#it's going to take forever and ever to finish
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qwertysquirti · 2 days ago
Sick Day
꩜synopsis: Rafayel is sick. You’ve decided to sacrifice whatever you had going on that day (which wasn’t anything, really) to come and tend to him.
꩜content: less than 1k, female!reader but the word "girlfriend" is only mentioned once so if you ignore that it's gender neutral ;), fluff, ur lwky a bad caretaker, rafayel is annoying
꩜an: i'm sick and his birthday is coming up so why not combine the two. also idk if lemurians actually get sick but let's pretend they do.
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You press the back of your hand to Rafayel’s forehead. “Jeez, you definitely have a fever.” You extract your hand and he sniffles.
 “I know you like walking out onto the beach at night but it gets cold out…” You scold, lightly. 
“Hmph. I already know that. I’d just done it so many times I thought I couldn’t get sick. I don’t even remember the last time I’ve been sick!” He begins to sit up but immediately lies back down again. 
“Right. Lemurians aren’t totally immune to colds, you know?” You giggle. He childishly juts his lip out and rolls over to lie on his side. What a baby. You exit his bedroom to see if he has any sort of medicine in his kitchen, at least make him some soup or something. You hear a ping from your phone before you can get too far, though. 
Rafayel: where’d you go? come back
You: To find you some medicine… Also, are you hungry?
Rafayel: wouldnt you like to know
You: Yeah, I kinda would. 😒
Rafayel: i guesss i could go for something to eat. hurry back tho
That was unnecessarily difficult. You peruse Rafayel’s kitchen in search of medicine and soup. You find a bottle of cough syrup that hopefully isn’t expired and a can of chicken noodle soup in the back of his pantry. You navigate his clunky kitchen and manage to prepare the soup. You walk back to the bedroom to see that Rafayel still has that stupid pout on his face. 
“I made you some soup and got you some medicine.” You smile, unable to take him seriously. 
“You took forever! What if I had passed away from my illness already?” He rolls his eyes. 
“Sooo sorry.” You tease. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, cutie. Literally.” He leans back into his fluff pillows and lets out a meek sneeze. You walk closer to his bedside and place the soup bowl and medicine on his nightstand. You pat his head, “Hehehe, my poor boy.” You happily gaze down at him. 
“You’re so cruel, laughing at my pain.” He lets out a weak cough, probably fake. “Just feed me.” He points to his mouth. Such a drama queen. You indulge him and pick up the spoon. 
“You’re so spoiled.” You sneer as you spoon the soup into his mouth. He says…something but you can’t understand him because his mouth is full. He decides on just glaring at you instead. He finishes the soup and you pour him a bit of medicine into the cap of the bottle. You put it up to his lips and he surprisingly drinks it up without protest. “Blegh. Do you know how long that’s been in there?” His face scrunches up. 
You look at the back of the medicine bottle, the expiration date is faded but you can make out the date ‘11/23/24’. Oh that’s not as bad as you thought. Still kinda bad but not THAT bad. 
“It’s fine.” You grin, guiltily. He squints his eyes at you.
 “I’m gonna die, aren’t I? You’re the worst bodyguard girlfriend ever.” He dramatically plops down into his pillow. You shake your head no but honestly, you don’t know the side effects of drinking month old cough medicine. He grabs your hand and puts it against his cheek. “At least the last thing i’ll see is your cute face…” He coughs and shuts his eyes, letting go of your hand.
“Calm down!!!” You panic a bit. “I’ll get you new medicine!!” You place your hand back onto his cheek. He chuckles and opens one eye. 
“Did I actually scare you?” He dawns a cheeky smirk. 
“No!” He did, just a little bit. “But seriously, I should get you more medicine.” You take your hand off of his face, but he grabs your wrist before you can walk away. 
“Can you just stay with me for a while longer? I don’t want you to leave, not even for a second.” He pulls you closer to the bed. It seems he gets even more clingy when he’s sick. He wraps his arms around your torso and buries his face into your stomach so you can’t escape. “Just stay here, yeah?” He speaks into your stomach with a muffled voice. You run your fingers through his hair, how could you say no to your sick fishie?
“Okay. But I have to get that medicine eventually, I want you to get better.” You rub your hand down his back.
