#it's a shame that now as an adult my peers don't ask me about what happened very much
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yardsards · 2 years ago
on one hand it's probably for the best that there were no jokes about rainer's disability but on the other hand, rainer absolutely strikes me as a fellow member of the "uses our visible disability for lame puns and prop comedy" gang
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I think it's very fun to talk about mental health in normalizing conversations because when I was little and I would tic so hard for so long that I started crying, my mom would hold my hands and tell me to stand on her toes and she would "dance me through it" and so I would and she would spin around and around, stepping carefully so my little feet never slipped off the top of her feet, but moving fast so I would get all giggly and dizzy, and by the end she was right! My ticcing wasn't as bad anymore.
And like. I know now that it's because I was actively stressing myself out trying to stop ticcing, and since my tics are stress-reactive that obviously made it worse, but at the time I was just a kindergartener living in a world where dancing made my body stop performing the compulsions and so sometimes I would "dance myself through it" if mom wasn't around and when people maxe fun of me for it, I couldn't do that around them anymore and so I would tic more often and get more overwhelmed and there were days I wouldn't stop ticcing for hours on end because no one but my mom was willing to just let me dance through them.
But until the first time that happened, I didn't know there was anything unusual or unfamiliar to others about what I was doing. My mom was just so matter of fact about it "when you can't stopticcing, that's your body asking you to move and dance amd get the stress out" so I believed her! Of course I did. And she was right even, at least for me.
I was an adult by the time I learned that my mom ticc'd too, because she'd been doing what she taught me for so long that it was rare it happened visibly anymore, and it made sense that she'd been able to move me through my own experience so gently after that. But what if it didn't take a parent sharing our experience to be able to exist in a context that doesn't pathologize or shame what's happening?
Anyway, I've been in and out of various inpatient and outpatient programs since I was 7yrs old, and nothing did more damage to me than the people who taught my mother that there were things about my brain and body that were Wrong TM and needed fixing when she had spent the entirety of my life up to that point accommodating my needs and helping me understand how to coexist in the world on my own terms. I've benefitted from having names for things, sure, and I've had great healing and community in peer groups based around sharing those experiences. But at the end of the day, it is when those same spaces allow me to decide how to talk about what my life feels like that they have meant the most to me. I will always be grateful to the mental health care providers in my life who have been supportive of this type of care for me, but ultimately I also understand that they were able to do that because they were actively breaking down my framework of "because I experience x, I must compensate with y" into a gentler version that goes more like "because I experience x, I may need to seek out y outcome in different or unexpected ways."
I don't know why that makes as much difference to me as it does, but it does.
Anyway, I want to do for someone else what my mom did for me. I want someone else to get to feel like they can ask themselves what they need to get through something and not set any particular moral or emotional meaning to that need.
I have, among others, symmetry tics. If I experience a sensation on one side of my body, I will often reflexively try to adequately mirror it on the other side of my body. One of the pitfalls I often fall into is "the symmetry tic was actuallya different sensation and now I have to mirror THAT on the original side" and off we go into a tic spiral. The trick, for me, has been learning how to hold myself safely in the stress of the tic compulsion until the original sensation passes or fades and that allows the compulsion to fade with it. That can be hard, but taking a cue from my mom, I've found that when I occupy my body with movement, especially goal oriented but indefinite movement like dance, I have a MUCH easier time waiting for the trigger sensation to fade. I think it's good for those of us with experiences we often feel compelled to hide from view to get time in the sun. It lets us remember that our existence is not inherently side-lined in favor of other existences, and we do have the right to ask people to work with us on creating space for our own version of living. That may not guarantee us the desired outcome, but I've found that feeling you have the right to ask in the first place and actively come to the conclusion TOGETHER that there is not a solution is what seems to allow me to make those compromises without feeling erased or ashamed when I do.
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anonymousdisco · 3 months ago
How’d I get Isikia’d into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Twelve-Tears, Fears, and not so secret discussions
(I'm gonna include the last paragraph from the previous chapter since these had been supposed to be posted together, but schedules did not allow that. Also figured out the laptop, may have to return it for a new one though cause its slightly damaged on the screen. Thank goodness for warranties!)
Lucifer’s POV:
The pain of the fall, the feeling of being ripped apart and unmade, and the horror of being in what we thought would be a land full of beings who would kill us on sight… Even just the smell of the blood we were drenched in from after the fall. She was three thousand at the time. Did she even know what it all meant?
Does she remember? I hope she doesn't. I don't know what to do if she does. “Knock, knock.” A soft knock sounded from the door. I glared at it as (Y/N) stirred in her sleep. I shushed her quickly, thankfully keeping her asleep.
I got up carefully brushing her hair from her face. It had only been a couple hours, but already she had adorably messy hair. It was almost like a bird's nest. I strode to the door quietly with a stern glare. A glare that softened at the sight of my old friend at the door. “Diavolo.” I murmured quietly. “It’s late, why are you here.”
“I had a thought that you might still be awake.” He murmured back quietly. He shifted slightly to reveal Barbatos faithfully by his side. “Barbatos will stay with (Y/N) for a moment while we have that discussion I mentioned to you.”
“This can’t wait? Surely the exchange program can wait till the morning before greeting our guests.” I asked him softly, slightly confused.
“It’s not about the program.” He explained in a whisper. “It's about (Y/N).”
I immediately nodded and followed him after making sure (Y/N) was secure with Barbatos. “Lets us discuss then.”
(Y/N) POV:
“User!” I rolled over tiredly ignoring the noise I heard in my ears. “User! It's important!” I mentally prepared to sit up, but before I could GLitch’s voice rang out again in my head. “Don’t! You're not alone! I’m sending a video feed to your consciousness now, you’ll fall asleep again in the meantime.”
Instantly my limbs and head felt like lead as my consciousness sank back to sleep. Instead of seeing nothing like always  I saw a study. Clearly whoever owned this room had an expensive and classy taste. As I looked around I noticed my body was the same as always except for the fact that I was now transparent. I went to lean against a side table, but instead my arm went through it like I did not exist.
I heard the door click open and whirled around to face it. It was… Diavolo and my brother?! I had never recalled an event like this in the game where they had such serious demeanors together! I leaned in closer peering over Lucifer’s shoulders as they sat down at Diavolo’s desk.
Diavolo sighed and leaned back in his chair resting his head against his hand. “You know, Lucifer… It's such a shame your sister is so close to being an adult.” His eyes gazed into Lucifers. “As customary as it is, I wouldn’t be surprised to find demons lining up around the block to see her soon. Especially now that it will be clear you and your brothers now cherish her. Imagine the political power lower demons will thirst over when it comes to having her hand in marriage.” Diavolo’s voice was soft and musing as he spoke. It sounded almost like he was teasing or taunting Lucifer, but his eyes were anything but that. His eyes were deadly serious and dark.
Lucifer's brow furrowed immediately as his grip on the arms of his chair tightened. “They’ll know better.” He gritted out.
Diavolo chuckled musingly. “Will they…?” He tilted his head a small smirk on his face that would seem innocent if not for the calculating look in his eyes. I felt my heart pound in anxiety as my hands trembled.
“Well if you want it… I can help. We are old friends after all.” Diavolo’s calculating eyes peered straight into Lucifer's shocked ones.
“What kind of help?” Lucifer asked in a darkly quiet voice his grip on the chair relaxing as he leaned back gazing at Diavolo questingly.
“It's simple. We sign a contract between the two of us. You gain the assurance of your sister forever cared for and protected within you and your brother's reach, and I gain her. As the head of household you can sign over the right to her hand forbidding rejection from any unsavory suitors. We have a bit of time before she’s of marriageable age, and I would be content with an engagement till then. PLenty of time for planning after all.”
“Since when did you have feelings for my sister?!” Lucifer exclaimed, shocked.
“I didn’t realize it at first, but after her near death experience I can’t help but acknowledge my feelings for her. Barbatos was a big help in my discovery.” I gasped in shock at all of this. Barbatos helped Diavolo discover his feelings…? How did I not know?!
“Lucifer hummed in thought, relaxing significantly. “It would be nice to know she isn’t too far from home. She will stay with us till the ceremony I assume?” Lucifer gazed at Diavolo thoughtfully as he asked.
“But of course!” Diavolo smiled reassuringly. “Plus after the ceremony whenever I have to go elsewhere without her for a while. That way she doesn't get scared from being alone.” Lucifer nodded, clearly liking this proposition the more he understood it.
“Very well. We can draft something up eventually. I’ll inform her of it once it’s complete.” Lucifer got up after saying that. “If that's all I should go back to her.”
“Of course, friend.” Diavolo got up as well, walking Lucifer to his office door. “Good night, Lucifer.”
“Goodnight, Lord Diavolo.” Lucifer strode out to where my body was sleeping.
I stood there still from shock. This was a development I never expected. Barbatos entered shortly after knocking on the door for permission. In his hands was a tray of tea. His eyes whirled around latching onto me as he glared as if searching for something. “Is everything alright, Barbatos?” Diavolo asked him curiously.
“I thought I saw someone…” Barbatos said pensively, tearing his gaze away from where I stood. I let out a shaky breath of relief that he hadn’t truly seen me. “Preparations for tomorrow have been finished. The angels have informed us they will arrive early in the morning, Solomon will arrive near noon via his own means, and I will open a portal for the other human transfer students once Solomon and the angels have been settled in Purgatory Hall.”
Diavolo nodded thoughtfully. “And the future you foresaw regarding the other human transfer student?”
“While it has changed slightly it will still have the outcome you desire.” Barbatos reassured him.
“Good. Let's retire for the night. We have an early morning.” Diavolo and Barbatos then left and I stood alone in the room.
My gaze darkened again and I felt heavy as though sinking.
Lucifer POV:
I strode quickly wishing to get to (Y/N) quickly. On my way I bumped into Belphegor. It was no surprise to see him up and about so late since he had always been a bit of a night owl since we fell. “Belphegor.” I greeted him from where he stood in front of the door of where (Y/N) was resting.
“Diavolo’s being an idiot.” He glared darkly at the ground curled into himself a bit.
My gaze sharpened. What was he thinking?! It would be over for our family if Diavolo heard him say such things! “What do you mean? Clearly you need more rest, go to bed now.”
“He’s bringing humans to Devildom! Does he have a deathwish for us?! We lost one sister, I'm not losing another to wretched humans!” I gripped him by the shoulders quickly silencing him with a spell. He glared at me in anger thrashing my hold.
“You will not insult Lord Diavolo, or go against his plans.” I saw his resolve in his eyes to not listen to me. I knew if I let him go on his way that he would harm the humans coming here. If that happened…!
I quickly teleported us home and shoved him in the attack, locking him inside. “You will stay here till you learn to listen and heed my words.” I teleported myself back to the castle hiding the way my hands trembled. I wouldn’t lose another sibling of mine by being foolish again like with Lilith. I would protect my siblings from everything, even themselves.
I opened the door to where (Y/N) was resting quietly. I noticed that Barbatos had left already. He must have left (Y/N) in the care of Belphegor to attend to something Lord Diavolo needed. Thankfully she had not woken up in the brief moment she was alone.
I ran a hand through her hair delicately before laying down to go to sleep as well. She would be fine. I would keep the human carefully away from her. No one was going to hurt her ever again. None of my siblings would be allowed to be hurt by this human.
Last thought involving you:
Future Hubby
“It's a good thing Lucifer so readily agreed. I would have hated scaring my dearest by having to resort to nefarious means of having her.”
Next Chapter:
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michirukaioureincarnate · 9 months ago
Bike Ride on the Sea Side
Haruka Tenoh x Reader Oneshot - cont. in Body Pillow (smut)
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Fandom: Sailor Moon Pairing: Haruka Tenoh x reader | Sailor Uranus x reader Genre(s): Fluff 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 | NSFW 𖹭𖹭 | Angst 𖹭 Theme(s): secure x avoidant | confession | first kiss Warning(s): Swearing Summary: You were under the impression that Haruka enjoyed your company and liked you over the past two dates. The constant texting after you unexpected meet-cute really made you believe things could go somewhere with them. But the two-week dry spell between you two had you believing otherwise. It's a shame because you really, really liked them. Reading Stats: 5000 words | 20 min read Disclaimer: All characters are consenting adults | Aged 21+
─────────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────────── A/n: okay the genre and theme is so ??? but GIVE ME A FUMKIN MINUTE I'm trynna make this idea work please fkjahjfskh it's been on my mind for a while now also kinda coping with the drama an avoidant ex-situationship put me in and now she's coming back wanting a shot with me again even though SHE HAS A MONOGAMOUS GF Y'ALL I- 👁️👄👁️ ─────────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────────────
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It's not like you were sitting around waiting for Haruka to text you. You weren't one to chase anyone or anything if reasonable efforts did not yield expected results. One could say you were too logical and unromantic.
"It's about the chase, Y/N!" your best friend insisted. "How is Haruka supposed to know you like them at all?"
You narrowed your eyes at her. "You know me, okay? I'm literally a shameless and open book." A small huff followed as you glared at your phone on the coffee table. "Besides...I asked them last week if everything was okay. They brushed me off, so why bother?"
"Show it to me," she demanded as she crossed her legs on the couch. She held her hand out and gestured for the phone, and you complied. Peering over her shoulder, you watched her read.
Y/N: Hey, it's been a while since we last talked properly. There's no pressure to reply, I'm just checking in to see if you're alright. Been thinking about you. Just let me know if you need space or anything, yeah? I'm not really sure about what to think or feel right now. 8:51 PM
Haruka: Thanks for checking in :) I'm fine, just caught up with work. Text you soon. 8:53 PM
Y/N: Sure thing! 9:00 PM
"They replied fast," she says curiously.
"A week ago."
She grins at you mischievously. "And does that bother the sensible and unromantic Y/N?"
"Pfft," you scoff. "No, I just don't like false expectations. If they don't wanna text me, they should just say it."
"Yeah, well, no one's as brave as you are," she sighed. "This isn't the first time you've been potentially ghosted."
Hearing it out loud kind of stung. It always did, and it would pass in a few hours before. This time, though, it lingered.
You'd never liked anyone like this before.
Still, you couldn't just ignore the lack of open and consistent communication for the chemistry over two dinners. Even though you didn't entirely dismiss the texting, it was still platonic and surface-level compared to in-person hang outs. And now there were barely any texts to go on.
Snatching your phone back, you tossed it into the pillows on the adjacent armchair and grabbed the remote to open up Netflix on the flatscreen TV.
We don't know each other enough, you consoled yourself internally as your friend settled on a horror movie. They're just some random person you bumped into in a bar of all places. You wanted to meet your soulmate in a library.
No sooner had you thought it did another helpless musing begin to haunt you.
They're so fucking hot, though.
It wasn't just the way they looked, although those dark and brooding eyes would hold you captive with a mere glance any day. You'd been around plenty of attractive people in your life and been approach by some of them as well; but the way people looked never fazed you. Instead, it was their energy and aura that drew you in.
The way Haruka carried themselves was admirable. Was it the straight-back posture? The calculating eyes atop an easy-going smile? Or the sense of purpose that surrounded them with every step taken or every spoken word? Haruka always seemed so certain of things and never missed the opportunity to take action, and you liked that.
It would explain why it felt that they were withdrawing from you. Haruka wasn't acting like they were sure about you anymore. It sucked because, for once in your life, you were sure about someone.
In all your past relationships, you'd always entertained uncertainties and potential in hopes of it blossoming eventually. It was enough that you liked them. But this time, you really wanted to take your time and figure Haruka out regardless of attraction.
"Ugh," you muttered softly as the first jump scare snapped you out of the ruminating, and your best friend's deathly clutch upon your arm left no room for your attention to drift away.
