#it's a wonder I've been like this for what
hairmetal666 · 2 days
Steve has done interviews before. Like, a lot of interviews. YouTube, podcasts, print, TV stuff. Not as a brag, or anything, just. He's been an influencer for a long time, for better or worse, and it's part of the deal.
Usually, he's comfortable in front of the camera. Usually, he's poised and well-spoken. But today, this time, sweat pools under his arms and beads along his hairline, the lights beating down on him in a harsh glare.
"Steve Harrington," Murray Bauman crosses his legs, smiles big for the cameras. "It's been a while."
He smiles too, tries to seem like he's not about to have a panic attack. "I've been a little busy."
Murray laughs and it's then that Steve understands how screwed he really is. Murray's show, it's all glitz and glamour on the surface; mixed drinks and hijinks until the celebrity guests lose their inhibitions, admitting things they probably wanted to keep secret.
It's just that, before, Steve didn't have any salacious rumors to worry about, and now--
"You've had a rough year, Steve, yeah?"
"Not my best, for sure." He leans back, tries to seem calm, unbothered.
"I was sorry to hear about your divorce. I think that announcement really took a lot of people by surprise."
His hands clench, but he manages not to shift or bounce his leg. "Thanks for, uh. Yeah. We were also sorry it didn't work out."
Murray nods, face full of sympathy. "You and Nancy, you'd been together since high school? That's almost--what? 15 years?"
"It's--" he clears his throat. "About that long." Steve takes a sip of the drink next to him, an apple martini that's both too sweet and too strong.
"Am I right to assume that you didn't see it coming?"
And isn't that a question? Sure, now in hindsight, he can see the fractures that lead to the end, but six months ago did he--it's all so--what if all along--
"All marriages have rough patches," is what he says. "We just couldn't come out of ours as a couple."
"Do you know what I've found really remarkable about this phase of your life? The content and tone of your videos in the midst of the maelstrom of rumors and gossip didn't change at all. 'Your kids' as you call them, are still as bright and vibrant as ever. You're laughing, dancing, cooking, having a great time."
"I needed that--that normalcy you know? And the kids, they're such an important part of my life, having them around helped."
"Including Nancy's brother, Mike?"
Steve laughs and it's not fake. "Totally including Mike. My relationship with Nancy has nothing to do with my relationship with him."
"He's kind of an antagonist--would you say?--in your videos, though."
"We have conflict sometimes, but it's never serious. We know how to play it up for laughs."
"So, nothing's changed between you?"
"Not at all."
"The cheating rumors." Murray's smile is soft, but all the air still leaves the room.
"What about them?" It's more combative than he means, but--
"Did Nancy cheat on you with Jonathan Byers?"
He swallows and it hurts. She did cheat, is the thing. It's not public information, still only speculation, but--
"You can't believe everything you read, Murray."
"So, she didn't cheat?" There's a glow to Murray's eyes that tells Steve he already knows the answer.
"Like, I said before, marriages are hard. We spent a lot of time apart because of our jobs. It took a toll."
"And she was traveling with Jonathan, yes? He's been her photographer for the past decade, from what I understand."
"They were co-workers, but we're all close. And those rumors didn't help our relationship, for sure. It's--not easy to hear that a bunch of people think your wife and close friend may be having an affair, that people 'ship' them. Even when it's not true, it creates--"
"Tension? Distrust?"
"Both, probably." He takes another drink as he nods. "After a while you do start to wonder if there's truth to it, and you're too ignorant or too--too trusting to see it."
"And it eroded the relationship."
"It certainly didn't help." He takes another drink.
"And how about your relationship with Jonathan's brother, Will. Has that been impacted?"
"Of course not. Never. Whatever happens between Nancy, Jonathan, and I, it has nothing to do with the kids. They know that.
"You talked about it."
"Yes. Extensively."
"I know there's often speculation on the relationship you have with them; if you're really close or it's all for the cameras."
"Murray." He leans forward. "We've talked about this before. I met Dustin through Mike, and the whole group followed. I've known them all since they were 8 years old. They're--I mean, not to be cliche, but they're my family." He sips the last bit of martini.
"And where does Eddie Munson fit into that family?"
The question shouldn't be a surprise, but he almost does a spit take, has to fight to keep it together.
"Yes." Murray's smile is chilling. "Your close friend Eddie Munson. Musician. Plays Dungeons and Dragons on YouTube. You made out with him in a music video. Ringing any bells?"
"I'm familiar with Eddie," his grin is rigid. "I don't know what that has to do with my marriage ending."
"Well, the rumors weren't all about Nancy, were they?"
"Eddie and I have--we became mutuals online years and years ago. I used one of his songs in a video and the kids are obsessed with his dnd stuff, so. We've become close."
"Isn't that implied?"
"After that music video, I don't think so."
Steve rolls his eyes, lets the irritation show for the first time. "He asked me to be in his video. There's nothing scandalous about it."
"What's your relationship with Eddie right now?"
"Like I said, friends."
"Do you want it to be more than that?"
"Eddie's really important to me."
"Is that all?"
"Not really sure what you want me to say here, Murray."
"You were married to a woman for years, but now there are questions about your sexuality."
He grits his teeth. "My sexuality isn't anyone's business aside my own. People can say shit on Twitter all they want, that doesn't mean they know me. But--the end of my marriage--it definitely gave me the space for self-discovery, I guess? In a way I hadn't had before."
"And is Eddie a part of that self-discovery?"
"Yeah, as one of my closest friends, he is."
"Do you have feelings for him?"
"That's--that's not--I'm going through a divorce. My focus isn't on starting another relationship right now."
"You, famously, tattooed your initials on the inside of his thigh during an Instagram live. That's pretty intimate."
"We were just having a little fun."
"Huh. That seems like more than 'a little fun' to me. So, how's Eddie doing with the increased attention?"
It takes Steve a second to track the change of subject, mind still stuck on the tattoo, on how the ink had looked on Eddie's pale skin.
"It's hard." Steve eventually answers. "Of course he enjoys bringing his music and dnd to a wider audience, but the focus on his personal life is--it's a lot."
"Well, he should have thought about before letting you tattoo him for your 850,000 followers. Does he want a relationship with you?"
His throat is dry, burning, he wishes he had more martini. He wishes he'd never taken a sip. "You'd have to ask him. I'm just taking it day by day, you know? That's what I need right now."
"We're getting to the end of our time, but you know I have to ask. Your best friend, Robin Buckley, she very famously unfollowed both Nancy and Jonathan on all social media when news broke about your divorce. Can you tell us why she unfollowed them?"
"I have no control over Robin's accounts. I didn't even know she followed Jonathan ever, and she and Nancy have a relationship outside of me, you know? I can't say what happened between them."
"She's been in your videos with Eddie. She like him?"
"Very much. It's kind of annoying actually. They keep ganging up on me."
"Much to everyone's delight, I'm sure. So, what can we expect from the newly single Steve Harrington?"
"There are a couple things in the works, but only time will tell."
He walks through his front door an hour later, and Eddie's sitting on the couch, playing a soft melody on an acoustic guitar. He stops when he sees Steve, setting the guitar aside, and standing.
"How'd it go, baby?" He asks. His soft smile is so beautiful, Steve gets a lump in his throat.
"As expected." He crosses the space between them, lets Eddie pull him close.
"He ask about us?" Eddie's breath tickles his ear.
"Of course."
"And you--"
"I want--it should be just for us. We should be able to announce when we're ready. Not when Murray-fucking-Bauman asks."
Eddie kisses him, then, sweet and slow, making him lose his breath.
"Whenever you're ready, I'll be right by your side."
"You sure? All my mess--"
"Is mine too. Afraid you're stuck with me for the long haul, Steve Harrington."
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adoringhaikyuu · 2 days
wait omg i love ur stuff, can u mayyybe do one of the “they think you’re pregnant” ones for terushima, iwa, suga and ukai ?? <3
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characters: iwaizumi + sugawara + terushima + ukai + (gn!reader)
warnings: none, but all of the boys are -for- having babies in this!!
notes: this is probably the last one of these i'll do + this has literally taken me so long (3 years) to find inspiration for the last 3 scenarios ahh
 part one / part two / part three / part four
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iwaizumi feels like you're hiding something from him. he doesn't know how to explain it, call it his intuition. but he feels like there's something you're not telling him, and for some reason––aka oikawa, he thinks you're pregnant.
"well if you ask me, iwa-chan, it sounds like y/n might be pregnant."
iwaizumi almost choked on air when his best friend uttered those words. was it true? was he really going to be a father? surely you would have told him, right? why wouldn't you? did you think he'd react badly? did you not want to raise a family with him?
oikawa went on, knowing his friend would get too caught up in his thoughts if they stayed in silence.
"took you long enough anyway, i've been waiting to be your kids' favorite uncle." he waved a hand playfully, "and yeah you'll be wonderful parents too, i'm sure."
that made iwaizumi's familiar oikawa-induced scowl return, earning the volleyball player a half-hearted smack on the back of the head.
iwaizumi's gait slows as he walks into your bedroom, noticing you snuggled in the covers, on your phone. when you notice him you quickly smile and greet him, opening your arms for him to give you a hug and he absentmindedly obliges, his body working on it's own through muscle memory. just the sight of you has him feeling tingly and warm.
you can tell he's not fully there when he pulls away, an almost distant look in his eyes that brings a bubble of concern to your stomach. "are you alright?"
you place a hand on his cheek and he leans into it, tilting his head, his eyes cast down as he sits next to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
his voice is small when he speaks up. "you know you can tell me anything, right?"
you frown, "of course. why?"
you tilt your head to catch his eye and he finally looks up, a hesitant and somewhat fearful look in his gaze. it's not that he was scared that you were pregnant, no. it's that he was worried you wanted to keep it from him.
his hand subconsciously drifted closer to your stomach. "are you pregnant?"
you froze and blinked once, your hand dropping from his face in shock. you don't know what you were expecting but it wasn't that. "wh––no? haji i would have told you if i was. where is this coming from?"
suddenly an embarrassed blush rose to his cheeks as his eyes widened. "uh i don't––" he sighed and let his head drop down, his voice stooping to a mumble. "shittykawa."
you raised a brow, letting out a breath of laughter that brought a smile to his lips. "trust me when i say i would tell you before oikawa if we were having a baby."
iwaizumi nodded, wanting nothing more than to hide his face. so he did, playfully tackling you, the smile on his face widening when you let out a surprised yelp mixed with a laugh as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.
you quickly melted into him, wrapping yourself around him, tangling your legs together in the bed.
his voice was partly muffled as he spoke up, "guess i'll have to tell crappykawa he won't be an uncle as soon as he thought. poor guy was excited too."
you paused, your hand mindlessly playing with his hair. "...i mean...maybe he could be."
iwaizumi's breath hitched and he raised his head to look at the sheepish smile on your face. "yeah?"
you nodded. "yeah." you shrugged, "i'm ready if you are."
his heart started to beat faster, swelling with love as he leaned in to give you a sweet kiss. "i've been ready, doll."
