#it's exploring things you wouldn't necessarily get to in different circumstances
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steampunkhobo · 7 months ago
I try very deliberately to not let either of the boys be the "woman" in the relationship, especially with Delmar being the smaller and (outwardly) softer of the two. That said- I think Delmar would be very happy with a pretty dress. Get to wear soft and flowery things like he wouldn't with "men's" clothing, sitting nice and cool in the Mississippi heat (he would have terrible skirt etiquette lmao), fussing with the flouncy skirt- just look okay
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Put him in a cloche hat and he'd be set!
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Maybe I'm silly but this is real to me. Wonderful little guy.
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notthestarwar · 2 years ago
God I'm legit screaming thinking about my reply to this comment again tho
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Like. Such an interesting aspect of the clones is that they did have their childhoods taken from them. It isn't the same as a species that develops at double the speed of humans! Cause they ARE humans. Which absolutely does not mean that they are adult sized children. They are adults. They think like adults. They are developmentally, physically and psychologically adults: but they are not the people they would have been, people with a whole well adjusted childhood behind them.
Which I think is frankly a fascinating thing to explore. It's a great metaphor. When looking at things like: if anyone bothered to ask, could they have consented to their place in the army? Which. Yes. On an individual basis they absolutely could. They are adults, they deserve the autonomy to make that decision and have it accepted, even if the choice they make isn't necessarily the one that another sentient with a different childhood might have made in their position. They can consent. But is it informed consent? Well no. They've kinda been brainwashed. Ethically, you're on unsteady territory there in asking them to choose when you know what their answer is going to be. Does that mean you shouldn't ask? Hell no! Of course you should ask. Does that mean you shouldn't accept their decision? Of course not! They're adults and it's their life.
The only way to approach this ethically would be to give them all the information beforehand and hope that they're as informed as possible. But really. Whatever you do, it isn't really right. The ethical thing is for noone to be in this position in the first place. This isn't ethical unless the clones did have childhoods and were not programmed to WANT to die for the republic and you don't have to ask them under those circumstances, because you've conscripted your army in a normal way.
Anyway my comment (and the fic) kinda went about this in looking at things from a Jedi perspective. Mace is asking. What the fuck do you do in that circumstance? Army has been raised and created in a horrible way, you had no idea and couldn't stop it and now they're being delivered to you. How do you do right by them? You can't! Certainly not as Jedi. Theyre in a ethical trap. They can only try their best but whatever they do, they are promoting the fucked up system that put these men in that position in the first place. Even if they could walk away from the republic (highly debatable) You either leave them to fend for themselves knowing there will be a huge loss of life, or you go in to war alongside them, hoping that in doing so you can smooth the way for them. Hoping that you'll figure out how to free them soon. Hoping that you can save as many of their lives as possible.
Like wow. Terrible situation to be in for anyone. No way you're getting out of that one without betraying them in some way. But for the jedi? Who rely on a philosophy that promotes the importance of all sentient life, to stop them falling and pretty much losing themselves to a mystic power that's gonna do all it can to turn them in to a time bomb, destroying themselves and hurting as many ppl as possible on the way out. Like I can't think of a less conflicting ethical dilemma for them to find themselves in. The war destroys the Jedi. If Palpatine was patient he wouldn't have needed order 66. They were never getting out of that alive. The war broke them, it was in complete opposition to their philosophy and they were tearing themselves apart from the inside.
Anyway this is my comment:
"It is!!! I think this is such a key way that its really hard for anyone to do right by them and be fair. They are adults, it wouldn't be fair to force them in to the life of a child. Or to patronise them. But in the same hand, they shouldn't be adults, something was taken from them and it's not fair to just ignore the fact that their childhoods were stolen from them. They aren't the people they'd be if they got to live those childhoods, but they aren't children either. They think like adults, they feel like adults; but adults that grew in to adults without the learning potential that a proper childhood provides.
It's an extreme, but it's an extreme of an issue that's unfortunately common irl. As an adult whose childhood didn't give you what what you needed, you are innately aware that you lost something that you can never get back. You can make the most out of who you are now, but without a time machine, you'll never have the childhood you should have had. And that, I think is something that Jaster himself is very aware of. When Mace tells him this, he knows the weight of it and he immediately knows that for the clones, it's so much worse.
Like I don't think it should be understated that the whole situation with the clones and the Jedi being asked to lead them was like perfect Jedi torture. It's a complete moral quandary and every way betrays their philosophy. The clones were slaves. They were born to be soldiers, trained from birth, their entire lives built around this war they didn't choose. But it was all they knew. They were indoctrinated in to that life from birth. Had the Jedi found a way to free them, I honestly think the vast majority of the clones would have been offended. They had been raised to believe their life's meaning was to fight for the jedi. They wanted to. It may not have been an informed decision, but, they did want it.
And that's when you really come in to difficulty with, these are adults that should be children. Because it isn't fair to tell another adult that they are wrong to want what they want and that they only want that because they don't have the experience to realise its a bad option. You can't be like 'I know what's best for you'. They are just as much of an adult as you. They are just as capable of thinking things through as you are. But in the same hand, had the clones been born in to a different life, would they still want to be soldiers? Probably not! But they are already adults by this point, their brains are developed, they can't get that childhood back. So to say 'I know that's what you want but it's only because your lack of childhood made you incapable of seeing what's right for you' would be humongously fucked up. There really isn't a way for the Jedi on the council to approach them that doesn't betray at least a part of what the clones are and I think that's important to address."
I do think it's a really interesting thing to chew on and a lot of the debate I see around it in my eyes misses the point completely. There isn't a right answer. There was never going to be a right answer. This didn't happen accidentally. Palpatine set it up to cause as much damage as possible. The clones were born betrayed and the Jedi, were fated to play a part in that, whatever they did. There was no way out.
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itsmistyeyedbi · 11 days ago
from the short asks abt love list: 3, 8 & 11 for zuri 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Hi! Thank you so much for asking🥹❤️ I won't even attempt to say that I'll keep this short lol, I'll just see how it goes as I answer.
3. What does your OC look for in a romantic (or perhaps purely sexual) partner? Is this always healthy?
You know what? I think a good amount of any unhealthy aspects of her relationships come down to her. Not everything is set in stone, but a lot of the things she likes in a partner are pretty standard things.
Being kind and caring is one of them. They don't have to necessarily be nice, so long as they aren't running around intentionally hurting people (...unless there are very specific, convincing reasons for it - and it isn't happening regularly)
A good sense of humour is another one. She doesn't mind having to do a little digging to find it lol, so long as it's there.
She does like flirty (maybe even edging towards sexual) banter, so she usually leans towards people who are comfortable with that - whether that comes out as them responding in kind or them having a more bashful "stammering and clutching their pearls" response.
The main thing is someone that makes her feel special. It can be in how they treat her or speak about/to her (especially if it's different from how they treat or speak about/to others). Fortunately, it's always been less of an "I hate everyone but you" and more of a "You're the most amazing person I've ever met" - can't say the former has never done something for her though. This isn't something she actively looks for, it's just something that always draws her in. And it's gotten her into a little trouble sometimes.
8. Does your OC pursue only monogamous relationships? Or are they open to other, more creative, options?
She's only been in monogamous relationships. An open relationship would be a no, she just isn't comfortable with that. But I don't see her being averse to a polyamorous relationship.