⋅ ⛢ ⋅
You woke up to a loud knock from somewhere. The horror movie had long ended, and your best friend was draped over your lap with drool dripping onto your thigh from the corner of her mouth.
She really has no shame, you think endearingly while carefully sliding out from under her. You throw the blanket over her completely, almost about to tuck her in when another louder knock takes you by surprise.
"What the fuck," you muttered, straining your ear for to locate the source. It sounded way too close for comfort. Your 1 + 1 apartment was too small for an intruder to hide in, so the only logical source was the windows.
You didn't want to go near them. Even though you were on the third floor, you didn't underestimate a stalker's ability to scale the wall for something they'd want bad enough.
The sight of a small rock knocking off your window-pane confirmed your suspicions, and you grabbed your phone to call the police only to notice that it was dead.
With no choice but to face the situation head on, you mustered the courage to confront whoever was out there. You were mentally prepared to scream bloody murder with no regard for your neighbors if it meant driving away the culprit.
Marching over to the window, you looked down into the front yard of the apartment to find a hooded figure looking up.
Right. At. You.
You threw the window open, fully prepared to screech until a lock of fair hair caught the glint of the moonlight. Your heart skipped a beat, and you watched as the figure pushed the hood off their head.
A pair of warm eyes peered at you, and a nervous lopsided smile accompanied it. You hated the way your heart was practically melting at the sight.
"Hey," Haruka said gently, and the wind carried their tomboyishly deep voice up to you. "Been thinkin' about you."
"Haruka, what the fuck?!"
They grinned up at you in amusement. "You don't sound very happy to see me, sweetheart."
"It's nearly–" you looked around for the clock in your house that you rarely consulted, "five in the morning! Who throws rocks at someone's window at this hour?!"
"I tried calling, but you wouldn't pick up," they said apologetically. "My only choice was to come and see you."
You rubbed away the ache blooming under the bridge of your nose. "Couldn't this wait?"
Deep down, you were screaming with happiness. The fact that they came over just because they couldn't get a hold of you was so nonsensical that you would've told anyone off for it. But this was Haruka, and it was hard to contain the joy tugging at the corners of your lips.
They're so stupid, you sighed internally.
"I wouldn't have come all this way if it could," they said sincerely, putting their hands in the pockets of their red and white race car jacket as a chilly breeze brushed past. Their eyes shimmered up at you, reflecting the stars in the sky. There was a tinge of vulnerability to them that caught you off guard. "Could you come down? And, um...dress warm."
"If it's only for a minute then–"
"It's not," they cut in breathlessly. "Maybe thirty minutes."
You raised a suspicious brow at them before walking away to your wardrobe, changing into a pair of warm sweats before grabbing your keys. Slipping into your shoes, you quietly left the apartment and prayed your best friend wouldn't wake up to find you gone. You knew how worried she'd get otherwise.
Quickly making your way down, you jogged out of the building and found Haruka by the street, waiting on the pavement next to a sleek motorbike.
You stopped. On your second date, they picked you up in a sports car to drive to the restaurant and revealed their love for motorcycles on the way.
"Haruka..." you said quietly. "I thought you didn't share your bike with anyone."
"I know," they replied softly before holding their hand out to you. Though you wished they'd just spill what was going on, you took their hand and let them pull you closer.
Their touch was warm against the cold air of the night, your fingers encased in their palm as their thumbs ran over your knuckles almost affectionately. Heat rose to your neck under their intense gaze that searched your face for something. They guided you onto the back of the motorbike securely before getting on turning the key.
A slow hum ran through the vehicle, and Haruka got seated properly before glancing at you over their shoulder.
"Hold on tight, Y/N."
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You could feel your face getting hotter, but you reached forward and clamped your hands on their shoulders. They chuckled, pulling on their gloves and revving the engine before suddenly taking off.
The abrupt jerk of the bike had you clamping your arms around their waist instantly, and you were very aware of how firm their back felt against your soft chest.
"Asshole!" you yelled over the wind, only to catch a light chuckle before Haruka sped up. You had no choice but to curl against her spine, holding onto her tightly as you two zipped under the lamp lights of the empty highway. The cold wind was in your hair, and your fingers were freezing in the fists they'd curled into under their diaphragm.
You felt their gloved hand on yours, prying them apart to guide one of them into her jacket's pocket, and then the other one as well. It was such a sweet gesture that you forgot to pretend to be annoyed at them. Their pockets were warm, and you gave into the pleasure of how they felt against your body when you wrapped yourself around them.
Slowly, you coaxed yourself to look up from their shoulder and take in the views. You weren't sure how far away you two were from the apartment, but you could see the vast ocean that opened to the right, disappearing into the horizon where the stars were beginning to disappear.
The sunrise... you realized breathlessly as Haruka drove on the highway along the edge of the beach. Your gaze was fixed on the sky slowly turning a lighter shade of blue. The stars' twinkling faded in anticipation of the first rays of the sun.
Against your chest, Haruka's warmth kept the wind's chill out of your bones. They smelled nice, although a little unconventional; smokey and spiced, like a blend of cinnamon, roses, and the faint linger of cigarettes. You'd never gotten this close to her before, although you had hoped that they'd finally kiss you when you two eventually had a third date.
Wait... you thought. Is this a date?
No, perhaps not. To you, dates should be communicated and planned and prepared for. You would never be found wearing sweats and without a touch of make-up on a date. You found yourself regretting not dabbing on a bit of concealer and mascara. Even some lip gloss would've sufficed.
The motorbike leaned to the right as Haruka took a turn into a road, and the barricades from the edge disappeared. The beach opened up to you directly, with its sand blowing onto the asphalt and the air sticky with salt. The tops of small and calm waves glimmered as an orange spot appeared on the horizon.
The sun was here.
Haruka parked the bike, and you finally straightened up and pulled your arms off them. The embarrassment of having to cling on like that finally registered, and you quickly got off the bike and faced the sea to avoid their gaze. Haruka climbed off and kicked its stand in place, leaning their hips against the gas tank as they crossed their ankles and arms.
You wished they'd tell you why they brought you here, but you were a sucker for sunrises and sunsets. With eyes fixed on the horizon, the two of you quietly watched the colors slowly begin to change. The sky was much lighter now, and the curve of brilliant orange ascended behind a few fluffy clouds, turning their underside pink. The waters took on a beautiful deep hue of turquoise with the passing moments, a color you loved so deeply.
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"The sunrise is even more beautiful when the sea's surface is there to reflect its light," Haruka hummed softly. "The sun's brilliant on its own, but I suppose it needs to see its reflection to be reminded of it."
Their words took you by surprise.
"Why would the sun need a reminder?" you asked casually. "It's the sun. It sustains everything."
Haruka shook their head. "It's too far away to see the impact of its existence. But the ocean is vast. It stretches out endlessly and can be seen from where the sun it."
It took you a minute to realize Haruka was trying to tell you something.
"And it's important, the ocean. Without it, the sun would've fried up everything on Earth. No one to witness any nice sunrises without it to make life possible, right?"
You were beginning to feel frustrated and swallowed your nervousness to turn their way. The horizon reflected in their deep blue eyes, pouring light into them like they were lanterns. A gust of wind pushed the stray fair locks off their forehead, and they glanced at you. You weren't sure if you were imagining their ears turning pink.
"Where were you the past two weeks?" you asked as nicely as you could, but the undertone of anxiety seeped in. "I thought you didn't want to see me."
Haruka exhaled sharply and dropped their hands to their pockets.
"I was trying not to see you. Well, not too much anyway. I..." they huffed conflictedly as they closed their eyes. "You know I've got a racing season coming up, right? And I was practicing really hard for it. Everyone kept giving me shit for being reckless or risky on the track or whatever, but that's just how I've always won. It's second nature to me, and I know how to win."
You kept quiet as they caught their breath to collect their thoughts.
"I guess it'll be different this time because I made it into a bigger racing series," they continued. "It came as a surprise to everyone, but my team told me that I'll be competing with racers who are in an entirely different league. If anything, they drive much like I do."
"Haruka, could you get injured?" you demanded gently as worry flooded you.
"I mean, maybe?" they replied nervously as they blinked at the horizon. "But every sport has that risk. That's not the point. The point is that the only way to win is to not be reckless, and that's a huge change in approach to manage overnight. I hate change, and I can't do it without some kind of a constant reminder over my head."
I knew it, you thought with a skip of a heartbeat. They were trying to tell me something.
Your heart raced in you chest as they straightened up.
"I crashed last week."
"WHAT?!" you snapped as you grabbed their arm. "Haruka, what the fuck?!"
"I'm fine, promise." They turned to you and placed a comforting hand over your fingers gripping the sleeve of their jacket. "It was barely anything and it's pretty normal but...I berated myself for it. That was a first. I usually just get up and dust myself off, but I caught myself thinking...how will I see Y/N if I got hurt really badly? How would she feel if she saw me crash like that?"
You were left speechless, and your heart was pounding so hard that it could break through your ribcage and fall into Haruka's hands. They came to stand before you, casting a shadow over your body that contained your attention entirely onto them.
"I ran another lap after that crash and realized that I was different," they continued. "I don't know what exactly changed, but it was like a different part of my brain opened up. I saw different ways, better ways, to conquer the tracks that I never really considered before. More possibilities to prepare for, to keep an eye out for, and...it just felt like you were sitting behind me. I couldn't afford to crash again and injure you, but I also wanted to win."
Their hand slid under your fingers to pull it off their arm, holding your hand securely. With their eyes boring into yours, you held their gaze through the butterflies and tremors racking your body. Their grasp is warm, with soft skin interrupted by the occassional calluses from gripping bike handles.
Your mouth was dry, but you still forced yourself to speak. "That doesn't explain why you avoided me."
"I was scared," they said immediately. "My entire life, I've always been so selfish and self-centered without ever realizing it until that crash. For once, you were my first thought right after. I didn't know what to make of it."
A trembling sigh left them as they reached out for your other hand to grip tightly, pulling them close to their chest clasped within their palms. And suddenly, you felt something in the air between your bodies, as if it had become charged. Your skin tingled, every cell of your being tugged forward by an invisible force with a yearning for the warmth that rolled of Haruka's body.
"I avoided you because I've never, ever wanted to run to someone so badly before," they muttered into the air between the two of you. "I wanted you behind me on that bike because your presence was so...so–gosh, I can't find the word."
Your voice was breathy when you spoke. "Palpable..."
They nodded in relief.
The sun rose behind them, peeking over the top of their head and setting their hair alight and giving them their own halo. You'd never seen a prettier sight until now, basking in the vulnerable glimmer of their irises despite the crack in the strong walls around their heart.
"You were my reminder, Y/N," they said quietly as their cheeks flushed like the underside of the clouds above. "You kept me from getting too heated. From burning up everything around me and crashing senselessly for the sake of victory. You...are my ocean, in which I see that what I do and who I am right now is enough no matter the outcome."
Your heart was going to give out from how fast it was beating, and you quickly blinked away the mist in your eyes. It was the sweetest and most passionate thing you'd ever heard from anyone. Ever.
"Whoa, Y/N, a-are you alright?" Haruka asked worriedly as they stepped in closer to you. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing..." you exhaled sharply, releasing all the anxiety and anticipation that had built up over the week. "I just...wow, um–I don't know what to say..."
Their face fell a little as their grip on your hands loosened. "You don't have to say anything at all. I just...I hoped you felt just as intensely about me, but I know it's too soon and–"
"I was waiting for you," you interjected, embarrassed and a little angry at yourself for how pathetic you sounded. "I never wait for anyone, Haruka, but you...you had me walking around everywhere wondering if you just didn't like me anymore."
Their lips parted in surprise as they stared at you.
"I usually just move on the second I feel like someone doesn't want me," you sighed as you clutched their hands, relishing how nimble thier fingers were. "That's what it means to be a secure person, right? But I've also never liked anyone the way I've liked you."
Their awe slowly turned into a bashful lopsided grin. "Someone as sensible as you likes someone as reckless as me?"
"Next time you ignore me like that, I'd rather you be dead than ghosting me."
"Whoa, okay, um–" they snorted in amusement. "You know what? Yeah. I get it. I'd hate to be ghosted by someone like you too."
Why the fuck did I deflect like that? you scolded yourself. It sounded so needy.
"I'm not all that great, though," you muttered with eyes downcast. "I mean, I like myself plenty as I am, but you...you're a professional racer. Practically a celebrity. I've just got a little writing thing on the side that keeps me comfortable, but nothing major."
You held your breath as Haruka placed your palm over their heart. Their hand slid down the back of yours to your elbow and up to your shoulder with a soft grip, their knuckles trailing up your neck. Their touch carried with it the feathery blooms of pleasure that spread over your skin, and your heart stumbled when they gently held your chin to lift your face. Your skin buzzed with a vehement need to be closer to them, and your fingers clenched around the fabric of their shirt as you felt their heart speed up behind it.
"You've got a grounded personality, Y/N," they whispered with a tentative swipe of their thumb under your lip, and their face felt so much closer than before. "Passionate and self-reliant without needing anyone's approval for it. If anything, I'd love for you to make it big in your career, but you seem perfectly content and grateful with what you have, and I admire it."
They searched your eyes so deeply that you're left stumbling over your tongue. "I–I, um, well, I have more than enough to get by so...you know, I don't–um–"
They paused, looking down your face until you felt your lips tingle.
"I wish I could tell you how much I missed you," they murmured with a hint of something akin to need.
Desire. Maybe some restraint. It was in the way their palm cupped your jaw as their thumb stroked your cheek, eyes still on your mouth as they let out a soft, shuddering exhale.
You were barely breathing.
"I missed everything about you," they continued huskily, their eyelids growing heavy with a flutter of their lashes as their gaze darkened. "And I'll be such a goner if I give into how much I like you, because there will be so much more to miss whenever I'm away. But I need you to like me back just as much because this is scary."
Their other hand was still wrapped in yours at their sternum, and you guided it forward to your chest right over your heart. Pressing their palm over it, you shuddered at the warmth that seeped through your shirt and over your skin.
Your heart was practically bursting at the seams, and you looked at them from under your lashes defenselessly, surrendering to your undeniable feelings for them despite the need for caution.
"I think..." you started breathlessly, "I've been waiting for you for much longer than those two weeks. Don't make me wait anymore."
You gulped as you stared into their eyes, your next word sounding barely above a sigh.
Haruka's lips fell upon yours so fast that you gasped in surprise, followed by soft moans that erupted into each other's mouths. Their deep grunt rumbled in their chest under your palms as they pulled you in close, their arm clamping around the small of your back. Encased in the warmth of their body, you mewled at the way they cradled the back of your head to kiss you languidly.
You were melting into them, feeling the heat from your bodies intertwining as you gripped onto their shoulders for dear life. Their soft chest pressed against yours with desperation, leaving no room for air between you two as they caged you against the bike. Wrapped in their strong arms, you felt small and safe, left at the mercy of Haruka's unrestrained longing that you doubted there was an escape from.
But you didn't want to anyway.
"Fuck..." they huffed as their lips slid off yours, and you were finally able to gasp for breath. Their hands rested on your waist and back, fingers digging enough to keep you from floating away. Even so, you were lightheaded and almost dizzy, taken back by how passionately Haruka had consumed you within those few seconds.
You wanted them to go on forever.
Tugging at their shoulder, you cradled the nape of their neck and pressed your lips to theirs tenderly, eliciting a soft exhale as you moved to the corner of their mouth to kiss it lightly. You found their cheek, peppering it slowly and gently with all the affection and want that blossomed within you for their existence.