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sugawara has had an extra pep in his step all day. he woke up earlier than you to use the bathroom and when he slid back under the covers, you spoke up in your sleep, mumbling.
"mm need to tell...koshi...bout the baby."
his eyes widened, heart rate picking up as he stared at you. should he wake you up? should he call daichi? he was too excited he didn't know what to do.
he kissed you on the cheek and turned on his side to watch you with a smile on his face. he started thinking about what life was going to be like with a mini you with cute chubby cheeks.
he ended up not being able to fall back asleep, so he got an early start to his day. when you finally woke up later, he had already pretty much had a full day, prepping to be the best dad and partner during your pregnancy. he stocked up on all your favorite snacks and ingredients for your favorite meals, along with a bouquet with your favorite flowers. he was also wearing your favorite outfit on him, his softest hoodie for you to cuddle into.
he also made your favorite breakfast, you realized as you walked into the kitchen, a loving smile growing on your face. "kou what's all this for?" you immediately walked into his arms, nuzzling into the fabric of his hoodie. you looked up at him with hearts in your eyes.
"just wanted to remind you how special you are to me, and that i'll always take care of you."
"aw baby."
"so uh is there anything you wanna tell me?" he looked at you hopeful, a smile on his face.
you perked up and his smile widened. "oh, thank you baby, really. you're so sweet to me." you squeezed him tighter.
his smile faltered slightly. "anything else?"
you tilted your head. "um, i love you?"
"i love you too babe." he laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "nothing uh...nothing else?"
your brows furrowed, an unsure smile on your face. "i don't think so?"
"you know you can tell me anything, right? especially if it's about us?"
"yeah of course i do. but i don't know what you're talking about?"
"the...the baby?"
you blinked. "whose baby?"
he blinked back. "...ours?"
"we don't have a baby...?"
"i thought...i thought we were having one?"
"you said...in your sleep this morning you said you had to tell me about the baby." he smiled, embarrassed. "and now i'm realizing you were probably just mumbling nonsense." he laughed. "sorry babe."
"aw kou," you pouted, both at how cute he is and how thoughful he is to have done all this for you. "you seemed so excited."
he kissed your cheek, smiling "yeah, but i can wait."
you bit your lip. "hm, well maybe...you don't have to wait that long? if you're ready."
he beamed at you, eyes tearing up, heart swelling with love for you. "i've been ready, love."
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terushima was seeing signs everywhere. he had a strong suspicion that you were pregnant, and he always trusted his gut.
you'd been moody, clingy sometimes and then absolutely disturbed by his presence within a split second. and then there's the food––
he came tentatively into the room, slightly afraid. "yes, my love?"
"i'm really craving the sushi from that one place we tried last time."
"the place all the way across town?"
you started to pout, tears forming in your eyes.
"no no no, hey hey, it's okay! we can just order, yeah?"
smiling, you nodded and beckoned him over for a hug. "thank you baby."
he came into your arms, basically sighing in relief. nuzzling into your neck, he mumbled, "this baby's really putting me through the ringer, but i know it'll all be worth it."
you stiffened and he immediately tensed, holding his breath. he didn't mean to say that out loud.
he tried to keep you close but you managed to pull back and look at him. "baby?"
"well yeah..." he looked down to your stomach and back into your eyes.
your eyes narrowed, your left one starting to twitch. "i'm not pregnant."
slowly, he started to back up, eyes wide. "oh–i just..."
"i'm on my period, dumbass!"
he almost tripped on the rug behind him and ran for the door. "i'm gonna order your food baby okay! forget what i just said!"
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ukai wasn't a superstitious man. but something about his dream last night was making him think you were pregnant. mainly because you were pregnant in the dream.
he walked into the living room and leaned against the wall as naturally as he could, though he felt more awkward than ever for some reason, glancing at you on the couch and looking away again and again. how should he ask this?
"have you ever thought about what it'd be like if we had one of those little shits running around the house?" he cringed internally, probably not like that.
your brows furrowed in confusion, "you mean a dog?"
a flash of irritation crossed his face, moreso at the fact that he phrased his question so poorly. what was he thinking?
"n-no not like a dog. like...a little minion, you know?"
you tilted your head, even more confused. "a minion?"
he sighed, exasperated "yeah, you know. like...like a kid. our kid."
your brows raised in surprise. "oh––well..." you paused for a moment. "i mean, of course i have."
"i think you're pregnant." he facepalmed in his mind.
"...what?" you looked around, not quite knowing what to think.
he simply nodded, convinced.
"are you saying i've gained weight?"
his eyes widened in panic and he crossed the room in two steps, coming to sit next to you on the couch. "no! no, of course not babe."
"well...then why do you think that?"
"i uh..." he scratched the back of his neck, looking around. "i had a dream."
"a dream?"
"yeah." he looked at you, curious. "have you had any dreams recently?"
"not that i remember..." you looked at him weirdly, slightly concerned by your boyfriend's strangeness. "what happened in your dream?"
"you were pregnant."
you blinked at him. "okay..."
he simply looked at you like you should understand where he was coming from.
"and how did dream you react?"
he placed his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, looking up as he tried to recall. a small smile appeared on his face, "well, i was pretty happy, pretty sure i almost had happy tears." he laughed, almost fondly.
you couldn't help but let a little smile slip at your ridiculous boyfriend. "kei, did you ever stop to think maybe your brain's trying to tell you that you want a baby?"
his lips parted in shock as he looked back to you, eyes blank, blinking as his brain recalibrated. "well...huh, maybe you're right babe."
your smile grew, "i'm always right."
he rolled his eyes playfully, a smirk on his face. "yeah, yeah."
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©adoringhaikyuu 2024 please do not repost
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mywritersmind · 3 days
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summary : Y/n’s favorite place has quickly become her and Lando’s shared hallway. They grow closer and finally make it to the fresh air.
OG SUMMARY (When y/n’s absent neighbor shows up, causing her great annoyance with smoke and repetitive beeping, she marches over to tell the man off but is met with a handsome face and strong hands that are in distress.)
listen up : no warnings!! y/n is clueless abt f1. lando is silly. i’m craving strawberries now.
word count : 1878
I haul my five grocery bags into the elevator, struggling to keep them all off the ground. I sigh when I finally still in the metal box, i’ve carried these at least two blocks and one had broken on the way.
The doors are about to close but a hand slides in between them, making them automatically open for him.
Hello my hot mysterious neighbor.
He looks relieved he made it, “Y/n!” He says cheerfully, like we’ve known each other for ages. It’s been a couple weeks since I slammed on his door and stomped through his kitchen.
The other side of the hallway had been quiet until last night when I heard keys rattling and the door opening. I can’t help but wonder what he does that keeps him from home so often.
“Lando, Hi!” I smile back as he slides beside me and presses our floor.
“You need help?” He eyes the bags as I bite my lip, not wanting to bother him. I don’t have the time to respond because he takes three bags out of my hands like it’s nothing.
“Thank you.” I sigh, “I’ve been struggling for like two blocks.” He laughs a bit with me as the numbers get higher and higher.
“I’m happy to help.” We finally reach our floor, Lando watches me go first and walk to my door, unlocking it and walking in.
Lando follows hesitantly, like he doesn’t know if he’s allowed.
“Thank you again! I put myself in a bit of a bind when I decided that my friends need fifteen types of salami and cheese.” I place the bags on the counter, Lando following.
I push back my hair and suddenly wish I had cleaned up a bit more. My friends are coming over tonight and I had decided to push back my cleaning. Looking around at the clothes and old popcorn bowls scattered around makes me want to slap myself.
“Really, I like to lend a hand! I never get to be neighborly.” He shrugs.
“What do you do for work? If you don’t mind me asking?” I start placing the cold items in the freezer.
He leans against the counter, his arms holding him up and looking alarmingly fit, “Uh… You ever follow Formula 1?”
I nod, “Kinda? I used to love it!” My mom and I would watch every sunday but I stopped in college so I don’t know any of the current grid, “So you work in the sport! That’s cool, pretty hands on?” I ask as he laughs a bit, looking awkward.
“Yeah, I work with the cars.” He looks around my place a bit, “So, why does one need this much food? I’m judging or anything it’s just… You don’t seem like the type to need a jumbo sized pretzel bag.”
I smile and snatch the bag from him, “I could definitely eat all of this by the way! But I'm having a bit of a party tonight. If anything’s too loud just let me know! It’s just old friends from college- actually.” I look up at him, a boost of confidence appearing in me, “You could join us. If you’re not busy.”
It suddenly sounds like a ridiculously stupid idea. I turn back to the fridge, placing a bottle of lemonade in it and cringing.
“I would love to.” I let out a sigh of relief, “But I've got plans…” I frown and turn back to him, finally putting away the last of my groceries.
“It’s really nice of you to invite me.” I smile, a bit sad and confused why I'm disappointed. I mean I barely know the man. “What do you do for work?”
I lean against the counter so I'm across from him, “I’m a writer. Journalism right now but I really want to take a more bookish route…”
He genuinely looks so intrigued, more interested than anyone else who I've told I write articles about neighborhood drama.
He checks his watch, which I'm now realizing is incredibly expensive, and swears, “I gotta go. Have fun with your party tonight.”
