a Cat Thiren!S/O
Von Lycaon x Fem!Reader. Hi I went a little crazy...
Cw: Nsfw, biting, size kink, knotting, heats/Rutts, predator/prey, breeding.
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You're so small. So tiny and cute, Lycaon always catches himself staring at you, and he must desperately pull himself away. But this is normal. It is usual for Von Lycaon to be so enamored with you that he's practically attached to you by the hip. However, recently, it's been different. Some kind of scent clinging to you makes him drool; it's sweet yet savory, faint yet strong. When it hits his nose, he gets dizzy and wants more. He could feel himself beginning to salivate at the delectable scent, which he had to stop himself from doing. He can't be drooling on the job or in front of you.
The urges bubbling up inside him are beginning to scare him. The images of your tail wrapping around his hand as he pulls your body into him, His big hand gently petting your small ear before choking you while he makes you scream on his cock. Making you mew and cry out when he sinks his teeth into your body is as clear as crystal.
He's always had thoughts about having you underneath him, like any man would. But this wasn't just sexual desire. It was more than that something primal and deep, something that turned him into more of an animal. He's always taken pride in self-control but now, every time he looks at you, he wants to throw it all away.
He understands now; He has been on his own suppressants for as long as he can remember; maybe that's why he's having such a primal reaction to your scent. He was so careless to avoid you. He's still holding back even now as you knew and beg him to touch you, fuck you. This tail is wagging, and he's drooling, but he's still gentle as he asks you if you're sure. You just want his knot inside you, and you command him to claim you. "As you wish," He growls as he takes you into the sheets, grabbing you full force to manhandle your body. Fully letting go of all restraint.
He feels terrible for trying to avoid you, But he feels like that. He's almost at his limit, And he is scared of what he might do to you if he slips even once. But you had other plans, feeling the heat in your core bubble over. You needed him more than ever since your first heat is in forever. It's going to hit you like a truck, and you need him.
Sure, the two of you had sex before, but this was different. Von Lycaon was always a gentleman in and out of bed making sure to treat you like glass. Which you loved however, this is not what you needed. Every Thiren knows that heat/rut sex is very different from the regular thing.
His big hands grab at your wrists; His red eyes glaze down at you like a piece of steak. You could hardly even recognize him in this desperate and feral state, and you loved it.
He has full control over your body, moving you like a rag doll until his naked hips are against yours. His hard monstrous cock is ready to penetrate you with force. You're already so wet from your heat. He doesn't need to prep you. Part of him doesn't even want to.
Your tiny cunt squeezes around his massive knotted cock as you hear him pant incoherent words, "Fill you up." "Mine." "So perfect." He growls about his big knot filling you up as he digs his teeth into your shoulder, his claws digging into your hips as he forces you deeper, causing you to take his knot.
Feeling you milk his cock with every vise grip squeeze your calm coating his cock; von Lycaon howls as you feel spurt after spurt of pent-up cum.
He's still coming even after the two of you finish. Who knows how long he needed this? Even as you lay there, Your heat satisfied, for now, he's not done his knot deflates, but his cock is still hard. He holds you close to his chest, letting out a whimper as he mutters in your ear, "I-I feel it... My rut, why is it here? "
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padfoot-and-leo-ao3 · 1 month
Check out my fic on Ao3! There's just one chapter right now, but I'm working on it! I'll probably post every week or so. Still working on my bigger projects as well!
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kyonshi-8610 · 3 months
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
guy who vastly underestimated how much of a pain in the ass it would be to sew a costume that needs 12 yards of bias tape
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cloudcountry · 1 year
thank you to the three people that tagged me in the twst author spotlight ^^ irene, siren, and sapphy, thank you. i read what you said about me and i was very touched. i didnt think i would gain so many friends in such a short period of time, and you all deserve to be recognized for your contributions to the twst community!! :D
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@tinyletterz, who has a beautiful soul and amazing writing. i've known her since my baby days on quotev writing for a fandom which shall not be named, and it's so such a pleasure being her friend. she writes twst x reader content and has a gorgeous series about flower languages that i think about a lot. thank you remy for helping me get accustomed to tumblr, you're the og!!
