#he wears impractical stupid shoes but they cant be so impractical he looks stupid
bitegore · 2 years
Drag Strip and 7; give me his shoes :)c
7. Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.)
I've mentioned in passing my androidformer Drag Strip's very stupid heelies before.
Thing is, Drag Strip has like two "dominant modes" of clothes-wearing; there's work clothes, and there's non-work clothes. Everyone's got this to some degree, but Drag Strip's job is (at least as I do it) to fight and kill people with guns and knives and stuff. So I'll split this one in half.
In terms of work clothes: Drag Strip has a pair of lace-up tactical boots. They were standard issue and all five of the Stunticons have the same kind of boots. Because the Decepticons manufacture their own supplies in-house when it comes to tactical armor and stuff like that, they did get to color-customize them to some degree. Drag Strip's are yellow with red accents. They're pretty worn, but not in any real state of disrepair because, again, in-house manufacturing means that if they're actually falling apart he can just requisition new ones and get them delivered.
He thinks of them as the ugliest fucking shoes ever and he hates them. He wears them exclusively when on-duty and even then, if he can get away with it, he wears something else instead. This is not actually because they're bad shoes but he can't stand looking just like everyone else. Even if his shoes are differently-colored than most other Decepticons, he's still not fond of being like a yellow version of the cookie-cutter Decepticon image (and this comes out in his other clothing choices as well; Drag Strip is constantly getting dress-coded because he shows up to fights with, say, earrings that can get yanked out of his ears, or not wearing body armor that will keep him from getting shot in the chest.)
In terms of non-work clothes...
so Drag Strip likes to go fast and Drag Strip likes to look cool. Obviously the Cool Shoes are high heels and the Fast Shoes are Heelys (with the little wheel in the heel) or roller blades. Walking around in roller blades is embarrassing and cringe and no one does it, so he's not doing that, but he still wants to be extra fast, and Heelys are like kind of normal, sort of. But also he wants to have the Cool Shoes.
Introducing: five-inch high-heel Heelys. This is not a good idea.
I've said in other places that I don't think Drag Strip can actually walk in these, but I do have to walk that back. I think he can walk in them, because otherwise the embarrassment of eating shit in front of people constantly would make him just stop wearing them entirely. Crucially I do still think he falls over in them on the regular but not, like, that often. He can function in them. He's not very good at wheeling around in them, but he can do that, too.
But like, if you shove him on the shoulder then he's going to flail and fall.
Which meaaaaans.... he's not wearing them around his teammates, and he needs different other stupid shoes to make him look "cool", since the Stunticons are basically incapable of keeping their hands off each other and I fully believe they enact stupid slapstick antics on each other constantly. High heels in general almost certainly aren't stable enough, but I don't think that'll actually stop Drag Strip; he'll sacrifice stability for Rule-of-Cool any day. They just have to be, like, slightly more stable.
And I don't think anyone but me actually only wears one pair of shoes, so he probably has a few- especially for someone as image-conscious as he is. All some variety of impractical and most some variety of yellow patent leather. He probably gets them from cheapass online shops or through actual robbery, so the quality varies significantly. He has aliexpress pleasers that he keeps having to get his ankle stabilizers replaced after wearing because they're so slippery and tread-free and he keeps accidentally snapping his ankles every time they slide sideways too fast on him, and he has five-hundred-dollar designer shoes he got at gunpoint that are scuffed to hell because he wears them to walk down to the seven eleven to get bubble gum.
His casualwear shoes are definitely in worse states of disrepair sa compared to his regular shoes. He is not keeping them maintained and he constantly wears them to places and events they shouldn't be worn in, like demolition derbies, or chasing Wildrider through the yard and down the block because he wants to hit Wildrider in the face over something. He can't just go out and replace them when they start to fall apart, and he is also a lot more attached to them, so while they last longer than the work boots on the whole, anything he's had too long is going to start looking shabby and falling-apart.
in conclusion: yellow
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theslythertrash · 5 years
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So whenever I see superheroes I always freak out over small impractical costume things but I have never been angrier at show’s costumes than at bnha and this has been on my chest for several months now and it’s midnight and I’m half asleep so it’s the perfect time to write an essay about it on Tumblr. 