Haruka groaned softly and collected you in their arms, pulling you into a hug as they buried their nose behind your ear. They pecked the sensitive spot under your lobe, making you shudder breathlessly in their firm yet gentle grip. The relief and pleasure of feeling their hand rubbing up and down your spine was indescribable, and you gave into the urge of running your fingers into their soft and wavy hair, scratching their scalp softly with your nails.
They purred, still heaving as they tried to pull themself together in the comfort of your arms.
"This is better than I imagined," they admitted against your skin.
You stilled, wondering if you heard it right. "You were thinking about this?"
"A lot..."
They sounded genuinely embarrassed, and it made you feel giddy and mischievous.
"Didn't know I had such an effect on you," you teased.
They gently pulled away from your shoulder to look down at you with warning, but there was a glint of something playful in their eyes.
"Don't say it like I don't make you feel things either," they said. "You literally got angry when I didn't reach out to you."
"You left me hanging!" you scoffed as the pent-up annoyance crept in through your fingers that dug into their biceps. "Who the hell does that for two weeks, Haruka?!"
They smirked, brows furrowing as a shadow fell over their face that made evident a sinister flame in their pupils.
"You missed me that much, huh?"
You smacked them up the back of their head reflexively, causing them to laugh in surprise. Embarrassed and meek, you felt cornered by their statement, but it was too late to escape the confrontation.
"I did..." you grumbled, looking away from their teasing stare before they leaned in to peck your jaw and down your neck. They chuckled as they did so, unaware of how each kiss triggered an intense bloom of desire in your chest. You were hyperaware of their hands on your ribs, and how the tips of their thumbs rested just under your breasts as your chest flooded with something stronger than bliss.
Haruka's breath brushed down your cleavage as they left a lingering kiss on your collarbone, and your grip on their arms tightened.
"H-Haruka..." you gasped, and they stopped immediately to turn their head away, still leaning into you as one of their hands fell onto the bike to hold themself up.
They let out an agonized breath of restraint, groaning quietly as the palm on your rib slid down to your hip with a gentle pat. "I should take you home, Y/N."
"Already?" you said with a slight whine, wincing at how needy you sounded for a moment. Now that they were finally in front of you after so long, you didn't want to just let them get away.
Haruka cleared their throat and straightened up, looking at you with tenderness as they tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"It's been hard to stay away from you the past two weeks," they said. "I need to take you back while I'm still in control of myself."
You gave them a quizzical look. "In control of yourself? What would you even do to me out here in the open? We're just kissing."
They raised their brows dubiously as their eyelids lowered sensuously, scanning your face with a heavy gaze.
"Don't tempt me, sweetheart," they muttered with a slight raspiness to their voice. "I don't know what I'm capable of if I'm pushed to my limit."
Your lips parted in surprise at the sudden change in their demeanor, but you didn't want to stop. A part of you wanted to challenge them, nudge them to the edge to see what they meant.
But you snapped yourself out of it and nodded, clearing your throat bashfully as you straightened yourself out.
"My best friend is at my place right now," you reasoned with yourself. "I gotta get back before she wakes up and freaks out. My phone's still back there with no battery, so she might even call the police."
Haruka nodded and reached for their gloves to pull them on as you turned your gaze back to the sea. The sun was now shining in its full glory, its light bouncing off the foam and waves of the sea, turning its surface into a rippling mirror. Fluffy white clouds floated lazily against the bright blue sky.
I'm their ocean, you thought wistfully, and they're the sun.
Two things that complemented each other in ways that kept everything on the planet perfectly balanced, and you hoped that the two of you would do the same for each other.
⋅ ⛢ ⋅
─────────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────────── A/n: Honestly, I think Haruka has it in them to fuck you on the beach in broad daylight if it ever came to that lmfao. I was wondering if I should just write it in, but I'm not in the mood for smut atm.
What if I make another one shot focusing on the smut that comes after they drop you home? I could do a prequel one shot of the meet cute as well 🤔 [update: I did it lol]
Eh, we'll see. I'm taking it slowly since it's been a while I wrote anything for leisure. Still very rusty. Hope y'all enjoyed, though. ~ Miki | Myca ✧ ─────────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────────────
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the-shy-artisan · 9 months ago
seeing as it's pride month, i'd like to share with you all my coming out story c:
i knew, even at a very young age, that i was different.
i was around seven years old when i decided i wasn't interested in sex. of course the adults around me thought it was cute or saw it as a joke: what seven year old says something like that? "you don't know that for sure," they'd tell me, or, "you'll change your mind when you're older."
well, i grew a little older, but my decision still remained; buried at the back of my mind, out of sight and quiet. by middle school, i watched as my peers fawned over movie stars far older than them; they would point them out in teen magazines and ask me things like, "isn't he so hot?" "god, i want do him so bad," and, "what about you? who would you fuck if you had the chance?" i'd never answer, because i didn't have the heart to tell them i didn't feel the same way as them. it was yet another way i didn't fit in with the crowd.
then high school came around.
my views on sex aside, i did have relationships. but it wasn't until my third that i started to heavily question my sexuality. it came about one day during a visit to his house, we were on the couch watching a movie. he started touching me in places i never wanted to be touched. i moved his hands away multiple times, told him no, even moved to another piece of furniture away from him. i sat through the rest of the movie with my legs firmly crossed and my arms wrapped around myself. i felt sick to my stomach, and later i confided in my mother about what happened.
what she said still shocks me to my core to this very day:
"well, you've been in the relationship almost a year, and he's a man. you need to give him something. he has needs you know."
i was appalled. i reminded her of my long standing views about sex, only to have her respond with, "still? i would've hoped you'd outgrown this by now."
it broke my heart, but i broke hers the day i ended the relationship (she was certain we were going to get married and give her "beautiful" grandchildren).
i spent a very long time wondering if she was right. i started to think i was broken.
then came college… and the discovery of a magical word.
i found it on tumblr, hidden under the gif of a waving flag striped with purple, white, grey, and black. "asexuality." i was intrigued, i had never seen another flag besides the rainbow we all know. a quick google search brought up a definition on my computer screen… and tears in my eyes.
asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity.
all those years spent thinking there was something wrong with me, that i was the odd piece to a puzzle that didn't fit in, that i was a broken thing never to be fixed; everything suddenly made sense. that seven year old little girl who was ridiculed and shamed for even having the idea of never having sex, the teenager who cried alone in the bathroom as she vomited after her boyfriend made unwanted advances towards her; there was finally a word that described her.
it's been some time since i've taken on that label, it almost felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. i finally felt comfortable in my own skin.
of course that's not to say there hasn't been some negative outcomes: my mother screamed and cried the day i came out to her (she still denies my sexuality to this day), and i've had complete strangers tell me i should be raped to be "fixed."
but despite that, i am proud to be ace. and unlike what some may think, i do very much wish to be in a relationship; just a queer platonic one, another thing i see many have mixed feelings on, much like the identity i use to describe myself. but the love i experience and wish to share is deep and true, just minus the sex. i only wish others would understand.
i am not broken, i never was.
i was just different.
and that is okay.
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bloodiedbeloveds · 1 year ago
Rotating BDTA-John in my head, and it's leading me to ask... why does he paint? And why paint, rather than write or sing or something else?
this is a really good question! it prompted a long conversation, but we didn't come to an agreement, so here are various perspectives.
"Having left the education system as a form of rebellion, it seemed obvious to him that he must pursue an artistic career of some nature. I think he is a painter because he has isolated himself from the world in trying to hide his inhuman nature, and it is easiest for him to pursue a career path where he is not required to make many public appearances and where he is expected to be somewhat skittish and eccentric. As a musical performer, he would have much more difficulty hiding his wings."
“honestly he probably could have been a writer and it wouldn’t have changed much, to tell you the truth the others are giving all these sensible watsonian explanations but i’m 95% sure it’s because we like describing fictional works of visual art”
“shut up it absolutely would have changed things, him being an artist adds to the epistolary form by contributing even more implied content— in the same way that there’s all these interpersonal interactions which must take place but aren’t written down, the descriptions without the presence of the actual images add to the sense that we as readers are not getting the full story. this is especially blatant in we never really learn, with that image description”
“my take is that he has to be some sort of creative for this story to work, because so much of it is about perception & a lot of his Issues are about how he makes so much goddamn money by drawing his deepest traumas and people eat it up. but actually we started thinking about this because of the trends in modern poetry publishing. so that could’ve worked. so i think it’s mostly for the epistolary stuff”
“he could not be a singer because part of his tragic backstory is having loved to sing as a child but having that joy taken from him because he didn’t sound human enough. the simple childhood pleasure of singing a duet with yourself strangled by shame and self-hatred and despair”
“there's also a historical explanation for this— BDTA (the first fic, not the series as a whole) was written as a reaction to some AUs we had with a friend & to the subsequent acrimonious parting we had with them. it's actually kind of spiteful; we wanted to write something better and more interesting than they ever could have come up with. we've moved beyond that in writing the rest of the series, but john was a painter in the AUs with which BDTA is in conversation, so he's a painter now."
"okay this has no precedent, i'm just making this up, but it's super convincing + sad + creation is about constant reinterpretation, so bear with me. john, as a child, was very sad and fucked up and coped with his alienation from his peers + from childhood as a whole via a) reading too much and b) drawing too much. so by the time he's a teenager he's already fallen into the pattern he exhibits as an adult of drawing tortured eldritch characters as a form of emotional self-harm, and when he drops out of college + loses access to his previous viable career path art is both his only other major skill + something he can't stop doing even if he tries."
"honestly, this is making me interested in a take on BDTAverse where john is a fiction writer and alex is a freelance artist. (hey, you know what would be super fucked up? if The Photo hadn't been released, and alex drew for magazines and people kept asking him to draw john's suicide attempt)"
"anyway! i think he paints as a compulsive thing, because he has so few emotional outlets, and doing art about it has been pretty much the only way for him to manage his feelings for a lot of his life. (he learned, as a child, that there are correct emotions to have and if you don't have the right ones people will be mad at you, so talking about it has been out of the picture for a long time.) and once he doesn't have other career plans, well, he's going to be painting fucked up stuff anyway, might as well sell it"
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frecklenog · 1 year ago
rewatching tas yesteryear for the second time today to pull some of the stuff that Stuck Out To Me
"i regret you were witness to that unfortunate display of emotion on the part of my son"
sarek this is why people say you're a bad father. he's being mercilessly bullied by the other kids and chastised for being upset by it? HES SEVEN.
"is something wrong, [sarek]?" "no no. it was only that... it seemed i know you."
yeah. you do. that's your son age 35 lmao (and spock brushing it off as looking like a shared ancestor he's so. i'm biting himgn,)
why do the adults wear full clothes and the kids wear speedos and seatbelts. what's happening on this planet
"once on the path you choose, you cannot turn back"
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"it is difficult for a father to bear less than perfection in his son"
babygirl you have so many problems. what edition of the dsm are we on in 2269 or whatever the hell because i think you need to look through it
still so insane that vulcans do the kahs-wan at all tbh. like yeah sure it keeps them connected to their roots but these are prepubescent boys and you're just leaving them alone in the wilderness for over a week with zero supplies. how is that not institutional child neglect.
"to fail once is not a disgrace -- for others. if you fail, there will be those who will call you a coward all your life."
but like. no pressure or anything. single digit age baby child boy.
"i do not expect you to fail." "what if i do, father?" "there is no need to ask that question. you will not disappoint me. not if your heart and spirit are vulcan."
this fucking. exchange. it's so short. combined, it's all of six sentences. but even the first time i watched it i could pick up on the two distinct interpretations by both sarek and spock.
sarek seems to think that this is a comfort. an affirmation. he believes in his son. he has complete faith in his abilities. there's no doubt in his mind that spock will succeed. it's the logical conclusion.
spock however. spock has anxiety borne of his status as a mixed, neurodivergent child and his actual life experiences. he's so used to people thinking less of him. used to not being good enough. not being vulcan enough. he's been bullied by his peers his whole life, and earlier in the episode the other vulcan boys openly insult his mother by saying that sarek brought shame to vulcan by marrying her. he knows how people think of him, and he's reaching for reassurance that it's okay if he, like many other vulcan children, needs to undergo the kahs-wan again. just telling him that he will succeed, and leaving no other option, only puts further pressure on him and increases his anxiety, as is evicenced by him immediately going to i-chaya to vent and seek comfort. no wonder he runs away all the time, fucks sake.
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in other news, i still hate this fucking fountain. we're on a desert planet where the only oceans are of lava. what the fuck are you doing, sarek? this thing is a massive waste of resources for absolutely no good fucking reason! where is your precious "logic" now, you green blooded cunt?
"of course. i should have remembered. it wasn't the actual kahs-wan ordeal."
bold for emphasis, and. i. how fucking spotty is spock's memory of his childhood??????
"you don't think he'd harm spock?" "i don't know, amanda."
[anguished groan as i think too hard about time travel implications]
..when spock does the nerve pinch to that big green bastard its fucking head vanishes for a few frames SDJFJSD
"do you think i'll ever be able to do that neck pinch as well as you?" "i dare say you will."
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"...you are worried about the kahs-wan ordeal." "i had to see if i could do it. a personal test. i cannot fail." "that is your father's wish?" "yes, and my mother's. they... they confuse me. father wants me to do things his way, and mother says i should. but then she goes-" "she is a human woman, with strong emotion and sensitivities. she embarrasses you with those traits, and you are afraid when you see them in yourself."
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spock really took "reparent yourself" literally with that whole speech about the reality of vulcan emotion huh
also. who did baby spock prank that one time lmao i bet sybok played a part in it
the zoom on amanda when baby spock says he chose vulcan.
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and then he goes off to get in another fight after announcing his intentions to both of his parents and his alleged cousin. none of them stop him. vulcan is such a mess of a planet
"one small thing was changed this time. a pet died." "a pet? well that wouldn't mean much, in the course of time." "it might to some."
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post over thank you for listening.
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akwardlyuncool · 25 days ago
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Class Favorites: Movie Ranking Part 2!
And we're back for part 2 of the 2024 movie ranking. If you haven't seen part 1 and would like to, feel free to go check it out.
Some reviews are longer than others, that's okay.
I'm trying something new with the Trigger/Content Warnings. This time I'm just going to mention that there is a warning and if you want to go look into what's up, you can do what's necessary for you. A few exceptions may apply.
26) I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
4 teens decide they want to "bury" the evidence of the accident they were in, however nothing stays secret forever and someone is gonna make sure these kids never forget.
I am not smart enough for horror movies. I was confused for a ton of the movie and even had to ask my coworkers, the ones who are into horror and slasher films, if I ended the movie knowing the WHO of the whole movie. I struggled less with that during the sequel, so that's the reason I'm giving for ranking that one over this one. Again it's a lot of blood, but if these types of movies are your thing, I don't think you'll mind so much. I Know What You Did Last Summer is a what many would call a must watch in what I call the Pop Horror genre and after having seen it, I believe it works well among it's peers. I've also never met a Freddy Prince Junior that wasn't at least decent.
27) Outside Providence (1999) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tim Dunphy is going nowhere fast or that's what his dad believes. After a run in with the law, he's sent off to a Connecticut boarding school for a second chance. That second chance is made all the more sweeter when Tim meets Jane and contemplates a different life. *TW/CW
This is another movie I've watched the trailer for on VHS tapes and decided I needed to see it. When I finally found a copy on tape, the box made it seem like the funniest movie alive. Based on the trailer, I thought it was gonna be a romantic comedy with a fall air around it and some giggles of the cute kind. The reality is that it's a for sure a romance and a little bit on the funny side, but it was not the hilarity piece some claimed it to be. Outside Providence is cute and has a decent rock soundtrack, but it's downside is that it's also riddled with a ton homophobia and ableism. So yes it is cute, there's just some rough spots in it.