I definitely do have fun. My friends and I eat, drink, and play board games just like we’re back in dorms. I’m seeing my last and closest friend off when Lando comes up the hallway, As my friend's eyes go wide when she sees him, I shake my head.
“Goodbye!” I push her out of my apartment, “Love you!”
“Yeah love you too! Text me!” She walks past Lando, nodding at him before she turns behind his back and mouths ‘he’s hot’.
I roll my eyes at her, a smile still on my face as Lando looks at me. He’s in a full suit, holding his blazer in his hand.
“Fun time then?” God he’s hot!
“Absolutely!” I giggle, a bit tipsy, “How about you then?” I eye his suit.
“As good as I could make it.”
I slap my hand over my mouth, “God you aren’t coming from a funeral then, are you?”
He laughs at this, “No! No. A work banquet thing.”
I giggle a bit as he turns to his door, “Hey!” I say without thinking, “Would you want to come in? I have wine.”
He’s sitting on my couch thirty minutes later, a glass deep and talking about where he’s traveled too.
“That’s my dream!” I say, my feet tucked under myself as I tilt my head on the couch cushions, “Traveling. I mean- You’ve been everywhere!”
He shrugs, sipping his wine, his tie undone and shoes off, “It’s amazing but I'm not there for long so I don’t usually get to sightsee much. Honestly the most interesting thing that’s happened to me recently is this pretty girl came to save my baking disaster.”
I hum to his words, blushing a bit, “Sounds like a hero if i’ve ever heard one.” We both go silent, taking pieces of my leftover charcuterie board. “Should I start watching F1?”
“No!” He says it so quick that i’m taken aback.
He laughs a bit, shaking it off, “It’s boring. I can’t have someone else in my life talk about it.”
I spin my wine around in the glass, “So I'm someone in your life now?”
He smirks, “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
I pretend to contemplate this, “I’ve never had a friend who hasn’t gone to the strawberry market with me.”
He makes an odd face, “So we must go then.”
I sigh, “If you want to be my friend…”
The corner of his mouth pulls, “Tomorrow at 9?”
He’s at my door at 9:12. Thank god he’s late because I hop over to the door, pulling on my shoe and pulling down my jean skirt.
I open the door and stand up straight, smiling breathlessly. He, of course, looks perfect in jeans and an olive green shirt, “Morning.”
“Ready to taste the best strawberries you’ve ever had?” I grab my bag and keys.
“So ready.”
We make it to the market just on time. It’s my favorite neighborhood gem. Every Sunday people gather with strawberries. There are big and small, some covered in chocolate and some in honey.
I buy a box of chocolate ones, well Lando does. He insists that he still owes me. Handing one to Lando with an extra fork, he bites into it, his eyes roll, “Fucking hell.” I nod, excited that he likes them as much as I do.
“My favorite treat! Something you can’t burn your house down with.” I eye him and he eyes me right back. Being with Lando is like a breath of fresh air. I’ve never been so confident in my social skills.
He laughs with a shop owner as he buys his pack of plain strawberries. He's so nice and just listens politely as the woman goes on and on about her childhood on a strawberry farm.
He gives her a bigger bill than necessary and as she insists it’s too much, he just shakes his head and continues walking.
We settle at a park bench nearby, tasting all the pieces we’ve bought, “This is genuinely phenomenal.” He says while eating another, “How’d you find this place?”
“Had to write about something local and had total writers block… I was walking around one day and just sort of stumbled upon it.”
He smiles, I really like this smile. “You seem like the type to just stumble upon a strawberry market.”
I laugh, covering my mouth, “What does that even mean?”
“You’re just so…” His hands make these weird gestures, his fingers moving around as he laughs and gives up, “It just fits.”
I smile, meeting his eyes. They're so nice, a mix of blue and green. His gaze washes over me and I feel the need to smile even more.
“You’ve got nice eyes.” My stomach twists as he says it so calmly, “Real pretty.” I feel a blush on my cheeks and I turn away from him, looking at the park near us and being startled by the child looking up at us.
Lando follows my gaze, mumbling softly, “Shit.”
“Hi.” The kid says awestruck, I look to Lando who’s smiling and sitting up straighter. “Um- Are you Lando Norris?”
Lando scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah I am! What's your name?”
“W-William!” He says, swallowing and pulling a pen from behind his back, “Could you sign this?” I glance to what looks like his mother, she’s watching him with a smile.
Lando simply nods and takes the cap from his head, its bright orange. He signs his name and messes up the kid's hair, “Thanks a lot! My friends’ll never believe it!” The boy squeals and runs back to his mom who waves slightly and takes the boy's hand.
I raise a brow at Lando, still confused, “I’m sorry…” He looks embarrassed but I don’t even know what for.
“I’m going to assume you didn’t tell me the whole truth in what your job is?”
His cheeks get a bit red, “I do work with the cars… Just really close. Like I’m in them. One specifically.”
I nod, “Yours?”
“Mine.” He crosses his arms, his lips in a thin line, “I drive for McLaren.” I breathe out.
“Oh.” I can’t help but think I have a type because I grew up with Jenson Button posters on my wall.
He runs a hand through his curls, “I don’t usually get recognized around here- Thought we would be okay.”
“We are okay!” I reassure him, realizing he’s actually embarrassed, “That was sweet.”
He looks up hopefully, “You think? I’m sorry for lying- I just really liked that you didn’t know who I am or what I do.”
“Well, I sort of still don't. I know your full name now, that’s about it.” He smiles at this, I bite into another strawberry.
“Do you want to go out with me?”
He is yet to say something I'm not shocked at.
“Yeah.” I nod, smiling at him as he grins, “I’d really like that. Don’t you have to race soon though…? Singapore, isn’t it?”
The smirk that pulls at his lips is just plain mischievous, “I never said the date would be here.”
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harunayuuka2060 · 12 hours
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
Gabriel: God has allowed me to be close to them. While it brings me happiness, I can't help but wonder what led them to give me a second chance.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: God, do I have permission to speak?
MC: Sure.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: I've noticed you've been distancing yourself from Michael. Has he done something to bother you?
MC: ...
MC: I suppose I should tell you.
MC: It's not unusual for angels to be devoted to me, but Michael, on the other hand, has confessed his love for me as a descendant of Solomon.
Gabriel: ...
MC: It seems that Michael is seeking a "different" kind of relationship.
Gabriel: ...
MC: *could tell that he was seething with anger*
MC: Gabriel, come here closer.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: *leans close*
MC: ...
MC: *plants a soft kiss on his cheek*
Gabriel: !!!
MC: Look at you—one kiss was all it took to make you happy.
Gabriel: *blushing like crazy*
MC: Ah, but I'm sure Michael's happiness can't compare to yours.
MC: After all, he touched me.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!
Michael: Hm?
Gabriel: *storms up to him*
Michael: What's the matter?
Gabriel: You've committed the gravest sin of all—trying to covet god while viewing them as just another person!
Michael: ...
Michael: Heh. They're a descendant of Solomon, a human. I've fallen in love with that human, not with their image as god.
Michael: If I do say so myself, I have every right to claim what’s been given to me by god.
Gabriel: NONSENSE! *draws out his weapon*
Michael: *is prepared to fight as well*
Raphael: That's enough! *has arrived to stop them*
Gabriel: Don't stop me, Raphael!
Raphael: You are in the presence of younger angels, and you're not setting a good example.
Raphael: What will god say if they learn about this?
Michael and Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: *glares at Michael then leaves*
Michael: ...
Michael: *about to take his leave as well when Raphael stopped him*
Michael: What is it you want?
Raphael: Banish every impure thought you have about god.
Michael: *smiles*
Michael: Don't worry. Mine only lies with the descendant of Solomon.
Raphael: ...
Raphael and Gabriel: What?
MC: *has announced that they will be away to visit a friend from the human world*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: God, that won't be possible.
MC: Hm? Why not?
Gabriel: No human has ever seen god. Your friend will die if you meet him.
MC: That's true; however, I'm in the body of a mortal. *smiles* And I have a separate identity.
Raphael and Gabriel: ...
Raphael: But still, what will we do while you're gone?
Gabriel: Can't we go with you?
MC: It seems you two don't trust that I'll return.
Raphael and Gabriel: ...
MC: I’ll definitely return. In the meantime, I need you to ensure everything stays in order here. Do you understand?
Raphael and Gabriel: Yes, god.
Minhyeok: *missing and worried sick about MC*
Minhyeok: Ppyong has stopped coming by.
Minhyeok: Does that mean something happened to them?
MC: Are you having sadboi hours?
Minhyeok: !!!
Minhyeok: MC?
MC: Who else?
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: You're not Ppyong pretending to be them, are you?
MC: *rolls their eyes*
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: *his eyes start to water* MC...
MC: Nuh-uh. *turns around and approaches the door* I didn't come back for this.
Minhyeok: Wait! *stood up immediately and runs to hug them*
MC: *not amused when he started crying on their shoulder*
MC: Dude, I'm not dead.
Minhyeok: Yes... And I'm glad that you aren't...
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Listen, can we get recognition of the son and father relationship in s8 please.
"Huh." Hens eyes follow the back of Bucks retreating back as Bobby looks on as well. "I thought he would have a bigger reaction than that. He was so desperateto get rid off Gerrad." Hen pondered, looking at Bobby who had stepped in the station now fully back as Captain of the 118.
Everyone had celebrated at the news...
Except Buck, who was subdued at best when Bobby announced he was back at the helm of the station.
"Wonder what that's about." Bobby frowned, his stomach already churning at what was to come.
What came next was nothing.
At least nothing from Buck.
No chats, no hugs, no smiles, and no interest in cooking for the team or even helping Bobby cook.
Buck was fine when it came to communicating during calls. Ever the professional.
Too professional for Bobby's liking.
And it didn't go unnoticed by the team.
He had tried to approach Buck about before the end of the shift during his fourth day back but Buck had rebuffed his efforts to talk.
They hadn't talked since he came back, Buck wasn't even talking during team dinners.
Sure he would talk to Eddie, Hen, Ravi, and Chim- all smiles and laughter with the team.
But it was just silence with Bobby.