Here are my ranking for the bnha costumes for all of 1-A:
I’m fully prepared to be slammed for this. (Also I’m supposed to be an artist so if I ever find some free time I’ll actually draw my babies some proper costumes.)
Midoriya’s is 9.5/10.  It has an aesthetic, good color scheme and it compliments his quirk with iron soles and leg/arm enforcements. Has a nice belt, a mask for gas (hopefully) and facial protection. The only stupid thing is his bunny ears mask but it looks good when it’s down like a hood. My only correction would be to make his mask an actual hood. 
Bakugo is 8/10 Kacchan also has an aesthetic. His mask is a little ridiculous but I’m fond of it. He also has practical shoes and stuff. HIS GAUNTLET IS SO STUPID. HAS THE MANGA ARTIST EVER WORN LARGE BRACELETS? DOES HE KNOW HOW ANNOYING THEY ARE? YOU CANT WRITE. OR SCRATCH YOUR HAND. OR REACH INTO TIGHT SPACES. I know they’re for storing sweat but sweat is a liquid and if people can invent Aizawa’s magic scarf they can invent smaller gauntlets. Jesus. But his winter costume makes them smaller I think (idk I don’t read the manga but I’ve seen fanart) so 8/10.
Uraraka is 5/10  Uraraka has a cool aesthetic. I enjoy the space theme and colors. A helmet is good since she’s flying around (though I don’t understand why it doesn’t cover her entire head? Protect the back of your head! Also her mouth- that should help against gas and things but I also know she vomits a lot so it’s probably better without one). 
However, she’s sexualized too. Even outside of it being skin tight, she has a camel toe? Literally no one mentions it ever and it drives me crazyyyy. Look at her- why does she have that line there? Why? And why is her belt so bulky. How is she supposed to squeeze into tight spaces? AND ONCE AGAIN UNNECESSARY LARGE BRACELETS OH MY GOD. The manga explains her bulky heels and bracelets are to help with nausea but I refuse to believe they can’t invent smaller ones. And also boots without heels. Who is gonna run over debris on heels? 5/10
Iida is 7/10 He is too bulky. Why are they all so bulky.  He looks like when he walks down the street he clanks as he walks. Way to be stealthy dude, smh. 
Todoroki is fine I guess. Little boring but it’s passable. I wish it had more stuff for his quirk. Like maybe thermal fabric so he can cool down faster? Idk. 7.5/10
Tsuyu is a much bigger improvement over Uraraka. She’s got big ass bracelets again but they look like soft fabric so it’s probably easy to ignore. Her outfit has a wet suit aesthetic so that’s practical. Her goggles look a little bulky again but they are practical.  WHY IS SHE IN HEELS.  8/10
Mineta looks like he has a diaper kink and it’s not even there to help his quirk. -10/10
Kirishima. Baby. Put on a shirt. Also what the fuck are those gears. Why are you wearing bulky shit that’s unrelated to your quirk? How are you gonna lie down comfortably when you have large ass rings on your shoulders.  Why are you wearing a muzzle thing? How is that related to your quirk? If your gonna put something on your face wear something to protect your mouth from dust and gas.  His bottom half is fine ig. I’ve got mixed feels on his cape/skirt thing but at least it’s an aesthetic.  6/10
Don’t get me started on Yaoyorozu. God Almighty. Even outside of the perversion, why does she have a whole ass bookshelf on her butt instead of an iPad for easy access? And not only is it AN ENTIRE BOOKSHELF, its HORIZONTAL. Why do you have a horizontal ass shelf when it can be vertical at the very least? She needs tech with Siri so she can ask what chemicals are in stuff into an earpiece. And also some pants. And a bra.  -10/10
Idk what Tokoyami is doing. Being edgy I guess.  6/10 it’s fine.
