#it's been ten billion years
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willowcrowned · 5 months ago
I love eight year olds because no one else these days has the courage to lie blatantly to your face with the conviction of a sixth-century martyr
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sporeclan · 8 months ago
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Oh yay a new queen with kits let me just check out her informatioFOURTEEN MOONS?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
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murderofsomeone · 2 months ago
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You're an idiot if you disagree!
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deathleathr · 20 days ago
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Squishes him like a bug
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cassidyleora · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's Day, VanVen Edition
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one-flower-one-sword · 9 months ago
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well I know what you want from me you want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception setting you free won't you come and dance in the dark with me? show me what you are, I am desperate to know nobody better than the perfect enemy and I know what you want from me you want the same as me my redemption, eternal ascension setting me free
for @bladesmercy's fic The Fear of Falling Stars
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 2 months ago
young fathers am i right
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unopenablebox · 1 year ago
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finished one sock, wound the yarn for the second! my new yarn ball lacks a little of the picturesque nature of the hand-wound with the isolated stripes, but gains significantly in not having knocked my wrist out for the rest of the night and taking orders of magnitude less time to wind. thanks @fourpatch for recommending this stanwood winder, it was easy to assemble and easy to eat
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lemonyinks · 5 months ago
I'm really liking echoes of wisdom. I think it blends a lot of elements from different games really well
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felidaefighter · 4 months ago
IT'S JUST GOTTA BE KARL RIGHT??? The way he said "I'm gonna-- I'm gonna getcha!" With a little giggle in there? SO Karl
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matrose · 4 days ago
im finally OUTSIDE AGAIN
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memes-in-a-half-shell · 2 years ago
Arabian Nights AU (Turtle of choice x F!Reader) - Ch.3
After uh ..... 4 years of staying in my drafts, here’s the next chapter fsndfbsdjfbsd. (Yep, started that AU in 2019 <__< ...)
Last chapter we spent some time with Raph and Donnie, now it’s Leo and Mikey’s turns !!
Reminder that this story is going to be a sort of “choose your own adventure/romance” kinda thing. “But Mama Vee, can I romance more than one turtle?” No. ‘cause, hell, that’d be too much work x’D Stick with one and read the story again if you want to romance another 👏 it’ll be indicated at the start of chapters whenever such choice is required.
Ch.1 || Ch.2
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The next day you woke up with the sun, the whole world ever so silent - frozen in gold. You couldn’t help the feeling of being called by the oasis, the view of water ever so relaxing. It didn’t take long before you made your way to the luscious garden surrounding the source, walking barefeet into the fresh grass. A calm sigh escaped your lips as you stopped into a ray of light, closing your eyes and simply taking the moment in. Peace...
“Can you breathe any louder?”
You jumped slightly, unaware that you were not alone. Your gaze rapidly scanned the place and that’s when you found one of the turtles on a large, flat rock, a little farther from your position. It was Leo, the creature seated in a meditative posture, the back of his hands placed on his knees, palms up to the sky. You made your way to him, already apologizing:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here...”
As you got before him, the blue clad turtle cracked open an eye, next showing a grin.
“Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you. ... It’s not everyday I get some company this early.”
He gestured the empty space next to him on the rock.
“Come. Sit with me.”
You accepted the invitation, taking place and giving a chance for silence to settle once more. You tried to mimic Leo’s posture - after making sure that his eyes were truly closed. It was ... strangely relaxing! Your palms turned to the world, your energy felt like a stream; coursing through your veins in a beautiful flow. And to feel the turtle’s presence and own energy in return somehow made you feel empowered. This creature you first met in fear was now an unexpected source of comfort...
“Donnie explained the situation to me last night,” calmly started the other, getting you out of your reverie. “... The voyage is feasible, but not without any danger. ... Raiders travel in large groups and are often merciless. We are but just four soldiers that can do so little much.”
“Don’t you have any allies that could help?” you asked, looking back at him. “There must be people that fight for the same ideals as yours.”
His blue eyes fell on you, ever so calm and poised.
“Of course. ... But they are far and by the time they would arrive, your people would be long gone by then. ... We are sadly alone in this case.”
A small frown invaded your traits, your heart suddenly beating hard.
“Let me help. Let me accompany you and fight!”
A stifled laugh escaped the terrapin, but it quickly died as he knew you were truly sincere.
“Do you at least know how to handle a weapon?”
“I’ve handled sickles in the fields to help my family during harvest!”
“But can you kill? Can you look into someone’s eyes and see their last light flicker away as you emptied them of their blood?”
He had asked that while slightly leaning towards you as a way to emphazise his words. You were speechless, finally looking away in defeat.
“I- ... I don’t know,” you mumbled. Although you looked back to him with confidence. “But I need to do something. I need to help my people and I will not stand on the sideline.”
The turtle smirked, getting back into his previous position.
