#it's a wee short but >:P
lloydenthusiast · 3 months
Well hello there :)
Wisteria I reckon. Or sunflowers! Maybe both? Idk pick whichever you like better
My youth is yours
“What if we run away?” Brad turns to look at him, to look at Lloyd. He furrows his brow. “What are you talking about?” Lloyd shrugs. “You know.” He looks back at Brad. “What if we run away? Today?” “Today?!” Brad’s eyes may as well bug out of his head. ”Wh—“ “What, you’d rather wait?” Lloyd gives him a look that says they can’t. And Brad knows they can’t. They don’t really have much of a choice. The wedding is supposed to be tomorrow. Brad is supposed to get married tomorrow. “What about …” Brad trails off. There are too many ‘what about’s. Far too many. Lloyd raises an eyebrow. “Your wonderful mother? Your perfect father? Your beloved fiancé?” Brad grimaces. “Touché,” he mutters. “Come on,” Lloyd says. “Go grab your bag. I know you always keep it packed.” “I hate you.” “Sure you do, sunshine. Gene’s got a car ready. Let’s go.” Brad rolls his eyes but stands off the grass they laid on. He follows Lloyd back into the house, they each grab their things and … And then they’re off.
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strigital · 4 months
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hi hello i'm still alive tho barely and let's just say college is hell and also the meds are making my brain act up sooo...
anyways i'm so deep in john wick brainrot rn and before i say anything else just pls have her, the babygorl and my latest one true love mademoiselle Barnett <33
EDIT: have some more Maries and ans a John c:
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polaroidpascal · 8 months
lunch box || joel miller
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pairing : joel miller x f!reader
summary : joel’s stubbornness has him working at ungodly hours on your saturday morning. you decide to do something nice for him, but of course he would realize your absence in bed, especially so early when you’re supposed to be off…
tags : M-18+, no use of y/n, reader briefly gets picked up and carried, no outbreak, domestic life with joel, sarah and ellie briefly mentioned, joel is mid-to-late-30s, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v sex (practice safe ofc!!), joel being big slightly mentioned once, lots of talking and praise (my man cannot shut up), creampie, cum eating (reader teasing joel lol), general sweetness from them both <3
WC : 2.7k
a/n : this is the first fic i've ever written and posted so enjoy !! :)
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Ever since you met, you knew that Joel was the one. Talking with him is easy, like your souls have known each other in every lifetime. Being in his presence is safe and comforting. He feels like home. On top of that, after you had been seeing each other for a while and he let you meet Ellie and Sarah, they made you feel so welcome in their family. Life just makes sense with them.
Joel has been a contractor all his life. Even though he can set his own hours, he prefers to start working early so he can be home with his daughters when they finish school. Today — a Saturday — was weird, though. The project he had been working on needed to be rescheduled because of weather, but Joel decided to keep his hours the same. You could tell he didn’t really want to get up so early on a Saturday, but his stubbornness forbade him from changing that. Last night as you drifted to sleep in his arms, knowing he would probably not have time to get lunch tomorrow, you decided you would do something nice for him. 
Sarah and Ellie spent their Friday night away at a friend’s house (which you and Joel definitely took advantage of the night before), and the house is eerily quiet when you stir awake in the wee hours of your Saturday morning. You can feel Joel’s sturdy arms draped over your sides, his entire body pressed against your back as if he’s scared you’ll float away if he doesn’t keep you close. You hear his slow, sleepy breathing in your ear and you know he’s still dead asleep. Carefully, you lift his heavy arms from you and slip out of his grip, kindly replacing yourself with a pillow, and resting his arm back down. 
He stirs to adjust a bit and settles once again. Success.
You head to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, Joel's life support in a cup, and pull out the things you need to make his lunch. After, you head back to the bedroom to grab a comfy change of clothes. You wait out the brewing with a quick shower hoping it’s less noisy than you think it might be. 
While you shower, Joel stirs awake a little before his alarm. He shuts it off to avoid the noise and turns back over seeking your figure — but you’re gone. Confused and still groggy, he gets up searching for you. He hears the shower running and…
Is that… singing?
He puts his ear up to the door and hears you faintly singing the songs he plays on his guitar for you, trying to be as quiet as you can. His heart swells at your beautiful sound and he almost opens the door to join you, but then the smell of coffee begins to fill his nose. He walks into the kitchen to see the last drips fall into the pot and the ingredients for a hearty sandwich sitting on the counter. Putting two and two together, he nearly tears up realizing your plans and decides to sit to the side and wait for you, not wanting to ruin your surprise.
You throw on your comfy silk pajama shorts and one of Joel’s old band t-shirts that swallow you up and return to the kitchen.
You don’t notice Joel at all.
He watches silently from the dark living room as you pour a glass of coffee for him into his favorite owl mug and glide around the kitchen putting his lunch together. He admires your freshly washed hair, already air drying a little bit, the way his t-shirt, oversized on you, drapes over your curves perfectly, and how you continue quietly humming his songs. A small fire ignites deep inside of him, and as you turn around to pack his food, he rises from his chair.
He silently saunters over stealing two big sips of the coffee you poured for him. You hear the cup clink lightly on the counter and turn around just as his big hands glide over your hips, embracing you from behind. “And here I was thinking I was surprising you,” you tease as his face buries into your neck, his naked torso pressed completely against you.
He chuckles. “You did, angel. I just saw it before you were ready, ‘s all.” He kisses and nips your earlobe and you mewl at the sensation. He trails down to your neck while his hands gently guide your hips back into his, feeling him start to grow through his plaid pajama pants.
“Joel…”, you whisper as you turn around in his embrace to kiss him. You find his hungry lips waiting to invite you in. He tastes deliciously like the coffee you made for him and you hum contentedly at it. Your hands trace his bare sides and chest all the way up to his hair, and you run your fingers through his messy locks.
As if he’s not stiff from sleeping, he hoists you up from the floor carrying you as you straddle him, hands still dancing through his hair, and brings you to the couch. Without breaking your kiss for even just a second, he puts you down laying on top of you as you descend, a comfortable weight that he knows you love to feel. His kiss melts into yours and your lips feel like they become one. He breaks away despite your protesting whine and quietly teases, “You know you didn’t have to get up so early on your day off just ‘cause of me, right? I’d probably have time later to pick somethin’ up,” and his lips fall back to yours, one of his hands coming up to tease your breast.
You moan softly, “Well, with your luck, today would be the one day you wouldn’t find time. Besides, I felt like surprising you.” You smile coyly at him and watch as his pupils grow somehow even bigger at you.
He stares for a second trying to figure out how he got so lucky finding you, and a smile threatens to erupt at the corners of his mouth. “You’re so sweet, you might give me a cavity.”
Your chuckle is cut off by a small gasp as he kisses a line down your neck, his beard ghosting your collarbone. Once he reaches the collar of your — well, his — shirt, he descends lower, sticking his whole head under the shirt that engulfs you. He kisses up your stomach until he reaches your chest, taking one nipple into his mouth and you gasp again. His tongue moves firmly over the growing bud at a quickening pace. “Yes, Joel…” you whimper, then suddenly whine as he bites you, quickly soothing the mark with his tongue.
His free hand rises up to replace his mouth as he moves over to give your other side the same treatment. You pant from both movements happening simultaneously, him drawing out more whimpers and moans from you. You squirm underneath him accidentally grazing his own growing member and he groans, already painfully hard for you. His sounds send a sudden rush of heat straight to your core. He continues at your nipple, one bite in particular causing you to cry out and you could swear you feel his cock twitch against you as he moans in reply, another rush of arousal already flooding within you again.
He kisses a line down your chest, down your stomach, until his hands find the hem of your shorts. Your legs spread making room for his broad frame as he drags your panties and shorts down, seamlessly replacing them with soft yet hungry kisses where they once sat. He tosses them to the side, licking and kissing his way back up your thighs, nipping at the sensitive inner skin.
Joel’s eyes practically look pitch black, his pupils so blown out with lust, when you see him eyeing your throbbing core and he groans.
“Good lord, sweetheart,” is all he can manage as he admires you glistening for him. His eyes trail up your body. He could come just from the sight of you: legs spread eagerly, eyelids heavy, pupils just as blown as his own, desire written on your face in big bold letters…
And you see how desperate he looks for you, but a sly smirk quickly spreads across his face, “Bet you taste even sweeter than you act.”
Unable to control his hunger any longer, he fiercely licks one broad, flattened stroke up your middle, tasting the fruits of his labor. He moans at your taste, sending vibrations over your clit. You let out a cry of pleasure and his hips subconsciously rut into the couch, desperately seeking some relief for himself. His tongue glides through your folds, broad strokes accompanied by tight circles around your clit and the occasional dip inside…
“Fuck, Joel!” you cry as he focuses at your hole, his thumb replacing his tongue at your clit drawing tight, fast circles as his tongue dips in and out of you. “Oh my god… yes, please… feels so…”
He can only moan in response, sending lightning through your body with every sound he makes. “Please… oh, my g-… don’t stop, Joel… I’m so close…”
He can feel your impending release and between gasps for air, he practically begs, “Let it go, angel… that’s it… come all over my face… doin’ so good for me…”
His words send you hurdling over the edge as you come — hard. Your hips drive up into his face, head dipped back, crying out in pleasure. Joel refuses to let one drop go to waste, lapping up your slick like an animal. He licks you through your orgasm until the aftershocks and twitching die down some. Then he rises back up to your face. “Taste so good for me…” he says as he kisses you deep, lips and beard soaked. You moan from his taste; like coffee but with a sweet hint of you mixed in, and he swallows every little sound.
He breaks from your lips, your foreheads touching and lips barely ghosting over each other. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, darling,” he whispers as he reaches down to free his cock from his pajama pants.
“Please…” you beg, eyes lazily gazing into his own. “Fuck me, please.”
He looks deep into your eyes as he rubs up and down your heat, coating himself and he slides in without any problem, going slow when you gasp so your body can adjust to his size. But your body seems to draw him in, swallowing him whole and pulling him into you deeper and deeper. “My god…” he gasps as he feels the lingering spasms of your soft walls choking his cock.
You can only manage to whine in response, your eyes silently begging him to move, and he obeys. He begins slowly moving in and out, already embarrassingly close to his own climax, but he desperately wants to feel you unravel on him. Gradually, he finds his pace, bottoming out inside of you over and over and over. Refusing to break eye contact with you, his free hand dips down seeking your clit as he furiously traces tight, swift, calculated circles round and round.
Your eyes bolt shut at the feeling of him filling you up and teasing your clit. You’re well past the point of forming full sentences, and he can tell. Breathlessly, he tries to coax more from you, “Look so pretty taking my cock, angel… so good… fuck, you feel so good… ‘m not gonna last, sweetheart…” His pace is unpredictable, plowing into you for a few thrusts and then slowing down to a near stop to avoid finishing too early. “Need you — oh, fuck… god, almighty… n-need you to come for me, darling… please…”
As he begs for your release and his hips begin to falter, he finds that spot that only he has ever been able to find within you, rapidly sending you over the edge again. Your walls constrict suffocating his cock. You writhe and whine, almost unable to even make a sound.
He works you through your orgasm, his own rapidly approaching as he watches your eyes roll back from pure bliss. “Yeah, just like that, gorgeous… shit, you’re soaking me… fuck me, dripping everywhere… fuck… Oh my god, I’m—”
He cuts himself off with his own grunting and groaning as he begins to paint your walls with his come. He whines and gasps, bottoming out with every wave of his orgasm until his cock twitches for the last time. He collapses over you, crushing you in the best way with his weight as he tucks his face into your neck. You’re both panting, your chests crashing into each other as you come down from your highs and try to recover.
Joel finally softens enough to pull away without completely overstimulating himself, grunting as he rolls off of you and brings you to your side, spooning you and leaving small, tender kisses on your neck. His hand rests over your waist just as it did when you awoke this morning, and you lay there for a little while your heartbeats return to a normal pace.
You feel his come slowly leak out with his absence but you don’t even care. Being in his embrace washes away any other thought from your brain. All you can care to think about is the strong man clinging to you as he comes back down to Earth, holding you close and never letting go. You’re listening to his breath trying to fill his lungs once more and feeling his raging heartbeat through his chest and against your back. This is your personal heaven. Wishing you could live in this moment forever, you close your eyes and savor the feeling in all its glory.
You feel your body threatening to drift back asleep, but one particularly deep and content sigh from Joel reminds you that he is, in fact, supposed to be leaving for work. Glancing at the clock, you gently remind him of the time, your smile audible as you say, “You have just enough time to clean up and put on your clothes. Good thing your lunch is already packed.”
He gives a breathy chuckle and hesitantly gets up with that classic dad groan he always gives. Even though all he would really like to do is spend the rest of eternity lying right here on this couch in this moment with you, duty calls. He glances between your legs and sees the mess he made. You catch a glimpse of his look, his ferocious blushing visible even in the dimly lit room as he stares quite obviously at your middle. 
Feeling particularly mischievous, you reach down to collect what you can, scooping it up as it coats your fingers. Joel’s mouth drops open in a stupor, watching in disbelief as you bring your fingers up to your mouth and lick your digits clean. You unmistakingly see his breath hitch at the sight and know that if time weren’t the major issue right now, he would pounce on the opportunity for round two.
“Goddamn, angel…” he says shakily, still in utter disbelief. “You drive me fuckin’ crazy. You’re lucky I have a job to go do,” he tells you with a dazed, fucked-out look and tone as he retreats to the bedroom to attempt to get ready for work. You get up and slip into the bathroom to clean yourself up some more before returning to the couch exactly the way he had left you. 
Emerging from your bedroom dressed with lunch in hand, he spots you drifting off back to sleep and walks over to plant a soft kiss on your cheek. Before you completely succumb to the drowsiness, you manage a soft and sweet, “I love you.”
He smiles and bends back down to plant another, longer kiss right to your lips and whispers back, “I love you more.”
He sees you smile at that before he turns for the door and quietly leaves for work, already counting down the minutes of his shift left before he can come back home to you.
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>> PART 2
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syninplays · 16 days
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PARIS set - ts3 version
Okay so in addition to >this< set and since I actually just reached 1k followers, here's a little collab with @deniisu-sims ♥ We cried about it a wee bit but it's done and we're proud! Also please don't judge my french-style building skills I was just trying to showcase everything :p
>+20 items from Felixandre's Paris Set Part 1 found >here< (we converted everything but the shop windows because I don't like them :p) + Collection File!
>Everything is recolorable + some items include the original swatches!
