#it's as old as me and I was new to it once too
logaenhowlett · 2 days
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Summary: After months of watching you relentlessly try to gain control of your powers, Logan finally takes matters into his own hands.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff - so much damn fluff, Slight angst, Language
A/N: Suffering from writer's block on a plot-driven angsty Logan fic so I wrote this to focus on something else. Shout out to End by Frank Ocean. Enjoy!
“You’ve been going at it for hours.”
His voice makes you pause, shifting your concentration to the man leaning against the door frame. Logan watches as you swing your head down, possibly frustrated by his interruption.
“Professor said I’d get better at this,” You swipe the sweat off your face, grabbing your drenched shirt as it clings to your skin, “It’s been months and I'm nowhere near strong enough.”
He huffs in amusement, he would often catch you in moments like these, tiring yourself hour after hour till you were exhausted enough to finally pass out. It reminds him of his early days at this place. Young and eager to prove himself to everyone here, that he was capable of being good once again.
“Old man doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about.” A measly attempt to shut down your self-deprecation, he knows nothing will convince you otherwise, that much he learned over the last few times he tried reasoning with you. When you shoot him a questioning glance, he relents, raising his hands up in defense. “Alright. But you’re not doing any good wearing yourself to the bone.”
“I just want to be like Storm and Scott and you.” 
“Well, if that’s the case, the bar ain’t that high.” A teasing grin shining as he approaches you, the annoyed expression on your face does little to stop him. “Come with me.”
He chuckles at your confusion, wandering dangerously close into your personal space. “I wanna show you something,” He murmurs.
Flirting isn’t a new concept to him at all. Though you never get used to his attempts, always brushing it off with the assumption that it’s just a game.
“Logan - I need to keep practicing.” You take a few steps back, creating a little distance from his very distracting presence. “It’s the only way I’ll get better at controlling this.”
“Okay.” He drags out, “You can still keep doing this when we come back.”
As you contemplate his request, he knows he has you convinced, a grin tugging on his lips. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
When he leads you to the mansion's garage, you recall all the times he'd whisked you away from moments of misery and fatigue. He seemed to have this innate ability to know when you're in over your head, too absorbed into whatever you were doing to take a step back and relax. A tinge of embarrassment creeps into your thoughts, feeling bad for him to constantly keep checking in as if you were incapable of knowing your limits. Fuck, I'm a mess. You snap yourself from going down the negative route, shifting your focus to Logan, a chuckle escapes you.
“You know he hates it when you steal his bike, right?”
He swings a leg over, revving the engine. The sound seems to unintentionally comfort you, your mind having subconsciously associated it with him. Despite Scott being the owner of vehicle, he rarely saw it since it was Logan’s choice of transportation. Fucking dickhead, he used to curse up and down, unwillingly giving up after Charles reasoned with him one too many times. You remember the entire ordeal, having to intervene during one of their many childish fights when Scott attempted to blow up Logan’s ass.
“I’ll fill up the tank.”
“No, you won’t.” A short laugh leaves you as you wrap your arms around him.
He flashes a smile, tilting his head back to ensure you’re properly seated. “No, I won’t.”
You hardly pay attention to his driving, instead mindlessly watching the scenery zip past. It wasn't the first time Logan had taken you on a ride. In fact, after the initial fear, you had grown fond of this time you got share with him. A quiet and peaceful journey where you could turn your restless mind off and simply enjoy each other's company. An unspoken vow of trust had always lingered between you two, which was something he cherished more than he could ever express. He smiles softly at the weight of you resting on his back as the breeze encompasses around you.
“How’d you even find this place?” You ask, sliding off the seat as he kicks the stand.
“Used it for shelter during that snowstorm a while ago. The bike gave out on me.”
You hum in response, spinning on your feet to look around. It's an abandoned gas station that had definitely seen better days. Despite all the damage and vandalisation, it was an oddly interesting location, a lake nearby overlooking lush fields. Nothing in Logan's expression gives away his intention of bringing you here. He slowly steps backwards, a hint of a smirk tugging his lips and when he's a decent distance away, “Hit me.”
“Use your power, sweetheart. Don’t be scared, you can do it.” It's rather encouraging and not at all akin to his usual cocky tone.
“Logan - what, no!” You exclaim, finding his proposal ridiculous. “I’m not - I can’t even fully control it. What if I hurt you?”
He scoffs, amused you could even suggest such a thing, “Well, you’re gonna have to control it, aren’t ya?” When you make no attempt to try, his gaze softens, “I can take it.”
You take a deep breath, channelling your focus to create a ball of energy between your hands. Despite being small, it hits him with enough force to push him back a few steps. A groan leaves him as he clutches his stomach, you shift to run towards him but he lifts his hand, making you stop.
“Again. Don’t hold back.”
This time you think of Charles, remembering all the lessons and training sessions you've had with him. Where you had always doubted yourself, he had constantly reassured you and your ability to control your gift. The ball of energy grows more between your hands, crackling with intensity. Using all your might, you aim at Logan once again, hitting him square in the chest, thrusting him back several feet, the impact denting the ground in the process. He stands up feeling a bit lightheaded, though that sensation disappears as he flexes his muscles, grateful for his healing factor.
“I did it!” You laugh in surprise, running to him.
His arms immediately wrap around you, slightly lifting you off the ground. “You did it,” He says with a faint smile, taking in your satisfaction.
Caught up in moment of finally making progress, you notice the lack of space between Logan and you. And suddenly, his hands on your waist, his tender expression, it all becomes too much, making you pull back. “You’re insane. That could’ve gone so wrong,” You spit out, trying to relieve some tension.
“I trust you.” He whispers, softly.
Your body seems to be on fire, everything about this begins to overwhelm your senses. With a shaky breath, you try stepping away from his gentle grip.
“Why do you always run from me?” His words still your movements. His eyes can't seem to find yours, instead settling on the charred ground beneath him, "I know… you feel this too.”
“I’m - I don’t…”
“Let me in, sweetheart. I won’t run away.” He approaches you, giving you the space to reject his advances. ”I promise.”
When you don't respond, he hangs his head low, accepting your decision. “Let’s go home,” He mumbles.
As you walk down the hallway to your room, you can't seem to shake the urge to run back to him. You take a moment, hand grasping your doorknob before you spin around. Within seconds of knocking on his door, he swings it open catching your distinct heartbeat on the other side.
“Logan - I just…” The words die on your tongue. Every little feeling you'd held for him comes rushing forward. As he stands there, growing concerned for your wellbeing, all you can think about is kissing him till the air leaves your lungs.
“You okay?”
That's enough for you to slam into him. You grab the collar of his white shirt, pulling him down. Your lips find his own, slowly moving against the soft flesh. It takes him less than a second to comprehend what's happening before he reciprocates your actions.
You tilt your head back, inhaling his comforting scent. He continues peppering kisses on your face, unable to stop once he finally got a taste. “I'm sorry, I was scared. I am scared,” You whisper.
“I know. But I’m here for you. I’m always gonna be here for you.” He murmurs against your lips, “If you let me.”
Your smile sends flutters to his heart. His low chuckle echoes within you as he leans down, capturing your lips with a hunger he'd suppressed for as long as he could remember. When your moan teases his senses, he lifts you with ease, one arm securing your waist and the other gently stroking the underside of your thigh. He lowers you down onto the bed, noting your exhaustion from earlier. Sliding right next to you, he presses a light kiss on your temple, pulling you into his warm embrace. A silent promise that he'll never let you go.
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racecrafting · 20 hours
I touched home soil after my trip to Greece to the announcement of this news. I’ve been compartmentalizing my feelings as best as I can so that I don’t grieve a living person, but the jet lag and dehydration had me up at 3am with tears streaming down my face. I won’t ever love a driver the way I love Daniel. I don’t think it’s possible, but also I won’t allow myself to care this much again. I try to think about the humorous positives of a millionaire kicking back at his farm or the peace in knowing he won’t be scooped out by lecherous pundits and he can finally return home. But then I remember him at 17, in that decrepitly furnished Italian apartment, watching an old Australian film so he wouldn’t lose his accent — because to dream in some ways is to sacrifice in others. And him going to meet Helmut Marko and stepping into a fountain because he was so distracted by the opulence of the building. Wet sneakers squelching all the way there. And I think of him disposing of his racing boots and sauntering around the asphalt paddock with his too thin socked feet like one does in their own home, comfortable and radiant with the joy of winning again. Is that not a return home?
And I think about how graciously he left in 2022 after doing donuts in some dark part of the track — away from prying eyes. And I think about Singapore now, how it ended with a whisper of all things. 13 years in this sport. Jenson said before that Daniel wasn’t used to this kind of loss because he’s always been the golden boy. I’ll always feel hurt about how he’s been misrepresented as a fool or jester in the paddock when he’s the reason so many of us found this sport. He has made this sport lighter with his willingness to give so much of himself. And it’s difficult to think about how he wasn’t ready to leave, how he sat in the cockpit and left the track last because he wasn’t ready to part with a sport he said he’s loved his whole life. I hope he takes time to be with those he loves most, and I hope he enjoys time away from the callous flash of a lens or intrusion of a mic. But the thing about Daniel is he’s mesmerizing, you can’t feed gold back into the dirt once it’s been held under the radiance of daylight.
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http-shield · 3 days
whatever you say, old man- bucky barnes
~ bucky barnes x fem!reader ~tags/cw: post endgame but no one is dead and life is good, think 2012 Avengers fandom where clint is in the vents yeah that is where I'm at, established friendships, pining, yearning, bucky is not used to new age dating rituals, explicit language, sexual tension ~ wc: 2.6k ~ not proofread
You: Hey, are we still on for tonight? Rita’s at 7?
Him: ye
“So you’re telling me this is normal?” Bucky’s tone is judgemental as he quickly reads over the words on your screen.
You nod, wordlessly confirming that situatuonships are a staple part of the modern dating scene.
Bucky’s brows furrow, eyes flicking from the lack of effort text message to your face as you lean over the bed, phone gripped between expertly manicured fingers. He blinks once, twice, as if taking the time to formulate a response that will rebuke your earlier confirmation without hurting your feelings. This is new for him. A habit he has only recently picked up upon developing his friendship with you. He usually isn't as careful with his words, not caring enough about the recipient's opinion or emotional well-being to warrant enough time and consideration when responding, but with you. It was another ball game entirely. Bucky doesn't want to hurt your feelings, to see you frown because of something he has said; in fact, he wants the opposite. To see you smile and laugh and blush because of him. For you to want to talk to him about anything and everything, share thoughts about your day and how things make you feel. Bucky wants to know everything that happens in that pretty little brain of yours, even if he doesn't necessarily agree with it. Normally he would take the time to sugarcoat his words, sweeten his tone and make it easy for you to swallow but this is a situation where he couldn't, doesn't, want to mince his words.
“There is no world where that is normal.” He stares at you, expression bored and a little annoyed. At you? Never. At the man on the other side of the phone? Incredibly so.
You groan at his very true statement and pull away, slipping the phone into the pocket of your cargos as you turn towards your open closet.
He’s right. You know he is.
There is nothing remotely normal about two grown adults being in a relationship that is defined by the amount of time the other left the first one on read, or how much emotional vulnerability there could be put on the table before the other got too scared and ran. There is nothing normal about being in your late twenties and having a grown man introduce you to his friends as a 'buddy’ despite having an entire draw dedicated to you in his apartment but you can’t admit that, refuse to admit that you know its wrong and desperate and frankly, demeaning. If you can't own up to your own patheticness, how are you supposed to admit it to the man you are secretly interested in. There would be nothing more humiliating than confessing that the only reason you are with and putting up with bullshit efforts from this other guy is to hopefully distract yourself from the desperate need you feel for Bucky. This new guy is mediocre at worst yet attainable at best and that is something you will live with until your crush on the super soldier is dead and gone and you can finally focus on something other than him.
You had spoken with Natasha about Bucky last night, her voice a soothing purr over the phone as she encouraged you to disclose your concerns about pushing the boundaries on your friendship with the super soldier.
“The worst thing that can happen is he says no and then you both move on.” She croons, voice laced with comfort and reassurance.
“Wrong.” You shake your head despite being on a voice call.  “The worst thing that can happen is he says no, I lose him as a friend and then I’m stuck pining after someone who wants nothing to do with me” You place another dish in the washer before continuing with your point. “Or I push him before he is ready, again losing him as a friend, and now I’m left with the guilt of possibly taking advantage of a war veteran.”
“You take advantage of Steve all the time, how is this any different?” 
“I take advantage of Steve to get someone to carry in the groceries. I’m not trying to date Steve.”
Natasha huffs a laugh. “What if he is interested in you as well?”
Your hands stop scrubbing at the pan in the sink.
“I can find out.”
Heat fills your body, your stomach twists at the idea of having that information. It would put an end to the constant yearning you feel, but the thought of finding out he doesn’t like you that way, that he sees you as no more than a friend will destroy you, humiliate you beyond all logical reason and you would be forced to cut off the friendship out of pure self-preservation.
You shake your head again. “I’m good.” And return to scrubbing your pan. “I'll just wait out the crush and then move on.”
“This isn’t the 1940’s anymore.”  You sigh and completely shift your attention from Bucky to the mess that is staring back at you.
Endless outfit options are strewn about the small closet but so far none of them have come together, just single shirts, skirts, and pants all muddled in a heap of black.
“I know it's not the 40s but I doubt relationships and dating have changed that much." Bucky grumbles from behind you, the bed creaking as he shifts.
Another sigh, this one long and exaggerated as you will the frustration to leave your body. You want to turn to him and explain that you know all this, and are very aware of the fact that nothing about your current predicament is what you want. You want to be wooed with flowers and preplanned dates and soft kisses on hands and longing looks but that’s not the reality of life anymore and having to be reminded of it is getting annoying and your heart is starting to ache at the lack of effort given to you by your current choice of dating partner.
“You know if I was taking..” Bucky starts but you quickly cut him off with a whine of his name.
“James, please.” You don’t turn to face your friend, afraid to even glance at him because you know you will crumble. “I need help picking out an outfit so help me or go back to your room.”
