#it's been so long since I've drawn my sona
krys-does-art-stuff · 2 months
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Inspired by @chandeliermichel's post and @harajuku-cookie's reblog, I decided to also play along and draw my own self-sona in my favorite's outfits, with some sloppy style digital coloring.
May 2024
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AITA for not caring about other people's ocs or sonas?
I am a fairly popular artist. I usually draw and make content of my own ocs, but sometimes enjoy drawing for visual novel fandoms of selfship stuff with my sona. I usually get a few asks from people interested in my ocs, and have a pretty nice fanbase of people who like them and their story! I'm always happy to talk about my own ocs, and I'm happy when others are interested. I've always only ever drawn my own ocs or sona and have never shown interest in anyone else's ocs. I'm not saying I think my ocs are superior or better than other people's ocs, I just frankly do not give a shit.
The problem is that lately a few mutuals and non-mutuals in a discord server of mine (about my ocs) have been vaguely complaining that I don't bother to highlight on others ocs and "gush" about their ocs and goad other people to talk about their ocs. They say that the biggest part of "oc culture" is infodumping about your ocs then listening to other people infodump about their ocs since we're each others biggest fans. But like I said, I don't care about other people's ocs. I go online to gush, draw and write about my own ocs.
They say I'm a hypocrite for saying I enjoy getting asks about my ocs and encouraging asks through ask games when I never said asks to anyone else. But I don't see how this makes me a hypocrite at all? It's not like I'm complaining, my inbox is usually full and when it's not I just remind people they can send stuff?
The only time I ever draw other people's ocs is usually during Artfight and even then its just revenges which is another point my mutuals have brought up, saying I'm not even bothering to attack other people which is another reason they claim I'm a hypocrite. Even though as I said, I do revenge people always.
And then their last point is that I never draw my selfship x reader fandom art with the ugly grey anon fill-in character for gender neutrality, and instead just draw my sona and only my sona. They say I'm excluding people and their sonas from feeling like the character cares about them and feels like the character only cares about me. And they don't like that I never reblog other people's fandom art either. I don't see why I should reblog other people's selfship art of their sonas when I don't care about their sonas or the art if it's not something I relate to. And I don't relate to the anon character either even if it's meant to be fill-in. So I have no reason to reblog.
Anyway, this is long, but long story short. I've been getting a few anon hate asks over this and I'm worried I truly am in the wrong for not caring about other people's ocs or sonas, and only ever indulging in mine own. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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violetganache42 · 4 months
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I haven't drawn my ducksona in forever, and not long after joining the Duckblr Movie Nights! server, I've been thinking of revisiting her lately. I decided to sketch her today on my iPad I got for Christmas because… I'm currently feeling under the weather. I woke up with a scratchy throat, my knees and lower back started to ache before noon, and I've been feeling rather flushed and chilly since before dinner. It hasn't been a fun day, so here is my sona back at it but reflecting how sick I've been feeling.
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oddtheweird · 3 months
you have a sona? i dont think i have seen it yet? [holds out my hand]
yes i do however i have not had a ref for quite some time because i kept getting bored in the middle of making one lol. long post ahead!!!
here are some doodles of em though! this is odd, fun fact i've used him as my sona and alias longer than i've gone by raymond, i made it in 6th grade and had been changing his design slowly since.
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said ref attempts below cut, like i said long post
from like late 2022 i think? crunchy bc i can't find the pictures so it's speedpaint screenshots, the eyes without visor aren't like that anymore i'll post a new thing for that eventually maybe tomorrow and theres no flower on the face but the rest is pretty much the same uhhh the antennae mimic deer antlers but work like satellites sorta, visor line is always up and down when it's on and the light is always neon green, some kind of hoodie is always that light green but the rest of the color notes can be kinda ignored i've been too lazy to do the gradient stuff
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+my original 2018 design drawn in flipaclip with my chromebook trackpad and the design from 2021, 2018 was frame by frame animation of an intro for a youtube channel that never ended up existing at all and 2021 was a 2d rig that i never used
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he was originally an undertale self insert as evidenced by the sans-like qualities lmao
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theres also my spidersona i commissioned my friend (stitchedspider/oleander on twt and here on tumblr, not gonna tag him this is a long post) for with robux late last year but i have yet to draw em or talk to anyone but oleander about the lore... another thing on my to draw list oops
but yeah!