>Polycount info can be found below the cut as always or on my patreon post (;
>Side note: the doors were resized to fit default-height walls, but they still show a little bit through the wall/floor as I didn't want to heavily transform or deform the mesh. // All files that say "master" are linked to those that say "linked" therefore you need both files so everything shows up properly (;
>DOWNLOAD< (always free on patreon)
Window Door 1 - 4,1k poly
Window Door 1 Interior - 4k poly
Window Door 1 Interior Arch - 3,1k poly
Window Door 2 - 2,7k poly
Window Door 2 Interior - 2,6k poly
Window Door 2 Interior Arch - 2,6k poly
Round Window - 2k poly
Window 3 Short - 1,4k poly
Window 3 Med - 1,6k poly
Window Door 3 (it's a window, not a door) - 1,8k poly
Window Door 3 Open (also a window) - 1,9k poly
Balcony Left / Center / Right - 1,1k / 160 / 808 poly
Balcony Long - 404 poly
Balcony Short - 332 poly
Cartouche Large - 721 poly
Cartouche Small - 466 poly
Corbel - 154 poly
Keystone - 40 poly
Stone Block - 182 poly
Street Plaque - 2 poly (lol)
Swag - 200 poly
Awning Closed Long - 201 poly (open versions can be found on my post linked above)
Awning Closed Short - 279 poly
Window Decal - 2 poly
Stone Wall - no polycount because it's a wall (;
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soap-ify · 10 months
nsfw below , MDNI
just thinking about how johnny catches you listening to one of those porn audios.
cw fem!reader, HORRIBLE ATTEMPT AT SCOTTISH ACCENT, filming a nsfw audio, ass smacking (he LOVES ass), pussy easing, p in v, just pure filth — 1.4k words.
johnny saw you on the couch inside the small, cozy apartment you both lived in, your cheeks warm due to blood rushing to them while your fingers mindlessly fiddled with the hem of your shorts, eyes darted elsewhere — purely lost in your thoughts. your earphones were nicely snug in your ear, your breathing a bit heavy and quick while your phone was placed upside down on your lap, causing him to get very curious. just what could be riling you up so much?
he sneakily got behind you, leaning in a bit closer. that's when he heard some muffled sounds coming from your earphones — familiar noises of moans and skin slapping against one another. his brows knitted in amusement, a wolfish grin plastering on his lips as he stared at your side profile, unnoticed by you. dirty little minx, he thought to himself.
he swiftly removed your earphones from your ears, causing you to flinch in surprise and look at him, eyes widening up. "j...johnny?" you squeaked out in embarrassment, trying to squirm away though his rough hands had already caught your wrists, effortlessly pulling you onto his lap.
"didnae ken my lass liked to listen to that filthy stuff." he chuckled cheekily, his hands letting your wrists go and instead grabbing onto your waist, making you properly sit on his lap, chests pressed against one another.
you whined in protest, feeling too exposed due to your boyfriend catching your little secret. "i-i wasn't!" you blatantly lied, already regretting it once his hand came in contact with your plush ass, smacking it through the fabric of your shorts.
"shut it." he growled into your ear, lightly nipping on your earlobe, causing you to shiver on his lap. both of his hands began to fondle your soft ass, his face burying into the crook of your neck, warm breath fanning against your skin.
"say... wanna try makin' one of 'em with me?" he grinned.
that's how you found yourself inside your shared bedroom, clumsily balanced on your knees and hands, all bare and shivering due to the cool air from the air conditioner caressing your skin. johnny was behind you, knelt down on the bed while his rough hands held your hips in place, face buried in between your legs, mouth latched onto your puffy clit as he nibbled on it gently, earning soft whimpers from you.
he was recording it all. an audio recording app was turned on his phone, which was placed on the nightstand. the audio quality may turn out to be crappy in the end, but he didn't fucking care.
"all mine, eh?" he muffled against your cunt, fingernails digging into your plush skin while his tongue licked long stripes on your aching folds, sucking and slurping, making obscene noises as if he was a starving man eating his last meal. when you nodded shyly in agreement, he clicked his tongue and raised his right hand to gently smack your ass. "use yer words, lassie. want 'em all to hear ye moanin' like the needy wee thing ye are." he sneered.
"mmh—! yeah, all yours, johnny..." you managed to moan out, eyes all glossy with unshed tears due to how insanely filthy yet good it felt. after all, you would have never thought even in a million years that you would film one of those dirty audios. but here you are now.
he chuckled under his breath, continuing to work on your cunt — rolling your sensitive clit with his tongue and sucking on it gently while his nose was pressed against your entrance in this position, your legs trembling profusely, indicating your arriving orgasm.
"johnny—! so close, please..." you pathetically sobbed, your torso slumping down as you buried your face against the soft pillow, squelching sounds of your cunt being eaten out filling up the room.
johnny didn't stop, continuing to use his tongue on your puffy clit until you couldn't take it anymore, clenching around nothing as you came hard with a whiny moan, body convulsing in pleasure as your sweet cum dripped onto his tongue, causing him to groan in satisfaction, hungrily lapping it all up and tasting it. "fuck— so tasty, eh? ye love me eatin' ye out, right? love my tongue playin' with yer clit, shoving it in yer tight hole. fuckin' filthy." he chuckled softly as he pulled away from your cunt, chin wet with your juices, speaking so lewdly and words descriptive for the goddamn audio you both were filming.
you sniffled, ass still raised up while your chest rose and fell, hair sticking to your face as your head tilted back to look at him, seeing that shit-eating grin on his lips. "yes, johnny..." she babbled out, mind foggy from the pleasure.
"aw, look at ye. all mushy now." johnny cooed softly, pressing soft kisses on the back of your thighs, his stubble tickling your skin, causing a relaxed sigh to leave your lips. his hands would slowly tug down his sweatpants alongside his briefs, freeing his girthy cock that was already swollen with need, tip angrily flushed red and smeared with his precum.
"god... got my cock all hard. that's what ye do t'me, lassie..." he breathed out, shifting behind you so his cock was now aligned with your slick folds, his hands holding onto your waist. he would lean forward, nudging the tip of his cock with your entrance. earning a muffled noise from you.
"hush, easy..." he grunted, gently pushing the tip of his cock into your tightness, shuddering at the way your walls instantly clenched around him, trying to suck him in. "such a needy wee thing ye are, tryin' to suck my cock in with your tight cunt. been waitin' for this all day, huh? been imaginin' me fillin' ye up as ye listened to those audios of yers?" he licked his bottom lip, gently pushing his length around you. he was so fucking thick, shaft stretching your cunt nice and wide. once he was fully inside you, he let out a groan of pleasure, hand reaching out to gently caress the back of your head, royal blue eyes adoring the arch of your back.
you moaned sweetly once he began thrusting his cock in and out of your, tip slamming against your cervix without even trying. filthy slippery noises filled up the bedroom, air thickening up as his hips rutted against yours, your walls fluttering around him.
"johnny—! mmph..." your words soon turned into incomprehensible babbles, face nuzzled against the pillow while your drool dampened the fabric up, your hands clutching onto the sheets beneath you. felt so fucking good. each thrust made your eyes roll back, lips part open while he bullied his girthy cock into you, feeling it twitch inside your wetness.
"bloody hell... so close, lassie. want me to fill ye up?" he groaned, earning a quick nod from you. his grip tightened on your waist as he maintained the deep, sensual thrusts of his cock, one hand reaching in between your legs to fiddle with your aching clit. you were so close too to another orgasm, tongue slightly stuck out as loud whimpers left you.
soon your climax had hit you again, even more mind-numbing then before as you squeezed around his girth hard, a white ring forming around his shaft. he groaned in pleasure, that tight squeeze driving him to edge as waves of pleasure hit him like a truck, his balls tightening up before he released his thick ropes of cum inside your poor cunt, a shaky moan escaping his lips.
his thrusts slowed down but didn't stop yet, gently pushing the cum in and out of you, watching some of it drip down and stain the sheets. he will have to clean it later.
"fuckin' gorgeous... did so good f'me." he panted heavily, his fingers running through your hair as you tilted your head to look at him again, eyes all teary and lips wet from drool, cheeks flushed — looking all fucked.
he carefully slipped out of you, gently cupping your face in his hands as his lips met yours, kissing you with so much care. he grabbed his phone after that, grinning in victory as he stopped the recording. "gonna upload it later." he laughed teasingly, causing you to giggle sheepishly, trembling hands weakly swatting against his chest.
it was safe to say that the filthy audio you both had made had blown up on reddit, and it only encouraged johnny even further to make more of these with you.
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cherrychilli · 1 year
MDNI, NSFW, AFAB reader, Dilf! Steve, babysitter reader, breeding kink, P in V sex, mentions of pregnancy, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Steve is in his early 40's)
A/N: Turning this into a wee series. More Dilf! Steve right here
Consider this: Divorced Dilf! Steve who's infatuated with you, the new babysitter. Watching you take care of his kids sends his breeding kink into overdrive and soon enough you're working 'overtime'. He pulls you away and fucks you in the laundry room while the kids are distracted by the TV in the living room. He has one of his palms placed over your mouth, the other gripping your waist as he pounds into you from behind while you're bent over the washing machine. The sound of the running machine helps to drown out your muffled cries but you hear him loud and clear when he leans down to groan against your ear. " 'Bout time you ditched the birth control don't you think, sweetheart?"
You immediately clench around his cock, knees feeling weak as he continues. "You scared of what people might say if they found out that you spread your legs for me?". He pulls you up, your back now flush against his chest, his teeth grazing your neck. "You wouldn't care for very long though would you? you just want me to fill you up- fuck you full. Y'Think I haven't noticed?"
You know exactly what he's insinuating. You wanted a baby of your own. You hadn't expressed it out loud to him but it wasn't a hard guess to make. It showed clearly in the way you loved taking care of his kids and that feeling only deepened when you began to notice the look in his eye whenever you caught him watching you. Spending most of your time there, you liked to image what it would be like to share his home, his bed, a life together. He was nothing short of a devoted father and that only made your attraction to him skyrocket. If he could trust you with his kids it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that he'd trust you with one more, right?
"W-want you to put a baby in me, Steve", you manage to pant out when he removes his hand from your mouth.
You'd only recently begun to call him by his first name in private. You were still getting used to it but you liked the familiarity. 'Mr. Harrington', he decided was far too formal for the girl he'd been railing for over a few months now.
He can feel himself losing it when you talk like that but he maintains a semblance of self control long enough to taunt you. "Bad girl", he chides darkly. "Pretty young thing like you begging to get pregnant. Do you realize what you're asking for?"
If you weren't so cockdrunk right now you might have been able to shoot back a well deserved remark. You were bad? he helped make you that way. He was the one who made you long for the late nights after putting his kids to bed, leading you downstairs so he could eat you out on the couch. Licking and sucking on your swollen clit all while telling you how he couldn't stop thinking about you and your sweet little cunt while he was at the office all day. He was the one who fucked you stupid in the back seat of his car on idle street corners in the middle of the night before dropping you back home after your shift. And he was the one who came inside you minutes before his ex wife was over to pick up the kids, taking too much pleasure in watching you scramble to look presentable as you handed them over to her all while trying to hide that her ex husband's cum was dripping out of you.
"Y'Know how much your body's gonna change if I knocked you up?" he grunted. "You're gonna get big here, obviously" he places his hand over your belly, pressing down on it so he can feel the way his cock's plunging inside you. You choke on a wail. It was already a tight fit but now his cock dragged along your walls with added pressure and pressed against your cervix so hard your eyes were beginning to roll back. "You're gonna be swollen all the time and get really sensitive like right here", his hand glides over your stomach and reaches up to squeeze one of your tits, rolling your perky nipple between his fingers. "These are gonna get so full of milk" he reminds you like the thought of it hadn't already made your pussy gush with fresh arousal. "All because of me. You sure you're ready for all of that?"
"I-I am, I want it so bad", you sob feeling your orgasm approaching fast.
"Wanna make you a daddy again", you manage to whine out before it washed over you.
That did it.
You stopped taking your birth control after that day and used every spare moment you had to let him fuck you around the house, staying over in secret without the kids or his ex wife finding out. It was sordid and blissful and by next month you knew it wouldn't be very much longer until everyone found out as you stared happily at the positive pregnancy test a few days after your period was due.
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anisespice · 1 year
“ hate your boyfriend ” || tokyo rev. pt. 2
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synopsis: " you can pick me or your little boy. "
pairing: college!toman x gn!reader
warnings: mature language, sexual themes, MDI. toxic!toman, cheater!reader (pumpkin eater!!), enabling behavior, mild violence, vague descriptions of sex (cause i’m lazy), vulgar language, corny marvel joke, dirty-talk, moral compass is a roulette wheel in this one lol and i think that’s it :P 
notes: did a little continuation of the first one before doing more characters lol i’m happy you guys liked the concept, lemme know who you’d like to see next :))) i don’t hate this one, but i don’t love it either (except maybe mikey’s) buuuut hope yall enjoy! <333
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @spacegirl05​
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A week had passed since the whole kick-back fiasco, and MIKEY had gone awol. Aki was over the moon about it, for obvious reasons; as far as he was concerned, he scared him off. Besides, the less you hung around the delinquent, the better for both of you.
“That guy’s just a nuisance, babe. Good riddance.”
Little did he know, this was a regular occurrence. Mikey always did this—Disappeared for days on end, only to pop right back up like he never left. Whether it be due to gang related issues, or because he felt like it, this frustrating habit was one of the reasons you invited him that night, despite knowing he’d pick a fight with Aki. You had missed him…in more ways than one. You knew it was only a matter of time before he came back to you.
And in the wee hours of the night, not far after said boyfriend left your place, you received a lone message from the former blonde himself.
from : bad influence ♡ 11:03pm     “ omw. ”
Short, but effective. His timing was impeccable, how he always managed to text the second you were alone was beyond you, but it made your heart race all the same. It was wrong, you knew that, Aki deserved better than someone who snuck around. You didn’t mean for it to get this far, but that was a guilt you’d deal with later. Mikey was your drug of choice, and tonight you craved another fix.
to : bad influence ♡ 11:07pm       “ okay. but just for a little while. ”
Even if you tried to play coy, to salvage whatever weak moral you had left, it didn’t matter—The only one you were fooling tonight was Aki.
from : bad influence ♡ 11:08pm      “ mhm. sure, angel. ”
It was a wonder how you didn’t draw blood with how harshly you clawed at his shoulders, fighting between wanting him closer or wanting to push him away. Mikey didn’t mind, though. On the contrary, he encouraged you to leave marks. As tempted as he was to leave his own, he figured beating up your insides would suffice.
Knowing you’ll struggle to walk tomorrow was all the reward he needed.
“God—fuuck,” he slurred, after a particularly hard thrust made you arch off the bed, forcing him to sink deeper. He gazed down at you with an all too pleased grin as you begged him for more. How could he deny you when you sounded so desperate? “Taking me so well, angel…always so good f’me…”
“J-Jiro..! Ahplease!” You sobbed, your knees practically knocking upside your temples as he increased momentum. Mikey snickered, angling his hips to continue ramming the spot that made your eyes cross, moans reaching octaves you didn’t even know you could hit.
“Mm, been feening for this dick, huh? Yeah? Maybe we should call up that smug bastard, let ‘em see how such good friends we are, right [______]? Bet he was real proud thinkin’ he got me to fuck off…but we both know who you really belong to. Don’t we?”
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He wasn’t sorry. That’s the short end of it.
The moment Takeru decided to act all big and bad, breaking stuff in a place where he paid no bills, it was in DRAKEN’s right to set him straight; mama may not have raised him, but he still ain’t no bitch.
It took some coaxing on your end, but you were able to reel Draken back from turning your boyfriend inside out. But, after he forced him to pick up every broken piece of the lamp, he told Takeru to choose a number between one and ten.
“…Why?” Was his response. Draken raised a brow.
“That’s how many shards I’m gonna shove up your nose.”