28) My Daughter's Disgrace (2016) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Peyton Harris is a high school senior who thought she was taking private pictures for no one else's eyes but her own. Now those once private pictures have been uploaded to a revenge porn site and shared with just about everyone she knows, and many she doesn't. Upon hearing the news her mother decides it's her personal mission to take down whoever did it. *TW/CW
I feel like the intention was for this movie to lean feminist, but still found itself rather shame-y despite it's efforts. Like yes you can do this private thing as a way to celebrate your body, but it's still your fault if they become public, even by no fault of your own and even if we're gonna fight to figure out what happened. The shame, along with the unrealistic ending made this one rank a bit lower on list, even with all of it's drama and lots of internal conversation. Works in Lifetime land, but could have stuck its landing better.
29) Cheaper By The Dozen (2022) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another remake of a popular classic. How two blended families came together to make a total of 12, navigate changes in their lives as their family business grows and they figure out what's important.
It was alright for what it was, however I thought it tried really hard to be progressive. A lot of it just didn't feel as easy or natural as it could of been and I think that's what ultimately hurt it. Some of the commentary and jokes were hella real though. There were a few moments that were geared towards the parent/adult watching, which was funny to me and aided in giving the film that fuller family vibe I didn't hate from older family films. If family movies are your thing and you make ironic woke jokes about yourself, this is your kind of movie night.
30) Valentine's Day (2010) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3 different couples and many other people in their orbit navigate the world on supposedly the most romantic day of the year.
It's a mega ensemble mash-up romantic comedy, that went on to get an unofficial sequel for New Years Eve in 2011. These types of movies feel cheap and easy lol. I think they're supposed to seem grand and give you feels and make you want to believe in something called love. I don't want to give this movie too much credit, yes it is cute, but I won't put it in my top rom-com list.
31) Prom (2011) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
For high school seniors graduation isn't the big day, it's actually PROM and these students will do what it takes to make the night one to never forget. Add in bad boys that aren't bad and good girls that are constantly told they need to relax and you got yourself a classic.
An almost 2 hour long movie about saving prom, with the most 2010's soundtrack ever, yeah that 3 is way too high.
32) Perfect Addiction (2023) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
When your champion boxer boyfriend decides to cheat on you with your sister, you decide to cheat on him as your trainer and start training with his #1 rival. What could possibly go wrong? Or right depending on how you think about it. *Based On A Book by Claudia Tan.
This one is better than many of it's spicy new adult peers, however it still produced several eye rolls and wishes of things I thought they could of handled better. This story featured quite a bit of talk about dom/sub dynamics, so I also wished that they would of dug deeper into the conversation they have surrounding manipulation, dominance over woman, and how improper kink can play a roll in all of that. (A far too big of a conversation for this particular post, but know I have many thoughts.) This movie could use a ton of work, but because the bar is already so low, it manages to step over it pretty easily compared to others in the genre. You'll love it, if you like these often toxic romance films.
33) Sugarbabies (2015) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
What happens when your new collage roommates convinces you that letting an older man pay for your time is a positive thing, despite your obvious reservations.
Another inflated 3 stars for a Lifetime movie, typical of me. This movie would be in the gutter based on its decision to give redemption arcs to men who CLEARLY don't deserve them, but it did a halfway decent job in others areas that some of the lower made-for-tv movies fail at, so there's your ranking answer.
34) Stolen Baby: The Murder of Hedi Broussard (2023) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Two best friends with one pretending to be pregnant at the same time as the other, wind up down a scary path of secrets and murder, to uphold the lie. *Based On True Events. *TW/CW
My biggest gripe was that they did the ending so dirty with this movie. Now I don't know the real story and don't plan to look it up, but in Lifetime land, I needed way more drama and that's pretty weird for me. I wanted them to fight a little more and for the story to just be filled out more than it was. Essentially drive the point home! If you hate when they fumble the ending, then this wouldn't be a top one for you either. There is a lot happening here though, so you might still get some entertainment out of it.
35) Amish Stud: The Eli Weaver Story (2024) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
An Amish husband is tempted far too much by English women and modern technology, so much so that he may or may not have conspired with his "friends" to let go of his Amish wife, who just doesn't do it for him anymore.
Among other probably gross handlings of real people's lives, I'm not sure I want many more of these films based on actual crimes. I've said many times that I'm not a true crime girly and this movie is proof as to why. Just overall felt in poor taste.
36) Before I Fall (2017) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Life seems to be great and going rather well. You're popular and going to all the hot parties and then one day it decides to stop and repeat itself. Over and over again You now have to repeat the same day for the rest of your life, but why not try and figure out why, along the way. *Based on a book by Lauren Oliver. *TW/CW
I own this book and never wound up reading it but after deciding to skip to the movie my overall thought is that, it irritated me so much. It's essentially about giving one person Déjà vu, so you can then turn around and give the mean kids redemption arcs in the process. Here's to thinking it was going to be far more nuanced than that. Don't know if it does justice to the book or not, but if you like YA book adaptations as a form of entertainment, I think you'd find something here, just not my top pick.
37) Missing At 17 (2013) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
When Candace finds out she's adopted from someone other than her parents, she runs away and gets involved with an older man who aids in her finding her birth mother.
Tell your kids that they're adopted please and thank you. It will save your family a lot of stress and trips to the police station. This is the part of the ranking where we get into the territory of "its low because I don't remember it or it's low because it was bad," this is both.
38) Pregnant At 17 (2016) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Chelsea just wants her life back after she witnessed a violent crime. Although she dropped out of school, she is seeing a distinguished older man named Jeff who says all the right things, including that he will leave his wife when the time is right. That all changes when Chelsea finds out she's pregnant and Jeff acknowledges how illegal all of this "fun" really is. *TW/CW
The "At 17" series always ranks fairly low for me. I just have a hard time because they seem to want to play the game of legal vs inappropriate. If they make it illegal it adds to the drama and creep factor, if they make it legal but weird, to them it might not have the same bite. I don't know, I'm not here to justify the trash, I'm just here to consume and tell you how bad it is afterwards.
39) Murdered At 17 (2018) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Brooke suffered a severe head injury during cheerleading a year ago and she's still trying to find a sense of normalcy. Things are fine, but due to the injury, she suffers from fits of rage where she may also blackout. It's hard to find people who can relate to her, but her friends are solid and she's on medication. While out one night she meets a wealthy "18" year old who seems like a win, until he gets a little too attached and untangling that one poses some difficulties.
I'm not going to change my ranking here, but it seems like past me ranked it higher than several other Lifetime movies on my big Made-For-TV ranking list, so I'll just go with the idea that this one is probably better than I am remembering it, in relation to the others that proceeded it on this years ACF. Still 2 and a half stars though, that hasn't changed. Oh the things I will consume for my love of this mess and anything featuring a former Degrassi cast member.
40) The Boy She Met Online (2010) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Cami like many other teenage girls wants to find love, however the boys in her class aren't exactly it so she goes online to find that special someone. That's where she meets Jake the 23 year old college student, who's super cool and mature. Things start to go south we it's revealed that instead of being in college Jake has been serving time elsewhere and that's not his only lie.
This is where I started to dip my toes in the "met online" series of Lifetime-esk movies. These function similarly to the "At 17" series, where you take someone 17 or younger and put them in dangerous situations for entertainment. I believe this movie and it's peers try to be warning labels about the internet and to their credit will give folks anxiety (or I'm just a ridiculously anxious person) but if you already don't take them seriously, I think you'll laugh more at the message than you would actually take it to heart. PS: Teens and online dating do not mix.
41) Pretty Little Addict (2016) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Dealing with the loss of her father to cancer, Jennifer decides to drink at a party. Instead of being responsible and letting her friend drive home, she gets behind the wheel and crashes into another kid at the party. The problem is, this particular kid had dreams and a brother who wanted to see those dreams come true. Now she's in rehab trying to better herself, and that same brother kinda just wants revenge cause the justice system isn't doing good enough. *TW/CW
Not gonna lie, I don't think you actually want to watch a movie where the pretty, young, white girl drinks and drives, almost murders a person and gets what many would consider a slap on the wrist. It's not a good plot to begin with, but knowing all of that just makes it more irritating. I watch all of this stuff, but I don't think it's good.
PS: This and a movie a few ticks down are more features where the ACF ranking fluctuates from what I said in my Made-For-Tv, Lifetime List ranking. I still trust this list, but I do trust that one a little more, cause that gets updated right after I watch the film. Also if you want to see that list, DM message me and I'll send it to you.
42) Time Is Up (2021) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
After an accident that causes Vivien to loose the memory of what happened to her, she must 1) decide which boy is telling the truth and 2) who does she love?
Again it is better than it's peers, but it is still very much a WattPad story if you've ever seen or read one. Bars are set really low here and although it cleared it, it just hit too many of the cliché tropes for me to let it pass more than barely. I enjoy a good memory loss story, I'm just tired of fake bad boys and "lost potential." It might be your thing though, who knows.
43) Three To Tango (1999) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
When they guy that is considering you and your business partner for a big design project, gets the impression that you're gay, unbeknownst to you, asks you on the side to spy on his mistress, I mean girlfriend...he has a wife.... Essentially somehow you agree and get wrapped up in mess and we're supposed to believe it was an accident.
I believed there was spark in this one, for the most part. That being said there were parts of this movie that weren't great and although my brain can't remember all the details, I feel like they were probably inappropriate and just didn't age well. My notes do say that it wasn't that bad though, so maybe the "good" just didn't do the bad any favors here. Although it may rank low, trust that this would be an easier watch/sell, than some of the other films that surrounded it in this ranking.
44) Sex Tape (2014) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
To spice up their relationship one married couple decides to make a ridiculously long private adult film. At the end of it all, she tells him to delete it. He obviously says okay and to no surprise to anyone, doesn't. Eventually The Cloud gets involved and now the video is out there for all their friends, family and coworkers to see. To get back the video, they must exhaust the night and she must try not to cause bodily harm to him.
It was bad. That's the review. Sometimes the former cast of Freaks & Geeks can make a raunchy movie and you're into it and then sometimes they end up being very much trash with maybe 1 or 2 cute scenes involved. Yes, this movie does go in the pile with Zach and Miri Make a Porno and that's because they're terrible with A cute scene. Obviously there are worse movies in this list, but that doesn't make this one better.
45) Honey 2 (2011) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
To prove that she can change and do something with her life and well get back at an ex in the process, Maria joins a new dance crew and hopes to win big.
This movie gave NOTHING. I don't like to use the word boring lightly, but I was not feeling it. It's definitely getting lumped into the sequels we ignore category. Not memorable and very little spark. Not worth it, however now that I've seen number 2, I'm more willing to complete the trilogy and check out number 3... eventually.
46) A Teacher's Obsession (2015) ⭐️⭐️
A star athlete just needs a little help in class, but the teacher who ends up helping her out, decides to go the extra mile. *TW/CW
This movie was just gross and wildly inappropriate. It's hard for me to recommend something that gave me the ick the whole time. There are better bad movie night films, skip this one.
47) The Bride He Met Online (2015) ⭐️⭐️
3 teenage girls prank some guy they met online by convincing him that he's met his dream girl from another country. The girls post the heartbreak to the internet and when the guy finds out, he decides to seek revenge. *TW/CW
I think it is really cruel to prank and bully people in this way, full stop, however this was an incel movie if I've ever seen one. It goes from one extreme to another and the moral is quickly lost when you see how the end is unfolding. Not good, actually terrible. Your movie is not less incel simply because you're a woman and allowed girls to be depicted doing wrong things.
48) Beautiful Wedding (2024) ⭐️ 1/2
Travis and Abby after getting drunk married in Vegas, take Abby’s best friend and Travis’s cousin to Mexico to celebrate the newlyweds honeymoon. On said honeymoon they’ll decide whether to stay married or call it quits before the vacation has even really began. (The sequel to Beautiful Disaster.) *Based On A Book by Jamie McGuire.
This was the only movie that got a full blog review in 2024. Essentially it's easy to talk when the material is such trash. Go check out that post if you want the long version, but the condensed version is that the whole movie felt like a parody of itself and is essentially only good for bad movie nights and people who are unironically into New-Adult films, but I wouldn't even recommend it to them, because it's that bad.
49) To Save A Life (2009) ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Jake is the big man on campus, but when his former best friend takes his life, Jake now spends his days trying to answer the looming question of "could he have saved him?" This leads him down the path of more spiritual answers. *TW/CW
I had been telling myself to watch this movie for months and after several library checkouts and returns, I finally put it on. This movie was ridiculously heavy handed. It hit all of the classic tropes including such winners as "be nice so folks don't harm themselves or others," "shame as an encouragement tactic" and we can't leave out all of the not so great "not-so pro life-pro-life" stuff either. I knew it was gonna be a little something, something, but this was far too much. The best part of the whole movie was when they played Dare You To Move by Switch Foot. It's no surprise, I like my Christian pop punk.
Side Comment: It features a Steven Crowder jump scare, which was rather funny to me. He essentially plays the younger douche bag version of himself, without his character needing to be religious. Whatever you believe about all that information, I can guarantee that you're right.
50) 0 (2001) ⭐️⭐️
The friend who can't seem to let you win, does what he can to make sure in every way possible, that you don't. *Based On The Play Othello by William Shakespeare. *TW/CW
I believe that I was recommended this movie by a coworker, but after having seen it and then questioning them about it, I may have only thought they were recommending it to me. (It probably came up in a conversation about how much I enjoy a teen sports movie.)
In 2024 we start and end things with a youth sports movie. I love Julia Stiles and will give anything of hers a shot, but this was the first one I've seen, that I can say that I've actually hated. I can't with all the race-play jokes, among other egregious things directed toward black men. I've never read Othello, which could have helped me out here, but honestly after watching this adaptation I have no desire to see what the source material has to offer. Gross, ick, insensitive, all the things that could be wrong are wrong with this film. The only redeeming factor is the cast and not even they could save it.
That was a steep one, glad you made it to the end. Stay tuned for more ACF 2024!
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miracleweaponhunt · 7 months ago
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 56: She's Here, Guys
"Hey Cheng, you ready?"
Cheng, aged ten years old, was ready to help the guys out. There was a spelling test on today, and several of the bigger guys forgot to study for it. Not an issue. They gave him all the cakes he could eat, making him nauseous. And when the teacher walked into the classroom, he transferred the feeling onto her.
"So, did everyone have a good break?" She asked, as pleasant as ever. As she took the papers out from her desk, her demeanour faded. She put a hand to her chest, looking to her class. She retched a little, before walking out of the room. The noise of vomit hitting the floor was soon heard, and everyone tried not to cheer. The principal peered his head in to what seemed like a bunch of behaving students.
"Well, it seems your teacher needs some time off, so I'll take over. What were you planning on doing?"
"I think it was long division." Cheng said with confidence.
"So what's with the tests on the desk?"
"That's tomorrow."
The class agreed with him, and the principal put the tests away and began writing about long division on the whiteboard.
When class ended, people cheered for the bigger boys.
"Hey, so now that I got you more time, you wanna study at my place?"
The bigger boys gave each other disinterested looks as they looked down at him.
"Yeah, we had plans to go to Zan's house, and his mom will only allow three other people. Sorry."
"Oh, it's fine. But what about the luxa you borrowed from me? My mom's gonna get mad if you don't give it back soon."
"Don't worry, I'll have it next week."
"You said that last week!"