“Your words have power in them, but who knows if they will translate properly into actions? ... I cannot say if you’re ready, but I might know who will.”
You met Mikey, as per Leo’s request, a bit later in the morning. As you approached an interior courtyard, you were first greeted by the soft thump echoes of arrows getting stuck into targets. Your eyes finally landed on the orange clad terrapin, taking a moment to observe his form as he was nocking another arrow to his bow. Although the smallest amongst his brothers (but still taller than you), Mikey’s body was toned to perfection - remaining an actual threat to any wrongdoers. Only wearing loose pants, but still adorning golden jewelry to complement his style, you could only admire such a force of nature being so at ease in his environment. Readying his bow, the flex of his arms had you gulping in no time, trailing your gaze along the lines of his scales glistening under the morning sun. His breathing slowed down, taking a moment to properly aim. And with a sharp air intake, he released the arrow, which successfully planted itself near the center of his makeshift target.
“Impressive,” you couldn’t help yourself.
The turtle rolled his shoulders, his radiant smile appearing in an instant.
“Enjoying the view?” he asked.
A slight blush rose on your cheeks, diverting your eyes. But you still walked into view and closer to the terrapin.
“... I didn’t mean to intrude or be impolite.”
“Nah, don’t beat yourself over that. If I can enjoy looking at someone, I sure hope others can enjoy me in return,” he winked.
He got another arrow out, preparing himself for another shot.
“Leo briefly told me about testing you over, right as I got out of my room,” he continued, closing an eye to get a better focus. “But I don’t see why, really.”
Mikey let loose once again, hitting close to the center. He then looked back over to you, this feeling of respect in his gaze.
“You survived the desert. To me, you’re strong already.”
You smiled politely, but that didn’t stop brief flashbacks from your time under the scorching sun and heat to get to your thoughts.
“Maybe it’s more luck than actual strength,” you said. “It felt quite like hell out there...”
The terrapin’s traits softened, offering you his bow.
“Then maybe you’ll be our lucky charm in our upcoming quest,” he added. “Let’s see how you fare first with a weapon.”
You briefly hesitated before holding the bow, having rarely got any chances to actually wield one - except the short one your father had for hunting. The weapon felt a bit heavier, yet its shape was easy to place in your hands.
“I’m a bit rusty with bows, unfortunately,” you confessed, testing the chord and getting into an aiming position.
Mikey got closer, his touch gentle as he properly placed your arms and posture.
“Keep your firing arm’s forearm in a straight line, lining it perfectly with an arrow - up to your ear. Twist that holding arm a liiiiiiiittle towards the inside - there we go.”
His proximity brought heat all over your body, feeling much more confident already with his encouragements. He next handed you an arrow, making sure it was properly nocked. The turtle’s arms were now extending with yours, mimicking you posture, standing right behind you.
“That’s it,” he said calmly. “Center yourself and extend your sight to where you wanna hit. Stop any shakiness by holding your breath...”
You felt like your arms were about to snap at any moment, the tension even greater than what you had experienced before with your father’s bow. You held your breath in, finally focusing your shot.
“Shoot,” simply commanded Mikey with a confident smile.
You released, the sharp sound of the string’s release thumping loud in your brain for a brief second. The arrow nearly missed the target, only to land in its larger, near-end, circle. You finally breathed out, although disappointed.
“Not bad!”
“That was atrocious,” you added, gazing back at the male.
“No need to be harsh on yourself,” teased Mikey. “At least I know you have some skills that can be worked on.”
You handed the bow back to the terrapin, stretching your arms afterward.
“I may have more luck  with shorter weapons,” you stated. “Like I mentionned to Leo, I handled sickles in the fields. I’m used to them.”
Mikey’s smile turned slightly flirtatious: “Oh, close combat, I like that too,” he ended with a quick wink. But his attention soon diverted as he proceeded to detach the quiver resting at his waist. “Although I think the best one to test you on that would be Raph - to which I’ll say good luck trying to convince him that you have any worth.”
How could you even spar with such a mountain, anyway?
“... If that’s what it takes to show you guys that I can defend myself and help, then so be it.”
“And that’s what I wanted to hear,” encouraged Mikey. “You’ve got spirits. It’s something you’ll need along the way.”
He rested his bow and arrows to a nearby weapon rack, next gesturing you to follow him.
“Now come! I think we deserve a lil’ break. Care for something to eat?”
You smiled, getting to his side and walking with him.
“Absolutely! Lead the way.”
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watery-melon-baller · 11 months ago
im being soso brave <- girl who is attempting to break a 6yr old bad habit
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thelaughingmerman · 1 year ago
Happy almost 10 years of going by Benny I GUESS
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eforest · 1 year ago
ooh hi new moot! super pretty carrd :-)
ooo hi hello thank u!!! <|:]
love ur blog theme its soo fun epic ..
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firstroseofspring · 1 year ago
miral daughter of l'naan
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