#klaus the werewolf
hulludragon · 3 months
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Redid Klaus' and Pyry's refsheets :3 More info on the brothers and their older refsheets below cut!!
Age: 34 Height: 202cm (around 6'6 feet I think?) Breed: Mix between the Eurasian wolf and a common german shepherd
Other info: Klaus is a gloomy, rough and mean werewolf/-dog. He once were a happy, innocent child but as he grew and learned of what his father had done, he felt deep hatred for himself for ever being related to the man. He's the son of a tired german shepherd weredog mother and the abusive werewolf father, the latter of which is thankfully no longer a part of his life. He now considers his younger brothers father his own more than he ever did his real father. His hobby is motorcycles and he owns at least one of his own, riding it on occasion and even giving his younger brother rides now and then were he to ask. As for his job, Klaus either helps around his mothers car repair shop or is a bouncer at a bar.
When he gets the time, he goes camping with his younger half brother, Pyry.
Age: 21 Height: 173cm (around 5'6' feet I think??) Breed: Albino german shepherd.
Other info: Pyry is a timid and friendly person, often a bit too shy to approach but a pleasant person to talk to if you ever have the chance. He's the son of his german shepherd mother and father, though his father was an albino like him. Due to his rare albinism, he often faces extra attention from people around him. This is why he prefers taking to his hobbies due to their solitary setting. His hobbies include hiking and swimming. He would camp more often but due to being a scaredycat, he would need someone to camp out with him every time. Pyry's most trasured item his is older brothers old leatherjacket from back when his brother was still a teen. Klaus found the jacket too cringy to wear so he gave it off to his brother who loves it. Due to the jacket being Klaus' old, it brings Pyry some safety. Klaus used to have an intimidating aura back when he was still a teen after all.
"is that [redacted]'s kid's jacket?" "Oh fuck you're right.. actually that might be the guys younger brother" "oh I've heard of the lil shit. Apparently he's got this freaky bright white fur. Knowing who his brother is, I don't wanna mess with the guy. Let's get out of here."
Oki heres the old refs!!
Klaus' old ref is from 2023, so a year ago. The improvement in a year alone is fucking wild
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Then theres Pyry's old ref.. which barely counts as a ref. Mans changed so much- I have leaned further in on the albino trait and developed him more. He also actually looks 21 now 💀 I like to think this design (minus the hair/fur and eyecolors) is what he looked as a bit younger kid. maybe.. idk
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klaus-littlestwolf · 11 months
In your last post you said about Klaus getting turned on by watching the reader eat?
Could we have more on/about that in a separate one-shot if you have the time? 💕
One More Bite -Klaus M.
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I combined this request with another one I had gotten in my PM’s for Klaus’ mate giving him a blowjob when he’s in his wolf form, so fair warning on that.
If that is something that the original requester isn’t okay with and you don’t want to read this, send me another request and I’ll write something else for you as I understand you may not want to read something like this because it’s for such a specific kind of reader I assume (even though I am one of those readers).
Warning: Severe Warning on this fic! This fic contains Smut while our favorite Hybrid is in his wolf form! Blow-Job warning! Klaus becoming aroused by watching his Mate eat food. Also brief mentions of a school shooting when talking about the Scream movie series.
Sitophilia: Arousal involving food
Don’t Like=Don’t Read
Dead Dove:Do Not Eat!
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Klaus has no clue where it came from.
It started when he was in Alarics body in the lunch room, watching over his Doppelgänger and her friends was proving entertaining to him…until he saw her. Y/n was a friend of theirs that didn’t seem to be all that involved in their Supernatural affairs, blatantly ignoring them as they spoke about the immortal Hybrid that sat 2 tables away possessing their History teacher.
She was a beautiful girl, one of the sweetest the 1000 year old man had ever seen, he swore it was true with how kind and naive she seemed to be. Klaus felt the need to protect her and ensure her safety, swearing to himself he would leave her out of all of this but just as he was about to leave the lunchroom he found himself captivated by her once more. It took a bit too long to notice that he was staring at the girl as she ate her lunch.
Klaus had never really been fascinated by watching someone eat before and it was an odd thought all together, but he couldn’t deny his enjoyment at watching her…he also couldn’t deny the raging erection in his pants that he willed away as strongly as he could as he wasn’t in his pants or his body and he was Not dealing with that!
He had gone to the front office later that day, finding her file and reading as much about her as he could. Her name was Y/F/n, she was on the honor roll with mostly all A’s and a few B’s, he found her address as well as the fact that she is emancipated and living in that apartment alone. He looked more into that, finding out that her parents had died a few months prior (when Damon had released the tomb vampires) and she lived on money they left as well as what she made working in a movie theater in the next town.
He found himself hating the idea of his girl being forced to work a job on top of going to school and getting amazing grades, only to come home to an apartment all alone with no family and no real friends as that Scooby Gang doesn’t seem to be very close with her. Klaus can’t explain his feelings, his attraction, or why he wants to take care of her so badly but he knows he doesn’t want her working this hard so that she can be all alone and in pain.
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Klaus ditched Alarics body as soon as he was able and while his witches were dealing with the things he needed for his curse, he made his way to the next town and into the little movie theater. He walked into the theater and up to the snack counter where she was sat, reading something on her phone before jumping up as she saw him.
‘Good afternoon sir, what can I get for you to make your movie experience better?’ She asked, a smile on her face as if anyone could enjoy this job everyday. He hated seeing the dark circles under her eyes that she tried to cover with makeup, he wanted to see her in a comfortable bed, sleeping as much as she needed, wanted to watch her enjoy breakfast in bed with the knowledge that she didn’t have to go to work or school or do anything other than be with him. He found himself staring down at her as he imagined feeding her that breakfast while his cock was still buried deep inside of her cu- ‘Sir?’
‘Sorry, lost in thought there.’ He chuckled and she did as well.
‘I do it all the time, no worries. Can I get you something to eat?’ He looked as if he was considering it before responding.
‘Actually, I would love to get you something to eat.’ She looked up at him confused and he thought it was adorable. ‘Would you like to see a movie with me?’ She was shocked by this, clearly, and didn’t respond very quickly. ‘What time do you get done?’ He asked as if he didn’t know it was in 5 minutes.
‘Oh, I’m done in about 5 minutes. I have to get home and study for a test though-‘
‘Aw, let yourself relax a bit. Let me treat you to a movie, you can get whatever you want to eat, and you can pick the movie.’ The blush that spread over her face was adorable and he loved every second of it.
‘Really? Even if I pick a chick flick?’ He nodded, seeing a coworker walking out to take over her shift. ‘Okay, I want to see 5 Nights at Freddy’s…let me go get changed.’ Her smile lit up Klaus’ whole world and he smiled as he watched her walk away, her cute little ass nearly on display in the short skirt she had to wear as a uniform. Klaus only waited about 5 minutes for her to return after getting the tickets (and experiencing the man’s shocked face as he bought all the tickets in the entire theater so that they would be alone), wearing a dark tank top and fluffy pajama pants. ‘Sorry about the clothes, I was prepared to go home and get in bed.’ She explained but he waved her off.
‘Not a problem, next time I’ll wear pajamas too. I’m Nik, by the way.’ He teased, seeing her eyes light up at the idea of a second date.
‘Y/n, nice to meet you Nik.’
‘Alright, what do you want to eat?’ This was a dine-in theater, and while Klaus remembered when theaters sold popcorn, soda and candy exclusively, he found himself happy about the idea of providing his girl a good meal and getting to watch her eat it.
‘Oh, I’ll just get a small popcorn-‘
‘You just got off work, you must be hungry. Please let me get you a meal? Anything you want, if you don’t choose I’ll choose for you and I’ll be forced to feed it to you.’ He teased, wrapping his arm around her waist to test the water of how she felt about him touching her and to his surprise she leaned into his side, allowing his hand to stay on her waist. She was attracted to him too, he could practically smell it, and it made the Hybrid truly happy to know that his girl at least liked him as well.
‘Fine, okay. Hey Kyle, can I get an order of cheese fries, please?’
‘And?’ She shot him a teasing glare before rolling her eyes.
‘And a large order of chicken tenders with extra honey mustard. And since we’re bending this guys wallet, I’ll also have a large chocolate brownie milkshake-with extra chocolate sauce…I hope you like chocolate cause I won’t drink all of that, it’s huge.’ Klaus just grinned as he handed over his card. ‘Wait! You’re not getting anything?’
‘A bucket of popcorn too, please?’ He ordered and she stared at him as he paid for the wildly overpriced food. He carried the popcorn, allowing her to drizzle butter all over it along with salt before they went and found their seats, a girl bringing Y/n’s food about 10 minutes later just as the movie started.
‘I can’t believe there’s no one else in here, especially this late.’
‘Is this a popular movie?’ He asked, genuinely having no idea what it’s about. Klaus hadn’t come here with any intention of watching a movie, he just wanted to be with his girl so to him, the movie didn’t make one single fucking difference.
‘Oh yeah, it’s based on a horror game that I loved, plus Matthew Lillard is in this so I want to see it desperately. People really believe that his character is just Stu from the Original Scream a few years after he “died”. Which he 100% didn’t by the way.’ He could see how sure she was of this and enjoyed her dedicated belief to a movie she clearly loved.
‘How are you so sure he lived?’ He wondered and she turned her body to him more, ready to explain her theory.
‘Okay, so he was supposed to be the killer in the third scream movie! He was cast and everything but they had to scrap the whole plot. It was going to be based on a school shooting but that was right as Columbine happened so they changed the whole movie. Respect for them not doing that, 100%, but it proves that canonically he is absolutely alive. I don’t really get the connection to this movie, but if people believe it then why not?’ He nodded along, enjoying himself as much she seemed to enjoy these horror plots.
‘You’re a horror movie girl, aren’t you?’
‘Yup. Which is weird cause I used to be terrified of all scary movies but now I love them. We should have a horror movie marathon, clearly you haven’t seen the Scream movies and if you haven’t seen them, what else haven’t you seen?!’
‘Most of them, I’m not much of a TV watcher. I mostly just paint in my free time, I’ve seen a few though. The one in the mask who tries to kill his sister.’
‘Michael Myers, Halloween.’ She said, instantly knowing what he was talking about.
‘The Hick who has a chainsaw and wears people’s faces?’
‘Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’
‘The demon people, one of them has pins all over his head?’
‘Pinhead, HellRaiser. Truly an amazing movie, probably one of my favorite plot lines.’ He was amazed at how she knew every one of these from just the simple descriptions, he knew they were probably popular but it was so cute how sure and excited she was.
‘And the guy with knives for hands.’ Her eyebrows raised as he said this.
‘I’m going to assume you mean Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street as we’re talking about horror movies and not Edward Scissorhands which is a sad movie that ripped my soul from my body. It a great movie but it’s sad as hell. Why are people so mean to everyone just because they’re different?’ He shrugged at this.
‘People will always judge what they don’t understand, especially when it’s other people. It’s always been that way.’ He knew from personal experience and Y/n seemed to hear the emotion in his voice because she reached over and took his hand in hers.
‘People suck. Cheese fry?’ She offered, holding out the box and he took one, watching as she bit into a couple as the lights went down. He was thankful for his vampire vision as he leaned back into the seat and kept his eyes on her. She was fascinated by the movie but he was fascinated by her. Klaus watched as she ate, finally getting to watch her eat a meal that wasn’t a snack in a cafeteria. The idea that he had provided his girl food, a real meal (for seemingly the first time since he first saw her 3 days ago) was satisfying to say the least. He stared as she ate her fries, her tongue peeking out every now and again to lick the cheese from her lips, causing his cock to twitch every single time. The moan that came from her as she first bit into a piece of chicken had him fully hard and completely desperate, watching as her tongue licked the honey mustard from her finger, her lips wrapping around her thumb and sucking on it with a “pop” as she pulled it from her mouth. He was so lost in his thoughts as he watched her perfect little mouth, he didn’t even hear the words that came from it. ‘Nik? You okay?’
‘Hmm? Yes! Of course, I’m great…you’re so damn gorgeous, and it’s distracting.’ Her cheeks turned red as he said this and she couldn’t hide it from him.
‘You are really sweet…please tell me this isn’t some kind of weird joke.’ As she said this his mind was ripped from his fantasies, confused as to why she would think something like that.
‘What? That’s crazy, why would you-‘
‘You walked into a movie theater without a ticket, came up to the food counter and asked me out to then buy a ticket and buy me dinner. You’re either the oddest and luckiest man in the world considering I was finished my shift when you came in, or this was planned and someone put you up to it…I’m an 18 year old girl in high school on a date with a hot dude in his 20’s…you can at least imagine why I’m a bit skeptical?’ She looked sad and he hated that he had caused it…why is this girl getting to him like this?!