@shkrmpp, who was my first mutual that i'd never met before here. thank you for asking about jellyfish and being such a bubbly presence on my dash. shrimpy writes x reader content and creates adorable art!! their hair dye series with the leech twins is super cute and i find myself thinking about teh floyd part in particular very often ^^
@fukashiin, with the prettiest themes and the gorgeous art style. winou CONSISTENTLY writes absolute bangers that make me so giddy. this one in particular is one of my favorites, and her writing style reminds me of a soft summer breeze. she's such a bubbly person and its so fun talking to her, even if we don't talk often. ^^ she's one of the three people that keeps my deuce content afloat.
one could say many things about the beloved @hisui-dreamer!! from the way she adores her friends to teh way she writes, rinna is always soft and sweet. she radiates comfort and is such a soothing person, i feel so safe around her. she writes x reader content and every single piece is its own masterpiece. she's one of my closest friends on here and i wish nothing but the best for her every day.
@merotwst, who has a bucnh of adorable oc content (on @meromessy !!) and writes x readers!! ellie in on haitus right now takinga well deserved break. <3 but she writing is amazing and i am FLOORED whenever i see her art!!! it's literally so gorgeous and i don't understand how she does it. its crazy. how is so much talent in one person.
@siren-serenity is not only a lovely author of x reader content, but also a lovely friend. ^^ siren also has an oc named melody who is so cool!!!! she was the pastor at my wedding and fought TOOTH AND NAIL for that position LMAO love u renren!!! she really writes azul SUPER WELL and im so happy to have met someone so calm and soothing to talk to.
@officialdaydreamer00, aka nutmeg, is a rascal. an absolutely rascal but they're really the best. they have a yuusona with LORE and a bunch of really creative & cute events!! seriously nutmeg, nobody does it like you. if you want to see our favorite twst boys in strawberry dresses or recieve a pair of cute earrings, irene's blog is the place for you!!!
@the-v-lociraptor has STELLAR art. she was one of my firts mutuals on twst tumblr and i was terrified of talking to people but her vibes were very much "i am nice you dont need to be afraid" and sniffling scared me was like "OKAY I CAN TALK TO YOU" LMAO but yeah. she draws people so,,, full. thats the only word i can use to describe it. they just look s soft and alive and its really so amazing. i love her art so much!!
@siphoklansan is another artist!! i think about the art she drew from loona's heart attack with twst character weekly basically. it has been stuck in my brain since i started following her. sippy, its trully beautiful how you mix your culture and your art together. i remember you talking about it when you were drawing fairy gala stuff and it was just stunning. please keep doing what you're doing!! i hope your hiatus proves restful <3
@ceruleancattail is one of THE most creative writers i have ever met on this platform. every time i check out their account theyre talking about a new au or doing something different. they write x reader stuff and ar ethe biggest cater kisser ever (even if they wont admit it hehe!!) their writing is so refreshing, if that makes sense. their butler au is so goofy whaahwwahwah
@moonlit-midnight has the prettiest writing style :((( hannah is literally so sweet and it shows in everything you can find on this blog. THIS BLOG HAS PLATONIC FICS TOO!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?????? and even better, they're inspired by hannah's own friendships :((( literally the most wholesome thing. you can find x reader's here!!!
@iseethatimicy is an x reader writer and fellow azul kisser!!! she writes some really cute stuff for oour favorite silly little cephalopod AND AND AND AND HAS SOME OCS!!! THATA ARE SUPER COOL!!!!! shimiko and icy are both so cool and interesting 9EVEN THOUGH IM VERY SHIMIKO BIASED AAAAA I LOEV SIREN TROPES !!!!!)
@ryker-writes IS SO KIND. he gave me the sweetest set of flowers for his garden event :(( i still think about them and aaaaa i havent forgotten when he fought me over me being cool LMAO so goofy wahhwaawh!! HIS OC JAXON AND RIDDLE ARE LITERALLY SO CUTE :((( he writes x reader content & makes oc content!!!
