#it's finally up 👀
celiachante · 2 years
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☆ SABRINA CARPENTER, FEMALE, SHE/HER ☆ CÉLIA CHANTÉ the TWENTY FOUR year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the PERSONAL TRAINER made themselves at home in BIRCHWOOD PARK. While others around town have gossiped that they are SPRIGHTLY and IMPERTINENT but maybe that’s what helps them survive here.
Célia is the eldest of 3, born to River and Adrianna Chanté in '98. She has 2 younger sisters: Kaia (npc, 22), Leia (npc, 19)
Her upbringing was fairly healthy. Her parents, not without their issues, made sure to raise their kids with love and patience, though Célia was the trial run and grew to be a tad bit spoiled. Her parents had no clue until baby no. 2 came around.
Her father owned a construction company in the next city over where there was more business, and it was a pretty good set up. Business was good enough that her mother could stay home. Financially, they were solid. 
When Holbrook became inescapable, everything went downhill—the family continued to grow, but resources were slim. Somehow through it all, Célia didn't grasp the overarching themes of her family's struggle. At least they still had the house.
Having been too young to remember life outside Holbrook, Célia simply grew up believing every hardship was normal. She's held a flippant attitude toward it all since she was young.
Célia lives on her own in a half decent trailer. Although her whole family's stuck in Holbrook with her, she makes a point to keep herself at arm's reach. She sees them on birthdays and holidays, and whenever she happens to run into them in town, but for the most part Célia likes to keep her life private. Since she can't leave Holbrook, this is the only way she feels in control of her life.
She works at Ford Gym as a personal trainer, and when she's not working, she's probably still there getting her own workouts in, or volunteering her services regardless. Anything to keep her mind off being eternally stuck in Holbrook.
Célia is a tough nut to crack. She doesn't let many people close, and those she does are still far from knowing the inner workings of her mind. She's obstinate to anything that could encourage true bonding. She'd rather have someone for the night than for the future. 
She knows it's basically impossible, but still Célia has notebooks full of ideas to break free of the town. She'll probably never risk any of them, but she dreams of the day she can finally see the rest of the world for herself. Pictures in books are cool until they're the reason she's seething. 
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sunderwight · 1 day
What if the plant body hadn't worked out, and the Holy Mausoleum solution had actually taken a long time to sort of "fix" Shen Qingqiu's body and fully call his soul back to it, so that hundreds of years passed and civilization in PIDW/SV world progressed to the point of something like the "modern era"?
Imagine Luo Binghe trying to delicately introduce his shizun to such strange concepts as smart phones and credit cards, while Shen Qingqiu is just desperately trying to figure out how dumb he should play this. Would it be believable for him to get everything on the first try? There have to be some differences between what he knows and this world's versions, right, because of the demons and cultivators and things? Right?? But it's not like any of this actually IS difficult for him to grasp!
Luo Binghe: Shizun already discerned how to type using a keyboard...?
Shen Qingqiu, sweating bullets: what, like it's hard?
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harbingersecho · 3 months
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she should've been problematic at the club
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egophiliac · 5 months
thank you for blessing us with twst pokemon au i appreciate it greatly. if i may ask you a question
how does one read book 7 without selling their soul to the deep dark web. i've been wanting to read the other parts for a while but i can't find a place with all the chapters. i've seen translations on youtube but i don't think they have all of them?
(also why'd you government name mickey like that on your last post what did he do)
thank you! :D
I'm not really sure where to find up-to-date main story translations, so opening it up to the floor for other people to chime in! for reference, the latest release in JP was episode 7 chapter 6 on December 11th, which covered 7-88 through 7-100. fingers crossed for more in February...but that's where we're at right now!
(Michael knows what he did)
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tim stoker, the man that you are...
