#it's a good ship y'all are just insufferable
dottyistired · 1 year
society if benbaro wasn't predominantly shipped by people who hate bvz + just want to sequester him away from asry + shit on all other ships w him
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dreamytfw · 7 months
btw, I love how Destiel fans are constantly like "wow, Good Omens fans are so defensive about Ineffable Husbands all the time idk why we're just out here enjoying our ship uwu" every time there's a poll, and then when Destiel loses that poll the narrative is always "YOUR CHASTE CLOSED MOUTH KISS WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT THE EPIC LOVE STORY THAT IS DESTIEL! DESTIEL PAVED THE WAY FOR YOU SHIP! BE GRATEFUL FOR DESTIEL!"
Yeah, can't imagine why people who like AziraCrow would be defensive towards Destiel fans 🙄
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d4rkdi0rrr · 4 months
First off I just want to say I LOVED you’re other Leo x reader writing 😭
Could you write a sort of enemies (they just argue a lot lol) to friends to lovers with Leo on the Argo. Like maybe he’s blasting country music like 24/7 while he works and the reader hates it (sorry to any country music lovers lmao). Or like the reader is one room down from him and she just hears the power tools going all night. And maybe the reader ticks him off too because she like keeps breaking her weapons, or starts playing loud music to retaliate idk. But then one day they are paired together for night patrol or cleaning duty. Leo’s like “dude why do you hate me so much??” and the readers like “who said I hate you??
(Sorry if this is long I’m horrible at explaining things lol 😭)
he hates me, he hates me not
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(im glad you liked the leo x reader fic and thank u sm for this request! it was a little rushed so i apologise in advance but it was rlly fun to write <3)
leo valdez x fem!reader
cw: arguing, enemies to lovers, swearing, reader cabin not specified, not proof read
Leo Valdez was infuriating to say the least.
You had agreed to join the quest, thinking that you and Leo could become good friends. What was there to dislike? He could be funny (at times), cared about his friends and had a nice face (something you would never admit out loud). But boy were you wrong. He held some sort of personal vendetta against you, ticking you off on purpose, making your life a literal living hell. You had no idea why he hated you so much.
"Maybe he likes you," Piper giggled, fanning her freshly painted nails. You two, along with Hazel and Annabeth were in Piper's room, having a girl's night.
"Me and Percy were like that before we got together too, y'know," Annabeth agreed, grabbing a cookie from the box that was sat beside your position on the bed.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "You guys know how much he pisses me off. It's too bad he has such a pretty face - oh shit." Realising what you'd said out loud, you immediately covered your face with your hands. "Please forget what I just said."
"Aww, someone's got a crush!" Squealed Hazel, throwing a pillow at you, "we are never letting you live this down."
You rolled your eyes at her. Just as you were about to grab the last cookie, the door flew open, along with the sweaty grime-covered bane of your existence.
"Pipes, have you seen Buford? He ran off with my tool belt. Are those cookies?" He reached an arm out towards the cookie box faster than the speed lightning, and before you could stop him, he'd taken the last cookie. Darn it. He looked around the room before his gaze fell upon you, to which he wrinkled up his face. "I wasn't aware that we let aliens in on this ship."
"Fuck off, Valdez," you grumbled. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now. He'd taken the last damn cookie and now your evening was ruined. "Says the abominable fuck face. Buford isn't here. Go away before I punch your face in."
"Alright, alright, good night to y'all." Leo winked before saying, "except for you, Y/N, of course." You threw a pillow at the closing door.
It was currently 1 am on the Argo, and Leo had been tinkering away in his room beside you. To be honest, the occasional sounds of the metal clinking and clattering was quite relaxing. It was the loud country music blasting, making you want to crawl under your bed and stuff cotton in your ears that was truly insufferable.
You weren't about to let go of the absolutely appetizing thought of sleep escape you, so naturally, you got up and knocked loudly on Leo's door.
"Come in!" you heard over the loud music. You entered his room and looked around, disgusted. The ground was absolutely trashed and looked like the equivalent of a war zone. "Oh, it's you."
"Can you please turn this horrible music down?" you tried to yell over the obnoxious music. "I'm trying to sleep."
"No can do!" he yelled back. "It helps me concentrate. Get out of my room!"
You huffed (which Leo thought was absolutely adorable) and slammed the door closed.
Back in your own cabin, you accepted the fact that you were going to wake up looking like a sleep deprived rat. However, maybe you were hallucinating or delusional but you swear you heard the volume lower before drifting off to sleep.
"Not you again," you groaned as you saw the first locks of Leo's curly hair from the top of the ladder. "I thought I was on duty with Frank."
"We're stuck with each other I guess," Leo shrugged cheerfully, plopping down next to you. The night breeze was cooling on your face and you felt like the main character in a movie as the wind gently kissed your hair. For once, you actually didn't mind his presence. Then: "Dude, why do you hate me so much?"
"Hmm?" you hummed, unsure of where he was going with this. "What do you mean? I don't hate you."
"We can't stand each other!" Leo protested. "I'm always insulting you, and you're always insulting me back. This is probably the most civil conversation we've ever had!"
You were starting to feel defensive. Wasn't he the one that'd always started tormenting you? You'd only wanted to get back at him for everything he'd done to you. "You start all of it though! I wanted to be friends with you but you just wouldn't let me! I tried, Leo, I did but you were just so infuriating with your jabs and pretty face and pretty everything and- "
"Wait, you think I'm pretty?" Leo looked starstruck by your words. He was gazing at you with the softest look on his face. "Can I tell you something?" You nodded. "I acted like I hated you because you were too beautiful, definitely way out of my league. I'm so sorry."
You grew flustered at the sudden proximity between the two of you.
"Can I kiss you?" He breathed softly.
He leaned forwards and placed a hand around the back of your head, the other finding yours and intertwining your fingers together. His lips were slightly chapped against yours but you felt like you were in heaven.
Breaking apart with a small giggle, you mustered up your courage and asked, "Can we do that again?"
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highonincense · 6 months
One thing I absolutely despise in drarry fics —and by this I mean a specific subset, not like in general cause there are many amazing fics— is the characterization of harry (and draco), the way he's an absolute fucking doormat!!!! I get it y'all are tryna portray him as a social dimwit, it can be done in a normal way without making him seem like a piece of cardboard! Are we talking about the same dude here?? You don't actually have to completely demolish a character, take away their key traits just to make the other half of the ship look better.
Let me give a pointwise description:
1. Dude stutters after every bloody sentence, like he's so overwhelmed talking to draco "smirking, smooth as butter, sardonic, sleek, godly" Malfoy who keeps insulting him every fucking second. Do you really think that harry would entertain that bullshit, especially in post-war fics!!! Like he'd just take it and not put him in his place?