The look on the shorter male’s face was worth it, earning a threatening smirk from the mechanic as he slapped a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Ahh, y’look like you were about to shit yourself, man! Nah, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
For a moment, there’s relief in your boyfriend’s eyes. It was short-lived, of course. Especially once Draken’s grip tightened around his shoulder. “But I will. Don’t ever let me catch you pop off on [_____] like that again. Would hate for you to have to pick yourself up off the floor next time. You feel me?”
With a gulp, he gave a shaky nod; now he really looked like he shat himself. “Y-Yes…”
“Hah? Yes, what?”
“Y-Yes, Draken, sir?”
He rewarded the poor sucker’s obedience with a couple taps to the cheek just to spite him before sending him on his way. It was met with little protest, Takeru scurrying out of the room with lamp pieces still in his palms, not even sparing you a passing glance. 
“Text you later?” You called at his retreating form. When all you got was the sound of your front door slamming shut in response, you swiftly turned on your heel to aim a dejected frown at your other houseguest. Draken sardonically pouted back at you, reaching over to pinch your cheek until you swatted his hand away. “Why’d you do that, you totally freaked him out!” 
He wasn’t sorry. Draken shrugged. “Good.” 
Merely rolling your eyes, you headed for the small broom and dustpan in your closet to gather what little pieces Takeru left behind–Might as well busy yourself to delay addressing the elephant still in the room. Unfortunately, said elephant wasn’t about to let that happen. Before you could even think of sweeping anything, Draken gently grabbed your elbow, those same eyes that stared death into your boyfriend’s soul now filled with something else as they appraised you, melting through whatever cold exterior you tried to aim at him.
He leaned down closer, sporting a slanted grin that sent signals straight down to your core. Sometimes, you despised how easily he made your insides flutter by just existing.
“How much longer y’gonna entertain that fucking loser, huh? He wouldn’t know the first thing about handling someone like you.”
You hummed, fighting the giddy tremble in your body at the challenging air that surrounded you both. With the inkling of boldness you had, you took the bait. “What, like you would?”
He wasn’t sorry; you’d be though.
The way Draken split you in half would make Lucifer himself bite the pillow. Hovering over his gigantic frame, chest bare with your hands perched on each pec, he manhandled you to take every unforgiving inch of his dick, having you feeling downright discombobulated as your hips struggled to keep momentum.
Forget about seeing stars, at some point, you were certain you saw into the quantum realm; say hi to Ant-Man for me.
“K-Kenny...I can’t...t’s too much!” 
He cooed up at you, though there wasn’t an ounce of sympathy in his tone. If anything, Draken enjoyed himself thoroughly, tongue-in-cheek as he watched you fall apart in his lap, just like he knew you would. With the way you tightened up around him like a vice, as if your own body was against the thought of him stopping, the former blonde chuckled breathlessly.
“Use the safe word then, doll.”
You glared down at him, to the best of your ability. With him practically jabbing you in the lung, it was more than difficult to say the rebuttal as smartly as you wanted to. “Y-you think…you’re so-oh! So f-funny…”
He did. Absolutely he did. By making your boyfriend’s name the safe word, nothing would soften his dick quicker. Plus, he knew you didn’t need it; just like you didn’t need Takeru.
“What? It’d be the only way you’d ever scream it anyways.”
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“Welcome back.”
You paused mid-step upon entering your apartment, not expecting the ravenette to still be there. With a deep exhale, you paid him no mind as you kicked off your shoes, irritated after a tiresome process of checking your boyfriend into the hospital.
To say BAJI did a number on him would be an understatement…Man’s fucked him up. Sure, maybe Makoto could’ve watched his tone when talking to someone with such a short fuse, but Baji could’ve at least exercised a little restraint.
…Oh, who were you kidding? It’s Baji.
“What, ya not talkin’ to me?” Barely sparing him a glance, you set your bag on the coffee table before heading for the bedroom for a much-needed shower. Baji didn’t take kindly to being ignored. He huffed, standing to meet you halfway as he trailed behind you. Even when you attempted to close the door in his face, he shouldered his way in anyway; it was gonna take more than that to deter him.
“Quit being mad…said I was sorry, damn.”
“No you didn’t,” you replied, incredulously. You really tried it with the silent treatment, but knowing him, it was only a matter of seconds before he'd get you talking again. Taking off the sweats you threw on in haste earlier, you continued. “You said, and I quote, ‘Talk shit, get hit,’ then fell asleep on the couch while I had to haul Makoto to the emergency room!”
Baji shuffled his feet, “…Well, I meant to say it. Jus' forgot.”
You scoffed, walking into your bathroom. "What are you even still doing here? Don't you have someone else's day to shit on?”
“Y’kicking me out now?” He teased, raising a brow. What he didn't expect was for you to start throwing your toiletries at him. Although his reflexes saved him for the most part, Baji still got hit a few times as he attempted to dodge between a shampoo bottle and mouthwash. "Whoa! Hey-!"
“Maybe I should! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get him in and out of my car with all that dead weight, let alone into the building? Not to mention, his emergency contacts were his uppity-ass parents, so after they chewed me out, I had to lie and say he saved me from getting mugged.”
“...They buy it?”
You tilted your head, exasperated. "Wow. And here I thought the next thing out of your mouth would be that apology you 'forgot' to say earlier…[Sigh] Whatever. You just better hope when Makoto wakes up he doesn't remember anything, or else we're both in deep shit."
“Tsk. The fuck’s he gonna do?”
“He could literally sue us.” You deadpanned.
“He’s a pussy, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to try me again. And if he gives you any shit for it, you let me know. I’ll take care of it.”
“Oh, you mean like how you did today? Pass.”
He groaned, “I said sorry!”
“No you didn’t! And still haven’t!”
At the moment, it felt like the conversation would just continue in circles. With Baji stubbornly claiming he was in the right, and you combating his warped logic with colorful language and more stuff thrown at him, it's a wonder how things ended up here–With your face pressed against the cold shower wall as he gave you his fucking apology.
Over, and over, and over again.
While one hand wrapped around the column of your throat, fingers shoved knuckle-deep into your mouth to pacify the excessive whines tumbling out, the other made use of gripping the meat of your thigh, giving you no chance of running from the punishing thwap of his hips ramming against your wet ass-cheeks. The water cascading over your bodies had long turned cold as Baji chased after orgasm number five, his muscles ached from the strain, but he'd be damned to stop until he was certain all was forgiven.
Even if it meant missing every single one of Makoto's phone calls.
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“God, I am so, so sorry, Takashi. Can’t believe he just…I-I’ve never seen him act like that before. Does it hurt?”
MITSUYA, despite the sting in his split lip, gave you an easy grin. “Nah, y’know I’ve been through worse. Fucker hits like one of my younger sisters.”
You had brought him back to your place to ice the bruise forming on his jaw, still frazzled over what occurred in the last half hour. Back at the restaurant, everything seemed fine when you excused yourself to the bathroom, having a blast knowing that your two favorite people were actually getting along. Unbeknownst to you, there was a storm brewing in Hajime. And the second you were out of sight, he used this opportunity to set a record straight with Mitsuya.  
Evidently, he allowed his fists to do the talking. 
You groaned, rubbing down your face in distress. “We’ll probably never get to set foot in that restaurant again...’m so embarrassed.”
“Hey,” he softly reprimanded, “Don’t sweat it, t’s not your fault-”
“I’m the one who begged you to let him come with us in the first place. I mean, I know you two butt heads from time to time, but I didn’t think it’d ever turn that serious. Please, Taka, just tell me what happened.”
Mitsuya shook his head, about to lower the ice pack until you shot him a pointed look. With a small exhale through his nose, he kept it on his jaw while he spoke. “I told you, he was probably pissed he couldn’t get a free meal outta me-”
“Don’t bullshit me, Haji wouldn’t explode like that over a fucking chicken sandwich.” You huffed, frustrated at his evasive behavior. He was holding back information on purpose, you were certain. Ever since the fitting, he'd been acting weird all evening. And that fight only solidified your suspicions. “Just tell me what started it!” 
"Doesn’t matter."
"Let it go, [______]." He laid back on your couch and made himself comfortable, even so much as turning on your tv to fill over the dead conversation. Mitsuya trained his eyes on the lit-up screen, still icing his jaw as he subtly avoided eye contact.
You could just scream.
Childishly, you snatched the remote from his hand and switched it back off. The lavender haired threw his head back in defeat, the hand holding the ice pack slowly coming down as Mitsuya eyed you from his peripheral; so stubborn.
“Be honest. It was about me again, wasn’t it?” His silence spoke volumes. “So it was then. Ugh, okay listen, I get that you’re both really protective of me, I do, but that doesn’t excuse-”
“I’m in love with you.”
You choked. Though, only on your words.
With that now hanging up in the air, you gaped like a damn goldfish, the remote slipping out your grasp and clambering to the floor with a clack. Mitsuya exhaled; no turning back now. “You…huh?”
“Yep. Have been for a while, actually.” He placed his arms behind the couch, wry smirk on his face. “Planned to tell you over dinner tonight, but that backfired fast, no thanks to that walking steroid you call a boyfriend.”
“Y-…You’re messing with me. Right?” The designer offered a humorless laugh, gesturing to his split lip and bruised jaw.
“Didn’t get hit for saying what a great pal you were, [______].”
Now it was your turn to be silent. A lump began to form in your throat, overwhelmed with the newfound information, borderline confession.
“So then…what did you say to Haji to make him so angry?”
For a split second, you saw a glint within his pools of amethyst as they slowly rendered to a deep violet. Staring at you from beneath his pretty lashes, Mitsuya resembled that of a starved animal on the verge of cornering its prey, causing a sudden warmth to envelop you as you squirmed under his heady gaze.
Sitting up a little, he merely beckoned you to his empty lap. You blinked widely at him, sputtering as you tried to protest the idea. But, what he said next played into your curiosity.
“C’mere, and I’ll show you.”
You blinked at him, uncertain; he made no move to rush you. If you were against the idea, you were more than welcome to decline and tell him to shove it. However, when you eventually crawled into the awaiting throne, settling all your weight on top of him to the point he couldn’t keep from groaning shamelessly, Mitsuya was fucking elated.
You gripped his shirt at the shoulders, sporting that signature pout you’d do whenever you wanted something from him—The designer was more than ready to give it to you. All you had to do was say so.
“Hajime’s gonna kill you if he finds out, though. Don’t want you getting hurt again because of me…”
Mitsuya chuckled, hands slowly rubbing up your thighs until they settled on your hips. “Don’t worry about it, sweet thing. He may have gotten two hits on me today, but all I need is one tomorrow.”
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved.   likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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Just finished the new Helluva boss short: Mission: Wee-a-boo-boo and I want to say, it's pretty good (warning for spoilers)
I really love the design for the woman that Blitz has to kill for his cilent because of, what I assume is the client was being cyberbullied by this woman or the client was being brutally harassed by her fans to the point that they'd killed theirselves.
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Honestly, They don't really explained how the client died so I just assume that it's either because of suicide because of what the girl did or they simply just died in an accident or whatever and decided that they want to put a hit on her lol
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Also just realize that in this scene Blitz is activating the asmodean crystal by just rubbing it.. I'm gonna assume it's suppose to mimic how you rub someone's ya know because if you remember in the infamous penguin short (the one where the penguins are calling them slurs) the crystal only activates if you perform a sex act on it or something, idk lol
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Also, I have a lot of questions about this scene.. she is wearing this sort of necklace that blocked Blitz's attack which she claims that it's official merch from an anime that she had watched.
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Which if that's the case, how the hell is it magical if it's just some piece of plastic?? I'm guessing it's the pentagram on it and not gonna lie, when that scene happened I thought this girl was gifted some sort of magical ambulant by the Cherubs to protect her (as well as to fuck with Blitz because they probably somehow know what he is up to) or that she's secretly an angel but that was until I saw the pentagram and of course, what she had said.
Also, miss opportunity to use the word "Monster fucker" instead of "Monster lover" since that's what some people who want to fuck a monster or mythical creature are called :P
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Also, love the Rawr paddle in the background, obvious nod to the infamous yaoi paddle
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And finally, I love her sinner design.. the color scheme is so adorable and I love that ironically she's suppose to be a chubby cat demon considering what she called herself in that episode before her death.
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Not sure about the wings though, I would've personally kept the wings out while keeping her cat like appearance but I do love the fact that her stockings turn into little demons or evil cat stockings.. I think that's really funny/creative :3
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Unless their actually now fused to her legs considering there's two pink hooves on them.
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hellaadead · 2 months
Chapter One - One That Got Away
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Dont buy TLOU | Daily Click | Series Masterlist
Kinks/Warnings: Canon-typical violence, death, light gore, mild language, canon-typical setting
��️ Xan Says: Woo woo I really like this chapter actually! 😆 I did edit this late last night but for the most part there shouldn’t be many typos? But if there are, just ignore them. :p So anyways I hope you guys enjoy this! Also also, if you didn’t notice I added dialogue in from the game! I’m really proud of that but I think its a wee choppy but look past it for the love of god.
W/C: 1.1K
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A loud bang wakes you from your sleep. You jolt awake, your dreams of a peaceful life fading away fast. You were familiar with the person standing before you — a new addition to the WLF that was learning quickly.
“Did you forget? We’re doing that raid on the village today. Issac told me to come find you. We have to go, now.” She said, obviously being in a rush. “Cmon, we have to go,” She’s trying to pull you up but you don’t move. “Seriously!” She stresses.
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You were reluctant to leave for two reasons. One, the raid was poorly planned. It seemed like another one of Issacs plans for more bases all over Seattle. It was so fucking stupid. You had no other information other than you’d go in, wipe them out, and take over their village — horrible in the eyes of others but a-okay in the eyes of these soldiers. Second, because you were exhausted.
The large black clock on the wall of the dingy med-bay reads 09:45:06. Why was literally anyone willing to leave right now? You could barely see anything from how dark it had been, not to mention that it’d been raining out.
You weren’t really in the mood to hear anything from Issac or anyone else, so you drag your feet towards your worn backpack, retrieving your guns and snagging a med kit before following the girl. 
Rain water sloshes underneath your feet as you step out. You pull your hood over your head before you listen for instructions.
“Listen up!” Issac barks from the front of the group. “We’re raiding that island of Scars. Don’t hesitate, take anyone and everyone out immediately. Do we understand?” His voice was full of disdain when speaking about the Scars. A resounding “yes sir!” waves over the crowd. A few people break off into groups but of course, you were stuck with Issac and his posse.
You hated every second of this. You were shivering as it became slightly windy out, the trees swaying in the direction of the wind. Leaves are spread across the ground of all different shades.
Had you have been inside right now, the rain would’ve been peaceful. But now you hate every second of the rain. 
The trip to the village was long and hard. Seraphites were in your every corner. You heard the screams from your people and theirs. It was gruesome to say the least. This overall seemed like a death mission. It was too risky — it seemed like they had more people than you and god were they armed to the nines.
You can hear bullets in the distance mixed with your own. You’d never gotten used to the kickback on this new gun you’d stolen once on lookout, but you were trying it again.
You ignored the shoulder pain and you continued forward. Whistles vary from long to short, which you’d assumed was their way of communicating. These people might’ve been trained but you knew you were better.
