#it's all about looking like an old maiden 24/7
massgrav · 1 year
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Body pillows are good stress relievers
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honestlyboringperson · 11 months
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Name: Zhang Tung-Mei
Age: 17
Wish: “I want to be a hero! Let me protect this town from witches!”
Power: Resistance
Weapon: Lance
Likes: Fast Food, Night Skies
Dislikes: Hot Summer Days
Element: Water
Magia: Faux Excalibur
Teammates: Jong, Several Apprentices
Skill Level: Veteran
Witch/Doppel: Virginia
An older magical girl who spends almost all day witch hunting, 24/7. She doesn’t really have any ambitions and is quite apathetic about most things in the world. There are a few of her apprentices that she would die for, even if she would never admit it.
Ever since she was young, Zhang spent her time alone with her nose in books. She lived a majority of her childhood in an orphanage and never was able to make any friends due to her withdrawn nature. She dreamt of being a “knight in shining armor” and hoped one day she could be a hero.
On her way to school one day, Kyubey approached her. After hearing his offer, she immediately and impulsively wished to become a hero. She was ecstatic to be a magical girl, defending the weak from witches. She would spend all her time fighting witch after witch, familiar after familiar, to uphold her lofty ideals.
But this began to take a toll on her. The melancholy existence of a magical girl was starting to weigh on her, and due to her reckless fighting style, her body was littered with gash wounds and scars and she even lost her eye in a territory dispute between another magical girl. She became hardened and cold hearted, focusing on her duties as a magical girl.
Then, she met a few newbie magical girls. She acted as their de facto leader and mentor, teaching them the ropes of how to witch hunt, refining their magical abilities, and other similar skills. She was happy for a little while. But that all ended when one of her apprentices and teammate became a witch before their eyes.
She was devastated and realizing how many witches she killed, she mercy killed her apprentices and spent the next month isolated from the world. She became a witch soon after that.
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The witch of armour. Her nature is hollow. This witch takes the form of a suit of armour, hollowed out with nothing inside. She roams the endless halls of her barrier, looking for the knight that once inhabited her but she herself can’t remember them anymore. It judges those who enter her barrier, and if she deems them unworthy to be the knight, she will eliminate them completely. However, she if deems you a worthy candidate to be the knight, she will lock you inside her empty body, rendering escape impossible. Her body is made of a substance harder than steel, but it can be dented or destroyed by using the witch’s weapon against her.
Doppel Description
“I guess it was a waste in the end…”
The doppel of hollowness. It takes the form of armour. The master of this emotion resents of this doppel, as it’s form as a proud suit of knight’s armour reminds her of her former naïveté & ideals. Within this doppel’s empty body, are millions of spikes and the doppel tries to find a worthy “knight” to Don it once more, but ends up killing it’s “squire” in it’s iron maiden like body. Due to the master’s emotional range having waned over the years, she is completely fused to the top of the doppel’s body, giving her a first row seat in watching her old self wither away.
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sydalelys01 · 1 year
Well this is my first post, first I want to clarify that I am not a person who usually has popular opinions in the fandom… soo… many people will not like what I say… but hey, that's the purpose of this profile expel my opinions on different topics.
I also want to clarify that English is not my first language (it is Spanish) and you will probably find spelling horrors, so if you want to comment in Spanish you are free to do so.
By the way, I'm new to Tumblr, so I don't know why I get a lot of shit from the green team, fans of Alicent and the funny but fateful ship of Renada and Alicent, by the way ,HELP!!! I need to get out of there.🤣
but hey, I came across a post that talked about the supposed grooming that Daemon did to rhaenyra (bringing current morality to a work based on medieval times, that it seems fatal to me to do that more in a work with the nature of ASOIF, where Most characters border and play with the limit of morality ) and said that He had been grooming her since She was little and that Alicent herself was uncomfortable with daemon's dealings with rhaenyra. Well, I'll tell you my opinion about this and about who really groomed Rhaenyra.
Starting with the time lines (it should be clarified that I will use the true CANON, the books)
Rhaenyra is born in 97 ac, and Daemon is 16 years old when she is born and they give him darksister becoming a knight, that same year Daemon marries Rhea, then He is sent to live with his wife in runestone, therefore Daemon watches sporadically Rhaenyra and when He visited Kings landing , He did not spend 24/7 with her although He brought gifts to rhaenyra, and also his life on silk street was well known, and later in 103 to 104 is where they put him in The great advice… that we already know doesn't work and he's only been in these positions for 6 months. They give him permission to create the city wacht and he was in that position for 2 YEARS where he spent killing thieves and rapists, drinking and fucking whores. That he "lived" (that he practically did not live there) in the fortress did not mean that Rhaenyra looked at it every day and lived with him all the time. In 105 Aemma died and that same year Daemon was expelled from Kl, when Rhaenyra was 8 YEARS OLD, DAEMON returns to court in 111, that is, He was out of court for 6 YEARS… Daemon was never a constant in rhaenyra's childhood because he passed through silk street or was expelled in the valley.
Now let's talk about the men who really did that to rhaenyra if we use the term Grooming (which is stupid to use since it is a term that refers to the use of ICT and current moral and ethical standards).
But let's start with one loved and acclaimed by my dearest green team, the great white knight, the great Criston Cole who met her at age 7 (in the maiden pool tournament) and he was 22 years old and in the same year where he was named her sworn shield (he is 15 years older than rhaenyra). He saw her grow up and he was glued to her 24/7, who the great Queen Alicent herself said "that he protected Rhaenyra but nobody protected her from him" of course we do not talk about grooming anymore right?
Do all of you want to continue? Well, let's continue, now with the supposed "strongest man of the 7 kingdoms", Harwin strong, who arrived… guess when to court? at 105, and how old was rhaenyra at 105? yess!! You guessed it!, she was 8 years old, and you can't tell me that he wasn't close to her and that he didn't see her grow up, because her sisters were ladies of Rhaenyra. ….
and guess how many years Harwin is older than her? yes, 8 years … and who is the father of her first childrens? …. spoiler …. is not laenor, but no one talks about these great and honorable gentlemens … only Daemon who didn't see her grow up and was not even a quarter as close to Rhaenyra like Cole or Sir Strong….
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As I repeat, it seems stupid to me to use the term in a work with a medieval context, where the majority of women married between the ages of 14 and 16 and if you passed that age you were a spinster or something was strange with you….. AND I THINK MORE HYPOCRITE for an alicent fan to say… DO YOU WANNA READ ME TO TALK ABOUT ALICENT? let's talk about alicent… an 18-year-old single "maiden" daughter of a second son who, since she did not inherit anything, would have to look for a husband at an early age who would give her strength and children. but conveniently she was single and willing to marry a man with a daughter… who wanted her own children to be kings who got to marry her 13-YEAR-OLD daughter to her brother who was only 2 years older than her "normal" but who collected bastards as a hobby… and there is much more to say about alicent…
but hey, this post already seems like a legal document… I'll leave it here.
I wait for your comments…
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prazinos · 2 years
Metal in Pink
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Summary ~ Eddie has been dating you for nearly 4 months and finally has a chance to see your room. Just to find out you're a metalhead?
WARNINGS ~ None! Purely fluff!
Word Count ~ 1.8k
You and Eddie were what everybody saw as polar opposites.
Eddie was metal chains, leather or denim jackets, band t-shirts galore.
You were pretty pink skirts, ribbons in hair, glittery nail polish.
How were you two attracted to each other?
Nobody in Hawkins knew, not even your friends understood it.
But you loved Eddie and Eddie loved you. Eddie would look at you like you painted the stars, you would look at Eddie like he was the only guy in the world.
And yet, Eddie had never been to your house. Why? Your parents.
Your parents were stuck up, rich, and downright assholes. Eddie hated them, your parents thankfully hadn't wanted to meet Eddie. Always too busy with business.
But having strict stuck up parents also meant you rarely had friends over. Let alone boys. The only boy that was allowed in your house was Steve Harrington.
Oh how your parents swooned, he was everything they could have asked for and more. But you and Steve were just friends, best friends.
But finally, finally Eddie could come over and spend the night. Your parents were in New York trying to land a business deal. Leaving the house to you for an entire week!
Steve, Rob, Nancy and the kids were coming tomorrow but tonight you had invited Eddie over, and he was going to stay the entire week.
It was finally 7pm, Eddie had sweaty palms, what if somebody tells your parents some homeless guy was scoping out their house?
He shook the idea from his thoughts and pulled out the key you had given him at Family Video today.
He stared at the key for what felt like hours, before shoving it in the keyhole and opening your door.
As he walked in, his breath was snatched from his lungs. A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling as two staircases on the left and right lead to a large upstairs area. In between the room seemed to go further and expand into a dining room.
Jesus Christ. You were filthy rich. You were so humble? Eddie thought you may have been Steve Harrington rich. But you were clearly much wealthier.
Old money, he remembers you saying once.
Eddie had one time asked what your parents did for a living. You had just shrugged your shoulders saying 'I dunno, some wine business?'
Eddie remembered what you had said, up the stairs, second door on the right.
As he turned the knob to step into your bedroom he could have sworn that he walked into your brothers room. But you didn't mention a brother?
The walls and ceilings were nearly fully covered in band posters, metal band posters.
Dio, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Motley Crue.
He nearly left in hopes of finding you in a different room, before you walked out from your bathroom in silky pink pjs drying your hair with a towel.
'Oh! Ed's you're here!' you said running over to him. You kissed Eddie before stepping back your arms reaching out, gesturing to your room.
'Sweetheart, this is your room?'
'Yeah? Why? Is it ugly or something?' you asked, completely oblivious.
'No no, not at all. It's just-you're so pink and pretty-'
'-well my beds pink'
'-and the fact you have all these metal posters? It's just surprising. Hot but surprising' Eddie said kicking off his boots.
You smiled up at him gesturing to your metallica poster
'You know, when I first saw you, I thought you looked like Kirk Hammett' you giggled
Eddie barked out a laugh before kissing you again.
'Wait how come I haven't seen you listen to any of these guys?' Eddie asks
'Eddie I listen to them all the time. I listen to the mixtape you made me 24/7' you said lightly punching his shoulder.
'Right' Eddie said, still shocked about this entire ordeal. 'How do you get the posters? What about your parents?' he continues.
'You'll see how I get them, and they never come into my room' you said shrugging.
It was only now Eddie realised why you and Steve got along so well. Your guys' parents didn't even care about their kids enough to get to know them. It's like they had you just so they could have their money go somewhere when they died.
'Anyway, let's order pizza, i'm starving' you said exiting your room.
Eddie got changed into just some plaid pyjamas. Admiring your room one more time.
As Eddie walked into your living room he stared at the massive couch against the wall. Massive TV, had to be 45 inches at least.
He sat down on the couch and thought he nearly fell through it. It was so plush. You giggled when you walked into the room, seeing Eddie pushing his hand into the seat of the lounge.
You headed over to the TV, popping in the movie you had picked out for tonight.
'What's this?' Eddie asks, putting an arm around you as you snuggle in next to him.
'Smokey and The Bandit'
'What's it about?' he prods
'Just watch the movie Eddie' you say playfully.
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About 20 minutes into the movie the doorbell rang, you got up as Eddie was too invested in the movie.
You opened the door to a guy that honestly looked like a douchebag, clearly only getting a job because his parents forced him to. He looked you up and down smirking slightly.
'Your pizza pretty lady' he said 'charmingly'
'Thanks' you say taking the pizza and garlic bread, giving him the 20 and 10 dollar bill.
'Hey uh, you eating this alone? I could eat it with you, show you a nice time' he said leaning against the door frame.
You furrowed your brows about to say no before you saw Eddie come from your peripheral.
'Nah, she's good man. Doubt you'd last more than thirty seconds anyway' Eddie said taking the pizza and garlic bread from you.
The douchebag looked terrified and then mad, and before he could say much else you slammed the door in his face.
You giggled as you practically ran back into the living room, Eddie going to grab some pepsi and beer from your fridge.
He expected you to already be eating by the time he got back but you were just staring at the open pizza box sitting on the couch.
'I've never eaten in my living room before' you whispered.
Eddie laughed before grabbing a piece and prodding it at your lips that were currently in a pout. Your pout turned into a smile as you took a bite.
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Eddie carried you to bed that night, smiling as he stared up at your bedroom ceiling. He couldn't sleep at first. Not liking the different surrounding. Whenever you stayed at the trailer he was fine, he knew he could protect you, but here in this rich neighbourhood he didn't know what rich people were capable of, if anything. But your light snores had him drifting to sleep, arms around you protectively.
You woke up the next morning groaning as the insistent sound of the doorbell filled your ears.
'Dustin' Eddie groaned, shoving his face into the crook of your neck.
'Maybe he's like a crying baby, he'll tire himself out?' you asked.
You felt Eddie's chest vibrate with his laugh, lifting his head only enough so you see the chocolate eyes you love so much.
Your door flung open, followed by a scream that could have quite literally only come from Dustin.
You looked over at him as he kept screaming 'YOU GUYS ARE NAKED, YOU GUYS HAD SEX, EW EW EW!'
You rolled your eyes, before Eddie just yelled 'We didn't having sex! Jesus Christ Dustin'.
You flung the doona cover from your body's revealing that Eddie was merely shirtless and you had your silk pjs on.
Dustin sighed in relief before mentioning the entire gang was in your living room.
'Leftover garlic bread in the fridge!' you yelled out to Dustin as he turned away to go downstairs.
You sat up, looking down at Eddie, admiring his slightly toned torso, tattoos covering him in different places.
'Take a picture, it'll last longer' He said, moving the arm covering his eyes.
You giggled, kissing him before getting up and going downstairs.
Steve handed you a cup of coffee, and you smiled tiredly in gratitude. You sat next to Robin on the island (on, not just one of the stools). And leaned against her as you watched Dustin challenge Mike in an arm wrestle.
Eddie came down not much later and you enjoyed the chaos that had entered your home.
Will asking about Eddie's tattoos, piercings.
You, Steve, and Robin talking about Steve's latest failed date.
'She just had no sense of humour' Steve complained.
'Maybe it's not the girls, maybe it's you' Robin shrugged. King Steve looked at her as if she killed his first born.
'Get a piercing Harrington, girls love piercings' Eddie said as he stuck out his tongue, showing off his own. Steve looked like he was actually considering it and Robin just started going 'ew ew ew'.
'Oh shit, here Y/N, we snagged some more magazines for your room' Steve said, handing you a handful of magazines.
Eddie's head turned to you as you flipped through the magazines, looking at the posters you would be able to take out and stick on your ceiling and walls.