“You know if I was taking…” You don’t let Bucky finish but, God did he want to. His name on your tongue was enough to shut him up, to send a flush rushing to his face in a way that no man his age should blush, but he can’t help it. There is something about the way his name falls from your lips that has his mind racing to thoughts that should not be there, should not appear when the picture of you enters his mind.
“You know if I was taking you on a date, you’d get flowers and chocolates and champagne and those little baby dolls you like” is what he wanted to say before you shut him up with an annoyed grumble.
His intention wasn’t to display how things were different back in his day but to indicate exactly what you’d be getting were you about to go on a date with him, to explain the reason why you should go on a date with him and not some loser who couldn’t even formulate a fully fleshed out text message. How if you were to drop that kid, and say yes to Bucky he would gather the moon on string for you, pick every flower in every field, find every single little Sonny Angel there is and give them to you each and every day for the rest of your life, you would never be sat wondering why he isn’t calling or responding, if you were even going out the next day, if he even liked you. Bucky would make his feelings for you so abundantly clear that even a blind man would be able to see the signs, but you are his best friend and best friends don’t feel that way about each other. It’s all platonic hugs and hair tussles, cheeky jabs at each other over coffee, shared trauma and secrets over whatever dinner you bring to his apartment and he yours. There will be no dates, or long hugs that turn into kisses that turn into you beneath him, whimpering his name as he makes you feel oh so good.
Bucky’s entire body is on fire, and he needs to stop thinking about the way you would feel wrapped around him, his mouth on yours, the taste of you sweet on his tongue.
“Okay, what about this?” you announce as you walk into the bedroom from the ensuite. “Too much?”
You stand in the doorway, dressed in plain jeans and a black shirt.
“Too much?” Bucky is confused. “This is the outfit you wore to breakfast this morning.”
He is right about this too. You had worn a very similar outfit this morning, but tonight isn’t a full-on date, a semi-date, where things shouldn’t be that fancy so why shouldn’t you recycle your outfits. Bucky stands from the bed, readying himself to dig through the mountain of clothes that had formed at the entrance to the bathroom. He crosses the small space and squats before the clothing, fingers expertly rifling through the material, quickly brushing over the lace of bras and panties, before finding purchase on a black dress he thinks he has seen you in before. It might have been the dress you wore to a funeral or press conference, either way, it was not alluring in the slightest, not that you weren’t stunning in everything you wore, hell you could come out wearing a garbage bag and Bucky would be in awe of your beauty. It was just that he didn’t want your date to ogle you, to think of you the same way Bucky does so he is being a little selfish and conniving in his choice of garment.
“Where is he taking you?” His question is disguised as interest in the dress code but his real curiosity is far from an outfit.
There are two reasons why he needs to know where you will be tonight. The first is to judge whether this manchild is even worthy of a date with you, second if he knew the exact location and time, maybe he could show up and show out your date, make you realise what you deserve and how Bucky could be the one who gives it to you.
 “We’re meeting at Rita’s down the road and then might see a movie, maybe something else. I’m not sure yet.”
“He hasn’t planned anything?” Bucky whips his head around to you, finding you standing there looking incredibly embarrassed at the lack of effort. What the fuck happened in the years he was gone?
The defeated shake of your head is enough to have Bucky’s chest aching. He sits back on his haunches; the dress discarded back in the pile and gives the outfit another look as he decides on where to go from here. “Yeah, I think it’s too much.” He nods and stands up, brushing his hands as if he had just completed an excavation on some ancient site.
“Go change back into your sweats ‘cause there is no way I’m letting you go on a date with a guy who can’t even plan something.” He nods his chin towards the bathroom, more of an order than a suggestion.
He watches you tilt your head back as you groan in frustration. “I’m not going through this again, old man. This is how it works now.”
Now it’s Bucky’s turn to get frustrated. He takes a step towards you, hulking 6’0 frame rising to tower above you with a somewhat menacing glare, but you know he will never hurt you no matter how much you push his buttons.
“I’m not talking about what it used to be like, little girl.” The jab at your age/generational difference comes out before he can register it, but he notices how your eyes widen. “This is about getting what you deserve.”
He pushes in on the space between your bodies, now chest to chest as you square your shoulders, not ready to back down from an argument despite knowing you will not win.
“And what’s that?” you stare up at him, brows raised in anticipation of his answer. You aren’t sure where this is going. If you are going to receive another lecture or maybe even a verbal beatdown as to why your standards for men are so low, a common topic of conversation between you and Natasha, but instead you are met with a soft smile as his Vibranium hand is raised and brushes against your cheek.
“You deserve flowers and preplanned dates and wine and jewellery and everything you could ever want.” Bucky’s voice drops into a whisper, cold fingers trailing soothing lines against your heating skin. “You deserve a man worshipping you, to be on his hands and knees begging to take you on a date. Not some punk who can barely put together a sentence.”
You hold his gaze, blue eyes staring intently as you shudder in a breath. “Who’s going to do that, huh?” your voice is small, no longer filled with the same bravado you had not a minute ago. “You know anyone who wants to do that for me, you send them my way Bucko.”
His metal hand slips to your cheek to your jaw, fingers pressing into your pulse points so he can feel the speed at which your heart is racing.
“I’d do it.” He states matter-of-factly, eyes dipping to your lips. “I’d do anything for you.”
Breathing becomes a little bit too difficult as his human hand traces up your bare arm.
Bucky nods and dips his head until his face is mere centimetres from yours. “You didn’t let me finish before, but I'd give you anything you’ve ever wanted.” Fingers move to cup your chin and tilt your head up. “You want flowers, I’m a florist. Moon? Stars? I’m getting Stark to build me a rocket. Anything you want, you’re getting it.”
“And if I want you on your hands and knees barking like a dog for me?” You smirk, the mental image of Bucky on his knees panting like a puppy has your stomach twisting.
“Put a collar on me and call me Spot 'cause I’m yours, doll.”
The confession has your eyes widening.
“I’m all yours, from now until whenever you’re done with me.” Bucky whispers, breathless.
“And what if I want you to kiss me?” you ask, knowing he is waiting for your permission to do just that.
Bucky crumbles, his expression falling from that of teasing into one of pleading.
“I want you to kiss me, James.” You whisper.
His resolve breaks and he presses his lips to yours. Softly and timidly, closed mouth and restrained but as your hands reach out to grip his waist, a delicate gasp slipping past your lips, does he deepen the kiss. His mouth opens over yours, lips slotting against your plush ones, tongue darting out to test to waters only to be met with your slackening jaw. Bucky’s grip on you tightens as he continues to kiss you, afraid to let you go in case this was one of the many, many dreams he had where he woke up alone and confused, but as you bite down on his bottom lip, he is brought back to reality. Your hands on his waist, pull him tighter against you, the softness of your body had Bucky’s mind wandering to places it should not be. You pull back, pupils blown wide and lips parted as you pant. Bucky is just as breathless, hands cupping your face with a gentleness he doesn’t think you’ve ever known from the way you stare up at him.
“You’re not going on that date.”
“Whatever you say, old man.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
a/n: eee this is my first avengers fanfic since like 2018 pls be nice I just need something happy to think about clint living in the airvents, thor eating poptarts era was my happy place
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warmilikeit · 3 days
Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
I got this idea from another Tumblr post and I'm pretty new so, ion know how to tag and stuff, pls tell me
"So... My mom just disappeared?" A little 6 year old (Name) asks Alfred about her mom
Alfred turned back like he was reminiscing "The Gala was for three nights, the first night she mesmerized all, the second night she befriended everyone, the third night she slept with your father"
"then she disappeared, then you were dropped on our little doorstep! We were skeptical at first then we DNA tested you, you're Bruce's kid so you are the Wayne Manor's baby! And you and your Daddy are one big happy family"
That was lie. That a big lie
You know Alfred was just trying to make you feel better
It wasn't working.
You feel like shit, they look so fucking happy, for years and years have passed, your 12 now for God sake
Every year a new family photo was taken and as the years pass more and more people are added to the photos
And the phrase "the more the merrier was always said to you" like they were trying to drill it into your head, but it seemed like every year, you were being pushed farther and farther back into the photos till you're barely noticeable
It sucks at home and it sucks at school, at home at least you only had Damian to worry about, he would torture and bully you, remind you of how unloved and unwanted you were here, but at school?
It was everyone.
It doesn't help how you're unable to focus that much either, always getting called by teachers when you're not paying attention, and then them ridiculing you
Also, with the fact that your entire family are vigilantes except you.
Except you, you tried, and you were good at it, the problem was, why did it seem like a lot of villains were after you
So you were stuck at the manor
"hello" a woman inside the Manor spoke
This shocked you, she looked too old to be another kid adopted by that... But you can't be too sure
"new kid?" You asked
She seemed taken aback, but then it was like a veil was lifted and she transformed into this ew
Wtf did she just turn into?
Suddenly she had this donkey leg and snake tongue and fire for hair, her eyes slit and she hissed at you
Then she attacked
With no weapon and no Alfred in hand, you ran
She ran after you and lit the hallways on fire in the process
You ran fast and far, to the outskirts of the mansion and straight into the garden, now when you thought your day could not get ANYMORE weirder, a voice calls out in the bushes
"I knew it! I knew you were a half-blood!I wasn't sure, but now I am!" You turn around and see a full ass tree transform into a beautiful lady
You're sure that Gotham Prep once talked about the side effects of drugs, and even if you haven't taken any drugs, you feel the side effects
"don't be scared, I'm a nymph! Me and my friends will help you run away from the empousa!" She grabbed me and threw me in the lake
A hand grabs you and pulls you further underwater, as much as you struggled, the hand kept pulling you and pulling you till your deep and then changed direction
Like you guys were heading somewhere, it felt like days, the hands alternating, first hands were blue and the lady whom the hands belonged too sounded worried, second hands were green, the lady was surprised
Third hand was light bluish purple, she expressed concern and kept pulling
The last hand was of human skin tone, pulling you up to shore
"Sir Chiron! There's a camper! The Naiads bought her here! Sir Chiron!"
He turns to look at you a bit worried, he looked from 13-14
He said "My name is Percy Jackson, and yours?"
Who do y'all think (Name)'s mom is?
Also the lack of Batfam dialogue is meant to represent their neglectful behavior, too bad their not gonna have a kid to return to
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 days
can you write something with cowboy harry, like a sex in a pickup truck or something like that?
Easy there, Cowboy (Cowboy!Harry x reader)
A/N:- I made this a oneshot cause once I started writing it, I just kept going. Now I understand the obsession with cowboy tropes these days. Thanks for the request, anon! Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
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Word Count: 5,131
Warnings: Smut. Oral(m receiving), fingering, penetration(p in v), dirty talk. Talks about horses and horse riding.
Synopsis: y/n decides to go home to the countryside when she gets a university break. Little does she know she'll fall in love with the new cowboy who's working in her father's ranch.
You felt great to be back home. You grew up in the countryside, in your father’s ranch and around all the different animals. But your father had big dreams for you, he didn’t want you to spend your life tending to the ranch like he did. So you studied, and went off to the city to attend university. You always rush back home when you get breaks. As much as you love the city, you miss your home and its people so much.
“I might take Clover for a ride today, dad.”, you tell your father as you sit with him, eating breakfast. Your mother kept piling your plate with food, murmuring about her daughter not eating enough while being away.
“Yeah? He’s been a bit aggressive these days. The vet said he’s alright, don’t know what’s wrong with that one, cost me a fortune to get him.Thought I’d use him for the race, but I’m not so sure now.” Your dad mutters, making you frown. “That doesn’t sound like Clover.”
Clover was your favorite horse and he was always gentle to you. “Yes, see for yourself. Harry will be around when you go, just ask him if you need something.”
Your dad has talked to you a lot about Harry, the new cowboy who started working for your father. He had joined a few months back, just when you left, so you had never met him. Your mom and dad seemed to love him though. They said he’s helped bring up the profits by a huge margin. 
“Mom, I’m stuffed!”, you laugh, pulling your plate back as your mom comes with more home made sausages.
 “Eating all that city food has messed with your appetite, sweetie. You used to eat so much as soon as you got back from the ranch!”
“Because I used to get tired from helping dad.”
The ranch wasn’t too far away, so you decided to walk. You put on your boots, and got going. Your father’s ranch had all kinds of animals. Chickens, cows, sheep. But what interested you most were always the horses. And that’s where you rushed off to first. 
The earthy, dusty woodchip and ammonia laced smell of the stables reminded you of the horse races your dad used to take you to when you were young. 
“Well hello, Silver!” You greeted the first horse, who immediately greeted you with a happy neigh, nuzzling her head right onto your shoulder as you reached out to stroke her shoulder and neck, giggling. “How’re you doing girl?”
You had named most of the horses, and the method you used was their appearance. Silver is a beautiful white horse. White horses are quite rare and Silver was your family’s favorite. She has won a lot of races with her impressive speed.Your father’s very proud of having her. The only problem is that she’s getting old.
You greet the other horses, and finally make your way towards the last one, kept separate from the others, which makes you frown. 
You loved all of the horses, but this boy is your favorite. He is younger than most of the other horses, yet, he’s the only one who can beat Silver in races. He has a rich brown body with defining black shading on his legs and tail. His soft parts, such as the muzzle and eyebrows and around the flanks, are golden brown. 
“Might wanna be careful with that one, miss.”
You turned around to see the handsome young man, watching you curiously. With the long dirt covered boots, and the cowboy hat he had on, you figured he was Harry. 
Wow. You had no idea Harry was hot.
“Why’d you say that?”, you ask.
He pushes the barrel of horse feed to a side, dusting his big hands against each other. His sleeves were rolled up and you could see that his skin was inked. Just his sculpted arms made you imagine how he could use it to hold you down while-
“He’s not as friendly as the others. Doesn’t hesitate to put down whoever irritates him, which is just about everyone.”, Harry speaks, not taking his eyes off you. He had sharp jaw bones, captive green eyes and beautiful features on his face. 
Harry’s lips turned up into a smirk as he caught you checking him out and you quickly looked away. “Are you here to look at horses?”, he asks.
“No, I’m here to take Clover for a ride.”, you tell him, smiling as you look into the big beautiful caramel eyes of the horse’s, letting him know it was you, before you slowly move your hand to stroke his neck. 