@totallymem3 draws occasionally and omgggg meme's art is gorgeous. HAVE YOU SEEN HER DRAW AZUL. her art is so soft and its honestly adorable :(( meme is such a nice mutual too!!! like i met her on anon a while ago we've been besties ever since fr. HER ART REMINDS ME OF SPRING GO CHECK IT OUT PLEASE!!!!!
@z3llous is SO TALENTED!!!! another mutual that im liek WOW how do you exist??? he creates the most stunning twst fanart :((( THE OCTAVINELLE BIAS IIS SO REAL AND SO SO OBVIOUS BUT WOW.....WOW IS IT GOOD. zell is also a game developer and if you like cute little kitties and adventure games you should totally try it out here!!!
@cecilebutcher MAKES THE BEST OCS. creator of igor and saver of the universe. im not kidding igor saved the universe IDC WHAT YOU SAY ITS CANON TO ME. cece i sliterally the sweetest and soososososo creative i am eating up every crumb of igor content i get fed. OM NOM NOM. ofc junto is nice too and hes so sweet!!! GAHH you just put so much love and care into yoru ocs its so admirable :((((
@ang33333333l is another azul kisser that i became mutuals with a while ago!!! dolls love for sebek and azul is very sweet to see and her yuusona fauna is adorable too!! she also draws her yuu and characters sometimes!! :D she doesn't have a lot of oc content up on dolls blog yet but im looking forward to seeing more!! >:D
@leonistic deserves the most underrated writer of the year award. soru writes x reader content and is another super sweet mutual of mien (I KNOW IM SAYING THAT A LOT OKAY.) she writes aroace content and its literally feeds me. seriously. their aroace azul content makes me giggle and kick my feet and GAHHHHH !!! plus they have the patient to do matchups which is crazy and i love them for that ^^
@rains-asleep is the nickname master because he calls me straubs and thats such an adorable nickname :(((( HIS WRITING IS SUPER CUTE AND IT GIVE SME SO MUCH SEROTONIN (they write x readers btw!!!!!) they recently hit 500 followers (CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!) and they also write for haikyuu, mha, genshin impact, and obey me!!!
@shinysparklesapphires is an artists that has a lot of cool ocs!! i believe navi was the first one i was introduced to and he's such an icon ^^ sapphy is also really into precure and produces a lot of content for the fandom!! i have yet to finish the precure series she recommended to me but its good so far and laura is the best so true!!
@datboredpencil has THE most STUNNING art. if you want idia x cater content this is DEFINITELY THE BLOG FOR YOU!!! each piece has so much love poured into it and i swear. YOURE ALWAYS LIEK "its a work in progress" BUT IT STILL LOTS SO LOVELY :((( YOUR USE OF COLOR IS JUST SO MUAH!!! CHEFS KISS!!!!!!! I ADORE IT
@twistwonderlanddevotee makes really pretty backgrounds!!! i actually used the isaac one she made for my private account AND ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT I WANT TO EAT IT SWALLOW IT WHOLE MUNCH ON IT SHAKE IT AROUND LIEK A DOG TOY ANYWAYS. i am very normal about sofia's backgrounds. PLEASE GO CHECK THEM OUT its literally so unique?? like who else makes backgroudns liek sofia. Nobody.
@queen-shiba has an open inbox everyone!! you're welcome to send in requests!!! ^^ the queen of savanaclaw makes oc content for chuki, a really sweet kid taht deserves all the cookies in teh world :((( ALSO!!! she has an au for the tsavo man-eaters which is super cool!!! :O she passion for lions and tigers really is admirable and its nic eto see her talk about them :3
@beeirdos-buzzing-bogaloo has a gift when it comes to making ocs!! thule remains my favorite of the ones he has talked about because his design is just so neat!!! I LOVE THAT HIS NICKNAME FROM ROOK IS "MONSIEUR STARGAZER" :((( you have so many ocs that i havent even heard about yet...so im super curious to see what else you put out!!!