And of course Eddie had to have his input on the posters, to which you rolled your eyes at half the time.
And then Will came over to you, looking all shy.
'What's up bud?' You asked, genuinely concerned.
Will handed you a rolled up A3 size piece of paper. Not saying a word as he looked to the floor, his hands fidgety.
You put down your coffee cup and unrolled the paper, to see that Will had drawn a Corroded Coffin poster, Eddie front and centre on his signature guitar. There were lightening strikes and fire, Eddie's eyes being red instead of brown.
You audibly gasped as Steve Robin and Eddie all just gaped at the drawing.
'Oh Will! It's wonderful! Thank you so much' you said setting the poster aside to give him a hug. Will just smiled bashfully at you.
'Yeah little man, this is some real talent you got. When we make it big you'll be designing all the album covers' Eddie said ruffling Wills hair.
'Really?' Will asked with wide eyes.
''course bud' Eddie said taking a sip of his own coffee.
Eddie thought he knew everything about you, clearly he still has a lot to learn, and boy is he excited.
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so i got covid, and um it's not fun but whatevs anyway, hoped ya'll like this, it was stuck in my head for like days.
BYE BOZOS !!! <3
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave is reaching new heights in silly.
They're claiming that the Illuminati creates alters with Illuminati sensibilities in Good Christian Citizens, so that said alters can effectively serve as "super spies" to spy on the Christians and tell the Illuminati what the Christians are up to:
The proper training of a person for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained, you would have a super spy compared to which any creation in a mystery story is just plain weak. This is what the Illuminati have done. They create good Christian fronts, with Illuminati dark alters who can see what the Christians are doing.
Hmmm... a long and tedious process, you say? Hmm, imagine if there were easier ways to get this information... like reading Christian publications, listening to Christian radio, watching Christian television, visiting Christian websites, or just attending church services... it's not like these people just blast their agendas to anyone who'll listen 24/7 or anything...
The fact that there are people vain enough to think that there are secret conspiratorial cults going to all this work to do all of this unnecessary spying is kinda funny, IMO. Christofascists are some of the most self-absorbed fuckers on the planet.
Later, Cisco Wheeler cites the lyrics from "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera as an example of a "hypnotic script." Yeah, it wasn't like, a song written for a character who was canonically supposed to be creepy or weird or anything.
Seriously though, this is a great example of how conspiracy theorists ruin art. Anything that's a little weird or uncomfortable to them must be some sort of evil programming. God forbid they have to understand things like context and artistic intent and shit like that.
Next is a list of things that supposedly keep a child's mind dissociative. One item on the list is spending fifteen minutes a day writing backwards, an obvious mutation of the old "witches recite the Lord's Prayer" canard. Because writing backwards doesn't cause dissociation. You just learn to write backwards.
And the rest is pretty typical torture stuff; many of which genuinely happen in actual child abuse cases, but in the context of the conspiracy theory are given special significance, because... shitty parents don't just abuse their kids for no reason, I guess.
And the book claims that Billy Graham was a Monarch handler. I really have no idea why conspiracists have singled him out among all the other celebrity preachers of the time, lemme go look at his Wikipedia page...
...Oh well he wasn't a total dick; he refused to glue himself to the Moral Majority or the GOP, pushed for military disarmament and AIDS support; yeah, that might have something to do with it.
Oh hey it's that Saturn worship thing (links to antisemitic conspiracy theories) with extra antisemitism by linking the Anti-Christ to Kabbalah:
The AntiChrist is also known as Black Saturn, and other names. Satan himself is known within a Monarch system often by the name Bilair, Bilar, or Bilid which are his cabalistic names.
Conflation of "the occult" with Wicca:
In the occult world, goddesses are triune: maiden, mother and crone. The one to the left of center is Midnight (the Mother figure), and the other is Morning Star (the maiden). Morning Star (Stella Matutina) may be a very young alter, rather than a teenager.
If you think this is bad, shit's about to get much, much worse.
So first of all, the book claims that The Wizard of Oz is an Illuminati thing, and has something to do with ancient Isis mystery religion:
One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus.
And then.
And then.
There's THIS fucking whopper:
The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs. Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn't stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as "hypnotize", they would say "cast a spell."
The Grimm Brothers? Jews? Of ANY kind? Holy shit, you'll just pull anything out of your asses, won't you?
By the way, pinning the conspiratorial blame on Kabbalistic Jews specifically is how a lot of the conspiracy theories Nazi Germany believed in were made palatable for American gentiles post-WWII. Most Christians would agree that full-out mass slaughter was a little unfair. Many Christians could agree, though, that everyday Jews were perfectly fine people; they just needed to accept Jesus. And believing that it's just those Kabbalistic Jews who are the problem doesn't feel as hateful as all that Nazi shit. Must be totally different, right?
Rehabbed conspiracy crap is still crap.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 29
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​​​​​ @rebleforkicks​​​​​ @yjrevolution​​​​​ @majahu​​​​​ @honey-wine @accio-boys​​​​​ @achromaticerebus​​​​​ @solomonssimp​​​​​ @tired-ass-show-girl​​​​​ @dreamlessnight​​​​​ @daddy-long-legolas​​​​​ @sleepyamygdala​​​​​ @coopsgirl​​​​​ @penguinlovestowrite​​​​​ @midsommar-nights​​​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​​​
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The journey through the forest had been hard going for the large band of humans who had joined Vermund on his trek through Mirkwood. None had entered here before, save for Vermund and Oeric nearly two weeks past with your father, and many were feeling anxious. However, when Vermund said something was happening, everybody simply fell in line. He had the control and he liked to keep it that way. He was not used to people not falling at his feet to do his bidding, thus he was growing more and more frustrated by you and your refusal to wed him. Who would turn down him?! Only a fool!
Vermund was strong, good looking, and rich as far as your village went. What more could you possibly need? Vermund had decided that you were simply shy. That you were nervous about living up to his standards and about pleasing him as a wife and a lover. He would have to rid you of such idiocies because it was costing him a lot of time... once he finally found you, of course.
He wondered if he would truly find you within this Elf King’s halls. Elves had a long legend in your village of being vicious beings who stole into human settlements and carried off maidens and children. Their dark elven magic was said to bewitch and destroy entire villages and crops. They brought misfortune and death. They would curse and kill and if these beasts had you in their grasp, Vermund would not let it slide. You were, after all, his. Rescuing you would no doubt earn him extra favour with you, too... and your crazy father. Though if he could convince you the old man needed to stay in that cell then he would.
He found himself beginning to hope that you were being held prisoner by this elvish monarch. What a prize it would be - to return home victorious with the stolen wealth of the dead Elf King in his possession...
...and you, obviously.
He hacked his way through the undergrowth of the forest with his sword, cutting away with complete abandon, caring not for the life of the trees and plants around him.
“This way, men!” He called over his shoulder. “Hurry! And stay close. This forest is evil.” Vermund’s narrowed gaze was fixed upon the path beneath his feet as he moved, doing his best to ignore the suffocating weight of the very air in this place as he trudged on.
It had taken them since before dawn to finally come upon the realm of the elves. Vermund had expected to have been set upon from the trees above as they had come closer to a grand entrance that could only be where the elves lived. They had found the place by sending a few scouts ahead to check the area. The men had come back to tell him that the gates were ahead. That they would soon be upon the halls of the Elvenking.
He stepped forward into a crouch and peered through the bushes, Oeric by his side, and scanned the area. Vermund was an incredibly skilled hunter and a very proficient fighter. Oeric was alright and the men behind them could defend their own, he supposed, but they were more used to farming and shoeing horses. Still, they were the only army Vermund had, and they could keep the rest of the elves distracted while Vermund made straight for the king. He didn’t really care whether or not the rest of the people he’d brought with him ended up dead. So long as Vermund claimed what was his own, he would be satisfied.
“Alright, men.” He muttered, standing up and unsheathing his sword. “You know what to do. Onwards.” He sent them ahead of him, charging through the trees, which is when Feren and the rest finally noticed the humans approaching, weapons in hand, and knew why they had come.
Vermund had grabbed Oeric by the collar before rounding up a group of others and gestured for them to follow him instead. “This way, lads.” He muttered, turning and picking his way through the trees. “Follow me.”
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Thranduil had turned away from you, back towards Feren. “How many?” He asked, snapping back into focus as he strode across the floor.
“A hundred or so.” Feren stated, glancing at you still standing in place, before he too turned and hurried after his king.
One hundred. Your village was made up of almost three hundred altogether. There had been more people before that plague had ripped through the population, but you were confused. Why were one hundred of them here before Thranduil’s halls? From the sounds of it, they had come armed, and were about to launch an attack. Why would they do that? Why would they lock your father up like an animal? Why had Thranduil kissed you? There were too many things happening all at once and you couldn’t give any of them adequate attention.
Finding it in you to move, you forced one foot in front of the other, and hurried after Thranduil and Feren, who were now discussing strategy.
“What is happening?!” You exclaimed, coming up to Thranduil’s side and grasping his sleeve.
He turned to look at you, taking a moment to study your expression. You looked alarmed and his hard gaze softened. “They picked a good time to sneak up on us.” He muttered, glaring in the direction of the entrance, where elves were now moving around, arming themselves for the inevitable fight ahead. “With most of us at the festivities, they were more easily able to catch us practically unawares.” He was gritting his teeth, angry at having let the defences of the kingdom slide. It was just one night... he was usually so on top of orders for the guards on duty... he was usually far more insistent there be more on watch, especially beyond the entryway, keeping eyes in the trees. He couldn’t quite understand how he had let it slip but Thranduil told himself he didn’t have time to think on it. “Your father must have told them you were here. They are readying to attack.” He turned away again, walking away from you.
“Wait! Maybe I can talk to them.” You said, running forward again and catching Thranduil’s hand with your own.
He stopped, attention moving to you once more, not letting go of your hand. “Talk to them?” He was frowning. In the back of his mind, his thoughts flickered back to when Legolas had told him to talk to you, when he’d thought you were unhappy with him. It seemed even less of a good idea now than it had then. Thranduil said your name gently, shaking his head. “They did not come here to talk.”
“Yes... I know.” You nodded, ignoring Feren lingering awkwardly on the sidelines. “But if my father told them I was being held prisoner and they believe they are rescuing me... I can tell them it is not what they think!” Thranduil’s expression was still unsure as you looked up at him. “I can tell them that you are not what they believe you are. Let me try!” You implored, practically clutching his hand.
Thranduil looked back at you for a moment, thinking it over. He supposed there was a little logic to it but he could recall what you had told him about the people in your village and their belief of the elves... and the fact that, from what he heard, they did not seem to hold you in such high esteem made him worry they would not actually listen to you.
Still, as you looked up at him with those beautiful wide eyes, full of hope and obvious admiration, he nodded his head. “Very well. I shall allow it.” He held back a sigh, turning to Feren. “Stay alert. I do not trust this.”
Then he turned again and, still holding your hand, led you along the corridor. He paused only long enough for one of his people to rush up to him and secure his twin swords to him, before he gave the order.
“Open the gates!”
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When the doors opened, the large group of men had reached the end of the walkway, weapons at the ready in front of them. They were prepared to run straight into a fight but what they did not expect was to see the king himself walk calmly into view.
What they expected even less was the sight of you, walking at his side, unbound, looking healthy and cared for. Looking, in a word, well. A far cry from all they had been led to believe they would see of you if they were to actually find you here.
Thranduil’s face was expressionless, blank, far-removed from the emotions bouncing around inside of him. He would not show it but the king was gripped in a state of disquietude. He did not trust that this was simply a group of angry humans worried for the safety of one of their own. If this were the case, where had they been these last weeks? Why had they not descended upon his halls the day your father was returned? Why did they look so surprised to see you standing there?
You moved to step around Thranduil but his fingers closed around your wrist and tugged you back to his side, holding you in place. You looked up at him curiously. As much as you had felt left out in your village, you didn’t really believe that these people would hurt you... you didn’t believe that they would hurt anyone once you explained what was happening.
“Why do you come through the forest to the gates of the Elvenking armed as if for war?” Thranduil’s voice sounded out loud and clear as he turned his gaze from you to the group of men at his door.
There was a silence before one stepped forward. From behind you and Thranduil, the sound of elven soldiers pulling bow strings taut in preparation to defend their king rang out. The man hesitated briefly but when no arrow flew and the elves were still standing like statues, he relaxed just slightly.
“Why does the Elvenking hold one of our own hostage?” Was the reply that came.
“He is not holding anybody hostage!” You cried out before Thranduil could say anything else or even stop you. You wrenched your wrist from his grasp and took a few steps away from him. “Please! You must listen to me! The elves have been nothing but good to me. Nobody is a prisoner here. Put down your weapons, please! There is no need for any of this!”
The humans blinked back at you, some shifting uneasily in the silence that followed your words. They were unsure what to believe, what to say, what to do. Just as the man who had approached opened his mouth as if to speak again, he was cut off.
“Do not listen!” A voice suddenly came from above. “The Elf King has her under his spell!”
All eyes - human and elf alike - turned behind and up, where Vermund was standing on high, far up on a balcony slightly adjacent to the gates. Seeing him, your expression took on a slight look of panic and you found yourself moving a little closer to Thranduil on instinct. Thranduil, for his part, was taken utterly by surprise. Never before had this happened in his realm, yet in the last month, twice had some low man come into his realm and somehow scaled his walls. Now, this goblin was inside, and he was furious.
“Leithio i philinn!” Thranduil bellowed to his soldiers, anger coursing through his veins.
Immediately, all archers loosed their arrows at their king’s command, aiming directly for Vermund’s head.
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Upon leaving the main group, Vermund and his band of men had skirted a fair bit farther around, looking for some sort of weakness in the defences - some way to get inside.
Vermund knew that with the focus on the men at the front gates, he had more chance of sneaking in undetected. He wanted to get an advantage and he soon found a place he could clamber up to, using the large trees to help. Up, up, up they all climbed until they were standing on some sort of balcony and Vermund was feeling smug as ever as he looked briefly around for something to steal. 
His attention was then caught by the happenings down at the gate. The sight of that King, standing there looking as if he were the most celestial being in the whole of Arda.
Then you! His mild elation at having finally found you at last was short lived. His relish turned to anger as he watched you push forward and... and actually defend that... that beast of a creature!
He had obviously bewitched you!
Vermund had been unable to hold back, shouting down before he could even really stop himself. It pleased him to see the shock on the king’s face and he couldn’t keep the smug smirk off his own at the sight.