“You know his name and he seems to know you, seeing as how you’re not on the ground yet.”, Harry comments. “But I would advise stepping away right about, now," he adds as you move your other hand to stroke his body. 
“Hey buddy, you miss me?”, you coo softly, grinning as the horse lowers his head down to you and you nuzzle your against his forehead. “I missed you too.”
Harry had never seen the horse being affectionate to anyone. But if he was a horse, he would definitely want to get close to you as well. You talked to the horse like you were talking to a child. 
“He’s never been aggressive around me, Harry. We rode round the hills every evening.” Harry strides right next to you, slowly putting a hand on the horse as well, and he didn’t make a fuss at all. 
“See? Just needs a bit of extra love, this one. Oh I’m y/n, by the way.” Harry smiles, already having put that together by now. Your dad always talks a lot about you, his only daughter. He never expected you to be so strikingly beautiful though. 
“Nice to meet ya, y/n. No wonder why Clover likes you, he’s fallen for your beauty.”, Harry says, making you giggle as Clover continues to nuzzle his head against you. “Lucky horse, getting to flirt with you.”
“I much prefer animals over humans, anyway.”
“Why is that, y/n?”
“Cause they don’t cheat on you, they don’t lie to you, they’re innocent and they deserve our love.” 
Harry was now very interested to know more about you. “You don’t think there are humans capable of that too?”
y/n shrugs, going to open the small door to get Clover out. “Maybe.”
“Well there are things animals can’t help ya with, ya know.”, Harry says, stepping aside as you lean down next to him to undo the lock. He sucked in a breath as he saw your ass in those tight jeans. 
“Nothing I can’t do to myself.”, you answer, getting up and turning around to look at Harry. “I’m gonna take Clover out now. Nice to meet you too, Harry.” You give him an innocent smile, and he gives you a smile back, but his mind was already having thoughts. The kind of thoughts he shouldn’t have about his boss’ daughter.
You were out with some friends at the local bar, catching up. Most of them were in relationships, so you felt a little awkward after some time. You excused yourself to go get a drink. 
“Aren’t ya a fine little thing. Haven’t seen you around here before, have I?”, a heavily drunk man steps in front of you, eyeing your body up and down, letting out a low whistle.
“That’s cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere around you.”, you mutter, stepping aside but he blocks you with his body, letting out a laugh. “I wonder what else you can do with that mouth, little girl. Wanna show me?”
“Move!”, you snap as you try to go through his other side and he steps in front of you again. 
“Clint, leave her alone.” You were surprised to see Harry step in between you two, pushing the other man away with a hand on his chest. “She’s not interested. Go away.”
The man grumbled before going away, and the tall cowboy turned to you, his eyes looking you over. “Are you okay?”
He was not in his soiled work clothes. He had a different, cream colored cowboy hat on, and boots, but not the ones he was wearing back in the farm. The light colored shirt he was wearing fit around his muscular torso very well, and it was slightly translucent, allowing you to see that there were more tattoos on his body. 
You quickly nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Harry.”
“People around here never really change.”, he says, giving you a small smile. “You look bored.”, he notices.
“Is it that obvious?”, you let out a laugh. His eyes twinkle as he smiles. “My friends are busy snogging their boyfriends’ faces off. I was just about to get a drink before leaving.”
“Well, let me give you some company.”, he says, nodding his head towards the two bar stools at a corner.
“Oh it’s okay Harry, you must be here with your friends too-”
He cuts you off before you complete, “They’ll survive without me for a while.”
So you follow him to the bar, and you both order your drinks. “Do you wear your cowboy hat all the time?”, you ask, making Harry chuckle. “Most of the time, yeah. Is it not my style?”
“No it is, you look great-” You flinch and Harry smirks, spinning on his stool as he faces you. “Thanks, love. I think you look beautiful too.”
You know the blush is creeping up your cheeks, and you hope he doesn’t see them. “Thanks. Um, tell me about you, Harry. My parents speak very highly of you.”
“I love working for them, and they treat me well! There’s nothing much to know about me, I’m a cowboy, I love my cattle and horses.”, he says plainly. “But you, you’re interesting. What do you study?”
You tell Harry about your course in the University, and how your father didn’t want you to spend your life on the ranch like he did. 
“You must think I’m some stuck up bitch, I lost most of my friends like that.”, you say, chugging some beer from your jug. 
“No, I don’t think so at all! It’s amazing that you’re studying something you love, and it’s not like you forgot about your home. Like I said, the people here will never change, y/n, don’t think too much into it.”
You nod, smiling at him. “Now I know why my parents like you so much.” Harry wasn’t anything like the other men you’ve met. He had a broad mind set, and he was respectful.
He grinned, showing off his dimples. You haven’t been able to take that cute smile out of your head since the time you first saw it. You spend some more time talking with him, until you decide to stop on the beer. 
“I blabber shit when I get drunk. Don’t wanna embarass myself.”, you explain, and Harry laughs, swiping his hand over his lips as he keeps his empty jug on the counter. “I’m sure it’s not gonna be embarrassing, love. What do you usually blabber about?”
Your heart melted at the term of endearment, and you took a minute to answer his question. “Uhh, things on my mind at the moment.”
“Hmm. What’s on your mind at this moment?”, Harry whispers, leaning closer to you. Your eyes move to his lips. You really want to kiss those lips, throw his hat away, run your fingers through his hair while he pulls your clothes off of you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”, you answer instead.
“I really would. Think I know already but it would be much better if I can hear it from your sweet voice.” You tip your head to the side, watching him pull out some cash to pay for the drinks. “I can take care of mine-”
“My treat! Got my monthly pay from your dad today.”, he winks at you and says bye to the bartender. “Come on, I’ll drop you home.”
“Is it on your way?”
“Yes, I live on the next street.” He places a hand on the edge of the barstool, keeping it steady so you can hop off. You get out of the bar and Harry points to the truck. “That one.”
“Of course. You drive a truck.”, you nod as you follow him and he laughs. “What? Do I look like someone who drives a truck?”
He does, actually, you thought. Big and strong.
“It has a lot of space, you know, and I use it a lot for work.” He opens the passenger side door for you, offering you his hand to get in since the seat’s a little high up. You held his calloused fingers, they were rough but also really warm and strangely comforting. You realized you were still holding on to it, so you quickly dropped it.
If Harry had noticed it, he didn’t comment on it as he closed your door and went to the other side.You sat in silence for a while, until he asked you, “Do you think Silver’s the best option for the race?”
“She’s great, we use her all the time but I think Clover’s our best bet if we wanna win.”
“I think so too, he’s faster.”, Harry answers. “And as far as I’ve seen, you’re the only one who can ride him, so you should do the race instead of me.”
You turn to look at him. “Harry, you won our last race with Silver. Besides, I won’t be here that long, I’ve gotta go back to uni.”
“Oh.” His face looked a little disappointed. 
“How about we work with Clover together? I’m sure we can train him in time for the races. He’ll let you ride him. If not, Silver’s always a backup option.”
Harry slowly nodded.  “I’m using you as defense if he decides to be mean, though. That horse can kick.”
You laughed, slapping his arm lightly. “I think he just doesn’t like you!”
“Oh come on, everyone likes me! You just met me and you’re already falling for me.”
You gape, turning around fully to face him. He had a smug grin on his face. “I-I’m not!”, you say, but your face was heating up.
Harry shrugs. “Whatever you say, love.”
It was wrong. He worked for your dad. But God, as cocky as he was, it was the truth. You are falling for him, hard.
“I’m gonna go get this to the houses, thanks lad.”, you hear your dad as you go downstairs. You had just woken up, but everyone else already had and they were on and about their work. 
You wouldn’t have gone down stairs in your shorts and an old t-shirt if you’d known Harry would be there. He had brought in the milk supply from the cattle for the day. You finally saw him without his hat, which was tucked under his arm. 
He had lucious brown locks, curly at the ends. 
“There she is, sleep well, honey?”, your mom asks you and Harry’s eyes shoot up to look at you. He takes in your outfit, and smiles. 
“Yes mom, good morning everyone.”, you say, going down the rest of the stairs since Harry’s seen you anyway. 
“Harry told us what you want to do with Clover and I think it’s a good idea! Nothing wrong in giving him a try.”, your dad says and you nod, looking everywhere but at Harry. “Be careful.”, he adds.
“Don’t worry dad, I’ll watch out for Harry.”, you say, making them laugh. 
“Nice to know.”, Harry says, drowning the rest of his tea and your mom takes it from him. “Thanks, Mrs.y/l/n. I’ve gotta go now, I’ll be around whenever you wanna come over.”, he tells you and you nod. 
“We have to go to the market in the evening to pick up some more fodder.” Your dad walks him out.
“Sure, I’ll bring my truck.”
You went over to the farm later, finding Harry feeding the cattle. “I liked your outfit in the morning.”, he calls out to you, making you roll your eyes. “Shut up.”
“Seriously, it was cute.” You grab the extra gloves laying around, putting it on and grabbing the sweeper. “Thanks! I finally saw that you have hair, I thought you were bald.”
He scoffed, and you grin before starting to sweep all the dirt. “y/n! Leave it there, I’ll do it. Don’t get yourself dirty.”
“It’s fine, I grew up doing this stuff. I’d love to let you do it, but we don’t have all day, Harry, you and Clover need all the training time you can get.”
“Yes ma’am.” You didn’t know, but Harry made a mental note to get up extra early tomorrow so he can finish all his work in time before you came over. He found himself staring at you in awe. You had tied your hair up into a high ponytail, keeping it away from your face that barely had any makeup on. 
“Pass me the shovel, Harry?”
He snaps out of his trans, getting up and taking the shovel, grabbing the sweeper out of your hands. “What-”
“-I got this, you can feed them.”
He didn’t really give you a choice so you switched places. Once you were done, you headed to the stables to get Clover. Harry kept the saddle and blanket over the horse, getting him ready as you wore your helmet and gloves. You mounted him and he trotted along, making a guttural neigh as Harry kept one hand on the bridle. He was walking alongside you, holding his helmet in the other hand.
“Be nice, Clovie.”, you rub under his neck, and look at Harry. “He likes neck rubs a lot, so if he’s getting restless, that’ll help.”
“Noted.”, Harry nodded. Once you were out to your usual spot where the horse can run free, you got down. “You gonna let Harry ride you?”, you coo, as the beautiful eyes of the horse look at yours. 
Harry carefully mounts the horse and he neighs, immediately trying to shake him off. Harry has experience with a lot of horses so he didn’t fall right away, he held on with one hand and reached to do the neck rub. 
“There you go, it’s okay, Clovie..”, you say, nodding at Harry as the horse calmed down, just a little bit.
“What’d ya say we go for a small ride?”, Harry asks the horse. Clover was clearly ready to let go and run. 
“Keep talking to him, he likes it.”, you tell him, stepping away and taking your helmet off. “I’ll wait here, come back safely!”
“If I die let my mum know that-fucking hell!” You couldn’t help but laugh as the horse took off. This was going to be fun.
In the next few days, you worked with Harry to train Clover and they were looking good for the race. Clover had stopped throwing Harry off for fun, and you loved to know that Harry didn’t think he was an aggressive horse anymore. He just requires a lot of attention. 
You noticed Harry coming to your house quite often too. He would either bring something in for your mom and dad, or come to take something for the ranch, stealing glances at you whenever he came. 
You were sitting up in the balcony with a book in your hand when he came that day, and Harry was disappointed he couldn’t catch you. He was just going to his truck parked outside when you whistled.
Harry looked up with wide eyes, and grinned, but put his finger up to his lips. “Your dad’s right here!”, he mouthed and you giggled. 
“Can I come up there?”, he asks, already looking around for a way to get up without having to go inside the house again. 
“Stairs at the back.”, you tell him, pointing to the back of the house with your thumb and he runs away. 
Soon the cowboy was there to see you, tipping his hat to you in greeting. “I was hoping to run into you.”
“I’m sure you were.”, you tease. “What’ve you been up to?”
“Can’t go long without seeing me, can you?”, he teases back, stepping closer to you, backing you up to the wall.
“Nothing like that.”, you say, holding your breath as the tall man towers over you. He reaches a hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re so pretty.”, he mumbles. You blush under his gaze, keeping a hand on his chest. You both knew you liked each other and that the other knew, by now.
 “Harry. You realize what can happen if my father finds out?”
“He won’t find out.”, Harry says. “And if he does, what's the worst that can happen? I’ll lose my job. No problem, I can go work anywhere else. Cowboys are in high demand, you know.”
You shake your head, grinning as he smoothes a thumb over your cheek. “Besides, what’s life without a little thrill? I know you enjoy it. I’ve seen the way you look at me like you want me to fuck-”
You bring your other hand up to cup his mouth. “Harry!”, you whisper-shout..
He snickers. When you lower your hand he says, “Love it when you look so blushy and flustered for me.”
You hear your dad telling your mom he’s going to go out, and Harry has to move his truck or he’ll see that he’s still here. “I’ll see you tomorrow, your mum invited me over for a barbeque.”, he tells you before he goes.
You nod, and he bends down to press his lips against your cheek. Even that light touch sent shivers through your nerves, shivers that made your whole body tremble. “S-See you, Harry.”, you managed to say.
“See ya, pretty girl.” He winks and tips his hat to you again, before taking off. 
Your house was filled with a lot of people. Your mom and dad love to host a barbeque party every now and then. You sat exactly opposite from Harry, both talking to family and friends, but stealing glances at each other when you had the chance.
You wore a cute yellow summer dress, and Harry wore jeans and a red shirt, leaving the top buttons open, with a bandana around his neck.
Finally, when Harry was free, he caught your eyes, giving you a look. He nods his head to the door, telling you he’ll be waiting outside. He leaves, and soon you excuse yourself to leave too.
You looked around for him, and a hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging you into a closet. “Finally. God you look so amazing in this dress.”
“Thanks! I like your look too-”
He presses your hand to his crotch. “Feel that? That’s what you did to me.” He was so hard. That must have been painful. 
You were wet too. You wanted him to stuff that bandana into your mouth to keep you quiet while he fucked you. The thought made you clench your thighs together, and Harry cups your cheek, pulling you closer to him with his arm wrapped around your waist. “Can I kiss you, y/n?”