Bobby had it by day 7 of his return and vowed to actually confront Buck at home.
(Bobby refused to be upset about not realizing that Buck had moved in with Tommy at some point. How had Buck not told him that? That was a really big life changing decision and milestone)
(Of course Bobby had missed the irony of him being upset at Buck)
He drove the extra 40 minutes from DTLA to Silver Lake, he had thankfully been able to find Tommy's address through some old work emails.
"Bobby? What are you doing here?" Tommy asked once he opened the door.
"Is Buck here?"
Tommy's jaw ticked at that, "He's out for a run, should he back soon." He opened the door wide and stepped aside. "Come in."
Bobby nodded in thanks and came into the house. He had to admit to himself, he and Tommy weren't close. It always felt as though they both were keen on putting a wall between them, that line between being professional and overly friendly. Bobby knew why his own reason for doing so, it just took for Buck and Tommy to be dating for him to put together Tommy's reason for the wall as well.
He didn't know what to expect when stepping into Tommy's house. But it felt warm and lived in, it was neat but there were a few knickknacks here and there, pictures of random sites and people with Tommy (including a lovely framed photo of Tommy and Buck at the awards ceremony), and a lot of plants.
He also noticed a few familiar items that he was sure belonged to Buck.
"Can I get you something to drink? Juice? Tea? Water?" Tommy offered, leading them towards the kitchen.
"Waters fine, thanks." Bobby took a quick look around the kitchen, taking a seat at the kitchen nook table.
"So...any particular reason for the drop in visit?" Tommy asked, sounding blase as got three glasses of water, setting aside one on the kitchen island.
Bobby nodded and gave out a meek thank you as Tommy sat from across him.
"I-uh, I'm not sure." Bobby admitted, he looked up at Tommy quizzically. "Has Buck told you anything? I mean, has he been different recently?"
Tommy arched a brow at that. "Bobby, if you're asking if I know why Buck has been giving you the silent treatment at work, you can just ask outright."
Bobby's eyes widened and he knew his mouth was hanging open as well. "So you know the reason then?" He asked the other man cautiously.
Tommy nodded, twisting the glass between his hands.
"Can you tell me why? I've been trying to figure it out but he won't talk to me." Bobby pleaded, "He's acting weird around me. He doesnt want to talk, doesnt want to help me out with cooking duties. He doeant even call me Cap anymore."
Tommy nodded sagely. "I know."
"Can you tell me why?"
He watched as Tommy looked crestfallen at that and sighed before explaining to Bobby. "No, because it's not my place and Evan knows he can trust me. And as much as I respect you Bobby, I respect my boyfriend more."
Bobby pressed his lips together, mildly annoyed and impressed that Buck had found a partner that had his back like this.
Bobby rubbed his face tiredly, shoulders slumping in defeat as he mumbled. "Yeah."
"Safe to assume he's doing his job, right? Responding to calls and orders." Tommy leaned back in his seat, arms crossed. "He's talking and treating you the way he typically would with another captain. You put on the uniform, respond to calls, take orders, and go home."
That had Bobby sit up straight. He felt a weird sense of deja vu at the words- he was unsure if he had said the words before or if someone else had. It felt familiar and bitter all at once.
Tommy looked at him with an imploring expression.
"Because this is a job and not a family." Bobby finished hollowly....
He had said the same thing to Tommy and the rest of the 118 when he had started as Captain.
He said the same thing a few times to Buck too after Buck had started at the station, but it never stuck.
Buck had wormed his way into Bobby's life and heart. Despite trying for all the years to make sure he had never treated Buck differently, he knew he had a soft spot for him.
Athena knew.
Hen knew.
May even knew.
A part of him knew that Buck was aware of it too.
Which was why Bobby was at his ropes end in trying to figure out how his relationship with Buck was now at the step before first step.
It was though they had pressed the reset button on their relationship it this time, it was Buck making sure that they weren't a family.
"Exactly." Tommy pointed at him knowingly, a sad smile that had Bobby feeling more guilt ridden for their relationship.
"Tommy, I-Im so-"
"Y'know the one thing I admire about Evan? Is that he's selfless and resilient as hell, but he's not gonna force someone to love him and he's not gonna settle either. It's either all or nothing, which I definitely appreciate because I want it all with him." Tommy's smile was fond, "I know Evan cares for a lot for the people he considers to be his family, I just wish that they thought the same for him."
Bobby frowned at that, thinking hack to the times where he and the others had been there for Buck when he was hurt.
He was about to retort back when he heard Buck's voice and foot steps approaching them, "Hey baby, you wouldn't mind if we skip the movies toni-"
Buck froze on the spot, his demeanor switching quickly to something darker and moodier as he asked Tommy "What's the captain doing here?"
Both men stood up but only Tommy went to Buck's side.
"He wanted to talk to you." Tommy explained gently, he rubbed Buck's back in comfort. "I know you're pissed but it might help to talk to him. Even just to get closure." Tommy advised.
Bobby frowned at that, still unsure to what led to Buck essentially giving him the silent treatment.
He watched as Tommy whispered something into Buck's ear and saw how Buck's eyes widened and hardened again. His looked straight at Bobby with a disappointed frown.
"Just talk to him." Tommy pressed, "You might get some answers you've been wanting to get." He kissed Buck on the temple ans squeezed his hand, "I'll be in the living room if you need me, okay?"
Buck nodded, letting their hands linger and trace over their arms as they pulled away. "Okay, yeah."
Buck licked his lips, rubbing his face tiredly with the bottom of his shirt. "You really don't get why I'm so angry at you?" He asked Bobby, his voice heavy with confusion, hurt, and frustration.
"No," Bobby stressed, waving his arms out in frustration. "Honestly Buck? I don't get where any of this is coming from. I figured you of all people would be relieved that I would be coming back."
Buck nodded, not in agreement but just because as he slumped down in the seat that Tommy had vacated.
"Yeah," Buck sighed, "but that doesn't undo what you did, Captain."
It was the Captain that did it.
It was the final straw.
Bobby slammed his hands against the table. "Damn it, Buck. What the hell did I do in the first place? What exactly?!
Buck took a deep breath in, his blue eyes dark and wide but his voice was rough- on the verge of tears as he told Bobby "You were planning on leaving and you didn't even bother to tell me."
For all the bubbling anger that Bobby had felt, it only took Buck's shaky voice to break his demeanor.
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moonstruckme · 22 hours
Well hello lovely Mae!! Happiest of birthdays omg and a new theme? Killing it, absolutely incredible ✨ I'm having to anon because when I made my side acct, I connected with my main 😅 so this is longlivedelusion!
7k?? Actually insane. Biggest congrats to you on that, not that I'm surprised since your writing is amaaazing. So to celebrate, I'll try requesting?? Hopefully I do this right loll
Craving a bit of an apple pie with Rem or Sirius (or both!) and #21 (the sake one, I think that's the right number)🥰 feel like Sirius especially would love to travel a bit outside the UK, so interested to see how you'd approach~
Omg hi my love!! Thank you so much. I have to admit I was a bit intimidated by this request because I've never had sake but I tried haha <3
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 418 words
It’s suspicious enough that Sirius decides to make tea, but your confusion only worsens when he comes back into the sitting room carrying three small cups you’ve never seen before. 
“Did we get new cups?” you wonder aloud. 
Remus nearly stands up in his hurry to take two from him, tsking. “Don’t burn yourself, love.” 
“We did get new cups,” Sirius says, sitting back in his spot beside you and blowing into his cup with a smug look. “And something new to drink.” 
You take yours cautiously. It’s steaming, but the liquid inside doesn’t look like tea. You smell it cautiously. “This feels like a scheme.” 
Remus hums his agreement. Sirius shrugs coyly. 
You decide to humor him. “What new something did you get us to drink?”
He grins at you. “So glad you’ve asked, my loveliest girl. Tonight, we’re drinking sake.” 
“Definitely a scheme,” says Remus. 
You take a small sip of your drink. It’s sweeter than you expected. Fruity, with a bit of sharpness. 
Sirius kicks his feet up on the coffee table. “I just think we could all use a bit of cultural enrichment. Sake is Japanese. You know what else is in Japan? A rich cultural history and stunning natural landscapes.” 
“Are you quoting a magazine or something?” you ask. 
“I’ve been doing some light research.” 
Remus laughs. “If you want to go to Japan, you only have say so.” 
“Fine.” Sirius sighs, but the sound is laden with fondness. “I’d have liked to get through my presentation, but yeah. I think we should go to Japan.” 
“I’d like that,” you say. He looks at you, delighted, and you can’t help but smile. “I’ve always wanted to see the cherry blossoms.” 
“We’d have to save up for a little while,” Remus cautions you both. “I’m sure we want to have enough money to do everything we’ll want to, but yeah. I’d love to go, too.” 
“Really?” Sirius’ voice pitches. He leans over to kiss Remus, then you. “Thank you, my loves.” 
“You don’t need to give us a presentation to ask for things.” Remus rolls his eyes lovingly, taking a drink from his cup. “Or buy new cups.” 
“I wanted them anyway,” Sirius replies. “Actually, the sake was only the first part of the plan. I didn’t think you would agree so easily.” 
You raise your eyebrows at him. “What was the rest?” 
“Well, actually, our booking at the karaoke place isn’t refundable…” 
Remus groans. 
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imaginariumwanderer · 17 hours
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Mkay last post before logging off. Featuring silly pixel art I made w/ my mouse.
This chart was actually made out of pure self-indulgent a while back with no intention of being posted, I ended up scribbling(?) all over the thing. Hopefully it's readable when zoomed in.
It's "my ship in 5 minutes" but I can make it 30 if you want. WARNING: Tons of sappy yapping+pixel art download under cut.