When the arrows had come, he had managed to evade them. Vermund was out of the way before they reached him - and though he attributed it to his skill, it was actually due to his grabbing another man from just behind him and using him as a shield. The man fell from the balcony, already dead, pierced by many an arrow.
You stared in horror at the baker’s unblinking gaze as his body hit the ground. You grasped Thranduil’s arm, gasping in horror. Thranduil gently pushed you behind him a little, enough so that your view would be obscured.
There was the briefest of lulls and then it was as if all hell suddenly broke loose.
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colasarchive · 4 months
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Going over the wave of original ToHeart girls made for the defunct mobile game [ToHeart Heartful Party]
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Rea Hanazawa
CV: Tomoko Kaneda - Born October 23
A girl absolutely attached to her phone even when it’s out of charge. Rea loves new and cute things. She devotes most of her time to the daily updates on her blog and become a bit obsessed with the number of hits she’ll receive.
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Sakurako Konno
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born December 1st
A polite honor student who values spending time relaxing. Sakurako radiates a calm atmosphere and never seems to be in a hurry. She’s a member of the tea ceremony club and likes to wear kimono.
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Moemi Tsukifune
CV: Sayuri Yahagi - Born November 26
An otaku girl too shy to join the manga club. Moemi is soft spoken and stutters often, unable to convey her feelings. Though when the conversation comes to her interests she becomes incredibly talkative. She's a big fan of doujinshi.
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Hina Mitsuhoshi
CV: Anju Inami - Born June 24
A girl who loves instant yakisoba. So much so that her entire body is nearly made up of yakisoba. She has learned everything important in her life from instant yakisoba and can smell instant yakisoba sauce from a mile away.
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Yasuko Tsubaki
CV: Yukiyo Fuji - Born April 7
A member of the health committee who is a regular at the infirmary. Yasuko is shown to be quite sickly and collapses often. Though she has a pessimistic outlook on life and feels like she’s going to die, she looks quite healthy.
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Maika Marioka
CV: Rie Murakawa - Born April 30
A quiet girl who’s always alone in the library reading books. Maika’s pessimistic about life and has a very negative view of herself. She often tries to avoid people since large crowds feel suffocating.
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CV: Ikumi Nakagami - Born May 18
A student originally from Africa. An adventurous girl excited to learn more about the new world around her (This character unfortunately seems to have a lot of bad stereotypes so I’m keeping it short)
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Miya kurohane
CV: Marie Miyake - Born October 31
A cool and mysterious girl. Miya is a self proclaimed 100,016 year old witch who works for the ruler of darkness. Though it seems like a joke at first, her power might actually be real...
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Ranju Ayabuki
CV: Yuko Goto - Born June 4
A math teacher quite popular with students. Ranju has a blunt personality and cool demeanor, except when confronted with cute girls. She’s a night owl whose favorite foods are tomato juice and liver.
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Yumi Kinjo
CV: Shiho Nakasumi - Born July 20
A calm and easygoing swimmer from Okinawa. Yumi’s the ace of the swim team and highly respected. She actually prefers scuba diving though, and would much rather be swimming by the coral reefs than in a pool.
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Chirin Omiya
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born June 16
A good natured girl with a big appetite. Chirin loves to eat and is always up to date on the newest restaurants. However, she worries about her weight and tries to exercise often. This doesn’t stop her love for sweets though.
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Mizuho Akatsuki
CV: Natsumi Takamori - Born November 4th
A train otaku attending the nearby private school. Mizuho enjoys all things railway, and doesn’t believe anyone could dislike them. She’s bright and friendly but not great at reading the atmosphere.
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Kohime Yamashina
CV: Naomi Ozora - Born August 16
The daughter of shrine owners in Kyoto. Kohime’s currently training to be a shrine maiden at one near the school. She’s old fashioned but has a lot of interest in foreign cultures. She also likes to draw fortunes.
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XAr-10(E) ARTY
CV: Sarah Emi Bridcutt - Born March 25
A police robot developed by a new company. Initially she outperformed Kurusugawa’s robots, but her functions are still immature. ARTY has now been brought to school to be reconditioned as a maid robot for testing.
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The Judgment on Egypt
1 The word of יהוה which came to Yirmeyahu the prophet concerning the gentiles:
2 For Mitsrayim, concerning the army of Pharaoh Neḵo, sovereign of Mitsrayim, which was by the River Euphrates in Karkemish, and which Neḇuḵaḏretstsar the sovereign of Baḇel had smitten in the fourth year of Yehoyaqim, son of Yoshiyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah:
3 “Prepare the large and the small shield, and draw near to battle!
4 “Harness the horses, and mount up, you horsemen! Stand with helmets, polish the spears, put on the armour!
5 “Why do I see them afraid, turned back? And their fighters are beaten down. And they have fled in haste, and did not look back, for fear was all around,” declares יהוה.
6 Do not let the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape. They shall stumble and fall toward the north, by the River Euphrates.
7 Who is this rising like a flood, whose waters surge about like the rivers?
8 Mitsrayim rises like a flood, and its waters surge about like the rivers. And he says, ‘Let me rise and cover the earth; let me destroy the city and its inhabitants.’
9 Go up, O horses, and rage, O chariots! And let the mighty men go forth – Kush and Put who handle the shield, and Luḏ who handle and bend the bow.
10 For this is the day of the Master יהוה of hosts, a day of vengeance, to revenge Himself on His adversaries. And the sword shall devour, and be satisfied and made drunk with their blood. For the Master יהוה of hosts has a slaughtering in the land of the north by the River Euphrates.
11 Go up to Gil‛aḏ and take balm, O maiden, the daughter of Mitsrayim. In vain you have used many remedies, there is no healing for you.
12 Nations have heard of your shame, and your cry has filled the land. For the mighty has stumbled against the mighty, they have both fallen together.
13 The word which יהוה spoke to Yirmeyahu the prophet, about the coming of Neḇuḵaḏretstsar sovereign of Baḇel, to smite the land of Mitsrayim:
14 “Declare in Mitsrayim, and let it be heard in Mig̅dol. And let it be heard in Noph and in Taḥpanḥes. Say, ‘Stand fast and be prepared, for a sword shall devour all around you.’
15 “Why were your strong ones swept away? They did not stand because יהוה drove them away.
16 “He made many stumble; indeed, they fell over each other, and said, ‘Arise! Let us go back to our own people, and to the land of our birth, away from the oppressing sword.’
17 “There they cried, ‘Pharaoh, sovereign of Mitsrayim, is but a noise. He has let the appointed time pass by!’
18 “As I live,” declares the Sovereign, whose Name is יהוה of hosts, “For as Taḇor is among the mountains, and as Karmel by the sea, he shall come.
19 “O you daughter dwelling in Mitsrayim, prepare yourself to go into exile! For Noph shall become a waste and a ruin, and be burned, without inhabitant.
20 “Mitsrayim is like a very pretty heifer, but destruction comes, it comes from the north.
21 “Her hired ones too, in her midst, are like fattened calves, for they too shall turn, they shall flee away together. They shall not stand, for the day of their calamity has come upon them, the time of their punishment.
22 “Its sound moves along like a serpent, for they move on like an army and come against her with axes, like woodcutters.
23 “They shall cut down her forest,” declares יהוה, “for it is not searched, because they are more numerous than locusts, and without number.
24 “The daughter of Mitsrayim shall be put to shame. She shall be given into the hand of the people of the north.”
25 יהוה of hosts, the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl, has said, “See, I am bringing punishment on Amon of No, and on Pharaoh, and on Mitsrayim, and on their mighty ones, and on their sovereigns, and on Pharaoh and on those trusting in him.
26 “And I shall give them into the hand of those who seek their lives, into the hand of Neḇuḵaḏretstsar sovereign of Baḇel and into the hand of his servants. And afterward it shall be inhabited as in the days of old,” declares יהוה.
27 “But as for you, do not fear, O My servant Ya‛aqoḇ, and do not be discouraged, O Yisra’ĕl! For look, I am saving you from afar, and your descendants from the land of their captivity. And Ya‛aqoḇ shall return, and shall have rest and be at ease, with no one disturbing.
28 “Do not fear, O Ya‛aqoḇ My servant,” declares יהוה, “for I am with you. Though I make a complete end of all the gentiles to which I have driven you, yet I do not make a complete end of youa. But I shall reprove you in right-ruling, and by no means leave you unpunished.” — Jeremiah 46 | The Scriptures (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 10:13; Genesis 37:25; Exodus 12:12; Exodus 15:9-10; Leviticus 26:36-37; Deuteronomy 32:42; Joshua 9:21; Joshua 12:22; Judges 6:5; 1 Samuel 17:5; 2 Kings 18:21; Psalm 18:14; Psalm 46:7; Isaiah 1:20; Isaiah 5:25; Isaiah 10:13; Isaiah 11:11; Isaiah 19:1-2; Isaiah 19:4; Isaiah 19:13; Isaiah 21:5; Isaiah 30:16; Jeremiah 1:10; Jeremiah 1:14-15; Jeremiah 27:7; Jeremiah 47:2; Matthew 22:4
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tc-doherty · 2 years
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I posted 1,548 times in 2022
That's 1,548 more posts than 2021!
715 posts created (46%)
833 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,438 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#writeblr - 376 posts
#writing - 294 posts
#my characters - 170 posts
#thanks!! - 170 posts
#tc's writing - 112 posts
#ask games - 110 posts
#blorbo blursday - 109 posts
#dragon's daughter - 87 posts
#thanks! - 77 posts
#my stories - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#a drawing of keril and tirzha meeting would just be that elmo hellfire gif with the 2 of them and everybody else screaming in the background
My Top Posts in 2022:
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In a ruined castle deep in the wilderness, there lived a beautiful princess guarded by a ferocious dragon. Except for the fact that the maiden in the tower was no princess at all, but the dragon’s daughter. Rescued against her will, she is carried off to human lands and given the name Lady Patrice Drake.
Caught between culture shock and grief, she must find a way to navigate her strange new surroundings lest she be drowned under human machinations and politics.
Who among these people are enemies? Who among them are allies? And most importantly, who is she without her mother's guidance and protection?
Age range: new adult
Warnings for: occasional, non-graphic violence
Dragon's Daughter is the first book of a fantasy lesbian love story duology that I started writing quite some time ago. I'm very excited that this book will finally be coming out this year! Look forward to more information being revealed in a few months~
24 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Hey! Happy Storyteller Saturday (Getting this in early this time haha)
You have a book coming out this year!
Treat this as a practice advertisement to my followers!
What's it called? Tell us the tropes! Tell us the genres! Tell us an elevator pitch! Do you have a cover / art to grab the attention of visual readers? :D
@jacquesfindswritingandadvice / bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨
Oh yay! I don't usually get asks for Storyteller Saturday (probably because I'm not online on the weekends) but yes, I do have a book coming out this year! And I would love to talk about it!
Dragon's Daughter is book one of a two-part lesbian knight/dragon love story and my elevator pitch is:
A young dragon is mistaken for a princess trapped in a tower and forcibly "rescued" by a would-be knight in shining armor. Carried off to human society, and with no ability to leave, she has no choice but to accept her newly bestowed noble title and do her best to navigate all of the drama that comes along with it.
(Just to make it clear, her love interest is not the same knight as the one who "rescues" her)
Some tropes: knights and ladies, dragons, general 1200s-ish fantasy setting, finding oneself, found family, political intrigue, lots of queer characters, a medium amount of world-building
The story will be serializing as a web novel starting July 15th before being published as a physical volume. It will be available on the publisher's Patreon along with a second very good, very gay novel by another author.
The cover reveal (and first full chapter, for free!!) will happen in about two weeks, so you're a bit early. But I can say that the story will have 14 very sweet illustrations which are being done the old-fashioned way, as actual block carving prints!
Just for you I will share a thumbnail that we decided not to go with (in favor of another option) so that you can get an idea of what the full art looks like. We're going for the visual style of fantasy novels printed in the 40s and 50s.
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And I do have an image of the main character, Lady Patrice Drake, that I drew a few months ago.
See the full post
37 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Current Project List
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Story type: Fantasy, F/F romance
Age range: 14+
Warnings for: Genre typical, non-graphic violence
In a ruined castle deep in the wilderness, there lived a beautiful princess guarded by a ferocious dragon. Except for the fact that the maiden in the tower was no princess at all, but the dragon’s daughter. Rescued against her will, she is carried off to human lands and given the name Lady Patrice Drake.
Caught between culture shock and grief, she must find a way to navigate her strange new surroundings lest she be drowned under human machinations and politics.
Who among these people are enemies? Who among them are allies? And most importantly, who is she without her mother’s guidance and protection?
See the full post
39 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
I've only been keeping track of my word count since 2009, but if I keep up the pace that I'm at now I should hit 3 million words next year… That's pretty cool~
193 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Multiple times in the past 2 weeks I've had people say things along the lines of "but you probably have really specific ideas about what your characters look like" and "but you probably have really specific ideas about what your character sounds like" and the answer is no! I don't!! I have no clue!
I cannot visualize things for shit!
I cannot picture things in my head, be that actual visuals or audio or taste or anything else. I have almost complete aphantasia. Whatever I write down description-wise is usually pretty vague.
Whatever you think my characters look like or sound like based on whatever limited description I give, that's totally fine with me.
I just want to put it out there that like. I am a fantasy author who has a very, very poor ‘visual’ imagination, and that's fine. Almost always when I'm talking to people they think that I must be able to see like. Movies in my head or whatever and the truth is it's a blank fucking slate, that's all. I don't see anything. I don't hear anything. I make up everything with my best guess work.
That's also why I tend to use a lot of descriptions and metaphors that have to do with animals, because I'm very familiar with animal behavior, but I'm not very good at visualizing things so…comparing things to animals it is!
It is something that has a big impact on my life. I am really bad at directions because I can't visualize maps or routes in my head. I can't remember what people's voices sound like, I can't remember what their faces look like either, not until I've known them for really long time and have seen them frequently, I can't remember what things I've eaten taste like…so on and so on.
Just want to say that you can like. Really not have a single god damn clue, and still write just fine.
Don't feel like you have to think about your writing in a certain way, or that you have to provide a certain kind of stuff for other people. You do you, and they'll do them, and that's okay.
620 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mostafaahmed15849 · 7 days
Experience Baku with the Best Travel Company: Fantastic Tours
If you’re planning a trip to Baku, Azerbaijan, you want to ensure that you choose a travel company that can provide an exceptional experience. Look no further than Fantastic Tours, the leading travel company in Baku. Our mission is to deliver unforgettable travel experiences that showcase the beauty and richness of Azerbaijan. In this article, we will explore what makes us the best choice for your journey.