There are some situations that would be easier for her to adjust to than others. If a couple both have an interest in her and wanted to explore the possibility of her being in a relationship with both of them, she'd be down. And excited. And nervous. She'd be more weary if she still had issues with relationships, but if she had enough of a handle on them, she'd be ready to try.
If she and her partner both developed an interest in someone, she could still be down to try. But it would have to be years into her relationship with them, with a lot of talking and her already having a handle on her issues with relationships before she could comfortably do that. If she didn't, she wouldn't be for it. She wouldn't want to complicate things by bringing someone in and possibly subjecting them to her messiness as well - she'd be grappling with the fact that she might be doing that to her partner already.
The most difficult situation would be if they're all single. As in, all three of them having feelings for each other but don't have an established romantic relationship. If there's a friendship there, maybe, but even then she'd be terrified of ruining things with both of them. Her insecurities would shine the most in these circumstances, unless she's dealt with them. But still, not the most ideal situation.
Now I'm thinking about the Adam/Nate/Zuri poly again, God I need to post about that soon.
11. Has your OC ever been the object of someone's affections that they did not (or could not) reciprocate?
Depending on what route I'm playing, Douglas is one of them lmao. It's not something she can take seriously, but she does consider his feelings when she let's him know that nothing is gonna happen there. She makes sure he knows that she's too old for him.
There were a fair amount of people who showed an interest in her in uni. And she really didn't help because a lot of them were people that she'd spend a lot of time with at a party - chatting them up, getting to know them (but who's to say if they're getting to know her), drinking with them, dancing with them. Then she might make out with them, and on a few occasions, if she really enjoys their company, go home with them.
And she isn't the type to leave immediately after (unless they seem to want her to) - she's down to cuddle a little, maybe spend the night if things go so well that she doesn't even want to attempt to move wink wink, even have some tea the next morning. She isn't going to pretend to not know them afterwards either. If she sees them, she will talk to them.
It can definitely be read as there being some deeper interest there, so some of them do try to pursue something more and well... sometimes, she gives it a shot (as much as she can with her 'leave them before they leave me' mentality), but it ultimately doesn't work out. Even if she does end up having some kind of affection for them, it isn't in the same way or to the same extent that they have for her.
A short ask list about love.
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yourlocaldisneyvillain · 1 year ago
(Not hate) okay so about that one controversial fic. I’m not gonna say anything bad about but I’m actually just genuinely curious why you decided to write something like that? Considering that there’s way less controversial things to write about, why did you decide to write that?
i think i answered something similar a while ago, but it got lost on my blog bc i am incapable of tagging things properly lol i can never find anything
i am a person that likes to be challenged. i like taking an unusual or controversial concept and exploring it (one of the reasons i invented and did kink!week, where i challenged myself to write abt unusual/odd/misunderstood kinks and tried to make it genuinely hot, even if i personally wasn't necessarily into it). truth is, i got bored with the fanfic community and the type of content that was preferred, and i was honestly bored with it for a while before writing this fic. no hate to fandom writers -- i think there is a place and an audience for everyone, but i craved a different type of content, both to read and to write. i felt like i was expected to throw out fics that are basically all a variation on the same concept, and i felt i'd go nuts if i read one more larissa x teacher!reader self-insert fic. i felt like the content was just used for self-insert gratification and porn with little to no plot or actual character exploration/development. and honestly, nothing wrong with that, but i was hungry for stories with substance, or even slightly more imaginative smut, if we're talking smut (and let's be real this is a very horny fandom lol).
so one morning i was scrolling through the Webbed Site, as one does, and i stumbled upon a larissa x wednesday fic by a person whose username i honestly don't even remember, but they were not a popular or a known creator. and i was like, what the hell, let's see if this is cringe and if it is i can be Outraged with my wife later. and while Some of it was cringe, i felt like there was actual substance to the story and that their dynamic made sense, even if there were bits that i disliked and the grammar was very poor. and i was like, wow, that actually felt refreshing to read, even with its many flaws. at least it was original.
so i started to wonder -> under which circumstances would these two characters actually make sense? how do i create a world in which that relationship would work? i love to challenge myself as a writer, and i thought about it until i came up with a narrative that could support my idea!
i am honestly surprised by how many people are appalled by the concept of ageing up a character? that has been around for as long as fandom exists. i didn't think it would be *that* controversial, and if you read my story i honestly don't think there is anything Outrageous in it. in fact, i think it's much, much tamer than MANY popular fandom works. i expected some backlash bc people are generally close-minded online and have very Specific ideas abt what is Moral and what is Not, but i didn't expect people to go *this* nuts lol. i am better prepared for next time, i guess
and even if my work was like. Immoral and Horrible, it's fiction. if you don't like it, don't read it. i feel we encounter a genuine problem when people try to control and police other people and the type of content that gets written and posted -- a lot like young people trying to erase "problematic tags" from ao3. i am not saying certain things aren't problematic, but there is a distinction to be made between fiction and real life. people are allowed to write about whatever they want to write about, and it doesn't make them criminals, murderers, pedophiles, or morally corrupt and evil.
i honestly think most people who have accused me of promoting pedophilia wouldn't recognise sexual abuse if it was happening before their eyes irl lol. and besides, i never said oh go fuck your former teacher, that's a great idea!!! (i know fandom people who have bragged abt doing that though lol) i have simply written a story about two characters that are both consenting adults, and you can take it or leave it.
i am, in fact, writing a new fic that does deal with pedophilia, ephebophilia to be precise with my terminology, sexual assault and cycles of abuse -- how and why they happen and whether they can be broken and how. it's a very personal story and i pull a lot from my own life experience with sexual abuse as a minor. it's, obviously, not a romance or a ship story, but it *is* set in the wednesday universe -- and i am SURE i will get another bout of "kill yourself" messages, to which i say, i don't give a shit. i think people who send that type of shit are sad and deranged -- and tbh, you can send me those day in and day out and i would still i post whatever the fuck i wanted. i got angry with all the ignorance and hate that i witnessed after i published "particular" and i now feel the need to write what people think they witnessed in my story.
all that being said, i am also a person that likes to poke at the status quo. my answer to "why" is "why not?" so you can take that as you will. i am not harming anybody and i don't see why i should be apologetic about writing a fic that i wanted to write.
i appreciate you asking a genuine question and not hiding behind anon! this is my genuine answer, and i hope it's somewhat satisfying -- if not, that's too bad bc it's the only one i've got.
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theshadowsingersraven · 11 months ago
I don't think it's running away versus deciding who will be appreciative enough to see her bloom into her full potential/deserves to see that. And I think she'll have an easier time doing so away from the people who keep underestimating her. It'll be removed from any potential bias internally from Elain's end.
I don't see what pitfalls Lucien has that's comparable to the Inner Circle? Lucien has credited her with killing the King of Hybern, he advocated for her to get out of the house during her depressive state, and he's respected her space and boundaries since their bond snapped. He brings her presents at Solstice, which reads to me, as a way for her to know he doesn't hold any hesitance or uncertainty against her. Regardless of the result of their bond, he seems to be the most respectful of her and her choices.