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gr1evance · 2 months
making a post about some of my miscellaneous pool toy and plane ocs/designs, since i mentioned doing so over on my main! i imagine all these guys living in a world where living planes and pool toys (maybe other objects?) are common, but i don't actually have any real worldbuilding for that or anything, it's kind of just a placeholder for me to do whatever with. i don't really have a set thing for these guys!
rest will be under a cut, because i suspect this will be a long post lol
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starting with my sonas! this is sugarsqueaks- he can't talk, but he WILL drag you into the pool with him. i think he's pretty laid back, he just likes floating around the pool, but i imagine when he's frustrated or excited he'll bap his paws against something or stomp on the ground. (cute!) and i'm always torn on if i think he should be scented like sugar/candy or if he should just have the classic vinyl pool toy smell
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my plane sona's name is cloud nine!! i love him, he kind of sucks at flying and doesn't do it very often, but he's super excitable and has a personality that definitely makes up for it. he gets himself into a lot of injuries while trying to fly, he's very much a klutz, but he REALLY wants to be good at doing plane things. he's younger and a bit smaller than most of his group, and he'll.. probably grow less clumsy with time.
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my boyfriend!! or, well, i almost exclusively call him my boyfriend out of habit but he DOES have a name. it's razzle dazzle :) he's based off the pool candy unicorn and he lives in my room! in my self indulgent thoughts, he's pretty softspoken, but very affectionate. i go between him being drawn as anthro and as just a pool ring, those are both very true in my mind. he's kind of just whatever i want him to be! i most often imagine him paired with and hanging out with captain starburst (me!) but that's not canon to starb's stuff at all.
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wanderlust is a pool toy AND a plane, and loves exploring (hence the name)! i'm not actually sure if he can fly or not, he probably can't? i doubt that would stop him from getting his plane friends to carry him around, though
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this is snail mail!! he's kind of another design i have that's on boyfriend tier to me, lol.. he's a mail carrier! he's definitely big, but i'm unsure if he's actually big enough for the houses and trees on his back to be people-sized. most likely not, but that may change. i think he's dating (or at least romantically talking to) cloud nine, i think they're a pair of cuties :3
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i like collecting holiday themed designs and characters, so here's my halloween and christmas themed pool toys! the cat's name is jackie lantern, he's another one that im romantically inclined towards LOL. but i've been trying to think of what he's like more.. i think he spends most of his time "sleeping" (can pool toys even sleep?) or just generally relaxing. the other one i don't have a name for yet or any real ideas, but i REALLY like the design (thank u theooo)! definitely lives in a colder environment and enjoys that, despite pool toys.. y'know, being in the pool and stuff.
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here's a few more pool toys, some less developed ones but ones i really like nonetheless! their names are finny, cherry pit, and candy zone in that order. finny is polite and reserved, just very kind and cute. cherry pit is my newest addition to all these guys and i don't have too many ideas about him yet, but i LOVE him. definitely feels like a pool party kind of guy to me. candy zone is very chill but VERY much a worrywart. they also have a partner that's a cute plushie dragon that i've yet to draw!
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and here's three more planes! aerodyne, chocolate delight, and powder. aerodyne is the biggest plane in the group, and their job is to be the big kind of airliner that carries people or cargo you most often see! a real gentle giant. chocolate delight is kind of aloof, but pretty nice once you get to know them. and powder is the smallest of the group, he's a little fighter jet. he can be kind of abrasive and has a lot of energy.
if you read all of this, uhhhh... thanks lol! i hope you like my silly object guys. i mostly post about my stories and stuff like that on here, but sometimes i really do just like having characters just to hoard them or have silly thoughts about them or whatever. maybe i'll post about them more after i revamp the tags and stuff on this blog!
a majority of these designs were done by my friends @apotheoseity and @pbjpuppy. some extra designs are by @citripede, shrillard, and jamsbunnies. other art is by @lame-4-u and feraljayce!
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chloedoesart · 1 year
what got you simping so hard for the conductor in the first place.
This reads like you asking me if I am insane, so let me just clear one thing up before we begin: yes. I am.
cracks knuckles okay anon, you asked for it. You get the whole story. I'm not holding back.
It all started when a dear friend of mine began playing this little indie game called A Hat in Time—you may have heard of it—and posting a lot of content from it in our discord server. One of the characters stood out to me, and I quickly learned upon asking her who he was that this character checked all of my boxes.
And by that I mean boxes for kinning, not simping. That comes later.
Even before I knew of AHiT's existence, I was on my way to working in the film industry. One of my goals in my career is to create a western on par with the classic Sergio Leone films. I grew up riding horses and traveling in the wilderness, so westerns are naturally close to my heart.
