#having said that
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illuminchim · 8 months ago
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“Between you and me, there is no need for 'thank you' and 'sorry'."
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galedekarios · 4 months ago
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hezenkoss: it's touching that you brought your new friends to do with you, volkarin. hezenkoss: i'll be sure to bury you and your new lover in the same tomb!
i got this line finally during the fight with hezenkoss on my emmrich romance pt. the fight usually ends too quickly to trigger all combat dialogue.
anyhow, this banter once again reminded me of the short story 'flame eternal'.
i'm not sure if the callback is intentional, if it is, it's a cruel one.
the short story references johanna and emmrich investigating a haunting that they later find out is caused by two lovers being separated in death. emmrich manages to soothe the spirit by reuniting them:
Emmrich closed his eyes. Whispers came, and when he spoke, the air vibrated. “By breath and shadow. By endless night. Tell us what haunts you.” The skull’s sockets flared green. “Divided. Cold. Two graves where there should be one!” “Twaddle.” “Johanna!” Emmrich cleared his throat and turned back to the skull. “Tell me: what will grant you rest?” “Take this one… to sunken black walls… by silver flames…” The skull’s glow flickered, faded. It resumed its earsplitting shrieks.
Emmrich leaned over a coffin ringed by bowls of silver fire. He placed the skull next to the body of an old woman, humbly dressed but crowned with white roses. The screaming stopped. “Mathilde…” “Your wife left gently, in her sleep, last midnight.” Emmrich smiled. “The records confirm she also wished to be interred together. You’ll not be parted again.” There was a sigh. Did the old woman’s mouth quirk, or was that the dancing flames? Johanna snorted. “All that fury, ending in another grave.” “Oh, I don’t know.” Emmrich ran a hand along the coffin’s snowy marble. “It would be rather fine to possess such an enduring affection. Besides, you did see this through.”
you can read the entire short story here, if you haven't yet, and i highly recommend it.
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rin-rin-kururin · 3 months ago
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All the incidents that were to be so you could be you
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z00lea · 10 months ago
I really enjoy how everyone has their own Narinders and Lambs, we all truly are playing dolls with our little blorbos
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rooolt · 4 months ago
I can acquiesce that I do think s2 is technically the worst season of dndads, and I mean that in a pacing and story structure and general coherency way, HOWEVER, it has had such a profound impact on me as a person that even the thought of any single one of those characters makes me sick with the amount of emotions they inspire within my being to this very day, and I think that’s more important
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dollopole · 6 months ago
I love Merlin’s ending, and for one reason only:
it opened the gate to so many modern AUs fics.
The directors unconsciously gave us infinite material to work on:
reincarnation tropes;
Arthur’s rebirth and return to save bloody Albion. This too opens the path to so many theories on what it is he has to save, how and when (better if all the characters are reborn and Merlin is just there, waiting, UUGGHHH, I ate those fics up each.time.);
this alone opens so many possibilities, including each different way on how Arthur and the others are born again;
modern AUs with reincarnation and royalty;
back in time travel fics, with Merlin going absolutely mad over the lack of modern things and clean water;
fix it fics, FIX IT FICS!!!
Basically, I believe all the good fanfictions are in the Merlin fandom, and I read a fuckton of fics in my life, so I know what I’m talking about.
Bonus points if they’re all Merthur, with some good old hurt/comfort and the tooth-rotting fluff, because these two are so in love it makes you sick.
And of course, the ending also gave us good smut material, and this doesn’t need explaining, I think you get it.