@dove-da-birb IS SUCH A GENIUS. they're one of my closests friends and their writing is SO BEAUTIFUL. they're also kidn of a little shit though so watch out /aff tehy write x reader content and draw sometimes, although i dont think theyve posted any of them. ^^ dove is SUCH a delight i promise you'll have fun every single time you talk to them. their energy is infectious and im genuinely really glad im the main target for their chaos. i would not have it any otehr way.
@ashipiko has such delicious art!!! the colors are always so vibrant and the way she draws is so unique. truly, a staple of both the twisted wonderland and as3! fandoms!! her energy is always upbeat and cheery, its hard not to smile when youre talking to her!! truly the biggest ace kisser on thsi platform (probably in the world too hehe)
@shyhaya writes for a myriad of fandoms!!!!!! hayami writes an azul thing for me that made me lose my mind IT WAS SO GOOD. PLEASE check out this blog. you wont regret it. requests are open!! ^^ even twst content aside, im sure you'll find something you like sich haya writes for so many fandoms!! talk about multitalented :3
@thehollowwriter has so many gems. quinn writes every character in twst so well, teh writing is so immersive and just ughhhh MUAH!!!!! every piece with azul in it is such a banger and it makes me giggle and kick my feet :3 LITERALLY THERE IS SO MUCH X READER FLUFF AND ITS ALL GOOD ITS A CRIME I DIDNT FIND THIS BLOG SOONER.
@cyath, who has some of the PRETTIEST art i have EVER seen. they draw stuff based on my fics all of the time and i adore it so much. examples of their art can be found here, here, here, and here. do you understand what i mean. do you get it. their art style is SUPERIOR and i ADORE IT!!!!!! they truly have so much talent like damn save some for the rest of us hello!!!!!
@crheativity writes twst x readers!! she's a beginner writer so PLEASE PELASE SHOW HER SOME LOVE!!! right nwo she has some heartslabyul content that i havent gotten around to reading yet but i am SUPER excited to go through them when i get the chance!!! rhea is super fun to talk to hehe <3
and lastly, @jade-s-nymph who organized this whole thing!!! rubia is on hiatus right now but i've seen some of her projects and a few of the things she's written and they're all really good!! there's a lot of x reader content on her writing blog and self indulgent nymphleech content on her personal blog :3
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m00ngbin · 6 months
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@teruthecreator !!!!
Hi hi hi go read The Forgotten Son by teruthecreator on ao3 it's really good I promise
You have to actually click on the pictures for them to look clearer, idk why tumblr keeps killing the image quality
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triglycercule · 23 days
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#theyre so cute. theyre so cute. i will neber forget this#i will never move on from this i will forever remember thism gshaewru you are going to get everything that is coming for you. in a good way#WHO HAS FREE TIME TO DO THIS. WHO HAS FREE TIME TO MAKE ART OF A RANDOM TUMBLR ACCOUNTS LOWKEY CRINGE AU#i turned murderous and delusional freaks into cute schoolgirls and you thought. ah yes. time to draw that#AND TJEN YOU ACTUALLY DID IT YOU LUNATIC YOU ACTUALLY WENT AHEAD AND DID IT#i put jk au to the backburner ngl because i had other mtt content to do and think of snd finish#but ngl i might make more jk au designs then. i might make other aus in jk or at least resembling it#nanchatte seifuku my beloved. i cant wait to get back home and then try and replicate the jk mtts outfits with my own jk collection#THEYRE SOOOO CURE I CANT STOP LOOKING ST THIS#i need to make a comic on how horror's ribbon works i think#because you tried your best and i can see how you got the the idea that it was glued onto her head or something#but its actually tied around her skull. like it goes through the head wound and out from the bottom of the skull#DID I MENTION HOE CUTE THEY LOOKED HELP#i dont know if you ever knew this would make me this happy but it does make me this happy. incredibly happy#this