On top of that, I have been associated with knives, fire, and my general chaotic nature for many years. Birds of prey have been my favourite animals since I was very young, and I grew up in love with trains of all types (Thomas, ridable miniature railways, the Polar Express, etc.). Someone even told me that they thought I was Scottish before they'd heard my voice.
My point is, Conductor was immediately on my blorbo list. Of course this grumpy Scottish bird movie director with a huge knife and a chaotic alignment was going to be my favourite character! How could he not?? I actually ended up buying AHiT for the DBS chapter just because I was so excited to have a film studio represented in a video game.
Little did I know I would fall for this guy in a different way barely a month later.
I've always had a big ego—cough cough like someone cough you get my point—so it's no surprise that I'd fall in love with one of my kins, aka someone that's just like me. However, what I wasn't expecting was for it to happen so fast and so much. I rarely simp for characters, and when I do, it usually takes me a while to get to that point.
I remember the very first time I got a lil flustered and had that terrible thought of "oh no, do I simp for this guy?" with Conductor. My friend and I had made a little kinnie AU with our sonas as the Hat characters we kinned, and she at one point drew my Conductor sona (which eventually evolved into my current bird sona) with canon Conductor doing a funny Team Rocket pose, for fun! Right?
Wrong. Because what she'd unintentionally done was drawn Conductor and I holding hands. And when I saw that, I thought about how I want to hold his hand and oh gods wait do I like him???
And it was all downhill from there.
It didn't take me long to accept my fate and start pondering all of the ways I liked his character in a new light. My friend's constant support only sped things along, really. What's funny about me is that I sort of grow attracted to a character's traits and personality first, and only months later find the actual physical attraction. I think that has a name, but I don't really like labeling my orientation or fitting myself into a box.
I hope that very long story helped kind of lay the foundation for what my simping has become today, AKA nearly two and a half years of self-insert nonsense and a nearly 433,800 word roleplay.
Maybe you're still wondering why I like him, to which I must respond, so many reasons. That's a whole separate post worth of material. I love his fearlessness, his passion, his tough yet deeply caring nature. I love his detail-oriented brain and his over-confidence in himself. I love how he tries so hard to win, every year, just to maintain his place on top. He values himself and his creations, and I admire that. I want to nerd out with him about movies and trains while we sharpen our knives and drink whiskey. I love how he's old fashioned, like me. And so much more.
If you're curious as to how I think our relationship would line up, I did do this shipping meme last year that is still fairly accurate and fills in a lot more of the details. Really, it all comes down to two nerdy chaotic people who have large knives and way too much confidence.
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tinyfantasminha · 2 years
This comes from a place of genuine interest, but I'm afraid it'll come off negatively, so feel free to ignore
How did you make a sona/character without slipping into cringe territory? Like seriously, vic is charming and pretty but doesn't feel like your typical self insert mary-sue, and id love to indulge in my own but worry about unintentionally falling into the cringe pit
How do you avoid it so well?
Hii! Don't worry, I can see what you mean but the way you phrased it came off as very judgmental so here comes a bit of rambling;
First, why does cringe bother you? Why does it stop you from doing what you want? Are you worried that you might dislike your own creation or are you worried that people are going to poke fun of it?
For a long time I've also felt ashamed of sharing my OCs with other people, or just some silly things I do because I was so afraid they would be called cringe, and it sucks when people (esp if they're your friends) won't support your likes or your creations and call it ''cringe'', it makes you self conscious and it makes you want to give up on that thing. That silly thing that brings you happiness. Shortly after I got in the twst fandom I remember how amazed I was that so many people would draw Yuu in their own way, be it different genders, appearences completely out of the ordinary, OCs for each dorms, and I was like ''wait, we can do that?!'' because it's been so long since I've been in a fandom enviroment where OCs and self inserts are widely accepted. I wouldn't have made an OC if I hadn't seen other people doing it too. It made me realize it was ok, that I wouldn't be judged, that I wasn't alone. And I also realized that your OC doesn't need to have a super complex writing for them to be likeable or accepted; not gonna lie, I often don't find many OCs interesting. I also dislike mary sues, and sometimes I've come across some and thought ''this character is too bland'' or ''this could use some work'' but then I realized one very important thing; Not everyone makes their content for clout - some people just want to self-indulge and make content for themselves, and that's ok!
Other content creators literally owe me nothing, and if they want their self insert to be a uwu bean baby and also the strongest magician ever and also loved by all the characters in the school, then they're on their right! I'm also on my right to not find this type of character interesting, so I just keep scrolling. I think everyone has seen at least once a OC who just don't click with their tastes, and there's nothing to do about it. Some things just aren't for everyone.