The boys walked away, leaving Cheng dejected once again. As he walked through the streets, he heard a voice whisper.
"Such a shame."
He looked at the houses surrounding him. The street was empty, with most people around this time commuting either to or from their homes. But a figure was leaning against a wall, draped in the shadows of the setting sun.
"To see a promising young man be taken advantage off. It weakens my heart, truly."
Cheng looked around for a trusted adult. And when none were around him, he just ran back to his house.
The man's voice kept reaching out to him as he went to school that day. Everything felt so rotten to him. The boys were joking about something, he didn't know what, and he had a disturbing hunch it was to do with him. But he pushed that thought to his sides as he did his spelling test. He knew it all, naturally.
But just as he was about to hand his test in, he saw some airships from the window. It landed in front of a neighbourhood, and two people approached the school as the screaming began to ring out from the few people left in their houses. Panic began to erupt as Cheng sat, perfectly behaved as always. His teacher tried to get him out of his seat among several other attempts to control the situation, but he didn't feel the need to move. He felt he'd be safe.
Eventually, the two men burst into the classroom. The first one shot a chain forward, hitting his teacher directly in the head. She looked around the room in a trance, before grabbing a pair of scissors and throwing them at the kid next to Cheng in the neck. She tore it out, leaving the child bleeding. But the only thing that compelled Cheng to move was seeing one of the bigger boys make a run for it. How cowardly. He stepped outside. He looked on in fear. Cheng decided to bash his leg against the doorframe and transfer the pain to him, making him trip. His assistant silently left the room, the smell of chemicals radiating off him as he shot a green blast at the bully, who fell dead instantly. With nothing else to do, he got the Luxa he was owed from his pockets. He had about five times more than he needed on him. Cheng took all of it, not like he'd need it.
"Cheng, my boy. I don't think you'll need them for a while."
Cheng turned around to the voice. The one from yesterday. It belonged to a tall, thin man with light brown skin.
"Doesn't this world seem messed up to you? A world where the strong can pick on the weak, which continues until someone like me is made to speak up? But if you want it to change, you can come with me."
And he did. The housing ship was taken and flown off before the authorities could even react, until it was a speck in the distance of the other grands. The man's name was Chelic, and the other was his assistant, Marcus. He ended up in what would be the greatest thing to happen to the skies. Chelic promised to unite the people of the skies. The people who abandoned the world below to escape their punishment, and it was up to them to ensure they received it. He brought others in for what he dubbed as 'salvation' and trained them for missions. The training was rough, and he had scars to prove it, but all of it was worth it. And at the end, he would fall back and witness the sky. The first dawn on a grateful world. He practised falling back, and woke up back on the airship.
"Good nap, Cheng?" Serafina asked, nodding off herself.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Cheng nodded. "How's the girl?"
"Raining pretty bad, so we let her back in." Daciana pointed to a sleeping Cassandra, still tied up.
"Excellent!" Cheng yelled to roaring cheers afterwards. "I'll do my best to ensure everyone gets promoted afterwards!"
Back on the cluster, Xander sat at his desk, trying his best to wile away the hours. In front of him was his monitor, which had a ROM of Arctic Primates 3 on it. 2 was really good and this was basically more of the same. So why wasn't he enjoying it? Probably because the console this was meant to play on back on the main ships was the same one Marcel had, and he had a hard enough time enjoying things that didn't remind him of his successful murder. He took a second to turn off his monitor, and just watch his reflection. His eyes were crusty, his hair greasy. His severely unwashed hoodie and necktie combo didn't look like it had any appeal, and the stink lines were almost visible. He looked around his room. His bed was dirtier then it usually was, and the bowls of noodles and cereal that Priyanka would bring around while Tsuki was busy were quickly piling up. He had left them just underneath the propaganda poster he was required to have installed in his room last week. It depicted caricatures of people from the Grands holding rusted weapons against scared children, who were running into the arms of Chelic. Or a shadowy figure that was labelled Chelic. The only other text was 'let all abandoned find new life! Save others and join your local raid!'
He really hated looking at that thing.
He took a reluctant sigh and turned the monitor on again. One new message from Manuel. Tenth ranked, most important computer guy in the Cluster. And somehow, Xander was his apprentice.
'Hey, You Wanna Play 40 Feet Remain?'
'Sure, got nothing else on.'
They loaded up the game. And despite what went down, playing a game about cyborgs blazing through an underground facility while mercilessly gunning down everything in sight somehow felt more relaxing than a 3D platformer about a monkey beating up a dastardly scientist.
'You See The Fightston Updates?' Manuel asked.
'Nah I've been busy' Xander lied.
'K. Well, I Heard They Got The Red Haired Girl In Fightston'
Xander's character turned around and shot Manuel's in the head, accidentally ending a good run. The girl was here? Okay, play this cool.
'Oh her? What makes her so special?'
'IDK. Think She Specifically Can Do Something. Only Heard From Guys Doing The Mission. She'll Be Here In Like An Hour I Think'
'Damn. Well, I gotta go. TTYL'
Xander turned off his PC, grabbed his empty bowls and left for the halls. Time to see what he could learn from this lady.
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fillejondrette · 1 year ago
not to whine in your ask box about it but i had a few years of persistant (though relatively mild) sexual harrassment from male peers in middle school and it really messed me up, but what made it especially bad was that 1) i was embarrassed to tell anyone because even repeating the things they said was shameful to me (in retrospect it makes me so angry how easy it was for these boys to say what they wanted to do to me and yet talking about it still makes me feel vulnerable), and i was afraid of making it worse or just different, since i had adjusted to the way things were. it bugs me that kids are being taught to report things but the genuine concerns that stop them from doing so aren’t being addressed. but more significantly and relevant to your post 2) i didn’t even think of it as sexual harrassment until i was an adult and was like. if a peer said that stuff to me right now it would absolutely be sexual harrassment, not really bullying as i had thought of it, and certainly not “teasing because they have a crush on you” as more than one person said it was. it’s really frustrating that people are so hesitant to frame it as it is, because the effect is the same no matter the ages. i spent years thinking “why am i still so effected by teasing” when if i framed it as sexual harrassment, which it textbook definition was, the way i was effected would be almost expected, and i would have some point of reference for healing from it.
yes please talk about it <3 love a little consciousness raising session
yeah when i was bullied as a kid (called fat and ugly which ended in an eating disorder lol) i didn't really tell adults, at least not the details, because i was embarrassed, and i'm sure i'd be even less likely to talk about sexual harassment. plus sometimes at that age something will make you uncomfortable but you can't really articulate what exactly is wrong with it because you're still so ignorant.
people are so ready to dismiss it as childish misbehavior, no big deal, that they don't consider that the victims as well as the perpetrators are children. but i remember feeling so disgusted with my body as early as fourth grade.
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v01d3nt1ty · 2 years ago
this autism discovery thing is really bonkers. i have had a *notoriously* poor memory. i've only been able to recall lil snatches of my childhood for most of my adult life.
so now that i'm thinking on my life & ways i have historically experienced neurodivergent traits, my brain is learning how to remember. (it was only a couple of yrs ago when i learned this meant trauma.)
the point is.
i now have these absolute random memories of a time when i was very much being autistic &, ofc, the shame i was caused to feel bc i was an undiagnosed autistic child & i was doing smth i "shouldn't."
for example.
when i was abt 10 yrs old, close to the end of 5th grade, we had a Major Assignment that counted for like ½ of our grade. (like really? wtf. we're children.) anyway we had to do a report about a state that we chose.
i (inwardly) panicked bc i had No Fkn Clue what i was supposed to do. by that time i was already extremely timid & intimidated by authority, so i felt too scared to ask an Adult (also, it would mean i was stupid for not being able to figure out how to do something everyone else seemed to know how to do, & i was Gifted.) i don't remember much of that 2 wks, but i do remember anxiety & lying (i NEVER lied - i still don't - & it felt bad) to both my guardians (my mom, my grandparents)& my teacher abt how i was coming along on the report.
(idk why i didn't ask my bff for help, i'm going to guess it's bc i was always second to her & i didn't want to look stupid.)
anyway, time came to hand it in & i didn't. i was panicking so much like holy shit this is bad i'm going to get yelled at i'm not going to pass & i won't graduate w my friends & peers. i had a tummy ache all day & everything felt hazy. dissociation i suppose.
so after we get home, i'm playing w probably barbies idk but i'm playing on the floor, absolutely panicking, when my grandma gets a call from my teacher ofc. she comes & asks me what happened to the report & i was like "my teacher must have lost it." my grandma already knows i'm full of shit, but ig she decided to humor me, & says she'll call her back & ask her to look for it. & she was like you better hope she finds it. so she calls the teacher, recounting what i had said & ofc she doesn't have it. my grandma busts in & starts *screaming* at me. i start sobbing like i'm sorry i'm sorry. all i really remember was her saying "'SHE LOST IT, MY FOOT!" which even in my current emotional state i thought was weird. she repeated it like she was so furious she couldn't think of other words.
eventually she stormed out (probably yelling something like "what am i going to do with you?" & i sobbed for what felt like hrs (& might have been for all i know. i feel like i missed dinner idk.)
anyway, she actually does come & apologize at some point, probably hugs me & tells me she loves me, & says she'll try to figure it out, SIGH.
so, it got figured out, i graduated with my friends & peers. i had to do the report over the summer, & my grandma made me do an extra one for punishment.
IT. WAS. UNBEARABLY. BORING. but i got through it ok.
holy crap, did i just heal my trauma? maybe this will stop the nightmares i have abt not doing the work, not passing, & not being able to graduate (except in my dreams it's hs which is a Much Bigger Deal. sometimes i'm failing out of college instead of just dropping out like i did.)
just now recognising my grandma's inability to regulate her emotions.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Imagine # 835
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @maxhorrorgifs (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2021
"Thomas get yer ass over here!" Charlie yelled after having knocked the man with blue eyes unconscious. Tommy hurried to his older brothers side, looking down to the man before looking to Charlie. "Take this one up to the attic, he'll be a pet for (Y/n)." Charlie snickered as he thought about the excitement his daughter would feel upon receiving such a generous gift. Tommy nodded his head then picked up the man, tossing him onto his shoulder he carried him straight to the attic, where he chained him up by his wrists and ankles. All the while Charlie went to inform his daughter of the news. "(Y/n) darlin' come here a second." He called out as he knocked on her locked bedroom door, smiling to himself when she obeyed him hastily. "Yes daddy?" She tilted her head with curiosity, her big shining eyes like stars. "I've got a present for ya up in the attic." He chuckled when her eyes lit up with excitement, despite the fact that it was brief. "Come on, I wanna show you." He held his hand out to her, leading her straight to the attic when she took his hand. "Close your eyes sweetie." He ordered softly, leading her the rest of the way a bit slower so she wouldn't trip. "Now open your eyes." He chuckled when she gasped in surprise, turning her attention back to her father. "Go on go play with your new pet." He laughed giving her a gentle push, she nodded her head obediently, before slowly approaching the unconscious man. "I'll leave you kids be." Charlie hummed as he exited the attic, despite the fact that (Y/n) and the man were clearly adults.
Curiously she turned her attention back to the man, before scurrying off to fetch some water and a first aid. When she returned she was both relieved and worried that he was still unconscious. She wet a washcloth then began gently wiping away the blood and grime on his handsome face. He stirred awake before jolting upright with a gasp, starling (Y/n) who quickly scooted away from his reach. "Wha- where am I?" He stammered in a daze, his eyes landing on (Y/n), staring at her with confusion before realization swirled in his eyes. "You?" He frowned trying to remember where he'd seen her before. "You were out at the barn, before the sheriff ran you off." He moved his hand to hold the throbbing side of his head, only to grumble when the chain prevented him from being able to do so. "I wanted to help you, I want to help you." (Y/n) spoke softly, making the man still in his movements. "But I can't... Daddy he'd... He'd kill you, and he'd hurt me." She added nervously, softly biting her lip with fearful eyes. "Get me out of here, and I'll protect you." He tried offering, his frown deepening when she shook her head. "You don't understand... Daddy's lost it, and we're the only ones around for miles... He'd find us, he'd kill us both if I tried running away with you." (Y/n)'s eyes glazed over, scooting a little closer to the man. "This is the only way I can keep you safe, daddy knows you're up here, and I can't risk moving you." She whispered. "There must be someone else around here." He pulled at his chains in a vain attempt to break free. "There ain't, everyone's up and left. Even if we could hide from daddy and uncle Tommy, the elements would eventually kill us." (Y/n) frowned as she looked to the floor with shame in her eyes.
"My names Eric." He spoke softly, a smile ghosting his lips when she peered up at him. "I'm (Y/n)." She mirrored his faint smile, before grabbing the first aid kit. "We can... We can try escaping in time, but we have to wait until its safe, otherwise daddy will be expecting it." (Y/n) whispered as she went back to cleaning up Eric's wounds. "How long will that take?" Eric asked with dread. "I don't know." (Y/n) frowned with sad eyes, feeling sorry for Eric and his friends. "I need to save my brother." Eric stated making (Y/n) still in her work. "The blond?" She asked with worried eyes, pulling away from Eric when he nodded his head. "Uncle Tommy was taking him down into his basement when I was getting this." She pointed to the first aid kit. "Nothing but uncle Tommy comes outta there alive." She added in a quiet whisper, jumping when Eric began pulling on his retrains with all the strength he had left. "I'm sorry." (Y/n) whimpered softly before rushing out of the attic, leaving Eric to have some time to morn in peace. Hours went by, and when the sound of screaming erupted from below, Eric couldn't contain his anger. He screamed, he yelled, he beat the ground with his fists, his chains, anything he could get his hands on. All the while the Hewitt family listened from below, Charlie becoming more and more enraged by the minute. "(Y/n) go quiet that mutt of yours, or I'll do it myself!" Charlie barked at his daughter, who jumped before rushing up to the attic. "Eric please!" She called out over the ruckus he was making. "No those are my friends!" Eric yelled his face red and covered in sweat. "I know and I'm so sorry, but you're making daddy mad, you have to stop." She pleaded, squeaking in fright when he threw a lamp her way, which missed her by a foot or so.
"I don't give a damn about your father!" Eric hollered. "If you don't stop he's gonna kill you." (Y/n) tried to reason with him. "He's gonna kill me anyways!" Eric pulled at his chains again. "No he ain't, as long as you obey the rules, he won't kill you, I swear." (Y/n) approached him, stopping just out of his reach. "And what makes you so certain, huh?" Eric hissed through clenched teeth. "Because he doesn't like upsetting me, but if you push him over the edge, there's nothing I can do to stop him." She murmured softly, jumping when Eric rushed at her, the chains holding him back. It was only then that Eric took in her soft features, noticing just how easy she was on the eyes, especially compared to the rest of her family. Eric felt guilt flood into his heart, at the clear fear in her eyes, the jumpy-ness only confirming his subconscious suspicion. (Y/n) was just as much a prisoner here as he was, if not more so, having been stuck here far longer, without the chance of being put out of her misery. His lips parted to speak, but he was interrupted when Charlie barged into the room. "What did I tell-" He cut himself off with a laugh, taking in the sight before him. "Well well well, what do we have here?" He taunted his words causing a blush to bloom across (Y/n)'s cheeks, who stood frozen, her face only inches from Eric's. "I knew you two would get along just fine." Charlie snickered to himself before leaving the room once more. "Please Eric just do as I say, and I'll keep you safe." (Y/n) pleaded with him, smiling sadly when he nodded his head in agreement, giving up reluctantly for his and her sake, knowing deep down their was nothing else he could do for the others.
*I'm seriously tempted to write a short story series extending this even more. What do you think?