2. I read this fic long ago and I don't remember the name, but good god it was unbearable. Basically the golden trio apologizes to draco for his tragic life that they were responsible for after the war? Like wtf? Why is there even a need to do that? 😭 That was too much and I stopped midway
3. Again, draco "3 OWLs" Malfoy, some supersmart / second coming of tom riddle, keeps patronizing every action of harry, the amount of times harry's intelligence is insulted? Immediate no from me, like are we still doing the whole "harry dumb mf potter is unobservant, slow, stupid, can't function without some rat hissing in his ear that he's an idiot 24/7"? Don't you think it's lame?
4. Harry has to always put up with his shitty attitude, I am all for character development, I know characters are multi dimensional and complex, and showing draco having a difficult personality is well and good, but it starts to get annoying when there's no real growth in him. I've read fics where he's absolutely despicable until the end which is covered up as him being a dickhead in general and harry "fondly" keeps up with his shit. *gag* canon harry would NEVER
5. I think it genuinely wouldn't make a difference if harry was there or not, I am not kidding or being dramatic, those fics might as well be character × y/n fics
All of this leads me to hate draco's character more! You portray him as this insufferable bastard who has a heart of gold apparently (where?) who has no real growth, shows no humility or regret or even pretends to and you think harry will put up with that?
It would be interesting if he starts out that way, works on himself and grows and changes, that would be more tolerable and interesting!
But no, he's always this annoying guy who hurls insults, keeps mocking harry or his friends every other line, you might argue it's in his character, but aren't those the traits which make him unlikeable? like those aren't cute or quirky? wouldn't it make more sense to show him grow out of it? It's really annoying
And harry, let's not go there, he's a completely new character, might as well be an oc atp, you can't even compare him to canon harry, that's how bad it is! I still haven't completely discussed it cause it's already getting long, but he's this wet bloody blanket and I can't stand it, the gryffs (except Hermione) in general are shown as some bumbling buffoons who can't differentiate between their hand and foot!! And the slytherins are all savvy, masterminds, geniuses... I really don't know whether it's admirable cause it's weird seeing them pushed into these moulds where they can only behave a certain way!
I'm so tired this is still going on like?? Why are their characters such caricatures? All of this sounds like it may have been a thing of past, but I am appalled it's still happening!!!
This is not directed at all drarry fics out there, cause there are some gorgeous fics written by amazing authors who fucking get these characters and make it about them, about their relationship and explore it in a depth and nail their characterizations without making either one of them boring. There are a good number of fics that I actually enjoy cause of the way they write drarry's characters, which makes or breaks the fic imho
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 6: Inside Your Mind Instagram AU - Matty Healy Series
A/n: so I'm introducing some more characters in the upcoming chapters so please don't be confused as one is referenced in this. Hope you like it. P.s I got the box tattooed today so yes that is my arm
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thisislou where's the fun in doing what your told?
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75, rass1975, charli_xcx and 689,739 others
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bedforddanes75 excuse me? Please stop. I'm scared my girlfriend is going to leave me for you
charli_xcx fuck me
-> bedforddanes75 seeeee @thisislou
-> thisislou sorry? 🤷‍♀️
trumanblack who took this wonderful picture? Think they deserve some credit don't you love? Also heard they're a pretty cool person
-> thisislou 🙄
rass1975 I am looking respectfully 🫣
-> thisislou aren't you nice?
-> rass1975 I try, I try 🙌
loufanpage slay
fan1 wish I was you
-> thisislou dream bigger ❤️
lou75fan so y'all just going to ignore Matty's comment... The comment that makes it obvious that he took this picture⁉️⁉️
75fan Matty has the hots that's for sure
bandmate I miss you
-> thisislou miss you more
fan3 slut
-> thisislou how very kind of you 🙏
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thisislou backstage shenanigans @trumanblack thanks for being my model 🖤
Liked by bedforddanes75, bandmate and 762,891 others
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bedforddanes75 he looks happy 😂
-> thisislou what a grump aye?
trumanblack I swear I was happy... Don't know why my face is doing that
-> thisislou grumpy Matty 😠
-> trumanblack you bully me
-> thisislou just the way you like it 😚
-> trumanblack 🤫🖤
jordhughesphoto might as well take my job at this rate
-> thisislou what a compliment 🥹 there's no one quite as good as you though I'm afraid
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trumanblack she makes me look quite cool 📸@thisislou 🖤
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thisislou stealing my photo I see
-> trumanblack THANK YOUUUUU 😁😁😁😁😁
-> thisislou you're lucky you're cute
75fan omg cute
loufanpage i ship them so hard i actually cant take this torture anymore haha
rass1975 excuse me why dont you take cool pictures like this of me
-> trumanblack you're not her fave anymore
-> rass1975 ouch... fair though
-> thisislou i mean... if anyone is my fave is obviously george just saying
-> trumanblack ouch
-> rass1975 ouch
-> bedforddanes haha! suck on that @trumanblack @rassthe1975
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thisislou Part of the band 🖤
📸 @jordhughesphoto
Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack, rass1975, 1975adam and 673,122 others
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trumanblack part of the band 🖤
bedforddanes75 part of the band 🖤
rass1975 part of the band 🖤
1975adam part of the band 🖤
-> thisislou @trumanblack @bedforddanes @rass1975 @1975adam 😭🖤🖤
fan1 omg
loufanpage they all commented the same thing that's adorable 🥹
jordhughesphoto 😊😊
75fan guys... If Matty and Lou hold hands their boxes would touch 🥹🥹
Liked by thisislou
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the1975updates fans from today's show could've sworn they heard Matty say "Lou" when touching himself on stage.... What is going on?
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fan1 I could've sworn I heard it!!
fan2 I hope they confirm whether they're dating
fan3 think he deserves better tbh
-> the1975updates don't understand how he could deserve better tbh... She's amazing and kind and they seem like they bring the best out in each other
Liked by trumanblack
-> loufanpage couldn't agree more @the1975updates
75fan @the1975updates me and my friends were standing at barrier on Lou's side of the stage and we swear she was wearing a "M" necklace... could also be for her sister bc her name is mia but... could also be for matty?
-> the1975updates omg if thats for matty thats adorable
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thisislou the first a gift from @trumanblack... The second a gift from @charli_xcx don't know which one I prefer
Liked by trumanblack, charli_xcx, bedforddanes75 and 467,189 others
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trumanblack the second one isn't true though is it?
-> thisislou 🤫
charli_xcx looks good big tits
-> thisislou fucking love you
fan3 slag
-> thisislou awe thanks boo 😘🖕
bedforddanes75 smoking kills
-> thisislou you're one to talk dickhead
75fan "people write songs about girls like you" he's in loveeeee
lou75fan I know they've done it but I can't prove it
thisislou via stories:
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tododeku-or-bust · 4 months
Challengers IS a toxic polycule and it’s literally each of them ruining it when the other two get together bc neither of them will allow the others to be happy with out them!! Also Tashi and her husband desperately want to fuck the blonde guy, and he knows this and fully makes it a problem. But also he wants to fuck them too and they know this, so it’s just everyone playing 5D chess with no end goal other than “I want to win” and winning is being the dominant/chosen one in the relationship.