And yes, Rhys is manipulative and puts a stop to their interaction. But Elain gave back the necklace, and for all we know, she may have heard Azriel's conversation with Rhys. She may not want Azriel anymore for all we know, and that could be the beginning of her arc. Everything after the Bonus Chapter, and what caused her to return the necklace.
When I say Feyre was better off in Spring, I mean compared to when she was in the human lands in the hovel with her family. Apologies if that wasn't obvious. Of course, she's going to do better in a place where she's provided for. She wasn't provided for in the human lands, she was the provider. Feyre thrives in the Night Court, as that is her home, but my point is that she also thought that the court she started in was going to be her home, and it wasn't. While it might not be the same set of circumstances, I wouldn't be surprised if Elain experiences something similar.
I don't see how it's a repeat when the circumstances are significantly different. Feyre was manipulated into going to Spring because of the curse put in place by Amarantha that Tamlin was tasked with breaking to save all of Prythian. Internally, I picture this as Elain realizing that the only person truly invested in getting what she wants is her, and that finding her own way is the next step for her. Getting away from the familiar and then seeing who she is without the current comforts of her surroundings and discovering who she truly is and what she truly wants.
How she lands on Spring could be a number of different circumstances. Perhaps she decides she wants to see the human lands more but ends up staying in Spring for the time she's away from the Night Court. Perhaps she ends up in Day or Dawn first, or she wants to journey through all the Courts and ends up being in Spring the longest. Spring doesn't necessarily have to be the intended destination, as much as I personally see that being a perfectly valid potential destination.
I just don't see what manipulation would Elain be dealing with at the hands of Tamlin and Lucien, personally, for it to be a re-run of ACOTAR. I guess maybe Lucien could be urging her not to reject him, but given that he was going to ask Rhys how he handled his mate being engaged to marry someone else, he seems to prioritize what she wants.
Either way, it doesn't have to be a permanent removal as much as an exploration of who she is unbound and untethered. Elain can always go back. Other High Lords visit the Night Court relatively frequently, at minimum on holidays. Or her family can visit her. Winnowing is a thing, after all.
Now here is where I have to vehemently disagree with you. "Feyre, Rhys, they dont seem to be taking what Elain says she wants for herself very seriously. So again, to see Elain simply capitulate to what they’ve been telling her all along run is good for her (go run along with your mate)- it doesn’t make sense. At all."
Feyre has only encouraged Elain to speak to Lucien, which, in all honesty, in a universe where magic can tie your soul irrevocably to another person and neither of you have a say in that initial instance happening--yeah, she should. Elain should speak to Lucien, full stop. The bond affects both their futures, and both of their lives will be on hold until it is resolved. Elain is the one uncomfortable, so Lucien is giving her space and putting the proverbial ball in her court. Elain and Lucien owe each other at least a conversation about the future, and Lucien is respecting the boundaries she has put in place thus far. It's on Elain to change that.
Feyre has repeatedly questioned why Azriel and Elain aren't mates and Rhys has said that Elain can reject the bond and she would be supported if she did so. Rhys interfered also because Azriel, with his knowledge about the mating bond and its cultural significance, should also know that Elain should speak to Lucien, full stop, and resolve that issue before starting something with anyone else, Azriel or otherwise. Rhys was chastising Azriel more than anyone else, especially for the time and place of it all, in my opinion.
If Elain had expressed interest in rejecting the bond, or Azriel had utilized his spy network or the library he lives above to gather options for Elain to find a method to reject the bond, even just for her own sake, regardless of their romantic dynamic, then I think Rhys would likely have a totally different reaction. Because it would show an actual path to a decision on Elain's part, or at least a readily available option. Kissing Azriel is not necessarily a guaranteed decision as much as it could be a distraction. If Elain truly wants to be with Azriel, mating bond be damned, then we have to wait and see. We don't know that yet for sure. And I'm sure Rhys also doesn't know that and has a responsibility to avoid unnecessary political fallout. There's more than just underestimating Elain or manipulative tendencies in this particular example, it's also about the multitude of Courts a discovered dalliance could affect. While I also think he's underestimating Lucien and his ability to allow Elain her space and wants and not hold it against her, because I don't see Lucien ever invoking the Blood Duel, I at least acknowledge that Rhys has to consider all options as a High Lord.
If Elain fights for what she wants, assuming that's Azriel, cool. If she gets it, cool. But I don't see a story that's any less intriguing or investing in which Elain says, "You want me to make a decision? Fine. I'm deciding to figure out what I truly want, and none of you get a say in that. And you'll see who I am at the end of that journey if I decide you get to."
And I think that journey is most easily accomplished with her separate from the NC, even if it's only temporarily.
something that irritates me to no end is when people try to place Elain in spring court. Whichever ship, Elain needs to be in one of the solar courts because they have seasons, Elain would be miserable in eternal spring because she wouldn’t be able to garden. I think it would unnerve her that there was no lifecycle to the plants, no death and rebirth.
Just because she smells like spring doesn’t mean she would be happy there.
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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insecateur · 1 year ago
Okay so basically I love Cyrus as a character and love trying to understand what kind of person he could be... we know him to be the unemotional guy who wants a 'perfect' world void of emotions. If we take him as just that, and assume he's unsavable/not capable of changing, then that's just what he is. In relationship terms that means he is probably neutral and doesn't care for or dislike anyone (no emotion), and linking onto that is the idea he's probably asexual and has no interest in sex, and likely wouldn't know how to do it either. (Though with how analytical he is, he's probably got a bunch of knowledge of how it works in practice, but probably sees no point in it and wouldn't actually be able to do it well). But that's boring one dimensional thinking imo, and there's more to Cyrus than that I think... (1/2)
The flip side is if you're someone who believes he's capable of changing and experiencing emotions in the right circumstances, he could be different. I read a Cyrus x reader fic forever ago (I might be able to find the link if you'd be interested in that kind of thing). The majority of it is a sappy romance story, with a small smut segment at the end... but the story fit really well with how I'd imagine him. He links with an old friend who shows him kindness unconditionally, and despite wanting to follow through with his plans, he starts to break and have actual feelings. I LOVE the idea of him changing and experiencing positive emotions through the power of love and kindness from others in general! And I feel like that's a possible thing for his character, since we know he's canonly had friends in the past... (one more ask sorry)
(3/3) anyways the fic explored his conflict of his original plan, and that faltering when he started actually caring about someone and better understanding the goodness of the world. The end of the fic was a sex piece in which basically he's never done it before, was worried he was going to be too stoic or do things wrong, but was willing to figure out how it worked. And then similar to one of the other asks you got, it was kinda one of those "stoic character loses control in a sexual craze" kind of way (consentually!), so like a "uncertain, maybe doesn't get it right on the first try, but very easy to teach how to do the exact correct thing, and then he can FUCK" was how that went, and ultimately I think that suits him best lol
(putting everything in one ask so it's easier to read/answer!!)
tbh for me cyrus not experiencing emotions/having a hard time experiencing emotions is like. dear to me i guess as someone who has a lot of emotional struggles (which i'm sure ppl who know me would be surprised by bc i actually experience Too Many Emotions usually but i feel like there is something about too many emotions sometimes that just flips back to no emotions) i was really happy watching the pokémon generations episode where he gets to the distortion world and stays there and is happy to be in an emotionless place bc i feel like a lot of storyline for characters who are like that are about "fixing" them bc not experiencing emotions (or not experiencing emotions "the right way") is seen as "inhuman" or whatever. which is silly to me but okay.
