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ablique · 4 months ago
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my boys <3
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skippingstonez · 2 months ago
Can I request a sky or wild x reader where reader has a crush on them and Link is unaware. And the reader has a tendency to draw him, and somehow he finds the sketchbook and goes through it to see the numerous drawings of him. But he didn't know the reader even drew in the first place, I think it would be really cute
*starts writing this, intending to use Wild*
Sky: *over dramatically breaking down my door* Change it
Me: But-
Sky: *raising the master sword menacingly* Change. It.
Me: Yes sir!
A Sketchy Confession
(Sky x Reader)
Warnings: None, but Sky insisted it gets a little steamy at the end and who was I to tell him no <3
You bit your lip, chewing on it unconsciously. The pencil in your hand marking the paper repeatedly in an attempt to capture the landscape ahead of you. You huffed, erasing some of the lines before trying again. The tiny body of water rippled, disturbed by a leaf that had fallen from the tree above you from the warm summer air. You debated whether or not to add the newest addition. Having almost completed the drawing you had set out to do well over an hour ago. 
Soft footsteps approached, breaking your concentration in a need to know who had finally found you. 
Sky walked past the small fence of Wild’s house to where you were sat by the little pond beyond the stable. He was just wearing his white shirt and pants. The usual green tunic and chainmail likely left back inside the house. The blue detailing by his collar pulled out the blue of his eyes as they spotted you.
You closed the small notebook resting on your knees as he sat down beside you. Forcing your face to remain calm and relaxed as his knee bumped against yours.
“Nice hiding spot.” He chuckled, “I thought you'd gone with some of the others to check out the shops.”
“And give up the opportunity for some peace and quiet? No thanks, think I'll keep hiding here for a bit.”
Sky laughed, leaning on your shoulder. “Mind if I join you? Legend’s trying to help Wild organize his stuff and I'm not about to get caught in the crossfire.”
“Not at all. But if someone finds us I'm offering you as a sacrifice to their shenanigans."
Sky clutched his chest, dramatically gasping as if he was mortally wounded. “Ugh fiiiiiine, I guess that's fair.” He pulled out a small knife from his pocket and a block of wood a size bigger than his hand.
“What have you been up to out here anyway?” 
“Just keeping busy,” you answered, pushing the notebook to the side nervously. The only one in the chain that had seen the inside of it was Legend due to an unfortunate mix up which he still hung over your head. 
Wars, being really big on keeping notes and journaling, had given all of you little notebooks as a way to encourage you to do the same. Most of the chain quickly forgot about it in favor of their own preferred hobbies. Legend and Wild seemed to be the only others to use it frequently enough for you to notice which led to you and the grumpy Vet getting them mixed up one day. 
Journaling had never been your thing. Words were tricky enough in normal conversation let alone trying to express the thoughts running through your head at any given moment. Still, you felt bad not using the small gift which is how it ended up as a sketchbook rather than a journal. 
Drawing had kept you sane, especially so on the hard days. Sketching out the thoughts and feelings that overtook your mind. Unfortunately, after using it for sometime, it had seemed that there was a particular someone filling up most of those thoughts. So much so that the notebook was now full of sketches and quick doodles of the knight sat directly beside you.
Something which, after a rather charged chat with Legend about, you refused to let Sky, or anyone else in the chain know about. You'd rather get stabbed by a Lizalfos than die of embarrassment.
“What are you making?” You asked, redirecting the conversation away from the item tightly in your hand.
“Oh this?” He held up the piece of wood. “Not quite sure…any requests?”
You thought for a moment before answering. “Have you done that flying bug thing in your bag?”
“Oh you mean my beetle? That's a great idea! I'm gonna go grab it for reference. If I'm not back in 5 minutes just know,” He paused, throwing an arm around your shoulder. He pulled you close to him and you just knew your face was likely turning red. “It's probably Legend’s fault.”
You snorted, shoving him off as he got to his feet and made back towards the house. He turned back, shouting over his shoulder. “Wish me luck” He said with a small salute. You rolled your eyes but saluted back. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered around at the thought of spending time with him.
You smacked your face lightly. You needed to get a grip on yourself before he came back. You grabbed the notebook, stuffing it deep down into the depths of your bag. 
“Make sure you've got everything,” TIme’s voice rang out. “Once (Y/N) and Wars get back we’ll head out.”
Sky finished stuffing the last of his things back into his bag, clasping his sailcloth over his shoulders. He gave his surroundings a final scan, double checking that there wasn’t anything left behind by mistake. 
He got to his feet, stretching his arms over his head with a quick huff.
“Sky! Let's get going!” 