Also what’s interesting about Patrick and Art is the way that Tashi is clearly positioned between them. They want one another, yeah, but Tashi is one who makes them realize it via their mutual desire for her. They have an undeniable tension and longing but they also want TASHi just as much.
Idk I love it bc it’s not often that you see such a genuinely balanced, albeit obviously messy and fucked up, love triangle. The obvious solution is a threesome but I’m sure they’d each rather kill themselves than be the one to suggest it again.
I see! It sounds really interesting! My couple takes:
I actually hate love triangles, but this one actually sounds like a legit love TRIANGLE, so I applaud the writing for that
Both of those white boys are not cute lmao. They chose the most "which white boy will the protag choose? The blond or the brunette? They look so different!" Ass dudes lmao. Like I'd absolutely be willing to string them along in the presence of my magnificence, but marry? Nah.
I do love the idea of Tashi being the type of woman- especially Black woman- that audiences usually shy from. I love that we too have the range and should get to play those types of characters. It's "femme fatale" when white women do it, I want us to play too! So good for Zendaya.
On the note of Zendaya, while she can act her ass off, I pray for the day we can have darker skinned Black women play these sorts of roles. Through no intent of her own, I feel like Zendaya has become the Black-mixed girl that White audiences are comfortable with due to her light skinnedness. Like naw, y'all should get your guts in a twist as you realize you yearn for the rest of us, too. We're all capable of being attractive and seductive, not just light skinned Black women. So I hope we get more opportunities to see things like this.
I know the "we only want to ship white gays and we hate Black women" crowd are insufferable about this movie. Everyone's progressive til it's time to suggest the brown woman should be present, in all her flaws.
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5 Immortal Thor Thoughts
I know common courtesy is to wait a week before posting spoilers. I'm sorry. I'm tagging and putting it under a read more. (And I'm starting to run out of post ideas, so I can't wait a week.)
And here's your additional warning: Spoilers incoming, y'all.
1. "The Gods are creatures of story." When Al Ewing quotes himself it makes me feral. This time it's a good feral, but when he (Doom) referred to Peter Quill as "the lotus lord of the dance" after bestowing that rad as hell title on Loki first, I was pissed.
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2. (Red underline by me) Al Ewing isn't even in the realm of fucking around. First mention of Loki and immediately out the gates, Ewing is like, 'Genderfluid Loki rights forever!' And everyone (mostly Thor, but other characters, too) maintain they/them pronouns for Loki throughout. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Al Ewing?
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3. When I tell you I shrieked, and loudly! I had wondered if Ewing would hold off bringing Loki in until after the miniseries wrapped up, for continuity, because they're off on their own mission but--
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4. I will not ship Fandral/Loki. I will not ship Fandral/Loki. I ship Loki with enough people. AO3 couldn't get me to ship it. The Loki Tumblr tag couldn't get me to ship it. I'll be damned if my favorite author gets me to ship it.
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STOP FLIRTING, GODDAMMIT! I am a simple man, all I need is an interaction to make me insufferable for the next six weeks, don't do this to me!
Okay, LISTEN. This is where the real spoilers start. You have been warned.
5. So it's basically established in the introduction to the plot of this arc that Thor is not master of superstorms. That title belongs to a god of gods, Utgard-Thor. (And well, if we've got Utgard-Loki, it stands to reason there'd be an Utgard-Thor.) So as the might of Utgard-Thor starts wreaking havoc across New York, we get a panel of a Roxxon billboard blown down.
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WHICH GOT ME THINKING. In the Loki show, when they find out where Sylvie is hiding out, they exit the Timedoor into a catastrophic storm in Haven Hills, outside of a Roxxcart, owned by the Roxxon corporation. Now, the Roxxon billboard itself is not part of this theory, it just made me think of this scene. Anyway, when they get there, Loki almost immediately looks up at the sky, like he's expecting to see Thor. Mobius looks at him, almost like he realizes what Loki's thinking, and then herds him forward, toward the store. This comic made me wonder if Mobius knows something about this storm Loki doesn't. This isn't just any storm; this is a superstorm. And so Thor isn't here. This is Utgard-Thor's doing.
I mean, are you really that surprised my thoughts around a Thor comic are only about Loki?
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Look, he just gets it, okay? I can't wait to see what comes next.
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peaches2217 · 6 months
🧩🍬🍄 for ask game ☺️
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Anything that demonizes Mario for the sake of 1.) hooking Peach up with someone else (y'all fuckers really don't think a guy and a girl can still be friends after being love interests?? Especially MARIO WITH PEACH???) and/or 2.) making Luigi look better/more sympathetic.
I think one of the most infuriating ones I ever read was a Bowuigi fic with the Good Brother Mario tag that portrayed him as inconsiderate, cowardly, and insufferable, totally incapable of doing anything without Luigi there to pull strings, and the "good brother" part only comes in because Luigi gets his Big Awesome Moment of telling him off near the end and talking about how Bowser loves and supports him so much more than Mario ever did, and Mario begrudgingly accepts that, if Luigi's happy, then he's happy... while making it clear that he's still really not happy at all.
Shit like that. Don't do shit like that. (It was especially sad, because it had the best sex scene I've ever read in a Bowuigi fic, and I admittedly read a lot in my early days in the fandom...)
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I'm... I'm so sorry. I just don't can't be part of the Geno hype. I went into the SMRPG remake back in November fully expecting and hoping to fall in love with him, and I do like him! He's fun! But my feelings for him don't go beyond "Ah! Cool dude." He is, however, my heaviest hitter in battle, so I would never dare speak ill of him. 😂
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favorite ships or pairings
Ah! Here's one I know I haven't shared! Peach loves how rugged and manly and handsome her husband is... and she also loves the sight of him in a dress. And lace lingerie, but that's for another post. She especially loves how strapless dresses accentuate his broad shoulders and strong arms, but she sees him in any dress and she's full-on heart-eyes. Mario, unlike his brother, doesn't actively look to wear women's clothes, but he's always happy to indulge his wife 😌
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spacebeyonce · 4 months
📚dom's library: may wrap up📚
alright! wrap up for all the books I've read (or tried to read) in may. I was able to read soooo many books (13!!! 13 books!!!) thanks to the libby app and my job letting us listen to stuff through our headphones. I haven't read this many books since high school!
this will be a bit long, because I'm not going to be short about these books, so. bear with me! june's will probably be a smaller list lmao. and I will try my best to be spoiler free in my reviews!
anyway! let's get into it.
