#it's an actual design from his refsheet
axemetaphor · 5 months
everyone knows that 3am is the witching hour for supernatural bullshit but theres a second, gayer witching hour that only happens at 4am during sleepovers where you ask your bro if he'd date you and for mysterious reasons get super mad when he doesnt immediately say yes. nevermind that he really wants to sleep but youre too busy playing on your own xbox (that you can play at any time) to let the poor man sleep.
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fablekitty · 1 year
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Size chart I had made earlier this year. This is a combination of Sun, Moon, Lunar and Eclipse varients. Some designs were created by my fiance.
Most of them are about 7ft tall, Soluna is 10ft and Button is a smoll 3ft tall.
I had been working on paired up refsheets for them, but started to lose motivation on them. ^^;
Sunny and Moon - Daisy and Raven go by the literally made for each other trope and are very much in love. <3
Lulu and Soluna met and fell for each other. They too are very much in love <3
Eclipse adopted Button and Lulu as his brothers. (they're both from very different Lunar AU's.)
I may need to add two more characters to this down the line. Teardrop is Eclipse signifigant other and one of the few people he actually shows care for. And Kara who is Lulu's true brother.
*Flaps hands*
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b0vidine · 1 year
This is a longer post! I drew HMS in my Marble Hornets AU (The Miracle AU) it was supposed to just be a fun design thing but it now spiraled and it’s kind of a second AU based on the same concept. For jut CCCC fans you don’t need to know anything about Marble Hornets to keep up with the AU because I’m going to explain it all below! 
First I have to explain the basics of what the Miracle AU is, basically in the Miracle AU there are these things called guardians who protect a designated area (For the Marble Hornets version it’s Rosswood Park for the CCCC version it’s Whole’s mind.). Guardians have special abilities and weapons and use those to fight these things called spirits. Spirits are faceless creatures that also have special abilities however they never have weapons (For Marble Hornets spirits fill the role of The Operator and The Operator is one of these, for CCCC these are more like negative thoughts or mental illness related things) that's the basics now we move onto the guys themselves.  
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I’m going to go in order!
Mind: Mind is of course a guardian, he has electric abilities. The amount of power behind his electricity is based on the distance between the two points the electricity is flowing between. He can use his pointer and middle finger as conductors which produce a small shock, a uses against Heart to annoy him shock. However he can also conduct electricity between his hands which is a much higher voltage, that’s much more of a will kill you sort of shock. (Like Brian in the og Miracle AU) He is able to create thunder by clapping when there is a current running between his hands.    
Heart: Heart is able to fly in this AU, unlike in the original Heart. He is also a guardian though I don't actually have a special weapon/ability for him planned out, this AU is still being rotated in my brain/being planned out. 
Soul: Soul I have managed to produce the most thoughts on so far. Soul is not a guardian instead he is a spirit. His brain functions a lot better than normal spirits thus he is a lot less animalistic than most, though he does tend to be less human than Heart and Mind. Soul believes that he is a guardian and needs to protect Whole from any intruders, because he thinks he is the only guardian of Whole that Heart and Mind must be intruders thus threats so he is trying to kill them. Soul’s ability as a spirit is to shapeshift he can change his appearance at will and makes himself look like Whole/a guardian to the best of his ability. 
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Soul pt. 2: Soul after realizing he isn't a guardian, gets taken in as sort of a “honorary guardian” seeing that he isn't a threat and has the same goal as Heart and Mind which is to protect Whole. Heart and Mind help him change his appearance to look more like an actual guardian and less like Soul’s idea of one. Btw the first refsheet’s trident is wrong I forgot while designing him that spirits can’t have weapons. The second refsheet’s trident is a part of his hand, he used his shapeshifting ability to turn his hand into his weapon, that’s how it will/should be through both designs. He also loses the yellow accent in his eye from the old design to this one, take that how you will. 
Anyways that’s all I have for now hopefully I’ll add more to this AU, I’ve only been thinking about/working on it for like two days so expect changes. For now enjoy this sketch of HMS being buddies. 