ANYWAY all of that to say that i guess i'm just not rly interested in cyrus "learning" to feel emotions (and i don't think it's necessarily one-dimensional to see that as his main traits altho i see what you mean by that also as someone who is used to seeing very surface-level takes on lysandre LOL) BUT!!! i don't think it's a bad way to want to see him explored or anything and i totally get your pov. i like the smut scene you describe as well i think it sounds rly sweet honestly
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roobylavender · 2 years ago
I was thinking about Koriand’r as one does, and thinking about all the imagery we get when she’s hovering over earth and is in the middle between the lonely stars and the place where there is so much life. And I’m thinking about how earth despite her welcoming it so much into her life and trying to make it her home, like it didn’t love her back. I remember how awful she was talked about when it was announced she was going to marry Dick and how the citizens would call her names or not even really acknowledge her as a person with those kind of rights and she didn’t understand why they said those awful things to her. And I’m thinking about this because I feel like it’s something nobody talks about when it comes to suddenly giving Dick different ethnicities (which is usually to be like see he has it harder than everyone else) like idk… and then I think about how you said that Bruce wanted something for all his children and Dick making hero-ing his whole life. And I think that’s interesting when you compare to Koriand’r because I don’t necessarily think that she would have been upset with that lifestyle because she just wanted to belong to something but she also would have agreed with Bruce with wanting more for Dick because they know him and his needs and she like Bruce had seen him go through different masks while growing up and knows everything he could have. And here she is as his lover and his friend who was willing to follow him, and Dick was clinging to her but didn’t know who to vocalize what he should have and she had abandonment issues. Like what would I have given to have so many of these issues addressed between them and show that yes the love was always there and they were what the other needed but it was just the wrong time. Like it’s all tragic.. sorry if this doesn’t make sense I was going somewhere with it but I lost the plot lol
i am so sorry for letting this rot in my inbox for so long but GOD yeah like with the titans in general i think what wolfman really marvelously created was this group of people all suffering from various identity crises with respect to the place vigilantism had in their life as something inherited whether by way of legacy or circumstance. like all of these new adults were searching for somewhere to belong and permanently stick their roots and it was hard. and like you said for kory that struggle was twofold bc most if not all of her teammates at least had somewhere else to turn to if they failed to find themselves but kory had no one. like where would she go if she failed to make earth home? it's not like tamaran was an option as much as she loved it and had sacrificed herself for it and would do again at the drop of a hat if circumstances called for it. i can't remember what issue maybe it's from one of the later titans volumes where she's like "no matter how long i live on this planet, no matter who i meet, nobody means more to me than dick. more than a friend. more than a teammate. more than a lover. from the very beginning he was my connection to this planet. there was a time when i though we would spend our entire lives together as soulmates" like he was her CENTERPOINT. everyone else had homes or parents or towns to go back to in the event they failed themselves and all she had was HIM. the rest of the titans too by that point obv but we all know with dick it was different. and like you said i can't imagine the kind of emotional damage it inflicted upon her to have finally broken things off and the fact that writers never really bothered trying to explore that vacuum in the aftermath is so frustrating bc it wouldn't only have been about the dick and kory relationship but also about their own weaknesses as people and needing to overcome them and in the end we might have seen them become the people they needed to be when they were in the relationship in the first place. we might have seen them become whole
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theangryjikooker · 2 years ago
What’s your theories on the maknae line dynamic? I keep feeling like there’s this weird off-balance feeling with them, not necessarily a tension but just a strange lack of clicking? I don’t know, it’s really odd and I think it’s a situation that could invite some tension vibes but I have no clue why (I don’t think any of them are dating each other btw). I don’t notice it when there’s another person with them, though. Like Hobi for an example. It might explain why we literally never hear of the three of them hanging out alone.
Well, I don't think it's a matter of "are they or are they not close?" because I think they're all naturally close due to their circumstances. I don't think you can share that significant of an experience without cultivating the kind of relationship they all have. They're as much family as they are friends, and yet their bonds transcend those labels at the same time.
So for me, it's not a matter of closeness that's the issue but rather their interests and "where they're at" in their lives.
Let me preface this by saying that I'm not discussing this with any romantic undertones in mind (there isn't any as far as I'm concerned, anyway):
As with any group, if two people are in the same stage of their lives (which could mean many things), you might see those two gravitate more towards one another. They may not be interested in specifically the same things, but if they wanted to explore new experiences, for example, those two people might do that together. This is what I think is happening with Taehyung and Jungkook, which is what I suspected a long while ago. I think where they're at in their lives are converging in a way that their interests are similarly aligned.
Several people have asked me about Jikook's dynamic, which I think this would be better served for their asks, but to summarize: I think their relationship has just... graduated. But before anyone passionately agrees with this assessment, I don't strictly mean it in the way that it sounds. I'll elaborate later when I get to those asks.
Again, Vmin is more of an interesting case to me. They remind me of the common example of friends who don't see each other for years but can reconnect like no time has elapsed. I feel like they fulfill each other's needs (e.g., physical affection) in a way the other members can't, but I think they're also wildly different people. I do believe they think of each other as soulmates and relate to each other in a way that they don't with the others, but I think the fans' ideas of "soulmates" has gotten a little too mixed into what that might mean for Vmin. I think Taehyung and Jimin's hearts are the same, but their general interests don't really seem to overlap right now aside from maybe gaming. I don't think this makes them not close, but it sometimes feels like there's a weird dissonance happening when there most likely isn't because there's an expectation that they should be close because they're self-titled soulmates.
I don't really like to get into this here because this topic seems to cause psychotic breaks en masse, but I'm perhaps one of the few people who think there is merit to Taennie–even on a surface level. The Taennie rumor has more substance than Jikook and Taekook combined, sorry not sorry. And this is pure assumption, but I wouldn't be surprised if Taehyung and Jungkook bonded on that and their experiences (I won't get into this because some of you are not ready for this conversation and what it implies, but because this blog is also centered on the idea that Jikook has potential, I wouldn't share it here even if I wanted to).
Maknae line hanging out as a trio is where the light bulb is still off for me. It's not that they have to hang out together because if we're looking at OT7, there are a few combinations that don't seem to hang out as much (or at all) compared to the others, and it's not like they're somehow less close (this is idiotic thinking and anyone who entertains this is pathetic).
Honestly, at the end of the day, I think the true nature of the OT7 dynamic and how they are as individuals would break the minds of ARMYs. Too often people forget how human they are and how the perception of them on Twitter/Tumblr/wherever is only as close to what we've been allowed to see.
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cervidaecorpse · 1 year ago
I was never big in the shipping department, so I genuinely don't have any opinion on any ship and just let people have fun (and sometimes remove myself, like in this case). But yeah, people were already shipping them. My facial expression mirrored the one of Yuhi during the reveal very well. Even if they did like to be objectified (though as you said, it doesn't really matter), this just opens up another can of worms. Under different circumstances, I would actually like to see, how this could be explored, but I'm not sure this show knows how to handle such a sensitive topic. The duel is something I have thought about too, and probably the best way to adress it, as long as it's not turned into a joke. I do hope that Bridge doesn't fail us, especially the three, since I'm also very curious of who they actually are. As it stands now, the Abysskite Girls seem to be doomed to be objectified, which is sad to see.