is like giving a starving child a 5 course meal type of happiness#art for me takes so much time and energy and motivation to complete#and the fact that you made THIS PLUS THE OTHER THREE PHOTOS is just like#you HAD to have really wanted to draw them if you made that many in my eyes#ANS HOW LONG DID TJIS EVEN TAKE LIKE HELLO. i dont even think you've been following me that long#i love your srtstlye by the way its so amazing i cant describe it#the scribbly but also like. everything is meant to be where its meant to be. you know what youre doing#GENIUS. and they dont even look that horrendously not sans-like like i make them 💀💀💀💀#THEY LOOK LIKE THE MTT BUT LIKE. ALSO CUTE GIRLS. ITS THE PERFECT MIXTURE#tricule asks#stop with the jk fashion au content i wont be able to come up eith normal mtt ideas...... (i am thrilled st this no matter sorry i didnt me#jk fashion au
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florbelles · 4 hours
finished hera & started lady macbeth and we have got to start blaming women for shit again for real
#this is a joke. but.#if i have to read one more retelling~ that’s just#‘but what if the woman was ASSAULTED ALL THE TIME and had NO AGENCY so everything bad she did was JUSTIFIED or a LIE???’ please stop#when you’re actively taking agency away from women written and portrayed in deeply patriachal cultures you’re not giving them a voice#youre taking the voice they had away.#women worked around and within the patriarchy while having feelings and ambitions and wants and dreams and flaws and virtues forever.#without the necessity of ‘but what if the MAN in her life was just SUPER EVIL and NOT NUANCED and she was just ASSAULTED’#what if no women wanted anything but SAFETY ever what if they were never power hungry or jealous or predatory ever themselves?#yes circe did this too if i have to see one more person say ‘oh except circe’ i will scream.#circe is literally like. the worst offender here.#pivoting back though sorry but it also all feels very bioessentialist PRESUMABLY without meaning to but ‘oh men are just inherently evil#with no nuance. nuance is for women and by nuance we mean was just super oppressed and wronged’ is uh haha actually terfy as fuck#good ol lady macunsexmeherebeth who definitely didn’t plot the whole thing to begin with for sure needs to be Given a Voice#i haven’t finished this one yet btw. i like this author’s work on the whole i just think this one is a swing and a miss because like.#this is not a woman who didn’t do anything and who didn’t have a voice.#if you want to show us her perspective in terms of her psychology and her inner workings and how she got to this place excellent wonderful#but not when the answer is just ‘but actually nothing was her fault ever!!!!!!’ like. lol let her want that crown for reasons that aren’t#my husband is abusive.#like oh my god.#same with hera you’re gonna go with the ONE tradition where she didn’t want to marry zeus#and all her rage is just about Injustice and the Patrairchy and not actual envy. okay.#she & zeus were an og most toxic couple of all time but they WERE in virtually all tradition a couple still who had times of reconciliation#and attachment.#like you know. actual toxic and abusive relationships do.#also it completely erased rhea who was actually the character whose story this more closely resembled#(warrior goddess with flop husband she finally schemes against)#instead she just. uh. went away oh no hera’s so afraid of being weak like mama she must break the cycle.#like okay this is the story you want to tell stop superimposing it on mythical entities from thousands of years ago then.#justice4rhea.#okay sorry. end rant.
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dazzelmethat · 23 days
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Long time no Bud. Wow the last time I made her a ref was 2018. I experimented some with her pallet. Unsure if I like the profile head but oh well, open mouthed anime inspired profile faces are notoriously hard for a reason.
Sigh. What am I going to do with her.. my writing conundrum workshopping in tags. My tag rant mentions plot related suicide and ableism (in relation to the zombie trope).