What's not okay however is being rudely vocal about how you dislike someone's creation; it doesn't matter if the OC looks like it was drawn by a 11-yo in MS paint on early 2000s deviantart, or if the writing it just bland or terrible; it still gives you no right to shit on other people's creations that they're proud of. They're not harming anyone, they just want to have fun, just like everyone else. Not everyone starts off as a great artist or writer, and if they want to get better they need to start off somewhere! You will never grow if you don't dive it in and try, even if it looks terrible at first.
Cringe culture makes so many people self conscious about self-indulging and just doing what makes them happy and honestly its so saddening………. So the solution is, fuck cringe culture. Fuck it, make your self insert, make your favorite characters fall in love with you, make catboys OCs and show them to the world! I swear, once you stop thinking ''what if it's cringe'' and just do whatever you want to do you will feel great. 80% of my content is purely self-indulgent, sometimes I feel insecure as well but most times I think ''nah this is my blog, if somebody is gonna dislike it then that's their problem'' and after starting to think more like this I realized this is the happiest and more comfortable I've been in making content for a fandom in AGES. It's so fulfilling and it brings me immense joy and comfort, even if the fandom unfortunately had become very toxic.
…That was a lot of text sorry 😅 now finally talking about my OC, I'm glad you like her! It struck me how some people say how ''unique'' she is even if she has a generic design 😂 she's got that charm that draws people to her and honestly I wasn't expecting that would happen asdkjdskjjkfsjk Now I don't think it's right for me to say how to not make a OC ''cringe'' because that would make it seem I'm belittling every other OC that doesn't have the same qualities as my OC, and that's not it - every oc is unique in their own way because their creators poured their heart on them. I can however pinpoint the ways on how I build her character uniquely, and (maybe) the reasons why people got attracted to her character; ::A disclaimer first is that none of these traits are definitive qualities in making a good character, this is just my own personal point of view::
Well the first thing I can think of is that when I make characters especially if they're self inserts is that I don't take them too seriously. I don't try too hard into making it seem it's an ACTUAL character from that fictional universe - They don't need any obscure motivation, fantastical habilities or a anime-personality trope, I just want them to be them. Just like you said, I wanted to avoid running into the mary sue archetype, and for that my character NEEDS to have flaws. I allow them to have awkward and embarrassing moments. I allow them to be expressive. Lots of people when creating an OC or a sona uses fiction as reference; fictional characters to base them on, and they're right they should use references; however when using exclusively fictional reference such as anime and cartoon, I don't think you can convey a truly relatable character. It's VERY important to take inspiration from real life too; Use your real life experiences and apply them to your character. How do you feel about a certain thing? How do you act in this certain situation? Or if you don't want to use yourself as reference, maybe use somebody you know or that you've seen - Take inspiration from your experiences and the real world. The character will come off much more natural and human, and that will naturally attract people to them; because they're truly relatable.
The other thing is cartoonish exaggeration - now this applies for my case, but I believe making your character expressive in lots of funny ways is also a certain way to make the character charismatic! For example when I draw Vic I either make her ''normal'' or make her a small squished gremlin 😂 and I didn't expect the chibi Vic to get so popular but ppl love her I guess lol so it's important to have a balance between the ''human and relatable'' side and the ''silly cartoon'' side!
so this is it omfg thats a huge fucking post but I hope this enlighted you more about how you shouldn't give in to cringe culture and how I make my oc not be a mary sue, hope this helps!
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bandtrees · 5 months
hello o//
i heard you had a fursona and i was curious to know about them if you’re willing to share :]
(/nf of course)
oh of course!!! :]] here he is!
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i <3 robot furries so he's a robot dog! i based him most obviously off of transformers (specifically idw tailgate and ironfist) (named kibble both cuz dog and cuz that's the term in transformers fandom for extraneous robot-parts that don't serve much purpose on a 'human' body ie wheels etc) but i also wanted to, in 2024 redesigning him for this ref sheet, make him a bit easier to follow as an anthro dog design and able to be worked into furry stuff, while still being visibly mechanical ^_^
in the ways of lore i really don't have much for him - honestly he's just a standin for myself - but i have the concept that he was made to be a sort of living computer. genius database, future of technology, etc... but his storage capacity's small and his scope of interests even smaller, so he doesn't really have much actually technically helpful knowledge... he does, however, have encyclopedic levels of knowledge about nonsense things like tvtropes and trivia for whatever show he's into now.