“Coming!” He strolled over to where Legend and Four were headed towards. A quip about Legend’s new hair color already poised on his lips. 
Something on the ground caught his eye, making him paused to take a closer look. It was a book. It's dark brown cover having nearly blended in with the bark of the tree.
He picked it up. The lack of title or name making it near impossible to distinguish whose it could be. 
“Sky come on!”
He mused over the small book as they walked. Flipping through the dozens of drawings that covered its pages. 
The detail work was exquisite. Each line carefully crafted to enhance every feature within the confines of the picture. Sky didn't know much in the way of art, but the little he knew helped him understand just how much work had been poured into each one.
And there were a lot.
“Here I thought Wars was the narcissistic one.”
Sky nearly dropped the book as Hyrule appeared next to him.
“Clouds above Rule! You startled me.”
“Do I wanna know why you have a book full of drawings of yourself?”
Sky rolled his eyes, snapping it shut. “It's not mine. Don't suppose its yours is it?” 
Sky handed it over, letting Hyrule flip through some of the pages. “Nope, definitely not mine. Hey Vet!” Hyrule called out. 
Legend’s head snapped towards them from where he was by Four, pausing to let the two of them catch up before walking beside them. “Need something?”
Hyrule handed him the notebook, “Don’t suppose we can add drawing to your list of random talents could we?”
Legend opened it up curiously before slamming it shut again. His head swiveled to the back of the group before glaring at Hyrule. “Where the hell did you get this?”
Hyrule shot a finger towards Sky who immediately wished he had kept his mouth shut. Legend glared at him, waiting for a response.
“I-I found it as we were leaving this morning. I didn't know it was yours-”
“It's not.” He snapped.
“Wait if it's not yours then whose is it?”
Legend looked towards the back of the group again as if afraid of getting caught. Sky couldn’t help but try to follow his gaze only for Legend to slam the small book into his chest.
“Gee Sky, a book full of drawings of you. It's an absolute mystery as to who it could belong to.” His voice was overflowing with sarcasm that Sky was not appreciating. Sky crossed his arms, narrowing his gaze towards the Vet. Hyrule awkwardly looking between the two of them.
“I already told Hyrule, it's not mine.”
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” Legend groaned, rubbing his temples. “Please tell me you aren’t that oblivious.”
“Excuse me! I am not oblivious! Now are you gonna tell me who it belongs to or not?”
“By the three… you seriously need me to spell it out for you Bird Brain? There isn’t a single person in this group you can think of that this might belong to?”
“Obviously not since I still have it! I don't recall anyone here talking about being able to draw so please, enlighten me.”
Legend grumbled, obviously frustrated about the current situation. “Try the girl back there that's painfully head over heels for you.”
Hyrule snorted, hands slamming over his mouth to keep in his laughter.
“(Y/N) doesn't draw.”
“Obviously, she does Sky. Or did you not look through the damn thing?”
“But…no. No, she would have told me!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me Sky. She's embarrassed. Did you really expect her to waltz up, show you the dozens of drawings she's done, of you no less, and actually admit she's the one that drew all of them? She might as well have just confessed her love while she was at it.”
Sky's mind went blank.
Was Legend really telling the truth? Had you drawn these and not told him? 
No. No you would have told him. Surely Legend was mistaken and it was someone else's. Maybe it was a shared notebook and that's why there were so many of just him?
Sky couldn't even convince himself that his reasonings were true. Deep down, he knew Legend had to be right. Even deeper, he wanted him to be right.
Because if the Vet was right, and you had drawn all of these. Then was the Vet also right about your feelings for him?
“You… you think she likes me?”
Legend tugged so tightly on his hair he was surprised it didn't rip out of the man's skull. 
“For fucks sake Sky! What do you think?”
“Buddy” Hyrule chimed in with a pat to his shoulder. “Come on, surely you suspected as much right? I mean she practically grows hearts in her eyes when you're around.”
Really? If that was true then how had he never noticed anything? 
“Alright let's stop here for now and take a break.” Wars announced, handing a few chores out before everyone could scatter.
Legend and Hyrule walked away, having been out on scouting the perimeter. Leaving Sky to think about their conversation. 
There was just no logical way that this was yours. He forged the Master Sword, defeated countless numbers of monsters, puzzles and a God for Hylia’s sake. Surely he would have noticed if his companion had a crush on him or at the very least had been drawing him for weeks on end.
“Uggghh where is it!?” Sky looked up, watching you practically dump out the entire contents of your bag. He got to his feet, making his way over to you quickly to try and help whatever problem had arisen.
“What's wrong?”