I don't know why I never actively thought about Fisher and Tremolo being friends before. It's very obvious and would be nice, since my perception of Fisher is - despite being silly at times - that they are a very rational and level headed voice of reason. Something Tremolo needs. Dinova and Tremolo I can see immediately. Considering the trouble both of them have gone through, it would be nice to see them bond further. Like having them take down a henchman or henchmen of a villain, or have them tackle other opponents in a similar fashion. He needs friends, even if it's just one. I want to see this happening for him.
Tremolo's and Phaser's arc as villains were wrapped up way too quickly. The sudden switch with no further explanation other than the litte we got was so out of place. I can rationalise it now with headcanons, but this is not, how this is supposed to be working. Tremolo has severe self-sacrifical tendencies toward his brother, which already made my heart bleed just watching him (alone) in the cell and being okay with that???? Saying, his brother can do whatever he wants???? I hope we can have this addressed at one point, but I wouldn't necessarily hold my breath. While Phaser does show his care, I do have to agree, that it's very one-sided, as it stands now. Granted, I can see Phaser being the type to show his care through less obvious means, rather hiding than showing it, but it would be nice to at least see that as the viewer. (Tollerating Tremolo's behaviour toward his secretaries, because he thinks it makes him happy and it's good he has some "friends"???? I'm just making assumptions, since Phaser has no stated opinion on the matter. Though I wouldn't be surprised, if his view on (outside) relationships is just as questionable. Maybe this would also go into locking Tremolo up for his own safety, because aliens were still perceived as bad by Phaser. By putting Tremolo in the cell, it would ground the lesson to not go out there by himself and possibly get hurt. But again, there is no proof.)
Dragons. Don't get me started on dragons. (Not me returning from the Hobbit 2 and the only thing I was able to say to how I liked the film was "Smaug" and then refused to watch the last because he was not in there for long.) Space Dragons... what is their history? Do they have subspecies (seems like it, since the fossil found in 42 has wings)? How are they different from each other? Powers? Looks? Habitats? Diets? Culture? Behaviour? Can they turn into humans, or humanoid shapes? Do I want to know, how the Ryugu family acquired dragon DNA, since Tremolo and Phaser still seem to be human (according to the wiki)? ...possibly. Their house is full of dragons. Did the two built it themselves or was this a remnant from their family? They seem to have heirlooms that survived the death of their parents. I need answers!!!! (Though I'm not sure, where it was stated that Space Dragons as a species come from earth...)
Honestly, whoever thinks you don't like Tremolo clearly doesn't see the effort you put into understanding his character. I think I learned something new from you. Some things I never actively considered before and now give me something to think about. Which is the reason my reply got so long, too. Sorry about that.
Most of the time I find myself drawn to the problematic characters in media. I thankfully never had the experience of going though accusations because of that. Their actions or beliefs or maybe both are very wrong, but as you said, as long as you don't defend it, all is good. I think sometimes people forget that the world is not as black and white as they would want to have it. You can like characters, even when you don't agree with them.
I feel like I need to address this kinda as I know my post may give off a vibe despite having most say how I feel but I do really like Tremolo. Like he's out right my favorite character when I spoke about a top 5 with the friend group. Now his problematic behavior doesn't phase me at all it's more the fact that I've seen some people kind of defend it or ignore it to ship him w the girls (which is sorta iffy to me plot wise but fandoms will always hop onto ships if the show teases it) besides the girl bs, Tremolo is the best to me because it's refreshing to see a character with all these faults and it's not like they're trying to hide it. It's not only the faults but more the brother complex stuff as he is willing to do anything for Phaser. It was the more kind of selflessness to the actions even if Phaser doesn't deserve it for his actions. Not towards Tremolo but the plot overall. I like Phaser too but I am upset for a lack of any punishment towards his actions thou I'm aware it's unlikely because he's gained a lot of popularity amongs jp fans and I'd like to see Space Dragon lore as im so interested in it.
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winter-sol · 3 years ago
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After playing through the brothers' scenes, I decided to replay Levi's and pay more attention to it. Even though the whole halloween ambience leads to this kind of dialogues, there was something about his that particularly grabbed my attention.
See, while the other brothers' are also kinda yandere or sick in their own ways, I suddenly realized that Levi's hit me the most not only because he's my favorite, but also because of how real it looks(?) at least to me.
Allow me to explain. We all know his prototype as a character was originally a yandere boy. Of course, he's the avatar of envy, after all. It makes sense, even if they ultimately decided against it and well, the concept still works with our current Levi.
But maybe. Just maybe. Is this how our relationship with him could've been if they decided to keep that concept? Or not necessarily, let's assume this is still our Levi. Is this how him as a toxic boyfriend would look like?
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Someone who not only is insecure but projects his insecurity and unleashes it on you. You're the one who has to take responsability over his jealousy and his insecurity, after all, he puts so much attention in everything you do, he thinks about you the most, how dare you look anywhere else but him? You belong to him, just as much as he belongs to you. Sure, real Levi is insecure and is quite open about it, but he doesn't directly try to manipulate you with that. Well, toxic Levi would, and here he is.
So see, this is where it gets real because Levi does indeed say "you're mine" in canon, in different situations, even if he tends to assume you wouldn't actually be his since he's a shut-in and an otaku, he actually wants you to be his and his only, and boy, he doesn't particularly hide it when it's only the two of you.
And he also does say stuff like "why would you want someone like me". We're kinda used to it now, but it's not that different from this frame.
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It's pretty interesting to see the differences when you choose to say "I don't belong to anyone" or "I'm yours already". In the first option, he goes "Of course not", already assuming you wouldn't want to be his, but if you choose the latter, his mind immediatly denies it, something he already does in canon, holy s---. It's not that different, and that's exactly why it feels so real.
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And that one? It sounds just so miserable. Please look me in the eye and tell me real Levi, in a hopeless state of mind, wouldn't at least think about saying something like that. It's too possible.
While all (or almost all) the brothers may show some possesive traits, on different levels, in canon, I think Levi has to be one of the most possesive and (obviously) jealous from them. So this thing here is as creepy as it's thrilling because, oh boy, is this what my cute otaku demon boyfriend could eventually become? Under certain circumstances? No, I don't think so, don't worry guys. But that's why it's so interesting, it makes me wonder the what ifs. Levi is intense, way too much. And this is how it'd look like in a bad ending.
(No, I'm not romanticizing these traits, just exploring the dark vibes from this event and connecting it with canon)
Anyways, the scene ends with him getting flustered if you tell him you love him and that kinda cuts the scary vibe we were getting from him. It's funny and it works. It shows how, even if he's cursed, he can still be his usual cute self at the end of the day. But gee, the scenes from this event really got my attention more than I was expecting. Neat.