“I’m already getting better with you by my side.” He places his chin onto your stomach to look up at you lovingly. You stay in that moment for a while, until he starts having a coughing fit. “Right. Yeah I have to get another medicine.” You remove his arms from off you, and speed to the door. 
“Cutie–” Cough. “Wait!” Another cough.
“I love you! I’ll be back.” You say at the door frame before sprinting off to the nearest drug store. You get a text on your way there.
Rafayel: you left meee :( youre gonna make it up to me when im feeling better
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backtothe99 · 2 days ago
(18Trip Translation) Tao Kinouchi SR: Melting Sweet - Superstitions, Truth, and Chocolate!
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proofread by jellyfish_apple, 463ce6, azurecrystalz and niri
Part 1
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Location: HAMA House Living Room
Tao: I’m back… Whew.
Tao: (The whole world’s in a Valentine’s mood. Though it’s a little different from the kind I know.)
Toi: Welcome back, Tao-kun. Do you have a minute?
Tao: Oh, Toi-san. I’ve got all the time in the world. Did you need something?
Toi: Y-Yeah. I-I need a favor, actually…
Toi: I was thinking of working up the courage to make some chocolate for Valentine’s Day this year…
Toi: Um! Once I’ve finished it… C-Could I ask you to give it to Chii-sama for me…!?
Tao: Me? You don’t want to give it to Chihiro yourself?
Toi: I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I couldn’t possibly do something so embarrassing and disrespectful!! Also, the thought of it might keep me up at night, no matter how Chii-sama reacts…!!
Toi: But you’re good friends with him, so I thought I could ask you to do it for me… Um. I’m sorry if I’m asking for too much.
Tao: I mean, Chihiro’s my roommate, and we do get along well…
Tao: (But he’d probably…)
Tao: … Oh, I know.
Tao: Ev3ns are scheduled for a concert on Valentine’s Day, so how does taking that chance to give him the chocolate in-person sound?
Toi: G-Giving it to him in-person…!? That sort of thing is impossible for me…!
Tao: I think Chihiro would be happier that way.
Toi: Really…?
Tao: Yeah. I’m saying this as his good friend, so you can count on it. Probably.
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Toi: …
Toi: … Okay. I’ll give it a try, then.
Toi: Thank you, Tao-kun…!! I’ll do my bestest to give my chocolate to Chii-sama!
Tao: I’m glad I could be of help.
[Toi leaves]
Tao: (… Chocolate huh? I've heard people in this era buy chocolates for themselves too… Talk about times changing.)
Tao: (Pretty sure back in my time we didn’t even have that “Reverse chocolate” thing.)
Tao: (Well, I only ever received chocolates out of obligation, and even that took courage, 'cause you’d end up being teased for it.)
Tao: (Thinking about it like that, it’s probably a good thing that it’s so easy to give chocolate to anyone and everyone now.)
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Part 2
Location: Special Ev3ns Live
Tao: Thank you so much for coming today! This was the best Valentine’s Day ever!
[Fans cheering]
Chihiro: From here on out we’ll be havingggg… Talk Time with Chii and Co.! Line up here if you wanna participate~! We’ll talk with everyone in order, so no need to push☆
Tao: (Oh, Toi-san…)
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Toi: …
Tao: (He looks really nervous. I guess it’s actually embarrassing for a fan to give chocolate to an idol they admire?)
Tao: (I’ll go check on him, since my turn is up later.)
Tao: Toi-san, are you really okay with not lining up to talk to Chihiro? You were going to give him your chocolate, weren’t you?
Toi: I-I was! But I’m really nervous…! What if I mess something up…?
Tao: It’s okay, he’ll definitely be happy to see you. I can guarantee that, so do your best.
Toi: … O-Okay! I’ll do my best, then…!
[Toi walks up to Chihiro]
Chihiro: Oh, Toi-nya! Did you come to see Chii live? I’m so happy you’re here!
Toi: Y-Yes!! Um, here! I'm dedicating this chocolate to you to thank you for being born into this world, Chii-sama…!
Chihiro: This is for Chii? Wow, thanksiiiieees!! The wrapping is super-duper cutieful too! What do I doooo, I’m literally on cloud nine right now~!!
Chihiro: Chii is super lucky to have someone like you stanning him, Toi-nya~♪
Toi: …! I’m happy that it made you happy, Chii-sama…! I’ll keep supporting you forever!