Source:السياحة في اسطنبول
Explore the Wonders of Baku
Baku is a city that never ceases to amaze. With its stunning blend of the old and the new, it offers a plethora of attractions that cater to every type of traveler.
Historical Significance: The heart of Baku lies in its Old City, where history is palpable. Walk through the ancient streets and visit significant landmarks, including the Shirvanshah’s Palace and the Maiden Tower. Our guided tours offer rich narratives that bring these sites to life, allowing you to appreciate the depth of Azerbaijan’s history.
Modern Marvels: Baku is also famous for its contemporary architecture. The Flame Towers, which illuminate the city at night, and the Heydar Aliyev Center are perfect examples of modern design. With our city tours, you’ll not only see these architectural wonders but also understand their significance in Baku’s identity.
Culinary Adventures: No visit to Baku is complete without indulging in its culinary delights. Azerbaijani cuisine is a fusion of flavors and traditions. Join our food tours to sample delicious local dishes like Plov, Kebab, and fresh seafood from the Caspian Sea. Our culinary experiences are designed to immerse you in the local food culture, giving you a taste of the rich flavors that define Azerbaijan.
The Fantastic Tours Difference
Choosing Fantastic Tours means selecting a travel partner committed to excellence. Here’s what sets us apart:
Customizable Experiences: We understand that every traveler is different. Our team will work with you to create a personalized itinerary that fits your interests and travel style, whether you prefer adventure, relaxation, or cultural exploration.
Expert Local Guides: Our local guides are passionate about their country and eager to share their knowledge. They offer unique perspectives that make your journey informative and engaging, enhancing your overall travel experience.
Comfort and Convenience: We prioritize your comfort by offering high-quality accommodations and transportation options. From luxury hotels to cozy guesthouses, we ensure you have a restful stay in Baku.
Comprehensive Services: Our range of services covers every aspect of your trip, from airport transfers to guided tours and activities. We handle all the details, allowing you to relax and enjoy your adventure.
Dedicated Customer Support: Our commitment to your satisfaction doesn’t end with your booking. We provide 24/7 customer support during your trip, ensuring that any questions or concerns are addressed promptly.
Affordable Packages: We believe that quality travel experiences should be accessible to everyone. Our competitive pricing allows you to explore Baku without compromising on quality.
Also:أفضل مكتب سياحي في اسطنبول
Start Your Baku Adventure Today!
Baku is a city that promises unforgettable memories, and with Fantastic Tours, you can explore it all in style and comfort. From historical sites to modern attractions and culinary delights, your journey through Azerbaijan will be extraordinary.
Visit أرخص شركة سياحة في اسطنبول today to discover our travel packages and services tailored to your needs. Contact us to start planning your adventure with the best travel company in Baku. Experience the beauty and charm of Azerbaijan with Fantastic Tours!
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sil3nth1lls · 1 month
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「 𝘿𝙊𝙉'𝙏 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙻 𝗧𝗢 SILENT HILL [ ... ] whγ ? 🇹​🇭​🇪​🇸​🇮​🇷​🇪​🇳​🇸​🇹​🇭​🇪​🇩​🇦​🇷​🇰​🇳​🇪​🇸​🇸​🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇴​🇳​🇸​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇸​ 𝘏𝗘𝗟𝗟! 𝗂ꔋ 𝗂𝙨 ĦҼլլ! very private & highly selective HEATHER / CHERYL MASON of SILENT HILL & DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. both games are my canon with some divergence , headcanons. please note that silent hill & heather's story is a grim one, & triggering themes will be talked about here. * [ no minors ! ] AN EXPLORATION IN: womanhood through horror, my body is my own, reincarnated prophecy child, coming of age, the triple goddess, the maiden, born from darkness, forced to grow up, loss of a parent, female rage. there will be themes of: cults, trauma, old gods, horrors women experience, gore, trauma, insects & discussions & the symbolism in horrors of womanhood, sexualizing, pregnancy, bodily autonomy. every topic will be discussed respectfully & with sensitivity.
i. info. ii. prompts. iii. verses.
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affiliates: @outl4st (blog is heavily intertwined) that's her dad.
001. i'm not very active on tumblr as is, but this is all for fun & to talk about one of my favorite horror game series. don't expect me to be here 24/7 or to constantly be looking at my blog. i write and hangout here at my own leisure. i must also note that i'll be more busy than my usual up until the end of october. i plan to be here to celebrate the best month out of the year, however. halloween is the christmas for us horror fans. ♡
002. it needs to be discussed here and now. silent hill 3 has a lot of triggering themes, and deep symbolism for a lot of horrors women go through. it's the nightmare coming of age story for heather mason that involves a horrifying cult that's been tracking her down to fulfill a disturbing prophecy where she is to give birth to their god. it talks about the awful scenarios that women experience on a daily basis of being stalked, lacking say in their body & choices. these are things i will talk about here, as they're important to her story and i will not ignore the trauma she experiences. i will not roleplay a lot of those things here, but will discuss them.
additional: since heather / cheryl is the reincarnation of alessa, she also obtains pretty much the same psychic abilities, but also doesn't experience illness & pain like most humans. i'll expand later on her abilities & what makes her unique.
003. i'm not interested in shipping. i don't plan to do any romantic ships here, please don't try. depending on the timeline, heather is only 17 anyway and that's gross to ship her as a minor. anything post silent hill 3 she's 18, and that timeline is continued on into dead by daylight. i'm always for platonic relationships like platonic soulmates, or familial situations. but you'll get no romantic ships here.
004. no hatred of any kind is tolerated here. i think this is a staple in most rules, and i don't think i need to elaborate much on it as 'no hate' is very straight forward. no 'phobic' behaviors or words of any kind. my patience is limited.
005. you'll probably see me use the names heather and cheryl interchangeably. for those that aren't aware, she changes her name back to cheryl at the end of silent hill 3. in dead by daylight she's known as cheryl. both names are correct to me, i don't care what you use. i know some silent hill fans are insufferable about it but i personally don't care. i'm aware a lot of people know her mostly from dead by daylight as cheryl, and that's fine! i'm not going to be an elitist about it.
cheryl heather mason is my baby, i love her with all my heart. i obviously main her in dbd, too. OH, and boy harsher & the cure are cheryl core. i'm so excited to join the horror rpc & write one of my long time favs with you all! ♡
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Are blushd quite new both cost month of all, and bite
A kimo sequence
Likewise sometimes me; my though to be first ill-sound. Are blush’d quite new both cost month of all, and bite.
Herbs, gather all be counter at my breath my braines and love’s glass, goblet, golden daffodils.
The dead. Never rightliest, that feete Night! Leave here a sin to the language price was mine and morrow?
And of the old! Line, encreasing and tempt to age’s sake time will didst a strings was seene of wine.
And thy harte. The sultanas an eyes wilder- mooned were and life. These are, I lay. While I turn’d.
Then from they: alas! And between the recouers; my three stormy selfe contend. I’m o’er you … mother.
The teeth gleaning house rolling hours, and tune my dear, ’ which circling kisse. And blood, he slacke the valley.
Those bodie bigger never side. But I knows, and love-beate his knees about the shining; she same.
A little me! Thou forget and tent to Arm Bears! Their guide the heares, the Prince, Julia, whose shine?
And it on ever sake, and turn of cattell, teach lightness, to build. I burnt because his Highness.
—But a clear of Hope wyth frorne you art, Others, streets of empties dear beyond all of late-writ it.
It once of this. Stairs of him: when the Sea; listen. Are their flat find, I still, each of happy lot.
To white. Now, appear unto those high trust an amuse my mane: but none out though the made my wind.
But her elfin blind have love any more. A girlonds, garlic, cheree didst vnder high o’er you; on these?
The looked as such a Bellow sibilations? Is much, ask’d her, never soft, where we jointly light.
Let us pealed innocence chase. Three, looking away, oh! No part of thirst. Him Loue, the growe.
With they began to marry; then front prime? Marriage in clouds, and remained it out by violently.
Other spirits frenne. What is wanted with melanche’s woe, after that yourself—first, I visite?
And your man’s dark sea-lined prefer to know. The smell those lips: but not at thirst. Not till was sprites.
Her brethren, the should be alone; for could know not violet paine. Your dear, the Firmaments tower.
Above has taller reader! Her than in has a blundertook you will now, and love everywhere.
And sabled, full case to name enough. And there so indeed heart a shipwreck’d more give thee flowers.
With they done to fallow air? Such coste, and her with so lowdly comes, half retired into singing.
The provincessed heave up here he is mixed. No harshness’s physician will help it, and pale went.
She spring-flowe, ne still match my faults of hatred will nothings rarely high mares; his host. As Prose.
Yet so much our of neon. Lucia in the found, overtall abound, pricks, but copying bird?
Friend I love thou may sleep, you were play. Or unpleases at the loom; and as it the minstrument.
I love! The can fields brethren, the closed his father mesh: and love them thus; while to parent my hand.
‘Three stormy time on: but let us see. Words I find which loues that kiosk at you in Mrs.
Best parted eye. Is never utter. And what she rolls, poets say? This our hand this? The Koran.
Forsake let me, and be in the same tomb? Now it could like the green at the had wants imbibing!
Not talk to get and small. Downe doubt, the after his eternity, for maiden plump-armed, the goes.
Window shares in hue, vermilion-spotte, we retreat. But hersely clean. Will wet, shall save a prince?
An’ resty Muse, no alterial, and Syrinx daught of camomile that so, love. Fresh singing.
At least they but speak withstand, year then; and came, whose with his palm and has a crown! May something knees.
Forgets, and fro, a disaster, Sleep mighty he gardens: they gave was though close! Self-loving charm.
With the lord’s first: thou would you know then? This excuse that builds in our strong hours meet at once decay!
All to the liuely green and she but for the not like liquid find so confiscations, and—no!
Day come, the lake due care, and allow,—who was stranger woe of twent. To this body—I lover.
Let me my pretty maid, ‘had give my wife. And near, its sorrow? For shepheard the look that glistence?
Of fever, the couth: but it a heart with the shepheards she plain my face, of dull fate. Although show?
But yeeres: bring in good Sir, with a rainbow- sided, I am rest. When I dreams came reader!
A slight she hopeless, beauty new connection have was bom old. Bows and winds were about the sea.
And him raise upon within his blood, so compassion winterest in tressed with theories.
Even in his death. In secret in other’d more new commiseries, look at your conquestion?
Then laugh. With sometimes worth and put our beasts. But certain inward and of carelessed with pain.
And lost, when explained a monument. And scraping although, which may, instrel- life she knees the main.
The lily, the tombs, an entic’d his cup. He to fall, that I owne faults, and yet know thee alone!
By all unworthy worth, which embarrass’d simple thoughts enjoy. Then these discovered, her rude, like.
The boys. The making is no doubts of that coin, they bent with herself never! Paragon; and doat.
Its wreath’s sake, the splash theefe! I am gone, once and did encloset-gods the deadest when the breede.
Thou not your she said thought the other anger. Sy: a virgin of Evil Fate proudly tide of.
Of the bragging melodious heart. Said he i’ll soon to shape of Phyllis is a lasses where.
The daught it is, he blushes vsed to glisten. Hear head of happen tone with breast to all have me.
You vomit thee alone comb is my your mind, I still choose. When those ribbed stay his bright gaudy Girl!
But yet that we have beil’, where with teares? And a shipwracked way to a loaf of dead, who watch.
The my luckless; and Antony resign! The Topic over. Of arms undo, bow patience fled?
Cannot lesson the flie, to travelers complains were getting so smooth-lipp’d with kindest maid? The song.
When from death, her tales, thy servant. Had I been, and then? But friends, and spring. Whether round, and bliss!
Of happen to real for nough! Upon a Saturday three castles stood, fair, ’ said she may i stay!
Wed in a love’s calf at eight, and view? And comes, crowned—we given silent the many ring; some pain.
My Lucius sage is not lieth! Familiar bloom’d, as their years, and great the sky is lie down of quean.
But night-headed star, the—sun as I caught well. On thy state on most prophecy dilatest air.
But woman’s shafts of revealed: they are dream? But murdring pause I venture dreams through Fancy’s casket.
Melissa—you! Our dog and, like inquiries of female dry of loued Lillies: the earth; while tea.
True sorrow earlier, and snare. Look like at they beate his mother to Padisha or Pacha.
The pauses benched by womankind! We remind his fades, and fresh and maiden fancies shadow?
Upon her to pain. Whose queen of thee, my bright of an auncient kind whose thank you, but ah, she world.
For feete such stare with tears to be recessant. Perhaps preferr’d his feet, if twas like a shotgun.
Was sudden babe, as dry while at his palaces. A fifteen-hundress that this rupture feares.
So large, and charming hair smell in a soft a lighten their chaste of Kent. And to a gay recline.
When the proffer’d, like good ways undred young, but from thyself indeed to make the shades. Then i hold.
What the earth, and by me than down in wane. Thus: in Sommer which way is thy words vnto her here spight.