“Please.”, you whisper, and he doesn’t hesitate to press his lips to yours. Your eyes close as his lips mold against yours and you respond with enthusiasm, tilting your head back as he leans in, devouring your lips. You rub your hand against his crotch, making him groan. “Shit. I’ll come in my pants if you do that.”
You started to go down on your knees, but he stopped you. “It’s too dusty. Let’s go to my truck.”
“Your truck? What if someone sees?”
You were giggling with the thrill of it as he grabs your hand and leads you out without anyone seeing. “We’ll be careful. But I can’t wait any longer, I need you.”
You got into the back of his trunk and you made him sit, while you laid on your stomach, keeping a hand on his thigh. You didn’t really have space to sit down. Harry dropped his pants and you took his dick out of his boxers, mouth watering at the sight. 
“You’re so big.”, you muttered, boosting his ego. “Thanks love, do you wanna take me in your mouth? Give it a taste?”
“Uh huh.” You wanted nothing more. You lowered your head, taking just the tip into your mouth. Harry groans at the sight, he could also see your ass this way and he flips up your dress so he can grab a handful of your ass, making you moan. You slowly take him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, one of your hands fondling with his balls. 
“Bloody hell, that f-feels so fucking good.” Harry throws his head back, his other hand bunching up your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could hold it away from your face. “T-That’s it, baby, just like that. You know how many times I’ve dreamed about having those pretty lips wrapped around my dick?”
You take him deeper, eyes watering as his hips thrust upwards a little, making you gag. “Shit, sorry.”, he says.
 “It’s okay, I like it.”, you whisper, stroking him with your hand as you lift your head up to look at him. “Are you gonna cum, Harry? Fill my mouth up?”
“Fuck, yeah. You’re gonna take it all like a good girl, aren’t you?”, he moans as you put your mouth on him again, and he pushes your head down, your nose burying into his mound as his dick hits the back of your throat. You feel him getting close and Harry tugs you off by your hair, shooting his cum into your open mouth. You swallow it all, humming and he pulls you up to sit on his lap, bringing your lips to his again, tasting him on your tongue. 
He slips his hands under your dress, squeezing each of your breasts. You start grinding on his thigh, rubbing yourself against him. “Harry..”
“Don’t worry, baby girl, I’ll take care of you.” He brings one hand to where you most need him, pressing his fingers over your throbbing clit making you gasp. “You’re so fucking perfect, I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah? Do whatever you want to do to me, Harry.” He pulls your panties to a side, his fingers running over your folds. “You’re so wet, darling. Is this all for me?”
“Yes.” You moan as he slips two fingers inside your pussy. “I can’t wait to put my dick inside this pretty hole. That feel good, baby? Want another finger?”
“Yes, yes, please..” Harry gives you another finger, curling them to stroke against your g-spot, making you grip onto his shoulders and writhe on his lap. “I’ll give you whatever you want, sweetheart. I’m so fucking gone for you.”
You were cumming on his fingers soon, moaning loudly. “Yes, baby, give it to me. You sound so sweet, you know? Wonder how you’ll sound when I’m inside of you.” Harry gets you through your orgasm, continuing to move his fingers in and out of you until you smile up at him, cheeks flushed. 
He grins, bringing his fingers to his lips, licking his fingers clean. “You taste so sweet.”
“I need you inside me.”, you kiss his jawline. You couldn’t wait to feel full from his dick. 
Harry nods, and lifts you up so he can stand up. “Legs up on the seat, want you on all fours.”
You do as he said, getting on the seat and pushing your ass out. Harry groans, spreading your cheeks. “Never seen such a pretty pussy before.”
“Quick, Harry, we have to go back inside!” As much as you didn’t want to, you had to.
“Right. I’ll just have to save eating you out for later, eh?” He had to bend his head to stop it from banging against the top of the trunk, and he kept one knee on the seat for support as he brought his dick to your entrance.
You push back against him as he enters you, and you rest your head against the seat, moaning. “Oh fuck..”
“You’re so tight, god, so perfect.” He pushes his full length inside you and lets you adjust for a minute. “Fuck me Harry..” 
“Gonna fuck you so good, sweet girl.”, he promises, pulling his hips back and thrusting it forward making you squeal. He went in so deep, hitting all the right spots. You were trying not to scream. 
“Shit there’s someone outside.”, Harry says, but his movements didn’t slow down. 
“W-What?”, you were out of it, you didn’t care at this point. You wanted to cum. He took his bandana off of his neck and brought it to your mouth. “Here. Hate to muffle your pretty moans, sweetheart, but we don’t wanna get caught now, do we?”
You moan into the cloth as his fingers push it into your mouth just like you imagined, but this was hotter. “So warm and tight, best fucking pussy. I’m not gonna last much longer.”
Harry goes faster, holding onto your hips. “You gonna cum for me sweetheart?” You nod, and it only takes you a few more seconds to reach our high. Harry pulls out when you’ve finished, stroking himself as you turn around. He takes the bandana out of your mouth and holds your jaw open with one hand, the other shooting his cum down your throat again.
You swallow it all down, and Harry collapses next to you on the seat. You both catch your breath, and smile lazily at each other. “That was good.”, you say.
“Never thought I’d take a sexy girl in the back of my trunk.”, he said, and you roll your eyes. Harry reaches to grab a cloth from the front and wipes around your mouth and neck. You fix your panties, dress, and your hair. 
“Do I look okay?”, you ask him.
He smiles, cupping your cheek for a quick kiss. “Perfect.”
You both get out of the trunk, and he mutters in your ear, “I’ll top this off next time, promise.”
“Next time huh?”, you say and he smirks, playfully smacking your ass. “I know how well you can ride horses, maybe you can show me how you ride something else.”
You gasp, turning around to hit his chest as you were now walking towards people and they couldn’t hear what was coming out of his dirty mouth. “Easy there, cowboy.”
Taglist:-@livypops12352568 @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan, @kiwitsayedsugar, @angeldavis777, @madstyles3204
(Drop a message if you want me to add you to my taglist!)
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wosoamazing · 16 hours
Olympics & Movie Nights
A Love Like This | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Williamson!R
Warnings: mentions of injuries and surgeries, slightly suggestive at end This is a rewrite of the old Kyra Olympics fic. Let me know if you have any request for this new mini series. Only a short one but hope you like it. 800 words
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“Mate, stop moving, it’s going to be fine,” Katie laughed as she wrapped her arms around your shoulder, you were sat next to her in the stadium, anxiously waiting for the game against Germany to start, sporting a Matildas Jersey, more specifically the one Kyra had worn when you versed each other at the world cup last year. 
“What if she doesn’t want to see me,” you mumbled slightly embarrassed, causing Katie's face to soften. 
“She will want to see you, she won’t stop complaining about the fact that everyones be able to see their partners and she hasn’t, I promise, she loves you, she’ll be ecstatic,”
“Who’s Caitlin talking to?” Steph said to Kyra as they walked around the pitch slowly, knowing they were most likely knocked out.
“Katie and her family,” Kyra said, stating the obvious
“No, there is someone else,” Steph said slightly smirking and as quick as Kyra looked over she was sprinting across the pitch towards you. Wrapping her arms around you and placing a quick kiss on your lips as soon as she got to you.
“Hey,” you whispered against her lips as she pulled away.
“What. How,” she puffed out.
“Rehabs been suspended until tomorrow, they have to do an MRI on it, so I decided I’d fly out and come watch you play,” you smiled as she grinned 
“Thank you, I love you,”
“I love you too,” you replied as she buried her head in your neck, “I’m sorry it hasn’t gone the way you wanted”
“It’s not your fault, and you surprising me is reward enough” she mumbled, not bothering to move her face from your neck.
“Hey, no tears,” you whispered as you wiped her tears away, “you played amazingly, you had nothing to do with this, it was some really bad choices of tactics, anyone could see that, I promise you it wasn’t your fault, and if someone says something else they’re dumb,” she nodded against your shoulder, as her arms wrapped around you tighter, “and just remember, that no matter what you think about yourself you will always be perfect to me. Let’s have a movie night tomorrow night, I have my MRI when we get back, and before you say anything Leah is taking me,” she nodded as you both settled against each other falling asleep quickly.
You walked into the house, tears dripping down your face, Kyra was quick to stand up and open her arms for you, wrapping them around you tightly as your head dropped to her shoulder. Leah had forewarned Kyra that you were upset, having just found out you needed another surgery on your ankle. You relaxed slightly into her warm embrace, “we’re having a movie night, go get changed into comfy clothes and get comfy on bed, I’ll join you once I get some food,” she murmured against your temple placing a soft kiss there.
“But movie night was meant for you, not me,” you cried softly.
“We both need a movie night, so go get changed,” she said, squeezing you slightly before letting you go.
When she joined you in bed you curled into her side, resting your head on her shoulder, you both settled into the comfort of each other, the glow of the tv illuminating the room as you occasionally fed each other chocolate or chips, not caring about the fact you were meant to be on diets. You both knew you needed to have a conversation about your ankle but that could wait until tomorrow.
“I love you, like so much,” you whispered to her.
“I love you too,” she murmured as she lifted your chin, so she could connect your lips, before her hands dropped to your hips, guiding you to straddle her. You continued to explore each other’s mouths, as her hands slipped under your shirt, sliding up your sides, causing your hips to roll into her as you let out a soft moan.
“Can I-” Leah said as she threw the door open, quickly freezing when she looked up.
“Leah,” you groaned, dropping your head to Kyra’s chest, “can you what? And why are you still here?”
“I’m staying the night I told you that, anyway, can I eat some of the chips,” she asked and you picked your head up to death stare her.
“You seriously interrupted for chips,” “I mean I didn’t know I was interrupting, you’re both oddly quiet,” she shrugged, causing you to collapse back down onto Kyra, “shut up and go away,” you grumbled, sighing as you heard the door shut.
“So is that a yes to the chips?” she shouted through the door.
“Yes, Leah, you can eat the chips,” “Thank you, oh and be careful of the ankle,”
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fallstaticexit · 17 hours
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
AN: Still got a bug but I couldn’t go another day without sharing more of this beloved story of mine 💜 next update will return next week! Just a couple more before we end part II and begin part III.
Transcript under the cut
Nancy: [panting] Ok...ok, I-I think I get it. Thank you.
Darling: It’s not even close to the real thing. I can give it to you, if you want it. No strings.
Nancy Narrates: [If my heart wasn’t so lost in Vanessa, would I have said yes]
Nancy: [whispers] I’m not a cheater.
Darling: Ah. Right. Your boyfriend. Fuck, my bad. I got caught up in the moment. Come on, let’s wake up M and Knox and call it a night.
Nancy Narrates: [Boyfriend. Not once did I think about Geoffrey]
Darling: You’ll figure it out. It’s not easy but you’ll find the real thing. But, if you tryna figure it out some more, holla at me. [chuckles]
Nancy: [chuckles lightly]
Bob: Found something!
Geoffrey: Seriously? Is it an address?
Bob: Not an address. It’s a phone number. I doubt the Villareal’s have their residence shared to the public.
Geoffrey: Dude, you are seriously a genius. I owe you one!
Bob: No worries, my man! Nothing gets me ready for 8am exams like a good old fashioned 2am espionage.
Geoffrey: Anything to see Nancy smile again. I’m going to surprise her on our anniversary.
Bob: If I don’t end up as crazy about Eliza as you are with Nance, then I’m doing something wrong.
Geoffrey: DId you have fun with the Theta’s tonight?
Nancy: Yeah... yeah, it was fun..
Geoffrey: I’ve been thinking about our anniversary all day. I can’t wait to take you out. Come on, let’s get you to bed.
Nancy Narrates: [He doesn’t deserve my lying]
Nancy Narrates: [I wish I could say it would be the last time I did]
Geoffrey: I know I’ve said it already, but you look amazing tonight, Nance.
Nancy: Thank you. You look very handsome too.
Geoffrey: My girlfriend has great taste in wardrobe. I say it everytime.
Nancy: You’re really easy to dress. You’re like my living doll.
Geoffrey: I can’t believe it’s been 2 years. I still can’t believe how lucky I am. When you said you had feelings for me that day in the courtyard, I almost didn’t believe it. I thought you were too perfect for me.
Nancy: [frowns] That’s not true. You’re a catch, Geoffrey. Anyone would be so lucky to have you.
Geoffrey: I’m glad it wasn’t just anyone. I’m so happy it was you.
Nancy: [smiles softly] Thank you for loving me. It’s more than I deserve.
Geoffrey: [grins] You deserve it all. Here’s to many more years of you and me. Oh! By the way, I have a gift for you, and don’t tell me I shouldn’t have.
Geoffrey: Ta-da!! I know how much you miss your friend Vanessa, from high school so I had Bobby do some digging around. Didn’t find much but we found her number! The number works too, I called it and it went to voicemail. You should give her a call! Catch up.
Geoffrey: I get it, Nance. Other than you, Bob is like my favorite person in the world. If he ever up and moved without a word, I’d be crushed. I know you’re making a ton of new friends now, but hey, there really is nothing like having your best friend around, right?
Geoffrey: Nancy?
Nancy Narrates: [What would I even say. How do I even being to convey the longing, the sorrow, the love that I’ve held on to for two years. What would I do when I hear her voice again]
[phone rings]
Vanessa: Hi, you’ve reached Vanessa Villareal. I’m away from the phone but if you leave your name and a call back number, I’ll be sure to reach out to you. Chao.
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nikki152006 · 2 days
since we were kids | Bakugou X Reader
oneshot; (goes from angst -> fluff)
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And there goes yet another day of Bakugou bullying Midoriya, your childhood friend. Of course Bakugou is your childhood friend too, but you sort of snapped it off with him when he started being the devil to Midoriya.
"You don't need to step in, (Name)-chan." Midoriya tells you, "I'll handle it. Kacchan's not that harsh... "
"What, do you need him to kill you for you to understant?" it hurts you to see Bakugou behave this way- the boy who once gloated to you about having a great quirk and being the strongest was now using it to hurt others.
"I need to buy a new notebook." Midoriya stops walking, "It won't take me long. Why don't you go ahead, I'll catch up later. I'll get a warm up run that way too."