5 - 4 ⭐:
👻 how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix (5⭐)
after the sudden death of her parents, louise has to return to charleston to deal with her parents' estate and her insufferable younger brother mark, who she's been estranged from for years. as they sift through their childhood home, laden with memories and puppets, mark and louise discover that this house has more than the puppets and dolls for them to handle.
lord, this book. I've liked most of grady hendrix's books so far, but this one really got me. I loved this! I had so much fun listening to it! it was giving goosebumps energy and I LOVED that, I was LIVING.
it was funny, it was scary, and it was horribly sad when I didn't expect it to be. when I tell you that I finished this audiobook quietly sobbing at my work desk I am not bullshitting you. how to sell a haunted house is a reminder for why I do not fuck with puppets or dolls.
🌆 if beale street could talk by james baldwin (5⭐)
nineteen years old, clementine (mainly known as tish) is in love with her childhood friend alfonzo (mainly known as fonny), and has recently discovered that she is pregnant with his child. they plan to marry, but then fonny is imprisoned for a crime that he did not commit. with the clock ticking down until the birth of their child, tish and her family work in an effort to clear fonny's name and get him out of jail.
AAAAH!!! this BOOK!!! I had borrowed it on a whim 'cause I'm interested in watching the movie adaptation, but was curious to see how the book went before that. and jesus christ.
this was so.....like when I reached the end, I felt very.....incomplete?? the open ending jarred me a little, but I definitely didn't hate it! I would have liked a concrete ending, a true conclusion, but the uncertainty the book ended on...it felt real. realistic. it stung a bit.
I loved reading tish and fonny fall in love, and my GOD did they fall - they love each other so ardently, so completely!! the devotion they have for each other, my goodness. it definitely stole my breath a few times.
and their families!!! the way most of them went above and beyond to do what they can and get fonny out of jail!! the full, open support they have for tish and her pregancy!! the absolute love and joy her family has at welcoming a new life into the world oh my goddddd. I believe in love y'all, I truly do.
🚢 into the raging sea by rachel slade (5⭐)
on october 1st, 2015, hurricain joaquin struck the bahamas and sank the cargo ship el faro, taking all thirty three lives on board. after interviews with family of the crew, maritime experts, and using the last twenty six hours of audio captured on the el faro's last voyage, rachel slade recounts the final hours of the crew of the el faro and casts a critical light on the maritime shipping industry, and how lives were sacrificed for profit.
okaaaaay, so I mentioned a while back that I get really focused on a certain shipwreck every now and then. for the last couple months, thanks to the well there's your problem podcast, I've been ridiculously fixated on the sinking of the s.s. el faro back in 2015 - a cargo ship that sailed directly into the eye of a cat 3 hurricane and got its shit rocked. when I heard this book mentioned, I had to see if it was available to listen to. and it was!!!
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it takes a lot for me to get into a non-fiction book - and this one had me riveted. this disaster really was just one little mistake after another, until it became a domino effect that they couldn't escape. I think this has gripped me so because it was so preventable. this didn't have to happen! if the ship was in a better state, if the captain pulled his head out of his ass and listened to his crew, if tote maritime company wasn't so fixated on profit that the people working on these ships become collateral, like....!! 🗣️EL PROBLEMA ES CAPITALISMO!!! and fuck climate change!!!
⛪ transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi (5⭐)
gifty, a sixth year phd student, is taking on the care of her mother, who is so depressed she can't get out of bed. gifty is studying neuroscience, trying to understand how the brain is affected by depression and addiction - for her mother, and for her brother, nana, who died of an overdose after becoming addicted to pain medication. while dealing with this loss and the decline of her mother, gifty is also grappling with her faith, raised in an evangelical household and trying to reconcile all the pain she has lived through with the peace and salvation she was promised through the church.
my review for this book was simply that I felt flayed open. that this book carved my chest open, cracked apart my ribs and peered inside. gifty's thoughts and struggles when it came to christianity were so like my own that I was genuinely shaken. her questions, her doubts, her feelings and hoping and wanting - I've felt all of that, too. all of it!
in gifty I truly see so much of myself. her struggles with religion and faith, and especially the loss of faith in the face of loss. of praying so much, praying so hard for a loved one to get well, to live on, and then it just...not happening. nothing can cut your faith quicker than that.
her relationship with her mother as well like goddamn godDAMN....that same kind of tough love. that same wild devotion to god. that same ability to just say the most cutting, out of pocket shit about you out of NOWHERE....gifty you are stronger than the us marines. doubly so because she also had to deal with ALABAMA. ALABAMA!!! AND A WHITE ASS TOWN TOO!!! STRENGTH!!!!
🦢 the beautiful ones by silvia moreno-garcia (5⭐)
a regency-esque story based in fantasy france with a sprinkle of magic, we follow the stories of antonina beaulieu, hector auvray, and valerie beaulieu as they deal with the grand season and all that entails. antonina, hoping to find love like the ones she's read in stories - and also hoping to outrun the rumors about her due to her telekinetic powers. hector, a telekinetic preformer that has returned to loisail after ten years with one goal in mind: to win back the heart of his first love - the crown jewel of loisail, valerie beaulieu.
when I tell you that this book had me KICKING MY FEET and GIGGLING!!! I AM A HECTOR/NINA TRUTHER, I BELIEVE!! it was so sweet?? and romantic?? and I love a good second chance romance, though it doesn't fall under what that trope usually means. but it was so sweet!! that's all I can say over and over and over, I just. it was love prevailing despite the odds. nina was so bright and earnest and true to herself, and hector had such a quiet sweetness beneath all that melancholy.
and valerie. bro she is so cersei-core I am SICK. the desire to have the power that your name once held, the resentment of having to follow the whims of what's expected of you and not what you want, looking down on other women and holding yourself above them, loving someone so fiercely and madly that it kind of twists into hate like!!! cersei lannister core!!! this woman was NASTY work and I LOVED her.
I do wish that hector and nina's powers were explored a little more? like....what's the magic system. how did these powers happen. are there other people with powers. but it didn't bring down the story for me! I really loved this, I was swooning.
🌊 river woman, river demon by jennifer givhan (4.75⭐)
eva santos moon is a wife, mother, artist - and witch, practicing brujeria and curanderisma in honor of her late mother. eva has hit a low point in her life - inspiration has left her, she's suffering from blackouts and memory issues, and her connection to her magic feels distant. on top of all this, she is haunted by the death of a beloved childhood friend that happened many years ago, and memories of her are stirring when her husband is incarcerated as a suspect for the murder of their friend, eva must do her best to hold her family together and free her husband - even though she doesn't believe he's as innocent as he claims...
this book bro.....this fuckin' book. it was - I loved the mystery! the connection between the death of her friends, past and present. but the main character?? eva??? she drove me up the fucking wall.
she was so deep in her goddamn head it was genuinely wild as a mf. like, when her husband says something that read SO CLEARLY to me that he wanted his wife to BELIEVE IN HIM she's just like 'oh is he accusing me, is he saying I'm the bad guy here' like my sister in christ!!! pull your head out of your ass for five seconds and trust in your man!!! and oh my GOD her man.
jericho is a fine fine fine slice of chocolate cake. he is steady, he is warm and inspiring, hardworking and devoted. he is ten toes DOWN for eva, he is UNSHAKEABLE for her. and she just doubts and doubts and doubts. and I KNOW it's for the character journey. but like bitch if you're gonna mistrust your husband like this then I'LL take him, shit!!
aside from that, this book was SO good. I really enjoyed the mystery plot throughout, and when everything started coming together I was literally screaming in the car at every twist and reveal like broooooo. excellent book. but get your shit together eva.