‘I’m sorry that you feel the need to be skeptical of someone asking you out. I admit, I planned to ask you on a date. I saw you yesterday and I thought you were lovely so I decided to ask you out, I thought taking you to a movie after work would be a nice idea, I also thought you would enjoy relaxing and watching a movie right after your shift-‘ A look of guilt overtook her eyes as she realized how much thought he put into asking her on this date and she felt horrible instantly.
‘Oh God…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m a bitch! I-‘
‘No you’re not, relax love. It’s okay, I can see why you were questioning the situation. I want to take you out again, I enjoy you already and I admittedly enjoy feeding you.’ Her eyes widened a bit but she couldn’t turn more red than she already was.
‘Oh…okay? I-I can honestly say I haven’t heard that one before but it sounds nice to me.’ She joked as he reached out, picking up a French fry and feeding it to her, grunting as she wrapped her lips around the tip of his thumb to get the melted cheese off of his skin, taking her time a bit too much as she did this and Klaus couldn’t hold in his groan.
‘Christ Y/n, you’re going to be the death of me.’
Through the rest of their date Klaus enjoyed feeding his girl nearly all of the food he had bought her, her insisting he at least have some as well and he brought her home that night, pressing his lips to hers sweetly and deciding he liked that his girl blushed 90% of their time together.
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It was 3 days later that he found out why he was so desperate for this girl more than any other in his entire lifetime.
They had been texting almost all day every day along with him visiting her daily, Klaus getting everything ready to break his curse and actually getting it done with some help from his annoying elder brother (after he tried to murder him) before running off into the forest, his wolf determined to get where he needed to be.
It was the first time in 1000 years that Klaus could hear his wolf in his head the way other werewolves could. In the almost month he had been a Hybrid 1000 years ago he had gotten used to him being there and the curse had taken that from him.
As his paws slammed against the dirt, sprinting through the forest Klaus couldn’t help but wonder where they were going and he quickly got his answer.
“Mate!” The voice he had so sorely missed, growled roughly.
“Mate?” He wondered, having heard the term before but knowing that werewolves finding their mates was extremely rare. Maybe because they were so far out of time if Klaus’ mate being alive 1000 years after his human life was an indication. “Y/n is my mate…no wonder I’m so drawn to her!” A happy feeling was bubbling up in his chest as he realized he had finally found his mate, something he had hoped could exist for him since he found out soulmates were real for wolves.
“Need Mate! Need Mate Now!” The aggressive growl was almost concerning to him as his paws slowed to a trot when he arrived at the home he had been visiting his girl in for the last few days.
“She’s going to be scared! We can’t let her see us-Stop!” He snapped, feeling stupid that he was literally shouting at himself.
“Mate Knows! Mate Not Stupid!” His wolf snarled, sounding offended by the idea that she didn’t know who he was. He scratched at the apartment door and Klaus tried to control his body, to run back into the trees and away from her when the door swung open and his Mate looked down at him in shock.
‘I have to be honest, didn’t see this coming Nik. I mean I got the whole “Nik-Klaus” thing, Elijah told us all your real name but…what exactly do you want me to do with this?’ She asked, clearly entertained by him showing up in his wolf form. He whined, scratching at the doorframe which made her chuckle. ‘Okay, you can come in Niklaus-oh, okay.’ He walked into her apartment before she was even done speaking, hopping up onto the couch and staring up at her as if waiting for something to happen. ‘I seriously thought your interest in me was a joke when I realized who you were. Damon was making fun of me for falling for it…you’re actually into me, aren’t you? Cause I figure you being here right now means either you really like me or you plan to rip me to shreds in my own home. Which is it?’ She asked him and Klaus rolled his eyes, laying his head onto her lap when she sat down beside him on the couch. ‘Oh…good…I could get used to this.’
For the rest of the evening Klaus lounged on Y/n’s couch with her, watching horror movies from the extensive list that she had made of “Horror Movies Nik Needs to Watch”. He also enjoyed once again watching as she ate her dinner, or his personal favorite, watching her eat a pint of ice cream. God, he wants her tongue on his cock so badly, which she noticed as it was on display and larger than one would expect. To her credit, she ignored it for quite a long time, pretending it wasn’t there until the voice in his head made it physically impossible any longer. He was talking about all the different ways he wanted to bend her over and fuck her tight little cunt until she was begging him to stop, practically drooling over how her tongue peeked out and licked the ice cream off of the spoon, desperate to watch her lick his cream off of his hard cock which is around the time his member began leaking onto the blanket underneath him on the couch.
‘Nik?’ She questioned and he lifted his head from her lap to look up at her, as if pretending he hadn’t been staring at her this whole time. ‘Do you need help?’ He tilted his head as if asking her what she meant…she couldn’t possibly mean- ‘Do you need help with your…problem? It’s distracting and it seems to be getting worse.’
At this moment Klaus is happy that he is not just a vampire, but also in his wolf form and unable to show her how embarrassed he is with a look on (what would now be) his completely red face. He couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped him before jumping down from the couch and trotting over to the door, scratching the wood and waiting for her to release him. “Let Mate Help!” That aggressive voice piped up again and he tried to shove it back down.
‘I didn’t mean I wanted you to leave, I…I mean if you wanted me to, I…it would have to be really fucking private, I mean if you ever told anyone I would skin you alive!’
Klaus suddenly felt his tail come to life, wagging around behind him like crazy as he released a small “yip” sound, moving back over and hopping up onto the couch again, nuzzling his nose against her cheek.
‘Ahh! It’s cold and wet!’ She was giggling and it was a sound that Klaus knew he adored from the moment he first heard it in the schools cafeteria. ‘I hope you realize that when you’re human again, I want an explanation as to why watching me eat gets you so worked up.’ She teased, moving from the couch to her knees. ‘Are all wolves cocks this big, or is it a werewolf thing?’
“Perfect Mate! Pretty, Perfect Mate! Need to Fuck Mate!” Klaus shook his head quickly as that thought came from nowhere, trying to keep his wolf from controlling anything else when suddenly his cock was enveloped into her hot mouth causing the pathetic sounding whine that exited him.
Her lips were stretched wide around his thick member as he now leaned back against the couch, wanting desperately to hold onto her hair but knowing that he can’t. He settled for one paw resting on the back of her head and couldn’t hold back the growl that burst from his chest, her tongue trailing over the head of his cock which nearly made him finish laughably fast.
You could have never convinced Klaus that this would be something that he wanted, in 1000 years the thought had crossed his mind, of course, but it wasn’t something that really got him off until now. Now, rutting into his mate was all he could think about like it was playing on a constant loop in his mind. As he looked down and saw her on her knees in front of him a content purr built up in his chest. He didn’t know how deeply he had longed for his mate, maybe if his wolf hadn’t been bound from him, he would have.
His thoughts were cut off by the choking noise that came from her as his large cock hit the back of her throat. “Perfect Mate! Perfect Little Tongue!” The growl that exploded from him made her eyes widen in fear before he was cumming in ropes into her mouth, her hand coming up to catch what leaked from her lips.
‘Fuck!’ She cursed after swallowing everything he had to give and looking up at him, as if an innocent little virgin who hadn’t just sucked his wolf cock into next year. ‘Do all werewolves cum that much?’ She giggled and he whined in response, leaning forward and licking her face. ‘I’m not doing that again until you prove how good you are in bed as a man first.’ She was teasing him but he nipped at her throat, catching the skin and watching a drop of blood rise to the surface. ‘Ow…shouldn’t you be out slaughtering innocent humans right now?’ He shook his head, which he’s sure looked like a dog shaking off the water after being in the rain. ‘But that’s what you were going to do before finding me?’ He didn’t respond to this, simply moving to lay down across her lap as she sat back on the couch. ‘It’s okay, I’ll still be here when you’re human again, go.’ He peeked up at her, from this angle the light made her look like an Angel sent from Heaven, as if a gift just for his devilish soul.
“Stay Close! Never Leave Mate! Never Again!” He really hopes that once he fucks his mate and makes her his that his wolf will calm down about her, he may be right but he’s intense.
‘Go Nik, I’ll be right here when you get back, I promise. I have nothing to do tomorrow, I will stay until you come and get me. When you do we’ll order take out and you can stare at me while I eat it.’ He sat up, making a questioning noise that he honestly didn’t know he could make. ‘I Promise.’ She insisted, jumping up and opening the back door towards the woods. ‘I won’t leave, I won’t open the door for anyone either. Get, before you get needier and decide to hump me in my sleep.’ He did as she said, leaving out the back door and taking one final look at her before he was gone, running through the woods as he had always longed for, every day of his immortal life since it was snatched away from him and for the first time in his very long life, knowing that he had someone to come back to.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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klausysworld · 1 year
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Pet Puppy
Klaus wasn’t easily fooled. He knew that the Salvatores, Elena & co were hiding something from him. So he did what anyone would do and investigated the matter.
He figured it out to a person, originally he thought that perhaps it was another Gilbert sibling but then one day he caught her scent.
She must’ve been a wolf, meaning she must be Tyler’s sister or another werewolf family was in town. So he went straight to his first sired hybrid and fired 20 questions at him. He watched as the boy struggled to find any possible loopholes to answer the questions in a a way that told him nothing. And yet by doing so it told him just about everything.
He figured out what she must look like, how she dresses, things she liked and what things meant to her. She was the perfect omega in his mind, a sweet little girl who would behave well and have a soft, innocent persona.
He knew she must if she had been hidden away this long, been compliant to the rules the Mystic Falls gang had set for her.
It wasn’t the easiest task as he searched through the Salvatores house and spied on the Gilbert’s. He checked Bonnies too but found she barely stayed there herself now that she had her mother back. Klaus had nearly forgotten that he was able to get into Caroline’s house after the whole biting situation.
But when he noticed the blonde coming to the grill and picking up an extra plate of food his curiosity peaked. He followed her home and that’s when he spotted the pretty face he had pictured so well as she came and pulled the curtains closed with a bright smile on her face as Elena beckoned her into her arms.
He had to come back another day, get her alone and see if she truly was the perfect omega.
His wolf already thought so and even if she wasn’t he might just take her for the fun of it, piss off everyone in town while having a pretty thing to entertain him.
Though that perspective changed when he got inside the house the next morning. He watched as she nearly jumped a mile when he came up behind her resulting in a pillow launched at his head and a chuckle to erupt from him.
He chased after her as she darted around the house, taking much enjoyment in the hunt before ultimately pouncing at her and tackling her to the ground.
His wolf could have purred at the instant submission she offered once he had caught her, the way her neck arched for him to bite if he so pleased and the little whine she emitted was delightful.
He looked down at her, keeping her pinned against the carpeted floor as he looked her over. She were smaller than he originally imagined but it only added to his attraction, her eyes big and fearful and yet a swirl of lust within them as his wolf produced a strong alpha scent to entice her in. His head tilted to the side and in response so did hers making the corner of his lips pull up.
She wriggled beneath him slightly in an attempt to get him to weaken his hold which he did after squeezing her neck gently. He moved back for her to sit up, he watched as she twitched in anticipation, as she got ready to bolt again. But she didn’t, just remained on edge as he trailed his fingers along each curve of her body. Certain spots he touched gained different reactions, mostly whimpers and little squeaks if he pressed down too hard.
But she didn’t shy away from him, she allowed him to touch and feel every inch of her skin that he could reach and shuddered or shivered in reply. Her wolf’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as his hands left a path of fire in their wake. Both amusement and lust mixed through him as she practically crawled her way into his lap and he rubbed all along her thighs, hips, back, torso, chest, shoulders.
His lips brushed along the side of his neck as she whined quietly to herself before stopping just behind her ear and kissing the spot tenderly.
“Pretty puppy” he murmured as a soft purr rumbled through her. Her head leant back against his shoulder as she sat between his legs. His teeth nibbled her earlobe lightly making her lips part and a soft moan to leave her.
Another 20 minutes went by of his kisses growing rougher, her sounds getting higher and louder as her body arched and clung to him.
Of course until a loud shriek tore his attention away from the swell of her breast which he had nearly gotten completely out of her bra cup. He glanced up to find Caroline looking horrified at the display of hickeys and bite marks in her friends throat, let alone her enemy with his mouth around the omegas tit.
Y/n was entirely out of it though and still moaning softly as his hands groped her gently, his eyes daring Caroline to do or say anything.
She practically ran out of her house, straight on the phone and screaming down it to Damon in a fit.
But by the time Damon had arrived, Klaus had Y/n back at his house.