In terms of skill, you and Abby were on the same level; albeit not like, exactly level. But you two had skills that could get you a spot as the “best Scar killers” compared to the other soldiers. 
You’re currently ducking behind a large truck as you reload your guns and wrap bandages around any scars that were visible to you at the moment.
“How did we let this happen?” A male Seraphite questioned. “I don’t know, but we’re ready.” Another male responds. But how ready were they? This was like a two-fer. They let their guards down just enough so that they hadn’t been paying much attention to their surroundings.
You aim your gun. Inhale. You line up your shot on the first guy, resting your finger on the trigger of your gun. Exhale. You pull the trigger and the bullet flies, landing in his forehead. The other guy looks around frantically, yelling and pointing his gun in any direction.
You sneak up behind him, putting him in a chokehold. “Not a word.” You grumble angrily, grunting with effort. When life slips away from his body, you toss him to the floor. Obviously you pick up their guns, inspecting them and taking the ammo out. Slim chance any of this could be useful anyway. 
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You make your way back to your group, moving through the mainly cleared parts of the village. Boots sloshed in the mud and people screamed as your guns blazed. You switch to a pistol with a makeshift silencer. The gun, in your opinion, had been a bit faster than the one you were currently using.
“Maggie, is this area secure?” A man yells over gunfire. “It better be! We just mowed down these fucks. What’s the plan?” She responded while also firing her gun. “We’re heading to the capital. Take your team and clean the villages by the farmlands.” 
You listened to the conversation, and it intrigued you. You almost followed the woman but any ideas of that are gone as more Scars appear. “How many of these motherfuckers are on this island?” You grumbled. The bloodshed continued, more bodies dropped and weapons flew.
To the unarmed, scared people, this would’ve been a great area to snag a couple guns and whatnot from. You continue following behind Issac. For what it seems now, it was clear. Walking the streets was.. hard. Bodies of Seraphites and Wolves line the streets with gruesome injuries, blood gushing from their wounds. The sight of death always almost nearly made you gag, but you chose to ignore it.
Chatter passes through Issacs group. He was taking the group towards an old radio tower. You looked up into the distance and it didn’t seem to be very far away — maybe a few minutes give or take. You were glad that by now the rain wasn’t as hard as it was. It was quiet for a while, then gunshots rang out.
“More Scars ahead. Keep your head on a swivel.” Issac instructed. The groups ahead of you were fighting back, but it’s hard to tell if it’s a winning or a losing battle— but why would you care about that right now? You wanted to survive. Every man for himself. Horrible mentality to have obviously. But that’s just the way this crazy, fucked up world works. 
You join your team in the onslaught of killings, snapping necks and killing Scars that lunged at you. Some part of you wishes that this wasn’t so gruesome.
A gun fired. “Got one!” A guy from your team yells. Your head shoots up, looking towards him. “No! Yara!” A voice yells. You know this voice, it’s all too familiar to you. You couldn’t believe it. “Holy fuck, is that Abby?” 
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 5-6 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Get your tin foil hats and clown makeups ready besties, cause this circus is about to get messy. hold on to your butts and let's gooooo!
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Least surprising "reveal" in history of TV. everybody saw this coming and thank god the show didn't make a big deal out of it.
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Oh hi ironfist you better serve some cunty action tonight.
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Ok now this is what i wanted thank you mr. stunt man. sorry daou you're good but not this good.
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*No dirty thoughts, dirty thoughts*
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this bitch been reward with a caring man after a misdemeanor attempted. Nu Wu really says be gay do crime huh.
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I'm not going gaga over this man cause i'm a new blood bl watcher so this is my first time with this actor but dang, this man in doctor coat is doing it for me.
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San you nerd you need to move on from this one moment in your live already, not adding shits to it.
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We stan this unbothered king. i'm a sucker for jealousy because i'm trash like that. but seriously i loved that the show made Wee reacted to all of it with 'meh'.
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Hey, stalking is one from of family bonding.
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The title of the book is ฟ้าลิขิต Fahlikit (Fah = heaven, likit = script) so yeah it's means fate/destiny but written by heaven is thematically more fitting.
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Yeah someone with no memory of and lives different than whose ever soul they inherited is by every mean a different person.
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I'm trash so this is doing so much to me idc how nonvalid or toxic this stance is. i'm all for it.
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A bit on the nose but fuck it this is a BL, who careeee!
And now to EP 6.
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Homophobic grandpapa has evolved into พระเอก BL grandpapa. good for him.
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Don't worry gramp. kids these days are kinda into that.
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As a person whose rode his first rollercoaster two months ago and felt almost nothing. i can say that i'm a certified badass or idk maybe i'm dead inside :P
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Look i know a lot of people don't like love triangle but as resident garbage gobbler. having two men fighting over me is my ultimate fantasy.
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This man really go from ew no homo to give me that booty in 5 seconds huh. i liked it, he's too old to be muddling for too long.
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Big applause to the costume department. cause whose ever put daou in that deserve a raise.
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งานเต้นรำในคืนพระจันทร์เต็มดวง! this show really coming for my gay heart.
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Someone call the ambulance this scene gonna give me a หัวใจ Y. OMG this short and the side and full boobies are everything! i can't.
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It's the noses thing, i love the noses thing!
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Go make some new memories and stop try to relive your old life old man.
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Welcome to this century mr. late boomer bisexual.
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One thoery down, i don't think grandma here is Wad reincarnated.
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Her smile is kinda creepy anyone noticed that or it is just me :P anyways DRAMA!!!
This BL lakorn contuning to be excellence and i'm all in team Wee is not Wad gang. cause thematically feels more satisfied to me but in the end idc who is who. i just want to see the drama and angst unfold in the most spectacular and i have faith that this show will delivered.
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faexfilms · 1 year
Say Yes to Me | Modern Ani! AU
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/ reader
Summary: Anakin ends up going with you to a college Halloween party only after he sees the risqué costume you chose to wear, only to get jealous and take you back to your apartment…(friends to lovers)
Warnings: (Fluff, a wee bit of angst, jealousy, slight degradation, p in v sex, smut, kinda cockwarming?)
Word count: 4.6k (idek how that happened)
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@queenie-official was the one that gave the original prompt of modern Ani going with you to a Halloween party and getting jealous and the idea was too good to resist!
"And you really think that's a good idea?" Anakin asked teasingly, his eyes settling on the bathroom door to your apartment. Trying to ignore the small glimpses of skin he saw from the crack you left open so you could hear him as you changed. Watching as you moved around, assembling different pieces of the costume that you wouldn't tell him about.
You tightened the white corset you were wearing around your waist as you looked in the mirror, leaning into the sink to give your makeup a quick onceover. "Why not? It's a Halloween party, it's not like I'm giving up my soul."
He ignored your sarcasm as he absentmindedly focused on the door, thoughts running through his mind. You knew he disliked halloween, yet you didn't understand the full extent as to why. You just assumed it was a part of his usual grumpy and antisocialness so you didn't question that too much. But you did question why he was so hesitant about you dressing up and going to a college party.
"I wouldn't say that..." He disagreed as he held your childhood teddy bear within his hands. Throwing it up into the air and catching it as he waited for you to be done already, him going a little stir crazy from just sitting out here waiting.
You rolled your eyes as you finally opened the door, turning off your bathroom light as you came to stand by your full length mirror. Adjusting the short piece of fabric sitting atop your thighs, feeling the lengthily fabric billow behind you as you moved across your room. "You're so overdramatic, lighten up...You're only a college student once in your life, you might as well enjoy it."
You could hear the scoff he let out before he looked over to your form a few feet away from him. Seeing the costume that you had been hiding from him for weeks, knowing that he wouldn't like it. And that was enough to stop any smart retort coming out of his mouth.
You missed the way his eyes rolled down you body, looking at the back of your bare thighs above your black sheer knee-high socks, seeing a small glimpse of your cleavage in the mirror above your ruffle like top, the way your corset pushed your boobs even more together. He almost stopped breathing.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
His eyebrows furrowed intensely as he looked at you, his voice raising ever so slightly as he watched you drag your fingers through the curls in your hair, separating them as you didn't even spare him a a glance. You knew he would act like this and yet you wore what you wanted to anyway. He wasn't going to stop you.
"It's called a costume, dimwit..." You shrugged innocently, meeting his eyes in the mirror as he sat on your bed.
"Not like that...No way..." He shook his head, speaking more to himself than he was to you. Not even forming a coherent sentence, just stating his disapproval.
You sighed as you finally turned around to look at him, narrowing your eyes at him as he sat at full attention on the edge of your bed, his big hands settled on his knees as he sat with his legs spread. "Too bad."
You looked him right in his pouty little eyes, knowing that they wouldn't work on you. Speaking to him to make sure that he heard you before grabbing your matching boots, sitting on the other side of the bed as you began to lace them up. Ignoring his eyes on you.
He could always be protective of you, he's known you forever so you understood it to a certain extent but he was too protective. He didn't want to risk you in anyway so often, he decided he was the boss of you. You just had to remind him he wasn't.
"What are you even supposed to be anyway? A sexy pirate that just so happens to be missing majority of her layers?"
"No." You scoffed, bringing up your leg so you could finish lacing the rest of it. Tying a small knot on the shoe lace. "Haven't you ever seen the movie 'Jonah Hex'?"
He was incredibly silent so you met his eyes, seeing the way he was looking at you in complete disagreement. His eyes narrowed and judging as he shook his head in disapproval at you.
"Well, the movie doesn't really matter. But Lilah Black isn't a pirate at all...She's just a 19th century, gun slinging prostitute played by Megan Fox...And this is relatively tame, I could've dressed up worse than this so just be thankful I went this route." You retorted, a small playful smile appearing on your lips as you finally finished tying your other boot, setting your legs down and looking over at Anakin.
He was silent yet again for a moment, looking at you with his eyebrows raised at the mere mention of the word 'prostitute' and his eyes settled on yours even more intensely. "That doesn't make me feel better..."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his response, getting up from your bed and walking over to stand in front of him, smiling playfully as you held your hand out to him. "Care to walk me to my car, dear sir?"
He narrowed his eyes at you again, not budging from his seat against your covers as he looked at you. Your arms and the top of your thighs on show. Your pouty lips, you dark eyes hooded in shadowy makeup. He had half the mind to grab ahold of you and keep you here until the night was over. But the longer you stared at him with those electrifying eyes and tainted lips that were curved into a smile, his hold on himself eventually caved.
He let out a small exasperated gruff as he grabbed your hand within his own, fighting the grin at the corner of his lips at your usual antics as he stood up from the bed, letting go of your hand just as soon. Looking down at you from his 6'0 frame heatedly as he stood so close to you.
Your breath caught in your throat when you saw the way he was looking at you, not finding the words to say anything. Goosebumps at the sheer intensity of his stare appearing on your forearms. Wondering if this was the moment he finally kissed you like so many times you imagined before, your wishful and naive thoughts clouding your mind. Even when he reached behind you, grabbing your car keys, you still felt like you couldn't move. Couldn't breathe...
"I'm driving you..."
As much as you protested, Anakin ended up going in with you. Even though he said he wasn't going a week ago, even though he wasn't even wearing a costume, he walked by your side as you entered the doors.
You eventually got him to stop crowding you when you offered to go get him a drink, making your way into the kitchen and grabbing two beers from the fridge. A friend of yours was the throwing the party, so it wasn't so crazy. But there were still loads of people and music blaring from the speakers stationed in the living room, making it a bit of a hassle just to get to the kitchen. So after you grabbed the two beers, you had to mentally prepare yourself to squeeze past everyone on your way back to Anakin.
You sighed, holding the cold cans within your hands as you opened the door, beginning your way back out into the party before you almost walked into someone, instantly getting out of their way and moving off to the side.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." You laughed softly, holding the door open for the guy to walk in, holding the cold beers in your left arm and against your abdomen, the corset thankfully blocking the coldness from the cans.
"Don't worry, about it. I'm sorry too, I didn't see anyone else come in here so I didn't expect that. Sorry I almost hit you." He gave you a small apologetic smile as he held his costume mask in his hand, looking you in your eyes so you knew he was sorry too.
"No, you're all good. It happens..." You waved it off, pushing the door open as you gave him one last look, holding your beers in your arm as you were about to walk out the door. Turning your heel as you pushed the door open further, retreating in the doorway backwards.
"Hey, I have art history with you, don't I?" He asked suddenly, making you revert your attention back to him as you held the door open for yourself, letting your body hold it open as you looked back at him. Taking in his features for a moment.
"Oh yeah...You're the guy that sits third row, right? Mark I think..." You smile softly, raising your eyebrow at him as you gave him an unsure look.
He nodded, letting out a small laugh as he looked down at your costume. "Yeah...That's quite a costume you got there."
You weren't sure if he was being playful or if he was flirting with you so you just stood there, deciding to play it safe. Not necessarily sure how he meant it. "Thank you...And you've got quite the costume there yourself, Jason Voorhees."
Mark chuckled, giving you an expectant look as he smiled playfully. "Now what gave it away?" He asked, looking over at you as you still stood in the doorway to the kitchen.
You smiled at his playful question, giving him a small onceover before answering him. "The mask in your hand, the blood-stained jacket...And the fact that I was forced to watch Freddy vs. Jason as a young child." You laughed, holding the beers closer to your chest because you didn't want to drop them.
"Ah, I see...So you have decent taste in movies." He countered, his eyes not leaving yours as he stepped a little closer to you, without a doubt flirting with you now. His gaze fixated on you deeply.
You felt someone place their hand on your arm, making you look backwards to see an annoyed Anakin glaring daggers at Mark across from you. "Yes she does." Ani replied to him for you, giving Mark a long lasting look before he finally met your confused eyes. His hand wrapping around your arm tighter as he met your gaze. "We're going now."
You didn't even have time to say anything to Mark as Anakin dragged you out of the doorway, weaving you through the people in the living room messily, making you bump into a few people a mutter apologies as you went. Trying to hold onto your temper until you two were alone.
And when he finally pulled you outside, you pushed the stupid beers in his arms, looking him right in the eyes as your eyebrows furrowed in anger at his attitude.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"What do you mean 'what is my problem'? He was all over you, of course that was my problem. I let you go for two minutes and some guys was already on you. This is why I didn't want you to go!" He said roughly, walking over to your car and he spared looks at you, throwing the beers in your backseat after he swung the drivers door open, still holding onto your keys.
"So what? It happens! That's life. It doesn't matter if some guy's all over me, it's none of your goddamn business!" You retorted, looking over at him from across the hood of your car as he leaned on the open door.
"Of course it's my business. Everything's my business when it comes to you." He huffed, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you from across the car.
You were so done in that moment, you couldn't even say anything else. You hated fighting with him, you didn't want to prolong it. You just wanted to go home and be alone. As much as you wanted to challenge his words, as much as you wanted to smack him across the face, you just rubbed the side of your face out of exhaustion, no even looking at him as you opened the passenger door to your car. Sitting down and slamming the door after you, your gaze fixated forward on the dark street and the cars ahead of you.
"Just drive me home."
He let out a small huff of disbelief at your actions, standing for a good few minutes at the door before he sat down, looking over at you with an expression on his face you didn't understand before he finally started the car.