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pasharuu · 1 year
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this is a collage of pages and each single one was taken from a different comic, every single one that existed so far, including the very recent one. well i only missed the valentines comic that is
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we are not talking about it.
and u can def tell something changed yeah. and that im focused on arama maybe too much. but he is really a character who got a ton of headcanons that i want to talk about. and some of them were basically build in that public ask, such as ears touching that we are not talking about either. i really had some crack time with it.
i was just having a lot of fun. with the requirement of 1 comic (thats actually not necessarily for it to be a comic, but i love making comics) per month, in the very first month i made three, each of which was 3 or more pages long. i even got a second role of, you wont believe who, ararycan because i was just as confident... but ended up with just 2 comics one of which was 1 page long before i left it behind. that was jus too much.
so uh, what i wanna talk about is my funky ref sheets for these because goddamn these are the hilarious.
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the very first refsheets i used, except for cinnamon arama one cuz it sucked and was made long before i introduced cinnamon arama to the public and his design was a bit different. i think it was the very first time i ever showed cinnamon arama anywhere, somewhere in the end of november? but this ref most likely was made about a month earlier, alongside with my names comic (the third one) when i started my book long tractate (its really long trust me). that tractate started with discussing names and language so i think it was that time.
and u can see the very first cinnamon arama encounter with the very first page that has him among others.
also i used to make actual gradient on his cap, but with gradient maps over it, that started looking like two separate colors and i took it as a feature, up until now. and that applies for every single aranara i ever drew, i never used gradients.
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and since i got a role of ararycan at that time, i added him here as well. he doesnt have that gradient too. its also the time when their mouths could open finally, and for long these were rather catlike for whatever reason. but i like it. my necoarc drawing expirience def helped me with that.
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this is the very first ref of cinna arama that i used up until recent. i for some reason made him kinda reddish... but i think thats because under gradient maps he looked more yellowish. then i stopped using these and didnt change the design anyway. and as u can see, the pattern on the cap is still incorrect, while we are somewhere in january, when my last cinna arama comic was made lol, not including the one im working on now ofc. this refsheet looks like arama lore btw.
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in the meantime i only changed his bud into flower* with one petal bended. this is what i was talking about when i said that u can differ regular arama and cinnamon arama even if i wont color them. cinna also has shaggy scarf tip, in case u didnt notice.
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and we are finally at the current moment, this is the most recent refsheet. simple yet accurate, and i love this one. i love how it took me half a year to finally understand the design. they look kinda yummy like that, but its unwelcome to eat aranara and shriveled seeds somewhere near me. thank you.
i cant say anything in conclusion other than im super dumb.
*these are not flowers.
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dragonwysper · 2 years
Hey guys guess what
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Huge massive OC refsheet.
Left side is old shit I've made of him that give good reference, and right is a drawing I just did to show a full body pose and flat colors.
Top left: one of the first drawings I did with this specific palette, as part of a few test sketches to figure out where I wanted each color to be. I originally drew his hoodie much lighter so his shoes would be darker than his pants, but I changed that to emphasize his claws!
Top: head turnaround!! Because 3D grasp of a 2D character my beloved. And also I was hyperfixating a bit on animation at the time haha.
Bottom left: style experimentation! This one's fairly recent actually. It's here in his ref to demonstrate that you can really just go wild with him and his colors, you just have to keep him mostly recognizable yk.
Bottom middle: a collection of expressions! Red one has an old design/palette but exhibits a lineless style, blush was to demonstrate the blood guide (right), and other two were made pre-blood guide as an experimentation with his main values for shading.
Bottom right: blood guide! I put. Way too much effort into that thing. It basically tells you not only what color his blush and stuff would be based on his blood color, but also tells you how to get those colors via digital layering and filters, for if you just wanna use his normal greys to draw his mouth and then slap the red over it later or something. The number is the layer opacity, col is color, nor is normal (no filter), and lum is luminance (which is basically the color filter but what would be the color is the one the luminance layer is clipped to). Doodles on the side are to demonstrate all them pretty colors.
I actually did something a little different with the drawing on the right! I roughly sketched out a pose while zoomed way out so I could see the entire positioning from back there, and forced myself to not focus on any details until I was satisfied with the base pose. I should've been doing that ages ago, but at least I'm doing it now!! Plus I colored his lineart, which is something I've been meaning to experiment with for a Long time.
Then we got his palette, with a bonus blood palette for easy reference, and some fonts from Dafont for his name and my @!
Sowwy for rambling about not even my character but stylistic choices for his refsheet 😔😔😔
If y'all wanna hear more about Him or his creation or history or anything though, please tell me because I would love to rant about him to you <3
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly update June 23, 2023
Getting back into the swing of work. Exhausted. I tried getting artstuff done this week.