[Toi walks back to Tao]
Toi: I did it… I did it, Tao-kun! I managed to give Chii-sama my chocolate…!!
Toi: So, um… Thank you for giving me the push I needed, Tao-kun!
Tao: No need to thank me. You had that courage within you all along.
Tao: (Valentine’s Day sure is nice in this era. No matter what kinda chocolate you give, there’s no doubt the person receiving it will be happy.)
Tao: (… I’m sure it’ll be a good way to give back for the chocolates I’ll get, so I’ll do my best in the upcoming shows, too.)
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Location: HAMA House Rooster Room
Chihiro: Let’s try this chocolate next~ OMG, the decorations on it are sooo cutie~!
Chihiro: Mmm, delish! This one isss… from that famous store that was all the buzz he other day! I’ve always wanted to give it a try~! *Nom, nom*…
Tao: He’s off in his own chocolate world… I gotta eat the chocolates I got too, including the Chief’s.
Tao: Man, I seriously am grateful for them, but if I eat them all I might end up with a nosebleed, so I have to come up with a proper plan…
Chihiro: A nosebleed? Why?
Tao: Huh? What’d you mean, why… They say that, don’t they? That you’ll get a nosebleed if you eat too many chocolates.
Chihiro: Hrm~~?? Chii’s never heard of that before… Gonna look it up real quick~
Chihiro: Found it. Hmmm~ Looks like this was a popular superstition back in the day.
Tao: Huh. A superstition!?!?
Tao: (The heck. Everyone believed it…!!)
Tao: (Does that mean that a lot of the stuff I’m sure is common sense is actually a bunch of superstitions!? Like how your bones will melt if you drink too many carbonated drinks…!)
Chihiro: …? What’s up? You look like your tummy’s upset. Did you eat too many chocolates?
Tao: … I just thought that the passage of time is seriously scary.
Chihiro: ?? What are you talking about? You’re such a weirdo, TaoTao~!
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lovelymylene · 2 days ago
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“All I can do is be me, whoever that is.”
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stoner timmy.. who never seems like he’s in a rush. He moves through life like he’s got all the time in the world, even when he doesn’t. You could be late to school, running down the street like your life depends on it, and there he’d be, leaning against a lamppost, cigarette dangling from his fingers, looking up at the clouds like they just told him a secret.
stoner timmy.. who’s got this annoying, effortless charm that makes it impossible to dislike him. He’s never trying too hard. Never really trying at all. But somehow, he’s always the guy people want around. It’s not just that he’s funny, or that he listens better than most. It’s that he makes everything feel lighter, like the world isn’t so serious when he’s in it.
stoner timmy.. who got told once that he looks like Bob Dylan and has held onto it ever since. He doesn’t bring it up often, but when he does, he acts like it’s no big deal, like it doesn’t keep him up at night thinking maybe he’s meant for something bigger. He doesn’t know what yet, but he’s working on it.
stoner timmy.. who loves music, movies, sports, and art but can’t decide which one to fully commit to. He’s got records scattered across his floor, half-finished sketches on his desk, a baseball glove in his backseat, and an old film camera he takes everywhere. He just wants to be one of the greats. The question is, great at what?
stoner timmy.. who matches people’s energy like a mirror. You’re loud and excited? He’s right there with you, matching your enthusiasm like he’s known you forever. You’re quiet and mellow? He’ll sink into the calm with you, like he’s always belonged there. But sometimes, when he’s the only one reciprocating the good vibes, it gets a little awkward, like he’s standing in a room full of people but still somehow alone.
stoner timmy.. who doesn’t believe in bad days. Not really. If something shitty happens, he shrugs it off, says, “Yeah, but did you see how good the sky looked today?” Like that’s supposed to make up for it. Maybe it does.
stoner timmy.. who can talk to anyone about anything. Politics, philosophy, the best way to roll a joint, how a certain song makes him feel like he’s floating. But the second someone asks about him, he dodges the question with a joke or a smirk, like he’s got nothing to say about himself that’s worth hearing.
stoner timmy.. who has never, not once, been caught up in drama. Not because he avoids it on purpose, but because people just can’t bring themselves to drag him into it. It’s hard to be mad at a guy who looks at you like you’ve got the whole world inside you.
stoner timmy.. who loves sitting in the backseat on long drives, watching the world blur past, cigarette in one hand, feet up on the dash. He doesn’t care where he’s going. He just likes moving.
stoner timmy.. who, no matter how hard you try, you can’t bring yourself to hate. Even when he’s frustrating. Even when he’s impossible to figure out. Because at the end of the day, he’s got this way of making you feel like the world is a little softer, a little easier to exist in. And maybe that’s enough.
