#it's a no shoes house otherwise i would be wearing boots
dawnofprismatica · 11 months
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hello i'm kim possible
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eunoiaastralwings · 5 months
Fragments of Blue
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featuring Bucky x reader
fandom mcu- pre catcw
a/n based on my idea here - here part one (can be read alone too - I think LMAO).
warnings running away ? - idk if there was anything else tell me otherwise
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You were simply lying on the on the couch bored when he came in again – with presuming a packet of bread in his hands.
You momentarily looked over the man that was once the deadly assassin – the one who had been assigned to bring you back to your father and his Hydra, every time you tried to escape or occasionally protect you.
He was always so anxious and nervous now – now you saw the real man being the Winter Soldier, trapped underneath Hydra’s torture who was finally free.
But the world didn’t see it like that however – the world still saw him as a murder and a true weapon of evil and you could almost see he saw himself like that too now.
Like he was signing the picture the outside world painted him as.
You always wondered why he came back for you – you were Alexander Pierce’s daughter after all. You were once even called as Hydra’s daughter by your father’s men.
But unlike your father you didn't want to be part of Hydra – but you were forced to know Hydra, including the Winter Soldier.
Little did you know, the blue-eyed man before you remembered as the Winter Soldier, he told to watch over you and made sure you didn't escape from Hydra like you tried countless times.
It was like you were something constant – something different than the usual assassinations he was tasked with.
You father was dead – yet you weren’t sure how to feel about that, he was your only family after all – though he did put Hydra above you.
Once the man was freed from the mind control and for whatever reason he had broken into your father’s house helped her escape and went on the run together.
You had known the moment he stepped in – he wasn’t Blue anymore.
He was the man behind those blue eyes again – still he seemed to be refusing to tell you his real name.
“So. . . you going to tell me your real name or do I keep calling you, Blue?” She asked – as he places the packet of bread on the small table in tiny rundown apartment you were sharing.
You had hated always calling him Soldat or the Winter Soldier, like your father and Hydra did - so you always stuck with calling him Blue, because of his blue eyes. He didn’t remember his own name - and no one would tell him or you either. . .and you wanted to make him feel just a little human. . .
He looked up giving you a once over – as if still debating inside him whether to trust you or not.
To be honest the only reason you were was because of him anyways.
You were almost certain he was going to brush you off again.
But then you heard a small mutter.
“Bucky. . .”
You disguised yourself the best you could, wearing one of Bucky’s baseball caps – as you looked around the market stalls, trying to follow him.
You were always annoying him – that’s for sure. He had specifically instructed you to stay at the apartment but you clearly hadn't.
“Y/N you shouldn't be here. You’re not supposed to be out without my permission.”
He sounds annoyed.
“I deserve to at least see the sun, Bucky!”
You scowled at his behavior.
“I get it. . . But we can't let anyone find the either of us!”
He sighs.
“The only reason you’re not in the base is because it's me babysitting you.”
He mutters.
“You’re not babysi-“
You tripped over something because of your vintage heeled boots as you tried to follow – needing to hold onto Bucky in case you fell face flat on the ground.
You sighed – knowing he was gonna be mad.
“I told you not to wear those heels!”
He glared – now mad with you.
“Oh, I’m sorry – I didn’t exactly get to stop by at home to grab shoes before going on the run!”
You answered sarcastically.
“Don’t talk back to me. I’m only looking out for you. You really need to take more precautions!”
He warned.
You knew he was mad.
“I cannot go bare feet!”
You still stubbornly scowled –  knowing what he was picking at how you failed to escape multiple times during their time in Hydra and how he as the Winter Soldier always dragged her back kicking and screaming.
“Well, at the light’s still there, princess!
He grumbles and grabs you by the wrist. He pulls her along with a grumpy looking glare.
“We don’t have time for this. I have to keep you safe!”
He mutters, that was something he always said – but Bucky himself didn’t know why he was keeping you safe.
He didn’t know he came running to you – when he was freed from the mind control.
But here you were now.
You simply rolled your eyes and followed him to a farmers’ market.
He glances over at you.
“Why can’t you just listen to me for a change!”
Bucky sounded exhausted and anxious – he walks fast with you still holding your hand and you were trying to keep up with his pace.
Once again – stubborn as ever you didn't answer. The farmers’ market was large, with lots of stands and stalls, some selling fruit, spices/herbs, meat, or vegetables, others selling handmade crafts.
You easily got distracted with handmade crafts and toys.
Bucky looked – noticing how you got easily distracted, he just sighs an tries to not get annoyed.
He notices as your eyes were filled wonder, even glancing at your hair too.
You seem to have a soft, sweet face with the eyes of an angel.
“Why cant you just stay focused for once Y/N. . .”
He said – being a hypocrite as he found himself, getting distracted by you.
Before his eyes dart around nervously as they search for any threats. He seems on edge – always looking around as he looks for Hydra members or even agents.
He then went over to the fruit vendors – still keeping a close eye on you while spoke in Romanian trying buy a few plums for you and him.
You then picked up a little wooden carved wolf smiling at it as Bucky looks at the fruits.
Bucky glares at you – you smile and your beauty makes him stop and stare for a few moments.
“Y/N, put that down. We don't have time for that.”
He said – now coming back over to you.
“I told you we're on the run and we can’t risk letting the enemy find either of us.”
He whispers – now close enough only you could hear him.
You sighed, a small pout on your lips as you put back the carved wolf.
Then spots a grumpy unhappy looking plushie bear.
“Oh look! It's you!”
You said – picking up the blue grumpy looking plushie bear.
“Put that down you brat! We don’t have time for this!”
He looks at you – there was a look of annoyance and frustration.
Bucky was also nervous as he looks for any signs of a threat – and he glances at the plushie.
He thinks of it as a waste of time.
“I’m buying it!”
You said to Bucky.
“No, you aren't. Put it down. It’s a waste of good money!”
He tries to reach for the plushie to take it from you.
“It’s not wasting if I love it!”
You said – cradling it protectively close.
“It is also wasting since we’re on the run and it’s not the time for toys!”
He seems annoyed as he tries and snatch the plushie bear away from her.
 “Ooo, ok blue bear, I’m gonna call you Bucky!"
You hugged the plushie bear.
“Stop it you brat! You are so annoying!”
Bucky said annoyed – but he thinks you looked adorable.
Though it made him roll his eyes – when she insisted call a plushie by his name.
You just held it protectively close.
“Give it to me!”
Bucky tried to forcefully take it from you.
You held it protectively – “no!”
You scowled.
Bucky tried to take the plushie away, he grabs the plushie’s arm as he tries to force it away from you as you tried to protect it.
 “Give it here kid!”
“I’m 25, not a kid!”
You argued – though it seemed hilarious right now.
“You are acting like one.”
He glares at you – still holding onto the plushie’s arm as he refuses to give it to you.
You said again.
It was then Bucky spots a few familiar looking agents up ahead behind her.
Bucky seems to pause – then glances again over at the agents, who are still unaware of their presence.
He looks back at you.
“We need to get out of here!”
He tries to move you in a direction, but you were still holding onto the stupid plushie.
You frowned looking behind yourself – your eyes widened and she froze seeing the familiar Hydra general blending in with the crowd in casual clothes as he and his men were seemingly looking for them.
Bucky grabs the plushie, tossing it aside – then grabs your hand and pulls you in a different direction.
He is now trying to act fast as he leads you away from the general and agents. He seems to be on edge as he eyes dart back and forth quickly trying to find a safe place.
You looked around then at Bucky – if the acted casual too blending in with the crowd, they wouldn’t be spotted.
"Blue, put your arm around me and pretend to laugh at something I said!"
You say seeing more agents – the former nickname you had for him slipping out in the mist of the situation.
Bucky has an annoyed look on his face – but he still decides to follow your plan for the moment – seeing how it made sense.
So he puts his arm around you and pretend to laugh at something you said.
“Heh. . .Heh, Heh heheh. . . Very funny. . .”
He said – and you almost had to stop from laughing out loudly yourself at how horrible that sounded.
So you simply rolled her eyes amused – seemingly their role-playing worked as the agents paid them no attention and walked past without noticing either of them.
“You need to work for on your acting skills though!”
You said – once they passed.
“I’m not an actor. I'm a super soldier, princess. . .”
He mutters – annoyed by your comment as he seems to be on edge – always looking around nervously.
“We’re still not safe. . .”
You rolled your eyes again at his former words – “anyways let’s go!”
Bucky was still seemingly on edge as he follows you.
He keeps looking behind him to see if they are still being followed.
His blue eyes were darting around nervously.
You had almost tripped onto the escalators – again because of your heeled boots.
Bucky scowling seeing almost trip again – but he still tries not to yell at you as he glares and sighs, shaking his head.
“You really need to get some new shoes, doll. . .”
He keeps his eyes darting around as he follows you.
You were going to answer – but her eyes widened as you saw a few agents taking the opposite side of the escalator – but you were crowded in you and couldn't move.
Bucky stops and freezes as he spots them too.
“Crap. . . We have to go.”
He tries pull you away in a different direction – his eyes dart around nervously as he looks for any escape routes.
The escalators were too close – you’d be spotted.
You looked around then suddenly said to Bucky – “kiss me!”
Bucky pauses and his eyes dart to you as he looks at you in disbelief.
He blinks in surprise.
He says confused – nervous, an unsure of what to do.
He says, seeming a bit skeptical of your plan.
“Physical displays of affection make people uncomfortable!”
You said blurt out – knowing the agents will look away seeing a couple kiss.
Bucky still seems unsure of it but he looks at you with the most serious expression.
He sighs and thinks about it for a second as he makes a hard decision.
“. . . Okay. . .”
He says as he slowly leans towards you to kiss you – he still has a annoyed look on his face but tries to relax.
He kisses you softly and he sighs.
He still feels annoyed about your plan – but he seems a bit relieved that they didn't get caught by the agents as he looks at you.
He’s still not sure if he likes you or not– j but he still seems to really enjoy the kiss.
You both then slowly pull away the moment the agents were out of sight.
But stops kissing you – the look of annoyance reappearing.
“You’re crazy.”
He sighs and rubs his face – “. . .I can’t believe I kissed you. . .”
“Oh please, it’s not I like just kissed Richard Madden or something!”
You grumbled sarcastically – as you reached the floor.
He looked at you with the same serious expression – but it quickly changes into a pissed off expression.
“. . .What? Richard, who?”
Bucky sounds agitated as he looks at you.
He’s not only annoyed by what you said – but the kiss. He tries to put the kiss out of his mind.
“Richard Madden. . .? The British actor. . .?” You said “You know the guy who played in Bodyguard or even prince charming in the live action Cinderella!”
“I don't care about no British actor we just kissed!”
He scoffs as he glances away angrily.
“. . .And?”
You ask – raising an eyebrow.
Bucky was shocked by your response as he looks at you in disbelief.
“You’re. . . You’re not embarrassed?”
He asks.
“Well. . . yes. . . but hey, it got us out of there!”
You said.
“. . .Right.”
He grumbles looks away as is pissed. He rubs his face in annoyance again and he just tries to forget about it.
You ask – seeing the annoyed grumpy expression on his face.
“Nothing. . . Nothing at all. Just shut up and stop talking about Ricker Maddened.”
He grumbles – getting you both back out into streets again.
“Richard Madden.”
You corrected him.
“And – I don’t care.”
He grumbles under his breath.
You just rolled your eyes as he quickly pulled you back into the apartment – that kiss continuously replaying his mind. . .
He’d be lying if he said – the warmth of your lips against his didn’t feel good or made his heart race. . .
Perhaps, there was a reason why he came for you. . .
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tagging everyone who was interested in the first part ( One more part then the story will be finished ):
@kiekiekiki @ijustneedpopcorn @geminigengar @batsyforyou </3
And yes - I used references from catws xD
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blueskylinesx · 1 month
Tomato Red - Chapter Four
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Parings: Jesse Cash x Female Reader
Warnings/Triggers: Language, anxiety/nervousness, sexual tension, fluff, masturbation, smut, self doubt, friends to lovers.
Summary: The local cafe/bookstore down the street was Jesse's usual hang out spot where he spent hours reading books and working on music. Until one day when he meets a new barista working the bookstore cafe. Suddenly, Jesse's reasons for visiting the bookstore down the road were no longer just for reading and work... but were suddenly meant for much more.
Author’s Note: I am SO sorry this chapter took me so long to post. I am trying to find a better schedule that doesn't go weeks without updates. The actual BIGGEST thank you to everyone for being so patience and understanding while I worked on this. I hope that the wait was worth it.
Tag List: @thefallennightmare @collidewiththesav @thatchickwiththecamera @cncohshit @lma1986 @arkiliastuff @lonelydragonlady @artificialbreezy
If you would like to be added to the tags list let me know! I would be happy to do so!😊
Thank you all SO fucking much for all the support on Tomato Red. It means the absolute world to me. Writing this story has been so fun and helps keep my mind occupied. I love you all so so so much!☕️🍅
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I followed behind Y/N as we climbed up the stairs to her apartment. There was a slight breeze that blew in from the parking lot behind us causing pieces of her long hair to gently tickle across my face. I glanced down at my feet before carefully climbing the last step to the second story. When my eyes made their way back up I caught a glimpse of the underside of Y/N’s ass that was barely peeking out of her scrunched up black dress.
Her black tights framed her ass and her long legs perfectly and it took absolutely everything in me to fight off the thoughts that had been running through my mind all day. From the moment I first saw her step out of her apartment building, her sitting legs crossed in my passenger seat, and the entire time I stole glances up at her legs while she walked before me on this staircase.
We were both now standing in front of her door where a green leaf wreath hung atop the front. Y/N pulled out her keys from the front pocket of her purse and inserted it into the lock, twisting it to the right to unlock the door, then gently pushing it open.
A burst of freezing cold air quickly blew past the both of us as Y/N stepped inside and motioned for me to follow behind her.
“Holy fuck! I keep telling Kate to turn the AC back up before she leaves in the morning for work! I’m so sorry, if I would have known there was a potential hypothermia warning for my apartment, I would have told you to wear an extra layer of clothes.” Y/N said behind chattering teeth as she closed the door behind us and dropped her keys onto the small side table beside the door.
“It’s okay, I’m actually used to it. Noah keeps the AC in our house on a solid negative 7000 degrees at all times of the day, so my hypothermia tolerance is pretty built up.” I responded with a grin.
Y/N began slipping out of her boots and I halted in place before stepping any further into the front room. “Should I also be removing my shoes?”