Her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he buried his face in between her breasts while he carried her up the stairs.
He nipped and sucked along them greedily before dropping her onto his bed and crawling on top of her. And he was entirely ready to claim her right there and then, until he looked down and saw her sweet face.
Her eyes completely black and her body almost vibrating from how loud her purr was. The backs of her fingers brushed over her chest as he hummed gravely.
“You’re such a sweet omega aren’t you puppy?” He muttered seeing her pant and tug at his henley like a dog in heat. His lips pulled into a smile and he leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. “Oh I think I’ll be keeping you my lovely” he smirked.
And he most definitely intended on it.
He didn’t care how many times Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, anyone came to try take her away. He had a firm grip on her at all times, keeping her at his side or pressed to his chest.
She was such a good girl for him, always doing as asked and curled up on top of him.
He would kiss her head and smooth his hands down her sides while feeling her face muzzle into his chest.
He carried her just about everywhere, whether it was to the kitchen or across town. There shouldn’t even be the slightest risk that she would be stolen from him. And he made sure of it.
Hands on her, arms around her, scent rubbed all over her and a range of sweet nothings and dirty somethings whispered in her ears.
She was his little pup until the day they both died, she would never leave him, not with how good he was for her.
He always kept her safe, protected, happy, loved and cared for.
“Hungry? Don’t worry puppy, I have your food on the way and your snack drawer is full.”
“Thirsty? Would you rather drink my blood or I bring you something different?”
“Sleepy little pup? That’s okay, you can curl right up here.”
Anything she needed, he could and would provide. Always…and forever of course.
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frost-queen · 3 months
Tear the world apart (Reader X Elijah Mikaelson)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , 
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You could already smell the blood, coming from a mile. The scent mixed with the forests fragrance. That damp mossy smell after the rain hat hit in a morning glow. Your senses kicked in, turning your eyes yellow. Leaving the cabin, you started running. No human could keep up as you rushed through the bayou. The earth squishy underneath your feet. Last night was a heavy rain fall in the bayou. Sending the river banks higher than normal. You and your pack had taken shelter for the night. Eye colour a bright yellow.
The scenery flashed by as you covered your grounds quick. The smell of blood becoming more vivid. The forest reeking of it. Already slowing a bit down, you knew you were getting closer. A flock of crowd made you snap your head back up to the sky. They were circling above your head. Cawing loud. Seeing one dive down. It made you widen your eyes, jumping over a mossy log to get closer to the blood smell.
Stepping deeper into the swamp, you were overwhelmed by the smell. There came a clearing as your eyes widened. Growing larger with the shock. A repulsion came over you, almost making you want to throw up. It was hard to swallow it down seeing the massacred pile of human. A few flies already buzzing around them. Amongst the pile, you recognized a face that wasn’t so heavily covered in blood. – “Ben!” – you screamed out, running over to the pile.
It was then that you recognized more of them. Your pack. Slaughtered. You shoved a body off Ben, wanting to check on your alpha. You were a small pack of wolves. Mostly existing of wolves no one else wanted to take. Those who found refuge with Ben in the bayou. You couldn’t control your tears as you wiped the blood of his face. Wanting him to be clean. Mud mixing with blood as it stained your clothing and limbs.
It was then that your eyes fell on the two puncture holes in his neck. Your hands clenched into fists, catching some mud with it. Letting your head fall back, you screamed your lungs out. Sending the flock of crows above your head fleeing. Every fibre in your body trembled with the intensity of your scream till your body fell forwards from exhaustion. You hadn’t heard them going out. Not remembering much from last night.
Like lambs they were slaughtered and there was only one who could’ve done this. Vampires. Your sworn enemies. Wiping the back of your hand against your cheek, you left an unwanted bloody mud smudge. Getting up, you backed away from the bodies. Knowing what you had to do. You snapped a branch, pointing the sharpy end at the sun. Lowering your hand, you set out on your war path. Hungry for some vampires. Specially those originals.
The looks the locals gave you, didn’t bother you. Not even their pulled up noses from the smell. You kept walking with one goal only. The Mikaelsons house clear in your vision. You didn’t care who was at home as someone was going to pay for this. Letting the wooden spike twirl in your hand, you weren’t afraid of them. At this point you weren’t afraid of anything. Savages they were. Rebekah smelled it first, pulling her nose up. – “What is that ghastly smell?” – she asked moving her hand in front of her nose. – “It smells like a swamp.” – she added as Klaus laughed loud.
“Is that you? You pig?” – she accused him. Klaus held his hands up. – “Do not look at me.” – he said, suddenly jumping up when someone entered their family home. – “Mikaelsons!” – you shouted loud. Rebekah quirking her eyebrow up at you. Clearly having found the source of smell. Klaus rushed over to you, stopping you before you could enter more. – “Out!” – he ordered with a glare.
You rose the wooden spike at him, your eyes flashing yellow. – “Make me.” – you replied firm. – “You seem a bit lost Wolfie?” – Kol appeared behind Klaus, crossing his arms. You bared your teeth at him making Kol snap his mouth teasingly at you to mimic a bite. – “What do you want?” – Klaus called out. – “I want your head on a pike!” – you made clear moving the spike closer to his throat. – “Get in line for that.” – Kol answered behind Klaus. Klaus curled up a smirk, finding you very bold to threaten him like that. – “Brothers, let’s be civil.” – Elijah Mikaelson came down the stairs, already taking out a handkerchief for you.
Needing to out your anger, you threw the spike at him. It hit him in the shoulder making him grunt. He slowly pulled it out making it clatter to the ground. In a matter of a second he was at your side. Having grabbed you as your back hit the wall making you gasp loud. He was already showing you his fangs out of spite. – “Why are you here?” – he asked looking at you with those darkened eyes. – “To kill you!” – you replied receiving a hard push back against the wall.
“You killed my pack!” – you made clear. – “You blood suckers slaughtered my pack last night and you are going to pay for it!” – you shouted pushing Elijah off you. He stumbled backwards a bit shocked by your accusations. Panting loud, you watched as the four Mikaelsons came nearer. – “Y/n?” – Hayley’s voice broke the tension as she appeared between Klaus and Kol.
“What… what happened?” – she asked worried. – “Did you set them up to it?” – you called out to her, taking a step as Elijah reached his hand out to keep you at a distance from her. – “To what?” – Hayley replied confused. – “They slaughtered my pack!” – you screamed out. – “Last night at the swamp. Massacred them after they sucked them dry!”
Hayley gasped loud in shock. – “I… I have no pack…” – you hated yourself for getting emotional, but seeing their mangled up bodies in your mind, made you want to cry your eyes out. Hayley rushed over to you as Klaus tried to hold her back. Elijah noticed her, grabbing her by the arm quickly before she could reach you. – “Typical wolves to blame any murder on us.” – Elijah said with disgust. – “I saw the puncture holes!” -  you let out, pointing at your neck with two fingers. – “Wiped your own memories for that?” – you mocked. – “We didn’t kill your pack.” – Rebekah said loud making you puff loud.
“Liar!” – you yelled, wanting to have something to throw at them. – “All you ever do is kill… my family… you killed my family…” – your voice fading out a bit. Staring heartbroken down at the ground. – “Mark my words Mikaelsons. I’ll have your heads.” – you threatened taking your leave as you knew you were outnumbered now. Elijah scoffed loud, slowly letting go of Hayley. Hayley stared questionable at her friends. – “What?” – Klaus asked. – “Did you? Did you kill Y/n’s pack?” – she asked. -  “Why should I be bothered with a nameless pack?” – Klaus said back with a devious smirk.
Elijah gasped loud seeing his sister’s neck broken. He rushed over to her, seeing the rip marks at her shirt. Three tears going from her stomach to her back. It made Elijah worry, making him lift her shirt up to see the damage. Three scratches of nails crossed into her skin. It made Elijah only think of one person who could’ve done this. He waited till his sister woke up and the scratch marks disappeared as they seemed to be of no harm.
As soon as Kol could watch their sister, Elijah set off on a path of war. He reached the swamps quickly. The smell of blood clear on his senses. He first went to the cabins knowing you’d be there. Except you weren’t there. Listening, he heard shovelling. He fled over to the sound. The first thing he did was cover up his nose at the smell from the blood that has been cooking under the glory sun for a day now. Looking around, he saw several dug out pits. In one of them sand flew up.
Elijah made his way over to the pit, looking down in it. There he saw you shovelling. Face dirty with sand. As the sun got blocked from you, casting a shadow over your face, you looked up. Coming face to face with Elijah. – “What do you want!” – you called out. Elijah jumped into the pit, grabbing you by the arms. He then jumped out, slamming your back against the ground as he sat on top of you. – “I know you hurt my sister!” – he spitted out with anger. Eyes already darkening at you. – “What?” – you replied confused.
“You said you’d have our heads, so you must feel glorious for hurting my sister.” – Elijah set more pressure on your shoulders, pushing them firmer onto the ground. – “I have been here all day and night!” – you shouted at him, trying to get him off. – “Shovelling graves to bury my pack, the pack you killed!” – you made clear, pushing him off you. Elijah fell backwards as you got up. – “Have a look around idiot! You really think I dug all those graves in five minutes?” – you yelled making him take another look. There were indeed a number of graves already dug. – “I didn’t hurt your sister.” – you told him annoyed. – “And I didn’t kill your pack!” – Elijah answered equally bothered.
You dropped the shovel, walking up to the bodies you had separated form each other. Having laid them carefully beside each other with a sheet over them. You pulled one of the sheets back, pointing down. Elijah neared seeing the puncture wounds as well. – “I did not kill them.” – Elijah reminded you once more. – “Then who did? Fairies?” – you replied sarcastically. Elijah knelt down to the body, moving his two fingers at the same length of the puncture holes.
“They are too close together for bite marks.” – he informed you. – “Bull! You are just calling things to deflect your murders.” – you told him as Elijah pulled himself back up. He pulled out a handkerchief, offering it to you. – “I do not.” – he responded. You puffed loud, pushing his hand away. – “I don’t need your tissues.” – you made clear. Elijah offered it again. – “You have dirt on your face.” – he informed you. Bothered you took the handkerchief from him, wiping it across your face. – “Oh look you are capable of having a clean face.” – he teased as you shoved him aside.
You pressed the handkerchief against his chest walking back to the shovel. – “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have more graves to dig.” – you jumped back into the pile to shovel more. Elijah looked briefly at the heavens before taking off his jacket. He rolled his sleeves up, grabbing another shovel to help you. You blinked surprised when you saw him jump down the hole with you to shovel. He didn’t say a word, just shovelling. He even helped you lay the bodies down to bury.
After a proper burial, you returned to your cabin as Elijah followed. You threw a clean shirt and vest at him to change in. Elijah went to the bathroom to clean up as you washed yourself a bit at the sink. Putting on clean clothing that didn’t were stained with dirt and sand. Elijah returned as you were sitting down. – “I find it very strange.” – he started, arms crossed. You flashed your gaze up to him. – “How the puncture holes clearly tried to resemble teeth, but they were too close together for that.” – he went on.
“Are you saying you didn’t kill them?” – you joked out. Elijah looked down at you. – “Yes.” – he let you know. You got up coming to face him. – “And I didn’t hurt your sister.” – you told him making him roll his eyes at you. – “Do you see that!” – you pointed out some scratch marks on the farthest wall. – “Did the scratches look remotely like that?” – you asked loud. Elijah stared at the marks, as they were nothing alike. He started thinking. Pacing around the room.
“If we didn’t do this… then someone must have gone through a great length to put us up against each other.” – Elijah explained thoughtfully. – “We are each other’s enemies.” – you stated sitting back down. – “Yes and what common enemy do we have?” – Elijah asked gesturing at you. It made you widen your eyes. – “Witches.” – Elijah spoke as it all made sense now. – “The question is why would they do this?”
You pulled your shoulders up, feeling a bit tired from shovelling day and night. – “Tired Wolfie?” – Elijah teased. – “Bite me.” – you responded snappy. Elijah was about to leave as you got up, holding him back by his arm. – “I want to kill them. Do not take this hunt from me.” – you told him. – “Afraid I wouldn’t share furry?” – Elijah responded with a chuckle. – “Watch it sucker before I actually rip your chest open.” – you threatened back.
You let go of his arm, taking a step back. Elijah looked up to the ceiling, knowing what kind of night it would be. – “It’s a full moon tonight.” – he said. – “I’ll be fine!” – you told him picking your dirty cloths. – “Without your pack?” – he asked concerned. It made you furrow your brows a bit. – “I’ve been on my own before.” – you answered walking past him to the laundry basket. Dropping the clothing in it. – “Go home.” – you told him leaving out the door to go collect some fire wood.