3 - 2 ⭐:
🎸 we sold our souls by grady hendrix (3.25⭐)
twenty years after the end of metal band durt wurk, former guitarist kris polaski is miserable. her job is terrible, she has no money, no friends, and no music in her. on top of all that, kris gets news that chills her to the bone - terry hunt, her old bandmate and the man who cast his bandmates off to go solo is going on a farewell tour and bringing his band koffin to a close. pushed to finally confront terry and demand answers for his abandonment, kris decides to try and reunite her bandmates, knowing the risk - knowing that they might still hate her, for what she did. but on the way, kris finds out that terry might have given away more than just durt wurk's sucess in his effort to rise to the top.
okay so like most of the grady hendrix books I've read so far, this was good! but it definitely wasn't the best of his books for me. that crown is deserved for how to sell a haunted house. but we sold our souls is a pretty fun romp, that definitely had some chilling moments that made you paranoid right along with kris. you couldn't trust the people around you. you never knew who - or what - might be watching.
and there was a part 68% in that was so upsetting that I just closed the audiobook and hopped out the libby app. like I was done for the day, shit was rough.
but at the end of the day, this did end up being pretty mid for me. I also did not appreciate all the microagressions made about black artists and black music. could have done without that!
🌱 parable of the sower by octavia butler (3.25⭐)
in the distant future of 2024, the united states has crumbled due to climate change. resources are scarce, good water is hard to find, and people are willing to do anything and everything to make sure they can survive. at fifteen, lauren olamina lives in a community with her family, gated off and secluded from the outside dangers. lauren also struggles with hyperempathy, taking on the pain of others to a debilitating degree, and though their community is surviving, lauren knows that the security they have made for themselves won't last, and that their community needs to be ready for when that day comes. and in her efforts to find hope in such a hopeless world, lauren tries to figure out god - and creates a new faith that she believes will one day lead them to the stars.
this book was fucking ROUGH bro like.....truly on some mad max shit where it's every man for themselves. honestly I got a little tired of it a little over halfway 'cause like. idk I just can't believe that people would inherently fall back to violence in these conditions. that we'd all do what we can to help each other...I dunno. but shit was bleak! and there was a lot of sexual assault of women and girls, which I didn't appreciate. once again, probably because I cannot believe that humanity as a whole would just be so violent. but hey!
also - that relationship that happened at the end?? you know the one. what the hell was that. what is it with octavia butler and these damn age gaps jesus christ.
all in all, it was a solid middle of the road read for me. it was a little disorienting to read this in 2024, but still enlightening somewhat. idk if I'll read the next book any time soon though.
🍎 ripe by sarah rose etter (2.5⭐)
one year into her job at a startup in silicone valley, cassie is struggling; work eats away at her, long hours surrounded by coworkers and supervisors that look down and disrespect her. she barely has friends and she's making it by the skin of her teeth in an expensive city that she hates. she's lonely - but never alone, her constant, unending companion a black hole that's been with her since childhood, ebbing and flowing depending on her anxiety and depression. when her job starts demanding actions of the dubiously ethical variety and she suddenly finds herself in the family way, cassie has to decide if a life in san francisco is truly what she wants.
besties I fucking hated this book. it was literally just seven hours of this woman bitching and moaning and woe is me-ing but not really making any changes until the last fucking second. she thinks she's better than the people she works with, but still marches to their drum, pulling some pretty sketch shit against a rival startup and bringing a pakistani man into this bullshit company, knowing that he's going to get screwed, all while playing the world's smallest goddamn violin for herself. ain't that just like a white woman, smh.
and I'm sure that's the point of this book. I understand! this is supposed to be a critique on capitalism, on hustle culture, on work and how it drains the life out of you and demands so much of you only to give so little in return. I get it! truly!
but baby I am not connecting with this white woman languishing in silicon valley, throwing a whole pity party for herself but doing nothing to better her situation. I am a firm believer of hitting the fucking bricks when a situation is ass. there are better jobs out there with better coworkers in more affordable places. these people don't care about you. Real Winners Quit.
the ending was also ambiguous as a mf and I don't care enough about cassie to feel a type of way about it. my good sis, go to therapy. you can't cocaine your way out of everything.
....now I feel like even two stars is generous. hm.
0️⃣ unrated:
⛵ deep as the sky, red as the sea by rita chang-eppig
after the death of her pirate husband by portuguese sailors, shek yeung has to act fast in order to retain her power over the red pirate fleet. agreeing to marry her late husband's second in command and bear a child, shek yeung also has to contend with greater threats as china's emperor increases efforts to remove pirates entirely from the south china seas.
this book is p much based on the life of ching shih, one of the baddest female pirates to ever do it. the story was tense, with a lot of political intrigue when it came to the pirates and the different colored fleets. shek yeung is a boss ass protagonist, a woman that was made hard because of the bullshit life threw at her, but she kept her wits about her and made the best decisions she could to come out on top - and alive.
I think if I would rate this after the fact I'd give it a solid 4.75⭐! a very easy read, but tw for sexual assault - that is a big part of some of the main characters' backstories (shek yeung and the second in command specifically). the ending was a little sad, but all in all an enjoyable book.
🍄 sorrowland by rivers solomon
vern is fifteen and seven months pregnant when she escapes from the religious compound she was made to call home, fleeing deep into the woods for safety. she births her children there, and plans to raise them wild and free - but there are changes happening to her body. changes that she can't explain. and to understand the changes and protect her children, vern will have to return to the one place that she had desperately wanted to escape.
this one, oh man. what a fuckin' ride it was. vern is one of those characters that are very...prickly. she's always got her defenses up and is ready to snap at you quick fast in a hurry, and I love her. she was wild, and her twin babies are adorable - and their names are very interesting haha!
there's also a sapphic romance, which was really sweet! I was concerned for a while that I had run into another couple with a huge age gap, but it wasn't! thank fuck. parable of the sower was enough.
the story has a lot going on - examination of religion and how it can be used to exploit people that have been left behind by the world, a bit of supernatural scifi, human experimentation, and finding love and community and connection despite it all, despite trying so damn hard to make yourself an island. if I rated it now....4.25⭐
🌕 daughter of the moon goddess by sue lynn tan
all her life, xingyin has been raised in secret; living on the moon with her mother, the goddess chang'e, who was exiled to the moon for stealing an elixir of immortality, her existence has been hidden from the celestial emperor - but one can't stay hidden forever. when her existence is discovered, xingyin is forced to leave behind the only home she has ever known, and ends up in the celestial kingdom. alone and afraid, xingyin decides that she will do whatever it takes to return home - and to free her mother from her lunar prison.