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taglist.. @yearlyism @italiansunsetss @b1gba113r @sylvanianngirl @st7rnioioss-alt @sincerelykelsss @throatgoat4u @wiseladypoetry @gracieabrmslvr @sweetangelgirl7 @pearlzier @1-hypegvrl @piperrrr-16 @mackyyyk @luna443 @flowerxbunnie @cwemetrys @calliepie @cupidsword @notaboutlovebyfiona @recklesssturniolo @littlebookworm803 @blissfulxsins @camsturnz @st7rnioioss @rempessturniolo
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into-the-hellaverse · 1 day ago
Lucifer and Adam's Good Day
Final part of the Bad Day series!
Before we get to the fic, I wanna thank lilacwriter07, hellojenpenworld, inubaki, and libby-for-life (not tagged cause idk how y'all feel about being tagged in random fics). Libby started this with a commission and Lilac, jenpen, and inubaki kinda kept spurring it on with their kind words and encouragement. Y'all shouldn't have done that XD If you do that, you get a happy giddy mess that's lowkey over the top and filled with typos.
But still, thanks to you guys I did something I never thought I could do. Finish writing something. I always wanted to write a fic series, and it's my dream to be a published author, but I never actually got myself to sit down and write long enough to actually complete something. So, thank you. You guys are some of the kindest people I've met.
Sorry to get sentimental on y'all. Now, let's give Adam and Luci a happy ending :)
Lucifer took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He practiced everything on the way over here. What to say, how to act, and he even scouted out a quiet place for him and Adam to go. He just had to execute this. Perfectly.
He took a deep breath and walked up the small staircase to the mansion's entrance, giving a few quick, sharp knocks.
"ADAM! GET OFF YOU LAZY ASS AND ANSWER THE DOOR!" Mammon's voice carried really well. There was some running around and Adam opened the front door.
"Hi..." Adam whispered, smiling softly. "I started losing hope..."
"I'm sorry, it took a little longer than expected..." Lucifer said softly, cupping Adam's cheek. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm great, now that you're here..."
Lucifer smiled, quickly dropping it once he noticed the scarf wrapped tightly around Adam's neck. "What happened?"
"I'd...rather not talk about it..."
Lucifer nodded softly.
Adam pushed his hand away and turned into the house. "ITS LUCIFER!"
Lucifer had never seen Mammon move that fast. He was at the front door in a matter of seconds, a scowl on his face. "The fuck you want, you walking asshole?"
Now to put the plan in action. He gave a big, nervous smile and sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Yeah, so I had to have a meeting with Sera, and she found out that Adam isn't up in Pride anymore. And, you know Sera. She through a bitch fit and demanded Adam gets put back where he belongs."
"He's not going back with you," Mammon growled.
Lucifer held up his hands defensively. "I know! Believe me, I don't want him in my Ring! But if he's not there, then Sera might wreck havoc and..." Crap what was he gonna say?! He practiced this 20 times! "Destroy all of Hell..." That wasn't what he was supposed to say.
Mammon raised a brow. "Seriously?"
"Yes." Now he had to commit. "I mean, you know Sera. Takes the smallest thing and blows them out of proportion."
Mammon sighed and rolled his eyes. "Bitch still hasn't changed a bit, huh?"
Yes, he bought it! "Sadly, no. So, I just need to take Adam for a month or two back to my Ring. Once Sera calms down, I'll talk to her and make her realize that it's better if he's down her with you. Sound good?"
Mammon sighed. He was obviously pissed off and hesitant. "Just a couple of months?"
"And he'll be all yours," Lucifer said with a smile. "Forever and ever..."
Mammon rolled his eyes. "You better fix it. Quick." He turned to Adam. "Go get your shit. You're going to stay with Lucifer for a while." He shut the door in Lucifer's face.
Lucifer let out a hefty sigh, feeling his heartbeat slow down as panic subsided. Thank God, he bought it...
Adam left a few minutes later, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder and gripping his guitar case with a death grip. He raced down the steps and Lucifer ran after him, trying to keep his pace as they left the mansion grounds.