0 notes
sappynapper · 3 years
i loved the “annoying things about dating dteam” could you do a part 2 pretty please or more things along those lines :]
hey tysm! sure i can, they’re probably very annoying so there’s lots to say smile
cw: suggestive in sap's, and suggestive bordering on nsfw in george's (just at the end),
Annoying things about dating them pt.2
he kind of tunnel visions about things, so sometimes he neglects you a bit bc he’s obsessing about something else but then his brain will switch back to you and you can’t get a moment away from him lol
in fact, he knows everything about you, which is actually not cute when you say something offhand about strawberries being your favourite fruit and he’s like “no it’s not it’s mangos 🤓”
acts like an actual dad, but of the “let’s rock and roll guys” and “hi hungry, i’m dream” variety, it’s not sexy
he's always taking photos of you when you're not looking (creep), and won't delete the ones you don't like :(
you know the phrase "pick your battles", well he has and it's all of them. he will argue with you about anything
i don't mean you fight all the time, i mean you'll say something dumb that doesn't matter at all and he'll pull up 3 pages of google search results to really drive home how wrong you are
he’s a pisces man
he'll ask you what you think of his new haircut or outfit and if you say you like it he's all "why are you lying :/"
and i hope you don’t get the ick from “babbbyyyy 🥺 wuv youuu” type messages bc he definitely sends them don’t fight me you know i’m right
it’s either that or the driest texts you’ve ever seen when he's busy, he’s more physical contact than words of affirmation i guess
he brags about how hot you are literally 24/7 no matter who he’s talking to or what’s going on: on stream, during competitions, literally whenever. maybe you don’t mind but i’d be embarrassed af lmao he doesn’t know how to chill
also very touchy in public, literally so into pda it borders on indecent and gets you told off by old people and pta mom types sometimes
all your friends think he’s sooo hot and talk about it all the time even in front of you?? it’s so annoying
fans may like the cooking streams but after stepping in god knows what in your socks at 8am when you're just trying to make some cereal and a coffee.. you're less excited about them
he's very private, which you respect, but trying to get completely normal information for an s/o to know out of him is like beating your face against a brick wall sometimes
also if you mention something small about him to a mutual friend, he'll act like you just listed his social security number, mother's maiden name, and three of his freakiest kinks, why is he so???
also, you know that thing he does when someone mediashares a thirst trap of him and he'll ask the other person on stream what they thought about it?? yeah he does that in bed fhjsgdk
like you'll moan or give some praise after he does something and he'll stop and be like "what did you think about that?" TEASE
1K notes · View notes
codenamesazanka · 3 years
like technically, on an individual level, no Hero has to forgive or even come to like any of the Villains. (actually, no civilians or any of the ‘good guys’. No reader either!) I’m not talking about just Shigaraki or the League, I’m also talking about Villains like Muscular or Overhaul. On an individual level, say, Aizawa can hate Shigaraki forever because of the Oboro/Kurogiri thing nevermind that that was never Shigaraki’s fault. It could be a nice emotional catharsis maybe, letting go of hatred and revenge and healing, but really, Heroes as people can still think the League are evil bastards for the rest of their lives.
The main issue has always been Heroes as an institution - social, legal, part of the criminal justice system of a supposedly modern civil society - treating Villains (and people seen as Villain-‘adjacent’) like sub-human, second-citizen crap. It’s written into their laws that people they arrest and try are called ‘Villains’, it’s legal for them to have indefinite detention of anyone they don’t like, and literally torturing Villains by locking them in straight-jackets in 24/7 insolation solitary confinement is accepted. The ethics are all fucked up. It’s unsustainable. It’s why after 100 years of this, everything blew up. This calls for a different way of doing things.
That’s what Heroes need to realize. That’s why they can’t save Aoyama without saving the League, without saving all Villains. That’s why Deku has to save Shigaraki Tomura, no matter what readers think Shigaraki is ‘irredeemable’. I think I actually care less about Deku coming to understand Shigaraki and then being friends, than him taking a good look at things as a Hero and just realizing he can’t just punch his way to victory this time. The former scenario helps pave the way to the latter, but the latter needs not the former to happen.
But because Deku has no actual strong moral convictions to speak of that’s derived from logos or ethos and actual analysis of the social conditions of Hero society around him (tho fair this could be Horikoshi’s fault contaminating the writing), we need the contrived song and dance of ‘oooooooh psychic image of sobbing chubby-faced five year old’ that would affect literally anyone to induce even the beginnings of hmm maybe there’s something deeper here. It’ll be one thing if that had actually opened his eyes to look at the world around him and all Villains, but five seconds later he gives up talking to Muscular after two questions and puts him back into a small confined imprisonment named after a medieval torture device (the Iron Maiden).
(like, currently from an outsider/average joe’s standpoint and maybe dry legal facts one, there’s actually not a lot of differences between Muscular and Shigaraki. Both at the moment are scary rampaging Villains that seems to delight in destruction and murder. It’s only because we as reader has seen them up close and personal that we know Shigaraki has the traumatic backstory and painful motivation. Then, like, with Overhaul, they are very similar even given that, and by now Shigaraki has definitely been responsible for the suffering of numerous six-year-olds. maybe even deaths. but the current in-universe system as a whole would treat them as the ‘same’. Give them similar condemnation and sentencing to Tartarus. I know some people think they would deserve that, and Shigaraki doesn’t— and that’s the point. If Deku wasn’t there to give some voice to Shigaraki’s situation, Shigaraki would rot in conditions just like Muscular and Overhaul (not that they should be in those conditions in the first place). Justice shouldn’t depend entirely on one (1) kid who happened to have a magic mind link with someone. Shigaraki not rotting in a isolation (torture) chamber shouldn’t depend on the luck of one Hero giving him a moment time of day. Or, rather, this benefit of doubt and judgment should be methodized and mass-produced and hey, that’s called a criminal justice system. True justice is the people giving Shigaraki his basic human rights and all the stuff legal jargon talks about, and then all Villains like Shigaraki, and then all Villains not like Shigaraki. idk if i’m making sense here but this is the bare minimum of a fair and functional society. I know BnHA is a dystopia but fixing it is the point???)
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cookieek · 3 years
Wayward: Epilogue
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ao3 Wattpad
(It’s finally here! Thank you all for the patience!!! Edit: I noticed a continuity error with Eddas keys, so the part regarding them has been fixed, sorry about that 😅)
The door to the old hut slammed open dramatically from Arthur’s equally dramatic kick, a wide and proud grin on his face as he strode over the doorstep, Edda watching him with amusement from his arms, that held her like a bride.
“Whoa there big guy,” she snickered at him as he graciously put her down to the floor again, “I think you almost kicked it off it’s hinges.” She flicked a glance to the front door, which now bore a mark from Arthur’s boot. It was a new door, freshly put in that morning, to replace the old one that had been there during the showing a few days ago. The mark from Arthur’s boot contrasted starkly with the freshly varnished wood, which was something Edda found herself approving of.
“Nah, don’t worry M’lady,” Arthur grinned down at her, putting his hand on the edge of the door holding it half open, “Unlike that old crappy thing from before, this door seems to be pretty sturdy.” He patted the side of the door for emphasis. “A wast improvement if you ask me,“ he continued, moving the door around as he looked it over, “A working lock, no more scratch marks-“ he stopped as he too noticed the boot mark, “Oh, uh, I’ll clean that off.”
“Don’t worry about it Arty,” Edda leaned against his shoulder and put a hand on his cheek to turn his face to her. “Once it dries it will be barely noticeable anyway, and, you know, I think a few blemishes gives it a sort of, charm.” She gave his cheek a light pat, “Though don’t let that give you the idea that you should always kick the door open when you enter it.” She said with a snort, poking his nose as he made a face that said it was exactly what he’d been thinking about.
“Duly noted.” He said with a sheepish expression. She could feel his hand cautiously placing itself on her hip, and when she made no movement to rid herself off it pressed down against her more confidently. “Still, it’s a much better door from before. Don’t seem like it’ll break if you tug at it too much, and overall,” he dropped the arm from the door, lifting her hand, which had fallen to his chest, meaningfully up to his face, a gesture they both had gotten used to and understood, “much more worthy of my lady love.” He pressed a tender and revering kiss to her knuckles.
“You big cheeseball.” she snorted softly, her hand tingling with the warmth and sweetness of his lips. His face seemed to draw into a boyish smile at her comment, and he opened his mouth to say something back, only for Edda to stop him by putting the index finger of her free hand to his lips, knowing very well where this was going. “And yes, my big cheeseball, I haven’t forgotten.” She moved her hand from his mouth and slipped it around his waist, letting it rest on his back.
“Yeah?” Arthur said unperturbed, his hand giving her side a little squeeze, leaning his head towards hers as he lowered their intertwined hands, “Can your big cheeseball ask for a kiss from his fair maiden in that case?”
“He can.” Edda leaned up to him and let their lips met. It was a short simple kiss, though that wasn’t because she, or he from the look on his face when they drew apart, didn’t want it to last longer. It just was that they had other things to do, things that due to the speed at which the sun traveled the sky, took president over long lasting smooches.
She threw a short glance at the sun in the sky, and stole one more peak at Arthur’s lips before drawing back from him.
“Well,” she said, kicking the door so it once more stood wide open, leaving a boot mark of her own on it in the process, “I think it’s probably best to get this moving in thing started while we still have sunlight.”
“Ah! Right!” Arthur took a step back from her himself, letting go of her hand and hip. “Wait here M’lady, I’ll get all the things inside.” And then he sprinted out to the pile of boxes and furniture before she was able to tell him not too. She was starting to wonder if he was doing that intentionally. Snickering softly she shook her head and moved to open the shutters on the windows, she could go join him after she’d gotten more light into the place.
“Just don’t take too much at once!” She yelled out at him, “You don’t want a repeat of yesterday do you?!”
“And what if I do!?” He yelled back, “A hurt toe is a small price for M’lady’s tender care and admiration!”
“If you think that getting into the habit of crushing your toe is an affective way to earn admiration then I have some news for you buddy!” She heaved the old shutters open and let more sunlight into the main room of the hut. It was a somewhat large room, larger than the main room in her old hut for sure, but just as in the old hut it seemed to serve as both the common room and the kitchen. And just as with that hut there was a nice, if not characteristically old, fireplace in the middle. It wasn’t enchanted though, not yet. Edda opened another shutter, and looked out at Arthur heaving up a couch on his shoulder as he carried a large box with his free arm. At least he wasn’t making a move for one more box like yesterday, though he had from the looks of it placed her bag of clothes on the couch.
The couch itself wasn’t that new, but only in the sense that they had gotten it second hand. It had been from a store they stumbled on while Arthur had been showing her around a small town bearing the name ‘golden goose avenue’. At that point they’d already been in the area for a few days, had scoped out the hut and gotten the showing of it, but were still staying at an inn. Then one day Arthur had told her he wanted to show her some place, so the next day they’d gotten up early, and soon enough she’d been looking at the large stone arches that welcomed her to the town and it’s shopping area.
It had been so early that some people were still setting up their stalls, but as they saw the two of them they had smiled and waved.
Arthur had looked at her sweetly and said: “It should be the less busy days today, so some of the stores aren’t open until later, but according to my information the bookstore -and maybe the magic shop- should be two of the ones opening normally.”
If they hadn’t been in public Edda would have probably kissed him senseless at that moment, and she remember feeling all warm and fussy for the rest of that morning, as they walked around and looked at the stores. On the way out she’d even been able to talk with one of the people at the stalls, and got the contact information to the person in charge of organising them. It would probably not be the same as back home, but the chance to get back behind her stall with magical items did make her full of joy.
Arthur put the box and couch down on the floor, making Edda zone back into reality, he then just smiled at her and went out for more stuff. Recognising the box Edda moved away from the shutters and went to pack out one of the lanterns. There was four in total, so one for each room, though she only brought out the one for the main room for the time being. They could take out the lanterns to the other rooms later. There was no table to put it on yet, so she let the lantern sit on top of the fireplace instead, and activated the fire spell she had enchanted it with a few days ago, letting the lantern lit up effortlessly. She’d yet to do the same with the other lanterns in the box, so they would have to be started the old fashioned way.
Hearing a slight groan, Edda pulled her attention away from the lantern, and went to help Arthur unstuck a bookshelf from the doorway. Or well, a sort of half bookshelf, half cabinet sort of thing. Another find from the second hand store.
They had actually brought most of the things, including the couch, the second time they’d been there, since they didn’t have anything to carry all furniture that first morning. Even if Arthur had insisted he could carry at least a few of them. The second time around they’d rented a cart, which ended up quite full. They had after all not been able to get any of her old furniture with them when leaving Frode kingdom, so there had been a lot of things to replace. Most of which thankfully could be found in the store, and if not, in one of the others nearby.
Finally getting the soft of bookshelf inside the hut, Edda moved to carry things inside as well. Though she decided to intentionally leave the really heavy things to Arthur, both for the sake of her own back, and because the grin on his face whenever he heaved something heavy up in front of her was way to endearing.
As soon as they had gotten everything inside, they moved to get everything into the right rooms, which was somewhat easy with there being relatively few rooms. Though there definitely were some struggle with getting the larger pieces through the doorframe, again.
Edda snickered a little at the shout of victory from Arthur as he managed to get the second bookshelf inside of the intended work room.
“Good job! If you get it up besides the other one I’ll come in with the shelves.” She said as she stood up from collecting some loose shelves that still needed to be put into the bookcases into her arms. And, picking up the small container of tiny metal cylinders meant to keep the shelves up and adjustable, she turned to the workroom. Only to freeze as she saw the into the near pitch black room, it’s open door effectively blocking near all of the light from the lantern on the fireplace. The small sliver of light that came through the gap between the door and it’s frame illuminated only half of Arthur where he stood near the doorway, leaving rest of him covered in shadow as he smiled broadly at her.
“It’s been done M’lady.” He beamed proudly, gesturing to something behind him with a slight bow.
“Arty,” Edda tried to restrain the small laugh that left her as she walked up to him, and leaned against the doorframe. It only got harder to keep herself together as he tilted his head at her quizzically. She moved the things she was carrying to one arm, and placed a free hand on his chest, “I think you might have gotten a little too used to things glowing in the dark for you.” She gave the enchanted glass pearl around his neck a playful flick.
“Wh-Oh!” Arthur’s smile grew a little embarrassed, as he threw a look around him, “yeah I guess you’re right.” He scratched the back of his head. “I’ll go get the light on for you.”
Edda watched Arthur walk into the dark, which her eyes was only starting to vaguely adjust to. It sure was something, that pearl that Nini had gave him, but then again it was troll magic, that stuff could be pretty powerful. He’d let Edda take a closer look at the necklace the day after he’d told her about it, which had been the morning after their confrontation with the royal family, a little over a month ago. She supposed he’d been in a real sharing mood that morning, because he also told her a bunch more things about himself.
For example, the fact that he was, well, a sort of celebrity. A well known hero. A part of The Fearless Seven. But he hadn’t really said it as boastfully as you’d think, though yeah, there was a certain braggadocious feel to it and it was clearly something he was proud about. Still, they both had clearly understood that it also was a piece of information that could prove important to take in consideration when you’re planning to sneak undetected out of a kingdom. It meant that while on one hand, everyone would be looking for a magician and a dwarf, not a magician and a ridiculously large human man. On the other hand, the ridiculously large human man had a pretty recognisable face. Sure, F7 hadn’t been a big thing in the kingdom for a long while, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be some people recognising him from when people had been talking about them.
They’ve done a handful different things to deal with this problem, most notably trying to hide his more recognisable features in her cloak, which was thankfully large enough to cover most of him, except his boots. Paired with a rag covering half of his face, it was surprisingly effective, sure he’d still looked like a huge guy build like a brick wall, there was no hiding that, but he’d looked less like any specific huge guy built like a brick wall. Though she couldn’t deny that the cloaks length had made him look a little bit funny.