About "tropes": The trope is called Angel-Devil shipping, oh but I don't think PV is an angel. He's more like a God for SM (at least that's my preference)… Thinking at all the possible tropes that suits them make me really wonder why some people consider Shadowvanilla a crack/pro ship. Enemies to lovers or villain/hero ships have been pretty archetypal since the day of olds. Compared to all the ships I've encountered in the past… Shadowvanilla is more or less the "slightly out of the norm" on the "problematic ships scale" <- typing this out make me feel like an old fandom veteran haha
About "how it happens": I have no idea where to put PV on that chart. He's the one who approached first, but not out of romantic intents, him falling for SM is as unexpected as can be. SM fell first and slowly, and in 'slow' I meant decades upon decades. It's inevitable, painfully so, spending all those years watching over this cookie who's so perfect in his imperfections, how could one not feel something? Of course it's not so simple, that 'something' is a horrid mixture of disgust, envy, hatred, understanding, both the need to preserve and destroy… And maybeee the tiniest crumb of affection? SM realized something around the first couple hundredth years mark, he then spends the next thousands in denial of it. No matter. Whether it's PV or the Soul jam, his birth-given rights. SM knows what he wants and he WILL get what he wants. (He's wrong on both fronts. And somewhere in the back of his mind, SM knows that. But he'll never admit it. He'll never ever admit anything. Until it's too late. In a way, the same goes for PV)
About a certain someone who's not clingy, but would die for attention: I think PV gets lonely easily. As he's hyper-aware of himself and considerate of others, appearing clingy is the last thing PV wants. So PV would put extra efforts in taking care of those around him, be it cookies, animals or the greenery in his garden. A healer is always busy, always helpful. If he's always needed by others then he would never be afraid of being alone. Ironically enough, this ended up making PV come off as a little overbearing. As of late, the only ones able to see through the facade are Hollyberry cookie and you-know-who.
Other scattered thoughts: These two are completely different yet can't be more similar, on the various sliding scales they're either stuck to one another or are flung to both ends. On another note, honestly I can't see these two doing anything domestic together, the most I can see is cooking, which is basically the same as magic in the cookie world. Anyways, are they in "love"? Are they dating? Not really, no. It's more of a a parasitic-turned-symbiotic-soulbond, a will-they-won't-they-destroy-the-world situationship (iykyk) I do enjoy relationships that's hard to put into words. Their feelings are somehow romantic, somewhat deranged and something much, much deeper.
My desire to ship these two comes from the desire to see them grow beyound their archetypes. Being with PV does give SM the chance to be horrible as can be, yeah, but I'd like to think SM does have a personality outside of being a villainous tormentor. He spends so long observing others, and now for the first time he's being seen. Now SM have met someone who can see right through him, who can glimpse into those dammed vulnerabilities of his. Being with SM does let us see PV in his darkest moments, but it's at the same time the moments where PV can shine the most, to prove SM that his ideals isn't naïveté or simple platitudes. In canon, SM+PV works well as enemies, but it is the many contradictions born when romance is added into the mix that got me shipping. They simultaneously break down and bolster one another's greatest traits. Like binary stars, they orbit around the other, so close yet so far apart, lest they collide. They could've been so perfect for each other. But not in this life, or the next, or the next...
Pixel art time! I have way too much fun w/ Smilk's many faces, his and PV's combined came to around 22 expressions. These are quick to made due to their small size (25x25 px). Zip file includes both the og and 75x75 sizes. I don't mind if any Vanilla milkshakers might use these, just please remember to read the my art terms and conditions first! (which can be found in my About)
Some disclaimer: some images may have different names. This is the first time I'm using Getuploader so sorry if something broke.
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forhappysake · 3 days
Fluffy Surprise
Author's Note: Not proofread and the first fic I've written in like six months so read if you dareeee
Summary: Reader decides to give Spencer a present when he returns to their new home.
Warnings: People with cat allergies, beware! (?) Fluff ofc.
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You moved into the new house two weeks ago.  Technically, you moved all your stuff into the new house two weeks ago. In boxes. Lots and lots of heavy boxes.
Spencer had come up with a system, labeling each box with the room it would go into at the new house. You had worked together to pack everything, label each box, and unload the boxes into your new home. 
And it seemed like the moment he set the last box down and you were ready to start setting the place up, his phone rang. 
Spencer had been gone for one week. 
The case was halfway across the country, somewhere in Santa Fe. You couldn’t exactly be mad at him for being gone, but unpacking and trying to organize everything without his input was a nightmare. You were finishing the last box in your shared bedroom, carefully placing his clothes on wooden hangers and organizing them in the closet, when your phone rang. 
Spencer’s name lit up the screen. You answered quickly. 
“Hi, Spence,” you said, plopping down on the freshly made bed.
You could tell how tired he was from the long pause he took before responding. “Hey, honey. How’s the unpacking?” he asked with a small sigh. 
You frowned to yourself, worried about how tired he sounded. “Oh, it’s alright. I’d like you to look through all the rooms when you get home, just to make sure everything is where it should be.” You let out a soft laugh, “I also had a hard time hanging up all the pictures and paintings without you, so we may have to straighten some of them up when you get back.” 
Another pause followed, though this time you could envision him nodding to himself. “We can do that,” he said. “I’m sorry you had to do it all by yourself. I promise I’ll find a way to make it up to you.” 
You rolled your eyes. “It was fine, Spencer. Besides, I’m pretty sure chasing a serial killer or something gives you an excuse.” 
He sighed on the other end of the line. “That’s what I wanted to talk about. We caught the unsub this evening. I’m hoping to be home late this evening, but it probably won’t be until after you go to bed.”
You smiled, content with the thought of him coming home to your freshly decorated home. “Oh, I’ll be staying up. I want to see your reaction to the place.”
“Alright,” he said, clearly too tired to urge you to go to bed instead with a list of facts about the health benefits of a good night’s sleep. 
You sighed. “As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I’ve got about fifteen more boxes to go.” 
“I understand. I should probably get some work done, too. Files, reports, you know how it is,” his voice was barely a whisper now, the exhaustion beginning to get the better of him. 
“Don’t work too hard, Spence,” you cautioned. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. I love you.”
“I won’t. I love you too,” he answered. The end of his line promptly went dead.
You looked around the bedroom, discarding your phone on the bed. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something you could do to make Spencer’s return home a bit more special. 
You sat up and leaned over, furrowing your brow and resting your head in the palm of your hand as you tried to think of things Spencer liked. Of course, Spencer liked a lot of things. He liked sweet coffee, puzzles, and a classic novel in some foreign language you couldn’t comprehend. 
None of those things were overly special, in your mind. As you sat and wracked your brain, a thought finally came to you. 
One month ago, walking by a local cat cafe, Spencer spotted the most beautiful calico. She had fluffy hair, one black ear, one orange. Her little paws were white and she was so well mannered. Spencer and yourself had gone in immediately and he had spent your time inside doting on the calico, whose name, you learned, was Calypso. 
You bolted up from the bed and out into the living room, finding your purse sitting among the unpacked boxes. You shot out to the car, and without a second thought, drove the ten minutes to the cat cafe. 
You said a silent prayer that the cat was still available as you pulled into a parking space across the street. As if on cue, you looked up to see the same cat lounging lazily in the window sill, green eyes poised on you. 
The adoption process was quick, quicker than you anticipated. Fifty dollars later, you were on the road with Calypso in the passenger seat, sitting demurely in the carrier the shelter had provided you with to take her home in. 
On the way home you had to stop at PetSmart to pick up a litter box, a few toys, and a scratching post with the hope that your new furry friend would not decimate your new furniture. Calypso remained in the carrier, watching quietly from the shopping cart as you agonized over which treats to get. 
Soon enough, you were on your way home. The moment you walked through the front door, you set the carrier down and allowed Calypso to wander free. She was tentative at first, gently sniffing the floor and getting the feel for her new surroundings. However, after ten minutes, she perched herself on the kitchen counter, looking quite like the queen of her own castle. 
You took this chance to open her new toys and scatter them about the house, as well as find a secluded corner for her litterbox.
For the rest of the day, the cat watched you unpack boxes. Beady green eyes noting your movements until you disappeared from her sight. Occasionally, if you left the room for too long, you would turn to find that she had followed you. In these moments, you would stop to offer her a gentle petting and giggle as she flopped down on the floor, furry belly up to the sky. 
It was six hours after his phone call that Spencer arrived at home. 
2:19 a.m. was the time on your watch when you heard the lock turn and rose to greet him at the door. Calypso, seated in the corner of the room on a side table, perked her ears up at the new noise coming from the entrance. 
Spencer locked the door behind him and turned to face you, reaching out and pulling you in for a long hug. 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back. “Are you happy to be home?” you asked, your voice muffled by his shoulder. 
“You have no idea,” he said. He pulled away only to examine the living room. Spencer nodded in approval. “It looks really good in here. You did a great job.”
You smiled warmly, nerves settling in your stomach as you realized he’d not yet noticed the cat in the corner of the room, who was still watching him with suspicious eyes. 
“Spencer, I have to tell you something,” you said, wanting to explain yourself for doing something as impulsive as adopting a cat while he was away. 
His face suddenly became very serious. “What is it? Did something happen while I was gone? Are you alright?” 
The questions came quickly and you shook your head to reassure him. “No, Spencer, it’s nothing bad. Here, come look.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him forward until the two of you were standing behind your couch in the middle of the living room. 
“Look around,” you said. 
Spencer’s tired eyes traversed the room. You watched as they landed on paintings, the television, the clock, and nearly everything but the cat who sat entirely still in the corner. 
“I don’t understand,” he said, brow furrowed. “Did you make some major change I don’t know about? If you did, I’m sure that it’s f-”
At that moment Calypso jumped off the side table. The soft thump that accompanied her landing on the floor was enough to stop Spencer in his tracks. Finally, you watched as the feline caught his eye. 
“You didn’t,” Spencer said, his voice barely above a whisper. His reaction wasn’t telling you much, and you were afraid that he was not pleased. 
You started trying to explain yourself. “Well, I knew that you had a long week. I wanted to do something special. I know how much you enjoyed spending time with her at the cafe and now that we have the space I figured…”
You trailed off. In the time you had spoken, Calypso had crossed the room, climbed the couch, and began butting her head up against Spencer’s hand. Panic was setting in. Why wasn’t he reacting? 
Just when you were about to push him to say something, you looked up to see a large grin plastered on his face. Spencer gently wrapped his arms around the cat and picked her up, holding her close and petting in between her ears. 