You were surprised to see Elijah had stayed despite you telling him to leave. – “I thought I told you to leave.” – you said dropping the firewood before the stove. – “You shouldn’t be on your own.” – he responded. – “I don’t need your babysitting.” – you snapped annoyed at him. Elijah walked up to you, kneeling beside you to help you out. – “I could bite your head off.” – you warned him. Elijah chuckled loud. – “I’d like to see you try.” – he responded. – “You should’ve told me, I would’ve dug another grave just for you.” – you teased flashing a smile at him.
The two of you sat down, waiting for the moon to come. You felt it was close, getting up. Elijah got up as well with a worried expression. – “Stay inside!” – you ordered him, heading for the door. He took a step closer to you, making you make your warning even clearer. – “I said stay!” – with a glare, you wanted him to listen. – “Woof.” – Elijah answered bursting in laughter as you didn’t find it funny at all. You left the cabin, taking your distance from it. Moving more towards the riverbanks. The first crack of your bones, made you scream loud, sinking to the ground. A second and third crack dislocated your arms.
Screaming loud in terror, your eyes flashed yellow. Elijah rushed outside, coming to your aid. – “Y/n.” – he said with worry. – “Leave!” – you cried out to him, panting from the pain. Another crack in your back made you scream in agony. Teeth bared as you pushed Elijah back. Elijah fell back, staring with wide eyes as you transformed into a wolf. He held a protective hand in front of him as you snarled at him. Teeth bared as you slowly approached him. – “Y/n…” – Elijah said gently not sure if you would hear him. He kept moving his head back as you neared.
Seeing the wild in your eyes. He gulped soft thinking you were truly going to bite his head off. Your nose neared his hand, sniffing his smell. Growling loud, your body purred with vibration. Then your mouth closed, your eyes seemingly softening up to him. Elijah’s eyes stood wide as you licked his hand. Lowering his hand, he saw the gentle change in you. You seemingly seemed to bow your head at him. Elijah exhaled loud as you brushed past him, running into the wilderness. Elijah returned to the cabin, waiting on the porch for your return. He staid up all night, waiting for the early morning glory. From between the trees, you returned.
Panting loud as your paws tripled back to the cabin. Exhausted you laid yourself down in front of the porch, changing with the morning sun back into yourself. Elijah undid his vest, laying it over your naked body. You pulled his vest closer around him as he picked you up. Carrying you back inside. He laid you on your bed, placing a blanket over you. Returning to the living room, he waited for you to return.
You had woken up and got dressed. Shyly you presented yourself to Elijah. – “I still have my head.” – he chuckled out. It made you chuckle back. Elijah approached you, placing a hand on your arm. – “How are you feeling?” – he asked. – “Like hell.” – you told him with a faint smile. You caught yourself staring at him, tearing your gaze away from him. – “You… you should go home… I’m out of the clearing so… no… no need to babysit me anymore.”
Elijah looked pitiful at you. Missing your gaze as he wanted to hold it a bit longer. – “You are still not fine Y/n.” – he said reaching out to you. – “Elijah.” – you responded moving his hand away from you. – “We… we are enemies.” – you reminded him. – “We don’t need to be…” – he responded. – “Let’s… let’s just find those witches.” – you answered as Elijah took a step back. – “Of course.” – he said.
 “You are dead!” – you called out, eyes flashing a bright twinkling yellow. Elijah bared his teeth beside you, his eyes darkening. The witches in front of you screaming loud. You started running for one of them. Elijah reached one of the witches in seconds, snapping their neck before she would utter a word. Her lifeless body dropped to the ground, making some of her sisters scream in tears at the loss of their sister.
You jumped on a witch, wrapping your legs around her as you dug your teeth into her neck. Ripping a piece of her flesh off. She screamed loud, sinking to the ground as you went down with her. Elijah was fighting off a witch as another one focused on you. Hand out as she said some magic. A deafening sound made you press your hands against your ears in terror. Crying loud at the immense pain she was causing you. Elijah grunted loud, rushing over to the witch. He broke her hand making her scream in pain. He then bared his teeth at her neck, biting through her neck.
“Y/n!” – Elijah rushed over to you, kneeling. – “Are you alright?” – he asked, holding his hands against your cheeks. You noticed a witch behind him with a dagger. Ready to throw it as you shoved Elijah aside, rolling over with him. The dagger flew above your heads, clattering to the ground.
Pushing yourself off Elijah, you ran up to her, punching her across the face. She stumbled back as another one wanted to approach you from the back. Elijah grabbed them firm by their clothing, tossing them back against a wall. Not one needed to lay a finger on you. Kicking the witch in her stomach, she stumbled back.
Elijah came standing behind her, breaking her neck as you heard the crack. Her body dropped before you to the ground. Elijah and you panting loud as you stared at each other. Elijah rushed up to you, grabbing a hold of you as he pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back, feeling the world melt around you.
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crazyinluvfix · 5 months
1:1 WOLF MOON ( pt. 2 )
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FATAL ATTRACTION - a stiles stilinski story
summary: after a lot of research, a lot of arguing, and a run in with a mysterious stranger, stiles and sera come to the conclusion that scott is a werewolf. sera struggles with this fact while simultaneously trying to keep them from finding out her own secret.
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5.5k words
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After practice, I headed straight to my shift at the hospital - an internship I got thanks to Ms McCall.
I was eternally grateful. Not because I had an affinity for medical care, but because a girl needs to eat. And nowadays I would rather suck my blood from a bag rather than a jugular; morality and all that.
The boys shot me a text saying that they were going to pick me up when I was done so we could continue last night’s target of finding the body, or at least just Scott’s inhaler - collateral damage.
I easily spotted Stiles’ Jeep, skipping over to hop in after watching Stiles kick Scott into the backseat.
“Man, that’s so unfair! Why does she always get to ride shotgun?” Scott protested, now sulking in behind us.
When I got in Stiles put his hand on the headrest of my seat to turn back to Scott, “Because it’s her seat.”
I stayed silent, my satisfied smile spoke for me.
My seat. It truly was. I was in this passenger seat more than anyone else so we dubbed it so. It was such a known rule that Stiles had even started to enforce it.
As we drove, Scott noticed me keeping my bag securely on my lap, rather than chucking it to him.
“What’s in the bag?” he pointed to my heavy-looking, extremely full bag.
‘Dinner,’ I wanted to say. But I didn’t. “Oh, just homework,”
Then Stiles looked over too, “God, your teachers must hate you.”
“I don’t know what it was.”
Me and Stiles wanted to go over Scott’s sudden, unnatural aptitude for lacrosse.
“It’s like… I had all the time in the world to catch the ball.” It seemed as if it didn’t make sense to him either.
“And that’s not the only weird thing…” his tone almost sounded worried, meanwhile Stiles was just intrigued. “I can hear stuff I shouldn’t be able to hear… smell things.”
“Smell things? Like what,” I inquired with a short laugh - I was trying to make light of the situation, but the more he spoke the less funny it became. Maybe it was all just placebo after thinking he got bit by a wolf, that’s what I’d go with.
Scott sniffed the air, “Like the mint mojito gum in Stiles’ pocket.”
Stiles scoffed, reaching down to prove him wrong, “I don’t have any mint mo-” and there it was. The half-wrapped stick of gum lay on his palm.
“Ew,” I muttered, trying to divert my feeling of unease.
“I’m scared that I’ve got some kind of infection from the bite or something,” Scott rambled like he was scared he was dying, although he seemed far from it, “like, what if my body is just flooding itself with adrenaline before I go into shock!”
Noticing the smirk grow on Stiles’ face as I waited for his witty remark.
“You know what, I actually think I’ve heard of this,” he stated as if he was suddenly a biology expert. Scott looked over with hope.
“It’s a specific type of infection,” his hand on his hips as he stopped in his tracks, feigning seriousness.
“Are you serious?” Scott questioned, knowing it was probably one of his jokes, but he was too desperate to care.
“Yeah,” Stiles nodded and I rolled my eyes, obliging him since I was curious about where this was going. “It’s called… lycanthropy,” he stated solemnly.
I fought the urge to sigh, or even laugh, but I waited for Scott’s reaction first. Seems like we were on the same wavelength here… except my concerns were a little more real.
“What’s that?” Scott asked, his tone building in worry, “Is that bad?”
“Oh yeah,” Stiles agreed quickly, shaking his head, “the worst.”
Scott got just a little more pale as Stiles carried on. “But, only once a month.”
“Once a month?”
“Mhm,” I stepped in, donning the same earnest expression as the boy to my left, “on the night of the full moon.” I felt Stiles’ eyes travel to me and out of the corner of mine I caught his smirk, a silent communication as to what we would do next.
We turned back to Scott and howled in sync, I put my hands around my mouth to amplify the dramatics before we both burst out laughing at Scott’s unimpressed look, him moving forward to push us.
“Not funny, guys, there could be something seriously wrong with me!” Scott stomped on the dry leaves and we continued walking.
“I know! You’re a werewolf!” Stiles put his hands up and growled like a monster.
Again, Scott’s only reply was a glare. “Okay, obviously I’m kidding.”
“I’m not,” I mumbled softly toward the ground, but they both turned around and questioned if I said something.
“Nothing,” I looked up and shook my head innocently.
“Look,” Stiles always tried to lighten the mood, “just saying, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver it’s ‘cause Friday’s a full moon,” he ran with the joke, reaching back to tap me on the arm to ask if I heard that one. I didn’t want to laugh, but he was just too good.
Scott just ignored us - he had learned that was best sometimes - instead, mentally scanning the ground. “I- I could’ve sworn this was it.” he squatted down to examine what wasn’t there further. “I saw the body, the deer came running, I dropped my inhaler.” He started to root around in the leaves, retracing his steps.
“The killer might’ve moved the body?” I speculated, because he was right, it was gone, I couldn’t even smell blood anymore.
“Well if he did I hope he left my inhaler, those things are like 80 bucks,” he grumbled saltily.
Over the noise of our banter I must’ve missed the sound of footsteps because, in a moment of silence, I picked up another heartbeat, turning to the side to see a tall man dressed in all black staring ominously in our direction. My arm outstretched to hit Stiles and my leg to kick Scott, but before they could complain, they saw him.
Scott shot to his feet as the man started to walk over.
“What are you doing here?” his voice boomed as he approached, clearly scaring the two boys on my either side as I heard their heart rates pick up and Stiles’ hands fidgeted frantically.
We obviously didn’t answer quickly enough because he spoke again, “Huh?”
I waited for Scott or Stiles to reply first, but they were frozen, I sighed.
“This is private property,” the man warned, the dark tone in his voice unsettling.
Then I smelt it… Wolf.
I stepped up, putting on my best, well-practiced innocent face, and looked up at him. “Oh! We’re sorry, we had no idea. We were just looking for something my friend lost,” my wide eyes sparkled, but he didn’t seem to fall for it, instead, his eyes lingered threateningly on me for a few seconds longer than they did on the boys.
A moment of eerie silence came over us before he swiftly took something out of his pocket and threw it into Scott’s hands. His inhaler. Then, without another word, the man walked away, but not before giving me another creepy death stare.
When he was a few paces away and the boys were still a little too shaken to talk, I broke the tension and chuckled. “Well, he was creepy,”
If my suspicions were right, I knew he heard that.
Stiles spun on his heel to face us his hands jumping up and he looked at Scott as if he was stupid for not reading his mind. “Dude!” he took a step closer so he could talk quietly, “That was Derek Hale! You remember right? He’s only like a few years older than us.”
“His family all burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago,” he continued, but I wasn’t listening. I checked out the moment he said ‘Derek Hale.’
So I was right.
The Hales were a notorious werewolf pack down here on the West Coast, but I had no idea they were still around! I had also heard that they were a different type of wolf… stronger, as they were not bound by only turning on a full moon. But I didn’t exactly know how ‘different’ they really were.
And if that was true about the Hales… then I was correct about Scott.
I stayed up the whole night thinking.
Was I a bad friend for not telling them what I already knew? For making them figure this out for themselves while I could easily explain? Yes.
Was it selfish of me to keep such a big part of my life from them when they were the two most important people in my life? Also yes.
But all of this was for their own good. At least that’s what I kept telling myself to distract from the constantly looming cloud of guilt that hung over my head.
Matters only got worse when Stiles messaged me in a panic. A confirmation. They found animal hairs on the body. More precisely, wolf hairs.
The next day I got into school considerably late and very sleep-deprived - because despite what the fairy tales say, vampires still need their beauty sleep.