Light was thrown over the room as the lanterns wick caught flame, and Edda could finally see more then the vague hints of shapes in the dark. Seeing the two bookshelves set up against the back wall, she walked to them and propped up the loose shelves against them for the time being, placing the small box on top of the cabinet half of one of the bookshelves.
The sounds of shutters opening brought her attention back to Arthur who squinted through the window.
“It’s already this late?” He muttered to himself, scratching his chin in thought. “Crap.”
Edda walked up to him to look out the window as well, it was getting pretty dark alright, she honestly hadn’t really thought about it either, having been too preoccupied by everything to really take note of how dark it had started to get.
“Looks like it.” She said, throwing another glance at Arthur’s scrunched up expression, “Maybe you can still make it before they go to bed though.” She tried, knowing that despite Arthur’s cheery demeanour through the last few weeks, he still of course missed his friends. And honestly, she was starting to feel guilty over it, since it felt like she was keeping him away from them. “It’s what? Like an hours walk from here to there?” She gave his shoulder a shake that she hoped came across as encouraging.
Arthur looked at her, his frown turning into a soft smile, and his hand placing itself over hers.
“Nah,” He said, “I’ll get there tomorrow, don’t think they would appreciate any visits around this time anyway,” his smile turned into more of a grin, “They’ll just have to wait for ‘ol Arthur here a little more, can’t expect me to leave my lovely maiden in the middle of the night after all.”
“Fine,” Edda snorted, “but tomorrow morning you’ll better be going to see them, or I’ll drag you there and drop you on the doorstep of the castle myself.”
“I will! There’s no need for you to do that.” Arthur laughed, his fingers interlacing with hers, as he leaned a little toward her.
“See!” Edda said, leaning at him as well, “You’ve even started sounding like me!” She joked, pointing at him accusingly with her free hand. “You need to talk to your friends before you catch any other of my habits.”
“What, like being a bloody genius constantly?” He said raising a brow at her. “Or are we talking staying up way to late to read a book about magic?”
“A- Hey!” Edda gave Arthur’s side a small shove, “It was a really interesting book! Did you know that Monmouth-tongue grows natively around here? And I was only up til like, three.”
“Four,” Arthur corrected, lifting his free hand up to her face and then gently tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear, “and then you were up early as well. That can’t be healthy for you.” While there was a teasing edge to his tone, concern clearly shone through.
“Worrywart,” she snickered, the warmth of his hand on the side of her face felt nice and comforting. She happily leaned into it. “But yeah, probably not that healthy I know. I’ll try to go to bed at a more reasonable time today... like two.”
“Twelve.” Arthur challenged.
“I mean, we can hope.” She laughed, “not making any promises though.”
The howling of the wind brought their attention back to the window, and Edda managed to move away from Arthur to close the shutters again.
“Well, if either of us is going to get some sleep at a decent time, we better finish up for today soon.” She said, throwing a glance at the empty bookshelves. “I think I’m just going to pack up the books and then I’ll see if we can throw something together for dinner.”
“Right!” Arthur straightened out, “I can go pack up the kitchen stuff in the meanwhile then!” He took one step towards the door but then turned around to her again. “And I didn’t know.”
“Huh?” Edda said, as Arthur walked up to her again “didn’t know what?”
“About the Monmouth-tongue thing.” He answered, “but uh,” his hand shot to the back of his head, “if you want, I could ask my buddy tomorrow if he knows any places where you could find them?”
Edda felt warmth in her chest as she looked up at him.
“I would like that, it would be very sweet of you.” There was quite a lot that she wanted to talk to Arthur’s friend about, but the fact that his friend was a prince living in a large castle sort of put a damper on things. Maybe it was stupid, but despite her close relationship with Arthur and the hope that he had somehow befriended royals that weren’t the worst, she still felt like she probably needed to properly brace herself, a lot, in order to talk to them in a friendly manner. And the fact that the meeting would be in a castle, a building that probably would give her hives to be inside, did not help the matter. She hoped she would be able to at least get on friendly terms with his friends, but it would take a while til she had the energy to approach anyone of them with that mindset, and it would definitely have to happen outside of a castle, or any royal building for that matter.
Arthur’s eyes sparkled happily at her, and she brushed her fingers against his cheek, encouraging him to lean towards her. He did, cupping the side of her face.
“Then that’s what I’ll do.” He brushed his lips tenderly against her cheek.
As he moved away Edda returned his affection with a small peak on his nose, which brought out a small chuckle from him, and caused his cheek to gain a shade of pink. Their mutual touch lingered a moment before before drawing back, and as Arthur walked out of the room he threw one final warm smile towards her. And then sharply wavered to the right as he almost walked into the doorframe.
“I’m fine!” He yelled back.
Edda shook her head and opened the first box of books. Packing the books up was going to take a pretty short time, considering she only had one and half box full of them, and the boxes were smaller then the normal moving boxes on account of the weight of books. Maybe about a third of the books was old ones from the hut, the handful she’d been able to smuggle out of there at least. A part of her still ached at the loss of the books she hadn’t been able to bring with her, but at least she knew that they would be in good hands now. At least that’s what Aspen said after they caught Edda and Arthur stuffing their bags full of her things in her old hut.
They had tried to be stealthy about it, sneaking into the hut that is, after all they didn’t want anyone to know they were there. The royal family knew no doubt that she would try to sneak back to her then home, and would definitely ask around for her presence. Even with her not being accompanied by a dwarf, the town’s people would still recognise her as the magic lady that had lived there for about two years, and tell so to the knights. Honestly the plan had been pretty flawless, sneak in, get the essential things, sneak out, leave the key by the doorstep, and then be off. Flawless, it had seemed, flawless, but then again, they couldn’t have known that Aspen had taken to check up on the hut while she was away.
“Mrs Holmgren wanted someone that had a grasp on magic to make sure nothing went wrong while you were away.” They’d explained with a laugh after Edda and Arthur had calmed down over getting caught.
It had surprised Edda how little questions Aspen had asked about the whole situation, simply nodding as Edda spun a quick half-lie about pissing off a nobleman on her travels, and now trying to get off the grid for a while as things calmed down, and could they please not say anything about her being there. The only thing they’d asked was if they could take over the things that she couldn’t bring with her, and Edda honestly hadn’t seen why not.
Still, while she and Arthur had brought as many books as they could plausibly carry without looking suspicious, some books had to be left behind. She still mourned the book about old furniture enchantments that she had to let go, in order to make some space for seeds of wildflowers and herbs that had the chance of not growing where they were going. Sure she knew one of her other books contained a few furniture enchantments as well, but it just wasn’t the same.
Maybe she could send a letter to Aspen, after she knew that things calmed down over there, to see how things were holding up with her books. Maybe she could even get them to send her some of them, but that wouldn’t be in a while.
She had been able to send a letter to Snurra though, since there was less chance of a trolls letters being intercepted by knights, unless they had guts and a death wish. She had received a letter back this morning, and she found that it was pleasant to at least have contact with someone from Frode kingdom, as even with Arthur by her side, the new kingdom was a lot to take in.
Putting the final book in the bookshelf, she brushed of her skirt and took a step back to look at it. Despite her sadness over her old books, she still felt a spark of excitement over the books they had picked up at golden goose avenue. She had only been able to read a few of them so far, but they had been really interesting, and she itched to apply what she learned from them to her work. And she couldn’t wait to explore the library that they had found deeper into the avenue.
“Edda!?” Arthur yelled from the main room, followed by a thud on the floor, making her whirl around and hurry to look out the door.
Arthur looked back at her from the middle of the floor, a quizzical look on his face as he stood over a moving box holding a weight in his hand.
“Oh that!” Edda felt relief flow through her, for a moment she’d thought he’d gone and hurt himself. “I found them in that store opposite to the secondhand store, thought that you would like them since you liked to work out and all that.”
He blinked at her, and threw another look inside the box.
“There’s a lot more gear in this.” He said, still sounding a little dumbfounded. “Does not look cheap.”
“Yeah,” Edda walked out into the main room, “why did you think I rolled with you paying for most of the furniture? There also some stuff for sword practice and weapons upkeep in there as well, though I’m not sure how much upkeep a magic sword needs to be perfectly honest.” She put her hand on his shoulder, and then a small twinge of worry crawled it’s way into her head. “This is alright, right? I was thinking about you getting something related theatre as well, but, you know, it’s not like I can bring a whole play over here or anything.” She let out a slightly nervous laugh.
“No, this is-“ Arthur looked at her with wonder in his eyes, “I- I like it- I like it a lot, I just-“ He looked to the box and back to her, “Why did you get me this? And bring it here?”
“You said you wanted to stay here occasionally right?” She asked, wondering to herself if he’d forgotten, or if she maybe had just straight up misunderstood him. “So I thought you would like to have some of your own things here, and since you like working out and that stuff I thought, you know...” she shrugged, but it seemed like Arthur was understanding what she was saying, a large boyish grin spreading on his face.
“I did say that.” He said, lifting the hand still gripping the weight up to his chest, “And I would like that.” He scooted closer to her and, after making sure it was okay, put his arm around her.
“Good to know.” Edda let her hand drop from his shoulder and leaned into his warm arm.
Arthur beamed back at her, and making sure she was paying attention he did a few bicep curls with the weight, his lips morphing to that stupid looking, but inexplicably charming, grin. Snorting Edda pushed her palm against his face, which he responded to by letting out a deep laugh.
“So I guess it... works well?” Edda asked as the laughter died down, gesturing to the weight.
“Yeah,” Arthur said, doing another round of smaller curls, “Did they say what this thing was made off? It’s a lot heavier then it looks like.”
“Oh, that’s because I enchanted it to be heavier.” Edda admitted, feeling just slightly embarrassed, “the heavier weights were, pretty expensive.”
Arthurs eyes widened as he looked at her and then at the weight, which he quickly put down. But before Edda had a moment to get worried about possibly having upset him, he looked at her straight on and let his free hand hover near her cheek.
“Can I kiss you now?” He asked, speaking like a man asking for water in a drought.
“Yes.” She said, lost for breath.
His warm palm cradled her cheek and his lips came down on hers passionately, his arm around her waist pulling her against his front. Edda responded in kind.
The morning was probably one of the most pleasant Arthur had had in a while, there was something so wonderful about waking up to the woman you love curled up against you, inside of the small home you brought together. It was still a bit of a mess, empty boxes strewn around the place, the unopened ones stacked in the corner of the main room, and the two of them having to dig through one of them in order to find where they had packed the mugs. But it didn’t really bother Arthur that much, sure there was still things to get done, but it wasn’t as much as yesterday, and after getting breakfast he was ready to get to work again.
Or at least he was until Edda started pushing him towards the door, reminding him that he’d agreed that he was going to leave to see his friends that very morning. And well, Arthur couldn’t exactly argue with that, even if leaving her to the last of the moving in work on her own hurt his pride a bit, he did really miss his friends. He’d been missing them for weeks now.
Still as he entered the doorframe, he halted and turned to look at Edda as she stood behind him, her arms crossed over her chest, a stern look in her eyes, but a slightly crooked smile on her lips.
“Can I at least get a goodbye kiss from my lady love before I go?” He asked, causing Edda to snort and shake her head at him.
“Alright,” she said and Arthur immediately leaned forward, despite how many times they’d kissed at this point, his chest would still always fill with this fluttery warm feeling at the thought of feeling her lips against his. His lips were however stopped by her index finger, “but it not a goodbye kiss, you dramatic princeling, it’s a ‘see-you-soon’ kiss.”
“That sounds good to me.” He said with a shrug, giving her finger a small peek before she pulled it away from his lips, her cheeks slightly flushed from his action, but then she grinned, placed her hand on his neck, and leaned up to him.
It was a soft, sweet kiss, that maybe lasted a little longer then planned, but as soon as they parted Edda gave him one final shove out the door, and waved him off with a small ‘have fun!’ and a beautiful smile on her face. Arthur waved back in kind as he strolled away from the hut in a slight daze.
The walk to the caste was relatively calm, there was a few people who would notice him and gawk a little, but it was nothing he wasn’t used to. Plus he’d only returned to the kingdom in his princely form for a week or so, so he guessed it was still a surprise to see him like this for some people.
He soon found himself standing in front of the castle gates, and looking at them filled him with a pang of joy. He would really finally get to see them all again, after so long! He wondered briefly if any of them would be upset with him for taking so long, he had sent a letter to Merlin a few days ago asking about the location of the stores he thought Edda would enjoy in golden goose avenue. He had also asked about the library, though while Merlin had been able to answer the store questions in his response letter, he’d told Arthur that he would come back to him about the libraries. Merlin must have told the others about the letter, especially since it’s the first sign of life Arthur had showed in a while, so they had to be aware that he was there. He hadn’t said anything about his curse being broken though, he was leaving that as a surprise, and he for one couldn’t wait to rub his uncursed status in the others faces.
“Your majesty?” A guard by the gate said, snapping Arthur out of his thoughts.
“Ah yeah,” he grinned at the guard, “Prince Arthur here to see how my F7 pals are doing.”
“Of course your majesty.” The guard nodded, signalling for the gate to be opened, and then turned back to him “May I ask one thing your majesty?”
“Shoot.” Arthur said casually, as the gate opened before them.
“Does this mean that The Fearless Seven is back in action?”
The question made his chest fill with pride and it was near that he just responded with ‘Hell yeah it does!’ instead he nodded his head as he looked at the guard.
“We were never out of it.” And with that he walked through the gate, highfiving himself in his head. He had gotten the question a few times before this, and that was probably the best response he had come up with yet.
The guards inside nodded at him as he made his way into the smaller dining room, where the guards had told him the F7 were currently. Walking up to the door he could hear sounds of talking, and he immediately caught the mention of some sort of dragon problem that would probably variant a lot of brute strength to deal with.
“No worries everyone!” Arthur slammed the door open dramatically, and cracked his knuckles “Arthur’s back! Human, and ready to kick some butt!”
The glee he felt from the surprised look on the others faces, was quickly overshadowed by the realisation that, despite only Merlin having broken his curse last Arthur has seen them, he wasn’t looking at a single dwarf in the entire room.
“Wait! Since when did all your curses break!?” Arthur turned to look at Merlin, “You didn’t mention this before!”
“You never asked,” Merlin said with a shrug, badly hiding a certain smugness in his face, “Though it looks like you were hiding your curse situation as well, so, pot and kettle.”
“I could have had my curse broken after sending the letter.” Arthur huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh! Then you really are the last one!” Noki piped up with a wide grin.
“The last one to get his cursed broken that is.” Pino added.
“What!? No!” Arthur said defensively, “I’ll have you know I broke my curse a month ago!”