The drive back home was utterly silent, as was the walk back up to your apartment as he followed you back up, still not even looking at him as he trailed behind you. Opening the door for yourself and practically letting it hit him square in the face as you sauntered over to your living room couch, settling down on top of it. Ignoring the uncomfortable feel of the corset of your costume pushing into your ribcage ever so slightly as you sat. Your gaze blurred as you just sat there silently, ignoring Anakin's presence as he closed the door behind him, grabbing his own car keys after he set yours down on your kitchen counter.
He kept looking at you, his sad little eyes taking in your faraway expression as he kept opening his mouth to say something, only to end up closing it. Words on the tip of his tongue as he stood staring at you for a small moment, finally just shaking his head at your willingness to ignore him before he quickly just walked over to your door. Raking his hand through his hair as he reached his other hand up to the door knob, not even grasping it in his fingers before he turned around.
"And you don't even wanna know why?" He spat out, prompting you to finally look at him for the first time within the past few minutes. Your eyes meeting his as he stood a few feet away.
A sigh escaped your lips as you finally met his eyes, your resolve crumbling ever so softly as you saw how serious he was about this, not even knowing where this was going. "Why?"
Your voice came out soft as you stared up at him, watching him as he leaned against your door, huffing softly as he crossed his arms over his chest. Building up the courage to say what he really wanted to say.
"Because he wasn't me..."
When you just stared at him, your eyebrows furrowing and your posture slumping against your couch, no words coming out of your mouth, he was scared. But at the same time, he knew there wasn't any going back.
"The thought of you with anyone else makes me sick, knowing that you'll end up with some fool who isn't good for you, that can't give you what you want, it hurts...Knowing that I can't kiss you, that I can't hold you like you need, it's make me feel inferior in a way I can't even describe. The thought of not being with you, not having you like I wanted to all these years...I can't breathe."
You could feel your heart beating in your chest, thumping loudly in your own ears as you couldn't even find the words. The way he spoke to you making everything else feel hazy, the way tears threatened to spill down your eyes at the mere passion of his words. But you didn't let them.
You just sat there for a moment, your eyes softening as you stared at his dejected form across from you before you held your hand out to him silently, watching as a small look passed over his face.
And as his hand finally met yours, you refrained from pulling him down into you but slowly stood up, wrapping your arms around him. Holding him close to your own body as you tried to piece all your emotions together.
"Anakin Skywalker. You're an idiot..." You laughed softly, fighting the tears that still threatened to spill from your eyes. Getting a little choked up as he held you back just as tightly, feeling how much he needed you in his arms. His familiar woody scent washing over you. "But I've always loved you." You finished softly, pulling away gently before you wrapped your hands around his neck. Caressing his skin softly as you looked into his deep blue eyes, all his love for you written all over his face. Finally seeing it after you wished it was there for so long.
You couldn't help but pull his lips against yours, feeling the softness of his lips. Tasting him on your tongue as you pulled him impossibly closer to your body. Needing him in a way you always did.
You barely processed it as Anakin took control, his lips molding with your own as he grabbed your hips, guiding you through the open door way of your room and against the wall, pushing you up against it. Leaning his body against yours as his other hand caressed the base of your neck, his thumb brushing over your bare collarbone as he slowly brought his lips against your soft skin. Trailing them down ever so softly as he leaned his hips into yours. How his pupils bled as he stared down at you.
"You don't know how much I love you..."
The feel of his voice against your sensitive skin sent shivers down your spine, you body feeling like putty in his hands as he caged you against the wall. Desperate for his body on your own. Your neck burned as kissed the sensitive skin, his breath trailing over you as he kissed up your jaw, pulling your lips into his again.
His tongue brushed across your bottom lip as his fingers slowly started undoing the clasps of your corset, sliding it off you body as his tongue caressed your own between your lips. Moaning softly into the kiss as Anakins' hands kneaded your breasts through your costume, pushing his body even further into yours as his fingers trailed down your stomach. Inching further and further down before they wrapped around the back of your thighs. Him lifting you up gently against him before he settled you down on your bed.
His knee rested inbetween you legs as your fingers made their way down his black sweater, pushing them underneath the soft material. Feeling the warmth of his skin against your fingertips as he separated your lips. A small curl resting on his forehead as he leaned down over you, smiling softly as you pushed up his shirt. Feeling his toned muscles as you inched the shirt off of him, him pulling it the rest of the way off of his shoulders, leaving the top of his body bare in front of you.
You couldn't help but return that small smile, bringing you hand up to his neck as your thumb stroked his soft skin of his cheek, making him smile just a little bit harder before he placed a soft chaste kiss to your lips again. Leaving you wanting more as he grasped your bare shoulders in his big hands, smirking as he slowly brought down the straps of the dress to your costume. Trailing his lips down to your chest before he sucked on the gentle skin of your cleavage. Kissing and biting at the supple skin as his eyes trained on yours, watching as you ached into his hold. Your heated eyes meeting his own as he smiled at your overeagerness.
"You don't know how long I've dreamt about this...But seeing you walk out in this earlier, I knew I had to have you tonight. Bet you wore this pretty thing just for me...wanted me to take it off you, didn't you?" He asked teasingly, his dark eyes watching as he trailed his fingers up the skin of your upper thighs. Slowly and steadily bunching up the little fabric covering your panties from him. Pushing up your skirt against your hips.
Your body was aching in anticipation, knowing how much you needed this. Knowing how much you wanted him. You didn't want to go slow at all. You had been waiting for this for what felt like forever and you couldn't help but feel impatient, wanting him to already be buried inside of you.
"Yes, Ani...All for you." You said softly, moving your knees a little as you sat up. Giving him a little show of the red lacey panties you put on tonight just for him. Pushing you thighs together as you eased your head up, you hair cascading down on the bed as you looked down at his pink lips. Parting you own as you dared him to connect them again, tempting him even further.
He groaned softly as he looked down at your thighs, seeing the wetness that was just beginning to soak through your red panties. Seeing how much you wanted him as you leaned closer, your body practically on display for him beneath his own. He couldn't even help himself. You were so perfect, so soft, so completely and utterly sexy, he had to have you...
He palmed his hardness through his pants at the sight of your legs, furrowing his eyebrows as he let out a little grunt at the movement. His eyes opening again to look down at you so eager beneath him. All of his restraint leaving his body.
He quickly unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down his thighs before he kicked them off. Looking down at you with intense eyes as he pulled the top of your costume down, revealing your breasts to him.
He couldn't help the small mischievous smile making way onto his face as he grasped them in his hands. Flicking his tongue across the hard peak as his fingers tweaked the other. Looking up at you as you moaned softly, arching into his old as he sucked your nipple into his mouth. Dragging his tongue across it before he moved his mouth over to the other one. Pulling it in between his wet lips as he brought his tongue up against it, smiling softly as your eyes closed in pleasure.
He placed one last kiss against your skin before he pushed the skirt of your dress up around you hips, pulling down you underwear with ease, watching the way you opened you thighs so readily for him. Leaning your head up to pull his lips back to your own.
His kissed you hungrily, his soft lips meeting your own as he groaned against you lips. Pushing his cock against your entrance as you pulled him even closer to you, tasting him against your lips as he slowly pushed into you.
You grimaced slightly at the stretch, your hands clutching the side of his toned abdomen tightly as he eventually bottomed out. Breathing out deeply as he pushed all the way into you.
"Fuck." Anakin couldn't help but curse at the way your cunt clenched around him, tensing his body as he felt your warmth. Your pussy already so wet for him as he slowly began to move, making you gasp as he moved a little too fast. Filling you up too much way too quickly. But even then, you couldn't help but pull him further down into you. Liking the small burn you felt as he filled you up, addicted to the way he felt inside of you. Even when it felt like he hit the top of your stomach, prodding against you, you felt like you needed it. The pain mixing with the pleasure. His scent overwhelming your senses as he thrusted into you at a slow pace.
"Anakin, I need you" You gasped softly, pulling his lips down to yours as he groaned against your lips. Pushing himself farther into you as he tried to control himself, losing all of his senses at the way you wrapped around him. Being inside of you was like touching heaven and he never wanted it to stop he could already feel himself threatening to spill as your cunt needily pulled him in. You were so warm, so wet and desperate for him, he couldn't contain himself.
He pushed harder into you, his eyebrows furrowing as his bare hips met your own, the fabric of your skirt brushing against his stomach as he thrusted into you. Watching as your breasts moved with the intensity of his thrusts, kneading the fullness into his hands again.
Gods, you were so perfect.
"You always need me...But you need me to fuck you more, don't you? Need my cock, you little cock-slut..." He rasped out, groaning overtop of you as you moaned against him. Your legs wrapping around him and pulling his hips deeper into your own. Crying out as he hit a new angle inside of you.
"Ani..." You gasped, clenching around him as you felt him twitch in-between your thighs. Feeling how full he was as he prodded that spot deep inside of you.
You could feel him getting closer with each thrust, bringing you further and further to your own release, that coil in your abdomen almost unbearable as he pounded into you. Feeling yourself almost break loose as he pushed into you hard and rough.
"Fuck, Ani...I'm close, I'm close! Don't stop" You moaned out, gripping his back as he moved overtop of you. Gripping your headboard as his thrusts became increasingly fast paced and sloppy. Wrinkling his forehead and he furrowed his brows intensely, clenching his eyes shut as pushed inside of you. Grunting as you clenched around him again, finally letting go as you let your body relax. Moaning as you came against him.
That was enough for him to break loose, losing himself in the pleasure you brought him as he clenched the headboard tighter. Filling you up with his warm hot cum, fucking it back into you sloppily as he pushed into you though his orgasm. Clutching your hip tight in his hand as you gasped softly at the warmth spreading through your core. Breathing heavily as Anakin finally met your eyes again, them hazily looking back down into your own as his body slumped on yours, him laying down next to you as he pulled you into him. Not even bothering pulling out as he kissed your lips. A small sheen of sweat coating his chest as he pulled you against him, your breasts pushing against his skin.
You kissed him back softly, tasting him on your lips before you pulled away. Resting your forehead on his as he brought his hand to your back, slowly dragging down the zipper to your costume before he gently pulled it from your skin. Giving you a little look before he held you tightly to him again. His bare body against yours as his fingers made way through your long hair, caressing your back softly with his other hand.
"I love you..." Ani said softly, looking down at you as you rested your head against his bare chest. Completely lax in his arms as his fingers brushed through your hair.
You smiled against him, wrapping your arms even tighter around him at his words. Feeling so at home in his arms, right next to his body. Almost like you were two parts of a whole.
"I love you too."
A/N: Not proofread so ignore any mistakes
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cowpokeomens · 4 months
Good morning I saw this post and it rotted all three of my remaining brain cells because
Word gets around to you that sweet Matty is a virgin, and by no means are you one to take that lightly! But :-/ you know as well as I do about his MCE, and you just wanna take the horse for a ride 😔🫶 and he’s been flirting with you for months now in his own weird passive-aggressive mean way! So it’s not like your feelings aren’t reciprocated! It’s fine! You’re fine! Nothing morally corrupt to see here! So yeah just imagine your shorts get shorter as the months get warmer :-/ you ditch the hoodies for crop tops, then you ditch those for bralettes because “it’s sooooo hot Matty what the hell is up with this weather??” And you know you’re getting under his skin with the way his hands linger on you, at the small of your back, direct skin to skin, as he guides you in front of him somewhere busy; the way his eyes are absolutely lingering on your legs in your tiny little shorts :-/ you laugh at his jokes with your chest because you know it makes your tits bounce :-/ you press your whole body against him in a way that never mattered when you wore hoodies and sweatpants, but makes him shove you off now with pink cheeks. It all comes to a head when you’re getting ready to go out with some gal pals. He’s hanging out at your place while you get ready; once you’re done with your makeup and changed into your clothes, you do a little twirl to show him your outfit- which is absolutely lingerie and a mini skirt :-/ your fishnets have a few suggestive holes ripped in them, the boots you wear elongate your legs without having you teetering on a heel precariously :-/ Matt sighs, which makes you genuinely frown. You ask “What is it, Matty?” To which he responds “I dunno, it seems like you’re dressing really… provocative lately.” And you try not to focus on how that hurts because he is right after all!!! And you’re gonna respond when he mumbles “it’s distracting.” And oop! Wrong thing to say Matty! Because you drop your eyelashes and walk over to him slowly, sitting so close to him you’re practically on his lap. “Distracting? How?” It sounds innocent enough, right? No ulterior motives here! And his cheeks are sooooo pink omg baby is soooo flustered by your proximity and your question and your everything. But he’s nothing if not honest! So he says “it’s just, like, I’m straight edge, right? So the idea is that you avoid…. Promiscuous sex. But like-“ he pauses and you nod to encourage him, sensing something big is coming, “I’m just not sure what constitutes as ‘promiscuous’ if that makes sense? Like do you have to be married? Do you just have to really care about the other person? What are the parameters?” And you can’t help but tuck a little piece of hair behind his ear, thinking before you respond. “I think,” you begin slowly, “that sex is a natural part of being alive. It’s fine if you don’t want to have it, it’s fine if you do what to have it. But it seems unfair for some straight-edge higher being to decide what the ‘healthy’ limit looks like, because that limit will be different for everyone.” And his wee shoulders relax a bit which makes you fight back the urge to beam with pride but then he says “I’ve never- I haven’t like, done it before. What if I’m not good? What if no one wants to stick around because I suck at it?” And your little heart just breaks because :-( Matty :-( so you tell him that anyone who only cares about sex obviously has different priorities and isn’t worth keeping around! And then you can’t fight the urge to say “but. If you want to practice. I’m always here for you < 3” hehehehehehe and his eyes get all wide bc?? You’re so hot?? And he just admitted he’s a virgin?? And you offered to fuck him??? And maybe :-/ maybe you offer to take some of the edge off for him :-// maybe he just needs to relax :-/// and he seems perfectly willing to hear you out so you slide onto to floor between his knees and his breath hitches as you start to palm at him where he’s absolutely chubbed up and you were right- Monster Cock Energy! Yippee!
Anyways! You pull his cock out and it’s so pretty and pink and you want it in your mouth so you flutter your eyelashes and ask if you can suck on it and he stares at you open-mouthed for a minute before saying “it doesn’t. It doesn’t count, right? Because I’m not fucking you. So it doesn’t count.” And you nod because that’s what he needs right now and reassure him that no, it doesn’t count, Matty :-) what you don’t say virginity is a social construct that you can hit reset on whenever you want bc it’s not real but that’s a conversation for another time bc right now Matt’s cock is in your mouth and it’s hot and heavy on your tongue and you think he might actually pull a muscle with how hard he tenses up :-/ he’s soooo vocal ugh never learned that men are supposed to be stoic and silent so he’s moaning so so so prettily and clawing at the cushion underneath him as you take him deeper and deeper and when he hits the back of your throat he’s gargling out shit like “holy fuck, oh my god, you’re perfect, you’re so hot and perfect and I’ve thought about this for weeks now-“ and you’d be bashful if you hadn’t been so intentional in your seduction! Oops! He’d manage to get a hand into your hair and it’s over from there, once he gets a taste of fucking your mouth he’ll never recover I fear! It’s wet and messy and there’s lipstick all over your face and mascara running down your cheeks and his thrusts are erratic and fast until he finally cums with a loud, breathy moan, pulling you down to the base and keeping you there for a solid 10 seconds as he shakes through his orgasm :-/ doesn’t hesitate to pull you right into his lap to kiss you deeply, smearing cum and lipstick all over himself now too :-/ anyways that’s all I just wanted to share thanks for letting me have the conch bye!