(^really this is just a way (FOR ME PERSONALLY i should say as i know 'autistic robot' is a bad stereotype for a reason) to express autism as that's what it feels like for me a lot of the time. having a lot of passion and drive to learn but only in the few things your brain's latched onto - and of course the social hurdles that will come with being a robot in 'human'(furry?) society)
he's very inexpressive - doesn't have pupils, doesn't blink, has no mouth (the robotic muzzle isn't a mask, it's just what his face looks like), and i imagine he speaks mechanically too (i waffle between making him mute, giving him a text-to-speech type thing, or limiting his communication to pulling up webpages haha)
he's also one of those fursonas that has a few different designs and such depending on the 'verse, i've drawn him in the context of transformers designs for selfshipping a few times (specifically w/ mtmte first aid, and moreso idw/es tarantulas) and i should do that again :] depending on the situation his design falls in many different places along the furry-mech scale lolol
to get real: i've been a furry and had fursonas since. like. im gonna say as far as 2008, since i was very small :]c but kibble's the first one in a long time i feel actually suits me in both a "feels like me" sense and a "fun character to draw with some degree of fun fantasy" - cuz for a long stretch of time, when i stopped being into sparklecats and the like as a teenager, i fell hard into the "truesona" type of furry designs...
...which, nothing wrong with those, but as someone with crummy self esteem, just kind of led to me hyperfocusing on myself as a kind of "boring slob" type of character. not interesting enough to be anything but a plainly colored realistic animal, and too self-conscious about my appearance to feel too comfortable straying from "fat, depressed, tired and messy slob", as to portray myself as anything but that felt dishonest.
until one day, and this was at the height of my transformers hyperfixation so i'd grown attached to very inhuman robot-y designs, i just kind of realized, "hey, if i wanted, i could make my sona anything i want, right? i like robots and my friends compare me to dogs, i could make a robot dog! i could have fun designing a mech anthro dog!" and. i did lol. and it's the happiest i've been with a fursona, both from a design standpoint and a 'me' standpoint :]]
thank you for the ask! sorry for suddenly getting so real, i don't think you expected me to, kibble as an oc just means a lot to me :'D
(i also have other, non-sona, furry ocs if you ever wanna hear about furry boy band drama lol. i only recently reopened asks again so i'm trying to get more comfortable with em despite my constant Inbox Paranoia. ty again!!)
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raptorbricksart · 1 year
Realised that I never actually talked about her on here, since I've been spending more time on twitter lately but they're on fire so you get to meet her as well. Beware, it's going to be rough and rambly.
I've been working on a Spider-sona lately, still an early WIP, but I want to talk about her anyway.
I wanted to a slight modern fantasy take on the basic plot, so instead of the classic "inner city lad bitten by a radioactive spider", I've mixed it up a little.
Walking through the woods, on the way home, she was bitten by an enchanted spider that served as a prison for an ancient fae who had been sealed away for a long time.
On top of the standard Spidey powers, she got a magical version of web slinging. The fae that was sealed in the spider, Huntress, has now bound herself into her mind.
The relationship is kinda like a Symbiote, but the human is in charge. Huntress can still speak on her own, and fully take over when she wants to take matters into her own claws, but the host can take back control at will.
She's trans, because, why not.
Her recruitment into spider society was after an alternate Green Goblin got into her world got pulled into her world.
So far, I don't even have a name for her, neiw her real name, or a costume name, though I'm using Spider-Lass as a place holder. Since her story is largely in rural England, it feels fairly fitting as a place holder.
Also featured in her universe:
Gwen Stacy -
She's a journalist working at the Daily Bugle
Specialises in stories about people with powers
A good friend of Spider-Lass, both in and out of costume, but hasn't yet realised that they're the same person.
The pair work together on occasion (behind J. J. Jameson's back, he doesn't like Spider)
She's transfem, yay!
Has some powers of her own, though isn't aware yet
All are stealth based, and only maintained when she stands still or moves slow
She's even invisible to spider-sense unless she was going to take an aggressive action.
Keeps accidentally startling people
Dating Peter Parker
Speaking of...
Peter Parker -
Working in biochemistry at Alchemax
Also trans (transmasc)
An old friend of Spider-Lass
Only one of the trio not to have any powers
Big ol nerd
(still kinda bare bones since he doesn't have much plot involvement)
I haven't decided on villains yet, but have some vague ideas floating around
Huntress has her own Sinister 6, the Six of Shadows who were responsible for destroying her physical body and trapping her in the spider.
Suit design is still in it's vague concept phase, but I have ideas
Below is the only concept I've done of her, outfit: a hastily thrown together concept for her mask drawn in Blender over a ripped model if my Sim. I don't like the colour, but I'm keeping the base design.