Kaminari is fine I guess? He’s got the same problem as Tokoyami and Todoroki where it’s just an outfit and doesn’t actually help his quirk in any way.  He could include metal bits on his gloves so punches have an extra shock to them. Or maybe a rubber helmet or something to protect his brain from his own shocks...would that work? I’m not a scientist. Maybe carry around extra shock-resistant fabric in a belt or something so he can protect bystanders before releasing a full attack.  I REALLY like his added equipment for long-range attacks and I think he could go further with the idea- maybe add cords in the style of bows and arrows?  Basically very boring but fine ig. 7.5/10 (solely adding the .5 for his new equipment)
Aoyama looks like he has the same bulky and loud problem as Iida but it’s toned down and I’m low key very amused by it so it’s fine. 9/10 for my flamboyant boy.
Jirou looks like she is going to the mall. She has no aesthetic and looks super boring. I like that her outfit actually helps her quirk with her speaker boots but she should carry around some weapons too. And wear a padded suit for hits. Actually they all should have padding. Goggles and mask would be helpful too.  It’s fine I guess. Boring. 6.5/10
Okay, I’ve seen a lot of people complain that Ashido’s is really ugly. I’m actually amused by it so I don’t mind too much. The fur is ridiculous and the colors are loud but they are as loud as her personality so at least it has an aesthetic.  I’m more bothered that it’s impractical. It doesn’t help with her quirk. She should have gauntlets similar to Kacchan’s so she can store acid (don’t make them bulky though, please). Padding too. Her shoes can have an extra retractable surface for gliding on acid. It would also probably be helpful to carry around a similar blanket to the hypothetical one Kaminari would have so she can shield civilians from her acid.  It’s fine ig. At least she’s not sexualized. 7/10
Shoji looks like he has multiple nipples.  At least it’s kinda practical tho.  6/10
Ojiro looks like he was on his way from karate class when a cat died on his shoulder.  Once again he’s boring and doesn’t have anything interesting to compliment his quirk. He’s a good fighter so maybe he can also carry around a staff or nunchucks or something. He should pad his tail so the hits are extra hard.  Boring but passable if he removes the stupid fur. It looks like it’ll tickle his cheek when he runs.7/10
I actually really like Sero’s. It fits his aesthetics and is practical. His helmet and shoulders could be a tad less bulky but whatever. It would be cool if he had like suction cups on his shoes or something to make it easier to stick to walls but I imagine that would be hard to walk in so it’s fine.  8.5/10
Tooru is naked.  She has no costume.  She’s 15- that’s so gross. Also she’s probably constantly cold and extremely vulnerable. I can’t imagine all the scraps she gets just from running around. And her sensitive parts are exposed to disease- she’s going to get a yeast infection. And not to be gross on main or whatever but what does she do when she’s on her period? ALSO, how can she feel comfortable running around without a bra?  If Mirio can have a costume made of his hair so can Tooru. 0/10
Sato looks like a banana.  Very boring with no aesthetic but at least he has pockets to carry sugar in so that’s practical. Some padding would be nice.  6/10 boring
Why the fuck is Koda in shorts. He’s gonna get scraps on his knees. What is that ugly ass symbol on his chest? At least he’s practical with his mask to hide when he’s talking to animals. Personally, I think it’s ugly but at least it’s useful 6/10
Woo I'm done. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk/ midnight essay.  Winners: Deku, Kacchan, Sero, maybe Tsuyu. Maybe Aoyama.  Absolute losers: Mineta, Momo, Tooru, Uraraka.  Everyone else is varying levels of average
Also, I know I said I would only do 1-A but I have a special little place of hate in my heart for Aizawa’s costume so here’s my rant on him too:
JESUS CHRIST MAN CUT YOUR FUCKING HAIR YOU DINGUS. I know you're trying to have a hoboTM aesthetic and you have stubble and blah blah blah- I get it. We got it. (I lowkey think you’re hot) you wanna have dramatic hair. Noted.  But you're entire personality is about being practical and not wanting attention. That’s why you disliked All Might. Set an example for your kids PLEASE.  Why are you even bothering with goggles to hide when you blink WHEN YOUR HAIR IS A BIGGER TELL. I PROMISE I’M MORE LIKELY TO NOTICE YOUR HAIR DROP THAN YOUR EYES BLINKING YOU DUMB DUMB IDIOT. 
Either cut it, put it in a bun (best option imo) or get a hood. 
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