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bbitess · 6 months
goth and metal prt 1-eurory x f!reader (use of y/n)
brothers best friend‼️ (euro is 19 in a high school type band, reader is a senior) idk how norwegian school works sorry
warnings‼️ smut, drinking and drugs, making out, ass slapping, fingering, oral f!receiving, p in v, gagging, creampie, the L-word, a meer couple sentences that have just a wee bit of degration and exibitionism
(this is based off sum random pic i saw on here and my love for my bauhaus vinyls and obsession w my set up 💪)
thank you all for being so sweet frrr, i’ve been an anonymous rory lover and all of these fics are from the archive of my notes app over the past few months :)
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Y/N is jan axels sister who doesn’t listen to much metal music, she’s more into gothic music. her brother had two friends he started a band with, she only knew the guitarist, oystein, since he was jan’s friend for a while. she stayed upstairs most of the time but around 9 she got sick of all the noise and decided to go downstairs.
As she approached the basement the music grew louder. she opened the door and the music stopped, all of their eyes hit her, making her feel a little embarrassed in her sleep shorts and a sweater.
“jan, can you keep it down or like, idk go somewhere else becuase i am just trying to have some peace of mind…”
the other members looked at jan who said “yeah, yeah we are almost done.”
“thank you” Y/N said leaving and going back upstairs.
“you really let your little sister boss you around like that?” oystein asked, he was a long time family friend and he knew Y/N for a while. they were friends when they were younger but he just kind of changed. “she’s not bossing me around, i just respect her, i mean, she usually is tolerant when we practice at my place.”
oystein looked pretended to be offended “what do you mean tolerant? she should be moved by my amazing guitar skill.” the bassist snickered, “in your dreams” jan replied, making oystein blush a little and the chuckles to grow louder.
oystein sighed and set down his guitar, “im getting a drink,” he states plainly before running up the stairs. he goes to the fridge and retrieves a cold glass of beer. when he closes the fridge door he finally noticed Y/N is also in the kitchen. she is reaching up high to grab a mug from the top shelf but she couldn’t seem to reach it. the sweater she was wearing rode up on her torso, exposing her flat stomach and thin waist which contrasted her full behind, the shorts hugging them well, leaving little room for the imagination. oystein shuttered, he couldn’t tell if it was because he was seeing his childhood best friends little sister all grown up, or because he was overflowing with desire. he will admit it, he has longed for her for at least a decade but nothing ever came of it. she was out of his league and off limits because of her brother, they had hung out a lot as friends but,
(a/n: idk why but when i wrote this i made the back story from euros first person, idk just imagine culkin like narrating idek, good luck.)
“i knew jan protected her with his life. one day when jan and i were in our last year of secondary school, about to graduate, i actually told him how i was feeling. that was unusual to say the least, we didn’t put our emotions into words very often. i told him how i wanted to ask his sister to the prom and how she had caught my eye in the past. he seemed suspicious and hesitant but eventually got the idea and gave me his blessing. i went to the store to get flowers, but they were sold out, i didn’t want to spend gas going to a different store so I just went home. but after that i lost hope, i never went to get the flowers or ask Y/N to prom, i guess i got caught up in the senior work and eventually i graduated, and now i only see her when im at jan’s.”
(okay it’s over, back to third person <3)
he pulled his eyes away and searched for a bottle opener but couldn’t seem to find one anywhere. he held the bottle up to Y/N and she nodded, she swiftly grabbed a spoon. oystein had his hand by the cap and had the bottle set on the table so she swiftly held his hand in place with one hand and with the other, used the spoon to open the bottle. oystein flinched and shook his hand, Y/N laughed, “it didn’t hurt that bad! and look your bottle is open,” oystein just smiled a little, and Y/N almost melted, his smile was beautiful but he never wore it. “you should smile more.” she she stated facing him. oysteins smile dropped almost immediately but the blush stayed on his cheeks and he reddened as Y/N inched closer to his face.
“you look nice when you smile,” she says, beaming and brushing a stand of his hair behind his ear smoothly. she walked away, giving oystein a second to breathe and hide the massive boner inside his pants. Y/N had abandoned the mug and grabbed a beer bottle from the fridge and opened it. “aren’t you too young to drink, Y/N?” oystein asked, he was 19 but not that new to alcohol. “no” she replied, “well, yes and no…” she said taking a hearty sip. “how old are you these days?” oystein asked slyly, Y/N replied with her honest age, “i’m graduating in a couple months.” “wow, you are mature beyond your years…” oystein states, smiling. “maybe you are just behind,” Y/N laughs and then drinks more. they are both about halfway done but the weather was kind of nice out. it was a summer dusk so Y/N and oystein went outside to finish beers and while they were out there, oystein couldn’t help but retrieve a rolled blunt from his pocket.
Y/N was a little nervous because they think smoking weed with someone is very vulnerable but they agreed to oystein and they smoked the joint. “i’ve always wanted to do this with you…” oystein admits, “do what?” she laughs, “idk, smoking together, drinking, talking, anything… i’ve always wanted to know you better.” she looks down, “i wanted to know you to, but you always seemed to push me away when i got to close, you never opened up to me after middle school you know…” oystein feels devastated a little hurt hearing this, he keeps smoking. “i’m so sorry if i made you feel unappreciated, Y/N. i really liked you, like really really liked you,” he chuckles. “i promise,” she smiles, still looking down, “really?” she asks. he goes on, “really! you know i was going to ask you to my prom last year, gosh i remember like it was yesterday. i asked your brother for his permission, it was the scariest shit i’ve ever done. and i was going to ask you but the store was sold out of flowers and i guess i just psyched myself out…” he admits, kind of laughing at the story.
Y/N is surprised since he never talks about his feelings this deeply. “wow, i never knew. why did you get psyched out?”
“i don’t know, you were almost two years younger than me but i was a nobody at that school. you were pretty and had good friends and were nice to everyone. i figured another lucky guy had already asked you, i wouldn’t want it make it weird.”
“wow, oystein i wish you told me, i would have gone with you.” Y/N said, he was kind of in disbelief at that.
Y/N smokes the blunt and smiles, content with oysteins confession, “i forgive you, cheers…” she says and holds up the bottle, “cheers to what?” oystein questions. “cheers to confession…” she laughs and they clink the bottles. “i confess that i really liked you too, well before you slammed the door on your emotions… but i know the oystein i knew is still in there.” Y/N says, seriously, almost in a stern tone. oystein was frozen for a moments time but in that moment he felt like he had gained the wisdom of centuries.
oystein finished the blunt and tossed it, and that quickly he grabbed her jaw and pressed his lips to hers for their long awaited kiss. their lips locked together, so perfectly they thought they would get stuck and never pull away. oystein even ran his tounge over her lips, meeting her in the middle when she got brave enough to try a french kiss. she was a little hesitant kissing someone she had known for so long, it almost felt wrong, but also so so right. her hands tangled in his wild hair and he held the back of her neck, his other hand subconsciously creeping up Y/N’s soft thighs.
after another moment which seemed like centuries, they pulled away catching their breath. they began to arrange their clothes and hair back to normal. “oystein?” Y/N asks, “yes?” “does this mean… that you still you know, like me?” oystein blushes “what makes you think that??” he states quickly. “well, you just kissed me like your in love, and… it’s just- also, i could see your boner the whole time.” Y/N admits, oystein was flustered but they laughed it off, his icy eyes locked on hers and he promised-not said, promised, “the second I laid eyes on you I was yours, yes, Y/N, I do like you.” she smiled and put herself in his arms, “good, i like guys who like me…” and then they both started laughing in each others arms like they used to.
“i have to get back,” oystein says getting up and holding the door back into the house open for Y/N but they eventually speak, “have fun with your death metal,” Y/N says, “its black metal, norwegian black metal…” oystein says smiling, “either way, my bauhaus vinyl is easier on the ears.” she smiles. “well maybe i’ll come up to your chamber and we can listen to it together, how does that sound?” he asks, she responds quickly, “grood… i meant to say great and good, i’m sorry i-.” he had already walked away thinking about how was he going to get rid of this raging boner.
later in the night, the guys had packed up their things, oystein was the last to leave, “hey do you want to stick around and watch a movie or something?” jan asked oystein, “umm, no” he remembered he promised he would go to his sisters room, “sorry man i’m just tired, see you.” and oystein quickly left with his guitar case and pretended to be going out the door but in reality he went to the next floor and knocked on Y/N’s door.
she had been waiting patiently for oystein to come upstairs and when he knocked she started the bauhaus vinyl, hoping he would be impressed with her music taste.
when Y/N opened the door oysteins jaw dropped, she had changed from her pajamas and into a lacey black top and thong that was covered by a sheer robe, tied around her small waist. he couldn’t believe it, she looked so different, so beautiful and enticing, he didn’t know what to say.
“does jan know you are here?” Y/N questioned, oystein shook his head, still in disbelief, “um- can i come in?”
she let him in and he sat on the end of her bed which also was the best place to listen to the vinyl. “do you like it?” Y/N asks. “yes” oystein says smiling, he puts his hands on her waist and begins to inch upwards towards the lacey bra, his hands still over the robe. “i think it’s really sexy…” oystein says continuing, “no,” Y/N laughs taking his hands in her own and interlocking them. “i meant the vinyl, oystein.”
oystein blushed from embarrassment and arousal, “oh- yes that’s really good too.” he nods. she laughs.
she leans into him and their lips meet, his hands returning to her body as the kiss intensified. she reached under his shirt, he felt electrified when she touched his skin and peeled his shirt over his head, quickly reattaching their lips.
the gothic music blasted through the speakers, him still sitting on the bed, she backed away and he bathed in all her glory. she gave him a small tease, untieing the robe and slowly peeling it off her body, revealing her smooth pale skin that shined in the moonlight flowing through the window. the black lingerie contrasted her complexion and he had a sudden urge to strip it off her.
oystein stood from the bed quickly, pulling her in for another kiss, rubbing his large ringed fingers up and down her torso, he reached behind her back and unclipped the bra, letting out a sigh. he pulled it off her, staring for a second at her chest before grabbing her in his hands and fondling her breasts in his hands. “you are so beautiful, god you have no idea what this does to me.”
Y/N moaned at his words which only encouraged him, he latched to her neck and slurped at it like a vampire, letting his teeth graze her soft skin before sucking a hickey onto her throat. “sorry babe, your brother might get mad about that…”
she sighed, “forget about him.” she said, running her hands into his hair. he moved his lips down her body to her chest and began to suckle and kiss her breasts, Y/N continued moaning as she held his face to her, he bit down a little on her nipple causing her to flinch a little and pull oystein by the hair, but he just let out a low moan and the vibrations ran from his teeth to her bud, making her pussy wetter every second. she had to hold on to the desk so she wouldn’t collapse right there.
he got down to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses down her torso. his ringed fingers pulled down her thong effortlessly. he stared at her, but then slid his finger through the folds and penetrated her hole. Y/N let out a lewd noise but oystein didn’t stop, he kept fingering her, making her moan harder and her legs feel like jelly. oystein placed a hard smack on her asscheek and then brought his lips to the clit, kissing and then sucking on it. she felt close already. “oystein!! i’m gonna- please i’m going to cum”
oystein was suprised that she was going to cum this fast but her pussy leaked all over his hand and he lapped the juices up with his tounge. he stood up and pulled her into a kiss, her cum mingling between their lips, and right then, she came on his fingers- hard, his hand was still on her ass and it held her up since her knees had completely buckled under her.
oystein took down his pants and boxers swiftly, Y/N was suprised at his length, “oystein, that won’t fit!” “i’ll be careful baby” he replies. while he took his pants off Y/N flipped the vinyl which is very important. then he was ready. he took her by the waist and pressed her back to his chest, his hard member pressed between her legs, precum was oozing from the tip of his cock. oystein sat back in the bed, right between the speakers and set Y/N on top of him, spreading her legs. “are you ready?” oystein asks gruffly in her ear, nibbling at the lobe. she nodded and he groaned and his cock twitched between her legs so she wasted no time and grabbed it. she pumped it a few times, lubing it with pre cum and her pussy juices. then she pushed him into her, his cock filled her to the brim. “oh my god,” she muttered, he continued pushing in, inch by inch. she didn’t know if she could take the feeling at first. oystein wrapped his arm around Y/N and grabbed her tit roughly, he began moving her up and down his length. “you are doing so good.” oystein praised as he began to speed up, pounding into her messy cunt. she began to moan louder, over come by the feeling. “let me hear you,” oystein says, “they can’t hear you over the music, unless you want them to you little slut.” he laughs, “yeah, i bet you would like that, if your brother came up here and walked in on his best friend pounding his innocent little virgin sister.” Y/N couldn’t respond more than pornographic moans. “i’m-im” she utters, “oystein, cum-“ she speaks and has and orgasm on oysteins cock. he reaches his other hand around her and puts his fingers deep in her throat, pulling her down on him roughly. she was gagged and fucked into oblivion, his hand squeezing her chest. her moans echoing louding through the room with bauhaus music.
oystein finished inside her, he grunted and spurted cum though her. she was oozing and when he pulled out she sighed roughly and let cum drip and bubble from her hole. oystein left a harsh slap on her ass, almost squeezing it like he was milking her pussy. the whole time serenading her with compliments and love that he had for her. “you did so good, baby, god if i knew that pussy was so good i would have gotten it in grade school.” kissing her neck.
then he left, getting a washcloth from her bathroom to clean them. he got dressed and she pulled on the robe, “are you leaving?” Y/N asks, “i’m sorry- i thought that’s what you wanted, i mean, i would have to leave early tomorrow.” oystein responds. “that’s okay,” Y/N says, “do you want to spend the night?”
oystein couldn’t believe it, it’s not like he had never slept over in the house before, he had hundreds of times, but never in your bed. he nodded and got into the bed. they kissed a couple times before he pushed her hair back and stated, “i love you,” it seemed early but they really did love eachother, and they had for years. she blushed and tried to cover her smile with her hand. “i love you, too, oystein, i never stopped once.” she states, cuddling up into oysteins chest and falling asleep.
(prt 2 here)
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qveerthe0ry · 7 months
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part Three
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Summary: You and Frankie talk about your feelings. And also bang. Word Count: 3,053 (it's short but porn with the tiniest bit of plot) Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, subby!Frankie, soft dom!reader, talks about narcotics anonymous, amab terminology for afab genitalia, kissing, making out, p in v intercourse, frottage, dirty talk, Frankie has a praise kink, no use of y/n, no physical descriptions of reader A/N: As always, thank you to @for-a-longlongtime and @perotovar for beta reading and motivating me ilysm
Maybe it’s a little reckless, you think. It’s a Thursday night, and Frankie’s at your place for the fifth night in a row. 