“I can't find my notebook! I swear I put it in here last night but I can't find it!”
Sky paled, shoving the notebook into his bag before you could see.
“Oh,” he said nervously. Why was he feeling so nervous all of a sudden? “Do you want help looking for it?” He offered. His mind yelling at him that the one he had just shoved in his bag was the same one you were looking for. That Legend had been right. That you were the one that had done those wonderful drawings.
Hylia, Legend was right.
“No!” You said a little too quickly. “No, it's fine. I'm sure I'll find it eventually..” You began shoving things back into your bag. Not caring about keeping anything organized. “But thanks, I appreciate the offer.”
You walked off, shoulders sagging slightly.
Sky's heart raced in his chest as the realization of it all slammed into him like a Loftwing at full speed.
You liked him. 
Goddess how had he not seen it until now? You, wonderful, beautiful you, liked him.
He walked to the edge of the small clearing, taking out the notebook again when no one was looking.
He flipped through its contents once more. Admiring all the work you had done. He knew he needed to give it back, and he would. 
But what was the harm in waiting a day or two?
Just until the perfect moment presented itself.
Then he'd give it back.
And hopefully more.
“Sky? You over here?” 
“Here!” He could see you approach out of the corner of his eye. Placing the shirt he had been scrubbing at for the past few minutes on the rock beside him.
“Oh uhh sorry I can come back later!” You stammered. Hand raised to cover your eyes when you realized he was shirtless. 
Sky chuckled. “Come on (Y/N) we all know you’ve seen worse. I'm just trying to get some of the blood out from earlier.” He said, motioning to his pieces of clothing drying nearby. He waved you over, patting the ground next to him. 
You walked over sheepishly. Kneeling down with a respectable distance between you and the knight. “Want any help?”
“Nah that's okay. I got most of it out already. Buuuut~ I'm actually glad you're here!” He leaned over for his bag. Shuffling through before pulling out the small brown notebook. “I believe this belongs to you.”
He pushed it into your hands and your heart skipped a beat. You snatched it up, quickly flipping through the worn pages to confirm that this was indeed the one you had misplaced the other day.
“Sky this is…You found it! Oh my goodness thank you!” You hugged it tightly to your chest. Relieved to have your drawings returned to you. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you could draw?”
Your heart skipped again and this time you wondered if it was because it had finally cut its losses and simply stopped working. You didn’t dare meet his gaze. Keeping your eyes distinctly on the grass between you and him. You forced yourself to swallow, willing your voice to work.
“You...you looked through it?”
“Well…yeah?” Sky rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Only because I didn’t know it was yours! I found it on the ground and I was just trying to see who it belonged to! But then I saw all the work you put into those drawing and they were just so beautifully detailed that I sorta just kept going and-”
“Hold up,” You interrupted, having no clue where to begin unpacking all of the information he had just spouted at you. You were mortified at the thought that he had seen all of those drawings you had done of him. Not to mention- wait had you heard him right? ”You like them? You don't think..ya know, that it's kinda weird?”
Sky cocked his head. His eyebrows raised in confusion as if you had just spoken an entirely different language. “Are you kidding!? (Y/N) those look amazing!”
Heat invaded your cheeks and you prayed that he wouldn’t call you out on the obvious red spreading over your face. He shifted closer, a hand coming to grab at the notebook which you clutched onto tighter. Sky tugged at it again, giving you an incredulous look. You pouted but let him take it back.
He flipped through a few pages before pointing to a sketch you had done back in Wild’s era. The small field of wildflowers that overlooked a small village on the coastline. “I mean seriously (Y/N) do you see these?”
He turned the page, pointing to a rough sketch of War’s scarf wrapped around his sword. “I never even realized that scarf of his had some of those embroideries on it!” He flipped through some more pages, pointing out drawings on each page. He eventually paused, placing the book face open on your lap.
The only drawing on the page was one of the man beside you. He was standing against a tree, his hand outstretched in front of him as a small red bird fluttered around his head.
Sky leaned over, hovering his head over your shoulder. “That one’s my favorite.” He whispered. A soft smile on his lips as he admired the drawing in your lap. 
You replied just as softly, “Mine too.” A finger traced over the soft lines of the bird. Recalling how you had sat there for over an hour to memorize every detail of the scene laid out before you. His hand covered yours, running his thumb over your knuckles.
“They’re amazing (Y/N).” You looked up, his face right by yours. The proximity alone making you blush furiously as his words stirred something in your chest. “You are amazing.”
His lips pressed against yours, taking you by surprise. 