[video also up on youtube]
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randomfingthings · 2 months
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Hehehe I'm slightly obsessed with their interactions 😜 I need moreeee
Like remember Bahrain joint interview, like wtf was that, its my roman empire tbh
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myokk · 2 months
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Anne during the halcyon days of their summer before Hogwarts😇💓
She kind of relied on Sebastian to remember to bring everything on their daily adventures as it was always so much more exciting to be outside and plan what they were going to do, and obviously she didn’t have time to think about food, a picnic blanket, sketchbooks (to draw maps ofc), etc 😤
Let me know how you pictured the two of them as kids even if it’s different from my interpretation! I looooove reading everyone’s headcanons💓🫶
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nordsea-horizons · 8 months
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the house at the end of the road has been neglected for years.. no one really knows what happened…
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cybersteal · 3 months
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because that's what happens when he wears this outfit. bonus b&w i love too much to keep to myself under the cut
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omainu · 8 months
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Cirie Fields on BB25 finale night.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
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Ugh idk if this sent sorry
Really have a love hate with all the teasing, I’m gearing myself up with it. Also, I may or may not have another drawing for your usagi 🤐
But you’ve made me think, can Leo infect others with the kraang that’s on him? Or do smth of that nature. Ira just the fact you’re crossing the brothers out and it’s called tag xD either that or he’s capturing them. Either way it’s gonna hurt and I love it xD
ajsdhakjsdh sorry i didn't get to this before posting chapter 24!!! hehe i threw it in a tag of another post, but the X's simply were me crossing off each brother's section as i finished writing them to help give me motivation to finish lol 😅
(but yes.... Leo COULD have infected his brothers-- he almost did it to Donnie, after all. that's why for Don's part, Leo made EXTRA sure they couldn't make contact with one another)
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aurorangen · 8 months
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The new roommate was Chansung, another one of Noah's bros, who's also studying history like Renee! The trio went out to get some fresh air after unpacking and Renee received a call. "Hello?" she answered not knowing who it was, but she was quickly distracted by a dog who came to greet her. The owner came after with her phone in her hand, the name Renee as the caller ID. At that moment Renee knew who it was, it was V (by @tulipsimss), "V is that you?" she said.
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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💥  ᴛʜᴇ ᴜꜱᴜʀᴘᴇʀ  ―    Ardyn Lucis Caelum
❌ ♠  ᴀᴅᴀɢɪᴜᴍ  ♠  ❌
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thylionheart · 12 days
I have a theory… that Hecate MIGHT be on the side of Chronos. Or at least on the side of the next turn-over of power. For fighting against the Titans, there is an odd quantity of titans in the crossroads crew, namely Selene (I know if we’re going to have a witch season with Hecate, we HAVE to also have the moon herself. And gameplay-wise, mechanically, she needed to be distinct from Artemis). (And Hecate isn’t a titan in the myths, so this is an oddly intentional change to her character!)* But Selene says something after like the third or fourth bottle of nectar gifted to her, something along the lines of, “Ah, this custom of gift-giving, maybe there is something worth saving from the Olympians.”
I’m sorry WAT 👀 I know we’re supposed to be focusing on the health of the Underworld, but Olympus is actively burning, what did you mean by that, ma’am???
And we still don’t know- I’m pretty sure?- HOW Chronos was re-materialized. He would have needed help from a chthonic god/being for sure, right? My theories on the Egyptian connection and Hecate equating to Isis and Chronos to Osiris aside…., Hecate laments that she couldn’t have stopped Chronos taking Melinoë’s family. She says SHE was the one tasked with protecting the underworld. If Chronos broke through and Hecate was the door… I’d at least like to go over the security footage again. Hecate carries so much guilt over what happened to Mel’s family, and SO insistent that I’m NOT your mother, and I wonder if there is a weightier reason behind it. She’s so triggered when Hades passes on his gratitude to her, like pls don’t. I don’t deserve your thanks, I failed you.
I don’t think the majority of the Crossroads crew would be in on it. Moros is obviously genuinely worried for his sisters after Chronos kidnaps them. Nemesis maybe, but I wonder if she would be so willing to go along with this plan if she truly believes Chronos deserves divine retribution for what he has done. And she never holds back from sharing her honest thoughts. But on my post about everything coming out of Odyssey’s mouth being a lie, someone mentioned that he could be in a lying-as-default mode in order to protect someone’s secret. 👀 And people have mentioned how fucked over by the gods Odysseus was in life. Is it a little odd he is so ready to lend his strengths to them now? He’s not like Heracles, he doesn’t HAVE TO be here, what does he gain from all this?
Of course, Chronos, like any villain, is always saying, why are you fighting me? I’m bringing a golden age. You think the world was better under the rule of the gods? And…. If it wasn’t for the baby eating thing…. I’d hear him out.
*I was wrong abt this lol
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chiscribbs · 1 month
Next Update: Coming Soon!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
That one guy at Aston Martin whose only job has been to keep track of penalties:
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