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naivesilver · 3 years ago
And perhaps a couple of facts about the court (minus Eugene ofc)? Just two or three for each of them? :^)
Hello my friend let's get this party started again :^)
Ask me 10 things about one of my characters
they swap clothes/leave stuff at each other's houses constantly, which produces some hilarious outfits both on accident and on purpose
speaking of which, Twinkle gets a lot of hand-me-downs from Grace since Grace is a) a lot taller, therefore outgrows stuff quickly b) a tad wealthier family-wise, so she'd have plenty to spare that's hardly been worn (and it doesn't count as charity if it happens between friends like that)
in later years, Leona has a picture of both her boys as her phone wallpaper. Marco is a little more old-fashioned and has pictures of her, the boys and Pinocchio as a child in his wallet. Archie has a family photo in a frame on his office desk and probably also a very old drawing kid Pinocchio made for him taped to the wall
Ava is knowledgeable all things mechanic thanks to her dad, but she also has a severe case of road rage so Nicholas is the designated driver for short distances when Eugene is not available
Pinocchio is completely clueless when it comes to people flirting with him, even though it doesn't happen that rarely - Twinkle had to make the first move, and Lampwick was just as blind so that's why it took them so long to get shit done
in general they all run an informal betting pool about who other people's crushes are, both their peers and local adults. Jury's still out on where Emma spends her nights, or whether Pinocchio is right about Archie having (or having had) a thing for someone
given the amount of second (or in some cases first) languages spoken in their homes, it shouldn't come as a surprise that most of these kids know at least a few words in each of them, when they don't openly curse one another with clumsy but very heathed sentences
prom is a very chaotic business in a close-knitted community whose only newcomers often don't know what a prom is but usually have fancy dresses that would put any of the locals to shame. Background music switches abruptly between pop and traditional EF dances. The competitivity level is sky high. The Court tends to go as a group because it's funnier and it doesn't put anyone in an awkward position, but they actively participate in the drama because why not
THAT BEING SAID, they do bring in their specific brand of chaos every now and then. For example, freshman year Lampwick definitely asked Daria to prom because he thought it'd piss Eugene off. She agreed because she didn't have a proper date and she ALSO thought it would be hysterical. Eugene still holds it against them years later
sometimes, during gatherings or family functions, Nova can still be persuaded to do storytime to keep the younger kids occupied. It knocks them out by the second page, usually, and by the fourth or fifth it knocks the the older ones out as well, because you're never too big to be lulled to sleep by Sister Astrid's tried and true bedtime routine
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harryswatermelonsegment · 5 years ago
Pool Party
Pairing: Reader/Harry Styles
Rating: R, text book smut
Word Count: 5k 😳
Warnings: Slight sub/dom tones I guess? & alcohol consumption
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A/N: Sorry this is late, life somewhat resuming here in the UK so it means I’m back at my job. I managed to fall asleep mid edit folks 😳, this is my entry for the @helladirections Summer Feeling Fic Challenge, with the prompt “pool party” click the link for the masterlist. I’m still writing two more, one for @berrynarrybanana ‘s Sex Bucketlist Challenge but it’s turning out to be a 20k slow burn I wasn’t expecting 😬.Oops. But enjoy this one, I’m proud of her. My one other blatant thirst fic can be found here. Reblogs get free gratitude for the next 5 years 🍉💕
You'd been friends with Jeff since your teens, when his parents (despite their wealth), wanted him to get a job at the restaurant you worked at. In their rightful thinking, they wanted him to learn you had to work from the ground up.
Despite your clearly different class background you found a ton of common interests making the whole thing immaterial. He was a caring, down to earth guy and you were both people who really enjoyed sarcastically taunting each other every shift. You'd got used to visiting his house in the hills even though you'd been scared to get lost at first around his parents large house. Becoming solid friends quickly, you'd managed to keep in touch, as much as adult life would now allow anyway.
You knew his main role was managing a pop star but you'd not caught up in a minute and when you did, you kept your job chat out of the conversation where you could. This is why, as you barge through the kitchen, to the pool outside, you're shocked to nearly knock a stunned Harry Styles onto his behind.
"Fuck, shit I'm so sorry" you clutch your chest looking at the red wine on his tank top and his now empty glass. The soiled garment was tucked into some dressy shorts and partly covered by a loud hawaiian patterned shirt. Oh god what had you done?
You were quite honestly mortified. You'd never actually met the man himself, usually meeting Jeff at his for a few drinks or at a restaurant. You'd heard him mentioned in stories about travelling or how his campaigns were running Jeff into the ground with meetings. So, although you weren't a massive fan of his per se, in the way you didn't ask Jeff for updates or info, the way you'd hope you'd meet the attractive pop star was definitely not this.
He looked down at the offending stain then back up into your eyes, keeping his head angled down and blinking through his lashes. You couldn't read his blank expression and it put you on edge.
Maybe it was the heat trapped in the doorway, but as your eyes stayed locked you suddenly felt a fire spread from your navel up to your cheeks, and then from your center down to your toes. Your lower stomach clenched as you stared back at the guy covered in a good 2007 French rouge.
Fuck me he's pretty, you thought.
A rapid film reel of moments; sweaty bodies, those large biceps holding you against the nearest wall, smacking of lips against skin and moans of release flashed in your brain.
It had definitely been a while since you had got laid in your defense, your mood and pent up sexual frustration getting worse by the day as you tried and failed at the L. A. dating scene. Maybe you were picky, but horny and picky was an awful place to be.
However, the reality of the embarrassing scene you were currently a star of, flipped you back into the present.
Seemingly over the initial incident and hopefully not a mind reader to your thirsty brain, he takes you in and smirks.
Harry knew from the way your breathing hitched looking at his torso that you were at least a bit interested. He had clocked you the second you walked in through the big glass doors. A shirt of a band he liked and a natural beauty he wanted to spend some times with you he pondered. Ideally naked.
Zig zagging across the world promoting the album and had left little time to enjoy another person. Status and obligation to his job making it hard to just go out and meet someone. But here you were, dressed unlike anyone else, looking absolutely adorable in your embarrassment. You must be trustworthy if you're in Jeff's home,he wasn't a "bring your friends too" kind of host with his clients usually around.
This could be a fun evening for you both, he thought. Something unspoken, almost magnetic, drawing you both to one another. Surely that wasn't all his side right?
"I was told it was a good year, but I wasn't planning on consuming it quite this way?" inwardly he rolled his eyes at the barely there quip. But you laughed anyway.
"I am so, so awfully sorry, look, let's see if there's some dish liquid or something, possibly some of my next months rent in there too if I have to replace it" you let out a nervous laugh as you walked towards the kitchen. But in all honesty you weren't kidding.
Harry laughed at your sarcastic remark, impressed by your confidence in owning the situation and getting on with things. He casually watched your hips sway past a few people in to the open plan kitchen with as much subtlety as he could, you were confidentially locating all the parts needed to try and remove the offending stain.
"You seem to know your way around 'ere. I'm er…I'm Harry by the way" awkwardly waving as you mixed some solution in the sink drenching a sponge in it.
"Yeah" you smiled turning from the sink with the damp rag "known Jeff a good while, have definitely spilt red wine here before. I'm Y/N" you giggle. The beam from his own mouth matching.
"Ah! Y/N, of course, I've heard him mention you, didn't you once hide rotting mackerel in a unpleasant guys blazer?" he chuckled
"Heyyyy. Only after he spanked my ass getting him the check. Deserved a hot plate to the crotch too" you shot back.
You weren't sure where to go from here the thought of wetting down the white tank yourself definitely appealed but also seemed far too forward.
"Um…" you began gesturing with the sponge in your hand. You expected him to take it from you to sort himself out but..
"Oh yeah sorry" he replied shimmying his shirt off, dumping it on the back of a bar stool, then, crossing his arms across his stomach and lifting the tank top over his head you were slack jawed and frozen taking in the lean muscles and tattoos littered intermittently across his abdomen. He spread the top across the islands worktop flat, then grabbing the sponge with a simple "thanks" and knitting his eyebrows together in concentration as he tried to rid the dull red mark from it's center.
You still hadn't moved. A pink twinge to your cheeks as you watched his shoulder blades and back muscles scrubbing. Dirty thoughts circling your brain still.
"I would have helped you but I didn't want to start a wet tshirt contest in such a high end establishment yknow?" you thought out loud.
"Oh yeah, good call. I'm fiercely competitive Y/N so would probably be under that fancy waterfall thing by now showing off m'moves in my pants" he wiggles his hips trying to suggestively show you his "moves" but you can't help but smirk at just how endearing this man is. Dammit.
When he's finished with his shirt he drapes it over another barstool before handing you the sponge back.
If anyone asks him if he blatantly and deliberately got naked to gauge if you were into him he'd definitely deny it. But the truth is, he definitely did. Luckily for him, with the way you bite your lip and drag your eyes down his flesh as he brushes past your side to get back to the sink, he's right.
"Speaking of getting in the water in your" you use air quotes "'pants' I'm off to get out of mine" you declare, pushing yourself from the counter and keeping eye contact a second as you stroll back to the sliding doors leading to the pool.
"I… What??"
" The pool Harry?.... What did you think I meant?" you narrow your eyes and press your lips together before shutting the glass door again and turning once more to smirk at the opened mouthed man still by the sink.
You'd been schmoozing in the water for a few hours now. There were probably only 20 or so people still here and the 3rd frozen marg had got you buzzed. You were in the small hot tub type pool, attached at the top of the main one on a slightly higher level. You hadn't seen Harry for a while but the last few times you caught his eye he'd been surrounded by at least 3 other people fighting for his attention, so you banked your flirtations to soothe your own ego, grabbed another marg and tried to forget about how he had started a tornado inside you, yearning for his hands on your thighs and head peering up at you from where they met in the middle. The strong pull of lust was clearly in your head then. What a shame.
You put it to the back of your mind as you finished catching up with Glenne. Both flushed and giggly as usual, she was the perfect match for Jeff and their chemistry unmatchable. You always enjoyed hanging out with the both of them, if anything, they gave you hope your own match may be out there. She left you in the tub alone, as she went to grab herself another drink and check on her host duties boyfriend.
"Don't you find drinking whilst already in water the weirdest thing?" you look up to find Harry standing over your right shoulder as you sit with your back against the pool wall and your elbows propping you up behind you, drink in one hand. His eyes unsubtley slip down to where your breasts lay pushed together in your halter neck bikini. You definitely weren't imagining it then. Fucking fantastic, you think.
"I mean drowning yourself on the inside from the alcohol and being in more than 4 inches of water really adds a danger element to my life if I'm honest" you reply sipping your drink.
And there goes those dimples again.
He's just in a pair of yellow swimming shorts now which doesn't help the alcohol flush at all. Sitting by your right side, putting his short glass full of amber liquid and ice, on the side of the pool and sliding in to join you. He leaves a small gap, as to not appear a total letch but your smart mouth has him hooked.
Taking a sip of his drink with the water up to his collar bones he hums.
"I do feel incredibly dangerous now, you've got a point"
"I mean if you think that's danger" you edge closer, not drunk but buzzed enough to take your chances you whisper into the shell of his ear. "You should see what thrills are in the guest bathroom. 1st floor on the right? " he chokes on his drink as your suggestive whispers make his dick twitch. He definitely couldn't get out of the pool for a while.
You're gone before you get a verbal reaction. If this all goes badly then you can just hide in there and slip out to an Uber and never see Jeff again right? Right. Cool.
With a soft white towel around you and your heart rate high as you reach the main guest bedroom you enter the room, you notice a large weekend bag in there and freeze. Shit. Someone's staying over, you hadn't factored that in, but a glance to the tag and the embossed H. E. S tells you you're good. Well, if not you'll just be a creep hiding in someone's bathroom but let's not think about it too much. Your faux confidence was working well so far and what other chance was going to arise like this one? Hot celebrities need fun with strangers too right?
Entering the bathroom you rub the towel over you, leaving mostly dry skin. You'd peel away your bikini if you were definite you wouldn't need to peel it back up your limbs should this plan backfire. You move to the mirror to adjust the black flecks from your minimal makeup dispersing under your eye and just as you're about to smooth down the stray baby hairs that humidity has got to around your face, you see Harry appear in the mirror behind you. Your belly flipping over and over with the thrill he'd took the bait.
Wasting no time he smirks and holds your gaze, wrapping his hands around your waist whilst his lips attach to the junction of your neck and collarbone. His tongue drags over your soft skin and he licks and softly sucks swirls onto it with his plush lips.
"Hm. You're right. This is a more fun type of danger" he says between kisses but before he's even finished his sentence you've spun around in his arms.
The bottom of your spine cold against the marble countertop, arms around his neck as you smash your lips into one another's with urgency. Tongues and wet noises as you get to know one another through your bodies alone.
He runs his hands down your back and presses his hard length against your thigh. He's definitely packing you think as you lift up a little rub your pubic bone against his front, panting out a little moan as the sweet friction of your bodies colliding sends you into overdrive. Catching the noise through your parted lips he gently tugs on the bottom one, teeth grazing the supple flesh. This combined with his large palms kneading your ass and pulling you further, tighter, into the roll of his hips. Only two layers of damp clothing separate you,forcing your lips to break from his mouth and fully moan, not caring who may be around. You could not remember the last time a perfect stranger knew your body quite this well.
His own grunts were speeding up when he suddenly grabs the back of your thighs and hoists you up beside the sink, you gasp in shock but it was more the way the lean man thrusted you up there like it was nothing. What else could he do? You expect him to go back to kissing you but instead he pulls back with his rock hard erection outlined in the wet shorts he still has on. Looking at you dead in the eyes both raging with lust and concern. Whilst you try not to worry how you were going to accommodate him inside your tight walls.
"Is this…? I mean, you want this too right?" his hands are resting at either side of your parted thighs. You nod. "Need you to say it Y/N" he steps forward, lips wet and brushes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip that was now puffy and pink from the earlier biting. He knew you were down to fuck, but now he wanted to test your preferences. What kind of fun you were about to have shall we say. So when you lick his thumb tip, holding his fist still and grazing your wet tongue up and down from knuckle to tip before closing your eyes and humming around the entire digit, he knew you were both in for a good time.
Removing the thumb he whispers a barely audible "fuck me" before smashing your lips back together, tongues massaging together as he peels your underwear to the side with his hand swiftly and presses digit you'd lubricated with your mouth against your clit, moving it fast from side to side with just the right amount of pressure to make your head spin. Gasping, you throw your head back, hands clasped around his neck as you lean back and feel yourself start to leak a little with arousal. The few spots dripping down on to the counter.
You could say it had been a while but really this guy was moving his way round your body in the same way you tune a guitar in key. Calloused fingers applying the right amount of pressure as you felt yourself start to get to the edge already. He was kissing down the front if your chest, between your breasts, not missing a beat when he pushed both triangles of your bikini aside and you moaned loudly as he kissed and sucked hard around your nipple, tentatively pulling it between his teeth firmly, the sound you let out made him clamp a little harder before sucking in the whole nipple again, soothing the skin his tongue. Most likely leaving a mark behind, but you kind of liked the idea of proof he'd been devouring you in all honesty.
You were becoming blissed out from all the stimulation. Clenching and moving your hips around nothing but this magical thumb working your clit up and down hard. You were overcome with this whole situation playing out the way it had. You broke away from his mouth again.
"Oh fuck.. Harry, I'm… FuckFuck I'm going to come, I'm gonna fucking… Ahhh" he pulled back one arm steadying you as your head hit the mirror behind you in your release. He just watched you and slowed his thumb down watching as the liquid cascaded onto the counter.