I was practically dozing off in third-period Chem without Stiles there to keep me awake since the team had a mandatory practice before the big game this week, so I excused myself to go to the bathroom and wander around the halls.
“Now listen, McCall. You’re gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you’re getting it from because there is no way you’re out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.”
I stopped my stroll around the halls at the sound of a familiar voice from around the corner.
“Oh, you mean steroids! Are you on steroids?”
Then Scott.
I poked my head out around the corner - Jackson had definitely noticed something was up and Scott wasn’t doing a very good job at keeping it a secret. This wasn’t good.
Crash. “What’s going on with you McCall!”
“You really wanna know?”
Uh oh.
“Well so would I! I can see hear and smell things that I shouldn’t be able to see hear and smell! And I-”
“Woah woah woah,” I ran over, replacing Jackson’s hand on Scott’s shirt with mine and pushing Jackson away, standing in between them.
Jackson looked furious, if he were in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of his ears. I stared him down.
He scoffed and took a step back, “You need your little friend to come rescue you?”
I quickly shushed Scott before he made the situation worse.
“Goodbye, Jackson,” I gave him a fake smile and waited for him to leave.
When he kept his eyes on us as he walked away. “I’m onto McCall. I’m gonna find out what it is you’re taking and I don’t care how long it takes.”
Once he had turned the corner I focused my attention back on Scott.
“Thanks, Ser-”
My hand took hold of his collar once more and did the same move Jackson had just done, another crash as he hit the lockers, his eyes wide and confused. “What were you thinking!”
“What do you mean!” he was incredibly confused.
I sighed, realising he doesn’t know what’s going on at all, so I let go. “You can’t just go around telling Jackson Whittemore this stuff! I know you’re scared but he is the last person you should trust.”
The way his expression dropped told me he knew I was right. But our little interaction was cut short by Coach screaming that their break was over.
“Listen,” Scott started as he stepped back towards the door of the locker room, “I’ll see you later at the game.”
“The game? I thought Stiles told you-” but he left before I could finish my sentence.
“Stiles!” I hurried over to where he sat on the bench, his leg bouncing frantically as he chewed on his bitten fingernails.
His head flicked in my direction, a look of relief on his face, “Sera! I haven’t seen you all day,” he stood up quickly and put his hands on my shoulders to make sure I was really there.
“I came in late,” I brushed it off.
“Have you talked to Scott?”
His head shook vigorously, “He wouldn’t listen. I’m waiting for him to come out so I can try again.”
Just as he said that I saw Scott walking out onto the field and we both approached him, trying to stop from going out onto the field.
“Scott!” Stiles shouted, his voice breaking as he practically bashed the helmet out of his hands.
“Look! I’m playing the first elimination guys, can it wait?” Scott threw his hands up in annoyance, completely ignoring our desperation.
“Man, just listen!” I put my hands on Scott to physically bring his attention to us.
Stiles spoke and he spoke fast. “I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis on the body came back from the lab in L.A. and they found animal hairs on the body from the woods!”
But Scott was already leaving. We chased after him, no longer bothering to keep our voices hushed.
“Wait! Just hold on!” I reached to grab his sleeve but he was too far, “You’re not gonna believe what the animal was!” Still, he didn’t look back.
Then it was just me and Stiles again. Scott was long gone, but I still finished my sentence, quietly as if only to myself, “It was a wolf.”
For the entirety of the game I could not tear myself away from Stiles on the bench, I simply sat down on my haunches beside him. The more I watched Scott the more my nerves started to skyrocket.
If he was good last time, he was phenomenal now. Before, it was unusual. Now it was plain unnatural the way he swerved and dodged, moving with agility that wouldn’t be out of place in a superhero movie. He even did a whole ass flip over three of the players, that was the kicker. I looked up to Stiles who was already looking back down at me, sharing my loss for words.
Once the game was over we were too lost to join in on the cheering. I knew what was up, and it scared me to know that Stiles knew it too.
Was it so crazy to say that Scott was a werewolf?
“So… what exactly are we looking for again?” my eyes wandered over to Stiles at his computer while I lay on his bed, filing my nails.
He was practically buzzing after popping a couple Aderalls the second we got back from school. “Something… Anything!” His hands continued their frenzied typing, the clicking of the keys becoming a soothing background noise.
This was more or less me and Stiles’ typical Wednesday night - him doing whatever at his desk and me simply just being there so I didn’t get too bored sitting at home alone. To be fair, we usually didn’t have the constant impending sense of doom over the fact our best friend might be a freaking werewolf.
But even though we were both here, we hadn’t directly discussed our thoughts or theories, we didn’t really have to. But my anxiety was starting to escalate. “Okay, Stiles!” I speak louder - I had been saying things here or there but he’d been too in his own world to hear.
Finally, he spun his chair around and looked at me with wired eyes, “Hm?”
“What are we doing? What are we thinking?” I longed for a peek into his brain on a regular day, but today I really wanted to delve into those spinning cogs.
He paused to find the words. “We are thinking… There is something seriously up with Scott, and dare I say it- something not even human,” a sigh left his lips that he had bitten to pieces. The way he said ‘we’ instead of ‘I’m thinking’ was almost a plea for agreement, to tell him he’s not going crazy here, and if he was, at least I’d be crazy with him.
I nodded. “Yeah…” it was hard for me to know how much I should or shouldn’t say, or what I could say. Because I knew a lot more than I was letting on, and it was a shitty move - but the more he figured out about Scott… the closer he got to knowing my truth.
Silence hung in the air for a minute before he called me over with a wave of his hand.
“Come, look at this,” he swivelled his chair back around to sift through the myriad of tabs he had open that made his computer run slow and make an awful whirring noise.
My feet carried me to stand behind his chair, bending down to have a look at the screen.
A bunch of gory, ancient images littered the screen as he pointed out key phrases from each website.
And then, finally, the word ‘WEREWOLF.’
He must’ve noticed my wide-eyed muteness as he prompted a response out of me.
“Well?” he waited. “Listen, I- I know it sounds crazy, I know that. But… tell me this doesn’t make perfect sense?”
“You’re right,” I admitted candidly. He was.
“Look I’ve texted Scott… I figured he’s the one with all this he should be here to hear it.”
I was left to wonder how Scott would react to all of this; but the fact Stiles had accepted it so quickly was a wonder in itself. Secretly, I think he loved it all a little too much.
Knock knock.
When two loud bangs came from the other side of Stiles’ door he practically jumped out of his skin, luckily I was behind him to hold his chair upright, puting my hand down on his beating chest that he clutched with his own.
I tiptoed toward the door, reaching for the handle, but it opened before I got there.
There he was, his trademark crooked smile plastered on his lips as he could tell from our faces that he had scared us.
“Get in here!” I beckoned.
That’s when Stiles scrambled up to drag Scott in by the collar and pushed him back to sit on the bed while he paced around the room, finally sitting down in his chair.
“I’ve been reading,” he spoke at the speed of light as I took a seat next to Scott.
“For hours,” my hint of sarcasm didn’t seem to be appreciated, so I let him continue.
“Websites, books, all of it!”
Scott chuckled, “How much Adderal have you had today?”
I turned to whisper one last thing before I shut up, “A lot.”
“Remember the joke from the other day…? Not a joke anymore.”
Scott looked clueless.
“The wolf– the bite in the woods!”
Still nothing.
Stiles shot up out of his seat. “Do you even know why a wolf howls?” His hands were flailing about like they always did; sometimes I genuinely thought he moved faster than me, and I have super speed!
“Should I?”
It was a rhetorical question.
“To signal its location to the rest of a pack! So if you heard a wolf howling that means there could’ve been others nearby, maybe even a whole pack of ‘em!”
The poor guy had not taken a break since 3 o’clock. I got up and stood at his side, placing a hand on his shoulder for him to take a breath, “Shh.”
“A whole pack of wolves?” Scott asked, now intrigued.
“No…” Stiles had finally calmed down a tad, “werewolves.”
My insides physically churned upon hearing him say it out loud. Scott however, did not look impressed. He stood up and grabbed his bag, ready to walk out, “Man, are you seriously wasting my time?”
Stiles was about to step forward, but I took over, moving my hand in front of him to signal I had got it, and my other one a bit rougher to Scott’s to stop him from leaving. “Look dude, I saw you on the field today, Scott. What you did today wasn’t just incredible… It was impossible.” My eyes softened, trying to reason with him.
He was about to retort when Stiles jumped back in, “People can’t just do that overnight! You flipped over 3 guys, Scott,” Stiles almost laughed, “Since when have you been able to do that, huh? I mean- your speed, your reflexes! And there’s the vision and the senses,” he listed everything off on his fingers.
“And don’t think I didn’t notice you don’t need your inhaler anymore!”
“Okay, dude! I can’t think about this now, we’ll talk tomorrow.” He somehow brushed off everything thing we had said as if it was the latest school gossip.
But I was now consumed by the same fever as Stiles, scampering up to him and taking him by the shoulders, raising my voice to their volume. “Tomorrow?”
“What!” Stiles added.
“No!” our pleas ping-ponged back and forth rhythmically as we begged for him to just listen. “The full moon’s tonight! Don’t you get it?”
“What are you guys trying to do!” Scott pushed back, but there was nothing in our eyes other than concern for him… and Allison.
“Everything in my life is somehow perfect, for once! Why are you trying to ruin it?”
I could physically feel the shift in the air as Stiles raked his fingers through his hair, taking in a lungful of air. “We’re trying to help,” his sincerity was like a pang to the heart.
“You’re cursed, Scott.”
That somehow hurt even worse.
It was a fact. But I found myself longing again for just a glimpse at what he really thought. Did he think his best friend was a monster? Did he think less of him? My questions were inherently selfish; I didn’t care what he thought about Scott - not nearly as much as what he thought about me. Because imagine how he would feel discovering his other friend is even more cursed, riddled with a dark history of deceit, horror, and even murder.
But this wasn’t about me. “Scott, he’s right,” my face turned just as solemn.
“You’re not only about the risk of you physically changing… it’s also when your bloodlust will be at its peak.”
Ah, my old friend. I was one to talk.
“Bloodlust?” his repetition was incredulous.
“Your-” I cleared my throat and tried again. “Your urge to kill.”
Scott practically seethed as his eyes flicked between us, “I’m already starting to feel an urge to kill, Sera.”
But before I could offer a witty retort of my own, Stiles had begun reading a passage from one of the books on his ransacked desk, “‘The change can be triggered by anger or anything that raises your pulse,’” he snapped the book closed and I half-flinched.
“Alright? I haven’t seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date.”
Scott knew he was right, but I could hear the anger raising his pulse right there and then as Stiles shot towards his bag, scrambling around to get his hands on Scott’s phone to do it himself. “Screw it, I’m doing it myself.”
The next few seconds seemed to play in slow motion.
Scott’s voice shouted louder than I’d ever heard it, his actions much more aggressive as he practically flung Stiles against a wall in protest for his phone. A fist aimed at his best friend’s face, and his arm swinging back to push over the chair.
Too fast for either of them to notice I ran forward and intervened, pushing Scott’s now heaving figure away from a shellshocked Stiles. No one spoke.
Until Scott.
“I’m sorry.”
He didn’t sound sorry.
“I gotta get ready for that party.”
Tension in the room hung heavy, it was safe to say that was an unexpected turn.
And me? I was still stuck worrying that either of them had noticed the speed at which I got to them or the strength at which I countered Scott.
But when I finally came to my senses, I knew there was only one thing I could do.
Wordlessly I put my arms around Stiles, his naturally finding their place around my shoulders as I listened to the sound of his breathing.
Whatever was going on with Scott, I would take care of it.
The best way to stop Scott from doing anything stupid tonight was to keep an eye on him in person. He was with Allison at Lydia’s party, which naturally had half the entire school there even though it was announced just yesterday.
Which in turn meant that it might be a little more difficult to spot him than hoped.
Since I had come with Stiles I was immediately roped into one of his and his nerd friends’ conversations about something I had no clue about - it sounded like a foreign language. He could tell I was a little out of place, so he stuck by my side, his hand snaking around my waist as nothing more than a friendly gesture.
While we waited for a gap in conversation to seek out Scott, one of the jocks from the lacrosse team ‘bumped into me,’ a typical cocky grin on his lips. “Sorry, babe.”
It was so insincere I almost laughed in his face.
“Come here, I’ll get you a drink to make up for it.”
Gross. Stiles noticed the interaction and audibly scoffed, but I ignored him.
“Ew?” I said simply in the guy’s face, pushing him away with my fingertips and shooing him off.