Finished up storyboards for TRGA today* they aren’t lipsynched yet. I need to lipsynch two or three more shots I forget. Then I’ll try to doll up the puppets tomorrow, and I’d like to do a quick test for some effects as well. I’m also wanting to try actually getting and using Adobe after effects, but installing hasn’t been kind and I do have plans for effects that I can just do in animate so I’ll stick to those for now. I’ll try to make it quick, I did that one promo animation for TRG Colo this year in one day, so I can do a basic little movement in a couple hours, then screw with effects from there.
Artfight I’m a bit more worried about. I *think* I have Mikey’s refsheet done (there’s a bit of empty space but it’s probably fine because I can’t think of another aspect of his design that needs to be highlighted to fill it). I’m partway through Shaun’s refsheet, which shouldn’t be too hard since I don’t need to do all the float effects and transparency (although I’m still doing a bit since it allows me to show off more of his design). Anastasia’s thumbnail is done now and I’ll try to do her refsheet once Shaun’s is done. I’m definitely getting faster at lineart, which is good because that means I can keep my commissions cheap.
I’d love to poke music but I don’t think I’ll have time this week. I have a bunch of paperwork and stuff to mess with, plus I should fix up the puppets for TRGA. I’m a bit disorganized and a bit messy but I think I have leeway for next week being a bit slower since I was able to keep up with stuff this week. I’m still going to try stuff but I’m a bit disorganized at the moment. I’m sure I’ll be okay, though.
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hulludragon · 3 months
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Redid Klaus' and Pyry's refsheets :3 More info on the brothers and their older refsheets below cut!!
Age: 34 Height: 202cm (around 6'6 feet I think?) Breed: Mix between the Eurasian wolf and a common german shepherd
Other info: Klaus is a gloomy, rough and mean werewolf/-dog. He once were a happy, innocent child but as he grew and learned of what his father had done, he felt deep hatred for himself for ever being related to the man. He's the son of a tired german shepherd weredog mother and the abusive werewolf father, the latter of which is thankfully no longer a part of his life. He now considers his younger brothers father his own more than he ever did his real father. His hobby is motorcycles and he owns at least one of his own, riding it on occasion and even giving his younger brother rides now and then were he to ask. As for his job, Klaus either helps around his mothers car repair shop or is a bouncer at a bar.
When he gets the time, he goes camping with his younger half brother, Pyry.
Age: 21 Height: 173cm (around 5'6' feet I think??) Breed: Albino german shepherd.
Other info: Pyry is a timid and friendly person, often a bit too shy to approach but a pleasant person to talk to if you ever have the chance. He's the son of his german shepherd mother and father, though his father was an albino like him. Due to his rare albinism, he often faces extra attention from people around him. This is why he prefers taking to his hobbies due to their solitary setting. His hobbies include hiking and swimming. He would camp more often but due to being a scaredycat, he would need someone to camp out with him every time. Pyry's most trasured item his is older brothers old leatherjacket from back when his brother was still a teen. Klaus found the jacket too cringy to wear so he gave it off to his brother who loves it. Due to the jacket being Klaus' old, it brings Pyry some safety. Klaus used to have an intimidating aura back when he was still a teen after all.
"is that [redacted]'s kid's jacket?" "Oh fuck you're right.. actually that might be the guys younger brother" "oh I've heard of the lil shit. Apparently he's got this freaky bright white fur. Knowing who his brother is, I don't wanna mess with the guy. Let's get out of here."
Oki heres the old refs!!
Klaus' old ref is from 2023, so a year ago. The improvement in a year alone is fucking wild
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Then theres Pyry's old ref.. which barely counts as a ref. Mans changed so much- I have leaned further in on the albino trait and developed him more. He also actually looks 21 now 💀 I like to think this design (minus the hair/fur and eyecolors) is what he looked as a bit younger kid. maybe.. idk
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4ster-bl4ster · 4 months
🪡 -> Talk about a hidden or often overlooked piece of their design!
Check out the ask game below!!!
Here's the ref sheet I made for Aster's artfight profile this year for reference:
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Okay, with that out of the way—
The hidden bit is Aster's eye color!! It can change :D
Aster was actually born with green eyes! A good example is this image I drew for another ask (show a picture of the muse when younger)
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After the 2nd darkest day, Aster's eyes became the sunset color seen in the pfp for this blog and in their refsheet! This is because of their pact with Eternatus and subsequent affinity and resonance with Dynamax Energy!