“Oh sorry, it’s a habit. Kate is the absolute biggest neat freak I’ve ever met and her biggest pet peeve is shoes being worn inside the apartment. For mine and your sake, I ask that you please leave your shoes at the front door… otherwise I’m sure she’ll emerge somewhere from the shadows and have both of our heads.”
I chuckled at her comment and bent down to un-tie my shoelaces and slipped out of my white Adidas sneakers, “You know, your sister and Noah have a lot in common it seems.”
Y/N walked past me and I followed behind her as we made our way further into the front room. She clicked on the lamp that sat in the corner of the room next to the TV. “Is Noah also an extreme clean freak?” She asked before sitting down on the cream colored sectional.
She had one leg tucked underneath her butt and her other leg bent in front of her while she rested her chin atop her knee cap. Her eyes glistened in the dim light from the lamp which followed every step I took as I walked over to sit on the cushion beside her. Making sure not to sit too close and risk making her feel uncomfortable.
After getting adjusted, I rested my right arm against the back of the couch and my other arm on the arm rest beside me, turning back over to meet Y/N’s gaze. “Clean freak is an understatement. One time Michael and Jolly made this crock pot chili, this sounds so disgusting now that I’m rethinking about it… But they ended up forgetting about it and it sat out on the counter for like a week.”
Y/N let out a soft chuckle, “Oh god, I can feel Kate convulsing now.”
“Noah had a total conniption. He was sending out texts in our group chat for days about this crockpot of chili. Needless to say, once Michael and Jolly finally took care of it, Noah hid the crockpot for like a month.”
Y/N was now bursting out in a fit of laughter, “Oh my god, so he also sends out passive aggressive texts? Man, I might have to try to hook Noah and my sister up. They sound like they’d make for a total match in Heaven!”
“No kidding!” I responded back before brushing an anxious hand through my hair in an attempt to smooth out any knots from within my curls.
Y/N’s gaze never falling off of me.
She shifted a bit on the cushion which caused her to move slightly closer to me, “Well, did you want to watch a movie or something?” She asked with a slight bite to her bottom lip. “ I don’t know if you have any other plans but Kate probably won’t be home for a while. So we would have the big screen TV to ourselves for a few hours.”
I couldn’t ignore the excitement that grew in my stomach after hearing the words, “to ourselves.” This was the first time me and Y/N had ever been in a room alone with just the two of us, sitting this close to each other.
I made a quick glance down at her legs that were still framed in her black tights and licked my lips at the sight. Trying to get a hold of the thoughts that were slowly starting to creep back into my mind. “I don’t have anything planned for the rest of the night. So I’m all yours until you get sick of me.” 
All. Yours. God how I wished.
The tension in the air suddenly felt thick. I swallowed hard from the nerves that were beginning to course through me. 
“I don’t think I could ever get sick of you Jesse, If I’m being honest.” She began to twirl a loose thread that hung from the bottom of her dress around her finger, “ I’m usually never in the apartment by myself very often, but when I am I do get a little nervous. Kate says it’s because I spend too much time watching cheesy paranormal shows and they’ve corrupted my brain.” Y/N rolled her eyes at her comment.
“But, you being here right now has been the safest I’ve ever felt in the apartment by myself. Although technically I’m not by myself.” She let out another small chuckle. A piece of her hair was falling over the side of her face and I felt my hand reach to go move it. 
But I hesitated, like the coward that I always was.
“I hope this all doesn’t come off weird but I just wanted to say thank you, Jesse. For coming back to hang out with me so that way I wouldn’t have to be here all by myself.”
My cheeks began to feel hot and the nerves that were just pulsing through my body all vanished instantly. She felt safe with me here. Y/N would never know how much what she just said meant to me. How incredibly happy I was feeling in this moment here with her.
I raised my hand again from the back of the couch with this new confidence that was taking over me. I finally reached the side of Y/N’s face and gently tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear that was falling into her eye. Her face was so soft and so warm and I craved so desperately to leave my hand here forever.
I was now looking directly in her eyes, “I should be the one thanking you, Y/N. If I'm being completely honest, I agreed to come back here with you because I’m selfish and wanted more time with you today.” I let out a shaky breath. “I really enjoyed our lunch date and I was trying to think of ways that I could keep you in my company for just a few hours longer. I guess I must have been thinking too loudly because the universe must have heard me.” 
Another nervous chuckle escaped from my mouth, “I’m not great with words when I’m speaking out loud. I, I, I’ve always been better at being able to express myself on pen to paper. But, just know that I am extremely grateful and forever undeserving of being able to be sitting here next to someone so incredibly beautiful.”
It was Y/N’s cheeks now that were flushing pink and her eyes had a glossy shine to them. “You’re too incredibly sweet, Jesse. Truly.” She sniffled and quickly wiped away at her eyes. “I know this may be a bit off topic but, do you like popcorn?”
“I love popcorn!”
“I always gotta have popcorn anytime I watch a movie or a show. I can throw a bag in the microwave really quickly and then we can decide on something to watch?” Y/N asked before pushing her hands off her thighs and standing up from the couch.
“Sounds like a plan,” I answered excitedly, “Did you need any help?”
“Oh no, it only takes like two minutes and then I just toss it all in a big bowl and it’s ready to go. But thank you for offering.” Y/N turned to make her way into the kitchen and my eyes once again lingered on her legs and the bottom of her ass cheeks that peeked out from under her dress.
My heart was absolutely racing. I needed a reason to be able to stand up and catch my breath. Jesse’s words lingered in my mind, no one has ever said anything like that to me. 
His words were so gentle and he held such an honest stare directly into my eyes while speaking them. For someone who allegedly wasn't any good with speaking words, this man about had me in tears just a few seconds ago. 
Letting out a deep breath I reached into the pantry to pull out a bag of popcorn. Before taking the pouch out of the plastic wrapper I bent down into one of the lower cabinets to pull out my usual big black bowl that I always used for popcorn nights.
Finally removing the plastic wrap and unfolding the pouch, I made my way over to the microwave and set the timer for the popcorn button. The light from inside the microwave casted a warm glow out into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter while watching the popcorn pouch rotate on the glass plate as it slowly began to inflate. The sounds of the kernels popping echoing off the walls inside.
I still couldn’t believe that Jesse was here in my apartment, alone with me. I had been fighting off nerves all day but once we were finally back in the apartment the intensity that grew between us was never this thick before. 
The loud beeping from the microwave brought me out of my thoughts and I reached over to open the door and carefully pull the bag out. Pulling both corner ends of the bag to let out the hot steam and then poured the contents into the bowl beside me on the counter. 
I then turned to head out of the kitchen and back into the front room with the warm bowl of popcorn in hand. The salty savory smell of warm butter filling my nostrils as I inched closer to the couch. 
Jesse’s back was facing me and his messy curls were laid up against the back of the sofa. I came up behind him to lay my hand over his eyes and bent down next to his ear, “boo!” 
Jesse jumped up and I saw a few goosebumps form on the side of his neck. “You walk so quiet I didn’t even hear you enter the room. You’re like a little Ninja!”
“I give all my thanks to the hours I’ve spent consuming Ghost Adventures, taught me a thing or two.” I said with a wink while I walked around the couch to find my seat next to Jesse again.
“Ghost adventures? They’re still making episodes for that? What are they on, like season five hundred?” 
I brought my legs up onto the cushion to sit criss cross and set the bowl of popcorn in my lap. Grabbing a few pieces and stuffing them inside my mouth. “Hey! Don’t hate on the Ghost Adventures. Zak was one of my biggest crushes in high school and if God is on my side, he will keep Zak airing on TV until the end of time.”
Jesse reached over to grab a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl, “Sounds like I need to start picking up a hobby in ghost investigating then, now that there’s competition.”
My chewing came to a halt, “Competition?”
“Yeah, Zak is the enemy now and if I have any chance at making my way on the crush list it sounds like Ghost Investigating is in my near future.” Jesse replied with a sly wink.
Knots suddenly grew in my stomach. Both from intensity and excitement.
“Well, I’d say you already have an upper hand. You came to my rescue and are keeping me company so I wouldn’t have to be in this big, scary, apartment all by myself.”
An even bigger grin spread across Jesse’s face, “I’d come to your rescue any time you needed me to.”
My smile now reflected back at Jesse’s. Although we’ve only known each other for a short time, it felt like Jesse had been in my life forever. The way we are able to sit here in the big open space with just the two of us so comfortably, I’ve never been able to feel this safe with anyone so easily before.
I knew that Jesse’s words were genuine. That he wasn’t putting on some facade to try to impress me. He wasn’t here just because he gained anything out of it. He was here with me because he simply wanted to be. 
I’ve never felt this comfortable with anyone before. Not once did I ever have any feeling that Jesse would try to do anything or make any sudden moves. 
Although, I wouldn’t fight him off if he did.
Jesse reached back over to my lap to grab another handful of popcorn. “Well, speaking of my arch nemesis, should we put on good ole Zaky poo so I can take some notes?”
I raised a brow and tapped my chin with two fingers in a thinking gesture, “Sure! But before I do, should I go grab one of my notebooks out of my room? Just to make sure you don’t miss anything important.”
“You’ve got jokes, Y/N. Put the show on, I’ll be the judge on whether or not Zak could keep up with me.”
I reached over to grab the remote off of the coffee table and clicked on the TV. I opened up the Roku menu and clicked on the HBO app to go into the recently watched menu. Scrolling past a few movies Kate and I had watched and then landed on Ghost Adventures. 
“Would you like to start with season one episode one? Or would you like something more recent?” I turned to ask Jesse.
The glow of the TV casted against Jesse’s face and his warm chocolate brown eyes moved along with the words he read from the description of the episode. His fingers lightly tapped on the back of the couch behind me and suddenly his shoulder looked like a comfy place to lay my head against. 
“Oh we gotta start from the beginning. Run episode one up baybay!!” 
I hit play on the remote and the opening for Ghost Adventures started echoing throughout the room. Jesse’s eyes were watching the screen intently while mine were too focused on him.
I kept shifting my focus from the side of his face, down to his shoulder, and back up. Internally fighting myself on if I should make this move or if it would weird him out. 
Earlier before starting the episode I had moved the half empty bowl of popcorn onto the coffee table before us. The only thing sitting in my lap now were both of my hands as my fingers anxiously intertwined with one another. 
Fuck it. 
I leaned over and into Jesse, laying my head gently onto his shoulder. “Is this okay?”
Jesse’s hand was no longer resting on the back of the couch. But instead, was now running through the few strands of my hair that fell onto my shoulder. “More than okay.” He whispered into the side of my head.
We sat like this for a while. Leaning into each other's embrace, soaking in the warmth that radiated off of both our bodies. 
Jesse’s chest rose and fell with his breathing and his warm breath would occasionally brush along the top of my forehead. After a few episodes Jesse had rested his hand on my shoulder that was furthest away from him. 
His arm was completely outstretched behind me and I felt like I was wrapped in my own safe Jesse cocoon. I wanted to lay here forever with him. 
My eyes grew heavier and heavier as each episode ended and another one began. I didn’t want to lose any time with him but the way I felt completely comfortable and at peace next to him put me in a state of bliss I never felt before.
After putting up a good fight I finally caved in to the tiredness that overtook me. Shutting my eyes and letting the rise and fall of Jesse’s breathing doze me off to sleep.
“Does she really have a crush on this guy? This guy?!? He doesn’t even go into the scary rooms by himself! He sends his friends in there for him!!” I thought to myself. 
“I could definitely do a better ghost investigation job. Just wait until ERRA goes on tour again. I’m googling all the haunted places of every city we go to and I’m taking the boys with me and I’ll show her that Zak Bagans is a pussy.
Y/N’s warm breath fanned across my neck and it sent a shock down my entire body that broke me from my thoughts. I turned down to sneak a glance at her and was completely overwhelmed from happiness at the sight that I was staring down at.
Y/N had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Her head was tucked in the space between my neck and she looked so peaceful. 
Her legs looked uncomfortable tangled up in a mess at her side so I reached over to pick them up and gently laid them across my lap. I did my best to make sure to move her as little as possible in hopes not to wake her.
The warmth of her calves burnt through my pants to the skin on my thighs. Once she was positioned more comfortably, she rested her hands up against my chest. 
I couldn’t stop staring at the sight below me. I haven’t felt this happy in such a long time. I meant it when I told her I would always come to her rescue. But after tonight, after this moment, I knew that it was me who would need rescuing from falling so hard. 
A state of catatonic peace completely took over me. I could sit within this moment forever. Drifting off into euphoria left to wander in the touch of Y/N. 
I was completely lost inside the maze and I knew I would never be able to find the way out. I tilted my head down to rest up against Y/N’s. Our hair entangling in each other. 
I closed my eyes and let the feeling of euphoric bliss carry me away in the comfortability from being within her touch.
I stepped out of the car and let out a long exhausted breath as my feet met the pavement below me. 
I struggled to keep my eyes open the entire drive back to the apartment. I ended up having to stay two hours past close because while Kristina was mopping the floors in the back, she accidentally hit the pipe of the sink and it popped off causing water to leak out all onto the floor. 
Thankfully we were able to squeegee all the water out of the back door. But now I’m left to deal with the broken pipe issue. Which I left for tomorrow morning because I physically could not even imagine trying to lay under that sink and put that pipe back on after the day I had. 
I let out a long yawn and finally made my way up to mine and Y/N’s front door. I inserted my house key into the lock and slid the door open to step inside. 
Should have known Ghost Adventures would be playing on the TV, I thought to myself as I kicked off my shoes and set my purse down on the table next to the door.With a few more steps I was further into the front room and I had to do a double take at the sight before me. 
Y/N and Jesse were both sitting on the couch. Y/N’s legs were laying across Jesse’s lap, his arms were wrapped around her, their heads leaning against each other, and they were both soundly asleep.
I” can’t believe this girl had him watching Ghost Adventures on the first date.” I mumbled out loud to myself.
As I made my way past the couch something in my peripherals suddenly caused me to stop in place before heading off to my bedroom. 
A half empty bowl of popcorn sitting out on the coffee table with a few stray pieces of popcorn littered around it. She’s so lucky that Jesse is here or I’d dump this bowl of popcorn right over her head.
I turned to walk towards the coffee table trying my best to remain quiet so I wouldn’t wake them. Despite my aggravation at the sight of popcorn sprinkled across my coffee table, I didn’t want to interrupt this moment between the two of them. 