(on this note, I’m making this post, because today I just finished reading “Destiny That Darkly Hides Us”, by ‘Nympha_Alba’, AND IT’S A WORK OF ART?! IT’S BASICALLY A NOVEL?! I FINISHED READING IT AND I HAD AN HOLE IN MY CHEST, whattheactualfuck)
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witchering10123 · 9 months ago
blood and cheese
ok, so for me this one's about fifty-fifty
i do think that we need to bear in mind that this needs to actually be filmed and give the child actors as little trauma as possible, so the psychological trauma of the children??? yeah, glad they didn't go down that route tbh
while maelor was an important part of b&c in the book, that would again have required a LOT from the child actors and I very much appreciate that they didn't traumatised the child actors
the change they made to make helaena choose between her son and daughter would have been just as emotionally torturous as making her choose between her two sons, and i thought that the actors did that really well
I did like that rhaenyra told daemon that she wanted aemond specifically, and he then went forward and added the whole "if you can't find him kill jaehaerys", it really adds to him grasping for more and more power and acting against rhaenyra's interests, it's going to make the rest of the season incredibly interesting
I also like how they're showing the bad and the good on both team black and green (after all the trouble to divide the fanbase lmao)
I think we should have gotten more scenes with jaehaerys and jaehaera - I thought that b&c was going to happen like next episode and it would build up the children and their relationship with helaena and aegon a bit more so we could be really gut punched during b&c. while it was horrific... we didn't get the chance to meet the family
i thought that cheese not knowing how to get to the upper levels and that they accidentally happened upon them was... not very good writing. the whole point was that b&c knew exactly what they were doing and they were very effective at what they did. it added to the horror that people could use the red keep against its inhabitants and do such an atrocity as b&c
this could be attributed to shock on helaena's part but I feel it was more a bad writing decision that they changed helaena offering her life to helaena offering her necklace??? like idk, obviously she has grasped the situation and maybe she did think that she could persuade them with money but surely when that failed she could have offered her life - obvi not wanting helaena dead I love her to pieces but it would have made the situation seem so much more horrible if helaena had been pleading for them to kill her instead only for them to wait for her to choose between her children
helaena walking in on alicent and criston felt like it was for shock value, and the fact that alicent and criston had sex earlier in the episode completely cancelled out the shock imo. I think it would have been far more effective to find aegon (as jaehaerys' father), aemond (as the initial target), or ser arryk (because I'm sorry where exactly were all the guards??? how the everlasting fuck did b&c walk through the castle without using the tunnels and only encounter a handmaiden???)
soooo on the whole, it was good??? the aftermath of b&c is really what's going to make it either be brilliant or not
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softestaries · 1 month ago
i love the new marauders fancasts so much but unfortunately my brain decided a year ago this specific photo of timmy is regulus black and won't be convinced otherwise
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lilistuff · 1 year ago
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I put on the crown of clowns, and melt slowly to the ground
I MADE THIS DRAWING LAST NIGHT AND I AM SO HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS!! It surprisingly didn't take much time at all? Anyway, I don't know if this music really matches them, but it immediately came into my head when I heard this phrase.
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Do you think it looks better with the red pop of color, or is it better with only one color all the way through?
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sunwayholm · 5 months ago
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b-ichael · 5 months ago
Not a fan of the whole doomed yaoi about Curly and Jimmy, nothing yaoi about them!! Just doomed!!
I don't ship them but Jimmy's obsession over curly in the game was tasteful👌Just the right amount of crazy.
Glad Jimmy's dead though.
Back to thinking about Daisuke🌺
reminder: you can talk to NPCs more than once for more dialogue. I mean come on who talks to NPCs just once?
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qpjianghu · 2 months ago
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Towards the Truth is SUCH a vibe
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lilithincapricorn · 19 days ago
yusei's VA aka miyashita-san basically saying that he fell in love with aki through yusei's lens and that those were the only scenes he felt that the character was completely and genuinely happy I --
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anewbeginningagain · 4 months ago
That's the most engaged and invested I've ever seen Ilia skate. Real and impressive improvement.
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onjapiii-39 · 8 months ago
As promised, here's some random SynthV sketches I never posted, first, my silly goobers Kevin and Ryo + some headcanons for them (that I originally made in spanish and then translated to english)
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Idk if I ever mentioned Kevin being Gumiku's kid and Teto being Ryo's grandma but now that i did, you guys also get these sketches
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