#it'll do
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moxxpoxx · 8 months ago
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sup mobillace nation do we still exist or..??
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deadpoolian · 2 years ago
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Just some goofy boys 😌
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cptapathy · 6 months ago
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Original reference image from @carlymarie_._ on Instagram
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leejungjaes · 3 months ago
i decorated
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wintertimestoryteller · 2 years ago
Apologies I haven't posted the next scene, life's been busy but it should be coming soon, but for now I'll leave a preview of it for y'all, though things might change depending on Tumblr's word count limit and wether or not I decide to also post this on AO3.
@luimagines . It's not complete at all yet but once again, thank you for all your work in the fandom and go check them out for the original prompt.
Preview to Opening Act, Scene IIII
The hooded and masked figure twitched, head listing lazily to the side, unhurried, as if bored or maybe dissapointed as they sighed apathetically, it gave you gooseflesh, but you dared not move an inch, struggling against your own limbs and with the Shadow at your back, "You know I wouldn't have taken the heroes of Hyrule for liars and oath breakers, and also against the laws of hospitality. Shooting arrows and magic at your host within their own home? For shame! Didn't your parents teach you better?"
You could see how each of the heroes bristled, but seeing crimson beading against your unwilling, trapped skin stayed their blade, though that did not stop Legend from snarling up at the hidden figure, sipping tea as if it was watching an incredibly entertaining play, "Oath breakers? That's rich coming from you! You said we could stay here safely and then leave once the storm was over!"
"And you attacked one of our first." Added Warriors, his tone as glacial as the winter winds, enough to freeze anyone down to the marrow.
They incline their head, voice distorted, the screaming echo of scavengers like nails on chalkboard and as refined as a well curated blade, "True, though I never said you'd all leave unharmed, did I? And you didn't keep your end of the deal either." Their tone goes dryer, as they throw the tea cup away without a care in favor of throwing their hands up, as if it was the Chain being unreasonable and not the person who presumably did something to Shadow and Hyrule's own Shade, you can see Sky barely keeping his grip on an enraged Four, "Besides! I didn't attack them, they kindly volunteered to go up stage on their own. You're all so up in arms for something that's part of the performance, a little injury is a small price to pay for the bit."
"A 'little injury'?! I doubt they'd try cutting off their own hands for a BIT." Stressed Hyrule, in response to that, the cloaked person shrugged.
"I mean a little disarment never killed anyone."
Wild looked seconds from firing another arrow, teeth gritted and bared as Twilight sent a furious glare to the one perched atop the stage, just above the lights, ready to knock them down and crush you if needed be, "I'm pretty sure it has, actually."
"Anyway! You're all so caught up on semantics, by the Three, so uptight. Does having the splinters so far up there not sting?" they glanced at the Shadow, the obsidian and granite lizalfos glancing back at them before hissing at Time, ready to lunge, teeth stained with Director Raven's blood, "This the kind of tough crowd you have to deal with? Yeesh, no wonder you yap more than a kicked dog at times." They turn back to the Chain, clapping their hands, "In any case, let's make another deal, shall we? I'm a playwright of my word, you could leave your little friend here to become one of my actors and go on your merry way."
You swore you felt your heart stop, blood rushing in your ears, you barely caught the sharp glint of a hollow smile beneath the crow shaped mask and their next words, "Or! If you're really that attached-", they send you a bemused look, "Can't see why but hey," shrugging, they continue on, unrelenting like a hunting wolf, "You can act instead. I'll send you all into different tales and should you finish them in accordance to the script, I may let you just leave without too much of a fuss. No catches." They point to the Shadow, "Can't make any promises for that one though, it's a solo act you see, if anything I'm just lending the venue."
"And if we refuse?" Probed Time, you could see the gears turning in his head like clockwork, trying to find a way to swing this in everyone's favor so you all can get out alive.
The vulture in crow skin only smiled wider, "Then none of us gets them and you die here, I'll let the Shadow tear you apart to it's void soul's delight, and kill them on the spot." The blades press against your arms against your will, and you twitch, trying to wrestle control back and only getting pain for you troubles, muffling a yell, "Maybe put them in a soup and make jewelry out of the bones that I don't reuse in a broth, I'd look pretty dashing in a crown." They giggle, unhinged cruelty into every word as they clap their hands, voice rising to a screeching crescendo, "Oh oh! Or just roll them down a barrel filled with spikes on a hill, or make them dance and dance and dance on hot iron shoes until they drop dead! Haven't decided yet, so many choices, so little time. It's almost enough to leave me hot and bothered."
The true owner of the theater sighed, longingly hugging themselves before turning a cold, hard tone to the heroes, "You sure you want to risk that?"
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krokaxe · 11 months ago
Thank you for the tag @papakhan~
I'm tagging @koilarist, @thespiral and @kharonion. If you see this and would like to participate, consider yourself tagged by moi.
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I've been a lot of lore revision/design updates so consider this a sneaky peep of what I've been doing on the Fallout side of things.
Eleanor Pruitt; REVG1-E01: independent pharmacist. First generation line of Evermore revenant synthetics; memory lost.
IV "Ivy"; SYNG1-AIV: first generation line of Evermore's human replicant synths. Railroad operative.
Farren Skau: radioactive wasteland mutant. Former raider. Not your friend. Can and will eat you.
Farren and Eleanor/IV's designs have been in baseline upgrade mode for a while, so the old Fallout sheets (here and here) are a little outdated, but you get the idea.
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fiirecracker · 2 years ago
cayde's comm rings with one text, followed by another, and then another. notifications, coming from the pack's groupchat andal's harem, they'd named it, all those years ago. and with andal, their only fucking admin, dead and gone, well, they couldn't change it. couldn't abandon it, either.
messages had been getting slower and slower lately. shiro, occasionally chirping in to mention he was still alive. athena, taking the piss out of him. just those two. it was just those two left.
and then a notification, a soft shattering of the quiet city morning. nothing super unusual, except when another buzz comes through. not a group chat message this time. private, from athena.
have you checked the old chat?
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lynxxtiel · 2 years ago
More bisexual men with boyfriends please
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treesofgreen · 2 years ago
I'm feeling irritable for dumb fandom reasons and for some reason this is the gif that comes up when I search 'serenity now'
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golyadkin · 5 months ago
you'll get the urge as an artist or a writer to say out loud the things you're worried about "the proportions are off" "kind of out of character" "i'm not good at summaries" "didn't get as much detail as i wanted" "i made a mistake and here's how" and that's the self-conscious part of your brain telling you "it's bad and if you don't tell them you know it's bad then they'll think you're stupid" but you've got to ignore that little voice and pretend you think it's good or else that little voice is going to ruin your life
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roebeanstalk · 2 years ago
reblog to manifest gender euphoria for the person you reblogged this from
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saphushia · 6 months ago
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btw. i made this quick guide of some of the natural size and proportion reference points in the human body. of course this all varies even irl, and you can stylize however you want, so ymmv but thought it might be helpful for some folks.
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sketchytea · 2 months ago
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this was supposed to be a new years picture but we're way past that already. so now this is just. an ode to a found family 💜
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ofashesandthorns · 10 months ago
rip margaery tyrell, you would have loved espresso by sabrina carpenter.
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notsolonedesert · 2 months ago
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Odypen oh odypen
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This picture from pinterest inspired me :D
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sadiqthedreamer · 1 year ago
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