This little interaction made the boys we were standing with suddenly aware that I was in fact a girl, and a popular one at that, turning them all even more awkward in the blink of an eye - Stiles found this incredibly stupid.
“Hey,” my demeanour screamed boredom and he must’ve noticed. “You go have fun. We can find Scott later, we’ve got plenty of time.”
My eyes lit up. ‘Thank God.’ “Ugh, you’re the best, Sti,” I grabbed his hand with both of mine and walked away, dropping it when out of reach. “Love you, man!” I pointed a finger at him before turning and skipping away.
There was a collective gasp from those boys, so shocked that Stiles could get a girl to say she loved him.
Poor losers. They’re lucky Stiles was a little nerd at heart because he was way too cool for them.
Outside seemed like my best bet to have some fun. Everyone was dancing, drinking, making out. This was my scene. You never outgrew a high school party (unless you were my buzzkill of a twin brother); just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you have to stop living.
I found some guy to dance with to kill my time, sipping a drink out of a red solo cup, all the while keeping my eyes peeled for that pesky little werewolf on the prowl somewhere.
And as we moved, there he was. He still looked very much human, and Allison didn’t look horrified, so it seemed as though we were all good.
The night moved quickly, 40 minutes had felt like ten and now there were even more people to block my watchful eye.
I could smell dog - or wolf rather - over the alcohol and teenage B.O., so Scott must be nearby.
But as soon as I told myself not to panic, my phone rang.
“Shit!” I cursed under my breath, causing the guy I was with to give a dumb ‘huh?’ which I waved off, excusing myself and running back into the house.
I soon found Stiles who was standing at the front door, keys in hand and ready to hit it.
But when we got to Scott’s house he had already left out his bedroom window. He would be back, there was no point in chasing him - not on a full moon, not out there.
Stiles went to sit on the bed while I paced, putting a hand on my forehead.
“Listen,” he stayed calm in an effort to soothe my nerves, “he’ll be back soon. I can take you home and I’ll come back to wait for him, I know you haven't been sleeping well.”
I spun on my heel to look him in the eyes, sincere enough to make my hand drop-down. “It’s fine you don’t-”
“Come on,” he stood up, not letting me finish and I didn’t want to argue - he was right, I was stressed, tired, and could not pull another all-nighter due to supernatural stress.
I was an overthinker in life, that was only amplified with being turned.
“Okay…” I admitted defeat, a once-in-a-lifetime thing to hear from me. Stiles even raised his eyebrows in shock that he didn’t have to do any more convincing.
“Thanks,” I paused, looking up at him. Maybe this was his way of making it even after I saved him from Scott earlier; he was the only one who ever saw that I needed saving sometimes too.
Late-night rides in Stiles’ Jeep were always a comfort. Music on, but not blaring, yet loud enough for me to sing along - quiet enough to hear my soft melodies over the recording.
I got him to drop me off down my road (as usual), using the excuse of ‘not wanting my brother to see me sneak back in.’
But the walk up to my house felt like a walk of shame. Every time I lied it felt worse. Especially to him.
After opening my door I sped straight up to my room, my swirling thoughts refusing to quiet for one second. I felt so alone in this fabricated life I had made spun. I couldn’t tell Scott or Stiles what I knew, and they were the ones fucking involved!
So I did the only thing I could do and called my brother.
Immediately, he could hear something was up. Yeah, he was a rude, stone-faced, ladykiller (literally), but I saw his true heart of gold, just like when we were kids.
“Sera? Hey, what’s up?”
Where do I start?
Werewolves. My best friend being one of them. Thinking there might be more.
It was a long conversation.
After getting everything off my chest and a nice glass of bourbon, I slept like a rock.
In the morning, Stiles had finally managed to find Scott, picking me up on the way, but I wasn’t much entertainment. I was still half asleep, leaning my head against the window while I yawned.
“You needed that sleep, huh?” Stiles teased, wanting me to admit he was right to send me home last night.
My pride was too strong, but I did crack a smile, “Shut up.”
And soon, we saw a familiar, shirtless frame, wandering alone down where the road met the trees - did he have any idea how much of a werewolf cliche he was?
The car stopped beside him and he saw us, stopping to get in, looking downright shaken.
When he unlatched the door to my side he opened his mouth to tell me to get in the back, but Stiles interrupted before he could.
“Nuh-uh,” he shook his head, hands still gripping the wheel, “you know the drill, climb through,” he nodded toward the back.
My smile widened. It had become a given.
Scott went to protest that he had just been gallivanting through the woods for a night, but Stiles cut him off with another noise, pulling a disgruntled sigh out of Scott as he dove over the middle console.
The drive was unusually tense. A strong vibe of ‘I told you so’ came off both me and Stiles that coerced Scott into silence who now felt bad for the way he reacted yesterday, because we were right.
After about 3 minutes, he finally spoke, “You know what worries me the most?”
Stiles craned his neck back to see his friend curled up against the metal frame, his face unmoving as he was still angry. “If you say Allison I’m gonna punch you in the head.”
“She probably hates me now,” he whined, not listening.
“I doubt that,” I interjected, “But you might wanna come up with a pretty amazing apology.”
“Or you could tell her the truth,” Stiles shrugged as we both cast looks at him to tell him that was stupid. “And revel in the fact that you’re a freaking werewolf!”
“But really, we’ll get through this,” he continued, not only looking to Scott but to both of us. “If we have to we’ll chain you up ourselves on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once, I could do it.”
There he was. His tone was lighter again as he reached down into his bag to chuck Scott the shirt he brought for him since we were headed straight for school. It was Stiles. He couldn’t stay mad for too long, not at something he found as awesome as this.
It left me with a glimmer of hope.
a/n: things are getting tense… check the series masterlist at the top for other parts x leave liked and comments !
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121 notes · View notes
hyperactivewhore · 7 months
Werewolf lore is so fucked up. Vampires were made thousand of years later than werewolves yet werewolf venom, that shouldn't have even existed by then because there were no vampires, can kill them?
How do you create a weapon against something that doesn't even exist?
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I think I have an obsession with werewolves they’re like my favorite supernatural creatures. (In shows) like usually people love the vampires like Damon and Stefan and the Cullen’s, meanwhile I’m over here rooting for Jacob, Derek, and Klaus (he is part vampire but we don’t speak of that part). Anytime someone asks me if I could be any supernatural creature I say werewolf, because who would wanna be able to run fast with super human strength instead of that PLUS turning into a giant wolf and run through the forest? Please tell me someone understands what I’m saying
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bitemarx · 7 months
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ghost at your door, dressed in white linen sheets, scaring the children, says he'll never leave. he'll burn down the houses, the smoke on your tongue. he used to be someone you loved.
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cancerian-woman · 8 months
Unpopular opinion: Tyler should’ve killed Hayley and he wasn’t wrong for trying to.
Another unpopular opinion: I think Michael Trevino (along with Kat Graham) was done wrong by Plec due to him being a non white hispanic man. Tyler Lockwood could’ve been SO MUCH BETTER and could’ve had such an interesting storyline and character development along with Bonnie if Plec wasn’t a racist bum.
Facts. Not trying to make this super long. Hayley would’ve deserved whatever Tyler decided to do. She betrayed him first.
People seem to only see “innocent Hayley who’s pregnant by Klaus” but forgets that Tyler’s intentions were rooted in protecting the werewolves as a species. The irritating part in this is that it was all done on TO. Which means they weren’t going to actually let Tyler do anything to Hayley. Depending on how a fan watches the franchise Tyler looks like the villain here. Hayley even calls him a “backstabbing half breed”. I do find it funny she became a “half breed” and never shut up about being one after that lol.
I talked about how Hayley’s death is a karma moment here.
You aren’t wrong. Tyler is white, but it’s clear he doesn’t look white. He looks NOTHING like his family members. Klaus/Caroline exist as a ship to constantly sideline him. When Tyler was the introduction to the werewolves.
Michael Trevino and Kat Graham deserved better more than words can say. Their characters were used as plot devices and never given the same push as their white counterparts.
Isn’t ironic that two characters Tyler and Bonnie were introduced with these unique bloodlines yet we’re done the worst. I’m so pissed that we learn in TO, Tyler’s would’ve been protecting the hallow bones. It would’ve been pleasing as fuck to see Hayley BEG Tyler for help after she betrayed him.
Julie and the other writers were so racist they couldn’t even at least let Tonnie happen as a ship. Instead, Tyler ends up dating one of the many white Bonnie’s of TVDU lol. (i meant Liv Parker).
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stella-grier · 2 months
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Beautiful and powerful family
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
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A Wolf’s Perfect Mate -Klaus M.
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I’ve been hesitant to write stuff like this, despite the fact that I write fics like this just for me all the time, but I’m glad to know I’m not he only depraved person here. I hope this is everything you want it to be.
Dead Dove-Do Not Eat
Don’t Like=Don’t Read
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Klaus never meant to find her in the first place.
Klaus found out who his real father was when he was 6, his mother had to tell the truth so that he wouldn’t be alone when he first began turning. Werewolves shift for the first time during puberty. Klaus’ father was a very good teacher, and treated the boy much better than Mikael, so Klaus enjoyed their time together. He began shifting at 11, the full moons being something he can’t resist and it took another few years for him to gain control during them but by the time he was 14 he was spending all night every full moon running with his pack…until he turned 16.
Y/n had moved to town 2 weeks earlier and while Klaus quite liked her, she was almost instantly popular and he knew he had no shot. That full moon however his wolf didn’t give him a choice, Klaus had thought he was insane for hearing his wolf talking about her in his head (his wolf never really caring for anyone before) but here he sits, fully shifted, in the woods behind her house as she does her homework in the shed which seems more like a bedroom from what he can tell from the window.
He couldn’t control his paws for the first time in years as his wolf brought him here and now he refused to leave, staring at Y/n in awe. Klaus could practically feel his cock swelling desperately as he stared at her and it seemed his whines were too loud when her head snapped up and she moved to the door to peek outside.
Once again Klaus couldn’t move as he tried to keep her from seeing him but his wolf said “no” very clearly when his feet wouldn’t move. ‘Holy shit!’ She gasped, lunging back as she saw him staring at her, the abnormally large wolf clearly startling her. ‘Um…hi? Are you okay?’ She asked and Klaus had to remind himself that she doesn’t know who he is and wasn’t actually asking him, though he found it touching that she was asking his wolf if he was alright…his girl is so sweet. ‘Are you hungry?’ She spun around to go back inside and while he knew she would come back he once again couldn’t stop as he walked into the small shed (that he took up nearly a quarter of), making her gasp as she turned around. ‘Don’t hurt me, please?’ She pleaded softly as if to not startle him and he shook his head. ‘Woah…do…do you understand me?’ He dropped his chin in a nod and her jaw fell, dropping the bag of chips to the floor where he licked a few from the plastic and ate them before sitting down. ‘So you’re an overly large wolf that can understand me and answer my questions…cool. Okay Y/n, don’t panic.’
Klaus whined, creeping closer and resting his big head on her lap which caused her to gasp but she didn’t push him away, taking a moment before petting his head and beginning to scratch behind his ears. He whined again, rolling onto his back on the floor and waiting for her to rub his belly and he wasn’t sure if it shocked her or him more.
‘You’re such a sweet boy, aren’t you?’ Now Klaus understands why dogs love this so much, belly rubs feel incredible!
He ended up laying beside her on her bed while she did the homework Klaus still hadn’t done himself and every now and again she would take a break to give him scratches. He was actively ignoring his pack searching for him but there was something about this girl that pulled him in, and not just him but his wolf.
Y/n drifted off somewhere around 1 am and he stayed there with her, she hadn’t needed a blanket as she wrapped her arms around his body and eventually he drifted off as well. It wasn’t until 4:30 that he awoke again knowing he was close to changing back and woke her to let him out. He knew she was waiting for him to come back and it hurt his heart but he couldn’t and this time his wolf begrudgingly listened to him, running back home before he shifted back. He ran back to the home he stayed in with his father since he had turned 10, finding his phone and not taking but 2 minutes to find her on Instagram and spending the next 20 minutes looking through her pictures, his wolf howling in his head as he saw her again. It was at that point that his father walked into the house, a questioning look on his face.
‘Would you like to tell me where you were?’ He asked and Klaus settled himself to be screamed at before explaining exactly what had happened tonight. ‘Oh my boy, you’ve found your mate. Congratulations!’ He grinned, clapping Klaus on the shoulder. He had heard the term ‘mate’ a few times since meeting his father but not often and he didn’t really know what it meant. ‘Every wolf has a mate, their other half, though we’re not all lucky enough to meet them this young, you have truly been blessed son-‘
‘Blessed?! How have I been blessed?! A girl like her will never give me the time of day! She’s pretty, and popular, and perfect! I’m just a freak who’s only friend is the howling animal in my head!’ His dad rolled his eyes, finding his sons excuses to be stupid and pointless.