I read this book because I am a sucker for pretty covers and BOY does this one deliver. I had a fun time with this book, though the prose did get a little heavy at times. but I think this is the author's first book ever? so I gave a little grace. it wasn't crazy distracting or anything lmao.
but whew! this book had a lot going on. the magic system of this world was pretty fuckin' neat, and it was cool to see xingyin find her footing in this new world and do her best to achieve her goals! I was rooting for her. there is, unfortunately, a love triangle, and it was annoying, but mostly because I am too old for that shit lmao. I was also ridiculously annoyed at how she spend like 20% of the book being a hardass to one of the love interests because of something that happened OUT OF HIS CONTROL and is kinda connected to HIS JOB but whatever. whatever!
I'll probably read the sequel as well, but not anytime soon! until then, my rating now would be....4⭐
🌿 the daughters of temperance hobbs by katherine howe
connie goodwin is a professor at a university in boston, specializing in america's history with witchcraft. a successful scholar, connie is more connected to the history of witchcraft in america than she'd like to admit - a direct descendant of a woman that was tried as a witch during the trials in salem. a series of events force connie to realize that her partner's life may be in danger, a curse tracing through her bloodline, killing any man that falls in love with a woman in her family. with time slowly running out, connie must confront her family's past, and solve the mystery behind the curse that has plagued her family for generations.
oh this one was FUN, y'all. I ate this book up quick! and apparently it's the second book in a series?? I had no idea! it stands well enough on its own that honestly I don't think I need to read the first one to understand what's going on. the main character, connie, tried my goddamn patience lmao. she is the prime example of people that are so deep in academia that their relationships kinda suffer for it. like talk to your man girl!! talk to him about this damn curse!!! and the [redacted]!!! you can't just think that he can READ YOUR MIND and just KNOW like GIRRLLLLLL.
speaking of her man, sam is just a delight. truly a darling. by the end of the book I was just like god when will it be my turn. WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN??? GOD
I also really liked the flashbacks to women in connie's family line, they were all cool as hell - especially temperance! she was neat.
and zazie.....the only woman of color in a sea of white nonsense. she is stronger than any us marine because she is a woman of color doing grad school in a predominantly white college. I know she has been through things that would make connie's hair turn white. you deserve everything you want sis, you truly do.
and I thiiiink.....4.5⭐, if I rated this book now.
🕯️ black candle women by diane marie brown
the montrose women have been living contentedly in a california bungalow for years, keeping mostly to themselves. their lives have been calm - until the youngest montrose, nickie, brings home a boy and throws their world into disarray. because the boy is a reminder. a reminder of a secret that they have kept from nickie for years - a curse. a curse that if a man falls in love with a montrose woman, then they're destined to die.
this is basically in the same vein as the daughters of temperance hobbs but with black women and black magical culture. and I LOVED it. all of the women in the montrose family - augusta, victoria, willow, and nickie - are so vibrant. they all butt heads, of course, but at the end of the day there's still love.
victoria was a little triggering at times lmao mostly because she really reminded me of my own mom at times, and LORD do we butt heads. it was worse when I was a teenager, so I really felt for nickie when her mother started tightening that leash. and willowwwww oh my god I loved herrrr. she was so chill and so full of love. and augusta! she may not be able to physically speak, but that doesn't stop her from speaking her mind!
I absolutely recommend this - if you want a story about generations of black women working through misunderstandings, beating a curse that has dogged their heels for years, and loving each other despite the bumps along the way, then read this!! read it!! if I rated this now, I think I'm giving it a solid 5⭐
❌ DNF:
💀 gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
reason for DNF: the writing made me wanna die a little? it was very like.....if you like homestuck and think it's still funny, then this book will work for you. it did not work for me. also, all the fucking names were so hard to keep track of. but mostly it was just the writing - all those quips! I am not a teenager, this shit isn't funny to me anymore please relax.
🏡 the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
reason for DNF: I just didn't like the audiobook 😭, I'm gonna try and check out a physical copy when I can...I think I'll like it more if I'm actually READING it.
and that's it! that's my may wrapup! this was more work than I expected, whew. but! if anyone gives these books a read, or has read them before, let me know your thoughts!
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giransbunnywife · 1 year
ღ BunnyChet Hcs ღ
Your bun is having massive brainrot for these two still and it is literally all consuming. So y'all are gonna get some more random and cute hcs about them that's still as rambly but less about specifics and more just CUTE THINGS LOL. Because this ship is like filled with it, as cringe as it may beeee
Warning(s): self insert x canon, fluff, some highly suggestive mentions throughout
As I've mentioned before Chetney is her fucking yes man. Anybody disrespects her or talks down to her in any way (even if it's in just a disagreeable way) is met with him as pretty much her attack dog. He comes to her defense over the smallest of things to "defend her honor" whether that's strangers or others in the group. Something that is always met with a giggle from her.
There might be times that she might use this to her advantage or to have a little fun. Plus she does think it's a little adorable to watch him jump to her defense in such a feral way. And she rather feels a bit too powerful telling him to back down, especially if he's shifted into wolf form.... some of her favorite sites to see for particular reasons.
Chet never addresses her with the same nickname twice, unless by accident lmao, and is always coming up with new ones for her. Each one is cornier than the last, and if it makes her giggle than it's one that might be used when it's just the two of them. Though, he likes to keep her guessing, and she finds it endearing enough to humor it. Looking forward to hearing what the next one is going to be every day.
Some honorable mentions include: his 'lavender rose', floppy eared angel, and sweet bunny pie
The flirting between them is about much worse than you'd expect after things developed between them. Just as insufferable and cheesy as one would think, and somehow much worse than that on a good day. Bunny likes the attention a bit too much and is kind of weak for it, indulging in his quips with her own just as aggressively.
God forbid anyone is around her during a fight bc she will be thirsting after him when he's gone wolf mode and it will be a fuckin tiiimmeeee
Given that Bunny is a side sleeper that typically means that when they bunk together he's going to be between her thighs and using them as pillows (it's either that or just... between the tits lol). Sometimes he'll end up hugging them throughout the night, which is both adorable but also going to end up with her squeezing him in the middle of the night lmao
She occasionally wears accessories in her hair that were gifted from him, including a flower pin that is one made from a flower that was given to her the night that they had their "what are we" conversation. Even though she rotates from time to time to showcase different gifts from other gifts she's been given, that flower pin is one of her favorites and most notable.
Everywhere they visit he always has to give her something, whether that's something specialty made or something that he found for her. More often than not it's accessories that can go in the jewelry box that he made, making sure that she has plenty of options to choose from. And he can see her in them when they're together.