“This is the most thoughtful present ever. I love her,” he said. His excitement reminded you of a little child and pulled at your heartstrings in a way that could have made you cry. 
You sighed in relief. “I’m so glad.” 
With Calypso still draped over one arm, Spencer reached out for you, pulling you to his side. He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head. “Thank you so much. I love her. I love you,” he said, smile still evident on his face. 
“I love you too,” you said, turning to face Calypso, who looked all too content to be wrapped up in Spencer’s arms. 
“I think she’s trying to steal my man,” you joked, nudging Spencer on the side. 
Spencer laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry too much about that. My heart has room for two lovely ladies.”
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modmad · 7 hours
hi mod!! do you happen to have any tips for those of us who are masking at work and still want to stay hydrated?? i wanna be safe, but water is a MUST ;; even if you can't think of anything, i hope you have a good day!!
okay so I admit working from home gets me out of this situation a lot, BUT. on the occasions I've been on a train and been Thorsty I used this! when I went to Costa Rica one of the most wonderful things I purchased and have kept ever since is The Bitey Woter Tube
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What the Fuck is That you ask, well it's a Platypus Drink Tube and all you do is screw it onto your platypus waterbottle or plastic bag. thing. whatever. turn the bottle upside down, 'bite' lightly on the sucky part (which opens the end of the weird straw) and then use it... like a weird straw.
I survived hiking around in a rainforest for a month with this sucker (literally) and I've found it oddly useful ever since covid hit, bc you can sorta shove it into the side of your mask for a sip when you are dying from dehydration and not have to take the mask off fully.
If you want to look marginally less bizarre (and you have the option) I'd suggest simply leaving the crowded areas to go have a drink break outside or in a corridor, but if you can't leave and don't mind people asking what the fuck that thing is, this has been working for me!
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lxvsiick · 22 hours
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PAIRING: down bad! frat boy! myung jaehyun x library worker! fem! reader 
SUMMARY: Jaehyung goes to the library everyday to see Y/n even though he's never touched a book in his life.
GENRE: fluff, imagine, frat boy
WARNING: kissing scene towards the end!
A/N: Inspired by KISS ME RIGHT by Keshi -- the song is finally out! i've been waiting ever since his last tour ,, this song reminds of jaehyun’s flirty personality so ENJOY!
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The double doors of the library swung open with an exaggerated flair, and every head inside turned like it was a reflex. There he was again—Jaehyun, in all his glory. Hair tousled like he'd just come from the gym, a hoodie slung over his shoulder, and that ridiculous smile that could charm the paint off the walls. He strutted into the library like it was the hottest club on campus, and not the quietest place within a ten-mile radius.
Whispers buzzed through the aisles.
"Is that Jaehyun again?"
"Does he even know what a book is?"
"Bro, he’s here every day now. Do you think he lost a bet?"
But Jaehyun didn’t care. He barely noticed the stares anymore. All he cared about was making his way to the front desk, where Y/n sat. She looked calm, focused, her fingers flying over the keyboard, the glow from her computer screen highlighting her face. She didn’t even look up as he approached.
Jaehyun cleared his throat a little too loudly, startling a student reading in the corner.
"Yo, uh... hey," he said, trying to sound casual, like he hadn’t spent the last twenty minutes rehearsing those two words in his head.
She finally glanced up, her brow furrowed in mild confusion. It was like she was wondering why this human embodiment of a golden retriever was trying to infiltrate her serene library world.
"You’re here again?" she asked, her voice neutral but with a hint of amusement.
Jaehyun rubbed the back of his neck, his usual swagger deflating slightly under her gaze. But he quickly recovered, flashing that winning smile that got him into any party, out of any trouble, and, hopefully, into her good graces.
"Yeah, you know... studying and stuff."
She raised an eyebrow, glancing at the completely empty table he had staked out for himself behind her. No books. No laptop. Not even a notebook. Just him, spinning a pen between his fingers like he was preparing for the next big test in... nothing.
"Studying?" she echoed, clearly unconvinced.
"Yeah, you know... brushing up on... the Dewey Decimal System." He threw in a dramatic wink, like it was the cleverest thing anyone had ever said about libraries.
She didn’t laugh, but there was a tiny, almost imperceptible quirk of her lips. Success.
"Right. Well, let me know if you need help finding a book... or learning how to read." Her voice was dry, and Jaehyun's grin widened.
"Ouch, brutal," he chuckled, his face lighting up like she had just complimented him.
She turned back to her screen, though he could tell she wasn’t entirely brushing him off. That was all the encouragement he needed. Without another word, he made his way to his usual table—smack in the middle of her line of sight. He didn’t sit like a regular person. He flopped down with a dramatic sigh, then spread out across the chair like he was getting ready for a nap, not a study session.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
From her seat, Y/n could feel his presence, like a beam of sunshine she wasn’t sure she needed right now. Every time she glanced up, there he was, pretending to flip through the pages of some random book he’d grabbed. Every few minutes, he'd peek over the top of the pages to check if she was looking.
At one point, Taesan and Leehan walked by and nearly stopped in their tracks when they saw Jaehyun actually holding a book. Leehan nudged Taesan, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Dude, I think he’s... reading?"
Taesan snorted. "Nah, he's definitely planning something. Probably trying to get out of doing chores at the frat house."
Jaehyun pretended not to hear them, but he couldn’t help shooting a quick grin their way. Let them talk. He was on a mission—a mission that involved far more staring at Y/n than reading anything resembling words.
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As the library’s closing time approached, the once-crowded space thinned out. Y/n was busy packing up her things behind the desk, when she noticed Jaehyun still lounging in his seat, scrolling through his phone. Everyone else had left, but he lingered like he had all the time in the world.
She walked over, standing at his table, crossing her arms with a bemused expression. "You know we’re closing, right?"
He glanced up, his puppy-like enthusiasm returning as if she’d just thrown him a bone. "Oh, yeah, totally. Just waiting for the right moment to—" He glanced down at the book in front of him and then looked back up, suddenly sheepish. "—check this out. For... studying. You know, tomorrow."
She shook her head, but this time, the smile she’d been holding back all day finally broke through.
"You’re hopeless."
He stood up, grinning ear-to-ear. "Nah, just... committed."
She raised an eyebrow, a challenge in her eyes. "To studying?"
He stepped closer, playful but serious. "To you."
For a second, there was nothing but the sound of the quiet, empty library around them. Then she laughed—soft, real. And in that moment, he knew every second of pretending to study had been worth it.
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The bass from the speakers thumped through the walls of the frat house as Jaehyun stood near the kitchen, laughing with his friends. Red Solo cups in hand, they exchanged stories from the week, loud banter filling the air. Jaehyun was mid-sentence when something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
Out of the corner of his vision, Y/n stepped through the front door, her figure silhouetted against the dim lights of the hallway. She was wearing a sleek black dress that hugged her frame just right, her hair falling in waves over her shoulders. The noise of the party seemed to dull in his ears. He froze, his eyes locked onto her as if the world had slowed down just for a moment.
His friends continued chatting around him, oblivious to his trance.
"Yo, bro... hello?" Sungho waved a hand in front of his face. Jaehyun blinked but didn’t move.
"Earth to Jaehyun! What are you staring at, man?" Sohee nudged him, noticing where his eyes were glued.
His heart pounded in his chest, his mind still trying to process how she—Y/n—was here, in this chaos of beer pong and blaring music. She didn’t belong here, but she looked so effortlessly out of place, it was almost unfair.
"Bro, you good?" Hanbin laughed, realizing why he was distracted. "Dude’s done for, he’s totally smitten."
Jaehyun shook his head, snapping out of it. He chuckled awkwardly, trying to act nonchalant. "Yeah, uh, I’ll catch you guys later." He set his cup down on the counter and started weaving his way through the crowd toward her, his pulse quickening with every step.
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As he neared her, she looked around the room, clearly unfamiliar with the party vibe. Her eyes landed on him, and she smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. He stopped a few feet away, his voice unsteady.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, more confused than anything. "Who invited you?"
She raised an eyebrow at his tone, folding her arms over her chest. "Jake invited me. I thought it might be fun." Her voice was cool, as if his question wasn’t welcome.
A flare of jealousy twisted in his gut, and he frowned, glancing around the room, wondering why Jake had to ask her. "You should’ve said no to him. This isn't your scene." His voice came out sharper than he intended, his frustration laced in every word.
Y/n scoffed, clearly annoyed. "Excuse me? You don’t get to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do." She took a step closer, her gaze hardening. "I didn’t come here for Jake. I came because I wanted to see you. But if this is how you're gonna act, maybe it was a mistake." Her voice cut through the noise, her disappointment evident.
Before he could even respond, she turned on her heel, moving deeper into the house, disappearing into the crowd of bodies and flashing lights. He stood there, dumbfounded, replaying her words in his head. She came to see him.
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His heart sank. He felt like an idiot. Without wasting another second, he pushed his way through the throng of people, his mind racing. How could he have messed up so badly in just one conversation?
"Hey, have you seen—" he asked one person, cutting himself off as he realized they didn’t know who he was talking about. He scanned the dance floor, the kitchen, even outside by the keg, but she was nowhere in sight. His frustration grew with every passing second.
He was a guy who could read a room, crack a joke, keep the vibe light. But right now? He was frantic. His friends slapped him on the back as he passed, asking him what was up, but he brushed them off. He couldn’t let her leave thinking that was all he had to say—that she wasn’t welcome here, when in reality, she was the only person he wanted to be around.
Finally, after what felt like hours but was really just a few intense minutes, he spotted her standing near the back patio, her arms crossed as she talked with a couple of people. She looked frustrated, her foot tapping lightly against the ground.
Jaehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself, and made his way over to her, determined to make things right.
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Jaehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself, and made his way over to her, determined to make things right. 
As he approached, the people around her seemed to sense the tension, exchanging glances before slowly stepping back, leaving the two of them alone in the middle of the patio. The noise around them faded into the background.