‘Klaus, our mates are our mates for a reason, they’re perfect for us. Popular or not, that doesn’t matter, she will feel it too. Not quite as strong as you do until you’re mated, but she will. Trust your wolf, he knows what he’s doing, and he knows what he needs. He is driven to care for and protect his mate, she will notice you eventually, I promise. She’s also the only non-pack member you’ll ever be able to tell about what you are, she is your mate and that makes her family. Try not to worry Niklaus, I’m sure she’ll be yours soon enough.’ With that his father told him to go to bed, always taking him in for a half day after a full moon so that he could get some sleep. All he saw was her though, his perfect little mate staring back at him with a smile on her face.
He dreamed of her arms wrapped around him again, a comforting warm feeling of having his mate snuggle up with his wolf…his dream turning much less innocent quickly when it comes to his wolfs desperation to rut his mate and while he had never imagined it before, it’s all he could think about now, his perfect little mate presenting herself for him, tasting her perfect little cunt before mounting her and-
He jumped up in his bed as his alarm went off, groaning at the raging erection he was going to have to deal with before getting up to get in the shower.
The half day was long as he was so tired, but at least he got to see her, staring at her in the library as they all worked on a book report that Klaus couldn’t give less of a shit about. It wasn’t until the end of the day after that, that he saw her again and Klaus felt his feet moving without his consent again. As he tried to stop he was overcome by the growl in the back of his head and the sound of his father telling him to trust his wolf. He was stood at the bottom of the stairs when he finally stopped, hearing a squeal before he looked up and thanked God for his wolfy reflexes as he opened his arms and caught his mate as she tripped down the last few steps. He held her to his chest and they both froze, looking into each others eyes as if in a trance, Klaus’ wolf howling in his head at having his mate in his arms and her seeing those eyes from last night all over again…but that’s impossible.
‘What the fuck? Put her down you freak!’ A voice snapped and just before a hand grabbed onto Y/n, Klaus placed her on her feet and grabbed the hand, twisting it painfully away from her.
‘Oh God! You are really strong, aren’t you?’ She asked him and all Klaus could do was blush.
‘You fucking freak, you are gonna pay for that.’ The jock that Klaus had never bothered to learn the name of snapped.
‘Sean! That’s enough! He saved me, stop behaving like a caveman!’ His mate was…sticking up for him?
She’s adorable when she’s angry.
‘Thank you, um…it’s Klaus, isn’t it?’ He nodded his head and she smiled. ‘I’m Y/n. Thank you Klaus, you just saved me some major embarrassment…and probably a few injuries.’
‘You’re welcome Y/n.’ Sean threw his arm around Y/n’s shoulder and pulled her away before she could say anything else and Klaus glared back at him, hating the asshole that gets to touch his mate, that should be him!
By the time Klaus got home he was ready to collapse into bed and call it a night, even if he’d only been at school half a day. That’s when his phone chimed and he looked down to see he had a new follower on his Instagram. He saw Y/n’s page shining back at him and a notification that he had a message from her, opening it to see a phone number. His stomach was doing somersaults as he quickly saved the number and texted it, her name and a question mark as if she would give him someone else’s number.
Mate: Who else would it be🤣
Her response put him at ease as he messaged her back again, and she promptly answered him. They spent the rest of the night like that, texting back and forth, getting to know each other and he couldn’t believe the fact that his father was so right!
They texted through the next few days before they decided to hang out, Y/n coming to Klaus’ place after school on Friday and spending time together for the first real time since he was a wolf. Speaking of wolves.
‘You have a lot of wolf stuff in your house.’ She commented as she looked around the living room and they did, decorations and carvings, their pack emblem being almost everywhere.
‘Yeah, it’s kind of a family thing I guess. If it freaks you out we can go to my room.’
‘No, it doesn’t freak me out, I like wolves…we can go to your room though.’ She shrugged and he thanked God for his abilities again because he could smell just how nervous she was. He didn’t understand how she came off so calm and relaxed while she was so nervous, but he admired it. He took her hand, leading her through the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. His fathers room was the entirety of the basement so Klaus had the master bedroom which he loved, having to share a room with Kol his whole life until he moved here at 10. ‘Wow! This is huge!’ Klaus smiled, sitting down on his bed with her beside him as she looked around. ‘You have a lot of art work, do you paint a lot?’ He nodded.
‘Yeah, it’s a hobby. I hoped to go to school for it but I already have a job here lined up after school so I get to just keep doing it whenever I want.’ She smiled at that.
‘That cool. It’s nice that you know what you’re gonna do…I don’t want to go to college, I’m garbage at school and I know I’m just gonna flunk out but my parents insist. I have savings and they want me to use that to pay for the first few semesters and then go into debt after so that I can get a job that will suffocate me for the rest of my life…I’m sorry…I don’t know why I just told you that.’ She blushed a deep shade of red and his wolf howled in the back of his head, pushing him to comfort her.
‘It’s okay, I…I like that you’re so comfortable around me. If you don’t want to go to school then don’t, use the money to figure out what you want…maybe you’ll know by the time we’re done school.’ He shrugged but she shook her head.
‘I doubt it…I’ve always felt like my parents just want rid of me. I’m their last kid and once I’m gone they’re done, they’re shit parents already anyway but…I always wanted a real family, one that just feels comfortable and safe, you know?’ He nodded right away.
‘Honestly I do. My dads family is like that for me, once I moved away from my mom and step dad I felt so much better, this place is…home.’
‘I’m glad you have that Klaus. You deserve it.’ He hugged her to his side and she rested her head on his shoulder.
‘You do too.’
He quickly found out that Sean wasn’t Y/n’s boyfriend which he thanked the Gods for, giving him the chance to ask her out himself and he did. Since that first weekend at his house they spent almost every day together and he took her on dates every weekend, loving that he got to make his girl feel special. He wanted to give her everything. Klaus knew that Y/n wasn’t the normal girl their age, she didn’t want to attend college or get a fancy job, even if she never said it out loud he knew she just wanted to be safe and loved for the first time in her life. It’s what he had wanted before finding out what he was too and he knew that’s why she was his perfect mate, and he wanted so badly to give her that. To give her a home and a family, to protect his mate the way he was driven to and he thanked the Gods that she seemed happy around his pack because he knew he could give her everything here.
Klaus spoke to his father about Y/n, and he knew that once they graduate she could come and live with him, he’ll have a job in the pack, his own place on their land and be able to take care of her…as long as she knew about him first. He didn’t know how to go about that though, it’s not a normal conversation to have honestly, he worried for a while about how to tell her but thankfully he didn’t have to. She figured it out herself.
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It had been a month since Klaus had met Y/n and once again his wolf was excited to go and visit his mate, sprinting all the way to her house, seeing her in her room which he now knows is the she-shed out back that she turned into a bedroom so her parents didn’t bother her. He whined as he approached the door, scraping it gently and it opened quickly, her smile growing wide at seeing him.
‘Hey buddy! You came back!’ She moved to let him in and shut the door behind him before turning and petting his head gently but still cautiously. ‘Where have you been, huh? I was starting to think it was all a dream.’ He hopped onto the bed beside her and ate the cheese puffs she fed him for a few minutes before she reached for her phone. ‘Klaus is never gonna believe this.’ She spoke, FaceTiming him quickly and he watched her face fall when he didn’t answer. ‘He always answers, he answers me at 3am, what the hell?’ She tried again and once again he didn’t answer. ‘I hope he’s okay…’ Klaus felt guilty for not being able to answer her but what could he do? He just wanted to stay right here and snuggle up next to his mate. He laid his head down on her lap, smelling the heavy scent of her crotch right next to his nose and suppressing the response his body desperately wants to have. He could suddenly smell fear coming off of Y/n and he looked up to see her staring right back at him with a weird look on her face. ‘…Klaus?’ She asked and he felt his eyes widen and his ears go flat against his head. ‘You have the same eyes…you don’t answer your phone…the wolf can understand me and it’s a full moon every time you show up-Oh My God!’ She jumped from the bed and moved for the door making him lunge in front of her to stop her from leaving. She backed away slowly, clearly scared of how he was going to react so he whined, laying down on the floor and covering his nose with his paws as if to show her that he won’t hurt her and she seemed to agree to calm down, sitting back on her bed and staring at him. ‘Werewolves are real…cool…that’s cool, right? I mean it could be worse…’ he whined, nuzzling under her arm and making her scratch him. ‘Okay, I’ll chill out.’ She laughed, scratching his neck until he rolled over and enjoyed a belly rub once again. ‘This is the strangest thing I think I’ve ever done, I’m rubbing my boyfriends belly.’ He didn’t notice right away, enjoying the scratching that she was giving him though he realized quickly when she gasped and pulled away from him that she could see his erection coming out at the wonderful feeling she was giving him and he quickly jumped up. ‘It’s okay Nik, it’s not a big deal.’ She said, moving to touch him but he leaned away. ‘Hey, it’s not your fault, do I look upset?’ She didn’t, she looked as understanding as she always did and he both loved and hated it. ‘I don’t get upset when you’re human and it happens, why would I get upset now? Now let me rub your belly, come here.’ He rolled back over and did as she asked, enjoying the belly rubs she continued giving him. ‘It doesn’t hurt, does it? Like do you…do you need help?’ Did he hear her right? Did she just offer to help with his erection while he’s a wolf? He whined, feeling his cock begin to throb even harder as he pictured his mate with her hand wrapped around his red, swollen cock. He looked up at her as she stared at it before shrugging and reaching out to touch it, her fingers grazing down it before taking it in her hand and pumping it gently. His tongue flopped out of his mouth and he was panting like crazy as his cock just got bigger the more needy he got, his hips thrusting up into her hand and prompting her to move faster. ‘I’m not hurting you, right?’ He shook his head quickly from where it rested against her thigh. ‘It’s really hot…’ It was only another second of her stroking him before his cock began shooting out a truly impressive amount of cum. ‘Oh Fuck!’ She stroked him through it before using tissues to clean the mess off of her. ‘I can honestly say I did not see this being how my night went.’
It took a moment for him to begin thinking clearly again, feeling as if his wolfs mind was overtaken by the lustful ecstasy she had given him, staring up at her in awe before licking her face and making her giggle like crazy. His nose then trailed down her top, smelling her deeply and knowing how wet she is, practically tasting it on his tongue already making him whine and sit back to look at her.
‘No, it’s okay. You don’t need to-Ah!’ He cut her off, biting onto her pajama pants and pulling her forward quite hard, her whole body jerking with his firm yank. ‘Holy Shit, you’re strong! Okay! But no teeth!’ She warned and he rolled his eyes. Klaus may not have ever done this in his human body before but he did understand that she wouldn’t take kindly to teeth against her pussy…especially wolf teeth. She was dripping as she removed her panties, leaning back against her pillows awkwardly. He really wanted to be human right now and enjoy eating her out for the first time while he had opposable thumbs but he would be happy with this. ‘Klaus, you know you don’t have to-Oh Fuck!’ She shouted as he licked his long tongue straight up her cunt, lapping at her roughly. She tasted like magic on his tongue and he knew he would never get enough of this making him wonder if she would continue letting him eat her out as a human. ‘Don’t stop! Never Fucking Stop! Oh God!’ He buried his long tongue into her hole as far as he could, his cold nose nudging against her clit and making her hips jump hard before he flinched back, watching her body go rigid as she came, squirting a bit onto the blanket covered bed. ‘Fuck, I’m sorry-‘ she was startled as he cut her off with a growl, not liking the idea of an apology for something so perfect and sexy before he licked at her pussy again, tasting her even stronger than before. ‘Okay, too much...Come here and snuggle.’ She instructed, pulling a fluffy blanket over her half covered body before stripping off the top layer and just laying there naked. With that he nuzzled back into her arms, feeling her hold onto his fur.
Y/n spent the rest of the night snuggled up against him asking every yes or no question she could think of since he couldn’t really answer her, she asked all she could about werewolves and him and his family but never once did she say anything about how she feels about any of it…or him.
Klaus left at the same time as last time, her scratching his ears and yawning a ‘goodbye’ before watching him run off and as soon as he got home and shifted back he jumped into the shower, getting ready for school and completely forgoing any kind of sleep. He ran passed his father who was taking a nap on the couch and made his way to school a bit too early, waiting for Y/n to get there, texting her repeatedly but not getting an answer.