I leaned down to grab the popcorn but my exhausted eyes must not have realized the bowl wasn’t fully situated within my grasp. The bowl slipped from between my fingers and before I was able to make any attempt at catching it, the bowl had already made its way onto the floor with a loud crash following behind it. 
I froze in place staring at the now broken bowl and the stray pieces of popcorn that fell against the floor.
“What the hell?!” Y/N jumped up causing Jesse’s arms to fall down from her shoulders and now into her lap. She turned towards me, eyes half opened while they slowly adjusted to the room.
I bent down to begin picking up the pieces of popcorn from off the floor, “I am so sorry, I tried my best not to wake you guys.”
“When did you get home? What time is it?” Y/N asked, still attempting to wake up. 
Jesse’s eyes slowly opened and he let out a deep yawn before going to rub his eyes. “Oh shit, I guess we must have passed out.” 
Although the both of them now awake, they still remained in the same position I found them in. Coiled up into each other hesitant to be the first one to move.
Before reaching to grab another piece of popcorn from the floor a tattooed, red, mandala covered hand appeared next to me, “I’m so sorry about the popcorn. Here let me help you, do you guys have a broom anywhere? I don’t want you or Y/N cutting yourself on the glass pieces.”
I motioned towards the kitchen,“Yeah, in the laundry room hanging up behind the door. Just go through the kitchen and it’s the door in the back all the way towards the right.” 
“Shit, I am so sorry Kate. I didn’t realize how late it was and -“
I put up a finger to my mouth in a whisper motion, “Y/N, don’t even worry about it. Did I almost grow a few gray hairs the moment I spotted the popcorn on the table? Definitely. But, what’s more important is the fact that you and Jesse were cuddling together on the couch.” 
Y/N bent down next to me to help pick up the last few pieces of popcorn, “Shh, we will talk about it when Jesse isn’t less than two feet away.”
I winked an eye at her and Jesse soon reappeared back into the front room with the broom and dustpan. “Neither of you touched any of the glass, right?” 
“No sir, just the popcorn.” Y/N responded back while dusting off the salt and popcorn crumbs from her hands.
 Jesse was now between us and I reached out to grab the dust pan from him so I could hold it in place while he began to sweep up the broken glass pieces and left over popcorn remains. 
“Awh, shit. That was my favorite popcorn bowl too.” Y/N whined with her bottom lip stuck out in a pouting motion, “No other bowl will be the same.”
Me and Jesse both let out a chuckle and I reached down to help pull Y/N up off of the floor. “I’m sorry I broke your favorite popcorn bowl, looks like we will just have to go on a girls shopping trip so I can buy you a new one.”
“Oooh, I love me a good girls day shopping trip!” Jesse said with a high pitched tone.
“It’s a date then! Add it to your Ghost Adventures notes so you don’t forget, Jesse.” Y/N replied back with a smirk.
Once we had everything cleaned up and the living room was back in order I checked my phone to look at the time, “Holy shit! I did not realize it was already almost three in the morning! I need to get to bed, I have to open the cafe in the morning and fix the damn sink.”
“The sink? What happened to the sink?” Y/N asked.
I slid my phone back into my pocket, “I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just gonna go to bed and wallow in my own self pity. But, you two have fun out here and make good choices.” I turned to walk down the hallway to make my way towards my bedroom at the end of the hall. Leaving Y/N and Jesse alone to themselves once again.
“Well, it’s getting extremely late and my nosey ass roommates are probably up pacing the house wondering where I’m at.” Jesse said while anxiously stuffing his hands into his front pockets.
My heart sank at his words, knowing that this meant he was leaving. Forever wishing that I could turn back time and restart the night over again. 
I began to twiddle my fingers, “Well, I had a lot of fun today. Thank you so much again for picking me up and taking me to lunch and for also hanging out with me.” 
“Anytime, Y/N. Hopefully we can do this again soon. Maybe next time we can have our Ghost Adventures marathon at my place and I can introduce you to my own special popcorn bowl.”
“I would like that very much, Jesse.”
Jesse began walking over towards the front door and I followed closely behind him. Scared that if I let him get too far ahead of me that I would lose any extra time with him. He bent down and began sliding his sneakers back onto his feet.
“Let me walk you down to your car?” I asked from behind him.
“You are insane if you think I’m going to have you walk me down and then have you walk back upstairs at night by yourself. But, I won’t put up a fight if you walk me to the first step at the top of the staircase.”
I rolled my eyes, “Fine. I guess that’s a fair compromise.” I reached for the door handle and pulled back the door for me and Jesse to step outside into the chilly LA air. Jesse walked in front of me and I followed after him, closing the door behind us.
I held my arms tightly crossed against me to help shield me from the cold. We both came to a stop once we reached the first step and I felt my heart begin to sink again knowing that Jesse was now actually about to leave.
Jesse turned around to face me before stepping out onto the concrete stairs below him. He took a step closer into me, our chests were now barely inches apart. The warmth of his body heat casted onto me like rays of sunlight. Warming both my skin and my heart.
He leaned down to leave a kiss on the middle of my forehead, “I had a really wonderful time with you tonight, Y/N. I haven’t felt this genuinely happy in a real long time.” He pulled away to look down at me and brushed the few strands of hair behind my ear that were blowing across my face. 
I outstretched both arms around his lower back to hold Jesse in a hug. He immediately leaned into me and I felt his arms wrap around my back pulling me in tighter to him. We both stood there for a few moments in silence holding each other as the sound of the wind echoed off the apartment buildings.  
I spoke my thoughts out loud into Jesse’s chest, “I don’t want to let you go.” My grip tightening on the back of his shirt.
“I don’t want to let you go either. But with the goosebumps that have taken over your skin tells me that I should let you get back inside to the warm - well… warmer air I should say, now that Kate’s back home.” 
Jesse rubbed his hand up and down my back and I reluctantly let go of him. Letting my arms fall back down at my side. “Please text me when you get home so I know you made it safe.”
“Will do, now get inside and go get warm. I will see you again very soon, beautiful.” Jesse laid another swift kiss to the top of my head before turning to descend the staircase and making his way to the parking lot and back into his car.
I pulled into the driveway of my LA home and put the car in park. Shifting in the seat while replaying all of tonight in my mind. The scent of Y/N still lingering in my nostrils. I pulled the key out of the ignition and noticed a strand of her hair was stuck to my sleeve. 
Pushing open the car door and stepping out onto the pavement driveway I then made my way  to the front door. I let out a yawn as I inserted my house key into the lock and made my way into the house. “WELL, WELL, WELL, would you look at who's finally home?” Michael’s voice echoed through the front room.
Him and Jolly were still up, both stretched out across the black sectional couch. They had the playstation casted on the TV and from the looks of the snacks that spread across the coffee table, had been here playing video games for the last few hours.
I continued my way into the front room, Jolly’s head now peaking out from the back of the couch, “Jesse dear, did you make good choices?”
“Is it going to be like this every time I walk through the front door now?” I responded back to Jolly with a laugh.
“We just aren’t used to our boy being out past three am. They grow up so fast.” Michael said in a mock crying tone. 
I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs, “I’m going to bed. I’ll deal with you two idiots tomorrow.” A wide grin still stretched across my face. I made my way into the hallway and finally into my bedroom. 
I slid my shoes off and undressed out of my clothes from today. Opting for just a pair of blue sweatpants. Before I slid my shirt off over my head, Y/N’ strand of hair from earlier caught my attention and I picked it up and walked over to lay it across my pillow.
I pulled back the covers and laid my tired limbs onto the mattress below me. The coldness of the sheets spread against the bare skin of my chest and back. Before finally turning over to close my exhausted eyes, I pulled my phone off of the nightstand that stood next to my bed.
I pulled up Y/N’s contact and began typing out a text,
I made it back home safe and sound. Thank you again for making today the best one I’ve had in a while. I hope you have sweet dreams, beautiful. Talk soon. 
After hitting send I clicked the side button to turn off the screen and set my phone back onto the nightstand. Finally turning over to rest my tired limbs.
I leaned over the kitchen countertop while pouring myself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the sound of the cereal pieces bouncing off the bottom of the glass bowl echoed back at me. I slept in longer than intended but given the fact that I didn’t fall asleep until almost four in the morning, it was a miracle that I was even awake before noon.
Noah quickly came bouncing into the kitchen behind me and headed over towards the fridge, pulling out a carton of coconut water. He screwed off the cap and took a large gulp before coming up to stand next to me. Resting his back against the cold tile of the countertop.
Silence stood between us but I knew that his questions would soon follow. I already knew Jolly and Michael had already told him about me getting home late this morning. With my bowl now filled to the top with milk and cereal I hopped up onto the countertop and began shoving spoonfuls into my mouth.
My legs hung off the counter and I swayed them back and forth from anticipation. I then glanced over at Noah who was now scrolling on his phone, still taking sips of coconut water every so often.
Jolly now emerged into the kitchen suddenly breaking the silence in the air, “well good morning lads.” He spoke while walking over to the sink to rinse out his white coffee mug that had Jolly etched into the front. 
“Good morning.” Me and Noah both responded back. Noah was still intently looking down at his phone. My curious eyes quickly flashed over to get a sneak at his screen and I saw he had been scrolling through a profile on Instagram. Before I could stare any longer to see whose profile he was so intensely focused on, Jolly jumped up onto the counter next to me, bumping his shoulder against mine.
“Sooooo, did you use protection?” Jolly’s dumb face now staring holes into the side of my cheek as he raised his eyebrows up and down.
Noah nearly choked on his coconut water, “Wait! Protection?! Hold the fuck up!” He slammed the carton box against the counter, “Jesse, you slept with Y/N?”
I let out a deep sigh of frustration as I set the bowl of cereal down on my lap, “Ignore Jolly, he’s an idiot. But no, I did not sleep with Y/N since everyone is so eager to know every detail of my relationship with her.”
I hopped off the counter and walked my bowl over to the sink to begin rinsing it out. Noah came up behind me to place a hand on my shoulder, “Hey man I’m sorry for assuming. It just shocked me is all.”
“No, no,” I waved him off. “I’m sorry for snapping. It’s just, Y/N isn’t like that. She’s a really sweet, down to earth girl and I’m just so scared of fucking this up. We had a really great night together last night. Noah, this girl…” I turned to face him, “She’s fucking incredible. When I’m with her my anxiety is through the fucking roof. But I’ve also never felt more calmer and at peace than when she’s at my side.”
“That’s a good thing, Jesse. Let yourself enjoy this, you deserve it. You’re not going to fuck it up, so get those thoughts out of your head.” Noah removed his hand from my shoulder to begin rummaging it through the messy ends of his hair. “I’ve known you forever man, and if there is anyone in this world who deserves ultimate happiness it's you, Jess.”
“Oh! I agree with Noah!” Jolly shouted over from the kitchen table where he was now sitting eating a piece of buttered toast. “I’m sorry for fucking with you so much and giving you a hard time. It’s all jokes man. We truly are very happy for you and hope that this situation with Y/N works out the way you want it to.”
“Thanks guys, I appreciate it.” 
“Off topic but Jess I may need your help if you’ve got time.” Noah shifted on his feet, “ I was up late last night in the studio working on some stuff for Bad Omens. I put together a little something and just wanted to run it by you.” 
“Oh for sure man, I have time now if you want to head over there and we can give it a listen, see what you got cookin.” 
Noah motioned towards the exit of the kitchen and I followed behind him to the studio room right down the small hallway next door. He pulled out the black office chair from the desk and sat down in front of his silver macbook to pull up his mixing program.
I came up beside him to sit in one of the extra office chairs and waited as he searched through the tracks of songs. “I’ve had this idea floating around in my brain for a little while, of doing like an official unofficial revamped album. It would follow the storyline of the Concrete Jungle comics. I thought it would be cool to get a bunch of different artists and do revamped or remixed versions of the songs off the record.”
“Have you spoken with Matt yet about this? I asked while raising my brows.
“Not yet, I’m saving that conversation with him for another day because I already know he’s going to give me shit for working when I’m supposed to be taking time to myself. But you know how I am. I can’t focus unless I’m working on something.”
This was true, Noah had always been one to keep himself busy, to the point of exhaustion. How he had managed to even find time or the motivation to work on music while being on the road so much with his band was something that I really admired in my friend. Noah was one of the most dedicated and hard working people I knew. It was one of the most honorable qualities about him.
I let out a slight chuckle, “Yeah well, Matt is definitely going to have your ass about all this work you’ve been doing. But it sounds like a sick idea man. I’m excited to see what you’ve got planned.”
“Ah! Here it is.” Noah pulled up one one of the tracks and began to let it play, his voice coming out of the speakers in a melodic tone. 
This life was all it had to be. Designed, but not for you and me. I never needed you to be anything more than human.
He let a bit more play and there were now no words, only back tracks playing. “This is sort of all I have right now. It’s still a work in progress but, remember when we were out on tour together and you, JT, and I were sitting back in the greenroom one night after the show and I had mentioned the idea about a ERRA and Bad Omens collab?”
My mind quickly flashed back to that night of me and my friends sitting around on the couch in the venue greenroom, sharing laughter, and probably all in desperate need of a shower. “Yeah, I do remember us all talking about working on something together. Is that what this is here?” I asked while pointing to his macbook.
“Yeah, once we got back home the idea just never really left my mind. I know you guys are busy working on your new upcoming album and have some shows coming up soon, so I know you guys will be pretty strapped for time.” Noah turned in the chair to face back at me, “But, I think an ERRA/Bad Omens collab would be fucking sick. Plus, I need your brain on this one. This song needs some of those intense Jesse Cash lyrics.”
I sat up eagerly and stretched my arms out above my head to crack my limbs, “Fuck yeah man, I’m down. I know the rest of the guys will be down. JT’s been on my ass for months about letting him know when we finally decide to make up our minds and set aside the time. I’ll call him up now and we can run over everything with him.”
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and pulled up JT’s contact, selecting the facetime call button and positioning the screen so that me and Noah were both sitting in frame. The phone picked up and JT’s face emerged on the screen before us, “Well look at these two beautiful boys!” 
The three of us began discussing our ideas for this new upcoming track…
I let out a long yawn and stretched out my arms over my chest. I worked a short shift this afternoon and the second I came back to the apartment I sprawled out across the couch and took a nap.
Kate stuck behind to deal with the broken sink pipe. When I showed up this afternoon she was laying on the floor in an attempt to duct tape it back on, but when Kristina had begun washing dishes later in the day water was still leaking out from the sides. So I ended up spending the last hour of my shift helping her search for plumbers.