You let your eyes slip close, moving your mouth against him. A feather-like touch brushing up the length of your arm. His hand coming to hold your face to his. Your fingers twitched towards him, only brave enough to rest just above his knees. You didn’t dare go any higher than that. The heat coming from him only serving as a reminder of the lack of clothing between your bodies.
A gasp escaped you as Sky pulled away. His mouth agape, chest rapidly rising and falling from the small pants that he let out. You pulled your eyes away from his slightly reddened lips, catching his eyes that stared back in disbelief. 
You both let out a breathy laugh, turning your face away into his shoulder. His lips pressed into your hair as you both sat there for a moment. 
You pulled away, unable to hide the stupidly large grin on your face. You closed the notebook that had stayed put on your lap. Holding it protectively to your chest. 
“Thank you Sky”
His mouth curved into a small smirk, “It was just a kiss (Y/N). No need to thank me.”
You hit his shoulder, rolling your eyes as he snickered. “Not that bird brain.” You stuck your tongue out at him for good measure and nodded towards the notebook. “For this.”
Sky’s face softened for just a moment. That smile that you had fallen in love with making a short appearance before morphing into an expression you had never seen grace the Skyloftian’s face. 
“Ya know (Y/N),” His arm snuck around to rest behind you. Supporting his weight as he leaned back in. “Seeing as you're quite the artist, maybe you should draw me.”
You snorted, “How much of that notebook did you actually look through? Because I'm pretty sure I have already.” You tapped him on the nose. Leaning away, only for him to follow after you.
“Mmm~ I'm aware.” He purred, glancing down at your lips that you chewed on nervously. “And you did such a good job too.” He snatched the notebook from your hand, tossing it lightly to the side.
“Hey!” You tried to grab it and he caught your hand. Lifting it up so he could place a light kiss to the inside of your wrist.
“You could draw me like this if you’d like.” Another kiss on your wrist as he looked up to your eyes. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. Breath catching in your throat as the tip of his tongue flicked over where his lips had just been.
“Would you like that?” His hand pressed against your back. Pushing you closer to him till you were sat on his lap. You braced your hands against his shoulders. Fingers brushing along his collar bone that had him shuddering beneath you.
“Is there something else you'd like as well?”
“I…I want..”
“Tell me what you want.” His voice was breathy by your neck. The smallest trace of his lips grazing over the sensitive skin that made you shiver. His hands gripping onto your hips. Your mind already imagining the small circles of his thumbs pressed against another part of your body.
“Sky please..” you whimpered shamelessly.  You slid your hands across his chest, letting your nails drag lightly across the expanse of skin. His chest rumbled, chuckling while his mouth traveled just below your jawline.
“Please what?” He teased, pulling a small moan from your lips as he kissed right below your ear. 
“Use your words baby bird” He whispered into your skin.
“Kiss me. Please.”
His lips slammed onto yours, yanking you forward till you were pressed flat against him. Your hands tangled in his hair, giving a short tug that had him groan into your mouth. When you did it again he shot forward, your back hitting the damp grass with him hovering over you. His forearms trapping you in place as he slid his tongue over your bottom lip. 
You both froze at the sound of Time clearing his throat. Both glancing up to see the man standing a few paces away. His arms crossed over his chest with his signature scowl of disapproval.
“I suppose it's a good thing I didnt send Wind to come collect the two of you. Now,” his face lightened ever so slightly as you both quickly sat up. “If you two lovebirds would keep it together, the rest of us would like to get moving soon.”
“Yes sir..”
“Sorry Time..”
Time just stared as you both scrambled to your feet. His face lightened into a softer, more contemplative smile as he twisted the ring around his finger.
Sky quickly grabbed his bag, throwing on a spare shirt while you grabbed the two still drying nearby, along with your notebook. Time walked off, muttering something about his wife being right that you didn't quite catch.
Sky's whole face had turned pink, adamantly avoiding your eyes. You stepped closer, holding onto his arm as you reached up and kissed his cheek.
“Just so you know,” you said. Beginning to follow after Time. “I’ll definitely be taking you up on that offer.” You winked as Sky's face turned the color of his Loftwing. Standing there dumbfounded for a moment before rushing to catch up to you.
His hand rested on the small of your back, letting you lean into his side as you walked back.
“Maybe we wait till the next inn though.”
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chanspuppy · 7 months ago
Channie cuddling with his s/o
thank u for the request! i love softie channie sm
established rship, gender neutral, fluff, teeny tiny bit suggestive
chan absolutely ADORES cuddles with you and would do it any chance he gets.
whenever he’s tirelessly working away in his studio and he spots you timidly peaking your head in the door, not wanting to disturb him but missing him too much to not check on him every now and then, he’d happily welcome you in. invites you to sit on his lap.