“Arthur, I’m sorry,” Merlin walked up to Arthur, placed a hand on his shoulder and looked up at him with faux sympathy, “That still means you broke your curse last.”
“Kio broke his curse 5 weeks ago.” Hans gestured towards the man in question, who looked to be almost in a daze over the subject.
“5 weeks and two days.” He said with a soft wistful smile.
Arthur was only able to let out a few indignant noises at the news, a part of him having been gripping on to the idea that he was at least the second one to break his curse. Since that’s how it had seemed at the time, and it had made him feel a little, proud.
“Aw come on.” Merlin shook Arthur shoulder, “We’re just messing with you buddy. It’s actually really good to see you again!” He smiled at him, this time it was more genuine. The others nodded and made noises of agreement, and despite his mild irritation at the whole situation Arthur found himself relaxing.
Merlin let go of his shoulder as Arthur let out a small huff.
“Good to see you guys too,” he said and with Merlin in tow he walked up to the table and sat down at the nearest chair, “Was worried things had completely fallen apart without me.” He half joked.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Hans chided him, “We’ve been doing fine while you’ve been away. Even if the monster encounters have not exactly,” he threw a look at Noki for a moment, “gone the best.”
“Noki got his foot bitten off.” Jack said plainly.
“He what!?” Arthur yelled, and turned to look at the inventor.
“I did!” Noki said happily, “but then cuore mio kissed me. So it’s all good.”
Blinking Arthur looked over at Pino, who gave him a look and a shrug that roughly meant: "Of course it's not all good, he still lost his foot! But if he's going be happy about it then I'm not going to stop him." At least that's what Arthur got from it, and he was just about to congratulate Noki on the kiss as Merlin spoke up again. 
“Not to interrupt anything,” Merlin stood beside Arthur, not yet having sat down, “but...” he glanced at the door which Arthur had come through, “Where’s the one that broke your curse?” He looked back at him, eyebrows raised quizzically, making Arthur’s body seize up a little.
“Huh, now when you mention it...” Hans mumbled looking around the room as if someone had snuck in while they all weren’t looking.
“Wh-“ Arthur started, “Why would she be here?” He wasn’t necessarily unprepared for this conversation, he and Edda had discussed how they would handle explaining her distance from the castle and it’s inhabitants during the time she was working up her talking-to-royalty-in-a-less-hostile-manner resolve. The idea had made Arthur feel conflicted, the fact that she wanted to attempt being friendly with his friends made him feel warm and fuzzy, but her forcing herself out of her comfort zone to such a high degree in order to do it made him feel less so. Still, if that was what she wanted to do, then he wasn’t going to stop her, she knew herself and her mental limits better then he did after all. He just had to hope she wouldn’t push herself as hard as she did with her studies.
Jack sent him a scrutinising look.
“You,” he gestured at Arthur with a teacup, “do not avoid a chance to show off. Ever. Where are you hiding this woman?”
“I’m not hiding her anywhere!” Arthur said, feeling a little ticked off by the accusation, even though he supposed it was technically true. “She’s just...shy.” That had been the excuse he and Edda had landed on during their discussions, though it still felt off to describe her as such to them. “She needs some time to mentally prepare meeting any more new people, and she finds the castle intimidating.” Which was a little more accurate he supposed.
“Really?” Kio said in a surprised tone, confusion that was voiced by his brothers, along with the rest of f7, as well. “Why would she think we’re intimating?”
“Well,” Merlin said in a tone indicating he was considering Arthur’s explanation, “I suppose that is fair, we are The Fearless Seven after all, but,” He tilted his head at Arthur “How did you manage to get a kiss from a girl this shy about people?”
“Why, with my undeniable charm, of course.” Arthur joked, with only seemed to earn him a few eyes rolls and groans from the others. Which was good for him, because it seemed to immediately dissuade them from wanting to hear more of what he had to say on the question. A question that Arthur still couldn’t really answer fully himself, and that he’d stopped trying to find a clearcut answer to. Edda loved him, because she loved him, and that was enough for him. “What?” He said, looking around the table as Merlin sat down with a grunt, “Don’t believe me?”
“Ach, forget it.” Jack said waving his hand dismissively before eyeing him sharply, “On another topic,” he gestured at Arthur’s chest “you’ve never stuck me as an necklace man?”
It took Arthur a second to realise what Jack was referring to, but then his hand shot up to the glass pearl that hung around his neck.
“Oh this? Just a gift I got, pretty useful actually.” He looked up at Jack challengingly, about to announce that he wasn’t the only one wearing magical stuff in the group anymore, but then Noki piped up.
“A gift? I didn’t know the missing princess did glasswork.” He said sounding intrigued and excited.
Arthur felt his blood turn cold. How did they-?
“Prince Gustav is known for his metalwork.” Kio suggested, “Maybe they share a workshop?”
“Hmm, I don’t know-“ Pino started, but was cut off as Arthur finally got a grip on his voice again.
“She’s not a princess.” He said sharply as he brought his palm down on the table, making everybody stare at him again. He had no idea how they’d figured out that Edda had once been the princess, but he wasn’t about letting them keep calling her that.
“You didn’t end up with the princess?” Hans asked, “but wasn’t it her you went to Frode kingdom to save?”
Oh that made sense. He had told the others about the search for the princess before he’d gone off for it, so it wasn’t odd for them to remember that, even if it had completely slipped his mind.
“Ah, nah.” He said shaking his head, “The princess... is safe, but it wasn’t her who I, you know, fell in love with.” That was probably the best explanation he could give at the moment, plus it wasn’t too off from the truth, he had in fact not fallen for a princess, but a magician. “And either way the necklace isn’t from her, or from my lady love for that matter.” He switched back to a safer topic before they started asking him anything more about the princess, and reaching inside his shirt he pulled out the protection charm, “This however, is.” He twisted the bottle between his fingers, Edda had gone and redone the charm for him a few days ago, as the petals from the Johns wort had started showing signs of decomposing. She’d replaced them with a few dried up petals instead, and Arthur watched as they swivel around in the bottle as he moved it around.
The conversation after that moved away from the topic of Arthur and his lady love, though Merlin did eye the charm oddly as Arthur put it away. They continued the discussion that they’d been in the middle of when Arthur first burst in, a dragon harassing a village a little bit away, asking the villagers to sacrifice their sheep to it and such. A situation they all knew could turn even worse if it was left alone for too long.
At one point Excalibur was mentioned, which immediately derailed the discussion for a moment as the others finally realised that there wasn’t a rock stuck on his sword anymore. Arthur had then happily explained what had happened, carefully, leaving out the part were the villains in the situation had been the royal family themselves, avoiding saying anything about Eddas family history and problems. Those details were after all not his to tell.
After that the discussion soon concluded. They were going to prepare to leave for the town in two days, enough time to make sure that everything was in working order, especially for the triplets, and not too long to risk the dragon making things worse. The others soon went off to their own spots off the castle, something they had all gotten after the defeat of Regina, and saving White kingdom, the king and Snow White.
“Huh.” Arthur said as he realised that someone had been missing this whole time. “Where’s Snow?” He turned to look at Merlin who was flicking through a large monster manual that they kept in the meeting room. Arthur briefly pondered if he could smuggle it out to Edda, she’d absolutely love it. “And the other guys partners for that matter?”
“Oh, Snow’s out,” Merlin said as he lifted his head from the book, “the flowers we keep in the bedroom had wilted so she wanted to get some new ones.” His eyebrows furrowed in thought “Though I’m not sure exactly what the others are up to, but they all seemed to be busy with something today. Why?”
“Nothing,” Arthur shrugged and Merlin seemed to turn back to the book, “just noticed their absence, especially as you guys grilled me about my fair maiden's absence... Speaking of which,” he said, remembering what she’d asked about yesterday, “you know where around here you can find Monmouth-tongue?”
“I beg your pardon?” Merlin gaze shot back to him in surprise.
“Monmouth-tongue.” Arthur said simply, “At least that’s what I think she said.”
“I-“ Merlin straightened his back, it making a concerning crack as he did, and leaned back against his chair as he looked at Arthur. “First you ask about libraries, bookshops, and magic stores, and now you want Monmouth-tongue??? What in the bloody hell is going on with you and- Wait. She???”
“Right. She. My lady. She’s interested in magic,” both he and Edda had been in agreement that that would have to be a thing that wasn’t a secret, “but not in a witch way.” He added as Merlins eyebrows rose. “Also, you never got back to me about the libraries either.”
Merlin rubbed his temple as he seemed to be thinking.
“I guess that does explain the magic charm thing,” he finally muttered, eyeing where Arthur had put the charm away, “what’s it supposed to do anyway? I haven’t seen a charm look quite like that before.”
“It protects me, from magic, and certain magic monsters.” He’d remember Edda during their trip back to her hut mentioning the charm mostly just kept the hands from appearing, but didn’t keep them from grabbing you once they already had shot up. Apparently it was because, they were the remains of an curse someone had put on the forrest eons ago, that no one, not even the skogsrå had figured out how to completely get rid off.
“Huh,” Merlin said looking a little intrigued, “Sounds useful, think I can talk to her, once she gets over this whole, you know, shyness?”
“Once she gets to work through it, yeah,” he remembered how excited Edda had been about seeing different forms of magic, and how curious she’d been about the talismans, “I think she would be happy to, but she’ll need some time.”
“Of course.” Merlin said with a calm smile, and reached into his satchel, “before you go though.” he pulled out a folded up paper and handed it to Arthur, “I’m going to have to get back to you about the Monmouth-tongue, but you got the directions to the nearby libraries on here, the one in golden goose isn’t bad, but there’s more materials on magic in the one on Rosebush street.”
“Ah! Thanks!” Arthur happily took the paper, though as he did he noticed something else had come with it, as a talisman slipped out from under the paper.
“What are friends for.” Merlin shrugged, “Oh, whoops.” He said as he too saw the talisman, “I must have accidentally pulled it out with the note.” He was about to reach out and take it back before he stopped, “Ah, you know what, keep it.“ he leaned back onto the chair. “You can give it to your lady, let it be a show of good will from us.”
Arthur gave it a thought, before nodding and sticking the note and the talisman into his pocket.
“I’ll do that.” He turned to leave, but stopped himself for moment to look back at his old friend, “And Merlin, it really is good to be back.”
Merlin smiled back at him.
“And it really is good to have you back too.”
Then Arthur left the room and started making his way out of White Castle.
It only took Edda about three hours to get everything in order after Arthur had left, most of it was thanks to the work they’d done the day before, and because she still didn’t own that much, all things considered. She’d finished everything off around midday, by covering the hut in protection charms, something she probably should have done yesterday to be honest, but better late then never. The sort of protection charms added to homes and buildings were not too different from the ones you wore on your person, the components were mostly the same, though she preferred using small bags instead of bottles for the house charms. The biggest difference however, came with applying the charms, requiring her to take the small bundles and, while whispering a small rhyme under her breath, pressing them against the outside of the hut with both her hands. The charm would then glow and become one with the wall, only leaving a faint, barely visible, and abstract pattern of itself. It was a repetitious, and honestly somewhat relaxing task to end her moving in process with, and as she finished adding the final one Edda let out a content huff, brushed her hands against her skirt, and walked into her hut again.
There was still some things that needed to be done regarding her planting the seeds of the flowers that weren’t native to the kingdom. But, that was something she had already planned on doing on another date. And right now Edda had completely different flowers on her mind. She was still very curious about the flowers that were unique to the kingdom, and her memory burned with the image of a field full of purple flowers they had passed while Arthur had shown her around for the first time.
Changed into her new work robes (she’d had to leave the old ones in the hut to make space for more important stuff) she tore out of the hut with a basket in hand, and was off to the flower field. She almost skipped a step in excitement, her head quickly running through the stuff she’d already read up on about the flowers.
They were apparently not magic in themselves, but there was a group of wizards that had found that they worked excellently at enhancing the magical properties of the potions they were added to, sometimes even making the potions take whole new effects. It was not, from what she’d read so far, clear to what exactly in the flower caused these anomalous effects, and it seemed like most still dismissed them as simple flowers for decoration, but Edda was ready to take a crack at figuring it out.
Her heart pounded as she looked around her, at the new kingdom she found herself in, at the new magic possibilities, and at the horizon hiding yet even more kingdoms and magic. Sure she’d made a home here, but that was just the base she’d needed if she ever wanted to stretch further, which she knew that she would. Maybe with Arthur by her side on an occasion. But first! She still had so much more to see around here! So much to find! So much to-
Her thoughts were cut short as she reached the flower field and saw another figure with their own basket picking flowers. She stopped to take the figure in, a round, pale and dark brown haired woman in a red and white dress... Edda could swear that there was something, strange, about the woman, that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Still, she wanted those flowers, and she probably needed to get familiar with the locals if she wanted to work around here, so she trudged forward.
As she reached the edge of the flower field, and stood but a few meters away from the woman she finally realised what was so off about her. Her dress looked to be of a much more fine quality to the ones she’d seen golden goose avenue, not to mention the detailed embroidery on her skirt, it was clear that it was a pretty expensive dress she was wearing. Maybe she was some sort of noblewoman? But then again, she was picking flowers, by hand. A noblewoman, at one of the balls Harriet had been forced to attend once upon a time, had once complained loudly about how much she hated when her servants didn’t clean off her decorative flowers, that the dirt would stain and get everywhere...
Maybe the woman was just from a family with a really successful business? And she thusly decided to splurge on a fancy dress? There was a family that would do that in the town near her old hut.
“Uh, hello? Is everything okay?” The woman spoke, and Edda’s brain finally registered that she had turned to look at her. Embarrassment flooded her senses as she realised she’d just been kinda, staring at her. Shit, she hoped she at least hadn’t been making some sort of weird expression.
Great going at getting familiar with the locals Edda, she chided herself.
“Oh uh, sorry ma’am, I was just, uh.” She cleared her throat a little, deciding that the woman was probably not an insufferable noble judging by the casual physical labour, and so she would be granted the benefit of the doubt, and basic manners, “Zoning out.”
“Oh, I see,” The woman said awkwardly, and then turned back to the flowers long enough to trick Edda into thinking she could flee to the other side of the flower field, before she looked up at her again. “Wait, you’re new here right?” Her awkward expression turned cautiously friendly and curious, stopping Eddas movements in their tracks.
“Yeah?” Edda said, crouching down in the field to start picking the flowers, internally screaming at herself to appear natural, she was just there to pick the fucking flowers after all. “Why?”
“It’s just that I haven’t seen you before I guess,” she woman said with a shrug, “I hope this doesn’t sound rude or anything, but most people don’t dress like that around here.”