As I continued to lay here in the quiet space, memories from last night replayed in my mind. Jesse’s bright smile forever taking up all the space. The scent of him still lingered on the couch pillow that rested beneath my head and it brought me back to when I was wrapped up in his arms, the safest place I’ve ever felt. 
I spent the whole day missing him from the moment my alarm went off this morning. Every time the lobby door to the cafe would open I would glance up, hoping to see his head full of curls coming my way. He had sent me a text last night letting me know he had made it home safe. I hadn’t had time yet today to text him back. Work was busy per usual, and then with the whole sink escapade time unjustifiably slipped from my fingers. 
I reached over to grab my cell phone from off of the coffee table and clicked it on, adjusting my eyes from the brightness of the screen that casted onto my face. I tapped on the text message box to open up the thread of messages, but the last one from Jesse was the one he had sent last night.
I so desperately wanted to text him, my fingers danced over the letters on the screen from anticipation. But I was hesitant, scared that I may be coming off as too needy and desperate. But I also didn’t want him to think that I was avoiding him since I never got the chance to respond to his message. 
With a nervous sigh, I began typing out a message on the screen before me.
Hey you, I’m sorry I am texting back so late. Work was crazy busy and I unfortunately didn’t have any time to be on my phone. But, I’m back home for the night and just wanted to send you a text to say that I hope you had a good day today. Hope to hear from you soon. 
I clicked the send button and then pushed myself up from off the couch. I headed over to the kitchen and grabbed the jug of orange juice from the fridge, pouring it into the pink plastic cup that sat on the counter before me. Then headed back towards my room with the cup in hand.
Before reaching for the door handle of my room my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I quickly stepped into the room before me and clicked on the light, eagerly pulling my phone out from behind me. Jesse’s name flashed across the screen followed by a text message.
Jesse🌺:Hey you, you must have known I was thinking about you all day because you texted me right as I was just about to ask if I could facetime you, you got a second? 
The familiar heat that always found its way to my cheeks returned and a wide smile spread across my face. I took a small sip of my orange juice and then set it on top of the nightstand beside my bed before typing out my reply.
Reader: I was actually just about to hop in the shower but for you, I can always make time.
I sat down on my bed and laid my back up against the pillows that rested on my headboard then tucked my legs under the covers and pulled them up to rest along my chest. I tucked a few stray hairs behind my ears and did a quick once over in my phone camera to make sure I looked presentable.
I had still been in my work clothes from earlier that consisted of a pair of black leggings and a long sleeve lilac purple cropped sweatshirt. My hair still tied up in the messy bun I lazily threw it up in this morning. 
My phone began ringing from within my palm and I turned the screen over to see Jesse’s facetime contact. I let out a breath before finally clicking the green answer button. The screen quickly went black and then before I knew it I was greeted with a sight that almost made my heart stop beating.
Jesse was sitting behind his desk wearing a white tee shirt and a brown Carhartt beanie. His curls sticking out from the bottom like chocolate waves. He had a brown acoustic guitar resting on his lap with the black guitar strap wrapped around his shoulder.
“Hey, you.” Jesse said with a wink.
I pulled both my knees up and rested my phone down on my knee caps to angle the screen facing downwards at me, “Hey yourself.” I had to quickly stop myself from biting my lip, I’d never seen Jesse in a beanie before but it was definitely doing things to me.
“I hope I didn’t bother you, I wasn’t sure if it was a good time or not but I just really wanted to see your pretty face again.”
My voice stuttered and I quickly cleared my throat, “Well, I’m sorry that you called when I happen to be looking like a garbage can.” I looked down at the outfit that rested against my skin and then back up at Jesse, “you caught me before I could get in the shower and into clothes that don’t reak of coffee and pastries.”
“You look absolutely breathtaking, Y/N. Just like you do every time I see you. Jesse adjusted the guitar and began strumming a few chords. My eyes watching him out of pure adoration. Still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that it was me who was sitting here with this as my view. “Since when do you play guitar?” I asked while playing with the string of the blanket next to me.
“Oh yeah, it makes sense you would be wondering that.” Jesse responded while laughing. “I actually have played guitar since I was super young. Remember when I told you that I was better at putting words to pen and paper? Well, it’s true. I spend a lot of my time writing music…”
He paused for a moment, “This usually isn’t the first thing I tell people because it feels like boasting and I never want it to come off in a way that is taken as the only thing I have to offer. But, I play guitar in both of my bands.”
I eagerly sat up in bed, my phone nearly falling off my knees and onto the mattress. “Shut the fuck up!” I exclaimed excitedly. 
Jesse let out a loud fit of laughter and it sounded like pure bliss to my ears. I wish I could sit and listen to it forever. He stretched his arm out towards his phone to position it so he was more centered in frame, “I’m totally serious, I’ve played in my band ERRA ever since I was in high school. I started my own solo project Ghost Atlas a few years after because I can never silence my brain from writing mode.” 
“I was about to ask you if you were fucking with me but, the smile that has been casted on your face the entire time from behind the words you just spoke gave me the answer to that question.” I pushed the few stray hairs back behind my ear that fell out from me sitting up a few minutes ago. “Soooo, are you going to play me something?”
“Oh man, the pressure!” I let out a giggle at his response. “Hmm, and what do I get if I do?” Jesse asked me while tapping his fingers on the bottom of his chin.
“How about a fresh plate of orange scones and another Ghost Adventures marathon with me?” Jesse was now looking directly into my eyes through the screen and the intensity burned so heavily between us it set fire to the inside of my palms.
“You know, I don’t put on a private show for just anybody.” He readjusted the strap on his shoulder, “The orange scones and the Ghost Adventures sounds very intriguing and I’m down, but I may have one more request to add to that list.” It was Jesse who was now biting at his lip.
“My band ERRA actually has a few shows coming up. We are playing at a venue here in downtown LA this upcoming weekend. I’ve seen you at work being the cutest and best barista there is. But, would you do me the honor of coming out and seeing me at work?” Pink hues casted from the skin that rested atop his cheekbones. His fingers nervously strumming the strings of the guitar in front of him as he awaited my answer.
My heart sank at the question he had just hit me with. I could tell he was incredibly nervous to ask me and I always found comfort in knowing that Jesse was just as nervous around me as I was around him. My heartbeat picked up out of excitement and I already knew my answer the second he finished asking it.
“Jesse, I would be absolutely honored to come out to the show and watch you.” I spoke with absolute honesty behind my words. I was incredibly excited at the thought alone of seeing Jesse perform on stage. 
“Awesome, then we have ourselves a deal. I’ll text you all the information of the show with the set times and when doors open. I’m going to text our merch guy Brennan and tell him to add your name to my guest list.”
“Ooohh I’m fancy now. I have my own personal spot on the Jesse Cash’s setlist.” I said in a teasing tone. Jesse jokingly rolled his eyes at my remark. “But seriously, are you sure it’s okay if you add me to your guest list? I don’t mind paying!” 
“I’m the one who asked you to come out, I would not make you pay. Plus, what if you think we fucking suck?” Jesse asked behind another fit of laughter. “I couldn’t live with myself if I invited a beautiful girl out, made her pay, and then she had to stand and be witness to the absolute worst show of her life.”
“Oh shut up.” I giggled. “I highly doubt it will be the worst show of my life. Plus I’m about to get a little sneak peak so I’ll be the judge of whether or not I should text you later to ask you to take my name off the list.”  I said jokingly.
“Ouch, that was harsh. You know just for that I have the perfect song that I’m going to play for you, Y/N.”
“Oh yeah?” I teasingly bantered back.
“Yeah, I call this one, “Aaron go check it out, by yourself.” Jesse began strumming notes on the guitar and cleared his throat before singing out the words of his song.
“Ohh FUCK YOU Zak Bagans, you don’t even go in the scary rooms by yourself.
Ohhhh FUCK YOU Zak Bagans, your my arch nemesis 
and I will be a better ghost investigator than yoooouuuu.”
Laughter overtook me and shook through all my bones. “Oh my fucking god.” I put my hand in front of my mouth and continued to laugh into my palm as Jesse still continued to sing. His melodic voice echoed off my four bedroom walls and back at me. Despite his goofy lyrics, his voice was absolutely beautiful and it took my breath away.
“Ohhh FUCK YOU Zak Bagans you’re a pussy!
They should have named the show, Zak Bagans SUCKS!
Ohhh FUCK YOU Zak Bagans you don’t have shit on meeeeee!”
Jesse then started strumming erratically, “And that will be all for tonight folks. Thank you!” He lifted his hand out and did a mock bow down at the phone before lifting the guitar over him and placing it back onto the stand at the side of his desk.
“So, what did you think?” Jesse asked me after returning back into frame. 
“Yeah, so I think I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I’m afraid I might not be able to make it this weekend.” I said with a teasing smile.
“Ah I get it, my lyrics do tend to have that effect on people. They’re so beautiful and heart wrenching they just really give all those intense feels. Makes sense you would be feeling a little off from the intensity of the rawness of the words.”
It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed this hard. My cheeks were sore from smiling so much and my throat was raspy from all the laughter that escaped my mouth. “You sir are the cutest idiot I’ve ever met, you know that?”
“You said cutest, so I’ll take it!” The large smile never left Jesse’s face, “You know, you’re pretty cute yourself.” Jesse leaned down closer to the camera and rested his chin against his hands that were laying flatly on the desk before him. 
My smile also never leaving my face, “Well, when can I see you again? These facetime calls are special but admittedly it pales in comparison to being able to see your cute face in person.” I bit my lip in anticipation, tugging on the dead skin to the side.
“Hmm, how about tomorrow morning first thing, so I can have you and those orange scones you promised?
I stuck out my bottom lip in a pouty motion, “That’s too long, I was thinking more along the lines of right now. That is, if you have time?”
A devilish grin now spread across Jesse’s face, “For you Y/N, I can always make time.” He tapped the phone screen to read the time, “How does a milkshake and some french fries sound? There’s this diner that is open pretty late and they have the best orange dreamsicle shake I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Oh, it sounds like my orange scones have some competition.”  I raised a brow, “Looks like I also now have an arch nemesis.”
Jesse let out a chuckle and pushed his hands off of the desk to stand up, “I’m grabbing my jacket and I’ll be over in ten.”
“Can’t wait.” I responded and then disconnected my facetime call with Jesse. With excited jitters coursing through my veins I eagerly jumped out of bed and put on a fresh pair of clothes. Opting for a pair of ripped blue jeans and a cropped light pink tee shirt that had engraved flowers on the front. I slipped on my usual pair of black platform Converse and grabbed my oversized gray cardigan off of the hook from the back of my door. Pulling my hair out of the messy bun and throwing it into a quick messy side braid that rested against my left shoulder. 
Before finally stepping out of my room I reached over to my dresser to apply a few layers of the orange creamsicle chapstick I bought the other day. A devilish thought creeping into the back of my brain before finally stepping out of my bedroom to make my way towards the front room.
I wonder if the taste of my lips will live up to this infamous diner milkshake.
With one hand resting on the door handle, I twisted it pulling the front door open to be met with the cool summer breeze of the late LA air. Making my way down the steps and into the parking lot as Jesse’s car pulled up in front of the building. The parking lot lamp shone through the windshield glass to highlight the brown pool of curls that rested out from under his beanie.
I excitedly pushed off of the last step, the bottom of my shoe kissing the pavement of the sidewalk below me. I neared Jesse’s car and as I came closer he emerged from the drivers side door, “Hey you.” He said with a grin.  “Hey yourself.” I responded as he came around to open the passenger side door for me to climb inside. The adventure of our second night together officially just beginning.
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t4tozier · 4 months
👽 and 💝 for jace and porter?
omg how did i miss this one okay let's do it
quirk hc:
i did one for porter already but he's a quirky guy. quokki guy.
you will never catch porter with dirt on his shoes. it's a product of his paladin training; somehow, no matter where he goes or how long he wears them for, his shoes are always spotless. he has a cleaning kit that he brings everywhere with him during his free period you can find him polishing his boots.
jace prefers to stand over sitting but if he has the opportunity to sit on a counter or somewhere where he can kick his feet he prefers to do that instead. he's such a bad hoverer when they're at ruben's house he'll just stand in the threshold like no please. continue. i'm just hanging out.
love language hc:
porter's love language is quality time. he won't admit it, but he misses jace when he's not around and makes up excuses to spend time around him. he'll text jace at 2 am like u up but in like a hey wyd i miss u way. but ofc jace will read it in a fuckboy way. they do usually end up fucking when they're together for any extended period of time because porter refuses to tell jace that he just wants to be in the same room as him.
you would think jace's love language is physical touch. and you would be right. that's how he shows it, anyway. "always a duo"? yeah that's because jace literally always wants to be at porter's side. touching him, kissing him, fucking him. the first and only time they've ever spooned jace felt shrimp emotions.
what he really wants, though, is acts of service. he's so used for people making him do things for them, and with porter, it just becomes kind of another part of jace's normal routine. fall in love, get used, get hurt, rinse and repeat. but then porter starts helping him clean his house when his magic has him too wired to concentrate (paladin), washes the dishes that have been in there for too long, brings jace breakfast in the morning because he knows otherwise he's surviving on nicotine coffee and a dream, and jace doesn't really know what to do with that.
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andguesswhat · 1 year
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What if… somewhere in Northern Italy… 
„Are you nervous?“
Armie smiles at him as if he doesn’t believe him. 
He rolls his eyes in response. He wonders whether it's really so convenient to have a partner who knows you inside out. 
He slips into his new shoes, shiny, elegant, not the kind he usually wears. He thought he needed to break in his shoes.
“So you’re not going to wear boots tomorrow?”
Armie chuckles. He examines Tim from head to toe, white shirt, his baggy shorts, white socks, shiny shoes. “Actually, you can go like that tomorrow. Looks good.”
Tim resists the temptation to roll his eyes again and walks out of the house.
Armie follows. “Would you mind if I wore my Birkenstocks?”
Tim snorts at the provocation, but still says “No.”
They go for a walk around the property on the path. The crickets chirp, otherwise absolute silence, no traffic noise, only the creaking of their footsteps on the gravel. The air is warm, it smells of Italian fauna. Olive groves, lavender bushes. 
This is definitely the right place to do it. 
“God, I missed this! This is so beautiful, isn’t it?” Armie is full of enthusiasm. 
Tim can only nod, can’t even smile. He’s tense. 
Even though he doesn't want to be. 
Even though he doesn’t know why. 
Maybe he isn't tense. Maybe he's just pensive. 