Sunday and Monday he left when you both were yawning into the wee hours. Tuesday, he fell asleep on your shoulder as you watched a movie on cable, and you had to kiss his sweet little sleeping face until he woke to send him on his way. 
Wednesday, he came over later than the days prior, after his weekly community event. He opened up to you about what that meant, his weekly NA meeting, and showed you his one and two year chip, preciously tucked away in his wallet. He told you about how he’s nearly halfway to getting his third, and thinks he wants to become a sponsor soon. 
He goaded you to ask him questions you may have, answered them patiently, and thanked you for listening. He looked tired, that night. He wore a long day of work, a bit of anxiety, and the challenging conversation all in the dark circles under his eyes and his slumped shoulders. 
So you took him to bed for the first time, made him a warm mug of tea as he weakly protested, and settled your favorite weighted blanket on top of him. You let some satisfying YouTube compilation play at low volume, dimmed the lights, and snuggled into him while he sipped the chamomile with sugar. 
When he’d finished, you let him rest his heavy head on your chest and close his eyes. 
“Can I sleep over tonight?”
His voice was small and weary and you couldn’t possibly say no to him. So you set an alarm for him, turned off the bedside lamp, and slept. 
And now it’s Thursday, and even though you woke up with him and showered with him and kissed him goodbye before you both went to work, you still crave the feeling of being near him. 
Actually, you’re fully convinced that you’ve never felt so good in your life than you do right now, lazing in bed with bellies full of pizza and your head resting on Frankie’s solid chest. 
It’s raining, as it has been pretty much all day. The kind of gloomy that begs you to go home and snuggle up with someone. You want to pretend like that’s the reason you’ve yearned for Frankie all day long, but you’d only be lying to yourself. 
The TV is on, but it’s long been abandoned. You breathe together as you both watch the rain through the small slits in your bedroom blinds. 
Always so easy. You’re content to just enjoy the feeling of being this close to him, listening to the storm and the soft breaths. 
But there’s a bit of a heated energy between you. You can feel it in the way his half-hard cock twitches against your thigh, the way his hand slinks lower and lower with each pass he makes across your back. 
You can’t mask your reaction either, the way your breathing hitches every time his fingertips graze the bare skin between your hoodie and your briefs. Humidity builds quickly between your thighs, and feeling his strong one pressed against your cock has it throbbing in no time, has you arching into him for more. 
“Hard for me, guapo?” 
His whisper tickles your forehead, and you crane your neck to look up at him and nod. 
“Can I get you off?” 
You nod again, drowsiness and arousal clouding your brain a bit too much to conjure up words. He coos at you as he presses his thigh harder against your package. Your nails sink into the bare skin of his chest where you’ve snaked your hand under his t-shirt, and it makes him gasp and curse. 
“What can I do? What do you want? I’ll give you anything.”
Your cock pulses at his eagerness to submit to and serve you. You sense he feels it, because he rolls his thigh into you again. You huff and pull your hand out from under his shirt so you can grip his shoulder, then wrap your hand around the back of his neck to pull his lips to yours. 
His groan mixes with your own, and his hips buck up to find relief against your thigh, too. You fucking love this. You love it so much your entire chest swells with it. Lazy and turned on, exhilarated but tired, and so so comfortable here. You’re in your pajamas, and Frankie’s in a borrowed pair of yours, and you press and roll against each other like a dance you’ve practiced millions of times. 
You shift to straddle him properly, and his hands find your hips, to guide you or to ground himself, you can’t be sure. His dick presses against yours and you gasp, and his teeth sink into your bottom lip. 
“Shit, can you take these off?” 
You slip two fingers under the elastic of your shorts that sit snug against his hips and he nods quickly. 
You work to get yours off yourself as he shimmies his down his legs and before he can even kick them off you’re spitting into your palm to wrap it around his heavy, warm prick. 
His eyelids flutter closed at the feeling and he goes lax into the mattress under him. You make quick work of slicking him up before you lower yourself back down. He hisses as you slide your cock against his, grinding into his frenulum, and for a moment you’re worried that he’s too sensitive. 
The anxiety falls when his hands press you against him harder, and his hips buck up, and he lets out a sweet groan. You rock your hips, reveling in the wet friction of your cocks sliding together, the tips of them kissing before every retreating roll. You bend down to kiss him, open-mouthed and uncoordinated. The rough bumps of his taste buds against your own make you shiver, make you thrust your hips a little faster. 
And his noises. He’s so fucking vocal, it makes you even more wet, that much more turned-on and desperate for him. You match them, unable to hold back the raw desire that’s overwhelmed you in such a short amount of time. 
His prick twitches deliciously as it slides back and forth through your folds, and you start to roll your hips even further, to feel the head of it press against your soaking entrance. 
You aren’t always so into penetration. You have to be in a certain mood, and you have to really want it. 
But right now, as you feel him catch on your rim, and the accompanying gasp when Frankie feels it too… Well, you really fucking want it. 
You bite down on his plump bottom lip maybe a bit too hard, and he hisses as you pull away. 
“Fuck, Frankie,” you pant, “can I— Can I put it inside?” 
You watch him squeeze his eyes shut, and feel his hips jerk at the question, and hear his whimper cut off as he replies.
“Yes, anything. Take anything from me. I want it.”
His babbling eggs you on, and you tilt your hips and lean back enough to let his cock press into you. You watch his chest rise and fall rapidly as you sink down onto him, so easily with how turned on and soaking wet you are. 
He fills you perfectly. Your nails bite into his skin with how fucking good it feels to clench around him. 
“You— Oh god.”
His eyes are squeezed shut, and his grip on your hips is bruising.
“Too fucking good, you feel amazing,” he pants.
You lift yourself up and begin to ride him, watching with heavy lids as he writhes under you. You work together beautifully, meeting each other halfway. The angle has him grinding into the perfect fucking spot, and you know you won’t last long. You can tell he won’t either by the way his eyebrows are pinched together in an effort to hang on. 
“Touch me,” you breathe, spreading your thighs wider. 
You watch as Frankie’s big, brown eyes open and gaze up at you, then down the arched line of your body, to where he’s pressed deep inside of you. 
His hand twitches on your hip, and you realize you haven’t really done this with him yet. But it’s okay. You’ll show him, you want to show him. And more than just to get off, but because you want him to know you, every part. 
You take one of his hands into your own. His eyes follow them both where you bring them to your mouth. You suck on his thumb first, and watch his eyelashes flutter as he grinds out a ‘fuck me’ through his teeth. You repeat with his index finger, and let the sloppy job you’ve done leave a thin string of spit between him and your mouth. 
He squeezes your hip with his free hand as you guide his other down, past your heaving chest and your belly, to rest on the hairs on your mound. You hear his breath hitch, and it makes you smile, and then you coax him to take your cock between his thumb and forefinger. 
You whimper as he squeezes experimentally, and then you move his hand to start stroking you. 
“Like this?” He asks, eyes so wide as he looks up at you. 
“Just like that. Please don’t stop.” 
He nods and continues to jerk you off, and you finally start moving again, your knees screaming as they lift you up and back down on his cock. You feel it jerking inside you, so heavy and thick. You cry out when you find the perfect angle, and you grind and bounce on him like that until your ears ring and your vision goes fuzzy and you’re coming around him. 
He cries out too, nails nearly breaking skin as he feels you squeeze him and as your dick pulses over and over again between his fingers. You both watch it, the way it throbs in his grip, and the creamy white droplets that leak out of you around his prick. 
You pull his hand away when it’s too much, but you keep riding him. He quickly sits up on his elbows, grabs one of your hips with his big hand. 
“Gonna— Ah, fuck. Gonna come. Tell me where,” he pants. 
“In me, fill me. Want you to,” you say, equally out of breath. 
He keens, whining as he buries his face in the sweaty skin of your neck. He’s supporting himself with just one hand now, the other wraps around your waist as he fucks up into you. You hold his head steady against you, fingers tangled in his hair as his cock pounds into the sensitive nerves inside you.
You’re both a heap of a mess, sounds of your pleasure and your bodies colliding and the bed creaking all mixed together. You feel it when he releases, in the way his dick jumps and twitches inside you and the way his grip on your waist tightens and the way his teeth sink into your skin. 
“Fuck,” he breathes, “Jesus. Shit.” 
You giggle, chuffed with yourself, but also at the way his breath tickles your goosebumped skin. His lips and tongue soothe the nasty bruise he left fairly high up on your neck. You tug on his hair to get him to look up at you.
He always looks so goddamn gorgeous after he comes. So relaxed, hazy, eyes dark and glassy. You press your lips to his and feel him go lax against you as he lets out a big breath. 
“Guapo,” he mumbles low against your lips, “so fucking perfect.”
His voice is all slurred and low and it rumbles your own chest where it’s pressed up against his. You hum your agreement and rest your foreheads together. 
For a moment you just rest there like that, listening to your breaths even back out again, and the accompanying rain against your window panes. His hands draw soothing patterns on your lower back, and you can’t stop running your fingers through his slightly damp curls. 
Whe Frankie goes soft enough to slip out of you, you regretfully have to stumble off to the bathroom. You stare in the mirror a bit too long, eyeing the love bite you will DEFINITELY have to pull out your makeup bag for in the morning. But you also notice your exerted face, the sweat that lingers on your skin, and most of all, the smile that you cannot get to go away. 
When you come back to the bedroom with a towel, Frankie seems to be having a similar problem. 
All cleaned up, you crawl back under the covers with him, coax him to roll over so you can hold him from behind and rest your hand over his heart. 
“Gonna start charging you for rent, Pretty Boy.”
He chuckles, wiggling his ass back into you. 
“Surely there’s some other way I could repay you.” 
It shocks a huffed laugh out of you, and you move to grab his hip and dig your fingertips into the warm flesh. 
“Would you like that, Francisco?”
It still delights you, how tangible his reaction is when you say his full name. This time, you get to see the goosebumps break out on the back of his neck. You press your tongue against them, then your teeth, and chuckle when his response is stilted. 
“Yeah– yes. Fuck.”
You get a wicked feeling that curls around your gut, hot and sticky, almost whiplash to be right back here again so shortly after such an intense orgasm. 
Your hand moves to his thigh, where you toy with the hem of your shorts. 
“You want me to fuck you, Pretty Boy?”
He arches into your touch, encourages you to reach higher. He’s forgone his underwear, you discover, as you stroke the skin just under his asscheek. He shivers as you tease him, cuts off a noise high in the back of his throat to respond. 
“I do,” he whispers.
You grab his hip once more, grinding into him, finding the juncture of his neck with your mouth and suckling before you speak against it. 
“Shit, Frankie. Gonna be my pillow princess? Let me have my way with your cute little ass?”
He yelps when you bite the thin skin behind his earlobe, but his back just arches even more to press back into you. 
“I can’t– I can’t go again right now.”
You huff at that, and smile against the curls at his nape, pinch his asscheek once for good measure. 
“That’s okay. We have time, right?”
He turns in your hold and finds your lips with his own in an instant. Bruising, his mouth is insistent against yours, while his hand scrabbles for purchase on your hoodie. You’re both short of breath, once again, when he pulls away. 
“I really, really think that you’re good for me.” 
It sets your heart racing. It’s not something anyone’s ever said to you. It’s not something you thought was ever really possible, to actually add value to someone’s experience. Not someone worth being with, anyway. 
“I know you’re good for me,” you whisper. 
“Don’t let me fuck this up. I fuck this kinda thing up, usually. Don’t let me. Yell at me, tie me down, call my mother on me, but don’t… just don’t let me fuck this up for myself.”
You kiss the crown of his head. 
“You like being yelled at and tied down, then?”
That gets a real laugh out of him, startled and bubbly, and you squirm under him as he pinches at your sides. 
As the laughter dies down, you watch the wrinkles at the edge of his eyes settle, and even reach up to swipe your thumb across them. 
“You know I wanna show you off, right?”
You nod, an instinct, nothing more. 
“Guapo. I mean it. You’re so… You’re totally out of my league, I wanna brag about it to everyone.” 
“What makes you think I’m out of your league, you crazy, crazy man?” 
Your hand finds his curls again, playfully scraping your knuckles across his scalp. 
“You’re the entire fucking package, you’re sweet and gorgeous, smart, successful, so kind. Everything I’ve always wanted. I want everyone to know I have that. It’s silly, I know, but I feel so… smug about it.” 
You laugh, but it’s broken and breathy. 
“You think you feel smug.” 
“Aw, c’mon. I’m just some guy.” 
“You’re my guy.” 
“Fuck, say that again.”
His hand finds your hip and squeezes, and you bite your lip to hide the satisfaction in your smile. 
“You’re my guy, Frankie.” 
His eyes lose their mischievous glint. They soften, and his bottom lip quivers as he sucks in a deep breath. 
“You mean that? You– You want me… like that?”
Your hand settles at the back of his head to cradle it, and you press a kiss to his heated cheek, then his nose, then his forehead. 
“Sweet boy, of course I do. I want you in every way you’ll let me have you.” 
A little breath hiccups out of him and his face splits into a pearly white grin. 
“Like… as your boyfriend?”
You roll your eyes at him then, but match his smile tooth for tooth. 
“Yes, Pretty Boy. As my boyfriend.”
He lets out a happy sigh, and you feel his fingers fidget with the hem of your hoodie.
“Guapo… What do you want me to call you?” 
You hum, and press your lips to his, so soft and supple and malleable against your own. 
“Partner…” you mumble against him, “better half.”
“That one’s very true,” he jokes into your kiss. 
“Dearest… lover.”
“You’re gonna make me hard again,” he says, low, a warning into your own mouth. 
“Is that such a crime?” 
“You’re gonna send me to an early grave, so, in the long run it is.” 
You laugh, full and deep, lips pressed to his cheek. 
“My dearest,” he says, pressing a kiss to your own cheek, “my partner,” a kiss to your forehead, “my lover,” a kiss against your lips, languid and drawn out, until you’re arching against him and tangling yourself in him. 
last part / next part
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nachofuck3r · 10 months
ᴍᴋ ɪɴᴛʀᴏꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ʀᴜɴꜱ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀꜱ
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You: F*ck, SH*t, Suck on a hug-
Kenshi: I need no eyes, to know it's you [Name]
You: but you'll need eyes to catch these fists, asshole
Raiden: Why are you always so- pent up?
You: Meaning to change that, thunder pants?
Raiden: N-No, I merely-
You: Jump off it, I just like fucking with you.
Ashrah: You are pure of heart, yet you speak like it's evil to the core
You: Boba-eyes, it's my brand.
Ashrah: You only need repenting, for that awful nickname.
Liu Kang: I did not anticipate you be this crass, it is very unlike your persona in previous timelines
You: Shut up, seriously? But this is like a brand, my whole thing. I must've been so boring before, I'm so sorry you had to experience that.
Johnny: You and I, that's some chemistry even the evil sorcerer couldn't conduct.
You: Not a chance, F*ckface
Johnny: Wooo-wee, is that an offer?
Shang Tsung: Such a dirty mouth, little mouse.
You: Your presence demands nothing short of it, C*nt
Li mei: Hasn't anyone taught you manners?
You: Why? Is she offering?
Li mei: Who?
You: Yo mama.
Bi-Han: I will make that mouth stop running, permenantly.