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The overall outfit is an antithesis to the usual form fitting suits of most spider-people. An oversize hoodie with some custom decorations, baggy trousers and some sturdy hiking trainers. She's dressed for both comfort and durability, she hasn't got the same agility as most spider-people so needs to be able to take a blow.
At this point, I'm out of thing off the top of my head that aren't spoilers for some projects I have for her, but:
If you have any questions about her, or anything/anyone around her, let me know via comments or asks, I'm happy to answer more!
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percreates · 8 months
Here's my intro post thingy-
My name is Percival, but I'm cool with Percy or whatever nickname, they/he, 20
Fandoms and things I draw/plan to draw
Random things from my life and little sketches
The Doomsday Heroes (working title) - a NaNoWriMo story I did when I was 13 that I'm entirely reworking to make a comic (I might make a post with some early concept art soon!)
Star Wars (I like the prequels/clone wars era best, but am not opposed to some original trilogy love)
Original Leverage (I only watched a lil redemption and didn't care for it all that much, but og Leverage has been my favorite show for over half my life now, expect ot3 art)
Spider-Man and Spiderverse, I have a spidersona that I'll be posting eventually
X-Files (I've taken a truly unhinged number of reference screenshots)
Star Trek TNG (a hyperfixation I'd like to return to, I'm obsessed with Data and Geordi)
Minecraft (funny/neat moments and adventures of my oc and others on an smp I'm part of)
X-Men (once I've read more of the comics)
Potentially other marvel superheroes (but again, not until I've read more of their comics, it's a Thing with me, but I did love the goofy found family avengers tower fandom stuff before the mcu got so dark and depressing)
Doctor Who (I'm not caught up on the latest few seasons and it's been a long time since I watched past the 10th doctor cause he and 9 are my faves, but I'm sure I'll draw early new who art sometime)
Jackass (MAYBE.)
Apothecaria (if I get back to it, which would be fun! I kinda forgot it existed until rereading this but I did have some cool ideas planned 👀)
Potentially other fandoms I'm forgetting I'm in, or didn't add to the list, just whatever I'm into lately
Random non-fandom related references, I've drawn a reasonable number of random people on pinterest afsgsgsg
(my references and tips board has 27 nicely organized sections and a total of over 1600 pins, feel free to dm me if you want the link!) (Probably more, I haven't checked in a while tbh)
Pretty much any scene/shot from a movie or show I watch that makes me go "ooh I wanna draw that" and take a screenshot, it's a problem (I got a lovely one earlier though of Eliot Spencer with a bunny)
I'm learning to draw cause I want to start creating comics! I drew a lot in middle school and am finally getting back into it. I was never that good back then, but I'm super happy with the progress I'm making since coming back to it >:D
I think entirely in words rather than pictures (I believe that's called aphantasia?), so until I've got A Lot more experience and have built up a better mental library and muscle memory, most things I draw will be with reference, but I'm slowly getting better at drawing from imagination!!
Tagging system-
#my art (self explanatory, I'll also have #my comics sometime down the line and #my me for self portraits), #perc rambles (anything I post that's not art, I've potentially missed a few of these), #cool art (any art I reblog that's not mine), #comics (as in comics people have made, not like, comics fandom stuff), #spidersona (other people's sonas, I'll be tagging my own separately, probably as #spiderskate but I haven't decided), #tips and tricks, #pose reference, #resources, and if I draw for a fandom I'll tag said fandom. I'll have tags for various ocs I post, currently my only one is #benni enderman.
I think that's everything! Thanks for checking out my blog, enjoy your time here :D
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yippeecahier · 1 year
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Me and the boy!
Orion is about to tell you about their latest hyperfixation with hand motions and a crazed look in their eyes; Boyan is just enjoying seeing you fall into the trap of triggering his fiancé to infodump and may or may not enjoy aforementioned infodumps. Hopefully you do, too. Your sanity is about to depend on it.
We're gremlins on our own, and now we're teaming up... coming to you as married this summer.
ID in alt text btw!
Boy actually likes the custom sona I got from CovePalms for him a lot! We're both wearing our favorite shirts here, his has faded all the text and something tragic happened to mine probably around the time I deconverted because it was a mission trip shirt (but it still fits my ADHD ass so aptly...yours truly really has been losing luggage since coming to this godforsaken planet in 1998...)
I swapped our eye colors to make it accurate to our human eye colors, and boy got a haircut, so I gave his sona a rouche mane to match.
It's been a long time since I've drawn for myself. I have been feeling very stressed and actually cutting out time for myself to draw anyway has been so helpful. After boy put the sketch as his pfp, I had to color it and send him the update.