He doesn't know how he is. 
Why is he in such a strange mood, why is he so introverted now of all times? Why is he feeling almost blue? 
He wouldn't wonder if Armie thinks he has changed his mind, that's how strange he feels. 
Yet he is more certain than ever and can’t wait to finally, finally do it. 
Maybe that’s why he is so tense.
Pensive. Or melancholic? 
Because he has waited for so long.
It’s been a while since he had proposed to Armie. 
Now he has to smile after all. 
Reversed roles, right? 
He never regretted taking the first step, he never regretted fighting, he never regretted being the one to ask. He doesn't want it any other way. 
Armie had reacted very sweetly. As always. 
He knows no one more loving than Armie. 
Which doesn't mean that they don’t have bad bad fights every now and then. 
But they never take long, because they learnt to address things and they almost always end up with good, hot make-up sex. 
“What are you smiling at?”
It’s the strangest feeling he has right now. He floats. His feelings bounce like in a giant balloon from side to side, covered in foam. And he doesn't even know what all those feelings are. He only knows, he’s completely unable to react normally.
Because he has to do something, has to grab something, he plucks a lavender stem from the bush. 
This is different from their commitment ceremony in Paris. Paris was an act of rebellion, of fighting against the odds, of celebrating that love would always win. 
There he had been the driving force. And he had pulled Armie along with his energy. 
This now is different. 
This is now just about them.
Armie smiles at him and asks warmly, “Do you mind if I take a photo?” 
Armie chuckles quietly before he takes photos. After a few photos he steps beside Tim and takes a picture of their feet. Tim's black shoes, not so shiny anymore because of the gravel, beside Armie's bare feet in flip flops. 
He loves Armie so much, for all that he is. 
Shouldn't he be happy beyond measure? Overflowing with joy? Bounce around like an energy bunny? Especially him? But somehow he almost feels paralyzed. Numb. Armie certainly would have loved it to be differently, he is sure. The night before their wedding and his soon to be husband does not gush with joy? 
Italy, here at Luca's, always gives him the sense of a different life. Without the charade. What it would be like. As tempting as it is, in the end it is never his life. Their lives.
“Will there actually be a bouquet tomorrow? Groom's bouquet? Two grooms' bouquets?” 
Armie stretches every syllable. 
Tim shakes his head. “No, I don’t think so.”
Their committee consists of Pauline. She will do the right thing. That's all he knows. 
When they keep on walking, Armie asks, “So, do the shoes already press?”
But he's not sure about his outfit anymore. It is always the same with him and his outfit decisions. But this time it's not about some stupid red carpet. This time it's more important than any of them!
He sighs. He knows that Armie doesn’t mind but of course he wants to look the most stunning ever for him. How is he supposed to top his previous outfits? 
“How about we play ‘Peaches’ from the Super Mario Bros movie tomorrow during the ceremony?” Armie asks jokingly.
Tim smiles lightly. “No.”
Suddenly Armie stops, making Tim stop too and look at him. 
Armie makes a completely exaggerated theatrical face. “After all the No's I got from you now, do I have to worry that you'll say No tomorrow too?"
Tim has to grin. 
He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he hadn't really noticed how he had responded. 
This time he answers with a big smirk, "No!"
Then they just look at each other. 
Tim can see it all in his eyes. 
There’s no one else, just him. 
“I’m sorry, Armie, I don’t know why I’m like this. I’m so sorry.”
Armie pulls him into his arms, holds him. 
“Shhh,” Armie whispers in his ear, “Are you happy?”
Tim closes his eyes for a second before he looks at Armie again and says with all his heart, “Yes. Yes, I am.” 
“That’s all I need to know. You don't get married every day, you know. It's okay to have all kinds of feelings about that.”
They kiss. 
“No matter how it’s going to be, it’s going to be a beautiful day,” Armie's soothing voice is telling him.
And Tim believes him. 
He should stop worrying and thinking too much.
Then Armie squeezes him so hard he can't breathe, lifts him up, over his shoulder, making him squeal with laughter, and jogs, with him back down the gravel path. 
Yes, tomorrow will be beautiful and he will say Yes to Armie all day. 
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bigein · 6 months
I hope you do write the explicit scoteng omegaverse because I for one would love to read it!
sorry anon, as befitting my age I was out at the pub this weekend but happy easter and here you go (it ended up more one-shot than pwp and is in need of a proofread but today is my last day off, Godspeed).
Alasdair's shoulders are hot under his vest, the grass damp under his knees. He'd shed every layer he could and by mid-morning he was left in his boots, the thick denim he wears in the garden, and the fraying cotton that stretches tight across his chest. The belt at his hips is strapped tight and he tries to focus on that instead of the way his thighs tense and his gloved hands dig into the earth with a shudder like he is cold. It comes in waves, the heat that has him bent and huffing like a beast in the garden, tearing at roots like he wants to tear at himself.
At least the air out here clears his head, away from the unsettled scents of the house and the sharp smell of wood polish. Alasdair would have chosen beeswax but it was Dai charged with the floors and he'd come back from town with a tin can, new brushes and rags. Compromise. They are trying their hands at compromise, and Alasdair is trying, damn the devil, but he is already at his wit's end and today--
He tears harder at the ground and grits his teeth; sweat pools at his back. The grass crushed beneath his weight smells fresh and young; the weeds sharp and the soil rich and clean. The plot behind the house (their house) is little more than a tangle of briars and unkept rows of mint and meadowsweet. It is better than the polish, better than Sean's cider-and-turf and Daffyd's muted amber. They are not so far from the coast that he can't imagine the salt-tang of sea-spray in the air, metallic on his tongue. Today it makes him want to spit on the ground and pant, bite into something sweet until the juice drips down his throat.
He clenches his eyes shut and exhales like it hurts, and, to his great, fucking displeasure, he knows it's Arthur coming down to the garden before he even calls down. "Are those my gloves?"
Damn the devil and damn them all with it.
"Oi!" Arthur's steps stomp down like he is still walking on ship-boards. "I said, are those--"
"They don't fit you right." Alasdair tears at a tangle of roots and feels like a beast.
Arthur had good instincts once, and enough sense to know when to turn tail, but the last century has made him stupid. Stupid and presumptuous. He'd left a lad and came back reckless with it, scenting sweet under the bite of his temper.
"They're mine." He stops where Alasdair dropped his shirt earlier and toes it with his stupid, polished work shoes. Stupid, stubborn, reckless eejit. "What are you doing out here, anyway? You said--"
"--Fuck off back into the house and let me be." Alasdair does not know if it is by grace of his own idiocy or the damp earth that Arthur seems oblivious to the stench of him. He can see the shape of him out of the corner of his eye; the light corduroy of his trousers. Alasdair's left hand twitches where it is buried in the ground, tempted by the give of his thighs and the heat between them.
"What bit your arse today?" Arthur sounds almost too surprised to be angry and Alasdair knows he should have just stalked off himself when the bottom of Arthur's shoe finds his hip, trying to unbalance him from his crouch in retaliation.
He is not being serious with it and some part of Alasdair knows that he must be out here out of some misplaced sense of concern. Otherwise he would have fucked off at the first bark and if he'd been trying to pick up a fight proper he would have come down hollering. Instead he is here, eyebrows furrowed and mouth pursed, hands relaxed by his sides instead of clenched into fists. He has been biting at his nails again, and taking his pick from the laundry hamper like a nesting magpie and Alasdair cannot stand the sight of him, and his scent... He lingers by in the evenings when Alasdair has his whiskey like an old friend. Prattles on about his plans for the garden and what he'll be growing by next spring. Gets underfoot and in the way and on Alasdair's nerves like he means to. His scent is in every corner of the house, strongest in the living room and the kitchen, and the threshold to his room; pressed into the clean bedding because he holds the sheets under his chin when he folds them.
He can tell the moment Arthur catches the scent of rut on him, a flash of shock and sudden heat across his cheekbones. Alasdair already has him by the calf and it only takes a push to get him on the ground.
They grapple. Arthur claws at his vest until he catches skin and then softens, the bite of his nails easing into a tight grip instead. He doesn't want to draw blood, Alasdair thinks, and it makes him feel light-headed to consider why.
He has his full weight on Arthur, one of his knees heavy on the inside of his thigh. He eases up, nudging Arthur's leg around his waist and raising up on his forearms to get a good look at him.
The blush across his cheeks is darker, bleeding down his neck into the high collar of the shirt under the stripped plaid he is wearing. He is breathing hard through his nose, chin tipped back to catch Alasdair's eyes, waiting. Clever thing.
Alasdair is still wearing his gloves, the suede rough and stained. He pulls them off, tossing them carelessly to the side and reaching down to edge up his shirt. He is bare beneath it, ribs rising in time with his breathing. His skin is warm, flushing under his gaze and softest under the swell of his chest, where Alasdair can feel his heartbeat. He flinches when Alasdair thumbs nipple, scenting anxious and aroused.
"You're a sight, like this," Alasdair says and means it. He wants to put him mouth on him, make him sigh.
"And you are..." Arthur squints his eyes, huffs and swallows and lets his head drop back. "I thought you smelled off."
Alasdair thinks of rot and dirt and iron. "Like?"
"Hot," Arthur's throat bobs, the movement strained with his neck stretched out like that. His thighs twitch against Alasdair's sides, like he can't decide whether he'd like to close them. Alasdair can smell the heat of him, stronger now. Maybe he's just squirming. "Yourself or, not yourself just... hot. I thought maybe sick but I didn't think--"
Alasdair shuts him up by pressing his lips to his sternum, has to reach down to fist himself at the first brush of skin against his lips. Arthur doesn't sigh so much as he just hold his breath, holding very still like he's still waiting to see what Alasdair will do next.
He drags it out to see how long he'll last, brushing his lips slowly down, then up again. He breathes warm against Arthur's chest like he is tempting the burn in his lungs until he can't help it himself and his lips leave a path of sucking kisses everywhere he can reach. Arthur bites back a gasp and twitches hard against the press of Alasdair's teeth, hands flying to find his shoulders. He keeps his hands there, like he might throw Alasdair off and knocks his knees against his hips. Alasdair lets go of himself and crowds closer, a hand on Arthur's thigh now, the other on his neck. The shift in weight seems to do something for him and he shivers falling limp again where he'd been tense. Or maybe it is Alasdair lips which find his neck, his jaw, leaving bruises where he can reach.
His hands get rougher and his hips roll down, against the inside of Arthur's thigh who sighs, finally, or maybe moans, the sound drowned out by the grunt of relief deep from Alasdair's chest when he finally gets the friction he needs. His hands find a purchase in Arthur's hair, his thighs, his waist, seemingly unable to hold still and hungry for the give of his flesh. It's Arthur who finally reaches out, first to tear off Alasdair's vest and then tugging at his belt, hissing until Alasdair gives in and helps him undo the buckle.
They both groan, Alasdair in relief and Arthur with a hitch, getting a good look at the thickness of him and thinking there is no way, there is no way--
Alasdair has him on his knees, bare chest to the ground before he can breathe a word, tearing his trousers and getting them halfway down his thighs before he crowds in close again. Arthur's calves are tangled between his and he reaches out with one hand instinctively to scruff him down against the ground. Arthur whines, low and aroused, and holds still.
He's small, Alasdair thinks, blinking stupidly down at the right bonnie sight between his thighs. Alasdair wants to lick him, suck him, finger him loose. He spreads him open with a rough grip and settles for sucking the taste of him off his fingers instead. They'll have time for that later, for all of it. Alasdair will make him sob on his fist before the week is out, will fuck him sore and full and his. Put a bite on him, where everyone will see. He doesn't have the patience now to take his time and he can't, he won't, his knot would--
I'll tear him, Alasdair thinks and he shudders, aroused and balking at the thought at once.
He reaches for his belt instead.
The tail of it whips against the tender edge of Arthur's thigh when he rips it off and he would have apologised if Arthur hadn't pressed his thighs together with a tight moan. If it leaves a mark he'll kiss it better and leave another later, later. He's panting like he's been running miles and needs both hands to do what he's planning, looping his belt around Arthur's tights and pulling the cinch tight enough that it will catch his cock between them like he needs. Arthur gasps and reaches back like it shocks him but he is shaking, wet and aroused and pliable when Alasdair drapes his chest against his back and reaches around to keep his head up with a fist in his hair. His jaw would be too low otherwise and Alasdair wants to kiss him, wants to mouth against his neck and his lips if he can reach them while he thrusts like a beast between his thighs.
"Good, be good," he mouths his praise against his jaw and slaps his thighs against the swell of Arthur's arse. Arthur sobs and fists the grass with one hand, reaching between his legs with the other to rub against Alasdair's cockhead and his, cupping them so they'll rub together and begging like the clever thing he is, already so good for him. Alasdair rewards him with his teeth, wants to eat him whole.
When he comes it's with a shout, one hand desperately reaching down to cinch his belt tighter and milk his knot. They are a mess of cum and slick; they stink of each other and the garden, rubbed filthy with sweat and grass. Arthur comes with a shiver and a sigh, tired and shaking and held up only by the grace of Alasdair's strength. His thighs will bruise.
It is a good thing that it is a warm spring; or warm enough at least that they won't catch their deaths sprawled out in the garden like this, lazy and sated. Alasdair's fingers find Arthur's hair again, kinder this time. He wonders about summer, and whether they can have the plot cleared and tilled before the weather turns.
He's dozing off, thinking about strawberries and counting the weeks till July when a shrill cry from the house startles him bad enough he's almost on his feet, cock wet and trousers stained at the knees, before he recognises Sean's voice.
"Is that me fecking shirt, you goddamned degenerate?!"
Next to him, loose and breathless, Arthur laughs.
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But what about shoes??
So last night I couldn't sleep because I kept asking myself about what kind of footwear would the Bleach characters wear, adapted to today's fashion. I came up with this hc for some of them and I just needed to post it. (Be aware, I know almost nothing about fashion or fashion brands, so if you feel like that's not right just know I did my best)
- I honestly think Renji would definitely be the kind of guy who would wear these Nikes, the W Dunk High, obviously in red.
- I also believe he would be secretely proud of them, and would clean them every time before going out of the house (even if they'd get dirty in a fight immediately).
-He would probably have at least one more pair that looks the same, maybe with just a little detail difference, in case these ones get broken in a fight.