After you'd come down you open your eyes and shyly smiled before kissing him passionately, his hands moving around your waist tightly. You moved your hand to his shorts, teasingly grazing the outline of his cock between your fingers in hopes of repaying the favour. He does a single throaty laugh and removes your hand, holding himself against his thigh. You look at him in confusion when he splutters,
"Sorry, sorry its just I'm going t'blow my load if you touch me." then he's back on your lips "Too. Fucking. Sexy" he says between wet kisses to your jaw, neck and clavicle. "Wanted to do this since I first set eyes on you" one hand is on the back of his neck twisting nape curls between your fist whilst the other rests behind you, stopping you from hitting your head on the mirror again.
"Oh yeah? Before or after I ruined your clothes?" you laugh teasingly as he slides his hands around your back to finally remove the bikini top properly, lifting it up over your head and tossing it aside somewhere on the floor. He let's a laugh out himself completely entranced still by how natural you are around him, it was often hard to connect with strangers in his position.
"I'd spotted you walking in, was trying to open the door for you m'love" he says before sucking a red mark into your breast and massaging and pulling the other nipple slightly with his hand.
You struggle through sharp intakes of breath for a reply.
"Well….ah...that's what chivalry.. Oh.. Get's you these days I guess" and you're both laughing a little.
"Hmm. Have to try harder with my manners then won't I? I mean, I've got to clear up the mess I've made here" he cups his hand against your pussy rubbing it up and down a little with his palm. You let out a guttural noise at the friction. "Ladies first and all'tha too right?" he giggles again at himself.
You're practically cumming right then, you couldn't remember the last time someone actually went down on you. Your previous boyfriend not particularly into offering you foreplay. A main point of why he didn't stick around too long.
Harry kisses down your abdomen now, soft sloppy, sensual pecks, humming into your skin every so often in appreciation as he works at removing your soaked bikini bottoms with his hands, pushing them down to your knees before you help, letting them fall from the remaining ankle to the ground.
Harry is moving far too slow for you, kissing across each hip down to the top of your slit, breathing over where you desperately need him before paying the other side the same attention. Then he's licking up each crease where your thigh meets your pelvis.
"Y/N, just.. Just turn, that's it and lean back as far as you can there, shuffle forward until can't balance anymore" you shift your ass as forward as possible on the lip of the sink and prop yourself up on your elbows trying to be as flat as possible on the cold counter as you could, your toes behind the sink with one foot the other dangling over the edge. You keep you thighs open as Harry hunches over the counter where you now lay diagonal. He places his arms under your thighs and bends your legs flat out as he can stretch you, you're expecting some more teasing but he just looks down at your pussy licking over his lips and almost whining before burying his tongue inside you immediately. The force of his tongue lapping up your previous climax causes you once again to knock the side of your head against the mirrored wall. You turn and watch the scene almost as a spectator, witnessing yourself bare to this beautiful man, curly brown hair between your fists and making sounds like he's savouring every taste. He catches you watching before taking his mouth off you, immediately, you're whining in protest.
"Watch my eyes not my reflection baby, I'm right here"
His authoritative tone eclipsing every thought you had about the casual nickname, you stared down at the wonderful site of him lapping and suckling on your clit. Pointed tongue and firm laps against the swollen button. He then starts lapping up at your glistening hole,unhooking an arm to spread your lips open between his fingers and licking right from the bottom to the top with all the sloppy wet noises involved. He was feeling you contract as he locked faster and faster over you. His tongue deserved an award never mind his music. You couldn't believe you were on the brink of a second orgasm so quickly but when he sunk his middle finger into you at the same pace his tongue was working at, you were screaming his name into the extractor fan above before you knew it. You felt waves of liquid cascade from your pussy as he gently lapped up the produce of his work from you. You flinched in overstimulation but he cleaned up every last drop tenderly before carefully closing your legs and pivoting you round to your previous sitting up position on the counter. Neither of you had spoken a word since you came but as he leads your arms to drape over your shoulders, holding your fucked out body against his chest whilst peppering your temple with soft pecks . Then he kisses you intensely, letting you taste the sweet juices of yourself on his lips. You hummed in approval of the sweet taste as you came round.
A few minutes of carnal making out and things were heating up again. Your hands cupping his jaw then sliding to graze fingernails up and down his back, digging them in a little harder now and again and causing goosebumps to pierce through the skin rapidly under your touch.
You could feel him swallowing down grunts from the friction he was getting from his shorts covered cock brushing up and down between your slick folds.
He'd made you cum twice. Hard. He always got off of making his partners cum of course, so he was feeling beyond turned on and the slight heat of your glistening folds against his length was almostvsending him over the edge.
"I want you inside me" you whispered against his lips desperately.
No sooner had you said the words, his left hand was frantically searching through the vanities top drawer in hope. Finding a packet, checking the date quickly then tearing it between his teeth, spitting the seal onto the floor and pushing his shorts to his ankles, stepping out of them at speed before kicking them away.
He smirked when he caught your eyes bulge at his cock. He knew it was above average but the reaction was always a further compliment he thought.
Stepping forward he put on a show of putting the condom on, first rubbing the drops of sticky pre cum at the head and down his length keeping his eyes locked to yours as you wriggled on the counter with anticipation. He whined a little as it squeezed him rolling it on, so red and over sensitive from turning you on. So that's why, when you grabbed for it, he stilled your hand. Dimples appearing back in his cheeks as you looked again in confusion. He kisses you, languishing the moment before grabbing you forward from the countertop to the floor again, still keeping your lips attached. He lightly grips at your hips and turns you round to face the mirror once more.
Harry lightly grabs your throat, and the way you whimper and push your ass back against him, makes him mentally bank that idea for later perhaps. He runs his left hand up the column of your neck lightly holding your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him with his hand on your face and the other already working up and down your folds.
"I want you to watch us. Want you to watch yourself come apart. Want to watch you cum around my cock yeah? " he whispers in your ear. You noticeably shiver with excitement of what's to come.
"Please Harry, please, need it, need you."
You watch yourself babble and beg for his cock. The pathetic whimper from yourself as you try and circle your ass into his crotch again to encourage it happening. You were never patient and he's driving you insane here.
Bringing two fingers infront of your lips as you watch yourself in the mirror he looks you dead in the eye through the reflection.
"Spit" so you do, "good girl" he says kissing your cheek. His saliva lubed fingers are back rubbing your clit quickly whilst his knee nudges the back of yours to spread your feet wider as he kisses the back of your neck and shoulders. When he pauses next you're not expecting the hard thrust of him entering you entirely, sure you were dripping wet with the result of two orgasms but you cry out in a mix of stretch and pleasure as he pounds into you at a furious pace. His spare hand not on your clit is holding the bottom of your spine down as he keeps up his rhythm. His pace was that of a man desperate for release after watching you fall apart on his fingers and tongue. The build up meant he was already close as you tight walls fluttered around him. He pleads with you to stop tightening your walls around him or he's not going to last he whimpers.
You were already close again, you'd never cum this many times or this quickly in your life but you were ready for another round and by the sounds of him and the stutter his pace kept slipping you knew he was close too.
You quickly removed his hand, sucking your own fingers into your mouth to replace his own at your clit.
"M'gonna cum, but… OhOh fuck.. But need you harder. Deeper" you manage to get out.
He grunts a curse before squeezing your hips at a pressure that will leave marks tomorrow but the delight in the speed he was now able to snap his hips against the swells of your ass, was well worth it. It only took a few more seconds with the fingers that knew you best, for you to gush against his cock. Feeling absolutely exhausted you slump your sweaty chest onto the cold counter.
His orgasm taking him by surprise when you clenched up to milk him dry. He all but shouts your name as his hips stutter and you feel the warmth of his cum fill the one barrier between you.
His lips were back on your sweaty neck for a second whilst he disposed of the used condom. He ran the walk in shower and wordlessly you took his offered hand to join him under the hot spray. You'd never had an encounter end like this before not that you were a seasoned professional but after 3 orgasms the way his hands moved round your body under the water, washing away your antics with sweet strawberry-banana smelling suds on the flannel, left you with a warm floaty feeling the worn off alcohol never had.
He gently wipes your makeup from under your eyes then, smiling at the cute way your nose wrinkles slightly as he rubs at each eyebrow.
"I don't even have words" you finally laugh out blushing, not able to stand his gauge as you say it.
"Oh. So that's how to make that smart mouth o'yours stop is it? " he grins, you gasp in mock offense and go to say something but going under your chin with his thumb with his forefinger to connect your lips under the warm water spray he kisses you when you pull away you can't help but ask.
"So does this make us even on one ruined fancy vest then?"
"Hmmmm" he ponders with both hands on your face looking at the ceiling out if the falling water. " I'm not sure, I mean it was a custom, pretty high going rate those yeah"
"Yeahhhh you're right, you're right. Better factor in the cost of the custom job then hadn't I huh?"
You hurriedly sink to your knees on the tiled floor.
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hoodie-2 · 4 years ago
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Hours had passed since the "math duel" and the sun had began its descent, setting the town ablaze with a warm orange glow. Krel had spent a portion of the evening exploring, or rather wandering, throughout more of the town, observing it's people. Many of the humans were out in pairs at this hour, some of the pairs had included smaller versions of themselves in whatever activities they were partaking in. He had spied a young pair of, well, human girls at the park, almost identical except in the tones of their skin and the color of their hair, and a pair of adults he assumed were their parents seated on a bench not far away, sitting at polar ends from each other on the bench conversing on their communication devices, otherwise leaving the two children on their own.
The girls themselves didn't appear perturbed or at all bothered by their parents behavior, more entertained by the images on the platform they made with the unusual writing untensils in their tiny hands. Well, all Earthly untensils were unusual in Krel's perspective; pencils, pens, markers, but ones that the two girls used were different even from those. These were maybe the length of an unused pencil but far thicker than a marker and... powdery? His head tipped as he watched one blow away part of her line, the colorful powder pushed into the air in one big gust, as she redrew the line. Her fairer toned sibling patted a hand on her clothes, a blue colored handprint left behind on the green fabric. Both girls took notice of the mark and giggled, the first girl Krel was watching pressed a hand to her own clothes and left a pink handprint similar to the other's blue. The action brought a smile to his face, it has been a while since that happened.
He eyed the girls' parents again. Would it be rude if he just started talking to the children? Their parents didn't seem to be very attentive at the moment. Doesn't that sound familiar? But he was curious about their weird, colorful writing tools. Hm, maybe if he just kept a decent distance as he spoke to them. He didn't want to come off as strange.
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"Excuse me," he approached the girls, kneeling to their height at what he believed was a respectable distance. Both girls looked at him, shifting as if they were preparing to run at the first opportunity, Krel wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction seeing as a lot of the commercials on the picture box involved something called 'stranger danger' and he was, afterall, a stranger to them. But he pointed at their drawings, from a closer examination the colorful etchings turned out to be crude imitations of other Earth creatures, a lot of them with long ears and roundish tails and a few like clouds with legs. "What is that you are writing with?"
The wariness in their eyes wavered as they looked down at the drawings around them and then at the untensils in their hands.
"You mean chalk?" The yellow-haired one asked, pointing her free hand to the blue powdery stick she held.
"Chalk," Krel echoed thoughtfully. "And you, ah, draw with it?"
"Yea, dummy," her sister answered. "Haven't you used chalk before?" They gave him identical looks of confusion only someone their age could.
"No, actually, I haven't." Krel answered back quietly. "We don't have anything like 'chalk' where I am from." He looked down at their drawings again, noticing colors other than pink and blue, there was a yellow circle he figured was the sun judging by the green landscape below it and many other colorful dots he supposed were plants. His head tilted so the image wasn't completely upside down in his perspective. "You have some very pretty drawings."
"Do you want to try?" The yellow-haired girl asked, holding out her chalk stick to him.
He eyed the shrunken piece of blue in her open palm. "A- are you sure?"
"Sure!" The girl chirped, a smile spreading over her features, a matching one on her sister's as well. "We do this all the time, its fun."
Krel took the chalk from her, rolling it and turning it in his hand, blue powder stuck to his palm wherever it touched. He looked up to see the girl reach behind her sister and pull out another stick of chalk, purple this time. They went back to scribbling on the bricks around them. He watched as their creativity grew and spread, narrowly crossing over each other's work and somehow still blending together.
Looking down at the emptiness around him where their chalk hadn't yet touched. What would he draw, he wondered. Things considered artistic escaped him, even on his planet; he couldn't understand poetry, the closest he gets to crafting is inventing gadgets, even basic drawing on a telepad wasn't something he had much skill in. What could he draw? Well, shapes are pretty simple.
He started with a triangle, Earth's history was full of them according to Kubritz and her research teams. Ancient tombs and monuments to societies that have long since passed, the triangle was acknowledged as the strongest structure, those words rang true clearly. A square, the basic form of most present day structures; there wasn't anything too spectacular about it, a little more space than a triangle, sure but meh. Then a circle, a shape Krel was most familiar with, there wasn't a screen or viewing monitor in Akiridion-5 that did not have circles, and even then there were links that connected them to more circles. On Earth, circles meant unity to some and a means of 'alien' communication to others - Kubritz.
"Can't you draw?" The brown-haired girl asked as she crawled over to look at his work.
"I am not very talented." Krel admitted. "But drawing with chalk is fun."
"Try drawing your family." Her sister suggested as she joined them. "That helps me sometimes."
Krel hummed at that logic. It was sound enough, even if he was currently at odds with his family and it was an extremely delicate situation. But they are human children, it was probably best to go along with it.
He started with Aja, forcing himself to recall her human form; it wasn't perfect, especially since he was limited to one color but he knew. Next his mother, whose disguise he's only seen a handful of times so this may be a little more difficult. That was nothing to drawing his father. How does one draw face fur?
The girls giggled at the etching.
"That one looks like a monkey." The yellow-haired one pointed to his etching. His gaze roamed over the attempted drawing and felt laughter bubbling in his chest.
"It seems you are right." Oh, how was Krel going to look at his father's face without laughing now?
He looked around them, seeing that the sky was gradually getting darker, getting closer to the time that younglings would be taken back to their homes. The girls' parents were still occupied with their own priorities, poor girls.
"I suppose I should go," he sighed, giving back the chalk he was given, "you will be going home soon." Krel did not expect such saddened expressions at his words.
"Do you have to?" The brown-haired girl asked, watching him stand up.
"I'm afraid so." He dusted the blue powder on to his jeans. "But I'm sure we will see each other again."
"Really?" The yellow-haired girl asked excitedly.
"Of course," Krel chuckled. "I wander around when I have free time." He watched as they shared a look, tipping his head as they stood as well, the yellow-haired one picking up the blue chalk and holding it out to him again.
"My name's Abby," she said, bouncing a little on her heels as she shook the chalk at him.
"And I'm Gabby." Her sister added proudly. "You can have the blue one, then we can draw again next time. Right?"
A smile pulled at his lips again. It would be a shame to see their faces fall again in sadness. He took the chalk from Abby. "That sounds fun. My name is Krel, it was nice to meet you both."
They waved at him as he walked away, pocketing the chalk he was gifted. Maybe he can find out where they get it next time so he can obtain more himself. He admired the blue powder that tainted his palm, opening and closing his hand, it was somehow amusing how the color clung to his flesh. It was almost as if his real body was peering through, if only.
After a bit of wandering, the sky growing darker, and some of the street lights were blinking to life Krel found himself at a back alley behind some stores that surrounded the park, if his memory of the town map was correct. It was empty of any lifeform that was human as he stepped in, looking around at his surroundings carefully; four-legged creatures that he was told were cats saw his approach and ran off into hiding; even smaller creatures scurried away behind them, leaving Krel alone with the garbage bins of two different sizes, the walls of the buildings were clean aside from the occasional stain near the bins or moss that grew more toward the ground.