The longer he waited the more sick he felt, she was always at school no matter how much she had slept…and she always answered him…
He felt like he was being a bit stupid for being so worried but he couldn’t help it. He had never told anyone his secret before, not even his family, and now that she knows the only thing he can seem to picture is her telling him that she can’t see him anymore, that she’s afraid of him, that he’s a monster and she regrets ever letting him touch her…he needs to see her.
He never walked into the school as she never arrived, running back through the woods all the way to her house and trying to peek into her room only to find the blinds shut. Klaus knew he shouldn’t just walk in but he needs to see her, the near constant growl in the back of his head now controlling his actions. His wolf had never controlled his human body before but it feels as if he is when he can’t stop his legs from taking him to her doorstep or his fingers from reaching for the handle. He opened her door to see it was unlocked which was odd and he immediately thought she must be in the house or gone but when he peeked in he saw her asleep in her bed, clearly unconscious. ‘Y/n? Princess?’
‘Mmhmmm…’ she hummed and he smiled. ‘Finally…come snuggle me.’ She held her arms out tiredly, moving over and making room for him to crawl in where he had been snuggled up an hour before. He locked her door, dropping his bag and stripping to his boxers before he climbed in. ‘Why didn’t you come when I texted?’ She asked, clearly still half asleep.
‘You didn’t text me Princess, I’ve been texting you.’ He picked up her phone and opened it to see a message typed out.
Just come back when you can and skip with me, too tired to go to school.
‘Y/n, you never sent it.’ He chuckled and she giggled, snuggling into his warm chest and pulling the blankets around him more. ‘Y/n?’ He questioned and she grunted. ‘You’re not afraid of me, are you?’ Her eyes flew open and she moved to look down at him with an aggravated look on her face.
‘Seriously? You think I would have let you in here, and let you stay the whole night talking to you if I was scared? Invited you back?’ He shook his head and she leaned down, nose to nose with him. ‘You think I would have touched your cute little cock if I was afraid?’ His eyes widened and he growled playfully, pulling her against him tightly and pressing his lips to hers.
‘Thank you…I just needed to hear you say it.’ He admitted. Klaus had never been vulnerable with anyone but with Y/n it was easy…it was comfortable. She felt safe to him, as safe as he felt to her.
‘I love you Nik. And I would never tell anyone if that’s your next worry.’ He shook his head.
‘It wasn’t. I trust you.’
‘Good. Now go to sleep wolf boy. I’ll ask the rest of my questions later.’
‘Good. By then it will be time for you to meet my family.’
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Please let me know your thoughts on this one. I’m very set on doing a part 2 cause even I want to know what happens next🤣
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klausysworld · 1 year
Are request still open and if they are can you make a Klaus Mikaelson one shot the girl is Tyler Lockwood sister and she hates Klaus so she rejects him as her mate but at the end she accepts him so like fluff at the end
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What are you doing to me?
Finding out your mated to the all powerful original hybrid who ruined your brothers like and forced him to become half vampire while also terrorising your childhood friends and what not isn’t exactly at the top of my bucket list.
Him being a willing participant when it came to the whole ‘soulmate’ arrangement was also not meant to be in the cards.
When I realised we were mates I was 99% sure he would immediately reject me as a mate. As strong as a soulmate makes you, it will also always be your greatest weakness. I would be able to kill him far easier than anyone else and I was certain he would want to kill me first.
So him leaving me expensive gifts was…unexpected to say the least.
Detailed drawings of wolves and the full moon in the sky with a poem hand written on the back had my heart fluttering in ways that I should not have enjoyed.
But he had destroyed my brothers and the people I consider my family’s lives.
And so, despite the utter agony I was inflicting on both him and myself, I rejected him as my mate.
It’s a rare thing for wolves to reject their one, the side affects are awful in a way to force your mind into reconsidering.
The crippling pain was emotionally tormenting and physically exhausting. After the initial rejection I was barely able to leave my bed, eat, drink, I barely spoke a word and each time I fell asleep I was haunted by a similar image of Klaus.
Damon had messaged me letting me know Klaus had been out of sight for nearly 3 weeks after.
The pain lingered, never truly gone but it had dimmed. Though a sharp pain would shoot through me when he was too close, when the bond knew I was purposely ignoring him, and i could always see him wince at the same time.
The few times I didn’t shove him away, well I felt much better. He brought peace to my wolfs inner battle between soulmate and family because in reality I knew that he was both. I was just too afraid to admit it fully.
Though I couldn’t help but occasionally step a tad bit closer to him, to feel the warm buzz that ran through my bloodstream.
He was a lot less subtle though.
Often, as soon as his wolf sensed mine approaching he was all over me. Hands would be rubbing up and down my arms, his lips on my neck in a desperate instinctual need to mark me. And what was worse was that my wolf was all the more compliant and for a few wonderful seconds I could indulge in the blissful sensations. My head back, hands firmly gripping his henley and moans leaving my lips, my wolf having the desire to present myself in a truly embarrassing fashion.
Though he would always push it a tad too far, a grope to my ass, his canines about to pierce my skin, and I would be pushing him away. My wolf panting as I nearly tripped over my own two feet to get away from him while ignoring the intense feeling of my heart being squeezed unpleasantly.
I always managed to just scrape past him.
Suffering alone in my room again at the recurring torture of rejecting a mate.
His continued flow of presents didn’t help either, only made me feel worse seeing effort put into paintings of me and my wolf. He hadn’t turned into a hybrid, not yet at least, he probably knew that would be my last straw and id maim him.
But I knew he had followed my wolf on the full moons, I always woke with brand new clothes beside me, lead on a cotton blanket with a pillow under head and the snapping of twigs in the distance as he walked away.
And even though I should have said absolutely not when he personally delivered an invitation to his family’s ball, with those stupid puppy dog eyes, I couldn’t bring myself to.
“Please love, just one dance and if you don’t like it…then I’ll leave you be and accept your decision” as soon as the words left his mouth, both our souls twisted in agony making my teeth grind.
“Fine, just one” I whispered and he nodded, pulling me into a quick hug to calm down both our pain. Which it did like water on a fire, entirely putting out the flames and leaving us calm and quiet.
And then the dress arrived at my door, with matching shoes and accessories and I realised I actually had to do this.
Walking into his house sent a chill down my spine, my body felt much warmer and my wolf was howling inside me.
A hand on my shoulder had me whimpering softly making an arm wrap around my waist and pull me aside to another room.
“Shh love, we don’t want the rest of the guests hearing such lovely sounds” klaus murmured into my ear and I pressed against him, a small moan leaving my lips.
“This is too much for you isn’t it my love?” He whispered, his hand tilting my head making me look up at him.
The entire house smelt like him, I had seen parts of it in the dreams of him when he was suffering from my rejection. Which now intensified my guilt, my emotions were running haywire. I was in his home; I was in the wolf’s den.
Without thinking my hands tugged at his blazer, pushing it down his arms before my fingers began to pull his shirt open
“Woah love, it’s alright” he muttered, his hands grabbed mine and before I could blink we were outside. The cold air cooled down my boiling skin as I panted and he stroked my hair away from my face
“There we go, it’s okay” he cooed, the back of his hand pressing against my forehead.
“I hate this stupid bond” I whispered, covering my face.
“I know love…we can have our dance another time, I’ll take you home” he uttered, his tone was sad and my heart ached again.
“Stop it” I whispered “please stop it”
“Stop what love? What’s wrong?”
“Make it stop fucking hurting! I rejected you weeks, months ago! Why does it still hurt!? What are you doing to me?” I whispered, tears filling my eyes and spilling over. I looked up at him to see him in a similar state though no tears had fallen from his eyes yet.
His hand moved to cup my face and I couldn’t help but lean into it.
“It will only stop hurting us when you truly reject me. Somewhere, inside you, you still haven’t truly given up on the idea. You either have to reject the bond once and for all or accept me” he explained softly
“I would’ve been able to reject you if you left me alone. You kept sending all those things and being so kind, you did this to me” I whimpered
“I wouldn’t have done that if I couldn’t feel your soul still reaching for mine” he uttered “I would never intentionally harm you”
I let out a quiet sob as my soul pleaded for his.
I leaned forward so my head could press against his chest, my eyes closing at the content feeling that rose in me. I could feel myself giving into the bond, our souls slowly binding together. His hand held the back of my head, I could hear his heart speeding up as mine mimicked it.
His other hand moved around my waist, pulling me to him. “Good girl” he whispered “you’ll feel so much better now” he reassured “I promise I’ll make it better now sweetheart”
He kissed my head softly, his hand rubbing my back “let the bond form my love” he encouraged.
I focused on the connection trying to relight the candle.
I could feel the second it happened, my knees growing too weak to stand making him chuckle quietly and wrap both arms around me. He lifted me so my face could be right infront of his, prompting me to lean forward and press our lips together.
Our souls entwined as we did so, endless amounts of passion poured into one act.
The silent appreciation that this was real and it was only just the beginning.
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cupidmydarling · 11 months
Let's talk about Tyler Lockwood. The guy is a TOTAL smash (Ik how that sounds but am I wrong?) and with a little bit of delusion his fanfics could be awesome. I need some x readers. Pretty please if anyone wants to write that ;)
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crazyinluvfix · 5 months
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summary: Sera Salvatore moved to Beacon Hills for a break from the supernatural. But her life was once again turned upside down when she and her two best friends get thrown head first into a world of werewolves and mystery. But it’s hard for her to protect her friends when a single werewolf bite is what could kill her for good…
( you can also read this on my ao3 or my wattpad )
1:1 WOLF MOON ( pt. 1 )
1:1 WOLF MOON ( pt. 2 )
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catmikaelson20 · 1 year
Alpha yandere klaus mikaelson and omega reader
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- Klaus Mikaelson is a possessive and jealous alpha by nature, but when it comes to Y/n, his obsession and devotion rise to dangerous levels. He is willing to do anything to protect her and keep her by his side, even if it means eliminating anyone he perceives as a threat to their relationship.
- Y/n is an independent and cunning omega who isn't easy to manipulate, but when it comes to Klaus, her resistance fades. Klaus has claimed her as his own, and Y/n can't resist his alpha's powerful scent. She feels safe by his side, even as his possession becomes increasingly dangerous.
- Klaus is very protective of Y/n and doesn't like other alphas getting close to her. He marks her frequently and ferociously claims her, making sure everyone knows that she is his possession. Y/n, for her part, is flattered by Klaus's attention, but sometimes feels trapped under his control.
- Y/n's heat is intense and painful, but Klaus takes good care of her during the whole process. He keeps her by his side at all times, making sure she is as comfortable as possible and protecting her from any threat. Klaus feels closer to Y/n during his heat, and his possession intensifies even more.
- Klaus is very possessive and jealous of Y/n, and doesn't like him interacting with other alphas or even other omegas. He wants her to be only his and will not tolerate any threat to their relationship. Y/n feels trapped in his possession, but also likes the sense of security Klaus gives her.
- Klaus is extremely protective of Y/n, often keeping her by his side at all times. He wants to make sure no one hurts her, and he's willing to do anything to protect her. Y/n, for her part, feels pampered and protected by Klaus's attention, but also feels trapped in his power.
- Klaus is a very powerful and domineering alpha, often making decisions on Y/n's behalf without their consent. Although this frustrates her at times, she is also drawn to his strength and determination. Y/n often finds it difficult to resist Klaus's demands and orders, but also feels trapped under his control.
- Klaus is very possessive of Y/n and often takes her to secluded places where they can be alone. He wants to keep her isolated from any threat, but he also wants to keep her to himself.
- Y/n often feels trapped in her isolation, but she also feels safe in Klaus's arms. She knows that he will do anything for her, even if it means taking her away from the outside world.
- Klaus is very possessive of Y/n, even his body. He wants to make sure no one else touches her and often marks her with bites and scratches. Y/n is drawn to the intensity of their markings, but also feels trapped in their possession.
- Klaus often gets mad when Y/n tries to challenge or question him. He wants her to be submissive and obedient, and will not tolerate any challenge to his authority. Y/n often feels trapped in his control, but is also drawn to Klaus's strength and determination.
- Klaus is often jealous of any attention Y/n gets from other alphas. He wants her to be his alone and will not tolerate any threat to his possession.
- Klaus harasses Y/n frequently, making sure she's always there for him. He wants her to be his at all times, and he will not tolerate any rejection.
In short, Klaus Mikaelson is a dangerously possessive and jealous alpha yandere, while Y/n is a cunning and independent omega drawn to his strength and protection. Although she sometimes feels trapped under his control, she also feels safe in Klaus's arms. Their relationship is intense and dangerous, but for them it's everything they've ever wanted.
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Mikaelson family
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