- I think he buys them alone so people don't see how happy he gets when he finally has them in the bag
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- Our main boy would probably wear these Pumas (that I can't remember the full name of)
- They kinda go with his bankai, but it's mostly just a coincidence
- He actually bought them because he needed a new pair, and it was the first pair that caught his eye
- I feel like fashion would not be his priority, he would prefer longevity over anything else and feeling comfy
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- I am 100% sure she would own at least two of these colorful Converse that she embroidered or decorated herself
- She is the cute and unique type that would wear these anywhere and with anything (even if they don't match)
-They are comfy, but also cute and that's mostly what counts for her, as she buys them for the main bold colors and decorates them however she feels like on the spot
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- In my mind, I see him wearing these Reeboks he would look so good in them and he wouldn't even try oh god
- I feel like when buying them, he'd probably look at the sole of the footwear first to ensure it can hold his fighting as well as his shunpo before anything else
- They match his hair and eyes and add a plus to his otherwise kind of plain outfits (he doesn't see it, but he likes the look anyway)
- I see the brand itself mostly bought by adults who already have kids and are tired and take walks to free their mind; and we know he has the tastes of an elder person already and is tired from scolding Matsumoto all day and just wants something nice, nothing out of the ordinary
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- My girl would totally wear the combat boots idc
- She will feel her feet more secure with them on and would like the adherence of the boots
- She also bought them because when she tried them on, she felt like people took her a bit more serious because she looks badass in them
- The black, simple style is what she likes in term of fashion because she can wear them with her dresses, as well as with her fighting gear
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- If you think our fashionista will not wear some great platform sandals any time of the day, I regret to inform you, you are wrong.
- She would most definitely go through a pair every week because they're not very resistant, but that's fine because she has plenty of pairs.
- She buys them from specific stores that she likes in the World of the Living, at least two or three pairs at a time
- She mostly gets them in black, because it goes with everything, obviously, but she might also have a white and a brown pair for special occasions (like going shopping)
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- These President boots (I think that's what they're called) would be all that's in his closet, multiple pairs, leather, suede, in black and brown, but just this type of shoes
- He would not only buy them because of the very good quality, true materials, but also because they look very serious and grown
- He would be careful with them and always have his laces neatly tied
- Would get mad at Ichigo for accidentally stepping on them
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This is mostly what I had in mind, let me know if you share the same opinion, if not, what would you change about it? Also, please someone let me know if this is a normal lenght for a post, I feel like it's too long.
Obviously I took all the photos from the internet and don't own any of them.
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Asks for Angel 😇
Ribbon 🎀 - Any accessories?
Precious 💎 What’s their most prized possession?
Hobbies ✍️ what do they do in their free time?
What is the weirdest place she has woken up while sleepwalking?
How often does she cry? Have any of the Octonauts seen her cry/has she seen any of them cry?
Thanks for the ask!
🎀 Not really. Angel doesn't really wear jewellery or anything like that because of her sensory issues. Most of the time, she doesn't even wear shoes. (She'll eventually start wearing the same boots the Octonauts wear, when she has to. Otherwise, she'll go around barefoot.) In Above and Beyond, she gets an Octo-watch, but can only wear it for a few hours at a time. If she's too uncomfortable and has to take it off, she'll either hold it or put it around the strap on her backpack or overalls.
I'm not entirely sure if this will happen, but I had a scenario in mind if Angel does go back to other humans for a while (if it does happen, it would be between the original series and Above and Beyond): Angel receives a special medal of courage, but she's ashamed, feeling like she doesn't deserve it. However, Captain Barnacles has said she's out of uniform if she doesn't wear it.
The only other thing I can think of is that she sometimes carries a purple backpack.
💎 Angel's blanket that she can't sleep without and her stim toys (a naked headless, limbless Barbie doll and a balloon stick) are very special to her. Not only does she use them virtually every day, but they're some of the few items she managed to save from the fire.
The rocks she has to remind her of how brave she is means a lot to her as well. One Peso’s cousin, Penny, gave her. She got given that because she rescued Penny from drowning. The other rock is one she found in the Caves of Sac Actun.
✍ Angel loves reading, writing and playing with her stim toys. She has a lot of energy too, so for her birthday, Tweak made her a trampoline, which they keep in the games pod. (Angel’s not the only one who uses it, though. Kwazii and the Vegimals have also been known to use it!) Sometimes, she'll play with Peso’s xylophone too (he lets her); she doesn't know HOW to play; she just messes around.
There are lots of weird places Angel has woken up. The weirdest- just because it's like, how did she get in there?- would have to be the secret room Kwazii has in his room. Somehow, she managed to open it up, get inside and lock herself in. Nobody knows how, least of all, Angel herself. It took the Octonauts the whole day to find her! Tweak installed an Octo-tablet in there after that, so someone could get help if it happened again.
Angel gets upset VERY easily, but she rarely cries. She absolutely bawls her eyes out most of her first day on the Octopod (after all, her entire family had just been killed; her house had just burned down and she'd found out animals could talk, including Captain Barnacles, who absolutely terrified her). The next time she cries is in the Ring of Fire, three and a half years later.
Mostly, she cries if she feels especially worthless or like someone's mad at her- and if it's that time of the month when she feels that way (I have a scenario in my head where she completely breaks down in front of Captain Barnacles) or when she's scared.
That first day, Shellington, Peso and Captain Barnacles all saw her cry. Dashi, Tweak and Professor Inkling all heard her, but they didn't see her. Only Kwazii and the Vegimals didn’t (Kwazii was out most of the day, getting her backpack back and the Vegimals were in the kitchen). The Ring of Fire is the first time Kwazii and Tunip saw her cry. So far, I think the only Octo-Agent to see her cry is Ranger Marsh, after she gets scared during a fire in the Everglades. She has a panic attack.
Angel has seen Shellington cry (he was upset he hurt her after crashing the GUP-E); Tunip (at the end of 'The Mariana Trench Adventure') and Dashi and Peso on several occasions.
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deathsplaything · 8 months
It's Time for Tea || Alistair & Rhett
LOCATION: High Tea TIMING: Before What If PARTIES: Alistair (@deathsplaything) and Rhett (@ironcladrhett) SUMMARY: Rhett and Alistair decide to go to a high tea to cause some chaos. CONTENT WARNINGS: None
As far as Alistair McKenzie was concerned, gender was a social construct. As soon as the opportunity had presented itself in the form of a fellow unhinged blind man terrorizing fancy old women trying to enjoy a tea party, the necromancer had jumped at the opportunity, dressed in brown corduroy pants and a dark green buttoned shirt with a leaf pattern on it, as well as a pair of heeled ankle boots with dragonflies embroidered on them. Upon his head was a large, black, floppy hat with a dragonfly broach stuck through it. His shoulder-length red hair was half tied up and curled. Clearly, they’d taken a lot of care into their appearance today. In one hand was Brutus’s harness, who was dressed with a navy bowtie on his collar, and in the other was a smaller floppy hat with flowers attached to it. If he and this new friend of his were going to irritate the old women who frequented this establishment, they would do so as stylishly as possible.
The two had agreed to meet at the side of the fancy tea house before going in together. As the necromancer heard approaching footsteps, they raised a brow and gave a lopsided grin. “I hope you’re who I think you are and not the staff.” Alistair called out. “Otherwise I have a long uber drive home.” He handed the hat out in front of him. “For you, good sir, as discussed.” He gave a low bow, as if getting into character. “Shall we show these old ladies what a good time looks like? Drink some tea and maybe start a mini sandwich fight?” 
They grinned, exposing their teeth at the idea. Alistair’s round sunglasses were the only thing concealing the mischief that was shining in their eyes. “The name’s Alistair McKenzie.” They introduced with a flourish. “Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, fellow creature of chaos.”
He’d barely needed to explain the plan to his daughter before she was clapping her hands together excitedly and announcing that they were going thrifting. He didn’t know what that meant until he was in it, climbing down off the bus after Ophelia with his metal leg and his cane, letting her hold on to his arm as they moved down the line of storefronts, until… ah. 
It’d been an all-day affair, but the two had managed to find him something suitably flashy and obnoxious to wear, and Rhett actually found himself smiling, forgetting for a few hours all that he’d endured that’d brought him to this point, this state of infuriating uselessness. For a few hours, he was just having a good time with his kid, trying on ridiculous secondhand clothes and making her laugh. Ophelia, in turn, was just glad her dad had made plans with a new friend and that those plans weren’t going to be dangerous, just ridiculous. It was a breath of fresh air in what had otherwise been a pretty miserable few weeks for them. 
When the day arrived, Rhett donned his blue plaid slacks and solid blue vest over a white button-up, honestly probably looking nicer than he had in quite a while. Ophelia pulled his curly gray hair into a flattering up-do, and carefully tucked a silk square into his breast pocket, then accented it with a fresh sprig of rosemary. You’ll look nice and smell nice, she’d insisted. Who was he to argue? His one shoe was a stylish boot, the other foot, well… some sort of three-toed, metal claw contraption he’d forged for himself. It was for balance, not aesthetics, after all.
Limping up to the agreed meeting spot, his companion was hard to miss. A smirk settled on his grizzled features as he approached, seeing the hat extended to him and taking it gratefully. “Aye, m’ the one here fer mischief,” he concurred, giving the hat a quick inspection before plopping it on his head. Wouldn’t you know it, the color of the blooms actually went well with his shade of blue!
Watching Alistair bow, Rhett snorted. “Hell yeah. Ain’t been in a proper food fight since I was three. ‘Bout time, eh?” An introduction was made, and the warden straightened himself up (even though Alistair couldn’t see it), clearing his throat slightly before speaking. “Rhett Tangaroa. Nice to… meet you, et cetera.” He wasn’t great with fancy verbiage, clearly. Tapping his cane on the ground, he looked in the direction of the entrance. “Right, well, best get on with it. Don’t wanna keep this captive audience watin’ any longer!”
Unable to stop the snicker from escaping past their lips. “Three? Well, maybe there will be time to stop at a restaurant afterward, as finger foods will barely do anything for you.” Alistair made a face, thinking of the little triangle cucumber sandwiches that will inevitably be served. “And by afterward, I mean when we’re kicked out so fast our heads spin.” 
The spellcaster had almost forgone Brutus and chose to use a white mobility cane but decided if they were going to get kicked out for being unruly, they might as well teach the old bats something along the way. “Hopefully, I won’t be given a hard time for Brutus,” Alistair murmured as they approached the entrance. “Follow my lead,” they spoke before pushing the door open and walking into the building.
“Welcome to L'heure du thé.” The hostess said with a bright smile, looking between the two. She glanced down at the dog, noticed his bowtie, then smiled. “Just the two of you today?” She asked, which earned a nod from Alistair in turn. “Great, follow me.” She spoke, gesturing to the man who seemed to have some sight. Alistair gave a soft command to Brutus in Gaelic, which caused the big dog to follow the woman with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. 
The woman was kind, taking the time to help Alistair navigate toward the seat. She said nothing about Brutus, which they were very grateful for. After the girl walked away, a man in a tailcoat walked up to the table and gave a polite smile. “Welcome! I am Jacque, your waiter for this afternoon.” Alistair tilted their head to the side then looked over in the direction of their waiter’s voice. “Could you read out the teas for me? I’m blind.” They explained with a polite but tight smile. If they were going to cause a bit of mayhem, might as well start off on the right foot as opposed to being trouble right off the bat. 
“Of course, sir.” The waiter listed off the teas. “We have Earl Grey, chai, peppermint, camomile, fruit, herbal, and, of course, English breakfast.” Jacques clapped his hands together, that same air of superiority about him. “I’ll take Earl Grey.” Alistair spoke with a smile. “And give us the spread.” They quickly added. “My friend here has never experienced the fun that is high tea.” The spellcaster moved his head over in Rhett’s direction and gave the man a wink. “Very good, sir. And what tea will you have?” Jacques asked Rhett. Alistair, who figured the man knew very little about tea, smirked. “He’ll have chai.” Alistair answered for him, and the man went on his way. 
After Jacques had walked away, Alistair tipped his sunglasses below his eyes, his almost amber eyes twinkling with delight. “I can smell fish and eggs. Seems like you will be eating fancy today.” 
God, what an affair this already was. Unable to stop himself thinking that French really was a dumb-sounding language, Rhett was quiet while Alistair interacted with the hostess and waiter in turn, doing little more than raising an eyebrow at the coattails. The brutish part of him was annoyed the Alistair had ordered for him, but whatever remained of his logical brain realized and understood that it was for the best, so he was able to stifle the flare of vexation in favor of being grateful that he had yet to be put on the spot when it came to… speaking. He was not very good at speaking.
The glance over the top of Alistair’s glasses did bring a small smile to his face, but of course he remembered only after a beat that his companion couldn’t see it. Fuck’s sake, he was bad at this, despite being damn nearly mostly blind himself. Figured that he’d take what he still had for granted, that’s just the kind of person he was. So, for good measure, he added a soft, uncertain chuckle. 
“Oh aye? Fish n’ eggs? What makes that so fancy? Posh folk like the stinky food, eh?” Stinkier the better, he thought. More fun to fuck around with. Not that he could really judge their taste in food… it wasn’t like he ate well. Hell, some of the things he ate weren’t even supposed to be eaten. Fish and eggs was probably a huge step up from whatever he’d been putting in himself the last week.  
Alistair ran a hand through their hair after Rhett questioned the food choice, to which the redhead gave a shrug. “I can’t say I was let around the upper crust of society,” they responded as they put their chin in their hand. “And for good reason.” They added with a smirk. “I was sixteen when I first got into a fight with some rich bloke ‘round my age.” They remembered with a fondness, tilting their head to the side. “Went running back to their rich daddy who threatened to ruin me. Ruin what? I was sixteen.” They rolled their eyes. “Since then, I understood there was a very us versus them mentality when it came to rich folk.” 
Alistair turned his focus to the women gossiping behind him, whispering loudly to each other about “How could they let a dog in here? Don’t they know that’s unsanitary?” One whispered to the other. “Not to mention the redhead looks positively ridiculous.” This earned raised brows from Alistair, who was about to turn around and give them a piece of their mind when they remembered the mission. 
Turning their attention back to Rhett, hoping that he had heard what they had, Alistair grumbled something unintelligible under their breath, followed by “They’re my target. Someone deserves a face full of eggs.” 
“Mmm… there’s a sentiment I can agree with,” Rhett responded. “Only thing a rich man’s good for is trickin’ him outta his cash.” He’d done plenty of that alongside his sister when they were children, before their father had sold them off and instead had them grifting in every town and city they wound up in. “Money makes ya stupid. Dependant.” 