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frostcorpsclub · 3 years ago
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Name: Josephine Shannon Frost
Nickname(s): Josie, Pussycat (by her parents), Fifi (She only ever gets called this by her family)
Main Ability: Ice Exoskeleton- The user can form armor around their body or a shape it from ice for protection and physical boost. With training, the user could shape the armor into new forms for weapons. (Source: Superpower wiki) 
Personality: When she was younger her mutant strength was very prevalent (that hasn’t changed) and very much a problem, Josie was hyperactive by nature and at that age the temper she inherited from her father manifested as fits of crying and sensitivity. For a while it was just her and James, he couldn’t avoid her. Literally, where can you hide when your little sister can just lift up part of your bed? So her naturally helpful and cooperative disposition (when she was happy) had an outlet, it can’t be said James’ schemes are necessarily a healthy outlet. It's not that she necessarily has a moral compass that different from most of her family but she truly went along with it, at least at the start, because she loves being needed and helpful. Despite the circumstances she has seen James at vulnerable moments their younger siblings would believe him to not be capable of, Josie has a way of making people feel listened to when you know for sure she's not gonna pummel your face in. Josie really doesn't have many memories of her childhood she'd describe as bad, she loves her family more than anything and while she has been complicit in some of their trademark dark stuff all on her own, she struggles to set firm boundaries. She knows her parents specifically wouldn't love her any less for showing her softer side like she used to, but she can't help but be eager to keep her family happy. One of the biggest ways she's tried to do things she wants is her close relationship with Janet. It's not as direct as one would usually expect of Josephine but she often stands up for her to James or is able to talk her out of taking her petty revenge. Her strength is a highly praised and valued thing in her family so she had lots of opportunity to get out, exercise, and explore to her hearts content. This also enabled her to view violence as a way to solve all her problems, she never actually grew out of her sensitivity, it just morphed into a different form. Her keen eye when it comes to reading the room is often a double edged sword for those around her. When her feelings are truly hurt though the only one to actually see her cry these days is her father. He sees all his kids as his babies even once they're grown, but with Josie being his very first daughter Jack has a tendency to make excuses for her and egg her on as he fears invalidating her feelings. 
James is the only Frost kid to actually be able to attend normal school so Josephines signature jersey is something her mother made for her, to emulate the athletes she saw on TV.
 She can't get enough of her ever increasing swathe of younger siblings and tries to at least have one good moment with each of them. 
In that same vein she often does this by roping her family into whatever new sport she's trying to learn herself.
She’s rarely seen in it but she has her very own mad scientist getup for protection since she carries a lot of supplies for Juniper, including dangerous chemicals. Yes they look like Yzma and Kronk standing next to eachother 
Her favorite way to make Janet laugh is by getting the names of her favorite bands ridiculously wrong
“washington aircraft” “the john hodgkin's lymphoma experience” 
She’s an angry cryer and tends to be at her most immature when she’s upset.
There are cracks and dents left in all of the previous Frost family residences from her stomping around. 
Especially in the asylum
There her father would share cans of soda with her, then taking turns throwing them onto the ground where they’d be crushed by the strength behind each of their pitches. 
She was patient zero for Subcutaneous Crystallization: https://frostcorpsclub.tumblr.com/post/682792630088826880/winterbeing-illnesses-casefile-4
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messinwitheddie · 4 years ago
I love how everyone in your AU gets self improvement! Or almost everyone! Purple and Zim being two of the biggest I see rn. Its so nice to see them change and grow!
[Thank you. I appreciate the encouragement and I hope you continue to enjoy this au as I expand on it ^^
I know canonically speaking, Invader Zim characters are not meant to really have much depth or real character development, BUT
It's still fun for me to explore.
There are very few characters canon or oc that I personally write as "completely evil" or unredeemable. I like to believe most people want to be/ do good, even if being good isn't necessarily the default instinctive norm (it's probably the opposite. Most people are dicks ngl, but they don't WANT to be dicks).
BUT No one is really good or bad, they just do good or bad things according to the context by which they define those two words. Some people actively choose to do good things over bad things more often. I like to believe anyone can change their behavior if they want to or have to; it's just a matter of outside circumstances guiding that person to the conclusion that a change in behavior is necessary to work for.
That's the attitude I use for characters as I write for them.
That is not to say every character is going to forgive each other for each wrongdoing or should. That is not to say some characters are more stubborn than others and just refuse to change for the better until it's too late.
Zim and Purple are genuinely challenging. I think either tallest would be challenging to write a redemption story arc for. The only conceivable way either Red or Purple would change is if one was taken from the other. I rolled the dice and Red lost. Purple rules on.
I wrote around that.
I have a clear(ish) idea of how I want Zim's future to play out. I'm not really certain how Purple's role us going to fit in. I'm just going to think of scenarios, roll the dice and see how everything works out.
I do hope the best for Purple. He and his preceeding tallests were victims of the control brain system like their shorter peers just in different ways.
Enjoy some Purple related dialogue ^^]
Purple Control Brain "Look into my eyes, tallest Purple. Gaze deeply. Concentrate...
Behold... can you see what we see?"
Purple "Yes..."
Purple Control Brain "What do you see, tallest Purple?"
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Purple "The Massive... my navigators...Frylady Soo-Garr is serving fresh donuts...Red is there!...He's alive! He's alive!!... Oh, he's beautiful!..."
Purple Control Brain "We have set our gaze onto another universe, very similar to our own but different in one detail-"
Purple "I'm dead in this universe, aren't I?"
Purple Control Brain "Correct. Their tallest Purple has fallen. Red rules on. Look upon your former partner. How content he is in your absence. How eagerly he embraces the affection of another drone... a lesser drone..."
Purple "I see him... It heals so many wounds to see him alive again!" *sobs softly* "Thank you, my wisest brain. I needed to see him again so badly."
Purple Control Brain "It is not painful to witness your partner "love" another as he once loved you? It is not painful to be discarded? Replaced? Forgotten? Explain."
Purple "Well, I'm...I'm dead in this universe, right?"
Purple Control Brain "Correct."
Purple "But Red is alive and he has to continue to rule; he has no choice. I can't begrudge him for surviving. I know he hasn't forgotten me. If he had, Soo-Garr wouldn't be dressed in purple." *sobs silently* "It's been so lonely without him. If loving frylady Soo-Garr helps Red to cope with my loss and march forward, then... so be it..It's a relief to see him happy. I want him to be happy... He... he would want me to be happy too..." *sobs* "I understand why you're showing me this. Forgive me; I've been so stupid, but I get it now... I have to march on for Red. I can be okay now that I know he's okay...Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Purple Control Brain "Cease this embarrassing display of emotion! Detach yourself! Rise! RISE!"
Purple "Sorry...I was overcome-"
Purple Control Brain "You are dismissed, tallest Purple. Reflect upon what we have shown you this evening. Carry on rationally until you are once again hailed."
Purple "Praise you, wisest brain! You saved my life! I will do anything to carry out your will. Until I'm hailed..."
Chamber door shuts. Lights go black.
Purple Control Brain *glowing with frustration* "....DAMN IT..."
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smileyoongle · 6 years ago
Mafia BTS! Seeing you for the first time (Maknae line)
Note: This imagine won't necessarily have all the members belonging to the same mafia. I thought having them all as the leaders would make a better plot so......here you go.
[Here's the link to the Hyung Line imagine: Mafia BTS! Seeing you for the first time (Hyung Line) ]
Park Jimin:
Placing his wine glass on the table, Jimin leaned forward to listen to the conversation of his gang mates. They all laughed at a joke one of them cracked. It was a happy day. It had to be, it had been 5 years since Jimin took to running a mafia. So naturally, when people saw him all happy and smiles, they were astonished. People had usually only seen him when he was mad or pissed off at someone who bothered him.