"I thought you said I wouldn't have to go back," Adam said softly.
"You won't. Follow me." Lucifer walked the dirty streets of Greed, holding Adam's hand and leading him along until he found a quiet alley way. He led him deep, until they couldn't see the road.
"What are we doing down here?" Adam asked nervously.
"We just need some privacy." Lucifer let go of his hand and pulled something out of his jacket pocket.
Adam stared at him, shocked and confused. "Is that..."
"A Luciferian crystal." He paused, watching Adam intensely. "I know what you're thinking, but I'm not gonna take this from you. This is yours to keep, Adam. I just need to show you how to use it, then it's all yours. I won't take it back. I promise."
Adam nodded. Although from the look on his face, you could tell he didn't believe him.
Lucifer put it on. "It's really simple, actually." He turned around and held up the crystal, looking back to make sure Adam was watching. "All you have to do is think about where you want to go and draw a pentagram." He used the tip of his nail to draw a pentagram on the flat surface of the crystal, watching the bight red lines etching their way into the crystal. When he finished, a portal opened up to Gluttony, right outside Bee's mansion.
"That's Gluttony," Lucifer explained as Adam stared in awe. "Bee has really good parties."
Adam didn't say anything.
Lucifer started getting uncomfortable. "If you want to get rid of the portal, all you gotta do is wipe it away." He made sure Adam was watching and he wiped the pentagram off the crystal, and the portal closed in the blink of an eye. "And that's just how it is. Think of where you wanna go, draw the pentagram, and wipe it away once you pass through." He took off the crystal and held it out to Adam, but he didn't grab it.
"Adam..." Lucifer gently took his hand and placed the crystal in it. "I'm not going to take it from you. I genuinely want you to have this."
"Why?" Adam asked, looking confused.
"Because after everything I did, after everything I said to you... This is the least I can do..."
Adam still seemed nervous and hesitant, but he gave him a smile.
Lucifer smiled back gently. "Can I show you one more thing?"
"I was able to set up a spawn point or homing beacon of sorts on the crystal." Lucifer gently opened his hand, showing the flat surface of the crystal. "If you're ever running around the Rings and you need a place you know is safe, just think about home and draw the pentagram." He drew it for Adam and watched a portal open up into a red room.
Adam just stared, like he didn't want to believe this was real.
"It's safe. Trust me." As if to prove a point, Lucifer fell backwards into the portal and landed on the hard ground on the other side. Adam just stepped through, looking around cautiously.
Lucifer quickly jumped to his feet and carefully wiped away the pentagram. "Don't forget to do that. You don't know who will follow you through."
"Got it," Adam said, gripping the crystal tightly when he was done. "So... Where are we?"
"At my palace. I have a bunch of spare rooms, more than what I know to do with. So I turned one into a guest room for you," Lucifer said. "If you're ever scared, if you need a place to stay that you know is safe, or if you just need a break, then you can come here and stay as long as you want. I won't touch anything in here, I won't mess with any of your stuff. You can use any of the palace amenities, and I won't ask you to do anything while you're here." He watched Adam examine the bare room closely, as if he was looking for something. "Sorry if it's not that flashy. I thought it would be better if you decorated it since-"
"What's the catch?" Adam cut him off.
"Huh?" Lucifer looked confused.
"What's the catch?" Adam repeated. "There has to be some kind of catch."
"What do you mean? There is no catch." Lucifer looked just as confused as Adam.
"You can't be this nice just because. There's something in it for you."
Lucifer sighed softly. "Adam. Trust me when I saw this. I don't want anything from you. I just want you to be safe."
"Because I care about you. More than I probably should... After everything you went through, you need a place that you know is safe, and the only place I thought of was here. And with the crystal, you can go anywhere you want in Hell at a moments notice. It's not exactly the freedom you had up in Heaven, but it's close enough, right?"
Adam said nothing, his expression unreadable as he looked away from Lucifer and down at the pure white crystal in his hands.
"I'll let you get settled in...." Lucifer turned and left the room. He walked down the quiet halls, but it felt different than before. Just having Adam here, it made his home feel warmer. It made Lucifer feel calm. I mean, Adam was probably never going to use the room, but just the idea that he could be here anytime... It made him smile.