When Aster moves to Paldea his eyes actually return to being green, but after Area 0 they turn multicolored and have a crystalline glint akin to Tera Crystals (in-game it's the "multicolor swirl" eyes iirc). These eyes are also like Miraidon's!
So depending on the energy they are around, their eye color will change accordingly. I made a little bullet point thing for simplicity's sake:
No Energy = Green
Dynamax Energy = Pink/Red
Tera Energy = Blue/Yellow
And for fun:
Mega Energy = Gold (looks like liquid gold)
Z-Energy = Pearlescent (color changes randomly)
Their ribbon was also a gift from EVO, and if they pull it out, the ribbon will actually turn into Eternatus' pokeball!! It's a way to summon the legendary from wherever if he needs aid :]
Hope u like the design rant :D
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puppyluver256 · 4 years
I love yours and pollyanna's take on Kamal's family, esp ur art of them! Is that all of his family, though? i'd love to hear more about them!
Aaaa sorry it took me so long to get to this, I had it open in another tab to work on the answer while looking at other things and then I just Forgot until I had to go to bed last night ^^; I would recommend asking Tav more about their part of the family if they’re open to questions, but I’m gonna do my best to summarize as a whole. I’ll link to available Refsheet pics of our characters when first mentioning them, though keep in mind that the images on Tav’s pages for Gardenia, Azalea, and Hadi are from when Kamal was born so they’re not up to their most recent appearance just yet. :3
Vipin and [Gardenia] are the earliest named members of the Bora family. They had [Azalea] and they were a very close family. Unfortunately, there’s a reason that the Bora kids all have a lot of fond memories of Gramma and almost never bring up Grandpa. Vipin unfortunately developed cancer and succumbed to it when Azalea was only 10. Still, Gardenia did her best to provide for the family when Vipin could not, despite all the sexist nonsense from randos who didn’t know their home situation, and she would continue to do her best to care for their daughter after his passing.
When Azalea was 20, she met [Hadi] and they fell very hard in love. Now Hadi’s parents and siblings, they Suck. Which is why when Azalea turned out to be pregnant, Hadi was cut off and kicked out. Determined to actually be there for his love and their kid, he married her and Gardenia became a substitute mother figure for her now-son-in-law.
The first of this generation of Bora kids was [Heather], the eldest daugher. She’s a stubborn go-getter businesswoman who likes baking and often makes way too much (which her coworkers are appreciative of hehe). Second eldest daughter was [Jasmine]. She’s an artist and overall pretty amazing :D
The third kid ended up surprising their parents by being not one, but two: Kamal and [Kanti]. You know Kamal so I’m just gonna go straight into Kanti. She’s a veterinarian and love animals, particularly cats. They’re identical twins, and Kanti came out as trans as a teen in the mid 70s, with her family supporting the hell outta her :3
Fifth kid and second-youngest was [Aspen]. He’s a cool skater dude and works at a roller rink cuz he’s cool. Then there’s the youngest, Ashish, though he mostly just goes by [Ash]. He’s a Big Ol Nerd and loves all kinds of nerdy stuff, and he’s a librarian as a result of some of his nerd interests being book-related.
There’s also those who entered the family later through marriage, adoption, and birth. Boris and Putunia came in through Kamal, of course. There’s also Heather’s husband [Morty], Jasmine’s husband [Lin] and their daughter [Violetta], Ash’s wife [Marcy], and Kanti’s girlfriend and eventual wife [Ava]. There’s also Aspen’s QPP [Kate], they’re basically considered part of the family as well. Ash and Marcy end up having kids in 2000, fraternal twins Luke and Leia, but going much further than that ends up getting into stuff that’s either not been talked about publicly or doesn’t have much/any design work associated so I’ll stop there hehe.
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rielzero · 2 years
From Concept to Design
Sometimes I work out my OC designs, especially for my personas in rough details before I make an actual refsheet. This is to make sure I don’t feel unhappy or want to change things afterwards. In that manner, it saves time, a lot in fact.
Here’s everything I went through before I made the refsheet of Entropy.
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The initial concept page, I’m mostly going over silhouette, what vibe do I want him to have? Most important details. For example that he’s the opposite of the Sal’varis form, and evokes more fear rather than wonder.