Jaehyun opened his mouth, but nothing came out at first. Then the words just spilled out.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak out earlier. I was just... I don’t know, I saw you in that dress and... and then when you said you came to see me and not because of Jake, I just—" He paused, his hands gesturing wildly as he tried to find the right words. "I got jealous. It was dumb. I shouldn’t have said you shouldn’t be here, because I want you here. Like, I always want you here, not just at parties, but anywhere, and I—" He was rambling now, his thoughts tripping over each other in his rush to explain.
"—I just, I like you. A lot. And I don’t know how to deal with that sometimes. You’re... you’re like this amazing person, and I’m just the guy who’s pretending to study just so I can see you, and that probably sounds stupid, but—" He was talking faster, his words stumbling over each other. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he wasn’t even sure if he was making sense anymore.
Suddenly, Y/n stepped closer, cutting him off mid-sentence. Without saying a word, she stood on her tiptoes, leaning in.
Before he could process what was happening, her lips met his.
Time seemed to stop. His heart did a somersault, and his thoughts went blank. Her kiss was soft, brief, but it left him utterly frozen, like his brain couldn’t catch up with what just happened.
When she pulled back, Jaehyun stood there, completely stunned, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open as he tried to make sense of reality. For a moment, it was as though his whole world had paused.
Y/n looked at him and burst into laughter—an easy, melodic sound that broke through the tension. "You should see your face right now," she teased.
Her laughter snapped him out of his trance. His shocked expression melted into a grin, his heart racing for an entirely different reason now.
"Wait, you—" he started, his voice trailing off in disbelief.
She smiled, stepping closer again, her gaze soft but teasing. "Yeah, I like you too. Even if you pretend to read at the library every day." She gave him a playful nudge.
A flood of relief and pure happiness washed over him, and without thinking, he closed the gap between them, gently cupping her face and bringing his lips to hers once more. This time, the kiss was slower, more deliberate, like he wanted to savor every second of it. He could feel the smile on her lips, and it made him grin into the kiss.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
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© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, lxvsiick, 2024
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buddie911abc · 3 days
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Here I go again.
Buck asks Eddie if his son is the real reason he doesn't date. Eddie responds with, "That and, they weren't my type."
This has been a flag for everyone who reads the subtext, but let's take a moment to look at the last GIF.
Eddie says they weren't his type. Buck turns around to look at them and probably assesses what makes them, 'not' Eddie's type because the girls were all subjectively pretty. There were also a variety of types of women there.
But look closely at the GIF. Eddie said they weren't his type. While Buck is glancing back, Eddie gives Buck a quick look that really screams, "You are it. You are the type." When I noticed this from the GIF edit, I thought it might be the creator slowing it down, but nope. If I look at the episode, it is the same or nearly the same. This is early season two, and I have always thought, in the early episodes, there was no intent to pair Eddie with Buck as anything but a friend. However, this scene makes me wonder at what point Tim M or whoever was writing changed their minds about adding in a subtextual narrative.
I find it very difficult to see this scene as a heteronormative exchange. In fact, it even feels like Eddie is pushing back a little to test where Buck stands. Buck as a character who lacks self-awareness gives a mixed signal answer. (which tracks with his character at this point and matches his coming-out arc.) **edited to clarify** Buck's mixed signal response to Eddie saying they aren't my type is, "Not mine either, at least not anymore."**
A few seconds later, Buck says Eddie has a weak excuse. My lovely and wonderfully sassy Eddie says, "You live in your invisible girlfriend's house, and you're telling me about weak excuses." He essentially points at Buck's closet door, but of course, this is something that Buck couldn't see or pick up on at the time. These moments are small in the grand scheme of the show as a whole so I'm afraid it will be forgotten. It would be nice to have some sort of throwback acknowledgment that this scene hasn't been retconned.
To backtrack a little bit here, I would also like to point out something else about the early timing or the writing of these characters as potentially queer. They are outside. (True I don't understand the ins and outs of filmmaking so there may very well be a reason for this.) But the shot itself is making them walk close together. Not just close, their shoulders are literally bumping against each other, hitting and knocking at each other in a way that might appear "unintentionally" intimate--until you remember they are outside. It seems to me like there are dozens of ways to shoot this thing that don't require them to be so casually physical with each other. For the scene to be shot like this and then consider the canon conversation that took place, it feels quite intentional that the writers wanted viewers to look closely for something else.
Whenever certain people call Buddie shippers delusional, I think about this. Subtextual language aside, the scenes are shot in such a way as to plant the idea of "More." There is attraction here. There is flirting.
Someone, somewhere wanted to tell this story from the start; and I'm not mad about it. I'm 100% here for it, and I'm ready for it to go down as the most epic love story I've ever watched or read about, but I also admit that I want it to be canon, not so I can throw it in anyone's face that their ship is wrong, but so I can prove I'm not some weirdo putting two hot guys together. I'm seeing a real romance being built. I want that validation as much as I want everyone under the LGBTQ umbrella to see representation for themselves on screen.
If you want to see the scene, go to about 3:05.
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ROs being teleported to the past and finding MC as a cute child
Haha, let's see...
E: Your wide, saucer like eyes look up at the smiling figure as they squat down to your level.
"Hey MC... It's been a while... since I've seen you like this..."
"You look familiar..." you murmur quizzically.
"I know... you don't have to recognize me now, but always know..." They envelop your small hands in theirs, "I'll always be by your side, so please don't forget me... okay...?"
R: You see them brush a strand of golden hair from their face as they stoop down.
"Well, I wasn't expecting this..."
"Who are you...?" You tilt your head obliviously.
"Oh, me? You don't have to worry about it for now," R looks into your eyes for a moment, finding something in it that makes them chuckle before standing back up and turning away, "Yeah... just forget about me for now, okay? I want our first meeting to be just as it is..."
You have to crane your neck to look up at the towering figure before you.
"A-Ah, that must be uncomfortable... my apologies," They awkwardly move to sit on the floor with you, "My curiosity got the better of me, and I wished to see..."
"Who are you...?" You ask, still having to tilt your head slightly to look at them.
"I am, um..." L tinkers with the small silver hairpin that catches your youthful fascination, "Oh! Would you like to see? Be careful though... it's important to me..."
As you grasp the elegantly crafted spiral shaped hairpin, you sense a vague, foreign feeling welling up within you.
L continues softly, "Maybe... you would like to keep it? I truly believe that someday... it will find it's way back to me..."
You watch as the silver haired figure sits down next to you, taking in the world around them.
"This is... where you came from..." They draw their legs to their knees, as if trying to shield themselves, "There's no gunshots... no smoke... no death..."
"Who are you...?" You ask hesitantly.
"I will tell you... next time..." They look at you for a fleeting moment before turning away, continuing quietly, "When you see me again... tell me that I'll be okay..."
You gaze up at the brutish redhead standing before you.
"So it's actually you, huh...?"
"Do you know me...?" You wonder aloud.
"Yeah, something like that..." They huff and crouch low to look you in the eyes, "Don't worry too much about it. Eventually we'll see each other again."
"I don't know, but when we do... try to ignore what I tell you."
Your attention is taken by the humming redhead crouching in front of you, wearing an amused smile.
"Oh... you're so... adorable... as a kid..."
"Do you know me...?" You wonder aloud.
M taps a finger to your lips, hushing you playfully, "You shouldn't... ruin... the surprise... Just look forward... to when... you're ready for it... okay...?
K: You feel a sense of overwhelming unease as the unkempt stranger reaches towards you, gripping you by your shoulders in a tight claim as they look deep in your eyes.
"You are important. Do you understand? So very important..."
"W-Who are you...?"
"Me? You want to know... me?" A strangely sharp smile creeps onto the strangers face, "I am... the only one you need... Promise me... that you will remember me..."
S: You yelp as the homely stranger suddenly picks you up.
"What! Ya got so small! I could throw ya!"
"W-wha-- AH!" You scream in fright as S does a small practice toss of you up in the air, nearly dropping you onto the hard floor below before finally catching you.
"Oop! That could'a been bad! Nearly pancaked your head there!" S merely laughs it off as you are striken with unrecoverable childhood trauma.
You instinctively shudder under the frigid gaze of the stranger before you, even as they bend over to look at you more closely.
"Oh...? How wholly unremarkable... to think you would grow to be..." They pause, seeming to silently berate themselves.
"Do you know me?" You murmur hesitantly.
"That is correct... though it appears you do not know me... rest assured, though, that will not be the case for long..." A devilish smile creases the thin line on their face as they pat your head, "Perhaps if I start feeding you information from a developmental stage, it may expedite our process later... I look forward to seeing how you internalize this..."
F chuckles darkly and settles in as you are subjected to everlasting mental trauma.
Thank you for the ask! I had a lot of fun with it haha
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luimagines · 2 days
hellooooo im new kinda-
but i was wondering if you could do a twi x reader but the reader is insecure about their appearance?
ps: keep up the good work!
Okie dokie artichokie! You got it! :D
Content under the cut!
"I have nothing to wear."
"Just pick something!"
"Like what? Nothing works!"
Uh-oh. Link didn't like that tone you were using.
He was wondering what was taking so long for you to get ready. He had planned to that you to the festival in Castle Town but this was something that he didn't expect. You were usually faster than this.
"What do you mean?" Link asks gently. He thinks he can guess what's wrong. "Can I see what you have?"
You had mentioned wanting to get something new for the special occasion but he had yet to see what you had chosen. You wanted it to be a surprise.
"...Yes. You can come in."
Oh dear, you really mustn't be feeling well if you're willing to ruin said surprise.
Link sighs and walks in. You're holding up a dress to yourself in the mirror. Two different options lay on your bed, waiting to be tried on. Or rather, have already been tried on and rejected.
"I like this color." You say, defeat coloring your tone. "But I don't like the way my shoulders look in it."
Link tilts his head. He can't see anything wrong with it, but he knows that's not what you need to hear. "What about the other ones?"
"Those were back ups." You pout, tossing the new outfit onto the bed with reckless abandon. "But I don't want to wear those tonight."
Link bite his tongue in thought. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the outfit or with your shoulders. It wasn't even on his mind.
"Try it on for me anyway." He finds himself saying. "At least let me see you in it."
"Ok, fine." You sigh, a little disappointed in yourself. Link can see it and he won't stand for it.
He steps out of the room momentarily so you can change.