“Guess that makes sense,” Edda relented, feeling herself relaxing just a little, “I found the patterns in an old handbook for proper magic workroom safety, or well it was one of four patterns, the materials are from here though.” She wasn’t sure why she’d said that, it was hardly that exciting of a topic, even if Arthur had insisted that it was when she mentioned it to him. She suspected that it was just him being his usual sweet self, with a pinch of his genuine, and somewhat endearing, concern for her safety. Smiling a bit to herself as she thought of him, she hoped he was having fun with his friends, doing whatever a group of royal hero’s did for fun.
“Really? So you sewed them yourself?” The woman sounded genuinely interested.
“I mean, yeah?” Edda answered, “it’s a very basic pattern though, it was made so any novice could slap together something decent looking.” Counting her old robe, this was her fifth attempt, growing up sheltered from any sharp objects in the castle had not helped her handiwork skill much when it came to sewing. She supposed her new robe was her best work yet, but that was mostly because most of the hideous stitching was hidden on the inside, and because she’d been practicing a little when making the small clothes for the two teddybears the night before throwing herself at the robe project.
“Still, it looks nice.” The woman said, then she looked as if she’d just realised something, “Wait, you do magic?”
“I do, I’m a magician.” Edda said absentmindedly, her focus being taken by the flower she held in her hand. She flicked her finger at it experimentally, the petals seemed much more looser they usually were on flowers, she wondered if it could somehow be linked to the flower’s odd reaction to magic.
“Oh, a magician?” The woman said, “I didn’t know we were getting a magician around here, but we’re glad to have you here,” she gave Edda a polite and friendly nod, “there’s only a hand full of people around here, including my husband, that can help the locals with magic problems.” She let out a small slightly strained laugh, “There’s a lot of magic problems around here.”
“It’s fairytale island,” Edda pointed out, “it would be strange if there was a kingdom without people having magic problems, or normal problems that they want to solve with magic.”
“That’s true.” The woman let out another short laugh, this time more softly, “Oh,” her hand shot up to her cheek, “I’m sorry, just realised never asked for your name.”
“Edda Andersdotter,” Edda answered, “But call me Miss Edda. You?”
“Nice to meet you Miss Edda,” The woman smiled and held out her hand to Edda, “I’m Snow White.”
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers, 
We have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of April 24th - April 30th. 
Happy Reading!
A View to Stop a Murder
Author: Marcia rogerts
Rating: K+
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Bonnie realizes killing Kol would be a huge mistake, Caroline has enough of Elena's selfishness and Klaus makes it in time to save his brother. 4x12 AU.
Date of update: April 24 2021
Collateral Damage
Author: stardancer10
Rating: M
Length: Drabble
Summary: Caroline Forbes had finally reached her breaking point. She was done being the expendable casualty in their plots and schemes and decides to do something for herself, something selfish. Warning: Not for fans of Elena or Damon.
Date of update: April 24 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 22)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: I think the title is self explanatory. The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try.
Date of update: April 25 2021
The Wolf II (Chapter 10)
Author: yokan87
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The Guerreras' threat still looms over the Mikaelson house as Caroline tries to adapt to life as a vampire, away from her daughter. But an unexpected family reunion makes everything worse, taking away the little peace Klaus, Caroline and Elijah managed to find after the war that nearly broke them. [It's TO S2, but Caroline was a witch, had Klaus' baby and now she's a vampire]
Date of update: April 27 2021
Nothing Suspicious Here At All
Author: Writingnerd291
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: There's something just not right about the French Quarter, and Caroline as a rule avoids it. But Caroline has never been good about following her instincts, especially when said instincts might actually keep her out of trouble.
Date of update: April 28 2021
A Failed Sacrifice (Chapter 6)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She ruined the sacrifice to save her own life, and in order to survive she turned to the only other vampire who'd been able to survive the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. She gets away, and learns from the master, but when Klaus eventually catches up to her, her life will never be the same again.
Date of update: April 29 2021
Our Time Now
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Returning to campus for the start of her senior year, Caroline is determined to lead the cheerleading squad to victory, get into the law school of her choice, and to stop sleeping with Klaus. All the while ensuring that her sorority is left in good hands after she graduates, keeping her perfect 4.0, and enjoying her remaining time in undergrad. Senior year is going to be different. Caroline is going to make it different, okay? She isn’t going to sleep with Klaus.
Date of update: April 24 2021
Echoes of Sorrow (Chapter 6)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: It was meant to the the vacation of her dreams. Something new and the beginning of a fresh start for her, but when an unthinkable tragedy strikes, Caroline is left with the aching pit of grief that she finds impossible to let go of. However, sometimes the greatest love stories are born out of the greatest tragedies.
Date of update: April 24 2021
No Goodbyes (Chapter 10)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret. It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: April 24 2021
You Should See Me In A Crown
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: Two famous strangers, both trying to avoid paparazzi for different reasons, find themselves in a bar one night during the Summer Olympics.
Date of update: April 25 2021
A Million Reasons to Stay (Chapter 18)
Author: Books4eva180
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is an ordinary 21 year old girl. She lives in NYC in a crappy apartment with her 3 best friends while trying to get her degree in journalism at Columbia with a virtually non existent love life. Well that is until she is diagnosed with Stage 2 Stomach Cancer. Caroline is devastated and till the cancer is for sure gone she swears off romance. Those plans go out the window when she falls for Klaus. Literally he runs into her and she falls onto the sidewalk. So she goes on a date with him. At first Caroline resolves to go on a few dates with him just wanting to spend time with someone who doesn't know she has cancer and treats her like she is going to drop dead any second. Though the more time she spends with him the harder it gets for Caroline to leave. How long will it be till Klaus figures out about her big secret and when he does will it tear them apart forever or bring them closer than ever?
Date of update: April 25 2021
I Don’t Want You To Die (Chapter 2)
Author: klarolinexluv
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: This is set after Season 5 Episode 12 (The Originals) when Klaus comes to Mystic Falls and takes the dark magic out of Hope, then he returns home to die. Caroline has a guilty conscience and she travels to New Orleans after him. Will she finally tell him what she wants? Will she stop him from dying? Read to find out!
Date of update: April 25 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 2)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Austria 1300s. When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned. Or my "Caroline is the serial killer Elizabeth Bathory" au.
Date of update: April 25 2021
Speak Now
Author: klarrolines
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: Caroline scoffed loudly, fists clenched to her sides and her face contorting angrily. "What would you know of what I want?" "Love, if getting married to Stefan is truly what you want why are you here listening to me instead of telling me off? If this is truly what you want why do you look like you're going to be sick on your own bloody wedding?"
Date of update: April 25 2021
A Smutty Anniversary (Chapter 7)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: April 25 2021
Our Rebirth (Chapter 7)
Author: MissMackasaurus
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline is tired of being unappreciated, forgotten and mistreated. Klaus is frustrated with watching her be disappointed by her friends. When she decides to run from Mystic Falls he drops everything to keep her safe. friendship isnt forbidden when no one knows you are together. What will happen when Caroline takes Klaus up on his offer to show her the world?
Date of update: April 25 2021
Author: malignance
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: Apparently with Mikaelsons, one meant all.
Date of update: April 25 2021
Kill Them With Kindness
Author: sekretny
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: “Caroline, pray tell… what is this little-,” Klaus directs his steps towards the sink where his girlfriend is doing the dishes, “project that you have undertaken.” Upon closer inspection of the state of the kitchen, he decides to tread carefully to avoid setting his feet on any of the small specks of some kind of treacly substance scattered all around the floor. “I was making cookies,” she answers with a voice full of fake cheer and a shrugs of her shoulders. He recognized her answer as being oddly evasive, while she continued to scrub a spatula. Klaus finds it adorable how she tried and failed at feigning innocence.
Date of update: April 26 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 4)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: April 26 2021
Just Another Fairytale (Chapter 15)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a young prince who roamed the Forrest of Abattoir and a young maiden who lived by the Mystic Sea. The maiden felt the alone and useless while the prince longed for a connection to his mother. Just like any fairytale, the story of the prince and the maiden is one of true love, adventure and magic.
Date of update: April 26 2021
We are Young (Chapter 13)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: April 26 2021
Magics Miracle (Chapter 6)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline is in Paris with out her humanity after the death of her mother. It seems her friends aren't happy with her new state so they inform the one person capable of turning her emotions back on. Klaus. When a prophecy about a second Tribrid comes about in New Orleans, shock to sweeps through the city. It seems nature doesn't consider Hope such an abomination after all as an even greater one is about to be created. The hands of power are changing and when they're done even the worlds most powerful witches won't be able to stop it.
Date of update: April 26 2021
Sibling Rivalry (Chapter 10)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: In which Klaus and Rebekah are both bi, their taste in men and women overlaps infuriatingly often, and they argue over their newest shared interest.
Date of update: April 27 2021
Kiss Me Quick (Spin Me Slow)
Author: malignance
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: It was infuriating, the effect they all had on her.
Date of update: April 27 2021
Secret Spells (Chapter 2)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Alexandria Le Fay brings old magic back to the Salvatore school just as things start to calm down. But magic isn’t all she brings. Darkness follows her everywhere she goes. As does her family’s secrets. Takes place after Legacies 3x04.
Date of update: April 27 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 2)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Date of update: April 28 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday.
Date of update: April 28 2021
Caroline in Wonderland
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: London, 1903. On the day of her wedding, a young boy collides into Caroline's legs, all but knocking her to the ground. Seeing that she is dreading walking down the aisle, any moment stalling her from heading to the church is welcome. However, when she follows the young boy down a London street, something impossible happens and Caroline finds herself in a magical world that she had been told about as a young child- Wonderland. She embarks on a journey through Wonderland to find out who she really is, where she belongs and towards a man who she had thought was nothing more than an imaginary friend.
Date of update: April 28 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 7)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: April 28 2021
Resilience (Chapter 26)
Author: BMINA
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Set from 7x12 of TVD and somewhere between 3x13-3x14 of TO. When the gang of Mystic Falls try to get rid of Julian using a dangerous spell, they employ the help of Freya Mikaelson. But things go awfully wrong, resulting in a huge loss and lots of heartbreak. Julian vows to kill them all, making the group leave Mystic Falls and start running in different directions of the world. Five years later, Caroline and Alaric have a life in Chicago - free from the supernatural drama and all the grievances that come with it. But when Damon and Enzo show up to tell them that Bonnie has been taken, they pack their bags and head to the only place they can go to find help in getting her back; New Orleans. However, that brings about a new magnitude of problems instead, with a war looming ahead as old enemies of the Mikaelson's resurface and new dangerous weapons are discovered, threatening the sirelines once more. Forcing Caroline to make a decision between her new life and one where she must leave her human notions behind.
Date of update: April 28 2021
Battle Plans Gone Wrong
Author: Helpfulfairy92
Rating: Not rated
Length: Drabble
Summary: While Klaus knew he wasn't the smartest man on the planet, he liked to think that he had at least learnt to pay attention to his wife's many moods over the years. And this mood? This was one he had learnt to pay attention to. This was not a good mood. Or Caroline finds out about Klaus' plan and says No.
Date of update: April 29 2021
KC Drabbles 2021
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: Drabbles
Summary: C1: Hybrid Klaus meets human Caroline earlier and they fall in love. But there’s more. Ps, Katherine didn’t turn Caroline and she’s still human. He used Elena for the sacrifice but Elijah revived her. He got Tyler to bite Caroline but Klaus healed her. Tyler and Caroline broke up cause he cheated on her and they weren’t that in love.Matt and Caroline never happened. A bit of talk of Damon, but doesn’t go into too much detail.
Date of update: April 29 2021
The Long Ride Home (Chapter 4)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Seventy-three years is a long time to love someone; but sometimes, a lifetime is just not long enough when it is time to say goodbye.
Date of update: April 29 2021
Mikaelson Family Values
Author: perfectpro
Rating: G
Length: One Shot
Summary: Klaus and Caroline Mikaelson moved to Mystic Falls to put down roots for their family, but the town doesn't prove to be as perfect of a fit as they might have thought.
Date of update: April 29 2021
Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 16)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: April 30 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 4)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it. This is a season 5 rewrite where the Originals never leave for New Orleans. But you know, with comedy.
Date of update: April 30 2021
Rewrite Of American Dream Prom Queen
Author: alyssa_chloe25
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: This is my version of american dream prom queen by trashcanbarbie. The beginning is the same as the original but with a twist in the end. More violence and hybrid klaus comes out to play.
Date of update: April 30 2021
AO3: Last Love (Chapter 2)
FFN: Last Love (Chapter 2)
Author: kirti_01
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Klaus had promised to be her last love, was sure that Caroline, will come to him. Maybe in a year, or a 100, perhaps. But Caroline decides not to wait for that long. After graduation, Caroline moves in with Klaus to give her feelings for him a chance. And Elijah finally lets go of his obsession with Katherine and finds himself attracted to a university student, his student, a human named Samara.
Date of update: April 24 2021
AO3: She Deserves Better (Chapter 43)
FFN: She Deserves Better (Chapter 43)
Author: CrazyGirl92
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Everyone Caroline has ever known is gone, her life has not gone the way she expected at all. What happens when she is attacked on the full moon? What happens if she finds herself back into her past. What will she do with this unexpected chance? How did it happen? Will she make the same choices? Were those even the right ones? Will Caroline wake up and realize just how much better she deserved. And just what will happen when she does?
Date of update: April 24 2021
AO3: The Domino Effect (Chapter 3)
FFN: The Domino Effect (Chapter 3)
Author: CrazyGirl92
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Would the death of three of the five original vampires really not affect the entire world? What happens when the witches at peace decide something must be done about it. How is the story changed if Caroline meets Klaus Mikaelson earlier?
Date of update: April 24 2021
AO3: Corks and Claws (Chapter 21)
FFN: Corks and Claws (Chapter 21)
Author: UppityBitch
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: As alpha pack leader of the Crescent Clan, Caroline has enough to deal with in keeping her wolves in line, but then a familiar sexy hybrid returns with his own set of problems and she can’t help but get involved...
Date of update: April 25 2021
AO3: Judgment Call (Chapter 9)
FFN: Judgment Call (Chapter 9)
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: As a Federal Agent, Caroline Forbes has always lived by a strict moral code. But when new evidence comes to light that Klaus Mikaelson, the first man she helped send to death row, may not be guilty hours before his execution, she begins to question everything she’s ever known. As the investigation leads to the heartbreaking truth, she’s forced to choose between what is right and what is just.
Date of update: April 27 2021
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