“come here sweetheart” with the sweetest shy little smile and a pat on his thigh. he’d wrap his strong arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder. nuzzle into your neck, inhale your scent, give you soft little kisses there. you’d ask how it’s going, but he knows what you mean. “i’ll be done for the night soon. then i’m all yours baby.” one hand lightly turning your head towards him so he can give your cheek a kiss, then your lips where he’d linger a little longer.
he’d be attached to your hip whenever you’re out somewhere; grocery shopping, browsing music stores, long walks together. if his arm isn’t snaked around your waist, he’s back-hugging you and walking you together in a little waddle.
when you’re on your couch watching whatever, he needs you close to him. he’d pull you onto his lap, let you snuggle into his warm chest. when you’re sleepy, he’d let you rest your head on his lap and stroke your hair.
he also loves to be the one laying in your lap, loves having his hair petted and back stroked. you’d frequently hear him sighing contently and nuzzling your thighs.
randomly throughout the day, whenever he felt like it, he would pick you up and carry you to the closest cozy spot to cuddle with you. his cuteness aggression for you is serious, he’d squeeze you so tight against him and let out an “ugghhhhhhhhh. i love you so much.” while smothering you in kisses.
in bed, he loves to spoon you. he’s obsessed with being so close to you. having his entire body pressed up against yours, holding you there with your fingers interlocked. his face in your nape, getting dizzy from your sweet scent again. little sleepy kisses on your skin. his lips falling apart when he’s asleep, hot breath against you that send shivers down your spine in the best way.
but he’d want you on his chest too of course. and he loves to pull you fully on top of him. he’d sneak his hands under your shirt to trace little patterns all over your back, up and down your sides, giggling when you squirm from him gliding across your ticklish spots. eventually the shirt limiting his access to you would annoy him, so he’d simply take it off. he already sleeps in a lot less than you, and he could never get enough of how the skin on skin contact feels. drives him insane. he even asks you to leave your clothes off sometimes. gentle hands up your spine and across your shoulders freely now, into your hair. he’d kiss the top of your head and whisper your name to get you to look up at him so he can kiss you even more.
he won’t let go of you all night, so you’d wake up in his arms every day, to his kisses and beautiful raspy morning voice. “morning baby, how’d you sleep?” the answer would always be amazing as long as you’re with him.
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last-blue-hours · 7 months ago
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the creation of adam | the creation of jimkook
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brianssock · 6 months ago
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Sighhh,,, I guess you guys can have this 😞
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bunny-extract · 2 years ago
könig would be mean to you in a best friends brother way, like so goddamn annoying about everything because he's mad for your attention but so grossly in love, can't even hide it. wouldn't even try kind of way
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panpuchi · 8 months ago
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ꗃ logging on... loading..... ❀ oak is online !! ❀ ╰┈➤ SCREAMING SQYEALING FOAMING AT THE MOUTHAGGDBSCSVDNFBGJ!!!!! I LOVE HIM HE LOOKZ SO FABULOUS HDGDCSGSHF IGNORE SPELLING ERRORS IM JUST EXCITED RAHHG also stealing the way you draw his hair because it looks so fluffy n sof,,, dividers by @dollywons
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animatronic-assistant · 2 months ago
doodled this before Sun and Moon died :3
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(mal's dialogue in the alt if you can't read my handwriting lol)
Mod: *manic giggles* I love it
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raspberryjamnnn · 9 months ago
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suspiciouslyscented · 2 months ago
IT ARRIVED OH MY PAWS btw do I look awesome I bet I do!!!!
btw don't mind my pants 😓
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piosplayhouse · 2 years ago
"Tonight I feel... I really like you."
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skippingstonez · 2 months ago
—Pixie dust (Hyrule)
—Sunshine squish (Sky)
And those are the only nicknames I can think of that two guys could call us
JKJLAJKHKAKA pixie dust!! Oh my gosh I love that one! I also thought of 'My Treasure' for him cause supposedly fairies love shiny things!
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theartisticdoofus · 4 months ago
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I made one for s0 yami <3333
Edit: just realized I made a mistake! The no friends box is supposed to be empty. Sorry!
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sparks-prime · 1 year ago
what are your megop HCs? i am curious!!☆
- 💾
they cant do anything without each other's touch megatron is very sensitive to loving touches since a lot of the touch he felt in the past was hostile megatron moans the loudest srry i dont make the rules except i do they both tend to stay up late while doing work so one of the others has to tell them to go to bed after they got to together they probably couldnt sleep well without each other
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