His attention slid to the two women, hearing their remarks as Alistair did. The warden snorted, leaning over to address Brutus, reaching out to pat his head. “Oi, don’t suppose you got a few rounds in the chamber, eh, lad? Those slags could use a little surprise under their table, I reckon.” Laughing to himself, Rhett straightened up and looked at Alistair again. “What you thinkin’, mate? Want me to huck it? I got damn good aim.”
Breaking out in a grin, Alistair nodded their head. There was an idea, maybe they should have thought of robbing all these idiots blind instead of throwing food into their hair. “Ngck. Next time we’re robbing them.” They decided with a smirk on their face. “What’s that saying the young folk have been using these days?” They thought for a moment, then raised a finger. “Money makes the world go ‘round, unfortunately.” They added as they leaned back in their seat, crossing one leg over the other. 
Brutus began wagging his tail at the sudden attention from Rhett, tilting his head back and forth as he was spoke to. Alistair took a moment to look through his familiar’s eyes to see Rhett with mischief written all over his face. “While I can’t say my dog shits on command, I will take you up on the offer.” Alisair motioned with their head towards the gossiping women who were still none the wiser. “Go for it.” They spoke with a wicked grin on their face. 
Their food was arriving as the go-ahead was given, and Rhett smirked to himself. “Aye aye,” he agreed, nodding in thanks to the waiter. With one hand, he got a serving spoon loaded up with whatever eggy dish this was supposed to be between them, holding it by the end of its handle and aiming the scoop in the women’s direction. His other hand reached for his tea, lifting the cup to his face. If they wanted this to last more than three seconds, he had to look preoccupied, after all. 
“Alright. Now lean just a touch to yer left, my friend,” Rhett instructed Alistair, taking a more precise aim with his spoon. A glance around them told him that no one was watching, and once Alistair was clear of the line of fire, he took a sip of tea and flicked the spoon forward. Eggy mess soared through the air, and before it’d even made impact the warden had set the spoon back down. The food collided with the side of the woman’s head and she shrieked loudly in response. Rhett did his best to look surprised, but there was a bit of laughter that was hidden in his cup of tea before he set it back down, trying to appear just as confused as everyone else. “Ohh, no, what happened?” he falsely sympathized, pouting his best pout and shaking his head. “The nerve of some people, am I right?”
Upon receiving the instruction to do so, Alistair casually leaned to their left, feeling the wooshing of the egg soaring through the air. Then Alistair leaned themselves back to the previous position. “Why the nerve!” The women shouted as Alistair picked up their cup and snickered into it. It was nice to meet someone who shared a sense of mischief. The old woman’s eyes narrowed at Rhett as he attempted to sympathize with the woman. “Why, I…” she snarled, hurriedly searching around for a waiter, who was already rushing over. “Ma’am, if you’re going to cause a disturbance like this, I will have to ask you to leave.” He explained in a hushed tone, which only fueled her ire. “I did nothing!” She exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table as she shot up and pointed a finger towards Rhett. “The pair shouldn’t be here in the first place!” 
Alistair pressed a hand to their chest at the woman's declaration, carefully practiced shock plastered to their features. “My dear, the two of us are simply enjoying a good afternoon outing. If we wanted to cause problems, we would’ve gone to a dive bar.” He spoke in an even tone. The manager was getting involved with the women at this point, and before they knew it, the women were being escorted out and not allowed to return. As soon as they were all gone, Alistair turned their attention to Rhett with a grin breaking out on their face. “You, my friend, are amazing.”
What a joy it was to see someone so full of herself get her comeuppance. Or at least that's what Rhett had to assume, given her remarks about the odd pair. He watched with neatly hidden delight as she and her companion were escorted off the premises, their shouting dying down as the front door was closed to them forever. “I dunno what they're all in a huff over,” Rhett laughed. “Who'd wanna frequent this place?” It was fun as a first time experience, though… well, probably only because Alistair was like-minded when it came to getting into trouble. They'd probably make a good friend, he thought, if he was still capable of such things. Time would tell. 
“Amazing? Why, yes, it's about damn time someone noticed!” The warden gave a snort, earning him a glare from a different nearby table. He raised a brow, picking up his eggy spoon again and pointing it in their direction. They took the hint, hiding in their cup of tea and refusing to make eye contact again. he'd turn these types right around, given enough time. 
Leaning back into their chair, Alistair shrugged. “It’s their little slice of existence they’ve carefully carved out for themselves, and God forbid that someone up and changes that status quo.” They responded, taking a sip of the tea, then made a face. “This is… watery.” They spoke with distaste dripping from their words. Without any decorum, they swiftly dropped the act. Old ladies could insult them all they wanted, but messing with their tea? That was unforgivable. “Let’s give them hell.” His tone was dark and unyielding as they picked up the teacup and turned it upside-down.
Then, the game was on. They couldn’t see Rhett’s excitement but could feel it radiating from him in droves. “Put that amazing skill of yours to work. Go for between the eyes.” They proclaimed before picking up a piece of fish and throwing it with wild abandon, for once not caring how they appeared. For once, they were having a good time with a complete stranger that maybe, for once, they could see as a friend. 
Shrieks called out as the fish plopped somewhere, and Alistair grinned. This was going to be fun.
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observeowl · 1 year
Back up plan part 1 S.J
Scarlett Johansson x reader
Summary: You bring Scarlett on a date
Part 2 Part 3
You: Are you free on Thursday 7pm?
Scarlett: I should be. Why?
You: Because I am going to kidnap you! Of course to bring you out on a date, dumbass.
Scarlett: Keep calling me that and you won't get your date.
You: Sorry... So 7pm? I'll pick you up.
Scarlett: See you. x
I got ready to pick up Scarlett from her house. I parked right in front of her house and since I was early, I waited at her front porch. I was about 5 minutes early and I didn't dare to knock on her door. What if Scarlett is not ready? I don't want to rush her. I spent the 5 minutes scrolling through my phone, glancing at the time every minute.
Finally the 5 minutes passed and I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on her door. Why am I so nervous? This is not my first time asking her out on a date. Just as my hand was about to land on her door, the door swung open causing me to stumble.
"Woah. You don't have to fall for me each time." Scarlett chuckled.
"What?" I steadied myself.
"I saw you through the security camera that you were waiting outside my porch." Scarlett continued.
"And you let me wait there?"
"That's for calling me a dumbass."
"I said I was sorry." I pouted. I proceeded to look at what she's wearing, she looks good in everything but she looks gorgeous today. But there was one problem.
"I was planning to bring you on a walk. Are you sure you want to wear this?" I pointed to her heels.
"I felt like wearing it."
"Okay." I wasn't going to argue with her about it since I know she isn't going to change. "Let's go, I made a reservation." I opened the passenger side car door for her.
We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food. I listened as Scarlett talked about her recent shoot. All the funny behind the scenes actions and how sometimes she would mess up her lines and could never get them right. What she did during her free time. How Chris Evans would always come to her trailer to bother her but she secretly enjoys it.
"He kind of keeps me up to date with social media." Suddenly she quiets down.
"How come you never tell me anything about you?"
I froze. "I don't think my company's imports and exports would be exciting for you."
"It does. I want to know everything about you." She held my hand.
"But I don't know how much I can tell you because of client's confidentiality." I paused. "But I can tell you how it frustrates me." I joked.
"Tell me."
I told her how some clients would take very long to reply with the documents I needed, but would complain when their order didn't reach on time. It's not my fault I can't process your order because you didn't give me the info I need. And when a client complains, my boss comes and finds me and I have to work overtime.
"Sounds like you have a tough job."
"Definitely not as fun as yours."
"You can follow me to set when you are free."
"If I have time." I got up and paid for the food before leaving together.
"So where are we going for a walk?" Scarlett asked.
"You'll know when we get there."
I brought Scarlett to an observatory tower. It was not a popular place so there was nobody around to bother us. I am glad today has a clear sky otherwise it would be a fluke to bring her here. We got to the top floor and enjoy the silence as I showed her the constellations.
"I thought you said we were going for a walk." Scarlett questioned at the scene that doesn't seem fit for a walk.
"Yeah, but you're wearing heels."
"Knowing you, you have other backup plans. What was it?"
I sighed. "I have a pair of spare shoes in my boot but it wouldn't match with what you are wearing."
"And this place?"
"I wanted to bring you to see the stars at a nearby hill but I detoured here instead."
I pointed to her the constellations, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini and Orion. I didn't manage to identify all of them so I only showed her those that I know. The announcement sounded that they were closing the observatory and we had to leave. I packed up and drove Scarlett back to her house.
"Do you want to stay over?" Scarlett asked as I dropped her off at her house.
"Scarlett..." I looked at her.
"You're leaving again. You never ask me on a date unless you are leaving."
"I'm sorry."
"How long?" She questioned.
"Three months." I answered.
"I thought being an actress has to travel around a lot. I didn't think importing and exporting meant travelling overseas too."
"I love you, you know that right?" I paused. "And because of that, I'm going to stay. I'm going to ask my friend to send me my luggage at the airport tomorrow."
"Really?" Scarlett brightens up her face. I nodded my head.
"I always have a backup plan."
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captain-of-silvenar · 6 months
🛁💁‍♀️👠 for yera and/or kerasil, your pick :3
I did Kerasil earlier today, so I'll do Yera for this one!
🛀🏿 Is bathing a luxury or a chore for them? Are they a long, sybaritic soak sort of bather, or a just-getting-clean sort?
BATHING IS A LUXURY. After spending weeks, or even months, on the road living in the dirt or woods, in sleeping inside caves and dungeons, all Yera can afford at times is a wet rag or just living in her own sweat for awhile. Nothing she hasn't done in her long life, but it certainly isn't always the best when you roll up to an inn or tavern and you can hear the folks flinch away from you.
Yera used to be pretty efficient with cleaning before she got into her wealth. Just wash in the lake, or the river, make sure to get all the leaves and dirt out of her hair, and she was golden. Now that she actually owns a house and the funds to have a bathtub, a warm soak is the best thing in the entire world.
That's not to say she is only a bathtub soaker anymore. It depends on the mood and how convenient it is to do so, but if given time and space Yera will always choose having a warm bath over anything else.
💁🏾‍♀️ What is their hare care regimen like? Do they color, straighten, curl, or otherwise change their hair regularly?
Yera would say she takes great care of it. She combs it, cuts it even, makes sure to get all the dirt and leaves and bugs out of it. It's a distinguishing part of her features so it has to be taken care of.
If you ask Lydia, she would truthfully answer that it is haphazard at best, and looks more grey than white most days.
There is a reason Yera keeps her hair short and a low maintenance hairstyle. It's not that she's neglectful of her hair, just that she feels that just a quick finger brush and keeping it clean is enough for her needs. So long as it's not sticky or falling over her face annoyingly it's alright in her books.
It's not horrible looking, but once Lydia learned that her Thane was basically dunking her head into a barrel of water and calling it there she knew she had to do something.
So now Yera has a dedicated hair care regimen that is required at least once a week by order of her housecarl (Lydia can be pretty forceful when required). It's a really nice bone comb that Lydia got her for, and Yera takes great pains to make sure the comb is well cared for and never chips.
Lydia wishes Yera had the same dedication for her hair, but it's the thought that counts.
Yera also doesn't really change the hairstyle, nor dye it despite how different it looks and how easily identifiable it makes her. A blind bosmer woman with pure white hair is pretty easy to narrow down, but her hair is a feature of her person. And Yera will be damned to let anyone tell her how to change or manage her body in a way she doesn't agree with.
👠 Do they coordinate their outfit and accessories carefully, or just wear any old rag that passes the sniff test and their most comfortable shoes? Somewhere in between?
To shift how Yera takes care of herself again, she does take great care in coordinating her outfit. In the beginning she only had one set of clothes and armor so she just cared about those being in good condition. Now that she has a house and money to spend on outfits she likes accessorizing again.
It's been over 100 years since Yera last saw colors, but she still remembers them and which one she likes the most. This usually falls into reds, yellows, the occasional blue paired with darker colors, and obviously gold when affordable.
Lydia helps out putting the clothes together and describing them to Yera for selection. Then they're put close together in the closet so that there is less confusion as to where they are.
Boots are organized from utilitarian to comfort on the rack for Yera to decide on a whim to wear that day.
Accessories are in a dedicated jewelry box with extra dividing sections Yera can organize to her liking.
You won't find Yera wearing precious jewels or dressing up in a gown, even in important social events. She still prefers function over fashion, but there's no reason to not get those plush cotton pants at the market today. Lydia, please, they're a different color this time and they feel so soft. We have so much money, what's another pair of pants to us?
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Here you go Tumblr. Here's an excerpt from one of my stories that's heavily Myerhees fluff. Enjoy! (Blaze is a self insert bc I had the idea of slashers appearing in their yard & using it as a safehouse).
When they got back to the house, they found Blaze hadn’t made it much farther than the door and had just barely taken off their shoes. Good thing we came home first, huh? Jason signed jokingly.
Michael nodded. Better text Billy. The two snuck down to the basement, pausing only to drop off their machete and knife and to take off their boots. Once downstairs, they both gathered their small, spare bundles of clothes and retreated to opposite corners to change.
Jason would be lying if he said he didn’t want to glance back at Michael. The two had started dating almost subconsciously, just getting closer and more comfortable with each other until Blaze teasingly pointed out they almost seemed like a couple. Jason knew he was attracted to the other man. He was just so pretty, and the way he seemed to evaluate himself from everything else reminded him of the stories his mother used to tell him about angels.
But deep down, where even Jason didn’t really realize it, Jason felt unworthy to date him. Jason was insecure about his face- he always had been- and sometimes he felt guilty for dating Jason. He’s pretty, he deserves some just as pretty, he’d think.
Of course, that’s not what Michael thought. Not even close. If Jason had looked like any ‘normal’ person, Michael probably wouldn’t have even considered dating him. It was undoubtedly the fact that Jason looked different from anyone else Michael had met that made Michael so attracted to him. Michael thoroughly enjoyed looking at Jason’s face when the big man let him.
Jason finished changing and shuffled over to the washer, placing his bloodstained clothes inside. The outfit was remarkably similar to the one he was now wearing, with dark jeans and a large brown hoodie. Only now he had a shirt that read ‘Camp Crystal Lake - You Won’t Survive The Summer!’. He’d taken off his mask to change but quickly pulled it back on.