Here's the original inspiration and sketch:
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stomach-rental · 2 years
Introductions + BYF
hello, hello and welcome to the blog! this is a quick post about pretty much everything you need to know around here. DNI and notes about me in my carrd under the cut, as well as tags and a general description of why this blog is here!
As a general disclaimer, I do not make NSFW content or content involving fatal vore. I will not necessarily block accounts that fall into either of these categories, but they do make me uncomfortable and I'd prefer that my posts weren't reblogged onto blogs that include those things, as I do not want minors that might follow my blog to be subjected to those things when scrolling through notes. Thanks.
If you are a g/t blog or a non-vore blog that does NOT want me to reblog their work, let me know-- I typically reblog g/t content and things related to the GID series that are not vore specific since this blog is a Getting in Deep blog First and a vore blog Second, but, I understand if you don't want your work to be mixed in with vore pieces, even if they are non-sexual in nature.
Additionally, I now have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me and some of the art I do for stuff like getting groceries, etc. (Some WIP posts may be shared there, too!)
Here's a site that has some general information about me along with the DNI! Please check it out first.
This is a fanblog for my currently 5 year strong hyperfixation on a series called Getting in Deep! It’s also just a blog to throw some of my favorite safe, non-sexual vore pieces and concepts, as well as some giant/tiny content that I think is cute. That being said, since this is essentially just a blog for me to flap hands about one of my favorite series, I will talk a LOT about GID and have long, long rambles about it at times. I've got ADHD and the hyperfocus is strong.
I’m also going to include a small disclaimer: any characters tagged gid or getting in deep are not owned by me! Louis Patriarch, William James Rowe, everyone else in those tags belongs to @/peachnewt, who you’ll be seeing a lot of on this blog. She’s the writer and creator of Getting in Deep, and she has the full series list here, if you want to read it!
I also will sometimes make changes to the main series canon or create headcanons that I've used to sort of pad out the characters when I draw them-- I refer to this alternative form of GID as Chicagoverse, because I originally had pictured the series in Chicago before learning it actually took place in Denver in a later update. These headcanons and changes are entirely self indulgent and are formed usually from roleplay scenarios, but I will talk about my interpretations for them regularly!
Finally, here’s a short tag list I have set up for anyone interested! Generally I don’t tag major phobias or anything beyond general trigger warnings, so if you are a mutual and have a specific thing you need tagged, please let me know ahead of time.
#drawns - anything drawn by me
#asks - any asks or questions that are answered on this blog
#oc - my original characters
#gid - content I’ve created with characters from peachnewt
#sona - content with my personal sona characters that represent me
#commissions - commission updates
Specific Stories
#tsh - originally known as "the sisterhood", now rewritten into "Their Scattered Hosts". a complicated redemption story about scientifically modified creatures trying to grasp the spiritual world and the worst acts of humanity.
#perennial - a story I have been working on involving a gigantic creature in the middle of the earth, scientists struggling to cope with a dying world, and a bunch of kids in over their heads who were accidentally given shapeshifting abilities (but not in the way you'd think). A major point in this story is endosoma, but g/t will also be present regularly and vore sometimes slips in.
#mutualism - a world building story I have made with a couple of my friends, @/bathspaces and @/kuramons. humans no longer exist on this island-- the magical elements of the land have somehow taken its grip on the humans that came here long ago and transformed them into humanoid beasts that take after the forms of many birds, bugs, and other creatures in our normal world. it features vore + g/t as a major plot element and is in the process of being developed. ORIGINALLY known as #birds and bugs au , of which we wrote in our favorite fandom characters into this world rather than our own characters.
#tangibility - two guys fuck up. Badly. in their fight to try to kill each other for their own causes, they end up accidentally causing themselves to be shattered across space in time in a cosmic disaster. Their bodies no longer existing, they desperately search for anything that they can hold onto, finding that for the most part, there is only each other. No vore or g/t explicitly in this one, but it dabbles with body sharing, the multiverse, and a lot of weird stories, so it definitely can get into those elements at some point.
#dungeons and dragons - not necessarily an actual story, more of a mish mash of characters and stories that have played out in various d&d sessions over time. They usually all end up connecting somehow.
thank you for reading!! that’s all for now :D
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candyboydeathparade · 2 years
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Been too long since I've drawn my sona. Figured she could use some love.
Behold, the yeen punk trans bitch of your dreams. I actually animated the background to pulsate, but I'm not interested in giving anybody a seizure today, so here's the tiny version.
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cinder-aj · 1 month
Silly goofy OC Challenge!
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Just my my Wof OCs | Including other OCs
My Favorite OC...