You agree and Midoriya hurries off towards the closest stationary.
"Tch, how do I get into U.A. if I get caught doing this shit." an all too familiar voice sounds approaching towards the exit of an alleyway to the side.
Immediately, a frown settles on your face. 
It's been long since you've had a personal talk with Bakugou- you stopped communicating with him ever since he started being a bitch because it broke your heart to see him that way.
Remembering the old days only makes it worse because all that you've felt for him ever since the beginning doesn't seem to fade off- you're hurt by Bakugou's behaviour, yes, but you can't hate him.
But just for Izukkun's sake-
You've made your mind to confront him today.
After all, him telling Midoriya to jump off the roof was crossing the line.
Without another second of allowing worry or doubt to fill your brain, you hurry into the alleyway to come face to face with the ash-blond boy and his two lackeys following behind.
"Bakugou-san." you've been addressing him formally and crudely since a little while now.
"Whoa whoa," the lackeys behind Bakugou who were once your friends too now narrow their eyes in disgust, "looks like someone left her little frail bunny for a while."
"Tsubasa-san." your lips press, "What a pleasant way to initiate conversation after years. How mannered you were back when you were a kid, I wonder where that little boy went." your eyes roll over to Bakugou last second.
After all, your words are just as genuinely meant for him too.
"Let's talk, Bakugou-san."
He tilts his head, eyes dangerously focused into yours. Bakugou walks all the way up to you and towers you to intimidate you and although there's a part of you which somewhat fears what he's become, you know he wouldn't actually hurt you.
All these years of you stepping in when he bullies Midoriya and he's never once caused a scratch on you, though the same can't be said for Midoriya.
"What do you want, dumbass?" the sheer annoyance in his voice is enough of an indication for the other two boys to walk further away from the both of you and give Bakugou his space.
"I... need to talk to you." you avert your eyes to the side momentarily but then force yourself to look back in his eyes, "It's about Izukkun- " his eyes twitch, you jolt and immediately continue, "please, Bakugou-san."
"Fuck off." he almost turns on his heels to leave.
"Katsukkun... " you know he'll stop if you use the nickname you gave him years ago. For some wicked reason, it makes your eyes glassier- it's been years since you've let this out of your mouth.
Bakugou halts just as you think he would.
"Katsukkun, please. Stop the bullying, it's not his fault he's quirkless." there's a sad expression resting on your face now that you've retorted to using a sweet memory from the past to stop him, "He's human too, he can have dreams."
"You literally can't fucking forget your oh-so poor little bunny, huh?" Bakugou looks more annoyed than he's ever been at you, "Go bang your head against a wall or something, bitch."
Without another glance, he turns and walks off. And without a second delay, you turn to run home, eyes dripping down tears for someone you'd committed to never cry over again.
It hurts- that little boy who would smile like the Sun isn't there anymore and it hurts.
You walk into class all alone the next day- Midoriya has texted you asking you to go ahead because he will be late. Taking the opportunity, the girls call you over to join their morning gossip session.
"Hamiri-chan got her first kiss today." one of the girls excitedly tells you while Hamiri covers her face in embarrassment.
You're surprised she got it only now considering she happens to be the prettiest in the entire school. Compared to her, you look like that oddly half-painted crowd member from a nursery grade student's drawing.
Could it be... 
An odd thought enters your mind.
But Katukkun hasn't ever shown interest in her publicly. There's a chance it could be someone else... right?
But the thought doesn't leave your mind- the prettiest girl in school would obviously end up with the most popular and masculine boy, right?
Something churns in your gut and a weight rests on your chest.
"It was Kurotero-kun from the other class." Hamiri mumbles a moment later, "We've been hanging out at a park near our houses recently and well, it just happened."
A deep exhale of relief involuntarily escapes you.
"That's two girls in our class who have had their first kisses." one of the girls cheers, "Wait- that, considering you haven't yet had one, (L/n)-chan. We never asked you."
"Yeah." Hamiri turns to you, "Midoriya-kun looks like he'd explode if we asked you stuff like that."
You laugh but pause once your eyes fall into blood-red ones. It's only now that you notice that all the boys in class are sitting quietly and eavesdropping on the conversation, even Bakugou.
"(L/n)-chan's too bold and generous to lie." one of your friends butters you, "She's the greatest after all. So, (L/n)-chan," she traces her finger over your sleeve, "please tell me you've got a dramatic first kiss story to tell."
"Why," you snort, "did Hamiri-chan's story not fulfill your thirst for drama?"
"Nope." she shakes her head, "It was too sappy and too romantic." and Hamiri laughs at that, "You tell us something interesting, (L/n)-chan."
"Have you had a kiss yet?" Hamiri looks interested to know too. 
Apparently, the long silence before you reply with a "no, of course not" gives away the truth. Now you're really stressed about it.
"So someone literally wasted their time on you?" the class' female bully Hinaya steps forward, her voice sweet and sing-songed in front of the boys (Bakugou), "That's odd. Was it that or did you pay the guy to do it?"
"Hinaya-chan." your friend doesn't look happy with this.
"Oh," Hinaya's eyes widen, "you probably just kissed your hand thinking it's a boy, no? That's the only thing you can get after all." and some boys snicker.
Normally, you've always got something or the other to come back with but it just so happens that this is a particularly touchy subject- that shining boy you shared that kiss with is no longer there, he's been replaced by someone you don't recognize anymore.
"Y-Yeah... " your eyes get glassy, you try to play it off cool, "It was probably just a mistake.. "
"Oh my," Hinaya explains with her hands covering her mouth, voice turned into an annoying one she thinks is cute, "I'm so sorry, (L/n)-chan, but if you're accepting it to be a mistake, the guy would have probably wanted to die."
Your lips shut tight, eyebrows crinkled and an uncomfortable squeeze disturbing your chest.
"Aren't you going to reply, (L/n)-chan?" your friends don't understand why you haven't shut her up yet. It's too unusual of a behvaiour from you, "A-Are you crying?"
"N-No." but a tear is begging to roll down your eye. You turn back, hand raising to clean it off and just to save you at the right time, the door slams open and Midoriya slides inside yelling an "I'm late!"
He deflates in shame the moment he realizes the teacher isn't here yet and that he's made a fool of himself again.
You'd told Midoriya to head home without you because you needed some time alone and he was considerate enough to not question back. You're alone in the class now slowly packing your things to leave for home.
The sound of the classroom door opening makes you turn.
"Hey, (L/n)-chan." Hinaya walks in with her lips pulled inot a straight line. You hum in response.
"When did your first kiss happen?" she comes over and leans against your desk, "How old were you back then?"
You're not in the mood to have an argument or spoil your mood in any other way so you decide to give her what she wants and end this unwanted interaction quickly.
"We were like five?"
"Oh." there's an odd relief in her voice, "Well, just so you know, I'm gonna get a kiss by Katsuki-kun soon, I'll make sure of it. You can go on and enjoy your quirkless frail little bunny."
"Okay." you sling your bang over your shoulders.
She frowns, unhappy with your response, "You know, you should just jump off into a river or something. You're such an embarrassment."
"What will you accomplish by me doing that?" the headache she gives you is now splitting your head. You look away to at least not see that disgusting expression on her face.
"You tell me." she snaps, "Why the fuck was Katsuki-kun looking so smug when we were talking about your first kiss, huh?"
"What is he, your imaginary boyfriend?" you hate how she uses his first name, "And about that, Izukkun and Katsukkun," you put emphasis on the nickname, "both know who the first kiss was with."
"It was probably stupid." she eyes you head to toe, "Who'd like an ugly shithole like you anyways?"
"Neither would someone like a disgusting, smelly little bitch like you." Bakugou's voice from a little away from the both of you makes you jolt. You momentarily glance towards the door not having realized him coming in.
Bakugou has his hand in his pocket and his bag slung over his shoulder. His usual scowl rests on his face.
"What?" Hinaya's act is on again, "You're misjudging me, Katsuki-kun."
The next moment, Bakugou's hand in an inch away from his face, "You say my name one more time and I'll explode that empty head of yours."
You hate bullies and bullying but boy, you're loving this at the moment.
"But Katsu-" she realizes he's not joking around once there's sparks forming at his hands, "Bakugou-kun... I'm more closer to you than she is, right? And all she does the whole day is slut around that stupid Midoriya."
You sigh, "Calling me things like slut doesn't make you better than me, Hinaya-chan. You're the trash you are and I'm not. You know that too."
She frowns deep, "You're so full of yourself, (L/n)-chan, you're always using your smartass in front of Bakugou-kun. He wouldn't be impressed by that at all. You didn't even ask him if he was okay after the sludge incident yesterday."
Bakugou's expressions twitch uncomfortably at the mention of this incident you're unaware of.
"Sludge incident?" you look between the both of them.
"Hah." she folds her hands at her chest, "Search it up. I didn't need to go to some browser to know."
"You're gonna glorify stalking me now, eh?" a nerve in Bakugou's forehead twitches, "Sly little bitch, I'm gonna fucking end you someday."
While Hinaya protests and whines against Bakugou's hostility towards her, you're busy getting horrified on reading the article about the sludge incident.
"Katsukkun- " you begin, eyes widened in nothing but worry, "why didn't you tell me? Why didn't Izukkun tell me either- what the fuck?"
Bakugou doesn't reply, he only grabs your arm and drags you out of the classroom leaving Hinaya behind standing in shock to whatever he's said to her before you started to talk.
He continues to drag you all the way out of school into a small, secluded cafe thereby not allowing a word to leave your lips until the both of you are seated under warm yellow lights in a dark aesthetic interior of a surprisingly serene cafe.
"Don't bother me about it." he says, waving his hand in the air in front of you, "I've had enough fucking talks- that old hag wouldn't even shut up."
"Are you okay?"
"The fuck?" he looks annoyed, "You think something would happen to me because of some shitty villain?"
"No, I mean... it was still a villains attack, right? There's always some sort of minor PTSD or something of the sort." you know it's just that he's not willing to talk about it. The bags under his eyes give enough of how healthy his sleep has been the previous night.
"Stop fucking doubting me."
"I don't." you find yourself shifting closer to him, "I'm just worried... sorry if that's annoying you."
It's been some time since your words have been as soft to him. Honestly, you miss moments like these a lot- moments when it was just the two of you sitting in front of each other back when you were little and kept on talking.
This was the setting when he had once pulled your face closer to his and kissed you when you'd only been five. 
The response he had to this cheeky act was that his parents "did it all the time" and that they say one does it with the person they "love".
Sweetest and cutest confession ever.
It's just too sad that the little boy who said that all to you has turned into the gruff, rude bully sitting in front of you.
Bakugou orders a specific ice cream combination the both of you would eat when you were younger. He doesn't once lift his gaze to look at you after that.
Now, you're left to wonder whether he actually remembered or whether his taste hasn't changed in some nine years.
"About what I had to talk about," he starts suddenly, "about all that happened in class today.. " he is cut off by you mid sentence.
"I know, I know." you heart droops, "I won't ever let anyone ever know that you've had an unfortunate kiss with me. It's alright, you're secret is secured with me, Katsukkun."
He blinks, "What's so fucking unfortunate about it?"
"What's so fucking unfortunate about it? When I become the number one hero, there's going to be lines of girls wishing to get kisses. Why do you think it's unfortunate, then?"
Your lips open, then close. You stare at him for a moment, "I mean, it's unfortunate for you, right? You were too young to think properly at that time and ended up doing something intimate with someone you didn't actually like."
When Bakugou turns to you, his eyes reflect a certain determination- it's as if what he is thinking at the moment is something he has pondered upon for years and years already.
There isn't even a frown on his pretty face, he only looks concentrated. 
When he opens his mouth, words you'd never expect him to say fall out, "Why? Why did you choose him over me?"
"Who?" but you already know who he is talking about. You swallow, "I chose Izukkun over you?"
He doesn't reply but the look in his eyes gives you all the answers you need.
"I didn't choose him over you," tears form in your eyes, "he's been like a brother to me ever since we were little. It's you, Katsukkun, you're the one who chose to behave like a fucking bitch with him and expect everything to be normal with me after that."
Bakugou looks surprised at that although you feel there couldn't be anything more obvious that this. 
"So you don't like him?"
"He's my friend, of course I do."
"Like, the like like him, dumbass." Bakugou frowns.
"No." you rubs your eyes to wipe off the tears, "I don't like him romantically if that's what you're asking."
"Hah." he doesn't look convinced, "All you do is fuck around with him all day and I'm supposed to feel he isn't anything."
"He's like a brother." you're not liking the way there is a percentage of disbelief in his eyes, "And besides, this all shouldn't really be mattering to you."
"Why not?"
You blink, "Why would it?"
Bakugou's head turns away, his eyebrows raising in what seems to you to be frustration. He pauses for a little, eyes flickering around as though looking for the right words to say, then turns back to you.
"Why wouldn't it?"
Wow, genius. You take all the time of the world just to reply with that?
You choose to keep your thoughts to yourself, however, "Why should it?"
"Why shouldn't it?"
"Why would it?" your tone rises the slightest bit. You don't like this game of questions at all, you don't understand what he's trying to get at.
"I don't know, you tell me." he snaps, "You tell me why it would bother me."
"There's no reason for you to." you frown, "You chose to be the guy who bullies his childhood friends, Katsukkun. There's no reason for you to be bothered if I protect my friend from a bully."
Bakugou inhales and exhales deeply, his eyes rolling over to the side and back leaning into the chair. A few moments of silence pass before he turns back to you.
"Do you really not know or are you just acting?"
He shifts and straightens to lean forward, "Okay, listen. I'll say this once... " Bakugou inhales deep, "It... wasn't a mistake."
You blink.
"The kiss." he clears his throat, "I... really liked you back then. We were young and whatever but... it was genuine, okay?"
"How genuine can five year olds kissing be?" the words leave your mouth way too quick, "I mean, we should have been doing something like that at such a young age in the first place."
"We were pretty young." Bakugou's lips tighten, "But that doesn't fucking mean it couldn't have been true."
"Are you sure you liked me back then?" it's bittersweet to know he once had feelings for you.
Bakugou is quiet for a moment. When he opens his mouth again, his eyes are dead focused into yours, "I still do. I have.. e-ever since we were kids."