He heard a gentle knock as he passed by the front door. Confused, he went over and opened it a crack to see who it was.
"Charlie?" He asked, swinging the door wide open. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I stay with you for a while?" She asked as she sobbed.
"Of course, baby! Come in, I'll get you bags." He gently ushered her inside and grabbed the few bags she brought, leading her up to her old bedroom. She was silent, except for the occasional sob, sitting on her bed while Lucifer started to unpack some of her clothes and belongings.
The silence was eating him up. Charlie was rarely ever like this. And judging from the puffy eyes, she had been crying for days. He carefully sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"What happened, duckling?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle.
Charlie started cry harder than ever. "I don't know, Dad! I don't know why I've been acting like this! Everything was going so well with the hotel and Adam then Cameron came around and started framing Adam and I just got so mad and everything went out of control and Vaggie left and I kicked you out and Angel ran away and Alastor left and if Alastor leaves then Husk and Nifty leave too and I was all alone and I just couldn't take it! I'm a failure!"
"Charlie, sweetie, you're not a failure," he said, pulling her closer. "You're just.... Maybe you like Lilith."
"H-Huh?" She wiped her eyes, smearing days-old makeup on her face.
"I mean, you know I have some form of anxiety, and I passed that onto you. Your mother never really showed it, but she had some kind of mood disorder. I wanna say she was bipolar, but I'm not a doctor so I can't diagnose."
"Am I broken?"
"No, no, Charlie. You're not broken," he said reassuringly. "You just need some help. You still have that human disguise, right?"
"Wonderful. I'll get an appointment set up and I can take you up to Earth so you can get a diagnosis from a good, trusted doctor, and some good meds to help. Not the shit that Belle has. Maybe set you up with a therapist, too."
Charlie seemed to calm down at that. "I thought you couldn't go to Earth..."
"Charlotte, I'm the King of Hell. I can fo whatever I want, whenever I want, and however I want. If I want to go up to Earth to help my daughter, I will." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Get some rest, duckling. I'll make your favorite tonight."
Charlie smiled and hugged him. "You're the best, Dad... I'm sorry for kicking you out..."
Lucifer hugged back tightly. "You had every right to, Charlie. I promised you I would never take them again and I broke that promise."
"You just needed help," Charlie tried to reason.
"And I could've gone somewhere else for that help. I didn't have to go to Auntie Belle." He kissed her forehead and pulled away. "Now get some rest. Seriously. You look exhausted."
Charlie gave him a weak smile and laid down on her bed, easily succumbing to sleep.
Lucifer just smiled and left the room. Finally, after all the shit of the past year, things finally started looking up...
This may be the conclusion of the Bad Day Arc (if you wanna call it that) but not the end of the story! There will be more fics around this storyline, that I shall not reveal because I wanna be a sneaky bitch :3 Mostly, I'm writing it for me, because I will take every excuse to shove my ocs where they don't belong (and none of the previous characters were ocs. I just asked friends to name them for one-off jokes and shit). I will shove my ocs into there like shoving a square into a circle hole
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padfoot-and-leo-ao3 · 7 months ago
Check out my fic on Ao3! There's just one chapter right now, but I'm working on it! I'll probably post every week or so. Still working on my bigger projects as well!