Jimin had decided to share his mafia's anniversary with everybody in the restaurant. He took to paying for all their drinks. This made the people even more shocked. But who really rejects free drinks?
You entered the expensive restaurant with your boyfriend, hand in hand. You looked around the place while your boyfriend told the manager about his reservation. It was your 2 year anniversary. But you weren't sure if you were gonna be celebrating anymore anniversaries, seeing as you had decided that you didn't want this relationship anymore. You were sure you would end it tonight on a peaceful note. You didn't wanna be with someone who treated you like an object, who never introduced you as his girlfriend to his friends, who was a materialistic freak or better yet, who slept around with other girls thinking that you didn't know anything.
You felt eyes on you as you made your way to your table. You searched around for anyone who was looking at you. Your eyes stopped at someone sitting at the corner of the restaurant. You looked carefully, only to gasp and blush. Park Jimin was staring at you. Of course you knew him, everyone did. You took your seat while glancing a look at him again. His eyes were still on you. You bit your lip and turned to your boyfriend. You shook your head, obviously it meant nothing.
Meanwhile Jimin's eyes were stuck on you since the moment you entered. You looked gorgeous in your black silk dress and your wavy hair. You seemed to be in deep thought when you stood their waiting to get to your table. But when he saw your hand in another man's, he wanted nothing more than to take out his gun and shoot him right there. But he didn't wanna scare you, so he tried to calm himself down. It helped when you looked back at him. Your beautiful eyes showing surprise in them to see him staring at you. Right then he decided, he wanted you now. He turned his attention back to his friends and started thinking about what he could do.
You sighed as your boyfriend started making a scene in front of the entire restaurant. You really thought he'd be okay with it. He should have been, if he really wanted you then he wouldn't have gone around sleeping with every girl he stumbled upon. You winced as he grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet. This had gone way too far than you thought. "You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me" he gritted his teeth and glared at you. You whimpered in pain as he tightened his grip on your arm. You were sure there were gonna be bruises.
"You should be grateful that I'm putting up with your dumb self. Anyone else would've left you long ago. Just like your parents did." He chuckled bitterly at you. Tears filled your eyes at his harsh words. Before you could say anything, he was torn away from you. Just as you looked at your knight in shining armour, your now ex-boyfriend was punched in the face, causing him to fall to the floor.
Jimin bent down and grabbed the man's jaw. He had tried to hurt you and Jimin wasn't having any of it. "I see you around her one more time, you'll wish you were never born." He snarled at him. You stood there as you looked at the scene infront of you. Here he was, Park Jimin, the one who protected you. And you had a feeling he would be doing that for a long time from now.
After seeing your supposed boyfriend scurry away in fear, Jimin made his way to you. He wiped the tear on your cheek and looked in your eyes. His heart swelled at how circumstances had been in his favour. He was never gonna forget this day. He promised himself that he was never gonna hurt you in anyway. He was gonna treat you like a queen.
You felt your breathing quicken when his hands held yours. Although he didn't say anything, but his eyes, they said a lot to you. You knew for sure that you would always remember that look. It was as if his eyes had said,
" I would break my own heart to protect yours."
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Kim Taehyung:
Taehyung glanced a look at his watch and sighed. The man he was supposed to have a deal with, was late. He hated people who couldn't be on time. Time was essential, especially when you live every second of your life dangerously.
He clenched his jaw as he observed the crowd of people dancing on the floor below. The loud music blared through the club as he grew impatient. This club was one of the many he owned. Different night, different club. That was his life. It was absolutely adventurous but he found himself growing tired of it. He wanted something different from life now. He didn't wanna come back to a dark and lonely house every night. He craved the feeling of being wanted. Of course, he could have any girl he wanted. But he wanted someone who consumed his thoughts day and night. He wanted someone to call 'his'. Someone to protect from this cruel world.
Taehyung's attention was drawn to the bouncers leading someone to the VIP area, right where he sat. He glared as he saw the man who called himself Joaquin, enter the lounge. Taehyung could have his head on a platter for wasting his time but he brushed off the idea because the deal was too important to him. Joaquin put forward his hand with a smirk for Taehyung to shake, as if he was proud of himself. But Taehyung sat still, only glaring at him. The smirk was washed off his face as he took back his hand and sat down infront of the intimidating Mafia leader. Taehyung took in the man's appearance and doubted himself. He didn't really look like someone who should be in this line of work. He looked too confident, like he was some celebrity. He considered calling this deal off. But all of his dilemma faded as he saw you standing behind the so called dealer, looking a little uncomfortable.
Joaquin noticed his eyes on you and took it as a signal to introduce you. "Ah, this is Y/N. I bought her to fulfill needs that I'm certain every man has." He smirked and looked at you. He had always treated you like an expensive object he bought.
You clenched your jaw and glared at him. Everything that came out of his mouth was wrong. You would never sell your body to any man, let alone this disgusting excuse of one. You'd never even let him near you and he accepted this, finally giving up after a lot of trying.
Before you could defend yourself, the man who you knew as Taehyung spoke up.
"Having me wait and then talking complete bullshit about a woman, that certainly says a lot about you." He narrowed his eyes as he pulled out a gun from behind him, placing it on the table infront of him.
Taehyung didn't believe Joaquin for a second. When he saw your annoyance, he wanted to finish him off for good. He respected women very much and he had no tolerance for anyone who talked rubbish about them. And since you already had all his attention, he wanted to do everything he could to make sure you were comfortable.
You seemed level headed and innocent at the same time. Your red dress hugged all your curves perfectly. Taehyung found himself thinking about how he'd love nothing more than to explore every inch of you. He licked his lips as he found himself getting more and more intrigued by you. He fantasized about having a woman like you by his side. When he saw Joaquin's pale face at seeing the gun, he stood up and fixed his suit. "You know, I've dealt with a lot of people like you. Always so full of yourself and feeding off on others self esteem when the truth is that you know you are pathetic and incompetent." He said and moved to where you stood. You stood there frozen. Taehyung looked at you from head to toe. You suddenly felt insecure. You bit your lip and looked away. You'd never been so intimidated by a man before.You hadn't looked at Taehyung closely before but now that he stood right infront of you, he looked so ethereal. He was breathtakingly handsome.
His lips curled into a smirk as he saw you checking him out. He saw your flustered expression as you bit your lip. Taehyung felt extremely delighted to know you were attracted to him too. He leaned down and whispered in your ear, "You might wanna stop doing that, love. I don't think you understand how troublesome it is to control myself."
You gasped at his words. He tilted his head to look at you with a smirk, that damned smirk. He was certainly enjoying this. Your wide eyes gave away how innocent you really were. You might have put on a strong front for the world but really, you weren't like that at all.
He turned to Joaquin to seal the deal. "This deal is called off. You may go back but this lady will be spending the night with me, whether you like it or not." Joaquin gave a small nod and left. Clearly he was afraid of what Taehyung would have done to him if he hadn't obeyed. Everyone was afraid of Taehyung, it was impossible not to be.