I have a few favorite Wings of Fire ocs: Gnarp, Tumbleweed, Alien, Poppy, and the one I chose to draw for this prompt...
Circuit is a nervous and shy Castaway dragon who appears to be a cyborg. She's actually a robot whose AI was modeled after the real Circuit, a dragonet who died in an accident. Circuit didn't know she was a robot until later. Circuit was chosen to be a prophecy dragon to stop a war. Along the way, she learned that it's okay to be afraid, and being brave means that you're scared but can act anyway.
Cam and Grey
My two Invader Zim ocs that I've had brainrot over since I made them back in 2018. They're two dumbass sisters and I love them dearly. Cam is darker and often serious. Grey is an energetic goofball. They both love nature and travel the universe, visiting alien planets. They can use holograms to disguise themselves.
My First OC...
Claw is the first OC I've ever made. She used to be an edgy warrior cats rogue. You know all the cringe Scourge-adjacent ocs you would see all over the 2000s and 2010s warrior fandom... yeah, she was one of those. Now, Claw is still rather edgy, but know she's a badass Felinz space pirate who wants to reform her peoples' rigid miltiaristic society. Yeah, she still has a warrior cats version, but she's not a Scourge clone and instead is co-leader of a small group of former clan cats and others who were hurt by their colonies.
Ivy is my first Wings of Fire oc and WoF sona. Ivy is a sarcastic, quiet, and often grumpy RainWing/SeaWing hybrid who likes making jokes. Ivy grew up in the rainforest with the RainWings, where she'd gather fruit. She met Plutonium one day, a curious QuartzWing explorer. She fell in love with the little nerd, and now they go on space adventures together. (Long story how they got to space lol)
My newest OC...
I'm in a design artfight currently and have been getting new characters from it. I got a few pretty much at the same time, so I chose to draw...
Fen is a calm cyborg Mud/Leaf. I'm still figuring out her lore because she's so new, but I know she lives in Butterfly City and has an indoor garden. I'm thinking I'm going to give her a relationship with another character I got from the design fight, a Leaf/Night I named Ironwood, but I don't know what kind of relationship yet. I'm thinking that another one of my characters is her mother, but I'm conflicted on who. 👀 I love writing characters!
Easiest to draw...
It’s been f o r e v e r since I've drawn her, and I used to all the time. Murky is a FishbowlWing, a relic fantribe from a bygone era on this amino. Murky is cheerful and friendly. She runs a restaurant called the Murkbottom Grill, and has a friendly rivalry with The Kingfisher Pub across the street. Murky is one of my only characters without some sort of trauma!
Hardest to draw...
I have quite a few WoF characters that are hard for me to draw, so I had to narrow it down. I excluded ocs with feathered wings because I'm drawing headshots for this. Facet, Hercules, Paradise, and Starburst are only hard to draw because of complex patterns. Podzol and Snapper have complex lineart, but rather simple patterns. Purpurea and Tarnish have complex accessories, but I have easy ways to replicate. The choice was down to Polly, Bumble, Pinecone, or...
Oleander is a creepy CirceWing mad scientist who experiments with life magic. Her lore is limited because she's somewhat new, but I know that she used to be a popular girl at a school called Woodsong Academy. Well, she was popular until the accident. (Which I haven't decided what yet.)
Rover is actually a work-in-progress character, and I haven't actually drawn him until now! I designed him in Animal Jam actually, and translated it into robot Naturan. I don't think he was that hard to draw admittedly, but I chose him because I often have trouble drawing fox-adjacent creatures. Again, I don't know if they're hard to draw unless I do it a few times. Some characters become easier as my style evolves and improves.
The Artist
My sona. Now you know why she's my username! Cinder is a lynx Naturan. Naturans are an original species of mine. I'm kinda proud of my lineart for her. I think I just found my new profile pic...
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felixdw · 2 years
I am so sorry for not being active on here.
Goodness it's been so long since I've been on here.
I haven't done much art but here's my newest character/sona/minecraft character
Yes I Named them Felix.
This is one of the truest forms of Felix as this character has been in my head for years but I wasn't really able to get it drawn as the character was evershifting in design. From human to bird to dragon to snake to any odd thing is was super into at the time. There's another character that usually goes with this one in my head but he hasn't been drawn yet as he is also ever shifting. He does have a name though. It's not a unique name but I like it regardless. Storm is the name of the undraw character. I often put these 2 on a bunch of adventures together.
Lately Storm has either been human, dragon or a mix between. I can't decide what do make of him rn lol
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lizard-soup · 6 years
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This guy
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