You step out as well with the clothes on moments later. Link feels his breath leave his chest. You're beautiful.
But he can see already that your insecurities are beginning to take over. You give him a halfhearted twirl with pathetic flourish. "Ta da."
Link tries to hide his amusement and takes your hand, pulling you towards him. He gives you a proper twirl.
"You're gorgeous."
"...You think so?"
Oh merciful heavens, the tiny hope in your voice is a vice around his heart.
"I have eyes." He teases gently and pulls back to give the impression that he's giving this genuine thought. It's not that he wants to trick you, but there's really nothing wrong here. He has to let you believe that your beautiful no matter what.
He refuses to let you be uncomfortable in your own skin.
"Mmmmhm." He grins and purposely dances with you back into your room. You end up giggling at his antics, hanging onto him as he nearly throws you off of you feet.
"Link, please!" You laugh louder.
"Just like this then. I've figured it out." He says proudly, standing in front of your mirror again. Link had wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "Is this better?"
You're smiling brightly, trying to see how it's any different in the mirror. But you realize. It doesn't matter. This outfit actually looks quite nice.
"It's because you're hiding my shoulders." You say gently, trying to pull away.
He doesn't let you. "No, it's because we're together." Link stresses, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. "Just stay by my side the whole time, you won't even notice."
You sigh and look back into the mirror.
He has a point. With his arm around you, you don't even see what's been bothering you anymore. You shake your head and smile again, your heart a little lighter than before. "You're to have your arm around the whole time then."
Link snorts. "Believe me, that will not be a problem."
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doodlejoltik · 1 day
Guys I have a confession to make. In spite of all my PLA posting and especially Reiposting... I have not actually played PLA.
Until now!!!
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Armed with my new Switch Lite I now possess infinite power and will be able to Reipost to a degree heretofore unfathomable
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There he is!
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Objectively the best starter Rowlet /lh
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So far I have been having a blast catching 'mons, dodge-roll climbing my way up unreasonably tall places, and not doing the plot. I have been assured this is part of the experience.
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I forgot to take a screenshot so I had to yoink this from someone's YouTube playthrough but darn. Kamado. Did you really have to say it like that
(Haha isn't it funny that Rei does do that and yet he's not fully accepted and trusted in the end. Haha. Maybe he didn't work hard enough...)
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This line stuck out to me. On one hand it's cautionary - in context, it's meant to warn Rei that he should be careful in how he behaves around the Diamond and Pearl clans, since the Galaxy Team is in a tenuous position here in Hisui. But from another view, it sort of suggests that "we are all equally outsiders here. You belong" which is more explicitly stated in lines like this one:
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And so I see this narrative that's building up of "Rei can earn a place for himself where he is trusted and accepted if he works hard enough", which is reinforced time and time again as he gets more star ranks, and takes more requests from the villagers, who gradually become friendlier towards him, at varying rates. (I've been making a point to talk to all the NPCs every time I return to Jubilife Village.)
Which I'm sure you all know already, and which I also knew, to a point, but it hits different actually seeing its gradual progression in game.
Anyway. Next episode, we fight a Noble Pokemon and I'll see if all my dodge-rolling experience to climb tall heights will translate to being good at dodge-rolling away from murderously angry super-powered Pokemon. Wish Rei luck, he's being piloted by me and my decidedly lacking gamer reflexes XDD
I'll tag all my PLA posting "// tik plays PLA"
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fallenclan · 20 hours
First of all: WOLFBITE OMG!!!!! I CALLED IT (i didn’t i was SHOCKED.)
Also: are there any other clangens you’ve been interacting with/reading? I’d love to get some reccs!
YES i love to look at other clangen blogs... here are a few of my favorites!! I'm going to tag them but if you're on this list and you'd like to not be tagged just let me know :)
@gooseclan - Shares a border with Fallenclan!!! i love their art sm its so silly <3 and I am Afraid for Bristlestar rn I'm not gonna lie
@cricketclan - Also shares a border with Fallenclan!! So insanely jealous of their art its unreal good
@boulderclangen - I just found them the other day!! Just starting out but their art is BEAUTIFUL and I'm really really excited so see where the story is going!!
@black-buttercup-clangen - I just did a bit of art for them a week or so ago, so you might know of them already, but GO LOOK!!! Fantastic art (the DEDICATION for all those backgrounds, my god) and I'm so intrigued by the story, especially whatever's going on with Burntfade. Looking At Him.
@circus-clangen - The CHARACTER DESIGN by god..... absolutely stunning. and holy hell what a concept??? i love their comics sm
@the-inky-waters - GOD i love their art... such wonderful colors and expressions. I'm so curious to see the story unravel...
@lionpawsdiary - Lionpaw and Spikedawn mean so much to me you have no idea. theyre so silly. grumpy old cat this weird little gal <3
@splinterclan The EXPRESSIONS the ART STYLE the CHARACTER DESIGNS..... Pansybloom my sweet girl i love you
@hushedclan DRYSTAR I LOVE YOU DRYSTAR.......... another blog with the most incredible art style holy shit
not an extensive list!! just a handful of the more recent ones I've followed, go check them all out!!!
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kopfkino-o · 3 days
it's been a minute since i did some theory rambling and i've got a long train ride ahead of me so let's get at it! this is more of a general elain post but there is some pro elriel thinking sprinkled in. thanks for reading!!
was Elain blessed by the Mother so she might cure the corrupted Cauldron? are there two primordial forces warring within it? does Elain have the power of Life? bear with me while i ramble about all this.
warning: the following thoughts probably aren't cohesive lol.
okay but does anyone else think that there's a small part of the Mother, the original creator, left within the Cauldron and that's what recognized and loved Elain? Like a part of me thinks that some aspect of the Mother remains locked away or maybe weakened by what the Asteri did to the Cauldron that recognized the inherent goodness in Elain and that's why she was "blessed."
What if the last lingering ember of the Mother's will recognized Elain's gentle heart, her brave soul, and gifted her with the power to break the corruption and restore the order of things?
"Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn’t let herself dwell on why she’d felt the need to set the rose there." - ACOSF, as told from Nesta's point of view.
We know that Elain is associated with roses from the description of her drawer, her love of gardening, from Feyre telling us that Elain would trim the roses without gloves and get thorns in her hands, amongst other associations. Nesta placing a symbol associated with Elain next to this primordial goddess figurine, PERHAPS EVEN THE MOTHER HERSELF, feels just so...prophetic. It's like Nesta is almost passing the mantle of being the storyteller or the FMC on to Elain. And maybe even hinting at what's to come.
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Okay. So back to the Cauldron, the Mother, all that. We know Nesta took something from the Cauldron (but this is a post for another day) and that Elain was given something. We know that Elain is a seer, blessed with the gift of foresight and clairvoyance, though we don't exactly know what the innerworkings of this sort of magic are.
But what if Sight wasn't the only gift Elain was given?
My theory is that Elain was given the gift of Life by the remaining aspect of the Mother to counter/compliment the power of Death Nesta stole from the corrupted aspect of the Cauldron--or the power of the Asteri, which I think might also be the power of Deanna from the Throne of Glass World (but again, that's a post for another day). And I can't help but think that, for the gentler grower of things, this theorized "Life magic" would manifest in the form of earth/soil/plant manipulation. We saw this in HOFAS with the official introduction of earth based magic and it has me thinking!!
And with that thinking, I'm wondering if the lingering essence of the Mother might have blessed Elain with these powers in the hopes that she would be able to master them, in the same way the Nesta mastered the power she claimed, and help finally banish the corruption from the force of the Cauldron. I've got a little headcanon that all three sisters will have some role in this but it needs to stew a bit more lol. And what if Elain's bond has some roll in all of this?
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I don't want to speak for everyone, but to me there's something off about Lucien and Elain's bond. He is able to live far away from her with seemingly no issue. She shrinks into herself when he's around. Lucien just seems...sad whenever the bond is mentioned. Could this be the result of the same awkward/push-pull tension that we saw between Nessian and Feysand? Maybe.
But what if it's because SJM Is using them to show us what a "Cauldron-given bond" looks like? Rhys theorizes about the bonds in ACOWAR and brings up a very interesting comment:
"There is choice. And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.” A smile at me—at the rareness, perhaps, of what we had. “Even so,” Rhys went on, “there will always be a … tug. For the females, it is usually easier to ignore, but the males … It can drive them mad. It is their burden to fight through, but some believe they are entitled to the female. Even after the bond is rejected, they see her as belonging to them. Sometimes they return to challenge the male she chooses for herself. Sometimes it ends in death. It is savage, and it is ugly, and it mercifully does not happen often, but … Many mated pairs will try to make it work, believing the Cauldron selected them for a reason. Only years later will they realize that perhaps the pairing was not ideal in spirit.”
Sometimes the bond picks poorly! She gives us TWO examples of this with Rhys's and Tam's parents. Two bonds that I think were CAULDRON GIVEN bonds. Then, as a foil to this, she gives us Nessian and Feysand. Vivienne and Kallias. Three bonds gifted by the Mother--the primordial being, the gentle creator of things. Could this be Silba from the TOG world? Kythona from Crescent City? Is she Wyrd? And could the Mother have given both Elain and Lucien other bonds--blessed bonds--that are currently being surpressed by the corrupted bonds bestowed on them by the Cauldron?
Personally (and especially after HOFAS) I think the Cauldron's corruption needs to be addressed. And I think Elain is the one to do it. Her entire character is steeped in themes of choice, fate vs freewill, destiny vs self-actualization, and gods, the set up for an AMAZING story is right there.
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I can't say what SJM will do in the end. But I can theorize based on the last few books and the foreshadowing she's lain. And for me, I see the angsty, unprecedented chosen love story she's building between Elain and Azriel with a rejected mating bond incorporated into the heart of their love story. Could she change the direction of her books and abandon this? Absolutely. But I think the story would be so much worse for it. The crumbs for something amazing are there. The crumbs for something that has the potential to be genre-defying is there. And based on what Sarah commented to the Times, I can't help but she's knows this and can't help but write it.
ok bye thanks for reading!! i'd love to talk more about this to anyone else who is down to yap! dms are always open.
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