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icewindandboringhorror · 4 months ago
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Little bright colored outfit with a fun vest ~
(shoes from ebay like 10 years ago. everything else is thrifted)
#ootd#jfashion#fashion#fantasy fashion#mori kei#....like... adjacent... lol#no idea what style this would be lol.. makes me think of like whimsical vaguely fantasy themed childrens book character#finally posting one of my aforementioned seven million drafts of actual outfits and costumes i have finished and edited#the photos for but just never feel like posting lol..#I need to find one of those people whos like 'omg i am ADDICTED to social media ugh i wish i could get off of it#im just browsing and posting like 60 times a daaaaay!!!' and take a little magical bottle and suck some of the social media#enthusiasim out of them. for moi. In exchange they can have some of my 'literally just never in the mood to post or interact with the#outside world ever' energy. We can balance each other. huzzah and so on#Though I think maybe it's part of the general thing I've heard of like.. I can't remember if it was in reference to adhd or just some sort#of general execcutive functioning issue type of thing - but the idea that things have to be ''just right'' before you do something. like#'oh i need to do this task. but i have to wait until XYZ first' or 'oh i can do this but only if X specific condition is met' or etc#The fact that I even have to be in a Specific Mindset to post. or sometimes will delay posting on social media because like 'oh well#I'm going somewhere tomorrow. somehow this matters. i cannot spend 5 minuts posting TONIGHT. clearly it will interfere#somehow schedule wise with the doctor appointment i have 15 hours from now. yes. yes. i must wait until my appointment is over#tomorrow afternoon. THEN i shall post' or etc. etc. lol. NOT even taking into account the many days#I just genuinely and physically sick and it's not even a mental thing. I just physically dont feel like sitting at the computer lol..#ANYWAY.. trying to get back into it. trying to get a business bank account.. make a proper paypal so i can start selling sculptures again.#selling clothes and sculptures.. posting about such things then of course as one must. etc... chanting to hype up and motivate myself lol#But yes. this is my favorite outfit out of the bunch so I am posting it first I guess.. maybe others later..#Also the purple dress says its from shein. which I've heard is bad fast fashion stuff. but maybe okay since its second hand? I havent#been to the bins since like 2020 or late 2019 even. and I think stuff like shein and temu has only become poular in the past few years#but I bet if I went to the bins now I might would find a good handfull of that stuff. Probably now not much different than what you#find in a walmart or a forever 21 or actual physical stores you can go to though. I hear quality of clothing is down everywhere no matter#where you get it or whatnot. What bountiful joys unfettered capitalism and exploitation bestows upon us (<being sarcastic).#Wearing one of my favorite little vests though. I love the texture of it and the clasps on it
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months ago
submitted the last course for my bachelor's degree and now I'm going to start stress-knitting the most homemade looking scarf there ever was (it's 6 diff colors that might or might not go together and also I'm bad at knitting and I have no plan nor am I going to be counting layers, I'll switch the yarn when I feel like it) I'm nervous things are gonna fall through the last second somehow and I'll get a ''u can't graduate actually''-email once I send in that "graduating now pls"-form (can't yet bc waiting for the last courses to be graded)
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spocks-kaathyra · 2 years ago
guy who vastly underestimated how much of a pain in the ass it would be to sew a costume that needs 12 yards of bias tape
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m00ngbin · 11 months ago
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@teruthecreator !!!!
Hi hi hi go read The Forgotten Son by teruthecreator on ao3 it's really good I promise
You have to actually click on the pictures for them to look clearer, idk why tumblr keeps killing the image quality
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newtness532 · 1 month ago
I think i might make the vest 5-10cm shorter than what the pattern says? worst case scenario grandma will wear a crop top
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unbearable-lightness-of-ink · 5 months ago
so anyway I took another look at the old hatefic which went on pause because the source material is actually unredeemable but I still really stand by all the bits I added and the ocs and the concept overall so here's what I'm thinking:
actually go through and check which lines are mine and which are sourced so I can be sure I'm not plagiarising any phrasing. it's unlikely bc I remember really hating the source writing style and rewriting lots of entire scenes to be less painful to me but I need to be sure
rework some of the characters and setting to actually work for me, which also gives me tons of leeway for the plot stuff too. scrap anyone who isn't an oc and create ocs to replace anyone who's still necessary
figure out what's going on with all the characters who don't take off on a trauma bonding camping trip
figure out what the actual plot is. there's enough foreshadowing I didn't bother to figure out the meaning of that I should be able to do that, especially since I no longer have to be in any way beholden to the source worldbuilding
assess how gay it is and then make it gayer
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aenslem · 9 months ago
I just realized whenever I have time Im making only young x rush edits, entire june I posted nothing but them lmao
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tranakin-skywalker · 2 years ago
vibrating out of my seat in excitement over pt 2 of Singularity because it means I get to introduce carnivorous Jedi Temple
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reyryz · 1 year ago
holy fuck i can actually post a progress video
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soup-scope · 2 years ago
there’s only so many videos i think can be made with the dahlia storyline
do y’all think that at some point (IN THE FAR FUTURE) that if erik is still writing and making stories, he’ll work on a different connected universe??
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kits-ships · 2 years ago
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happy father's day to my f/os w/ canon kids!! i love these silly guys <3
ofc i love my f/os that i have fankids with but these guys deserve a little extra love today i think :3 except maybe norman. debatable
wait! why do i feel like im forgetting some people?
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oh no!
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