A spark runs down your body, jaw dropping and eyes widening at him.
"Y-You what?"
He inhales loudly and turns away, "I still like you... I don't like it when you're around that damned Deku the whole day. You're not supposed to be with that loser."
"You like me?" your voice is barely a whisper, "What.. no- wait.. what the- wow. What the fuck, wow."
"You like that?" his eyebrows raise at the floods of red filling into your cheeks, "Are you– what the fuck are you crying for?"
You haven't realized the tears in your eyes until now, "Wh-What... no. I'm not crying.. I'm.." a small cough escapes your lips, "uhm.. so..."
"Mhm?" Bakugou is waiting for the response although he doesn't make it too obvious.
"I... really miss you everyday, Katsukkun." you end up saying, "I miss what you used to be, I can't take the idea of you becoming a bully or a mean person. It hurts."
"It hurts so fucking much because I... " you swallow and wipe your tears, "I really like you too. But... I-I can't.."
"Because of him?" his teeth grit, "That Deku–"
"Because you kept on saying you'd be a hero but all you are is a thug, Katsukkun." you snap. A tear rolls down your cheek, "Because it's you whose wrong not him. I can't love a guy who bullies. Feelings for you make me guilty."
Bakugou blinks, "Love?"
"Well what do you expect?" you hysterically laugh it out amidst the tears then swallow, "Other than this one thing, you're great."
"You love me?"
"I do." you nod, hands wiping down your tears, "I really fucking do."
An uncomfortable silence falls between the two of you while you clean your face and try to calm down. It's too odd for you to be crying this way while accepting your feelings for him especially when the both of you are sitting in a restaurant.
"If... " Bakugou is staring at the ground, "If I ignore him... " he turns to you, " w-would you give me a chance?"
You blink, "A-A chance?"
"To be with you?" he straightens, "To be together?"
Something blooms in your chest, "I... " there's nothing you could ever have wanted more, "Yeah. I'd... love that."
"Great." Bakugou falls back into the chair.
You pause, "But that does mean now bullying him or anyone when I'm around. And I don't want any drama."
"Hah." his eyebrows raise, "You're the one who'd be causing the drama, okay? I don't care about stupid drama."
A small tug makes your lips stretch to a smile, "If you be bitch, I'll dump you Katsukkun."
"Well I'll dump you before that." he snaps.
"Oh, so you want to dump me?" you dramatically clutch your heart and pick your thinks up, "I should be leaving then, no?"
"Oi." he grabs your hand and pulls you down, "Stop it. And there you are proving what I'm saying, dramatic, stupid little girl."
"Says the guy who is serious about the girl he kissed when was five." you giggle.
Bakugou frowns, his ears now visibly getting redder, "Says the girl who's in love with me."
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cloudzoro · 2 days
Star | Dracule Mihawk ♡
one piece materlist | mihawk masterlist
“Not a star in the sky could compare to you”, He groans as he guides his cock to your entrance. His words get caught in his throat as he pushes inside you.
genre: smut (minors dni), fluff? it's very romantic smut
wc: 2.3k
pairings: mihawk x reader
cw: fem!reader, unprotected sex, oral, mirror sex, praise, so much praise, squirting
You finish putting in your earrings and step back, examining yourself in the bathroom mirror. You have a vanity that your husband built for you, but he was currently getting ready in your bedroom, and you wanted to surprise him. You had bought a new dress and didn't want your Husband, Dracule Mihawk, to see it until you were ready. You know you look good, smiling at your reflection. You think now is a good time to show your Husband the absolute stunner of a dress you've chosen. Maybe he'll like it so much he'll be too distracted to take you to this boring dinner. You grab your necklace from the bathroom counter, a subtle but gorgeous piece he'd gifted you on your first anniversary.
“Mihawk?” You call from the other side of the door. You crack open the door to see he's turned away from you, assessing his own formal outfit in the mirror.
“Yes, Darling?” he says, turning to meet your eye. He's quiet when he first lays his eyes on you, scanning you from head to toe. There's a faint smile on his lips, one that's reserved for you, as he wordlessly takes the necklace from your outstretched hand. You stand between him and the mirror, watching his reflection as he delicately clasps the necklace.
Mihawk wraps his arms around you from behind, hands roaming over your waist and hips. He kisses the left side of your neck, pressing his tongue against the skin. His lips trail across your shoulder and over the sleeve of the dress, all the way to your left hand, where he presses the most delicate of kisses to your wedding ring.
“You look gorgeous, y/n”, he compliments, turning you in his arms so he can peck your lips. “so beautiful”. You can't help the smile that spreads across your face when he speaks to you like this.
“You look handsome,” you say now that you're able to get a proper look at him in his suit, though it's not too dissimilar from his everyday attire. He rolls his eyes; despite all the years you've been married, he's still unable to take a compliment.
“Thank you, Darling,” he says, trying to brush your compliment off. “ But I fear bringing you around the guild may be dangerous when you look the way you do. Especially Crocodile and that stupid clown.”
“Then don't.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don't take me to dinner”, you say, matter of factly. Your hand reaches up to unbutton his shirt, and he lets out an amused huff once he realises your intentions.
“And what do you suggest I do instead?” he says, eyes not leaving yours as he waits for you to tell him what he wants to hear.
“You can lay me down right here and fuck my brains out.” Your words are sharp and clear as they hit his ears. He knows you're referring to the bed by' right here', but he has slightly different plans.
“I still would like to take you dancing, though, my dear”, he says, starting up an old record that blares throughout your room. He pulls you impossibly close, one hand placed low on your waist and the other holding your hand. He slowly starts to sway the two of you.
The dance is intimate and full of passion - as your private moments with your husband typically are. Mihawk is actually quite fond of dancing, having learnt it when he was young; it's one of his favourite pastimes to partake in with you. The way he's holding you has his leg pressed between your legs, and he opts for a dance style much more sensual than a traditional waltz. Dancing is such a simple act, yet it inspires Mihawk.
He admires the grace with which you move as he leans down to whisper filthy things in your ear. He's teasing you, pulling you close to him and riling you up until you're tearful and desperate for some kind of contact. He takes a step back to guide you into a spin and then back against his chest. He kisses your shoulder, light as a feather, and compliments your dance skills.
You're sick of the teasing now, so you turn in Mihawk's arms to face him again and pull him into an aggressive kiss, which He returns with equal force. Your Husband might bend to your every whim, but he is still a feared man throughout the world, and you're reminded of this when his grip tightens on your waist, and he lets out a terrifying growl against your lips. He pulls away from the kiss, chuckling at the way you try to chase his lips. His strength and power are attractive to you, and the force with which he holds you in place has you melting in his arms. He just stands there, keeping you until you start to whine about the sudden lack of affection.
“Oh, you're not enjoying our dance anymore?”
“Of course I am, but I need you so bad.”
“Need me to do what?” he asks, still holding you. He knows precisely what you want but wants to hear you say it. Mihawk is proud and secure, but he still likes to hear how badly you need him. You struggle momentarily in his arms, frustrated by his lack of action. Your frustration is amusing to your Husband, who smirks at you until he finally gets what he wants.
“Need you to make me cum. Please. I want you to fuck me,” You say, there's a slight wobble of need in your voice, and Mihawk eats it up. He offers you a genuine smile, one that you see more often than others assume, and guides you over to the vanity, turning you around so you can see yourself in it. His touch is delicate as he tilts your chin up so you can look at your own face.
“Keep your eyes on your reflection, I want you to see how gorgeous you look when I make you cum”, he says. In an act that would shake the world if anyone were to see it, Dracule Mihawk drops to his knees. Being able to bring a man as respected and feared as Mihawk down beneath you makes you feel like the most powerful woman on the globe.
He bunches the skirt of your dress up to your hips. He holds the skirt with one hand as he tears your underwear down your legs so he can get at your pussy. He leans forward, skipping any warm-up, and goes straight to burying his tongue in your hole. He licks at your walls as you moan his name. Mihawk listens for every gasp and little noise that leaves your lips, committing them to memory. He drops the skirt, allowing it to cover him, and uses a hand to rub your neglected clit. He seems dead set on making you cum as quickly as possible.
You're doing as your Husband asked, keeping your eyes open and on the reflection before you. His tongue is driving you closer and closer to the edge. Mihawk has told you several times that his favourite positions are ones where he can clearly see your face, and now you're starting to see why. This is the most at home you've ever seen yourself, you're basically glowing. You're hot and bothered and oh so desperate to cum, but you're happy and satisfied. The slurping noises from beneath you insinuate that Mihawk feels the same way.
A few more well-placed flicks of his tongue have your legs shaking and your orgasm washing over you. Your first orgasm is energising, it leaves you with all of your nerves alight and sensitive but eager for your Husband's touch. He pulls away, letting your dress fall behind you and stands up. He's pleased that you listened to him and watched yourself.
He orders you to keep your eyes on the mirror for a little longer to let him appreciate the dress a little longer. You obey, soaking up the praise he showers you with.
When he grows impatient, done with ghosting kisses over your neck, he helps you unzip the dress. He delicately pulls the dress down, offering a hand to steady you as you step out of the garment. He lays it over the ottoman so that you can hang it back up when you're finished and then returns his attention to you.
He kisses you, his usual intensity ever present as he walks you over to the bed. He pushes you gently, not enough to cause you harm, and you follow along. You lay on the bed, leaning on your elbows to watch as he slowly removes his clothes.
Watching Mihawk strip for you is like watching a god show vulnerability. You feel special knowing you're the only one who gets to see him like this. You're so busy appreciating the new exposed skin that you barely register that he's talking dirty to you. Mihawk stalks towards you like a panther, kneeling on the bed and crawling over so he's hovering on top of you.
“My pretty girl” he hums, taking your nipple into his mouth and squeezing your other boob. He shows some love to your chest, kissing across it to take your other nipple into his mouth. He could go on like this for hours, kissing over your body, leaving marks and praises as he goes. You squirm beneath him, his intensity suffocating you. “If you want me to give you more, you're going to have to help me out first”, he says, rolling so that he's beneath you now. He guides you down to his cock, and you take it into your mouth as far as you can without gagging.
You hold your head still, encouraging him to move his hips. You let his taste settle in your mouth as you tongue over the veins on his cock. He's happy to place his hand on the back of your head and gently thrust into your wet mouth. He's careful not to go too far, though you wouldn't mind if he got a little rougher with you. Mihawk moans as you swallow around him, encouraging you to repeat the action. The next flick on your tongue against his cock has him pulling you off him. You look so good, staring up at him with hazy eyes and a drooling, open mouth, that he almost cums just looking at you.
Mihawk is happy to praise and talk you through sex, but when it comes to receiving, he's very reserved. The sighs and moans you do manage to pull from him with your tongue have pride rising to the surface of your skin. The low whimper he gives you as you lick at his tip is pretty enough to have you releasing moans of your own around him.
“I wanna cum inside you”, he states, pulling you up for another kiss. You nod into the kiss, and he flips you over, so now you're beneath him once again. Mihawk sits back on his heels, admiring your body. “You look beautiful in that dress, but Darling, you are breathtaking without it”, he says, running calloused fingers along the plush of your thighs.
“Not a star in the sky could compare to you”, He groans as he guides his cock to your entrance. His words get caught in his throat as he pushes inside you. He takes in the feeling of your pussy enveloping his cock, the feeling makes his brain go fuzzy. He's cursed you out jokingly, of course, for the way your body shuts off his brain, but it's different seeing it in action. His gaze darkens, and his breaths come out in sharp growls. You flinch as his teeth graze your neck when he leaves a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss there. It would be so easy for him to sink his teeth into your vulnerable skin, and it wouldn't be the first time he's done so. You've seen his aggression on the battlefield; this is a different beast you're facing.
Mihawks thrusts start heavy; there's no build-up of strength. He reaches places you never thought possible and angles your hips so he can have you kicking your feet at the intense pleasure. He's an expert in the field of your body, years of experimental research have led him to be able to have you soak the sheets in minutes. He knows exactly where to aim his thrusts to have you gushing. He grinds himself inside of you between thrusts, complimenting you through gritted teeth as he tries to keep his sounds of euphoria to himself. One of his skilled hands reaches down to play with your clit. Mihawks movements are practised and deliberate, an inherited skill gained from being your husband.
“Play with those beautiful tits for me”, he instructs, keeping his hawk eyes glued to your chest. He watches as you obey him, squeezing your tits and playing with your tits. The sensations are all-consuming, and you find yourself teetering on the edge of your orgasm. You're overwhelmed and unable to tell him you're about to cum. You don't need to tell him, he knows. From the rapid spasming of your pretty pussy to your incoherent whimpers, he can read you like a book. “Go ahead, sweet girl. Make a mess for me”
Your legs shake, and your torso tenses as you cry out your husband's name. Your release feels white-hot beneath your skin, and you can barely register the way you're gushing all over your husband's abdomen. Mihawk is unbothered by the mess, in fact, he encourages it. His orgasm follows closely behind as he fills you with his hot cum. When you've both come down from your highs, chest heaving and lazy smiles reserved only for one another to see, he peels himself off of you to assess the damages to the sheets.
“We may have to sleep in the guest bed tonight while the mattress dries,” he says. “For now, though, let's get you to the shower”
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!
tag list: @bloodfixnd @sexysapphicshopowner @beachaddict48 @lem-hhn
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httpsdana · 2 days
Hiii~ can you make a fiction for Kenan Yildiz where it’s a day off for him and the reader (his wife) and they are having a family day with their 3 years old son and 1 year old daughter , where they are taking care of them , playing a little and when the kids fall asleep they both cuddle in bed and have a romantic talk to sleep.
Thank you in advance sweetheart , your fictions are truly amazing 💗.
Our Little Family~Kenan Yildiz
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*Pictures are from Pinterest*
we got wifi in our emergency house so I might as well right some things when im bored. enjoy <3
request from here
master list -> part 2
players/drivers I write for
The sun was just peeking through the curtains when y/n felt a small tug on the blanket. She groaned softly, still half-asleep, but she could already sense what was happening. Their 3-year-old son, Emir, was standing by the bed, his bright brown eyes wide and a mischievous smile on his face. He had clearly been up for a while.