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In the second page I’m refining mostly the face and the details I want to assume are the most significant to this character.  I was really proud of this, as most of this is what stuck around for the final design.
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Here I’m going through silhouette again, thinking of extra details on the body, design for the halo. It’s fun to see how I go from idea to idea, and drop some in between. An example is that the ‘’coat tails’’ ended up not being used, and the nails eventually will end up just white. 
I do see I forgot to add the inside of the mouth on the refsheet at the end of this post, but I might make a smaller close-up image because I love fangs.
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More detail on the back, going over the overall concept. Adding idea for marking on the top of the hand, slowly going over extra ideas, like adding a tail to give him some similarity to the Seedling. As technically Entropy’s design looks like both Sal’varis And Seedling sorta, due the color scheme and design similarities to Sal’varis.
And unfortunately, for those wondering. The tail was dropped! It felt a bit too overwhelming and outbalanced the rest of the design.
IMO its still good to go over those things, to explore what will work and what won’t. Thats the point of these sketches, because it’ll save me a lot of time.
When I draw a refsheet it can take up to 3-5 hours or longer. It depends on how much detail the design has.
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Here’s more ideas on the tail, while the tail-tip looks cool, the tail itself was just too much for this design. As for the crown, that too, felt unneeded. It made him feel less like an ‘’eldritch being’’ and more like a god. Entropy does not view himself as divine, or a god. Gods reign over places, Entropy only serves his personal path. 
The gill markings were dropped as well. Alongside some marking ideas for the flower petals.
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ON this page I was going through ideas for an outfit, needless to say I have not made one. He’s going to be barbie naked, so some of these ideas are shelved. Just like the last concept art page, which just made me uncomfortable.
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Yep. Giving my eldritch being clothes is going to remain shelved until I figure out a proper style that doesn’t look awkward.
Perhaps Minimalism is the way to go, eventually.
And here’s the finished result!
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I’m very proud of this. Unfortunately he had to wait since January.
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rielzero · 2 years
Concept Art Ramble
I’m working on a bunch of concept art for redesigns, and more official refsheets I intend to make for my adopted ocs.
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This one is an adopt who has rather cosmetic armor- the idea is to design a new set highly inspired by the old one, while still applying enough realism to make it work. The outfit will eventually look like an upgraded version of the initial design.
Another thing I’m working on is the long awaited redesign of Clark, who I haven’t touched since 2019?? I did draw him in 2020 sometimes, it seemed, but he was shelved for the most part.
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When doing these pen doodles i usually go through rough ideas, some designs take more time to consider and I end up with something very different from initial idea. Yep, pen doodle means no eraser was involved. I’ve out of frixion pens for years. Haha.
The main design for Clark is his pre-corrupted form, one specific gimmick with his design was that he had a corruption arc, and I’ve not redesigned that version. I believe the last time I drew corrupted Clark was either 2017 or 2018. When I was using him mostly.
Clark needs more love.
So, I can’t open my onedrive back-up on my old art work, had to open it on browser instead. Onedrive has too many issues for me sometimes lol, without very useful one-click fixes. Browser it is.
I’ll be adding them to this post so its easier for me to find back. Warning, Its really old art.
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My experimental digital paintings do sorta look cool if you think about it, but man why did I draw noses like that? haha. It’s still fun to look at my old stuff. I don’t cringe that much. Clark’s ‘’corrupted’’ form had a half blackened skin, and the ability to use wolverine-esque lightning made claws from his right hand.
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Yup this is definetly from 2018. The origins of my toony artstyle. Man he was a quirky character.
I was mostly looking for this drawing though.
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I’m pretty sure this is the first time that I drew him, so its very bare bones conceptually. The idea was that he also has a mask, and wears very shady robes, giving him the ‘’mysterious’’ villain feel.
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I was experimenting a lot with art styles during this time, you might notice a lot of this.
No commentary further.
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Oh- thats the last image I can find of this form.
Bonus old design pic
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He had cute expressions but fuck i drew HUGEEEE eyes HAHA.
Eitherway now that I have a visual reference to that old corrupted form, I can think of many ways to do it better in the redesign.
One of the main think is that the ‘’black side’’ will be traded with actual lightning scars. Thats been on my mind for ages. I might keep some of the color scheme, though. But a lot will change.
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