But you only felt curious about what was beneath this cold demeanor that he carried. There certainly had to be more to him. Taehyung was determined to know you too. More so, he was determined to break the walls you had built, he knew how to read people very well. He could tell you weren't really how you acted. He was curious too. One thing was certain, he had no plans of letting you go back to that dumb man. He wanted to own you mind, body and soul. And nothing was gonna stop him.
"Say you want me because I know I do."
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Jeon Jungkook:
You smoothed out your dress as you stepped out of the black limousine. The building infront of you hovering like a giant ready to engulf you. You didn't wanna be here, and the fact that your best friend was so extra didn't help either. Really, a limousine? This wasn't even an award show. It was just a masquerade ball.
You absolutely hated crowds. You had no intention of attending this party either. But when your best friend showed you her puppy eyes, you couldn't bring yourself to say no. So here you were, wearing a ball gown with a mask covering half of your face. Your best friend had been invited here. She was very rich but she never let it get to her. Her family adored you and treated you like their own. Basically your best friend had been by you for as far as you could remember. You didn't have a family but you didn't feel sad about that anymore. Credits to your best friend. So thinking that you owed her this much atleast, you climbed up the steps to the ballroom.
You could hear the chatter of people along with soft music playing behind the huge double doors. The doors opened revealing the interiors. You gasped as you took in the scene infront of you. You had never been to a place like this. You were stood on top of a staircase. You looked at the entire place with amusement. Maybe being here wasn't so bad. You were so engrossed in admiring the room that you didn't notice the people staring at you. Everything seemed to have stopped, all eyes were on you. You blamed it all on the expensive gown that your best friend had bought you. Or maybe all these rich people figured that you didn't belong here?
Jungkook almost took his mask off as he saw you stood near the entrance. You looked stunning in that blue gown, the light of amusement in your eyes only added to your beauty. He was a driven young man who lived a dangerous life. He had to attend the party in order to settle a conflict that had been getting in the way of his work. But all that was forgotten when he saw you. He wanted nothing more than to just go up to you and take off your mask to see you properly. You were already beautiful, he could only imagine what was beneath the mask.
You were flustered as your best friend pulled you down the stairs. The music seemed to have started again. Some eyes were still on you but you tried not to pay attention. Soon enough the ball was in full swing. You turned down a few people who asked you to dance with them. You weren't a dancer. So you watched as your friend danced around, clearly enjoying herself. You decided to get some fresh air. Making your way to what looked like the door to the garden, you were obviously clueless about someone who was completely captivated by you.
Jungkook saw you make your way to the garden so he followed you. He wanted to know you. So here he stood, behind you. It was a cold night. Too cold for you to be here. "It's too cold to be here, don't you think?" A voice startled you. You turned around to see an extremely handsome man. You couldn't see all of his face but from whatever you could see, he was damn handsome.
"Not very fond of crowds." You smiled at him. Jungkook's heart fluttered when you smiled at him. Your voice was angelic too. He was growing desperate for you. "So I'm guessing you'll be turning me down if I ask you to dance, huh?" He extended his hand out to you. You bit your lip. You certainly couldn't bring yourself to say no to him. "I suck at dancing." You said sheepishly. He chuckled. "I can deal with that." He grinned at you. Taking a deep breath, you took his hand.
He held you close as you both swayed to the music. It felt as if everything around you had disappeared. Your heart was beating fast. Curiosity was eating you inside. You wanted to see him. His eyes kept flitting between your eyes and lips. You looked away as you blushed.
"Take it off. Let me see you, princess." He whispered in your ear, making you blush even more. You weren't the only one who was curious. You hesitantly pulled away from him to take off your mask. But before you could do anything, a loud noise was followed by the sound of glass shattering. Screams filled the room as another noise echoed. Gunshots.
People around had already started running out of the ballroom. You were scared. What was going on? Jungkook clenched his jaw. He understood that the meeting didn't go very nice. He had told everybody to not do anything until he came. But of course, they didn't listen. He looked at your panicked form. He had to get you out but he also had to help his people.
You turned to the mystery man infront of you, only to find him looking at you. His eyes showed concern and anger. You felt a hand tug yours. You saw your best friend pulling you towards the exit. You couldn't protest. You were already suffocating. You wanted to get out so you let your friend pull you away from him, the mystery man. He didn't move at all. He stood still between all of the chaos.
Jungkook was mad. Mad that he didn't even ask you your name. Mad that he couldn't even see your face. He mouthed a few words to you. A promise he made to himself. You weren't sure if you understood what he said correctly. But from what you thought he said, you felt a surge of happiness. Obviously you weren't gonna see him again. But that's where you were wrong. You didn't know who he was. And you certainly didn't know he'd do anything to have you.
"I will find you soon."
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I had to write the Jungkook imagine twice. Tumblr was acting up but here it is. I hope you like it. Do you want me to do more mafia imagines? Do let me know. I also feel this isn't so good so I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.
- XX
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mmmmalo · 6 years ago
Usually its not well thought out, just a passing mention of "hey wouldn't it be cool if". and then people deflate it by giving logical reasons why it wouldnt work, or misunderstand because i didnt explain all my thinking behind it, but its just for fun anyway right? and i just. think of dumb things i said and repeat in my head things like, "dumb dumb dumb die die die" and it wont go away. talking to people means stepping on my own verbal landmines, giving my brain more ammo to hurt me.
Okay, from the way you’re describing, it sounds like whoever is responding to your work has very different priorities for storytelling and has decided to let you know about it persistently. And though I don’t quite know what you mean by “verbal landmines”, it sounds like this has happened to you often enough to make you extremely reluctant to share with people. I would suggest you disengage and try talking about your ideas with someone who’s more interested in exploring with you? Or if this is a tumblr thing, you might consider blocking people if they’re persistent about it and you find the chatter difficult to ignore
You can’t really guarantee yourself the ability to speak without ever hearing any objections (nor should you seek this), but it would probably be good to find friends who don’t belittle you every time you disagree.
i mean like, in the moment when im talking to someone, i dont know whats going to be an embarrassing memory later. So i have to be careful of what i say in conversation. Other people arent pestering me, it's just my invasive thoughts bothering me.
Thank you for the clarification.
Your invasive thoughts strike me as a defensive measure to avoid getting hurt again, so more so than trying to overcome the thoughts, I would recommend reshaping the circumstances leading up to you getting hurt. Figuring out ways to avoid some pitfalls would diminish your anxiety over time, I think. For example, instead of saying “wouldn’t it be cool if” [headcanon] or “what do guys think of” [headcanon] as an introduction of your idea, try something along the lines of “what do you guys think would happen if” [headcanon]. In this way, you make it more clear that you are seeking exploration of your idea as a hypothetical. And if someone insists on saying “this wouldn’t happen”, you can reply “ok fine, but what would it mean if it /did/ happen?”, so that the line of conversation isn’t necessarily interrupted by the objection. And if the objection persists, you might ask if you can discuss both consequences of your idea and their objection to it? So that both of you get to talk about what seems relevant to you.
(Other approaches: maybe begin by telling the story of what got you interested in your idea, or by providing one interesting consequences before soliciting ideas from them? It sounds like the objections you receive tend to be people saying [headcanon] doesn’t fit the context, so providing appropriate context may help as well)
This is all based on the assumption that you experience this anxiety while talking to friends, or other people that you would like to be able to talk to more easily. But again, you might try talking to different people if they aren’t interested in discussing things with you.
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