"Mama, Papa," Emir whispered, tugging again, "I'm hungry!"
She heard a soft chuckle beside her. Kenan stirred, his arm slipping around her waist as he opened his eyes.
“Good morning, buddy,” Kenan said, his voice still husky from sleep. “Are you ready for a fun day?”
Emir nodded excitedly, his curly hair bouncing. y/n couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. Sitting up, she heard a second, quieter noise from the baby monitor: their 1-year-old daughter, Leyla, was awake too, babbling to herself in her crib.
“I’ll get her,” she said, kissing Kenan’s cheek before climbing out of bed. Kenan sat up, stretching, and helped Emir onto the bed, where they immediately began playing a silly game of “tickle monster.”
y/n tiptoed into Leyla’s room, finding her sitting up with her chubby hands gripping the side of the crib. Her wide eyes sparkled with joy when she saw her mom. “Mama!” she gurgled, reaching out with her tiny arms.
"Good morning, my sweet girl," y/n cooed, scooping her up and pressing a kiss to her soft cheek. She nuzzled into her shoulder, as she inhaled the familiar baby scent that always brought her peace.
Once both kids were ready, y/n and Kenan decided to take them out for breakfast. The thought of enjoying a morning out as a family filled her with excitement. Emir was already talking about pancakes, and Leyla clapped her hands in delight as she bundled her up in a tiny jacket.
The café they chose had a cozy atmosphere, with a play area for the kids and plenty of space for Leyla’s stroller. As they entered, she saw the sparkle of recognition in Kenan’s eyes—he was already planning to spoil everyone.
The family settled into a booth, Leyla happily perched on her mom's lap as she helped her nibble on small pieces of fruit. Emir was across from her, excitedly showing Kenan how he could color in the activity book the café provided. Kenan leaned over, drawing a little football next to Emir’s attempts at coloring.
Breakfast was filled with laughter as Emir managed to get syrup all over his fingers, and Kenan joked, “We’re going to have to wash you like a car, buddy.” Leyla clapped at every new taste of food, and her giggles echoed around the café as Kenan played peek-a-boo with her.
After breakfast, the four of them headed to the nearby park. The fresh air felt invigorating, and the playground was just what the kids needed to burn off their morning energy. Emir ran straight to the slides, calling for Kenan to follow him. y/n watched as Kenan helped him up the ladder, his strong arms lifting Emir when he got stuck halfway.
“Look, Mama!” Emir called from the top. “Watch me slide!”
She cheered him on as he slid down with a triumphant grin. Leyla, nestled in her arms, reached for the swings, her tiny fingers pointing as she made soft cooing sounds. y/n placed her gently in the baby swing, pushing her back and forth as she squealed in delight.
Kenan jogged over after a few more rounds on the slide with Emir. “I’ll take her,” he offered, lifting Leyla from the swing. She immediately clung to his chest, her little head resting against his broad shoulder. It was a sight that always melted y/n's heart—Kenan was so naturally tender with the kids, and they adored him.
They spent the next hour playing as a family. Kenan chased Emir around, pretending to be a monster, while y/n sat on the grass with Leyla, watching as she tried to walk on her own. Each time she wobbled, she caught her, and she’d look up at her mom with a big, proud smile. Eventually, Kenan and Emir returned, both panting and laughing. Kenan collapsed onto the grass beside y/n, pulling Emir into his arms.
"You’re fast, little guy," Kenan said breathlessly, ruffling Emir’s hair. Emir beamed, clearly proud of himself.
When the afternoon sun started to tire everyone out, they decided it was time to head home. Back in the house, Leyla and Emir’s energy levels had dropped significantly after all the playing and excitement. y/n and Kenan bathed them together, filling the bathroom with giggles as bubbles floated everywhere. Emir splashed, pretending he was a pirate, while Leyla clapped her hands at the water, her eyes wide with fascination.
Once they were in their pajamas, they all curled up in the living room for storytime. Kenan sat on the couch, Leyla nestled in his lap while Emir snuggled into y/n's side, his eyes heavy as she read their favorite bedtime story. It didn’t take long for both of them to fall asleep, their peaceful faces bathed in the soft glow of the lamp.
y/n and Kenan carefully carried them to their beds, tucking each one in with a kiss. Leyla’s tiny hand curled around her stuffed animal, while Emir mumbled something about pirates before drifting back off.
As soon as the kids were settled, y/n and Kenan headed to their room. The day’s events had worn them out in the best way possible, and the moment they slid into bed, Kenan pulled her into his arms, holding her close. His warmth enveloped her, and she let out a content sigh, resting her head on his chest.
"Today was perfect," she murmured, tracing lazy circles on his chest. "I love watching you with them. You’re such a good father."
Kenan kissed the top of her head, his voice soft in the quiet of the room. “I couldn’t do it without you. You make all of this possible. I love our little family.”
She tilted her head up, and he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. The kiss deepened for a moment, full of tenderness and affection. When they pulled away, y/n smiled at him, feeling her heart swell with love.
“Sometimes I still can’t believe this is real,” she whispered. “Our family. Our life together.”
Kenan’s hand moved to cradle her cheek, his eyes soft as he gazed down at his wife. “It’s real, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
With that, they both fell into a peaceful silence, their bodies entwined, hearts full.y/n drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of Kenan’s arms and the quiet joy of the life they’d built together.
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inheritedbelly · 2 days
Heavy Lifting
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I start the day excited about the new job. It's not what I dreamed of, of course, but it's a start, a way to gain experience and, maybe, distract myself from the mess my life has become. I work in the warehouse of a factory. I'm an apprentice to Mr. Fred, a big, sweaty 60-year-old man. When I arrived, he was leaning against a pile of boxes, breathing slowly, the weight of his enormous belly rising and falling. He has a deep, thick voice that seems to resonate in his chest, but what stands out the most is his size. I'm not talking about his height, but his width. The guy is huge, almost as if life had shaped him around a giant belly. When he laughs, it feels like his whole body shakes. I can't imagine being in his skin, it must be uncomfortable and gross, but aside from that, he's a nice guy.
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The work is exhausting. We carry and move boxes, organize shelves. Things are always missing, and we're the ones responsible for keeping everything in order. I just wish my life was like that—organized. At the end of the day, after lifting heavy things all day, Fred suggests we sit down and talk for a bit. Sitting across from him, I start to open up. I don’t know why, but the words come out before I can hold them back. I talk about my issues with my dad, how I don’t have a mom, and how the pressure to choose a college is suffocating me. I don’t know what I want to do with my life, I just wish I could skip this phase, wake up one day and have everything figured out. Fred listens attentively, his gaze heavy, almost as if he’s absorbing everything I’m saying. He nods slowly, and after a pause, he laughs, slapping his large belly. "Funny," he says. "I wish for the opposite. I wish I could be young again. Skinny. Do everything over, make different choices." His laughter fades, and he looks at the floor for a moment. Then, he looks at me with a strange gleam in his eyes. "You know what, kid? I think I know how to solve our problem." He snaps his fingers, and before I can respond, my vision goes black.
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When I wake up, the first thing I feel is a strange coldness on my head. I reach up to the top of my head and… nothing. I'm bald. My heart races, and I look down, terrified. I see a huge belly, a round sphere dominating my field of vision, as if it’s an extension of me, but… it can’t be. The striped shirt covering this body isn’t mine. I try to get up from the armchair I’m sitting in, but everything feels different. Heavy. I grab the belly, this mass of flabby flesh that seems to be part of me now, and I look at my hands. They’re large, wrinkled, covered in saggy skin. It’s like I’m wearing gloves of flesh. I feel panic rising, and I let out a scream, but the sound that comes out of my throat isn’t mine. It’s hoarse, old. I bring my hand to my neck and feel a double chin. Horror overwhelms me, and I fall forward, my body too heavy to keep balance.
I lift my head, struggling, and I see my old body standing there, smiling at me with a malicious look. Everything clicks in an instant. I’ve switched bodies with Fred.
"What the hell did you do?" I shout, my voice now rougher than ever. Fred, in my body, lets out a short, mocking laugh. "Relax, kid. It was just a spell. A solution to our little problem."
I panic. "Undo it! I want my life back! My youth!" But he just shakes his head, still laughing. "You can’t. The spell can only be done once. Now it’s permanent."
My heart, or what was left of it in that old body, starts pounding out of control. I stumble backward, trying to process this new reality. I feel the belly wobbling with every step I take, like an anchor dragging me down. This can’t be true. This can’t be happening.
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I run, or at least I try to, to the office bathroom. I lock the door behind me and look in the mirror. The reflection shows me an old, sweaty man with a desperate expression on his face. The face isn’t mine. The skin is full of wrinkles, the cheeks sagging. I run my hand over my face, unable to believe what I see. I can’t stop holding my belly. It’s always there, like a constant reminder that I’m now someone else. Fred knocks on the door, and I hear his voice—my voice from before. “Hey, it’s not going to be that bad, let’s be honest. Now you have what you wanted, and I have what I wanted.” I scream in response, but the truth is that I’m trapped. There’s no going back. Fred then enters and gives a light squeeze to my enormous stomach. I yell at him to leave, and then he steps back. He closes the bathroom door, and I, still in shock and confused about what happened, am left unsure of what to do. I lift my shirt and see: a big belly, covered in hair. I also notice that my chest, which was normal before, is now larger and sagging. With every step I take, I feel my body moving in a way I’ve never felt before. It’s uncomfortable and strange. I turn around and notice that my backside has also changed; it’s now much bigger. I look in the mirror, trying to understand what has happened. The person in the reflection doesn’t seem like me, but the way the body moves makes it clear that, unfortunately, it is mine now.
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I leave the bathroom and find Fred, who is now in my body. He smiles and makes an ironic comment, asking if I’m ready. I quickly pull down my shirt and, unsure of what to do, ask, “So now what are we going to do?”
When I leave the bathroom, Fred tells me I can go to his place, which is now my home. I have no choice. Walking through the streets is hell. Every step is a huge effort. I feel sweat dripping down my body, especially between the folds of my belly and on my back. And it’s just a short walk. Upon arriving at the apartment, Fred shows me everything—where the things are, the bathroom, the pantry. During this little tour, I’m extremely out of breath from the walk. My belly bumps into everything around the house. He tells me about his routine. Now, it’s my routine. Because of the heat, I take off my clothes, and my now free belly is enormous. As I squeeze through the house, my stomach occasionally bumps into Fred, who is in my way. “Sorry,” I say, even though I’m not the one to blame for this situation; he is! He’s the one who stuck me in this huge body, but honestly, I’m too out of breath for another argument. As soon as he leaves me alone in my new room, he says, “See you tomorrow, boss,” winking before closing the door. I get ready to take a shower, which is at least strange since I’ve never had to bathe a fat old man before, let alone be the old man myself. I feel the loose skin and the weight of the fat on me. Lying down on the bed is even worse; as soon as I collapse onto the bed, my huge new belly settles against my body in an uncomfortable way, and I have to turn over, quickly causing it to fall to my side. I let out a heavy sigh. “What was I wishing for?”
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Lying on the bed, with not many options for comfort, I close my eyes, trying to believe that everything was just a nightmare and that tomorrow everything will be back to normal. But it’s hard to believe that it was just a dream, considering how real everything felt. Even lying there, I had a lot of physical contact with every part of my body, since I was now bulkier. I couldn’t just run my hand over my body without my hairy arm brushing against my hairy stomach. So, I would turn to the side, still thinking my slim body would react. But instead, I felt the weight of my new body. My brain was still that of a slim man.
I would run my hand over my forehead and remember the baldness. I would touch my face and feel the old beard. I would glide my hands over my body and notice my new bulk. It was this repetitive cycle until I finally managed to fall asleep. The next morning, when I wake up, I feel an erection, but not like it always used to be, my dick was fighting against my stomach. in a fright I quickly wake up and my eyes meet see my big stomach and the white hairs on my chest. I quickly get a shock, and suddenly everything hits me: nothing was a dream, everything was real, and this is my new lif
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yesihaveaobsession · 15 hours
Between the Shelves
Alastor x female!librarian reader
Summary: Alastor frequently visits a library, drawn to the pretty librarian working there. Under the guise of searching for a book, he maneuvers his way through the shelves, 'accidentally'.
A/N- had this idea in my notes for a while and here it is..
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Alastor was downtown, glancing at himself in a store window, straightening his tie and brushing off his suit. Today, he was making his daily visit to the librarian who had stolen his heart—and that was you. You owned a very small library, which some might call more of a bookstore than anything else. As he approached the library, the bell above the door chimed when he stepped inside, the grin on his face firmly in place, his usual confidence stance and stood with his arms behind his back.
The soft scent of old books filled the air, comforting and familiar to him, though technically, he hadn’t come for a book. He glanced over at the counter but didn’t see you there; instead, he heard humming coming from one of the aisles. His tall frame drifted through the shelves, his eyes scanning the rows of books—or rather, peering through the gaps in them to see if you were there. Finally, he reached for a random title, gripping the spine and sliding the book out. Just as he’d planned, there you were, on the other side of the shelf, putting books away.
"Ah! What a surprise!" Alastor exclaimed, leaning slightly against the shelf, feigning shock at their coincidental meeting. “I didn’t expect to run into such a lovely librarian behind the stacks.”
You glanced up at him, both surprised and unsurprised to see him. He had been visiting you every day, though always at different times, and you were too caught up in your own world to hear the door chime when he came in. A shy smile played on your lips, not entirely convinced this meeting was an accident. "Looking for something specific, Alastor?"
"Well," he began, stepping around the shelf to stand beside you. You felt his presence next to you as you finished putting away the last few books. "I was searching for a book, but now that you're here, I seem to have forgotten what it was." Alastor’s grin widened, clearly pleased with himself.
"Perhaps you could offer me a recommendation?" His crimson eyes lingered on you, as if the books were merely an excuse to be near you. You sensed his playfulness and chuckled softly. "Sure, what kind of book are you in the mood for today?"
"Hmm, nothing in particular."
Your eyes flicked up to meet his, and you gestured toward a nearby section. "Well, if you like mysteries, we’ve got a few new arrivals over here. I think you might like them." Alastor smiled and nodded. You knew he preferred classic, old literature, but you suggested something a bit more modern. Truth be told, he’d read whatever book you gave him, no matter how bad. Alastor followed your lead, staying just close enough to keep you aware of his presence without overstepping.