You: Promises, promises. You gonna actually come around to doing it this time, Elsa?
Sindel: You truly are a mouthy one, let me teach you some etiquette.
You: Fuck me. Seriously.
Kung Lao: Liu Kang said you were worse than me, come to prove me right?
You: #$@!% #$@!% #$@!%
Kung Lao: I- I don't even know what that means.
Johnny: Hey no swearing around my staff
You: I wouldn't be here if my part, required me to give a fuck about what you say.
Johnny: Darlin' I'm the director!
Thomas: There really is no need for-
You: P*ssy
Thomas: Now you're just trying to get a rise out of me
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crappymixtape · 1 year
faking it • part one
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you have to go to a wedding dateless now thanks to your ex, but somehow you make a new friend and he makes you forget all about what’s-his-face ( eddie x reader, strangers -> friends / kinda lovers )
F A K I N G I T •  P A R T O N E
🎶 you're so, milk
“Shit,” you hissed at the reflection of yourself in the mirror, pale peachy fabric of your dress wrinkling in all the wrong places. It didn’t fit at home like it did at the store and you had exactly one hour before you had to be at the venue.
Quickly rummaging through your closet you searched for something, anything else that would work. Short black mini, no. Bright red sundress, no. Horrible, weird, green bridesmaid dress from the last wedding, absolutely not.
Groaning you kept flipping through hangers one after the other, lump in your throat growing, anxiety slipping around you tightly, so damn frustrated and angry and wanting to just crawl under your covers and eat ice cream.
Maybe you’d be fine if shit hadn’t hit the fan a few weeks prior. A few weeks before your best friend’s wedding. Maybe it’d be okay if your now ex-boyfriend hadn’t been a complete asshole. Maybe going to an event with everyone from high school would suck less if you weren’t going alone now, but you weren’t going to let him ruin it. You wanted to be there for your friend, had to be there for her, and then suddenly your eyes landed on it.
A pretty yellow thing. Like buttercups and the color of the sky as the sun rose in the wee hours of the morning and when you slipped into it you felt yourself come back. Felt the lump in your throat soften, a small smile pulling up at the corners of your lips.
You looked good and dammit you were going to have a good time.
Heels were a guarantee you’d fall within the first five minutes of arriving and you certainly weren’t trying to impress anyone, so you grabbed your Chucks out from under your bed, touched up your mascara and hurried out the door with your gift under your arm.
It was a perfect day, not too hot, not too cold, and the venue was gorgeous. Nestled in the forest outside of Hawkins, there were little tables and a dance floor and a beautiful arch draped with flowers and greenery, ready for the bride and groom to say ‘I Do’ and you lingered for a bit by the gift table, taking it all in.
People were milling around, talking and catching up and you tried your best to look interested in the vases at the end of each row of chairs. Picked at the burlap covering the guestbook table. Wandered off a little further than everyone else so that maybe you could avoid questions.
“Where’s your man?”
“You gonna be up there next?”
“He better not wait too much longer to ask!”
It worked for a little while until you heard the conversation grow louder near the bar. A few gasps, a couple of whoops, whispers. It pulled your gaze and when you looked up you thought you were going to be sick.
Your ex.
With Penny Arnold on his arm.
Fussing over him and straightening his tie and pressing kisses to his cheek and clasping his hand in hers as she gushed to the people who’d greeted them.
“Penny, you look incredible!”
“Oh my god, your dress is gorgeous!”
“I didn’t know you two were seeing each other!”
Your heart hammered in your chest, panic squeezing you tight, breaths falling quick and stuttered from your lips and you had to leave.
Despite being out in the middle of nowhere, the forest felt like it was closing in around you as you dug in your purse for your keys until the sound system scratched with a voice.
“Hello, all! If everyone can please be seated, Steve and the beautiful bride are ready to get started. You’ll find your name on your chair, so get settled and don’t be shy! Make a new friend on this wonderful day of celebrating love!”
Your stomach lurched. Too late. Everyone would notice. And did you really want to miss this? Your best friend’s wedding? Taking in a deep breath you tried to slow your heart rate, tried to calm down. It was going to be okay. Just get through the ceremony and then you could go.
Ducking your head you quickly glanced at each of the seats, eyes scanning the assigned seating and praying to god that they’d remembered to move you away from him, your ex.
Please, please, please.
Your heart was racing as you walked along the rows of chairs, eyes frantically searching for your name. They had to have moved you and finally you found it near the back on the end. The perfect hiding spot out of view behind a bunch of other people and when you saw E. Munson next to you instead of J. Carver you let out a breath of relief, not realizing you’d been holding it.
“So, new friends, huh?”
A voice over your shoulder made you jump a bit and you turned quickly, coming face-to-face with someone very much not dressed for a wedding.
He was tall and a little lanky with long brown curls and even longer lashes. A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. Wide and warm and friendly. Dimples pinching into his cheeks and eyes all brown sugar and cinnamon and your heart stuttered in your chest.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he rubbed at the back of his neck, looking over at you through the long sweep of his lashes and you felt yourself melt.
“S’alright,” you tried to recover, tucking a stray lock of hair out of your face, smile pulling at your lips when you finally took in his outfit. Black jeans, black boots, and a black t-shirt with a tuxedo printed on the front, “Nice suit,” you teased, smile growing a bit.
“Oh, this old thing? Yeah, had to get it dry cleaned. Was pretty wrinkly,” he played along and your smile shifted into a grin. He was funny.
“What’s the E stand for?”
“Edward,” he said, all mock-finery. Poking fun at prim and proper as he pretended to adjust the tie printed on his shirt, smirking as he jammed his hands into pockets. “Joking, please don’t call me that,” he said with a small laugh and you bit your bottom lip between your teeth, cheeks hurting from smiling so much already. “It’s Eddie. Or Eds. Or Munson I guess, if I get into trouble. I smoked in my van on the way over, but might need to sneak off later–” he winked at you conspiratorially and your stomach flipped over, “–not gonna rat me out, are you?”
“Oh god, no,” fell out too quickly and you felt a blush creep across your cheeks. “I mean–secret’s safe with me,” and you twisted your fingers over your lips and threw away an invisible key.
“Knew you were a good one,” his grin softened, reaching down to pick up your name cards from both chairs. “We’re probably gonna get yelled at if we don’t sit down. Carol Harrington seems sweet, but seriously. Don’t fuck with her,” his expression shifted quite serious and your eyes grew wide as you quickly took your seat.
“Really? She looks so nice,” you stole a glance up toward the front at Steve’s parents, his mom already holding a handkerchief and dabbing at her eyes.
“Oh yeah. Been chased outta her pool more than few times,” Eddie shook his head and sat next to you, kicking his feet up on the chair ahead of him. You caught the scent of leather and patchouli, a little skunky like weed and something softer. Maybe rosemary or lavender and it made your cheeks warm again.
“Note to self, don’t mess with Carol,” you quietly teased as the guests settled and Eddie shot you another grin.
“Exactly,” he whispered back and for a split second Eddie gave you the gift of not thinking about your ex, not even once, and it felt really, really nice.
The ceremony was gorgeous of course. Everyone laughed when Dustin came down the aisle as flower girl, somehow perfectly scattering his little basket of flower petals. Steve cried a little bit when he read his vows, but all the while with a big smile on his face and your friend was beautiful. Stunning. So happy and in love as she and Steve walked past you after the ceremony, and while you wanted to leave, avoid your ex and get out of there, you knew you couldn’t. Not now.
This? Right now? Was for your friend and, more importantly, you had to figure out how in the hell you were gonna make it through the rest of the damn night.
“Heard they got ice cream instead of a cake.”
“What?” your eyes flicked up to see your new friend, tuxedo shirt on full display and that wide warm smile turning your insides to goo.
“My money’s on Harrington playing it safe and not smearing it all over her face, what d’you think?” he asked, smile shifting mischievous, dimples pinched into his cheeks and the way you grinned back made you feel like an idiot.
All of a sudden the rest of the evening didn’t feel so daunting.
“How much money?” you teased and he took on a thoughtful expression, eyes crinkling at the corners as he hummed.
“Don’t make a habit of taking money from nice girls, but–” he winked and your heart stuttered in your chest, “–ten bucks? And loser has to take a shot.”
You stuck a hand out. Lips firmed into a line. Trying to be serious and trying to play along but you weren’t good at holding it like Eddie was and had to drop your gaze so your smile wouldn’t give you away. “Deal,” you half-laughed.
But then his hand was taking yours, squeezed tight, rough callouses on his fingers brushing across the back of your hand and you felt your cheeks warm. Swallowed against the way your heart leapt and when he let go an ache bloomed in your chest.
“Don’t worry,” he reassured, still grinning at you, “I’ll take a shot in solidarity.”
Your mouth fell open, mock offense, music filling the space around you as the bar opened up, “Think you know Steve that well?”
Eddie huffed, pushed air through pursed lips and shook his head, curls bouncing with the movement, “Oh yeah, without a doubt.”
“Okay, hot shot,” you teased, “Hope you like tequila.”
“Ah, shit. I really thought you’d be more the whiskey type–“
“–always tequila. Espolòn, blanco,” another voice cut in and the sound filled you with dread.
Pulled at your insides and threatened to drag you down into the floor. Made your arms feel like they were full of lead and every tiny bit of relief Eddie had poured into you emptied out like water through a sieve.
Your ex.
“Who’s your date?” Jason asked you, appraising Eddie all aloof and unsatisfied as he fingered the bright gold cuff link on the sleeve of his suit jacket.
You choked on your words, felt them die in your throat as you tried to put yourself back together and stand up for yourself, but then Eddie’s hand was at your waist. Tugging you in close and holding you tight to him as he gave Jason a certified shit-eating grin. All show and bravado and confidence.
“Eddie,” he said simply, tone assertive enough to make Jason’s brows lift ever so slightly and he chuckled under his breath.
“Interesting choice of outfit, Eddie,” Jason dumped emphasis on the other man’s name, eyes shifting sharper, sucked on his teeth and turned back to you. “Hope you enjoy yourselves,” he sneered, propping up a fake smile as he flicked his gaze back to Eddie, “But careful with this one, Ed. She can be a little…messy.”
Your face burned, heart pounding against your rib cage, anxiety gripping you like a vice as his words hit you like truck.
A mess.
A fucking mess.
“You’re embarrassing me! Crying at a party, Christ.”
“Embarrassing you?? Jesus, Jason. What d’you want me to do? Go give her a hug and say, ‘Oh my god, Penny. Hope my boyfriend was a good fuck!’?”
“That’s not the point, I–”
“Not the point–I literally just caught you, my boyfriend, pants down in the bathroom with someone else. And it’s not even the first time!”
“You drink too much, blow everything out of proportion and get on my ass about shit and–”
“Wha— I do it, it’s overreacting, but if you do it it’s ‘just a little fun.’”
“I’m done with this. It’s obvious you can’t handle me. You’re a fucking mess.”
A mess.
“Ah,” Eddie clicked his tongue and pulled you even closer. “We’re all a little messy, man,” and then he leaned in toward Jason, “I’d say you hide it well, but the fuck-you look on your face really gives it away.”
The color drained from Jason’s face, mouth hung open and scrambling for a come back, but he wasn’t quick enough and instead made a strangled sound of departure before turning and walking away.
Eddie’s expression softened and you felt him press his hand to your waist, silently reassuring, and he dropped his gaze down to look at you. “You okay?” he asked gently, big brown eyes searching yours, the wide expanse of his hand warm and steady and holding you together.
“Shit,” you cursed quietly, squeezing your eyes shut and willing yourself to not let it get to you. To tell yourself it didn’t matter anymore and that there was a reason he was your ex and he and Penny deserved each other and–
“Here,” Eddie took your hand and pressed it to his chest. Placed it over the cracked and faded carnation printed on his shirt. Pushed gently at your hip and started up slow steps in time with the song playing through the speakers. Smiled at you soft and sweet and chased Jason’s words from your mind. “Hm?” he hummed in question, brows quirking up a little, “Better?”
You huffed a small laugh and looked down at your feet. Black Chucks. Black boots. Slivers of skin peeking through the rips in Eddie’s faded black jeans. Your buttercup yellow dress a flash of color you wouldn’t normally wear, but it felt nice right now. Just like Eddie’s hand felt nice on your waist.
Pulling your gaze back up to him you tried a smile. “Better,” you admitted, lifting your other hand to rest on his shoulder. “Where did you even come from, Eddie Munson?” you asked, a mixture of gratitude and bewilderment, searching those big, brown eyes of his and Eddie’s smile widened.
“Forest Hills Trailer Park, baby,” he grinned, giving you another little wink before sobering a bit, fingers shifting lightly on your waist, “Nah. I dunno. Who cares about where you came from. You gotta decide where you wanna be.”
Where you wanna be.
Where did you want to be? Quite frankly the last three weeks had you second-guessing everything you’d wanted. Had you feeling like someone had put your life in a blender and spat it back out all over the floor.
A mess.
Jason had wanted to stay in Hawkins. Took the assistant Basketball coach job at the high school and so you stayed too. Tried to open your own boutique. Tried to save up for a place of your own and wanted so badly to put the pieces of this future together, but it was like putting a square peg in a round hole.
Yes, you’d loved him, why else would you have stayed? But as each little argument unraveled you felt yourself growing further and further apart. The tiny voice at the back of your mind screaming at you to leave this shitty little town. Go to the city and open your studio there. Explore and get away from all of this and be who you really wanted to be.
And even though you still felt like your heart was in a million little pieces there was this guy. This sweet, funny, smart ass, witty-as-hell guy standing up for you and dancing with you and smiling at you and somehow helping put your heart back together.
“Where d’you wanna be?” you finally asked him, hand still pressed to his shoulder as he turned you around the dance floor.
“Hm,” he mused quietly, mulling things over, a small pinch between his brows appearing as he thought. “Philly? Chicago? Hell, anywhere but here,” he finally said, his non-decision making him chuckle a little as he looked back down at you. Eyes warm and hazy like whiskey, lashes fanning out across his cheeks.
God, you were pretty. And funny. And quick on your feet and shit he felt like an idiot before he even opened his mouth.
“Hey, listen. You wouldn’t wanna–” he started, but then shook his head, “–nah. Shit. Forget it.”
“No, now you have to tell me!” you insisted, pausing mid-dance, and Eddie could feel the heat creeping across his cheeks and up to his ears.
“It’s dumb, you wouldn’t want to–”
“–try me,” you cut in, grabbed his hand again and it pulled the corner of his mouth up into a lopsided smile.
“D’you wanna get outta here?” he asked, your insistence making him feel a little braver, a little bolder, and it lit a fire in your chest.
Biting your lips between your teeth against a smile you nodded at him, feeling silly, feeling excited, his hesitations all but gone at the look on your face.
“Seriously?” he asked, just to make sure, and it pulled a laugh from you.
“Only if it’s to that shitty diner off the highway,” you teased a little and it made him grin, dimples pinching at his cheeks, his brown eyes glinting with just a tiny bit of mischief and it made your stomach flip over.
“Deal,” he agreed, grin still playing on his lips and when he took your hand and led you back out down the gravel path and away from the party you couldn’t remember the last time you felt so light.
crappymixtape™ • eddie munson masterlist // stranger things masterlist
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