Chet can be a bit more extra himself if it means making her giggle. Anything to make Bunny happy and smiling and keep that goddamn adorable sparkle in her eyes. He might take it a bit too far or like all the fucking time which will only lead to Bunny getting annoyed and overprotective. But it was worth it for him lol
And to that end, Bunny is ridiculously protective over him. Both in any instance in which he is being his impulsive self, or if anybody were to try and fuck with him. Absolutely no one fucks with her gnome and gets away with it.
And my god if there's ever a time for her to be intensely protective she's gonna have to deal with his ass being all over her for the entire fucking day
She also likes to be extra cute and sweet when she wants something from him. It works every single time too, with him absolutely weak for her when she's being cute. Especially when it's directed at him. And now that she's his, it just means that he is like a moth to a fucking flame with her. And the dangerous part is that she knows.
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Rating whatever ST ships I can think of bc it's night (post lemon) and I'm bored
Lumax- 10/10 so poetic and beautiful the show doesn't do them justice which is SAYING A LOT romo lumax and platonic lumax have my heart
Elmax- the first ST ship I started shipping before joining fandom! 10/10 incredible beautiful drop dead gorgeous romo and platonic elmax are perfect
Hopclair- 10/10 I may currently be running on a hopclair ANGST high, but as I've said and will not hesitate to repeat, these two NEED to team up and NEED more screentime together! Romo, platonic, and queerplatonic hopclair love in my brain
Henclair- recently found appreciation for them upon season two rewatch and reflecting join season two, cute enough for a maybe 6/10 as romo 15/10 platonic
Henderhop- I just can't picture it 0/10
Morallysus- idrk seems kinda morally sus to me :/ -10/10
Elmike 8/10 platonic and I will not elaborate
Byler- objectively 10/10 but they are not who I'm thinking about when I'm actually watching- that's when my elmax and platonic stobin brain turns on romo and platonic byler on their respective places in the timeline are literary impeccability
Byclair- adorable and I could totally see it, 7.5/10
Wheelclair- surprisingly cute but not my first instinct I do truly Get the cuteness but 6/10
Elumax- be it romo lumax romo elmax with pl hopclair, romo hopclair, or qp hopclair, still adorable to me and I actually understand them more than you do don't go near my children sorry guys blorbo is just for me actually 100/10
Stobin- 10/10 platonic and queerplatonic aromantic and lesbian solidarity!! But also their arc and how they support eachother!! Beautiful precious my precious you can't have it wow am i gatekeeping?
Rockie- unopinionated so 6/10 besties endgame material romo
Ronance- I can never stop thinking about Nancy comparing Barb and Robin to eachother but y'all's headcanons are cute 5/10
Stancy- you know me. I love Steve. I love Nancy. Which is exactly why I can't in good conscious dare ship them together! Nancy's whole thing of relating him to Barb's death (valid) is word on its own if you don't throw in the fact that Steve super cool dream directly contradicts everything Nancy wants in life! Neither of them should have to compromise their LIFE around accommodating the other! You can say what you want about "they still like eachother romantically" which isn't even really true imo but had it ever occurred to you that sometimes people can feel romantically and and decide that a friendship would do them more good? Which isn't to say they are super close friends either because honestly their friendship has gotten the least amount of attention by the writers. -20/10 romo and 7/10 potential friendship that we will never get to see on screen.
Jancy- I honestly could not care less whether they are endgame their unbreakable bond etc etc doesn't care whether they're friends or dating 6/10
Jargyle- 10/10 how does it feel to be the most perfect ship in the world? Pl, QP, romo, alterous, whatever it is these two mean the world to me
Stonathan- question why? I'm sure it's cute I just don't understand the origin of the hype. What's it ABOUT for y'all?
Stoncy- see above, both 5/10
Steddie- I actually like it as a ship kind of if it weren't for the fact I can't see Steve not being aromantic. Also while we're here thank you if you've stopped cross tagging because I'd I look up Erica Sinclair In not looking for Eddie x Reader fics 6.5/10 romo
Boyce- wait actually this might have been my first ST ship not elmax.. anyways they're adorable and I totally hated the way they did the love triangle thing. Hopper being annoying distracted me from Bob being the coolest guy in the world.
Jopper- I guess I'm cool with them now but I was so anti jopper in S2 not because I'm invested in the love triangle I fucking hate love triangles but because Hopper was insufferable in seasons two and three and Joyce had like no boundaries in season three that got weird because ofc the writers decided to build up their canon in the most annoying way possible. Maybe they could have been an 8/10 if ST writers had fucking tried at all before season four but now they're closer to a 4.5/10 for me tbh but go back to season one where their friendship was pretty cool and they've known eachother forever and all that- super fucking sweet 8/10 points taken off because I just generally find Hopper annoying (as a person not as a character I get how he's important to the story and blah blah)
Boycer- since the suffers never ruined it I mean wrote it and I can imagine them however I want- polyamorous Joyce with her two boyfriends is a 10/10
Edissy- I genuinely thought this was a joke 2/10 romo 7/10pl
Joyren- not to be a Karen hater but I kinda hate Karen 1/10
Kargyle- I love Kali with all my heart. I absolutely adore Argyle. But I don't get this ship. Like why. 5/10 romo 8/10 pl
Kalancy- yes let women kill people! I mean I'm the scenario I imagine they are def at Kali's home not Nancy's and it's def not a healthy mindset but let's not think about that.. honestly I don't think about them at all but I guess it could be cool. 8/10 romo 9/10 pl 9/10 qp
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cakejerry · 9 months
Asks pt2 in the same night omggg cakejerry joblessss
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Too much negativity! Make your own blog. Also... Projecting much? 💀💀💀 Where did you get him hating solos from 💀💀💀💀 when will yall realize ot7 sells the best. Maybe focus on hating the fact that DESPITE ot7 selling best, antis still acted stupid and boycotted just bc it was jimin singing. So.
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Skill issue.
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Strong contender for stupidest ask I've ever gotten. Anon I'm sorry, I'm sure you're new here and all but the fact that I criticize jimin will never mean I'll unstan. (Not applicable to actual real-life stuff that matters like racism sex assault etc). And not only because I hate jk with my entire being and find him insufferable and find stanning him to be an exercise in futility. Y'all need to learn that stanning someone will never mean finding them faultless and shielding them from every bit of critique.
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He babygirled all over the place I'm sure that wnon who wants to suck his lips is very happy. I need to finger his ass.
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Glad you like it!! Another successful case of pjm self-gaslight syndrome!! Another satisfied customer!! Me personally I think his voice sounds rotten, like he's reading a horror story to a gaggle of children and doing funny impressions for the villain witch. Something very sour about it. Sheep-like. But I wish I was capable of hearing it your way!
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What genuineness towards jimin? Elaborate. Also, logical fallacy, too broad of a question. I think the truthers that pay for sasaeng info are insane, I think the people writing fics about jk raping jm should be jailed, I think the people writing fics about them that I PERSONALLY like are admirable. I think the people who are on the fence are ok. I think the ones that tweet 'ok I think jikook might actually be sus' whenever jikook do something in order to get clout but never commit fully to shipping them are vapid.