"You're always so knowledgeable," he mused. "I must admit, it's part of why I keep coming back." His closed-lipped smile and the double meaning of his words were impossible to miss.
Your heart skipped a beat, unsure whether to take his words at face value or if there was more to them. "I’m just doing my job," you laughed softly, trying to keep your composure. "But I’m glad I could help." You handed him another recommendation. Alastor’s smile grew wider, and his eyes gleamed with their signature mischievous look. "Oh, you help more than you know, my dear. Far more." Your hands brushed gently against each other.
You followed him to the counter as he handed you the book to check out, smiling back at him as your eyes locked once more when he took it from you. Alastor turned on his heel and began walking to the door, but then paused and glanced over his right shoulder.
"Until next time, then. Have a great day, my lovely librarian," he said with a smile. You couldn’t help but blush as you watched him leave, hoping you’d see him tomorrow. This time, you weren’t entirely sure if he actually read the books he checked out—or if they were just an excuse to see you.
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mythalism · 2 days
still just verbally processing my own feelings about this but i think the crux of it for me is less the decision itself and once again the way it is being sold to us. if you want a blank slate - fine. do it then. set the game 100 years in the future when all of the characters are already dead. dont put varric and harding in. maybe we meet an old, gray kieran with mythal's soul, idk it doesnt matter but anyway you can have the exact same story with solas and rook and all of the companions and have the "blank slate" you so desire. market it as such; not a direct sequel, but a solas-centric spinoff. i would have loved that game and enjoyed it immensely. but they didnt do that. the foundation of the marketing since 2018 has been solas and varric- returning characters from past games. the devs have said over and over and OVER AND OVER that the inquisitor is integral to the story. that its the "inquisitor's story too". that it was always going to have to involve solas and the inquisitor. but........ also that nothing the inquisitor did was relevant? what? its literally the writes wanting to have their cake and eat it too. you cannot make a disconnected blank-slate game about a new cast of characters when literally 1/3 of your cast is RETURNING CHARACTERS. you have been using those returning characters as the face of your marketing campaign for over 5 years. you have emphasized how much it serves as a direct sequel to inquisition's DLC. you have been banking on our attachment to these characters and our emotional investment in this world to win our attention, and eventually, our purchase. and now... a month before release, you pull out the rug from under everyone and say... actually we wanted a blank slate :). its duplicitous. i will still undoubtedly play and enjoy this game. i love solas and i have no doubt i am going to love learning more about him, a game that explores his history like this is pretty much my dream. but they should have sold me this game as THAT from the start. it is a drastic deviation from one of the core components of the dragon age franchise, and whether you believe that is for the better or for the worse, to only reveal the extent of that deviation 36 days before release is unfair at best and unethical at worst.
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Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash
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a/n: this is entirely self-indulgent. there's a car wash near my house called Tommy's Express and it got me thinking about our Miller brothers running one before their contracting business really caught on. any historical inaccuracies are because i did not exist in the 1900s in any capacity. i also didn't have the brainpower to write this into a full-fledged fic. bon appetit.
so it’s around the mid-90s
when Joel and Tommy first started their contracting business, it was really slow drumming up enough work to pay the bills and they needed side work to bring in more income
baby Sarah suggested a car wash after “helping” Uncle Tommy wash the truck in the driveway
said car wash was no more than a little wooden stand at the end of the office’s parking lot with a hose, buckets, and rags and sponges
Tommy primarily did all the washing while Joel was in the office keeping an eye on the phone but he’d come out and pitch in on particularly quiet days (and when Sarah needed to burn off some energy)
Tommy is only ever clad in jean booty shorts and flip flops (no shirt because he’s a slut) and purposefully gets himself soaking wet and sudsy anytime a cute girl drives into the lot
(he has a special mixtape that he plays on such occasions and puts on a little extra show while washing, just squatting and flexing left and right. eventually Sarah learns all the words to both "Baby Got Back" and "Tootsee Roll" and Joel is pissed.)
(Tommy once caught Joel humming in the kitchen and never lets him forget it. “hey Joel, it’s your favorite song”)
you’re new to Austin
you and your old-ass 1982 Chrysler LeBaron convertible (to quote @maggiemayhemnj) that you got as a teen after earning your driver’s license – you got to pick the car, the only condition was that it had to be used
you roll in one day, long overdue for a wash
Tommy gets himself ready then does a double take after you park and he sees the car
he starts just circling it and inspecting practically every inch – “goddamn, how is this thing still runnin’?”
Joel watches Tommy fanboy over the car a bit from inside the office before poking his head out the door and calling to him to get to work
you play along with Tommy and his flirting – you can’t deny that he’s sexy – but you just can’t stop stealing glances at his older brother through the front window
and after you go inside to pay and Joel tells you to drive safe? you’re a goner
you become their first regular – because Tommy is just so thorough and even put air in your tires one time when they were low, no extra charge – definitely not because of his big brother pretending not to watch the two of you
“there’s my favorite hunk o’ junk!” – Tommy’s go-to greeting
one day you come by and it’s rattling like crazy
you go inside to pay afterwards, as usual, and Joel finally says more than just the polite sendoff – “uh, s’probably not my place to say but you should really get that noise checked out. sounds like it could give out at any second.”
“oh, you could hear that, huh?” “darlin’, you’d have to be deaf not to hear it. jus’ want you to be safe.”
as luck would have it, it craps out just a few days later
you dig out the Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash business card – the only one you’ve ever kept because it has Joel’s number on it – and walk a couple blocks to the nearest payphone
Joel answers and you’re all anxious and apologetic that you didn’t know who else to call
he just says “i’m on m’way”
you have to resist the urge to curl up and hide when Joel parks his truck in the space next to you and grabs a toolbox out of the bed
you stand off to the side, watching respectfully as he fiddles around under the hood before determining it’s a battery issue
“thought i told you to get it looked at”
“i did but the guy said i need a whole new battery and i just don’t have that kind of money lying around right now”
“how much did he quote you on it?”
however much it was, it’s way too high and Joel knows it – greedy bastards taking advantage of single women who don’t know any better
“tell you what, lemme give you a jump jus’ to get ‘er going and i’ll fix it up for ya”
and he does not take no for an answer - "i ain't leavin' you to deal with any more sleazy mechanics"
you follow him back to his house where he tells you to go ahead and park in the driveway
he opens up the garage and starts grabbing tools when he stops and curses himself, turning to you and rubbing the back of his neck
“i, uh. i'm missing a pretty important part. you're more than welcome to wait here while i go run and get it, i won’t be long.”
you start to protest, he’s done so much for you already, you’re fine with just borrowing their phone book and calling a tow, but Joel is not having it
next thing you know, you’re sat on the living room floor with baby Sarah munching on a bowl of cereal and watching Wakko Warner sing about all 50 united states and their capitals
Tommy finally comes downstairs and sees the two of you hanging out and almost has a heart attack before turning on his Charm
you flirt with each other for a few minutes before he joins his older brother outside
“what’d’ya do to my favorite hunk o’ junk?”
“don’t even think about it”
“what? i didn’t say anything.”
“you were ‘bout to”
“if you’re gonna stand there and bother me, at least make yourself useful and hand me that thing”
eventually Joel finishes up and heads inside to see Sarah sprawled halfway across your lap on the floor
“uh…your, uh, you’re good to go. lemme just, uh, take her and i'll see you out.”
the sight of Joel carrying his baby girl up the stairs to her bed is enough spank bank material to last you for weeks
he comes back down and leads you back out to your car, passing Tommy on his way in and he gives you a cheeky wink
your driver’s door is already open with the keys in the ignition so all you have to do is get in and drive away
instead, you stall by trying to offer some money to cover the cost of the parts and Joel shuts you down immediately
“you’ve already given us enough of your money, s’the least i can do”
“well, sure, but i was paying for a service. that's not the same thing.”
“you know what, you actually did me a huge favor by keeping an eye on Sarah for me. so how ‘bout we call it even?”
and before you can even think, you step forward and kiss him
and Joel kisses back
you barely pull away and Joel grips your wrist
“what was that for?”
“…your tip?”
he just laughs and leans in, lips not quite touching again
“drive safe, darlin’”
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Sneak Peek At "A Stepdad For Christmas"
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x single mom! femOC
we've still got so much Jake and Daisy to get through before we meet Olivia and Bonnie but here's a little something
“Look at the eye candy,” Olivia’s fifteen-year-old daughter Bonnie tilted down her heart-shaped shades to get a better look at some Navy men out for a shirtless jog.
“Honey, everyone in uniform is too old for you. As in illegal, too old for you.” She whined then slowly turned to look at her mom with an evil grin, one that Olivia knew did not bode well for her. 
“Mom, I just figured out what I want for Christmas.” Christmas was always a big deal for them and Bonnie always gave her mom a bullet point and color-coded list of what she wanted. But never this early in the year.
“It’s July-”
“I want a hot stepdad,” Olivia debated crashing the car. Only for a split second but still. It would be easier and God would forgive her. He knew what he did when he made teenage daughters. 
“C’mon, Mom. You and dad boinked once to get me and that was it. We share a wall, I know there’s been no one else.” 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Olivia pleaded with whatever God was laughing at her. 
“You helped a gay man con his homophobic father into leaving him millions in inheritance,” Bonnie deadpanned. “That’s why I’m like this.” Olivia rolled her blue eyes, the same blue eyes that were looking back at her in the passenger seat. “But back to it, you need to get laid and I need something that’ll make all the girls want to hang out with the new girl. So hot stepdad, get me one.” 
Olivia was ready to threaten her daughter’s life in the most loving way possible when she caught a glimpse of a man in a khaki uniform climbing out of a blue, vintage Bronco. He was absolutely stunning, a specimen of tanned skin, muscles, and wavy hair that made Olivia suddenly feel very patriotic as he slid off a pair of tinted aviators. Do I have a thing for mustaches? She had never found them attractive before but this mystery man’s mustache was definitely working for her. 
“We’ll see what Santa can do.” Like he heard her, the man turned and caught her eye, winking. Olivia’s cheeks burned, a warmth spreading through her. She might have been married to a gay man who had a string of secret boyfriends but between raising Bonnie and keeping up appearances with Henry in public, she had never “cheated.” 
“Mom, the light’s green,” Bonnie smacked her arm. “We should get coffee before stopping at Aunt Pen’s.” Olivia hummed in acknowledgement, maneuvering to the directions the GPS was dictating over the speaker, her mind consumed with thoughts of mustached men in Navy uniforms. Well. One man in particular. 
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karlachismylife · 2 days
I Need My Love To Be Here
Once again I couldn't help but do the second-most voted choice too. Why am I making my own life so much harder?
CW: fem!reader, reader and Price are married and have a daughter, long-distance relationship, my music taste projected once again, the tiniest bit of suggestive teasing, toothrotting fluff.
(Title from The Beatles' "Here, There and Everywhere")
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Dealing with an energized six-year old refusing to go to bed was a battle alright, especially when your trusted partner with his commanding presence and a true Captain's voice wasn't there to help. You couldn't blame your little one for behaving herself better when John was around: isn't a natural law that the one parent that's often away and always comes back with gifts is the favourite one? It's not daddy who's forcing you to eat healthy food every day and go to sleep when you want another batch of cartoons.
It's the strict, stern-looking mum with her hands on her hips as she scolds you gently for throwing a fit over putting your toys back like promised.
Still, you'd want a little more appreciation and cooperation from Princess Price, sulking in her frog pjs - everything was frog since recently, you even got daddy a froggy hat for when he comes back from deployment.
He was away for a long time. Not somewhere dangerous, he told you as he called and texted regilarly, but he was constantly held back by one or the other thing that just couldn't be resolved without Captain's expertise.
That's what made his new phone call just the sweeter, since the first words you heard after closing priness's door hastly and moving to the living room, were:
"Guess who's coming home tomorrow, darling."
A relieved, longing sigh escaped you as you leaned onto the couch and stared at the ceiling with a dreamy smile.
"Good. Someone here needs a reminder how to listen to what she's being told."
"Is princess being a bad girl?" John's hearty chuckle warmed you even through the phone. You bit your lip, trying to save your own face from splitting in two with the horribly wide smile - same was gracing Price's face for sure, you could hear it, his plump cheeks all big and round, almost hiding his happily narrowed eyes.
"Not necessarily bad. But we have attitide and no respect for mummy's authority. Maybe I should start calling myself Captain too, just for her to listen to me."
"I'm afraid, impersonating an officer is illegal, love," he huffed and chuckled again, gruff, big, bear-hugging sound. A pause. "Are you being a bad girl?"
You pressed your phone closer you your ear as a warm tingling flooded your cheeks and held your breath.
"I'd like to report I'm being perfectly good, sir," if only you could see the way his kind eyes twinkled in the dim lighting of wherever he was, sitting on a chair with knees wide apart, one hand holding the famous cigar.
"That's good to hear. I have a little something for you. A reward for being so good for me and waiting while I'm in this shithole."
"The only reward I need is you back home, John," you weren't even being coy, just honest. It was so long since you last felt his rough palms slide over your sides and lock together as he pulled you into a tight hug from behind, pressing ticklish kisses into your nape.
"I know, sweetpea. Consider this an apology gift then, for taking so long," he didn't let you argue a single word, clearly set on having you accept whatever he prepared, as if him being alive, well and home wasn't enough. "Got us tickets to that McCartney concert, love. For all three of us. Gotta start teaching our princess what good music is."
You gasped, jumping in your seat - your heart did a little flip, cheeks burning now, butterflies that never went away even after years of marriage flocking to your lungs.
"But it's so close, how did you even- oh, I just wanna kiss all hells out of you, John!" His laughter dripped through the phone like spicy honey, sweetening already increbibly sweet deal.
"Oh, I can tell, love. Hope you feel the same way tomorrow."
"Why is tomorrow so far away?" You allowed yourself to be just as sulky and pouty as your little one snoring softly in the other room. Of course you could wait another day, you've waited for months already. But now every minute felt like a whole month itself.
"That's so you can get enough sleep before I make you forget about it for several nights."
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