#my art#my ocs#ft the irises#tw suicide#tw ableism#sh e the yello one. can you tell she's thematically yellow?#as i don't care about 'spoilers' anymore because i'm doubtful i'll ever get to finish my writing stuff i'll just dump my writing hangup her#i think she's probably about 18 here (physically)#beware the in the tags plot includes suicide and ableism (in relation to the zombie trope)#Bud's voice specifically is tricky.. as Vera (the ghost) left her body (bud) when she was 10.#And vera took all knowledge (memories and words and thoughts) with her when she left.#and bud had to start mentally from scratch after rising from the dead. thus being interpreted as a 'zombie' sort of monster#Vera hatess Bud as hate of the self/ hate of the physical/ hate of the unintelligent (vera is in the wrong here. but she's complicated)#((lol can you tell why vera named herself that haha))#i want her to prompt characters/people to reininvestigate how they think of 'brainless zombie' tropes in relation to ableism but--#but i am doubtful of my writing ability and should probably change what i have going on to something less risky#originally when i was 12 and i first made them all bud was purely a chaotic antagonist. and i have def moved past that#12 yr old me expressing my suicidal idealization by having Vera absolutely hate her old body#and bud (formerly xqi for askew iris in middle/high school) being the body that was rightfully thrown away#but now that i'm past that all.. i need to make bud a character that can actually take up just as much importance as the other 3 irises#do i have the writing skills to do that? who knows.. Bud isn't even a 'main character' the way vera is. should i still try?#even if i never wind up trying and this conundrum stops me forever.. at least these blorbos can live in my head u_u#might delete the tag rant later if i feel self conscious enough about it :/#shrugs profusely#any suggestions are welcome. join me in untangling this gordion knot if u want ashdfhasdfjldf
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hivepixels · 3 months
#i wrote the arsl essay really emotionally if it's illogical i'm very sorry it's just my impression T0TTTTT.........#mumblings#EVEN THE SOLLUX ONE IS CRINGE TO ME I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE i'm just glad people who've gotten something out of it can feel#more reassured in their enjoyment of these characters bcs theyre awesome & i like when people think abt them esp in relation to each other#i was so 👀!!! by how sollux detected his relevancy was reduced compared to the rest of the meteor crew and chose to step away with aradia#and since her arc was pretty much finished around the same time as his i rlly love how they complete their jobs then go off have fun#(well sollux is extra funny bcs he doesnt WANT to be a Main Character but mf can't resist adding his two cents backseat commentary LOL)#anw.. idk if ive ever mentioned but i dont care for pale arsl whatsoever skjskj highkey resent the popularity of that depiction but i don't#have grounds to complain since it gives people a reason to keep including aradia with sollux somehow#once again coming from a dvkt background i often saw aradia and sollux entering as a pair so it was wild to switch to slkt and#find out a lot of sollux shippers don't like aradia as much. or at all#<- was scrolling old posts and saw that people have been discussing this same exact thing years ago LMAO the cycle repeats itself#i think sollux should 🥺👉👈 for aradia forever its funnier to think he likes her so much and she's just. occupied by more important things#ANYTHING SHE NEEDS HE WILL COME.... SHE JUST HAS TO ASK. BUT WHAT CAN SHE POSSIBLY ASK FOR WHEN SHE'S ALREADY SO CAPABLE....... HSJAHAA#back when she approached him for tech and research assistance he could feel useful but now. he's huddled in the corner sad puppy#its so ;;; when ppl make him super relieved to see aradia like WAAGHHHHHH SHE'S HERE... SHE'S HERE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!#sollux wanting to be more important to aradia is a thought i revisit a lot he just wants to know if there's anything there#but he can't pick Just One Thing and regardless of the outcome good or bad he'll always regret screwing it up#in reality its not his fault lol just like karkat dude's got the self-sabotage instinct for things no one holds him against for so. yeh#STILL don't take my opinions as truth gospel alright i'm a fangirl not a meta writer!!!!!!!!!
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dnangelic · 1 month
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serendipity of me sometimes wondering how my portrayal would've been like had i stuck strictly to canon's rules in regards to the curse(tm) and dark vanished as soon as daisuke's love became mutual with somebody but then all of dai's ship partners would get stuck with him sighing to himself like. all the time. forever
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jabbajacks · 2 months
I switched the ask back on, still Stuck and running around I'm circles but ehhggh
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