And some of them, I'm sure, are good people.
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Yeah! And if you want a longer answer than that, dm me so we can become friends.
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Silly typa guy 😭😭😭 just say he's stupid bb its ok. He is no match for jimin idk how they said they have the same IQ one of them lyin!!
And shipping minjoon would actually be so noble if only namjoon wasnt ugly. Oh well, 'ugly bastard' is a big fetish category in japan, ive heard.
But in all seriousness, I do love the plethora of occasions on which they both (minjoon) mentioned that they have late night deep talks about the nature of their jobs, life, the fact that they go to art galleries together, the way that namjoon really acts like a leader towards jm and jm treats him as such... And namjoon finds jimin soooo cute he doesn't even try to hide it its so fun WAIT I LOVE MINJOON ACTUALLY!!! also daddy kink!!! But yeah omg wait i soliloquied abt them once and I don't remember what I said lemme find it real quick and reblog
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LMFAOOOOOOO YOU CAME WITH RECEIPTS. respect... Respect. Lmfao thank you for reminding me of that that was sooo true he's so cringe my little jungkookie.
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1, 3, 6, 10, 18, 21
I choose violence
1) the character everyone gets wrong a month ago, I would have said Draco (true) or Hermione (also true) or Neville (holy FUCK how do y'all murder my boy so consistently) but lately I've just seen some astronomically bad takes on James Potter. you can be a good friend and an incredibly insufferable bully and spoiled brat who can't take no for an answer. these things can and do coexist in james potter, and fans and haters alike seem to forget that.
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr I don't fandom so much on tumblr, but I do remember a bad take circa.... 2012? that it was racist to dislike roy/riza from FMA because roy was "POC coded" and then someone turned around and said that by that logic it was racist to dislike roy/ed and god that entire fandom was a clusterfuck this is why i don't write FMA fic anymore
6) which ship fans are the most annoying? hahahahahaha i mean a lot of them in different ways, but overall it's the fucking puriteens who seem to be disproportionately invested in james/regulus????? i don't get why a puriteen would like that ship but apparently they do??? but it's not the shipping, it's the moral purity bullshit. oh wait no i lied it's royai. it's royai shippers from fma. the only shippers to not only turn me off of a ship i actively shipped but to poison the entire fucking fandom for me and try to dox me for saying "this other ship is not my cup of tea either but y'all please stop trying to dox people over it". it's royai. (they were also antis before "antis" were a thing and i did write a couple glorious fucked up fics to spite them lmfao)
10) worst part of fanon "I haven't read the books in 10-20 years and my takes on the characters are correct. i do not need to ever read the books again. no my takes are not seriously divorced from canon [spoiler: they are]" if you mean like, bad fanon takes, the taking sirius saying "regulus was soft" to mean "canon-compliant regulus wasn't actually a racial / pureblood supremacist" because uhhhhh that giant collage of voldemort clippings, anyone? people can change and unlearn racism but like, it is a Process, and canonical regulus very much was a pureblood supremacist who signed up to kill muggles. you don't grow up in a house like that and surround yourself with the people he did and like, magically come out not racist lol --- like I'm aware I have a WIP where Regulus does unlearn the racism but it's like.... he has a support network? he does not surround himself with other racists? he is in fact surrounded by people who stand against wizard racism (and tbh all racism). and he is WILDLY different from my canon-compliant or at least canon-divergent-as-of-1979-only takes on Regulus because... that's a different life entirely.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... I decline to say anything because the monkey's paw WILL curl inward and i have already inflicted that upon myself too much.
21) part of canon you think is overhyped I mean I don't know if a part of canon is overhyped per se, though being in different groups and seeing the different things that get highlighted is interesting. but my god. the desire to take everything interesting out of canon and slap in an Any Two Guys muggle AU where their defining characteristics are stripped away entirely is like.... please put some thought into your muggle AUs and if it could be two random guys just post it as original work.
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96percentdone · 1 year
7, 12, 17, 23,
you didn't give me any fandom either so it's vibes only babeyy!!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is actually pretty difficult to answer because I am always a hater about canon and usually I find if I turned into a character hater after being exposed to fandom it's because seeing the way fandom talked about them disconnected so heavily from my experience with them i went back and found all the reasons I actually hate this character and find everyone else's hot takes fucking insufferable and i need the fandom to shut the fuck up about them forever.
That said, while I think hate is far too strong a word in this case, I am pretty salty about the veneration of Rena as like the ultimate higurashi character better than all the rest. Higu fandom's blatant favoritism for her will always get on my nerves, because Rena is a wonderful character and a delight, but you guys are so fucking annoying about it. Really I don't hate her though I just hate higurashi fandom kjnhbgfcxdfcgvhbj
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I think you guys should read my post about Tearer AINI! My favorite cringefail murder guy! He's fucking pathetic and tragic! He has severe mommy issues! You should read my post! All he does is kill people, post vaporwave, and dress like a clown! And I love him! You guys don't understand, I love Somezuki Uru so much--/gets shot.
Uh but besides him, but still AITSF is definitely Okiura Renju, a guy everyone hates and I wrote a post about that, but he's definitely my guy. King of haunting the narrative. I love gay people who suck. I love men who are plagued by their mistakes struggling to live in a world they cannot confess their all their secrets to relieve their pain. I love men who are trying, and not always doing their best at it, but definitely trying to care for and connect with others and find some shred of happiness, and it haunts me that he was killed before he could ever fully get there.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I really wish AA fandom had more art for investigations 2, because I2 fucking rules so hard man. I2 is the best one! I will die on this hill! I NEED MORE ART AND FIC OF JUSTINEEEE!!! WHERE IS MY FUCKING WIFE!!!! AND MY SON BOY, SEBASTIAN!!!!! Y'all really have no excuses I get that I2 doesn't have the homoerotic shit you guys come to AA for, but the thing is. It has all the family shit that makes ace attorney wonderful and magical and beautiful. Also Lang is there. Where is my Lang content. Where is my Mr. Shields content. Where is my evil clown--I mean Simon Keyes content. All the good shit you could ever want is in Investigations 2 go fucking play investigations 2 right now and PLEASE USE THEM FOR STUFF. MAKE STUFF FOR THEM. THEY ARE SO GOOD. THEY ARE SO UNDER-LOVED IN THIS FANDOM. IM DYING SCOOB.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
No idea. I feel like broadly speaking if I hate a ship I stay a ship hater and I never like it. Or if I come around to something my opinions just weren't that strong in the first place. That said I have deeply deeply begrudgingly accepted like oumota into my soul. But like in extremely specific contexts and circumstances. Me from 5 years ago would literally shoot me dead if they read that.
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I love sam* and I think that sam and cas' friendship is very sweet and funny and def underappreciated in the fandom and I DO wish the best to the sastiel shippers out there... but I can only tolerate following like 1.5** of you at a time. god bless.
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