He wasn't sure what compelled him to do so but he pulled the piece of chalk from his pocket and wrote the equation from the math duel, following it with his correct work and answer. Satisfaction washed over him as he wrote his answer, the right answer, his original answer. He was still a bit stuck on his why's during the duel, he knew he did a good thing for Seamus so what did it matter anymore. Why did Seamus stare at him when it was over?
Krel's hand moved to write another equation, it was more complex but watching the letters and numbers come into being it made sense to him, it always made sense to him, similar to cataloging past events and his planning for the future. It was comforting as he continued the equation, spreading it further along the wall, blue clear against the red brick but still convoluted. Had he been less taken in with his work he probably would have felt more guilty about how much of the chalk he was using up. He didn't notice the approaching person behind him until they addressed him.
Krel whipped around, instinctively taking up a defensive battle stance startling the newcomer. That was... Seamus? And was holding an item in each hand, they didnt seem to be weapons though so he could relax somewhat. Not completely though, he has noticed around the education prison that some human males in their age group tended to be, well, boorish and found amusement in harassing other males they perceived as weak, and Krel's human form unfortunately suited that perception. Primitive. He'll be sure to correct that.
"Uh... hey," Seamus waved one of the things he held, the action stiff. His eyes flicked beyond Krel, looking over the equations behind him. "What're you working on?" His gaze followed the equation to the start, lingering on the work shown. "Looks complicated."
"You have no idea." Krel wasn't trusting this interaction, not that there was any reason to.
"Hey- Look, you can relax, uh, whatever move that is," Seamus gestured to Krel's posture with whatever it was he held. "What is that anyway? Judo? Jujitsu?"
Krel eased his stance but kept a leery eye still on the human. "Nothing you have ever seen, I assure you." He answered in little more than a monotone.
"Ookay...?" The human coughed, taking a few meeger steps toward him with a hand extended outward. "You want a burrito? I dunno if you've eaten yet or anything but it's an idea right?" He gave a pitiful laugh as he stopped only a few feet away, the thing in his hand slumping over his fingers like it was trying to slip out of his grip.
As a being of energy, Krel had no need to consume organic materials, but he has been curious. On another hand Earth has a history in poisoning consumables for enemies, again not that it should affect him, maybe.
A sigh escaped Seamus, seeming to notice Krel's reluctance. "I just want to apologize for my behavior." He said, "You didn't deserve it. You earned the grade fair and square."
"I suppose I should say that I'm relieved you've gained some sense." Krel retorted, not completely convinced.
"Okay... I earned that." Krel saw Seamus' grip tighten around the 'burrito', his restraint was admirable. "But you didn't have to let me win, so why did you?"
Krel finally took the burrito, examining it for a moment before tearing the aluminum wrapping like he's seen other humans do and bite into it. The texture was strange, soft, soggy; the taste was savory, it was weird feeling the crunch of vegetables but overall it wasn't bad but he didn't have much in expectations, so, another point for Earth.
"Wanna sit?" Seamus gestured to the the sidewalk. Krel didn't object, taking another bite of his burrito and joining him on the cold cement just a yard or so from a flickering lamppost.
"I had nothing to gain," he answered finally, getting a startled look, "from winning the math duel. Nothing to lose either, unlike you."
The human's head ducked almost sheepishly. He must have recalled how loud his father was in bellowing their agreement. If it could have been called that.
"Again, I'm sorry," he declared. "My dad just has high expectations. Very high."
"Is it really?"
Krel frowned at him. "Just because my parents are not present does not mean I don't have my own problems with them."
Seamus' face turned even more guilt ridden. "R-right, sorry," he stammered, a red hue spreading over his features. He was quiet for a moment, taking large distracting bites of his own burrito. The silence allowed Krel a moment to gather his thoughts about the present situation, and possibly plan for what could happen next. Maybe he could somehow make Seamus an ally, like Aja had with the majority of their peers, to keep his disguise here. It certainly would make things easier than researching every tidbit about this mudball to blend in while Morando outsources the search for Gaylen's core. The question was how to do so.
"You," Seamus spoke up again, breaking the silence between them, "you came from a warring country, right, like Aja Tarron and her family?"
The words brought a bitter curl to his lips. Her family, may as well be, ironic, consider she used to run away from her family at every opportunity.
"Yes," Krel answered softly. "Maybe even the same country, if luck would have it." Some luck that would be.
"What happened? I-if you don't mind me asking."
The expression on Seamus' face was different from before; softer, solemn, perhaps even sympathetic. It's been a clear background to his class that Krel escaped from a war torn country with no family besides Morando who was discharged due to injury during the fight. Could this be the opportunity he needed to make Seamus his ally? To make a 'friend'? In one quote Krel had heard, he now understood. When opportunity knocks, it would be wise to open the door.
"I-it all happened so fast," Krel began, quickly coming up with details to twist the story from the traumatic reality. "It happened on the coronation day for the royal heirs; my parents both had high political and military positions so my sister and I were allowed good seats to see the crowning," he kept his voice low, allowing some of the emotion he kept at bay to fill his words, "everyone was excited, we all had high hopes. The princess hadn't made her appearance yet when the attack happened." Krel swallowed thickly as the real memory came to mind. The running, his parents ordering him and Zadra to find Aja, falling behind, and being left behind. "It was chaos; people were running everywhere, trying to find each other and to find shelter, soldiers and their weapons, the cannon fire..." his eyes were leaking again, it was too much already with so little spoken. What was wrong with him? "I- I was too slow, my... my parents- my sister, gah, what is wrong with me?" He took the fabric of his shirt, quickly trying to wipe away the streaming liquid, his chest felt heavy, his core ached. Krel hadn't felt like this since he first found Aja and their parents on Earth. His head hurt.
A hand touched his shoulder making him freeze up. "It's okay." Seamus' voice was calm, relaxing even. "You've been through a lot, huh?"
Krel sniffed, trying to regain some composure before answering. "You have no idea."
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scarofthewind · 6 years ago
PLEASE, Billy whose SO gained quite a bit of weight from school stress + a few nasty people bullying her. She loves Billy but thinks that he finds her repulsive so she wears baggy clothes and stops being as affectionate with him. Then one night he climbs into her room and she flinches when he puts his hands on her waist. He asks what's going on and she cries telling him everything. By the end, he goes: "You think I don't find you hot? Let me prove you wrong." Smuttiness and fluff ensue
A/N: There is nothing wrong with the way anyone looks. They are their own person and are beautiful in every way, shape and form. Hope you guys enjoy this! This is B in my masterlist under GhostfaceWarnings: Sexual Content (NSFW), Bondage. Female Pronouns
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“Would you stop?” Billy’s hands left your sides as you scooted farther away from him on the couch. The movie on the TV being long forgotten about and a heavy emotion hanging in the air. 
“What’s your deal, Y/N? First you won’t look at me, then you won’t let me touch you in any way.” Billy frowned, his eyes watching you closely.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t feel good.” You lied, eyes glued straight ahead. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.
“You know I trust you. I fucking admitted to you who I was and what kind of person I was. I haven’t hurt you and I sure as hell haven’t let anyone else.” He moved to stand up and you looked at him then, pulling at the long sleeves of your baggy sweater. “But what’s the point if you keep shutting me out?” 
His eyes held something dark and for a moment you thought he might actually harm you. “Don’t talk to me until you’re ready too. If you don’t reach out to me in a week then I’ll come for you.” Suddenly, he moved closer and you flinched. “Don’t think that just because I care about you, means that I won’t rough you up a little.” 
Your eyes peered into his for a moment before he turned and walked out the front door. You cried yourself to sleep that night. Not out of fear, but out of shame that you couldn’t tell him. 
You couldn’t tell anyone. 
Once again, your locker was filled with trash, ruining everything inside. 
Once again, the group of assholes beat you up in the back parking lot.
Once again, you cried in the school bathroom and tried to hide the bruises and cuts with makeup. 
Once again, you didn’t go to classes for the rest of the day and walked home in the rain. 
However, as soon as you walked through the front door, you realized Billy wasn’t lying. He was always there at your house, but he wasn’t now. You didn’t see him at school either. A horrific scene ran through your mind and you cursed before dropping your bag and running out the door. 
He wouldn’t be that stupid would he? Billy wasn’t a dumb man, he knew. You knew he knew. You just didn’t know if he knew what they were bullying you about. That’s what you didn’t want him to know. 
Your feet ran across the sidewalk, leading you to the woods that surrounded a lake. That’s where the popular kids would go to skip class and do adult things. Your lungs burned and so did your eyes as you let a few branches scratch you as you ran. You didn’t stop until you saw the dock. 
Your legs shook and you let your tears fall. Standing a few feet away, Billy faced out towards the lake, cigarette between his fingers and a head in his other hand. You watched as he tossed the man’s head into the lake, and you realized just how much he had done. The police would have to play a matching game to figure out which body part went to what person. Blood covered the dock and you watched as Billy turned his head a bit to look back at you. 
Almost as if he commanded your legs to give out, they did. You fell on your hands and knees, heart beating so fast you thought you were going to faint. It had been only a few days since your last talk with him, but you felt that he was ready to rip you in half. 
You cried then. Billy watched with interest as he finished his cigarette and walked over towards you, hands stuffed in his pockets. He squatted in front of you and reached out to grip your chin, forcing you to look at him. “I don’t like being lied to, Y/N.” 
“It took me having to watch them hurt you and tease you for four days straight before I snapped. Look at what you made me do.” He looked back at the lake and the water that was tinted red. His eyes met yours again and he wiped a few tears away with his thumb. “Don’t you have anything to say to me?” 
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled, watching as he nodded, pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back. 
“I know you are. You know I’m not an idiot, Y/N. I was going to find out, no matter what it took.” Billy could feel you shaking and he hoped that it was for both being cold and fear. 
He loved fear on you, it turned him on. 
“I couldn’t tell you. I was too embarrassed.” You sobbed as Billy rubbed your back. 
“Gaining weight only makes you look better and feel better. I’ve got more to touch now. Plus, I think you look healthier. If I cut you deeply, it wont kill you like how it killed the skinnier bitches. You barely touch them with a knife and you’ve stabbed right through them.” Billy heard you laugh a bit and he pulled back from the hug, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Does this mean we’re okay?” Your eyes stared into his. “Come home Billy.” The man nearly came in his pants at the whine of your voice when you spoke. He needed you and you needed him. 
Who was he to hold back from showing you how much he cared about you?
“You have three minutes to get to the house and lay on the bed. Naked or you’ll learn just how deep my love for you goes.” His voice changed in that second and you’ve never run so fast in your life. Busting through the front door, you ran to your room and faltered. The mirror across your room showed how much of a mess you looked. How ugly you looked. Fat.
Your fingers gripped at the bottom of the hoodie you wore and you couldn’t take it off. You didn’t even realize Billy was behind you until he roughly pushed you to the bed. 
“Stop.” He growled, staring down at you angrily. “You’re not fat, and you sure as fuck aren’t ugly.” 
You looked away from him and didn’t say anything, which only made him blow a fuse. Why were you acting like this? It was annoying him greatly and he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“You remember the safe word?” He asked, taking off his belt and tying your wrists to the  headboard of the bed. You nodded and he smirked. “It doesn’t apply to what I am about to do to you.” Billy said, siting on your hips and flicking out his pocket knife, cutting the hoodie off your body. 
Goosebumps rose all over your skin and your mind raced a mile a minute. What did he mean? The last time he said that, he nearly killed you with how much he kept going. “Billy.” You said, watching as he tossed the shredded clothing aside, not paying attention to you. “Billy!” You shouted and he looked up from cutting at the waistband of your sweatpants. 
“You don’t get to speak.” He sighed, rummaging through your bedside table and finding tape, cutting a piece off his this teeth and slapping it over your mouth. 
Your breathing quickened and he noticed. Your bra clad chest moved faster the more he got close to finishing. As soon as he took the sweats off and threw them to the floor, he stopped and looked you dead in the eye. You stopped breathing. 
“You’ve made me very angry, Y/N. It’s time to take responsibility.” He tossed the knife off the bed and kissed up your stomach, reaching behind you and unclasping your bra. “Look at that.” He groaned, cupping your bare breasts in his hands and running his thumbs over your nipples. “You went up a size here. Gaining weight has its perks.” 
You barely had time to register what he had said before you felt his mouth attach itself to one of your nipples, sucking and biting at it hungrily. His hands kneaded them gently and he switched between them, kissing up the middle and reaching your neck. You could feel his breath on your neck, hovering over your jugular vein. “You know you’re mine, right?” His eyes glared at you and you nodded slowly. 
“Do you trust me?” His question caught you off guard, causing you to move your head and look him directly in the eyes. “I think you’re the most beautiful and sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. You’re not fat. You’re perfect and believe me when I say that.” 
You could only stare at him. Never had you heard him say these things to you in the time you’ve been together. You tried to open your mouth to speak but remembered that he’d taped your mouth shut. “I’m not taking it off.” He smiled bitterly at you. His hand moved down to your hips and then your underwear, slowly tugging them down. “I am taking these off though.” He laughed, sliding them down your legs and tossing them behind himself. 
“Spread them.” You let out a small laugh and refused, turning your head to the side. A rough hand gripped your chin, squeezing harshly and making you look at him. “What part of this makes you think you have a choice? Spread them or I will break them.” You blinked a few times before slowly opening your legs, watching him sit back and let your chin go. 
“Good girl.” His voice dropped as well as his eyes as his hands traced your legs, moving towards your soaking core. You ached for the touch he was going to give, your heart was on edge as you awaited his fingers. Billy smirked, removing himself from you and unzipping his pants. You watched him unclothe himself and cursed mentally, knowing where this was going. 
“Sorry babe but I can’t wait to be inside you.” He moaned, rubbing his tip against your opening, watching your juices mix together. He gently pushed himself inside you, his lips parting when he bottomed out. “Fuck you’re tight.” 
With a whimper from you, he started to move rocking his hips against you and setting a pace that would have you moaning louder with each thrust. His hands held your hips tightly as he thrusted into you roughly. Your eyes never left his body, watching his muscles flex under the skin as he pounded into you from above. He moved one hand from your hip to push some hair from his face and you felt yourself clench around his cock. Immediately he locked eyes with you and smirked.
Reaching down, he pressed his fingers to your clit, rubbing in tight, harsh circles. Billy watched your face and groaned, feeling you tighten around his shaft. He didn’t have to ask, he knew you were close. His eyes met yours and he grit his teeth, holding himself back from coming undone. “Come for me.” He hissed, watching as your back arched off the bed and your legs clenched around his waist. 
“Fuck.” Billy growled, coming with a few more thrusts, pumping his seed into you and gripping your hips, bruising them. 
You panted, your eyes seeing stars as he continued his powerful thrusts. Your arms hurt from hanging above your head for so long and you were sure that you were going to die if he kept going. Soft whimpers left your throat and you looked at Billy with pleading eyes. 
“I’m not even close to being done with you, Y/N. I’m going to fuck the negative thoughts about yourself right out of you.” Billy stared down at you and slowly removed the tape from your mouth. 
You couldn’t say anything, your thighs trembled against his skin and you felt your face heat up under his gaze. “I love you.” You mumbled, your breathing calming down. Billy came to a full stop and bent over to kiss you. 
“I know.” He hummed against your lips, reaching up and untying your wrists, pulling you to sit in his lap. No matter how long he wanted to keep going for, you were okay with it in the end as long as it meant he could hold you like this forever. 
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