#it's TRANSformers bby
moonlight-tmd · 1 year
Okay, i know i’ll explore more of this but i want to hear your thoughts on this too.
Femme frame bumblebee? He’s still a mech but he’s definitely built with the aft and curves of a femme and even has heel struts instead of regular pedes. He knows he’s built and his frame compliments his doorwings.
He usually wears a bulky over armor but it gets damaged in battle and breaks off revealing him in the heat of a battle that just stops?
His teams reaction?
Blitzwings reaction?
Before or after they start dating. If after blitzwing didn’t know b/c bee has trauma.
oooh i get it, like @toxxicpill design. I always imagined him a little feminine, just more blocky instead of smooth curves.
hmm, i mean, sure he would be a bit curvy, the doorwings are a nice touch for him cough happy flutters cough cough. I am a little disappointed that they decided to gender the robots but eh, 2000's cartoons i guess.
He is a bit curvy on top of the blocky frame, the heeled pedes are not uncommon, i mean Prowl has these- he kinda looks like Elita overall, his subspace is moved down to cover his aft in this since he has doorwings (yes it does look like earth bumblebee's abdonmen). Yes, he does wear additional armor to apprear more bulky over his chassis and shoulders, he doesn't like how everyone kept staring at his chassis. I always imagine Bee and Prowl are almost the same height, only that Prowl is few inches taller and way slimmer than Bee (I mean, he is a motorbike. They are rather small, even when compared to tiny cars). So without the top armor, Bee is almost half the width he was.
I imagine the only one who'll know is Ratchet. I mean, he fixes Bee all the time and there is no way he wouldn't know that the upper part of Bee's armor is not his original frame. Ratchet is a medic, he's not gonna judge anyone- well, unless you say or do something stupid. Then he's gonna judge you all he wants.
So yeh, bots and cons fight over Allspark shard- idk, maybe some stray blaster shot hits him on the chassis and the thing breaks, it's not completely broken but heavily damaged. Now, this is a battlefield. I don't think anyone would stop to look at Bee's badongahonkas, especially when there's such an important item involved.
After that, sure the team is surprised that Bee's frame is actually different from what they see so often but nobody hates him for it. They're not homo/trans/any lgbt+-phobic. And they don't have genders in the first place, everyone chooses how they want to portray themselves.
When his additional armor is being fixed, there's not much of a change. Sure, others throw glances at him more often but nothing else- the only one to have a visible reaction would be Optimus. Bee already reminded him of Elita when he met him, and seeing Bee look even more like Elita is weird, if it isn't raising some questions... he almost slips and calls him Elita.
Sari thinks Bee looks pretty, and may or may not be trying to get him more armor pieces like that so he can be a full-blown knight.
The repair was quick so no Elite Guard reaction- but if they were to witness this, Sentinel would be the first afthole to stare at Bee's chassis as if to take that armor off with his processor power. Jettwins and Jazz would have respect and try to keep SP away from the young bot- as they always do, just this time the reason is different. They all have no idea how Sentinel can be so awful and still keep his job...
Now you want Blitzy's reaction, alright.
That stray blaster shot might have been his and he struck Bee on accident. He does catch a quick look at Bee's slim frame before his team calls on retreat. If they weren't dating then he would be a little bit pervy in his mind, he wouldn't bring it up with the scout tho, he's not sexist.
If they were dating, he would wonder why Bee didn't tell him. He asks about it the next meeting they have- Bee's armor has been fixed by then. Sure enough, Bee confesses that he was forged a femme but decided to be a He. He wears additional armor because he didn't have credits for changing his frame type and had enough of other bots calling him and grabbing him rudely. Wasp was one of those bots, he harrased Bee with no mercy until Longarm saved him.
Blitz feels both sorry and hella ANGY. How could anyone treat his precious hummel like that?! And they say Decepticons are evil- if anyone is racist, sexist and disrespectful about such basic things as appearance and behavior, it's the Autobots. The 'cons murder everyone equally, not just the "freaks".
Once Bee gains enough confidence then he'd show Blitzwing his real frame. And Blitzwing will have some pervy thoughts he'd keep to himself only. He loves Bee, and seeing him even smaller than how he was already is adorable. Blitz is the only one that Bee lets grab him like that. And Blitzwing can't help but admit his hummel's chassis is a great pillow.
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glasspunkart · 1 year
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the correct answer is idiot for @selkiestars
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hercarisntyours · 20 days
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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kairukitsuneo · 4 months
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1 day left
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delectableworm · 3 months
I want to smooch D-16. Watch me latch to the cinema screen when he's on. Just give him kisses all over that squishable face, cheeks, forehead, between optics, nose every inch of his little face I want to smooch and smother him in kisses. He deserves it. I couldn't ready myself when he turned Megan😞😞 I legit cried at the trailer when his innocent face came up, he's bby🥺🥺🥺 wee bby I love him. Wrap him in a blanket like a burrito and bury him in the warm dirt so he can hibernate as long as he wants, idc i just want to take care of the bby from the harsh world😞😞
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juicy-juiceboxes · 4 months
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My BBG 😌😌☺️☺️
(He’s so underrated it’s sad 😔😔)
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Drift : We should get you to the med-bay for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if you're hurt? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Y/n : …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
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blighted-lights · 3 months
Idk if anyone has asked this yet but does Ravage Clone eventually consider and/or go through with picking out a new name? I know one of the first thoughts I had was that she would eventually become/change to Howlback or Glit as part of her coming to terms with the (deliciously) tragic identity crisis inherent to the entire situation. TToTT
(based on these posts!)
she does, actually! it takes quite a bit of time for her to get to the point of admitting she wants a new name, but it's something she plays around with once she's bigger and staring to settle into her adult frame. i'm still playing around with what name i'm going to have her take, but atm i've been considering her taking the name nightstalker! her final adult frame ends up looking very similar to this figure of the actual canon nightstalker as well;
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i haven't quite settled on if it's what i want to do or not though, and i am open to other suggestions 🤔. but yeah! she eventually does end up taking a new name and changes her frame to look different from the original ravage. i've got another ask in my inbox that i'll be responding to soon that'll expand on this a bit <3
thank you so much for the ask!! always happy to talk about this au <3
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Chapter Drop: Leaking Spark, ch 21
Yeah I'm still hyperfixating on this one :P
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bloombird · 1 year
Alright which botbots OCs of mine do you want to know the lore of? You can ask me anything about them!!
Here's the list of my OCs
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a2dare · 1 year
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Older arts
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ppoliwrath · 11 months
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She has plans for world domination, or maybe to get something to eat
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bombstaticz · 2 months
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Happy little bee with his little lemonade soda
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dreaminganomaly · 1 year
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Star Seeker oc - Stardust
The Star Seeker frame type and lore belongs to/was made by @dimorphodon-x
Thank you a lot for them for giving permission to others to make oc's ❤️
Background is kinda messy but anyway
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nash-artz-my-gays · 2 years
More oc stuff? Yes!
More art of my ocs in @blitzy-blitzwing 's hazformers au! With my favorite oc Skyrange!
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He's my little buddy and I love him sm!
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