Michael had also finished changing, and he also walked over to place his dirty clothes in the washer. Blaze thought themself funny and somewhere had dug up a navy blue varsity jacket with an ‘M’ varsity letter, and ‘Haddonfield High’ embroidered on the back. Otherwise, Michael had a black t-shirt and bootcut jeans on. One of the first things Jason noticed was that Micheal, unlike him, hadn’t recovered his face.
Jason felt his face flush- or the feeling that would’ve come with it if he could’ve. His zombie, rotting body didn’t feel much anymore, and he occasionally noticed things he didn’t feel that he wished he could.
Will you take your mask off? Michael signed without looking at Jason. He paused. Please?
Jason looked away. It made him uncomfy taking his mask off- Michael had assured him he found his face nice (Michael wasn’t good with words, or affection) but Jason still didn’t like the chances of others seeing it. Michael sighed.
“Please? I wanna see you,” Michael said, in a hoarse and unused voice. Jason attempted to continue playing dumb, but Michael could almost see his ears flushing. Michael stepped closer to his zombie boyfriend, who still somehow managed to tower over him even though Michael was over 6 ft (182.88 cm). He reached hesitantly towards Jason's hand, only linking their pinkies. Michael was still unsure how he felt about physical affection, but he knew it helped Jason. Especially when Michael wanted Jason to do something- like take off his mask.
Jason continued looking away, before finally he started breaking. He glanced at his boyfriend, who was still looking at him with a deadpan expression (Jason wasn’t sure if he could make any other expression). But there was a glint in his eyes that suggested he really did just want to look at him.
Jason turned his head so he was looking directly at Michael (and down, just a little). Michael hesitantly slightly, reaching up lightly. He gently grasped one side of Jason’s mask, causing Jason to flinch just a little. He paused, waiting for a few moments until Jason reached his open hand up (the other was still holding pinkies with Michael) and rested it lightly on Micheal’s. They stood there for a few more seconds before Michael’s started attempting to move Jason’s mask.
He slowly took it off, dropping his hand loosely to hang by his side. Jason shifted his hand a little, enveloping Michael’s with his. Michael lightly dropped the mask before lifting his hand to cup Jason’s face.
“P- pr- p- pretty,” Jason finally managed to stumble out. His malformed vocal cords and head made it difficult to speak, on top of barely using it, so he didn’t talk often. Actually, most of the other slashers thought Jason just couldn’t talk. Blaze knew better, but only because they’d accidentally overheard Jason attempting to say his boyfriend’s name one night while they were finishing up some chores.
Michael felt himself warm somewhere deep down and he almost smiled. He hesitated before responding, “I think you're pretty too.”
(I apologize if I upset anyone with this or messed up any part of the slashers, I just enjoy the ship and thought maybe someone else would like this little chunk of my story. I hope you enjoyed!)
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bitegore · 2 years
Drag Strip and 7; give me his shoes :)c
7. Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.)
I've mentioned in passing my androidformer Drag Strip's very stupid heelies before.
Thing is, Drag Strip has like two "dominant modes" of clothes-wearing; there's work clothes, and there's non-work clothes. Everyone's got this to some degree, but Drag Strip's job is (at least as I do it) to fight and kill people with guns and knives and stuff. So I'll split this one in half.
In terms of work clothes: Drag Strip has a pair of lace-up tactical boots. They were standard issue and all five of the Stunticons have the same kind of boots. Because the Decepticons manufacture their own supplies in-house when it comes to tactical armor and stuff like that, they did get to color-customize them to some degree. Drag Strip's are yellow with red accents. They're pretty worn, but not in any real state of disrepair because, again, in-house manufacturing means that if they're actually falling apart he can just requisition new ones and get them delivered.
He thinks of them as the ugliest fucking shoes ever and he hates them. He wears them exclusively when on-duty and even then, if he can get away with it, he wears something else instead. This is not actually because they're bad shoes but he can't stand looking just like everyone else. Even if his shoes are differently-colored than most other Decepticons, he's still not fond of being like a yellow version of the cookie-cutter Decepticon image (and this comes out in his other clothing choices as well; Drag Strip is constantly getting dress-coded because he shows up to fights with, say, earrings that can get yanked out of his ears, or not wearing body armor that will keep him from getting shot in the chest.)
In terms of non-work clothes...
so Drag Strip likes to go fast and Drag Strip likes to look cool. Obviously the Cool Shoes are high heels and the Fast Shoes are Heelys (with the little wheel in the heel) or roller blades. Walking around in roller blades is embarrassing and cringe and no one does it, so he's not doing that, but he still wants to be extra fast, and Heelys are like kind of normal, sort of. But also he wants to have the Cool Shoes.
Introducing: five-inch high-heel Heelys. This is not a good idea.
I've said in other places that I don't think Drag Strip can actually walk in these, but I do have to walk that back. I think he can walk in them, because otherwise the embarrassment of eating shit in front of people constantly would make him just stop wearing them entirely. Crucially I do still think he falls over in them on the regular but not, like, that often. He can function in them. He's not very good at wheeling around in them, but he can do that, too.
But like, if you shove him on the shoulder then he's going to flail and fall.
Which meaaaaans.... he's not wearing them around his teammates, and he needs different other stupid shoes to make him look "cool", since the Stunticons are basically incapable of keeping their hands off each other and I fully believe they enact stupid slapstick antics on each other constantly. High heels in general almost certainly aren't stable enough, but I don't think that'll actually stop Drag Strip; he'll sacrifice stability for Rule-of-Cool any day. They just have to be, like, slightly more stable.
And I don't think anyone but me actually only wears one pair of shoes, so he probably has a few- especially for someone as image-conscious as he is. All some variety of impractical and most some variety of yellow patent leather. He probably gets them from cheapass online shops or through actual robbery, so the quality varies significantly. He has aliexpress pleasers that he keeps having to get his ankle stabilizers replaced after wearing because they're so slippery and tread-free and he keeps accidentally snapping his ankles every time they slide sideways too fast on him, and he has five-hundred-dollar designer shoes he got at gunpoint that are scuffed to hell because he wears them to walk down to the seven eleven to get bubble gum.
His casualwear shoes are definitely in worse states of disrepair sa compared to his regular shoes. He is not keeping them maintained and he constantly wears them to places and events they shouldn't be worn in, like demolition derbies, or chasing Wildrider through the yard and down the block because he wants to hit Wildrider in the face over something. He can't just go out and replace them when they start to fall apart, and he is also a lot more attached to them, so while they last longer than the work boots on the whole, anything he's had too long is going to start looking shabby and falling-apart.
in conclusion: yellow
You can find the questions here :D
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charliesimss · 1 year
All 30 of the character Questions for Willow please! 🥰
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1. When they tap their fingers do they use the pads of their fingers or their nails? The pads of them, she doesn't have very long nails so they wouldn't make a sound.
2. What textures can they absolutely not stand? Bathing suite material whatever that's called. She'd rather just wear undies in the pool if she has to.
3. How long can they go without showering before they feel gross? Probably two days, she's a crusty granola girl who could shower in pond water.
4. Do they leave clothes on the floor or a chair? On her beddd
5. Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed? Seeing as her bedroom is a dorm room or a van, closed. She'd never admit it, but she was scared living in her van at night. The dorm is much safer she feels and she shares which makes it more comforting.
6. Which do they prefer: 3am or 3pm? 3pm, golden hour granola girl
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be? I hate furries but can't she be a beaarrrr? They had ears and small tails. She has bear traits.
8. If they could only eat one thing for 20 days straight what would it be? Peanut butter pretzels from costco, or PB nutella sandwich.
9. Are they the type to re-read a book? Only book she's reread has been for church, so she doesn't really see the point in rereading others.
10. Would they want to know the exact date and time of their death? Uhhhmm no she's too anxious, she'd never leave the house again.
11. What’s their favourite mythological creature? Unicorn easily.
12. If they had to listen to one song on repeat 100+ times what would it be? ONCE AGAIN doesn't listen to music, but she'd love the Lumineers
13. Do they believe in an afterlife? Yeah she believes in heaven from a religious POV because she was raised a lot around that, she was just taught that's what's after death, and she was homeschooled so she didn't have anyone else telling her otherwise. She still believes in it even being grown up and exploring the world, it's comforting.
14. When they get tired do their eyelids twitch? They wouldn't, they'd get heavy and start closing, but I don't think that's twitching.
15. What are their favourite textures? MOSS
16. Do they crack their joints? Never! Girls can't.
17. Would they eat/drink something too hot or wait for it to cool? She would blow on it, especially cause she cooks a lot on the fire while camping, it would be dangerous to eat that, so she always lets stuff cool down first.
18. Are they the type to adopt strays? (Animals or people) She does get along better with people that don't have a set place.
19. Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last moment? Straight away! No late assignments from her! She'd get anxiety.
20. How do they bathe/shower? Long or short? Hot or cold? Whenever she's home she takes atrociously long baths, like going on two hours, she does her everything bath, and then showers after to wash her hair twice.
21. Are they the type to daydream? Yes so much, she'll daydream all day in class, looking out the window and all. Very cliche.
22. Do they work best in a messy space or a neat space? Neat space! Living in a dorm and a van she'd not have a lot of space to get messy, so it all has to be organized.
23. Do they keep any personal photos? Yes, depending on if everyone in her family is still alive, she keeps pictures of her and them together, and special ones of just...the specific person that died. She'd probably just keep them in a scrap book though, and her phone.
24. Do they indulge in anything? Probably like new shoes, or camping gear that's expensive, there's some high class hiking boots out there she would've bought maybe with birthday money.
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them? No! She'd be mad a little depending on who the person was, but like if her mom told her not to do something, she'd listen and respect her, they're friends.
26. If they’re alone and hear a noise would they go and investigate? No! Anything she hears outside while camping alone she assumes is a small animal or sasquatch, depending on the sound. And she just chooses to be okay with it and see if the sound did anything in the morning when it's brighter.
27. If they’re lost what is the first thing they would do? Take out her phone to check for service, and pull up a map, if she didn't have service she'd get her compass out and find which way was north, because north is usually the right way to go.
28. What is that one dream that makes no sense but is absolutely terrifying? Her having to go to public high school for the rest of her life as if it's her job, despite never setting foot in a public high school.
29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t? Probably free climbed a cliff on a girl scout trip without a harness. And fell and broke her ankle very embarrassingly.
30. Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured? She'd probably cry about it, she doesn't have a high pain tolerance.
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hetagrammy · 2 years
Get to Know You Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @draw-a-circle-thats-the-compass! I also did this on my main, but there's no harm in dropping it here as well!
What book are you currently reading?
Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin for fun reading! For school I've had a lot of reading, but most recently I read through Defying Hitler by Sebastian Haffner (for my class and for an essay contest)
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I only went to a proper movie theatre twice this year, but in terms of general movies that came out this year my favorite was either Turning Red or Rosaline. My memory also happens to be very fuzzy about what's come out this year lol.
The two films I saw in actual theatres were Baz Luhrman's Elvis and the new Downton Abbey movie, but as much as I like Downton Abbey I can't say it's one of the favorites I've seen that came out this year.
What do you usually wear?
I usually wear a t-shirt, some shorts, a hoodie, and slip-on shoes. When it gets cold I wear some dad sweaters.
How tall are you?
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I'm a Leo! I share my birthday with Nixon's Resignation Speech and Margaret Tudor's wedding celebration (August 8th)
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
IRL I go by my given name because you can't really make a good nickname out of it. Online I go by either Marshy or Grammy, it usually depends on if someone met me on Discord or Tumblr because my Discord handle is different from my Tumblr url.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I was really set on being a vet for a long time, but I changed my mind as an older child and never really settled on anything definite until high school. I don't think I would've expected to be where I am now, but I think child me would be happy that I'm studying history and doing what I like
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Haha nope.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
This is kind of a boring skill, but I'm good at essay writing! I'm comically bad at dancing.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs for me! I like cats, I've just really got to know them first
What’s something you would like to create content for?
I'd like to draw more for, and possibly write for my little Regency AU here because I've got a lot of ideas but my brain is so scrambled. I'd also really like to do more Medieval inspired stuff like I did for my Book of Kells pieces for the Irelands a while back!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
House of the Dragon, The Cranberries, and always Hetalia
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Going to Michigan! The trip was nice, but my Mom, Brother, and I got covid at the very end of it after two years of dodging it. We had a really shitty time getting home to boot. Otherwise a nice trip though!
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can play the violin (though I'm extremely rusty)
Are you religious?    
Not an evangelical or any shit like that, but I believe in the big man upstairs.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
400 more words that make sense for this damn essay
If you haven't been tagged already I'll tag @acemapleeh @maelerie
@council-of-beetroot (you don't have to of course)
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shadie-dealing · 26 days
This was from just after I moved into Aunt Parl's house:
She gave me half the attic. It sounds like a LOT more than it is. Cousin Lilly has the other half, and you can't even stand up straight in here. I've got a foam mattress on the floor, and a night stand. Lily out up a blanket curtain.... She's mad. This was her "OWN ROOM", and my being here had screwed that up for her.
Cousin Birch (don't call him bitch, he's twice my size), had to share with Rowan. Birch is 15, Rowan's only 8. Lily used to have to share the other kid's room with her sisters, Rose and Daisy...
God my family sucks at names!!!!!
What even IS Jessamy... You saying Jasmine and got a stutter? Whatever. Everyone calls me Shade anyway, cuz of my skin and my name. Kinda funny, that being Momma's last name, but only half'a mine. She never did explain all that, and Aunt Pearl clams up like a professional spy if you being it up.
I don't think anyone but Momma could make her say... Or.. geezuss... maybe Momma told her never to tell. That gives me goose bumps in bad ways. Momma was good to me, but it's scary to think about what she could have done. The world doesn't know how lucky it is she's a good guy...
Pearl and Ron are fighting. I haven't been here very long, but I think this might be kinda... Geeze. Note to self: WEAR SHOES. Otherwise gonna be picking glass outta ma feet later. Anyway. I think they fight a lot. That's sad. The cousins are all grumpy and scared all the time... Why would Momma bring me here?!?!
I gotta sleep. I start at the cousins' school tomorrow. I'm scared to go. The cousins aren't nice. I know it's cuz they're unhappy, but they don't have to be mean to me. I'm scared the other kids are gonna be mean. I got my gloves, long sleeved shirt, hoody, jeans, boots, I even got a face mask, like I'm worried about gems or something. With my hair and hood maybe kids won't notice so much. The wings and tail I can kinda keep low key, but it's hard. Not comfortable. Ugh.
Like, I'm still grateful for Mom not letting them chop me up... But I also kind of wish I didn't have them sometimes.
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